#Toby PotBelly
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I know I should focus on the main cannon plot that will most likely happen but it's fun writing the sad, bad ending
Can you guess who his parent(s) are?
Hint: it's not Wally or Barnaby
Though in the sad bad ending, he'll replace your favorite comedian
Here's his first few drawings
Trigger Warning coming up: Glitchy flashy gif, eyes staring, creepy
But here's the cute one. It's a redraw of official art (again! Sorry gang)
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His name is Toby PotBelly P.
I'll post his bio soon in the future
Here's the OG official artwork by @partycoffin
I'm not sure if they drew this themselves or got their friend to but it does belong to them
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Here are some GIFs
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Welp! See ya guys!
It was nice posting this
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doodleclownbunny · 11 days ago
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Bro this is awesome!
I love giving Poppy an adopted child.
And James is so adorable! I love his design so much!
Do you think if they could travel through different dimensions and they bumped into each other, do you think that James and Toby would be friends? They are both in the 18-19 age range. They would totally vibe in my opinion. Lol
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He's from my @welcome-home-our-new-darling blog and he's pretty chill.
Welp! I guess I revealed who his parent is lol
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He is James and he is 19 years old :3 Poppy adopted him so he supports her in everything he can as a thank you 💗💫
(yep the feather on her tail is of Poppy's)
He's a centaur <3
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cannibalfat · 2 months ago
😋 and ⏰, but this time. for Toby
😋 hungriest he’s ever been in his life?
the first day T hunger really hit he had just started med school, during a particularly quiet moment of course :3c he’s skinny everywhere but his potbelly, so most people are pretty surprised upon hearing just how hungry he can get—perfect first impression, letting everyone know right off the bat hehe
⏰ how often does his stomach growl?
he’s pretty diligent about eating enough to keep his gut from annoying him (and others) on school days, routines make life easier…. which means missing a meal would really screw things up for the poor guy <3 top all of that off with stress upsetting his belly and you’ve got a very gurgly sensitive gut that could easily be exploited
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justmelagain · 4 years ago
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***Please share with sanctuaries & farm animal rescuers on the west coast!
I’m really sad to share that Dewie & Tobie’s adopter has backed out, and now they are the only members of their family who don’t have a home lined up. These two are SO sweet and deserve a loving place to go! They are 10 week old, neutered potbelly pigs looking for a home anywhere on the west coast. Transportation is already arranged from San Diego all the way to northern Washington!
Dewie (left) is a tender hearted boy who loves people, and is sweet and submissive with other pigs. His favorite food is grapes, and he will do anything for a chance to have one! Tobie (right) is a superstar pig who is the instant favorite of everyone who visits, because he’s so outgoing and hilarious. He loves to sit in laps, untie shoe laces, and flop for belly rubs.
I am actively looking for placement for them! I am leaving on the pig transport April 5, driving from San Diego to the Pacific Northwest, and can bring them with me if I can find placement anywhere on the west coast! Or, they can be adopted in Southern California at any time.
Please, help me spread the word. These two have come so far and are so deserving of love.
Sanctuaries can reach out to us directly at [email protected], and private adopters can apply at orphankittenclub.org/adopt ♥️
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rolltidewrestlingfan4life · 5 years ago
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December 31, 1952 - January 1, 1953 (7:00 p.m. - 7:00 a.m.)
Charles Carr parked the Cadillac in front of the front of the Andrew Johnson Hotel in Knoxville, Tennessee at 7:00 p.m. He went inside and got a room for himself and Hank Williams. All the downtime from waiting for the flight earlier that day gave Hank plenty of time to finish off the bottle of whiskey he had bought from the bootlegger in Fort Payne earlier that day, the effects of which were starting to show.
Carr told the bell captain that he was going to need some special assistance. He had a sick man in his car who would need help getting up to the room. Two porters were sent to assist Hank, who had been drinking on and off all day. They carried him up to the room, later stating that he was obviously intoxicated. One of them, a man named Emmanuel Martin, recalled that Hank was "Very much alive. I talked to him coming in, and I remember he made one little statement, 'When you drink like this, this is the price you gotta pay.'"
The porters laid Hank on the bed. Carr gave them a nice tip and asked them to park the car and take care of the luggage. He then ordered two steak dinners from room service. By the time they arrived, the porters were bringing their luggage into the room. Hank had developed a case of hiccups that seemed to be sending his body into mild convulsions. He only took a few bites of his steak before passing out, eventually rolling off of the bed and falling onto the floor.
His concern for Hank’s health growing, Carr placed a call to Hank’s mother in Montgomery. He explained the situation and asked her what he should do. She got in touch with Hank’s doctor, Toby Marshall, who called Carr and instructed him to have the front desk summon a doctor.
In a short time, Dr. Paul H. Cardwell, a middle aged Knoxville physician, arrived at their room. He noticed some capsules on the nightstand next to Hank’s bed, but didn't ask any questions. Apparently, acting on Marshall's instructions, Cardwell administered two injections: one of vitamin B12 and another of B6, each containing one-quarter grain of Morphine. Cardwell only stayed a few minutes, he declared Hank fit for travel and went on his way. He would later tell investigators that Hank was very drunk and about the capsules on the nightstand, but didn't know what they were or how many he might have taken.
At some point during the three hours and forty-four minutes they spent at the Andrew Johnson Hotel, Charles Carr spoke with promoter A.V. Bamford to let him know what had happened and why they did not make it to the show in Charleston. Bamford told Carr to depart Knoxville immediately for Canton, Ohio to make sure they made it in time for the matinee New Years Day show at 2:00 p.m. Hank’s contract carried a $1,000 default penalty, meaning that he would have to pay that amount of money for every show he missed. More than four thousand tickets had been sold for the show in Canton at $2.50 each. Bamford knew that if Hank failed to show, or showed up drunk, he would have a lawsuit on his hands from the local promoter, LCL Productions.
Around 10:30 p.m., Carr called down to the front desk and asked that the porters come up to the room to help get Hank and their luggage back down to the Cadillac. They returned to the room and picked up Hank, one holding him under his arms and the other holding his legs. They said later that Hank felt limber and that he didn't move. It was difficult for all four men to fit into the elevator and the porters found it necessary to bend Hank's body at the waist. While in this position, as they traveled downward in the elevator, according to the porters later testimony, Hank made a "gurgling sound" as well as a "wheezing or cough-like sound" twice, but that he never spoke or moved at all as they carried him out.
Toby Marshall later testified that he and the assistant manager of the Andrew Johnson Hotel, Dan McCrary, arranged for a relief driver seeing as Carr had been driving since early that morning, but Carr always denied this happened.
Hank was laid in the back seat of his car with his hands draped across his chest in a "V". The porters covered him with a blanket and his navy blue overcoat. Charles Carr drove out Knoxville around 10:45 p.m. headed northeast on Highway 11.
The weather was bad, a mixture of sleet and snow slowed travel to a crawl. An hour later and just twenty miles outside of Knoxville, Carr was passing through Blaine, Tennessee when he attempted to pass a bus. He almost hit a police cruiser head on as he crossed over into the oncoming lane. Driving that police cruiser was Corporal Swan H. Kitts. He hit his lights and made a u-turn, chased the Cadillac down and pulled it over.
Officer Kitts approached the Cadillac and shined his flashlight into the back seat where he could see someone lying down. His uncovered head was on the other side of the car from the drivers side. Kitts would later testify that he saw a lifeless-looking man, pale and blue looking with his collar and hat covering his face, slumped across the backseat, seemingly asleep.
He asked Carr if there was anything wrong with his passenger. Carr replied "No, he's been drinking and the doctor gave him a sedative to make him sleep." Carr seemed unconcerned, as if it were an everyday situation. Kitts wasn't convinced. "He looks like he might be dead," Kitts said to Carr. Carr assured Kitts that he wasn't but Kitts had his doubts.
Carr explained to the Corporal who his passenger was and that he was driving him to an engagement in Ohio and could not afford to be late. Officer Kitts decided not to disturb Hank but had Carr follow him into Rutledge, Tennessee.
At 12:30 a.m. on January 1, 1953, he was written a ticket for reckless driving. He was tried before Justice of the Peace Olin H. Marshall, at his home. Marshall asked Carr how much money he had on him, Carr told him $75.00 and that is what the fine turned out to be. Carr paid the fine and briefly explained the events of that day and evening to the officers. Kitts mentioned the passenger sleeping in the backseat of the car in the presence of Marshall and Sheriff J.N. Antrican, and both of them would recall that Carr seemed nervous, but again requested that Hank not be disturbed.
It was now somewhere around 1 a.m. 1953 had arrived in the midst of this bizarre interlude. Carr got back in the Cadillac and continued on Highway 11, passing through Bristol on the Tennessee-Virginia border roughly an hour and a half later. He continued north out of Bristol, picking up Highway 19 which carried them through the Clinch Mountain region of Virginia and into southern West Virginia.
At this point, Charles had been awake since they left Birmingham early that morning and it was now somewhere in the neighborhood of 3:00 a.m. He pulled into a gas station and asked the attendant where he might find a driver. He was directed him to the Doughboy Lunch Restaurant. He pulled the Cadillac into the all-night diner, deciding it was probably a good idea to get some coffee, maybe something to eat as well.
It was here that Charles Carr would claim he spoke to Hank for the last time. Once they parked, he said Hank got out of the car to stretch. He then asked Hank if he wanted something to eat to which he replied with what are believed to be his last words, "No, I just want to get some sleep." While this is possible, it seems entirely inconsistent with Hank’s condition just two hours earlier in Knoxville.
Physically and mentally exhausted, Carr entered the diner and found a cab driver who had just finished his shift, a 37 year old man by the name of Donald Surface. He agreed to drive them the rest of the way in exchange for an undisclosed amount of money and bus fair back home. Carr maintained that he and Surface stopped for a sandwich and beer in Princeton, West Virginia, and that he paid Surface and dropped him off at some point in West Virginia. Surface died in April 1965 without ever being interviewed, so his side of the story was never told, but newspaper and police reports place him at the wheel as the car neared Oak Hill, West Virginia, around 6:30 a.m. on January 1, 1953.
Regardless of who was at the wheel, the Cadillac next pulled into the parking lot of the Skyline Drive-In, a simple, cinder block restaurant on the roadside of Highway 16 in Hilltop, West Virginia. Carr looked into the backseat to check on Hank. He was lying in the back seat with his hands draped across his chest in a "V". Just the way the porters at the Andrew Johnson Hotel had placed him almost seven hours earlier.
The navy blue overcoat that had been covering Hank had fallen off of him. When Charles reached back and pulled it up over his body, his hand inadvertently touched Hank's, and it was cold and offered "unnatural resistance" as Carr would put it. He attempted to wake Hank, but got no response.
He went inside the restaurant, where he remembered seeing a potbellied stove in the corner. A man in his mid-50's walked out with Charles, took a look into the backseat, and upon seeing Hank said, "I think you've got a problem." The man advised Carr that the hospital was a couple of miles up Highway 16. Carr and Surface got back in the Cadillac and headed north.
Driving just two miles, they arrived in the small town of Oak Hill. The first thing they encountered was Burdette's Pure Oil 24-Hour Service Station. Surface stopped the car across the street from the station and Carr went inside to ask for directions to the hospital.
The service station attendant called the police and within a few minutes, officer Howard Janney arrived on the scene. He was directed to the Cadillac across the street where he opened the door and took a look at Hank lying in the backseat, confirming that he was in fact dead. Janney later told researcher Brian Turpen that Hank was still lukewarm to the touch, but that rigor mortis had set in on the arm. He then ordered Carr to follow him over to the hospital just one block away.
They pulled up to the back of the hospital, which served as the emergency entrance, where two interns came out to the car. They opened the doors, leaned inside, and confirmed to Carr that Hank Williams was dead. Carr, no doubt in a state of shock, asked if there was anything they could do for him, to which one of the interns flatly replied, "No, he's just dead." They asked Charles if he would like to take his jewelry, a ring and his watch which he did and later turned over to the county Sheriff.
The interns removed Hanks body from the back of the Cadillac, placed him on a stretcher and pushed him inside the hospital. He was pronounced "dead on arrival" at 7:00 AM January 1, 1953 by Dr. Diego Nunnari, who concluded from the state of rigor mortis and the temperature of the body, that Hank’s death could have possibly occurred two to four hours earlier, but stated he was unable to determine an exact time of death.
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joysweeper · 6 years ago
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A page full of Toby Hamee. I tried to make it so her structure had as much in common with spider monkeys as with humans. She still has some growing and filling out to do, she’s around two years old here.
In the series proper she’s described as being smaller than other Hork-Bajir, under seven feet, and when Tobias sees her just pre-The Rachel at the end of the series he says she’s reached her “full size now”, which implies it takes at least three or four years before Hork-Bajir become physically mature.
The potbelly is a nod to the herbivory and digesting cellulose, I imagine all HBs as having a bit of a gut.
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eclecticdragon · 3 years ago
horses: chable(arabian 34 y/o), norman(paso fino 32 y/o), noble(mustang 15 y/0
standard donkeys: teddy jack, rosie
pigs: madison x2, gilbert(all 3 potbelly pigs)
goats: coal, cowgirl, beuford(jello shot), love, zeke, bubbles, rayray, boots, gyp, snowy, bella, lenny, squiggy, sanford, ryder, dolce, gabana, cashew, nugget, chia, chai, hazel, marshmallow, nutmeg.... fuck i forgot 2 names *full nubians, half nubians with market goat, nigerians, nigerian/ market or nubian croses)
dogs: stewie(looks black lab), toby, sheldon(both border collie/lab?x), briar(mutt suspect cattle dog, mexi rescue), dakota, sedona(both maremas, relinquished), roper(mutt), buttercup(husky/malamute/ low content wolf x), mouse(belgium shepherd mexi rescue), rune(siberian husky, relinquished), outlaw(german shepherd/great pyrenees), cider(mutt chihuahua, mexi rescue), rex(rottweiler/pitbull came from a possible bad situation), bo(peep), chauncley, marshal(marshmellow)(all 3 here are siblings, german shepherd, great pry/Anatolian shepherd) 
cats: cleo, kinsey, ballerina, scarlet, oliver, de’vil, bumi, winchester, steele, whiskey, turtle, olivia, guapo, binx, acee
and many chickens, but not really named cause crikey look at what i got on my plate already
all these animals coexist together on 10 acres fyi
hey if you have a pet or pets you need to reblog this rn and tell me in the tags what their names are. bonus points for including what kind of animal.
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buckyscrystalqueen · 7 years ago
Into The Ocean: Part 3
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Pairings: Seb Stan x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, fluff, angst!!!!
Word Count: 4,932
Aesthetic by @sorenmarie87​
Part 1 / Part 2
Pounding on the door woke you up way to soon. You groaned as you opened your eyes to find a broad, bare chest in front of you.
“Go away!” Seb shouted as he pulled you closer to him. The pounding continued and after a minute, he growled and rolled out of bed. “There better be a fire in this bitch.” He called out as he pulled on his board shorts from the night before and ripped open the door.
“Is she still in here?” You heard Kiki ask. Your stomach dropped and you sat bolt upright in bed and clutched the sheet to your bare chest.
“Fuck!” You shouted as you looked over at the clock- 7:38 am. “Shit, shit, shit, shit.” You scrambled to grab your clothes as Kiki pushed Seb back into the room and closed the door for privacy.
“Are you kidding me right now, Wahine? I have been calling…”
“I know, alright!” You snapped as you whipped around to look for your bikini top as you clutched the sheet to your chest. “My phone is probably dead. Look, can you just call down to Leilani and tell her I want my usual for lunch? I gotta get home to…”
“I have Kai taking care of the pigs and Mike is taking care of your tanks. Take this.” She said as she thrust a plastic bag you hadn’t noticed at you. “Take a shower, you smell like sex. Be glad you have me for a mother.” She snapped as she turned toward Seb and pointed at him. “Don’t you be a bad influence on my girl.” Seb nodded and looked a little frightened of the 5’4” Hawaiian woman in front of him.
“Yes, ma’am.” He said as she ducked out of the door and closed it with a snap. Seb looked up at you, stunned. “What was that?” He asked as you looked in the bag at the new bathing suit Kiki probably snagged from the gift shop in the lobby.
“That is Kiki. She’s Kai’s wife and Kimo’s sister. She’s been my island mom since I moved here.” He nodded as you dropped the sheet and headed toward the bathroom to get ready for work.
“She seemed a lot nicer when she told me about your tour.” You smirked at his confirmation of your thought from the night before and nodded as you turned on the water.
“She’s nice 99% of the time but when it comes to her ‘babies’, she’s not the wahine to mess with.” Seb nodded as he un-velcroed his swim trunks and let them fall to the floor.
“Her babies as in her kids?” He asked as he got into the shower behind you.
“No. She actually could never have children so she sort of adopts the misfits. Me, Sue, and Mike, the guy that owns the sub shop. Alani when her mom passed away. Few other local kids.” He nodded as you reached around him to grab his shampoo. You smiled as you looked at the label. “That explains the mango.”
“What?” He asked as you poured some of the shampoo into your hand.
“Mango, lavender, oranges, pomegranates, rain and salt water. That’s what you smell like.” He laughed as he poured some shampoo in his own hand and put the bottle back down.
“Peaches, apples, fresh laundry and the beach.” He said as he washed his hair. You smiled as you tilted your hair back and let the water rinse the soap from your dreads.
“The beach is kinda self explanatory. Salt water plus bees wax; it’s almost mandatory.” He chuckled as he reached past you for the pomegranate orange body wash he had. You held out your hands in front of you for some and continued. “Peach is my body wash, apple is my hair stuff and I hang dry my clothes on a laundry line.”
“Well, I don’t know where you got salt and rain water on me but lavender is my laundry soap.” You shrugged as you washed your body quickly.
“Guess we’ll never know.” You turned toward the water to rinse off and a moment later, Seb put his hands on your hips.
“My friends come in today. Will you join us for dinner after work?” You glanced up at him with a smile and nodded.
“Absolutely. Can I leave my phone here to charge for the day?” He smiled and nodded as you reached up and moved a strand of shampoo covered hair away from his eye.
“Fine by me. Want me to go by your house and pick up anything so you can just get ready here?” You shook your head as you turned in his arms; leaving a little bit of space so you didn’t transfer the soap from his chest onto your body.
“Surprisingly, I have a bag in my car that has nice clothes, make up, bathroom stuff, blah blah blah but I never remember to replace the bathing suit I take out of it.” He laughed as he leaned down and gave you a chaste kiss.
“Sounds like my little Hawaiian girl. I’ll see you tonight, 5-5:30?” You nodded and kissed his cheek once more before jumping out of the shower.
“Have fun with your friends, hun.” You called out as you only partially dried off and stole a swipe of his deodorant. You threw your new baiting suit on, put your dead phone next to Seb’s charger so he could charge his first and grabbed your clothes and shoes. With a quick ‘bye’, you ducked out into the hall and turned your walk of shame into a full blown sprint.
“Sebastian… I don’t know about this.” You said as he lead you toward one of the nicest restaurants in Kapalua.
“Babe, you’re fine.” You swallowed hard and tried to keep your face neutral as the valet opened the door for you. You glanced down at the light blue bridesmaid dress and heels you had thankfully borrowed from Alani. Had you gone with what you had in your car, you would have shown up at a 5 star restaurant in a tank top, a long skirt and flip flops. No matter what you had on, you were quickly reminded just how far out of your league the man guiding you through the restaurant toward his friends was. Seb said quick hellos to his friends when he approached the table before stepping back to introduce you.
“Everybody, this is (Y/N). Now, we have Toby.” Seb said as he pointed at the man directly to your left who took your hand and kissed your knuckles. “Then Rachel and Taylor.” You looked over at the next couple and gave them a polite smile, refusing to let yourself fan girl over Rachel McAdams in front of these people as you politely shook their hands. “And finally, we have Chace and Rebecca.” Your smile grew ever so slightly at the sight of Nate Archibald but you again, controlled yourself as you shook the last two hands and took the seat Seb was offering you.
There was a little bit of small talk over drink choices and you threw in your two cents about the local cuisine before the waiter came over and took your order. The moment he left, all eyes focused on the newcomer.
“So what do you do here, (Y/N)?” Taylor asked politely as you took a sip of your drink.
“Well, I teach scuba lessons in season and I am the captain of a boat that takes tourists out to the reefs year round.”
“You should see the place she took me the first day I was here. She is known for taking people to the best reefs in Maui. If you guys are up to it, I already sorta book her for tomorrow so you could see for yourselves. She’s a great teacher.” He glanced over at you and put his hand reassuringly on your knee. You nodded and gave him a small smile as you took another sip of your drink.
“How long have you been doing that?” Rebecca inquired. Your smile grew slightly as you looked past Seb at her.
“I moved to Maui about six years ago. Bought my boat and learned how to scuba dive in the first few months and then explored the outer reefs for a while until I could develop a game plan for work.” The group nodded.
“What made you decide to move to Maui?” Toby asked. You bit your lip and your brow furrowed. You knew they were just being curious about the new person joining their group but it was never fun to be put in the spotlight. Seb opened his mouth to say something but you squeezed his hand and cut him off.
“Umm… My husband passed away in Iraq a few months before I moved here. The life I’m living now was our dream life. When I got that notification I didn’t know what else to do, so I moved here and started over.”
“So Bass told me you have pet pigs and that I had to ask you for the names when I met you.” Chase interjected quickly. You glanced over at him as you squeezed Seb’s hand in silent gratitude for at least telling one of his friends a little bit about you.
“You have pet pigs?” Rachel asked excitedly. You smiled and nodded as you pulled your phone from your handbag you had on your lap.
“Two potbellies. I rescued both of them. They make great pets because you can train them like dogs and they are very clean.” You pulled up a photo of them and passed your phone to Rachel. “The brown and black on is Sausage, and the all pink one is Bacon.” The girls both ‘awed’ and the boys chuckled as your phone got passed to the other side of the table.
“Did you get them when they were cute little babies?” Rebecca asked as she handed Seb your phone. You shook your head as you dropped your phone in your bag.
“Only Sausage. She’s my special little baby. I rescued Bacon from a shelter.”
“And you can train the like dogs to fetch and stuff?” Toby asked. You laughed and gave a small shrug.
“Mine understand sit, stay, come here and basics like that. They also respond to whistles when I call them but as far as anything more advanced then that? Let me put it this way; I have a big garden in my backyard and I had to build a four foot tall concrete wall that is buried another four feet in the ground in a vain attempt to keep them out so I guess that concept is a little too hard for them.” You smiled up at your waiter as he set your seared ono on the table in front of you. The conversation lulled a bit as everyone started in on their meals and thankfully turned away from you to the group of long time friends caught each other up on what was going on in their lives. As dinner was wrapping up, you were told how this group of friends met; on the set of the movie ‘The Covenant’.
“Oh, wait. I think I may have seen that one forever and a day ago.” You said as you glanced over at Seb. “Group of guy witches or something like that?” He smirked as he reached across the table and took the bill out of Chace’s hand.
“That would be it. One of our prouder moments.” He said with a slight air of sarcasm in his voice. You giggled as he pulled his wallet out of his pocket and slid his card out.
“Have you seen a lot of Seb’s movie?” Rachel asked as she twirled the last bit of her drink with the little black cocktail straw.
“Honestly, I had no idea he was even an actor. The last six years I’ve been more of an outdoorsy kinda girl and before that I was a teacher in Harlem so movies took a back seat to grading papers and lesson plans.” You glanced over at Seb, who was looking at you with his eyebrow arched in curiosity. You hadn’t told him yet that you were originally from New York.
“What did you teach?” Taylor inquired as Seb took back the check and signed it.
“10th grade English.”
“You know, that was always one of my favorite classes in high school.” Rebecca said as she shrugged on her jacket.
“Mine too.” Toby agreed as he stood up and politely pulled out your chair for you. You smiled at him in thanks and pushed a few pieces of your hair back behind your ear as you stood up.
“So scuba diving tomorrow?” Chace asked the table as everyone made sure they had everything. You glanced around at everyone’s bobbing heads and smiled. You had the briefest of thoughts of thanks that at least your bills would be paid for the next two months because of this as Seb lead you out of the restaurant.
“What time?” Taylor asked.
“If you could just be in the lobby at 8:20, the woman at the concierge desk will get you ride to my boat.” You paused at the curb and Seb gave the valet, a friend of yours named Kana your ticket for your car as everyone else waited for a taxi. “It was very nice meeting all of you. Thank you so much for allowing me to crash your party.”
“Oh, absolutely!” Rebecca said as she stepped forward and gave you a small hug and a kiss on the cheek. “It’s always nice to get a locals point of view when it comes to the food. You never really know what’s good and what’s not so that was very helpful.” You tried to let that comment bother you as you said goodbye to the rest of your group. You felt Kana tap your arm and you looked over at his smirk.
“Fun being the local trash in a group of the rich and famous, isn’t it.” He asked you in Hawaiian. You bobbed your eyebrow at him and nodded.
“Kinda making me reevaluate taking the job in the first place, brah.” You retorted in Hawaiian with a laugh. You said one more good bye before Seb lead you over to your beat-up, doorless Jeep. You couldn’t stop yourself from kicking off the heels that were killing your feet and tossing them in the back and pulling out the hair clip that was killing your head before climbing into the drivers seat.
“They loved you.” Seb said as he got in the passenger seat. You cocked your eyebrow at him and laughed as you pulled yourself into the car.
“Yea, sure they did. I’m like a monkey in a zoo to them.” You quipped as you started you car. You didn’t even bother to turn down the Slightly Stoopid song that was just a little too loud as you put your car into gear and pulled away from the hotel.
“How have you never heard this song?” You laughed as you drove the fifteen minutes to where your boat was docked in Lahaina with Seb the next morning. He had stayed at your place to ‘make sure you didn’t wake up late’. He laughed and shook his head.
“I have no idea but start it over.” You laughed and started ‘I Just Had Sex’ by Lonely Island over. You cranked the volume and danced with the music; your way of bragging about the amazing shower sex you had had that morning… and before bed the night before… twice. You glanced over at the ocean with a smile, falling in love with your home all over again like you did every morning. The beautiful blue water looked so inviting and you couldn’t wait to get out on it for the day.
Seb laughed through most of the song as he played with a few strands of your hair that was blowing wild in the wind. You smiled at him as the song ended and you turned down your radio a bit as the next song came on.
“I’m surprised you don’t know that. The blonde girl from Gossip Girl is in the music video.” His brow furrowed slightly at you and you clarified. “Serena. I don’t know her real name.”
“Blake. Really? She’s in the music video?” He laughed. “She is never going to hear the end of it from me.” You smiled as you turned up ‘Red, Red Wine’ by UB40 as you pulled into the parking lot behind Mike and Leilani’s small sub shop across from your dock. Seb grabbed your beach bag, bobbing his head a bit to the music.
“Dance with me.” You said as you grabbed a spot and put your jeep in park. You didn’t give him an option as you got out of your car and raced around the front. He smiled and put down the bag so he could grab your hips. Everything felt so right as the two of you stood in the parking lot, dancing to the music.
“Where did you learn to move like that?” He asked as your rolled your hips back and forth in his hands.
“Hula. Kiki taught me years ago.” He hummed as he let go of you and took a step back to watch.
“Damn, girl.” You smiled as you fluidly rolled your hips to the beat.
“You should see me actually hula.” You said as the song ended.
“Nice moves, Wahine!” Mike called out as he walked past, headed into work himself.
“Mahalo! Hey, I got a group of 6 coming in shortly and I’ll just take my usual on my tab.” He tapped his nose in acknowledgement and kept walking as you reached across your jeep and turned it off.
“You run a tab at a sub place?” Seb joked as you put your car into gear in case the parking break failed.
“Yep, same with the gas for my boat. I pay my debts at the end of the month so I don’t have to carry cash on me every day. A lot of places around here do that for the workers.” You grabbed your personal gear from the back seat and slung it over your shoulder. “Islanders are all about reverence and respect. They will take you for your word and treat you with honor as long as you do the same to them. You disrespect them, you might as well move.” Seb nodded as the two of you headed down the dock to your boat.
“That was one of the first things I learned here. It’s the Hawaiian way of life. That’s why I didn’t tell you I was from New York because I am not that same person. I was angry all the time, I hated my job and only did it because I had to make money some how. Matt was the same way, which is why we choose to come to Maui. You only have one shot at life, why live it with hate in your heart where everything is rush, rush, rush all the time?” You glanced up at him as you stored your gear and he nodded.
“Wow. I wish I could live like that.” You smiled as you started unloading the empty tanks from the day before onto the dock to switch them out at the dive shop.
“But that’s the thing, you can. You don’t have to live in Hawaii to do that.” He nodded as he put your beach bag under the seat.
“I think I envy you.” You laughed and shook your head as you took off your shirt and tossed it in your dry hold.
“Don’t envy me, sweetheart. Embrace the things I show and teach you and embody them.” You  moved to get out of the boat and he quickly grabbed your wrist. You turned back around and looked at him as his eyes searched yours for a moment.
“You’re so beautiful, do you know that? Not just the way you look, everything about you.” You smiled and stepped back down into your boat.
“I’m just embracing what the world has given me. Embracing the culture that I have the honor to call my own now.” He pulled you close to him and gave you a gentle kiss.
“Get a room, Wahine.” One of the other boat captains called out in Hawaiian as he passed. You giggled and pulled back to look at Seb.
“We’ve been told to get a room.” You joked as you kissed his cheek and got back to work. “Come on. You can help me switch these tanks out before we go collect your friends.”
“Bathrooms are over there. They have showers if you need. If you liked my tour, great. If not, here is the complaint jar…” You grabbed your tip jar from under the wheel of your boat and put it on your chair like you always did with a smile as you pulled back up to the docks at the end of the long trip. “Feel free to write those complaints on any dollar bill of your choice. I pay attention to the bigger complaints first.” You teased with a wink. “Thanks for… well listening to Seb and not your hotel, and letting me be your Hawaiian guide. Mahalo and aloha.” The group laughed and clapped as you maneuvered your boat into your slip. You cut the motor and ran to the front to jump out and slow your boat down with your bow line.
“That was great, hun.” Seb said as he grabbed the stern line and jumped off the boat after you. You glanced up at him and smiled.
“Thanks. Tour’s a little different when there’s a group.” He laughed and nodded as he handed you the back line and took a step out of the way.
“I think I would have to say I had more fun with just you. We saw sharks, after all. They only saw dolphins.” You smiled up at him and giggled.
“Yea, honey, I wouldn’t brag about your reaction to those sharks.” He fake pouted for a second as you stood up and gave him a quick kiss before moving to help the two girls out of the boat.
“Where are the bathrooms again?” Rachel asked.
“Oh! It’s that red roof building right over there. Showers in the same place.” She glanced over at the building and thanked you before looping her arm with Rebecca’s and grabbing her bag from Taylor as he got off of the boat.
“Thank you for putting up with us all today.” He said as he stepped out of the boat onto the dock. You giggled and shook your head as you pulled the hair band out of your hair and let your dreads fall loose.
“Trust me. You guys are tame compared to some of the groups I have had.”
“This was us ‘tame’ as well.” Chance said as he stepped out of the boat and handed you a decent sized wad of cash. “Payment and tip. You deserve every penny.” You smiled as you shoved the cash in the back pocket of your unbuttoned jean shorts.
“Mahalo. You just fed my piggy’s for the night.” You joked as you reached out and grabbed Toby’s bag for him and put it on the dock.
“How do you keep all those fish names straight?” He asked as Seb jumped back in the boat to grab your bag and help you collect the trash.
“Practice. Years and years of practice. Seb, you don’t have to worry about cleaning up for me. I’m gunna run to the bathroom and then deal with it because I gotta clean off the gear anyways. Take the boys up to Mike’s for a beer and I’ll call Kiki for the car and send the girls over to you.” He looked up at you and nodded.
“Sounds like a plan.” You smiled at him and headed past the guys to get to the bathroom to wash your face.
“So what do you think of this girl? Gold digger?” You heard Rebecca ask Rachel in the bathroom as you rounded the corner. You paused just outside the door and eavesdropped.
“I mean, what’s to think?” Rachel responded. “She’s a nice girl, very pretty… but she’s just a townie. Who knows if she is telling the truth about the actor thing but come on, she lived in New York! She had to know who he was.” Tears stung your eyes as reality hit you and you bit your lip as she laughed. “And what’s with the hair?”
“I don’t know. I thought it was fake, honestly.” You nodded your head and licked your lips; forcing back your tears. Not wanting to hear Rachel’s response you turned into the bathroom with a smile.
“It’s not fake.” You said. Both girls spun toward you with looks of shock on their faces and you grabbed a dread and looked at it. “I use bees wax in case your next idea was cow shit like the stereotype. Bee wax is easier to get out and is a lot cleaner.” You flipped the dread back over your shoulder and looked up at them. “The boys went to the sub shop for a beer. Follow this main road as if you were going to my boat and you’ll see it on the right. Car will be here soon to take you back to your hotel.”
“(Y/N)…” Rebecca said as you spun on your heel and power walked away from the bathroom. You didn’t stop at Mike’s like you originally planned to pay off your debt a few days early, you just darted back down the dock to your boat. Your hands shook as you untied the lines on the dock quickly and jumped in your boat.
“(Y/N)!” Seb called out to you. You didn’t look up at him; didn’t want to see your current reality as you put his wallet, shirt, and towel on the dock for him, turned your boat over and backed out of your slip. You made it away from the dock before he made it far enough down the dock to jump on your boat before you left.
“Apparently, I’m just a gold digger, Seb. Don’t worry about me.” You watched his face drop as Rachel and Rebecca hit the end of your dock. You could hear him demand to know what they said as you pulled away from the dock and back out to the open waters; the only place you knew you could be completely free from the mainland bullshit at the moment. You thanked the heavens that the gas station was a little ways away so you could at least put some distance between you and him. While you filled up, you called Kiki for their ride and asked if she could go over to your house to take care of your pigs.
“What happened, Wahine?” Kiki asked hearing the sound of distress in your voice. You shook your head as you told the kid at the docks you would square up with his dad in the morning.
“Just… reminded of one of the reasons why I choose to leave the mainland, that’s all. I’ll um… I’m gunna be gone for the night. Can you clear my schedule tomorrow?”
“Yea. I’ll send Alani to stay with the babies. Keep your radio on so I can check in later, OK?”
“Always. Mahalo.” You hung up your phone and immediately received a phone call from Seb. You hit ignore, turned it off and with tears in your eyes, you headed back out into the open ocean.
“Pehea ‘oe, Wahine?” Kimo asked the next morning as you tied your boat up at ka wahi. You shook your head and grabbed your beach bag.
“It’s going just freaking great. What did you hear?” You asked as you took his offered hand and stepped out of the boat onto the rocks.
“The gist. You were with the actor and his friends on the water yesterday and then you weren’t with them at dinner. Heard someone said something kinda rude but didn’t hear what.”
“Ahh…. So you missed the memo that I’m a gold digger?”
“The fuck?!” He asked as you the two of you walked across the rocks to the far side of the cave to where the few people that were there were hanging out and listening to your voices echo off the cave walls.
“He didn’t say it. No, he’s great but his friends’ girls… apparently, not so much.” You shook your head and sighed as you said hello to Kai and the four other people who all, apparently, had the day off, too. “It’s whatever, though. I’m here to give it to the spirits.”
“We should change your nickname, then.” Kai teased as you dropped your bag on the rock to go swim for a little bit. “We’ll call you wahine gula kuʻi.” You flipped him off with a laugh as you stripped down to the bikini you had been in for 24 hours.
“Mahalo but I’ll keep plain ol’ wahine. Please tell me one of you have a beer?” One of the girls, Luana, grabbed you one from her cooler and with a quiet ‘thanks’, you headed over and jumped in the water to wash your problems away.
Part 4
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acornrising · 6 years ago
Fun facts about Mok:
1. It takes him about half a day to heal completely after a show, tho he might have twinges after depending on how hard he went and how many nerves he severed in the process.
2. Despite this, the autopsy and belly-cut scars are so frequently re-opened they never quite properly heal, hence why they’re also Mok’s only recurrent scars.
3. Before hiring Tobi, Mok would just shove his organs back in willy-nilly without much thought to anatomy. As a result he’s got a bit of a permanent potbelly from distension.
4. Tobi went out of his way to learn dragon/gijinka anatomy so he could put Mok back together correctly because he officially cares more about Mok’s wellbeing than literally anyone else, including Mok himself. 
5. Mok uses a lot of scents to try and hide the fact that he naturally smells of blood, cleaning alcohol and formaldehyde. He likes vanilla.
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sorry gang I made a mistake again
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