#Timo Niemi
1996 Oslo - Number 12 - Jasmine - "Niin Kaunis On Taivas"
Finland and YLE had missed 1995 due to relegation, and now wanted to try something a little different. They went to a live broadcast with live phone-voting and live music. Instead of a fully open competition to qualify, they got the music industry to select the songs leading to some better know names performing, but perhaps they weren't putting forward their better songs. There was also a catastrophe with the phone voting. The lines were opened after the first act leading to accusations of unfairness. They also got jammed, overwhelmed by the response. The problems were such that they had to delay announcing the winner until the Monday after the competition by which time the news of who had won had leaked to the press, and bizarrely, on teletext.
That winner was Jasmine. A Romani singer from Helsinki singing a song from a recently deceased songwriter (Timo Niemi) who had been a member of Rio - a band who were also competing in the same contest. Despite the controversy and the problems with the phone vote, the results was clear. Jasmine got roughly twice the number of votes as her nearest rival.
Niin kaunis on taivas (The Sky is So Beautiful) is a Western tinged ramble under the night sky, full of stars, with your loved one by your side, keeping you warm. It's gentle and warm, and is accompanied by one of NRKs many uses of TV effects in an attempt to enliven the verses, which only distract slightly in this case. Another weird thing is that Jasmine apparently disliked the make-up and hairstyling of the Norwegian production so much that just prior to going on-stage, she decided to remove them and perform with very little make-up and unstyled hair. She also had to perform straight after the eventual winner of the contest.
The result of all of this chaos both in selection and on the night was that Finland just scraped through the audio-selection final in 22nd place and then finished last on the night in Oslo, garnering nine points. It didn't deserve this fate. It's a beautiful if simple song of love that it would be wrong to forget.
Jasmine, perhaps unsurprisingly, didn't enter the Finnish selection again, but did tour all over Europe as well as releasing several singles and a couple of albums.
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nofatclips · 5 years
Soul of a Vagabond by Stratovarius from the album Elements Pt. 1
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Dear San Jose Sharks,
Why is “Holiday Sweater” not available in iTunes? I need it in my everyday life
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eurovisionsongaday · 6 years
Aaaand, sorry for the last place, Finland.
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Aleksi Mitro’s 50th birthday celebration, 1.6.1921 Finland. (Karjalan Sivistysseura)
Kauppias, sittemmin kauppaneuvos Aleksei Mitron 50-vuotispäivä 1.6.1921. Henkilöt seisomassa alk. vasemmalta: kauppias Pekka Pankkonen, sanomalehden toimittaja Heikki Hyppönen, kauppias Matti Väisänen, kauppias Timo Manner, liikemies Hertell, kauppias Simo Niemi, kirjailija Iivo Härkönen, päivänsankari Aleksei Mitro, tohtori-insinööri Ben Mitro, kauppiaat Probus Rahikainen ja Paavo Ahava. Istumassa rva Iida Manner, Aino Mitro, tohtorinrouva Mascha von Pfaler (Aleksei Mitron sisar). Edessä Paula Mitro (11v) ja Pekka Mitro (9v).
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padfootagain · 6 years
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Proposed by @madamrogers :
At first, I want to thank you for hosting an event like this! It has been so interesting to read about movies from other countries and I decided to put only Finnish movies on this list. Some of these I’ve seen, some are important or have a significant meaning for our culture or were just quite popular when they came out.
Tie pohjoiseen (Eng. Road North) 2012 - Directed by Mika Kaurismäki - Starring Vesa-Matti Loiri, Samuli Edelmann
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Summary: A drama, a road movie about a father who meets his son after a long time. The father wants to bond with the son after these long 30 years and they go on a long road trip to the north.
Jenna’s Note: Vesa-Matti Loiri is one of the most iconic faces of Finnish cinema (and also music, he’s a singer as well) and he really deserves all the appreciation he gets. Him and Edelmann (who is also a singer, they sing the ending song of the film together) work very well together in this one, they have chemistry and it’s visible how much they’ve enjoyed working together. This is one of my own favorites of Finnish movies.
Lupaus (Eng. Promise) 2005 - Directed by Ilkka Vanne - Starring Laura Birn, Karoliina Vanne, Hanna Lekander, Ilkka Villi
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Summary: A movie about three young women who live a normal life in Finland until Winter War in 1939. All three of the women join the Lotta Svärd, a Finnish voluntary auxiliary paramilitary organisation for women. The movie follows the women from Winter War in 1939 to Continuation War in 1941 and till the year 1956.
Jenna’s Note: I’ve seen this once and I remember I liked this quite a lot. For once there’s a movie about Lotta Svärd. I’ve always respected them a lot. This has some war scenes, if I remember right, and everyone is not making it out alive but it also shows how there can be happiness in the middle of fear and death.
Poika ja ilves (Eng. Boy and Lynx) 1998 - Directed by Raimo O Niemi - Starring Konsta Hietanen and Väinö the Lynx
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Summary: A movie about a friendship between a boy and a lynx.
Jenna’s Note: I loved this movie as a child. I haven’t watched it in years, but it really is a touching story. I remember how most of the girls had some sort of a crush on this boy, Konsta Hietanen, who nowadays plays music and I think has come back to acting after playing football for years.
Joulutarina (Eng. Christmas Story) 2007 - Directed by Juha Wuolijoki - Starring Hannu-Pekka Björkman, Otto Gustavsson, Kari Väänänen, Minna Haapkylä
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Summary: A story about an orphaned boy called Nikolas becoming Santa Claus.
Jenna’s Note: This is the movie I watch every Christmas. I could say it’s one of my favorite Finnish movies of all time. It also makes me cry very much, which is always a good sign. It was said somewhere that “if Walt Disney would’ve been able to tell a story like this, he would have told it,” and I think it’s absolutely true!
Äideistä parhain (Eng. Mother of Mine) 2005 - Directed by Klaus Härö - Starring Topi Marjaniemi, Marjaana Maijala, Esko Salminen
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Summary: The plot of the story is based on the time of the Second World War and the main character of the story is a Finnish boy (Eero Lahti). The biological father of Eero (Kari-Pekka Toivonen) is in the Finnish army. He dies in the front and Eero’s mother Kirsti falls into deep depression. As the war gets worse, Eero is sent to Sweden to a new Swedish family. In the new family, he has a father Hjalmar Jönsson, mother Signe Jönsson and a grandfather (who cannot speak but hears everything). He also meets the neighbor’s daughter Siv. And then he has to go back to Finland when the war ends.
Jenna’s Note: I saw this one for the first time when I was quite young and I remember crying so much during it. Only seeing the add or the first minutes makes me cry. It’s a sad, momentarily very unfair story but it’s still very beautiful, touching and deep.
Prinsessa (Eng. Princess) 2010 - Directed by Arto Halonen - Starring Katja Kukkola, Samuli Edelmann, Krista Kosonen, Peter Franzén
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Summary: After a difficult childhood spent in foster homes, cabaret dancer Anna Lappalainen suffers from severe delusions and ends up in psychiatric care. She claims to be Princess, a member of the English royal family.
Jenna’s Note: This is a biographical film, based on a life of Anna Lappalainen, and I didn’t know this before. I like the psychology in this and it’s pretty good as a movie too, the main actress does really good job but some moments are quite disturbing. This gives me vibes of Russell Crove’s movie “A Beautiful Mind”, even though the setting is different.
Tuntematon sotilas (Eng. The Unknown Soldier) 2017 - Directed by Aku Louhimies - Starring Eero Aho, Johannes Holopainen, Jussi Vatanen, Aku Hirviniemi, Hannes Suominen, Paula Vesala, Samuli Vauramo
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Summary: Based on Väinö Linna’s classic novel “The Unknown Soldier”, the part of our national legacy, the movie tells a story about a machine gun company of the Finnish Army from a frog perspective during the Continuation War between Finland and the Soviet Union from 1941 to 1944.
Jenna’s Note: This is only one of the versions; there is the first one from 1955 and the second from 1985. And because it was Finland’s 100th year of independence last year, they made the third version. I haven’t had the chance to see this one just yet, but one of the versions is on TV on the independence day, so I’m waiting for will it be this one. This has a good cast, some very popular and good Finnish actors and this is a very liked film, so I’m looking forward to finally seeing it. I’ve seen the other two versions, and I personally like the 1985 version the best.
Helmiä ja sikoja (Eng. Pearls and Pigs) 2003 - Directed by Perttu Leppä - Starring Mikko Leppilampi, Laura Birn, Amanda Pilke
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Summary: When the Hirvonen brother’s (Läde, Timo, Ruho and Poju) bootlegging father ends up in jail, his sons need money to pay his debts to local crooks. The brothers suddenly get a new family member when their stepsister, Saara, moves in with them. Soon they find out Saara has an outstanding singing voice and the boys come up with an idea to send her to a child star contest. To train the girl a former child star, a current pub rose, is employed.
Jenna’s Note: The name is funny, I know. Don’t stare at it too much. In a way it suits this movie quite well. In which the girls are the pearls and the boys the pigs, haha. This is a comedy and basically only one Finnish comedy I’ve seen and liked. I also love Mikko Leppilampi, he is a good actor, but nowadays he is mainly a host in different programs.
Tom of Finland 2017 - Directed by Dome Karukoski - Starring Pekka Strang
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Summary: Touko Laaksonen returns home to Finland after serving in World War II. In post-war Helsinki, he makes a name for himself with his homoerotic drawings of muscular men. Before finding fame, Laaksonen finds challenges from his sister and Finnish society due to his art.
Jenna’s Note: I haven’t personally seen this movie yet, but decided to put it on the list since it has been sold to another countries, the concept. And I think this movie was in cinema in other countries too. It’s a quite big thing in Finland, there are all kinds of stuff about it, from bed covers to everything.
Syke (Eng. Pulse) Since 2014, still ongoing - Created by Petja Peltomaa - Starring Lena Meriläinen, Tiina Lymi, Leena Pöysti, Iina Kuustonen
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Summary: A show about four nurses. In every episode there are two or three patients whose lives have something to do with the nurses’ lives; they know each other or something else. It also follows the nurses private lives: love, hate and other things.
Jenna’s Note: The only tv series of the list! I’ve watched this since it began and it’s the best Finnish show I’ve ever seen. It’s interesting, something is always happening and the actors are good. It almost got cancelled but then another channel bought it and there’ll be another season later this year, it’s the fifth.
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downordic-blog · 5 years
Body Fat Index of Love
Timo Stigu Mertala is a celebrated, award-winning adman, and sworn to singlehood. He is a well known figure in the Helsinki nightlife.
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Rakkauden.Rasvaprosentti.2012.FiNNiSH.WEBRiP-Naabster Tiedot: Release date......: 21.10.2016 Format............: MKV Codec.............: AVC Bitrate...........: 1 800 Kbit/s Resolution........: 1024x576 Frames............: 25 fps Audio.............: FI Codec.............: AAC Bitrate...........: 128 Kbit/s Channels..........: 2ch Movie.............: Rakkauden Rasvaprosentti Runtime...........: 1H 33M Genre.............: Comedy IMDb..............: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2281425/ Source............: WEBRiP Plot: Romanttinen komedia mainosmies Stigusta (Mikko Nousiainen), joka iskee silmänsä hehkeään, mutta rakkaudessa pettyneeseen Ellaan (Miina Maasola). Nopeasti käynnistyvä suhde pysyy yksinomaan fyysisenä, yhteisestä sopimuksesta - tai niin ainakin Ella haluaa uskoa. Kaksikko joutuu puntaroimaan tunteitaan uudessa valossa, kun he päätyvät sattuman kautta mukaan yhteiseen työprojektiin. Pääosissa: Mikko Nousiainen, Miina Maasola, Jarkko Niemi, Kari Sorvali, Kristo Salminen, Mari Perankoski. Ohjaus: Mikko Kuparinen. Read the full article
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porinkulttuurisaato · 5 years
Sandstorm – Ympäristötaidenäyttely Yyterissä 14.–20.07.2019
Porin kulttuurisäätö järjestää heinäkuussa 2019 Yyterin ranta-alueella ympäristöä käsittelevän ja ympäristö- ja maataiteen käsitteitä uudistavan Sandstorm-näyttelyn.
Sandstorm - Ympäristötaidenäyttely nostaa Yyterin ainutlaatuisen dyynialueen sekä rantaluonnon suojelun, ympäristökysymykset, ekologisuuden ja kestävän kehityksen lähtökohdiksi taiteen tekemiseen. Näyttelyn suunnitteluprosessissa, teosten toteuttamisessa ja teosten esittämisessä hyödynnetään alueen ympäristötietoa, olemassa olevia resursseja sekä yhteistyölle perustuvia toimintamalleja. Yyteriä, yhtä Suomen merkittävintä ranta-aluetta, tehdään uudella tapaa näkyväksi ja tunnetuksi muutenkin kuin lomakohteena. Samalla kun näyttely päivittää maa- ja ympäristötaiteen käsitteitä se pohtii taiteen vaikuttavuutta ja velvollisuuksia.
Sandstorm-näyttelyn taiteilijat ovat Akuliina Niemi, Antti Turkko, Erno-Erik Raitanen, Hertta Kiiski ja Pihlavan koulun oppilasryhmä, Laura Könönen, Linda Tedsdotter, Sauli Sirviö sekä Timo Aho. Näyttelyn suunnittelu ja toteutus on tapahtunut yhteistyössä Porin kaupungin Ympäristö- ja lupapalvelujen toimialan kanssa. Näin näyttelyn järjestäminen, luonnonsuojelulliset toimenpiteet ja alueen kehittäminen tukevat toisiaan. Lisäksi yhteistyössä ovat mukana Meri-Porin Pihlavan yhtenäiskoulu, Porin matkailuneuvonta Visit Pori, sekä Virkistyshotelli Yyteri, joka toimii myös yhtenä teosten sijoituspaikkana.
Porin kulttuurisäädön (Anna Jensen, Anni Venäläinen ja Eliisa Suvanto) aiempien hankkeiden tapaan Sandstorm perustuu kollektiiviselle työskentelylle, taiteen ja tutkimuksen yhdistämiselle sekä taiteen saavutettavuuden huomioimiselle. Näyttely osoittaa ettei taide pelkästään tyydy käsittelemään ympäristöteemaa – sen sijaan sillä on mahdollisuus tuottaa positiivisia ympäristövaikutuksia ja toimia konkreettisena työkaluna.
Teokset ovat syntyneet prosessissa, joka on alkanut vuonna 2018 ja pitänyt sisällään alueeseen tutustumista sekä näyttelyn ja laajemmin taiteen tavoitteista keskustelemista. Teoksissa keskeistä on niiden kuormittavuuden minimoiminen, paikkasidonnaisuus, positiivinen vaikuttavuus ympäristöön, yllättävyys ja kiinnostavuus. Turkon teos tulee tulevaisuudessa mahdollistamaan pääskyjen pesimisen ja samalla muuttamaan syrjäiseksi jääneen ranta-alueen luonnetta. Niemi ottaa lähtökohdakseen ei-inhimillisen perspektiivin ranta-alueeseen, Raitanen hyödyntää teoksessaan rannan tuottamaa materiaalia ja Könönen kiveä, joka asettuu jonnekin rakennetun ja rakentamattoman luonnon välimaastoon monumentaalisena elementtinä rantamaisemassa. Aikaperspektiiviä käsittelevissaä teoksissa Aho tutkii dyynien rakenteita ja kerrostumia, ja Tedsdotter suuntaa katseensa tulevaisuuden henkiinjäämiskamppailuun. Sirviö peilaa tiedon katoavaisuuden ja välittämisen suhdetta, sekä miten luonto jättää jälkensä teoksiin. Kiiski työskentelee yhteistyössä paikallisten nuorten kanssa alueen synnyttämien henkilökohtaisten kokemusten pohjalta, sekä hyvästelee Pai-kalan viimeiselle matkalleen.
Näyttelyn visuaalisesta ilmeestä ja dokumentaatiosta vastaa porilainen Eetu Henttonen tuoden Yyterin luontoa ja ajattomuutta esiin tavalla, joka ei ole sidottu tavanomaisiin kesäisiin mainoskuviin.
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bubskino · 6 years
Napapiirin sankarit 3
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Kolme sankaria patikalla. Jokaisella on syynsä. Toisaalla potkitaan futista suolla. Sattuu ja tapahtuu.
Samaa höntsäkaavaa kuin ykkönen ja kakkonen. Vielä jaksaa muutamat kohdat huvittaa. Toivottavasti ei kuitenkaan enää nelosta.
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lee-m-10538 · 7 years
RoBo4 by Timo Niemi
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nofatclips · 5 years
I Walk to My Own Song by Stratovarius from the album Elements Pt. 2
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thrashermaxey · 6 years
Fantasy Hockey Podcast – Almanac to the Future
  On this episode of the Keeping Karlsson Hockey Podcast, we take advantage of a short holiday-mandated lull in action to shed all kinds of light on how Elan and Brian are faring in their Audio Almanac player projections at the near-halfway point of the 2018-19 NHL season.
Elan's on vacation, but Brian is joined by Alma-maniac and KKUPFL tracker extraordinare Marcas to revel/wallow in the most/least accurate pre-season player point projections thus far. The Average Time On Ice crew– Ben, Jade and Lewis– also get in on the fun as we all try to figure out what went right, wrong or completely sideways for our crystal ball hits and misses.
After that, Brian takes us through some of the bigger news items of the past week from around the league, and Marcas helps take stock of which players are helping their KKUPFL owners the most at this point of the season.
Follow Marcas on twitter @MOCallanain.
Follow the Average Time On Ice crew @avgtimeonice, and read their analysis and musings over at https://averagetimeonice.wordpress.com.
Check out the full set of KKUPFL rules at http://keepingkarlsson.com/kkupfl.
Players discussed on this episode include Nolan Patrick, William Nylander, James Neal, Ryan Nugent-Hopkins, Alex DeBrincat, Oliver Ekman-Larsson, Ryan Spooner, Tanner Pearson, Jesse Puljujarvi, Tyler Toffoli, Colton Parayko, Milan Lucic, Marcus Johansson, Artturi Lehkonen, Sean Couturier, Connor McDavid, William Karlsson, Steven Stamkos, Brent Seabrook, Timo Meier, Thomas Chabot, Neal Pionk, Craig Anderson, Zach Parise, Mark Stone, Cam Atkinson, Dylan Larkin, Elias Lindholm, John Gibson, Frederik Andersen, Morgan Rielly, Mark Giordano, Jeff Skinner, Alex Ovechkin, Gabriel Landeskog, Nikita Kucherov, Mikko Rantanen, Nathan MacKinnon, Jack Eichel, Rasmus Ristolainen, Alex Edler, William Carrier, Brandon Tanev, Laurent Brossoit, Anton Stralman, Alex Steen, Frank Vatrano, Carl Soderberg, Carey Price, Antti Niemi, Matt Nieto, Tyson Jost, Carey Price, Antti Niemi, Cody Ceci, Maxime Lajoie, Dustin Byfuglien, Josh Morrissey, Viktor Arvidsson, P.K. Subban, Alex Pietrangelo, Vince Dunn, Mackenzie Blackwood, Collin Delia, Casey DeSmith, Matt Murray and more.
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    from All About Sports https://dobberhockey.com/hockey-home/brian-kom/fantasy-hockey-podcast-almanac-to-the-future/
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ensemblepalo · 6 years
Tammi! Kantaesitys Helsinki-päivänä 12.6.2018 Kallion kirjaston Kupolisalissa
Ensemble Palo haluaa kiittää kaikkia katsojia, jotka olivat eilen katsomassa kantaesitystämme♥ Kupolisali oli loppuunvarattu ja tunnelma katossa. Tästä on hyvä jatkaa♥ Ensi viikolla lähdemme kiertämään palvelutaloja. Maanantaina 18.6 esiinnymme Kinaporin palvelutalossa klo 11, johon on myös vapaa pääsy kaikille.
Suurisuuri kiitos kantaesityksen työryhmälle, kirjaston henkilökunnalle ja rakennustiimille, sekä:
Helsingin kaupungin kulttuuri- ja vapaa-aikalautakunta, Espoon kaupungin kulttuurilautakunta, Vantaan kaupungin kulttuurilautakunta, Kallion Rotaryklubi ry, Kallion seurakunta, Kallion kirjasto, Helsinki-päivä, Seniori-Vamos, Studio Sassy, Paula Wallin, Helsingin työväenopisto, Ølhus Oslo, Bergga, Jarkko Laitinen, Perheet, Ystävät, Äippä ja Isä Mäkelä, Äiti ja Isi Kovanen, Äiti ja Isä Wallenius, Antti Aleksi Niemi, Stiina Viitajylhä, Riitta Männistö, Riitta Niemi, Niko Räty, Heikki "Hector" Harma, Satu Aalto, Aino Sinda, Ville Gustafsson, Anne Termä, Harri Ahola, Scar, Sirkka Ahola, Mika Pätilä, Reeta Janita Kulmala, Anni Wallenius, Valle & Samu Ruotsalainen, Lasse Pihlajamaa, Jouni Raatikainen, Timo Kuoppamäki/Sony Music, Repe "Fox" Karhula, As Oy Ihantola, Äidit & Isät, Mummot & Vaarit <3
Kantaesityksen työryhmä:
Ohjaus & dramaturginen rakenne Sanna Paula Mäkelä
Musiikki & äänisuunnittelu Väinö Wallenius
Esiintyjät Karhu: Paula Kovanen Kettu: Väinö Wallenius
Videokuva Kimmo Alakunnas
Videokuvan ajaminen esityksessä Paavo Rantanen
Äänitekniikka & esitysajo Sami Roine
Ensemble Palon promokuvat Stiina Viitajylhä
Helsinki-päivän kuvat Matti Autio
Tuotanto Ensemble Palo
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padfootagain · 6 years
Submitted by @madamrogers :
At first, I want to thank you for hosting an event like this! It has been so interesting to read about movies from other countries and I decided to put only Finnish movies on this list. Some of these I’ve seen, some are important or have a significant meaning for our culture or were just quite popular when they came out.
Tie pohjoiseen (Eng. Road North) 2012 - Directed by Mika Kaurismäki - Starring Vesa-Matti Loiri, Samuli Edelmann
Summary: A drama, a road movie about a father who meets his son after a long time. The father wants to bond with the son after these long 30 years and they go on a long road trip to the north.
Jenna’s Note: Vesa-Matti Loiri is one of the most iconic faces of Finnish cinema (and also music, he’s a singer as well) and he really deserves all the appreciation he gets. Him and Edelmann (who is also a singer, they sing the ending song of the film together) work very well together in this one, they have chemistry and it’s visible how much they’ve enjoyed working together. This is one of my own favorites of Finnish movies.
Lupaus (Eng. Promise) 2005 - Directed by Ilkka Vanne - Starring Laura Birn, Karoliina Vanne, Hanna Lekander, Ilkka Villi
Summary: A movie about three young women who live a normal life in Finland until Winter War in 1939. All three of the women join the Lotta Svärd, a Finnish voluntary auxiliary paramilitary organisation for women. The movie follows the women from Winter War in 1939 to Continuation War in 1941 and till the year 1956.
Jenna’s Note: I’ve seen this once and I remember I liked this quite a lot. For once there’s a movie about Lotta Svärd. I’ve always respected them a lot. This has some war scenes, if I remember right, and everyone is not making it out alive but it also shows how there can be happiness in the middle of fear and death.
Poika ja ilves (Eng. Boy and Lynx) 1998 - Directed by Raimo O Niemi - Starring Konsta Hietanen and Väinö the Lynx
Summary: A movie about a friendship between a boy and a lynx.
Jenna’s Note: I loved this movie as a child. I haven’t watched it in years, but it really is a touching story. I remember how most of the girls had some sort of a crush on this boy, Konsta Hietanen, who nowadays plays music and I think has come back to acting after playing football for years.
Joulutarina (Eng. Christmas Story) 2007 - Directed by Juha Wuolijoki - Starring Hannu-Pekka Björkman, Otto Gustavsson, Kari Väänänen, Minna Haapkylä
Summary: A story about an orphaned boy called Nikolas becoming Santa Claus.
Jenna’s Note: This is the movie I watch every Christmas. I could say it’s one of my favorite Finnish movies of all time. It also makes me cry very much, which is always a good sign. It was said somewhere that “if Walt Disney would’ve been able to tell a story like this, he would have told it,” and I think it’s absolutely true!
Äideistä parhain (Eng. Mother of Mine) 2005 - Directed by Klaus Härö - Starring Topi Marjaniemi, Marjaana Maijala, Esko Salminen
Summary: The plot of the story is based on the time of the Second World War and the main character of the story is a Finnish boy (Eero Lahti). The biological father of Eero (Kari-Pekka Toivonen) is in the Finnish army. He dies in the front and Eero’s mother Kirsti falls into deep depression. As the war gets worse, Eero is sent to Sweden to a new Swedish family. In the new family, he has a father Hjalmar Jönsson, mother Signe Jönsson and a grandfather (who cannot speak but hears everything). He also meets the neighbor’s daughter Siv. And then he has to go back to Finland when the war ends.
Jenna’s Note: I saw this one for the first time when I was quite young and I remember crying so much during it. Only seeing the add or the first minutes makes me cry. It’s a sad, momentarily very unfair story but it’s still very beautiful, touching and deep.
Prinsessa (Eng. Princess) 2010 - Directed by Arto Halonen - Starring Katja Kukkola, Samuli Edelmann, Krista Kosonen, Peter Franzén
Summary: After a difficult childhood spent in foster homes, cabaret dancer Anna Lappalainen suffers from severe delusions and ends up in psychiatric care. She claims to be Princess, a member of the English royal family.
Jenna’s Note: This is a biographical film, based on a life of Anna Lappalainen, and I didn’t know this before. I like the psychology in this and it’s pretty good as a movie too, the main actress does really good job but some moments are quite disturbing. This gives me vibes of Russell Crove’s movie “A Beautiful Mind”, even though the setting is different.
Tuntematon sotilas (Eng. The Unknown Soldier) 2017 - Directed by Aku Louhimies - Starring Eero Aho, Johannes Holopainen, Jussi Vatanen, Aku Hirviniemi, Hannes Suominen, Paula Vesala, Samuli Vauramo
Summary: Based on Väinö Linna’s classic novel “The Unknown Soldier”, the part of our national legacy, the movie tells a story about a machine gun company of the Finnish Army from a frog perspective during the Continuation War between Finland and the Soviet Union from 1941 to 1944.
Jenna’s Note: This is only one of the versions; there is the first one from 1955 and the second from 1985. And because it was Finland’s 100th year of independence last year, they made the third version. I haven’t had the chance to see this one just yet, but one of the versions is on TV on the independence day, so I’m waiting for will it be this one. This has a good cast, some very popular and good Finnish actors and this is a very liked film, so I’m looking forward to finally seeing it. I’ve seen the other two versions, and I personally like the 1985 version the best.
Helmiä ja sikoja (Eng. Pearls and Pigs) 2003 - Directed by Perttu Leppä - Starring Mikko Leppilampi, Laura Birn, Amanda Pilke
Summary: When the Hirvonen brother’s (Läde, Timo, Ruho and Poju) bootlegging father ends up in jail, his sons need money to pay his debts to local crooks. The brothers suddenly get a new family member when their stepsister, Saara, moves in with them. Soon they find out Saara has an outstanding singing voice and the boys come up with an idea to send her to a child star contest. To train the girl a former child star, a current pub rose, is employed.
Jenna’s Note: The name is funny, I know. Don’t stare at it too much. In a way it suits this movie quite well. In which the girls are the pearls and the boys the pigs, haha. This is a comedy and basically only one Finnish comedy I’ve seen and liked. I also love Mikko Leppilampi, he is a good actor, but nowadays he is mainly a host in different programs.
Tom of Finland 2017 - Directed by Dome Karukoski - Starring Pekka Strang
Summary: Touko Laaksonen returns home to Finland after serving in World War II. In post-war Helsinki, he makes a name for himself with his homoerotic drawings of muscular men. Before finding fame, Laaksonen finds challenges from his sister and Finnish society due to his art.
Jenna’s Note: I haven’t personally seen this movie yet, but decided to put it on the list since it has been sold to another countries, the concept. And I think this movie was in cinema in other countries too. It’s a quite big thing in Finland, there are all kinds of stuff about it, from bed covers to everything.
Syke (Eng. Pulse) Since 2014, still ongoing - Created by Petja Peltomaa - Starring Lena Meriläinen, Tiina Lymi, Leena Pöysti, Iina Kuustonen
Summary: A show about four nurses. In every episode there are two or three patients whose lives have something to do with the nurses’ lives; they know each other or something else. It also follows the nurses private lives: love, hate and other things.
Jenna’s Note: The only tv series of the list! I’ve watched this since it began and it’s the best Finnish show I’ve ever seen. It’s interesting, something is always happening and the actors are good. It almost got cancelled but then another channel bought it and there’ll be another season later this year, it’s the fifth.
Just made the list, thank you so much for the recs, Jenna!!
2 notes · View notes
hockeyholidays2023 · 6 years
Sign-up data update
As of 8:00 PM Eastern time on November 10, there are 57 sign-ups. 
If you want the list of all available ships, go here.
If you want to know what is requested and offered as of now, I got you covered under the read more!
Requests, sorted by frequency:
Jamie Benn/Tyler Seguin        8
Tyson Barrie/Gabriel Landeskog        7
Danny Briere/Claude Giroux  6
Mitch Marner/Auston Matthews       6
Nicklas Backstrom/Alexander Ovechkin        6
Mathew Barzal/Anthony Beauvillier  5
Nico Hischier/Nolan Patrick   5
Alex Galchenyuk/Brendan Gallagher4
Carter Hart/Philippe Myers    4
Dante Fabbro/Tyson Jost        4
Sidney Crosby/Claude Giroux4
Sidney Crosby/Evgeni Malkin4
Sidney Crosby/Marc-Andre Fleury     4
Alexander Radulov/Anton Khudobin/Valeri Nichushkin        3
Alexandre Fortin/Jeremy Lauzon/Philippe Myers      3
Anthony Beauvillier/Pierre-Luc Dubois          3
Frederik Andersen/Connor Brown     3
Jack Eichel/Noah Hanifin        3
Jeremy Lauzon/Philippe Myers          3
Leon Draisaitl/Connor McDavid         3
Mathew Barzal/Dante Fabbro            3
Mathew Barzal/Jordan Eberle            3
Mitch Marner/Auston Matthews/William Nylander3
Mitch Marner/Connor McDavid/Dylan Strome         3
Mitch Marner/Dylan Strome  3
Nikolaj Ehlers/Patrik Laine     3
Pierre-Edouard Bellemare/Marc-Andre Fleury          3
Ryanne Breton/Danny Briere/Claude Giroux3
Sebastian Aho/Teuvo Teravainen      3
Sidney Crosby/Connor McDavid        3
Sidney Crosby/Kris Letang      3
Travis Konecny/Nolan Patrick3
Andre Burakovsky/Christian Djoos     2
Anthony Beauvillier/Mathew Barzal/Jordan Eberle  2
Anthony Cirelli/Mathieu Joseph         2
Anton Khudobin/Alexander Radulov2
Auston Matthews/William Nylander2
Braydon Coburn/Slater Koekkoek      2
Brett Ritchie/Devin Shore       2
Brian Dumoulin/Kris Letang   2
Chris Kreider/Mika Zibanejad2
Christian Djoos/Jakub Vrana  2
Claude Giroux/Wayne Simmonds      2
Connor McDavid/Dylan Strome         2
Connor McDavid/Ryan Nugent-Hopkins        2
Connor McDavid/Ryan Strome          2
Evgeni Malkin/Matt Murray   2
Frederik Andersen/Auston Matthews            2
Frederik Andersen/Lars Eller  2
Frederik Andersen/Mitch Marner      2
Hilary Knight/Marie-Philip Poulin       2
Jack Eichel/Sam Reinhart       2
Jamie Benn/Tyson Barrie        2
Jesper Bratt/Nico Hischier      2
Johnny Gaudreau/Sean Monahan      2
Jordan Eberle/Taylor Hall       2
Julie Chu/Caroline Ouellette  2
Lawson Crouse/Travis Konecny          2
Leon Draisaitl/Connor McDavid/Dylan Strome          2
Marc-Andre Fleury/Claude Giroux     2
Marc-Andre Fleury/Claude Giroux/Kris Letang          2
Marc-Andre Fleury/Malcolm Subban2
Marc-Andre Fleury/Matt Murray       2
Marcus Johansson/Evgeny Kuznetsov           2
Matt Grzelcyk/Charlie McAvoy          2
Miro Heiskanen/Patrik Laine  2
Mitch Marner/Auston Matthews/Dylan Strome       2
Mitch Marner/John Tavares   2
Nicklas Backstrom/Andre Burakovsky            2
Nolan Patrick/Ivan Provorov  2
Oscar Klefbom/Adam Larsson            2
Patrik Laine/Blake Wheeler    2
Patrik Laine/Esa Lindell           2
Pekka Rinne/Juuse Saros        2
Rasmus Dahlin/Casey Mittelstadt      2
Sidney Crosby/Alexander Ovechkin   2
Sidney Crosby/Phil Kessel       2
Sidney Crosby/Tyler Seguin    2
Taylor Hall/Nico Hischier        2
Tyson Barrie/Nathan MacKinnon       2
Valeri Nichushkin/Alexander Radulov            2
Valtteri Filppula/Brayden Point          2
Zach Hyman/William Nylander          2
Alex DeBrincat/Patrick Sharp1
Alex Galchenyuk/Carey Price1
Alex Galchenyuk/Carey Price/P. K. Subban    1
Alex Galchenyuk/Nail Yakupov           1
Alex Galchenyuk/P. K. Subban           1
Alex Killorn/Andrej Sustr        1
Alexander Ovechkin/Alexander Semin           1
Alexander Radulov/Tyler Seguin        1
Alexander Semin/Eric Staal    1
Amanda Kessel/Hilary Knight1
Anders Bjork/Charlie McAvoy1
Anders Bjork/Jake DeBrusk    1
Anders Bjork/Jake DeBrusk/Charlie McAvoy1
Andre Burakovsky/Braden Holtby      1
Andre Burakovsky/Gina Carlson/John Carlson          1
Andre Burakovsky/Jakub Vrana         1
Anthony Beauvillier/Joshua Ho-Sang1
Anthony Cirelli/Taylor Raddysh/Mitchell Stephens   1
Auston Matthews/Matthew Tkachuk1
Brady Skjei/Jimmy Vesey        1
Brayden Point/Brett Howden1
Brent Burns/Joe Thornton      1
Brian Boyle/Hilary Knight       1
Calvin Pickard/Garret Sparks  1
Carey Price/P. K. Subban        1
Casey Cizikas/Matt Martin     1
Claude Giroux/Evgeni Malkin1
Claude Giroux/Jaromír Jágr    1
Claude Giroux/Kris Letang      1
Claude Giroux/Nolan Patrick  1
Claude Giroux/Travis Konecny           1
Connor McDavid/Nail Yakupov          1
Conor Sheary/Sidney Crosby/Jamie Oleksiak1
Daniel Briere/Claude Giroux/Jaromir Jagr     1
Denis Gurianov/Valeri Nichushkin     1
Devan Dubnyk/Alex Stalock   1
Duncan Keith/Brent Seabrook            1
Dylan Strome/Ryan Strome    1
Erik Johnson/Nathan MacKinnon       1
Evgeni Malkin/Alexander Ovechkin   1
Evgeni Malkin/Bryan Rust      1
Frederik Andersen/Auston Matthews/William Nylander      1
Frederik Andersen/Frans Nielsen       1
Frederik Andersen/William Nylander1
J. T. Compher/Tyson Jost        1
Jack Eichel/Connor McDavid  1
Jack Eichel/Jeff Skinner           1
Jack Eichel/Rasmus Dahlin     1
Jake DeBrusk/Charlie McAvoy            1
Jake Dotchin/Yanni Gourde    1
Jake McCabe/Rasmus Ristolainen      1
Jamie Benn/Alexander Radulov/Tyler Seguin1
Jamie Benn/Jordie Benn/Tyler Seguin           1
Jamie Oleksiak/Penny Oleksiak          1
Jeff Skinner/Eric Staal1
John Klingberg/Esa Lindell      1
Jonathan Drouin/Nathan MacKinnon1
Jonathan Marchessault/Colin Miller  1
Jordan Eberle/Taylor Hall/Ryan Nugent-Hopkins      1
Jordie Benn/Jason Demers     1
Julius Honka/Miro Heiskanen1
Kasperi Kapanen/William Nylander   1
Kevin Labanc/Timo Meier      1
Kyle Dubas/William Nylander1
Lars Eller/Michal Kempny       1
Lawson Crouse/Dylan Strome1
Lawson Crouse/Nick Merkley/Dylan Strome1
Logan Couture/Tomas Hertl   1
Madison Bowey/Christian Djoos/Jakub Vrana           1
Marc-Andre Fleury/Kris Letang          1
Marc-Andre Fleury/Ryan Reaves        1
Marc-Andre Fleury/Vegas Golden Knights     1
Marc-Andre Fleury/Veronique Fleury/Catherine Laflamme/Kris Letang      1
Mark Scheifele/Blake Wheeler           1
Mark Scheifele/Jacob Trouba1
Martin Nečas/Andrei Svechnikov       1
Matt Benning/Drake Caggiula1
Matt Duchene/Gabriel Landeskog     1
Matt Murray/Bryan Rust        1
Mattias Janmark/Jason Spezza           1
Meghan Duggan/Marie-Philip Poulin1
Michal Kempny/Jakub Vrana  1
Mikael Granlund/Mikko Koivu           1
Mikko Koivu/Alex Stalock       1
Mikko Koivu/Zach Parise        1
Miro Heiskanen/Roope Hintz/Esa Lindell      1
Mitch Marner/Connor McDavid         1
Nathan MacKinnon/Tyson Jost          1
Nazem Kadri/John Tavares     1
Nicklas Backstrom/Alexander Ovechkin/Alexander Semin    1
Nicklas Backstrom/Alexander Semin  1
Nicklas Backstrom/Evgeni Malkin      1
Nicklas Backstrom/Mike Green          1
Nicklas Backstrom/William Nylander1
Nikolaj Ehlers/Patrik Laine/Blake Wheeler    1
P. K. Subban/John Tavares     1
Patrice Bergeron/Brad Marchand      1
Pavel Bure/Sergei Fedorov     1
Phil Kessel/Evgeni Malkin       1
Phil Kessel/Jack Johnson        1
Phil Kessel/Kris Letang            1
Pierre-Edouard Bellemare/Marc-Andre Fleury/Claude Giroux         1
Pierre-Luc Dubois/Anthony Duclair    1
Roman Josi/Shea Weber        1
Roope Hintz/Miro Heiskanen1
Sam Gagner/John Tavares      1
Sergei Bobrovsky/Nick Foligno           1
Seth Jones/Zach Werenski     1
Shayne Gostisbehere/Ivan Provorov  1
Shayne Gostisbehere/Travis Konecny            1
Sidney Crosby/Anna Kasterova/Evgeni Malkin          1
Sidney Crosby/Brad Marchand           1
Sidney Crosby/Catherine Laflamme/Kris Letang        1
Sidney Crosby/Evgeni Malkin/Alexander Ovechkin   1
Sidney Crosby/Jack Johnson   1
Sidney Crosby/Jaromir Jagr    1
Sidney Crosby/Matt Cullen     1
Sidney Crosby/Matt Murray   1
Sidney Crosby/Nathan MacKinnon    1
Sidney Crosby/Taylor Crosby  1
Sidney Crosby/Taylor Hall      1
Tanner Kaspick/Nolan Patrick1
Taylor Crosby/Amanda Kessel            1
Tyler Johnson/Nikita Kucherov/Ondrej Palat1
Tyler Johnson/Ondrej Palat    1
Tyson Barrie/Gabriel Landeskog/Nathan MacKinnon            1
William Karlsson/Alexander Wennberg         1
Zach Hyman/Connor Brown   1
Zach Hyman/Mitch Marner    1
Zach Hyman/Mitch Marner/Auston Matthews         1
Offers, sorted by frequency:
Jamie Benn/Tyler Seguin        12
Mitch Marner/Auston Matthews       12
Sidney Crosby/Evgeni Malkin8
Tyson Barrie/Gabriel Landeskog        8
Mathew Barzal/Anthony Beauvillier  7
Travis Konecny/Nolan Patrick7
Connor McDavid/Dylan Strome         6
Danny Briere/Claude Giroux  6
Mitch Marner/Dylan Strome  6
J. T. Compher/Tyson Jost        5
Mitch Marner/Connor McDavid/Dylan Strome         5
Nicklas Backstrom/Alexander Ovechkin        5
Sidney Crosby/Claude Giroux5
Alex Galchenyuk/Brendan Gallagher4
Auston Matthews/William Nylander4
Carter Hart/Philippe Myers    4
Dante Fabbro/Tyson Jost        4
Jeff Carter/Mike Richards       4
Jordan Eberle/Taylor Hall       4
Nico Hischier/Nolan Patrick   4
Ryanne Breton/Danny Briere/Claude Giroux4
Sidney Crosby/Marc-Andre Fleury     4
Sidney Crosby/Tyler Seguin    4
Taylor Hall/Nico Hischier        4
Tyson Barrie/Nathan MacKinnon       4
Zach Hyman/William Nylander          4
Andre Burakovsky/Christian Djoos     3
Anthony Beauvillier/Pierre-Luc Dubois          3
Brett Ritchie/Devin Shore       3
Carey Price/P. K. Subban        3
Claude Giroux/Nolan Patrick  3
Frederik Andersen/Auston Matthews            3
Frederik Andersen/Connor Brown     3
Jack Eichel/Connor McDavid  3
Jeremy Lauzon/Philippe Myers          3
John Klingberg/Esa Lindell      3
Jonathan Drouin/Nathan MacKinnon3
Lawson Crouse/Travis Konecny          3
Leon Draisaitl/Connor McDavid         3
Marc-Andre Fleury/Claude Giroux/Kris Letang          3
Mitch Marner/Auston Matthews/Dylan Strome       3
Nolan Patrick/Ivan Provorov  3
Pekka Rinne/Juuse Saros        3
Sebastian Aho/Teuvo Teravainen      3
Sidney Crosby/Evgeni Malkin/Alexander Ovechkin   3
Sidney Crosby/Kris Letang      3
Tyler Johnson/Nikita Kucherov/Ondrej Palat3
Tyler Johnson/Ondrej Palat    3
Alexandre Fortin/Jeremy Lauzon/Philippe Myers      2
Andre Burakovsky/Braden Holtby      2
Andre Burakovsky/Jakub Vrana         2
Anthony Cirelli/Mathieu Joseph         2
Anthony Cirelli/Taylor Raddysh/Mitchell Stephens   2
Brady Skjei/Jimmy Vesey        2
Braydon Coburn/Slater Koekkoek      2
Chris Kreider/Mika Zibanejad2
Claude Giroux/Kris Letang      2
Connor McDavid/Ryan Nugent-Hopkins        2
Devan Dubnyk/Alex Stalock   2
Duncan Keith/Brent Seabrook            2
Evgeni Malkin/Matt Murray   2
Jack Eichel/Casey Mittelstadt2
Jack Eichel/Noah Hanifin        2
Jack Eichel/Rasmus Dahlin     2
Jack Eichel/Sam Reinhart       2
Jake McCabe/Rasmus Ristolainen      2
Jesper Bratt/Nico Hischier      2
Jordan Eberle/Taylor Hall/Ryan Nugent-Hopkins      2
Jordie Benn/Tyler Seguin        2
Kari Lehtonen/Antti Niemi     2
Kasperi Kapanen/William Nylander   2
Kris Letang/Matt Murray        2
Lawson Crouse/Dylan Strome2
Lawson Crouse/Nick Merkley/Dylan Strome2
Marc-Andre Fleury/Kris Letang          2
Marcus Johansson/Evgeny Kuznetsov           2
Mathew Barzal/Dante Fabbro            2
Mathew Barzal/Jordan Eberle            2
Michal Kempny/Jakub Vrana  2
Mikael Granlund/Mikko Koivu           2
Mikko Koivu/Alex Stalock       2
Mikko Koivu/Zach Parise        2
Mitch Marner/Auston Matthews/William Nylander2
Nick Merkley/Dylan Strome   2
Nicklas Backstrom/Andre Burakovsky            2
Nicklas Backstrom/William Nylander2
Nikolaj Ehlers/Patrik Laine     2
Patrik Laine/Esa Lindell           2
Paul Kariya/Teemu Selanne    2
Sergei Bobrovsky/Nick Foligno           2
Sidney Crosby/Nathan MacKinnon    2
Sidney Crosby/Taylor Crosby  2
Taylor Hall/Adam Henrique    2
Travis Konecny/Ivan Provorov            2
Valtteri Filppula/Brayden Point          2
Victor Hedman/Steven Stamkos        2
Victor Hedman/Tyler Johnson            2
William Nylander/David Pastrnak      2
Alex Galchenyuk/Dylan Strome          1
Alex Galchenyuk/P. K. Subban           1
Alexander Ovechkin/Alexander Semin           1
Alexander Radulov/Tyler Seguin        1
Alexander Semin/Eric Staal    1
Amanda Kessel/Hilary Knight1
André Burakovsky/Connor McDavid  1
Andre Burakovsky/Gina Carlson/John Carlson          1
Anthony Beauvillier/Joshua Ho-Sang1
Anthony Beauvillier/Mathew Barzal/Jordan Eberle  1
Auston Matthews/John Tavares        1
Auston Matthews/Morgan Rielly       1
Ben Scrivens/Jenny Scrivens  1
Brayden Point/Brett Howden1
Brian Boyle/Hilary Knight       1
Calvin Pickard/Garret Sparks  1
Carl Hagelin/Patric Hornqvist1
Casey Cizikas/Matt Martin     1
Charlie Coyle/Jason Zucker    1
Christian Djoos/Jakub Vrana  1
Claude Giroux/Ivan Provorov1
Claude Giroux/Travis Konecny           1
Claude Giroux/Wayne Simmonds      1
Connor McDavid/Nail Yakupov          1
Connor McDavid/Ryan Strome          1
Daniel Briere/Claude Giroux/Jaromir Jagr     1
Danny Briere/Sean Couturier/Claude Giroux1
Denis Gurianov/Valeri Nichushkin     1
Dylan Strome/Ryan Strome    1
Eddie Lack/Roberto Luongo   1
Erik Haula/Nate Schmidt        1
Erik Johnson/Nathan MacKinnon       1
Frederik Andersen/Auston Matthews/William Nylander      1
Frederik Andersen/Hilary Knight/Auston Matthews1
Frederik Andersen/Mitch Marner      1
Frederik Andersen/William Nylander1
Gabriel Landeskog/Jeff Skinner          1
Hilary Knight/Marie-Philip Poulin       1
Jack Eichel/Auston Matthews1
Jack Eichel/Jeff Skinner           1
Jake DeBrusk/Charlie McAvoy            1
Jake Dotchin/Yanni Gourde    1
Jake Gardiner/Morgan Rielly  1
Jamie Benn/Jordie Benn/Tyler Seguin           1
Jamie Benn/Tyson Barrie        1
Jaromír Jágr/Mario Lemieux   1
Jeff Skinner/Eric Staal1
Jonas Brodin/Mathew Dumba           1
Jordie Benn/Jason Demers     1
Julie Chu/Caroline Ouellette  1
Julius Honka/Miro Heiskanen1
Kari Lehtonen/Esa Lindell       1
Kevin Labanc/Timo Meier      1
Kyle Dubas/William Nylander/John Tavares  1
Lars Eller/Michal Kempny       1
Leon Draisaitl/Adam Larsson  1
Leon Draisaitl/Connor McDavid/Dylan Strome          1
Logan Couture/Tomas Hertl   1
Madison Bowey/Christian Djoos        1
Madison Bowey/Christian Djoos/Jakub Vrana           1
Marc-Andre Fleury/Claude Giroux     1
Marc-Andre Fleury/Malcolm Subban1
Marc-Andre Fleury/Matt Murray       1
Marc-Andre Fleury/Matt Murray/Malcolm Subban  1
Marc-Andre Fleury/Veronique Fleury/Catherine Laflamme/Kris Letang      1
Mark Scheifele/Blake Wheeler           1
Martin Nečas/Andrei Svechnikov       1
Matt Benning/Drake Caggiula1
Matt Cullen/Matt Murray      1
Matt Grzelcyk/Charlie McAvoy          1
Meghan Duggan/Marie-Philip Poulin1
Michael Latta/Tom Wilson     1
Miro Heiskanen/Roope Hintz/Esa Lindell      1
Mitch Marner/Auston Matthews/John Tavares        1
Mitch Marner/Connor McDavid         1
Mitch Marner/John Tavares   1
Nathan Bastian/Michael McLeod       1
Nazem Kadri/John Tavares     1
Nicklas Backstrom/Christian Djoos    1
Nicklas Backstrom/Evgeni Malkin      1
Oscar Klefbom/Adam Larsson            1
P. K. Subban/John Tavares     1
Patrice Bergeron/Brad Marchand      1
Pavel Bure/Sergei Fedorov     1
Pavel Bure/Sergei Fedorov/Anna Kournikova            1
Phil Kessel/Kris Letang            1
Pierre-Edouard Bellemare/Marc-Andre Fleury          1
Pierre-Edouard Bellemare/Marc-Andre Fleury/Claude Giroux         1
Rasmus Dahlin/Casey Mittelstadt      1
Roman Josi/Shea Weber        1
Roope Hintz/Kasperi Kapanen            1
Ryan Nugent-Hopkins/Ryan Strome  1
Ryan Strome/John Tavares     1
Ryanne Breton/Claude Giroux            1
Seth Jones/Zach Werenski     1
Shayne Gostisbehere/Ivan Provorov  1
Shayne Gostisbehere/Travis Konecny            1
Sidney Crosby/Alexander Ovechkin   1
Sidney Crosby/Anna Kasterova/Evgeni Malkin          1
Sidney Crosby/Brad Marchand           1
Sidney Crosby/Connor McDavid        1
Sidney Crosby/Evgeni Malkin/Alexander Semin        1
Sidney Crosby/Jack Johnson   1
Sidney Crosby/Jamie Oleksiak            1
Sidney Crosby/Marc-Andre Fleury/Veronique Fleury            1
Sidney Crosby/Matt Cullen     1
Tanner Kaspick/Nolan Patrick1
Taylor Crosby/Amanda Kessel            1
Travis Dermott/Justin Holl      1
Valeri Nichushkin/Alexander Radulov            1
Vitek Vanecek/Jakub Vrana    1
Zach Hyman/Connor Brown   1
Zach Hyman/Mitch Marner    1
0 notes
arikuosmanen · 7 years
Työtupa tiivistää joulutunnelmaa (Ylöjärven Uutiset)
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Jouluvalmistelut alkavat Mikkolan työtuvalla varhain, mutta varsinainen fiilistely viriää vasta juhlan lähestyessä. Kun myyjäiset koittavat, tupa tihkuu joulutunnelmaa. Niin kävi tänäkin vuonna.
Työtuvalle naapuriliiketilasta ostoksille piipahtanut Miia Koskinen (oik.) ja Facebookista jo entuudestaan tutut myyjäiset bongannut Tiina Virta ihastelivat välitöntä ja lämminhenkistä tunnelmaa.
Sormet hypistelevät pyörötelineessä killuvia joulusomisteita Mikkolan työtuvalla. On kuusenkoristetta ja keittiöpyyhettä.
Myös viereisiltä pöydiltä ja hyllyiltä uhkuu joulutunnelmaa. Punaisia mattoja, puisia tonttuja, kransseja, kuusen muotoisia leivonnaisia… Ja niiden lomassa hyörii joulumieltä itseensä imeviä asiakkaita.
On joulukuun ensimmäinen päivä, ja työtuvalla vietetään perinteisiä joulumyyjäisiä. Ilmassa leijuu joulun odotus.
– Täällä on aina ihana tunnelma. Työtupalaiset ovat täydestä sydämestään mukana ja näkevät paljon vaivaa, ostoksille saapunut Tuula Korenius kehuu ilmapiiriä.
Kari Järvenpää loihti tuvan kuusen alle maton.
Kuukausien valmistelu
Vaivaa on nähtykin. Työ tunnelman takana alkoi jo kesäloman jälkeen, kun kehitysvammaisten työ- ja päivätoimintaa järjestävän tuvan väki ryhtyi valmistamaan myyntituotteita.
Mutta ei koko syksyä sentään ole tunnelmoitu tonttulakit päässä joulumusiikkia kuunnellen. Liiallinen ja liian varhainen fiilistely vain lisäisi turhaan levottomuutta.
– Ampuisi ylitse, tuvan toiminnassa käyvä Timo Kivimäkikin tuumaa.
Eivätkä tuotteet vaadikaan joulutunnelmaan virittäytymistä. Niiden teko on tavallista käsityötä, ja esimerkiksi värimaailmaltaan jouluisimmat tehdään vasta vuoden kallistuessa lopulleen.
Läpi vuoden käsitöitä tuvalta myyvä väki on pitänyt joulutavaraa kaupan syksystä asti, ja mahdollisesti jäljellä olevia joulutuotteita voi ostaa vieläkin, myyjäisten nyt jo jäätyä taa. Myyjäiset ovat kuitenkin vuosittain tärkeä kaupantekotilaisuus.
– Meillä ei ole resursseja mainostaa koko ajan, joten myyjäiset herättelevät ihmisiä ostoksille, tuvan ohjaaja Jaana Kuusisto selittää perinnettä.
Timo Kivimäki taitaa puutyöt, jotka taipuvat jouluiseenkin kuosiin.
Fiilistelyä joulun kynnyksellä
Vasta kuusijuhlan hiipiessä lähemmäs on aika herätellä joulutunnelmaa tuvalle. Marraskuun lopulla mikkolalaiset toivat tupaan kuusen, levittivät joululiinoja ja asettelivat kukkia ja koristeita. Samoihin aikoihin koitti aika joulutorttujen ja -musiikin.
Joulukuun mittaan tätä kaikkea on vielä viritelty lisää, ja kävivätpä tupalaiset joulunäytelmääkin katsomassa sekä panivat tuvalla pystyyn Lucia-kulkueen. Joulunaluspäivinä on vielä tiernapoika- ja musiikkiohjelmaa sekä juhla-ateria.
Tällainen jouluun virittäytyminen on niin tupalaisten kuin myyjäisissä käyneidenkin mielestä tuiki tärkeää. Ilman sitä joulutunnelma ei kihoaisi kyllin ja juhlan vietto jäisi vain ohi hujahtavaan aattoon.
– Onhan kaikki juhlat tärkeää huomioida vuoden mittaan. Se antaa, kun elää vuoden rytmissä, tuvalla työskentelevä vammaisavustaja Petriina Palttala perustelee.
– Muuten joulun aika menisi tasaisena arkena. Tarvitaan muistutuksia siitä, mitä vuodenaikaa eletään. Niin joulun tulo tulee todellisemmaksi, Kuusisto jatkaa.
Tampereella kehitysvammatyötä ja tuvan kanssa yhteistyötä tekevä Anne Vuorenpää käväisi myyjäisissä ja löysi muun muassa herkkuja. Tunnelmista nauttimaan kertyi paljon myös tupalaisten läheisiä.
Ei kyllästytä, ei
Vaikka liikaa jouluvouhotusta tuvalla vältetäänkin, ehtii joulun henki leijailla siellä aika tovin. Kyllästyttämään se ei kuitenkaan pääse.
– Ei yhtään! Kivimäki sekä Elli Niemi ja Kari Järvenpää hihkaisevat joulun aikaa hauskaksi kehuen.
– Olen itsekin jouluhullu, Kuusisto komppaa.
Eivätkä jouluaskareet ole päivästä ja vuodesta toiseen saman junnaamista. Yhtä tuotetta ei valmisteta massamäärin, vaan tupalaiset kokeilevat ja kehittelevät eri töitä ja tekniikoita.
– Ja jos jonain vuonna minua ei innosta leipominen, jotakuta muuta innostaa. Eri vuosina vähän eri ihmiset voivat innostua eri asioista, Kuusisto ynnää.
Joulumieltä riittää vielä aattoonkin asti. Odotettu päivä huipentaa tunnelman niin lahja- ja kinkkuilolla kuin laskeutuvalla rauhalla.
– On loma. Rauhoitutaan ja kerätään voimia. Joulu katkaisee pimeän kauden ja on latautumisen aikaa, Kuusisto myhäilee.
– Jos ei joulua olisi, niin ei tulisi mitään! Järvenpää kiteyttää kuusijuhlan tärkeyden.
Elli Niemen käsistä syntyi sydänkoristeinen tyyny.
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