1 Million years ago.
(War over realities based on the Law of One, Service to Self vs. Service to Others conflicts, First Draco and Annu hybrid root races, and Elohim and Annunaki wars.)
The Thousand Years War was significant in the damage of the 6D Stargate and its related portal systems, including the destruction of the direct 6D passage to Sirius B. This passage was called the Halls of Amoraea, this passage was especially important for the Elohim Blue Ray mother sophianic lineages, Michael-Mary sacred union process of Building Wings and for supporting the activation of the Permanent Seed Atom in the human lightbody. During phases of early Egyptian civilization, this 3D passage link to 6D Sirius B was an initiation rite for the Blue Flame Melchizedeks third eye opening, thus it was called the Third Eye of Horus (RA).
This particular passageway linked the lower dimensional timelines of the planetary matrix with the higher Harmonic Universe timelines existing in the Sirian constellation via Sirius B. At that time the Sirian constellation included a tri-matrix that was acting as the repository for some of the Founder Records through another area referred to as the Hall of Records, these included Diamond Sun records that were being studied and protected in Sirius B by Christos Guardians. Blue Ray Indigo lineages were assigned to help repair this 6D passage through embodying 6D Indigo frequencies with activated 6D DNA imprints, and this damage was finally repaired through the Mother Arc Gates. However there remains holocaust histories and miasmatic imprints to clear from this timeline connected to the hybrid memories humanity has enmeshed with the Annunaki Hybrid Fallen Angelics and Elohim genetics.
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