#Time in Lieu Template
schooltracker · 4 months
How to Effectively Track and Manage Time in Lieu for Your Team?
Clear policies and effective systems are necessary to track and manage time-in-lieu for your team effectively. To begin with, make clear the rules regarding when and how staff members can accrue and use time off. Using time tracking tools, spreadsheets, or specialised software, put in place a dependable tracking system. Make sure your staff is aware of their accrued time and knows how to request and use it by having regular communication with them. To further guarantee fairness and avoid inconsistencies, periodically check time-in-lieu balances. You can efficiently manage time-in-lieu for your team while encouraging equity and productivity by upholding open communication, precise tracking, and unambiguous guidelines.
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Managing Time in Absence: An All-Inclusive Handbook for Complying with Fair Labour Standards
For businesses to guarantee fairness and labour law compliance, time-in-lieu management is essential. Making use of resources like time-in-lieu calculators and Excel templates can expedite the process, from computing accrued hours to putting transparent policies in place. Covering Fair Work standards and useful templates for effective tracking, this guide delves into the fundamentals of time-in-lieu work.
Understanding Time-in-Lieu: Regulations and Fair Work Compliance
Paid time off, as opposed to monetary compensation, is what is meant by "time in lieu" when it comes to employee overtime. Time-in-lieu policies are governed by Fair Work regulations, which make sure workers are appropriately paid for overtime.
Employing the Time-in-Lieu Calculator to Ensure Precise Monitoring
Businesses can effectively track and manage compensatory time off by using a time in lieu calculator. Employees can check their balances and have the ability to calculate accrued hours based on overtime worked with this tool. Employers can guarantee that workers receive the proper amount of time in lieu of overtime by entering pertinent data, such as overtime hours and applicable rates.
Applying a Time-in-Lieu Model for Streamlined Procedures
An organised framework for handling compensatory time off is offered by a time in lieu template. Fields for tracking usage, computing accrued time in lieu, and documenting overtime hours are usually included in this template. Businesses can preserve uniformity and transparency in their time-in-lieu policies by utilising a standard template.
Making Certain Fair Work Compliance in Lieu of Arrangements
when implementing time-in-lieu preparations, compliance with Fair Work rules is crucial. It is mandatory for employers to comply with rules pertaining to the all-out number of hours worked, least rest periods, and the entitlement to salaried time off. Businesses can stay in compliance and prevent violations by keeping up with Time in Lieu Fair Work standards and seeking legal advice when needed.
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Excel Template for Increasing Efficiency with Time in Lieu
Businesses can easily track compensatory time off with the help of an Time in Lieu Excel Template for time in lieu. This template is adaptable to the unique requirements of the company; fields for employee data can be added, and calculation formulas can be changed. Businesses can ensure accuracy and expedite time-in-lieu management by leveraging Excel's functionalities.
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wip · 1 year
is there any possibility of keeping the legacy editor as an option? for content creators, the new editor completely ruins the quality of our gifs/edits/art and it's really frustrated to be forced into using an editor that's going to kill the quality of the creations that we spend time perfecting.
Answer: Hello, @junghaesin!
Thanks for writing in. And thank you to everyone else who has shared similar feedback.
So, tl;dr—this is actually a blog theme issue. Your theme is not showing images in posts created by the new editor as you expect.
GIFs uploaded via the legacy editor or the new editor are actually processed the same way. There is no difference in bit depth or in resolution. You can see this by looking at your posts inside the Tumblr dashboard instead (e.g. instead of yourblog.tumblr.com/post/id, go to tumblr.com/yourblog/id). 
The reason why you see a quality difference is because posts created by the new editor are treated as text posts by older blog themes. Themes often add padding around all the content of a text post—including any images that appear in it. If your theme presents posts as 540px wide, then in a text post, with that additional padding, the available space for your images is actually less than 540px. As a result, the browser will scale your images down to fit, and when this happens, image quality takes a hit.
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The solution—update to a more modern, up-to-date theme, like Vision or Stereo. Theme developer @eggdesign also built a theme template that works with new posts, that you can build on top of! These modern themes apply padding only to text blocks rather than the whole post, so image blocks receive no padding and are served at their full 540px width, just like the Dashboard. From what we’ve seen, this fixes all of the issues about perceived GIF quality on blogs.
We know. Changing your theme is a lot of work. In the near future, we’re looking into ways to make this transition easier—for example, helping you identify themes that work well with new posts in the Theme Garden. But working with new posts is the way forward—the new posts use a format that opens up a lot of opportunities in the future.
Why can’t you add post types to posts from the new editor? Why not serve new posts as photo posts instead of text posts?
The new editor uses a new post format, called Neue Post Format (NPF). NPF has given us a huge boost in flexibility when it comes to what content can be in posts—remember the time when you couldn’t even upload images to reblogs? Or how old chat and quote posts magically change authors? NPF helped us fix both of these things. It removed constraints—including post types, which limit each post to one specific type of content.
But existing blog themes still need to be able to display these posts. Because NPF posts can include media anywhere (while most of the old post types have a rigid structure for media), it was safest for us to categorize NPF posts as the least constrained post type—text posts. It’s the best we can do to make these posts backward-compatible with existing blog themes.
In lieu of post types, we’ve added an {NPF} theme variable per post that custom themes can leverage. Theme developers must update their themes to take advantage of this new data to retain full control of the HTML output of posts.
You can read more about these decisions, and the Neue Post Format specification, here and here.
Thanks for your feedback, and keep it coming!
With love,
—The Tumblr WIP Team
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Danny always knew there was something wrong with him even before the accident.
He had memories that he couldn't place. Fuzzy scattered ones of him in middle and high school even when he was still taking elementary classes. As a kid he, of course, thought he had superpowers or was receiving psychic visions of the future.
It wasn't until the after the accident that he knew the truth. More specifically, it was when he met Dani.
Memories of being surrounded by people in white coats surfaced in the days following. They would conduct "tests" in which Danny would be forced to solve a puzzle or figure out the answer to something before the timer went off. It always ended the same. He always failed. It wasn't because he was stupid or anything, it was because he was a tiny child who was scared and wanted his mommy and daddy, even if he didn't even know what they would look like.
So all he would do was wail as the scientists stewed in thier frustration. Thier artificial "Robin" was labeled a failure.
Clockwork smiled as the door to the Clocktower slammed open. "Right on time."
"You stole me!" Phantom accused, tears in his eyes, "You took me from my original dimension!"
Clockwork nodded, "Yes."
In lieu of an answer the time god opened a portal, "And now its time for you to leave."
Phantom snarled, fighting against the sudden suction pulling him into the portal, "This isn't over!" He managed to bite out just before he was completely pulled in.
"I know."
The next thing Danny knows is that he is floating high in the sky of a city he knew instinctually was Gotham. The memories from his...original? His template? Were now fully available to him and told him with absolute clarity that he should not stay shining up in the Gotham sky at night unless he wanted a visit from the big bad bat.
He didn't want to test his luck in case he wasn't a fan of clones. Especially since he was a clone of his son.
Thus begins Danny's DC world tour as he searches to the truth behind his creation and attempts in vain to return home all while trying and failing to dodge all the people who are familiar with his template.
(Danny can be a clone of any of the Robins and you can play with the ages all you like thanks to time travel and fanfiction)
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kas-e · 10 months
I've put my usual shooting and processing routine on hold in lieu of designing my book for publishing. In less than two weeks it's already been a bit of a hassle, and learning process. After designing my book project with Saal digital titled "Solitude" I have a good grasp on the graphic design aspect, and was very pleased with how that turned out - so I'm using that as a template for this next project.
I used their software for that though, so creating this one solely in photoshop is a bit tougher. Due to size and orientation restrictions on Amazon publishing I've sidelined the Jumping Spider book for now, and instead have begun creating a selection of vertical landscapes of America and Europe.
The first thing I noticed was that in converting the color to CMYK for printing seems to take some of the pop out of these images. This worries me a little, Saal did all this for me last time. The second is dropping the resolution to fit into the proper spread layout, then converting the spreads to tif files for submission. Again, I worry that the detail, sharpness, and color may suffer.
If anyone has gone through this process, please chime in. Specifically - [jpegs > cmyk > downsized (slightly) > tif] for spread. Will resolution, color, detail or sharpness suffer?
This is the first production that I am doing from scratch and I'd rather not have to correct after initial printing. Its already a ton of work, so I'd like to minimize any issues.
The general layout will be as follows - full page fill on one side, white bordered on the other when you open the page. About every 5 pages will be a full horizontal spread. I want to include at least 100 pieces at a minimum, and I'm currently about 44 images into it. Looks great so far, but very time consuming.
Asking my photographer friends for help here, any advice please post in the notes as this may also help someone else in the future.
Thank you!
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weaselbeaselpants · 1 year
Trying to be careful in how I go about this post, since it's not an accusation or slander of any kind, more of a trip down deviantart memory lane for me. I'm nervous mostly because I've seen some Lackadaisy fans and HazbinHelluva fans starting to butt heads about which animated short is better. C'mon guys, no fights or I'm putting you all on time out.
The first time and the first person who introduced myself to Tracy Butler and the Lackadaisy comic was actually Vivzmind (that's VivziePop's old da username. Will always subconsiously call her that in my head even though 'Pop' sounds better). I vividly remember Viv had filled out one of the then really popular 2010 meme template things called an "Inspiration Map", and in the bottom she had Lackadaisy and linked to Tracy's page and called it "so good". I'm 100 percent sure that much of Lackadaisy, the webcomic, inspired Viv's interest with jazz age memorabillia. I mean it was already there given that Viv loves Princess and the Frog and Chicago, but I really think Lackaidaisy had a hand in creating Husk and Angel as they were seen in 2013- onward.
Yes, I know protoAngel and Arachnis died in the 1940s and Husk died in the 60s I think (also, I think Husk's final design was mostly done by Faustisse??? the hazbin stans feel free to correct that one ), but Husk's extraevegant casino-inspired look and detailed design feels like a Hazbin fusion of Mordecai, Rocky and Zib all at once and if nothing else inspired by Tracy's grand stand alone artwork of the Lackadaisy cast. Viv takes a lot of inspiration from fellow artists and to me it's clear she mused Tracy back in the day. Meanwhile, I'm not convinced half the reason Angel was/still is a mobster is related to her love of Lackadaisy, even if he and his brother are spider things, not cats. I can't unsee it, is all I mean.
If we're talking jazz-age inspo, I think Viv's world is flashy and simple in terms of depth where Lackadaisy's characters and world is a lot more nuance and definitely more researched, than Hazbin. Viv kins Chicago way better than she does Lackadaisy with her use of aesthetics and flare. When I say I personally take issue w Viv's art it's not that I think it looks bad on principle or because "ew sexymans everywhere = bad". I like sexymans and I love Viv's style. What frustrates me and other critics of Viv's art is it's all about what looks pleasing to her at the time and that's it. For the record- that's not inherently a bad thing-
Tim Burton, in case you didn't know, works the exact same way with his personal art and why he puts certain things in his movies. Ever wonder why Oogie Boogie's theme is casinos and Mars Attacks ends in Vegas? It's literally just because Tim spent a lot of time in Vegas and thinks Vegas and casinos are cool. ((Oogie was also kind of Elfman's brainbaby and a loveletter to Fleischer, but regardless)). My issue with Viv liking herself some edgy sex jokes, bowties, skinny guys, sharp edges and loud designs isn't that they're bad on that 'draw what I feel like' principle. It's that, unlike Tim or Tracy Butler, she continues to do it in ways that kind of hurt the character's designs and even personalities. You can absolutely pitch a character as "demon who died a 40s gangster so looks like a mobster spider freak and is just as manic and obnoxious in death as he was in life"- but when you keep only some aspects of his mobster look alive and get rid of others in lieu of the new personality you've basically grafted him into; "complex sleazy pornstar who's at once unapologetic about his perviness but feels trapped and exploited by his own interests and is also named after a drug from the 80s"...it just kinda falls apart.Because almost every other male character in Hazbin and Helluva have bowties, Angel's doesn't exactly stick out or feel like either a gangster or a cheeky pornstar aesthetic. Same goes with Moxxie in Helluva- he's supposed to be a gangster from a gangster demon family, which as a twist is kind of neat but in execution kinda fails because he doesn't exactly read hitman or gangster the rest of the time even though he wears a suit. Between his personality+demeanor, Moxxie's outfit screams more...tap dancer than gangster. It feel confused and kind of overconvuluted is what I'm trying to say.
While not everyone can be Tracy Butler, by contrast you can see through the ages how her characters have come into their own through the decade since Lackadaisy started, which leaves in interesting feel for characters like Mordecai, f.e.
In the comic proper Mordecai is a straight-faced and kind of terrifying hitman who's both good at killing and getting the job done, so he feels very serious even when he's cracking jokes or playing off the goofier characters. In the years since the first volume was finished though, while Mordecai himself has stayed serious in the comic, the readers have gotten the peek into his past ahead of the 'main'-ish cast with the prequel comics about Morty and Victor working together and Mordecai still being an overly serious nerd but also a pissy neat freak. I think the latest parts of the comic featuring Mordecai have done a great job at alluding to what's funny about him while still keeping him relatively serious. It's obvious the fandom love for this character and Tracy's own love for him rubbed off on his portrayal in what exists of vol 3 so far. Tracy's also made changes and add ons to Mordecai's final character that feel consistant with the mostly basic character he was introduced as, more of a fleshing out of his character than a departure of who/what he has always been written to be.
I want so much to like, even love Viv's characters y'see, it's just that they kind of feel like Viv decides them a finished character upon first creating them and not when after she's truly introduced or finished working on them. This is the case with Angel, with Millie, with Stolas, with Lucifer. It's why I don't care for Sir Pent as his design reads too competant for the kind of folly he's ultimately supposed to be. Viv literally made him a permanent part because she just really liked his design, but what's been seen of him in and out of canon kinda shows two different types of characters the writers are desperate to insist are one in the same, or which naturally flow into the other...but they just don't? Yes, even for what is seen now. Some ppl say the way Viv's characters are fleshed out is like if the writers are writing fanfiction of their own property. It feels that way because rather than writing and designing for the sake of the character, the writers are writing for themselves. They're being self indulgent. Their appraising with the cast that doesn't feel earned because the actual depth the cast needs as characters hasn't happened yet (see also: Millie), just alluded to, and the writers being fans of their own work so much means they can't recognize that and keep up the indulgence parade. I "know", because I can recognize myself doing it when I get hyperfixated on my blorbos and so only write about them and my headcanons relating to them. The rest o the cast is important because otherwise your fav side character has nothing/no one to bounce off of. As much as I love Mordecai, the tale of Lackadaisy is not his story alone and the main character is Rocky.
Still tho, none of this should ever imply that Lackadaisy as a property is competition or better or worse than Hazbin and Helluva Boss. All of this is just *Dude voice* my opinion mayn. Even if it wasn't, both shorts and series have their own world and inspirations. Maybe all the business I laid out about Viv's writing is what's actually appealing to you as a fan and not a take away, maybe my Mordecai hypothesis doesn't cut how underwhelmed by the character and the short. IDK. While I think they have inspiration to thank for each other's existence...please don't bother the staff who worked on these or act like their problem is that one of them 'needs to be' the other. That wasn't my point. I don't want Hazbin or Helluva to be Lackadaisy at all. They're their own thing and shouldn't be treated like one in the same because of who created what and who worked on both pilots.
Let's not dip back into the time we were all "Star vs the Forces of Evil is what Steven Universe SHOULD BE, there's no way comparing these two it's a competition could cloud our judgement of either shows!!8D 8D 8D "
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thearcaneuniversity · 6 months
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9:34 am, saturday, 6th of april 2024, loosing my mind.
27/100 days of productivity.
i was supposed to, technically, write and send the first chapter od my thesis to my professor by midnight yesterday. but since I won’t be seeing him this sunday because of the elections I asked if we could meet on tuesday evening online. he wrote that it’s no problem and that I should send him the draft no later than monday evening so he could go through it before our meeting.
all well and good.
i was still beating myself up over not working on it yesterday, imagining kicking myself in the face with my knee, hitting my legs with my arms, and inflicting some other bodily harm to relieve the self-hatred of not doing anything but obsessing over a tv show I have never even watched.
thank god i have a therapy session monday evening.
so, i didn’t sleep much, went to bed before 3 am, hoped to wake up around 9:30/10 am. was woken up first at 6, than 8 am. I got up to stress some more.
now i’ve finally started writing. i have no idea what the fuck i’m writing, but at least i’m writing.
how hilarious of my university to provide us with a template for the thesis with random text such as: definition of sanity, strategies in saving your sanity, defensive strategies, aggressive strategies, and more aggressive strategies.
in lieu of keeping up with the theme, i supplied myself with alcohol i can’t drink, but which will stand by my side to keep me company in these rough times.
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pepperpatrol · 1 year
So obviously it kind of blows to have your artwork used in the training dataset for an AI art program. Yeah. Sure. That's fair. I understand the feeling of "If that thing is making millions of dollars after combing my gallery I deserve a cut " and "They shouldn't be using my shit without my consent. Posting art is not consent to allow others to do whatever they want with it"
Those are both true statements that will never do anything about the existence of AI art nor will they ever stop AI trainers from combing publicly available images. But the thing is like...
The reason watermarks are showing up in the AI trained art databases isn't bc it was trained on a singular watermarked image. it's bc getty images hosts literally millions of stock photos that show up in google search with the exact same watermark. It's not regurgitating images that it was trained on and you'll never win any copyright suit about it bc derivative works are protected by copyright law. And, importantly, you want derivative works to be protected by copyright law, as is being proven repeatedly these days by the sue happy Townsend estate that is now suing people over chord progressions...
The threat to artistic livelihood presented by AI art is the same threat to artistic livelihood that graphic designers lost against programs like Canva. It's the same battle that was lost by translators against Machine translation. It is the same battle that the WGA is fighting right now against the potential for ai scripts in TV. While you can argue about the quality of the results these things deliver, you'll once again be missing the forest for the trees. The quality is a distraction. How the ai is trained is a distraction. It doesn't matter that the end product is, and always will be, worse without a human hand involved.
It is that the industry, to cut costs, will be employing these tools instead of paying real humans to make and do work that is best suited to real humans. An individual generating his DnD character through an AI in the long run probably won't actually cost an artist a penny bc most of those people were never going to commission someone in the first place. A machine translator helping me talk to a stranger who is asking for help on the street isn't taking work away from a translator bc there are no people paid to stand around on streets and look for such interactions. It's just helping me, albeit in a janky and partially incorrect way, figure out how to tell this person directions to the nearest post office. It's just giving Bob a picture to point to in the DnD session and say "this 15 fingered weirdo is me".
The problem is that advertising firms and animation studios, some of the last bastions of regular, reliable work in the art industry, are going to start using ai generated frames and images so they can hire fewer in house artists. It's that they're already trying to decrease the size of writing rooms so they can hire fewer in house writers. It's that they've already removed graphic designers in lieu of making the craftiest person at the office do the extra work of putting together your flyer on canva. Canva, who hires only a handful of in house designers to make their templates and pays them by contract with almost no, or straight up no residuals on each time that template sees use. Billy Badass who made an avatar of his MMO character on art breeder was never a threat to the art industry.
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villainsrph · 2 years
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hey guys !  I wanted to give a bit of an overall life and status update !
* november and december have been incredibly tough. on top of having c*vid in november, my mental health has been the worst it’s been in a while. even though I’m doing a bit better than I was, the anxiety has stuck around and has been incredibly tough to manage. 
however I’m slowly getting through and processing it, and starting to feel like myself again! thank you all for bearing with me, as I know this has caused some delays. I appreciate you guys so much!
* even though I’m getting on my feet, my schedule has been and still will be, for the next week, a bit wonky! I will not be here: sunday the 25th and tuesday the 27th. all in lieu of holiday stuff!
* starting the 28th, my schedule will finally be going back to normal. I think that will really begin to help my brain sort itself out too. I plan on getting back on track with a regular schedule, getting caught back up on normal wait-times, and putting out some more templates too!
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I always sound like a broken record when I say this, but thank you all for your patience with me and for supporting my work. I’ve had a lot put into perspective lately, and it’s made me even more appreciative of everyone who has ever or will ever commission me. thank you guys so much. I’m so grateful for all of you, and wishing you all fantastic holidays!
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Shark pencil case #2 (or is that #2 pencil case?)
Using some scraps from my last project (which itself was made with scraps from an even earlier project), I've stitched up a second shark pencil case. This time I added the optional zipper tabs, which were an absolute nightmare and took far longer than they ought. This was definitely a case of "From failure we learn. From success, not so much" because after literally hours of trial & error, I now know not only how to put them in, but I know *why* they need to be done that way. I also used a lighter interfacing than what it calls for (Pellon SF-101 in lieu of fusible fleece) which makes this one super flat-faced. I think it adds to the charm :-)
Free tutorial (with link to free pattern templates) can be found here; instructions for optional zipper tabs and other tips/tricks are here.
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facsimile-tech · 3 months
someone should start a charity for non-organizational-sobriety-gettingers because them medallion coins get sick as fuck but statistically... probably... it's not like anyone pays you to get sober or like your life was working so well that you have any fucking money? and most of the popular imagery is puffed up live laugh love curly but serif'd text that really makes you wonder if you'll have to prove that you're still cool not a self satisfied dork with bad taste every time you say no to a drink* in addition to whatever other anxieties that moment holds
anyways in lieu of the money, skills, or enough actual interest to start such a charity, may i offer you:
1. "some screenshots of sick medallions from etsy that will be easy enough to find if you have 20 bucks and evidence that aesthetic sensibilities need not be left behind alongside substance abuse"
2. a pile of AI generated live laugh love signs that i found while looking for a template to make one that said "cool shit is out there, you just can't afford it" in The Style of them rose-gold lining wooden porch livings. ik, ik, i am also anti-AI, but i think we can be delighted because these were presented unironically! a clear demonstration of the value and necessity of human intervention! since there were not templates and my original joke was not funny enough to do the work required to make it legibly convey what i wanted it to, we have this now. it facilitates full nelson muntz HAW HAW at techbros and i'm sure carries some profundity of its own you can reflect on yourself
3. this post needs a 3 for pacing. idk. it's fine if live laugh love is what you like. i'm sorry for calling you a cheugy cliche in different words and now also these ones, but i'm hoping the "you" suggested is so far out of my sphere of influence that "you" will never see this post. that you is on instagram in your soft white living room sipping la croix-and like, you're really happy. i would never begrudge you that. the you who i assume is reading this is like, some shade of self destructive art gay desperado to whom i'd like to offer some breathing space in a hellworld with diminishing returns that you've committed to rawdogging in the name of an abstract hope that seems further and further away on the whims of the worst fucking people alive. this is what i got for ya. sorry bout the rest, but there are some cool fuckin little pocket treasures that belong to you on a spiritual level for your efforts
on that note, good luck! have fun! we're not dead yet! congrats on your sobriety, babe! 🩶 never give up! ❤️‍🩹sorry bout The Shit- live avhhh lvgheh luvigch 4evr🖤
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schooltracker · 3 months
Time Management Made Easy: Free Template for Success
Effective time management is a cornerstone of productivity and success in both personal and professional spheres. With the aid of a Time Management Template, you can streamline your tasks, prioritize effectively, and achieve your goals efficiently. In this blog post, we explore how utilizing a free time management template can simplify your routine and set you on the path to success.
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Benefits of Using a Time Management Template
Structured Planning
A Time Management Template provides a structured framework for planning your day, week, or month. It allows you to list tasks, allocate time slots, and prioritize activities based on their importance and deadlines. This systematic approach ensures that you stay focused and productive throughout the day.
Improved Productivity
By organizing tasks within a Time Management Template, you can optimize your workflow and reduce procrastination. It helps in breaking down complex tasks into manageable steps, making it easier to tackle them efficiently.
Effective Time Allocation
Utilize tools like the Best School Time Tracking System Australia or School Management System to integrate specific templates designed for educational settings. These templates help students manage study schedules, assignments, and extracurricular activities effectively.
Time in Lieu Management
For professionals dealing with overtime and compensatory time off, a Time in Lieu Spreadsheet Template or Time in Lieu Excel Template can be invaluable. These templates assist in calculating and managing accrued hours, ensuring compliance with Time in Lieu Fair Work regulations.
How to Use a Free Time Management Template
- Download or Create Your Template
Look for free time management templates available online or create your own using software like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. Customize the template to fit your specific needs, including tasks, deadlines, and priorities.
- Allocate Time Slots
Allocate time slots for each task or activity within the template. Use color-coding or priority levels to distinguish between urgent, important, and routine tasks.
- Regular Updates and Adjustments
Regularly update your Time Management Template to reflect changes in priorities, deadlines, or unexpected tasks. Adjust time allocations as needed to ensure optimal productivity.
- Utilize Digital Tools
Integrate your Time Management Template with digital calendars and task management apps to receive reminders, set deadlines, and track progress seamlessly across devices.
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Tips for Effective Time Management
- Set SMART Goals: Define Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals to guide your tasks and priorities.
- Practice Time Blocking: Allocate dedicated time blocks for specific tasks to minimize distractions and improve focus.
- Prioritize Tasks: Rank tasks based on urgency and importance to ensure that critical activities are completed first.
Incorporating a Free Time Management Template into your daily routine can revolutionize how you approach tasks, projects, and personal goals. Whether you're a student aiming for academic success or a professional striving for career advancement, leveraging tools like the School Time Tracking System or Time in Lieu Calculator ensures efficient time utilization and compliance with work regulations.
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career-newton-22 · 1 year
The Benefits of a Paid Resume Builder: Unlocking Your Professional Potential
In today's competitive job market, a well-written resume is essential for securing employment opportunities. While there are numerous free resources available for creating resumes, opting for a paid resume builder can provide unique benefits that can substantially increase your chances of success. This article will discuss the advantages of using a paid resume builder and how it can help you separate out from the competition.
Professional and Modifiable Design Templates: Paid resume builders provide access to a variety of professionally designed, aesthetically appealing, and contemporary templates. These templates were developed by design professionals who are familiar with current industry standards and can help your resume make an impression. Moreover, paid builders frequently offer customization options, allowing you to tailor the template to your particular requirements and brand identity.
Paid resume builders provide a variety of sophisticated features and tools that can help making a good resume and improve your resume's quality. These may include the ability to add multimedia elements such as images or videos, interactive sections, color schemes, and customized fonts. These elements can help you demonstrate your creativity, emphasize your unique qualities, and leave a lasting impression on prospective employers.
Optimization of the Applicant Tracking System (ATS): Many businesses now use ATS to streamline the recruiting process. To shortlist candidates, ATS software examines resumes for keywords and specific formatting. Paid resume builders frequently offer ATS optimization tools to ensure that your resume is formatted correctly and contains relevant keywords, thereby increasing your odds of passing the initial screening.
Paid resume builders typically offer sophisticated editing and proofreading capabilities, allowing you to refine your content and eliminate any errors or inconsistencies. They may include grammar and spelling checks, analysis of readability, and suggestions for enhancing sentence structure and wording. These tools assist you in creating a refined, professional resume that leaves a lasting impression on potential employers.
Paid resume builders typically provide industry-specific guidance and expert advice tailored to your profession. They may provide advice and suggestions on how to effectively highlight pertinent skills, showcase accomplishments, and structure a resume. This invaluable assistance can assist you in navigating the complexities of resume writing and optimizing your document to appeal to hiring managers in your field.
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When it comes to career advancement, investing in a paid resume builder can be a worthwhile decision. The professional templates, advanced features, ATS optimization, editing capabilities, industry-specific guidance, time-saving benefits, and ongoing support provided by paid resume builders can significantly improve the quality of your resume and increase your chances of securing the job opportunities you desire.
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rosefox90842 · 2 years
What is a practice management solution, and how to select one?
Practice management software is designed to help medical practitioners and healthcare providers manage their day-to-day operations. Depending on the type of medical practice and treatment center, a practice management solutions has features that automate:
Organization tasks
Administrative tasks
Medical billing
Medical credentialing
Why is practice management software needed?
When operating a health clinic, the mundane tasks of daily operations can be automated with practice management software. Common tasks are automated and streamlined by medical practice management solutions, and configurations can customize tasks per practice area. Without a practice management solution, healthcare facility staff will maintain paper-based systems.
Practice management or clinical practice management integrate client records, contact information, appointments, invoice, billing, and several such related data maintains all of them digitally. The practice management software can also maintain digital records of medical practitioners, their days of availability, their credentialing details, the surgery needs, their appointment checklist, their service dates, compensation, etc.
What are the benefits of a practice management solution?
Following are the benefits of a practice management solution:
Low or no time spent on administrative tasks:
Practice management solutions can help providers reduce their administrative tasks and their time. The same amount of time, effort, and money can build customer relationships, research, operational excellence initiatives, and business development. All paper-based activities will be digitized, including prescriptions, client communications, side notes, treatment plans, specialized services, etc.
Reduce no-shows of patients:
Appointment reminders can be set up to intimate patients on upcoming doctor appointments. The patients may have to confirm their availability—failing which, the slot could be reserved for someone else. A patient management solution or medical practice management software can use SMS and email. Confirmed clients can be tracked, and doctors know the patients they will consult upon.
Streamlined communication:
The practice management solution can use templates for common requests and responses. Patients, doctors, staff, and administrators can use these templates. The use of templates greatly reduces misunderstandings and standardizes communication.
A practice can be operated virtually:
With the rise of doctor-to-home appointments, virtual clinics are common. The pandemic has given rise to this need. Appointments and medical consultations are made virtually the first time. If the doctor needs to inspect the patient physically, the doctor or their assistant arrives at the patient’s home and scrutinizes the patient. The data collected is transmitted to the doctor electronically.
How to select a practice management solution?
A practice management solution or medical practice management system should automate all manual tasks or provide better efficient processes in lieu. The practice management solution can ideally be a customized solution built by a healthcare software development vendor with a track record of developing a healthcare suite of applications.
A patient management solution should have the following basic features:
Billing, medical credentialing, and reporting
Scheduling appointments, pre registering patients
Insurance payer management module  
Creating a practice management solution web app or mHealth app can be specific to a healthcare provider. Therefore, it is better to work with a custom software development organization to build an application or healthcare practice management.
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go-our-own-ways · 2 years
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C.FIRST Phone Wallpapers (from The IDOLM@STER SideM: Growing Stars)
※ Dimensions are for Samsung S21
Happy Announcement Anniversary, C.FIRST! In lieu of drawing fanart or making a merch shrine, I made some wallpapers to celebrate (:
The silhouettes are from C.FIRST's cover feature in LisAni. I also included a silhouette of C.FIRST's logo, and an 8-pointed star. The latter is included as it's a recurring motif in their default unit outfit, as well as their merchandise. I used darker, duller versions of each idol's image colors for the silhouettes, and then a lighter and duller version of C.FIRST's unit color for the background. The unit logo is just the unit color, and the 8-pointed star uses a shade of gold that can be found on their logo.
The silhouettes here are C.FIRST's default sprite poses from the Growing Stars website (and I believe in-game as well). The colors used are again drawn from the unit and franchise. The 3-colored path uses each idol's image color, and corresponds to the idol standing on that side of the path. The column in the middle is made from C.FIRST's unit color and SideM's branch color amidst the im@s franchise. The silhouettes use a lighter shade of gold, and the background is a muted, lighter shade of green from SideM's branch color. My general vision for this was to make it look like the three idols are on their own paths, delineated by their image colors, and that they're headed towards a shining beam of light representing 315Pro/SideM and C.FIRST as a unit.
This one is based off of the in-game C.FIRST group chat wallpaper. I very literally took the game asset as a template, and recreated the pattern, but to longer dimensions.
The vision here was to use each idol's generally-accepted motif to make a more low-key wallpaper. Shu is generally associated with music, so stuff like earbuds/headphones and music notes is common. Conveniently, he also has an earbud chat sticker that he's used in-game. Meanwhile, Momohito is usually associated with baby chicks, due in large part to the stickers he sends in-game in chat conversations. Then there's Eishin...usually associated with apples due to the in-game lore, but alas, he has no stickers yet. So, while I recreated the chat stickers to larger dimensions to use for Shu and Momohito, I had instead just used an apple from Irustoya for Eishin LOL. The vertical stripe uses C.FIRST's unit color, and the horizontal stripe uses SideM's branch color. The little doodles around each motif use colors close to each idol's image color, but adjusted to better show up on the background color. The background uses a lighter, slightly muted version of C.FIRST's unit color.
And...that's about it! I had fun making these, and I hope some folks enjoy using them! (: Random thoughts on C.FIRST under the cut~
I haven't known C.FIRST for that long compared to the other 15 units in SideM, and yet C.FIRST quickly shot to the top of my favorites when Saisuta first dropped. I don't know what it is about these three high schoolers, but something about them really made me want to root for them and support them (and their seiyuu). I suspect it's the balance of these three characters being portrayed as very capable, and therefore very dependable teenagers, yet each still having their own struggles and growing pains, because they too are human, and teenagers no less.
When I read their stories and conversations with Producer on my home screen, I always feel so thankful for their dependability and support. I think perhaps of my place in life right now, and the experiences I've had that have led me to where I am now, have made me really crave and desire support and dependability (hello, FRAME bias haha). But at the same time, I really love that feeling of wanting to watch over C.FIRST because at the end of the day, they're just teens trying to figure out adolescence and how they're going to eventually move through life and the world in their own way.
C.FIRST also is the first time I've loved an entire idol unit in its entirety, without having too much of a preference for any of its individual members. At first I thought I'd like Momohito the most because of relating to his struggles, but as time went on, I found Eishin and Shu both just as endearing in their own rights. If I really had to pick a favorite, I suppose it would be Shu, but ultimately, I love C.FIRST the most as a whole.
I really look forward to seeing where their journey goes next! I hope Saisuta continues to give us good stories for them, and maybe hopefully we'll get to see them introduced into the mobage someday, too. I also really look forward to seeing how their seiyuu blossom and grow! Miyatan is the cutest of cute and so, so precious; Iseyuu is so endearing and yet so deadly with his sudden, sneaky, smug grins that crop up from time to time during performances; and Takeshin's gap of serious yet chaotic is so good and so perfect for someone who has been tasked with voicing Eishin.
Here's to many more adventures to come!
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vaelyane · 3 years
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It's the 31st, and you know what that means, my friends... Happy New Year, good beans! It's that dreaded time of the year when many of us are compelled to do a retrospective of the past 12 months of our lives. Absolutely chilling, I know. 😂 This whole year was pretty rocky for a lot of us! 😬 I wasn't spared either, but I did paint quite a few things anyway, and I think that's worth celebrating, at least for me! You don't have to join in, but please, acknowledge your own accomplishments, my friends. ;) Especially the small things. It's crucial. To compensate for this year's dry spells, I downgraded my art summary to a selection of nine pieces I painted throughout the year, instead of one piece per month like I usually do! It's much more manageable this way. I wish you a much better year 2022! Please take care, and stay safe. ~~~~~~~ Nous sommes le 31, les amis ! Vous savez ce que ça veut dire... Bonne Année 2022, mes bonnes patates ! Nous avons atteint le moment de l’année qui pousse une foule de gens à faire une rétrospective des 12 derniers mois. Cest absolument glaçant, je sais. 😂 L’année entière a été particulièrement cahoteuse pour beaucoup d’entre nous ! 😬 J’en ai bavé aussi, mais j’ai réussi à peindre un peu malgré tout, et je pense que ça vaut la peine de m’en féliciter ! Vous n’êtes pas obligés de faire de même, mais n’oubliez pas de noter vos propres victoires. ;) Même les petites choses. C’est crucial. Pour compenser les divers mois d’inactivité, j’ai changé mon template habituel et choisi neuf travaux réalisés au courant de l’année au lieu d’une peinture par mois ! C’est beaucoup plus adapté vu les circonstances. Je vous souhaite une bien meilleure année 2022 ! Et prenez soin de vous, s’il vous plaît. Il le faut !
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merrybrides · 3 years
Cute Gift Wrapping Ideas
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Add Natural Touches to Craft Paper
For gifts with a rustic, organic feel, use seasonal accents like sprigs, pine cones, and cinnamon sticks to gussy up packages wrapped in kraft paper and tied up with twine.
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DIY Paper Poinsettia Gift Wrap
These cardstock poinsettias make a gorgeous gift topper, and also look pretty all on their own. Bring them to life by cutting cardstock by hand (find the template here), then secure with a button and finish with a fringed ribbon.
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In lieu of a gift tag, attach an oversized paper mâché letter of the recipient's first initial to the top of the box. Bonus: The letter is also a fun décor gift too!
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Earring Tree and Necklace Wreath Idea
Think outside the box for gifting jewelry with these festive wreath and tree cutouts.
Get the tutorial at Sarah Hearts.
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Photo Gift Tag Idea
There are a lot of things to love about this super cute and personalized gift wrap idea. Adding a photo of yourself and your giftee also gives the bonus gift of a sweet keepsake!
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Cardboard Box Snowman Idea
Do you want to build a snowman...out of presents? Your kids will love unwrapping this cute stack of gifts.
Get the tutorial at Smart School House.
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Reindeer Thumbprint Paper
Feature Rudolph all over your wrapping paper by using your thumb and colorful ink pads to re-create this pattern.
Get the tutorial at Splash of Something.
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DIY Paper Straw Star Gift Toppers
Buy in bulk and you can create this ex-straw-dinary gift wrap idea on the cheap.
Get the tutorial at Splash of Something.
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Easy DIY Holiday Paper Bags
Sometimes gift wrap just won't cut it. These simple bags, adorned with merry messages, work for gifts of all shapes and sizes.
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Christmas Chalkboard Packaging
With black kraft paper and some white paint markers, these creative packages will look great underneath your tree.
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Gift Toppers
These colorful creations add wow factor to humble brown paper packages.
Honeycomb Ornaments: Cut 1 ½" and 2 ½" half circles from honeycomb paper. Hot-glue one side of folded half circle to package; unfold and glue other side of sphere to box. Use a silver paint pen to draw ornament hangers.
Paper Straw Christmas Tree: Use a pencil to draw a triangle on the top of package. Cut paper straws in graduated lengths to fit horizontally within triangle. Adhere with hot-glue. Cut two 1" pieces of straw and glue vertically at base to form a trunk. Weave a piece of string down the length of tree, adhering with dots of hot-glue along the way. Glue small buttons along length of string.
Yarn Pom-Pom Twirl yarn around four fingers 50 times. Cut excess yarn and slide loop off fingers, making sure that it doesn't unravel. Cinch at middle with yarn. Use scissors to cut loops and fluff with fingers. Wrap package with coordinating yarn, using ends to tie on pom-pom.
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Candy Cane Topper
Make your gifts even sweeter by adorning them with everyone's favorite Christmas candy.
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Rudolph Gift Wrap
Create your very own fleet of reindeer with this easy craft that you can display under your tree or anywhere in your home.
Get the tutorial at Frog Prince Paperie.
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