#Tokyo crazy paradise
hotwaterandmilk · 4 months
Here are the pages from Hana to Yume's 50th anniversary books (Gold & Silver) that got me the most emotional. Photos only.
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Let's start with Silver! Unsurprisingly I always get a tear in my eye when Matsushita Youko contributes anything to Hanayume. She'll never finish Yami no Matsuei (though pics like this make me dream) but I do hope she's having a good time gaming and doing whatever else makes her happy.
Similarly it has been SO long since Saenagi Ryou has drawn anything (I think her ITAN series was over a decade ago now?) it's great to see the Yorozuya boys looking fresh! I think you really had to be reading the magazine in 1999-2001 to really appreciate how popular that series was. Anyway, she's still got it!
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Ragawa Marimo doing Akachan to Boku art of the boys a bit older?? MY EYES APPEAR TO BE LEAKING. Love these adorable brothers regardless of age, but wow Ragawa's art is looking polished these days. Love it!
Meanwhile Yuki Kaori kind of still has it with Cain and RIff, but the Mudou siblings definitely look more along the lines of her art in the lacklustre Tenshi Kinryouku: Tokyo Chronos. I do think it's nice seeing her draw both series again though, definitely makes me nostalgic.
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Moving onto Gold... I had a huge grin on my face just glimsping a new doodle of the boys from Greenwood by Nasu Yukie. Look at those adorable dorks!
It was so nice seeing Nakamura Yoshiki's two most prominent leading ladies sharing the spotlight together. While Kyouko from Skip Beat! has been a prominent figure in Hanayume over the past two decades, Tsukasa was the Nakamura heroine I first became acquainted with in Tokyo Crazy Paradise so this page made me happy.
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An honourary mention goes to Hiwatari Saki for providing an OK Shion and Mokuren. Not a patch on her art from the original Bokutama series, but this is quite cute.
Anyway, lots of great art from past & present Hanayume mangaka and some really heartfelt notes too. I highly recommend getting your own copies of these furoku books as they're quite lovely little keepsakes.
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amanda-tastic · 1 month
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Yoshiki Nakamura’s call back in Skip Beat to her earlier work Tokyo Crazy Paradise had me squealing. I HIGHLY recommend TCP if you have not read it already, I am just as obsessed with the characters as I am with Skip Beat.
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highresshojosei · 6 months
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Tokyo Crazy Paradise On the cover of Hana to Yume - May 1996
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clipartanimation · 1 year
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afternoonteawithme · 1 year
I’ve written multiple publishers about any possible English release of Tokyo Crazy Paradise in the past and the ones who’ve answered (Viz and Yen Press) said it wasn’t likely, but I’ve seen more releases of older, completed manga over the last year so I’m thinking MAYBE.
I also found a post for it on J-Novel’s recommendation forum, so if anyone felt like upvoting/commenting there too it might put it on their radar??
Also I’d say more people messaging Viz or Yen press (even though they said basically no a couple years ago) might get them to rethink
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fgadfanpage · 2 years
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-> Tokyo Crazy Paradise (1996-2002). Author: Yoshiki Nakamura.
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Manga: Tokyo Crazy Paradise
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bubblesandpages · 25 days
Why do we need battle shonen when Tsukasa Kozuki is right there?
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kudzucataclysm · 11 months
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The short adventure's of Bonten's no4: airport anarchy
Bonten x f reader
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Warnings: Slight manga spoilers, suggestive content, Kakucho deserving the world
Summary: Y/N is Bonten's first female member, she's their skilled and deadly No4. So why can't she just go home!? Seriously guys it was a long trip, stop messing around!
Airport anarchy
"Thank you for flying with air Tokyo we hope you had a pleasant trip!"
Vaguely nodding at the flight attendant's you stretch your legs and prepare to leave the plane. Ah Tokyo, it's been a while. But working abroad and getting those international links for bonten was necessary. Not always easy but you got the job done and you know from your extensive phone calls and texts with the guys that Mikey was pleased with your work.
The guys. That was the other great thing about this trip, you got a bunch of time away from them! No crazy antics, no weird romances and definitely no conflicting feelings, a paradise. But unfortunately all good things must to come to an end and now you're back.
Yawning, you slowly shuffle through the airport, dodging and weaving through other tired travellers. You were offered a private plane for all your trips but preferred to stick with public first class for now, wanting a full break from all things bonten. And now you can't wait to just get to whatever car they sent to pick you up, get home and sleep. Dealing with seeing them again and all the work can wait for tomorrow. Glancing around you look for a driver with a sign but fail to find anything. You're about to call a taxi instead when you hear it, the worst thing you could possibly hear right now.
No  no no no no no no. Please let that not be what you think that is. Not them, not now, don't let it be them. 
You walk faster, not turning around. Desperately trying to convince yourself that you're just tired of course they didn't come all the way out here to get you. They wouldn't do that.....right?
The next thing you know your arm is being grabbed and you're being pulled back into someone's tight embrace.
"We missed you so much".
"Ran stopping hogging her I want a turn!"
You find yourself being suddenly tugged into Rindou's grasp instead. Before Sanzu pulls you away into his waiting arms.
"Oh the fun we're going to have now you're back ♡".
Shivering lightly after hearing his words,  you don't expect to suddenly be pushed away from him. You stumble slightly before falling into Mikey's warm arms. He still smells the same, like taiyaki and treats and still hugs the same, tight and almost smothering, like he's afraid if he lets go he'll lose you. 
Nobody says anything for a few minutes, you just stand there being tightly hugged by Mikey as the three others watch. Mikey himself seems entirely unwilling to let you go, instead happy to just hold you close to him. 
"Hey Mikey....."
You trail off, not entirely sure what to say in this situation or what to do. You're about to try again when his voice interrupts your thoughts.
"You're home."
Humming, you reply "I'm home".
Maybe just maybe this isn't as bad as you previously thought, things might be different now or maybe you just imagined all the craziness from before. Things are finally looking up for you.
"What souvenirs did you bring me?"
Aaaand normal Mikey is back, nevermind those previous thoughts. Mentally panicking you wonder what to do, you didn't get any souvenirs! No one told you, you were supposed to do that! Nervously laughing it off you just reply that they're definitely in your suitcase, totally there and that you'll give them to him later.
Unfortunately for you, your boss is Sano Manjiro and when he says he wants something he gets it immediately. Mikey just stares at you and holds his hand out, clearly expecting you to hand over his souvenirs (that totally exist). You gulp, trying to figure out what to do here.
Meanwhile at the other end of the airport
"Are you sure this is the right way to her terminal?"
Koko complains for what feels like the 100th time as Takeomi firmly nods. Takeomi's been leading them in the completely wrong direction to the wrong end of the airport ever since they got here. Mochi follows along behind them dragging a gigantic banner he made saying "welcome back y/n". 
"Look i know where I'm going and this is definitely the correct way, just keep following me and we'll get to her in time to surprise her!"
"We better, i spent all of last night working on this banner, i hope she likes it".
Koko once again sighs, wondering why he had the bad luck to be stuck in the car with Takeomi driving. Surely Kakucho's car with all the others would've been the more efficient choice out of the two. He starts zoning out as they continue to walk through the crowded airport, instead choosing to think of you and how you'd look when he finally saw you again. Would you be happy to see him? Have you changed your look in any way while you've been gone? He can't wait to see you again. He won't admit it but he's been lonely without you. 
Mochi turns around, sensing something had changed and then shouts ahead to Takeomi when he realises they lost Koko. Takeomi groans but they both go back the way they had just came to find Koko just standing there, spacing out. 
"He's too slow, we'll never reach her in time. Even without the spacing out. Why did he choose to wear heels here!? Mochi, carry him"
"No way I'm carrying my banner, I'm not letting it go"
Takeomi pinches the bridge of his nose and groans again. Fuck it, if it means he can see you again faster then he'll just carry Koko himself. Throwing Koko over his shoulder and ignoring the man's complaints, they continue walking in the wrong direction throughout the airport with Mochi and his banner walking behind.
Back to the Mikey drama
You sit on an uncomfortable airport chair as you dig through your suitcase, looking for anything you could give to Mikey as a souvenir. Mikey sits next to you, just calmly watching and waiting as Sanzu, Rindou and Ran stand around the two of you, also eagerly waiting to see what you come up with.
You're starting to get desperate. A t shirt you bought for yourself? No way that would fit him. A pocket mirror? No he wouldn't be happy with that. Your hairbrush? No way. There really is nothing you can give him. You turn to Mikey, getting ready to start apologising. Instead he suddenly moves, impatiently going through your suitcase himself. He really wants his souvenir. You just watch him, unsure of what else to do.
Suddenly a grin appears on his face before it's quickly replaced with his usual neutral expression. 
"This is my souvenir"
You frown, trying to figure out what he's looking at. Mikey then happily pulls it out and holds it up for everyone to see. 
A pair of your panties. 
He can't just take that right? That's definitely not a souvenir! And that's your favourite pair too! 
Mikey possessively holds them to his chest, repeating that they're his souvenir. He then quickly stuffs them into his pocket, completely claiming them as now belonging to him.
Damn. You're going to need to go shopping again after this.
"Heyyy y/n you brought souvenirs for us too right?" 
Ran grins down at you as Sanzu and Rindou waste no time in going through your suitcase and taking "souvenirs" of their own. There's not much you can do about it with Mikey watching but you still plan on taking revenge for this later.
Ran throws his arm around you, leaning in closer to quietly talk as the other's are preoccupied. 
"So why didn't you do the cute run and jump thing like they do in the movies huh?"
You have no idea what Ran's going on about but whatever it is he seems lightly upset about it judging from the pout on his face.
"Come on you know it. The thing where once the lovers reunite one runs and jumps into the others arms and then gets spun around."
You look at Ran completely baffled, did he seriously want to do a movie trope with you? That's what's got him pouting? Because you didn't do it? 
"It's ok though because we can do it now"
You suddenly find yourself being lifted from your seat, now being held by Ran. 
"Ran put me do-"
You don't get a chance to finish before he's spinning you around. All you can do is grip into his arms, hoping he doesn't accidentally drop you or fling you off somewhere. You're helpless as Ran happily spins you around, getting the reunion he'd been dreaming of. Ok....maybe it wasn't so bad. It was surprising at first and the fear element of being dropped is still there but in a way it is kind of fun. You don't even care when your shoe flies off and hits some guy in the head. Ran even manages to catch a glimpse of a small smile on your face before he puts you down. 
"See that wasn't so bad!"
"Never do that again".
You frown at him, trying to make your point clear but instead Ran just grins back at you, with that annoyingly charming smile. Well until Rindou practically shoves him out of the way.
"Hey did he make you sick? You feeling nauseous or something?"
Rindou sticks his hand out, feeling your forehead and then humming. He then shifts his posture slightly to look into your eyes. Staring at you deeply and making you gulp.
"Hey you're going all red, are you sure you're ok?"
Of course he doesn't seem to realise that he is the reason you're now turning red. You push him lightly to get some distance between the two of you before repeating that you're perfectly fine.
"Oh really? Hey we could check with this thermometer I found!"
Of course Sanzu picks that moment to join the conversation, proudly holding up the thermometer. You sigh and ask him where the hell he found that thing.
"Well me and Rindou got bored waiting for you to get off the plane so we went to the free bag carousel and took a bunch."
You stare at him completely baffled for a moment...
Free bag carousel? Surely he couldn't mean the baggage carousel? Surely they didn't just take a bunch of other people's stuff?
"Look these sunglasses are cool right?"
Sanzu and Rindou continue messing around with all the bags that you've only just noticed. 
Oh fuck.
You hurriedly tell the group that you all have to leave right now. You only just got back in the country, you're not going down for theft already. Urging them along, you grab Sanzu's wrist with one hand and are about to grab Rindou's with the other when Mikey snatches your hand instead, wanting to hold it. You sigh, fine it's not like you have time to argue this anyway. Hopefully Ran can make sure his brother moves along too. 
All five of you start speed walking towards the exit, just trying to get out of the airport before someone complains and security comes after you.
The door is in sight when you suddenly hear it.
"Hey you! Stop right there! Hey I'm talking to you!"
Not even glancing back, you all break into a sprint, running from security and the airport. 
"Where's the car!? Where's the car!?"
You frantically look around but can't see anything which looks like a typical bonten car. But with the security guys now right behind you all, you really don't have time for this. As you scramble around looking a shiny black car suddenly pulls up beside you all and you're suddenly being dragged into the car with the others.
"Hey y/n long time no see"
You breathe out a sigh of relief, it's just Takeomi driving, with Koko next to him and Mochi pulling everyone into the back with him.
Unfortunately theres definitely not enough seats so you end up stuck on Sanzu's lap. You try to ignore the wink he gives you. At least you're not Rindou who had to sit on his brother's lap.
Takeomi and Koko bicker for a second, something about Takeomi always being right with directions and "see i told you I'd get us to her". Before Mikey snaps at them to get going. Takeomi puts the car into gear and you all speed off, far away from the yelling security guards. Less then an hour back and you're already caught up in the chaos again. But at least you guys didn't forget anything.....
Kakucho paces around the gift shop, eagerly looking for the right gift. It has to be perfect, something you'd adore and always think of him when looking at it. He'd already spent a long time looking at flowers, chocolates and stuffed animals before deciding against all of them. Kakucho was so caught up in his gift buying that he hadn't realised hours had already gone by. The sales people all watch him curiously as he continues picking up random items before shaking his head and putting them back. They wonder if he'll ever actually buy something. 
More time goes by before Kakucho finally lets out a triumphant shout. He found it. He settles on a bottle of perfume that he thinks you would like and makes his way to the check out.
As he leaves the store with a big grin on his face he fails to realise that you and the rest of bonten had already gone home ages ago, completely forgetting about him. 
Thanks for reading!!!!
Next chapter
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ravers8fantasy · 7 hours
Songs that remind me of punch out characters!!! (*´ ˘ `*)
(this will be focusing on boxers from punch out!! 2009 wii if im feeling cheeky I might do one for older characters in the future)
Little mac: the man - aloe blacc, , my way - frank sinatra, survivor - destinys child
(honourable mention: the black parade - my chemical romance)
Doc: lets get ready to rumble PJ and Duncan AKA, it takes two - rob base and DJ E-Z rock, I aint mad at cha - 2pac
Referee: the 10 duel commandment's from the hamilton soundtrack (guys this ones jokes)
☆Minor circuit ☆
Glass joe: Denis - blondie, carpe diem - joker out, the winner takes it all - ABBA
(honourable mention : the French national anthem 'La Marseillaise' and Hymne à l'amour - Édith Piaf)
Von kaiser: hey jude - the beatles, ich brech aus - tokio hotel, geboren um zu leben - unheilig
(honourable mentions: 99 luftballons - Nena and please please please by either the smiths or the deftones ver I couldnt decide)
Disco kid: hot stuff - Donna summer, voulez vous ABBA, I wanna dance with somebody - whitney Houston
(honourable mention: star ships - nicki minaj)
King hippo: te hiva - te vaka, please dont touch my papaya - kavaholics, Lugahiva - te vaka.
☆☆ Major circuit. ☆☆
Piston Honda hondo: iroha uta - wagakki band, catch me if you can - baby metal, tokyo drift - teriyaki boyz
(Honourable mentions: the sailor moon opening 'moonlight Densetsu' and 'kaen by ziyoou vachi')
bear hugger: let it grow - lorax soundtrack (ALLOW IT), amber - 311, animals - nickelback
Great tiger: dilliwali girlfriend - Arijit Singh and Sunidhi Chauhan from 'Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani', I am the best - 2NE1, down - jay sean and lil wayne (yeah idk he just reminds me of down for some reason)
Don flamenco: fernando - ABBA, smooth operator - sade, imatadora - romeo santos
(honourable mentions: vivir mi vida- mark anthony, wake me up - evanescence for when he goes emo after mac proper thundercunts his toupee)
☆☆☆World circuit☆☆☆
Aran ryan: capital - amyl and the sniffers, salvation - the cranberries, without me - eminem
(honourable mentions: scotty doesnt know - Lustra and CHA CHA CHA by Käärijä plus TRAFIK by Käärijä and joost klein)
Soda popinski: alcohol is free - Koza Mostra its time to roll - s3rl, alchohol free - twice
(Honourable mention: when I first saw him he reminded me of nash gimm by hard bass school but idk bros kinda crazy)
Bald bull: custer - slipknot, strawberry rush - chuu (sorry bald bull lovers, thats all I really got from him💔)
Super macho man: party like a millionare - the millionares, sorry for party rocking - LMFAO, take your shirt off - the millionares
(honourable mention - spring breakers anthem - the lonely island... HES SO LIKE YKNOW)
mr sandman: enter sandman - metallica, gansta's paradise - coolio, clair de lune - claude de bussy
Shoutout to @vampirtulpereblogs for the unheilig song for kaiser! As you said, it is a very beautiful song and reminds me of his battle theme thank you!!!
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hotwaterandmilk · 2 months
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Series: Tokyo Crazy Paradise Artist: Nakamura Yoshiki Publication: Hana to Yume #7 (03/1997) Details: E-Combi Desk Calendar (July) Source: Scanned from my personal collection
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highresshojosei · 6 months
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Tokyo Crazy Paradise On the cover of Hana to Yume -February 2001
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beautifulpersonpeach · 10 months
Me yesterday after an 8 hr shift: oooh, jikook in tokyo and then sapporo. Yes, pretty, pretty winter view. What? New jikook clips from PTD US? Yes, yes. Mm-hmm. Of course, there are tons of jikook moments. As usual.
Me after waking up this morning with one eye open: what? there's more?? Jikook still jikooking?? What do you mean that was like half of the dvd?? *drowns in jikook content but still wants to keep it coming* 😤😭
Ask 2:
I can't help but remember all your posts from the past 2 years saying jikook hasn't changed really. Let this be lesson no 999 for me to not doubt jikook,, I prayed for days like this
Ask 3:
BPP the change in sentiment on my tl is like night and day. My moot basically turned into a PJM last month and was dragging JK 247, but now she is reposting PTD vids about how she misses BTS and always knew they loved each other yada yada.
Am I in the twilight zone? Did the lack of OT7 content this year really make people go crazy and forget how BTS are with each other? I asked my moot if she's still a PJM that hates JK and she started denying she ever hated them! But her rants calling him a 'Bongo sucker who has no talent and backstabs his friends' was up on her profile until she deleted the posts today.
Hi Anon(s),
It's starting to feel a lot like Christmas, isn't it?
With all that footage coming in, ARMY twitter feels a bit more like its former state, of BTS fans awwing and ooohing over all seven guys and their interactions with each other, while gaining more respect for BTS after seeing how hard they work (and play) together. ARMY twt still feels like a shadow of its former self though, partly because:
Most ARMYs are actually off Twitter. Using a personal anecdote, about half of my Twitter mutuals have been dormant since Butter era (when many fans were fairly certain BTS would begin enlisting), and even more have left Twitter since the Festa Dinner. Looking at likes on BTS posts from early 2021 which could easily crack 2 million, and on ARMY tweets that regularly hit 350k, compared to now when the most engagement peaks at <100k on average. And this is on Musk's X, where bots are even more rampant.
There's fewer genuine fans. Using the moot of anon in ask 3 as an example, there's so many stans exactly like that. Like I keep saying, the way a lot of people behave in fandom has more to do with them than anything actually happening with jikook or BTS. All that footage is from a time when people claimed BTS hated working with each other and wanted to leave the group or claimed that jikook weren't close anymore. Those narratives were everywhere despite what in reality was happening with BTS and jikook, which, again as I keep saying, just drives home the fact that a lot of people here, a lot of k-pop stans generally, have no real idea on what they're talking about. The way we see BTS in that footage is consistent with how they've been with each other for years, so anybody asserting doom in paradise during PTD era was high on their own supply.
It's the same with BTS in Chapter 2 btw. For anybody actually paying attention.
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chierafied · 10 months
10 favourite characters meme
The lovely @stonecoldhedwig tagged me to share 10 character from 10 fandoms.
I've done this before, ages ago, and though I feel like my answers pretty much still are the same, here they are!
Sesshoumaru's mother (InuYasha)
Mogami Kyoko (Skip Beat)
Kuchiki Rukia (Bleach)
Kozuki Tsukasa (Tokyo Crazy Paradise)
Lily Evans Potter (HP)
Mercedes 'Mercy' Hauptman-Thompson (Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs)
Kate Daniels-Lennart (Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews, which I recently re-read and still am in the feels about)
Lieutenant Eve Dallas (In Death series by J. D. Robb)
Murderbot (Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells)
Dr. Miranda Bailey (Grey's Anatomy)
Tagging @mythicamagic @cakeit0n @jafndaegur @jamesandthedog @gryffindormischief @abihastastybeans @dadoorman @drosselmeyerwrites @revangerang but no pressure 😘
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elvenking42 · 9 months
100 New Things I Checked Out in 2023
It's the end of the year and I wanna make a list of media I checked out. Movies, shows, books, songs, etc. I like getting to talk about all this stuff! If you wanna know what something made the list, just ask! I'd love to talk more about it!
Tyrellosolo New Years art
Wingspan (2019) 
INU-OH (2021)
Two Earthlings - John Brosio 
Zip Gun Bop - Royal Crown Revue
Super Mario Brothers: Great Mission to Rescue Princess Peach (1986)
Forest (2017) 
Fantastic Planet (1973)
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (1997)
How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying (1967) 
Bei Mir Bist du schon - Ella Fitzgerald
Connordraws I Sing to my Cat
Contact (1978)
Donks (2023)
Dynasty AMV
Eddie burback- The Deceptive World of Ghost Kitchens
Ice Merchants (2022)
 Marcel the Shell with Shoes On (2021) 
Womanizer - Britney spears
The Super Mario Bros Movie (2023) 
MilleBourne (1954) 
The Birds (1963)
RRR (2022)
 Pigdemonart - Bowuigi Comics
Everydaylouie 's 3d blender work
Guide to Heraldry - Ottfried Neubecker (1980)
Buss Down Wig - Baddie Brooks
Genius Party Anthology (2007)
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (2023)
Pretty fly (for a white guy) - The Offspring
Millennium Actress (2001)
God's Alternative Medicine - Knowing Better
On Looking: Eleven Walks with Expert Eyes - Alexandra Horowitz (2013)
Blackberry (2023)
The Flintstones (DC Comic) (2016)
Maintenance Phase Podcast
The Bus - Paul Kirchner (1987)
Nimona (2023)
Black book of hours
Nintendo World Universal
Nausicaa and the Valley of the Wind (1984)
Daydream - Timeshare 94
Jerma House Flipper invitational
Pokemon Sleep (2023)
Atlantic Oscillations (disco dub) - Quantic
Barbie (2023)
Don't You Want My Love - Moodymann
Good Omens S2 (2023)
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (2007) 
Even Flow - Pearl Jam
Host Club 'Ai Honten' - Tokyo, Japan (1971-2020)
TMNT Mutant Mayhem (2023)
No Diggity - Black Street
Expansions 12" Mix - Scott Grooves
Planet of the Bass - DJ Crazy Times
I Love Hue (year)
Canisalbus: body heat
Horny '98 Radio Edit) - Mousse T
We Love Katamari + Royal Reverie (2023) 
Music theory and White Supremacy - Adam Neely
Rope (1948) 
 Sanctus-ingenium: who are you loyal to, who are you lying to? 
Rhythm Nation - Janet Jackson
Joseph Melhuish - "Some Dogs"
Jacob Geller- How Can We Bear To Throw Anything Away?
Novov - Interactive Art Museum
Thefaiao - Ganondorf practicing piano commission
Russian picture book illustrations by E.Bulatov and O.Vasilev
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time (1998) 
Bacardi Raising Spirits ad
Curse of Strahd (2016)
Black Magic Woman - Santana
OFMD S2 (2023)
Dynasty AMV
The Owl and the Pussycat - Scott Gustafson
Sunset Boulevard (1950)
Soylent Green (1973)
Christian Riese Lassen's digital gallery
Oye Como Va - Santana
Guardian deity, Thunder God, Wind god - Mori Yoshitoshi
Phantom of the Paradise (1974) 
 Scavengers Reign (2023)
 WRTV Sonic Forum Simulator
A Little Night Music
Monkey Gone to Heaven - Pixies
Mike's Mic - Scooby Doo 2002
Wasteland Weekend - People Make Games
Lethal Company (2023)
Closer to Fine - Indigo Girls
Don't Speak - No Doubt
George Sherwood Hunter "Jubilee Procession in a Cornish Village"
Plagiarism and You(Tube) - Hbomberguy
Rainbow War (1985) 
Ezlo-x’s Lost Family LoZ Fancomic 
Ocarina of Time manga (2012)
Suolaxier's fursuits
Doctor who: Wild Blue Yonder (2023)
How Do You Smoke a Weed? - Owlin (year)
Mario Wonder (2023)
A Tiger in the Land of Dreams - Tiger Tateishi (1984)
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