#Tobias TL
yeonban · 5 months
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Tobias what are you doing over there
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cardi-c · 1 year
im so glad im not famous bc if someone took a pic of me today and shared it on the internet i would cry
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c-wilbah · 2 years
first person to take twitter offline gets a billion dollars
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cwilbah · 3 months
thank u bighit for doing an mv marathon because i love being reminded how much these songs fuck 🙏🙏🙏
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sideprince · 9 months
What are your thoughts on Snape's parents/childhood/upbringing ?
Sorry it's taken me ages to get to this ask! I wrote a meta post about Eileen Prince recently ("recently." It sat in my drafts for about a month as I whittled away at it) but I can go off a bit on Tobias and the kind of home a young Severus might have lived in, though it'll be a bit of a messier convergence of meta and headcannon, probably.
The tl;dr of the Eileen meta post is that I think she may have come from a family with reasonable wealth and reputation, and ended up stuck with Tobias as the result of an accidental out of wedlock pregnancy that led her family to disown her. @vulnus-sanare left one of my favorite comments on that post, which I'm just going to quote in full:
"It is hard to not think that Severus may have been the outcome of an unwanted pregnancy. It is harder to believe that "love" was ever in the foundation of the Snape family. My theory is that Eileen and Tobias had a fling, it had consequences, the Princes disowned Eileen for getting impregnated by a Muggle, and Tobias was forced to marry her out ... Patriarchal honor. However, the first time Eileen and Tobias had a violent argument, Eileen threatened him with her wand for defense. He didn't sleep at home that night. The next morning, Eileen found her wand split into two unsalvageable pieces on her bedside table. Tobias was home. And there would be no more magic."
My personal take is that we see clear statements in the books that depression can sap a witch/wizard of their powers (Merope Gaunt), and also that existing powers can't be suppressed, they'll find a way to come out and with terrible consequences if bottled up for too long (Ariana Dumbledore, and basically every underage wizard). Because of this, my own interpretation is that Eileen probably lost much of her powers due to despair. We see Severus in a memory shooting down flies with his wand alone in his room as a teen, and that casual use of magic makes me think that the Ministry still had magical activity registered at that residence on Eileen's account, otherwise Severus would have had to deal with the repercussions of violating the Statute of Secrecy and, if that was the case, he certainly wouldn't have used his wand and done magic so nonchalantly. Eileen's magic would have been too weak to stand up to Tobias, but still enough to warrant the Ministry thinking there was an active witch at their house.
Nevertheless, I love the idea that Tobias split her wand! It's a striking and complex statement on what that relationship might have looked like. Tobias must have been insecure (secure people don't tend to abuse their loved ones). Eileen had power over him that he would never be able to match. Even so, every person with power has a vulnerability - for any wizard it would be that their power must be channeled through a wand to be effective. A wand which, despite the power of the witch or wizards who wields it, can easily be snapped in two. What might its core have been? Would Tobias have been surprised to find it wasn't merely a stick carved on a lathe, that there was something running through its center that he couldn't identify? I love the irony of such a mundane, muggle act stopping the power of magic in its tracks. And, after all, if Eileen had no money of her own and she and Tobias had little to live on, she wouldn't have been able to buy a new wand. Or perhaps she eventually did, but her powers remained weak (or perhaps she bought a cheaper wand she could afford, maybe even secondhand, and it never worked as well as her own had). As for her magic struggling to get out without a proper way to channel it, perhaps her wand's destruction may have been the final straw for her spirit, which broke as a result of her isolation from her family and her world, and her being tethered to such a man.
As for Tobias, I think that while he may have had a proclivity towards abuse, it didn't truly come out until sometime after Severus' birth. I think he was always working class, and possibly fought in WWII like every man of his generation, but that the crippling poverty of the family was brought on by some kind of workplace accident that left him unable to work and dependent on welfare. Eileen wouldn't have worked, having few skills and weak magic, but back in the 60s many working class families only had one breadwinner. There are signs that Severus was both poor and also neglected, particularly his ill fitting, mismatched, hand-me-down clothes that no one even attempted to sew to size for him (let alone use magic to do so). Eileen would have made sure Severus was out of the house as much as possible, if Tobias was home most of of the time, and tried to take the brunt of Tobias' anger when possible. Severus wouldn't have understood this for a long time, and would have felt rejected and isolated as a result.
As Severus grew older, got a wand, and expanded his knowledge of magic, he would have stood up to Tobias more in the weeks he was home from school. He wouldn't have trusted his father, and would have eventually realized that their power balance had shifted. I think there may be a parallel with Voldemort there, too: as Dumbledore says, all tyrants fear that one day someone will rise up against them. I think perhaps Severus felt more able to be that person and undermine Voldemort, because he had already done so with his own father. He had learnt, firsthand, that terrifying people, people who intimidate with violence and brutality, are not infallible. It makes sense for his character: throughout his school years we see Severus reject his bullies and fight back against them, even though they attack him four against one.
As for his own experience of growing up in that small house on Spinner's End, I think Severus must have been a lonely child. We see the way he feels the need to pick his moment when first meeting Lily; he doesn't have the confidence of a child who's been able to spend much time playing with others. His parents fought a lot, and if his mother tried to protect him, he would have spent a lot of time alone in his room listening to them do so. We see him as a teen shooting down flies with his wand, in a dark room, alone. I think his world at home was small and often painful. Like many children of abuse, he wouldn't even have been aware how much pain he was in, or how constant it was, it was just a part of his internal wallpaper. I don't imagine he had much of a relationship with his dad, though the need for approval from him would have been buried in him somewhere. Perhaps, as he grew older, his relationship with his mother grew more complex and there was a bond.
My own headcanon is that Tobias, a middle aged, disabled, working class man on the dole, wouldn't have survived austerity under Thatcher. I like to think that Severus, living on a teacher's salary in a prestigious school and not needing much beyond the room and board that his job provides, would have used his savings to take care of a widowed Eileen. Perhaps he visited her once or twice a year. They were never sentimental, and talked very little. They would have a cup of tea and a game of chess, or maybe even Gobstones. When Voldemort returned, Severus would have made sure that, if he should die, Eileen would be taken care of. He would not have been able to leave her a letter or any kind of explanation, for fear of it being found. She would have been proud to learn he had been appointed Headmaster of Hogwarts, though he would not have taken pride in it, knowing it was a tactical appointment, and not an earned one. She would have been prouder still, maybe, to learn of his heroism after his death.
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tojisun · 11 months
sun u should explain the ghost band lore bc i’m interested but no nothing about them
oki oki so ani this might take a while bc i went crazy explaining and it might be too long so uhm find the tl;dr at the end 😭
i swooned when i saw u ask this bc!!! mwah mwah <333 idk it made me so giddy teehee <33 also! this is what i know so far so there might be lapses in my explanation hhh
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the band ghost or ghost (or ‘ghost bc’)
- they are are theatrical rock band mostly known for their satirical approach to organized religion (roman catholicism); they have a parody of the ministry (from the papacy down to the clergymen [dubbed as brothers/sisters of sins]). there are criticism that they are satanic and, well, that is their lore.
the current singer is called papa emeritus iv
- papa iv is endearingly called popia because before being papa, he was known as cardinal copia. he succeeded the previous three papa emeritus (primo, secondo, terzo) after the three have been killed. he also inherited the ghouls (specifically terzo’s ghouls).
- primo, secondo, terzo, copia are all acted by the same guy (tobias forge)! the lore is that they’re all brothers, fathered by papa nihil, but that copia wasn’t recognized as his son until later on when the three papas were killed. the ones who organized the deaths of the previous papas is sister imperator, copia’s mom.
- the papas, in order: primo, secondo, terzo, copia (cardinal), copia (papa)
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nameless ghouls
- they are the people that tobias forge (papa) hires to play live! theyre not a concrete band since these instrumentalists could be/had been replaceable :((
- when ghost debuted, there were only four ghouls: fire, water, earth, quintessence. these titles are reflections of the instruments they play! fire (lead guitar). water (bass guitar). earth (drums). quintessence (rhythm guitar). later a keyboard instrumentalist was added and they were dubbed as the air ghoul.
- as the band grew more popular and more instrumentalists came and went, the fans began naming them. at the top of my head; notable old members include: alpha (fire). omega (quintessence). mist (water). ifrit (fire). zephyr (air).
- i think it was in 2019 when the ghouls were established and no one left (until, that is, june 2023). they were: dewdrop (fire; previously water so he replaced ifrit as lead guitarist). rain (water; bass guitar). aether (quintessence; rhythm guitar). mountain (earth; drums). swiss (multi ghoul - means he is a backup vocals, acoustic guitarist, tambourine). cumulus (air; keyboard and backup vocals). cirrus (air - keyboard and keystar). sunshine (multi; backup vocals).
- nameless ghouls as of july 2023: dewdrop (fire). rain (water). phantom (quintessence - he replaced aether). mountain (earth). swiss (multi). cumulus (air). cirrus (air). aurora (multi - she replaced sunshine).
- fave: nameless ghouls aren’t all just men!! cirrus, cumulus, sunshine, and aurora are ghoulettes
- i finally know who is who when they don’t have their instruments 😭
- they all wear the same thing for anonymity, although fans know who they are unmasked!
other fun info
- a ghost concert is called ‘ritual’
- they have this episodes (??) of more lore called ‘chapters’
- there are talks that copia will be replaced by a new papa but copia’s goodbye had been too quiet and peaceful so fans speculate that tobias forge is gonna do smthn else?
- papa nihil plays the saxophone!
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tl;dr - tobias forge is a huge fucking nerd who made a whole satanic ministry and band for flare!
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pawl3ss · 1 month
New episode of ghost eyes dropped I just wanna share some shit I found out today
This js like, all over the place and so shitty, basically just my thoughts so jm sorry for that ToT
Uh, tl/dr: the little mirror guy in the new ep is prince or broderick. Also ernest is probably the very beginning of the whole ghost eyes thing
Numero uno: Ernest actually appeared way more often than I thought??? Maybe it's just me ik but I didn't look at the details so I didn't remember him that much
Ex. When Wolfe (is that his name? I rlly hope so) goes down to the basement or whereever tf he went, Ernest appears on the pictures + his father
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This little blue fucker looks like ernest? Or I'm just blind
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And here, when he pulls wolfes shirt and like. I cut the pic to see Mattias too because ITS IMPORTANT FOR LATER OK
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So second of all, the new mirror kid that appeared in the new episode looks like prince and there aint no way it isn't
(Spoiler alert: later in this post I realize it might not be him)
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And now listen, I might be onto smt or nothing, but first of all prince took over ernest thats why his eyes are neon blue when he meets Wolfe bc prince also had them I think? Or it's just a coincidence I hope not :V
So uh that might or might not explain tobias's neon blue eyes I guess like. Ernest and tobi both got black hair and neon fucking blue eyes and is that a coincidence? I hope the fuck not bc if it is ill look like an absolute idiot
OR the guy that ernest saw in the mirror was broderick that tobias saw in the mirror
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Oh shit wait now that I look at it it's even the same mirror. Yeah they are the same person, ANYWAY-
Also below, on the notes about Mattias its underlined "she's done something to him" which I'm guessing is talking about kiraba??? Idk I don't see no other option so far
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Also to the Mattias pic I mentioned before that might be a sign or just some indication that he got "taken over" by some ghost spirit shit too, especially that after that ep Mattias starts to act weird and unusual, but idk. (Edit: I just read the text next to his pic above and realized that yes he will be taken over by some shit. Sorry for my blindness)
Oh also the fact that in a meme remake/redraw kiraba is the one pointing the gun at (most likely) young ernest. Yeah.
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Ik this is so messy but I had to spill my thoughts somewhere 😭
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quinnmorgendorffer · 1 year
gob x tony
Oh boy okay okay first of all thank you for asking and sorry for taking so long to reply!!!
I am not exaggerating or speaking hyperbolically when I say that Gob/Tony is truly one of the best modern, CANON gay romances ever put to film.
First off, you have Gob's whole backstory. He's the disappointment, the one who should be the one to inherit his dad's company but is too incompetent compared to his younger brother. It's, again, canon that he's kept around to commit crimes for his family, use his charm, and - this one is his own thought process - fuck people to help the business.
He's the unwanted son, the bullet in his parents' shotgun wedding, canonically his mom's least favorite child and definitely not that high on his dad's list, either. The man is desperate for love throughout the whole show, leading to him freaking out when he thinks his girlfriend doesn't appreciate his magical abilities or using his bachelor party to try to frame someone for murder just because his dad's the one planning it. He cries when he thinks his brother didn't listen to his CD! He just wants people to love and appreciate him and it never seems to work.
Then he meets Tony. And even in "Sword of Destiny", Tony is impressed by him! And Tony takes enough interest to come to his wedding illusion and seem vaguely impressed as well - and note that no one from his family came to the wedding at all except Tobias, and that was just because he got an acting gig!
And, though they both were faking at first, Tony listens to him. Tony doesn't judge him. Tony is just as ridiculous as him, is just as "same" as him, and obviously feels a need to be around him for more than the Fakeblock scam, just like how Gob obviously wants to be around him for more than just to ruin his career. After all, they're both disappointed and hurt when they think the other is straight, not just angry and mad they did this for nothing like you would think if they didn't have feelings for each other.
And Gob, the man who consistently tries to run away from his problems - including even Tony at first in the beginning of s5 - becomes someone who actually proposes that they go on the road together, that Tony runs away with him. And then when he finds out that Tony is still really alive, he's the one who tracks him down and brings him back to Newport Beach.
And Tony, someone shown to not give a damn about anybody - he surely isn't romantic with Sally and he was doing something with his brother's widow ("it's fucked up") - cares so much about Gob. He tries at first to gently let him down when he's denying his own feelings. He apologizes for "missing" their sex date. He doesn't laugh at Gob for getting his words mixed up ("branding each other's taint"), which most everyone else does to him whether he realizes it or not ("the matriarch, if you will" "sure, I will"). He even agreed to do the 2nd of July float, and I cannot believe someone as show-boat-y as Tony fucking Wonder, someone who has to be the center of attention, would do a combined magician act for just anyone. And that's not even getting into the look of pure fucking LOVE Tony gives Gob in the series finale or how he's the one to suggest "Just hands!" to him.
And, outside of the canon of the show, I've seen some people say it started as a homophobic joke and I truly do not believe that. From my knowledge, Mitch basically made Gob a magician because it was funny. And you know what's funnier than one magician? Two magicians! And since magic is still weirdly a man's world, of course a magician couple happens to be two men. Will Arnett even said the story is sweet and is about Gob finding a connection he's never had before. And since they were planting hints of Gob's sexuality for YEARS, I find it hard to believe they were trying to be homophobic in any way. (Though, tbh, I have to agree with Maeby that "Gay Gob is funny.")
Anyway, I'll stop there. But tl;dr, Blunder is a true fucking masterpiece of romance and I will take no critiques on that.
Send me a ship and I’ll give you my (brutally) honest opinion on it
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cozygremlin · 1 year
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Rain is wild. He sure has left the stage of being the awkward baby ghoul with limbs that are way too long for his own good.
Phantom is an absolute menace up to the point where he makes Dew look like a retired house cat.
Tobias "Es gibt Rrratten!" Forge. Unhinged to the max last night.
(New, but not only hers) Ghoulettes voice? Absolutely chef's kiss 😗👌🏻
I mean I've seen pictures before, but they don't translate the sparkliness of Papas full outfit (you know the one, with mitre and all) Bitch wears more rhinestones than the average Drag Queen, istg 🤣
You can ship Dew however you like, but nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing will ever come close to the bond he has with his fucking whammy bar.
📸 Picture is mine, taken during WITS.
TL;DR: if you think about attending a ritual but are not completely sure - DO IT.
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adoriels-tears-if · 2 months
Do you have your own scenarios about your Mc and the other characters?
Normally I wouldn't shut up but suddenly my mind is all blank so I didn't know what to say. Then I saw the Arthur fanart and yeah 💖 I love my soft uwu boi I feel wanting more screentime whenever I reread the demo (this is no criticism btw, it's just how it is since we're at the very beginning, no epic journey with our companions yet, also we baby)
But leaving romance aside... I want more talks with the adults. We already said a lot of potentially wholesome and/or angsty stuff to them, but Daddy Ash hasn't appeared yet for a teary reunion (I always wanted it to be like in Bastard of Camelot, where my MC runs to hug Arthur after shyly calling him Father, waiting for his reaction). My MC's tend to be overly merciful and sensitive, wouldn't say naive, but willing to get hurt a couple of times before breaking and going numb. So they still want to love Ash and have a Father figure besides Tobias, they are just afraid they were abandoned for being a nuisance or not being good enough, which, now that they saw their mother hurt and were kidnapped, seems painfully accurate.
TL;DR I want D R A M A, hurt/comfort and dialogue options so sweet they give everyone a toothache. I mean look at them! *points at MC with big puppy eyes and animals being drawn to them* How can you be mean to that!
Awww 😭 No your Mc has a penchant for self flagellation! It's not their fault! Trust me, there's more drama to come.
I can't wait for Mc to meet Ash too. It seems so long ago...
I miss Arthur too, but I love Telio, so the wait is bearable.
What's the name of your Mc? I'm sure they're at their worst right now. Not the type to challenge the Renegades.
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oc-tournaments · 3 months
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PATIENT 107: @lokis-wager
LETTI GALLET: @lelielsshadow
Propaganda Content Warnings: Substance abuse/drug addiction for PATIENT 107. Emotional manipulation, arson, familial death for LETTI.
PROPAGANDA: Patient 107 has a name but no one cares about her enough as an individual to remember it. Her entire story is told in first-person from her POV so she doesn't get a name, because she's just another soldier in a sci-fi war. She has a Sapphic crush on her mecha, because she sucks at being around people and forming attatchment after her entire immediate family died. She takes so many drugs that she hears an omnipotent machine god talking to her, and believes It anointed her as Its prophet. The weight of talking to a god inside her head slowly drove her insane, and she becomes addicted to the drugs she needed to pilot her mech, making her no longer fit to be the prophet. Her mecha 'dies' in a dogfight, so 107 is left with no one and nothing to love.
PROPAGANDA: as a prefact to this i made her as a joke based on a Minecraft chicken family i set on fire. and then she became,, no longer a joke!
She grew up as a noble as 'Charlotte Buckington', then got into a God Awful relationship with some owl guy named Evander Strix. her ex is, may I repeat, named EVANDER STRIX. so she got manipulated to hell and back by him and he convinced her to run away with him. what she did not know was that to distract her family from her running away, he was going to set their house on fire.
letti was forced to accidentally fake her own death while the rest of her family actually did die in said fire, then (understandably) proceeded to dump evander and run off on her own. she changed her name and turned to dumpster diving, basically living on the streets for a bit, whilst being stalked by her ex. she met her current husband (a duck guy named tobias!!), got married, and had a happy relationship for a few years!! and then one day there was a fire at the store tobias worked at, and she froze up instead of helping because she'd never really confronted her fear of fire like this before - and tobias didn't survive! so now she's haunted by the thought that maybe she could've saved him if she hadn't been 'such a coward', and she also doesn't know whether it was evander that caused the fire that killed tobias or if it really was a freak accident.
tl;dr - little chicken girl grew up to watch everyone in her life get cooked because she got w the wrong person when she was like 15, considers herself a danger to society because she thinks it's all her fault
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yeonban · 6 months
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I adore how Wammy kids, whether they're trying to succeed L as detectives or go against L as criminals, always end up challenging him for the title of 'the greatest'
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i-hold-horrors-hand · 2 years
Thinking about the Papas, songs they've sang, and how they might relate to their ideal kind of romantic relationships.
Primo. There's not really a whole lot on Primo, but from Opus Eponymous, it's reasonable to surmise that he likes his partner evil, otherworldly, and loyal. And he intends to be the same way, for them. He wants to be mesmerized by you, and be wants you to find him equally mesmerizing.
Secondo. More than a couple songs from Secondo's era (I'm a Marionette, as one example) talks about freedom in some form or another. Freedom from God, freedom found with Satan. Satan's own freedom from God. And the freedom to be ones own self. I think that's what he wants in a partner. That's the kind of love he wants. He wants someone whose expectations of him don't make him feel trapped and like he's just playing along. He wants someone who just lets him be himself, his true self. He wants to feel utterly free with them. And he wants that for them, too. He wants his partner to feel free with him. To be able to be their true selves with him. He wants a relationship where he and his partner(s) make each other feel free.
Terzo. The kind of love Terzo wants is described in Cirice (ironic, since it's about a manipulative relationship with a church). Tobias has said that Terzo hates himself a bit..."I know your soul is not tainted"; he wants someone to see him, at his worst, and still be able to love him and say that he's not nearly as bad he thinks he is. "You cannot hide in the darkness."; he wants someone who will not let him hide his true self away, he wants someone who wants to know him. "I can see through the scars inside you".; he wants someone to look past his trauma and self-loathing and whatever walls he puts up, and see him. "I can feel the thunder that's breaking in your heart"; he wants someone to empathize with him. "You and I see eye-to-eye."; he wants someone compatible, of course, someone who sees things the way he does. "From now our merge is eternal."; he absolutely wants a long-lasting love. This is also how he wants to give love, in return. He won't let them hide their true self from him, he wants to know them. He won't let them be down on themselves, he will remind them of their good qualities. He will not be put off by their trauma, and he will empathize with them. He will love them, always.
Copia. What Copia wants, in terms of love, is the kind of love in Life Eternal. Someone who touches his soul, whose heart is full of a story about how much they love him. Someone who wants him forever. He wants a partner who would greet the end of their respective lives with him, hand-in-hand, their mutual love all-encompassing and reassuring. This is also reflects how he himself intends to love someone; he wants to touch their soul, to be so full of love for them, to love them forever. He wants to know that they want him, and he wants them to know that he wants them. Forever.
TL;DR: Be mesmerizing with, and loyal to, Primo. Be free with Secondo. Empathize with and know Terzo. Never stop wanting Copia.
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azure-daybreak · 6 months
So I went to Miku Expo 2024 last night (the Vancouver show) and I wanted to talk about it while it's top of mind.
TL;DR I had a lot of fun, while there were some things I wish were different (mostly the screen), it wasn't a bad first Miku concert IMO (But I do wanna see more shows). More under the cut!
First of all, it was super cool to see all the different people there to see Miku and the other Vocaloids. Like, I've been to conventions before and it's always cool to see a horde of people dressed as various anime characters or animals, but to see everyone dressed specifically as Voicaloids and Project Sekai characters was new for me.
About the merch on sale at the concert, I was surprised that they were doing most of it outside and that the inside merch stand had barely anything- at least when I got in. That could just be bad timing on my end. If you're reading this and you wanna buy merch at one of the upcoming shows (especially a glowstick), make sure to get there early. For Vancouver, they did send out an email the day before saying that they were selling merch outside starting at 2pm, but I wasn't able to get there before then.
I did get the VIP package merch but it's kinda.... well it's not bad or anything, and I'm glad to have it but some of it feels a little cheap. For example, the hand fan is cute but feels flimsy, and the tote bag has a really nice design but the heat pressing makes me not wanna use it because I'm worried about cracking the art. On the other hand, I really like the lanyard that came with the package; The art was done by Socky and I liked it so much that I bought the backpack that also has that art.
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Onto the show. You may have already heard this but yes, It wasn't the usual hologram, where they have a sheet of glass with the visual projected onto it, it was just a normal screen where they played the visual. It did feel like I was watching one of those hologram-ready videos on my phone but on a giant TV, but it was still cool to see.
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Here's also a side-by-side of how the hologram looks vs the display using on the rocks from Magical Mirai 2021 and last night's show. While it's not fair to use a pro-shot vs what looks like a musical theater bootleg sime tutorial to show this, I hope it gets the point across. (Miku Expo 2024 on the left and Magical Mirai 2021 on the right)
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I liked the setlist also, it can be found at this link here, but some standouts to me were, Miku by Anamanaguchi, The Vampire, Unknown Mother Goose, Childish War, On the Rocks, Sore ga Anata no Shiawase to Shite mo, Gimmie x Gimmie (Love this song so much), World is Mine (everyone screamed at the first "Sekai de" (including me)), the band introduction, Tell Your World (It's not my favorite or anything, but they shot out confetti at one point and that was cool.), and Intergalactic Bond.
I want to expand a bit on the band introduction and them as a whole, I loved that the band got attention and their names were shown. I watched some Magical Mirai videos and I see that this practice might be from that, so I'm glad that was carried over. They all were stellar and watching them was really exciting, the drummer- Dylan was always so cool to look at, Tobias the keyboardist was dancing near the beginning of Gimmie x Gimmie and that was a vibe, the bassist and guitarist- Leanne and Vixen's Diary respectively were fun to watch when they would get into the song and headbang and bounce around.
Lastly, I was surprised that Luka only got 2 songs (one of them was a duet with Miku). I (very sadly) expect MEIKO and KAITO to get shafted when it comes to songs, but not Luka!
Quick shout-outs to some specific concert goers; Shieonn, who made stickers and was handing them out before the show (Here's her Twitter!),
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The person near me who shouted either "I LOVE YOU JERMA!" or "I LOVE YOU DRUMMER!" at the end of one of the songs (I think it was World is Mine), the girl near me who was trying to get pictures and video of the show using her 3DS, and this one person I saw outside the venue entrance as the show was letting out who was dressed up as Sonic Miku, I wanted to say that I loved the fit, but I didn't wanna just walk up to you randomly at almost 10PM and possibly freak you out.
Overall, I'd go again but please for the love of god, don't just have a screen for the Vocaloids!
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cwilbah · 1 year
i cannot fucking stand *** ******
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queer-and-nerdy · 1 year
one am aaron thoughts after the antidepressants wore off but i think what makes copia not only endearing but also relatable (at least to me) is that he’s one of the most human out of all of the papas. the way he moves, the way he talks, his little quirks and mannerisms. he’s been forced into a position of power due to unfortunate circumstances and no matter how hard he tries he never seems to be quite good enough to the people who’s opinion matters (or he thinks matters). as cardinal he had to cultivate a personality for the stage and it wasn’t until his eventual ascension/descension that we saw his authentic self - cardinal copia was essentially a copy of the papas before him (hence the name copia). we were given the rare opportunity to see him rise to power in a way we didn’t see with the others.
but i think what’s always felt so real to me is the fact that we know copia is on the autism spectrum since tobias has said that he himself is. but copia never feels like a fake or a mock - caricature, maybe, but satire has always been an underlying tone for Ghost anyways. he’s childlike without being childish. he’s still an adult man. his autistic traits aren’t meant to be played up for laughs, it’s just genuinely how he is - is an inherent fact about him as a person. and anyone who has seen them live, wether recorded or in person, knows that copia has the ability to be intimidating. those things can go hand in hand, silly and dangerous. he’s a satanic pope, after all. and while i’m all for the babygirlification of scary, dangerous, FICTIONAL men (love it, in fact) that doesn’t mean that their inherent selfness (?) can be disregarded. he was basically forced into being papa, but he’s clearly qualified for it, even if he’s a bit self conscious. as someone who is autistic, it’s nice seeing a character that, on the surface, is just another intimidating man in a mask, is actually an autistic man that both embodies and disputes negative autistic stereotypes. at heart, he’s an autistic mama’s boy, but that isn’t all he is. autism and autistic traits don’t define you, they lay a foundation.
tl;dr i violently kin copia and his autistic ass
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