weedfur-designs · 11 months
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design 60
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leafpoolstanblog · 4 months
Stemleaf, Plumstone, and Shellfur graduate their apprenticeships.
Spotpaw, Flypaw, Snappaw, Flippaw, Thriftpaw, and Bristlepaw are apprenticed to Snowbush, Junipertail, Molestar, Lilyheart, Sparkpelt, and Hollytuft.
Sparkpelt dies. Thriftpaw is re-apprenticed to Ambermoon.
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letyachan · 8 months
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daughter of Ivypool and Fernsong
"Firestar isn't our leader anymore. And we couldn't even ask him what he thinks if we wanted to! StarClan has left us. Our ancestors are gone, and we need to work out how we're going to survive without them."
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catsofwillowclan · 1 year
"An Apprentice By Any Other Name"
"Pipitstar stands above the clan and proclaims that Thriftpaw shall now be known as Thrifteye, honoring their zeal"
Thriftpaw asks Rueprance a very important question.
"Hey, Rueprance... could I ask you a question?"
"Mmm... sure, what's up?" Rueprance hums, still focused intently on the river rushes she's been weaving together into a small makeshift basket for the fresh kill they'd caught earlier. She's been fiddling with them for half an hour now, braiding the fibers together while she and Thriftpaw sat on the warm river stones to soak their feet in the cool, clear water.
There's a long pause. The river burbles to fill the space.
"It's... sort of a big thing to ask. You don't have to listen, if you don't want to," The boy says, much more nervously than usual. The odd tone makes her look up from her work to see Thriftpaw's big silver eyes were looking at her more seriously than she thinks he's ever been, at least as long as she's known him, and she shifts to sit up straight.
"No, no, you can ask!" she says quickly, trying to reassure him from whatever doubts that must be racing through his mind and setting the basket aside. "We have plenty of time til they'll need us back home."
Thriftpaw scrunches his nose and looks back at the rushing water, his silver eyes tracing the shape of the far bank and trying to avoid catching Rueprance's gaze again.
"Well..." he starts, toes fidgeting with the loose stone in the riverbed, "My warrior ceremony is coming up soon, y'know, and... I'm gonna need someone to give me my new name. Lilacspeck and Oakshade scare me, and Pipitstar is really busy, so I don't want to bother her - and she'd probably give me something weird, anyway," He laughs. Nervously, which sounded wrong coming out of Thriftpaw's mouth. "And you're, like, the closest to my age, and we hang out a lot, so I thought that maybe..."
"Of course!!" Rueprance exclaims, interrupting before he can even formally ask the question. She can't contain the rapid butterflies growing in her stomach - her big blue eyes are wide as the moon, the basket laying entirely forgotten by the cottontail rabbits they'd caught as she leans forward.
He's asking her to name him? Her? The biggest question an apprentice can ask, and he isn't picking his mentor - does that mean she was his best friend? Or, well, best warrior friend, she supposes, giving a sly thought to Auburnpaw, but that doesn't matter, because only a warrior can name an apprentice anyway.
"Of course, I'd be honored to, Thriftpaw!" She says again, scooting to sit right next to Thriftpaw, who's now looking at her with surprise and a not-insignificant amount of relief plastered all over his face. "I can't believe you'd ask me, this means so much... do you have any ideas? I'm sure you've thought about it. I mean, who hasn't thought about what they want their warrior name to be?"
"No, I haven't - didn't. I don't want to tell you what to do for it or anything," Thriftpaw says quickly as his gaze darts away, tucking his hands under his legs. "I mean, isn't the point that you get to pick it?"
Rueprance shrugs. "I mean, yeah, but also no. Sometimes people ask because they have something in mind and it's really just a formality. One of my friends back in Tarnclan wanted to be named Eaglewing so bad she got her mentor to do it in exchange for taking their night watch duties for a whole year."
Thriftpaw snickers. "That's stupid," he says, and his shoulders are much further away from his ears now. "Cool name, but like... is it worth double night watch for a year?" He fakes a grimace, but Rueprance raises an eyebrow.
"Hey, with some of the names people get stuck with, you better believe she'd put up with no sleep. So you better be grateful when I give you something that's not stupid." She turns up her nose, mock-haughtiness cracked with a playful grin, and Thriftpaw scoffs, his eyes flashing with mischief.
"If you give me a stupid name, I'm gonna tell Pipitstar about every time you dodged patrol to go hang out by the lake instead."
"As if! Then I'll just snitch about how many times you took extra cloudberries from Quiverpelt's stash."
"They're good!" He exclaims, throwing up his hands and splashing Rueprance in a shower of river water.
She squeals, trying to turn away against the watery attack while splashing her feet in retaliation. Thriftpaw laughs, ducking away from Rueprance's own barrage, but she doesn't care if she gets wet - not when she's been entrusted with such an important job.
"Don't think just because I asked you to name me that you get a free pass from water fights!" he says, his eyes glinting sharp in the midday sun.
"I wouldn't dream of it," Rueprance replies, warm as the sun on the rocks, before she dumps another splash of water right on his head.
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iceclan-iterations · 2 years
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bonefall · 1 year
What are the worst warrior names that Bramblestar has given according to clanmew? Like which ones would be average for us but terrible for them?
Ohhh he BUTCHERED Blossomfall's litter. It was his WORST set yet, and a massive contrast to the Impostor's takeover for the next round of names.
There is no Eaglewing in Better Bones, so there are three in the litter; Shellfur (Ekshfaf), Stemleaf (Prryemruss), and Plumstone (Neobbon).
"Why was Shellfur's so bad?"
Because his name refers to a very hard, not beautiful shell. "Eksh" is the shell of a freshwater mussel, some kinds of snails, and is used to describe ram horns. His prefix wasn't really meant to invoke his beautiful coat, it was meant for strength.
It's almost like Bramblestar swapped Plum's and Shell's suffixes. Shellstone would have been much more fitting as a name, or at LEAST Shellpelt.
"Why was Plumstone's so bad?"
Plums are a favorite tree fruit of ThunderClan cats, purple and pretty, named because Blossomfall was missing her family while she was part of the Kin. It's notable that she didn't use the word for damsons, Meob, which is preferred by ShadowClan for being more tangy. Those were local to where the Kin was set up.
If you want to refer to a plum stone, the woody nut inside of a plum, word would have been Neobnekboq. For a plum pit, the poisonous seed deep within the stone, that word is Neobkong.
So Neobbon is... a plum made of stone?? A stone that looks like a plum???
Thriftpaw, trying to be helpful: "Maybe it means that there's a stone inside the plum! Even stronger than a nut!"
Shellfur: "or it means that you'd break your tooth"
"Why was Stemleaf's so bad?"
Stem's prefix is Prryem. It's more than just 'stem,' it's where a plant begins. It's where a stalk meets the root, it's where a tree emerges from the ground. He was the firstborn of his litter, his mother's first child, and this was a very abstract name.
EVERYONE expected it to be "Stemflower" (Prryemponma), implying a beautiful beginning where a flower is rising from the soil, especially for his bright ginger coat.
Buuuut instead he was named... Stemleaf, implying that a leaf is rising right out of the ground. MAYBE if Bramblestar had said something about dandelions or lamb's ear or even thistles at his ceremony, a kind of hardy plant where the leaves do jump out of the ground, MAYBE then it would have gotten some charity.
But he just dropped the names with very little explanation or fanfare, citing how responsible and hardworking Stemleaf is, so the whole Clan was like, ?????? and had to figure it out all on their own.
It was expected though! A bit of a right of passage, even. He's been leader for a long time and all of the younger cats in the Clan have Bramble-names. However, it did get some hushed ribbing from the other Clans at their first gathering.
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qsmpwarriorcatsau · 10 months
Alliance list
The full qsmp warrior cats list!
Forever - Lionstar (Lionbelly)
Spreen - Hawkstrike
Tina - Hollycreek
Bagi - Tawnytail
Jaiden - Bluebird
Wilbur - Sootfall
Tubbo - Patchpelt
Badboyhalo - Cadavereyes
Cellbit- Vulturetalon
Etioles- Speckledspirit
Bagerah- Dawnmeadow
Elquackity- Duckfoot
Quackity - Ducktuft
Roier - Spiderweb
Missa _ Skullface
Philza - Crowheart
Slime - Snailtrail
Ironmouse - Mousewhisper
Niki - Starlingnose
Foolish - Sharktooth
Felps (kittypet)
Fit - Missingfoot
Tazercraft - Pac (kittypet) Mike ( Russetrush)
Mariana - Lynxjaw
Rubius - Bearclaw
Vegetta - Nightwolf
The eggs!
Chayanne - Ravenpaw
Tallulah - Poppypaw
Tilin- Twigpaw
Richardlyson - Ryepaw
Leonarda - Leopardpaw
Juannaflippa - Flippaw
Dapper - Duskpaw
Bobby - Sunpaw
Pomme - Applepaw
Trump- Thriftpaw
Sunnysideup- Sunnykit
Pepito- Pinekit
Empanada- Sweetkit
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Personal Ranking of Warriors Novellas
Nobody has asked for this, but I decided to do it anyway because no one can stop me. I have finished all 21 of the existing Warriors novellas (took me a month bc the library was slow lol), and am going to rank them from my favorite to least favorite. In most cases this is vibes-based rather than based on the quality of writing, because they're all kind of the same level of bad. I'll try to include a short summary of each plot as well.
Ravenpaw's Farewell - I went in expecting this to be the gay one, but WOW was it gay. It's set before SkyClan left to join the other Clans at the lake, and details how Ravenpaw and his husband Barley helped their niece and nephew Bella and Riley journey to SkyClan to hopefully become warriors. Ravenpaw has been a favorite of mine since basically the beginning, so getting to see him one last time AND getting a lot of adorable gay shit with him and Barley was a fucking delight. Ravenpaw sadly thinking they've never spent a night apart since he first moved in and Barley coming to apologize after a big fight and saying "my home is wherever you are" and Ravenpaw delaying his place in StarClan so he can be there for Barley when he dies, and the last line is him as he dies thinking "I'll wait forever for you" HELLO????? This is romance, happy Pride!!!!
Mistystar's Omen - Me placing this one so high is for a couple of silly reasons: a) I just have a soft spot for Mistystar and I liked seeing more of her, and b) I liked that it contained a character growing and changing their opinion even if it was for goofy reasons. The bar is on the floor lmfao. This one is centered around Mistystar's discovery of Mothwing being an atheist, and the fallout of that. We love drama! We love betrayal, even imagined betrayal! I really don't think the series has properly explored how the atheist cats interact with the rest of their Clan who does believe in StarClan, and I got a lot of that in this one and mmmm delicious. It did get some of the timeline completely wrong, but based on vibes I kind of loved this one.
Spotfur's Rebellion - I like that some of these novellas are set during an existing book and just deals with some of the stuff happening in the background. This is about Spotfur fucking around a bunch in her youth, finding ways to break the rules up until she realizes she's going to have to break the rules to help her Clan (i.e. take down not-Bramblestar). I like that Spotfur did a lot of stupid shit when she was younger, because I feel like even when POV characters fuck up, the narrative is almost always on their side, so it's kind of fun to get to see a character getting in trouble for fucking around. It's also fun to see not-Bramblestar from the POV of just a bystander, basically. Oh, and I liked her and Stemleaf - I did not feel like we really got a sense of their relationship in the main series 7 so this was some nice backfilled relationship stuff. I liked them rescuing Thriftpaw and coming up with the suggestion to Bramblestar for a new rule to prevent putting more cats in danger. It's fun to just see mundane Clan shit sometimes.
Hollyleaf's Story - This one is about Hollyleaf's time in the tunnels immediately during and after killing Ashfur, and how she met up with Fallen Leaves until she returns in series 4. Hollyleaf is a cop but I always kinda liked her tbh. I find her rigid adherence to the warrior code and the way it fucked with her head interesting. Anyway, it was neat to just hang out with her in a different setting for a bit, and I kind of liked that it never did a big reveal with Fallen Leaves - I can't recall exactly when we find out he's a ghost in the main series, but I feel like the novella did a good job of planting clues but not outright saying it. I also liked the little sidequest she had with the baby fox, and then it not remembering her and attacking her later - nice little bit of realistic tragedy.
Thunderstar's Echo - This deals with Thunderstar having to name a new deputy after the death of his deputy and best friend Lightning Tail; as he did it at moonhigh the day after Lightning Tail's death, this is established as part of the warrior code and laws later. I have the original Code of the Clans edition somewhere and I genuinely cannot remember if there's a contradicting story that explains this rule in there. But anyway, regardless, I enjoyed this one because I think Thunderstar is probably my favorite of the original leaders and it's nice to hang out with him. I liked him outsmarting the dogs after they killed Lightning Tail, and I liked seeing more of his friendship with Lightning Tail earlier in the book. There was also a little moment with him interacting with Clear Sky's younger children where he's touched that they consider him a brother and I just thought that was really cute - I like it when Warriors remembers family bonds outside of the super obvious ones.
Tawnypelt's Clan - This is about Tawnypelt feeling destabilized in ShadowClan after the defeat of Darktail, the death of her mate Rowanstar, and her son Tigerstar returning with his ThunderClan mate Dovewing and their kits. She commits some light kidnapping to try to help one of the kits, who is having seizures and needs to be taken to the Tribe of Rushing Water for help. Now I'm a little biased because Tawnypelt has been one of my faves for a long time, but I do really love hearing from her. I love that she's not always right, and kind of a bitch, and in this story I love that she is confronted with a couple of difficult choices and has to work through them. I'm always happy to see the Tribe too, and I'm an old softie but seeing Stormfur and Brook's children (including the one named Feather) brought a little tear to my eye. I'm not a Shadowsight stan or anything but I like that he got some help with his visions from Skywatcher, and that he got to bond with his grandma. This got me really hyped for more Tawnypelt POV next year in series 9, tbh. Also it dealt with Shadowsight's illness/visions in a way that was compassionate, unlike another story we'll get to later.
Tree's Roots - This is about the first year or so of Tree's life, starting with his life with the Sisters and chronicling some of his time wandering alone up until he meets his father Root, who he bonds with but later loses when Root sacrifices himself to save his son. We got more of the weird lesbian separatist cat colony! (OK they are not lesbians, but also, it's funnier to say that.) I basically just enjoyed getting to hear more about their totally batshit radfem ideas about male cats vs female cats and how when toms die it's chill, because toms are of the earth, so them dying is just returning to the earth?? It was bonkers. Also I cannot recall if we knew that Tree's dad was named Root, and I found that context about his son Rootspring's name really cute. Again, the bar is on the floor and I found the novelty of information fun.
Shadowstar's Life - This one was pretty objectively bad and nonsense but THE DRAMA. It's set right as Shadowstar, the first leader of ShadowClan, is living her final of nine lives, and is uncertain what will happen when she dies for the last time, as she is the first leader to lose all nine lives. I enjoy the way that leaders often get really weird and paranoid in their last life, because it's very stupid and obvious but also very realistic behavior. And in this case it was a mini mystery novel, as Shadowstar tried to sort out who had tried to knock her into the path of a speeding car in AN ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT. When she finally figures out who it was, there is a very dramatic confrontation and she ends up killing the cat who ultimately kills her, and hearing her confession as she dies.
Leafpool's Wish - This is about Leafpool's discovery of her pregnancy, and how she and Squirrelflight left ThunderClan temporarily to conceal the pregnancy and introduce the resulting kits as Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw's. I am nostalgic for series 2 and I always enjoyed Squirrelflight and Leafpool's relationship, so I enjoyed that aspect of this one a lot. I also appreciated the explanation of how exactly they pulled this switcheroo off, as I always did wonder that lol. I don't know if this was objectively that good but it appealed to my nostalgia!
Daisy's Kin - I make some jokes about Daisy, but I do kind of like that there's a permanent midwife cat in ThunderClan - it's nice that there's space for someone whose skills are not necessarily those of a warrior. In this story, she's experiencing a combo of empty nest syndrome and deep grief from the deaths of all but one of her adult children, and strongly considers leaving ThunderClan for good when her ex Smoky desperately needs assistance with his newborn kits after their mother dies. I really liked the heightened tension in this story - though I knew Little Daisy and Coriander would survive, it was still really stressful reading about their attempts to keep these newborn kits alive without a nursing mother around to feed them. Daisy's inner turmoil made perfect sense, and I enjoyed getting a sense of her character beyond just "midwife" and "mother," although obviously both of those played a significant part in the story. Finally, I thought it was adorable how Mousewhisker was so excited to meet his baby siblings and how he and Daisy promised to come visit them.
Pebbleshine's Kits - I think this is the beginning of a section I will refer to as the Net Zero Information Books. Sometimes these novellas contain interesting insights into characters, or little peeks into events we got hints of in the series, but sometimes they are like this one, which is about Pebbleshine's travels while pregnant after being separated from SkyClan, as they were journeying to the lake. The problem with this is that, while it's an interesting premise, it ultimately cannot contain any new information (except possibly that Pebbleshine and Tree briefly met up, but I think he mentions this in the books proper), and therefore is kind of useless. Wait, actually I did just remember a bonkers thing that happens at the end of this: Pebbleshine opts to become a ghost to watch over her newborn daughters rather than go to StarClan???? Did we know this was a choice they could make before????? I said "what." out loud when I got to this part.
Cloudstar's Journey - Similarly to the above, this story is just leading up to the dramatic scene at the Gathering where ancient SkyClan is forced to leave due to their territory being destroyed. Not much useful information or character insight here, just kind of a bummer. I will give it some points for having cute moments with Cloudstar and Birdflight, but other than that it felt a little pointless. I think I said in an earlier post that this was one of the better ones, and by that I think I meant "this one didn't piss me off." I would've preferred, and I kind of hoped from the title it might indicate, the doomed journey of SkyClan and how/where they all ended up after having to leave.
Dovewing's Silence - This is set directly after The Last Hope and deals with Dovewing, Lionblaze and Jayfeather not having their powers anymore. I don't mind Dovewing; I know she's a divisive character but I like her fine. This just kind of felt a little pointless to me because...we know they lost their powers, and we've seen them living without them in series 6.
Mothwing's Secret - I wish this one had been better, but it just kind of annoyed me. I did like the scene of her and Hawkfrost as kits when they lost their brother and I think it did a good job of fleshing out their relationship and how they felt like they only had each other to depend on. But Mothwing felt weirdly passive in this, in a way that I found kind of OOC? And also I just find Hawkfrost really irritating lmao sorry. I did like that we got some insight into how she interacts with her job as a medicine cat despite her lack of belief in StarClan.
Mapleshade's Vengeance - I had to really work to give this one a fair shot because I find Mapleshade's place in canon so fucking irritating. I love female villains, as y'all know, so I was so into the idea of her! Unfortunately, as we'll get to later, they retrofitted her as the Architect of Everything and that annoys the shit out of me. But anyway, as far as her own novel goes, it's definitely interesting to get her perspective on how she became a Dark Forest cat. Basically, she (a ThunderClan cat) fell in love with a RiverClan cat (Appledusk), lied by omission because her kits' father had murdered a beloved warrior in her own Clan and led the Clan to believe the dead warrior was their father, and then got caught in her lie when the medicine cat had a dream and put the pieces together. While she attempted to explain herself, the Clan refused to listen to her and kicked her and the kits out, and she attempted to take them to RiverClan but unfortunately the river was flooded and the kits all drowned. Then Appledusk confessed their relationship in front of his entire Clan and was berated, but allowed to stay, while Mapleshade was driven out, and vowed vengeance on everyone who had caused her harm. (This was kind of funny because she started having visions of her dead children calling for vengeance, and it reminded me a little of a reverse Hazards of Love 3 except the ghost children didn't kill her themselves, but I imagine this connection was an accident.) Anyway, then she murdered a bunch of cats and got killed herself and as she died, swore vengeance on Appledusk's descendants. I wish this had been better but I found her utter disinterest in taking responsibility for anything, such as her reckless behavior with her children or her wimping out when actually going to lie about her children's father, irritating as all hell. I also just find her really boring and one-note as a villain? At least Curlfeather in series 8 has the decency to be manipulative in an interesting way.
Redtail's Debt - The next three are a trilogy called "don't whine at me about what you should've done." This one is about how Redtail failed to see Tigerclaw's cruelty and ambition until it was too late, because Tigerclaw saved him from a hawk when he was an apprentice and he feels that he owes him for that, and then he accidentally killed Oakheart and got killed by Tigerclaw because he was in the way of Tigerclaw's ambition. Fine concept for a story, I guess. It also includes a scene where Tigerclaw beats the shit out of a random WindClan apprentice for crossing the ThunderClan border, and Redtail doesn't stop him, and then he feels bad about not telling him off for that. I find guilt about inaction in characters only interesting if they actually do something about it - girl, I have plenty of my own guilt, don't make me read about yours too! It also contains some really OOC behavior from a young Ravenpaw, which was the final straw for me. Don't you pretend like my boy ever tried to act like Tigerclaw, because canonically he didn't!!
Blackstar's Reckoning - This story deals with Blackfoot, the future ShadowClan leader, and how he rationalized all his horrible actions as ShadowClan devolved into full fascism under Tigerstar. I didn't have any patience for this shit in the Leopardstar book and I don't have any patience for it here. Fuck this guy and fuck this book for making me read about him and his bullshit justifications.
Pinestar's Choice - The final in the "don't whine at me about what you should've done" trilogy. This one is about how, in his final life, Pinestar begins to crave a simpler life as a kittypet and ultimately renounces his name and place in ThunderClan to go to Twolegplace. I actually don't have a problem with this arc and I think it's really interesting - my main issue with this one is that it decided to bring in a bullshit prophecy about Pinestar's son Tigerclaw, and how he would be the downfall of ThunderClan. And Pinestar went "lol welp I can't do anything about that" and fucked off while thinking "I hope you are raised to be good and brave, my son." Man why don't YOU do something about that instead of literally ignoring him and then fucking off because you were too scared to raise him!!! I don't have a single shred of patience for that bullshit behavior, sir! Truly some "what if the child has bad vibes" nonsense.
Tigerclaw's Fury - This one was shaping up to be alright - it's set immediately after Tigerclaw's banishment from ThunderClan and how he gathers up his rogues and takes over ShadowClan. Unfortunately, this begins what we'll call the "backfilling trilogy." I am totally down for Tigerclaw just being ambitious and wanting power by any means necessary, and I still think he's a really good villain. I am not down for him having had Mapleshade in his head encouraging him to be evil THE WHOLE TIME ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME. This sucks!!!! What do you mean she's been there since he was born, speaking in his head like fucking Maximum Ride's weird Voice thing????? I started laughing because I couldn't believe the audacity.
Goosefeather's Curse - I was kind of into this one, although it was a HUGE bummer because basically this poor baby had visions since his literal first day and nobody believed him, and even when he got somebody who did (Cloudberry) she told him it had to be a secret, and no fucking wonder he lost his mind about it! It was kind of a realistic portrayal of untreated mental illness, I'm sorry to say, and how society sweeps it under the rug and refuses to help mentally ill people who desperately need help. And then...suddenly fucking Mapleshade was there, AGAIN, taunting not only Goosefeather but also me, the reader! Bitch, get out of here!! It made me so mad lol.
Spottedleaf's Heart - Surely, I said, this one cannot be that bad! Surely everyone was exaggerating! Oh, poor foolish me. I don't know that I think it's bad for the same reasons as everyone else, to be fair. This one is about Spottedleaf's journey from wanting to be a warrior like her idol Thistleclaw, to eventually discovering how horrible he is and accepting her destiny as a medicine cat. I think everyone hates it for the uncomfortable portrayal of a creep who's grooming Spottedleaf since she was literally a child to be his mate, which is fair because that was gross! Or maybe because it directly contradicts established canon that Spottedleaf always wanted to be a medicine cat. But actually no, the reason I hated it was because ONCE AGAIN they decided to make Mapleshade the fucking architect of every evil character's plans once again!!!! Thistleclaw being in the Dark Forest, stupid and bad but maybe forgivable. Mapleshade being directly involved with his training to the point of him bringing Spottedpaw there to be trained as well? NO I HATE IT WHY DO THIS. Wouldn't she have told someone??? There is no reason to pretend cats were being trained in the Dark Forest that far back, there just isn't. And another thing, she also witnesses Tigerpaw and Thistleclaw beating up baby Scourge - why do this. Why. Do not pretend every character witnessed some significant canon moment (also Bluestar was already there and already saw this happening!). It sucks and I hate it. The end.
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This is RockClan! Obviously.. they don’t have a lot of male adult cats. I’m thinking maybe the few of them were on a hunting patrol and um… got crushed by a rockslide. I’ll totally draw them at some point.
DaffodilBriar is the mother of PoppyCloud and HollyClaw. PoppyCloud’s only surviving Kit from their first litter with SnailFur is CommaPaw. YellowPaw and ThriftPaw are both LionStar’s kits. YellowPaw got snatched by a hawk as a kid, but luckily was grabbed before it could make off with her. I know scars probably don’t grow like that but … whatever lol. BlackCloud is a new Medicine Cat, as his mentor died not too long ago. He’s a very sensitive and gentle kitty :^) I think SpiderThroat is his mother.
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yuridovewing · 4 months
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mousewhisker: *almost dies*
bristlepaw and thriftpaw:
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tabbytales-positivity · 10 months
Ohhhhmy god Loki love train? Literally my favorite writer on the goddamned site. What they're doing with banshee and thriftpaw in wc... and they have Needle too 💖 prev anon was right, all of their characters are so wonderful and distinct
THEY'RE SUCH A GOOD PERSON TOO they're friendly and funny and nice. I feel like a little fangirl peekin at their messages all the time and checking up on their threads.
Loki love Loki love Loki love Loki love
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
hi um! if i may! it's noted in lost stars that bristlefrost's first assessment was given early, said in chapter 6! and in spotfur's rebellion, it's implied that she was a brand new apprentice in the leafbare tbc starts in, in chapter 4! it's also later in the same chapter that thriftpaw is sent out alone and gets lost due to not knowing the territory since she's still a (at least) fairly fresh apprentice! they're actually a little closer in age than 6 moons i think!
not to tread on anyone's toes abt anything, i just had this info on hand and thought i'd share!! book report brain hit me like a truck askdjh
Hmmmm interestinggg
Still they are like close to my idea of Longtail and Fire's age gap lol
Thanks for giving me this info tho !! It will be useful for any responses to tiktok comments LOL
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leafpoolstanblog · 9 months
ThunderClan Y12-NL
Eaglewing and Shellfur become warriors.
Flippaw, Thriftpaw, and Flypaw are apprenticed to Graystar, Sorreltail, and Fernsong.
Hollytuft dies. Yarrowleaf joins from ShadowClan, bringing Finleap with her. Her apprentice back in ShadowClan is re-apprenticed to Frondwhisker, as she did not realize that being a medicine cat could potentially mean leaving her family behind if another Clan needed her skills.
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The Picky and Unemotional
LEADER COPPERSTAR—a short haired, black and red, classic tortoiseshell jack, with hazel eyes.
DEPUTY ORCHIDFANG—a blue mackerel tabby tom, with short fur, and copper eyes.
MEDICINE CAT PLUMEYE—a red spotted tabby tom, with short fur, and copper eyes.
WARRIORS BURNETMOON—a red spotted "pseudo-tabby" tom, with short fur, and copper eyes. WAXBURROW—a long haired, cream mackerel "pseudo-tabby" jack, with yellow eyes. CROWTALON—a short haired, black spotted tabby jack, with amber eyes. NIGHTBLAZE—a black and red, mackerel calico molly, with short fur, and amber eyes. FIRERIPPLE—a red mackerel "pseudo-tabby" tom, with long fur, and amber eyes. TANSYLEAF—a short haired, red classic "pseudo-tabby" tom, with hazel eyes. STARLINGBARK—a black molly, with short fur, and hazel eyes. CORMORANTSTEM—a black molly, with short fur, and green eyes.
APPRENTICES THRIFTPAW—a short haired, blue tom, with amber eyes. DAFFODILPAW—a cream classic "pseudo-tabby" jack, with short fur, and yellow eyes. SOOTPAW—a black and red, ticked tortoiseshell molly, with short fur, and amber eyes. GARLICPAW—a sparse haired, white molly, with hazel eyes. QUEENS PARCELHISS—a black molly, with short fur, and gold eyes. POCHARDTOES—a short haired, blue and cream, spotted tortoiseshell-tabby molly, with green eyes.
ELDERS RAVENEARS—a hairless, black and red, classic calico-tabby molly, with blue eyes.
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catsofwillowclan · 1 year
Dustypaw's Darkness
"Oakshade sees how nervous Dustypaw is and whispers a quiet encouragement to them as they touch noses, promising to be a good mentor to them."
Dustykit has been nervous about his naming ceremony all week, and now that it's finally here, he's even more terrified. Will Starclan accept him as an apprentice?
Dustykit shuffles his feet at the edge of the ceremony grounds, trying not to cough at the acrid smell of the fire smoke mixed with the ceremonial herbs as Quiverpelt does her communing with Starclan. He's been nervous all day about this ceremony, his stomach tied up in a pile of tangles and knots like the braids Brownfur wove into his long hair just hours before. What if he's not really good enough to become an apprentice? What if Starclan rejects him? What if his new mentor hates him?! The thoughts swirl wildly into one another, blurring into a general sense of anxiety as he gazes across the ceremony grounds at all the clan members who have gathered to see him off.
They're all dressed in their fine naming shirts from the various clans they came from, an eclectic rainbow of shells and bone beads and embroidery that catch the light of the bonfire like stars. Thriftpaw and Auburnpaw watch on from the shadows by their mentors, waving excitedly at him when he catches their eyes. Soon they'll all be peers, apprentices going on patrol and training, having adventures together and becoming mighty warriors... unless he can't do it. Unless he can't become a warrior, and messes it all up, and then--
"Great Starclan!" Quiverpelt's voice booms across the clearing. Despite her older age, the medicine woman looks as formidable as any of the warriors, her dark skin glowing in the bonfire light. "We have called upon you and heard your words, and in return, we ask that you hear our own.
Dustykit feels a push on his shoulders from Brownfur, ushering him to step forwards to meet his fate. He gulps.
The walk to the bonfire from the edge of the circle feels like an eternity. Every single eye is on him, watching him, judging his worthiness... or at least it feels like that, anyway, all dressed up and the center of attention. His footfalls feel heavy as he gets closer and closer to the fire's blazing heat, stopping just short of the stones on the border of the firepit. It feels like an oven, heat radiating into his face, and as he peers across the bright light the only thing he can make out is Quiverpelt's stern face and the faint, ghostly pale shadows of Pipitstar and Lilacspeck beyond.
"Dustykit," she says, less booming but no less heavy with ceremony. "You stand before us today to receive your mentor, and take your first step on the path to becoming a warrior. Do you accept this responsibility to support and defend your clan, and to learn and revere the warrior code always?"
"Y-yes," he says, but it's shaky, and he stiffens hearing his own weak voice. Quiverpelt's brow softens and she inclines her head to him.
"Try again, child," she offers, soft enough that the gathered crowd won't hear it.
"Yes, I do!" he practically shouts, jarring but better than no one being able to hear him at all, and there are a few stray cheers from the other apprentices before the warriors shush them.
Quiverpelt smiles. "Then let your mentor step forwards to accept you."
He can make out Oakshade now across the way, stepping out of the shadows where Pipitstar and Lilacspeck are standing to join Quiverpelt on the opposite side of the fire. Her naming motifs swirl like her tattoos, the tunic and belt covered in polished acorn shells and patterns of oak leaves and her headband stitched with constellations of stars that Dustykit can't recognize. She watches him cooly from across the fire, her green eyes betraying nothing of whatever she might think. Quiverpelt nods as the warrior settles into her place, and pulls out a small handful of herbs that were prepared for the ceremony.
"Ancestors in the stars above us," she calls, this time up towards the darkened night sky where a million twinkling stars shine down from overhead. "This new apprentice has sworn to learn the path of the warrior. We ask you to offer him guidance so that he may walk this path with clear eyes and a strong heart."
A thick pale smoke rises from where the herbs start to burn as she casts them into the fire, filling the air with the scent of camphor and dried leaves. Dustykit squints and holds his breath, trying not to breathe too much of it in. He desperately searches the smoke for any sign that Starclan might be mad at him, for something that says Oakshadow should abandon him as an apprentice... Quiverpelt is silent for what feels like a long time, watching the swirls of smoke disappear up into the sky, and Dustykit's heartbeat feels like a thundering drum in his chest.
But after an eternity, she speaks.
"You will face a darkness, young apprentice."
Dustykit's blood runs cold. A hush falls over the already silent crowd, drowning out everything but Dustykit's own racing thoughts. Is this it? Is this what finally does it? Is he doomed forever because of this omen? Is he--
"Darkness that lingers even when the land is covered in light. A darkness that comes from inside yourself." She points, directly at his chest. "It will try to consume you and drive you from your path, but you must not let it. You must stand up to your fears, even if it hurts at first. Even if you feel you cannot stand against it any more, you must look to the light around you instead of the darkness within."
Dustykit inhales. His hands are shaking. Everyone is still so quiet, but Quiverpelt just looks... sad.
"Starclan has spoken," she says, finally, after watching Dustykit take in the prophecy. "You will face great trials from within, but where there is darkness there must always be light. Those who walk the warrior path will always be able to guide you, should you seek their help." she pauses, letting him take in her own advice, before continuing.
"You may cross the fire and receive your name."
He bows his head to Quiverpelt, and his feet move like he's in a dream. He's surprised he doesn't fall over, given how weak his knees feel, but he manages to stumble his way to where Oakshade is standing with a small bowl and stand up to look her in the eye. She has an odd expression, as if she's finally looking at him for the first time as more than just a child.
"You must trust others, and above all trust yourself," she says, dipping two fingers into the dye in her hand and leaning down to mark his cheeks and nose. "Keep that in mind, and you'll go far, Dustypaw. I'll make sure of it."
Dustypaw nods, silently, shakily, but he can tell he's smiling now - though wether its from nerves or true excitement for the future, it's hard to say - and she smiles back at him. Quiverpelt's staff rattles, cutting through the sounds of the crackling fire and murmuring crowd.
"Let us all greet Willowclan's newest apprentice!" she shouts triumphantly, and the crowd erupts into cheers. Dustypaw turns to face the crowd, to face Pipitstar, to face everyone - they all seem so happy for him, shouting and celebrating his new name. It almost doesn't feel real.
"May Starclan watch you along your path, young warrior," Pipitstar calls over the roaring of the crowd as Thriftpaw and Auburnpaw break away from the edges to race in and hug their new fellow apprentice, and Dustypaw beams in reply.
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lichenkitties · 8 months
Thriftpaw has become Thrifttangle!
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