#Toby- Human Helpy
l-art-stuff-l · 2 years
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My Top Posts in 2022:
love it when people spam like my posts. like hell yes I am a hit!! they love me!!!
133 notes - Posted March 15, 2022
what if tango sleeps with one of the sheriff plushies because it reminds him of jimmy. what then
165 notes - Posted October 28, 2022
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“you’re my friend now, we’re having soft tacos later!”
this is what happened when they first met right
215 notes - Posted March 6, 2022
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Helpy and his absolute dilf of a dad. still working on my lolbit design but I rly like this one
wonderful au by @inkspottie
245 notes - Posted March 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
@is-the-cat-video-cute I know it’s not cute, but that cat doesn’t look like a house cat, and it doesn’t seem to like being indoors and around humans
599 notes - Posted February 13, 2022
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Parenthood Chapter 1
He knew he was leaving her behind but what choice did he have? This would never end as long as they stayed together.
Guilt was eating him but the thought of him snatching her away also had scared him into action.
He hid under a hoodie and pulled it down his face to cast a shadow and make himself unidentifiable to any potential seekers. He marched along to what would be his final ever journey with his darling daughter bundled up in his tight embrace.
He couldn't help but cry, he had to disappear forever, to safe her.
Lefty was washing out the taste of popcorn from his mouth, having only just arrived home from the cinemas twenty minutes before and now ready to settle for the night.
It was an okay evening, Helpy had convinced him to join him, Debbie and Matt to see the new Spiderman movie after work, it was nice to be around people who he knew appreciated him. They were also people that didn't majorly freak out Lefty, who was once described by Mike as a “Perfectly Imbalance of a Volcano ready to blow but never knowing when”, it was true Lefty was known for an explosive temper... But he was also known as a really sweet guy, he had taken care of Helpy when he was recovering from having his appendix taken out, he had taken a couple of teenagers under his wing and guided them in a proper direction.
Best way to describe it? He was up for anyone getting a second chance if they deserved it.
And he meant if they really deserved it... To him second chances had to be earned, as rough as it sounded to some people who heard him say it, Lefty had met too many people who didn't deserve any second chances.....
They were the people that actually scared him.
He gargled water in his mouth, spitting it out into the sink then he walked away, turning off the bathroom light.
He was already dressed in his pyjamas, a loose dark grey shirt with short black pants that came down to his knees, he had already removed his fake eye and covered the black empty void with an eyepatch, he found it was more comfortable to sleep without the fake eye, plus the only purpose it served was purely aesthetic, he learnt people could get thrown if they saw you were missing an eye.
He was walking towards his room when he heard a round of fast knocking at his front door that sounded urgent.
“That's extremely odd..” He remarked, his eye looked at the clock, with the time being 10:25 pm. He tried to think who would come to his house late at night, the only person he thought that maybe there was Toby, who would only disturb him this late at night for a good reason.
He walked forward to the front door, he peered out the window at the side and saw no one was at his porch which kind of frustrated him, as he was certain there was somebody who knocked. He was about to retreat to his bedroom when he heard a peculiar sound that he shouldn't have heard.
The peculiar sound sounded like a fussing child.
A young fussing child.
He looked out the window again, no one was there but Lefty wanted to check outside quickly just to make sure, thinking the sound could possibly be an injured animal.
Lefty unlocked his front door and opened it slightly, he looked outwards into the world outside then looked down.
Before his feet was a baby.
A real baby.
Wrapped in a pale blue blanket, seated in a basket.
It was like this was a cartoon movie.
He guessed the baby was a little girl, she had white skin and black hair that’s loosely reminded Lefty of his own short black hair, in fact, he also had pale skin.
But before anyone would say this was his child, Lefty knew he had never been with a woman before so this child couldn't be his.
Why was it here on a warm night on his doorstep of all places?? Lefty was absolutely puzzled.
The girl let out another fussy noise like she was cold from the lack of human contact and being in a basket on the ground didn't help.
Lefty opened the door wide going down to pick her up, he never had kids but he knew how to hold a baby from the times he use to babysit Sarah Denford from her infant years while her parents were busy.
He held her in his arms looking around for anyone walking nearby that might be the mother or father, he became more nervous when he couldn't see anyone.
Then he heard the baby make a different sound, a giggle and happy babbling mixed in, he looked down to see her big green eyes looking up at him like she was happy to see him.
Lefty couldn't in good conscious leave a (possibly abandoned) baby outside his doorstep, so he turned on his heel and brought her inside.
The moment when he lifted the little girl made the man's heart swell with sadness and relief.
“He’s going to take good care of you, my baby girl...” He whispered quietly watching Lefty bring the baby inside then closing the door.
The reasonable thing to do was call the police in Lefty's mind, but he decided to look for a clue first.
He brought the girl into his living room, he had turned on the light figuring this was going to delay his actual sleep for a while.
He unwrapped the blue blanket and saw she was wearing a pale green button-up onesie with blue socks on her feet. He did see a clue at this point.
On her wrist was a small shiny silver bracelet medallion, about the size of a small coin almost, he gently lifted up her wrist to try and get a look at it but she pulled her hand away making a annoyed noise.
He was slightly irritated but lifted her up into his arms which seen to really please her, she smiled at him, she didn't appear to have teeth yet so Lefty concluded she would have to be younger than six months.
He could finally look at the bracelet and saw an engraving:
“That's got to be your name...” Lefty muttered knowing some kids had baby bracelets with their name engraved on them. “It would be more ideal if I had your last name then I could find your family.”
Charlotte didn’t look too worried about being alone, but Lefty reasoned it was because she was a baby and they don't think about the important things.
He had shifted Charlotte to one arm and grabbed the basket which he brought inside and sat on the small table in his living room. He had seen a small envelope and took it into his hand, ripping it open and unfolding the small note then reading it.
Please take care of her as I can't anymore, love her like your own.
What. The. Hell.
Did whoever write this note have the expectation he would raise Charlotte?!
He knew many more people who were suited to the role! Lefty himself never had any siblings just his father who had to give him to Uncle Marion when he was seven years old.
He didn't like the idea.
He looked at the time.
10:57 PM.
Most of the people he knew would be asleep by now.
Charlotte had started to chew on her sleeve, Lefty grabbed it pulling on it, “Get that out of your mouth,” He sternly spoke.
Toby had rolled over when he heard his phone ringing, he blinked a few times as he just woke from a heavy sleep unexpectedly. He reached for his phone and pressed the icon to answer.
“Yes?” He yawned.
“It's Lefty, can you come over? It’s urgent.”
“Oh... Give me twenty minutes...” He responded.
“Thank you, Toby.”
“No problem...”
“Get out of bed now, get up. You might fall asleep again.”
Toby nodded, “Yes! I'll... I'll be there..” He got out of bed, with Lefty vaguely reminding him about the incident where Lefty injured himself at home and was asking him to take him to the hospital, only for him to fall back asleep when their call ended.
Thankfully it didn't end their friendship.
Toby hung up the phone, going about making himself look semi-presentable, putting on a pair of normal pants and a shirt, no point in brushing his hair, he was just going to Lefty's house.
He quickly brewed a cup of coffee, deciding he should have some caffeine in his system to speed up his waking up process especially considering he did wake up abruptly.
He didn't even know what Lefty wanted. He hoped there wasn’t another teenager like the one they met that was nearly kidnapped.
He had transferred the coffee into a travel cup and drank some of it before getting into his car.
He took a few minutes then started the car and drove the ten minute trip to Lefty's house.
Once he arrived, he noticed the lights were still on so Lefty was definitely still awake by this point so he knocked at the door.
“Toby?” Lefty asked from somewhere inside.
Toby replied with: “Yep!”
“The door's open. Come in.”
Toby stepped inside, closing the door behind him, immediately he heard a noise that rose his suspicions.
It was a baby's laugh.
Toby was now face to face with Lefty who was to his shock holding a baby.
“Lefty where did that thing come from?!?!”
“I don't know! It was outside my door! I think... Somebody deliberately left her there... For me to care for her...” Lefty huffed.
Toby raised his eyebrows, “Like... Like you..?”
“Toby I told you the story... My father left me with my Uncle... There’s a big difference between leaving a young child with a known family member and leaving a baby with a stranger... There's no clue as to who her Mom and Dad are, only her name, Charlotte.”
“Charlotte...” Toby smiled, “It’s a really lovely name... There are countless nicknames for that too... Lottie... Charlie... It’s cute.”
“Well, it is cute but... She isn't mine... She could have been snatched from her crib for all I know...”
Lefty hesitated then responded, “Well... I did have a quick look online... No missing babies... But I’m not equipped for a baby... And this is only temporary until I find someone from her family... Maybe a grandparent or Aunt, Uncle... A cousin?”
“So you need help from your pal?”
“Exactly... In the morning I’ll search for her family... But I need some items... To have an extra pair of hands is ideal.”
“Once again as they say: Lefty and Helpy are solving dilemmas for all!”
The catchphrase was initially a joke made by a co-worker but it was now being used so regularly by them.
It’s finally began...
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Parenthood Chapter 2
Charlotte let out a giggle, complete opposite to Lefty and Toby who were sitting on the sofa looking completely bewildered. Lefty was trying to speculate a solution, he was always told it was a quirk of his to fix any problem he encountered. In fact, Max, one of his coworkers said it was a natural thing he did, even when he didn't see an answer, he'd persevere.
Toby then said, “I'll stick around here to help...”
“Oh yes, then in the morning... I'll look for her parents...” Lefty nodded.
“If we don’t find any relatives, we might have to call CPS.”
Lefty shook his head, for some reason the thought of contacting CPS made him feel violently ill, he had thoughts about this poor baby ending up with a family that didn’t love her, he had seen families who didn’t particularly care about their kids and it bothered him endlessly, he questioned, how could one give life to an innocent child, and refuse to love it?
He had met some of those kids, they were angry, resentful... but also so desperate for any form of care, any form of attention, wanting to be loved and not understanding why, the example he thought of too much was Alec.
He'd rather jump off a building than get any sort of parenting advice from Alec's parents, Ian and Meg.
And he was a long way from wanting to jump off a building.
His thoughts were brought back when he heard Charlotte start to fuss.
He saw she started to look almost annoyed, maybe because she wasn’t with her mom or dad, or maybe because both Toby and Lefty let her be on the sofa cushion without touching her.
“If that thing starts crying...” Lefty growled.
Charlotte did start crying, Lefty pressed his hands to his ears, trying to block the noise of her high pitched wailing, Toby decided to do something and lifted her up into his arms, “Maybe she's hungry?”
“Well whoever left her, left with nothing like that!”
“We might need a few things!!” Toby spoke over Charlotte's crying.
“Then I'll do it!!” Lefty wanted an excuse to get away for a few minutes and left the room before Toby could say anything, he decided where he would go at that point.
“You heard me, I’ve got a baby,” Lefty repeated.
Sammy scratched his head, ruffling his black hair, he shook his head, “You should call the police,” He responded.
Lefty followed him around Sammy's living room, Sammy grabbed a book from the sofa and held it in his hands, “I know, I know, but I’m hoping Mom or Dad, whoever left her there will return.”
“They most likely won’t,” Lefty knew that was the most realistic outcome and he was now stuck with a baby.
“Furthermore you said you didn’t know anyone who was having a baby, so you don’t know who they are.”
“Well Ballora had Michael eleven months ago, but this baby is a girl,” Lefty argued.
Sammy shook his head again, “Look, you need to figure this out now, you can’t leave it alone, this baby, you have options, you can take her to an orphanage—”
“I will not,” Lefty scolded at that suggestion knowing how bad the foster system could be.
“You can call the police—”
“I don’t want to.”
“Or CPS.”
“That’s the same as calling the police.”
“Not if you want other options, CPS can help find the parents... or they can even help you go to court and grant you emergency custody of this kid because they can claim you kidnapped her and you could go to prison.”
Lefty thought about that, he then said, “Toby, he is knowledgeable in the law.”
“You need to file what is called emergency custody immediately, let them know you at least have the child in your home, even if you wanted to keep her, the authorities need to know if her parents are potentially in trouble and that's why they abandoned their baby, get in touch with an attorney or ask Toby to do it on your behalf.”
“I will, I will, now I just came here to get some items, can I have them?”
“Go ahead, if this child with you for a while, she'll need stuff like food and diapers at the minimum,” Sammy answered, “But if you do not want to get attached to this kid, then do what I've just said as soon as possible.”
“And what if...?”
Lefty shook his head, getting rid of the brief thought he had, “Oh nothing, I’ll get outta your hair now, you can go back to bed now Sammy.”
Lefty had sat in his car for a minute, he didn’t go inside his house, he had a lot of thoughts in his head, he could grab Charlotte and go straight to the police station, and his hands would be clean of this problem instantly, he could just go back to bed and forget this ever happened.
He finally got out, carrying the bag of items he got from Sammy and approached the front door, he entered and didn’t hear Charlotte crying, he also didn’t hear Toby, he wondered if they went somewhere else in the house, as even this house wasn’t massive, Lefty had a spare room he used for various things; he used it as a guest bedroom at times, a quiet place to study, meditate, he also kept items in there, boxed up.
“I’m in here!”
Toby was still in the living room, Lefty walked further in and saw Toby was sitting down, Charlotte was quietly sitting in his lap, she had stopped crying, last he checked Toby had no experience with kids, but he was clearly doing something right.
“Welcome back!”
“Nice to see you didn’t burn my house down.”
“That's what Max would do,” Toby said.
Lefty took in a deep breath and said “I know it wasn’t ideal to leave you with her... I sort of panicked... but this isn’t ideal for me either,” He placed down the bag full of items.
“I don’t mind, I managed to calm her down,” Toby replied, seemingly caught in his own world with that infant. Lefty could usually tell when he was unfocused, he had known him long enough to recognise it, his eyes were not looking at him and he had a small smile on his face.
Lefty looked over at Charlotte, her eyes seem to light up and she started babbling incoherent nonsense, not one sounded like a word, Lefty thought it sounded like she was happy to see him.
“I think she likes you!” Toby smiled.
Lefty rose his eyebrow, “Ummm, that doesn’t seem plausible.”
“Why not? She probably sees you as the nice man who lifted her in your welcoming arms.”
Lefty stared him down, Toby noticeably sunk, looking unnerved, “It's a baby, it can't talk, it probably thinking about when it's getting food,” He spoke with a level of detachment, his voice void of any emotion.
That's what was scary about Lefty in Toby's opinion, he could turn cold instantly, if he didn’t like someone, he had seen Lefty become unwelcoming around certain people he hated or didn’t get along with.
Toby looked around, his smile had vanished, “So... what do you want to do?”
“I'll figure something out later...” Lefty walked over to them, “Can you hand her over?”
“She has a name,” Toby reminded him.
“Charlotte,” Lefty said.
“I think it's a nice name, as is yours.”
“Like I said, knowing my real name is a sign of trust...” Lefty reminded him of what he said before, “I can’t afford to be found by him again, if he hears my name around, he'll come back with a vengeance.”
Toby nodded silently.
Lefty held out his arms, “I'll take the baby now,” He lifted her into his arms and sat down with her, he looked at the silver bracelet again on her wrist.
“Maybe I can find out who made this, they could help me find her parents...” Lefty muttered seeing a plan in his head, which made him feel more confident about the situation, He grabbed her wrist and inspected the bracelet, he then decided after she fussed again that he'd take it off.
He opened the clip and lifted it off her wrist.
He looked at the engraving of her name on one side, then he thought of what he didn’t see and flipped the medallion, seeing a date engraved: 03.27
27th of March, he thought, that might be her birthday. That made this a lot easier.
He hoped the girl's parents were okay.
“I don’t mean to be annoying... but... kinda late,” Toby reminded him of the time.
“You are welcome to go and sleep on the sofa... I might just.... do something first...” He placed Charlotte to the side and stood up, stretching his arms up.
Lefty couldn’t really reason within himself why he was doing this, he figured Charlotte probably hadn’t had something to eat for a while, knowing she was most likely four months old, and the fact Sammy gave him some items, he only knew Sammy had those items to help out, like when he had been asked to babysit Michael.
Charlotte didn’t really show any signs she was hungry but Lefty reasoned she probably was.
He just hoped she wasn’t going to spit out the formula if she wasn’t use to it.
It didn’t appear to be that way, it was possible she was already fed formula for some reason.
Lefty held onto her, knowing there was a correct way to hold a child while they had a bottle, cradle them in a way.
It only took a few minutes for her to completely down the formula, obviously she was hungry but just hadn’t voiced any protests.
Lefty removed the bottle from her, looking at the time.
2:39 AM.
Lefty wanted to slam his head into a brick wall, “I’m not going to work in eight hours.”
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Heres an idea! What about a crossover between ur au's! Like, certain characters suddenly get transported into the other au's world!
“So being a robot?”
“It isn't much different to your life I guess.”
He nodded.
“I still don’t understand why me or Charlotte are here...”
“Me neither,” his animatronic counterpart answered, shaking his head, it was remarkable how easily he moved like a person.
Lefty didn’t understand this, this was an alternate universe, where he was a robot bear.
They did both like coffee though.
Lefty turned his head, Charlotte was still asleep on the sofa, the little Helpy robot, whose personality was remarkably similar to Toby was watching her, according to his robot counterpart Helpy had never gotten so close to a baby before which was why he was so fascinated.
Then there was Alec, who existed this universe too, but Lefty knew him as a 17-year-old boy, not as the way he was now.
He was a little teddy bear, Animatronic Lefty explained he had been hypnotised by an awful little robot named Lonely Freddy, and he was body swapped, so magic existed in this universe, he was amazed to see his counterpart could do magic, he had levitated a spoon to prove it.
But Lefty had yet to get too close, Alec seemed to be too afraid of Charlotte, he had immediately ran to Animatronic Lefty when he saw the baby and stayed close to him, like the robot was actually his father.
Now Lefty's relationship with the Alec he knew was kind of similar, Alec was frequently coming to his house to vent about his parents, it appeared in this case that this Alec was stuck here and looked to Animatronic Lefty as a parental or guardian figure.
When quizzed on why on earth Alec would be so afraid of a baby, Animatronic Lefty explained kids pull on limbs and Lefty understood that meant he was treated like a toy.
The only thing Lefty had seen was Alec tentatively taking chocolate chip cookies off the plate Animatronic Lefty put on the table.
“Not to be rude to you, but I hope me and Charlotte will get home eventually... she isn’t use to strange places and it’s only because this place looks like the pizzeria where I work...”
“Understandable...” Animatronic Lefty nodded, taking a sip from his coffee, Lefty saw Alec's little paw... hand... whatever it was appear again to grab a cookie.
“Alec, why don’t you say hello? I’m not going to hurt you,” He said.
His words seem to frighten Alec because the hand disappeared quickly, Lefty, immediately dumbfounded by the response quickly looked under the table, seeing Alec hiding under Animatronic Lefty's chair, like a scared child.
“I don’t know what to tell you... Alec's still wary about strangers, which I can’t blame him for, Lonely Freddy really effected him, I’m helping where I can with this... problem... he didn’t even trust me at first and now he's starting to talk more...”
Lefty chuckled, “So like me and Charlotte... You're being a Father to Alec.”
“I don’t view it as such... I’m his guardian.”
“Did you know his parents are shit or do they care in this universe?”
“No they don’t... they use a parenting book.”
Lefty lifted up his coffee mug then answered, “Well I guess... they technically wouldn’t let you adopt Alec... he's a human... you're not...”
Animatronic Lefty reached under his chair, he pulled Alec out and lifted him into his arm, holding him like a young child, Alec's big green eyes looked at Lefty completely bewildered.
“That doesn’t mean I can’t be his Dad, I mean that kid isn’t yours.”
“You can tell?”
“Even I knew,” Alec had spoken for the first time to him.
“Just to say, Charlotte is gentle, she won’t hurt you,”
“She's biting the ear of that stuffed animal she has, that could be me, I’m not getting near your kid just because I look like a toy.”
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