#Tiernen Morningwild
tiernen-morningwild · 5 years
October Writing Challenge: Lookalike
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“Come again...?” The tavern crackled with salty sea laughter rolling around him, indifferent to this conversation as it was to any other. It rarely mattered how many ears twitched and turned in the comfortable inn; a respite from their troubles, like so much autumn chill, was much more interesting, by far. A safe place, set against the surf, it was. The tray in Tiernen’s hands was a source of pride for the young cook who bore it gracefully from the kitchen to the bustling dining space. That’s what he was now, an identifier he wore crisp and clean as a silk cravat. Well, maybe not silk, but a fine linen at the least... not too starchy, but nice enough to look neat. He wasn’t an animal. The Forsaken guest seemed almost mystified as he looked up from his table, fixed on the earnest look Tiernen wore more than his meal of plainstrider chili and fresh-baked cornbread. As much as a malformed man with sunken-ship eyes could be, Tiernen supposed. The central hearth radiated a welcome warmth at his back as he stood still beneath that watery gaze, politely avoiding the gaping hole affording a view into the man’s yellowed jaw. “I said you remind me of my Ezra- wisp of a boy, with a strong back.” The Forsaken gentleman’s bemused commentary was met with a chuckle from his companion, a mysterious little fellow cloaked beneath a dark hood at the opposite end of the table. Hands folded in sleek, leather gloves gave little away , though the stubbled, pink jaw peeking out beneath his cowl looked potentially elven. “Ah yes, I see a lot of him in you. Gentle soul, all refined with his manners. And look at these pretty hands,” he went on. At this, the Forsaken guest took a hold of Tiernen’s wrist, almost reverent in the way he lifted it in the firelight. Tiernen, for his part, fought to keep from speaking, lest some rodent’s squeak escape him in lieu of actual words. Glancing towards this hidden figure, Tiernen offered a note of soft laughter of his own, dripping decorum as he nudged the tray closer to the Forsaken. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t a little disturbed, up close where he could make out the decayed ridges of the Forsaken’s lips. As much as he was accustomed to people from all walks of life, especially in Tol Barad with its refugees and roving band of Illidari guards... it was something else entirely to find himself single-handed in his fight for composure. You just couldn’t know, now. Not after the events outside Orgrimmar... everyone knew that. In the end, Tiernen smiled. He could ultimately smile through anything if he put his mind to it. Was this another trait he shared with this ‘Ezra’, he wondered? “That’s very kind of you to say, Sir. Perhaps... Ezra here might grace us with his face for a true comparison?” He was relieved when his question was met with freedom, his wrist cold where bony fingers had held it. It drew immediately into his side, eventually clasped in his own grasp behind his back where the hearth could reach. Relief shriveled up and died the moment the Forsaken and his friend burst out laughing, a sound that naturally chose to ring out during a rare gap in the tavern’s din. Chairs squeaked and scraped in protest as others awkwardly forsook seaside respite for a bit of dirt. “Oh, did you think I was Ezra?” the hooded figure spoke in accented Common, drawing the last of Tiernen’s breath from him in a single, impotent exhale. “Not even close,” his Forsaken guest added, a downright skeletal finger jutting out across the table in agreement. “Oh, I’m sorry... I just thought-” Tiernen took a step back, entirely bent on allowing them their space for dinner, of course. It was only his job, after all, and- gods be good, this was excruciating in so many ways. Until the Forsaken went on, cutting through his companion’s tittering and the subtle undercurrent of amusement in the lack of silverware sliding across ceramic. “Yeah, Ezra’s good and dead! Had a bad encounter with the business end of one of them Dwarvish boom sticks at Lordaeron. His pieces are probably in pieces by now- haha!”
Tiernen tried not to scrunch, not to allow the sharp line of his nose to wrinkle with the downward turn threatening at the corners of his mouth. His airless laughter seemed appropriate enough, though he was careful not to let it go on too long. The last thing he needed was for someone to read something in it beyond the awkward response of someone decidedly not Ezra. You just can’t know for sure. Even the Void knew that. “Let... me know if you need anything else then, yes?” he finally managed, his bow just a fraction too quick and his smile just a fraction too tight before he was off, scurrying to the relative sanctuary of the kitchen. _____ @kharrisdawndancer, @turning-through-the-never @heartoftheravenwra
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blackbirdbrewery · 4 years
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It’s almost Friday and we’re in love! Maelstrom is back again for a night of mixed drinks and dancing; and your curated song-list will be DJ’ed by our very own Tiernen Morningwild on Friday, September 4th. Come in your Friday best (or casuals) and take a load off from a busy week in preparation for a weekend of relaxation.
Maelstrom Nightclub is located in Rustberg Village, Tol Barad, and will be open from 7pm - 9pm WRA server time. We are faction neutral, so both horde and alliance are encouraged to pick up some elixirs of tongue and come down for a good night!
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koreriverwood · 4 years
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It wasn’t hard to track the Ren’dorei, not for a hunter who could see through walls. He just looked for small slip of the night sky, the closest he’d ever get to seeing again, and made his way round the Tavern. At the Kitchen’s loading door he stalked the prim and proper gentleman, who was no doubt on break and sneaking a smoke. The wrapped package in hand wasn’t anything particular to look at. The butcher paper the best he could find that wouldn’t rip, even then it was still comically haphazard, not fully covering the wood in some places and held closed with twine that looked more bondage then present. Well that’s what you get when a blind Illidari tries to give gifts ok! “Aurora!” He called not wanting to startle the poor man by sneaking up behind. “Glad I caught you before my shift. Jari said you were usually up early, guess he wasn’t kidding.” The brown paper rectangle was offered without fanfare or fuss. “For you, to go with Jari’s gift. Figured you could use it considering your insistence on being proper.” His tone was light as the grin tugged at his lips, exposing the sharpened fangs as he teased the other. Between the pair of Illidari, they WOULD get him to loosen up...a bit...eventually. Maybe talk him into going out “casual” and leave the cravat at home. “You can open it when you get off work. I’d hate to ruin your good boy reputation and someone see you taking a moment away from work for something personal.” @tiernen-morningwild​
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suramarelf · 5 years
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Commission for @tiernen-morningwild !! <3
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kharrisdawndancer · 5 years
Innocent or Guilty
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Asked someone to marry you? — “Innocent. That’s a big commitment.”
Kissed one of your friends? — “Guilty. Several different friends. Several different ways: platonic, romantic, whatever.”
Danced on a table in a bar / tavern? — “Guilty! Many, many times! Ask Ashraen. I always like to tease him with it.”
Ever told a lie? — “Guilty.”
Had feelings for someone you can’t have? — “... Guilty.”
Ever kissed someone of the same sex? — “I kiss Pyraelia all the time. Guilty! Romantically? No, not yet.”
Kissed a picture? — “I’ve blown kisses over my comm. Does that count? I’m really not sure.”
Slept until 5pm? — “Innocent, I think. I can’t recall ever sleeping in THAT late.”
Worked at a fast food chain / restaurant? — “Innocent. Never worked food service.”
Stolen something? — “Guilty.” She shrugs and gives a prettily dimpled smile.
Been fired from a job? — “Innocent. Never really worked for anyone but myself. At least until the Shielded Mind. And I don’t think they’re going to fire me.”
Done something you regret? — “Guilty. Isn’t everyone?”
Laughed until something you were drinking came out of your nose? — “Guilty.” She starts to chuckle just at the memories.
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? — “Guilty. I love the snow and playing in the snow.”
Sat on a roof top? —  “Guilty. I love rooftops, honestly. I’m always finding a way to get up there.”
Kissed someone you shouldn’t have? — “Guilty. But mistakes are meant to teach you something, right?”
Sang in the shower? — “Guilty! Not often, but if there’s music on, why not!”
Been pushed into a body of water with all your clothes on? — Her expression gets a little wry, “Innocent. And don’t you think about doing it either.”
Shaved your head? — “Innocent. I’m too vain. I love my hair.”
Made a boyfriend / girlfriend cry? — “Guilty.” She glanced away.
Shot a gun? — “Guilty. Lots of times. I have improved quite a bit over the last few years.”
Still loved someone you shouldn’t? — “Guilty.”
Have / had a tattoo? — “Innocent. The permanence makes me wary.”
Liked someone, but will never tell who? — “Guilty.”
Been too honest? — “Guiiiillllty? Probably. But ‘too honest’ from which perspective? My own, or their’s?”
Ruined a surprise? — “Guilty? Likely? I can’t recall. Hopefully I made it up to them if I did.”
Been told that you’re beautiful by someone who totally meant what they said? — “Guilty.”
Stalked someone? — “Innocent.”
Thoughts about murder? — “Guilty.”
How about mass murder? — “Innocent.”
Cheated on someone? —  “... That’s kind of complicated, but likely interpreted as ‘guilty’...”
Gotten so angry that you cried? — “Guilty.”
Tried to stay away from someone for their own good? — “...Guilty. Still.” 
Thoughts about suicide? —  “Only minor flashes. Guilty-ish? ... Not really. Inoocent.”
Had a girlfriend / boyfriend? — “Guilty. I have one right now!”
Gotten totally drunk during a holiday? — “Abso-fuckin-guilty. .. I just did the other day during Lunar Festival. Whoops.”
Tagged by @crowsaerie-rp
Tagging: @andaerosdawnflare @valarin-sunstorm @murmuring-shadows @trisandrah @luminashdawnwing @ralaadzior​ @tiernen-morningwild​ @azadzior​
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meangreenlee · 6 years
Lee - Five Gifs
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tagged by: @lysandra-vanburen <3
tagging: @mirthtide, @roses-and-arrows, @roserigsby, @colettespaservices, @vyndalivan, @tiernen-morningwild, @estonvega, and anyone else who wants to and hasn’t yet!
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tiernen-morningwild · 6 years
About Tiernen Morningwild
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Gender: Male
Race: Ren’dorei
Height: 5′8
Eye Color: Pale cerulean.
Hair Color: Dark slate.
The Facts
Birthday: February 21
Occupation: Odd jobs; cook; field medic.
Sexual identification: Homosexual
Romantic identification: Homo-romantic
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Criminal History: Extensive; mainly a product of his dedication to his former employer.
Documented: None officially.
Undocumented:  Trespassing, burglary, bribery, theft, improper disposal of a corpse, accessory to the performance of illegal magics, accessory to murder.
Relationship Status: Involved/it’s complicated? (it’s really not!) with @jinxandjingles​ and @koreriverwood​.
Favorite food: Curry dishes, grilled veggies, complicated flavours, every cheese ever.
Favorite drink: Gin and Ginger, Stouts, apple cider.
Favorite artist: Intricate, sensual works like Klimt; dreamlike surrealism like Magritte.
Favorite scents: Coffee, nutmeg, fresh-baked bread, tobacco, bleach.
Favorite person(s): None of note.
⚫ He was born in Old Silvermoon, in a little two-bedroom apartment, to a failed musician father and maidservant mother.
⚫  He tends to pass for rather young and always has, but would be considered close to ‘late-20s’ if he were human. He gets asked for ID on a regular basis.
⚫ He gets cold easily these days, and often dresses warmer than one might think necessary.
⚫ It was important to his father that he learn to appreciate music, and so he was taught the piano growing up. He can still play, having done so many times at the request of his late employer.
⚫ He loves a good game of cards.
⚫ He’s really fascinated with Goblin tech cameras and photography in general, and would ideally spend a lot of time dabbling in this. 
⚫ He has spent the majority of his life since adolescence in service to House Silvermourn, eventually becoming the personal valet to the young Lord Erineas Silvermourn. He went on to serve his beloved Lord faithfully through many trials and tribulations, until the man’s death at the events in Telogrus Rift.
⚫ He is a capable field medic, having honed his skills in this area out of necessity during his travels with Lord Silvermourn. After the events in Telogrus, he joined many of his fellow Ren’dorei with the Alliance’s efforts in Darkshore, in this capacity. 
⚫ He is an excellent cook- again, something he developed in his years of service- and especially enjoys making food for others.
⚫ He of course hears the Whispers, like all of his kind. Sometimes he is sure his former employer/master is among them. Since Darkshore, and Teldrassil, this has felt like more of a struggle than before, though maybe that was always the nature of the Void. 
Things he likes:
- Doing his best
- Cozy sweaters
- Piano 
- Praise
- Photography 
Things he dislikes:
- Disappointing others
- Shitty cookware
- Sleeping
- His small build
- Needless cruelty
Good traits/habits:
- Intuitive
- Compassionate
- Devoted
- Imaginative
- Selfless
Bad traits/habits:
- Biting his nails
- Low self-worth
- Can be materialistic
- People-pleaser
- Escapist
Personalities he gravitates towards (consciously at least):
- Lonely
- Ambitious
- Well-traveled
- Foolhardy
- Loyal
Personality types he avoids (or so he likes to believe):
- Judgmental
- Dishonest
- Cruel
- Manipulative
- Violent
- Inadequacy
- Madness
- Failing
- Prison
- Dying
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tiernen-morningwild · 6 years
Hands Free (or For Erineas)
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I am your collective memory,
a living record, collected to stand the test of time.
Hard copies written on the backs of my eyelids;
my mouth is full of names, and places.
Dressed in my shadows and once-fine fabrics,
this body is only half mine by now.
Hands made for every one of these delicate works;
Held in my father’s, they were his opus.
Soaked in bleach and silence, they were yours.
They stir and strain,
tend to open mouths and open wounds,
stitching the memories of others back inside.
Once, I had forgotten the sound of my voice,
buried beneath the stacks.
Locked up and the key swallowed;
I existed to keep you.
In last whispers, in bleeding cries.
I know you hear it now,
in the corner of me where you live.
I am your collective memory-
Hands free.
And time will tell, as they say.
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tiernen-morningwild · 6 years
Crackle and Sigh
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I can hear it over the sputtering lamplight and the hiss of burning paper. Through smoke and laughter at home on the street. The sun’s long since set beyond Boralus Harbour, and not even the nightfall can touch us. But I’m hardly surprised. It’s not that kind of dark.
“Trust is your weakness. You wander an endless spiral... ”
And I’m on my own, sucking on this strange brand of cigarette, stepping out into this strange brand of society, with only two things on my mind. But even my next meal and a place to sleep are inconsequential. I’m on my own, but I’m not alone, because they’re always with me. Just like you’re always with me.
“...nothing but dust in your hands.”
You were there when we learned we could never go home. Shadows converging on the golden city of our birth, only to find out we had it wrong. We all died, that day in Telogrus Rift, you see. We died, and some of us just didn’t know it. I’m lucky, at least, in that home has looked like ancient text and cracking knuckles- a faraway scowl, when things don’t work out-  for a long time now instead.
“You would not have made it here without me.”
And I could more than feel you, through all the foreign tongues and fitful sleep. Walking through the crowded barracks, borrowed beds all in a row. I found myself heavy under the weight of so much nothing, when it should have been you. Hands under the covers in the darkest hours, gasping and whimpering under my breath; I’m pathetic and passing hot, until I’m left cold again.
“And you were born to serve.”
Yes, you were even there when I offered them my services, what paltry skills I have to share. When I first learned just how fast I could fly. Skipping down the coast of Darkshore, I flickered in and out of shadows like fireflies at the foot of the flames. A wild card, tucked into someone else’s hand.
“Only your devotion kept you whole.”
You know my favourite games involve chance; the higher the risk the better the high. But you just can’t say the same when your chips are beating hearts. Bet your life on split seconds, on who to stitch together, out of all the pieces you can find. And who to leave bleeding in the sand, changing landscapes along with lives. But this game was rigged from the start; a bad hand, no matter how we played it.
“I had you. I had you. And now what do you have?”
Someone spills their drink, and I hear it shattering against the wooden planks. Inside the tavern, a group of sailors cut through the din, their chairs scraping across the floor. It becomes a gathering of sorts, with an air of jeering in the crowd, and I slip into view once more in the twilight, straining to listen to them instead. There’s a man inside, and he’s asking about kitchen help- a pair of hands for decent pay. A ship set to sail come dawn. A bed, a place to be, to do. And my empty stomach tells me one thing, while you tell me another, as I pull hard on my smoke, drawing silence in my lungs. The last of it rolls into the street, catching in the cracks between the cobblestone as I turn and duck inside- a little bead of light that flickers in the shadows. (( @called-seas-answer for Quartermaster Gwylim mention! ))
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koreriverwood · 4 years
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kharrisdawndancer · 5 years
Khaeris -- Attributes
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Bold what applies
Long legs. Short legs. Average legs. Slender thighs. Thick thighs. Toned thighs. Skinny arms. Soft arms. Toned arms. Muscular arms. Toned stomach. Flat stomach. Flabby Stomach. Soft stomach. Six-pack. Beer belly. Lean frame. Beefy/muscular frame. Voluptuous frame. Petite frame. Lanky frame. Short nails. Long nails. Manicured nails. Dirty nails (when playing with plants!). Flat ass. Toned ass. Bubble butt. Small waist. Average waist. Thick waist. Narrow hips. Average hips. Wide hips. Big feet. Average feet. Small feet. Soft feet. Slender feet. Calloused hands. Soft hands. Big hands. Average hands. Small hands. Long fingers.Short fingers. Average fingers. Narrow shoulders. Broad shoulders. Average shoulders. Underweight. Average weight. Overweight
Shorter than 140 cm. 141 cm to 150 cm. 151 cm to 160 cm. 161 cm to 170 cm. 171 cm to 180 cm. 181 cm to 190 cm. 191 cm to 2m. Taller than 2 m.
Pale. Rosy. Olive. Dark. Tanned. Blotchy. Smooth. Moles. Acne. Dry. Greasy. Freckled. Scars. Birthmarks.
Small. Large. Average. Grey. Brown. Blue. Turquoise. Violet. Pink. Green. Gold. Hazel. Crimson. Doe-eyed. Almond. Close-set. Wide-set. Deep-set. Squinty. Monolid. Heavy eyelids. Upturned. Downturned.
Thin. Thick. Fine. Normal. Greasy. Dry. Soft. Shiny. Curly. Frizzy. Wild. Unruly.Straight. Smooth. Wavy. Floppy. Cropped. Pixie-cut. Afro. Pompadour. Shoulder length. Back length. Waist length. Past hip-length. Buzz cut. Bald. Weave. Hair extensions. Jaw length. Layered. Mohawk. Ponytail. Braid. Locks. Box braids. Faux locks. White. Going Grey. Platinum blonde. Golden blonde. Dirty blonde. Blonde. Strawberry Blonde. Ombre. Ash brown. Mouse brown. Chestnut brown. Golden brown. Chocolate brown. Dark brown. Jet black. Orange. Ginger. Red. Auburn. Dyed. Thin eyebrows. Average eyebrows. Thick eyebrows. Plucked eyebrows.
Full sleeve. Thigh tattoo. Neck tattoo. Chest tattoo. Back tattoo. Shoulder blade tattoo. One tattoo. Face tattoo. Hand tattoo. Henna tattoo (on occasion). Wrist tattoo. Forearm tattoo. A few here and there. Multiple. No tattoos. Monroe piercing. Nose piercing. Septum. Nipple piercing(s). Genital piercing(s). Industrial piercings. Ear piercings. Prince Albert piercing. Eyebrow piercing(s). Tongue piercing(s). Lip piercing(s). Top of the ear. Tragus piercing. Angel bites. Labret. Stretched out ears. Navel piercing. Inverse navel piercing. Cheek piercing(s). Smiley. Nape piercing(s). No piercings.
Eyeliner. Light eyeliner. Heavy eyeliner. Cat eyes. Mascara. Fake eyelashes. Matte lipstick. Regular lipstick. Lipgloss. Red lips. Pink lips. Nude lips. Dark lips. Bronzer. Highlighter. Eyeshadow. Neutral eyeshadow. Smoky eyes. Colorful eyeshadow. Blush. Lipliner. Light contouring. Heavy contouring. Powder. Matte foundation. Shiny foundation. Concealer. Wears war paint from time to time. Wears make up regularly. Wears it from time to time. She can go alllll ways on make up--full face to bare face.
Floral. Herbal. Earthy. Fruity. Perfumes (Purple Lotus). Aftershave. Cocoa. Moisturizer. Shampoo. Cigarettes. Leather. Fur. Sweat. Food. Incense. Cologne. Whiskey.Wine. Fried food. Blood. Fire. Cold. Fresh. Metal. Rain. Chemicals.
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Jeans. Tight pants. Overknee socks. Tights. Leggings. Yoga pants. Pencil skirt. Tight skirt. Loose skirt. Tight/Form-fitting dress. Cardigans. Tunic. Blouse. Button up shirt. Band-T-shirt. Sports-T-shirt. Sweatpants. Tanktop. Cut off t-shirt. Designer. High street. Leather jacket. Thrift. Lingerie. Long skirt. Miniskirt. Maxidress. Sun dress. Tie. Tuxedo. Cocktail dress. High slit dress/skirt. T-shirt. Loose clothing. Tight clothing. Jean shorts. Sweater. Sweater vest. Waistcoat. Khaki pants. Suit. Hoodie. Basketball shorts. Boxers/Boxer-Briefs. Thong. Hotpants. Hipster panties. Bra. Sportsbra. Crop top. Corset. Ballerina skirt. Leotard. Polka dot. Stripes. Glitter. Cotton. Linen. Silk. Lace. Leather. Velvet. Patterns. Florals. Neon colors. Pastels. Light colors. White. Black. Dark colours. Fur/Faux fur. Revealing clothing. Heavy armor. Medium armor. Light Armor.
Sneakers. Slip-ons. Flats. Slippers. Sandals. High heels. Kitten heels. Ankle boots. Combat boots. Knee-high. Platforms. Bare feet. Loafers. Oxfords. Gladiator shoes. Leather boots.
Tagged by: @dicenne​ @kal-evenlight​ Tagging: @tiernen-morningwild​ @ourcollectivefantasy​ (Jericho! Because we don’t see anything for him anymore) @kid-sparrow​ @trisandrah​ @vynixnostra​ @smith-hadeon​ (Any of your WoW kids) @naivaria​ @pyraelia​ @valarin-sunstorm​ @amorthonblackwood​ @xiuhteena​ @ruecien​
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tiernen-morningwild · 6 years
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