#Thorin x Fili x Emma
ruthoakenshield · 2 years
Thorin, Fili, Emma and the Unusual Arrangement - Part 19
[Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18]
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This tale is for 18+ readers only.
If smut, angst, fluff, backdoor entry, oral (m&f receiving), and threesome offend you, do NOT read below the cut!!!  
In this Alternate Universe Hobbit tale, Thorin and Company find an injured Dwarrowdam in the wild who is alone. They take her into the company and heal her, insisting that she stay with them so she stays safe. During the quest, Thorin, Fili and the Dwarrowdam find themselves in an unusual arrangement out of necessity and by the will of the Dwarven god, Mahal.  What is the unusual arrangement? Will the arrangement work out? Will the line of Durin survive the Quest and reclaim Erebor?
(I do not claim ownership of any of Tolkien’s characters, languages or places, nor do I claim ownership of Tauriel’s character.)
Later on, that afternoon, Thorin appears at the entrance to the cave and collapses at it with tears streaming down his face. “I am sorry, Mahal, that the sickness consumed me for as long as it did. Please forgive me and show me how to fix these wrongs I have made. I miss my One and am so very exhausted.
Now my mountain is besieged by all those from around me as well as Orcs and Trolls now wanting it to defile it as they have done with Moria. I do not have the energy to fight them any longer. Please, I need your help and wisdom.” He murmurs.
Mahal and Yavanna appear at the entrance and see he is no longer consumed with the Dragon Sickness. They see how much energy fighting it has taken out of him, and they let down the barrier. Reaching down, they help him to stand and praise him for defeating the sickness.
“Your One is here and Fili has kept her safe. I have allowed them to join, and she now carries his Heir. You may join with her now and not worry. Once you do, your spirit will renew having your One renew the bond between you.” Mahal tells Thorin.”
“Here, Thorin,” Yavanna says quietly and hands him three sets of reddish-gold Dragon’s Scale breast and back plates. Each one had the rune of it’s owner etched into the scale on the front, and it was filled with gold. The Durin family’s border ran around the edges of both the front and the back in gold. A pair of Ravens in black onyx flank the rune on the front. One on each side, facing the emblem.
“These I had Mahal make for you using 6 of the 8 scales Em claimed from Smaug’s chest. They are the ones she caressed as she charmed the Dragon and ‘tickled’ him, letting her get the opening wider for Bard to see clearly, so that he might kill the beast.” She explains.
“You and your Nephews must wear them into battle under your outer tunics or you will not survive the upcoming fight. Beware of Azog and Bolg. Keep your Nephews with you and do not separate from them nor they from you. Keep Dwalin with you three as well.” She instructs.
“These pieces of armor are enchanted, and no blade or weapon, magic or not will pierce or damage them, and they will shatter any weapon used against them. Even Em’s cold-drake claw, will not affect them now.” Mahal tells Thorin. “No magic weapon can be used against these pieces, and they retain the defensive property of Dragon’s Scales. You will be well protected on your torso and back.” Mahal explains.
Thorin collapses at their feet, head bowed. “I do not deserve such a blessing. I have caused so much heartache and pain for others.” He says.
Mahal chuckles and lifts Thorin to his feet once more. “You deserve them, Thorin, or I would not have given you them. You have done everything I have asked you to do. No matter how hard.
Go now, join with your Wife. Have Fili take his and his Brother’s Dragon Scale armor and bring them to Kili; they will need to put them on under their outer tunics. When you are done, we will help you into yours and then you will be needed to go and fight.” Mahal instructs.
Thorin sighs exhaustedly, nods and stumbles around the corner and looks for you and Fili.
The two of you see him and come running. He embraces you both and hugs you tightly. “Oh, how I have missed you both! Thank you for taking care of Em, and doing what I had asked, Fili.
Now, Mahal has a gift for you and your Brother. Take them and go help each other into them. Put them under your tunics and tell the company to prepare for battle. I will be up to join you once I finish here.” He tells his Nephew.
“You are welcome, Uncle.” He bonks foreheads with Thorin and then goes over to Mahal and Yavanna. They instruct him and show him his and his Brother’s new armor and he takes them up to help Kili into it after thanking them.
You and Thorin go over to the little ‘house’ that was prepared for you and Fili. Thorin chuckles at it and nods in approval. “I am grateful for the Company doing this for you, my Love. Thank you for putting your dagger in my boot and for the lock of hair. They were the only things that kept me from completely succumbing. I could feel the dagger in my boot each time I took a step, and I felt the hair in my hand as I clung to it, though I’m afraid I’ve lost the note somewhere during my wanderings.” He tells you as he lies you down on the feather tick, thoroughly exhausted.
Thorin undresses and helps you out of your dress. He worships your body and caresses your belly, laying gentle kisses to it.
“Mahal tells me you and Fili have joined and you now carry his Heir.” Thorin tells you when you look at him puzzled since he never paid your belly this much attention before. Your eyes open wide, and you look surprised.
He chuckles, “I take it you did not know.”
You shake your head in shock.
He grins. “Do not worry, my Love. I am happy for you. Now, may I join with you?” he purrs.
You grin and nod. He turns you onto your back, caresses you and kisses you as he prepares your body to take him. Once he feels you are ready, he delves deep into you with a loud groan of your name, clinging to you as if his life depended on it.
You groan loudly as well, your hands caressing every inch of him you could reach, as if your body was starved of him and needing to quickly have it’s fill.
Thorin groans and starts to thrust. Slowly, at first, enjoying the feeling of you surrounding him and caressing every inch of his body. Basking in your hands caressing his flesh while your walls caress his member. “OHhhhhhh Emmmmm, oooohhhhhh yesssssss! Oh, Honey, how I’ve missed this!” he rumbles, and he gazes down at you.
Leaning down, he kisses you ardently and wraps his arms around you; burying his face into your neck, and breathing your intoxicating scent. He weeps at how much he missed this intimacy and love. You feel the hot tears trickle down your neck and your fingers caress his head, comforting Thorin. He basks in its feeling, letting it fill him and renew his spirit.
You turn the two of you, so you are on top of him, and you ride him, swiveling your hips and spasmodically squeezing his member with your strong muscles. Thorin groans as you pleasure him using every little trick you remembered and trying out some new ones you learned that pleased Fili. Then you pull him to sit and the two of you rock your way to completion, knowing this was Thorin’s absolute favourite position.
“Uuuuunnnnnngggghhhh, ooooohhhh Emmmmm!” he groans as he feels his coil tighten. “Ohhh, Honey! Hold me tight, I’m close!” he whispers in your ear. You wrap yourself around him tightly with your arms and legs and let him rock at whatever pace he needs to.
Thorin is reveling in the feeling of being completely embraced by you in every sense of the word. He picks up the pace of his rocking, knowing he must be leaving soon. His hands caress every inch of you he can and soon he feels both of your coils snap at the same time and you both cry out each other’s name as you cum hard, clenching him with throbbing walls.
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Thorin cums hard exploding deep inside you, filling you with his seed. His throbbing, bringing you pleasure as he slows his rocking to a languid pace as he pants against your neck. “I love you, Em. More than you will ever know.” He purrs as he finally stills with a groan.
Lifting his head, he kisses his way up from your shoulder to your ear. “I must leave now.” He murmurs, then kisses from your other shoulder up to your other ear. “Wait for us here, where I know you will be kept safe from harm.” He tells you then sits up and cups your face. “When we return, we will come and both Fili and I will make love to you together, filling you at the same time so we can all be One again.” Alright?” he asks.
You nod, teary eyed.
“Do not worry about us, my Love. Mahal has taken the scales from Smaug that you had claimed and has used them to make armor for my Nephews and I that no blade, magic or not, can damage. We will be alright.” He promises. “Remember we love you.” He purrs. You nod and rest your forehead against his, sharing breaths. “I love you, Thorin Oakenshield, destroyer of the Dragon Sickness, Son of Thrain, Son of Thror, King under the mountain.” You murmur to him.
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Thorin’s heart swells with love and pride and he grins at the new title you have given him. He caresses your face and then turns you onto your back. “Rest now. Fili and I will return when the battle is over, and we clean up.” He tells you, then slips out of you and kisses you soundly.
You nod and watch as he cleans himself up and then re-dresses. Leaving his outer tunic, jacket and belt off until he gets the armor on. He pulls you to stand and you giggle feeling his cum dribble down your leg. He chuckles and cleans it off with his tongue and licks you clean, making you moan and nestle your fingers into his hair.
Thorin chuckles and once you’re cleaned up ‘down there’, he helps you into your dress and you both wander over to Mahal and Yavanna’s statues. “Thank you for what you’ve done.” Thorin says.
Mahal and Yavanna appear and smile. “You are both well deserving of it Thorin. Come, let’s get you into your armor.” He tells Thorin.
Thorin sighs and kisses your forehead. “Wait here in the cave for us, Uzfaku (My greatest joy).” He tells you softly and you nod. “I love you.” He whispers and follows Mahal, who helps him into the Dragon’s Scale armor.
You stand beside Yavanna with tears trickling down your cheeks. She places a hand on your back and gently rubs it, reassuringly. You feel a sense of peace enter you and it calms you and soothes your aching heart.
Once Thorin is into the armor and has re-dressed, he comes over to you. “Thank you for thinking to ask for these scales, My Love.” He tells you, again kissing your forehead and resting his against it. “Go lie down and rest now. We will join you when this is all over.” He murmurs, caressing your face.
You nod and the two of you share a passionate kiss. Then he breaks it, kisses your forehead once more and turns to head out. He stops at the entrance, looks back at you standing beside Yavanna once more and gives you a nod, you return it, and he heads out into the passage.
You cry quietly and look down at your bare feet. “Go and lie down, Em. We will be here and will keep you safe.” Yavanna says and you look up at the beautiful goddess. She points over to the entrance and you see the magic barrier rise again. “Thank you.” You say quietly and she kisses your forehead seven times, giggles and then disappears.
You hear a low chuckle and look up. “It appears my Wife has blessed you with her kisses. Be at peace, Em. Your Husband and your Consort will be safe and will return to you.” He promises.
“Thank you, Mahal for everything. I am just a nobody, not even of noble birth. I do not know why you chose me to do all this with, but I am grateful for it all.” You say quietly.
He chuckles and rests a hand to your belly. You feel his warmth enter you and he chuckles. “You will bless both your Dwarrow this first time. Fili’s Son will be born first, as it was conceived first. Then Thorin’s Daughter will be born next. Do not tell them this. I wish for it to be a surprise and a blessing to them and the Dwarrow of Erebor. These two siblings will be close like Kili and Fili are, though not as rambunctious as Kili.” He chuckles.
“They will lead the Dwarrow after you and Fili pass, your Daughter will be her Brother’s Regent as she will be like you and Dis and prove to be both a mighty warrior and a wise and gifted mediator similar to Balin, whom she will be fond of and will wrap him around her little finger the first time he sees her.
She will do the same with her Father and with Dwalin. Teach both your pebbles what your Father taught you about fighting with the Axes. Your Son and Daughter both will be Master Axe Wielders and your Father’s memory and good name will be restored.” Mahal tells you.
“Mahal, what DID my Father do that made Thror so mad?” you ask.
“When your Father guarded the treasury, he saw how it began affecting Thorin’s Grandfather. He informed Thror’s Wife and she asked him to limit Thror’s time in the Treasure room, hoping to stall the madness. Your Father tried to do as she asked and tried to limit how much time Thror spent in the treasury.
At first Thror allowed your Father to talk him into leaving and tending to his duties. But as the sickness took Thror further, it started to cast doubts into Thror’s mind and made Thror think that your Father wanted the treasure for himself.” Mahal explains.
“Had your Father not bested the King when he attacked your Father one night as he guarded the Treasury, he would’ve been exiled with you and your Amad. But because Thror still had enough sanity to realize your Father was the best Axe Wielder he had ever met, he kept him on in his service and moved him to the outer defenses, away from the treasure.
Your Father was right to do what he did. His limiting Thror’s time in the treasury helped stay the madness and didn’t allow him to succumb as quickly. Had he not done that, Thror would’ve fallen just as fast as Thorin did.” Mahal explains.
“Is THAT how Father got the gold axes that he did?!?” you exclaim.
Mahal nods and chuckles.
“When you can best the King at his own favourite weapon, you earn his weapon to show that you have bested him and his recognizing it. Thror was quite upset that he lost those gold-plated axes. He never told anyone what happened to them. When he was asked, he’d just say that he ‘lost’ them in the treasury.
Everyone assumed that they were still in the piles of gold somewhere in there, not realizing that he ‘lost’ them to one of his guards while they both were IN the treasury.” Mahal explains.
“The axes themselves were made of Mithril and then plated in gold. So, the weapon was solid and could not be permanently damaged.” Mahal explains. “That is why your Father did not use them other than for teaching you. He didn’t want everyone to know that he bested the King at his own weapon. He felt it was not a fair fight since the madness had been in control of Thror’s mind at the time, and not Thror himself.” Mahal explains.
“You were wise to keep them in covered harnesses when you wore them and that you did not bring those weapons with you. You would have lost them along the way.” Mahal tells you.
“Your friend still has them and is keeping them safe, as a memory of you, though. The Dwarrow in the Blue Mountains all think you perished since the caravan could not find you after the Orc attack. Let it be a surprise to them. When the battle is over, have Fili or Thorin send a message to Dis when they want the Dwarrow to return, and make sure he or she specifically asks for your friend to come and bring the axes you had left with her.
She is Dwalin’s One and will make him a very happy Dwarf and will join you in filling the halls with many pebbles during their marriage.” You giggle with glee at that news. “Ohhh, Dwalin’s gonna LOVE her! They’re perfect for each other!!!” you squeal.
Mahal chuckles.
“Go and rest now, Em. Remember, do not tell Thorin you carry his child until it is born. Then you may tell them that I have told you that the color of your children’s hair will always reveal who the Father is.” You nod and thank him again, then head over to your little ‘house’ and you lie down. Sleep finding you quickly.
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Requests are open!
Hi guys! So I just wanted to let y’all know that requests are open. I have some in my inbox right now that I am still working on but you’re more than welcome to send some in. You can make your request as detailed as you like, but if it doesn’t say anything specific then I’m going to write what I have in my head. Requests will stay open for the foreseeable future
What I’m taking requests for and what I have in progress are under the cut.
I’m currently writing for:
The Mandalorian (No spoilers for anything past season 1 and 2 please!)
Cara Dune
Din Djarin
Paz Viszla
Boba Fett
Game of Thrones (I’ve seen all of it so don’t worry about spoilers)
Sandor Clegane
Jaime Lannister
Oberyn Martell
Beric Dondarrion
The Walking Dead (I’ve seen the OG series and Dead City. No spoilers for Daryl Dixon please!)
Daryl Dixon
Merle Dixon
The Hobbit (I’ve seen all the movies and read the book so don’t worry about spoilers)
What I have planned:
A Walking Dead series rewrite where [y/n] is the middle Winchester child. Starts in season two of the Walking Dead and season one of Supernatural. 
The pairing is Daryl X Reader.
Warnings: Strong violence, strong language, sexual themes (smut, heavy petting), gore, supernatural elements, abuse, mentions of sexual abuse, mentions of abuse towards a child, mentions of rape 
A Hobbit rewrite. [Y/n] has no memories of Middle Earth or where she came from and was found by Gandalf on the outskirts of the Shire. He brings her along on the adventure and she partakes in the quest to take back Erebor.
Each movie will be 4-7 chapters long and the pairing is Fili X Reader
Warnings: Mentions of claustrophobia, memory loss, canon-typical violence, sexual themes (smut, heavy petting), use of Khuzdul and Elvish (translations will be provided at the end of the chapter) 
A Jaime Lannister x Reader oneshot where Jaime and [y/n] are in an arranged marriage. They start out hating each other but end up falling in love.
Warnings: Language, mentions of childbirth, slight slowburn
A Merle Dixon x Reader oneshot where [y/n] is the youngest Dixon child. She is alone in the woods with her daughter, Emma, when some less than savory people approach them. Martinez saves them and brings them back to Woodbury where they’re reunited with Merle.
Warnings: Canon-typical violence, strong language, mentions of abuse
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magics-protector · 4 years
Characters I write for
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Personal Favourites ~ Merlin (BBC), Tommy Shelby, Jim Moriarty, Ninth Doctor, Castiel, Obi-Wan Kenobi, General Hux, Cassian Andor, Bilbo Baggins, Eómer, Diaval, Captain Jack Sparrow, Caspian X, Eret (HTTYD), Rumplestilskin (OUAT), Krel Tarron, Wolverine
BBC Merlin ~ Gwaine, Leon, Percival, Elyan, Arthur, Lancelot, Gwen, Morgana
Peaky Blinders - Arthur Shelby, Ada Shelby, John Shelby, Alfie Solomons
Sherlock ~ Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Greg Lestrade, Molly Hooper, Eurus Holmes 
Doctor Who ~ Rose Tyler, Ten, Rory Williams, Amy Pond, Eleven, Clara Oswald, Twelve, Bill Pots, Thirteen, Simm!Master, Missy, Dhawan!Master, Jack Harkness 
Supernatural ~ Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Jack Klein, Gabriel, Gadreel, Charlie, Anna, Micheal, Lucifer, Garth Fitzgerald IV, Kevin Tran, Balthazar, Benny Lafitte, Mick Davies 
NBC Hannibal ~ Hannibal Lector, Will Graham 
Criminal Minds ~ Doctor Spencer Reid, Aaron Hotchner, Penelope Garcia, Emily Prentiss, Jennifer Jareau
Prime’s The Boys ~ Billy Butcher, Hughie, Frenchie, Annie (Starlight), Queen Maeve *I will likely write for Jensen Ackles’ character in season three - if he’s not a dick*
Star Wars ~ *original* Han Solo, Lando, Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker *prequels/clone wars* Qui-Gon Jinn, Padme, Rex, Ahsoka Tano *sequel* Kylo Ren, Poe Dameron, Finn, Rey *Others* Dyn Jarren
Good Omens ~ Crowley, Aziraphale, Newton Pulsifer 
Keanu Reeves Character’s ~ John Wick, Constantine, Neo, Ted Logan, Jack Traven
Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit ~ *LOTR* Aragorn, Legolas, Elrond, Boromir, Faramir, Eowyn, Arwen, Merry, Pippin, Frodo, Sam, Haldir, Galadriel *The Hobbit* Thorin, Dwalin, Bofur, Thranduil, Bard, Human!Smaug, Fili, Kili
Star Trek ~ Leonard “Bones” McCoy, Spock, James Kirk, Uhura, Chekov, Scotty, Khan 
Disney Characters ~ Gaston (Live Action), Flynn Rider, Tarzan, Thackery Binx (Hocus Pocus), Aladdin, Peter Pevensie, Edmund Pevensie, Will Turner (POTC)
How to Train Your Dragon ~ Astrid, Snotlout, Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Hiccup Haddock 
Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts ~ *HP* Draco Malfoy, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Tonks, Snape, Bill Weasley, Fred, George *FBAWTFT* Newt Scamander, Tina Goldstein, Jacob Kowalski, Queenie Goldstein, Credence Barebone, Percival Graves, Theseus Scamander 
Once Upon a Time - Jefferson (The Mad Hatter), Killian Jones, Edward Hyde, Graham, August, Emma Swan,
Trollhunters/3Below ~ Jim Lake Jr, Claire, Aja Tarron, Steve Palchuk, Douxie 
The Umbrella Academy ~ Luther “One”, Klaus “Four”, Ben “Six”, Deigo “Two”, Allison “Three”, Vanya “Seven”, Five 
The Outsiders ~ Darry Curtis, Two-bit Matthews, Soda Pop Curtis, Dally Winston, Steve Randle, Johnny Cade, Ponyboy Curtis 
Gotham ~ Jervis Tetch, Jeremiah and Jerome Valeska, Jim Gordon, Bruce Wayne, Selene Kyle, Alfred Pennyworth
Marvel (Avengers + X Men) ~ Bucky Barnes, Loki, Skurge, Doctor Strange, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Quicksilver (Pietro and Peter), Scarlett Witch, Magneto, Everett Ross, Nightcrawler, Charles Xavier, Thor, Tony Stark, Mysterio, Yon-Rogg, Peter Parker
Miscellaneous ~, Balem Abrasax (Jupiter Ascending), Commodus (Gladiator), Charlie Sisters (The Sisters Brothers), Black Hat (Priest), Mori (OHSHC), Zuko (ATLA), Sokka (ATLA), Bigby Wolf (The Wolf Among Us), Connor (Detroit; Become Human), John Kennex (Almost Human), Kyoya (OHSHC), Natsu Dragneel (Fairy Tail), Gray Fullbuster (Fairy Tail), Gajeel Redfox (Fairy Tail), Clyde Logan (Logan Lucky),  Robotnik *Jimbotnik* (Sonic the Hedgehog), Billy Hargrove (Stranger Things), Hopper (Stranger Things), Lucian (Underworld), Vincent Sinclair (House of Wax), Brahms Heelshire (The Boy), Bakugo (My Hero Acadamia), Aizawa (My Hero Acadamia), Todoroki (My Hero Acadamia), Merlin (Kingsman), Agent Whiskey (Kingsman), Eggsy (Kingsman)
I am willing to add more if I get into more shows and stuff.
I can do AUs and stuff (I like soulmate AUs but really i’ll do any AU)
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lillianofliterature · 5 years
request guidelines
send a request. ask a question. view masterlist. 
please check my bio to see if requests are open before sending any in.
this may seem like a lot of rules, and I hope it doesn't scare anyone away from requesting, that was not my point in writing this. and I'm not going to be upset if you’re confused or something - I just want to be treated kindly. :)
 I've had many people demand a very specific story and be very reluctant to allowing me to have some freedom in the writing process. I do this as a hobby, and although it’s my favorite thing to do, I don’t want to feel controlled or obligated to do it a certain way. 
I love receiving requests - they make my heart so happy! these guideline are to ensure some sort of filter for readers to know how/what to ask of me. hopefully it helps not only me, but you as well! 
and of course I won’t get upset or anything so don’t be afraid to send things in! this is just to help anyone get a general idea of what I’m asking for so the process can be simpler and easier for us both. :)
FANDOMS i write for
avatar: the last airbender
cobra kai
harry potter
the hobbit
jurassic park
the karate kid
the lord of the rings
marvel (mcu)
once upon a time
pirates of the caribbean
star trek
star wars
stranger things
various actors
the x-files
aang, katara, sokka, suki, toph, zuko
beetlejuice (keatlejuice)
daniel larusso (older), johnny lawrence (older), miguel diaz, robbie lawrence, terry silver (older), tory nichols
bruno madrigal, jack skellington
remus lupin, severus snape
balin, beorn, bilbo baggins, bofur, dwalin, elrond, fili, kili, thorin oakenshield, thranduil
spencer shay
alan grant, billy brennan, claire dearing, ellie sattler, ian malcolm, owen grady
daniel larusso, johnny lawrence, terry silver
aragorn, arwen, boromir, elrond, eomer, eowyn, faramir, frodo, galadriel, gimli, haldir, legolas greenleaf, merry, pippin, samwise
adrian toomes, bruce banner, bucky barnes, clint barton, drax the destroyer, heimdall, loki odinson, natasha romanoff, peter parker, peter quill, sam wilson, steve rogers, thor odinson, tony stark, t’challa, yelena belova
august booth, emma swan, killian jones, regina mills, rumplestiltskin, zelena
carina barbossa, davy jones, elizabeth swann, hector barbossa, jack sparrow, tia dalma, will turner
beverly crusher, data soong, deanna troi, elnor, geordi laforge, james t. kirk, jean-luc picard, leonard “bones” mccoy, lore soong, raffi, spock, wesley crusher, will riker, seven of nine, worf
ahsoka tano, anakin skywalker, ben solo/kylo ren, cal kestis, cara dune, din djarin, finn, han solo, leia organa, luke skywalker, obi-wan kenobi, qui-gon jinn
eddie munson
ewan mcgregor, jake gyllenhaal, johnny depp, lee pace, tom hiddleston
dana scully, fox mulder
I only write in reader format (no given names, no specific appearance descriptions; I want every story to be adaptable to each individual, i.e. fitting the (Y/n), (h/c), (s/c), formula).
I write pretty much anything (fluff, angst, whump, gore/violence, battles), but draw the line with hardcore smut and explicit sexual abuse scenes.
I might be suggestive or hint at something more intimate, but it is never my goal to overly sexualize a scene unless specified otherwise in the a/n of the fic itself. (I’m very asexual, lol.) 
I write one-shots, imagines, preferences, and series, depending on where I want the story to go and how long I want it to be. I hold the right to decide what length the story will be (since it is my time and effort going into it), but I do enjoy your input.
I only write the reader in gender neutral format so I can include everyone (although fem descriptors might sometimes slip through the cracks) unless otherwise stated.
I generally write AUs if it’s something simple like a coffeeshop, bookshop, or modern au (or something similar). I just don’t write crossover AUs. 
DOs & DON’Ts (please)
please check my bio on my Tumblr page to see if requests are open before sending any in.
be patient, please! writers have lives outside of their hobbies and passions that cannot be adjusted or changed. sometimes the fanfiction has to wait, despite any publication schedules we try to maintain. please do not demand updates - I update as often as I can.
if I turn your request down, please know it’s nothing personal against you or your idea, I just don’t want to write an entire story for a scenario I’m not interested in personally. I have to choose projects carefully to be sure I can manage my ADHD with it and see it through to the end.
asking for personality traits for the reader is fine (i.e. shy, outgoing, adventurous, reserved, snarky, etc.)
asking for a background for the character is fine (i.e. reader was abused in her childhood and is afraid to be a mother, the reader was in an accident that has given them PTSD, etc.)
asking for a mood, general storyline/scenario is okay! 
do not request highly specific character details (i.e. the reader, named Astra, who has blue hair and wields a bow, golden eyes, and a gothic style, etc.)
do not request highly specific scenarios or details (shown in examples below). these are commission level additives that I’m not willing to write for.
please respect that as a writer I reserve the right to alter things and make them my own and follow through with the story as I see fit, not just copy your idea point-blank. 
do not write spin-offs or additions to my stories; although they involve fictional characters that do not belong to me, the writing and storylines of each individual story do, and each story takes an incredible amount of work. the dialogue, story, and world-building I add to require as much time and effort as original works. 
do not, under any circumstances, repost my work. 
thank you!
 “a fic where the reader is in a training spar with obi-wan, and as they fight, she realizes she is in love with him. she tries to hide her emotions, but he feels something emanating from her. she confesses.”
"a little one-shot where bilbo and the company are complimenting the reader and how she’s been a big help to them on the journey while she’s off gathering wood or berries or something. bilbo realizes he’s in love with her after he gives the most compliments.”
“a fic where the reader is a vigilante and helps the avengers in the battle of new york; steve rogers is really impressed by her combat skills and she is invited to be an avenger. she’s kind of flirty.”
“a fluffy imagine where the reader sees luke skywalker for the first time from across the hanger, working on his ship, and it’s love at first sight. it’s late at night and no one else is there.”
“can I have a fluffy fic where the reader tells din djarin that she’s pregnant and his reaction to it? featuring baby yoda? and maybe they’re all hugging at the end or something? however long you can make it please”
“a four part series where the reader, whose name is Cassidy, has been in love with Anakin since they were slaves on Tatooine. She goes to Coruscant with him and they train as padawans together, but she falls in love with him because he is her only friend and they grew up together. In training, they are rough on each other, and even give each other injuries because they are so strong and wrestle like siblings. she knows she is in love with him, but he does not know he loves her. he still thinks about padme. when he meets padme again, Cassidy is immediately jealous and starts to hate padme. she is tempted by the dark side...etc.” 
“a fic where the reader, who has scars and bright makeup and a buzz cut, is really good in combat. she is with HYDRA and is ordered to assassinated steve rogers. i want a scene where she is reading his files, watching videos, and listening to broadcasts about him from the forties. she kind of falls in love with him, but is still going to obey her orders. she comes up with a plan of how to lure him, and is going to meet him in new york and pretend not to know him, and act as much like Peggy as she can to get him to be attached...etc.”
Thank you so much! Happy reading and requesting!
Xx Lillian
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mystockintrade · 5 years
Reminiscent RP intro
AGE: 29
PRONOUNS: she/her/hers
FAVORITE FANDOMS:  Marvel (comics, animation and Cinematic [includes X-Men cinematic] universes), DC (Comics, animation, and Cinematic [Extended] universes),  Disney (animated and live-action [films, and shows]), Harry Potter, Narnia,  Robin Hood BBC, Merlin BBC, The Musketeers BBC,  Galavant, LOTR/Hobbit, Sailor Moon,  Once Upon a Time, Descendants, Xena: Warrior Princess,  Mythology, fantasy.
FAVORITE CANONS: Diaval, Belle, Pocahontas, Danielle Moonstar, Rahne Sinclair, Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Bruce Banner, Darcy Lewis, X-23 (Laura Kinney), Loki, Diana Prince,  Arthur Curry, Cassandra Cain, Luna Lovegood, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Hermione Granger, Edmund Pevensie, Lucy Pevensie, Susan Pevensie, Peter Pevensie, Caspian X, Djaq (Robin Hood BBC), Will Scarlet, Allan A Dale, Marian of Knighton, Morgana Le Faye (Pendragon), Gwen, Merlin, Milady De Winter, Athos de la Fere, Porthos du Vallon, Aramais de Herblay, (Charles) D’Artagnan, Princess Isabella Elisabetta Maria Lucia of Valencia, Galavant, Eowyn of Rohan, Arwen, Legolas, Kili, Tauriel, Thorin, Fili, Lady Dis, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Jupiter, Luna,  Ruby Lucas|Red Riding Hood|the Wolf, Emma Swan, Regina Mills|The Evil Queen, Jay son of Jafar, Carlos De Vil, Mal, Evie, Jane, Li Lonnie,  Princess Audrey, Uma, Harry Hook, Gil son of Gaston, Xena, Gabrielle, Eve|Livia, Lila, Ephiny, Autocylus, Aphrodite (XWP/HLJ).  
FAVORITE PLOTS/TROPES: Found Family, “the grumpy one is soft for the sunshine one”, friends to enemies to lovers, enemies to lovers, friends to lovers, Team as family, soulmate-identifying marks, red string of fate, soulmates, redemption arc, Everybody Lives/Nobody Dies AU.  
ABOUT: (optional, feel free to tell us about yourself, share a gif, get creative!) 
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thelonelybrilliance · 6 years
I, N, W, X
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why
Not so much *fandoms* as *fanbases*…like Star Wars and Sherlock have some gdawful fans, but I still love those fandoms.
N - Your favorite fanfiction or fanauthor
OMG. SO MANY. @abadpoetwithdreams springs to mind. @englishable. Those are the ones I’m going to shout-out on Tumblr, there are many more in my fave lists on AO3 & ff.net. 
In terms of favorite fics–Janus (englishable’s Reylo modern AU), these things they go away (by apreludetoanend on LJ), and The Politician’s Wife (an aged-up Dramione) and just…there are so many! I have a post about this, two, for the ones that aren’t coming to mind.
W - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms
1. Scarlet Heart Ryeo - Wang So, Baek Ah, Woo Hee, Soon Deok, Wang Eun
2. The Hobbit - Thorin, Fili, Kili, Thranduil, Bilbo
3. Once Upon a Time - Emma Swan, Killian Jones, Charming, Pan, Graham
4. Supernatural - Dean, Sam, Bobby, Ellen, Bela
5. MCU - Steve Rogers, Peter Parker, Jessica Jones, Thor, Loki
X - 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms
Gallya - The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
Irene/Gen - Queen’s Thief
Romanogers - MCU
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elvencantation · 7 years
my book tags 📖
Tumblr media
  Fremen     Sandworms
   Paul Atreides     Lady Jessica     Chani
Enchanted Forest Chronicles
    Cimorene   Kazul   Mendanbar
Graceling Realm
   Katsa     Po     Fire     Bitterblue  (and Saf)
His Dark Materials   (aus | meta)
   Lyra  x  Will  Serafina   Iorek    Mary Malone
    Mrs Coulter   Lee Scoresby   Balthamos
Harry Potter  (meta & stories & AUs & fics & cast & bts & crack & cosplay)
    Golden Trio:  Harry   Hermione    Ron
    Silver Trio:    Luna     Neville     Ginny
    Fred & George     Tonks     McGonagall      Hagrid      Lupin      Molly      Fleur     Cho Chang
    Marauders: (stories)    James   x   Lily   Sirius   x   Remus   
    The Four Founders
    The Next Generation:   Teddy   Victoire   Scorpius    Albus
Inheritance Cycle (Eragon)
     Arya    Saphira    Nasuada   Murtagh
Jane Austen:     Emma     Pride & Prejudice
The Locked Tomb (my liveblog / crack)
  Gideon  (x)  Harrow   Ianthe   Coronabeth   Camilla    Palamedes
Lunar Chronicles (AUs)
   Cinder   Scarlet   Cress    Winter
    Iko    Kai   Ze’ev (Wolf)    Thorne   Jacin Clay
The Mortal Instruments & Shadowhunters
     Izzy     Alec   x    Magnus Bane
Murderbot Diaries
     Murderbot   Dr. Mensah   ART
Narnia  (cast&AUs&stories&bts)
    Susan     Edmund     Lucy     Peter
       Caspian   Mr. Tumnus   Cor and Aravis    Aslan
Anything Neil Gaiman!
  Neverwhere    Coraline  Good Omens
Old Kingdom Books (Abhorsen)
    Sabriel   Mogget    Lirael   Disreputable Dog   Clariel
Percy Jackson (and all the ensuing books)  (stories&AUs)
   Percy  x  Annabeth     Piper     Hazel     Thalia     Nico     Bianca    
   Leo     Reyna     Frank    Rachel Elizabeth Dare   Will Solace
Spinning Silver
The Raven Cycle  (AUs&stories)
     Blue  x   Gansey    Ronan   x   Adam
Tamora Pierce
  Emelan (aus&stories)
     Briar   Sandry   Tris   Daja
     Rosethorn   Lark   Evvy
  Tortall Books (aus&stories)
     Alanna   Daine   Kel   Aly   Beka
The Infernal Devices
Everything Tolkien (interlaps with the movies)  
   Lord of the Rings  (stories&AUs&cast&bts&crack&cosplay)
      Frodo      Samwise     Merry and Pippin     Arwen      Aragorn       Eowyn
     Legolas (hobbit things too)   x    Gimli      Gandalf (also)        Bilbo (ditto)
     Faramir       Boromir
   The Hobbit
          Thorin      Fili and Kili    x    Tauriel     Thranduil
main post
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Imagine Masterlist Part XIII
Frank Castle:
Bad Day
Table Buddies
Assassin’s Creed:
Baked Goods
Themed Parties
BBC Sherlock:
Stop Bugging Me
Panic Attack
Teen Wolf:
Scary Movies
Big Brother ft. Stiles
Older Sister ft. Stiles
First Day of School
Running Into
BFs ft. Scott
Favourite Shows
A Life
Dear Rabbit:
Lazy Days
BBC Merlin:
Horse Rides
Little Gifts
Jurassic Park/World:
Knowledge Exchange
Shooting Practice
How To Get Away With Murder:
Secret (NSFW)
Poor Baby
Frank’s Sister
I Like You
Dinner Time
Slow Dancing
Childhood ft Wanda
Only One
What if
Letters ft. Steve
Dates and Dancing
Snow Globes
Letters ft. Bucky
Sam’s Sister
Opposing Sides
First Date
Days Out ft. Nat
Lab Ruiner
BBC Musketeers:
Video Games
Old Friends
Card Tricks
Out and About
Movie Days
Escape The Room
Star Wars:
Saving You
Cassian Andor:
Night Time Talks
Wedding ft. Zoey
I Know Her.
Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts:
Silly Boys
Weasley Summer
Sneaking About
Always Welcome
Not Best Pleased
Study Help
Potions Partner
Colours Of The Wind
Lily Evans
Prof. Sprout:
Greenhouse Helper
Red Ears
The Maze Runner:
Betting Game
Sister Figure
Got Your Back
The Outsiders:
Little Sister
Helping Hand
Long Plane Rides
Harry Potter World Ft. Audrey
Youtube Videos
Long Time No See
Passing Notes
Pacific Rim:
LOTR/The Hobbit:
The Mountain ft. Dis
Fili and/or Kili:
Going On An Adventure!
The Martian:
Chris Beck:
I Missed..
Date Night
Mark Watney:
Brooklyn Nine Nine:
Guardians Of The Galaxy:
Gamora’s BFF
Let’s Get It On NSFW
Wife ft. Peter
American Horror Story:
Sensory Overload
Arm Wrestle- (Marvel/Deadpool)
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Loyalty (Fluff)
Royalty AU (Part 1 Part 2)
Secret Agent AU (Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 End)
I’m Yours (Angst/Fluff)
Broken (Angst)
Royalty AU (Part 1)
Royalty AU (Part 1)
Please Rest (Fluff)
Big Bang
But You Don’t Like Kids (Fluff)
Movie Night (Fluff)
Too Tired (Fluff)
Drunk (Fluff)
Don’t Listen to Them (Angst/Fluff)
Girl Talk (Fluff)
Block B
Park Kyung
Smitten (Fluff)
Welcome Home (Fluff)
Cold Nights (Fluff)
Sick Day (Fluff)
Rap Monster
Excuse Me? (Fluff)
Pranks (Fluff)
I Don’t Want to be Alone Tonight (Fluff)
It’s Over (Angst)
Calm Down (Fluff)
Video Games (Angst/Fluff)
Man-Child (Fluff)
Blackmail (Fluff)
Love is Love (Fluff)
Jay Park
Monsta X
Kiss Me (Fluff)
You’re Mine and That’s It, Forever (Angst/Fluff)
I Understand  (Angst/Fluff)
He’s Taken (Angst/Fluff)
You’re All Children (Fluff) 
At the Fair (Fluff)
Puns (Fluff)
Evening In (Fluff)
You’re Lucky I Love You (Fluff)
Someone Else (Angst)
Yeo One
Homesickness -Exchange Student AU (Angst/Fluff)
Paranoia (Angst) 
Bad Day (Fluff)
Bodyguard AU (Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 End)
Distance (Angst) Part 2 (Fluff)
Long Days and Late Nights (Angst/Fluff)
Honeymoon (Fluff)
You’re Safe With Me (Angst/Fluff)
Stress (Fluff)
Hate (Fluff)
Bodyguard AU (Part 1 Part 2 End)
Cafe AU (Part 1)
Pleurs (Angst)
Mornings (Smut)
Late Night Cravings (Fluff)
 Pet Store (Fluff)
Bodyguard AU (Part 1 Part 2 End)
Bodyguard AU (Part 1 Part 2 End)
Winning Isn’t Everything (Fluff)
Romeo and Juliet: The Sacrifice (Angst)
Bodyguard AU (Part 1 Part 2)
Be You (Fluff)
Not a Morning Person (Fluff)
Bodyguard AU (Part 1 Part 2)
No Thanks Satan (Fluff)
Just Friends (Angst) Part 2 (Fluff)
I Didn’t Mean it (Angst) Part 2 (Fluff)
5 Seconds of Summer
Black Veil Brides 
Hunter Hayes
One Direction
Shawn Mendes
Aidan Turner
Andrew Garfield
Benedict Cumberbatch
Chris Evans 
Chris Hemsworth
Chris Pratt
David Tennant
Jared Padalecki
Jensen Ackles
Luke Evans
Matt Smith 
Misha Collins
Tom Hiddleston
Tom Holland
Dan Howell
Life with Eric (Fluff)
Harry Potter
Dean Thomas
Draco Malfoy
Fred Weasley 
George Weasley
Ginny Weasley
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Luna Lovegood
Nymphadora Tonks
Remus Lupin 
Ron Weasley
Sirius Black
Kane Chronicles
Carter Kane 
Sadie Kane
Zia Rashid
Magnus Chase
Alex Fierro
Magnus Chase 
Samirah al-Abbas
Alex and Magnus 
Sam and Amir
The Maze Runner
Percy Jackson
Annabeth Chase 
Clarisse la Rue 
Frank Zhang
Hazel Levesque 
Jason Grace 
Leo Valdez
Percy Jackson
Piper McLean
Rachel Elizabeth Dare
Reyna Ramirez-Arellano 
Orignial Characters 
Introducing Amelia Zhang (OC)
Introducing Hunter Zhang (OC)
The Dark Artifices
Cristina Rosales
Diana Wrayburn
Diego Rosales 
Emma Carstairs
Gwyn ap Nudd
Helen Blackthorn
Jaime Rosales
Julian Blackthorn
Kit Herondale
Mark Blackthorn
Tiberius Blackthorn
Aline and Helen
Tessa and Jem
The Hobbit 
The Hunger Games
Finnick Odair
Gale Hawthorne 
Johanna Mason 
Katniss Everdeen
Peeta Mellark 
Primrose Everdeen 
Annie and Finnick
Katniss and Peeta 
The Infernal Devices
Cecily Herondale
Charlotte Fairchild
Gabriel Lightwood
Gideon Lightwood
Henry Branwell
Jem Carstairs
Jessamine Lovelace
Sophie Collins
Tessa Gray
Will Herondale
Gabriel and Cecily
Gideon and Sophie
Henry and Charlotte
Will and Tessa 
The Lunar Chronicles
Cinder and Kai
Cress and Thorne 
Scarlet and Wolf 
Winter and Jacin 
The Mortal Instruments
Clary Fray 
Isabelle Lightwood
Jace Herondale 
Jordan Kyle 
Maia Roberts 
Raphael Santiago 
Simon Lewis
Don’t Underestimate Me (Angst)
Vampire Academy
Christian and Lissa 
Dimitri and Rose 
Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner 
Derek Morgan 
Emily Prentiss 
Jennifer Jareau 
Penelope Garcia 
Spencer Reid 
Doctor Who
Ninth Doctor
Tenth Doctor 
Eleventh Doctor 
Twelfth Doctor
River Song 
Bruce Wayne
Edward Nygma 
Harvey Bullock 
Jeremiah Valeska 
Jerome Valeska 
Jim Gordan 
The Hobbit
Black Panther 
Black Widow 
Captain America 
Iron Man 
Scarlet Witch 
The Wasp 
Soldier 76
Friendship (Angst/Fluff)
Romance (Fluff)
Us (Angst/Fluff)
Stop Running (Fluff)
Original Stories/Excerpts: Fantasy Novel
Introducing Ravenshade
Note: New fandoms will be added as I feel necessary. If you want to request something, but don’t see the name on the list, shoot me ask and I might still be able to write it. Just because it’s not on the list doesn’t mean I don’t know it.
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ruthoakenshield · 3 years
Thorin, Fili, Emma and the Unusual Arrangement - Part 12
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[Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11]
This tale is for 18+ readers only.
If smut, angst, fluff, backdoor entry, oral (m&f receiving), and threesome offend you, do NOT read below the cut!!!  
In this Alternate Universe Hobbit tale, Thorin and Company find an injured Dwarrowdam in the wild who is alone. They take her into the company and heal her, insisting that she stay with them so she stays safe. During  the quest, Thorin, Fili and the Dwarrowdam find themselves  in an unusual  arrangement out of necessity and by the will of the  Dwarven god, Mahal.  What is the unusual arrangement? Will the arrangement work out? Will the line of Durin survive the Quest and reclaim Erebor?
(I  do not claim ownership of any of Tolkien’s characters, languages or  places, nor do I claim ownership of  Tauriel’s character. )
Dwalin comes trotting out with his axes and grins, “You ready, Lass?” he asks. You grin and nod. The rest of the Dwarrow, Bilbo and Beorn congregate on the porch and stairs, making wagers on first strike, and such.
The two of you circle and you wait for Dwalin to make his move, you fake an attack, and he buys it. Grinning, you spin and get a blow in to his back, and he stumbles forward with a grunt, and everyone cheers. He growls and you’re giggling. “Oh, you think that’s funny?” he asks, and you nod.
He attacks and the two of you go at it, it’s obvious you are well trained and Balin and Thorin grin seeing you play dirty, using tricks to knock Dwalin off his feet repeatedly. “She’s reminding me of another Durin Dam who fights with axes…” Balin teases Thorin. Thorin nods and chuckles. “I wonder who’d win, Em or Dis, if they battled each other?” Thorin muses out loud. “Oooohhh, that would be a close call!” Balin says. “I’m not sure I could say one way or the other.” He replies.
They both chuckle seeing Dwalin getting his ass handed to him. In no time, you’ve pinned him to the tree again and make him drop his weapons. He’s laughing still in disbelief that you’ve bested him twice in one day. “Ye truly are a Master Axe Wielder, Lass!” he says when you let him up. You grin and nod.
He chuckles. “Now, we just need to make ye some kind of harness fer them that’ll work with yer sword’s harness. That thing’s thick enough ye could use it as a shield if ye wanted!” he teases. “No wonder why ye could sleep with it on!” he says laughing. You giggle and nod. “It’s protected my back from being attacked many times. It’s pretty much the only armor besides bracers I wear.” You explain.
Dwalin stops for a moment and looks at you, “So how many weapons do ye have on ye now, Lass?”
You giggle and reply, “If I have them ALL on me, I’d have 100 individual weapons…” His jaw drops “What?!?!” he exclaims. You grin, “…but many of them would be hidden in plain sight and not be realized that they are weapons.” You explain and pull a few daggers from your hair, showing him that the sticks in your hair aren’t normal ones, and that deep in the bun, you have the dagger from Elladan. He laughs, “You’re DEFINITELY Fili’s One!!! You’re like a little walking arsenal!” he exclaims!
You grin and nod. “He suddenly notices the necklaces you’re wearing, and his eyes get big, “Wha’s on yer neck? That’s new!” he says as you flop down on the step next to Kili and rest the two axes against your leg. The rest of the Dwarrow nearby stop and look. You carefully lift it from over your head and say, “This, NONE of you should ever touch without me conscious and present. It is a Cold-Drake’s enchanted claw. It will freeze to death anyone or anything that touches it’s white claw that is inside this gold sheath.
If it thinks you intend to steal it from me, it will freeze you to death the moment you touch the gold sheath. If it lets you touch the sheath, and you pull it open, and you see red runes, it is a warning to not touch the actual claw as it WILL kill you instantly. I can touch it because it has accepted me as it’s owner and it will never harm me in any way. Only a female whom it’s chosen to accept can wield it.” You explain and open it.
A bright blue light radiates from the claw revealing it’s acceptance of you. Looking around in the darkness, you see a chunk of firewood by Beorn’s splitting maul. You get up and grab it and bring it back to the step. Sitting down beside Kili, you set the wood on the ground and touch the wood with the claw. There’s a bright flash of light and when everyone looks, the wood piece is white and completely frozen.
Dwalin picks it up and looks at it and then at the claw. “Ouch! Not touching that with a ten-foot pole! Nope, nope nope!” he says and chucks the piece of firewood over his shoulder. When it hits the ground, it shatters into shards of ice. He freezes and turns, looking at it wide eyed. “NOPE!” he says, and everyone chuckles. You sheath the dagger and hand it to Fili to show them what the red runes look like.
He stands in front of the Dwarves and opens the sheath, and a blazing red emits from the claw revealing the runes. Their eyes open wide and they all nod. Fili re-sheaths it and hands it back to you. Once he does, Thorin stands before them and says, “Em and I talked about this dagger and what lies ahead on our journey. Elrond and Arwen gave her this for a reason. If she can touch Smaug with it on his belly, it will freeze the scales it touches. You saw how easily the wood shattered. If she can open up enough of a hole, she’ll be able to jab it into his skin and it will freeze him like it froze the wood.” He explains.
She is to go with Bilbo to scout out the treasury and keep him safe, should we make it to the mountain alive. If anyone asks. She is the company’s ‘scout’ and Bilbo is or ‘burglar’.” He says. They all nod.
Now, I want to say this in front of you all, so that there is no doubt to my wishes as I am still of sound mind at the moment.
I do not know how the Dragon’s Sickness will affect me once we get close to Erebor. I will do my best to fight it, but I make no guarantees that it will not overcome me. If you see me starting to treat Em and Fili differently or poorly, you are to send them away or they are to follow Mahal’s wishes of where to go. Do not let them near me and do not let them return until I either overcome the sickness, or succumb to it and am taken to Mandos’ halls.
I do not wish to harm either of them in my sickness and risk the blessing Mahal has promised to them. Should I fall, she is to marry Fili after the appointed days of grieving are complete. Balin knows of the dreams Mahal gave the three of us informing us what he has done and Balin has been told Mahal’s reasoning for this arrangement of Fili, Em and I and will explain it to the Dwarrow of Erebor should I not survive. This unusual union has happened by Mahal’s design and despite it not having been done before, we still will follow his design for it. Em will be known as my Wife, and Fili for now, will be Em’s Consort until my death, then they will marry if she is still in agreement with the arrangement.” Thorin explains.
“Fili and I have begun to work out ways to share Em and have agreed on a way to share her so we will be certain who sires her pebbles. Her first MUST be Fili’s so that his position as my Heir is not in jeopardy since the firstborn of females in the line of Durin are always Males. DO NOT let me near Em if I start to lose myself to the sickness.
The Dragon’s claw around her neck will no doubt tempt me to take it from her should I not be able to fight off the sickness. I do not wish to be frozen to death.” He says and there’s a few chuckles. “I also do not wish to force Em and risk getting her pregnant before Fili can, despite her being my Wife. That is why you MUST send her and Fili away if you see me start to succumb. Am I understood?” Thorin asks his company. They all nod. “DO NOT tell me where they have fled to unless I overcome the sickness and defeat it.” He tells them. They nod.
“Let us hope that these precautions are not needed, but I wanted you to be aware of them should they be.” Thorin explains. Everyone nods. “Now, let’s all get inside and make sure everything is packed and ready to go. We leave tomorrow morning.” He explains. Everyone is quiet and heads inside.
Beorn stops you and Fili and waits for everyone to finish entering the house. “If you need a place to hide, send a raven here to me or to the carrock and have him tell the Eagles that I am asking them to come and get you and bring you both to me, since there is no fast, safe way through Mirkwood any longer, and you will need a quick escape. I will keep you safe here until you are able to return.” He tells them. “Thank you Beorn.” Fili says quietly. He nods and lets you both inside. Fili gives you a kiss. “Goodnight, Love. Try to get some rest. If you change your mind and want us to join you, let us know.” He says and you nod. He lets you go, and you head to your room.
Thorin’s and Fili’s packs are gone from the room. Thorin left the remaining fabric for you that he had bought. And the thread that the Elves had not used.
You leave the door open and begin to cut the holes in your pants for the access points for each of your leg sheaths. You decide to leave one pair of new pants uncut and one new blouse uncut, just in case. The rest you cut the holes in. Once they are all cut, you measure out patches to sew on. Various Dwarves come and visit with you for a bit, thanking you for what you did to help teach Fili. They ask if you need anything else.
You nod and tell them you need a harness that will work with your sword’s rig so your new battle axes can be included on it and easy to access without having to remove the entire harness. They take the axes and your rig with the sword and take it to the kitchen table. Several Dwarves discuss it with Fili, and not only do they figure out how to attach your battle axes, but also fit the rest of your hidden weapons so that you are fully armed with everything.
Fili comes in and asks you for the daggers from Lord Elrond that were enchanted. You kick off your boots and he looks confused until he looks inside. He frowns and then picks up your foot. He sees it’s been rubbed raw by the sheath and looks at you with a frown. “I know. But I had nowhere else to hide them! I don’t want those Elves stealing them! They’re enchanted ones!” you say, knowing he’s not happy about your foot being rubbed raw. He takes the two daggers out of your boots and goes to work on the harness some more. He sends Oin in to take care of your feet, so they don’t get infected. You roll your eyes at their fussing over you.
Oin treats your feet and gives you a pouch of the morning tea mix. He explains how to make it, using both hot or cold water and tells you how long to steep it for. You nod and thank him. By the end of the night, you have all the patches sewn on and all the holes reinforced so they do not fray.
You make sure everything is packed and looking around you spot the bottle of lube on the nightstand. You giggle realizing Thorin probably couldn’t see it from the floor. You climb over and take it and making sure it’s closed, you put it in the pocket of your pack. Yawning, you close your bedroom door and change into your sleep clothes and climb up onto the bed once more.
Sighing, you take your hair down except for the marriage braids and the courting braids, and climb under the covers and try to go to sleep, but it eludes you, finally you get up and go out into the kitchen and pour a cup of hot water and make peppermint tea. You climb up into Beorn’s chair and his mice come over to you and crawl all over you squeaking quietly and letting you pet them. One curious one climbs into the pocket of your shirt and squeaks. You chuckle and let it sit there. It peeks out of the pocket and looks around with it’s front paws hanging over the front of the pocket.
Thorin hears your giggles and gets up to see why you’re still up. He chuckles seeing the mice crawling on you and the one hanging out of your pocket on the shirt. “What are you still doing up, Love? It’s late.’ He says quietly as the mice run off, except for the one in your pocket. It decides to just drop down into it and curl up. Thorin chuckles and comes over by you. He peeks into the pocket and sees the mouse all curled up in it. He chuckles again and lets it be.
“I couldn’t sleep.” You say with a sigh. So, I came to have some tea, hoping it would help me relax and get sleepy.” You say. Thorin nods. He caresses your face and kisses your forehead. “Very well. Fili is sleeping with Kili, and I’m where we slept when we first got here. He tells you quietly. If you cannot sleep and want to join me or Fili, just come and find us.” He says.
You nod and finish your tea. Then fish the mouse from your pocket. “Come on, you, time for you to go to bed wherever you normally sleep.” You tell it. It yawns, looks at you, squeaks and scampers off. You yawn and give Thorin a peck on the cheek and bid him ‘goodnight’ and go back to your room.
Curling up on the bed, you pull the covers up and over you. Finally, you fall asleep, but have strange dreams all night long. You are tossing and turning as you dream and Beorn hears you and gets up. Peeking into your room, he sees your fitful sleeping and quietly closes the door. He pads over to the barn area and nudges Thorin’s foot. Thorin wakes with a startle and looks up.
Beorn says quietly, “Your Wife seems to be having fitful sleep. Perhaps you might wish to check on her and comfort her.” He suggests. Thorin nods and gets up. Beorn goes back to his room and Thorin goes to yours. He quietly opens the door and sees you all tangled up in your blankets. Sighing, he closes the door and climbs up onto the footstool. He gently shakes your shoulder, and you startle awake. “Em…” he says quietly. “Em, it’s just me. Beorn came to get me saying you were having fitful sleep. Are you alright, Sweetheart?” he asks.
You shake your head and start to cry. Thorin climbs up and sits behind you and the two of you scoot back until Thorin has the pillow against the back rest and he is leaning on it. “Come here, Sweetheart.” He coos and you crawl over and snuggle him. “What were you dreaming of?” he asks. You sniffle. “Smaug.” You tell him of your dream and how you dreamed a town built over a lake was burning and how when you tried to escape it, the Dragon landed on the platform in front of you and lunged at you. “Oh, Thorin! It was SO scary!!!” you exclaim and tremble in his arms.
Thorin frowns and holds you close and shushes you telling you it was only a dream and that you’re safe. You whimper and he rocks with you, caressing your hair until you finally fall asleep. He kisses your forehead, lays you down and pulls the blankets over you, then slips out of the room and goes back to his sleeping area.
By morning, Thorin finds you curled up next to him and he chuckles. Fili looks over and does so too. “Couldn’t stay away, huh?” he says quietly. Thorin carefully climbs out from beside you and goes over to Fili, “She didn’t sleep well. Beorn came and woke me saying she was having fitful sleep. He wanted me to check on her, so I did. I woke her from another nightmare she was having, and she said she had dreamed of Smaug and of Laketown burning and she was trying to escape it. She said she dreamed that Smaug landed on the causeway and blocked her path, then lunged at her.” Thorin explains.
“Ah, yup, that’ll give anyone nightmares!” Fili exclaims. Thorin nods. I comforted her till she fell back into a deep sleep, and tucked her back into the bed and came back out here to sleep. She must’ve had another nightmare and just decided to come sleep out here.” He explains. “I didn’t even feel her curl up against me!” he exclaims.
Fili chuckles. “It’s too bad Thrandy had to be the one to settle in Mirkwood. I’m not looking forward to going through there if it’s sick and foul things now creep in it.” Fili says with a sigh. “I know, Fee, but we don’t have a choice. If we go south and come up through the brown lands, we’d never make it. There’s nothing there to sustain us, nor the ponies, and the water sources are few and far in between.” Thorin explains. Fili sighs and nods.
“Fee, I want you to keep Em with you. If Thranduril and his Elves find out Em’s my Wife, he would try to hold her hostage and use her to try to get me to give him anything he wanted. Her life would be in great danger. Do not let her out of your sight if you can help it.” Thorin tells his Nephew. “Okay, Uncle.” Fili says.
They both look over at you, curled up in the straw. Thorin sighs. “I hope I live through this and am not consumed by the sickness.” He says sadly. “I know, Uncle. We all are hoping the same thing for you.” He tells Thorin. Just try to remember what your true treasure is and what will end up with you in Mandos’ halls. That is what your true treasure is, and is worth more than all the treasure in Erebor. You can’t take gold and jewels with you when you leave this world, Uncle. It’s all worthless to you by that time.” Fili says. “Perhaps it would help you to focus on what is important if you had something of Em’s, something tangible, to keep with you. Something important that when you see it you immediately think of her.” Fili suggests.
“I will think about it, Fili. It’s a good suggestion.” He says. “We need to get her up though so she can get ready before everyone starts to wake.” Thorin says quietly. Fili nods. They both go over to you and Thorin shakes your shoulder. “Em, Honey, you need to wake up.” He tells you.
Groaning, you open your eyes and curl up tighter. “Honey, what’s wrong?” Fili asks. “Cramps.” You mumble. Both Dwarves look puzzled. “Huh?” Fili says. “Apparently my body decided it’s time for my bleeding week.” You groan. Both Dwarves’ eyes get huge. “Come on, Sweetheart. Let’s get you back to your room and get you ready. I’ll ask Oin what he can give you to help keep you comfortable.” Thorin says. You nod and they help you up.
You stand for a moment, then groan and your legs give out and Fili catches you. He sighs and picks you up, then carries you to the bedroom. Thorin wakes Oin up and explains that your ‘bleeding week’ arrived and you are cramping so badly that you can’t stand. He chuckles and says, “Well, nice that it waited to arrive until AFTER Fili’s training!” and goes to prepare a tea for you to help with the pain.
Thorin sighs and goes to your room to help you get ready. When he arrives, Fili is helping you to clean up since you started to bleed and you’re showing him how to put the harness on you to hold your pads in place. Thorin sighs and sees you have three pairs of each clothing sitting out. “Love, why do you have three pairs of your blouses and pants out?” he asks. “Cushioning, so that if we get captured, hopefully the Elves won’t feel my harnesses if they make me remove my surcoat and tunic.” You explain. He nods. He sees you have tacked together the patches so they all stay in one flap on each opening.
Thorin suddenly realizes he can’t hide his dagger from you inside you now. He wonders where to hide it that the Elves won’t find it. As if you can read his mind, you say, “Thorin, give me your boot.” He looks puzzled but does so. You pull out the liner and pull one of your small punch knives out to cut a section out of the middle of his boot.
“Do you have the dagger I gave you?” you ask. He nods and hands it to you. Laying it in the boot, you cut around the sheath into the boot’s soul and then lift the dagger and set it on the footstool next to you. You pull out the section of the boot’s soul until it snugly fits your dagger and sheath. Then you tuck the bits of the soul around it to make it as flat as possible and then take the liner back and put it in the boot. “It’ll feel weird for walking for a bit. But you’ll get used to it. Hopefully if the Elves do capture us, they at least let us keep our boots!” you explain. If they strip you of your weapons, at least you’ll have that.” You tell him. “Tell no one it is in there. If you have to take it out, put some cloth, stone, or wood into the gap to fill it in so your boot won’t snap in two.” You explain.
Thorin nods. They help you to get your harnesses on and your layered clothing. Then your boots, tunic and patched, hooded surcoat. Fili helps you to fix your hair and puts it up with the dagger from Elladan in the center, against your head, then pushes the bun up against it and uses your stick blades to hold it in place securely along with a few hair pins just in case. He hugs you and picks you up, curious now. Thorin chuckles and Fili giggles at how much more you weigh with all your gear on now. “We’ll have to weigh all this when we get back to Erebor and get settled to see how much weight it added to you.” He tells you. “I’m curious.”
You chuckle, then hear a knock at the door. Oin comes in with some tea for you to help ease the cramps. “How long do they usually last for you, Em? I guess I never paid notice to it before.” Fili asks. “Usually a couple days.” You explain. “I tried not to make much of a fuss about it, but I suppose it hurts more since my poor entrance there was getting pummeled by Thorin for the past month and by the two of you for the last few days.” You tease.
Oin chuckles, “Well, this should help you, Lass. I made a large batch of it and Beorn gave me a canteen to use for you to keep with you while we travel through Mirkwood. It should last you for a couple days. Only drink from that one when you start to feel the pain return though, or you’ll run out too fast. I doubt we’ll be able to have a fire or cook much of anything in there.” He says.
“Oh, and Thorin, Gandalf arrived back from wherever he disappeared to, so he said he’d accompany us through Mirkwood.” Oin informs Thorin. He sighs and nods. “Lass, you won’t need to drink the other tea till towards the end of your ‘bleeding time’ if you notice you’re not bleeding much, then start to take the tea again. Each Dam’s time is a little different, some bleed for a full week, others only for a few days, and for some it varies from one time to the next. You know your body best.” He tells you.
You nod and finish the tea and thank Oin. He nods then heads out. “Em, is everything loaded in your pack now?” Thorin asks. You shake your head. “No. I need to put the soap, shampoo, hair oil, my washcloth and towel back into my pack. Fili, hand me my necklaces please and grab the bath stuff and put it in the front pocket. Put the towel and the washcloth on the outside so they can dry.” You instruct. He hands you the necklaces and you put them both on and tuck them under your shirts, so they aren’t as noticeable.
You sigh and look around, making sure you have everything. You pull the pack over and take out the pouch with your pads and cleaning cloths in it and tie it to your belt. Standing, you take the staff from it’s place by the cabinet and nod. Fili closes up your pack and carries it out for you and Thorin follows.
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ruthoakenshield · 3 years
Thorin, Fili, Emma and the Unusual Arrangement - Part 14
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[Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13]
This tale is for 18+ readers only.
If smut, angst, fluff, backdoor entry, oral (m&f receiving), and threesome offend you, do NOT read below the cut!!!  
In this Alternate Universe Hobbit tale, Thorin and Company find an injured Dwarrowdam in the wild who is alone. They take her into the company and heal her, insisting that she stay with them so she stays safe. During  the quest, Thorin, Fili and the Dwarrowdam find themselves  in an unusual  arrangement out of necessity and by the will of the  Dwarven god, Mahal.  What is the unusual arrangement? Will the arrangement work out? Will the line of Durin survive the Quest and reclaim Erebor?
(I  do not claim ownership of any of Tolkien’s characters, languages or  places, nor do I claim ownership of  Tauriel’s character. )
You sigh and sit and cry as you make the morning pain tea Oin would give to you. “I miss you Fili, I miss you, Thorin.” You say quietly and drink the tea. Then eat a little of the food the Elleth brought.
That afternoon, you are ushered out of the room with your pack and taken to another chamber. When you get inside it, you see Thranduril with several deep scratches on him and he is frowning. “It appears you were right, little Dwarf. The skin changer was not happy I have captured you and taken your gifts. He shredded my doors and killed two of my guards before I came to see what the ruckus was.” He says. “He agreed to stop his rampage if I returned you your weapons and put you in the cell with your One.” He replies.
A blond haired Elf, the same one who captured you in the forest, comes up to you and hands you your sword-battleaxes-enchanted daggers-hand axe harness. You check to make sure they are all there and nod. You notice you do not get your throwing knives for your boots back nor your staff, but you have the most important weapons and put them back on you and nod. “Now, we captured the Dwarves that you were with, but we also captured two others. Now, tell me, little Dwarf, which of them is your One?” he asks.
“If I tell you, what will you do?” you ask, not trusting him. “If you tell me, I will place you in the cell with him.” He says. “Do I have your word that they all still live and that you will not harm him nor any of the other Dwarrow you have captured?” you ask.
“They all still live, and you have my word, they will not be harmed, nor will you so long as you do not use the weapons against us.” He replies. “I only use my weapons against those who choose to try to harm me or my friends.” You reply. “My One is Fili, son of Dis.” You reply.
He nods and says, “My Son will take you to your One.” He tells you and waves you to leave. “Legolas, make sure she is well taken care of. We do not need that skin changer angered again. I cannot afford to have doors being shattered like that and guards being mauled to death over one Dwarf Dam.” He says. Legolas nods and shows you out.
You follow Legolas and suddenly feel like someone is behind you, you look and see no one, then feel a small hand slip into yours and give you a squeeze, then let go and you feel a tug on your pack’s strap as an invisible Bilbo follows along.
You walk for what seems like forever and finally are shown to a chamber and you feel Bilbo let go of your pack. Legolas unlocks the door and bids you enter. You thank him and he nods and once you are inside, he locks the door again.
Before you can do anything, strong arms embrace you and hold you tight. “EM!!!” you hear Fili say. “I was SO afraid I lost you forever!” he exclaims. You start to cry and collapse, relieved that he was alright. He helps you up and frowns, cupping your face. “Are you alright? You look thinner!” he asks.
You sigh. “Just tired and hungry. They took my weapons and pack and refused to give them to me. One of the Elves tried to take my dragon claw necklace after I warned them, and it froze him. It angered Thrandy and when they brought me before him, he wanted the necklace too and was going to try to take it but when I warned him and told him about his guard trying to take it from me, he stopped. I warned him that if he did not return my things, that Beorn would be irate and attack, but he did not believe me.
Beorn apparently shredded the door we entered through and mauled two guards to death because he was irate they had captured me and the company. He injured Thrandy too and demanded my things be returned to me and that I be placed with my One. So now I’m here, though they did not return everything.” You explain. “But why are you so much thinner, Em?” Fili asks. “I refused to eat until my belongings were returned.” You explain. “My bleeding time arrived again, and Thrandy refused to give me my supplies for it, so I just bled on everything as payback.” You giggle.
“Apparently they didn’t like that and the red-haired Elleth who was bringing me food, told Thrandy I was not eating and was bleeding everywhere, and he finally gave me my pack back.” You explain with a grin.
Fili chuckles. “I’m just glad you are alright. What about the others? Uncle and I were brought in here together, but we didn’t see the rest of you.” He says. “Thrandy said everyone lives and that they are all in ‘cells’. I think they didn’t find Bilbo though. Somehow, he is invisible. He followed me here. I felt him hold my hand briefly and he was hanging on to my pack while we walked here.” You say. “I hope he can find a way to get us all out of here!” you say. “Me too, Em. He is clever, he’ll figure something out.
The two of you go and sit down and you sigh. “I missed you and Thorin. I hope he’s okay.” You say quietly. I suppose everyone lost their weapons, huh?” you ask. “Yeah. They found all of mine.” Fili says dejected. You giggle. “I still have all of mine.” You say quietly. His eyes open wide. “Really?” he asks, “Well, all except the throwing ones from the cuff of my boots and my staff you and Elrond’s Sons modified. Those were kind of obvious.” You giggle. I don’t really care about those daggers, though. They are easily replaced.” You say, “Though it would’ve been nice to get my staff back.” You tell him. He grins.
Fili helps you out of your sword-axe harness and sets it beside your pack. “For now, can we just cuddle for a bit?” he asks. You nod. “No being intimate though, I’m still having my ‘bleeding time.’ you tell him. He nods and the two of you spend the afternoon cuddling. For your sake, the Elves treat you and Fili well, not wanting to anger the skin changer again.
The rest of the Dwarves were given the usual fare. Thorin, however was kept in the lowest dungeon; they had and only given him bread, cheese and water twice a day. You all were held as Thrandy’s prisoners for a month before Bilbo found where everyone was and figured out a way to rescue everyone. The Elves’ celebration feast provided just the escape he needed. By now he had the majority of Thrandy’s halls figured out and often stole food and drink from him and slept where he could. He dared not take the ring off for too long for fear of being discovered.
One night though, the Keeper of the Keys got quite drunk with the Keeper of the Ale and they both passed out. Bilbo snuck the keys from off the Elf’s belt and began to ‘rescue’ the Dwarrow from all over the kingdom. They snuck from one ‘cell’ to the next, gathering the company. Bilbo even found where the travel packs and clothing had been stored. He had not found where they put the weapons that they took from the Dwarrow, though. They quickly dressed and grabbed what gear they could and followed Bilbo as he crept through the kingdom while all the Elves celebrated in the main hall with Thrandy.
Bilbo had just yours/ Fili’s chamber left and Thorin’s which was several floors below left to open. He quietly unlocked yours and Fili’s chamber and poked his head in. “FILI!” he said in a loud whisper. Fili’s head popped up from the Sofa and he grins. “Come on, this is a rescue. Grab Em and her gear and let’s get moving!” he whispers. Fili and you pop up and grab your stuff and they hurry out. Bilbo locks the door back up and Balin hands Fili his travel pack and they continue to follow Bilbo.
Bilbo leads everyone down to Thorin’s chamber and he tells them to stay in the hallway, as Thorin is more heavily guarded. Bilbo tosses an acorn down the hall, and it bounces around the corner and the guards go to investigate, leaving their posts. Bilbo hurries, unlocks the door, finds Thorin chained to the wall and unlocks his fetters, he helps Thorin up and peeks out the door. Bilbo helps Thorin stumble into the hall and Dwalin takes over carrying a malnourished and exhausted Thorin as they move to the escape plan now that Bilbo has everyone freed.
He leads them to the wine cellars and tells them to get into the empty barrels. At first everyone objects but Thorin looks up and just says, “DO IT!” quietly, but firmly, and everyone gets in.
You climb in with Fili and Bilbo takes a rope and ties it to the large handle. Thorin had been placed into the barrel closest to the lever and Bilbo apologizes but climbs into the barrel with Thorin. He tells everyone to hang on and pulls on the rope. He groans and can’t get it to budge. “Here,” Thorin says and takes it from him. He gives it a hard yank, with a grunt, the floor suddenly drops down and everyone goes rolling into the underground river and the trap door closes.
The blast of cold water onto Thorin’s face wakes him up and he growls. He’s hungry and still aches all over from the beating the guards gave him when they captured him. He’s livid they took Orcrist from him. Thorin and the rest of the company bounce along down the rapids, from one lock and waterfall to another. They just made it past the last gate when they hear Elven horns sounding their escape, but it’s too late, they are already on the borders of Thrandy’s domain. The company is all soaked by the time the barrels float into calmer waters.
Everyone swims to shore except one barrel. When they look, they discover that you and Fili are not moving in the barrel. And it’s finally washes up onto shore further downstream. They all follow with their soaked packs and cry out though, when they see you both unconscious. Your bodies and packs are dragged from the barrel and you both groan.
Oin examines you both and discovers that you two cracked your heads together during the tumble down the rapids and says you both should be fine in a bit. Everyone is shivering as they are wet and cold. “We need to keep moving.” Thorin says. “Thorin, we need to find a way to cross the lake. If we try to go around, we’ll not make it in time!” Balin reminds him. Thorin growls. “Someone will come for these barrels, perhaps he will accept payment to take us across the lake.
“Uncle, we have no food, no weapons, no supplies!” We need to go to Laketown and get them before we try for the mountain!” Kili exclaims. “We’re all cold and wet, if we don’t dry off, none of us will survive!” he tells Thorin.
“Em still has nearly all her weapons.” Oin says, seeing her harnesses and axes, sword and daggers are all still on her. Everyone stops and says, ‘WHAT?!?!” he nods. Dwalin laughs, “However did she manage that?!?” he asks. “You have B-b-b-b-beorn to thank for that.” Bilbo says shivering. “H-h-h-he heard we were c-c-c-captured, and the elves t-t-t-took her weapons and supplies.” He explains. “He came and s-s-s-shredded Thrandy’s doors and m-m-m-m-mauled two of his g-g-g-guards to d-d-d-death because of it, and c-c-c-clawed Thrandy across the chest and face.” Bilbo giggles. “I think Thrandy may have had t-t-to change his t-t-t-t-trousers after that.” He states and everyone laughs. “H-h-he demanded Thrandy r-r-r-r-eturn h-h-her weapons and pack, and p-p-p-put her with her One.” Bilbo explains as his teeth begin to chatter.
“Come here, Bilbo.’ Thorin says and wraps Bilbo in his arms. “You’re too cold, hold onto me and share some of my body heat so you don’t get your death of cold.” He says as he sits and tries to figure out what to do next. Dwalin pulls out a blanket from Thorin’s pack, wrings it out and drapes it over them both. As everyone tries to wring out water from their clothing and gear, you and Fili begin to come to and groan. You sit up and rub your head. “What happened?” you ask Oin fills you in. You chuckle. “Well, at least we escaped.” You mumble. He nods.
You and Fili join the others in wringing out gear. You groan though when you discover your pack of tea is ruined. You look at Oin and he shakes his head. “All my herbs are ruined too, Sweetheart. You’re just going to have to stick with the not being intimate for a while till things settle.” He advises. You sigh and dump out the contents to see if any of it is salvageable. It’s not and you grumble. You keep the bag just in case you need it for something else and shove it in your pack and you continue to wring everything out along with the rest of the Dwarrow. After about an hour, and everyone has repacked their belongings. A bargeman arrives to collect the barrels.
Bard sees the company and frowns. “What are Dwarves doing in this part of the world?” he asks. “We are heading for relatives nearby and had a bit of trouble and lost most of our supplies and weapons, might there be a chance we could hire you to take us to Laketown so we might purchase new supplies and be on our way?” Balin asks.
“Hmmm.” Bard says as he begins to load the barrels. “No one enters Laketown but by leave of the Master.” He informs them. “I bet there are ways to enter unseen if one wishes and has enough coin.” Balin says. “For that, Master Dwarf, you would need a smuggler. I’m just a bargeman.” He states as he continues to load the barrels.
Balin looks at the man’s clothing and shoes. “For that we would pay double.” He states. “Judging by your clothing, you could use the funds. No doubt you have some bairns to feed?” he asks.
“Aye, I have bairns.” Bard replies as he pauses in the loading of the barrels. “How many bairns?” Balin asks. “Three, a Son and two Daughters.” Bard says quietly. “And your Wife? I suppose she could use the coin for food.” He asks. “Nay, I HAD a Wife, but she is gone now.” Bard says sadly. “I am sorry.” Balin apologizes.
Bard looks at the company and thinks about Balin’s offer. “If I help you, what do you need to be on your way?” he inquires. “Weapons, food, and armor.” Balin states. “I can dry your clothing and give you what food we can, but weapons and Armor are kept under lock and key in the city’s armory. The Master of the Lake is who you’d have to speak to about being armed and I doubt he’d part with any of it unless you paid him well for it. He is a greedy and slimy thief and has milked us dry of our coin and treasure. He hoards it in his house while the town lies in ruin and on the brink of starvation.” He grumbles.
“We will take what help you are willing to offer, Master Bargeman.” You reply. “We will make do with whatever you can provide us, but we need to arrive at our destination by Durin’s Day and we are in a bit of a hurry.” You explain as you come up beside Balin.
Bard’s eyes open wide when he realizes you are a female. “Female Dwarves exist?!?” he asks shocked. You chuckle. “Yes, Master Bargeman, we do, but are quite rare, so if you please, will you help us or not?” you ask. He nods and lets you onto the boat. He finishes loading the barrels and pushes off once everyone is settled at the front end of the boat. Bilbo wanders back wrapped in the heavy blanket of Thorin’s, and talks with Bard while he navigates the lake.
Balin collects the coin from the Dwarves and gives it to Bard. He tells you all to get into the barrels and you all grudgingly do so again. He stops at one point and pays a friend to fill the barrels with fish and then continues on. He tells everyone to be quiet as they approach the toll gate. As the gatekeeper was about to stamp Bard’s pass and let him enter, the Master’s henchman, Alfred, stops him and sees that the barrels are full of fish and are not empty. “You’re not consigned for transporting fish, Bard, these are supposed to be empty. Dump them over the side into the lake!” he orders.
Bard has to think fast to keep the guards from dumping you all overboard into the icy waters. He finally convinces the henchman to let him enter with the barrels of fish so the people can feed their families and eat and not start a riot when they hear Alfred is dumping fish back into the lake that they could’ve eaten.
Alfred grudgingly allows Bard to enter with the fish, and the guards put the barrels back that they had begun to tip. That of yours and Kili’s and Thorin’s. Bard continues into the community and parks his boat at his dock and tells the people they may help themselves to the fish as the Dwarves and the hobbit climb out of the barrels. With their gear.
Bard quickly ushers you all to his home and along the way his Son finds him and lets him know the house is being watched. He sighs and tells you all that you’ll have to enter through the toilet’s entrance. You all grumble, but he tells you it is the only way that no one will see.
So, into the frigid lake you all go again, one by one and up you climb into the house through the toilet. Bard’s children are amused and help you all to dry off and wring out the gear for a second time. You, Fili and Bilbo are all shivering uncontrollably and are huddled around the fire trying to get warm.
Tilda comes over and gives you all a hot drink to help warm you up and you thank her. She giggles and nods, then asks, “Why were you not just coming in through the door like Da does?” You shiver and reply, “Because we snuck into Laketown and your Father helped us. When Bain said the house is being watched, he had to sneak us in so they wouldn’t see.” You explain.
“Oh.” She replies. “Well, you all can hang your wet things by the fire, and we’ll do our best to dry them for you.” You thank her and she trots off.
Sigrid and Tilda come over a little while later with several clothes drying racks and they set them up. The Dwarves are puzzled by what they are until the two girls show them what they are used for and the Dwarves grin. They bring their wet packs over and tell the girls to do yours and Fili’s and Thorin’s things first. They do and by the next morning you all have dry clothes and gear.
You sit at the fireplace waiting for your clothes to dry. And Bard sends you and his Daughters into their room so the Dwarves can change into dry clothes. Bard gives you a dress his Wife wore for you to wear for a while until your clothes dry. The girls’ jaws drop when they see you start to remove your clothes. “What are all those straps on you?” They ask. “They are weapons.” You explain. And hand the clothes to the girls. “Make sure these dry all the way through. There are three layers for each, and I don’t need the middle layer getting mold or mildew from not drying completely. They were gifts from Elrond of Rivendell’s Elves.” You tell them. Their eyes open wide, and they nod and watch as you remove the harnesses and lay them on the floor.
You sigh and dry off, then put the dress on. They help button it up in the back and although it is too long, it fits on top, and you are grateful to have dry clothes. “Now, do you want to take your hair down and fix it so it’s not all falling apart?” Sigrid asks.
You reach up and feel it slipping from the drenching it received. You nod and start to take it down. “Do not tell anyone I did this in front of you.” You warn. “Normally Dwarves do not take their hair down in front of anyone but their One or their Husband.” You explain. They nod. You lay the weapons down that you remove from your hair and the girls’ eyes open wide. “You had them in your hair too?!?” Tilda asks. You chuckle and nod.
Sigrid hands you a comb and you carefully comb out your hair. “Ugh, I smell like fish!” you complain, making the two girls giggle. “Perhaps you can have a bath once you get to wherever you are going.” They tell you. “Perhaps.” You reply.
Once you have your hair combed out, you rebraid it and rewrap it into the same bun you had it in before, the girls help to hold the one dagger from Elladan in place while you push the bun against it and anchor it in place with the hair sticks and the hair pins Fili had used. Once that was done, you tuck Thorin’s braids into the bun and feel a little better.
A knock at the door tells you everyone out in the other room has finished changing. “You ready, Miss Em?” The girls ask. You nod and Tilda opens the door. They come out and then you do, carrying your harnesses and the bottom of the dress. You flop in front of your pack and don’t see the look of surprise on the Dwarves and Bard’s face when you come out in the dress. It was a flattering dress on you and accentuated your curves and your breasts.
You sat on the floor near the fire, and began to remove your weapons from your boots and let them dry in front of the fire, making sure to work the leather with the conditioning crème from your pack so they didn’t harden. Once your boots were taken care of, you began to dry off the weaponry after Tilda gave you a towel to dry them all off with. You inspect each one for any damage and then hang the harnesses on the drying racks’ corners so they can begin to dry out as well.
Rummaging around in your pack, you are surprised to discover that there is a new comb in there that wasn’t in there before. You look up at Fili and he grins. You admire it, grin and you set it in your lap. You use the towel to dry off everything else that was in your pack until it’s empty and you hang it on the fireplace grate so it can dry. Bard hands you a box to put your things in until it dries. He gives one to Fili and Thorin as well, who both do what you are doing.
Thorin and Fili were both on benches on either side of you and were appreciating the ‘view’. You looked amazing in the dress and Thorin’s desire to join with you started to grow. He missed being buried to the hilt in you and his hands ached to touch you. It had been a month and a half since the last time he was allowed to make love to you, and he sorely missed your presence. He took out the dagger from his boot, grateful now that you had put it into there, otherwise it would have been taken from him. It was the only weapon he had now. He carefully dries it, wipes off the sheath and dumps out the water from the boot. He sets his boots and the liners next to yours to dry and you rub some of the crème into his boots as well, saving some for your harnesses and Fili’s boots.
“How is it your Dam is so well armed with weapons, but the rest of you lost yours?” Bard asks Thorin. Thorin shrugs, not in the mood to answer questions. You see him being stubborn and explain. “The beings we had trouble with did take my sword, axes and two of the daggers as well as my staff, throwing knives and my pack. But when Beorn the skin changer got word of it, he attacked them and made them return my things to me. He made me these axes as a gift of friendship and said anyone taking them from me would face his wrath. He destroyed the doors of the kingdom and mauled two of it’s guards to death and injured the ruler before they finally agreed to do as he asked.” You explain.
“Skin changers are real?!? I thought it was just a fairytale!” Bard exclaims. Thorin chuckles and explains, “No, they are very real, but Beorn is the only one left. Azog the Defiler killed all but him. He helped us escape Azog’s Wargs, who had been hunting us. Beorn took a liking to Em and wanted to make sure she was safe, since when they met, she was recovering from a serious injury.”
“I wore these harnesses under my clothes and the beings didn’t search me very well, and did not find them, thus I kept them with me. However, they are all daggers of one kind or another. Not too effective against Orcs unless you are within arm’s reach.” You explain. “And definitely not effective against Wargs.” You add.
“I wish I had weapons to give you Master Dwarf, but the ones we have to defend ourselves are patched together from whatever we have of everyday things such as pike hooks and smithy’s hammers. I doubt they’d be something you’d be interested in using.” Bard replies.
“I will take the remaining coin you gave me and get you food for your journey. I will have to do it over the course of a few days though, so as to not raise suspicion.” He explains. Thorin sighs and nods. Bard leaves and Thorin gets up and goes to look out the window, he is worried they won’t make it to the mountain in time. Durin’s Day is the day after tomorrow. They are SO close! He sighs, not wanting to have to wait here an entire year before having another attempt. He supposes he could go and stay with Dain, but Dain was one of the Dwarrow who were so adamant that they’d fail in the quest and raise the ire of the Dragon.
Although Dain did not have much wealth in the Iron hills, he did still have some, and did not want Smaug attacking them to take what little gold they had back to his hoard in Erebor. Thorin sighs, frustrated. His eyes gaze out the window and his jaw drops. “A Dwarvish Windlance!” he whispers quietly.
“What’s that?” Bilbo asks, having come up next to Thorin seeking heat since he was coming down with a cold and felt miserable.” Thorin looks down at his poor little burglar, sniffling and sneezing. He pulls Bilbo over seeing he still shivers. “It is that weapon out there on the roof of the building.” He says lifting Bilbo onto a chair so he could look out too. “Oh! It looks like a giant, fancy crossbow!” Bilbo exclaims.
“It is, Laddie.” Balin tells Bilbo. “Our ancestors made them for both the men of Dale and the men of Eshgaroth to defend themselves against Dragons. The bolts they fire are nearly as long as Bard is tall, and few of them were ever made. A Dragon’s hide is tough, it’s scales are near impenetrable. The only thing that can penetrate them is a bolt fired from one of those Windlances.” Balin explains. “Then why weren’t they used to kill Smaug when he attacked?” Bilbo asks, after a sneezing fit.
“Oh, they were used, Laddie, but Girion, Lord of Dale, failed to kill Smaug with the Arrows. It is said he nearly exhausted his supply of them before being killed by the beast.” Balin explains.
“Had the aim of men been truer the day Smaug attacked, life would’ve been much different.” Thorin says quietly. “You speak as if you were there, Master Dwarf. Bard says as he sets down a bag of groceries and comes over. “All Dwarrow know the tale.” Dwalin speaks up.
“Then you know that Girion loosened a scale on the Dragon on his chest under the left wing. One more shot and he’d have killed the beast!” Bain says, defending his ancestor. Dwalin chuckles, “That’s a fairy tale.” He says.
Bard growls and turns away. “Here, I have brought you groceries. Do what you will with them.” He says and then goes to sit in his chair, getting tired of these Dwarves’ presence quickly. They look through the groceries and Bofur, Bifur and Bombur divide them between their packs. He sits there listening to the Dwarves talk and check their clothing to see if they are dried yet.
You sit there listening to the exchange, working the crème into your harnesses and Fili’s boots. Once you’ve finished, you give his boots back to him. You know Thorin is upset losing so many weapons and their armor.
Bard leaves again when he hears Balin say Thorin’s name. The name sounds familiar, and he can’t remember why. Bard heads for the shop that sells antiques that were salvaged from Dale after the Dragon’s attack. He remembered seeing an old blue tapestry with the Kings of Erebor on it and goes to search for it, hoping it holds some clue as to who these Dwarves are.
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ruthoakenshield · 3 years
Thorin, Fili, Emma and the Unusual Arrangement - Part 13
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[Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12]
This tale is for 18+ readers only.
If smut, angst, fluff, backdoor entry, oral (m&f receiving), and threesome offend you, do NOT read below the cut!!!  
In this Alternate Universe Hobbit tale, Thorin and Company find an injured Dwarrowdam in the wild who is alone. They take her into the company and heal her, insisting that she stay with them so she stays safe. During  the quest, Thorin, Fili and the Dwarrowdam find themselves  in an unusual  arrangement out of necessity and by the will of the  Dwarven god, Mahal.  What is the unusual arrangement? Will the arrangement work out? Will the line of Durin survive the Quest and reclaim Erebor?
(I  do not claim ownership of any of Tolkien’s characters, languages or  places, nor do I claim ownership of  Tauriel’s character. )
Everyone has a filling breakfast and Dwalin hands you your sword sheath with your battle axes attached and the two enchanted daggers from Lord Elrond as well, secured to the shoulder strap. You grin and thank them for doing this and you thank Beorn again for the battle axes.
He smiles and sighs. “Take care, little female. You will always be welcome here. Please feel free to come visit whenever you like.” He says and pats your back. “Here is a gift from your mice friends.” He tells you and holds out a pouch. Opening it, you find soft, absorbant material for changing out your pads. You grin and thank them. They squeak happily at your feet and the brave little one runs up your leg then stops at your knee, not sure how to reach the rest of you.
Chuckling, you lean down and pick him up off your pant. “Goodbye, little friend. I will come back to visit. I promise. You be good for Beorn and take care.” You say and rub his head gently. He squeaks and Beorn chuckles. “He wants to come with you.” He tells you. “Ohh, little mousie, I don’t think that would be a good idea. Where we are going, foul things creep, and I wouldn’t want you eaten by them.” You tell him. “Stay here, where it’s safe and I will come see you again.” You tell him. He squeaks and drops his head. You chuckle and give it a kiss and set it on the table. It squeaks and scampers over to Beorn who picks it up and chuckles.
“Thorin, take my ponies since they are larger than the ones you came on and they will return here once they have brought you to the gates of Mirkwood. Do not try to take them into the forest though or I will not be happy with you.” He offers with a warning. “I will take care of your ponies here until you have reclaimed the mountain and things settle. Send for them when you are ready, and I will see that they are safely returned for you. “Thank you, Beorn.” Thorin says.
Everyone heads outside and the beautiful black and white ponies are standing there, waiting for the Dwarves and Gandalf to load them up. “Stay on the Elven road, Thorin. It may be hard to see, I do not think Thranduril has been maintaining it, so hopefully you do not lose your way. Beware the stream running through the forest, it’s waters are enchanted. Do not drink or touch the waters or you will fall into a deep sleep.” Beorn warns.
Thorin nods. Beorn picks you up and sets you behind Thorin, much to his annoyance. “Goodbye, little female, be safe. Let me know how you end up once Erebor is yours once more.” He says and pats your head gently. You giggle and nod. Gandalf chuckles how you wrapped the skin changer around your little finger.
“Head out!” Thorin hollers and everyone turns the ponies and follows Gandalf.
As soon as you all are outside the wall, Beorn shifts into his bear form and follows you all at a distance, keeping both the company and his ponies safe from the Wargs and the Orcs. He follows till he sees the Company reach the entrance and waits to make sure they all release his ponies.
You hold onto Thorin as the two of you follow Gandalf. Thorin is grumbling cuz Beorn put you behind him instead of in front of him. “Relax, Thorin. He could’ve put me on Gandalf’s horse, then you wouldn’t have had me on your pony at all.” You remind him. You need to focus, and you can’t do that if I’m rubbing against your member giving you a perpetual hard on!” you scold. He groans and holds your hand with one of his.
“How is your cramping?” he asks. “Better. Though, I should change my pad before we enter the forest.” You reply. He nods. “We may have to use a blanket to give you some privacy though. If we are not to leave the path, it may be hard for you when you need to change it or go to the bathroom.” He replies. You nod. That’s fine, I’d just appreciate whoever is holding the blanket that they face away.” You say. He nods.
Once you all reach the entrance to the forest, you get a bad feeling. Everyone dismounts and unloads the ponies. You and Bilbo are standing at the edge of the forest, looking at it. “This forest doesn’t feel right.” You say. Bilbo nods. “It feels…sick.” He replies. You nod. “Thorin, is there no other way to get to Erebor?” he asks.
“No, The Brown Lands to the South are too far away, and the northern borders are not safe. They are too close to Gundabard.” Thorin says. “We go through the forest. The Old Forest Road is our route. Em, if you need to change, you need to do it now.” He reminds you. You sigh and nod. You pull the blanket from your pack and ask Bilbo if he’d hold it up, so it blocks the view of the company. He nods and holds it for you so you could change your pad.
You quickly do so and wipe off your hands and body the best you can and pour a little water over your hands to clean them off, grateful that Beorn gave you an extra canteen of water to do so. You have it slung off to your left, and the canteen of the pain-relieving tea on your right and your regular drinking canteen slung around your left as well. Once you have everything tied and back in place, you thank Bilbo and go dig a hole and bury the used fluff from the pad. You place the used outer portion of the pad into a separate pouch at your other hip hoping you’ll not need it again until after leaving Mirkwood.
You rejoin the group and sigh, seeing Gandalf coming quickly out of the entrance and rushing for his horse. He says he has to leave on an urgent matter and reminds Thorin to stay on the path and not leave it. Telling him if he loses the path, he will never find it. He tells Thorin that he will meet him at ‘The Overlook” and to not enter Erebor without him.
Bilbo looks like he wants to cry, but you pat his shoulder and tell him it’ll be alright. Thorin nods to Fili and he comes up beside you and says, “Stay with me, Em. No matter what, try to stay with me.” You nod and give Thorin a hug. “I love you, Em. Stay with Fili, he will keep you safe.” He tucks his marriage braids into your hair style, hiding the beads so they won’t be seen, pressing them deep into the bun so it won’t fall out, and he kisses you deeply one last time before entering the forest. The company follows and you, Kili and Fili all keep to the back of the line.
You all wander for weeks in the forest. Thorin having lost the trail after the broken bridge and the enchanted river crossing. Everyone was taking turns carrying Bombur and now you all were running out of food, and water to drink. You still had some from the large canteen from Beorn. You were thankful that your ‘bleeding time’ only lasted about four days this time, so you didn’t need all the water for washing like you thought you would. You also had some of the pain tea left.
You worried though, how were you going to make your anti-pregnancy tea if you had no water. The forest was slowly driving the Dwarves crazy, and your head felt fuzzy too. You clung to Fili though and Bilbo clung to you. Finally, one evening, a fire was seen off to the left and Thorin went to investigate the fire disappeared quickly. It then reappeared in another place and Fili decided to go investigate. “Nooo, stay here with me, Fee.” You cried, but he wouldn’t listen. I’ll come get you, Sweetheart, just stay with Bilbo here.” He says. The fire disappears soon after he leaves. Neither of them return, and you are getting worried as is Bilbo.
One by one the Dwarves begin to wander looking for both Thorin and Fili. Leaving you and Bilbo in the glen. Suddenly you hear quiet voices and tremble. “Em.” Bilbo whispers. “Yes, Bilbo?” you ask. “I’m going to disappear so you can’t see me, but I’ll stay right with you alright?” “What?” you ask. “Don’t worry about how. Just stay put.” He says. “Oka-y-y-yy.” You reply and you stand there looking around wondering where the company has all disappeared to. You turn when you hear something moving behind you and feel something stab you in the right shoulder and you collapse.
Bilbo watches in horror as HUGE spiders move about in the treetops and one drops and stabs you with it’s stinger. You collapse and it winds you up into a cocoon with it’s silk and carries you off. Bilbo follows and finds what looks like the entire company in cocoons, hanging from the branches.
Bilbo hears them talking and realizes they are planning to eat the company. He takes a branch and tosses it as far from you all as possible and the host of spiders all chase after it except one which stays behind to guard the ‘meal’. It paws at your cocoon and Bombur’s trying to decide which one it wants to feast on. Bilbo comes up behind it and slices at it with his short sword and it screams out looking for him. It can’t see him because of the ring he wore, that he found earlier when he was crawling around in the rocks as he scouted for Wargs just prior to Beorn finding them.
He battles the spider and kills it, then quickly cuts as many of the Dwarves down from the cobwebs as he can. Once everyone is released from the web cocoons, they realize that Fili and Thorin aren’t there. You cry and Kili tries to comfort you. The company looks to him to lead everyone now and he growls. He sends Bilbo up the tree to scout which direction to go and Bilbo quickly does so and comes back down telling him which direction. You all head off and stick together now, soon the spiders catch up with you all again and you all are battling them.
You’re having enough of this and pull off the dragon claw and start using it on the spiders, and they are being killed as quickly as you can touch them with it. There’s a bright flash of light each time the claw touches them, and they scream in agony for a brief moment, then turn to ice. You close the necklace around your neck and re-sheathe it then everyone quickly continues on, following Kili.
A while later, you all are fighting them again. But a host of Elves quickly show up and dispatch them. You all are surrounded and searched. When they come to you, a blonde haired Elf reaches for your necklace, and you warn him not to touch it or it will freeze him to death. He scoffs and looks at their leader who also scoffs and nods to take it. The moment the Elf touches the gold sheath, a blinding light flashes and he screams and is turned to ice. The Elves growl and the leader comes to you demanding to know where you got such a weapon.
“It was given to me by Lord Elrond and Lady Arwen to protect me after Lord Elrond found me severely injured from a Goblin and Warg attack on his borders. The weapon was given in hopes it would accept me and that I could use it to keep myself safe. I warned you and your Elf not to touch it and it’s consequence if he did. His death is on his own head and on yours. “Give me the weapon.” He demands. “I cannot. Only a female can wield it and only one it chooses. Anyone else touches it and it will do the same to them that it did to your Elf. If anyone tries to steal it from me, it will do the same.” You tell him.
They go to disarm you of your pack and visible weapons, and you warn them. “Those Axes were made for me by Beorn, the skin changer and he said that if anyone tries to take them from me that they will face his wrath if he finds out. The rest of the weapons and my pack I need to keep with me due to my medical condition.” You tell him.
He scoffs and takes the pack and the weapons from you leaving your deadly necklace. “Search them” he tells the Elves. They Search your clothes, but do not find your harnesses as they only pat you down and your garments are so thick that they are not felt. They do find your throwing daggers in your boot though and take those.
You look at Kili and he nods. The company is marched to Thranduril’s halls, and you sigh “Em, where’s Bilbo?” Bofur whispers to you. You shrug and wonder the same thing.
You all are brought before Thranduril who questions you all why you are in his woods. Dwalin speaks up that they were simply traveling to the Iron Hills to visit relatives and lost the path since it’s so poorly maintained. “Oh, and by the way, the bridge is out, ye might want te get that fixed!” he tells Thrandy. Thranduril rolls his eyes. “Somehow I do not believe you.” He replies.
He gazes over the company and his eyes land on you at the back, near Oin. “Place them in the dungeons, in separate chambers and make sure they are scattered about.” He tells the Elves. “All except that one there at the back.” He says, and you tremble. The Dwarves start hollering and fighting against the Elves trying to restrain them as you are singled out and brought before Thrandy.
He grins seeing them getting so upset. “Now, why would these Dwarrow get so upset about one Dwarf?” he says as he descends his throne’s dais. His eyes widen when he sees what is around your neck. He reaches out to touch it and you warn him, “I would not do that if I were you. It’s already turned one of your guards to ice.” You growl.
His reach stops and his eyes narrow. He looks up to the guard holding you and he nods. “Hmmm. You have an Ice-Drake’s enchanted claw. Where did you get it from?” he demands. “Lord Elrond.” You reply.
He turns and looks surprised, then continues to circle you. “And why would Lord Elrond part with such a weapon and give it to a Dwarf?” he asks. “To keep me safe.” You reply, only giving brief explanations. “And why would he want to keep a Dwarf safe?” he asks. “Because he found me severely injured, and spent quite a bit of his time and energy to heal me. And because I became friends with Arwen during that time.” you explain. “Oh, and he won’t be too happy that your guards took the two daggers and the staff his Sons gave me… and you might have an irate skin changer to deal with soon, since your guards also took the axes he had just made for me and the supplies he had just given to me for the next leg of our journey and to help me treat my medical condition.” You inform him.
He scoffs I do not care what they think. They will not enter these halls without my consent. “I will not have my prisoners armed in my dungeons. “Your funeral then.” You quip making the Dwarves chuckle. He looks at you and frowns. “Throw them all in the dungeons until they decide to cooperate!” he tells the guards, and you all are ushered to separate chambers throughout the kingdom.
You are placed into the chamber, and you sit and cry. You feel so alone, and you know you’ll be getting your ‘bleeding time’ again, soon. You wander around the chamber and look at what you’ve been given. You sit down on the chair and curl up and cry.
Several hours later, a red haired Elleth enters with a tray of food. She sets it down beside you and looks at you. “Are you alright?” she asks. “No. I’ve been separated from my travel companions, been stripped of my belongings and my medicine and now my bleeding time will soon be upon me, and I will not have my supplies nor my medicine. My gifts from the people who have helped keep me safe have been stolen and when they find out, they will be irate. I pity the Elf who has to deal with the irate skin changer, Beorn. He will shred them to pieces. I was his favourite out of our group, and I think I was the only reason he agreed to let us stay with him and the only reason he agreed to help us was because I was with them.” You tell her.
Her eyes get wide, and she nods. “I cannot give you your weapons back, but I will see about returning your travel pack, so you have your needed supplies for your moontime.” She says and leaves.
You look at the food and the liquid and refuse to eat anything till your belongings are returned.
For three days, you refuse to eat, your ‘bleeding time arrives, and you just let it bleed since they refuse to give you your supplies. You curl up in a ball on the silk sheets of the bed, cramping badly and crying, and bleed all over them and refuse to eat or drink in protest.
The Elleth is getting worried and insists you be given your pack back. Once she tells Thranduril that you are refusing to eat and drink and are bleeding all over the chamber and in excruciating pain, he finally relents and allows it.
She brings you your pack and you thank her, and she leaves. You crawl over to it and drag it to the bathroom and clean yourself and your clothing up and once you are padded and dressed in clean clothing, you emerge and sigh. You nibble on some of the food, and drink some of the drink, but they are giving you ales and wines. You sigh and realize you need to start taking your tea again.
The next time she returns, you ask if she can just bring you hot water to drink to make your morning tea instead of the wine and ales. And for some broth instead of the food for now. She nods, puzzled but says she will see what she can do.
The next morning, you are given the hot water and the broth and some bread with butter and cheese. You thank her and she asks if there is anything else. I just want my weapons back and to be with my One. You say tiredly. “I cannot give you those things.” She tells you and you shrug. “You asked. That is all I want besides safe passage out of Mirkwood for me and my traveling companions.” You say.
“I am sorry, little Dwarf, I am not able to give you that either.” She says. Suddenly you hear horns, and she rushes out.
Tagging, since it’s been a while since i posted on this story. feel free to reblog and mention others to tag: @filiandkilil @creativealie​ @fanfic-whore @kinkyhobbitconfessions​ @kilifiliandthorin​ @tschrist1​ @fizzyxcustard​ @thorinthehottotty​
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ruthoakenshield · 3 years
Thorin, Fili, Emma and the Unusual Arrangement - Part 18
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[Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17]
This tale is for 18+ readers only.
If smut, angst, fluff, backdoor entry, oral (m&f receiving), and threesome offend you, do NOT read below the cut!!!  
In this Alternate Universe Hobbit tale, Thorin and Company find an injured Dwarrowdam in the wild who is alone. They take her into the company and heal her, insisting that she stay with them so she stays safe. During  the quest, Thorin, Fili and the Dwarrowdam find themselves  in an unusual  arrangement out of necessity and by the will of the  Dwarven god, Mahal.  What is the unusual arrangement? Will the arrangement work out? Will the line of Durin survive the Quest and reclaim Erebor?
(I  do not claim ownership of any of Tolkien’s characters, languages or  places, nor do I claim ownership of  Tauriel’s character.)
Finally, the three of you reach the top and Dwalin is waiting with a huge smile. He gives you three a HUGE, LONG hug and his eyes are glassy. “We got worried when we saw Smaug headed fer Laketown and watched it burn. We had hoped ye all escaped and survived. A thrush informed us that a Dwarrowdam and Bard had teamed up te kill the Dragon and we knew it had te be ye!” he says grinning, and patting your back while Kili and Fili hoisted up the bundle.
“She got a new moniker, too, Dwal.” Kili tells him proudly. “What is it?” he asks. “Dragon tickler.” He says with a giggle. You just beam happily. Dwalin laughs. “Well, ye’ll have te tell us that tale once this is all over, we need to get ye into the cave where ye’ll be safe.”
“I have a gift for the company, Dwalin. Courtesy of Thranduril. You tell him just as Fili pulls the bundle over the side of the cliff and drags it over. Dwalin squats down and opens it and his eyes get huge.
“All our weapons?!?” he asks. “Well, all but one.” You tell him. “Thranduril apparently gave Orcrist to his Son, Legolas, who took it with him when he left to go to scout Gundabard. Apparently, there’s been some activity up there that they are concerned about.” You explain.
“Thrandy said he will give Thorin Orcrist and the gold for the commission he had done for the white gems of Lasgalen that his Wife had created. He apparently had commissioned the Dwarves to make them into jewelry for her. Apparently, the rift occurred because Thror tried to change the agreed upon price for the commission after the agreement was made; and Thrandy refused to pay it. He says if Thorin will agree to the original amount and return the gems and jewelry that Thrandy had commissioned, he will give Orcrist back to Thorin, with the agreed upon gold payment for the commission.” You explain. Dwalin nods as he puts his weapons back on.
“Come, let’s get you into the cave.” Dwalin says. Bring the weapons just inside the door and we’ll pull the door almost closed. We’ve been leavin’ a chip in it, so it doesn’t shut all the way. We’ve been using this as a little escape area te get away for a bit, and te watch fer ya.” He explains.
You three nod and follow Dwalin quietly into the mountain. He leads you three through the maze of passages and down into the cavern. “We’ve left food and cooking utensils fer ye both, since Bombur now has the full kitchens of Erebor to work with. He’s been busy cleaning them up. Thorin’s obsessed with finding the Arkenstone since he arrived in here.” Dwalin tells you.
“Dwalin, did you give him the bundle I gave you to give to him?” you ask. “Aye, he rarely lets go of it. He clings to it constantly.” He replies. You sigh. “Ask him if he still has my dagger in his boot. Tell him to remember why I gave it to him and why I gave him the lock of hair.” You say. He nods and asks if you both will need anything else. You both shake your heads and thank both Kili and Dwalin for their help.
“Dwalin, Thorin instructed me when we were still at Beorn’s to tell you that if anything happens to Thorin and he perishes, take his right boot off, remove the insert, and take the dagger out that you find in there. Make sure it is placed in his hands when he is buried. I gave it to him on our wedding night and it is extremely important to him, and he wishes to be buried with it in his hands.” You inform him. Dwalin nods. “Alright, Lass. I will remember that. Hopefully it won’t come to that though.” He replies and gives you a hug.
“We’ll come visit when we can.” Dwalin and Kili both tell you and give you two hugs, then head out. The moment they pass the entrance to the cave, you and Fili see a shimmer as a barrier is raised that quickly disappears. You hear a low voice say, “I see you both have made it to the mountain.” Turning, both yours and Fili’s eyes get huge as Mahal and Yavanna stand just in front of their respective statues.
You both drop to your knees and bow in reverence. They both chuckle and walk over to the two of you and help you up. “Come.” They say and show you off to the right where the Company has created a little house of sorts using the stones found littering the floor. They walled off a section in the corner to about shoulder height of stacked stones to give you both a little privacy. A fire pit is against the side of the cave and two sets of pillows sit on some bedding. Cooking utensils are in one corner and a small cabinet is in the corner for clothing.
You giggle. “It’s so cute!” you exclaim. “If there is anything you need, let us know. Do not put anything dirty into the lake, scoop out water from it using the pot beside the lake. This will be one of the few times we allow anyone to use water from there as it is a sacred lake and is not to be otherwise touched without our permission.” Yavanna tells you both. “As long as you both are here, seeking refuge from Thorin’s insanity, you may use the water. Bathing and washing things, though, must be done near the walls of the cave so they do not sully the lake.” She instructs.
“The barrier will protect you both, no one may enter unless we allow it, so take rest and relax. You may make love to each other and do not worry about getting Emma pregnant now. You are home and it will be alright. It will happen when it happens. Use the time to get to know each other like Thorin and Emma did.” They encourage you both. “The barrier will block any sounds from escaping the cave, but will allow sounds in from the outside world.” Yavanna explains.
You blush and giggle. “Yavanna?” you ask, looking around. “Yes, Emma?” she replies. “Would it be too much to ask if we could have a couple of wash basins and a couple of buckets?” you ask. We have clothing that will need washing and our bodies as well.” You say. They appear beside you and you exclaim, “OH! Thank you!” and pick them up, carrying them to the wall a little ways from the ‘house’ the Dwarves made for you.
“Um, where are we to go for the bathroom?” you inquire. Yavanna shows you the designated area and you nod. “Okay.” You reply. “What are we to burn for fires to cook and keep warm?” Fili asks, and wood appears outside the half wall near the cave’s wall. “Oh! Thanks!” he says happily. “When the wood gets low, I will just automatically replace it, Fili.” Mahal tells him. Fili nods.
“Is there anything else you will need for now?” they ask. “Some food for supper would be appreciated.” Fili says and venison and veggies appear on a low bench near the kitchen area Bombur set up for you, complete with a cutting board and a spit. You both thank Yavanna and Mahal they both nod and disappear with a chuckle, leaving you both to get settled in.
Fili gets the fire going while you get the venison on the spit. Once it’s ready and seasoned with the herbs Bombur left for you, Fili puts it over the fire and turns it while you get the bedrolls set up, side by side and get clothing put into the cabinet.
“I wonder how long we’ll end up being here?” Fili asks. You shrug as you cut up the veggies and put them into the pot then go and take the bucket and head over to the lake. You use the pot you find to fill the bucket and carry it back and pour some of it into the pot. Then set the pot over the fire to cook.
The two of you talk while supper cooks. You both share stories of growing up and reminisce. While you eat, you both share your hopes and dreams. “Fili, are you scared about the possibility of having to rule if Thorin doesn’t beat this sickness?” you ask. “A little. I worry it will try to claim me or Kee next. I just hope and pray, that something ends up snapping Uncle out of this and that he beats it, so no further Durins will have to deal with the curse.” He says. “Honestly, I want that more than anything else. For the Durin line to be free of this curse that has taken so much happiness and joy from the line of Durin and caused so much heartache for the kingdom.
You smile and nod. “I pray Thorin over comes this, I miss him. We had so little time together, but it was the first time I felt wanted, loved and nearly complete. All my life I felt like I never belonged, I felt empty. I’d toss and turn at night seeking a warmth that always escaped me, and craved an embrace as I slept that I couldn’t place. The first time I cuddled with members of the company to keep warm it felt strange. I don’t know how to describe it. It was like a puzzle piece that didn’t quite fit.
Then I laid between you and Kili and he kept warning me about you being a blanket thief. He was SO shocked when he woke up with his own blanket!” you giggle, “You were curled up around me, spooning me and your hand was on my belly and your blanket was over us. It just felt ‘right’. Then a few days later I was cold and Thorin invited me to cuddle with him to stay warm since he was still awake and everyone else was asleep except for the watch Dwarf. I crawled in with him to snuggle and it felt ‘right’ with him too. He curled around me and hung onto my hands, which were always tucked up under my chin to keep warm. I’d wake up and his hand would always be resting on my breast by morning.” You giggle. Fili chuckles.
“You both made me feel safe each in your own way. Thorin is so much taller that he just kind of wraps himself around me. Where you are closer to my height and almost mesh against me like well fitted armor. I miss feeling how you both fill me so full and when I have you both inside me, I feel complete, whole.” You explain.
Fili grins. “I hope we can feel that again, Love. We just have to hold on to hope that Thorin will pull through this and defeat the sickness before it causes too many irreconcilable damages.” He says.
You nod. Fili carves off the meat as it cooks and drops it into the pot to keep warm. Little by little the roast disappears into the pot. Once it’s all been added to the pot, you both recline on the bed rolls and eat. Mahal, could we have a loaf of bread and herbs for tea?” you ask. And ‘poof!’ it appears. You giggle, thank him,  and take the bread, breaking it in two and you both enjoy your meal. Once it is done, you cover the pot with your cleaned plate and Fili’s cleaned plate, and you set the eating utensils on top of them and set the pot off to the side. To cool.
Then you and Fili recline and rest. Talking quietly and you both remove your clothing and lie there naked, caressing each other, mapping each other’s bodies in your minds. Fili revels in your touch and can’t get enough of it. “All my life I felt restless, like I was searching for something I couldn’t define. I think that was why I was always stealing Kili’s blankets. It was never done intentionally. I’d just wake up every morning wrapped up in all the bedding. Amad would always laugh about having to ‘unroll’ me from them.” He chuckles.
“Then I held you that night to keep you warm for the first time, and I felt like I had found what I had been searching for all my life. I felt at peace and the restlessness left for the night. I looked forward to the times you’d come and cuddle with us. I knew Kee would roll away, he always does, ‘gets too warm’ he says.
I guess that’s why I reacted the way I did when I woke to find you sleeping with Uncle that time. It hurt seeing you sleeping with someone else. I guess I was just tired of it, and not being able to tell you how I felt cuz I wasn’t an official adult yet. I knew Uncle liked you and it frustrated me to no end that I knew you were my One and could do nothing but watch as another courted you.” He explains quietly. “Then I had that dream on top of it all and I was so confused and hurt and thought I was crazy and would be shunned for even talking about two Dwarrow sharing one Dam.” He explains.
You smile and caress his face. I’m glad Mahal gave me you both. I was so scared at first. It was never explained to me how big a Dwarf’s member was and how he would fit it inside of me. When I saw how big Thorin was, I was scared. I knew you all were rather large. You all always woke up with a hard on pressed against my back or ass.” You giggle. “I wondered if that was a normal thing for males, or if it was just because I was there.” You say blushing.
Fili chuckles. “No, Sweetheart. It’s a fairly regular occurrence.” He admits with a grin. “Oh, okay. I wasn’t sure.” You reply, a bit relieved. “It’s too bad Females are so rare. Many of the company would’ve made wonderful Husbands and Fathers.” You say. “Yeah. Balin was kind of a fill in Father for Uncle and Amad (Mom) when theirs disappeared.” Fili explains.
“Dwalin and Uncle kind of tag-teamed raising us. Kili was such a wild child that Amad struggled keeping him in check. He was always into mischief!” Fili says. “Amad said it was a miracle Kili has lived as long as he has.” Fili says with a chuckle. He’s starting to show an interest in intimacy, but I think it’s more so because of my ‘coming-of-age’ being such an issue. None of us thought about that when I was allowed to come with.
You chuckle. “So I’ve heard.” You say. “Em?” Fili asks as you rest your head against his chest. “Would you be willing to teach Kee when his time comes?” he asks. “I suppose. Won’t it be weird for you though? Sharing your One with your Brother for that?” you ask. “No, we’ve shared nearly everything in life. Kee’s always been there with me for as long as I can remember. If it’s okay with Uncle. And you. It’s fine with me. You did a great job training me considering you only had a month more experience than I did. Kee would be lucky to have you train him since you and Uncle will hopefully have SO much more experience than you had with me.” He giggles.
You chuckle. “We’ll cross that bridge when we get there, Fee.” You remind him and caress the soft, blonde hair on his chest. He purrs happily. You crawl up and lie down on top of him and gently grind on him, earning soft moans of your name and sweet praises.
Fili’s hands begin to wander, and you close your eyes and moan quietly. You both just bask in the wonderful feeling while you get wetter and wetter. Fili moans quietly and begs to enter you. You lean down and slip him into your main passage, and he groans, “Oh, Em! So tight!” he moans as he struggles not to cum right away. You bury him to the hilt in your tight tunnel then still. Enjoying the feeling of his fullness deep in your core. You lie against his chest and nuzzle it, nibbling his pecs and his sensitive nipples earning tantalizing moans of pleasure, making him writhe under you. “Ohhh, Emmm, ohhhh, Honey! Mmmmm yessssssss! Just like that!” he moans.
You spend the next few hours pleasuring Fili and learning his likes and dislikes like he learned yours. You grin being able to draw such sounds out of him and watch as you slowly make him come undone. It’s such a glorious sight. His sweat slicked body, the faint pink blush, his solid chest heaving, golden curls on it stuck to his flesh, his luscious lips parted in pants as he gasps for air, his halo of golden strands sticking to his glistening face.
You grin when you get him to open his gorgeous sapphire eyes to gaze at you and then you do something to give him intense pleasure and you see those sapphires roll back into his lids and he moans your name wantonly.
Over and over, you bring him to the edge and let him tip over as much as he wants, sometimes you give him a rest, other times you keep riding him slowly and build him up to a second climax, getting him to sing your praises.
After a bit, you take him fast and hard, bodies gliding over each other smoothly as the sweat lubricates both your front and his. Fili’s hands grip your ass tight, squeezing rhythmically, making you both tip over the edge together with a low, wanton moan. The two of you cum together in a glorious, mind-blowing release that leaves you both panting, throbbing and feeling like lead. “WOW!!!” is all Fili can say. Grinning, you nod.
The two of you fall asleep, joined together in a peaceful embrace. For the next month, the two of you join off and on each day, with little else to do besides talk. Occasionally one or two of the Dwarves are able to sneak away and visit you, but Thorin, in his madness keeps them busy. Near the end of the month, you and Fili begin to feel tired of being cooped up in the cave.
Dwalin comes and tells you both that the Elves and Men have grown tired of waiting for Thorin to come to his senses and have marched on the mountain and are now besieging it and that Thorin has sent a Raven to Dain asking him to come help end the siege.
He asks how you both are, and you tell him you are tired of being cooped up in here and look forward to getting out and helping rebuild. He nods, “Hopefully we all survive this. Thrandy is threatening to attack and Thorin’s kept us busy building a barricade across the entrance of Erebor and when we finished, he’s kept us in the treasury looking for the blasted Arkenstone. He says rubbing his head. “Mahal, I hope Thorin pulls his head out of his ass soon! We need him thinking clearly or we’ll all end up dead!” he says with a sigh. “We’re tryin’ not te lose hope, but he’s fallin’ so fast that it seems all he thinks about is that damnable stone! I wish that miner never would’ve found it!” he growls.
Suddenly Mahal appears. “I understand your frustration, Dwalin. When the stone is found, bring it here and I will hide it away so it is never found again, and no Dwarf will know it’s location. I will speak with the heads of all the Dwarves’ rulers and inform them that the Arkenstone has been found in Erebor, but that I have taken it and hidden it so the line of Durin is no longer driven to insanity by it’s power. That they are to continue to recognize and hold to their oaths to serve the King of Erebor as if he still had the stone. It will not leave the mountain, so in a sense, he will still possess it, but none will know where I have hidden it.” He tells the Dwarves.
“Mahal, is there nothing that can be done to help Thorin defeat the Dragon Sickness? What of the promises you made to him and me about our future?” you ask sadly. “Thorin is fighting it the best he can, Emma. He is tiring though. The dagger you placed in his boot he feels with every step as it does not allow his boot to give like the other one, he wears does. He clings to the braid you gave to him trying to remember his true treasure, but the gold sickness is powerful. Something is making it stronger than it usually is. Do not fear, Sweetheart. Thorin is stubborn. He will continue to fight and cling to you.” He assures you.
You sigh. “I miss him.” You say quietly. “We all do, Sweetheart.” Dwalin says and gives you a hug. “Do not give up on him.” He tells you. You hug Dwalin back and he heads back to rejoin the group. A few days later you feel the whole mountain rumble and shake. You and Fili cling to each other as you lie on your feather ticks looking at the fire and talking quietly. “What was that?” you ask. “Not sure.” He replies.
“Wereworms.” You hear Mahal say. “They’re digging tunnels for the Orcs and Trolls to pass through so that they can lay siege to the mountain and claim it to defile and strip it of its wealth.” He informs you both. “OH, Mahal, PLEASE don’t let them do this! We’ve worked so hard and traveled so far to finally reclaim it!!!” you beg and start to cry. Fili holds you and tears trickle down his cheeks as well.
“You’re safe here, Em. I know you worry for our friends. Hopefully the armies of Elves and Dain’s army and the men of Dale will fight alongside each other to defeat these filthy creatures.” He tells you.
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ruthoakenshield · 3 years
Thorin, Fili, Emma and the Unusual Arrangement - Part 17
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[Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16]
This tale is for 18+ readers only.
If smut, angst, fluff, backdoor entry, oral (m&f receiving), and threesome offend you, do NOT read below the cut!!!  
In this Alternate Universe Hobbit tale, Thorin and Company find an injured Dwarrowdam in the wild who is alone. They take her into the company and heal her, insisting that she stay with them so she stays safe. During  the quest, Thorin, Fili and the Dwarrowdam find themselves  in an unusual  arrangement out of necessity and by the will of the  Dwarven god, Mahal.  What is the unusual arrangement? Will the arrangement work out? Will the line of Durin survive the Quest and reclaim Erebor?
(I  do not claim ownership of any of Tolkien’s characters, languages or  places, nor do I claim ownership of  Tauriel’s character.)
After a while you hear water splashing and you look up. Your jaw drops seeing Bard standing there beside you and other survivors wading slowly to the shore and the fire you had made.
“BARD! You survived?!?!?!” you exclaim and wrap your arms around his sopping wet neck. He chuckles and nods. “Yes, I jumped into the lake just before the windlance gave out. How did YOU survive though?” he asks. “How did you get such a big opening on his chest?” he adds when he looks over at the dead Dragon. “I tickled him.” You giggle. He looks at you puzzled.
Giggling, you explain what the conversation was between you and Smaug. And Bard along with many of the survivors who stopped to listen to you all laugh. “He LET you come close enough to just touch him, and he didn’t fry you?!?!” Bard asks.
You grin and nod. “He didn’t think I was a threat, he thought I couldn’t do more than tickle him. He said I couldn’t hurt him with it and didn’t realize you were within bow shot of him using the windlance.” You explain.
Bard chuckles. “Clever little Dwarrodam.” He says. “Now, how about we go and get dried off and make our way back to the village? I wish to see if any boats survived.” He says. You look at the causeway. “Um, Bard, I kind of used the boards to make the fire. He chuckles and says he will still be able to get across it.” He informs you.
The two of you make your way to the fire and some other survivors come and gather around it to warm themselves and to dry off. You take the rest of the wood and move it off to the other side of the causeway’s end at the beach and take a burning section from the current fire and bring it over to the other one. Soon there’s a burning fire on either side of the entrance to the causeway. People gather around both of them trying to get dried off and keep warm.
After Bard’s clothing is dry enough, he goes back into the town looking for any boats that survived. He finds a few but nearly everything has burnt. He navigates the surviving boats to the shore where the survivors are, and tells them to get in and he and another man start to ferry the survivors over to the side closest to Dale. They let them off, tell them to head for Dale and to tell his family and the two Dwarves there that both he and Em survived and have killed the Dragon working together as a team.
They nod and he and the other male return with the boats. Some of the survivors thanked you with repeated words of gratefulness and many promises for invitations to come dine with them once Dale is rebuilt. You thank them and do what you can to help keep them calm and warm.
Suddenly a host of Elves appear, and you cower, hiding behind some of the women. “Do not let them see me!” you whisper. The women nod and make a little circle around you, hiding you from view with their skirts.
“What has happened here?” Legolas asks. “The Dragon, Smaug attacked us after the Dwarves entered the mountain, Bard and a Dwarrowdam killed him using the windlance, a Black Arrow and a white claw with a gold sheath! He lies dead, over there!” one of the men tells him.
Legolas growls, “Where are they? I wish to speak with them.” “Bard is ferrying survivors to Dale, I do not know where the DwarrowLass went.” the man replies. “Hmmm.” Legolas says. “We will bring you aid in Dale and will talk to Bard and this Dam then if she is found.” He replies. He says something in Sindarin and the host rides off back into the forest.
“Thank you.” You tell the women. “Why did you not want them to see you?” one woman inquires. “We attempted to travel through Mirkwood from the house of the shape changer, Beorn, and those Elves captured me and my traveling companions for no reason other than that we were lost in their woods because they refuse to maintain the paths so peaceful inhabitants can cross safely. They did not treat us well, and they stole our weapons, gear and clothes, then imprisoned us unjustly. We managed to escape but they still have some of my gear as I did not get my special staff back, nor my throwing knives.” You explain. I am not comfortable being out here unprotected after having so many male Dwarrow protecting me for the past 8 months.” You explain.
“Where did you travel here from?” one woman asks. “I came from the Blue Mountains. With a caravan that was heading East, but I got separated from them during an Orc attack and was left behind. I wandered for two years alone until I was injured by Goblins and Orcs. Thorin and his company heard me fighting them and saw me struck down by them and they battled them till the horrible creatures were defeated, then they treated my wounds.” You explain. “They insisted I travel with them after that, refusing to let me leave and be unprotected.” You explain.
Bard arrives with the other boatman and more people gather and get into the boat. “Bard, a host of Mirkwood Elves came while you were gone, and they wish to speak with you. We told them you were ferrying people across to the edge near Dale. They said they will bring aid to Dale and will want to speak to you there.” They tell him. “They also are looking for the female Dwarf for some reason and wish to speak to her as well.” He says.
Bard frowns. “Em.” Stay with me on the boat, now.” He tells you and you nod. You come and get in and sit beside his feet while he and the other boatman make another two trips across. Once everyone is across, they pull the two boats up onto the shore and unload them bringing the contents to Dale.
You both arrive with the rest of the survivors and are informed that the Master of Laketown was killed when a building fell on his boat sinking it and he drowned with most of the treasure from Laketown sinking to the bottom of the lake.
They inform him that they held an election and have named him the new ruler of Dale and Laketown since he is Girion’s descendant and defeated the Dragon. He stands there in shock. “What?!?” he asks. “You were always looking out for us in Laketown, and standing up to the Master, Bard. You stayed behind when Smaug attacked and killed the beast. You have shown yourself to be a leader and we have chosen you to be our ruler now.” He is informed.
“If that is your wish, then I will not argue as long as you are loyal to me and my family then. But I want you all to know, that were it not for this Lass, here beside me, I would not have been able to kill the beast!” he tells them what you told him and they all chuckle and cheer. “Long live King Bard Dragonslayer, Long live Emma Dragontickler!” and you are laughing at the monikers they have given both you and Bard.
The crowd parts showing you two to your families and Bard’s children rush to him and are crying and clinging to him. Fili and Kili come up to you with huge grins and engulf you in a huge hug. “I have never been so glad to see you in all my life, Em!” they both tell you. “You are well deserving of your new moniker!” Fili tells you. “I will make you new beads to honor what you have done when we get into Erebor and get things working properly again.” He tells you.
“Come now, have something to eat and rest.” He tells you. “Fili, Thrandy’s Elves are going to come here with aid, and they are looking for me. They want to talk to me.” You say quietly and feel him tense. “They still have my staff, which I was not given back, perhaps I can try to get the rest of our weapons and gear back from them since I helped to rid the area of the accursed Dragon.” You suggest. Fili sighs and says, “We’ll see.”
They show you to a sleeping area and then go to talk to Bard. They explain that when he first found them, they had escaped from Thranduril; and he still holds their weapons especially Orcrist, Thorin’s sword, which Lord Elrond gifted to him, as well as your carved staff with the sapphire on the top and your throwing weapons. They tell Bard that they’d like all their remaining weapons and gear that Thranduril still has, returned to them since Em helped to rid the area of the Dragon.
Bard nods and asks if Thorin will still honor his agreement. “I do not know, Bard. If the Dragon sickness has gotten worse, he may refuse. I cannot say for certain.” Fili replies. Bard sighs.
“If it were up to me, Bard, I would give you the funds you seek. But I do not know the state of things in Erebor. I’ve never seen it and never been inside it. I do not know how badly damaged it is in there. Inside, it may look like what Dale looks like. I do not know.” Fili reminds Bard.
“Keep in mind, Bard, any food and bedding in there is over 171 years old and is probably not fit for use. You and Uncle may both end up being in similar states. One cannot help the other if the one has no usable resources other than gold and gems, which will not keep either of our people warm and we can’t eat it any more than your people can.” Fili says. Treasure and Gold does neither of us any good if the textiles and food we desire simply are not there or are such poor quality, that they are worthless trash.” Fili explains.
Bard nods. “Alright, I will try to keep that in mind, Fili. When are you and Em going to enter Erebor?” he asks. “It appears the braziers are lit.” Bard says as they walk along and come to the section of the city that overlooks the plain between the two kingdoms. Fili sighs, “Well, at least we know Smaug didn’t kill them all before he left.” He says.
Just then a raven flies over to Fili and Kili. It tells them that all the company have survived and Dwalin will wait for them at the hidden passage. He says to tell you that Thorin is slipping further, and they are worried. The raven tells Fili and Kili that he will show them to the hidden passage when they are ready to enter the mountain. Fili thanks it. “I’m sorry, dear raven, but I have no treats to give you. If I had something, I would most certainly give you something in thanks.” He tells it. It squawks that it is alright. He does not mind. Fili thanks it and lets the bird perch on his shoulder.
“It appears that the company survived and are waiting for us. See what the Elves want with Em, and let me know right away. I will not allow her to meet with them if they mean her ill will. We will leave for the mountain once your meeting with them is finished.” Fili tells him. Bard nods so Fili and Kili, and the raven all head back to be with you as you rest.
Fili and Kili sit, and you tell them what happened after you and Bard had left them. They fill you in on what happened from their end. You sigh. “I miss Thorin. The one who courted me and was kind and thoughtful. I don’t know how I’m going to handle this, if I see him and he’s in one of his fits, I know it’s not him, but I’m afraid it might break my heart.” You say sadly.
You all curl up in a huge cuddle puddle and the raven perches on the bed rail and you all fall asleep.
The next morning, you wake to Elvish horns and the three of you freeze. You all stay in hiding and wait to hear from Bard what the Elves want with you. After a bit, the three of you are given food for breakfast and eat quietly. Then Bard comes and says Thranduril wishes to hear how you managed to escape and wished to hear how you helped to kill Smaug.
Looking up at Fili with a look of fear, he says, “She will share how she helped you kill the Dragon, but unless he returns our things and the rest of the company’s things, he will not be told how we escaped.” Bard nods and goes to let Thranduril know. He returns a while later and hands you your staff and throwing knives. Fili is handed a pouch containing all his weapons, which he promptly puts in all his hiding places. Nodding that everything was returned. Kili is given back his bow and quiver along with his sword and daggers. “The rest you will have to come and get.” He tells them. You look at Fili and he stands. “Take your things with, Love.” He says and you don your sword-battle axe sheath and pack, then follow him and Kili follows behind you.
The three of you are led into a tent and Thranduril is reclined on his chair, with a glass of wine in hand. “Ah, nice of you to join us, finally.” He replies condescendingly. “Now, I have returned your weapons and those of your companions sit over there.” He says, holding out a hand indicating the pile along the wall.
Fili goes over and looks through it all. “Where is Orcrist? Uncle’s sword with the dragon tooth handle. “Ah, that… My Son currently has it, and I was not able to get it from him before he left us. He’s gone up to Gundabard to spy out and see what is going on up there. It is where those blasted spiders keep coming down from.” He informs you all. “When he returns, I will have him give it to Thorin.” Thrandy replies.
Fili frowns. “And how do I know you will follow through with this promise? Your word means nothing so do not say that I am to trust you based on your word.” He growls. Thranduril sighs. “How about a trade then? The white gems of Lasgalen in the mountain were made by my Wife. I gave them to Thror, commissioning his Dwarrow to have them make the gems into jewelry for my Wife as a surprise gift. When I went to collect them and pay the agreed upon amount, he refused to turn them over and insisted on increasing the price.
My Wife died shortly after this occurred, and those gems and jewelry are all I have left of her besides my Son. I will give you Thorin’s sword and the original price your ancestor agreed to charge me if you will convince Thorin to give me the gems and the jewelry I had commissioned.” He suggests.
“I will do what I can, Thranduril. The ravens tell me that Thorin is falling to the Dragon Sickness and no longer sees reason. If he succumbs, I am next in line as heir. I will see you get your gems back as soon as we can find them. I do not know what state Erebor is in since the Dragon sacked it. It very well may look like Dale does, only on the inside of the mountain. It may not be very safe to be in there. I have no idea. I’ve never been inside it. I will let Balin and Dwalin know of your offer and that I agree to it, so if Uncle falls, you will get your gems back.” Fili tells him.
“But my hands are tied if Uncle still lives and is still sane enough to demand he still be considered King. There is no reasoning with a Durin who is being lost to the Dragon Sickness. Thorin told us tales of his Father and Grandmother pleading with Thror for various things and Thror would not budge on his decision no matter what.” He explains.
“I know you have waited a long time to get them back and I just ask you to be a bit more patient. If Thorin defeats the sickness and is able to think and reason clearly, I believe he will give you both what you seek. I just ask you both be patient.” He begs.
“I thank you for your willingness, young Prince. But I will not leave without the gems. So, we will wait until either Thorin succumbs or he defeats this Dragon Sickness. In the meantime, we will help the men of Dale survive the winter since it appears there is no food nor bedding nor safe shelters for them.
“Now, since we have worked that out, and your weapons have been returned save for the one my Son currently carries, I bid you to tell me how you managed to escape my dungeons and how you helped Bard kill the dragon, little Dwarrowdam.” Thranduril says with a raised, dark eyebrow.
You sigh and explain things to Thranduril, and his eyes open wide when he hears Smaug let you rub his belly and how you ‘tickled’ him with the white claw. Looking around, you see a fist-sized stone on the ground and pick it up. You set it on the table in front of him and remove the claw from your neck. You pull it open, and his eyes open wide seeing the blue glowing runes. He watches as you touch the tip of the claw to the stone and a bright flash of light occurs and the stone turns to ice as you lift the tip off the stone. You sheath the claw, then tap the stone with the tip of the sheath firmly and the ice shatters.
“That was all it took. I turned the ring of scales that surrounded the single scale that Girion loosened (which fell off and left a gap in the scales) into ice and then just tapped each one quickly and they shattered. Leaving a large gap. I think it shocked Smaug that it did that and before he knew it, a black arrow that Bard had in his possession was fired from the windlance and it pierced the Dragon. He roared, flew up into the sky and then died. His body fell from the sky, landing on some houses and then rolled off them into the lake where he now lies.” You explain to Thranduril.
Turning to Bard, you comment, “Which, by the way, if you don’t want the lake water sullied, his body, it should really be pulled out of the lake and done what you are going to do with it soon, and burn the rest far away from the lake so it does not wash back into the water and taint it. Otherwise, your water source and food source for fish will be polluted more than it already will be.” You suggest.
“Is there any part or parts of the dragon you wish to have?” Bard asks. You think for a moment, “four of the largest teeth, two horns, two claws, and eight scales from his chest/belly. If there are any medical uses for his different parts, I wish Oin to be allowed to request what he would be able to use. Inventory what is taken to use for personal and for trade purposes and I suggest we split the profits 50/50 since we both worked together to make it possible to kill the beast.” You suggest.
“Agreed.” Bard says and the two of you shake on it. “Now, is that everything, Thranduril?” you inquire. He nods. “Is that everything you need us for, Bard?” you ask. He nods. “Then we will bid you goodbye and return home to the mountain.” You reply. “You may try asking Thorin for the things, you wish for, but do not be angered or surprised if he refuses you.” You tell them both.
They nod and you, Fili and Kili grab the company’s weapons and you met up with the Raven, who guides you three to the mountain. You all groan seeing the steep steps you will have to climb to reach it. Fili asks if it is possible to pass through the main gates. The raven says it is, but Thorin often is standing there watching for intruders when he is not in the treasury. You three groan. Then you get an idea. “Fili, how much rope do we have? Is there enough that we can bind the weapons into bundles and each carry a bundle on a long length of rope and when we reach the top, we just hoist them up?” you ask.
He nods and both Fili and Kili pull out the rope lengths they have. There is enough to bundle the weapons securely after wrapping them in one blanket, and each of you take turns climbing and hauling the bundle, hanging on to the rope as you climb the steep steps.
@fizzyxcustard​ @thorinthehottotty​ @dumbassunderthemountain​ @elia-the-bibliophile​ @theknightoferebor​ @metalheadfangirl2001​ @lilith15000​
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ruthoakenshield · 3 years
Thorin, Fili, Emma and the Unusual Arrangement - Part 9
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[Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8]
This tale is for 18+ readers only.
If smut, angst, fluff, backdoor entry, oral (m&f receiving), and threesome offend you, do NOT read below the cut!!!  
In   this Alternate Universe Hobbit tale, Thorin and Company find an  injured  Dwarrowdam in the wild who is alone. They take her into the  company and  heal her, insisting that she stay with them so she stays  safe. During  the quest, Thorin, Fili and the Dwarrowdam find themselves  in an unusual  arrangement out of necessity and by the will of the  Dwarven god, Mahal.  What is the unusual arrangement? Will the  arrangement work out? Will  the line of Durin survive the Quest and  reclaim Erebor?
(I  do not claim ownership of any of  Tolkien’s characters, languages or  places, nor do I claim ownership of  Tauriel’s character. )
Sitting there in the cold bathwater you try to relax. You just end up crying and doze off for a bit. The sound of someone knocking wakes you. “Sweetheart, I know you’re in there. Please, let me in so we can talk and work out whatever is bothering you.” You hear Thorin say quietly. You don’t move, and hear him sigh and walk away. The voices from the dining room can faintly be heard and you cry quietly some more. You wish now, that you had your own room and weren’t sharing it with Thorin and Fili.
You are hungry, but aren’t in the mood to eat with the other Dwarves, so you quietly climb out, and pull some travel food from your pack and wrap up in a towel. Pouring yourself a cup of water, you take it and your food and sit on the footstool to eat. As you finish eating, you sit there quietly and drink your water, wondering what to do now. You don’t want to face Thorin and Fili and the other Dwarves yet. You’re tired and you’re still sore ‘down there’, so you shrug off the towel, take your cup and bring it back over to the pitcher of water, and climb back into the tub.
You had just gotten settled, when there’s another knock on the door and Fili’s voice is heard calling for you. You freeze an do not give an answer. Hearing him sigh also and his footsteps walking away, you again, cry quietly. Frustrated that they won’t leave you alone, and that they are too dense to understand what’s upset you, you cry hard. Once you’ve cried yourself out, you lay your head back on the edge of the tub and just try to relax and rest. You hear some Dwarrow talking quietly outside and ignore them.
Another knock disturbs your rest, and you hear Thorin’s voice again asking you to let him in so he can talk with you. You lift your head to look, then sigh quietly and turn your head and gaze at his pack and Fili’s sitting by the bed. A few tears trickle down your cheeks and you wonder if you should set them outside the door. But then you wonder what kind of message it would send to the rest of the company and decide against it. You hear Thorin sigh and Balin’s voice say something and footsteps are heard heading away from the door. You lean your head back and sigh.
You know they are getting worried about you and apparently, Fili and Thorin don’t understand why you’re upset. You pray and ask Mahal for help. You just feel out of sorts, and you need them to understand that they need to be willing to take what they give, or this won’t work.” You sigh and cry quietly. You ache still so you kneel on the floor of the tub and start to massage your shoulder. It’s been giving you a dull ache all morning. Letting it sit below the water level, you gently try to rub it and massage it to ease the ache.
You shift positions and look at the door, while you massage other achy spots on your body and you cry quietly, your shoulders trembling as you do so. “Why are you feeling so miserable?” then you groan and realize it must be getting close to ‘that time of the month’ again. Sighing you decide to get out and dry off.
Once you’re dried, you put on one of your simple dresses from Arwen and wish you could write to her and talk with her. Sighing, you dump out your pack and re-organize it. Re-folding your clothing, and placing everything where it belongs. You look at your two weapons from Lord Elrond and sigh. Trying to figure out where to put them so they aren’t easily found. You remember the warning about Thranduril and are concerned about him or his Elves taking your belongings from you. Removing your boots, you slide them into your boot, so they were along the outer sides of your feet, you slip your feet in carefully so the back of the sheath rests against your foot and ankle. It’s not terribly uncomfortable. It shifts a little as you walk but nothing you can’t handle, so you sit and continue to go through and organize your things.
While you dig in your pack you find a belt and a necklace that weren’t in there before. You look at them closely and wonder where they came from. You notice a groove and follow it around the belt. You realize that on the back of the belt, the little leather straps holding the buckle on actually snaps into place there. Curious as to why someone would put snaps on to hold a belt buckle in place, you flip them open, and the buckle pulls out a little. Your eyes open wide when you realize it’s a little push dagger that is embedded in a hidden sheath at the end of the belt.
You grin, “Oh, Fili, you clever Dwarf!” you quietly say and put it back together. He must’ve made it when he was in Rivendell and slipped it into your bag at some point. Rolling up the belt, you set it with your travel clothes. Next you look at the necklace. It’s a huge gold claw that goes from one side of your collar bone to the other and has multiple fine, gold chains attached to small rings on either end of it. As you look at the intricate patterns worked into the gold of the claw, you realize there’s a thin seam, almost invisible. You place a hand on either side of it and pull in opposite directions gently. At first nothing happens. You tug a little harder and it opens, revealing a white, sharp, claw.
Your eyes open wide when you see Elvish engravings on it. You can’t read it, but you wonder if it’s enchanted or if they are just decorations. You caress the claw, and the engravings glow blue briefly then return to normal. You wonder how it got to be in your pack and who gave it to you. It wasn’t in there when you packed the night before leaving Rivendell. And it certainly wasn’t in there during the trip from Rivendell to here.
Pushing it back together, you hear a soft ‘click’ as it catches, and stays closed. Setting it with your travel clothing, you frown, still pondering where it came from. Next you pick up the flower pendant Lord Elrond gave you as a wedding gift. He had explained that if you take it off and whirl it fast enough it’s petals will open revealing sharp blades that you can use to hurt enemies. The force of you spinning it will trigger it to open, and once you slow the momentum, it will naturally close back up. He showed you how to manually open it to clean it and then reclose it. You thanked him for the ‘hidden weapon’ gift. He grinned and had given you a wink.
You caress it and sigh, grateful for his help in rescuing you and healing you. As you finish packing your things, you look around and frown, wondering what became of your sword and it’s sheath and harness. Your staff is leaning against the cabinet by the door, but you don’t see your sword, sheath and your throwing axes, you realize. You hope they didn’t get left behind in Rivendell.
Sighing, you hear another knock on the door and you groan. “Sweetheart, it’s Balin. May I come in?” he asks. You sigh and unlock the door, cracking it open a little. “What is it, Balin?” you ask tiredly, wishing you had some way to just let the Dwarrow know to just leave you alone. Balin sees how tired you look and your red-rimmed eyes. “Sweetheart, everyone concerned about you. Here, I have some tea and breakfast for you that Bombur saved for you.” He offers, holding up the tray. You sigh and let him enter, stepping aside.
Balin comes in and sees your pack open on the floor and looks up at you worriedly. You close the door and go to sit on the footrest next to the pack. “Don’t worry, Balin,” you say tiredly, seeing the worried look on his face. “…I’m not planning on going anywhere. I was just organizing my things and seeing what I’ll need for the next leg of the journey.” You say quietly and fiddle with a strap on the pack.
Balin sets the tray down on the high dresser and sits on the chair near you. “Lass, what’s going on with you, Fili and Thorin?” he asks. You sigh. “I’m just feeling out of sorts this morning, and was tired of them bringing me near to climax and then they’d back off and not let me cum. So, I gave them a taste of their own medicine and they got upset.” You explain. Balin frowns, “How so, Lass?” he inquires.
Sighing, you explain, “Thorin had shown Fili how to do that to me when we first started training him, and he used it often yesterday, not letting me cum, so he could keep exploring what pleasured me. I didn’t complain because it was his training time and he needed the practice, but it was getting tiring and annoying when he kept doing it once his training was done.
They used it last night and this morning. I guess I’ve just had enough sex for a while and after Thorin got upset with me for turning the tables on them, not letting them cum a few times, when they got close a couple times, after I tried to explain that, like them, I can also return the favor and stop them from cumming or even moving inside me whenever I want if it’s getting to be too much for me and that there’s nothing they can do but wait till I’m ready. He didn’t like that apparently and reprimanded me and smacked me on the ass like I was an insolent pebble instead of his Wife.
I let them finish and once they were done, I got up and locked myself in the bathroom, having had enough of sex and the two of them for a while, and just needed to be alone.” You explain.
“Ahhh, I see.” Balin says rubbing his chin. “Lass, what did you mean by you ‘can stop them from cumming or even moving inside you’?” he asks. You sigh, “Part of the training my Mother gave me for my ‘coming-of-age’ was learning to control my muscles ‘down there’ to do different things. One thing she taught me was to clench a male’s member hard enough to stop them from moving or cumming. She had been raped as a young Dam and never told anyone but me. After that raping, she swore to teach herself to do this so no one ever again could have that kind of control over her. It took her years to perfect it, but she did and often used it to keep my Father in like when he got too much for Amad.
She taught it to me as well, so I’d have some sense of control and not let a Dwarf do things to me that I didn’t like or want. I’ve never had to use it during sex though until now. I’m still learning to control it when I climax though. Sometimes I get kind of lost in the moment and forget how hard I’m clamping down on them and they have to remind me to relax a little. But I don’t do that on purpose. Amad showed me how to do it consciously using a special tool that she made. I got so good at it that I can do it without even thinking about it anymore if I have to.” You explain.
“She told me that it can be used to give a Dwarf pleasure while having sex, but it can also be used to stop him during sex if I felt I needed him to stop.” You explain.
Balin chuckles. “That’s quite a feat, Lass. I’ve not heard of anyone doing that before!” he says. “Is that how you and Fili beat my Brother’s record?” he asks. You giggle and shake your head. “No. It seems that I can just be made to cum back-to-back repeatedly if they keep thrusting after I cum the first time.” you giggle. Balin chuckles. “Lucky them!” he says with a wink. You nod.
You sigh. “Like I said, Balin, I just feel annoyed with them that they won’t take what they give, and get mad at me like that. I’m also moody because I think my ‘bleeding time’ will be arriving soon and I’m worried about us getting captured by Thranduril’s Elves in the forest. I don’t want them to take my pack and weapons away, as I need them, especially my pack if I get my ‘bleeding time’ while we are in the forest.” You explain.
Balin sighs. “If we do get captured, Lass, do NOT let anyone know you are Thorin’s Wife. If anyone asks, tell them you are Fili’s One. Stick with Fili if you can. If Thranduril finds out you are Thorin’s Wife, he might try to use you to get whatever he wants from Thorin. Thorin’s Grandfather and Father angered Thrandy and they’ve had a grudge against each other ever since.
If we are separated from each other, just stay put if you can and we’ll try to find you before we leave. If they take your things, we can always replace them with other things when we get the mountain back. You sigh, “Balin, you won’t be able to replace some of this. I found this in my pack as I was organizing. I don’t know where it came from or who gave it to me, but I don’t think this would be easily replaced. You say, showing him the gold claw necklace.
Balin’s eyes open wide. “Let me see that!” he exclaims. You show it to him, and he looks at it. It’s a dragon’s claw encased in gold! You show him how it opens, and his eyes open even wider seeing the pale claw and the glowing blue runes carved into it when your finger touches the white claw. “Lass, this is a claw from an ice Dragon, a Cold-Drake! They are extinct now! It is one of the few things that can harm a fire drake like Smaug!” he exclaims, “It will freeze anything it cuts or touches. Be it living or not! Though, it won’t kill Smaug, unless you can get it under one of his scales and into his flesh, it can cause his scales to freeze and be easily broken off or removed!” Balin explains.
“These runes here say that it was taken from the front claw of the last ice Drake! It grants the owner of the weapon immunity from it’s effects which means it can’t be used against you and won’t freeze you if you are cut or stabbed with it. It glowing blue, when you touched it means it recognizes you as it’s true owner. If it is touched by someone it does not deem to be it’s owner the runes will glow red in warning.” He explains.
“Balin, how did this get in my pack?” you ask. It wasn’t in there when I left Rivendell and wasn’t in there when I’d dig around in it during our journeying between Rivendell and here!!!” you exclaim. “My guess is Elrond gave it to either Fili or Thorin and the blade rejected them as it’s owner. It is said that the person who killed the last ice Drake was a woman. So perhaps it only accepts females as it’s owners.” Balin explains.
“Keep this around your neck and do not let anyone remove it if you can. If the Elves try to remove it with the intent of stealing it from you, I suspect the blade will not be happy. Weapons made from any part of a Drake are finnicky and typically get upset when stolen from their owners. They have been known to affect the thief even through the sheath that it is kept in if they are enchanted like this one is!” he explains. “I pity any Elf who tries to remove this from your neck. If it angers the blade, that Elf will be immediately frozen and will perish.” He explains.
“No matter what happens, DO NOT surrender this to ANY of Thranduril’s Elves. NO MATTER WHAT!” Balin warns. Lord Elrond gave us this weapon for a reason. If anyone asks why you have it, you tell them it was a gift from Lord Elrond after he found you and healed your shoulder when you were attacked by goblins and wargs along the border of his lands. Alright?” Balin tells you. You nod. “You may need to show them your shoulder to get them to believe you. If you do, be careful they do not see your harnesses’ straps. Hopefully they will not feel them through your clothing. It may be wise to layer up your underclothes as much as possible not only to keep your harnesses hidden, but also so you have clothing if they take your pack and do not return it.” He tells you.
You sigh. “I wish there was another way through Mirkwood.” You say tiredly. “I’m tired of traveling. It’s been nice to just rest here and not have to worry about being attacked.” You say. “You do not have to come with us, Lass. We’ll understand if you wish to wait here for us to reclaim the mountain. Beorn would take good care of you.” Balin tells you.
“No, Balin, I need to stay with my Ones. I’m just needing a break from the intimacy for a while. I’m sore and ache all over from it. Between all the ‘practicing’ the past month and especially the day before yesterday and then yesterday, I guess I’ve had enough for a while.” You explain. “I understand, Sweetheart. It’s been hard on you. But know that we all are extremely grateful to you for agreeing to do this for Fili. Many of us had been praying to Mahal before you appeared, and we were asking him how Fili was going to be trained when Thorin has no mate and we have no female with us.” He explains to you.
You nod. “Oin said the same thing.” You reply. “I know you want to be alone, Sweetheart, but you need to talk with Thorin and Fili about how you are feeling. Locking yourself away only confuses and worries them and doesn’t help the situation at all. It’s alright for a short time if you are angry and need to cool down and think things through, but you need to not let it drag out like this. You need to let them in and talk about things that upset you, so they understand what they are doing that made you feel the way you do.” He encourages.
“Just remember, Sweetheart, they are just as inexperienced as you are. They won’t know unless you tell them clearly what things bother you and what pleases you. If you do not like them keeping you from climaxing that often, you need to just tell them clearly. If they are giving and not receiving the same back, bring it to their attention clearly. We can be rather dense sometimes. You may just have to beat it over their heads to get through… or hold them hostage till they listen.” Balin giggles and gives you a wink.
Sighing, you look down and nod. “Now, I’ll leave you to eat. Oin said to remind you to drink the tea first, then eat.” He says while standing. Balin pats your shoulder gently and says, “When you are ready to talk to them, come out and join us.” He says. You nod and fiddle with your fingers. “Balin?” you ask. He pauses his retreat to the door and turns to look at you. “Yes, Lass?” he replies. “Do you know where my sword and hand axes are? They aren’t with my things and I’m hoping they didn’t get left in Rivendell or lost along the way. The last time I remember seeing them was just before I was attacked by the goblins.” You say.
Balin chuckles, “Don’t worry Lass, my Brother has been keeping them safe for you. Oin won’t let him give them back until he’s fully convinced you’re fit for using them again.” He says. You sigh. “Please inform them both that I refuse to go any further unless they are returned to me. I will not enter that forest without them on me.” You tell him with a frown.
Balin chuckles and nods. “I will tell them, Lass.” He says. Then slips out and closes the door.
You sigh, drink the tea, then eat while you sit and think about what all was talked about. Getting up you pace back and forth in the room. The enchanted daggers shift in your boot and annoy you, so you grab some leather from Thorin’s pack and cut off some thin strips to make a strap to keep them in place in your boot. You slip off your boot and grab the sewing kit from your pack and you sew the straps into the inside of each boot, then slip the daggers’ sheathes back in and they finally stay put and you can comfortably walk with them hidden.
You decide to see if Dwalin will let you practice some sword fighting with him. You feel like you need to blow off some steam, still being annoyed with Thorin and Fili. Looking at what you’re wearing, you slip out of the dress, fold it up carefully and put it with your other dresses, then you put on the harnesses with all your hidden weapons, frowning that the pants and blouse Arwen’s Elves made you didn’t include the access panels. You groan and take a sharp knife and carefully cut into them to make it so you can access each one easily. Once you had that done, then you put the gold Dragon claw necklace on, you take the necklace from Lord Elrond and add it around your neck as well.
It hangs just under the dragon’s claw and has a quick magnetic release so you can just grab the chain and pull for quick use of it. Lord Elrond showed you how to hang onto it so that if it got wound around your enemy’s weapon, you could give it a hard yank and you’d be able to pull the weapon from the enemy’s hand, but if they tried to yank it from your hand, they’d not be able to. You were grateful for the lessons with the weapon. Thorin didn’t know about it as Elrond had his Sons convince Thorin to come and do some forging with them one afternoon.
You slip on the leather fingerless gloves Elrond gave you and the bracers from Elladan. They wanted you to have more leather armor, but when you explained about your hidden weapons stash, they understood why you had such little armor. Elrohir gave you some elegant throwing weapons that you could hide in your thick hair styles, and you grinned and thanked him. Remembering them, you dig around for them and then put your hair into a thick braided bun and pin in in place, then add your weapons into your hair. Grinning, you felt like you were ready.
Quietly, you open the door and peek out. Stepping out into the hallway, you don’t hear anyone. Silently as you can, you creep down the hall and peer around the corner and see no one in the house but the animals in the barn area. Walking over to them, you pet them and caress their heads. “Ahh, little female, there you are.” Beorn’s soft voice says from the corner of the barn. You startle a little, not having seen him there. You slowly walk over to see what he is doing. He is milking one of the cows.
“Are you rested enough now. They say you had a busy day yesterday.” He says softly. “Yes, it was a busy day. I am rested now. A little sore, but rested. Thank you for letting us use the tub. It helped soothe the aches and relax me.” You tell him. He chuckles. “You are welcome, little female.” He says. “Have you eaten?” he asks. You nod. “Yes, Balin brought me food and talked with me while I ate.” You tell him. “Thank you for letting us stay here and rest. I suppose we’ll be heading out soon though. It’s been nice to sleep in a bed and not have to worry about being attacked and hunted by Azog.” You tell him.
“You are always welcome here, little female. If you wish to stay here in safety and wait for your companions to reclaim their home and send for you when it is safe, you are welcome to remain behind. I will not harm you or force you. They say you are Thorin’s Wife but are also Fili’s One?” he asks. You nod. “How is that since I thought Dwarrow only mated to one Dwarf?” he asks. You shrug. “I am not sure why it happened, Beorn, Sir. Mahal just gave me, Fili and Thorin the same dream telling us that is what he did. He didn’t explain why to me, other than that through me the Dwarves would be blessed with peace and prosperity.” You explain.
Beorn nods. “I see you have a Dragon’s claw. Did you kill a Dragon for it?” he asks. “No, it was a gift from Lord Elrond.” You say. “He wanted me to be as safe on this journey as I could be.” You explain. Beorn nods. “Well, whatever you decide to do, little female, you will always be welcome here. If you arrive and I am not here, my animals will remember you and will make sure you have whatever you need.” He tells you, standing up and taking the enormous pitcher into his hand. You crane your neck up to him and thank him.
“Your travel companions are all outside enjoying the sun. It is a nice day today.” He tells you. “Would you like clean sheets on your bed?” he asks. You nod and thank him. “I will drain the tub and leave it there if you desire to use it again. I will leave water heating in the cauldron for you as well.” He offers. You thank him once more and head out into the sun.
Standing in the doorway, you blink several times as the bright light hurts your eyes. You hear a soft chuckle to your left and glance over seeing Balin and Dwalin sitting there. “My Brother tells me you are looking for these.” He says holding up your weapons. You nod. “I want to practice with them since I haven’t been able to for a while. I will not leave these walls unless they are on my back and at my hips.” You tell him. “So, unless you all wish to leave me behind, I expect my weapons be returned to me.” You say folding your arms and leaning on the door casing. Balin chuckles.
“Is that so?” Dwalin says with a smirk. You raise an eyebrow and nod. He tosses you the hand axes in their sheath and you catch them and fasten it to your waist. Then you resume your position. He smirks. “Does a certain Lass need to blow off some steam?” he inquires teasingly. You smirk and raise an eyebrow. “I wish to practice.” He chuckles and gets up. “Then ‘practice’ we shall.” And moves past you to go inside and get his weapons.
Balin gets up and chuckles. He sees your new clothing having all the holes in it. “What have you done with your new clothes, Lass?” he asks. You sigh, “Apparently the Elves didn’t realize why I had the holes in my old ones and did not put them in the new ones. I need to be able to access my weapons quickly and I can’t do that if there are not the holes in the clothing to do so. Tonight, I will have to cut the same holes in the rest of my clothing and use some of the fabric left to make patch covers for them, so it looks like the clothing is patched and not blatantly screaming ‘hidden weapons’ like it is now.” You explain.
Balin chuckles and nods. You feel someone behind you and your sword harness being leaned against your back. A pair of huge mitts come around and hook the strap onto you and you look up to see Dwalin grinning. “Ready for some ‘practice’ Lass?” he asks. “I’d have though ye’d have had yer fill of ‘practice’ by now.” He teases. You roll your eyes and elbow him making him grunt, then laugh.
“That’s enough of that kind of teasing, Sir. “THAT kind of ‘practice’ I’ve had enough of. I can hold those two hostage all day long if I wish and they’ll be at my mercy, begging to be released.” You tell him with a smirk and wink at Balin who’s roaring with laughter at the look on Dwalin’s face, which you can’t see. You step out of the doorway and swing your hip as you walk into the yard. As you do, you draw your sword and start to go through the motions of the practice routine you had been taught by your Father.
Dwalin watches you sauntering away and looks at his Brother, who’s laughing is ass off. “What the hell did she mean by that?!?” he asks. “You don’t want to know!” Balin tells him, still giggling. Dwalin shrugs and heads over to you to help you ‘practice’ your swordplay.
*More chapters to come. Feel free to leave comments, and to reblog.
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ruthoakenshield · 3 years
Thorin, Fili, Emma and the Unusual Arrangement - Part 10
[Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9]
This tale is for 18+ readers only.
If smut, angst, fluff, backdoor entry, oral (m&f receiving), and threesome offend you, do NOT read below the cut!!!  
In  this Alternate Universe Hobbit tale, Thorin and Company find an injured  Dwarrowdam in the wild who is alone. They take her into the company and  heal her, insisting that she stay with them so she stays safe. During  the quest, Thorin, Fili and the Dwarrowdam find themselves  in an unusual  arrangement out of necessity and by the will of the  Dwarven god, Mahal.  What is the unusual arrangement? Will the arrangement work out? Will  the line of Durin survive the Quest and reclaim Erebor?
(I  do not claim ownership of any of Tolkien’s characters, languages or  places, nor do I claim ownership of  Tauriel’s character. )
The two of you face off in the yard and the sounds of weapons clanging together has everyone running to see what’s going on. Beorn stands in the doorway watching you fight, impressed with how quick you are. Twice Dwalin nearly has you disarmed and both times, as if by magic, you have weapons in once empty hands again. And continue to fight.
Dwalin backs you against the tree and grins. “Do ya yield Lass?” he asks, seeing your hands again are empty since he knocked them out of your hands with a well-placed blow on your bracers. You raise your hand to your hand slowly and the other behind your back you keep your face deadpanned and pull your dagger from it’s sheath at your tailbone. You swing and knock his axe away from your throat as you spin and pull a dagger from your hair, shoving him to the tree and putting one at his back, where he had no armor and the other at his neck. “Nope, but do you?”
Dwalin growls at the unexpected move and the fact you have him pinned. “Nice move, Lass.” He replies. You sense someone coming up behind you and shift so you can see him. “YIELD, Dwalin.” You order. He grins and raises his hands. “Drop the weapons of to the left!”
He does with a growl. You spin, drop yours and pick up both of Dwalin’s; turning just in time to get them at Thorin’s throat and gut. He freezes with a shocked look on his face. You growl still upset with him. He waits, keeping his eyes on you and tries not to let you know that Dwalin has shifted behind you. “Don’t even think of it, Dwalin.” You say as he starts to bend to pick up one of your weapons. He freezes and looks at Thorin. Thorin smirks and tilts his head away to the side, letting him know to back off.
Thorin starts to slowly shift to your left. You listen carefully to what’s going on around you, not letting him distract you. You hear soft, quick footfalls and shift, just as Fili swings trying to catch you by surprise. You duck and swing low, swiping Thorin’s feet out from under him and continuing the motion, you catch Fili’s as well. Dropping them both in seconds. They both lie there on their backs stunned. “How did you do that?” Fili asks.
“My Adad was the Master Axe wielder in Erebor. He taught Dwarrow to use the axe to fight. He taught me in secret so no one would know I could defend myself. Before his death, he deemed me just as good as he was when I disarmed him, winning his weapons from him, and pinned him two days prior to Smaug’s attack.” You inform them.
Dwalin roars laughing and is clapping. “I wondered! No wonder why you made me drop the axes!” he chuckles as you return them to him and start to pick up and re-sheath all the weapons you used. “If you’re so good with axes, why do you not have a pair with you?” he asks as he helps collect the weapons for you.
My friend couldn’t figure out a way for me to hide them. They are large and hard to hide. I didn’t want to lose them should I be captured, so I made her keep them with her and made her promise to keep them for me should I return. They were the axes my Adad used the day I disarmed him. He had been given them by Thror when he bested Thror in the Treasury.
Once that happened, Adad lost the King’s favor, he only used them to help me practice. He told me that if I could disarm him, that they’d be mine and I would be a Master Axe Wielder, I had them on me the day Smaug attacked, in a harness much like what you use, Dwalin. It’s the only thing I have left of my Adad. That is why I did not take them with on the caravans. I hope my friend still has kept them.” You say quietly and look at the ground once you finished re-sheathing your weapons.
You look at the sword in your hands and sigh. “I miss using the Axes, I’m not as good with the sword as I was with the axes.” You say. “Then we help you get better with it.” Thorin says. You growl. “I did not ask for your help in the matter.” feeling annoyed with him. “I am your Husband; it is my job to do that.” He replies, grabbing your arm gently.  You growl, wrench your arm from his grasp, and storm off around the side of the cabin, leaving the three of them standing there puzzled.
“What… is… her… problem?!?” Thorin growls. “Beats me, Thorin. But whatever it is she’s not happy with you.” He says, slapping Thorin on the back. Thorin rubs his face and growls. “How am I supposed to fix what’s wrong if she won’t let me talk to her?” he asks. “I haven’t a clue, Thorin. You’d have to ask someone who’s Married.” Dwalin tells him.
You growl and head for the farthest corner of the property from the cabin. All you wanted to do was blow off some steam and fight Dwalin, since you knew he would be able to handle it the best, and Thorin had to just butt in and get in the way! “UGH! INSUFFERABLE DWARF!!!” you growl. You decide to take the necklace off from Elrond and practice with it.
You start to swing it like he showed you and began to whirl it around; as you do, it begins to hum as the air passed through the open petals and the sound comforts you. Closing your eyes, you start to move with it like Elrond had shown you how to do, and continued to do so with your eyes closed, concentrating on the feeling and the sound of the pendant singing.
Unbeknownst to you, Fili had followed, puzzled why you are behaving like this. When he saw you start to move with the necklace in hand and heard it humming. His eyes opened wide, when you moved over near some tall grass, and he saw the necklace slice their tops off with ease. You moved a little more and it slices off a decent size young tree limb making his eyes opened further, realizing it’s a bladed weapon.
He debates whether or not to approach you knowing you are so well armed. He watches you for a little while studying your movements. If he can get his hand on your free one, you can’t get at your other weapons, if he uses his sword to entangle your necklace, he should be able to back you against the tree. Fili realizes.  He’ll just have to make sure to pin you so you can’t knee him in the jewels.
Fili moves in amongst the trees and pulls his sword out and waits. You move just right, and he grins, steps out and ‘clang’ catches your necklace on his sword, causing it to spin around the blade. Before you can react, he yanks hard, throwing you off balance, and you come flying over to him. He catches you and grabs your free hand before you can grab at any weapons.
You growl and start to struggle. He growls back and moves you over to the huge oak tree and turns so he can see anyone coming and backs you against it. He pins you to the tree and gets his knees between yours so you can’t knee him. “LET ME GO!” you demand, furious. “Not till you calm down and talk, Love.” He says calmly with his chest and body against yours.
You continue to squirm and growl. He intertwines his fingers in between yours on your free hand, and continues to hold you against the tree. His chest against yours patiently waiting for you to calm down. You continue to struggle. You try to yank the sword out of his hand, but he has a firm grip on it and starts to pull back. “Let go of the necklace, Love. You can have it back when we’re done talking.” He purrs and looks you in the eyes. “Calm down.” He purrs. “I’m not gonna hurt you and I’m not gonna force you.” He says quietly. You growl but stop struggling.
“Good. Now let go of the necklace, Love.” He says again. “No.” you growl. “Then we’re gonna stand here like this till you do and start talking.” He says calmly, waiting for you to yield. You struggle again and his hand tightens on yours. “Love, stop.” He says, putting his forehead to yours. “Please, just stop.” He murmurs, “Take some slow deep breaths with me and just calm down.” He purrs.
You growl but stop struggling, realizing you are pinned and can’t get free. You growl again, frustrated. “I love you, Em, please, help me understand why you’re acting like this.” He murmurs. “What did we do to upset you so much?” he asks in a low tone as he continues to watch your face with pleading, blue eyes. He can see the anger and frustration still burning in your eyes, but he also sees hurt. “Please, Em, you’ll feel better if you just talk to us. Stop pushing us away. We can’t fix the problem if we don’t understand what it is in the first place.” He murmurs.
“Come on, Love. Tell me what’s wrong.” He says bringing your intertwined hands to his lips. He kisses each of your fingers while he keeps his eyes on yours. “Come on, now, Sweetheart. Please, tell me why you’re so upset.” He coos. As he caresses your face with his intertwined fingers. “Let me help.” He murmurs.
You close your eyes and feel tears stinging your eyes. You growl again and his hand holds yours tightly. Being cautious as if he were trying to tame a wild beast that he knows can spring on him at any moment, despite how calm you seem. He still sees the fire and anger in your eyes when you open them, and can sense it still bubbling below the calm surface.
“I mean it, Love. We’ll stand here all day, but we aren’t leaving till you talk. We gave you your space, sensing you were upset, we gave you time to gather your thoughts. Now it’s time to talk.” He tells you. “Keeping it inside like this is only going to make you more angry and upset. We’re all worried about you, Love. Thorin and I just want to know what the problem is. We didn’t mean to upset you, Sweetheart. But unless you talk, we won’t know what we did wrong.” Fili states.
“We can’t read your mind, Honey. We’ll give you whatever space you want or need after that, but not till you tell us why you’re so upset and why you’re behaving like this.” He says calmly, keeping his forehead against yours and your head pressed to the tree’s trunk. “Now, Let go of the chain and I’ll give you the necklace back when we finish talking.” He says calmly.
You stand there pinned by your One against the tree. He continues to try to coax you to let go and just talk. You’re fighting back tears, not wanting to give into to him, but his forehead holds your head firmly against the tree. His breaths ghosting your face. His scent surrounding you. His chest is radiating warmth into you and calming you, but you’re still being stubborn and not wanting to cave just yet. Fili’s soft murmurs continue as he slowly keeps tension on the necklace yet, lowering his sword. Your eyes are still closed, and you don’t see the pleading look in his eyes, but you hear the tone in his voice.
“Come Love, talk with me, let me hold you and we’ll sit here and talk.” He purrs and places a gentle kiss on your cheek, kissing away a rogue tear that had escaped your closed eye. “Let me comfort you and hold you.” He continues, placing another soft kiss to your other cheek as another rouge tear escapes. You feel your resolve begin to crack and you whimper. You feel Fili’s braids caressing your cheeks when he places soft kisses to your cheeks each time a tear sneaks out of your eye, and little by little your resolve cracks more.
You don’t notice him slowly lowering his sword, nor do you notice when he gently unwinds it from the necklace. His hand gently caresses yours and slowly he pries your fingers open, and slips the chain from them. He puts the necklace in his pocket and takes your other hand in his and intertwines your fingers with his. He slowly brings it up to his lips and gently kisses each of your fingers. Slowly he moves to help you sit. You let him, suddenly feeling exhausted and just wanting to be held and have a good hard cry.
He gets you to the ground, still holding both of your hands in his, and he has you scoot forward. He criss crosses your arms like you were going to hug yourself and he carefully moves to sit behind you. Still holding your hands. He works his way down and once his rump is on the ground, he pulls you to lean back against him.
Letting go of one of your hands, he reaches over and sheathes his sword, then takes your hand in his again. Wrapping his arms around you in a gentle but firm hug, he murmurs, “Now, my Love, tell me why you’re so upset. Help me to understand.” He purrs and kisses your head. “I love, you my Sweet and it hurts to see you so frustrated.” He coos and kisses your neck just behind your ear.
It was all it took to crack and crumble the last of your resolve. You start to cry… hard. And he holds you and just lets you cry. Petting your head gently and telling you, “It’s alright, my Love, it’s alright. I’m here. I’ll help.”
Once you finally had cried and had the release you needed you told him why you were so upset. “Oh, Honey. I’m SO sorry!” he apologizes. “I didn’t realize that it was bothering you. Why didn’t you say something!” he asks. “Because it was your training day, and I didn’t want to ruin it for you. I knew you wanted to explore, and I was fine with it at first, but by the end of the day I was tired of it. I just wanted to be allowed to enjoy it and cum as often as I needed to.” You say.
“Is that why you agreed to let us try to break Dwalin’s record?” he asks. You nod. “It felt nice to just be able to cum repeatedly without being stopped. I don’t mind it once in a while, but I’d rather come repeatedly than to have it taken from me and not be allowed to have it at all till you are ready to allow it.” You explain.
Suddenly the light bulb goes on in Fili’s head. “Honey, was that why you did what you did this morning, clamping down on us like you did and why you said what you did. Were you trying to tell us that and just couldn’t figure out how to get through to us?” he asks. You nod and whimper.
“Ohhh, Honeyyy.” He says, realizing why you’re so upset with Thorin. You tried to tell us and Thorin reprimanded you and swatted you.” He says quietly. You nod. “It made me feel like he was treating me like an insolent little pebble instead of his Wife. I felt disrespected and not listened to.” You whimper.
“Ohhh, Honey, I’m sorry!” Fili says quietly. “I didn’t understand either. I didn’t realize you were getting tired of being denied to cum like that. Will you forgive me?” he asks. You nod. “I’m sorry I got mad and shut you out Fili. I just was so hurt and frustrated I didn’t know what else to do. I felt trapped with no outlet to vent and no way to escape.”
“What do you need now, Sweetheart?” he asks, turning your face to look at his. “What can I do to help you feel better. “Just hold me for a while, then let me be. I’m kind of Dwarfed out and just need some alone time before we head out again. “Do you want us to stay with you tonight, or do you want to sleep alone? He asks. “I don’t know. I suppose everyone knows now that I was mad at Thorin.” You say. “I just wanted an outlet to vent and knew Dwalin would be able to handle it if I took the ‘practice’ time to vent my anger and frustrations. I wasn’t ready to face Thorin yet.” You say quietly.
“And then we come and join in thinking that you had worked out whatever was bothering you.” Fili says with a groan. “Ohhh, Sweetheart. I’m sorry.” He says. “We’ll give you whatever space you need, Sweetheart.” He tells you. “Is it okay if I try to explain to Uncle why you got so upset?” he asks. You nod. “Will you let him come and apologize if I do and he desires to do so?” he asks. You shrug. “I guess it depends on how he does it.” You reply. “Okay, Love.” He tells you.
The two of you sit there for a while. Fili hugging you and rocking from side to side a little. “Thank you for finally talking to me, Em. I’m sorry I had to pin you to get you to do it though.” He tells you. “It’s okay Fee. I was being a stubborn ass and deserved it.” You say. “I love you, Em.” He tells you. “When you’re ready to have us sleep with you, then come to us and let us know, okay? We’ll let you be. I suppose you’ve had your fill of being intimate after the past month of ‘practice’.” He coos.
You nod. “I understand. It’s alright. I’m grateful you were willing to endure it so you could teach me. Thank you.” He says and gives you a gentle kiss. “Will you let me put my courting braids and beads in before I go, though?” he asks. “Then I’ll find Uncle and fill him in on everything. We’ll let you be.” He says. You nod.
Fili shifts out from behind you and kneels on your right and parts a section of your hair beside his Uncle’s marriage braid. He puts his courting braid in and shows you the bead he forged. You giggle when you see it’s a gold lion’s head. “My Lion Prince.” You reply with a giggle. Fili grins and nods. “Do you like it?” he asks.
You nod. “Yes, thank you, Fee.” you reply. He clips it into your braid, securing the end of it. Then moves to the other side of you and puts the second one in, and secures it with the other one. Fili gives you a gentle, yet passionate kiss and rests his forehead against yours. “I love you, Em. Thank you.” He murmurs.
Taking your hands in his he sighs, “Sweetheart, Mahal visited me last night while we were all meshed together sleeping. He gave me some warnings, and we are not to tell Uncle about them either.” He tells you, cupping your face. You look at him with a scared expression.
“Mahal said there will be times on the remainder of this quest where it will not be safe for you to show or reveal that you are Uncle’s Wife or his One. Mahal said when we enter both Mirkwood and Laketown, you are to tuck Uncle’s marriage braids into your hair and hide the beads so no one can see them. Only have my courting beads hanging free to be seen. Mahal said to tell you that if anyone asks you during those times who’s Dwarf you are or who’s braids and beads they are, that you are to tell them that you are my One. Do not mention anything about being Uncle’s. If you do or if it is discovered that you are Uncle’s Wife, your life and his could be put in great danger.” He explains.
Your eyes get huge, and you nod. Fili continues to cup your face and says, “Mahal also warned that from now on, once we enter Mirkwood, the Dragon sickness will start to try to take over Uncle’s mind a little at a time. The closer to Erebor we get, the more it will try to claim him. Mahal said if we notice Thorin’s attitude towards us change significantly or if he tries to deny letting us be together and won’t share you with me, that we are to go and talk to Balin and Dwalin, and that when we reach Erebor and get inside it, they will show us to the cave with the pool and Mahal’s statue. Mahal said we are to keep you there until Thorin either comes to his senses or succumbs to the sickness and is taken to Mandos’ halls.” He tells you.
“Mahal said you are to ask Oin to show you how to prepare the tea tomorrow morning and you are to ask him for the pouch of it in case we are captured by the Elves. Keep it on your person and keep it safe. Take it each day even if it’s cold water you make it with. Alright?” he says. You tear up and nod.
“I see you found my gifts.” He tells you, caressing the dagger on your belt, and your necklace. Your eyes open wide, “They are from YOU?” you exclaim. He chuckles and nods. Well one of them is. I found this in the market of the village we were in the night you and Thorin were married using the old ways.
The necklace Arwen gave to me to give to you. She said you will need it to be protected and to help defeat the Dragon should it still be alive and awake.” He tells you. She showed me how to open it and when I opened it, the runes glowed red. She said it was a warning not to touch the claw part, and told me if I did it would freeze me and I’d perish. She said it was the claw of a Cold Drake that her female ancestor killed. It was the last one in Middle Earth, as far as anyone knew.
Her female ancestor enchanted this claw to freeze to death anyone or anything who touched or was cut by it. She said only females it accepts can wield it and if the runes glow blue when you open it, that it has accepted you and you will never be harmed by it’s enchantment or by its blade.” He explains.
Lord Elrond was there when she gave it to me. He said it was Arwen’s Amad’s, and that Arwen’s Amad gave it to Arwen before her Amad left to go to Lothlorien to visit her parents. On the way Arwen’s Amad was attacked and severely injured and poisoned by Orcs. She ended up having to sail away from our shores for the undying lands.
They both hope it accepts you and keeps you safe. He warns that if anyone tries to take it from you by force, that it could freeze them to death just by touching it’s gold sheath if the blade is angered enough. He says to NEVER give it to anyone except your female descendants whom the weapon chooses to accept. Do not give it away to anyone else… not for ANY reason.” Fili explains. You nod, having heard a similar explanation from Balin.
“I’ll go now and let you be. I’ll talk to Uncle and explain to him what you’ve told me. Please, Sweetheart, if he approaches, let him apologize. It may be the last time he is completely of sound mind for a while. Let’s hope and pray he can overcome the sickness and defeat it. I’d hate for the two of you to part forever like this, and not having made up beforehand.” He says caressing your cheek. “Please, Love. Promise me you’ll give him a chance to make amends?” he asks, placing his forehead against yours. You sigh and nod. ‘Okay, Fee.” You say quietly.
He smiles and kisses your forehead. “Thank you, Love.” He says, reaching into his pocket and pulling out your necklace and placing it around your neck, clasping it in the back. “No using it on Uncle!” he teases. You grin and nod. He stands, gives you a look of love and appreciation, then leaves to go and find his Uncle.                                     
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