lilpissbaby · 3 years
You can draw a ship with Tweek?
I see that Craig is shipped with almost everyone except Tweek
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Token takes away tweeks coffee when he KNOWS hes been drinking too much of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like,. after one cup lol
(I do think that Token spoils tweek though, and tweek sleeps a lil bit better when hes snuggling next to token. they have their moments but I do think they're generally healthy)
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melonpyonpyon · 3 years
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Some Tokeek I still haven't finished
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writteninsunshine · 3 years
Sugar, Spice, And Everything Nice - Token Black/Tweek Tweak - SFW
Title: Sugar, Spice, And Everything Nice
Author: Keith
Fandom: South Park
Setting: Token’s House
Pairing: Token Black/Tweek Tweak
Characters: Token Black, Tweek Tweak
Genre: Romance
Rating: T
Chapters: 1/1
Word Count: 1375
Type Of Work: One-Shot
Status: Complete
Warnings: Gay, Slash, Yaoi, MLM, Motor Tics, Verbal Tics, PANS Syndrome, Unsanitary, Sharing Drinks, Kissing, Kissing Drinks Into The Other Person’s Mouth
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything.
Summary: A little bit of sweetness makes coffee all the better.
AN: Hey guys, it’s me again! Just thought I ought to say, if you want vague updates and to talk to me more, I have a writing Tumblr, too! Twitter is Sunshinecackle, and Tumblr is Writteninsunshine! I also have a writing Discord that is currently pretty dead. xD If you want it, please contact me on Twitter!
Welp, I finally got myself to write and finish something. I’m actually really happy with this, and I hope that it keeps working. I haven’t had much drive to write in a month and a half due to health issues, and it feels good to write again. I hope you guys enjoy it!
South Park Fic Masterlist
Sugar, Spice, And Everything Nice
“Thi-th-th-- This i-is so cliché--” Tweek murmured, his hands quaking as he set the freshly prepared coffee back on the counter. He didn’t want to spill it, and he’d overfilled it this time. On purpose or accident, that much was up for interpretation.
“Is it?” Token’s strong arms wrapped around his waist, pulling him in close as a kiss was pressed to his neck. When Tweek tensed, Token braced himself, narrowly avoiding getting his nose broken by the sudden jerk of the other’s head. Tweek could be intensely sweet sometimes, but Token liked to think he was a little more like a Sour Patch Kid. Sour, hard to get along with, sometimes painful to be around, and then sweet, thoughtful, giving. 
It worked out just fine for Token if he were being honest.
“Y-Y-Yeah, man, it--” Interrupted by a scream, his head shot back against Token’s shoulder once more, and he had to take a minute before he could speak again, his teeth gritting and eyes screwed shut. Token’s hands rubbed up and down his exposed stomach, a slow, reassuring gesture that helped Tweek to relax after a moment. Wearing one of Token’s cropped hoodies always lead to his skin being touched more. Thankfully, the other man’s hands were comfortable and the soft firmness of them didn’t mess with his texture sensitivities.
“I-it’s a-a-almost lame.” Tweek finally finished, panting softly as he tried to keep his breathing in line with that of the man behind him. Token always took slow, measured breaths, tried to keep himself calm during these trying times, and Tweek appreciated it immensely. It always helped him find peace, and it left a shaky, rattled breath coming off of his chapped lips.
Token and Craig were the only men that could get him to relax like this, and he was endlessly thankful for both of them.
“Lame, huh? I thought you loved pumpkin spice coffee.” Token teased softly, resting his chin on Tweek’s shoulder. The height difference didn’t make it uncomfortable so much as a little awkward, with Token on his tiptoes as he kissed the other’s neck.
“I-- I d-d-do! B-but it’s still p-pr-- Pretty--”
“Gay?” Token supplied with a laugh and another kiss that had Tweek wriggling in his arms. 
“Y-yeah, man, yeah.” Another twitch had Token getting cracked in the jaw by Tweek’s shoulder, but to his credit, he didn’t relinquish his hold on the other man. No, he tightened his grip on him with every intention of holding him through this tic, too. Tweek, in his endless gratitude, elbowed him in the ribs with a loud ‘sorry’ accompanied by another yelp. At the very least, Token didn’t seem mad, bless his heart.
Both he and Craig put up with way too much shit from him, in his own humble opinion.
“Well, good thing you’re gay then, huh?” Token kissed the skin just beneath his ear, and Tweek finally turned around in the other’s arms, wrapping his own around his neck. Token deserved return affection for putting up with him and his uncontrollable outbursts.
“I gu-gu-gue-- Guess, y-yeah.” Tweek offered a fluctuating smile, resting their foreheads together for a second. 
“Are we going to drink it or are we just going to let it smell good?” Token asked softly, leaning in to press their lips together, a slow and gentle kiss. It was another calm moment, something Tweek was praying wouldn’t be ruined by his body and its violent urge to mercilessly beat up anyone who dared to get close to him.
“We c-c-could do b-both,” Tweek suggested, closing his eyes as he pressed close, a hug that stabilized him for a moment. Maybe a good portion of that was Tweek trying to suppress another tic, leaving him shivering in the other’s hold. Token appreciated it, pecking his cheek again, but it wasn’t necessary.
“Let it out.” He whispered against the other’s skin, “It’s okay, sweetheart, I’ve got you.” Tipping his head back, Token kept his arms firmly around Tweek’s waist as the taller man jerked and twitched, letting out another loud ‘gah’ as his head hit his own shoulder. His eyes twitched, one then the other, before closing as he violently jolted to the right, one arm coming up towards his chest and the other flopping uselessly at his side. God, he hated it when he did this.
Not only was it disruptive, but it was also painful. He was so used to it at this point that he tried to pretend it didn’t hurt, but there was only so much he could do. Headbutting strong, built men like Token, Craig, and Clyde always left him with a headache, but he was sure they didn’t walk away unscathed either. A skull to the head was still a skull to the head, and was never fun for anyone, regardless of if you played football in school or not. 
As the shaking died down a little bit, Tweek took a shuddering breath, closing his eyes carefully and sucking in a deep lungful of air through his teeth. He finally began to straighten out, to get more comfortable in his skin again. Really, he must have been too excited, the tics were getting worse. Token slowly kissed his lips again, helping him to calm down, regulate his breathing between the movement of their mouths. With another careful sigh, Tweek nodded, brushing his nose against Token’s cheek.
“O-okay… Okay. I th-think I’m b-better.” Tweek murmured, his voice quiet, almost shy. Hopefully, he would be okay to actually drink his coffee now. Token, seeming to sense that this was true, reached behind Tweek and picked up the comically large mug, carefully lifting it and moving it around Tweek’s left side. 
“Take a sip,” Token told him, holding the oversized mug to the other’s lips, careful not to spill any, “First drink is yours.” 
Always willing to accept coffee and a sweet gesture, Tweek leaned forward slightly and took the biggest possible drink that he could with the cup flat against his lips. It was best to start this way so he didn’t get it everywhere. He’d learned that lesson after the millionth time, but the length that he’d keep that knowledge was questionable. Tweek was a smart man but he still always ended up coating himself if he overfilled his drinks, or wasn’t careful and added a lid, or had someone else hold the cup.
A good deal of his trouble with that was the constant vibrating, though.
After drinking as much as he could like that, he looked over at the other and nodded with a minuscule, lingering smile. Token took a drink, then, swallowing as he tipped the glass mug back between them. For a second, he almost wished they had straws, but he didn’t mind the lack of them. Another drink was taken by Tweek, tilting the cup still in Token’s hands, who pushed the mug out from between them once it was in his mouth. Kissing the other, he tilted his head, and Token opened his mouth.
Accepting the flood of pumpkin spice coffee that hit his tongue, he swallowed after a moment, trying to ignore the heat of it. It burned his tongue, but Tweek just seemed so happy to share it with him. It would be a real shame not to accept the other’s kindness because he knew it would affect him for months. Petting the side of Tweek’s face, he slowly pulled back from the kiss, the heat of the other’s breath fanning over his lips.
Sure, Tweek’s lips were always chapped, but Token hardly minded. They always grew dewy with a few swipes of Token’s tongue, their kisses turning syrupy sweet even as he pressed to the seam of Tweak’s lips and gave a gentle push.
For now, he let Tweek guide them, enjoying the kisses they shared as he simply petted his face, hoping to share in a long moment of intimacy. Interruptions were an expected obstacle when loving Tweek Tweak, as he couldn’t stay still or quiet for long, but Token took them in stride.
Even when that meant a split lip due to Tweek’s teeth colliding with his mouth too hard when Tweek’s head wrenched to the side in another uncontrollable movement.
AN: Alright, so it’s not suuuuper long or anything, but I finally finished something. Hopefully, this actually gets posted, I would like to be able to finish something, get it edited, and posted. I haven’t been doing very well at any of those things, lately. At any rate, I hope you all enjoyed it!
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blackmoonxx300 · 6 years
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biker-booty · 8 years
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i need to stop drawing south park
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sangji-3 · 10 years
seduce me!!
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