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crinosmonsters · 1 year ago
Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder
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The Original creator of the Thrulls, Endrek Sahr was a member of the Order of the Ebon Hand, a depraved cult which operated upon on the continent of Sarpadia on the plane of Dominaria thousands of years ago. Sahr created the Thrulls initially as slaves and sacrifice fodder, but felt like his creations could be more, pushing him to create larger and more powerful Thrulls. These Ambitions led him to create the Derelor which, while physically powerful, consumed too many resources to be viable. As a result, Sahr was sentenced to death. But while history considers Sahr dead, there was a period in Dominaria's history where time and space became mutable, and Sahr may yet have escaped his unfortunate fate and lives on.
Endrek Sahr's Enchiridion
Endrek Sahr has access to numerous unique magic spells, some he created himself (Breeding Pit and Thrull retainer) and others which were created by the Order of the Ebon Hand. These spells can be found in Sahr's spellbook on his person, or an ambitious and unscrupulous wizard can learn the spells themselves under the evil wizard.
Thrull Retainer
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1st level Necromancy
casting time: 1 action
range: An unoccupied space within 5 feet.
Components: V, S, M (at least half of a humanoid corpse or more)
duration: Concentration: up to an hour
This spell summons a single Servitor Thrull (descriped in Guildmaster's guide to Ravnica) Which loyally serves the caster to the best of its limited abilities. The Thrull will not move more than five feet away from its caster, and can be called upon to use its self sacrifice ability as a reaction.
Classes: Cleric, Warlock, Wizard
Hymn to Tourach
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2nd level Enchantment
Casting time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
Named for the evil cleric which founded the order of the ebon hand, the Hymn of Tourach requires the caster to unleash a dark infernal prayer to torment their enemies. One target within 60 feet must make a wisdom saving throw or be stunned until the end of your next turn. In addition, if the target was a spellcaster, they lose a spell slot of the highest level they are capable of casting.
Classes: Bard, Cleric, Warlock, Wizard
Breeding Pit
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Third Level Necromancy (Ritual)
Casting time: 10 minutes
Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S, M (a large hole, approximately 1,000 pounds worth of corpses, and alchemic potions equaling about 500 GP)
Duration: See below
Endrek Sahr's masterpiece, this spell allows for the mass production of Thrulls on a massive scale. The Spell creates a breeding pit, a 10 foot wide, 80 foot deep pit filled with bubbling ichor comprised of numerous alchemic reagents and liquefied flesh.
Once per day, at sundown, a Servitor Thrull emerges from the Breeding pit, loyal to the caster who created the pit. So long as it is maintained, the Breeding pit will continue to produce new Thrulls in this manner indefinitely.
Maintenance of the Breeding Pit requires two things: First, the pit must be replenished with a periodic supply of new chemicals and corpses once a month, to the equivalent of one medium sized corpse and 50 gold pieces. More importantly, the Pit requires a constant source of magic to function. Each day, a spellcaster (not necessarily the one who created the pit) within 60 feet must sacrifice a level two or higher spell slot in order to keep the pit alive. Without this magic, the pit will dry up and die in a matter of hours.
There is no limit to the number of breeding pits that a single caster can create at one time, so long as the upkeep requiements are met.
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byfeldonscane · 1 year ago
Tea and Biscuits with Pete Venters
Matt Cavotta Taste the Magic Thursday, June 7, 2007
PV: Here's another piece of trivia—during the wars depicted in Fallen Empires, it was the thrulls that won control of Sarpadia. No one else could match their ability to react and evolve. Supposedly the orcs gave them the hardest fight but when the thrulls started creating Cave-Stormers (a creature composed of a central mouth ringed with razor sharp teeth surrounded by eight legs that could charge through orc caves, turning anything it met into a meaty red vapor without even decelerating) the end was in sight for the orcs. I'd still like to see that sucker on a card.
MC: When did this happen? What was the historical context with regard to Magic sets?
PV: The thrulls probably took less than fifty years to dominate Sarpadia. There's no historical context as Sarpadia is so isolated. The only reason that the thrulls didn't go on to rule the world is that they lacked imagination and never realized that there was anything else beyond the horizon-line of water surrounding Sarpadia. We used to say, that if one day a ship came to Sarpadia it might be the beginning of the end for Dominaria.
Still, the Phyrexians beat them to it. However, you'll note that we never did learn what happened when the Phyrexians tried to invade Sarpadia.
MC: Did any of this thrull history or thrull vs. Phyrexian stuff appear on cards or in books?
PV: There was one tale that saw print in The Duelist where Phyrexians were questioning someone (possibly Endrek Sahr?) about the thrulls. I can't find the details now, but it may have hinted that the thrulls' creation involved some stolen Phyrexian devices. The Phyrexians were not only miffed at the theft of their secrets, but what they'd been used for. Still, rumor persists that the Phyrexians eventually had to admit that the thrulls showed promise and imported some of them into Phyrexia for study.
Even with the Phyrexians' laborious planning for the Invasion, they may have met far greater resistance than they imagined in Sarpadia. Even now there may be Thrulls trying to understand where the Phyrexians came from. Who knows? Maybe future products will contradict all of this; after all, if it hasn't seen print, it's not necessarily canon. But this is what I had planned. I'd love to see a future Magic set tackle these questions.
(Hey all you story goobs—if you know anything about the Duelist story Pete mentioned, please post it on the message boards.)
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depravednotdeprived · 4 months ago
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Flyer designed by Nat Lacuna
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mtg-cards-hourly · 3 months ago
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Necrites killed Jherana Rure, ending the counter-insurgency.
Artist: Ron Spencer TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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zethsmo · 7 months ago
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rrrrredraw (tlkoe book 7 spoilers)
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titheabsolution · 1 month ago
Oh no darling, the power of prayer is very real! Why do you think we keep that thrull in a bird cage inside the closet? Whenever I want fortune I just poke it with a stick until it mushes its grubby little hands together and starts chanting. The prayers are always answered since hes never known sin!
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mtgatherercomments · 3 months ago
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wheezerblue · 7 months ago
made some absolutely nefarious shit of Thrull 😈
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crinosmonsters · 1 year ago
Thrulls: General information
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Thrulls are grotesque magical constructs created by unscrupulous necromancers from corpses which are broken down and liquefied in specialized breeding pits. Thrulls serve a variety of menial tasks; from servants and couriers, to even rarely even more complex tasks such as assassins, warriors and even sometimes spellcasters, although creating Thrulls that are too complex can often lead to disaster.
Thrulls are best known on Ravnica, where they are employed by the Orzhov Syndicate, however their origins predate their use on Ravnica significantly. The earliest known case of Thrull creation was on the plane of Dominaria, upon the continent of Sarpadia shortly after the brothers war and before the great ice age. On Sarpadia, Endrek Sahr, a wizard in service of the Order of the Ebon Hand, first created Thrulls in his breeding pits, and eventually the order adopted the creation of the Thrulls and made their use common among their order. Sadly Sahr would not enjoy the fruits of his creation, when he was executed because one of his new Thrull designs, the Derelor, suffered from serious design defects.
Perhaps Sahr would rest easier knowing that he would have the last laugh, as his creations would eventually rebel against the Order of the Ebon Hand and overthrow them, a result of the order creating larger, smarter and more aggressive Thrulls as time went on. Eventually the Thrulls would go on to exterminate all other intelligent live on Sarpadia (sparing only the Thallids, another engineered race created by the local elves as a food source) and isolating it from the rest of Dominaria. The Thrulls still rule Sarpadia to this day, although few know what they are actually up to.
Lesser Thrulls
These following represent some of the weaker Thrull breeds, since they do not differentiate too much from one another or the Servitor Thrull found in the Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica, they do not warrant full statblocks like later Thrulls will, so this section will contain minor changes to be made to the Servitor Thrull statblock to represent these Thrulls.
Basal Thrull
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The most simple baseline Thrull, these Thrull were created not to be servants, but sacrifices. Each contain a small reservoir of dark magic which serves as the Thrulls animating force. This energy can be extracted by a nearby friendly spellcaster in order to reinvigorate their spellcasting powers a bit.
The Basal Thrull uses the same stats as the Thrull Servitor with the following additions.
Sacrifice: A Spellcaster allied to the Basal Thrull within 60 feet of them can forcibly extract the animating magic energy from the Basal Thrull. Doing this allows the spellcaster to regain one second level spell slot or two first level spell slots (or an additional use of one of their spells per day if you are using the spellcaster statblocks from Mordenkainen's monster of the multiverse). Doing this instantly kills the Basal Thrull.
Armor Thrull
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Armor Thrulls are a testament to just how decadent and morbid the Order of the Ebon Hand grew in those days. Armor Thrulls were bred with a thick serrated carapace which could be ripped off and made into a makeshift shield and sword. They were generally bred to serve as emergency equipment for Ebon Hand employed mercenaries They were also sometimes employed by assassins; one famous story tells of an Ebon Hand assassin who was only permitted into his targets home if he turned in all his weapons. The assassin did so, entering only with their loyal Thrull retainer. Later that night, the Assassin fled the castle, leaving behind a mutilated Thrull, and a bony dagger in the back of their target.
The Armor Thrull uses the Thrull Servitor statblock with the following changes.
Increase the Armor Class to 13
Removable carapace: As an action a allied creature may forcibly remove the carapace of the Armored Thrull. Doing so immediately kills the Thrull, and their carapace can be used to make a shield and a longsword. An enemy could conceivably do the same, but it requires either a grapple check or for the Armor Thrull to be restrained, unconscious or incapacitated. The armor is ruined if the Thrull is slained, it must be removed from a living Thrull.
Mindstab Thrull
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The Minstab Thrull was an early attempt by Endrek Sahr to create a more intelligent Thrull to be used as a more effective servant. The end result was a Thrull with an overgrown, unstable brain. While only marginally more intelligent than the average Thrull, it was revealed that the resulting creature could unleash a potent psychic attack. Mindstab Thrulls are often employed as weapons of terror, send into crowded areas where the maximum number of victims can be harmed by their psychic attack.
The Mindstab Thrull uses the same statblock as the Thrull Servitor with the following difference:
Increase the Intelligence to 8.
Gains the following action: Mindstab: All creatures within 60 feet of the Mindstab Thrull must make a DC 13 wisdom save or take 3 (1d6) psychic damage and be stunned until the end of their next turn. A successful save prevents the damage and the stun. The Mindstab Thrull dies instantly after using this ability.
Increase the CR from 1/4 to 1.
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byfeldonscane · 1 year ago
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At first I thought the eyes-on-the-cloak aesthetic was just noted-exhibitionist Dread Cantor Tourach's thing. But taking a closer look at the new art on Endrek Sahr, master breeder, and it looks like it might be an Order of the Ebon Hand thing now.
I am a Fallen Empires fan from way back, a weird little niche for someone who wants us to go back to a free autonomous commune of thrulls on Sarpadia one day.
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hug-kiss-marry-kill · 9 months ago
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lilacthebooklover · 9 months ago
Psst, hey lilac
Just wanted to let you in on something../silly
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H E L L O??????????????????????
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mtg-cards-hourly · 2 months ago
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Doorkeeper Thrull
Parties at Karlov Manor are strictly invitation only.
Artist: Camille Alquier TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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ouchmaster6000 · 1 year ago
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Doorkeeper Thrull (Dossier Ver) by Ivan Shavrin
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sugarcanecookie · 6 months ago
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