#Thyne: alternic
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whimes · 2 months ago
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[Pt/ stroeria /end Pt]
A neogender umbrella under alternic based on "Storm of the Gods" universe. Themes can include; dark fantasy, weapons, swords, forests, snow, storms, eternal winters, dragons, gods, horror etc.
General terms;
Transtroeria - Transitioning towards stroeria
Demitroeria - Someone who is partially, but not fully, stroeria
Paratroeria - Someone who is mostly, but not fully, stroeria
STROIN - Stroeria in nature
Stroian - Stroeria alignment
Stroinity - Stroeria gender quality
Stroine - Stroeria gender quality
Knight - Adult term
Snow - Minor term
Storm - General term
See also; Alternic [ link ]
Tagging; @radiomogai @muttchive @rabidbatboy @horrormogai @etrnchive @identity-systems
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mazzy-rockstar · 1 year ago
Tiny Dancers: The Pale White
this band was recommended to me by a friend (thank u bby <33) and they're just too fucking good not to share them with you. They released their first single way back in 2016 and their debut album Infinite Pleasure in 2021. Of course, it is banger after banger. Literally, I've been raving about them to a lot of my friends. Once again, stream away guys!
Monthly listeners: 107. 834
IG Followers: 14,6K
Genre: alternative/indie
Origin: Newcastle-Upon-Thyne, England
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libidomechanica · 10 months ago
Untitled Composition # 11622
A limerick sequence
Ten years! Each rose witt is weakenesse; and yet no sinners. Will’ in overplus;    more the dark, and    sacrilege, three yards from above the throne and Heaven, to ease me.
We cherished bee through the evening is acute. That is part museum of    the soul of many a    greet despitus. So you ran and hir likyng. And I, that weeps.
When, with such pryde and yit was a mayden Queene. How near the bow, and still aver    the little hour! Sick,    am I. But of one if short years we’ve caught at one Will’ more.
All the shirt since he gives nothing air. Now wol I kisse thee, hence removed. Because    thou couldst print more, and    death. Thou seist to hunt, I put him out of my hair to wake me.
Why dyest thou art gone! My fourthe housbonde for barley bare. And not so much as    dare approach thee, as help    me God, in erthe I wolde he failure ours? And made Love is laid.
And briers! Against the imperfections were ful glade to attract his enemie.    Smoothed by long familiar    men to-night in every wind that nothing but dust what is wys.
You couldst thou still Paradise had she bore; new objects light laid pausefully    misplaced, and I don’t    want to song and with all the galleys there. Or, while I place yours.
When her lord she be the report,—’tis not with bleeding hearts; but sicken of    another wolde leden    al hir lond, whatever they were game. Laid up, and flies away.
She did but dream passed you, whose quiet would corrupt my saint to be clenė, body    and soul that I took    for terme, my spring-days, with arms outstretch vnto the shadow steals.
Dost thou hast been, shalt forgo, maugree thyne yen. The white flowers bene defast.    That I shal seyn. Makes me    sick, weak, paranoid. Be fair, thou verray knave, theirs for us.
Weary of the pope hadde we on honde. Let this bold brere with the Oake, for thanne,    thapostel was hym liketh    to his homely cottage- smell, and to threat: ne euer among.
Have in thy voice back on 100K a week and cold, though you cannot chuse your bounty    cherished bee through many    a sturdy stoure, so now his arms. So am I kidding?
To lose their fear, and all think men love was half so fair. And thanne is al and    talking of a tale or    two that Socrates hadde I levere was thine eyes already.
That sweets are, ther water dewe. While the bedclothes rich, and bounds his gift;    creating of the fayre; they    haten that had largely displese. Ah foolish old man bespake.
But ah, of ours! But Venus falleth ther Mercurie is reckon’d none: their    imputed grace, that white, we    easily know, since then: ten years! A day of day-old pastries.
There; I know. And dost thou shalt make earth teach thee too well—long, long stairway again&    become the mountain-    top does this pond and straight to hit this moment of twenty, Tam!
Loved by the brae, Sir, slides over the story, first hour, first accents of returne    to herself, yet they    which I your plaint, caused hym best, if not I? And as they do light!
And it is fair gift in men’s views, that gentil text kan I wel understand    is never find him. And    I have his. That soft-luring creatures the blesse! I would encline.
Which like those through the fan be fynd, and hadde with heavy with youre wyl it were    tame. Before to one extremes    of the day, they give him power by the musk carnation?
In the blissful visions and alternate and blamed hymself afyre. Showing    in the blind do see save    that gladly view the ocean is folded and I seek it too.
By all aspects that keeps its lonely heart; but of one, which wel could not half    a kiss by you, sir, find    our death’s neighbourhood, nor all these field of snow; even on thine?
Good-morning, from vice, but his enemie. You knew not? To wedde, ne no man wole,    his proude weede, as most    vsen Ambitious brere, for wel I havė noon envie thogh mayden Queene.
Alley cats expended breathing air. And yet be jealous of what a man;    with cold bene annoied.    So should her girlond dight, and I, that this world, firm, quiet find.
Nay, I will say she hanged on the kingdom, safeliest when she doing?    Ennobling new-found therfore    no womman, but me. Her Lord him so sore, and not in my arms.
What she her self might take at her hand as the limits pent, unable to    say, how it oft; skin as    smooth dark wave slides along the white evening, sleeps so peacefully!
I koude he me how oon Latumyus compleyned unto good time, can    increasing pains she soon exhaled,    and me. This is my sommer worne away are deaf and black.
Was neuer pype of Phyllis prayse: but Phyllis is myne housbonde I wolde, as    the wast Oake. In his growing,    the brown hair! To be right gracious as the river ran on.
With this olde shepheards all, then of the shirt for a book, pardee! Whoever    hath his flute his head, and    bids her adieu. That wont to worke me more, and made hir housbonde.
And, as I am a man, taut, elderly, carefully upon hire to    wood? The Sunne, Up stirte the    star to every part, I could see no objects light, I will Yes.
Yet tikled I his heart.—Poor Martha! Good-morrow to this sentence, but ther    as he sat by thy tale.    Two right he seeks, but if you did move to-night, curled once again!
But ah vnwise and I woke disconsolation thus. But home him hasted with    precious stones, and attending    down Bristol Street, the figure was on thee; yet once I knew.
—A barbell or a bowling ball, and from the fire? Though all thing, walking of    a tale of truth, with thankful    hearts, Love beguiles, and wostow why? Where were deed tomorwe!
I have squeezed the pity comes into my skin, the evil tongue. As the clouded    pond’s surface. And but    with blossomes faintest that every dyssh and hire malencolie.
Out of sight:—must a little hearts might be taken. And the language, and only    what spite of your crooked    heart. How did her Maker praised her brain to time yet the large.
When I have seen from my reach for you. Then to the power to lend base subject    that would encline. It    is a though rosy lips and cold autumn holds to its crisis?
Twas beten for a quarter. I didn’t stay to her children too; for charge her    treasures are. The bounden    in their death’s neighbors had to keep dropping mouths, that nowe vpright hands.
In every holour wol hire have; she may none haukes lure. Time to think men    love and all they quite shrinking    myself alone. Improve: the bush my better to impart.
Where thy yeares, whether an’ a’ shouldst print more, my Silvia; I confess,    do take a wanton Nimph    for hir handes and future fears; tomorrow I may no more.
I dance in a sowes nose. Hee, in whom Love did not spie! And lete his old    thorn, the talks. A love to    another, or the young Eulalie’s met on a time and goost.
For to hold thee feeble I am going off ordinary walls, the    spot, the rurall song of    care those Cherrie-tree whose ranckling ball, and from greeuance. Helen, Helen!
My Love’s sweet ane an’ twenty, Tam! And laid her up for then where life’s morningless    and revisions, before    us, knew we would content; a simple, fire-side the ground.
A bridge, where a few graveyard cross the night. So that rode at her sin. That Crist    ne wente nevere folkes fare?    I do not think our selves are all broken in, the worst tattoo.
May nothing repels thee the mind. He mighty, for aught we sought it would go,    piping too much more, my    Silvia, do I meant at all. To speak of this, how should do.
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ouradmiraldaala · 5 years ago
Some of my favourite lines / quotes from the Thrawn Short Story “Side Trip”
I reread “Side Trip” today and had totally forgotten how much I enjoyed this story! We have (undercover) Thrawn, Vader, Veers, Black Sun and Smugglers! I mean how could that not be good? Anyway, here we go:
1. "I believe (…) I can find my own way to be a hero." (Maximilian Veers, Side Trip)
2. "Art? You think the defacement of buildings is art?" (Thrawn, Side Trip)
3. “Loyalty is one of the two qualities I value most in my subordinates and colleagues." "And the other?" Niriz asked, pouring a glass for himself. “Competence." (Thrawn, Side Trip)
4. "I sense that this Rebellion is more powerful and better organized than perhaps Lord Vader realizes.” His glowing red eyes glittered as he took a sip from his glass. "But that's not our concern. At least for now." (Thrawn, Side Trip)
5. “The Unknown Regions are calling.“ (Thrawn, Side Trip)
6. “Your concern is noted," Grand Admiral Thrawn said, running a gauntleted hand through his blue-black hair. "And appreciated, as well." (Thrawn, Side Trip)
7. "When hasn't something you planned gone as anticipated?" he asked dryly. Thrawn smiled faintly in return. "Any number of times, Captain," he said. "Fortunately, I've usually been able to improvise an alternate approach." (Thrawn, Side Trip)
8. Thrawn smiled again. "Don't worry, Captain, I'll be fine.“ (Thrawn, Side Trip)
9. “Leave it and go. If you don't (…) I promise you will regret it." (Thrawn, Side Trip)
10. "We'll finish this some other time." (…) "Whenever you're tired of life." (Thrawn, Side Trip)
11. "The show's over," he announced, looking around at the bystanders. "Stay and buy a drink, or get moving." (Thrawn, Side Trip)
12. "We'll take the long table in the back (…) and some privacy." (Thrawn, Side Trip)
13. “Chassu's Selonian nudes (…) displayed for a private reception (…). Four hours, ten thousand credits per person.” (…) „I'll have to see if I can obtain an invitation to it.“ (Thrawn, Side Trip)
14. "I thought I would appeal to Thyne's sense of justice." "You'd have an easier time finding the Katana fleet." (Corran Horn, Side Trip)
15. It seemed as if Thyne's definition of art was intimately wrapped up with the concepts of nudity, excess and a color scheme that relied heavily on pinks, purples and an irritatingly vibrant shade of green. Some of the statuary-what little of it actually could have found a home in the Museum of Fine Arts-had been garishly corrected by application of this color scheme, with excess paint having spilled down the walls. The paintings showed Corran a view of models he thought more appropriate for xenobiological textbooks and the holographs seemed the visual equivalent of a high-pitched scream. "How much were you going to offer me to kill him?" (Thrawn, Side Trip)
16. "Come see me (…) when your boasts are not idle." (Thrawn, Side Trip)
17. "Of course, handling things in a diplomatic manner works best (…). Then again, there are times when one has to be undiplomatic." (Thrawn, Side Trip)
18. “Someone with such inferior taste should not be hard to catch.“ (Thrawn, Side Trip)
19. “I am not of a mind to let someone else eliminate annoyances from my life." (Thrawn, Side Trip)
20. “You may be good- you may even be better than I give you credit for being-but I'm still better." (Thrawn, Side Trip)
21. “I'm all that stands between you and your freedom.” (Thrawn, Side Trip)
22. "Don't push it, Niriz." (Thrawn, Side Trip)
23. "I need you less than you might think," Niriz retorted. "Certainly less than you need an Imperial pardon for that mess you left on Borkyne." (Thrawn, Side Trip)
24. "I know that what I'm doing violates the law, but I do it because that's what I do. I take the risks, I make some money, or I get sent to Kessel. It's all very straightforward. (…) The Rebels, they do everything I would do, but they say they are entitled to do it because the law is wrong and the Empire is wrong. They're really just making excuses for their actions so they can feel they're noble when they're really no better than I am." (Corran Horn, Side Trip)
25. ”Thyne is Black Sun?" "Claw-picked by Prince Xizor.” (Thrawn, Side Trip)
26. “Mark their name well, Captain: the Noghri. I guarantee you'll be hearing more of them." (Thrawn, Side Trip)
27. "What did you think of Palpatine Triumphant?""The throne being built of bones gave me nightmares." Corran shivered, knowing the nightmares had not come from the skullsand shattered bones, but the homicidally gleeful expression of joy on the Emperor's face. "As a final masterpiece it does the job, but I would have liked to see him return to Selonian studies.""His loss was a pity."(Thrawn, Side Trip)
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eternalroleplay · 7 years ago
Do you have any alternate fcs for Christan Bale? Thanks!!
Jeremy SistoMisha CollinsChris MessinaJohnny WhitworthHugh DancyT. J. ThyneAntony StarrPeter FacinelliAndrew Lincoln
Any of these guys should make a decent replacement :)
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whimes · 2 months ago
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[Pt/ alternica /end Pt]
A term that is both Eternica and Alternic, Eternica-in-nature (ETRNIN) & Alternic-in-nature (ALTIN), Eternica-aligned (Eteric) and Alternic-aligned (Alternian), or any other combination between the two terms.
See also; Eternica [ link ], Alternic [ link ]
Tagging; @radiomogai @muttchive @rabidbatboy @etrnchive
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whimes · 3 months ago
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Cis Alternic
[Pt/ cis alternic /end Pt]
A flag for one who identifies as cis and alternic, cis alternic, fluid between the two etc.
See also; Alternic [ link ]
Tagging; @radiomogai @muttchive
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vintagewarhol · 5 years ago
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