#Tien Stormlight
sorchasolas · 3 months
Rip Vorin men you wouldve loved voice to text and text to speech
Rip Dalinar you wouldve loved imposing martial law
Rip Kaladin you wouldve loved southern USA
Rip Adolin you wouldve loved being a cowboy
Rip Tien you wouldve love those bags of dirt you can buy where theres rocks inside and you can sift through the dirt to get the rocks
Rip Painter you wouldve loved Tumblr
Rip Renarin you wouldve loved periodic table posters
Rip Gavilar you wouldve loved manipulate mansplain malewife
Rip Adolin you wouldve loved car culture
Rip Shallan you wouldve loved digital art
Rip Dalinar you wouldve loved getting people corny shirts that relate to that persons profession as a gift (think giving a tattoo artist a shirt that says “tattooing is my therapy”)
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kainekron · 2 years
so every time I reread the stormlight archive I keep running the same scenario "how can we keep the story mostly the same but Tien is alive" so here's what I've come up with
How is he alive: well you have to keep all of Kal's angst about falling it's very important so... we can have it be that the squad Tien joined gained some level of distinction on the field enough to be sent to the Shattered plains and one of the kids says they couldn't have done it without Tien and that gets him sent out if you want Kal's whole "I was angry at Ammaram for not keeping his promise" you still have that and a bit of the angst over failing if not as much as the regular timeline. it also adds motivation for Kal trying to go to the shattered plains.
what's he like: he's not a ray of sunshine anymore he's not an asshole or a nihilistic shit head but he's not the little baby boy he has lived in the Sadeas war camp for like 6-7 years our boy has grown up, maybe he has a carpentry job lined up in the market maybe he saved up money to go back to hearthstone I change it almost every time I think about this. he probably has some grasp over his powers and probably has a deep shame over how different he is from what his family both expects and wants out of him.
Some moments I think about with him involved:
I like to think he's reintroduction is him becoming the second bridge Sargent after Gaz deserts he introduces himself and says something that is said in the flashbacks to sort of subtly tell Kaladin it's him but Kal misses it, Tien doesn't notice he tries to act bright and optimistic around Kal to you keep up to expectations but Kaladin and bridge 4 just think he's the most condescending Slimy bastard to ever live
the moment they realize the miss communication is when bridge 4 stays on the plateau next to the tower after Sadeas' betrayal when Tien stays with the "resting" bridge 4.
and bridge 4 are all obviously thinking "is this guy daft well just kill him and take the uniform" and Tien is like "this is great ya I lose things but Kal gets to run away" so they all wait till the arm is out of sight and Tien goes "great we can leave now right Kal" and then idk Moash tries to stab him till the reveal is made and confirmed and people from this Au's world throw out the book because that's super contrived
he probably asks for dalinar to make sure he survives and Dalinar is like "of course, you were the only soldier there with honor^tm" (and they either sneak him out or get him court marshaled or something.
he chooses to stay but doesn't join as a soldier he either works as a carpenter or tries to go back home, in words he probably shows up a few times to hang out with Kal and maybe has a run-in with Vale, if he leaves he could get killed by Skybreakers
Syl even post reveal doesn't like him because he has a cryptic around and she's racist bridge 4 might not like him much Renarin relates to him the few times they talk
when they get to Urithiru he reveals himself as a radiant probably dramatically to get Kaladin to take him with him to Hearthstone.
you can already see how the opening to Ob plays out with him there
and idk he's like Renarin he has some screen time but not much you know
relationship with Kaladin: he really wants Kal to like him and for Kal, be happy he maybe tries to get Kal out of the military but it fails.
Kaladin doesn't like that Tien is an adult now and acts like one and even just Tien not being an ultra-innocent sunshine boy is hard for Kal to accept mostly because I feel Kal put the kid up on a pedestal in his head like a damsel in distress. sorry to end with Kal's not the best older brother but this is my hot take/headcannon
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theineated · 9 months
Stormlight Archive AU: Tien collects the wrong rock
"Hi! Look at this cool rock I found."
"I am required to tell you that you are holding my oathstone."
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hyoukanee · 3 months
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Tonight's sketch. Little Tien shows a rock from his collection to Kal!
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qernna · 20 days
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i got the idea for generic american highschool stormlight au like a year ago when i finished reading the books, and i finally had time to doodle some of it out!! i have ideas for some of the other characters as well, if you guys like this!!
also, the syl idea is definitely not mine, i remember reading it somewhere on tumblr, but can’t find the post!! if anyone knows who came up with that headcanon, let me know, and i’ll add it :)
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ultimateinferno · 7 months
Jofwu of 17s apparently has a full timeline spreadsheet of the history of Roshar and the events of Stormlight Archive. I was scrolling through and...
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What a juxtaposition.
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swagspren · 1 year
The Kaladin flashbacks are important to me for many reasons but most importantly because he is a regular old depressed teenager who just also does surgery. This 15 year old is experiencing puberty and seasonal depression but also he can take out your appendix if u need that
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lamaery · 8 months
hey i was wondering if you’ve ever done any sketches of kaladin’s climax scenes in rhythm of war? (i.e fighting the pursuer, vision of tien, swearing the fourth ideal) i’ve just finished it and i would LOVE to see it in your style. thanks!
Hi, in May last year I started to do a second read through of RoW with and illustrating alongside to my hearts content for RoW last autumn but got stuck at the very beginning, when I wanted to do something more elaborate for a scene and then work (parts of that actually in connection to the Cosmere), life and everything took my energy and focus away from it. There are many illustrations I want to do for it. Kaladin's main moments being at the top of that list. And I really want to pick up the book and read it again, but I cannot guarantee when I'll be able to do that.
So I have RoW illustrations, tiny bits and pieces here and there, but not that many, yet. There is art for Kaladin's very first fight with Lezian, (here, here and here ... really my instagram feed is more coherent in that regard) but haven't really made it beyond the middle of that day at the beginning of the book 😅 But there is a sketch for Tien and Kaladin. Nothing big like a proper illustration for the scene but a visual snack perhaps for the meantime :D
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worldwithinworld · 1 year
I like the little part in TWOK when Kal tells Tien to save the lurg for later to throw in Lirin’s bath. It shows that, even though Lirin is pretty serious and has high expectations, his kids feel comfortable pranking him. They have fun together as a family.
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virtualtear00 · 3 months
Tien would go absolutely crazy for this rock
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sorchasolas · 9 months
Tien is so The Bug Collector coded
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fangirl-nadir · 10 months
Clearly Tien used his budding Lightweaver powers to fake his own death, and he's going to show up in Stormlight Era Two as an eccentric hermit who loves rocks and what do you mean I'm in denial, this makes perfect sense-
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itsyaraz · 3 months
Has anyone here considered Cognitive Shadow! Tien as a viable theory? Because I am VERY convinced of it and will be devastated if it ends up not being canon.
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renarin-spren · 1 year
reading a Sanderson book is like. wow I can't wait to read the most fucked up insane sibling dynamic ever
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shallanandpattern · 10 months
What does Brandon Sanderson have against people with siblings!?! Anytime a character has a sibling they love, he kills them!!!
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swagspren · 1 year
“The King was Dalinar’s Tien” in WoR is truly such a ???? line/ moment . That realization is given so much gravitas but it’s like actually what are you on about that makes no sense
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