#This will be a 50/50 on if its going to work
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Human SWK and Mac for the soul
Long rant about the au idea ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Actually they're for my detective au I'm not really talking about but I do have this fun little animatic idea in my head to Michael Bublé - Better be tonight, where MK and Wukong beat up a lot of people behind the scenes in the bar while Macaque distracts the audience with a performance lol haha how silly of me
But yeah the au would be Wukong is a private detective who has already retired, and MK (a young detective working for the police (dw were all about acab here, so Mk would realize how shitty the police system is and leave)) would seek him out for help with a case about some underground Mafia business
(probably something I would do with LBD and the Demon bull family but who knows), and Wukong decides to help him MK and also just teach him stuff along the way while also guiding him away from the police force
(probably something something Wukong worked as a detective in there, jttw event converted into detective cases idk, celestials as the justice system ect ect),
but they would ultimately work together on the case and would cross paths with Macaque (who needs a proper human name) Wukongs former partner (partner as in work related business but yeah they were also fucking), who will probably stab them in the back at some point in the story LBD pressure and whatnot,
but yeah on normal days Mac works a shitty job in an office, but Wukong swears up and down that Mac is up to something shady (and he is kinda right) (also side note: every individual in the office regardless of gender has had an office crush on Macaque at some point lol)
Also Wukong when he worked at the police actually got himself quite the name and so people know about him, kinda was the face of the police force at some point, and MK decides to be a detective bc of Wukong, (but that was kind of a given, even tho in the show before getting his powers MK wasn't really interested in becoming a here and this was also a key plot point in season 4 MK not wanting to do all the crazy magic shit and wanting to go back to being just a delivery boy and sometimes beating up the eventual villain of the week, but whatevs)
They're in their 40s maybe early 50s but Wukong somehow still looks 20-30 years old nobody knows how he does it, everyone else is kinda the same age in the show
They're also in America for this cuz--- this is a 90s 80s detective show just because I want it to be--- how did the characters from China end up here idk :| something something emigration or maybe the au can stay in China idk man Im making up half of this as I'm writing but it's fun I like the rotate my little aus in my brain
But yeah its just a fun little idea in my head that is going to stay just that, never manifesting into something more
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kvetchlandia · 22 hours
The racist, nationalist, Islamophobic and antisemitic National Front (or whatever stupid, slightly less terrifying name they're giving themselves this month) is set to be the largest single party in the French parliament after next week's final round of elections. Italy is already governed by a party that's the direct descendant of Mussolini's Fascists. The neo-fascist Alternative for Germany was the second largest block in the recent German elections to the European Parliament and is expected to grow significantly in next year's elections to the Bundestag. Geert Wilders's reactionary party in the Netherlands took nearly 50% of the Dutch seats in the European Parliament (6 of 14). In the 2023 national elections in the Netherlands, Wilders' party took a whopping 37 seats in the Dutch House of Representatives, making it the largest single party in the Dutch legislature. Fortunately for the Dutch, they don't have another national election scheduled until 2028, but one could be held earlier should the government fall. It's hard for me to grasp that these countries, each of which was either conquered and occupied by the nazis and betrayed by collaborators, or was directly governed by nazis and fascists, is now electing precisely those same nazis and collaborators. Of course, we here in the United States, are facing the bizarre choice in the two "official" parties of American capitalism, of one candidate who's clearly cognitively impaired and another who is a dictator wannabe; a man already convicted of numerous felony charges and facing many, many more; a racist and misogynist; a man millions of dollars in debt on account of the fines levied against him after he was found liable for the civil sexual abuse of a woman and then libeling his victim and a man who has made it clear that if/when he's re-elected he's going to go after his political opponents and that he's also going to dismantle what little bit of social safety net we have in the United States. It looks as though Mushroom Dick, as Stormy Daniels referred to this monster, with whom she shared a brief and forgettable sexual encounter, is going to win the election in this country. This world is rapidly becoming an even sicker and sadder place than it's long been. I guess we should take a teensy bit of hope that Britain is bucking the trend and that Labour is expected to trounce the Tories in the upcoming election. Of course, this doesn't reflect that Britain is immune to the tide of the racist fear of immigrants that's sweeping over the rest of Europe and the United States but rather, it reflects the fact that the tide hit Britain first and that the British people have been suffering under the effects of Brexit for several years already, and that the long-term rule by the Tories has devastated the British working class and sucked much of the life out of the National Health System, which used to be a model for the world until the Tories slashed its budget to the bone. I guess all I can say is we're really screwed. The world is entering an ugly time and things are going to get worse before they get better.
OK, now I've totally depressed myself. I'm gonna pour myself a stiff drink and then stick a pillow over my head and try to go to sleep. I'm not in the mood to engage in my usual late night Tumblr silliness. Maybe I'll get back to posting tomorrow?
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unknownchoatic · 1 day
high school au thoughts, more under the cut:
Horror is terrified of dogs. doesn’t matter how big/small or how aggressive/nice they are, he hates them. and he has his own trauma related to dogs but like it feels a bit silly- cause horror is massive and has part of his face mauled off and he looks like an overall tough guy, but he sees a little purse dog and freaks out. he does better with smaller dogs than big ones. he’s weary of small dogs, but if he sees a larger breed he will freak out. and he lives in an area where stray dogs or like unleashed slightly feral dogs are pretty common. also theres been a fee police investigations (with, you guessed it, police dogs) and that freaks him out.
Dust hates cars. thats how his dad and brother were killed, so like that’s understandable, but its legit a problem. other modes of transportation are fine, boats, plains, trains and shit he has no problem with, but cars and trucks will give him panic attacks. buses are a 50/50, it just depends on the day. for the first few years after his dad + brothers death he really couldn’t do cars because he was also in the accident, but other than a few scrapes Dust was fine. and then later he still really doesnt like cars. on car rides he’ll be shaking and very obviously panicked. and like, he lives in a city. cars are everywhere and though you can walk places you can’t avoid cars. also if he sees a car crash he will have really bad panic attacks and also flashbacks to when his dad + bro were killed
Killer is very afraid of being abandoned. this comes from being in the foster system. cause like his mom died and then he was stuck in the system going in and out of homes. and like normally hes fine as long as Killers with other people but if someone has to leave for whatever reason he gets this intense wave of panic and fear and abandonment. its worse when hes in the hospital. cause hes left alone for days on end and like there are nurses and stuff, but they’re working and doing their job. and like he has really big health issues so he spends a lot of time alone in hospital beds and missing class time in the nurses office.
Cross is terrified by the idea that he is a failure or that he didn’t do good enough. he comes from an abusive and also neglectful household, the only time he has positive feelings associated with Xgaster being when he does a goof job. but with that comes dread and fear and panic at the idea of him doing anything wrong. and if he cant do a task, he’ll break down. like one time he had a full blown panic attack over not understanding a math equation in the middle of class. bc hes smart, he knows this stuff, he should be doing better.
ironically, Nightmare hates hospitals. cause like he spends so much time in them. or a while he would have surgeries that were planned so that they would happen on breaks- that way he would miss less school. but half the stuff he’s have done weren’t necessary. he associates hospitals with pain and being on strong pain meds and just doesn’t like bring there. (Dream also doesn’t like hospitals because he views them as why Nim pays more attention to Nightmare (Nim is like kinda neglectful towards Dream and very overprotective of Nm))
this was fun i might do more of these
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tamamatango · 9 hours
“Keroro Gunsgo To The Polls”: The Possible Behind-the-Scenes of the Ad-nime Short Nobody Expected
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A much less existentially depressing display of political campaign buffoonery.
Here’s yet another unplanned post from me. The other long-form ones I was talking about before I keep putting off because of work and also another pretty ambitious project I’m putting together taking my attention—I don’t know how or when to talk about it here juuuuust yet, but it exists in public and some of you already know what it is/have seen it, so stay tuned perhaps.
As you can see from the video link/photo, this post is a writeup about a surprise video apparently commissioned by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government that uses the Keroro characters to encourage young people to go out and vote in the upcoming elections for the Governor of Tokyo. It came out about a week ago, but I initially glossed over it because…well, I thought it wasn’t new. After all, the copyright DOES attribute the copyright to 2014 and it looks very similar to the Flash anime at first glance, so…this must be a reupload from the 2014 Tokyo gubernatorial election or something, right?
Upon looking more deeply into it, no. There’s no record of this ever existing before this week, and it was later confirmed to be new via social media channels. Which means this is technically a brand new piece of animated Keroro content, which I pledged I would report on. So here I am. Whoopee.
This post is going to be about the short from a production standpoint, primarily. I’m not going to spend time on the plot (if you want to call it that lol), as it was already pretty succinctly summarized by this post here by @unfo11owmelol , and I can say it’s more or less accurate, so thank you! I will make a comment in that the Dororo ranting about plastic thing seems to just be a running gag he has now—he was always an environmentalist of course, but his hatred of plastic specifically is kind of new; it was even a major punchline in this month’s manga chapter. In fact, this short has the manga’s quirks written all over it. It’s almost as if Yoshizaki himself was heavily involved in it. Oh wait, he was. But we’ll get to that.
The Context
As previously mentioned, this short was commissioned by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and posted exclusively to their YouTube channel. This is where I was going to have a few sentences about how it was literally exclusively on the YouTube channel because none of the official social media accounts posted about it, but as I was writing the last 40% of the post, Keroro PR and one of the Tokyo government accounts finally mentioned it. So give a pat on the back to ol’ Kirb’s amazing procrastination abilities. Anyways, for the whole week before they finally decided to acknowledge its existence, it literally just dropped on YouTube with no warning and the only reason anybody on social media knew about it is because people whose YT feeds it popped up on were like hey what the fuck is this.
“What the fuck is this” is a pretty good question. While the fact that it’s about the gubernatorial election specifically isn’t directly mentioned in the video, it was pretty obvious given the timing, as it’s set to occur on July 7. I am not the most knowledgeable about Japanese politics as a whole, but this year’s race for governor is apparently particularly competitive, with over 50 candidates running. Here’s a short article giving a rundown of the race so far. The top issue is unsurprisingly the low birthrate, which has been causing panic over the fate of Japan’s economy for a considerably long time now. That’s why the government is very concerned that the voter disparity is incredibly polarizing, with young people voting much less than the elderly.
Well, what better way to fix low youth vote turnout than with anime? After all, the Zillenials want nothing more than to obsess over fictional characters while the world crumbles around them into inevitable disrepair I’m not projecting at all. The irony here is that, when the anime was originally in its prime at least, Keroro’s target audience was elementary schoolers. Indeed, the short definitely has the aura of a PSA they’d show to children, but obviously children are not voting. There’s even a point in the video where Tamama says going to the polling place is an opportunity to visit your childhood school, which is a statement more relatable to young adults. I guess at this point the main audience for Keroro really is considered to be the people who grew up with it in their child/teen years—unless the actual new anime gets a primetime kids’ TV slot, but I’m getting ahead of myself.
Considering this is the most viewed PSA about the election on their YouTube channel by far, I guess it worked to an extent? It’s currently hovering just under 20k views, which isn’t really too much in the grand scheme. But now that it’s been officially shared on social media, perhaps that’ll give it a boost. Will most of these viewers actually go out to vote is the question…
Production staff peculiarities
As with any animated Keroro content following the end of the Flash anime—which until the new show airs has basically just been this, the new project announcement trailer, and some anti-piracy ad they were doing in movie theaters that they ironically scrubbed from the internet—BN Pictures is credited as the animation studio (though the studio Sugarless Factory assisted; they pretty much exclusively do production assistance for various projects). This is interesting because it looks completely unlike anything they’ve ever done. Unless I’m missing something, none of the anime they’ve produced before have been done in a similar Flash-like style.
Now, as we Internet addicts all know, Flash has been officially dead for a few years now. However, it might still be used very rarely in lowkey web animations like this, although a friend who knows more about anime production than I do told me even those are more commonly made using Live2D now. The credits for this short are very…short, but the director and a couple of other animators worked on a particular Flash-animated series called Oshiri Kajiri Mushi (“Bottom Biting Bug”) that first aired on the TV channel NHK in 2012. I’m guessing these staff are freelance, as that show was produced by the studio Kinema Citrus (a team founded by ex-members of Production I.G and Bones), and were possibly brought on to this short because they had experience with the software. If it is animated using something like Live2D, the experience still applies, as it’s apparently more similar to Flash than something more commonly used in anime like Clip Studio Paint. The director also has 3D CG credits and there is a credit here for “motion” that includes his name, so maybe a little of that was used as well. (Wouldn’t be able to tell myself—most experience I have with 3D animation is a one semester Maya course I took in high school lol).
Curiously, despite the potentially similar animation software and very similar artstyle + color palette, none of the animation staff, as far as I can tell, worked on the 2014 Flash anime. That is, except for…Mine Yoshizaki.
On all animated Keroro media, Yoshizaki’s primary official credit is “original creator,” of course. As the series creator, he would of course participate to a degree in most things related to the 2004 series, doing stuff like sitting in on some writing and recording sessions, contributing ideas/concept art here and there, and so on. There’s actually a Newtype article from around the announcement of the first movie I dug up that was officially translated into English, in which Yoshizaki talks about the pressure of being in that role. Most mangaka interviews I’ve seen about their involvement in their works’ anime adaptations are pretty overwhelmingly positive, but he was definitely more mixed. This might be a post for another day, since I have some speculations about his relationship to the anime as a whole. Damn, I need to stop coming up with essay ideas that are probably too big for my pea brain.
Anyway, Yoshizaki was quite a bit more involved in the 2014 series. He served as one of two people responsible for series composition (scriptwriting), though that could be because the Flash anime was a much more direct adaptation of the manga than the original anime, which might as well have been an entirely different series. IIRC, some episodes of Flash were literally 1:1 with the manga’s script…so I guess that counts as writing the anime too lol. He also storyboarded a few episodes and wrote the opening theme song’s lyrics. The next Keroro animation after that was the anti-piracy theater ad in 2021, which he storyboarded for. But you’ll notice with all the credits we’ve discussed so far that he was never involved with the animation proper past the storyboarding stage…until now!
Not only was Yoshizaki credited as original creator as usual, he also did directorial supervision, storyboarding, and was a key animator—the only key animator, in fact! I know it’s just a five-minute short, but the Flash series’s episodes were even shorter than that and had multiple key animators per episode, so this is kind of a big deal. It also might explain why the character designs look just a little bit more on-model to the manga designs than Flash’s did, even though they look almost identical at a cursory glance. It’s easiest to tell by looking at the less-rounded head shapes, plus a few minor details like Tamama’s eye highlights and the bridge of Kururu’s glasses. I am very normal, how could you tell?
So yeah, this makes this short the most Yoshizaki has ever been involved with the actual animation process. I can’t say it gives him the most additional credits, as it’s tied with the Flash series for three extra, but it’s something!
Closing out the staff section, some notes about the cast. As you might expect, the usual actors reprise their roles. Most notably, Mamiko Noto is back to play Mois for what I believe (unless I’m missing a random collab or something) is her first time in the role in ten years, and she pretty much didn’t miss a beat! In addition to Fuyuki and Natsumi’s VAs playing them recently at the Keroro expo, that’s three additional voices besides the Keroro Platoon’s that presumably are still going to be able to return for the new anime.
Otherwise, the platoon sounds pretty much like they did in the anniversary trailer and various other small projects like the anti-piracy ad and Tales of the Rays collab from last year (they each had multiple spoken lines there). Keroro sounds a tad deeper; Tamama has some of the Jibanyan nasal now; Giroro didn’t really talk much but sounds mostly the same; Dororo is also a bit deeper and sounds kinda awkward but I think that’s less the voice direction and more Yoshizaki possibly wrote the dialogue and he speaks more assertively in the manga lol; Kururu sounds literally the exact same because Koyasu is a magic man.
Made in [Insert Year]?? (Ft. A lesson in trademarking)
I mentioned this at the beginning of this post, but for a solid few days, I really thought this video was just an ancient (2014 feels ancient now anyway) reupload. After all, the copyright string says 2014, and only media produced during the Flash series era has that copyright year, so I brushed it off. Here, let me show you all the anime copyright strings per the current anime portal:
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There’s no 2004 date on the TV series’s copyright, probably because it covers the entire series from 2004–2011, plus now 2024 onward (and possibly the anti-piracy ad from 2021 as well), and also most anime-branded merch and things. But when the show was airing proper, it was attributed to 2004 (you can see this in the opening credits of any season). The 2006–2010 dates are for each individual movie. And there’s the 2014 copyright that’s the exact same as the video’s, though here it is for the Flash anime, as there’s pictures of it on the anime portal site. As an aside, before 2015, Sunrise was listed instead of BNP. At some point all anime rights got retroactively transferred from Sunrise Inc. to BNP—not sure how or when exactly that occurred. For the movies, there were slight shakeups in the production committee as well (you can see my new project trailer analysis for more on that kind of stuff).
As you can see, copyright strings for the series are attributed to the year each individual “product” came out in, for the most part. But now we know that this ad is brand new. So…does this mean this political ad is counted as part of the Flash anime? They obviously didn’t plan to include this specific video ten years ago (unless Kadokawa bought out an oracle or something, wouldn’t surprise me). Maybe they left the door open to more episodes of the Flash anime proper, but that isn’t what this was advertised as.
Well, I have a theory. A theory that might be totally wrong, but a theory nonetheless. Let’s go on a massive tangent about the Japanese trademark system! (Disclaimer: I have no formal training in the legal field. I just have really weird research hobbies.)
I’m going to focus on two basic principles here. First, once trademarks in Japan are officially registered, they are active for ten years before the copyright applicant must reapply to renew ownership of the trademark for another ten years. Second, trademarks have to be filed under certain classifications that basically tell the JPO (Japan Patent Office) what goods and/or services the applicant plans to use the trademark for. This means that sometimes the same trademark will be filed multiple times for different use classes. The classifications are each given a two digit class number, which is further subdivided into five-character group code(s).
You can actually search through all public patents yourself on J-PlatPat, and the site is machine translated into English (though you still have to type the copyright you’re looking for in Japanese). Let’s take a look at the three different filings for ケロロ軍曹 (just the name of the series itself, not the logo).
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I’m on my phone so I couldn’t fit the entire window, but the important information is here. Kadokawa Corporation is the filer for all of these, though Yoshizaki’s name is probably also on whatever application documents they sent, which aren’t viewable. The three versions of the trademark were filed on different dates about a year apart. You’ll see that class 16 is there twice. For the first filing, it was class 16 and multiple group codes designating different kinds of goods (class 28 also contains goods-related things); the second filing covers a single group code protecting “printed matter” (presumably this was to cover any physical distributions of the manga).
I’m going to take a closer look at the third filing, which was officially registered in 2004. Class 09 covers a shitload of different goods and services, like way too many to list. What I’m thinking is that the first set of goods trademarks filed in 2001 was just to cover the kind of stuff they’d attach to issues of Shonen Ace and volume releases as giveaways—paper goods, board game-type items, and toys/dolls are all covered under it. Then in 2003, in preparation for the inevitable merchandise and collaboration dump the anime would lead to, they opened the floodgates to literally any Material Thing they could think to cover. Like, I’m pretty sure we never got any Keroro-branded egg candlers, fire alarms, or “cigar lighters for automobiles”, but might as well cover all your bases. Wouldn’t want the local fire department handing out emergency gear with your cartoon frog on it without permission, you know.
Included among these materials are some items that might be a bit more relevant to our case here. There’s a number of clauses related to physical and digital film, photography, and other media: “CD-ROM and DVD and other recording media, electronic publications, downloadable music, downloadable image[s]”. Now, while this doesn’t cover “animation” specifically, it can possibly be stretched to fit that definition. This is especially because, in Japanese, the term the MTL output as “images” is actually eizou, which can refer to both images and video.
So, the version of the trademark registered for the brand in 2004 likely covers certain media-related things. There are other classes that include the word “animation” specifically, but it’s possible that those classes weren’t classified the same way back then as they are now, and maybe anything film-related could’ve been interpreted by the law to include animation. Nowadays, though there are specific classifications for animation, specifically “animation available for download.” This subgroup actually happens to fall under class 09, though other classes contain similar items as well, such as class 41. You can search classes by number or keyword if you’re curious about this.
As I pointed out before I presented this data, all of these particular filings are for specifically ケロロ軍曹, not ケロロ. If ケロロ is to be used in isolation, it would have to be specified as such in the registration data, because what’s actually stopping someone else from coming along and trademarking just ケロロ? Now, remember the name of the Flash anime? That’s right—ケロロ. Just “Keroro”, not “Keroro Gunso.” Incidentally, this video is actually not formally titled under ケロロ軍曹 (despite what the thumbnail says). The only name in the title of the actual video is ケロロ.
So here is my theory. Maybe it’s a hypothetical, but I’m going to treat it like it’s concrete for argument’s sake. In 2014, to prepare for the Flash anime and related branding, Kadokawa filed for the trademark ケロロ—individually, without 軍曹. Because it was the 2010s at that point, it’s possible that downloadable animation was more specifically defined in the group codes filed for, even though the Flash anime did air on TV (again, the strategy to this is about covering as many potential use cases as possible for maximum copyright protection). Maybe it was under class 09, maybe it was another class, or even more than one. For whatever reason, the trademark is not publicly available. But because of what kind of animation/video/whatever that specific trademark covers, this little election video is covered under that 2014 trademark.
You might recall how I said trademarks have to be renewed every ten years. Incidentally, it just so happens that 2014 was ten years ago. Most likely, the (secret?) trademark was recently renewed so that stuff like this would be allowed to be made and can continue to be made in the future, independently from “Keroro Gunso” as defined by the 2004-verse and the manga proper. And because 2014 is the original filing year of that trademark, that is the year that is displayed with this project, even if the trademark was renewed in 2024, or some other recent year. By the way, all the ケロロ軍曹 trademarks I covered were also renewed this decade, so Kadokawa can keep on doing whatever exactly they were doing with those. There’s probably even more hidden-from-public-view trademarks, who knows, there’s a thousand potential asterisks here but you get the picture.
Fascinating, isn’t it? As I said, it’s possible that I’m just talking out of my ass and all of this is either way more simple or way more complicated than I’m making it out to be, in which case I just wasted multiple paragraphs of your time. But hey, at least it was a fun lesson, right? I’m not the only one interested in this, right? RIGHT?!?!?!
Okay, I’m just about done here, but I’m going to tell you something plot twisty. Do you know what actually first clued me in to the fact that this was not made in 2014 before it was confirmed to be the case? Not the upload date. Not the fact that nobody ever talked about it prior to a week ago. Not even all the probably useless copyright shit I just spent a whole other post’s worth of words on.
It was this part of the video:
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See, in this screenshot, if you look really closely, you’ll notice that Kururu is using an iPhone parody with three cameras. The first iPhones with three cameras were released in 2019. Therefore, this could not have been made in 2014. This stupid detail is what it took to get me to think about this video for more than thirty seconds.
Thank you, Kururu’s crippling iPhone addiction.
So yeah, go out and vote or whatever, wherever you guys are. Otherwise you’ll have to look Mois in the eyes and tell her no, and that will make her very sad, and she might blow up the planet as consequence. Not that the planet isn’t already being destroyed. Any of my fellow Americans want to join me for a screaming session following the last few days of federal fuckery? I’ll bring chocolate-covered pretzels to snack on and we’ll write the names of corporate lobbyists on them, it’ll be fun.
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a-very-tired-jew · 2 days
Hi AVTJ, I saw you posting a bit about the Holy Land Foundation case and the GW paper on extremism with partial transcripts of the FBI's wiretap of Hamas members in the USA used in that case. Another good document to look at to more deeply understand the extent of the financial and ideological links between terror groups like Hamas, PIJ, the PFLP, and campus groups like SJP--and how we got to the present situation--is this report from the Jerusalem Center for Public affairs, available here: [https://jcpa.org/book/students-for-justice-in-palestine-unmasked/] I almost wish the title had been a bit more professional because the information inside is good and very well sourced. One source I find particularly interesting is the 2016 congressional testimony of Dr. Jonathan Schanzer, an expert on terrorism finance who worked for the US government.
I just read through all of it, and it's long, but well cited with a lot of examples. I do agree that it could have been titled better because as it stands the title alone is polarizing and will turn people away. But the information contained within, even if there is an inherent bias which we must acknowledge, comes with citations and supporting evidence. I will include some excerpts as it is a 78 page document in total with about 50 pages being the monograph itself.
The first section is about SJP's link to various terrorist organizations and persons.
The National SJP conference has long platformed convicted and recognized terrorists.
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Fig. 1. the National Conference platforms and supports various terrorists and their groups
On Hatem Bazian, who founded the SJP system -
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Fig. 2. Bazian has repeatedly pushed for violence against Israel, the USA, and Jews.
On BDS National Committee being founded, in part, by the PNIF and PNIF in itself being founded by Marwan Barghouti.
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Fig. 3. List of terrorist groups that make up PNIF
On Electronic Intifada, one of the go to "news" sources for Western Activists in the conflict.
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Fig. 4. E.I. framing 9/11 as a "gift" for Israel (related to the Jews did 9/11 conspiracy).
On CodePink's alliance with terrorist groups.
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Fig. 5. Intro paragraph to the CodePink section
And there's just so much more in just this one section alone about SJP's connections to terrorist groups. It also provides evidence for other NGOs that present themselves as charities or having "benign" missions statements being affiliated with violent terrorist groups and/or being fronts for them. Groups like Addameer, ISM, and more all have mentions and evidence linking them in this document.
The monograph then goes into its second section about SJP's glorification of terrorism, engagement in antisemitism, and campus violence.
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Fig. 6. SJP chapters and Bazian supporting Kanafani who defended the 1970 plane hijacking.
They even have a section the NYC SJP which became Within Our Lifetime and its history of promoting, glorifying, and justifying terrorism.
On the rise in antisemitism on college campuses that is associated with the presence of SJP groups and the BDS movement.
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Fig. 7. Brandeis study about antisemitism on college campuses.
One of the things that is mentioned in this section is the repeated use of mock eviction notices to Jewish student dorms by SJP members.
On the use of Nazi propaganda by SJP chapters.
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Fig. 8. Vassar College's SJP was never formally addressed for its use of Nazi propaganda and targeting Jews.
And I could go on with more and more examples from the monograph, especially as it gets into faculty support for SJP and the actions of faculty advisers openly supporting terrorism and being antisemitic. But there's just so much. I encourage everyone to dive into this tome of a monograph and really digest what it's saying. The Jewish community has long pointed out that SJP in its entirety is openly antisemitic, endorses violence and harassment against Jews, and has ties to terrorism. They're not a group calling for peace. They're a hate fueled bigoted organization created by a man, Bazian, who disguises his antisemitism through "activism".
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rdng1230 · 2 days
what movies would tommy make them watch for movie night? in your correct opinion <3
GAH I WAS LITERALLY BUSY READING YOUR FIC. the "Tommy was Buck's first crush as a kid and now here he is" one, Not even joking I've already sent it to people on three different continents. I owe you my life.
Anywho!!!! God I am so hyper specific about how I pick out movies depending on the day/vibe/etc and I feel like Tommy would be similar (but he'd be about 10000% more chill about it than me, I am a goddamn tyrant) Hmmmmmm ok Here's a very random assortment of movies I think he'd suggest and the attached circumstances that would lead him to suggest it.
Just in general, I think Mr. "The world started the day I was born" is going to still have a giant list of pre 90's films he's not gotten to yet and Tommy makes it his goddamn mission in life to show Evan what he's been missing. I tried to avoid the movies that Buck would've probably already gotten to like The Princess Bride, Wizard of Oz, The Godfather, the Breakfast Club, etc. I wanted ones that would be like the number 4 on the top 3 must watch list of whatever category.
I already wrote a scene in my fic of this but Tommy loves Moonstruck and they watch it after a nice night in with Italian food from Tommy's Nonna.
Chim is downright offended when he finds out Buck and Tommy watched Lethal Weapon without him, but ummm.... it was probably better he wasn't there.
Ok picture this, its a hot day, maybe a little cloudy. Tommy and Buck are in the mood for something sappy. Buck keeps telling Tommy they have got to start knocking some things off the 'Audrey Hepburn' list, but neither of them are feeling very '50's. Buck's wrist is busted from an overly risky move at work and Tommy gets an evil glint in his eye. They end up watching Always (Which is about pilots during wild fire season, the main pilot pulls something too risky and dies, and he ends up in the afterlife where his ghost mentor is played by Audrey Hepburn) the whole time Buck's getting teary and he keeps saying "Oh I hate you" to Tommy as sad moments in the movie happen. He squeezes Tommy's hand, a silent promise that he'll be more careful (and that Tommy better be careful at work too because he'd kill him again if ghost Tommy behaved the way the ghost protagonist did in the movie.) Smoke Gets In Your Eyes gets put on their wedding playlist.
I can't remember if I wrote this down somewhere or if I just thought about it a lot but Buck really takes to the Nick and Nora movies from the 30's and Buck is so endeared by Tommy's phoney transatlantic accent. it become's a running joke with them and the first time Buck responds with his own equally dorky accent Tommy has to physically bite down from saying I love you because its way too soon and he doesn't want to freak him out.
This is cheating a little because this movies only like 10 years old but They find out they both love the Secret Life of Walter Mitty. It's one of the movies that inspired Buck to go out and become something, and he watched it a lot, particularly during his cowboy era. Tommy loves it because its a movie about being brave enough to let yourself grow. Buck makes a lot of "Major Tom" jokes afterwards.
Buck loves Sleepless in Seattle (one of the one's he had knocked off the classics list), but he's never seen An Affair to Remember because the clips in Sleepless always made it look way sadder than it actually was. Tommy's like "Ok it is sad at some parts but just trust me" Tommy realizes he's created a monster with Buck's Cary Grant crush.
Oh also Tommy loves the Holiday as well as Love Actually and they make it a double feature every year in mid December (although Tommy does put it on year round) as a side note, I also watch Love Actually way too much and eventually I will write a fic defending that movie and going into angsty details about the soundtrack using Tommy to voice all of my thoughts, apologies in advance.
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mother-snake · 1 year
Might plan a re write of an old story I used to post on here. Sander side fandom edition :)
I miss my janus's brother oc and its about time I bring him back by rewriting the old shit. If anyone rememvers the plot, I don't so it's most likely gonna change :) just need Oranges name and whoever else was there to start.
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system-architect · 6 months
i desperately wish gw2 had more food-centric lore. i think about asura food more than is probably particularly reasonable. they're sort of implied to like molecular gastronomy in the lvl500 chef quests which is fitting and makes sense, but surely not every asura is eating bespoke Pea Spheres day in and day out right? i think my favorite angle on them is a sort of 50s-80s american-esque food style where there's a huge emphasis on things being Convenient and Scientific, so you'd get a lot of absolute slop tv dinners and canned items that have labels boasting how they were nutritionally fortified and contained your day's complete vitamin intakes and so on. a lot of jellied things. i do also fully believe they would have + eat soylent.
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spicyraeman · 15 days
mandatory overtime should be illegal and I hope my employers know they're going to hell <3
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buglaur · 11 months
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she's live
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now you can see what everyones height is in my head because i refuse to download height sliders. look at ass <3
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todayisafridaynight · 1 month
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This is a terrible gag gift youd give mine in a dating sim thatd make him hate you but wouldn’t let you know until the end of the game when you fail his route
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setacin · 1 year
its still Definitely a work in progress (the lower jaw isnt even on here yet LMAO) but here’s what i’ve got so far!!
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green-tea-lemonade · 5 months
Your solnep gives me life <3
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give power!!! give life!!!
a powerhouse of a duo!!!
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pokimoko · 1 year
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I have had it with these motherfucking spam bots on this motherfucking site.
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Hi! In your recent post, (the drawing of Eddie) you mentioned that you were struggling with the coloring. As someone who is obsessed with coloring and color theory, I was wondering if you would like some tips? If not I completely understand!
But just so you know, your coloring is awesome and I ADORE the color palette <333 have a lovely day!
(p.s, I'm sorry if I'm overstepping boundaries, it's not my intention but if I am let me know <3)
its not that i dont Understand! on a technical level, i do. i've watched/read countless tutorials, helpful posts, tips tricks shortcuts - you name it! i can look at someone's art and pick out the process behind it. hell, i look at my own work and im able to go "oh, this is what's wrong with it"
but there's just... idk some sort of disconnect in my head. a mental color blindness of a sort. its like looking at a thing and knowing how it works, but once you go to put it together your mind goes blank.
i mean i wouldnt say No to some tips. you never know what you don't know. there could be something You know that i somehow havent seen yet that would help immensely. so sure!
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molluskzone · 2 months
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blake age timeline ^-^ im gonna make one for everyone i think
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