#Tiny Tatty Teddy
mrlover40 · 8 months
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esthrmend · 3 years
Going Home Baby Layout- KaiserCraft- White Rose Crafts
Going Home Baby Layout- KaiserCraft- White Rose Crafts
Welcome Back! I took a small break from my duties over at White Rose Crafts but I’m back. I will be working on baby layouts for the next few months so make sure to follow along this crafty journey. I used KaiserCraft Barber Shop Collection, Tim Craft Tiy Tatty Teddy – Pearls, and my Cricut for the circles. Going Home: Close Ups: Items Used: KAISERCRAFT BARBER SHOPPE KAISERCRAFT PAPER PAD…
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tsarisfanfiction · 4 years
Heroes Made of Gas
Fandom: Thunderbirds Rating: Gen Genre: Family Characters: John, Jeff
Yes, another contribution to @gumnut-logic‘s #iirelief, this time using the prompt “A brother scared of the dark. (Bonus points if you include Jeff or Grandma Tracy)” from @louthestarspeaker.
A spaceman and his stars. 
Looking out from Thunderbird Five, John’s favourite view was watching the sunrise wash across the surface of the Earth.  He had pinpointing the exact moment dawn broke on Tracy Island down to an art, even without technology to guide him (EOS had expressed surprise that any human was capable of such a thing, even if it was him).  Thanks to the nature of the atmosphere, wisps of cloud trailing across various parts of the planet at any given time, it was an ever-changing vista and one he could truly never tire of.
The other view rarely changed – at least, not without looking through a telescope for the subtle shifts. Beyond Earth, past the red spark that was Mars and further, further away in the reaches of space that not even Alan had managed to reach, were the stars.  Hung in the sky like a curtain of diamonds, they were the steady, silent guardians of memories.
When John wanted to think about the here and now, or the future, he looked to Earth and the tiny speck that was Tracy Island, where his family belonged.  When John wanted to reminisce, he looked to the stars.
A favourite memory of his, and one that had run through his mind many, many, many times since he took up residence of the satellite, was also one of his earlier ones.  It was sometime back when he didn’t have four brothers – he could never quite remember if it was before or after Gordon graced them with his loud, obnoxious presence, but he was fairly sure Virgil had at least graduated to throwing paint where it should go instead of the walls and lalalaing in some sort of vaguely-comprehensible melody (much to his younger self’s distress; he hadn’t come to appreciate Virgil’s voice until some years later, but that was a different memory).  He might have been five, maybe six if Gordon existed, but the only thing that really mattered about it was that Dad was there.
Dad wasn’t always there during his childhood.  Lee – Uncle Lee, back then – would come along and regale them all with outlandish stories before whisking him away for months at a time.  Mom raised them by herself for much of the time, with Scott leaping in to help at any opportunity (for all that Scott tried to emulate Dad and asked ‘what would Dad do’, John vividly remembered his older brother being a Mommy’s boy as a kid.  Then again, they all had been, except Alan).
But Dad had been there, this time.  Mom had been in bed, Scott had been… somewhere, either in bed or dealing with Virgil, John couldn’t recall, and John’s little nightlight had died.
John was scared of the dark. Always had been, and probably always would be.  He didn’t do rescues in dark, dingy places unless he had a guaranteed light source, and Thunderbird Five’s lights never turned off.  It was one of the things that made her so perfect for him.
Dad had come in, a sixth sense telling him his second son was in distress even as John muffled tears of terror in his blankets and hugged a then not-too-tatty teddy bear close to his chest (the tales of the teddy bear were, again, another story).  Jeff Tracy wasn’t good at the whole comforting-crying-children thing, and was always the first to admit it, but that night he’d scooped John straight out of bed, blankets, teddy and all, and carried him to the window.
That was a night sky John would never forget.
The stars had shone brightly, their little pocket of Kansas far enough away from the conurbations of light that there was nothing to curb their glow.  Dad had known each constellation, pointing them out to him in turn and telling him the stories behind them until John’s tears stopped and wonder overtook him.
In subsequent nights, the stars became his friends, Orion standing guard over his dreams with Canis Major loyally at his heels.  It might not have been a cure, but it was a comfort.
“The stars will always be there,” Dad had told him, when he’d worked up the courage to ask how long they’d guard him for.  “You might not always see them, but they’re always there.”
Now, of course, John knew better.  Stars were balls of gas and had a life cycle of their own.  They weren’t heroes there to guard him in the night, bravely chasing away the fear of the dark.  But their little pinpricks of light still stopped the dark from being all-encompassing, and he found comfort in them just the same.
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Could you write something featuring james and andy's dynamics when they were kids?
“Look, James,” Roger says softly. “Andy’s got something for you.”
James rubs his eyes with tiny fists, blinking up at the older boy miserably.
Andy bites his lip and shyly takes a teddy bear out from behind his back. It’s a bit old and tatty, a very used teddy bear, and one of the button eyes have been sewn back on, most likely by John.
“For me?” James asks hesitantly.
Andy nods. “I know you’re sad that you left yours behind at the park yesterday and lost him. I don’t really play with mine anymore, so you can have him.”
James blinks at the bear with wide blue eyes.
“I know he’s not the same,” Andy says quickly. “I know he’s not as good as yours. But I don’t like to see you crying and he’s really good for cuddles.”
James reaches out and takes the bear. “Thank you, Andy,” he says in awe, before holding the bear close to his chest and hugging him tightly.
“Isn’t that nice of Andy?” Roger grins, stroking his son’s hair.
“Yeah.” James nods happily. “I’ll take good care of him, Andy. Promise.”
Andy beams.
“Why don’t you give Andy a kiss to say thank you, James?”
The younger boy eagerly waddles over to Andy, and tugs at the older boy’s jumper to make him lean down. Andy does so with a blush, and smiles when James places a tiny smooch on Andy’s cheek.
(N.B: James still has that teddy bear as an adult, even after he’s claimed by Andy.)
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hotheadhero · 5 years
Snow Day! || kid!Caspar & Sylvain
starter for @gallantgautier let’s get all them snow shenanigans in here 👀
It never snowed this much in Enbarr or in Fort Merceus—or at all, for that matter—and little Caspar’s eyes were agog at the sight of all the white fluffballs falling from the sky. It all looked like the cotton fluffs he pulled off his tatty old teddy bear, but cotton was never this cold, nor did it disappear the moment he tried to grasp it. The boy squirmed and twisted in Sylvain’s grip, trying his darnedest to catch one of the elusive fluffs, not at all realizing how difficult it was now for the other to hang onto him while simultaneously leading an admittedly tame horse over the rugged, snow-covered fields of Faerghus. Caspar just couldn’t help it; all of this was so amazing! White mountains, white trees; (cold) pillows to play in for days, what wasn’t there to love? He was still flailing when the first flake finally landed in his hand, and Caspar immediately stuck it into his mouth before it could disappear again. Of course, it melted on his tongue; but unlike other questionable things he’d eaten before, this snowflake didn’t make him violently sick straightaway--so were these things edible? So cool! Why didn’t they have any of this back in Merceus? Inquisitively, he poked a hand out of Sylvain’s cloak, questing for more falling flakes, heedless of the biting cold. Most of the tiny crystals fell right past him or melted in his hand before he could show them to the older redhead, but then came a point where their pace slowed and he could collect a whole bunch of it in his stubby little hands. The seven-year-old giggled. “Why didn’t you tell me you could eat this, Uncle Sylvain? Here, have some!”
And then he promptly shoved it all in Sylvain’s face without even waiting for the redhead to twitch his mouth open.
The sight of his guardian’s face all dusted in white, with little flakes crusting his hair and eyelashes, made Caspar laugh. “Haha, you look like Saint Nick now!” he chortled. Normally such behavior had him literally rolling about on the floor, but the moment he started to tip back, he felt a horrible falling sensation and hastily grabbed onto the front of his guardian’s coat before he could fall off the horse. Sylvain’s chest was warm, and he promptly buried his snow-catching hand in the other’s scarf. His very audible sniff did nothing to dull the excitement in his eyes as his bright gaze shifted between Sylvain and the snowy road ahead of them. Uncle Sylvain was so cool if he got to grow up in all this, and he was from so far away too! Why hadn’t Father ever introduced him to him and Julian before?
Half the reason they were out here was because Uncle Sylvain had told him all kinds of fantastic stories about snowmen and snow monsters and brave knights riding dogs as big as horses and sledding and none of it sounded like anything he’d ever seen back home. A few questions and wheedling pleas later, he’d convinced Sylvain to take him to Faerghus for a day just to see it all. The boy tried to be patient, he really did; he knew Sylvain had a special place in mind he wanted to show him before they could finally play; but he hadn’t counted on the journey taking so long (and he probably wasn’t making it any easier on Sylvain, what with his every other question being a constant refrain of “Are we there yet?”). But still—if they had stopped moving by now, had they finally arrived?
“Are we—” The boy’s question was cut off by a mighty sneeze that went straight into Sylvain’s scarf. Nonchalantly, he wiped the remaining gunk off his nose with the soiled end and looked innocently up at the redhead. “Are we there yet?” he asked.
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intizzies · 2 years
JAM  SANDWICHES  -  a  study  in  connie  and  childhood . 
pls  do  not  read  if  you’re  easily  triggered .  implications  of  sa ,  abuse  &  drug  usage . 
“It’s jelly, not jam!”
Hazy memories are still jarring, softly seeping through her mind as she drifts off to sleep. 
“I don’t care, my Daddy calls it jam!”
Little girl wearing brown boots glares at her friend playing in the stream, brown hair in two thick plaits, resting on her shoulders. Brown eyes narrowed in conflict, staring straight into blue eyes opposite.
Wendy, her friend, places little hands on her hips. She has a little smirk on her little face and she giggles a little giggle. 
“Your Daddy is stupid. Jam’s not an American word.” she raises her little eyebrows. 
“He’s not American. He’s Irish. And he’s not stupid, you bitch!”  
Connie Ripsom makes contact with Wendy’s face with her fist and she bolts upright. 
Her room is white and chipped and peeling like her lipstick she hasn’t taken off. Anger fills her throat till she can’t swallow and she’s frozen like she always is until she moves her fist. This time, it’s shaking, and she unfurls her fingers to take the week old bottle of water from the floor beside her bed. 
“Don’t drink that, Connie! It’s a week old at least. Who knows how long it’s been there?” A woman hisses from the front seat. She’s sulking because her husband has forgotten to pack drinks for their lunch. From the middle seat, a young girl with dark brown hair in pigtails sips on a carton of apple juice. Her Mother always carries one in her purse. It’s the girl’s favourite.
Connie puts the bottle back, one leg crossed over the other. Her shorts are too short and she knows it, but she’s practically an adult now, so it doesn’t matter. She’s not. She’s thirteen. 
The back of her neck burns but she doesn’t move her legs. She knows he’s watching from the other side of their sister. She still doesn’t move her legs… 
“I made jam sandwiches, kiddos.” Connie’s Dad puts his thumbs up in the driver’s seat. Connie’s heart stutters and she smiles just slightly. 
She crumples up the plastic in her hand and unscrews the top, shaking hands powdery - the remains of something she also had under her nose. She throws her head back and chokes on stale water, oxidised and poisonous. She thinks it tastes worse for her than the angeldust she had earlier. Her Mother was right.
Her head swims and rocks like a boat and she hates how sick she feels in the pit of her stomach. The front door clicks open and slams shut and Connie’s breathing becomes laboured. She crawls across her bed and her eyes fall on her tatty old teddy bear with a stained bowtie. That bear has never been washed. 
Teddy bear and glass of milk in hand, rosy-cheeked Connie Ripsom bites into a strawberry jam sandwich. Her older brother bites into his strawberry jam sandwich, too. Jam spills out of the sides. Connie giggles and Randy grins, wiggling his sticky fingers at her. 
Her little sister cries from her highchair and her Mother picks her up. Connie and Randy stop grinning and observe their Mother coo at the perfect little baby. The woman smiles down at the tiny human and looks up. 
“Wash your hands. You’ll get jelly everywhere.” she rolls her eyes and carries Betty upstairs. 
Connie whispers ‘jam’ under her breath and her brother peels back the bread from his meal. He scoops up the filling with his finger and leans across the table, unceremoniously wiping it on Connie’s nose. She laughs a laugh only a three and a half year old girl could laugh, and she claps. 
“Jam.” Randy nods and licks his fingers. 
She can’t leave her teddy there. She picks him up and throws him under her bed. 
She wishes she could still fit under there, too. 
Fourteen year old Randy Ripsom has his friends over. They’d been giving each other chinese burns in the room next door. She has to be ready. She’d been cross-legged on her little bed since they’d come home from playing in the stream, staring at the wall at the end of her room, her teddy in her arms. Connie’s nails dug so hard into his fur that the stitching beneath was starting to fray. 
And when he calls her name, she takes her teddy and wriggles under her bed. The record playing in the next room is suddenly louder and distorted in her little twelve year old mind. She wishes he wouldn’t call her name like that, she wishes he wouldn’t even notice her. Maybe this time - 
There’s a herd of footsteps down the landing, bare wooden planks ricocheting echoes across the house. Her Mother has to have heard, please, this one time…
Maybe this time - 
All five of them are over today. She sees the pairs of shoes in her doorway as it’s flung open in a hurry. 
“Connie, you’re so stupid. That never works.” 
Her neck feels fuzzy, like she’s stood too close to the fire. There’s a hand on her hair and it yanks, but she doesn’t feel anything. She crawls out from under her bed, and there’s laughter. 
“What are you doing with this thing? You’re too old for teddies now.” Randy grabs her toy and drops it immediately. “What the hell is that shit on it?” His friends laugh harder. 
She doesn’t like how he’s saying it. Doesn’t he remember the jam sandwiches they had for lunch? Connie hates teenage boys.
“Have you been playing without us? I thought I told you not to…” 
There’s a clink of metal, a zip and Connie’s mind goes blank, fuzzy like her neck. 
“What the fuck do you want?” she groans, voice faint and wavering. She doesn’t like the way it comes out. Whatever she’s taken is still in her system. 
“Sounds like you’re happy to see me.” eighteen year old Randy leans in her doorway. His arms are smudged with motor grease. Connie hates the way his tank top parades his muscles like they’re things she shouldn’t be scared of. “What are you on?” he takes off his combat boots and throws them across her room, already reaching to his belt. 
“I ‘unno. Whatever was on the fucking table.” she shuffles across her bed to sit on her pillow. 
“Why are you wearing that?” her brother’s nose crinkles in self-repulsion as he looks her up and down. 
“Thought I’d get my Betty on, Randy-Pandy,” Connie cackles her spiteful little laugh only a fifteen year old girl could laugh. “Why, don’t you like it?” she flips her hair, hands on her hips, kneeling forward. 
Reginald “Belch” Huggins is thoroughly distracted. He’s caught her and Henry will be mad, but this is definitely a first. 
Connie Ripsom flips her hair as she sits on the grassy bank next to him, on her knees, leaning forward, fluttering her eyelashes. Her breath smells like strawberry jam.
He’s got to admit, she’s pretty. Eyes like a bug’s and a nose like a pug’s, but pretty. 
Plus, she’s hot now. His eyes snap back up to meet hers again.
“Come on Belchy Baby, you don’t want to let Henry have all the fun, do you?” she grins lopsidedly, screaming at herself in her head. Calm down, Connie, she tells herself. She supposes it’s fun… And it’s not like he’s someone else she’d rather not think about. 
“I dunno, Henry-”
“I won’t get you into trouble. I’ll still be here to entertain Henry when we’re done. You just have to take me somewhere quieter, that’s all.” Connie’s bug-eyes flicker from Belch’s to the long grass over his shoulder. They’d be catching up soon, and she doesn’t want to face Henry Bowers and Patrick Hocksetter and least of all Victor Criss. Least of all Victor Criss because she actually likes him. 
“... Okay.”
It’s easier to fuck up with people you don’t like.
“Got a light?”
“You don’t like your other sister so much, do you?” she reaches for her lighter balancing on the windowsill. 
“Shut up, you little bitch.” Randy spits at her. He knows she’s done this on purpose. She knows it too, although maybe influenced by her state of mind. 
“No, that’s Betty. I’m a jammy cow, remember?” Connie laughs again, and Randy snaps. He takes his big beefy hands and slams them into the side of his younger sister’s face, pressing her head against the wall. She’s still laughing. 
Connie tries to remember when she stopped trying to fight back. 
The pressure from Randy’s fingers increases as he pushes down, Connie’s head pounding. She wonders when it’ll be over. Maybe he’ll make her head explode and all her brains will flop out onto his hands. 
And like that, Randy freezes. 
“What can I smell?” he asks, the same self-repulsed look of disgust creeping across his face. 
“Made you a jam sammy.” Connie gestures with her hand (as her head is currently occupied). 
“You did what?” the older boy’s voice is far away. 
She crawls out from under Randy’s grip and offers him the plate on the nightstand. He takes half of the sandwich and she takes the other. 
Connie sits next to her brother, mascara smudged as usual. She closes her eyes and lets the flavour of the strawberry take over the metallic sting of the blood on the inside of her cheek. 
She wonders if her Dad will notice they’re out of jam. 
Probably not. 
She bites down onto the inside of her cheek and swallows. 
Connie opens her eyes and resolves to buy herself a jar.
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greymantledlady · 7 years
imagine it’s a wet, cold, rainy sunday
and steve wakes up to the sound of rain on the windows, and tony warm and cuddly and curled into steve’s neck, fast asleep and snoring very quietly. steve turns his head and kisses the soft warm skin of tony’s forehead.
he can hear peter in his cot bed in the next room, singing a quiet baby song to himself and playing with his toys. steve smiles to himself but doesn’t move, because peter’s happy and tony is a warm trusting weight along steve’s side. he wants tony to sleep for as long as possible, because tony’s been burning himself out lately, looking after peter.
steve doesn’t expect the quiet to last for long, of course, because while peter doesn’t mind playing by himself, he’s got a sixth sense about when his dads are awake. sure enough, soon he hears little scampering feet and muffled giggles, and then peter’s soft brown head appears at the side of the bed, chubby fingers tugging insistently at the covers.
‘papa!’ he says. ‘up!’
steve smiles. ‘morning, petey-pumpkin,’ he murmurs. ‘shh-h, daddy’s sleeping. only quiet people allowed on the bed, okay?’
‘i be quiet,’ peter says instantly, in a loud whisper. steve feels tony’s mouth curve in a little smile against his neck, but his eyes stay closed, his body relaxed and soft. steve smooths his hand down tony’s back, and then reaches out with his other arm to scoop peter up on to the bed with them.
'up you come,’ he whispers, 'remember, no loud voices.’
peter nods solemnly and cuddles into steve’s other side, propping his tatty brown teddy on steve’s chest and tucking a thumb into his mouth. steve strokes his hair.
soon, peter’s thumb pops wetly out of his mouth. 'daddy sleeping,’ he says, leaning forward so he can see tony’s face.
'that’s right,’ steve tells him. 'daddy’s real tired. he needs his sleep.’
peter climbs over onto steve’s chest so he can get close to tony, gently patting tony’s arm with one little paw. he curls up between them both, looking up at steve. 'i help,’ he says. 'i help daddy sleep, papa, see? i help.’
steve chuckles. 'yes, you are helping, it’s very good,’ he says, tapping peter gently on the nose. 'can you hear the rain, sweetheart?’
peter listens, head tipped to one side. 'pap-pap-pap-pap-pap,’ he says. 'makes sounds.’
'yes, it does,’ steve says. 'maybe if you’re real good we can go up top with daddy later and play in the puddles. Would you like that?’
'YES,’ peter says gleefully, forgetting to be quiet. 'puddles! papa, i love puddles. i splash. i splash in my red boots, papa?’
'yes, your red rainboots,’ steve confirms, smiling. 'but quiet voices, remember?’ he looks down at tony, running a hand over tony’s messy curls; tony’s eyes slowly open, hazy and soft with sleep.
'what’s all this about puddles?’ he murmurs.
'daddy!’ peter says delightedly. 'wakey up! look papa!’ he flings himself on tony, wrapping chubby arms around him and nuzzling his forehead into tony’s chest. 'lovey lovey lovey,’ he sing-songs. 'lovey huggy.’
'love you too, baby boy,’ tony says, his voice morning-rough, and he slides an arm around peter and cuddles him.
steve strokes a gentle thumb over tony’s jaw. 'morning, beautiful,’ he says, and bends down to kiss tony’s cheek, ghosting his lips up to drop a second tiny kiss on the tip of tony’s nose. tony scrunches it, smiling, and then leans up to press warm sleep-soft lips to steve’s chin.
peter pops his head up at that. 'i kiss too,’ he says earnestly, and then plants a big wet one on steve’s neck. 'i kiss, papa. i kiss you!’ he giggles and then falls on tony again. 'i kiss my daddy,’ he says into tony’s shoulder. 'i kiss you, daddy. i doing kisses.’
'i can feel them,’ tony tells him, grinning up at steve. he runs his fingers through peter’s hair, and kisses his forehead.
and steve puts his arms round both of them, a warm safe circle, holding them close. later, they’ll get up, and steve will make rainy-day pancakes for breakfast while tony dresses peter, and there will be splashing in puddles on top of the tower, and cuddling with blankets and hot chocolate on the couch afterwards, and it will be wonderful, everything steve has ever wanted in the world.
but for now - tony is soft and warm and comfortably tucked into steve’s side; and peter is sleepy again, clutching steve’s shirt, his other small hand gently petting the side of tony’s face. and steve looks down at them both, and he’s simply happy.
'love you,’ he whispers, and tony smiles softly against his shoulder.
'love you back.’
(more ficlets under the 'stevetony ficlet’ tag on my blog)
(might do a follow up later with the puddle splashing)
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80smikewheeler · 7 years
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Whenever the boys go over to Mike’s house to play D&D, or have a sleepover, Holly Wheeler always finds herself wandering down into the basement after them. 
She often gets bored and lonely, everyone else in the house usually being too busy with other things to play with her. So, curious as to why the boys always disappear down there for what seems like an eternity or two, she frequently follows them down there, carefully clambering down the old wooden steps of the basement. When she reaches the bottom, she usually sees the boys huddled around the D&D table, shouting and laughing as they play.
Sometimes, Will will be over in the corner working on his latest masterpiece, trying not to get paint all over the floor. (Once, while Will was painting a portrait of Mike’s basement, and adding in all the colourful hues, he accidentally spilt paint all over Karen’s rug, but Mike being Will’s best friend, and kind hearted as always, took the wrap for him, and said it was him who knocked over the paint jar. Will worked for days on a portrait of Mike, to say thank you, which Mike hung up proudly on his cork board, which were full of his talented best friends’ little paintings and drawings.)
Holly often approaches Mike and asks can she play, or usually just stares at Mike in a puppy-dog kind of way, which Mike takes as her asking to play with them. Mike hates to be mean to Holly, but she can get winey very easily, and she doesn’t understand how to play, and as any sister does, she annoys Mike at times. He usually tells her to, “Go away.” And “Go and find Nancy, she’ll play with you.” But Will always feels bad at seeing little Holly sulk off, looking sad and lonely, gripping on to her tatty teddy bear, as though it is her only friend. So, Will decides one afternoon to take a break on playing D&D with the boys, and plays with Holly instead, to which she is delighted, and her huge smile when he says he will play with her, makes him feel good.
He starts off by showing her how to paint flowers and butterflies, and Holly takes great pleasure in Will showing her how to cover her hands in paint and print the paper with them, folding it over, to make a big, colourful butterfly, like a cool magic trick. 
They both end up with paint all over them, and Will has to scrub pink paint off a very ticklish Holly’s face. She constantly squirms and squeals, as Will tries to wipe it off her cheeks, wondering how she got it there in the first place, but she won’t keep still, and the pair end up in fits of giggles.
Afterwards, Holly gives Will her tiny, pink and purple, plastic hairbrush, and miniature multicoloured butterfly clips, and gives him the puppy dog eyes, until he agrees to plait her hair for her. 
Will enjoys combing through Holly’s hair, it’s soft and sleek, and he finds it soothing and calming to do. Holly never once squeals, or tells Will to stop, because it’s too painful. For some reason, she’s very calm around Will when he is brushing her hair, unlike when Karen or Nancy try to do her hair for her -she constantly screams and cries that they’re doing it too rough. 
Will takes out her scruffy looking piggy-tails, and plaits either side of her golden hair, neatly tying the ends together with little pink and purple ribbons to match her hairbrush.
Often, when Mike, Dustin and Lucas go outside to play, Will will occasionally go rooting and rummaging in Mike’s shed, finding one of Nancy’s old skipping ropes, and skip with Holly, who is miles better than Will, and ends up showing him how it’s done. 
They find two pairs of roller-skates wedged in the back of the shed also, and Will -being hesitant at first, agrees to attempt to roller-skate with her on the street outside, while his friends have bike races up and down the street.
Will is very wobbly at first, and struggles to keep his balance, often causing him to fall flat on his face, and Holly giggles as Will shakily tries to get himself up. He eventually masters it though, and he tries his best to help a stumbling Holly, and lightly pulls her behind him, as he skates up the road, trying to catch up with Mike and the others in their bike race.
At the end of the day, when Karen calls for Holly to come inside for her pre-bedtime bath, Holly presents her mum with her favourite strawberry ice cream, and Karen gives in to her, and makes a bowl up for her and Will, to say thank you to him for playing with her daughter and making her smile.
Holly always gives Will a massive hug before bed and thanks him for playing with her, and on occasion, she will pull out from behind her back, a small bouquet of handpicked daisies and buttercups, and presents them to Will, smiling proudly as she hands them over.
Will is overcome with gratitude and happiness at the adorable flowers she picks out for him, and makes Holly giggle as he holds one of the buttercups up to her chin, and tells her she must like butter, because her chin is illuminated in a yellow glow from the flower. 
She waves goodbye to him, and bounces up the stairs joyfully. Will feels happy that he’s made Mike’s little sister happy. He hates to see her feeling ignored, or overlooked, and Mike secretly loves to watch the two play, entranced in how good hearted his best friend is, and how calm Holly is around his best friend.
Mike thinks Will would make a fantastic father one day. Kind souls are few and far between in this world, but Mike knows, Will is definitely one of them, the best one, in his opinion.
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Would you be able to write something about Luke dating a professional dancer (like Broadway) and maybe combine it with the song "Little Things"? I feel like he would be the best body worshipping SO a gal could ask for 😉 I've been reading your imagines nonstop for the last few days and idk I would really love to see what you do with this one. Thanks!
Urgh, I feel you so much on this! My main headcanon is that Luke would be the best body worshipping SO! I changed it up a little bit to help soothe the plot over. I hope you like it
Little Things
Fandom: Criminal Minds Pairing: Luke Alvez x ReaderPrompt: Request (song inspiration: Little Things – One Direction)
Description: Things had changed, but one thing hadn’t…Luke was still hopelessly in love with you. 
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Your hand fits in mine like it’s made just for meBut bear this mind it was meant to beAnd I’m joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeksAnd it all makes sense to me
It was early when Luke woke up. Bright beams of sunlight shone onto his face, warming his skin, as he stirred sleepily. He smiled at the feeling of the light pressure on his chest, tenderly kissing your hair as you peacefully slept.
Almost instinctively he turned to glance at the baby monitor perched on the bedside table. All was peaceful.
He sighed contently as he sank back into the fluffy pillows, the serenity of the scene particularly soothing given the stressful case he had worked on yesterday. When he finally returned home late last night all he wanted was to cuddle up with you and wish his son goodnight.
Ever since he had become a new father, he had been struggling to keep his emotions in check when dealing with exceedingly horrific cases involving children. It sounded stupid, but he just couldn’t take his mind off his own baby at home.
He glanced down as your hand gripped his shirt tighter, murmuring quietly in your sleep. He bit his lip to contain his laughter at your drowsy mumblings. All he could make out was something about the ‘tatty teddy’ being on the living room table. Apparently, even in your slumber, you were still thinking about your son.
It had been a surprise to find out about your pregnancy.
Certainly, neither of you had planned for it to happen. But, it had been exciting news regardless. You had been dating for a long time now anyway and he loved you immensely. So, starting a family together was something he was more than happy about. In fact, the team had been delighted to see the bright grin on his face as he proudly showed them the ultrasound scans of his little boy.
He couldn’t have been happier.
I know you’ve never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smileYou’ve never loved your stomach or your thighsThe dimples in your back at the bottom of your spineBut I’ll love them endlessly
You looked so peaceful, almost angelic as you breathed softly – the rise and fall of your chest soothing against his skin. He tenderly brushed a stray strand of hair from your face, tracing the lines on your face.
He could stay like this forever.
You stirred slightly at his touch, shuffling in the sheets as you yawned sleepily. You sighed softly as you stretched your body, glancing up to see Luke’s soft smile.
Luke didn’t respond with words, wrapping his arm tightly around your waist to guide you back down beside him. A contented sigh escaped your throat as he pressed light kisses onto your neck, trailing downwards as his warm breath tickled your skin.
You groaned slightly in protest as he reached your stomach, pulling the sheets down to get a better view of your body.
“Luke, please don’t-” The rest of your complaints didn’t even register with him.
He just stared down at you in awe as his eyes swept over your form. Their warm brown depths seemed to almost radiate adoration as he leaned down to place tender kisses on your stomach, tracing the lines of your stretch marks lovingly.
He knew you still had hang-ups about your post-pregnancy body. It had especially been a problem for you given your career. Professional dancing required a lot of hard work and you still needed time to adjust to being a new mother.
He was well-aware that you were self-conscious about your body following the birth of your son. But, he couldn’t possibly understand why. You looked like a vision of perfection to him. If anything, each faded stretch mark made him love you even more. He just wanted you to know that.
“You’re beautiful.”
Your cheeks blushed as he held your gaze, the intensity in his eyes making your heart flutter. The scene was incredibly intimate, in a way you had rarely experienced. You just felt so comfortable…so safe in Luke’s arms.
I won’t let these little things slip out of my mouthBut if I do, it’s you, oh it’s you, they add up toI’m in love with you and all these little things
His hand gently caressed your face as he captured your lips in a passionate kiss.
A loud wail echoed around the room, followed by a bark – there was no really need to have a baby monitor with Roxy acting as a canine nanny. You tapped Luke’s cheek affectionately, kissing him softly as you murmured that you would attend to your son.
He was grateful for your offer, still a little exhausted from getting home so late last night. Besides, he would have the entire day to look after his son. You were heading to a meeting with your personal trainer, with the intention of slowly getting back into dance practice in time for important auditions in four months’ time.
You had both taken time off work to be there for your son. Of course, it would never be enough – the two of you entirely smitten with your tiny baby. But, you were both also determined to make it work – balancing your own ambitions, careers and new parenting responsibilities.
So, Luke had been thrilled to be able to do solo parenting today – allowing you the chance to return back to your other love, dancing.
You can’t go to bed without a cup of teaMaybe that’s the reason that you talk in your sleepAnd all those conversations are the secrets that I keepThough it makes no sense to me
He smiled to himself as he heard you cooing softly to your son in the nursery. A wide grin spreading across his face as he lent back into the pillows, observing your tea-stained favourite mug perched precariously on the bedside table next to the baby monitor.
The domesticity of the scene struck him. Never would he have imagined himself doting on a family, delighted to wake up to the sound of his baby gurgling and the sight of half-filled cups of tea beside the bed. But, here he was…and he couldn’t imagine anything better.
He still remembered all the nights you had stayed up together, murmuring softly about what baby names you preferred and how he still had to find the time to assemble the crib. Stroking your growing stomach lovingly as you felt the baby kick. But, even those nine months couldn’t have prepared him for the actual joy of being a father.
I know you’ve never loved the sound of your voice on tapeYou never want to know how much you weighYou still have to squeeze into your jeansBut you’re perfect to me
His lips curved upwards into an even bigger smile as you entered the room, rocking your baby gently in your arms as his cries subsided. Luke outstretched his arms as you passed his son over to him – allowing you to start getting ready for the day. Your son gurgled slightly at the disruption, calming down as Luke ran a gentle finger down his cheek soothingly.
“There. There little man.”
You smiled softly as you observed the two of them, Luke tenderly holding your son’s tiny hand in his as he rocked him from side to side. It was a sight you would never get tired of seeing.
You returned back to the task at hand, grabbing jeans and top to quickly pull on. However, you groaned as you tried to zip up the pants. It definitely wasn’t as easy as it used to be. Your son was the greatest thing you had ever done, but it had been difficult to accept how hard it would be to get back into dancing after the birth.
“God, what if I never fit back into them the same.” You muttered quietly, quickly throwing your shirt over in order to prevent yourself from looking at the soft layer of skin.
It was just hard considering what your body had used to be like. After all, you were a professional dancer. It was part of your job to have good fitness and it would take a lot of hard work to get back there.
Luke smiled kindly as he shook his head at your comment. He had already told you that you could achieve anything and that you would always be perfect to him regardless.
I won’t let these little things slip out of my mouthBut if it’s true, it’s you, it’s you, they add up toI’m in love with you and all these little things
As you prepared to leave the apartment, Luke stood up, cradling your son against his chest as he approached you. He smiled softly before swooping down to capture your lips in a loving kiss.
“Have a good day at work. We love you.”
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Personalised tiny tatty teddy unicorn swim & school bag
£14.99 + postage
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What's your favorite trinket?
I have a tiny tatty teddy which I gave to my Nan in hospital when I was 10 before she passed away x
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Personalised tiny tatty teddy unicorn water bottle £15.99 + p+p you can use up to 12 characters http://www.scboutique.uk/#a_aid=Tlc24
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krystalroser-blog · 7 years
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Always Kiss Me Goodnight: 10/02/18 by pinky-chocolatte featuring glass bottles ❤ liked on Polyvore
Jenny Packham see through lingerie, $725 / Jenny Packham dressing gown / MUK LUKS Delanie Women's Green Slipper S M / BERRICLE chain necklace / Cara bow hair accessory / Face cleanser / Catherine Jean wash bag, $52 / Vetro Vero glass bottle / Me To You Tiny Tatty Teddy Hanging Heart Frame ***Free Valentines..., $17
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velageleva-blog · 7 years
Tiny Tatty Teddy album for baby boy
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moisfrenchadventure · 7 years
In the same vein as my earlier post in the week, nature and the sky has had a huge influence on my decorating styles over the past months. You cannot be influenced by such a beautiful place.
My spare bedroom (which some of you may remember I started some time ago) is now nearly complete – apart from the floor and the shabby chic’ing of the grandfather clock that seems to have made it’s way in there!!
To just update people this was the room with the mad clowns on the wall (tasteful) which had suffered terrible damp last winter. It needed to house our daybed,  a double bed for when people came to stay, and act as my office. A reminder of what it looked like when it was clearly inspired by the film IT!!! (The French do like a clown or two!)
As you can see it had become a dumping ground, the lights were hanging out of the wall and it was in desperate need of some ‘Moisy’ style renovation.
Now some of you may have noticed that grey tends to be my favourite colour!! And you would be right! But blue is also a favourite of mine, and I tend to lean towards a little bit of pink; however with this renovation life showed me the way. I had lots of pretty things that I wanted to incorporate into this room, and it needed to be multi-functional as it is also my inspirational writing room; so I started by deciding where the double bed, and the day bed would go,  that took nearly day in itself as we moved furniture around again and again like a weird waltz that you do with furniture instead of another person!
Once I had decided where the double bed would go I painted the wall behind the headboard grey – nothing new there then!! But then a strange thing happened……
I painted the other walls with  what was meant to be a colour paint from the grey spectrum, but it was blue!! So I went with it, because it really was a beautiful sky blue and after painting the walls I stood at the doorway to the room and   I saw this…
It  looked as if the bedroom just went on out into the garden and I realised why I had randomly bought a tin of green chalk paint (I have never used green in my decorating before!) It was a revelation, go with what nature does best!! So I did. I painted my tatty old bureau pink and shabby chic’ed it up…. (handles to be added soon!!)
Painted by 1940’s metal desk mint green, with a blue top……..
I call this inspiration corner because it has all the things that inspire me around me, like the beautiful butterfly card from my mother in law, settled on the corner of the mirror that I hand painted…..
And many moons ago I posted about the chest of drawers that I had painted cream, and then I painted them pink,,,,,,
Well now they are green and back upstairs!!!!
Rich does say that you have to be careful in our house because if you stand still long enough then you will get painted!!
There are no longer lights just ‘hanging’ out of the wall because my  clever hubby fitted some beautiful 1940’s French lights that I purchased from a vide grenier, and look how stunning they are when lit (for those interested I am selling similar in my Etsy shop petiteFrenchfancies, go take a look) with the flower shape cascaded up the wall, so eclectic, so original.
The daybed in it’s place by the window is perfect, you can sit on it, as I did last night. and just see the views down the valley. It is my oldest cats sleeping place during the day as I write. (The Teddy Bear is vintage in itself, my mum bought it for my son when he was born and he took it everywhere for the first four years of his life, he used to call it Mummy Ted, and she is twenty seven years old.)
On the wall above the bed I have re-used the old kitchen shelf that I shabby chic’ed two years ago.  The bliss letters I have had for over fifteen years, so I painted them pink and they now sit on the shelf, because our surroundings are bliss.
I have also taken an old drawer and with the help of hubby turned it into a fantastic, eclectic shelf, with the a pretty crystal handle still attached.  I love it so much, with the decoupage at the back that I am going to do some more and sell these also on my Etsy shop, each one will be unique and a pretty addition to any room in the house.
Our home is finally turning into our home as we use more and more of the pretty things that we have accumulated over the years, not least the moon on the shelf, or the Noddy plate, a christening gift for my son, I am just keeping it safe for him.
There is the rusty sky hook on the bureau, with recent additions of the old French photo, that I could not bear to sell, or the India Star petrol lamp on sale in my Etsy shop. You may also notice the set of pretty pictures that my sister cross stitched for me as part of my fiftieth birthday present. Their colours fit perfectly in this room
The curtains have been lost in a bag for many a time, when in fact they were crying to come out and be seen, with their bright red roses, and green leaves they were destined for this room when I bought them all those years ago……
Still never ceases to amaze me how life comes together when you need it to!
I just love this room, with all of the little things that we have acquired over the years, from my hand painted pen jar, on my desk, to my shaker angels that Rich bought me many years ago…
To my stars and hearts bought for me by friends over the years, and a new addition a tiny metal French children’s money box, in the shape of a van. Sadly it does not have the key and the roof is not attached just comes off  or I would have sold it in my shop; it is so quirky, but now I get to keep it and it goes perfectly in this room.
So many little interesting things, with the addition of the blue sparkling lights that I spent over an hour fiddling with as I twisted them around the bed headboard.
Just got to do the floor now!!!
I love putting things together, and my house is a house of vignettes; when people come to visit they always love it and say that there is so much to see, but that it all goes towards making it feel homely. Last weekend as I was tidying and rearranging things Rich looked at me with tears in his eyes and said I just love it how you make our houses home.  But that has not stopped him banning me from keeping anything else, although I am sure that I will get around him!) so I have turned my attention to finding pretty things for others homes. I have been told that I have an eye for things so have a look at the new things coming to my shop soon. Some are currently living in my home, but it is now a one in one out policy!!!
I hope you enjoyed the show, and please comment and rate the posts I love the feedback.
                  The renovation continues:My eclectic, bedroom inspired by nature and all things vintage In the same vein as my earlier post in the week, nature and the sky has had a huge influence on my decorating styles over the past months.
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sweetsandpink · 7 years
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VimEst2017 2. by miinni ❤ liked on Polyvore
Baby Onesie, First Birthday, Light Blue Heart One T-shirt, Smash Cake,... / Me To You Tiny Tatty Teddy Cutest Little Boy Bear 10Cm, $10 / VIM Custom Request
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