bastet-c-haddock · 8 months
This time, the focus will shift towards Krel Tarron.
Prince-in-waiting, now Embassador of Akiridion-5 on Earth.
The war took its toll, even in the ever optimistic akiridian.
Also, Happy Belated Valentine's Day!
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This Chapter is for you, Krexie/ Krouxie Shippers!
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bastet-c-haddock · 1 year
For Everyone reading my Cyberpunk AU and asking "Who's this Neala character?" well, here's your answer:
Neala, the Gumm-Gumm Hound, is my Tales of Arcadia Fan Character. Firstly created in 2018 as I watched Part 3 of Trollhunters and later developed further as Wizards was released.
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Her first design was inspired by Draal and Nomura. Though I didn't intent to make a FanChild by that combination, I purely liked Nomura's agile sillouhette and Draal's Spiky body. Of course, at the end, I put my own spin on it and so, Neala was created.
From the start, I knew I wanted them to be a warrior, obviously this fact would make her an outcast, or at least, not a part of Heartstone Trollmarket. For a moment, there was the idea of making them a Changeling, but the idea was scraped once I had a narrative of her role on "Eternal Night"
It started out as a "New Challenger enters the fight" situation, where she would arrive umpropted and ready to face Gunmar and the Gumm-Gumms, but the "Mary Sue" approach was changed for something much more altruistic.
Here, the exhiled Gumm-Gumm train got going.
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You can find the first version of her story HERE!
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She was "Gunmar's Champion", a loyal fighter adopted and raised by the Skull Crusher as a bloodhound, but once Morgana came into the picture, giving Gunmar the power to make anyone into a mindless slave, Neala fled.
Inspired by Argh! She abandoned Gunmar as well, but instead of refusing to fight, she just fought for centuries in the shadows, helping Troll-kind in places where the Trollhunter wasn't an option, akin to Angor Rot before becoming Morgana's Champion.
Once she knew of the Human Trollhunter, she moved to Arcadia Oaks. Her mission remained the same though, protecting her kin, while also being a hidden support for the newest Trollhunter.
As much as this concept seemed good, it felt a bit...Mary Sue-esque. But at the time, I had no chance of fixing it, nor the vision to see what could be better. So, I let her rest, while still using her as a guiding force on "Dashed Hopes" my Cyberpunk AU. Where she serves as Krel's messenger and spy.
After a while, some ideas started to pop-up in regards to them. How I wanted them to be, their motives, everything. And so, I had a new backstory for them.
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She was a Gumm-Gumm commander, pretty much as before, she was raised into a bloodhound by Gunmar. Previously, her personality was pretty neutral. Having some level of consciousness regarding the world outside her home. My reimagining of their personality was making them rough, stronheaded and arrogant. A soldier who knows their value, their skills and their goals, which, of course, align to the ones of their king, who they see as a role model before everything falls.
Once Morgana comes, Neala doesn't fully trust her. She's a human after all, she might be tricking their king into a trap. A suspiscion half way confirmed by the Slaving Ability bestowed into his sword. They challenged the witch, demanding her the truth before Gunmar cut it off and sent Neala to rescue Argamon.
On their way there, they thought of the implication of their king becoming a puppet to a witch. Then and there, they became a ghost, dissappearing into the night, no longer a Gumm-Gumm, but not a Pacifist either. A Renegade who would dismantle human kingdoms and tribes to return what was robbed from their kind.
For centuries, they did it. Becoming a hero for troll kind when Angor Rot became another puppet for the Eldritch Queen. But as Humans became more abundant and poweful, Neala wasn't enough to fight against them. And so, they did the minimum to keep trolls out of human sight to avoid a purge, like Arthur did in their times.
As they knew about Jim, the new Trollhunter, they were ready to hunt him down until they saw him defeat Bular. There, they saw both were on the same team, and so, Neala became a hidden ally.
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In regards to their design, I cut their hair down, as well as most of the spikes, since it made their design a bit noisy. Kept their clothes short and mostly form fitting so their sillouhette was agile no matter the version.
To Read their updated story: The War is Coming ~Part 1.
Keep going!
Gumm Gumm territory was always hostile, but it has become more so since the human King started to hunt Troll-kind. Everyone is eager to grab that fleshbag and tear him to pieces, eating him is an option too, but meat is not my kind of meal if I'm being honest. Gunmar must not know though, he already has enough on his claws. War is coming, tensions are growing, and we might not be enough to face Camelot's army. We have to make each of us count on the battlefield when the time comes...
Battle after battle, we've won followers, soldiers, trolls aware of the sacrifices needed to recover what's ours, and still, not all of them join the cause.
Dwuoza has become the sanctuary for those who still want to hide, those who aren't willing to fight against Arthur. Weakness, fear, cowardness, training rips those feeling to shreds, I should know...
I was taken by Gunmar when I was a youngling, my memory of how is really fuzzy, the only thing I remember is my name. "Neala", Champion. Gunmar sticked to it and, from then on, I became his. A warrior, a conqueror with no mercy, just like Bular, his son. Still...it might be giving him to much credit.
Despite us both been raised by him, Bular's always been the one to beg for his father's praises, as if he deserved them. A soldier, and over all, a prince, should know respect is earned. Each time your weapons are weilded against an enemy, is an oportunity to proof your worth and earn respect from your King. Having said that, it's pathetic. Seeing the son of the Skull Crusher begging like a spoiled child is just pathetic. When will he learn his actions speak louder than his words? Hell if I know...
While he goes asking for his father's praises, I stay in camp, training. Handling this blades is no easy task, their iron blades and black stone handles make them a weapon able to be thrown or handled, but the ability required for them is forged by discipline, strength, aim and, not to mention, acrobatics. Those are unusual amongst trolls, just certain kinds can manage such a dynamic fighting style.
My hooves slide through the ground, each choreographed by my instict. I pirouette and jump with my tail as a balancing force against the lightness of my body and the weight of my blades. I spin them by the handle, feeling how my claws click each time the black stone hits them slightly, letting me know I'm in control. The silence of my coordination exercices is broken by steps, heavy and small steps from some group of soldiers.
Once they arrive, I could feel there were three or four cadets who stopped once they saw me on the training ring.
-Good evening, gentlemen- I say before handling my blades properly, ready for anything. -Came for a round?- I ask, confident. A challenge is always good, especially for them.
They start to garbble and mumble trying to decide if fighting me is wise. After all, they have seen me at the battlefield. I can easily face a knight squad and win without a scratch. Some time later, they wield their spears, challenging me -Very well then.- I reply as they sorround me -Better make it quick, I gotta patrol the gate- Cracking my neck before taking a deep breath. Then silence...
A soldier charges at me, as I avoid, leaning to the side to they can run pass me. With a spin and a help from my blade, I spin swiftly to knock him with a kick of my hoof. As he trips into another soldier, I grab his spear with my tail to block an attack from.a third brute. Quickly, I push the attacker with my body and blades to suddenly turn and throw one, towards the last rookie, making him stop dead on his tracks. At a moments notice, I appear behind him, sweeping him of his feet with a fast sweep of my hoof. Like that, four of them were down -You still need to work on your stands! Focus your weight into your legs to ground yourselves.- some feedback won't hurt them as I pick my weapons and go to the entrance. They grunt as a response -Maybe next time- I reply, leaving the ring with a smile.
-Champion?- a familiar voice comes from behind me, Bular. I turn around and sheith my blades.
-Prince...- I answer, cold but respectful.
-My father asks for your presence. I'll take your place at the gate- he tells me, indiferent, almost a little annoyed. I nod making him believe I didn't notice his disagreement to the order.
Soon, I arrive to my king's throne room. A dark cave with a natural window that lets him know what happens in his domains. It's intimidatimg, no matter how many eons I've spent alongside the Skull Crusher inside this place, a chill still runs through my spine each time I step in here.
-You called for me, your majesty.- I say as I kneel before the black troll in front of me. He has something on his claw, admires it. Looks like some sort of mask. Despite my constant talk about being the Black King's Hound, I'm still outranked. Not only by Bular, the flesh and bone of my lord, but by the tribute brought to him shortly after me: a gray and green brutish creature in Gumm gumm armor, Argamon, the Kruuvera Champion. Who stands right beside him, like a dog waiting for orders.
As of now, I'm the only one who he speaks to.
-Commander...- the lord says to me, in his deep rough voice. It shakes every spike of my body. -I've heard my soldiers understimate your skill...- he questions me, I lower my gaze in annoyance. Though the ones from before knew who they were talking to, others aren't as wise.
-When they arrive, they tend to mock me. But they learn what is best for them in no time.- I answer, secure with a light growl. My arrogance made me stand from other soldiers, since it has pushed me to be smarter, more skillful and cunning than the rest. Some may say I am a weaker image of my lord, a shadow of his grandeur, but not one as dark as Bular is.
-I see...- he turns around and throws me the mask he was looking at. I catch it in the air, handling it so I can see it too. It resembles those often wore by the rest of the army. Dark with green highlights at the edge of each twisted horn, but this one, aside from its smaller scale, had no muzzle and no backside.
-My lord?- I ask, confused. It is small for his size, it would barely fit me. Made of black metal, yet hollow and light. Given how rough our troops were while fighting, I think this little mask won't stand a chance once push comes to shove. I look back at my King, expecting his reply.
-My son is my living image, he commands where he stands. The Butcher, the humans call him. Just the mention of him can make a batallion tremble.- growls in victory as he comes closer, speaking seriously, looking at me with his cold and lonely eye. -Argamon is our tank, a moving fortress with no fear. On any battlefield, his strength is our weapon.- signaling the brute, now behind him, as it responds to the words spoken about him with pride. -You are my top commander, my bloodhound, fierce and loyal. A lethal assassin.- even though his voice is severe, he speaks with a certain fondness. -Your presence, reputation and that helmet should make them quiver and hear your every command.- growling in triumph as I look at the metal at my claws once more. Thoughtful.
-Wear it, and you'll be my general in the war to come.- His growls become threatening. Refering to the Human King with rage and thirst for violence. But what he says, makes me jump as I realize...
Finally Arthur drew the last straw. The war is coming.
Years of tensions, of disgrace and lies have come to a climax. The time has come to reclaim what is ours...
Looking back to my lord, I nod and put on the mask, it sits on my actual horns, letting me see while darkening my gaze. I unsheith my blade, trying to look at my reflection, despite the carving at the spine of the weapon at my claw. Now, I look like one of them. Humans may think of me as a demon, and I would let them think so. I'll rip their lives to shreds until darkness consumes them, as we rise to victory.
I Look once more at my majesty's eye, he nods lightly, approving my decision. A moment later, he asks me to stay there to see Argamon train, he'll need that, more now than ever.
Some hours run by, the sparring continues when, suddenly, a messenger comes with some news from the Gate.
Bular has been captured by the King's men.
To be Continued...
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bastet-c-haddock · 2 years
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The ravaging end of what was once...
Wanna know how that happened?
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bastet-c-haddock · 1 year
DEAR FOLLOWERS OF THE "Tales of Arcadia Cyberpunk AU", I'VE COME TO BRING YOU A NEW CHAPTER under this story's new title:
"Dashed Hopes"
The Plot thickens...
The Embassador has called upon a broken soldier and a hollow wizard. The War, its wounds and consequences will rise as two past allies reunite after years of isolation.
Ready to face the Ghosts of the Past?
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bastet-c-haddock · 4 years
Disclaimer: This is Part 2 of my Tales of Arcadia Cyberpunk Alternate Universe. So please, if you wanna catch up. Here's Part 1.
Also, The events depicted on this AU, are my version of how everything unfolds after Trollhunters Part 3, 3Below Part 2, Wizards and Rise of Titans.
With that out of the way...LET'S GO!
ToA Cyberpunk AU 2/?
As I flee from my first awkward meeting after 3 years, I keep my attention and eyes on the rogue carrying the holo-purse of the akiridian lady who screamed. Why she was out instead of her human host is none of my business...
Anyway, this thug runs strangely fast, I doubt he's human, but it's hard to know. The darkness of some of the streets, along with the crowded city make it really hard to focus on a thing. Still, If being the Trollhunter taught me anything, was to focus on a fight and finish it as soon as possible. One way or another, while I have my mind in my training-turned-instinct line I catch a glimpse on the thief: looks like a troll with a really long tail, something weird, even for Arcadia. Their hooves striking the ground like an gazelle of some sort. Knows exactly how to move and where to climb, the last is easier form them thanks to their huge spiked claws. The only thing I can clearly see, is their head, as it is covered in a small old cloak.
We run through the city, avoiding vehicles, trashcans and other people roaming around. I no longer think about the purse, but on the creature stealing it. Never thought to see a Troll moving that fast and accurate, like and assassin would. At the end, a dark alley way becomes my dead end. Some trash cans and boxes lay around, as well as some abandoned metal shipping crates like the once that used to arrive from the bay. I look around, trying to get a last look at the thief, but nothing peeks out until...another blue mark appears on my sight: those two circles with the line crossing through.... a tickle and pain at the back of my mind! Why?!
I feel like my brain starts glitching, that graffiti on the wall means something to me, but...Argh! Ahh! It...STOP!
"He doesn't recognize it...what a shame..." someone blabbers in the dark. My eyes can focus while my head hurts, rushing through the memories I still mantain, and others...I can't clearly recall.
"Maybe he isn't the one! Are you sure you followed the instructions?" Another voice said, it seemed deeper than the first but I can't really tell. I'm trying to walk away, my mind's spinning at the flashback that cover my sight and blurr my mind.
"In Deya's name, OF COURSE I DID! EVEN 'HE' RECOGNIZED IT!" The thief? I no longer know...He? Krell? I don't...I don't...
The scene worked as a charm, who would've thought he fell for it? Not that I'm glad his unconscious but, how else could I get to see good old Jim Lake Jr again?
Seeing him after years of thinking he was dead was...shocking, to say the least. Even with that mask...those eyes, those scars, even the hoodie...everything brought back so many memories, including the Arcane War, 3 years ago.
-Good work, Neala. Everything went according to plan!- I congratulate my false thief, a tall and athletic troll who has always worked in the shadows, now serving as a spy for me and Commander Zadra, who never fails to be at my side.
-Thanks to you, always heard you were a genius but, never thought it was true- said Neala, taking her cloak off before coming out of the dark place she hid in. -How did you know he would pass out by seeing the sign?- curious, as always.
I was about to answer when another voice came through from behind me. -He didn't...- Zadra's bright blue hair announced her arrival, after all, she was our victim at today's play. -He guessed at it, as he often does...- bluffing, why am I not surprised?
Neala's eyes opened wide, shocked by the game I was playing -You were guessing?- a bit mad, who could blame her?
-No, no, no! Let me explain: I supposed he would react strongly to it because of what he may or may not remember, and in what level of trauma he could have that image in his mind. Sounds confusing but I guessed that he would've burried the concept of that image so far into his subconscious that he would react against the sole memory of it- I point out to the best of my ability, even gesturing with my hands as we go along. Neala just stares at me, hopefully she understood.
-Alright...so...what's the plan from here?- The troll asks me some moments later.
-We'll take him to a safe place.- Zadra answers, sincere as she always has been. -The time is working against us and, if our intel is right, he might be the only hope we still have-
-Zadra is right- I elaborate as the commander picks Jim up from the floor and I get close to Neala to give her the next pack of instructions. -Now, We still have one left to catch. Fortunately enough, he might be easier- as I tap a small holo projector on my wrist, the image of a certain ex-wizard comes into view.
-He seems...familiar...- my spy looks at him, reminicing -Isn't he..?-
-Yes...- I add, following the motion -Hisirdoux Casperan, the actual leader of Merlin's Revolt. He and his group exist outside the bubble, in the resting place of his old master, where he created his headquaters. I have some contacts on the northern border of the bubble, he will help you enter and exit the city without any trouble- I explain as I show her who to talk to and how to get there.
Neala nods -Fine, I'll take my blades. Only Deya knows what's out of the bubble.- writing down he info in a little notebook she always carries. -Anything else I should know?-
My eyes avoid hers, as I think on how to put to words this last instruction -He...doesn't use his magic at all since the War. Douxie isn't much of a threat but...the wizards around him might be hostile. Don't harm them, just tell them I sent you. That might be enough...-
-Noted...wait! If he doesn't use his magic, what do you need him for?- The facts strike Neala at the last moment.
-I got that figured out, just make him come, ok?- I reply, hoping she will understand once more. She nods, not questioning anything else. And as such, she wears her cloak once more and goes back to the shadows, not to be seen again.
I sigh at the end, looking back at Zadra. I really hope this works...for Arcadia's sake...
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bastet-c-haddock · 4 years
ToA Cyberpunk AU 1/?
"Attention citizens of Arcadia..."
That uneasiness takes over, that voice roaring through the dark city thanks to the speakers located throughout the streets.
"The city's center will be closed down to the public from tomorrow until further notice. The reason for this has yet to be explained, still, no one is allowed into the main state building, the plaza and the clock tower. Be tuned for more info down the line"
Sometime ago, that voice used to be good news, a bright light at the start of everyday. Now, sounds hollow, almost dead, as if the joy was sucked out of it since the day the sun stopped shining onto this town.
A black bubble encapsulates the city, making each moment eternal.
Sunlight was replaced by LED and Neon Lights, placed into every corner of the town just so anyone could see where they where standing in this black hole. The town grew more in the last 3 years than in all of its history because it became a Sanctuary to every living creature. Troll, human or...akiridian. From a small town to a city, Arcadia was no longer the place I grew up on. Now, it is a place where forest are scarse and the air is hunted by the ghosts of the past.
How did we end up like this?
The eternal night didn't took hold of the world, as Gunmar wanted. Morando's threat over humankind was vanquished as well. But the Arcane Order...was too much for us...for me...
I was no longer the Trollhunter, I couldn't be the one on the frontline guiding the attack. I was left sitting on the bench, looking as everyone I loved perished because I wasn't able to wield Daylight or...Excalibur for that matter...
Despair drove me to keep hidden where I once lived, now...I'm nothing more than an urban legend living on a wreckage of a house.
Me...the last Trollhunter
Me...James Lake Junior, the ghost of Merlin's champion...
I still remember when Kanjigar told me "I had to fight on my own". I proved him wrong so many times but...at the end...he was right. How could I be so blind?
. . .
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Her voice as calm and soft as always, her gentle embrace helping me get by once I was my old self again. Everything was shifted, my height and weight were smaller from what I had been the last year or two. Being human again after being half troll was...weird. Claire, against everything, was there. "Last time she saw you, you were...different. Don't you think she'll be worried?" Concerned, yet sweet.
"She's right, Jimbo!" Tobes replies, as concerned as her. "Wouldn't you like to rest before confronting Dr. B?" For once, Toby was trying to make me change my mind, maybe with a reasonable logic. An hour before, I was a monster, lost in a magic indused rage, and before that, I was wounded with a magic shard for a little over a month, even before all of that, I wasn't able to properly sleep for...who knows how long! Weirdly enough, that only fueled my desire even more.
"Guys, I only want a thing right now..." as I said that, a glimpse of a very familiar and nostalgic sight can into view. "My home..." I whispered as I desperately wanted to run to the front door. Claire and Toby followed me, seeing as I tripped over the sidewalk, drunk on my homesickness. I could already feel the warmth of the living room, the clean smell of the kitchen, the dust on the basement, the fabrics of my bed and most of all, the sweet scent of my mother's loving embrace.
I bumped into the door, trying to keep balance as I tried that night 2 years ago, the night I came home as a half troll. As that memory ran, I stopped my hand from opening the door. She was going to have a thousand questions about how, why, when. Everything...
"Jim?" Claire whispered from behind, placing her hand on my shoulder. "Is everything ok?" Confused because I was hesitating after running down the street to get there.
"I'm...scared..." I reply, remembering how worried my mother was when I fell over that night. "What if...I...she..." my mind was running, my anxiety was making my thoughts blurry. Once again, Claire looked at me, her dark eyes being my beacon of light.
"Everything is going to be ok" those worlds coming from her, made me throw my anxiety aside for a moment. I was still nervous but...the only way to find out how everything was going to play out, was by entering the house.
I open the door, hesitant, someone's in the kitchen...
"Walter! You returned earlier!" Her voice, as warm as ever. Sweet, like a nursery rhyme. Walks from the stove to the open square on the wall that lets her see directly to the entrance. "How was your...day?"
Our eyes clash for a moment, her expression changes from happiness, to disbelief. And there I stand, like the eighteen year old youngster I was once, frozen by a sight I never thought I could get to see again and I now wish I still had.
She walks slowly, from the kitchen, to the access directly in front of the entrance door. Her face doesn't change, but her eyes glisten. She comes closer, slowly, fearing her eyes were lying to her.
"Jim?..." she muttered in disbelief, getting closer by the second. Her hands slowly moving upward, until they embrace my face, carecing my scarred cheeks. "Jim, is...is it really you?".
I could only left out a nervous giggle, trying to keep my tears at bay. Her touch makes the clock run back in time, back to those good old days, when there was only me and her against everything. When I promised her I would never leave...
"Hi, mom...It's me..." only those worlds leave my mouth, as I try not to whimper like a kid, but that dumb smile in my face, alongside my glistening eyes speak volumes. Luckily for me, she looks the same.
At a moment's notice, she hugs me like she had never done before, stroking my hair with her hands shaking like crazy. I can hear her weeping her heart out, but she's also giggling. I hug her back...
"I missed you!" I whimper as my silent tears run across my face.
"I missed you too! I missed you so much!!" She replies, as we let the clock go by endlessly, trapped in a melancholic bubble. Her embrace is all I ever wanted since I left to New Jersey, her warmth, her sweetness, every last piece of love I always got but never fully appreciated. Just being with her, already felt like home.
"Welcome home, kiddo" . . .
. . .
I no longer remember how she passed away, I guess my mind blocked it so I could keep my sanity. Was it that bad? I no longer know...
And now...here I stand, alone in this empty house. Few things still work, others have become dust gathering ornaments. Against the bright city surrounding me, this feels stuck in time. The walls are cracking, the paing is rotting away and the dust stains everything with its gray color. A color that fits me perfectly now...
Heavy footsteps come and go through the house, all coming from my tired feet, who no longer wish to act as intended. My body moves around only when needed, like when I need go search for something I can eat.
Since I'm dead to the public eye, I have certain liberties. I can steal anything I need, since tracing me always comes to a dead end. It isn't something I enjoy, but I don't have any other option.
When social structure was reorganized, humans were left at the bottom of the priority list. Because they used to be the former residents of the town, they soon became the hosts for the refugees, specially to akiridions, who felt no shame whatsoever on having their hosts turning into servants. Other aliens came by, reinforcing the control over us, because they were stronger than us. As far as I know, there are still groups who search for some level of equality, but none have spoken up. I can't give you names, mostly because I don't know any, but sometimes, while going through the streets, I can see a symbol on some walls: Two circles one inside the other with a line crossing them horizontally. Seems familiar but...I can't put my finger on it.
Sometimes...I wonder how everything could have been if I had fought.
If I had been the Trollhunter when the Arcane War came upon Arcadia. We would´ve won? I don´t know...but...I miss them...I wish I had protected them like I did before. If only Excalibur had given me a chance...
. . .
The night falls over the city -my only marker of that is on the clock I still have on my room- And my time has come to go gather the essentials: Food, water and maybe a rogue to deal with. Those have become abundant for the last month, probably because of that treaty everyone is mumbling about. 
Supposedly, the queen of Akiridion 5, among with other heads of state, will sign a document. No one knows why but the sole temptation of a big fish roaming through the city has caused some criminals to rise. I have no doubt that a revolution is coming, I can sense it. This comes as an opportunity to “recover the town”, but I think we lost it a long while ago. Either way, I won´t get involved.
From the old streets of the phantom of a house I live in, to the bright lights of the city that we still call Arcadia. I go by with the same old blue hoodie, one of the few good memories I still hold close. Obviously, my face is covered. I don´t fear being recognized, It just makes it easier to blend with the crowd. Another gloomy 21 year old who survived the war and stuff like that.
My head is empty while I scout around, looking for a good target. 
Most are other people who buy for themselves, “hosts” to some other alien who gives them permission to go for groceries. I don´t bother them, they might have more problems than I do. Some faces are familiar, from school, from our old daily lives, maybe from my mishaps as the Trollhunter, but none of them recognize mine...Luckily keeping me off the radar.
“Ow!” lost in my own thoughts, I don´t notice someone coming straight at me until we bump into each other. They react at impact, stumbling for a bit, the same as me. “Kleb, look where are you going!” their voice seems awfully familiar...why? I turn my gaze to see this stranger. A guy with dark hair, copper like skin and a backpack, he´s taller than me, his hair on a half man bun but his eyes...strike my memory like...Lightning...lightning in a bottle...LIGHTNING ON A BOTTLE! Krell?. . .
Our eyes lock for a moment, looks like he recognized me as well. Damnit!
“Jim?” he asks, a smirk forming in his face. Suddenly his eyes shine, with hope? Why?! “Jim Lake?” asks again, hoping I will answer. What do I do? I stay silent, when suddenly...
“HELP!” a stranger screams close, as the fast steps of a burglar run past me. “Help me please! Everything I have is on that thief´s hands!” screams once again, this stranger saved me without knowing it. As fast as I hear that, I run past Krell, towards the thief. This is my chance!
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bastet-c-haddock · 3 years
The Aftermath...
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The war is over...
But the cost was higher than anyone would've expected...
Than he would've expected...
Parts of everyone laying on the ground, armors and weapons, burnt or covered in ice or roots.
The arcane war left no winners, but it left a couple survivors, including the last trollhunter...
He held the helmet in his hands, one of the few pieces that was left almost unharmed. The purple helmet brought back memories of when it was forged...and for who. That old vespa, a wholehearted gift from his first father figure, and Claire...the last person he expected to leave him alone in this desolate world.
He dragged her in...
And now she's gone...
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bastet-c-haddock · 4 years
Here you can find Tales of Arcadia, Mexopolis, Dreamworks, Hollow Knight, BatIM and LoL Fanart. As well as some original stuff.
I'm a Mexican animator and Illustrator with several projects coming (some are already out for Spanish Speakers only)
If your looking for a certain AU or Fanfic of mine, here's a List to help you out!
Tales of Arcadia:
Neala, Gumm Gumm Hound (Troll FanOC)
Dashed Hopes (ToACyberpunkAU)
Charlotte and Max (Ugly Doll and Cowboy Mouse)
Cristopher Cricket, Far Far Away's Best Bard
Lunaverse (Student Exchange AU)
League of Legends:
Flashlight (Arcane from Vi's PoV):
Hollow Knight
Mint Leaf, Drya's Vessel (Fan Vessel)
Some other concepts may appear but that's the main rundown.
I'm also working on two comics. One is High Fantasy starring some ancient cultures and forgotten creatures (Lissvaennia) and the other is an Urban Fantasy Shonen-like featuring a group of Renegades and a somehow...quirky romance. (Twilight Parade)
More updates will be available in...
My other social media accounts, which are:
Facebook: Bastet Cat
Twitter: Bastet Cat (@BastetCHaddock)
Instagram: bastet.x.cat
YouTube: Bastet.C.Haddock
Also...Commissions are open!
If you like my work and want some of it for your own, send me a message. It would be a pleasure working with you!
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Any comments, questions or anything you'd like to tell me, I'm all ears! My Asks are always open.
♡ ◇ ♡ ◇
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