#Throw in silverash for a slightly faster rotation even
officialmyshithole · 1 year
Running some AK numbers and Chiave+Robots is actually amazingly well done rotation wise, especially with his module. 80% reduction brings robots down from 200s->40s, with their strong deployment effects... i read once that slotting Chiave+Robots is essentially giving him more skills and that's never been more true
Redeploy/Skill Uptime List
Lancet: 40s
Thermal: 40s/3s deploy/8s debuff
Chiave: 45s Blazing Wire Stripper
Friston: 40s/10s buff
Justice/Castle: 40s/20s buff
The biggest issue is that Friston, Justice, and Castle will desync if you let them play out their whole duration, and Thermal needs to be Potential 2/3 for his Fragile to make up for not sticking around to buff Chiave (18/21% fragile vs 15/18% robot out).
Basically, ideal rotation seems to be to dump all robots when BWS is at 40s charge, let 'er rip, and retreat them all immediately after the explosion.
But also Friston has pretty bad uptime and tbh numbers as a skill, Castle and Justice are fairly average... Lancet and Thermal are burst skills.
Chiave S1 has 38/35s rotation and is automatic... but the robots are cheap enough that you don't actually need this dp infusion before you deploy them and especially not on a second round...
It makes me wanna mess around with the team way more and I'm gonna go do that
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