#To be clear this is all talking about English speaking kpop fans I see online. I can't speak as to Korean fans and I don't claim to
dumbasswhatever · 1 year
The way kpop fans talk about idols appearances is insane like just replace any instance of the word "visuals" with "appearance" and it immediately sounds more than a bit off
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lokisasylum · 5 years
If you’re a Taehyung stan, please read this
Okay, at first i wasn’t gonna talk about this because its kind of a touchy subject, a little controversial and honestly I don’t feel like giving clout to this person. So for the sake of this post I will not even mention her name.
(No, no, wait. Don’t get any wrong ideas. This has nothing to do with Shipping Wars or the whole Tae-hates-Jimin-agenda blahblahblah.)
I don’t know if you guys have noticed that a fairly new youtuber arose with this weird AF channel, messy as hell videos and honestly people in general were ignoring her, almost little to no views and zero comments.
But what drew my attention was that in the past days (5-6 days or so), she suddenly starts mentioning Taehyung in her videos (title and all) along with L*e J*nghyun of CN//Blue. And the first thing that came to my mind was:
“Oh my god... not this shit again with the whole B*rning S*n issue and people still trying to connect Tae into this whole mess.”
Because we KNOW how hard people have been trying to create scandals out of nothing for BTS. So, of course I stupidly clicked on it to see what it was all about.
So this girl, who is NOT Korean (could be American, but I’m not sure), Is dead-ass alleging to have not only met Le* J*nghyun through tumblr was it? (and maybe later on they kept chatting elsewhere) But that she somehow got into an ONLINE RELATIONSHIP with him for a span of 4 years. A relationship that, according to her, became toxic real quick. Making her a victim of (online) abuse by this Idol.
Now, you might be wondering: “Okay, but what the fuck does this have to do with Taehyung?”
So get this.
This girl?? Is not only claiming to have been in an ONLINE relationship with a Korean Idol that she says she met on tumblr or whatever. But she is also stating that Taehyung is a direct witness to this “relationship”. Because according to her, she and Tae have been “really close friends/best friends (ONLINE)” since 2015 and they have this “special bond/relationship” where Taehyung supposively used to call her on her cellphone frequently.
That Taehyung himself tried to stop or warn her about getting into that relationship with J*nghyun. That he “called her the same day that she accepted” and now “regrets not waiting a few minutes longer” to for his call, otherwise “she wouldn’t have accepted.”
I know!
This all sounds like some deep ass AO3/Wattpad level, Idol/fem!reader, scenario type of shit.
But wait! THERE’S MORE.
This girl is reaching SO FAR that she made up this WHOLE ASS analysis/theory stating the following:
- That Taehyung has been living with a lot of regrets since then. (Funny she would say this, when there’s a post she wrote on her twitter saying that she didn’t recognize Taehyung UNTIL RECENTLY since she “met him in 2015 [ONLINE] before he became famous” as if BTS debuted in 2015 instead of 2013. So her story is full of contradictions all over)
- That whenever he sings, he is singing TO HER.
- That all of his solo songs (Stigma, Singularity, 4 O’ Clock, Scenery and even Winter Bear) were ALL written by him, ABOUT HER and what she went through and the guilt he “still feels” for not being able “to save her”.  So this “makes her happy” to know that “Tae still thinks about her all the time.” (When WE, as ARMY, KNOW that Namjoon is the one who wrote Stigma based on Demian, 4 O’ Clock which is a song Tae secretly dedicated to JIMIN, and Singularity. Whereas Tae wrote and composed the last two [Though he did needed help from Namjoon for Winter Bear since its 100% in english and he didn’t know if he had worded it correctly].)
That the reason WHY Taehyung refuses to speak of the issue is because Le* J*nghyun’s company is secretly blackmailing/threatening BTS/Bighit to keep quiet (But how could she possibly know this when she doesn’t speak Korean, has never been to Korea and doesn’t seem to have any online friends in the kpop fandom. Much less K-armys unless she’s following or buying info from sasaengs and EVEN THEN--).
But if you think that’s bad/borderline delulu???
The worse part is that she has both a Twitter and Instagram where she writes these things EVERY SINGLE DAY, AT EVERY HOUR. Talks about Taehyung ALOT and in a very creepy, almost stalker-ish matter (also, she ONLY speaks of Taehyung, she never mentions the other members by name, only BTS as a whole/group). And uses every single trending topic/hashtag she can find for the day to bring attention to her posts.
If the trending topic is TrumpsImpeachment? She’s using that.
MentalHealthAwareness? Yep, been there done that.
sexscandal and politics? She’s using those too.
EmpoweringHumanity? BreastCancerAwareness? She’s using it.
A new Anime trending?? She’s on it.
I... don’t know what this girl is trying to prove, I dunno if she’s just a regular clout chaser/anti spreading rumors/overly obsessed fan cause she is even calling herself “one of many Armys”. And I honestly found it so offensive from her part to be calling herself an ARMY so freely, while at the same time saying that she was gonna expose Taehyung and get him dragged into this scandal one way or another if he, himself, doesn’t "come clean” on his own.
And the reason why I won’t mention her name here is because this is slowly starting to blow up and a lot of people (from different fandoms and even NON-Kpop fans) have started calling her out on her bullshit while also reporting her accounts for slander. I can give you the name through private message, but not here.
So if you guys ever come across something like this or this person and it seems shady as hell. Don’t give the person any attention, just do the typical thing we do: Ignore, Report, Block, and Walk Away (If you can send a screenshot to K-armys to have them report it to Bighit, do so as well).
Don’t engage, because its very clear that this girl is hungry for attention and I’ve seen her use the “mental illness” and “race card” (since she is also a po*c) way too many times in her defense. So for all we know, she could be just trying to provoke the fandom/s and cause a reaction or get a few to attack her directly so that she can come around and drag everyone like it has happened before. 
UPDATE: After receiving much backlash & hostility for her behavior, the girl had no choice but to come clean with her claims. And admitted that she did in fact made everything up from the beginning and in addition also admitted to having a serious (personal/emotional/mental) problem which made her believe (in her mind) that she really did have this relationship with an Idol whom she has never met.
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This Kpop tumblr child got me about to lose my Christian.
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I’ll attempt a read more, but if it doesn’t work for some reason, know that an effort was made*
🤔 I gotta know:
Truly, honestly, tell me: when you side with people who imply Black people are exaggerating or being dramatic, do they mail you cookies?
It’s not even ABOUT Jaehyun no more!! I don’t ever even see anyone bring up that situation, in part bc he hasn’t done anything since then and hadn’t done anything prior so I think a lot of us said what we had to say about it, cooled off, and moved on. I choose to believe (for my own sanity) that he didn’t say it in private in his daily speech & that he doesn’t repeat it in lyrics anymore once he found out some of us were heated & why— because I know he saw the comments, the fights, the comparisons to other Idols Who Fucked Up™️ with the Black part of the fandom, and the explanation and reasoning of WHY it’s not okay. I am sure he saw it. I’m sure of it; Beyond the fact that they told us themselves that they read our messages to them, it’s evident by the jokes they make when speaking in English or talking to ifans in streams. So I forgive him.
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But the fans who tell us what we think doesn’t matter?????????? Oh no, no, no, no, NO.
“I’m not trying to be rude but”- bitch ‘BUT’ nothing!! An idol fucks up & you’re Black & it doesn’t bother you, 🆗🆒 good for fucking you???? If you’re Black & it does bother you, that’s okay, I understand. Most of the time, it bugs me too. Black folks aren’t a monolith & some of us ARE gon feel some type of way when we see some trifling bullshit that we KNOW we done made clear to other fans, should not be done. YOUR JOB as a Black co-fan (because you are Black BEFORE you are a fan, just in case no one has told you lately) is to not try to act as if because an issue doesn’t matter *to you*, it doesn’t matter *at all*. You can (if you wanna) try to do online crowd control if you want to try to reign it in when you see people getting off track by using profanity in an article’s comment section, or the bottom of their or their record label’s sns posts *to try to bring order to the situation* so we can actually get somewhere with the damn problem (which can’t be done if the posts which sensibly explain what is wrong, how we feel, and WHY aren’t visible). Gon ‘head, live ya dreams.
You can NOT, however, brush off our people’s feelings and publicly denigrate them (thus giving non-Blacks validation when heckling us)!! You pick-me ass fucks are ENABLERS. The Token Black Friend that nb use to justify them “not” being racist?? THAT’S YOU. When you go from “it doesn’t bother me personally” to “this isn’t even a big deal, stop being negative” and “there’s more important shit happening in the world to talk about than this”, you are effectively co-signing the ever popular belief that Black people’s feelings don’t matter because we are just complaining to complain. Do you get that?? You are co-signing the (unfortunately) largely agreed upon opinion that Black people are just ~playing the race card~. There ain’t no ‘playing the race card’- there are still people alive who knew former slaves bitch, it wasn’t that fucking long ago, so validating these hateful ass habits instead of either A)simply minding your business & NOT encouraging people to dismiss us when we say something is not ok or B) telling those people that Black people have the right to be upset, keeps the process stagnant!
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zethyrexchange · 5 years
Zethyr Exchange AMA with Scott, Lead Admin of TRONTOPIA
AMA was with Scott, Lead Admin and Development Coordinator of TRONTOPIA in our Official Telegram Community (https://t.me/ZethyrExchange)
Host: Welcome to our AMA Trontopia Admin.
Q: Can you introduce yourself and TOPIA briefly?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Sure!
My name is Scott and I am the lead admin and development coordinator for TOPIA.
Topia was formed in January of this year. We are comprised almost entirely of Dapp players and community members. We decided to launch our own dapp due to the lack of transparency and fairness in the space.
We are located all over the world, US, Paris, Japan, Singapore, Greece, Australia, Israel, UK, among others.
Our ultimate goal is to build the fairest, most stable, and most transparent gaming platform on any blockchain.
Host: Cool. Hi Scott! Ok let’s start with a simple question first.
Q: What are the key selling points of TOPIA compared to other casinos around the blockchains?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Everything is open source. We verify our contracts so the plain-English code is visible and verifiable by the public.
With that, we are able to prove that our randomness is just that… Random.
We believe in the power of the blockchain and the ability of the current and future blockhashes provide for random number generation, and do not utilize any Oracle (on Tron, currently IOST operates with an Oracle, but this will be changing very soon).
On top of that, we have one of the most warm communities, and a very active staff that is capable of helping and answering any questions. Most dapps do not provide this level of support.
Host: Wow I have just learnt that you guys do not use Oracle
Q: So everything is on-chain?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: 100%, We use a commit and reveal approach
Host: Amazing 100% blockchain with that comes to our next question which most casinos are concerned
Q: How secured is TOPIA for users?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: We are extremely secure, but we did not get here without first hitting our speed bumps.
We have a phrase we say around TOPIA, and that is that we have hit every branch on the way down the tree so to speak, but because of this, it has given us immense knowledge and insight into possible attack vectors, and has allowed us to become one of (if not the most?) secure dapp in the space currently.
Due to us having these issues, we now not only take extreme care, but have advanced knowledge on the subject and I am confident that our security will always be some of if not the best utilized.
Host: I’m glad to hear that
Q: Could you share more details about what security features you have in place?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Yes,
Every parameter is controlled and governed by our smart contracts… What does this mean? Things like maximum win allowed, maximum bet, what range you can roll on… These are not controlled by our front end website, they are controlled by the contract itself, and a lot of dapps do not operate this way, which is a huge mistake.
We utilize a commit and reveal system that makes it impossible to predict or exploit our random number generation, this is what allows us to have a fully on-chain rolling experience while remaining secure. Current blockhash as the main source of entropy for the random number generator is widely known to be truly unpredictable.
We have a few other security features as well… Functions in our contracts that keep the vast majority of the balances away from public facing functions
Host: Yes I have to say that randomization is one of the trickiest part in running a fully on-chain casino. I believe that the track record of TOPIA has shown that the platform is secured. So let’s jump to a question from the audience
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Thank you for the nice words Vinod
Priorities for user acquisition first start with building our platforms so when marketing pushes happen they have a higher retention level, and overall are more successful.
With that, our plan is to focus heavily on development for the remainder of 2019 and the early part of 2020. With that there will be some marketing taking place, but the big marketing push will be saved for when we feel it will have the most positive impact, which is when we have more of the platform up and operating.
We are getting extremely close with Blitz, I know a lot of people have been very excited about that.
Vault is a mini-game that has been mostly ready for a while now, but it has been held back due to the upcoming change to Mining with the implementation of Seasonal Mining. Vault will come into play with the Seasonal Mining update.
We have recently launched our sportsbook on TRON, and we have many upgrades and improvements coming to it as well.
We need to align our platforms so they have the same offerings, as well as get these upcoming games released, along with a couple of surprises coming very soon actually that are not on our roadmap. Once these are complete, we will have many games across multiple chains and we will begin a very strong marketing push to bring fresh and new players to the dapp space.
Host: Wow. Development first I see
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Doesn’t mean we aren’t marketing. Lol, but we have an actual marketing plan we want to execute that we are holding back until some of these soon to launch games and features are released.
Host: That’s an amazing approach given that most dapps are mostly hit and run. OK since we touched briefly on iOST Topia
Q: Why did TOPIA acquire iOST Play?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Many reasons, I actually recently answered this question for another interview so pardon if it seems like the same answer again
1. IOST is one of the fastest blockchains currently. Our games rely heavily on speed and low/efficient gas costs. IOST is great in this area.
2. The IOST market is young, and untapped. We feel the dapp usage on IOST is going to rise significantly in 2020, and it is important we are at the front of that surge, as our vision relies heavily on crosschain platforms.
3. The foundation support on IOST is incredible. It is the only complaint I have with TRON is the Foundation seems to have a bit of favoritism going on, which I have yet to experience with the IOST foundation.
4. The community is amazing, and growing. It is very much like how Tron’s was this time last year.
It just made sense that it is the next step for TOPIA and IOST be the first chain we branched out to.
Host: Yes I read that interview, but I believe that it will benefit everyone here so no harm repeating. Now talking about iOST Topia
Q: If any differences do/will iOST Topia have compared to TRON Topia?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Ideally, we want the platforms to mirror each other regardless of which chain. The main differences you will see are slight variations in Tokenomics.
For example, I don’t see there being an ISHARE (like TSHARE), as there aren’t many IRC10/20 tokens yet.
But from a content perspective, we want them to be near mirror images of each other, and over the coming months we will work towards that.
We want it to be as easy as switching which currency you are playing with.
Host: I believe that will minimize confusion. Before coming to the next question, I want to disclose that I’m holding TOPIA tokens as well
Q: How does iOST Topia affect current TOPIA token holders? How about current iOST Play token holders?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Currently, there is no effect. Both platforms will operate entirely separately for the time being.
Now, in the future, but this is a ways down the road, we are implementing an Umbrella rewards system, and all Topia holders (whether Tron topia, IOST topia, or whichever TOPIA), will receive these Umbrella tokens, the Umbrella tokens will receive dividends from all of the platforms.
This is pretty far off for now though.
Q: So these umbrella tokens will displace the current tokens? Without getting too technical, if I buy your umbrella tokens on TRON, how do I receive dividend from iOST?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Well… I can’t really go into too much detail without revealing some plans we don’t want to be too public yet because it’s a very exciting…
But I can say basically yes, eventually TOPIA holders will merge into one… under a new Token or Chain.
But, again, this is Q4 2020 type of stuff.
Host: OK if you can’t reveal for now, it is okay. So next is a question from the audience
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Thanks for the question kpop
I reached out to David a couple of months back. I saw an opportunity and presented it to him. At first he respectfully declined, but we kept in contact and on friendly terms… and over time I believe he started to see the value in what we were offering, and they accepted.
- Mining reset
- Seasonal Mining
- iDiamonds swap for iPlay holders
Once we have these implemented, we will definitely launch the mining reset with a large event and marketing push to let everyone know mining has restarted
Host: Clean and clear. Another question from your fan
Trontopia Admin — Scott: We actually are doing more here than people in the space currently see and realize.
We have been working with @MidEarthCrypto who has been traveling around the country going to universities and speaking about TRON and DAPPS. Part of his presentation is about TOPIA. He was hired by TRON and sponsored by us to travel and spread the word to communities and schools who express interest in blockchain.
We also are working with several non-blockchain, but gaming and gambling related online influencers who are ready and willing to promote and market TOPIA to their respective audiences once we give them the green light.
Alongside the usual marketing tactics:
- Ads, banners
- Twitter/social media marketing
- Articles (cointelegraph, iost-watch, etc)
Host: I see, I believe that given your priority for development at the moment. OK last question, also from our audience
Trontopia Admin — Scott: We do plan to expand to other blockchains besides just TRON and IOST. We ideally want to be on at least 4 different chains before we implement the Umbrella system, so we got more to go for sure.
And yes, we want it to eventually be seamless to the point where you are going to TopiaNetwork.com (yes, I own the domain, dont go try to steal it), you pick which currency you want to play with, and you play.
Q: including fiats?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Unlikely, Maybe USDT
IOST was the one that was going to be probably the most difficult transition though, as it’s contracts are not written in Solidity, so it’s not a direct conversion process… So we are happy to get this one out first
Q: So I guess the next 2 chains will use the variances of solidity?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: What we are looking at right now, they use Solidity, yes
Host: Wow, that’s a big hint.
Q: Anything else you would like your TOPIA fans to know?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Firstly, we love you guys.
Second, we are working our butts off to get all of this stuff rolled out
Host: Yes please work hard. Thank you Scott and have a good weekend
Trontopia Admin — Scott: No problem, thank you for having me for this very nice AMA
Audience: TRONTOPIA Is going to buyback and burn Topia’s in november
Q: How many are they planning to buyback and burn?
And What is your team size, how many people?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Yes, we are starting the buyback program this month, those details will come.
10 Moderators, 9 Developers, my self and a few other owners.
Follow us on
Telegram: https://t.me/ZethyrExchange
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZethyrExchange
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxyXOGCPxG8D06opjTSjW8g
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I stumbled upon this article and I hope you guys find her story interesting and encouraging.
How I Fell In Love With Kpop
A long story short -- My Korean best friend in elementary school showed me a video of H.O.T, I couldn't take my eyes off of Kangta (literally! I wanted to rewatch that video all day at her house!) and since then, I was in love ^.^
Learning Korean
I really want to be an inspiration to foreign Kpop fans struggling to learn Korean, thinking it's impossible to learn and master a language from scrap -- because it's not.
I never received any encouragement to learn Korean. My parents thought it was useless and wondered why I spent so much time listening to and singing in gibberish -- and it really was gibberish! I had no lyrics or romanizations. I was just listening to and repeating whatever my ears heard. With no internet, no money, and no outside access whatsoever, I spent about 3 years listening to the cassette tape my friend recorded for me of H.O.T.'s first album. I knew nothing about the music industry, and it never occurred to me that this band would be actively releasing new music. One day, I went on a trip to China. In a random CD store, I saw H.O.T's 5th album! Imagine my surprise. I asked my mom to buy it for me right away. The purchase of this CD was my first exposure to written Korean. I still remember this moment in my life, clear as a shiny glass reflection, lying in bed at night with my ears plugged in and the CD booklet in my hand, I decided it must not be that hard to figure out at least what one or two of these characters sounded like by listening to the song and following the written lyrics at the same time. About 3 seconds into the song, I realized it was impossible. The song was fast, I had no idea how the characters were broken down, and I didn't know where one sound ended and the other began. For some reason, I felt really annoyed. It bothered me that I couldn't figure it out. All I wanted to do was to sing along! There was this burning frustration from not being able to do something that I loved so much. I decided -- I was going to learn how to read Korean. By this time, I had a computer and Internet at home. I found a website that taught the Korean alphabet online, and spent the next 3 days literally doing nothing but reading the lessons and learning the alphabet. The moment I was able to hold up the romanized lyrics in front of myself and sing along properly to each and every single word I heard -- it was pure joy. I also began practicing how to read Korean by printing out the Korean lyrics, and writing the English romanization above the lyrics. Eventually, I also started to print out translations too. I would glue the Korean lyrics on the left side of a notebook, and the translation on the right. It was in this way that I started to figure out the meaning of certain words by seeing the matching romanized and translated lyrics over and over again. I realize being able to sing along wasn't enough -- I wanted to know the meaning of the lyrics as well and made that my new pursuit.
Since the day I picked up that CD booklet, I've never been satisfied with my Korean. I always had a goal, and every time I reached that goal, I'd always form a new one. More on this later.
Learning Korean is Not Impossible!
To end on a more encouraging note, I would like to finish my story of learning Korean.
Most people assume that the webmaster of Aheeyah.com is Korean. I am not. In fact, I am 100% Chinese. I was born in Hong Kong, moved to, and raised in Canada since the age of 6. I am currently employed in South Korea as an English teacher and am spending my 4th year here.
I just want to prove that all you foreign Kpop fans out there who are either too lazy or discouraged or think that you don't have the resources to learn Korean from scratch without paying loads of money are absolutely wrong. You don't need to pay big bucks. You don't need to spend hours over a textbook. You don't even need to live in Korea. You don't need to be talented. You don't need to be a genius.
Today, most people who hear me speak Korean can't even tell that I'm actually not. When I, or my friends, say, "You know, she's actually not Korean?", they are always shocked, and then ask the inevitable question of 'How did you learn Korean?". I'm really not trying to boast. Heck, I usually try to keep it a secret (because of my job -- and please, if you are my student who has actually read all the way to here -- first, you must be a stalker!; second, please just pretend you know nothing). What I'm trying to say is, I am the same girl who was looking at that H.O.T. booklet desperately wanting to sing along but being unable to read the Korean alphabet. Yes, that was once me. How did it happen?
That's it. That's all there is to it. Anyone who wants to learn a language, you just have the passion and you will learn it. If you have no passion, even if you are the smartest person or the lamest low-life with hours on your hands to kill, you will not learn the language. Passion will drive you and teach you to no end. I admit that being exposed to Korean since I was in elementary school helped. Taking Korean in university also helped. Living in Korea definitely didn't hurt. However, do you really think that if I didn't have the passion and drive to constantly expose myself to the language, that I would really be where I am today?
When I was young, all I had was the same H.O.T. album to listen to over and over again for three years. Lots of people take languages in university and forget it the moment the class is over. Some of my coworkers have been working in Korea for 3-4 years and still can't read the freakin' alphabet.
Let me give you another example. I'm a huge Starcraft fan. I played it so much in high school I almost couldn't get into university. The moment I found out about the professional gaming industry in Korea, I couldn't get myself over it. This was in the middle of my first year in Korea. I had been learning Korean in university for 6 terms (1.5 years), which provided a good foundation, but if someone had asked me for directions on the street, I would be so nervous and tongue-tied I'd pretend I had absolutely no knowledge of Korean and tell them I spoke only English (this actually happened to me before >.<). So even though I had no idea what they were saying, for months, I spent literally every spare moment watching these Starcraft games. On weekdays, I'd watch it for 4 hours. On weekends, I'd watch it for 6-8 hours. When I had time, I'd even go watch it live at the broadcast gaming stadium. I'd have it on constantly. I'd have it streaming on my laptop while playing it on TV as well. It was on while I was cooking or doing my laundry. I'd watch it in between breaks at work. Even after I left Korea and went back to Vancouver for a year, I was still downloading it to watch. One day, as I was sitting in my living room in Vancouver, 6 months into this Starcraft obssession, it just washed over me like a sudden epiphany that I understood every. single. word. that was being said. I immediately got up, ran to my brother, and said 'OMG! You know what? I understand every single thing they are saying, but I had no idea what the heck they were talking about before!' (and my brother just said '...Cool'). I know it sounds totally weird -- how could you not realize you understand something you watched every single day?
Same answer.
I know it sounds totally corny. Passion will drive you to learn a language. But it's totally true. I enjoyed watching these Starcraft games so much that it didn't matter to me whether I understood it or not. As a result, I didn't even realize as I started to pick up what all the jargon meant. I loved H.O.T. and their music so much that I didn't care that my parents didn't like my Kpop obsession and I still sang along in gibberish. Now, my pronunciation can pass as a Korean. I had such a burning desire to be able to translate songs, that I ran Aheeyah for over 10 years and could finally produce my own translations.
Those were the things I did to pursue the language I wanted to learn.
What are you going to do?
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idolapps · 8 years
limitless — nct 127
NAME/ALIAS, PRONOUNS, TIMEZONE: sae, they/them, est.
RESERVATION: sae loves jenn
FACECLAIM: jeon jungkook, bts.
NAME/STAGENAME: jun haneul / venus.
BIRTHDATE/AGE: february 14, 1997 / nineteen.
COMPANY/POSITION: galaxy ent. trainee.
HEIGHT/WEIGHT: 183cm / 66kg.
he can play the flute. 
can speak english, spanish and korean.
was in the original 360°Z line-up. 
was part of a dance studio by the name of R&F studios, and a number of videos of his choreography and his own dancing can be found on their youtube and website.
choreographed a 36 person routine to bring awareness to orphaned children for a dance team that worked under R&F studios and won first place in a national dance competition.
is a fanboy of and mentored by soloist moon bongki.
dance. having started dancing at the age of four, it’s no surprise he finds the most passion in it as well as talent. he’s well versed in multiple styles of dance including street, concert, jazz, funk, tap, ballet, and ballroom. though, most of his talent lies in hip-hop. also setting him apart from others in the business, he has experience choreographing.
personality. externally, he’s easily seen in groups and tends to captivate whoever is on the receiving end of this personality. not only this, but he exceeds in front of cameras and it’s clear that in time, he will be easily related to especially by international fans. internally, he has a positive mindset that keeps him consistently motivated and lives with the belief that things happen for a reason; when he finds himself feeling down, anxious or tired most of the time he is able to find meaning in it.
live vocals. despite late entrance into vocal lessons, he has been performing and singing since he can remember. after so many years he’s polished his voice enough to stay consistent, but still has the raw element that easily captivates and draws emotion from his audience. one of his most notable compliments vocal wise has always been the emotion in his voice and how it’s heard when he sings.
emotions. like the reason he left the line up for 360°Z would suggest, he’s had issues with emotions and his mental health in general getting the best of him. feelings like home sickness and his general struggle with anxiety may make him work harder at first, but usually in the end ends with him freaking out and overexerting himself rather than push him to be better.
vocal range. he started vocal lessons at ten, a huge difference in comparison to his time in dance. his range is generally good, though up against many of his seniors and even fellow trainees he doesn’t have a comparable range. he has trouble breaking past the restraints of his voice despite the fact many of his coaches have seen potential for growth in this area.
approval seeking. there has never been a time he hasn’t strived to impress other people. even a lot of his personality has stemmed from his need to be liked. other peoples opinions affect him and he’s prone to changing things about himself to please others. in a profession where you are constantly being critiqued not only by fans, but also your superiors, peers, and the public as a whole it’s an extreme weakness, and most of the time he doesn’t realizing he’s bending to get other’s approval.
BIO/PERSONALITY:     ( trigger warning for anxiety, panic attacks, and mention of alcohol/drug use )
「The choreographic process may be divided into three phases」       — GATHERING THE MOVEMENT MATERIAL.
a boy and his schoolyard crush, finding comfort and love in each other years after classes have been over. running into someone you loved in high school and reconnecting is rare, and they rush into spending the rest of their lives together. their joy over getting pregnant only two years later is in describable, giving birth to a baby boy. they name him haneul, their little gift from god. haneul is six months old when his mother’s symptoms begin showing up. his father notices the way she’ll forget the little things, before it grows into something more. she forgets where she left haneul, whether she fed him. she forgets the things she’s known for years, mental changes as well as behavioral.  his father knows by the time his son is two they can’t take care of him when he comes home from work to find him out in the rain, his wife sleeping upstairs with no memory of leaving him outside.  jun haneul is put up for adoption the following month, a new home with foster parents, ones that can be there for him when his parents can’t. 
he meets maryanne and robert walsh for the first time the next year, when he’s three. his earliest memory, though in fragments, is the way they ran to hug him after he’d gotten off the plane in america, his sponsor letting go of him so he can meet the people who adopted him, his family. three older brothers and one older sister.  it seems like it’d take him longer to adjust, a new country, a new language, new people. but his family showers him with so much love and care that it doesn’t take him long to warm up to them, to open up and play with his siblings. he considers them his parents, his family, easily.
      — DEVELOPING MOVEMENT INTO PHRASES. ( a phrase, loosely speaking, is a series of movements bound together )
( I. ) he hasn’t been living with the walsh’s but a few months when he finds out his new best friend julia takes dance classes, and when he comes home from her house that day he’s immediately begging to his parent’s, deciding his career aspiration is ballerina. of course, they give in, signing up for ballet and tap dance classes with his friend. his first passion turns into something broader, and as he gets older he finds his passion lies within more than just ballet, it’s dance. after school he’s at different classes—hip-hop, jazz, anything they let him take, he took—or coming to play around with the older dancers. ( II. ) his mom notices the symptoms when he’s nine, and before a dance recital tells her he’s worried about an earthquake when he’s never even experienced one. she writes it off after soothing him, thinking it could just be performance nerves. but the worrying gets worse. from vomiting on test days, to trembling while in cars, to the increasingly sleepless nights he’s going through. a year after she notices the first sign, he’s diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder by both her and another psychiatrist. ( III. ) middle school brings a new interest, kpop. from bands like heart2heart to diamond, he hangs their posters on his walls and follows the fansites, talking his parents into driving out of state just to see concerts. he’s never had a real desire to explore his heritage, but the further he gets into his love for the music industry there, the more he has a desire to be embrace where he’s from.
( IV. ) high school is the strangest of them all, going to advanced classes while trying to juggle dance and clubs. it’s hard, but he manages it until his sophomore year. when he goes to take his drivers test, he has a panic attack, locking himself in the bathroom and crying until his sister comes back to get him. it’s rare that he gets so caught up in his worries that he loses his grip on what’s going on, and it’s his first major breakdown. ( V. ) the next year, he drops his advanced placement classes and leaves all his extra-curriculars except dance. he doesn’t tell his parents about anything but the classes, instead he uses the time he’d usually be at theater or anchor meetings to stay out late. he starts going to parties, getting into drinking and smoking. he chooses to do instead of think like he always has. ( VI. ) it takes him three months, a powerpoint, and testimonies from his friends and siblings to convince his parents to let him audition. he’s set on crystal media. two of his favorite groups originate from the company, but his parents force him to look more into the companies than just the idols he likes from them. it falls between galaxy entertainment and crystal, finally deciding to go with galaxy for their music current music style.
his audition turns into a private meeting, and then finally an acceptance. he’s ecstatic, and he doesn’t think of the negatives in his plans. training is more rigorous for his voice than he thought it would be, but he’s spent years perfecting his dance and his body. his worries don’t fall on how he’s exhausted himself, he can handle exhaustion and sleepless nights. he can handle working on school online and taking korean classes all night, and spending his time training in the day. he wants to prove himself, show that he can keep up with the people who have been training for years. and he does, until emotions catch up to him.  he manages to stay intact until he’s officially mentioned in the rumors for 360°Z. he’s worked with them for the past few months, knowing he’s getting ready to debut. he’s excited, he likes them, but then worries consume him. the fact he’s away from his family, the fact he hasn’t slept a full night since coming. the breaking point comes with the attention he gets, how within a day people have found his social media, every video he’s ever been in. he knew it was coming, he himself had once been one of the fans who would look for anything he could find about an idol, but surreal feeling of it actually happening was a drastic change from his expectation. in the middle of a dance practice he feels his chest tighten, and he can’t breath. he doesn’t know when he loses reality, but when he comes back the music is off and people are staring at him. the only thing haneul can think to do is run to the nearest bathroom. he manages to explain the first panic attack away, but when he has the second one, no one lets him explain it away. he’s had little ones, but never any as difficult to get through as those and his friends, his manager-to-be, everyone can tell he isn’t okay. after conversations with his parents, and his superiors, it’s decided he’d be removed from the line-up and would go back to training until he, and the company, felt he was ready to debut.
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