#Tinea Corporis
familydocblog · 1 year
Ringworm: The Fungus Among Us
Ringworm is a common fungal skin infection that can affect people of all ages, including military-age adults. In this article, we will provide an overview of ringworm, its symptoms, activities that may provoke it, treatment options, and hygiene practices that can help prevent it. What is Ringworm? Ringworm, also known as tinea corporis, is a fungal infection that can affect the skin on the…
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thedermnerd · 9 months
Refining Terms Related to Pathogenicity
When discussing microbial infections clinically, it's important to refine the usage of common terms seen in microbiology. When we think of infections, we synonymize virulence, infectivity and pathogenicity, but their definitions are distinct. These terms represent different characteristics of pathogenicity, and their interplay can vary based on microbial species and the context of their host.
The efficiently and ease with which a microbe enters, survives, and multiplies in a host is defined by infectivity. This definition sounds synonymous to virulence. However, virulence relates to the severity damage its caused to their host. There can be a highly infective microbe that has low to no virulence. Rhinovirus is a highly infective virus, but only causes symptoms akin to the common cold. The inverse is seen through botulinum toxin produced by Clostridium botulinum. The toxin produced by C. botulinum causes muscle paralysis and death, but is low in terms of infectivity. Infectivity associated with this microbe commonly requires ingestion through canned goods or improperly stored or fermented food.
Pathogenicity refers to a microorganism's ability to cause disease in a host. Infectivity is an important prerequisite of pathogenicity, since a microbe must be infective to cause disease. Pathogenicity and its relation to virulence contributes to the measurement of severity of disease which can vary. Again, Rhinovirus is a highly infective virus that is pathogenic, but has low virulence. The Ebola virus is infective and causes highly virulent pathogenicity that can be fatal.
How infectivity, virulence, and pathogenicity are measured:
Infectivity is measured through the minimum number of microbes required to begin an infection in a susceptible host. This measurement is known as the infectious dose (ID). The higher the infectivity, the lower the ID value is.
Virulence is measured through the lethal dose 50 (LD50). As described by its title, the LD50 measures the dose of a pathogen or pathogen-related virulence factor that kills 50% of infected individuals. High virulence is associated with low LD50 values.
Pathogenesis can be measured through signs and symptoms, animal model studies, and histopathology. Observing signs and symptoms of an infection is evaluated by the patient and clinician. Animal models in laboratory animals help measure the onset and progression of pathogenesis. Histopathology examines tissues for signs of infection, inflammation and damage caused by the microbe. This information is foundational to microbe-related diagnostics in dermatology.
As discussed before, there is a close relationship between pathogenicity, virulence and infectivity. Infective pathogenic diagnoses that are virulent require strict control to prevent transmission. Dermatophytic infections, such as tinea corporis (ringworm), is a highly infective and moderately virulent diagnoses that can indirectly or directly spread. Necrotizing fasciitis is an example of a infective and highly virulent condition. Along with pharmaceutical treatment, prevention of transmission begins at the clinician's ability to educate the patient, and call for aid beyond the scope of dermatology. This includes critical care physicians, infectious disease specialists, surgeons, and pathologists. It's important for clinicians to get in touch with a patient's capacity to prevent, detect changes, and maintain well-being post-treatment. This plays a major role in disease prognosis and course of treatment.
In dermatology, preventing further pathogenesis, virulence and infectivity is largely determined by patient education. Treatment completion, personal hygiene, preventative measures, and proper wound care are not always understood or independently possible for a patient. Mental and physical disabilities require additions to a given care plan from the provider.
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dmgh85 · 1 year
Favus or tinea favosa is in most cases a severe form of tinea capitis. It is caused by the dermatophyte fungus Trichophyton schoenleinii and results in a honeycomb destruction of the hair shaft. Although rare, it may sometimes occur as onychomycosis, tinea barbae, or tinea corporis.
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WA 0853-2903-6883 ATASI Kulit Bayi Salep Penghilang Bercak Putih Pada Wajah Anak Di Epza Clinic Pekalongan
Dalam praktek kesehatan, seringkali saya menerima pertanyaan mengenai Bercak Putih Pada Kulit. Meskipun banyak orang langsung mengasumsikan bahwa itu adalah panu, namun sebenarnya ada banyak kondisi kulit lain yang bisa menjadi penyebabnya.
KONSULTASI & PENGOBATAN Epza Clinic KLIK DISINI https://wa.me/6285329036883
Dalam Medis juga  biasanya yang Kerap kita panggil Kulit Bercak Putih ini disebut sebagai Vitiligo Kulit. Ini Dia Beberapa penyebab Bercak Putih pada kulit selain panu, serta bagaimana cara menanganinya secara efektif!
Kekurangan Pigmen Pada Kulit, Kulit Bintik Putih, Kulit Bintik Putih Gatal, Kulit Bintik Putih Tidak Gatal, Kult Bintik Putih Di Tangan
Berbagai Pertanyaan Anda Tersebut Akan Kami Bahas Dan Atasi Disini Bersama Epza Clinic Kajen !  Penyakit Kulit Vitiligo Bisa Sembuh dengan penanganan Langsung dari Epza Clinic Kajen.
1. Vitiligo
Vitiligo merupakan kondisi autoimun di mana sistem kekebalan tubuh menyerang melanosit, yaitu sel-sel yang menghasilkan pigmen di kulit. Dampaknya, bercak-bercak putih yang tidak beraturan muncul di berbagai bagian tubuh. Vitiligo dapat terjadi pada semua orang, namun lebih tampak pada individu dengan warna kulit yang gelap.
Bercak putih dengan tepi yang jelas.
Area yang terkena sering meliputi wajah, tangan, lengan, kaki, dan sekitar lubang tubuh (mulut, mata, hidung, pusar, dan alat kelamin).
Kadang disertai dengan perubahan warna rambut menjadi putih atau abu-abu.
Terapi Topikal: Krim kortikosteroid atau imunomodulator topikal dapat membantu mengembalikan warna kulit pada beberapa individu.
Fototerapi: Terapi cahaya ultraviolet B (UVB) sering digunakan untuk memperlambat atau menghentikan penyebaran vitiligo.
Bedah: Teknik bedah seperti cangkok kulit atau tato medis bisa menjadi pilihan untuk beberapa pasien.
Epza Clinic Kami Bisa Dengan Cepat Mengatasi Vitiligo tersebut dengan Penanganan seperti Terapi Topikal, Fototerapi, Bedah.
Klik https://wa.me/6285329036883 UNTUK PENANGANAN LANGSUNG
2. Pitiriasis Alba
Pitiriasis alba adalah kondisi kulit yang umum terjadi pada anak-anak dan remaja. Meskipun penyebab pastinya tidak diketahui, kondisi ini sering dikaitkan dengan eksim ringan atau kulit kering.
Bercak putih yang sedikit bersisik dan lebih terlihat setelah paparan sinar matahari.
Biasanya muncul di wajah, leher, lengan atas, dan badan.
Pelembap: Menggunakan pelembap secara rutin dapat membantu mengurangi kekeringan dan memperbaiki penampilan kulit.
Krim Steroid Ringan: Kadang-kadang, dokter mungkin meresepkan krim steroid ringan untuk mengurangi peradangan dan membantu pemulihan kulit.
Jika Anda Mengalami Hal Seperti Gejala Diatas, Bisa Segera Konsultasikan Ke Epza Clinic Kami .  Dengan Alami Dapat Menghilangkan Bercak Putih Di Wajah, Menghilangkan Bercak Putih Di Kulit.
3. Hipopigmentasi Pasca-Inflamasi
Hipopigmentasi pasca-inflamasi terjadi ketika kulit kehilangan pigmentasi setelah mengalami peradangan atau cedera. Ini bisa terjadi setelah kondisi seperti dermatitis, infeksi kulit, atau luka bakar.
Bercak putih di area yang sebelumnya meradang atau terluka.
Bercak ini bisa memudar seiring waktu, tetapi pada beberapa orang, bisa bertahan lebih lama.
Penggunaan Pelembap: Menjaga kulit tetap lembap dan terhidrasi dapat membantu mempercepat pemulihan.
Terapi Topikal: Krim yang mengandung kortikosteroid atau tacrolimus dapat diresepkan untuk mempercepat pemulihan warna kulit.
Kulit Bintik Putih Berair, Kulit Bintik Putih Dan Gatal, Kult Bintik Putih Tapi Tidak Gatal, Kulit Bintik Putih Pada Bayi, Kulit Bayi Bintik Putih
4. Tinea Versicolor
Tinea versicolor adalah infeksi jamur yang berbeda dari panu (tinea corporis). Infeksi ini disebabkan oleh jamur Malassezia yang biasanya hidup di kulit kita. Ketika kondisi tertentu seperti kelembapan atau perubahan hormon memicu pertumbuhan jamur yang berlebihan, bisa menyebabkan bercak putih.
Bercak putih atau berwarna terang pada kulit.
Kulit yang terkena mungkin terasa sedikit bersisik atau gatal.
Bercak sering muncul di punggung, dada, leher, dan lengan atas.
Antijamur Topikal: Krim atau lotion antijamur seperti ketoconazole atau selenium sulfida dapat membantu mengatasi infeksi.
Antijamur Oral: Pada kasus yang lebih parah, dokter mungkin meresepkan obat antijamur oral.
5. Albinisme
Albinisme adalah kondisi genetik yang menyebabkan tubuh tidak dapat memproduksi melanin dengan normal. Hal ini mengakibatkan kulit, rambut, dan mata yang sangat terang.
Kulit sangat putih atau pucat.
Rambut yang sangat terang, sering kali berwarna putih atau pirang.
Masalah penglihatan yang terkait dengan kurangnya pigmen di mata.
Perlindungan dari Matahari: Orang dengan albinisme harus sangat berhati-hati dengan paparan sinar matahari dan menggunakan tabir surya dengan SPF tinggi.
Pemeriksaan Mata Rutin: Albinisme sering disertai dengan masalah penglihatan, sehingga pemeriksaan mata rutin sangat penting.
6. Psoriasis Guttata
Psoriasis guttata adalah bentuk psoriasis yang ditandai dengan bercak-bercak kecil berwarna merah muda atau putih yang sering muncul setelah infeksi streptokokus.
Bercak kecil berbentuk seperti tetesan yang tersebar di tubuh.
Kulit yang terkena bisa terasa gatal atau bersisik.
Terapi Topikal: Krim kortikosteroid atau vitamin D analog dapat membantu mengurangi peradangan dan mempercepat penyembuhan.
Fototerapi: Terapi cahaya ultraviolet sering digunakan untuk mengobati psoriasis guttata.
Jangan ragu untuk berkonsultasi dengan Dokter Kulit Vitiligo Epza Clinic Kami jika Anda menemukan bercak putih yang mencurigakan atau mengkhawatirkan pada kulit Anda.
Epza Clinic Perawatan yang cepat dan tepat dapat membantu mencegah komplikasi lebih lanjut dan menjaga kesehatan kulit Anda.
Kulit Anak Bintik Putih, Kulit Ada Bintik Putih, Kulit Anak Bintik Putih, Kulit Bayi Ada Bintik Putih Berair, Kulit Bayi Ada Bintik Putih
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dermatologiest1 · 1 month
Defeating Ringworm: Expert Treatment Tips and Tricks
Ringworm, despite its name, is not caused by worms but by fungi. This common skin infection can affect various parts of the body, including the scalp, body, feet, and nails. While it's typically not a serious condition, ringworm can be uncomfortable and unsightly. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the causes, symptoms, and most importantly, expert treatment tips and tricks to effectively Treatment of Ring Worms and regain healthy skin.
Understanding Ringworm: Causes and Symptoms
Before delving into treatment strategies, it's crucial to understand what causes ringworm and how to identify its symptoms. Ringworm is caused by various fungi, including dermatophytes, which thrive in warm, moist environments. The most common types of ringworm infections include tinea corporis (body), tinea capitis (scalp), tinea pedis (foot), and tinea cruris (groin).
Symptoms of ringworm vary depending on the affected area but often include:
Red, scaly patches on the skin
Itching and irritation
Circular or ring-shaped rashes
Cracked or blistered skin
Hair loss in the case of scalp ringworm
Thickened, discolored nails for nail ringworm
Diagnosis and Consultation with a Healthcare Professional While self-diagnosis is possible for some, it's crucial to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis. Dermatologists or general practitioners can examine the affected area, perform tests such as skin scrapings, or use Wood's lamp examination for suspected fungal infections. Once diagnosed, the healthcare provider can recommend the most effective treatment plan based on the severity and type of ringworm infection.
Expert Treatment Tips and Tricks
Antifungal Medications: The cornerstone of ringworm treatment is antifungal medications. Topical antifungal creams, lotions, or sprays are often effective for mild to moderate cases. Common antifungal agents include clotrimazole, miconazole, terbinafine, and ketoconazole. For severe or widespread infections, oral antifungal medications may be prescribed.
Keep the Affected Area Clean and Dry: Moisture promotes fungal growth, so keeping the affected area clean and dry is essential. Gently wash the area with soap and water, then thoroughly dry it before applying antifungal treatments. Avoid sharing towels, clothing, or personal items to prevent spreading the infection.
Use Antifungal Shampoos: In cases of scalp ringworm (tinea capitis), antifungal shampoos containing selenium sulfide, ketoconazole, or ciclopirox can help eliminate the fungi. Follow the instructions carefully and use the shampoo as directed by your healthcare provider.
Practice Good Hygiene: Good hygiene habits can prevent ringworm infections and aid in treatment. Wash your hands regularly, especially after touching pets or other potentially contaminated surfaces. Keep your nails clean and trimmed to prevent fungal growth under the nails.
Treat Pets and Household Contacts: Ringworm can spread from pets to humans and vice versa. If you have pets, especially cats or dogs, consult a veterinarian for appropriate antifungal treatments. Clean and disinfect pet bedding, grooming tools, and living areas regularly.
Avoid Tight Clothing: Tight clothing, especially in areas prone to ringworm like the groin (tinea cruris) or feet (tinea pedis), can exacerbate the infection. Wear loose-fitting, breathable clothing and change sweaty clothing promptly to reduce moisture buildup.
Consider Natural Remedies: While not a replacement for medical treatment, some natural remedies may complement conventional therapy. Tea tree oil, diluted in a carrier oil, has antifungal properties and can be applied topically. However, always consult your healthcare provider before using natural remedies, especially if you're already on prescribed medications.
Follow the Full Course of Treatment: Consistency is key in treating ringworm effectively. Follow your healthcare provider's instructions regarding the duration and frequency of antifungal treatments. Even if symptoms improve, continue treatment as prescribed to prevent recurrence.
Monitor for Recurrence: After completing the prescribed treatment, monitor the affected area for any signs of recurrence. If symptoms reappear or worsen, consult your healthcare provider for further evaluation and treatment adjustments.
Maintain Overall Skin Health: Healthy skin is more resistant to fungal infections. Maintain good overall skin hygiene by moisturizing regularly, avoiding excessive use of harsh soaps or chemicals, and protecting your skin from prolonged exposure to moisture.
Conclusion Defeating ringworm requires a multifaceted approach that combines medical treatment, good hygiene practices, and environmental management. By following expert treatment tips and tricks, you can effectively eliminate ringworm and prevent its recurrence. Remember to consult your healthcare provider for personalized advice and guidance throughout the treatment process. With diligence and proper care, you can regain healthy, ringworm-free skin.
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storelatina · 2 months
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Tinea corporis: what it is, symptoms, causes and treatment - https://storelatina.com/?p=97079
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vivaaestheticclinic · 2 months
Fungal infection treatment in Mumbai: Expert Care at VIVA Aesthetic Clinic in Colaba
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Fungal infections Treatment in Mumbai can wreak havoc on your skin, hair, and nails, but fret not – relief is within reach. Dr. Deepam Shah, a seasoned specialist at VIVA Aesthetic Clinic in Colaba, is here to tackle various fungal foes head-on, from Tinea Capitis to Tinea Pedis.
Understanding Fungal Foes:
Tinea Capitis: Scalp woes causing hair loss and inflammation.
Tinea Barbae: Barber's itch, menacing the beard with redness and lesions.
Tinea Corporis: Ringworm's unwelcome visit to the trunk and limbs.
Tinea Cruris: Jock itch, making its presence known in the thigh-groin area.
Tinea Manuum & Tinea Pedis: Hand and foot fungal fiends, each with its distinct mark.
Combat Strategies:
General Measures: Keep clean, steer clear of sharing, and change clothes often.
Topical Treatments: Perfect for mild cases or oral-medication aversion.
Oral Medications: Potent against certain infections, albeit with monitoring.
ND-Yag Laser Magic: A painless fix for fungal nails, waving goodbye to Onychomycosis.
Recovery and Beyond:
Pain Management: Post-op relief with prescribed medications.
Swelling Solutions: Patience required as swelling subsides over weeks.
Activity Caution: Ease off the gas pedal for optimal healing.
Follow-up Assurance: Check-ins to track progress and tidy up any loose ends.
Why Choose Us:
Relief and Renewal: Bid farewell to discomfort and hello to healthier skin.
Empowerment: Reclaim your daily routine with confidence.
Expert Guidance: Trust in the expertise of Dr. Deepam Shah and her dedicated team.
Prevention Is Key: Nip fungal troubles in the bud to avoid future complications.
Don't Wait – Take Action: Don't let fungal foes dictate your comfort. Reach out to VIVA Aesthetic Clinic, Fungal infections Treatment in Mumbai today and embark on your journey to healthier, happier skin. Whether you're in Colaba or beyond, our doors are open to guide you toward effective fungal infection management.
Contact Us: Ready to bid farewell to fungal foes? Swing by VIVA Aesthetic Clinic, Fungal infections Treatment in Mumbai at Opera House or contact 022 3573 1556 | 93245 89084. Can't make the trip? Drop us your details, and we'll reach out – because your skin deserves nothing less than expert care.
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drpurishomoeopathy · 3 months
Exploring the Efficacy of Homeopathy in Treating Fungal Infections: A Holistic Approach to Wellness
Fungal infections can be stubborn and discomforting, affecting various parts of the body such as the skin, nails, and even internal organs. While conventional treatments offer antifungal medications, some individuals seek alternative approaches like homeopathy for a more holistic and gentle solution. In this article, we delve into the principles of homeopathy and its effectiveness in combating fungal infections.
Understanding Homeopathy:
Homeopathy is a natural system of medicine founded on the principle of “like cures like” and the concept of individualized treatment. Homeopathic remedies are prepared from natural substances and are highly diluted to stimulate the body’s self-healing mechanisms without causing adverse effects. Homeopathy considers not only the physical symptoms but also the emotional and mental aspects of a person’s health.
Homeopathy and Fungal Infections:
Homeopathy takes a holistic approach to treating fungal infections by addressing the underlying imbalances in the body’s defense mechanisms and promoting overall health and vitality. Homeopathic remedies for fungal infections are selected based on the individual’s unique symptoms, constitution, and the specific type and location of the infection.
1. Skin Fungal Infections:
Skin fungal infections such as ringworm (tinea corporis), athlete’s foot (tinea pedis), and jock itch (tinea cruris) can cause itching, redness, and discomfort. Homeopathic remedies such as Sulphur, Graphites, and Sepia may be prescribed to alleviate symptoms, promote healing, and strengthen the body’s immune response against the fungus.
2. Nail Fungal Infections:
Nail fungal infections (onychomycosis) can cause thickening, discoloration, and crumbling of the nails, leading to embarrassment and discomfort. Homeopathic remedies like Antimonium crudum, Graphites, and Thuja occidentalis may be recommended to address nail fungus symptoms and promote healthy nail growth.
3. Internal Fungal Infections:
Internal fungal infections, such as candidiasis (yeast infection), can affect the digestive tract, causing symptoms like bloating, gas, and fatigue. Homeopathic remedies such as Candida albicans, Sulphur, and Nux vomica may be prescribed to rebalance the gut flora, strengthen the immune system, and alleviate digestive symptoms.
While homeopathy offers potential benefits for treating fungal infections, it’s essential to consult with a qualified homeopathic practitioner for personalized treatment. Homeopathic remedies are individualized based on the unique symptoms and constitution of each person. Additionally, integrating homeopathic treatment with lifestyle modifications, dietary changes, and conventional medical care can provide comprehensive support for individuals dealing with fungal infections. As with any medical intervention, it’s important to seek professional guidance and take a holistic approach to promote wellness and vitality.
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*Dr. Smita Goel Homeopathy Clinic*
A fungal infection, also called mycosis, is a skin disease caused by a fungus.
There are millions of species of fungi. They live in the dirt, on plants, on household surfaces, and on your skin. Sometimes, they can lead to skin problems like rashes or bumps.
A fungal skin infection might cause:
• Irritation
• Scaly skin
• Redness
• Itching
• Swelling
• Blisters
Fungal skin infections can happen anywhere on your body. Some of the most common are athlete's foot, jock itch, ringworm, and yeast infections.
Fungi live everywhere. They can be found in plants, soil, and even on your skin. These microscopic organisms on your skin typically don’t cause any problem, unless they multiply faster than normal or penetrate your skin through a cut or lesion.
Since fungi thrive in warm, moist environments, fungal skin infections can often develop in sweaty or damp areas that don’t get much airflow. Some examples include the feet, groin, and folds of skin.
Often, these infections appear as a scaly rash or discoloration of the skin that is often itchy.
Fungal skin infections are often spread through direct contact. This can include coming into contact with fungi on clothing or other items, or on a person or animal.
Many common fungal infections can affect the skin. In addition to the skin, another common area for fungal infections is mucous membranes. Some examples of these are vaginal yeast infections and oral thrush.
Below, we’ll explore some of the most common types of fungal infections that can impact the skin.
Ringworm of the body (tinea corporis)
Ringworm is caused by a fungus and not a worm. It typically occurs on the torso and limbs. Ringworm on other areas of the body can have different names, such as athlete’s foot and jock itch.
The main symptom of ringworm is a ring-shaped rash with slightly raised edges. The skin inside these circular rashes usually looks healthy. The rash can spread and is often itchy.
Ringworm is a common fungal skin infection and is highly contagious. It’s not serious, though, and can usually be treated with an antifungal cream.
Athlete’s foot (tinea pedis)
Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection that affects the skin on your feet, often between your toes. Typical symptoms of athlete’s foot include:
• itching, or a burning, stinging sensation between your toes or on the soles of your feet
• skin that appears red, scaly, dry, or flaky
• cracked or blistered skin
In some cases, the infection can also spread to other areas of your body. Examples include your nails, groin, or hands (tinea manuum).
Jock itch (tinea cruris)
Jock itch is a fungal skin infection that happens in the area of your groin and thighs. It’s most common in men and adolescent boys.
The main symptom is an itchy red rash that typically starts in the groin area or around the upper inner thighs. The rash may get worse after exercise or other physical activity and can spread to the buttocks and abdomen.
The affected skin may also appear scaly, flaky, or cracked. The outer border of the rash can be slightly raised and darker.
Ringworm of the scalp (tinea capitis)
This fungal infection affects the skin of the scalp and the associated hair shafts. It’s most common in young children and needs to be treated with prescription oral medication as well as antifungal shampoo. The symptoms can include:
• localized bald patches that may appear scaly or red
• associated scaling and itching
• associated tenderness or pain in the patches
Tinea versicolor
Tinea versicolor, sometimes called pityriasis versicolor, is a fungal/yeast skin infection that causes small oval discolored patches to develop on the skin. It’s caused by an overgrowth of a specific type of fungus called Malassezia, which is naturally present on the skin of about 90 percent of adults.
These discolored skin patches most often occur on the back, chest, and upper arms. They may look lighter or darker than the rest of your skin, and can be red, pink, tan, or brown. These patches can be itchy, flaky, or scaly.
Tinea versicolor is more likely during the summer or in areas with a warm, wet climate. The condition can sometimes return following treatment.
Cutaneous candidiasis
This is a skin infection that’s caused by Candida fungi. This type of fungi is naturally present on and inside our bodies. When it overgrows, an infection can happen.
Candida skin infections occur in areas that are warm, moist, and poorly ventilated. Some examples of typical areas that can be affected include under the breasts and in the folds of the buttocks, such as in diaper rash.
The symptoms of a Candida infection of the skin can include:
• a red rash
• itching
• small red pustules
Onychomycosis (tinea unguium)
Onychomycosis is a fungal infection of your nails. It can affect the fingernails or the toenails, although infections of the toenails are more common.
You may have onychomycosis if you have nails that are:
• discolored, typically yellow, brown, or white
• brittle or break easily
• thickened
Prescription medications are often required to treat this type of infection. In severe cases, your doctor may remove some or all of an affected nail.
There are several factors that can put you at an increased risk of getting a fungal skin infection. These include:
• living in a warm or wet environment
• sweating heavily
• not keeping your skin clean and dry
• sharing items like clothing, shoes, towels, or bedding
• wearing tight clothing or footwear that doesn’t breathe well
• taking part in activities that involve frequent skin-to-skin contact
• coming into contact with animals that may be infected
• having a weakened immune system due to immunosuppressant drugs, cancer treatment, or conditions such as HIV
Try to keep the following tips in mind to help prevent a fungal skin infection from developing:
• Be sure to practice good hygiene.
• Don’t share clothing, towels, or other personal items.
• Wear clean clothes every day, particularly socks and underwear.
• Choose clothing and shoes that breathe well. Avoid clothing or shoes that are too tight or have a restrictive fit.
• Make sure to dry off properly with a clean, dry, towel after showering, bathing, or swimming.
• Stay away from animals that have signs of a fungal infection, such as missing fur or frequent scratching.
Fungal skin infections are common. Although these infections aren’t usually serious, they can cause discomfort and irritation due to itchy or scaly red skin. If not treated, the rash may spread or become more irritated.
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songsforsinglepillows · 4 months
Terminus Krem Ne İşe Yarar? Nasıl Kullanılır? Terminus krem genel olarak maya, küf ve mantar enfeksiyonlarını iyileştirmek için kullanılır. Peki Terminus krem nedir, nasıl kullanılır, yan etkileri nelerdir, ne işe yarar, muadili nedir, fiyatları nedir, özellikleri nelerdir, cilt üzerinde hangi etkileri vardır gibi soruların cevaplarını sizler için yazdık. İlaç Satışı İnternet Sitelerinden Yapılamaz. İlaçlar Sadece Eczanede Satılır. Bu yaz... https://www.begonya.com/terminus-krem/?feed_id=187683&_unique_id=65e67436db6f8
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skkayurveda · 4 months
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miraridoctor · 5 months
Ringworm constitutes a common superficial fungal infection of the skin caused by dermatophyte molds. The classic round rash mimics worm burrowing under the skin. Also termed “tinea corporis”, lesions often prove frustratingly persistent and pruritic.... #Mirari #MirariDoctor #MirariColdPlasma #ColdPlasma
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oaresearchpaper · 7 months
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vitiligocare · 9 months
White pigmentation on skin
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White pigmentation on the skin can be caused by a variety of factors, and if you have concerns about your skin, you should consult a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and treatment. That said, here are some common causes of white pigmentation on the skin:
1. Vitiligo: Vitiligo is a skin condition characterized by the loss of melanocytes (cells that produce pigment) in certain areas of the skin. This results in white patches or depigmented areas on the skin.
2. Tinea Versicolor: This is a fungal infection that can lead to white or light-colored patches on the skin. It's caused by an overgrowth of the yeast Malassezia on the skin.
3. Post-Inflammatory Hypopigmentation: Sometimes, after an injury, inflammation, or certain skin conditions (like eczema or psoriasis), the skin may lose pigmentation, leading to white patches. This is usually temporary and can improve over time.
4. Pityriasis Alba: This is a common skin condition in children and young adults that causes pale, round or oval patches on the skin. It's often associated with mild eczema and tends to improve with time.
5. Halo Nevus: A halo nevus is a mole with a white ring or halo around it. The cause of this phenomenon is not fully understood, but it's generally considered benign.
6. Skin Fungus: Certain skin fungal infections, like tinea corporis (ringworm) or pityriasis versicolor, can lead to white patches or spots on the skin.
7. Chemical Exposure: Exposure to certain chemicals or substances can lead to skin depigmentation in some cases.
8. Autoimmune Conditions: Some autoimmune conditions can affect the pigmentation of the skin. For example, in conditions like scleroderma or lupus, changes in skin pigmentation can occur.
9. Genetic Factors: In some cases, genetic factors may play a role in the development of white pigmentation on the skin.
Leugo Kit is a prominent and prevailing treatment therapy for Vitiligo. It is an ayurvedic kit which can get rid of this disease soon. Leugo Kit is the most effective treatment for vitiligo or leucoderma skin disorder.
You may visit www.vitiligocare.co to buy Leugo kit or you may contact at +91 8657-870-870
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What is the role of a Holistic Skin Care Specialist?
There are numerous skin ailments and conditions that can affect people. Here are some common skin ailments:
1. Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis): Eczema is a chronic condition characterized by dry, itchy, and inflamed skin. It often appears as red, scaly patches that can be triggered by certain allergens, irritants, or environmental factors.
2. Psoriasis: Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease that causes the rapid build-up of skin cells. This leads to thick, silvery scales and itchy, red patches on the skin. Psoriasis can occur on various parts of the body and may be triggered by factors like stress, infections, or certain medications.
3. Acne: Acne is a common skin condition characterized by the formation of pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, and cysts. It occurs when hair follicles become clogged with oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria. Acne is most commonly seen on the face, chest, and back.
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4. Rosacea: Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that primarily affects the face, causing redness, visible blood vessels, and sometimes small, pus-filled bumps. It can also cause a burning or stinging sensation and eye irritation in some cases.
5. Dermatitis: Dermatitis refers to inflammation of the skin, which can result from various causes such as allergic reactions, irritants, or exposure to certain substances. Symptoms may include redness, itching, dryness, and swelling.
6. Hives (Urticaria): Hives are raised, itchy welts that appear on the skin and are usually caused by an allergic reaction to certain foods, medications, insect bites, or other triggers. They can vary in size and shape and may come and go quickly.
7. Fungal Infections: Fungal infections of the skin, such as ringworm (tinea corporis), athlete's foot (tinea pedis), and candidiasis, can cause red, itchy, and sometimes scaly patches on the skin.
8. Cold Sores (Herpes Labialis): Cold sores are small blisters that form on or around the lips and are caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). They can be painful and may recur periodically, especially during times of stress or a weakened immune system.
It's important to consult with a holistic skin care specialist in Los Angeles for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment for any skin ailment. Here are some key aspects of a holistic skin care specialist's role:
Assessing individual needs: A holistic skin care specialist in Los Angeles will conduct a thorough assessment of a person's skin condition, lifestyle, diet, stress levels, and overall health. They consider various factors that may contribute to skin concerns, such as hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, allergies, and emotional well-being.
Creating personalized treatment plans: Based on the assessment, a holistic skin care specialist will develop a customized treatment plan that incorporates natural and holistic approaches. This may include a combination of dietary recommendations, lifestyle modifications, stress management techniques, herbal remedies, and topical skincare products formulated with natural ingredients.
Emphasizing internal health: Holistic skin care specialists recognize the connection between skin health and overall well-being. They may suggest dietary changes to support skin health, such as recommending a nutrient-rich diet, promoting hydration, and identifying potential food triggers that may worsen skin conditions.
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vivaaestheticclinic · 4 months
Viva Aesthetic- Fungal Infection Treatment in Mumbai 
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Fungal infections can affect the skin, hair, and nails, causing discomfort and potential harm if left untreated. Dr. Deepam Shah offers specialized fungal infection treatments in Colaba to address various types of fungal infections like Tinea Capitis, Tinea Barbae, Tinea Corporis, Tinea Cruris, Tinea Manuum, and Tinea Pedis.
Types of Fungal Infections:
Tinea Capitis: A scalp infection leading to skin exfoliation, hair loss patches, or inflammatory lesions.
Tinea Barbae: Known as Barber’s itch, affecting the beard area with red plaques and purulent lesions.
Tinea Corporis: A ringworm type found on the trunk and extremities, characterized by red plaques.
Tinea Cruris: Jock itch affecting the thigh-groin region with well-defined red areas.
Tinea Manuum & Tinea Pedis: Fungal infections of the hands and feet with distinct characteristics.
Treatment Options:
General Measures: Maintaining cleanliness, avoiding excessive washing, sharing personal items, and changing undergarments frequently.
Topical Formulations: Ideal for mild infections or individuals unable to take oral medications.
Orally Administered Formulations: Effective for specific fungal infections but require regular monitoring due to potential side effects.
ND-Yag Laser Treatment: Particularly effective for Onychomycosis (fungal nail infections) as a painless and efficient therapy.
Recovery and Consultation:
Pain Management: Medications are prescribed to manage post-operative discomfort.
Swelling: Common after treatment and may take weeks to subside.
Activity Restrictions: Patients are advised to avoid strenuous activities for proper healing.
Follow-up Appointments: Scheduled to monitor healing progress and remove stitches or drains.
Benefits of Treatment:
Relief from physical discomfort caused by fungal infections.
Improved participation in daily activities with reduced symptoms.
Enhanced self-esteem by addressing skin conditions effectively.
Correction of fungal infections to prevent complications.
Dr. Deepam Shah at VIVA Aesthetic Clinic in Colaba offers expert guidance and treatment for fungal infections. By seeking professional help for fungal issues, individuals can ensure safe and effective management of their condition. If you are experiencing symptoms of a fungal infection or seeking consultation for treatment options in Mumbai, VIVA Aesthetic Clinic provides a supportive environment led by Dr. Deepam Shah, a renowned Dermatologist, Cosmetologist & Hair Transplant Surgeon.
Don't ignore fungal infections or attempt self-treatment with over-the-counter products. Seek expert opinion and personalized care at VIVA Aesthetic Clinic for effective management of fungal skin conditions. Contact the clinic at Opera House or reach out via phone or WhatsApp for a consultation with Dr. Deepam Shah and her team of experts dedicated to guiding you through every stage of your treatment journey towards healthier skin.
For more information, consult Dr. Deepam Shah practicing at Viva Aesthetic Clinic For Fungal infection treatment in mumbaior you can Contact us on 93245 89084.
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