#Tim was the only one unaware of the prank due to leaving last and not seeing the other vehicles
valcove · 2 months
Okay, hear me out
Imagine with me. Batman, pedaling as fast as he physically can, on this children's bike, chasing a rogue. It was the only option he had, and he knows he'll be made fun of later by his kids, but he has a mission at the moment, so he can't be bothered to care
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And then passing him is Nightwing riding a segway (Nightwing themed, of course), Red Hood wearing heelies, Red Robin on his normal motorbike, and then Damian on a little classic child tricycle.
As it turns out, someone (Alfred) had hidden all the normal vehicles for a prank war, left only Red Robin's motorbike to frame him (because who would suspect Alfred??), and was currently receiving pictures from Barbara to add to a photo album.
Alfred knows he's safe from retaliation, even when they figure out who did it.
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