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cosmiclatte28 · 4 years
First Encounter (1) (Yuta x mermaid reader)
Okayy I got carried away and made a long opening for Yuta. Let's say just for the reader x Yuta, it will be kind of two parts. Later on it will only be scenarios .. I promise :")
Please follow my Instagram @cosmic_latte28 as I will be posting polls and questions on what to do next in this mermaid au!
ENJOY THISS 4k story, it’ll be interesting i guess
Scenario 1 – mermaid au! Yuta x reader
Have you ever found your mother annoying? Her constant "mother knows best" quote uughh you're tired of it!
For eighteen years of swimming under the sea, down beneath the scorching heat of the sun, you've spent your entire life swimming within the boundaries just like what your mother told you to do. But today, today is a special day!
You're turning nineteen and well nineteen can be considered a good age to be called mature right? You know running away is not a good idea, but your best friend who is a year older than you had just return from the surface and oh gosh either she was a good story teller or the world above the water is really that magnificent, you don't know yet and soon you will.
Yes, for today your nineteenth birthday, your mother has given you a quick birthday ceremony. She gave you a new "dinglehopper" a mermaid's hairbrush! You thanked her and she quickly left to work. That's when your best friend came and the two of you started your adventure.
It took you some tiring swimming, but the excitement of seeing the other world beats your fatigue. You wonder what's so special up there that your pretty aqua-green haired mermaid here told you such a wonderful story!
"You cannot imagine what I saw (y/n)! Believe me..." she said last week as the two of us are sitting over one of the bright coloured corals. We love to hang-out here and gossip about things. Last week she brought you for a very special story... her journey to the dry sand area!
You listened to her story, trying your best to imagine what it's up there, you listened to her story, while playing with your sparkling ash grey hairs. "Why wouldn't I believe you?" you wondered
She grabbed your hands and stared into your eyes deeply, "Because you will need to experience it to know what it truly is!"
You gave her a meek smile; well her parents are not as conservative as yours. Atlanta can go wherever she wants, and her parents wouldn't scold her, unlike you. Well if you return home after dark, you're pretty dead. Mom was so protective to you after father was caught on one of those giant shiny nets, and he never came back.
Atlanta continued with her story, "It was quite a long swim, I went there with some other girls and oh how great was it to breathe the fresh air!"
You laughed, well your lungs can breathe both air and, in the water,, but rumour has it that the transition phase hurts! You don't really mind that since you're really dying to experience the thrill.
"So, since you told me I wouldn't believe it," you smirked, "why don't you bring me up there to experience it? I'm nineteen next week and I'm sure we can go up for a while and I'll return before mom got home."
Atlanta at first disagree, she told you to ask a legal permission from your mother, but you know better. Mom would never agree and so you chose what people will do. Run away and promised to come back before she got home and pretended nothing happen.
After a lot of bribing and coaxing Atlanta with lots of promises, she agreed, and you were to meet her on the North Border at nine when the tides are calm.
So here you are today! Finally the sea no longer looks dark, the sun rays are penetrating the light blue waters and you can totally see the rocks and hear the sound of the waves as you swim and swim towards the sky. Your eyes changed colours from dark big pupil into a smaller one! Living on the deep waters, made your pupil dilate for maximum light absorbance, now getting near the sun, your eyes naturally contracted, and your hair looks even paler under the sun.
The sound of crashing waves, flying birds, and what mermaids and mermen call "human", are all getting louder in my ear.
"This is it, get ready to feel chest pain!" Atlanta squeezes your hand in assurance, and you nod your head. One last deep breathes and the two of you pop your heads out of the water. The transition of changing your water lungs into air lungs really hurt, you see white seconds after the air made their way to fill your air sacs and you feel great pain in your nose like when you choke on waters.
You feel your head goes light and the bright scorching sun no longer penetrates your eyes, you see dark and suddenly your body limps.
Atlanta was not as surprised as you, maybe it's because you never travel this far and it's your first time changing lung system. She dutifully brings you to an area of rocks where the waves are still high, so there's no human there. She calls out your name several time and slaps your cheek slowly.
"(y/n)! wake up dummy, you made it..." she slaps you
"We made it! Come on wake up..." She shakes your body gently, but when you did not respond Atlanta rolls her eyes and her hand scoops a good amount of water. She directly splashes your face with water and that did help you cough to live.
"Where am I?" You ask
"The upside... those are the dry sands... they are people... you made it! You're breathing air now!" Atlanta cups your face and you smile when you see how messy her aqua-green smooth hair looks above here.
"Hey tell me does my hair look that bad too?" Your first question out of the water is this, how lame!
"Well yeah the salt water made our hair stiffs here but believe me people will not judge you." She shrugs her shoulder.
"Hold up" your eyes grow twice as wide, "How did you know they don't judge?"
Atlanta rolls her eyes, "Well they saw us and they did not comment us at all, they just take out I don't know some sort of rectangle thing that has hole and flashes light... then no one dare to go near us."
You shake your head in surprise, Atlanta missed this part of story. She never told you she and her friends went that near to human! You thought they only hide and saw people from afar, but no they did not. You're now half worried, but what's there to risk more? You've broken mother's rule, and you've suffered from the transition, might as well made this a worth it experience and have no regrets! "You didn't think I'd bring you here just to see them from a distance right? Besides honey, you're the most gorgeous mermaid down there, no one will dare harm you!" Atlanta inches closer to you and brings one hand to brush away a strand of hair from your face.
"I mean it, your glowing ash grey hair, your deep amber eyes! Hey never realized they were amber before... not to mention your sweet smile and sweet voice. Girl they'll love you!" Atlanta praises you with tons of comfort and you find yourself under control.
What you did not know, yes being a beauty in the mermaid world made everyone adores and protects you, but here being a beauty means more danger! Come on which human doesn't want to own a pretty mystical creature in their bathtub?!
You and Atlanta are both too naïve to think that situation. All that matter now for you two is enjoying sunbathing and the fresh air.
"So, what are we waiting for? I'm good already and can we go somewhere else? Rocks are boring here." You splash your tail and make a giant splash to your friend.
Atlanta scoffs but quickly drags you to move to the other part of the sea surface. The two of you swim while holding breathe, yes, you're not transitioning that frequent... took too much energy and painful.
"Is this okay?" Atlanta found a place where there are several rocks and they're still in contact with water. You smile and look for a good position. The warm feeling from the golden ball in the sky really satisfies you. Deep waters are cold, and you love this warm burning feeling. Your long shiny silver-purplish tail flaps gently when needed and you feel your head gets lighter as the sun dries your wet hair away.
"Atlanta, why didn't people let us do this? I swear the sun is my favourite thing now." You brush away your stiff salted dry hairs away from your face, but that doesn't lessen your beauty at all.
The beach was crowded with people, but there were not many people around you. You still choose a distant rock, you're afraid of them still and Atlanta wants the most comfortable for you. So, you learn them first from the distance and later you can always move right.
You relax yourself over the flat rock and enjoy the piercing hot feeling on your pale skin. You close your eyes and feel the breeze, your ears catch the soft whisper of the ocean hitting rocks and without your concern, you start humming.
Well when a mermaid hums, it is luring, but believe us, we're not sirens. We don't kill people...
Your humming stop when you fell asleep on the rock. Atlanta is beside you, posing beautifully just in case someone passes by. You know stories of mermaid and mermen marrying someone from the dry world, and yes they can live happily... or you just didn't know what happen next. You know you can shape shift to have legs, but each step will feel like walking on blades. You cannot imagine living on two legs and take strolls on sharp blades.
"Atlanta have you tried walking on the dry sands?" you ask, still closing your eyes.
"Hmm no, I don't want to feel the blades... Do you know legend says you can get used to it and if you found your true love that won't happen again?" Atlanta answers while daydreaming on the fluffy clouds.
"Hmm... I'll tell you if I know the answer." You joke around and change your position.
Now you're laying flat on your stomach, the warm water meets your bare skin and you winced a bit. Rocsk can get really hot!
"How long can we stay here?" You question, tail still swaying slowly on the waters and hands under your chin.
"Hmm when we leave at nine, the swim took like an hour or two... I guess this is mid day now." Atlanta pierces her eyes into the beach,s and she can see people starting to spread check red mat and laying down plates of foods. It must be "lunch"
You thought things will not go wrong, and that's when everything went wrong.
The sun suddenly disappears, and big waves roll over to you. You and Atlanta are both sun-bathing and laughing under the sun, unaware that it is slowly turning cloudy. Well both of you are not aware since you two are blinded aka closing your eyes as you two chat and laugh. The laughter is loud enough to cover the sound of the growling sea and wind.
When you peek over your eyes since you feel cold, that's too late.
"Atlanta!" You scream when the big wave engulfs both of you and you're holding your breath in. Thinking maybe you'll be okay ... this is just one wave; you'll appear again on the surface.
No that was wrong. You feel the strong current push you into a group of rough and hard stones, you feel your bare back hit the rocks and you wince at the prickling sensation.
"Atlanta where are you??" you call out her name before being swallowed by the big waves again and you're carried further into the beach. Sadly, when you turn around, you're eye to eye with another group of pointy and sharp reefs. You scream when the friction from the rocks rip your shiny scales slowly and bitterly.
You turn your head around to look for your best friend, but you cannot see her. When another big wave hits you, you're ready to inhale the water and just go back home, but nature did not allow you.
Your eyes catch the reflection of your tail under the raging water, one of the pointy rocks has pierced over your tail and you see gushes of blood out of it. You gasp as you try to move your tail, but the painful feeling bring you tears and stop you from moving around. You receive the big wave once again and as hard as you try to keep your tears from falling, the pain under the water is unbearable.
You clung into one of the rocks and try to put half of your body weight into the rocks and let the buoyancy do its thing to keep you floating. You bury your head into your hands and your shoulder shakes and trembles. You cry since you're afraid and alone here. Everywhere you look, you're on another side of the beach, you no longer see the rock you hang out with Atlanta earlier. You also did not see her aqua-green hair at all!
You're doomed. That's all you can think. You weep as you imagine what are the things that could happen. Well if you're lucky Atlanta might make it home and tell someone to help look for you. Two, mom could probably tell someone you're missing but you curse yourself when you remember the silly note you left.
Earlier you left a note, "Gone with Atlanta for a trip, might not go home today. See you! I promise to take care of myself"
Your mother will most likely think you're sleeping over.
Third, you'll maybe die here if no one helps.
Fourth you might end up being caught.
Fifth caught and treated.
Sixth caught and eaten?!
You try to hum and call anyone lurking nearby, anyone who can help or at least see you're there helpless. In the middle of the panic, you see a glint of your father smiling at you as if telling you "this is not the end."
You grit your teeth when the pain hits back, you glance to look into your tail and grimace over the bigger stain and the pointy rock pointing out of your tail.
You look around and see that the sky is clearing, and you choose to try and survive. It's maybe noon already, your last chance of surviving is here.
Quietly you focus yourself and you bring out all of your emotion and voice. The mysterious luring echo suddenly resonates through the big ocean. The open air and the ocean wind helps deliver your voice to anyone near you. You keep on singing, letting out a melodious sad song through the air. The air particles vibrate and send your emotional cry of help to someone walking over the coast by himself.
A young man with white shirt and a comfortable beach shorts walks through the damp sands. He tucks his hand into his pockets as he walks quietly by himself on the now half empty beach. The crowd has fled away when the howling wave crashed the shore an hour ago. This man however, loves taking in the ocean after it is angry. He loves the feeling of the sombre, mysterious, and sad atmosphere lurking on the air as the wave slow down and return calm.
Today's weather forecast had reminded people to leave the beach before noon, but apparently the wave came earlier. Lucky he lives nearby, he can always check the shore after a mad ocean.
His steps come to a halt when his ears perk up after hearing an eerie cry. He focuses himself, closes his eyes, and sharpens his ear. He cannot believe himself when his brain tells him this is a cry of another being. Not a human's cry!
Curious, the young man lets his heart and ears guide him to the source of the painful magical cry.
The sound becomes clearer and the cry painfuller. He opens his eyes when he thinks he arrives at the place already and his eyes widen when he sees you, a wounded mermaid, crying herself for help.
"Help," you plead urgently when you see a man standing across you.
"Help... I'm not.. going.. " you wince from the unbearable pain now, "I won't hurt you... help"
"You're not human, aren't you?" he asks you from the shore.
Your heart curse him for still asking you that when you're clearly hurt.
"Well yeah, but please help me..." You grimace when the saltwater meets your fresh torn scales.
"You won't kill me, right?" he raises his brow.
You roll your eyes, "I'm not a siren, can you please just help me first... I am dying!" You're annoyed, afraid, and emotional. You don't mean to yell at him, but it's too late to take back your words.
You pull your hair with frustration, "Gosh I didn't mean to scream... now you're more afraid... I'll die in this pace." You bury your face to your hand. Now you understand why your mother calls you a drama-queen.
"Just ... help me or bring me help. I'm injured." You look up and to your surprise, the young man is already in front of you. Sitting on the rock with a wet pants. He has left his shirt on the dry sands and swam to you.
"Let's see... I'm not a doctor but I'll try my best," he rolls his sleeves to his elbow.
"Doctor?" you question him
He shakes his head, knowing it will be hard to explain, "Later. Now, what happened?" he leans closer to the edge of the rocks to see your lower body which is still under the water.
"See for yourself," you gritted your teeth when another friction from the rocks and the water meet the fresh wound. He grimaces, "Oh that's so bad. We'll need to pull you out... Can you hold my hand and push your tail as strong as you can?"
You bite your teeth and nod your head, worth trying right? There's no way he can break the strong rocks.
"Hey, what's your name?" asks him
You wonder why he needs to ask that now, but you blurt it out anyways. "(y/n), and you?"
He smiles, "Beautiful! Just like you, now I'm Yuta and I will help you get out of this."
Yuta offers you his hand and you reach out to touch them, "On three or when you're ready... Now (y/n) you can do this... it will hurt, but I'll take care of you.. okay?"
You nod your head and tear escapes your eyes again.
"You're bleeding so bad, on three..."
You take a deep breath and count along with Yuta.
"Two..." he grips your small hands stronger
"Three..." with one nod from Yuta, you try your best to swing your tail away and hold into him.
You scream in pain when the sharp edge did move a bit, but your tail is not entirely out of it yet.
Yuta looks at you in pain too and he wipes a tear that left your eyes.
"Look! You're so strong! We'll do it one or two more times and you're free!"
You nod furiously, hands gripping into him tighter, trying to find strength.
Yuta gets down to kneel and offers you a stronger hold, you find the courage and strength again to free yourself.
On three, more tears fall from your eyes as the dagger like stone is only one pull away from your whole tail.
"Yuta... it hurts.." You cry when the waves start to hit you more frequently. The tides are coming in, and you must hurry.
"You can do it! I am here with you... one last effort and you're free (y/n)." he is sweating and you can see his knees are also bleeding from the rough surface of the reefs.
"Sorry... one last pull." You grit your teeth and with Yuta's strong grips. Your tail made it out and you almost got washed by the waves, if Yuta did not pull you out of the waters quick.
He lays you on the rocks and winces at your big scar, "We need to treat this or you will get an infection. Can you swim to the shore?" he asks you worriedly.
You cock your head to the side, it's only a short swim, you feel your tail still has some energies left and so with his help, Yuta guides you to the beach.
You finally feel the funny feeling of dry sands on your hands and tails. You did not realize you're smiling and ignoring the dying feeling on your tail.
"First time with dry sands?" Yuta asks as he kneels down beside you and ties a piece of cloth over your big wound. You think that must be his shirt, for he is still bare chested here.
You bashfully nod, "Thank you Yuta..."
He looks to the horizon, sun is setting down and he doesn't think you can go back to the sea in this state, so he offers you what he can do.
"Can I bring you to my cottage and just clean up this blood first, then you can rest before going home."
You look to the endless horizon and gasp in surprise when you see the sun is already settling down. Oh no, this is not good.
Afraid, you nod and let Yuta carry you bridal style to his cottage.
It is only half meter from the beach and his small cottage is cosy.
"Should you stay in water?" he awkwardly asks.
You think for a while, "Not sure, but now I don't feel anything weird. Don't worry I can breathe both in air and under water."
Yuta is busy walking around the house to fetch the first aid kit, "I know... I'm a marine biologist."
You smirk, "That explains why you got my trust directly after saying I'm not a siren."
Yuta scoffs, "Actually it's because I see your true face and the one over the water the same, and your tail is slightly different."
You nod your head slowly, then scan his room, "Nice, a mermaid enthusiast eh?"
The furniture decorating his shower room is basically mermaid, sea, and ocean. "Quiet interested in one, never dream I'll meet one like this, bring one home, and talk like this is nothing at all."
You're now inside his bathtub, you need water to keep your tail showing, and Yuta must heal the wound in the real form. So, here you are relaxing in his bubble bath! Bubble! He makes cute bubble bath since he thinks you can relax more! How cute and thoughtful is he.
You focus on his delicate fingers gently cleaning your injured tail from the impurities, washing it with alcohol, and then wrapping it with bandage after giving it medicament.
"Now that's all done." He stands up from the small stool and tidies up the mess. He throws the dirty napkins away into a basket.
"Umm don't you feel cold?" you ask when you realize he is still lacking clothes while you're under the warm bubble bath.
Your smile fades a bit when he quickly wears a tank top over his ripped abs.
"So, tell me how to take care of a mermaid?" Yuta drags a chair to sit next to the tub.
"I don't know... Yuta this is all new! I never leave the sea and now... now I'm here sitting next to a human, talking about mermaids, having a bubble bath, and I don't even know what will happen to me next." You massage your temple and relax your body into the warm sensation.
"Yuta do you know what will happen to a mermaid if they did not return by sun set?" You ask him after the two of you have exchanged information of one another. He also had boiled water and introduced you to this wonderful warm dark sweet liquid... hot chocolate.
He flips on his book and points to you a certain picture cycle, "You'll have feet and you can always bring your tail back by being in water."
"Oooh tell me what it is like to walk?" you sip on the warm liquid again.
"For us human it doesn't hurt... well you feel sore after a long walk, but for you... I heard first steps will be horrible."
"Oooof, guess this is the price I have to pay to experience an unforgettable memory, right?"
You two dive into deeper conversations, and you swore you've never seen a man this charming. Yuta and his smile, you feel at ease.
You don't see any harm and danger when you see him, you feel your body tingles and suddenly your tail shifts into a gorgeous pair of legs.
Both you and Yuta are speechless since this is the first time both of you witness this.
"That is amazing!" you squeal and move your legs up and down, feeling the weird new sensation running through your body. You kick the air and water a bit, laughing when you make a riffle of water.
Yuta just sits next to you, smiling as he sees you so happy over small things.
Both of you did not say anything, but the looks in your eyes and his are enough to say these two will one day madly fall in love.
"Hey now that your legs are here, your tail must be quite healed. Now shall we leave the tub. Don't you want to feel what it's like to be human?" Yuta grins and you snap your finger.
"You really understand my mind, don't you?!" You giggle as you push yourself to sit on the tub.
"Uhm wait a second, let me grab your clothes." Yuta nervously tells you to stay under the water first, well he is respecting your privacy.
He returns with a big tee shirt and a boxer. Guess he never has a girl coming to his house, there's only men attire here.
"I only have these, but I'll buy some things for you tomorrow." He apologizes.
"Don't be sorry! This is better, but how do I wear them?" you ask him innocently. Through out your life you've never seen a tee shirt let alone wear something on your legs! Duh even you just see your legs today!
So with a red face, Yuta teaches you how to dress up and when you stand up from the bath, he winces when you squeeze the bone out of him.
"Hell this hurts so much!" You hiss and he too squeals from your dead grip.
"Your grip! You're breaking my bones!" Yuta naturally slaps your hand away, and you end up squeezing his arm even stronger when you take a step to the mirror on the wall.
"Ah! My hair!!!! Yuta I swear I look tidier than this under water!" Your mouth suddenly explain this insecurities of yours out loud to a new man you just met.
He laughs and then apologizes when he realizes he must be rude.
"Believe me, I know how hard it is to arrange salted hair."
"Wait what? Salted hair?" You run your finger to your stiff hair and almost cry since you feel the stiffness so irritating you.
Well you're the most beautiful mermaid down there, there's not a day where your hair is not the talk of the town. Your hair is always on point, making everyone jealous, and even earning you the "best mermaid hair" title. You never leave the house when you have a bad hair day, and you sacredly always brush your hair til it floats perfectly in the salt water. However, now above the waters... you lost them!
"hey, I have a secret to cure that, but let me show you that tomorrow. Today you've had a long day and you need to rest."
You agree with him, though you have so many question in your head, your body is exhausted and you need a sleep.
Gently Yuta asks you, "May I?"
And before you could say anything, he carries you again and lays you down on his soft bed. You take in the new sensation of the soft mattress and soon your eyes grow heavy and you're drifting to dream land.
Heading to next scenario in the next chapter
What to expect
_ Yuta revealing secret to smooth hair
_Yuta teaching you what's that shiny thing dangling on his ears
_Yuta teaching you how to make your hair look flawless
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