#This was in like 2022 i just remembered how bullshit it was lol
ghostb0o · 4 months
The group chat reacting after someone deleted our entire two-year+ long and very active discord channel of roleplay because she decided spontaneously to soft reboot the story:
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Hi, prev anon venting about the Timkon vs Batjokes poll here: would actually find it very interesting to read some analysis on the rising anti mentality, actually. I've been in fandom for a long time, so I do remember when it wasn't like this, and for a while I was like "it's fine, just block and move on, don't engage, it's fine". But IS it fine?? Fans of more complex and not easily digestible ships... we block and ignore and create our own little niches, but at this point I've seen too many cases of shippers saying they're AFRAID of publically liking something darker just because they might get harassed. This shit is getting genuinely harrowing to real alive people, to the point where some poor fans actually buy the bullshit of "you're a bad person if you like That Bad Ship" as if thought crimes exist and we're in the damn 18th century. It's definitely worth studying this phenomenon in fandom because then maybe we can figure out how to fix this? Fandom is supposed to be fun... Lol, really long way of saying that those texts would be cool to see, thank you guys!
Here's a huge library of sources about media literacy, lgbtq+ issues, fandom and fan culture. We definitely recommend checking it out!
Under the cut is the list of articles focused specifically on the phenomenon of antishipping. Please keep in mind that some of these articles are master's theses or doctoral dissertations and that we didn't fully read all of them. This is just a general list of what we've found.
Aburime, S. (2021). The cult structure of the American anti. Transformative Works and Cultures, 36.
Aburime, S. (2022). Hate narratives, conditioned language and networked harassment: A new breed of anti-shipper and anti-fan–antis. Journal of Fandom Studies, 10(2-3), 135-155.
Bradburn, M. (2023). Fans Like Us: Anti-Shipping, Othering, and the Reauthoring of Fandom (Master's thesis, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte).
Drouin, R. A. (2021). 'Fans are Going to See it Any Way They Want': The Rhetorics of the Voltron: Legendary Defender Fandom. Bowling Green State University.
Larsen, V. (2021). It makes me, a minor, uncomfortable. Media and Morality in Anti-Shippers’ Policing of Online Fandom.
Salsabila, J. A., & Sulhin, I. (2024). Social Media And Moral Panic: Examining The Case Of Antis Fandom On Social Media X. Eduvest-Journal of Universal Studies, 4(5), 4138-4150.
Stone, A. A. (2023). The Antagonistic Anatomy of Anti-shippers: A Thematic Analysis. City University of New York John Jay College of Criminal Justice.
Urbańczyk, A. (2022). Finding a Dead Dove in the Refrigerator. The Anti-Shippers’ Call for Exclusion of Sensitive Content as a Means of Establishing Position in the Field of Fan Production. Przegląd Kulturoznawczy, 53(3), 404-420.
(Also, adding this screenshot of the table of contents from Larsen's article because it's very funny.)
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azurityarts · 1 year
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uhh hi again
update (and text wall) below
Hiya! It's been a bit ^^;; (wow i've completely forgotten how to do this sdhnfhndshnf)
So for those wondering where I've gone, I'm still here! There's just been a lot of stuff going on, ranging from personal health to familial issues to academic bullshit, and I guess I just decided to take a break from drawing? ><; Those issues have been present and stockpiling for a while now, as early as winter of last year (you can honestly see the visible drop in doodle quality); there was just a lot on my plate. The Daily Doodles really took a toll on my sleep and arm, and while I don't think either have gotten much better (not me typing this in the dead of night), I think I can do more now that exams are over! I doubt I'll be able to put out stuff at the same frequency like 2022 though.
For those wondering what's next, I'll still be here! o7 I've got plenty of stuff I'd like to start, get back to, and finish, but that barely does it justice. I've got a big problem with starting projects and abandoning them, but there's quite a few I'll be trying to get back to with what time I have (yes I still remember the Dusknoir post). Most direly though, would probably be the raffles? Yeah... those sorta went on pause as a result of what else I had going on, and I am. Seven overdue now?? shit man wtf where did you all come from o-o
In regards to the raffles though, I probably won't be able to organize seven of them things at the moment lol- I have another plan though! Which will hopefully be easier on everyone? Maybe. Idk about me LOL - it'll be reblogged from this post shortly!
oh yeah I also finished PSMD and no I was not and am not okay
TL;DR: It has been a Large Amount of Time since I've properly gotten back here as an active blog, and even longer since I've regularly drawn, but with finals over, hopefully I'll be more active?
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 10 months
You were right about jimin making jk look good and likeable because I have not had a single nice thought about jk for months (maybe since before the hiatus was announced actually) and I've even been actively praying for jimin to stay far far away from him, but after that stupid trip and this whole enlisting together thing, and seeing how fond jimin absurdly still is of him, I can't Find in me the same negativity towards him. It's so fascinating how Jimin being a wonderful human can reflect on others... I really need to remind myself of all the shit jk pulled this year lol
I mentioned that because I've experienced it as well. I never liked Taehyung, I just never vibed with him and with the years it got worse.
Then I actually started losing affection for Jungkook when he hung out too much with Taehyung, back in late 2021. They were practically mirrors of each other. They were both so cocky, arrogant, constantly bullshitting, the fanservice. I don't remember if I saved that post but I've talked about it. They were literally the same, that's why in 2022 and this year, them being together all the time and with wooga, I was like "it makes sense".
Too bad that once I stop caring about someone, I just stop. It's not easy for me to go back, so seeing Jungkook be one way or the other changes nothing for me. It will have to be years before I change my mind again.
Jimin brings out something good in people, he just does. I also like Taehyung better when he's with Jimin.
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zacharyleigh316 · 2 years
the ghost of you is burned in every tape I mix
Suptober Prompt: Day 9 - Vintage | the ghost of you is burned in every tape I mix | Word Count: 2.3K | Teen and Up | Read here (or below cut)
Feelings were never Dean's strong suit-much to his brother's chagrin, he's sure. But some things are just too painful, too fresh. And some things...just don't stay dead.
Me, posting in the year of our lord and savior 2022? A true surprise, I know, I mean, seriously who would’ve thunk? But alas, the cryptid (or hermit, whichever suits your fancy) emerges at long last with a little treat for Suptober 2022. I can’t do every prompt, unfortunately, because y’know ‘life’ but, if all goes accordingly, I’ll have some more to post throughout the month, opposed to my first, and only, submission last year. Anyway, I hope you enjoy ‘the ghost of you’, which, technically, shouldn’t exist since I swore to myself I’d never write anything post the latter half of s15...so you’re welcome. And I’m sorry (lol)
“Jesus, Dean, it’s like a cassette graveyard in here.” 
Sam fixed the box in his lap with a glare, the sound of plastic on plastic making Dean’s chest ache. He refused to even look over at Sam, didn’t dare turn his head in that direction, couldn’t bare to watch him sift through the collection of mix tapes, jaw clenched and knuckles white on Baby’s steering wheel. 
“Do you even listen to these anymore?” Sam asked, pulling one from the box. “I mean, this one looks like it hasn’t seen the light of day in years.” 
Dean said nothing, but swallowed harshly at the wave of emotion building up. Sam looked over, a series of emotions flickering across his face, too perceptive for his own good. 
“They’re vintage.” He managed, finally, cutting off whatever Sam was about to say. 
He didn’t want to hear it.
“It’s part of my aesthetic. Can’t just ‘get rid of them’, Sammy. Who do you take me for?” He lied, chancing a look over at his brother.
Dean flashed Sam a grin; deflecting to humor was what he did best. He could tell Sam didn’t buy it, not for a second—they knew each other too well for that—but it didn’t stop Dean from putting on that thinly veiled mask anyway. 
Fake it till you make it, right? 
Sam huffed, and rolled his eyes, clearly tired of Dean’s bullshit, but too smart to dig any further. Dean reckoned Sam was right; knowing him, he was probably seconds away from clamming up at any mention of…feelings. 
Sam shifted his attention back to the box of cassettes, the movement drawing Dean’s own eyes down to the tape still in Sam’s hand, which in turn made the older Winchester’s breath catch. Feeling the hot sting of unwanted tears well up, Dean quickly looked away, and glued his focus back onto the road, an endless inky black river of asphalt that stretched on for miles, absorbing Baby’s headlights as she urged forward. Much to Dean’s chagrin, it didn’t provide any of its usual comfort—quite the opposite, in fact.
“Anyway, vintage isn’t the word I’d use, Dean.” Sam added after a while, breaking the silence. “I’m just saying, you could stand to lose some of these.”
“And I’m just saying you could mind your own damn business.” 
Sam sighed, “Dean,” and Dean rolled his eyes, hating how exasperated his name on his brother’s tongue sounded.
“Not in the mood, Sammy.” he warned, through gritted teeth. Too close.
“Do you even remember what’s on most of these?”
“I’m serious, Sam, drop it.” Dean snapped, body tensed and wired, looking for a fight. 
“What happened to the you of a few minutes ago, the version of my annoying little brother who wasn’t this nosy? Who knew when to stop poking the bear? Can I get him back?”
“I wouldn’t have to poke the bear, Dean, if you just talked to me, and answered me-“ Dean opened his mouth, “-without being a smart ass.” Sam quickly added, effectively shutting whatever smart ass remark Dean was about to make, up. 
“I haven’t even seen you listen to most of these.”
Because they’re too painful, he didn’t say.
“They’re basically clutter, at this point.”
But they’re not, they could never be, his mind screamed.
“I get it.” 
No you don’t, you can’t, Sammy, and his heart broke all over again.
“Being sentimental over the past, or whatever, but this just makes you a hoarder Dean. Sometimes it’s better to just let things go.” 
But can’t you see, that isn’t an option for me, because it’s the only thing I’ve got left of-
Dean made a sound that had Sam looking over from the passenger seat in concern, a sound neither of them knew Dean was capable of making, and Sam dropped the tape back into the box. 
“Um, okay, alright, we’ll just…I mean, I’ll just…” Sam trailed off, and swallowed thickly, placing the lid back on the box, and the box back into the glove compartment. 
“Right.” He muttered awkwardly, almost missing the broken, whispered ‘thanks’ that came from Dean. 
That alone was surprising enough for Sam to shut up for the remainder of the trip back to the bunker. 
Dean pulled the Impala up to the entrance and shifted her into park, but kept the engine running, making no move to get out. Sam furrowed his brows in worry, feeling that there was a lot unsaid between them, but undid his seatbelt and scrambled out of the car.
“Are you coming?” He asked, despite knowing fully well that Dean wasn’t. 
“Nah, you go ahead.”
“You sure?” 
“Yeah, Sammy. ‘S’all good. Just gonna go out for a drive.” 
Sam hesitated, standing just outside the passenger side door, before nodding and heading off into the bunker without another word. Dean let out the breath he was holding, and put the Impala into drive, pulling her back out, and away from the bunker entrance just as quickly as they had previously arrived. 
He didn’t drive for long, unable to stand the silence just as much as he hated the noise. He loved his brother, but it wasn’t who he really wanted beside him on the bench seat. He loved his brother, but it wasn’t the same. 
Dean stopped the car upon a nondescript field, empty aside from acres of tall grass. He figured it was as good a place as any to have a moment to himself, where he intended to let out all the pent up emotion that had been steadily brewing since Sam brought out that box full of tapes. 
Before he could stew any longer, or second guess himself, Dean leaned over and retrieved that very same box from the glove compartment. It didn’t take long for him to find the one he was looking for, the white plastic yellowed, and the sharpie faded, with age, but he knew what it said. How could he forget? He remembered the day he gave it to Castiel, after the many grueling hours he had spent painstakingly adding each song; all the things he could never find the words to say, so he put them into a mixtape instead, just as his dad had done for his mom all those years ago. How Cas tried to give it back, and how Dean had refused, picking it up off the edge of the table where the angel had placed it, oh so gently, as if giving it up was the last thing he wanted to do, and returned it with a gruff, “it’s a gift, you keep those”.
Dean’s hands shook as he put it in, and stopped, just short of pressing play. He closed his eyes for a moment, gathering whatever little resolve he had left, and jabbed the button, the intro to Zepp’s Ramble On coming through Baby’s speakers. 
The second he heard Plant’s voice, the air inside the Impala suddenly became stifling, thick enough to choke on your own breath. Dean stumbled out of the driver seat, knees and palms hitting the ground as he dry heaved into the grass. Bile burned the back of throat, and tears spilled steadily from his eyes, blurring his vision. A mangled gasp wrung itself up and out his mouth as he cried, his fingers digging into the soil for purchase, and the dampness soaking into his jeans went ignored. 
No matter how hard Dean tamped down the hurt, the pain of watching the one person, your person, die in front of you, knowing this time was real, this time was it, it was always still there. It never left. Because Cas was gone, lost to the Empty, and Dean was left behind with only the ghost of a memory, and some ‘vintage’ cassette tapes.
Tapes that he hadn’t listened to, not since he made the damn things, not since it happened. Where Castiel confessed his love, something Dean didn’t even think was possible—not for them, certainly not for him—and then fucked off to wherever with Billie and the Empty because it was his true happiness or whatever.
Whose true happiness was making this big speech about how the (supposed) love of your life changed you so irrevocably, and being okay with dying without reciprocation?
“Stupid.” Dean croaked, body shaking. “You were so fucking stupid, Cas.” 
He looked skyward, face streaked with tears, and screamed up at the heavens. “Fuck you, man. Seriously, Cas, fuck you!” 
He didn’t know where Cas was, where the Empty was, or if he could even hear him.
“What about my happiness, huh? Did you really think I’d ever be happy if you-“ he swallowed, “-if you weren’t here? After everything? After…what I said in purgatory? 
“C’mon, man, you know me better than that. Probably better than anyone. Even Sam. So why-“ his voice cracked.
Dean could feel the exact moment his heart split in two, opening like a fissure, a weeping wound reopened, just as fresh as it was the day it was created. 
“Why’d you leave? Why’d you leave me, Cas I-“ he dropped his voice, and whispered the last part, like a secret spoken only to the wind. “-I need you.” 
Dean closed his eyes at the new onslaught of tears, overwhelmed by the sheer amount of shit he was feeling.
“Fuck man, I need you, so friggin much, it hurts.” 
How years ago in days of old…
When magic filled the air…
“You gotta know that right? Even if I didn’t say it? If I couldn’t say it?” He pleaded, digging the heels of his palms into his eyes.
'Twas in the darkest depths of Mordor…
I met a girl so fair…
“Fuck, Cas, I don’t even know if you can hear this, wherever you are, but please…come back.” He pulled his hands away, and blinked his blurry eyes back up to the sky.
Come back home, to me, he didn’t say, but it was heavily implied.
But Gollum, and the evil one…
Crept up and slipped away with her…
“I was so angry, at first. You just fucked off, just like that, man, after telling me about the deal, and then saying you love me…who does that shit? I didn’t-I didn’t get to process shit, Cas, didn’t even get to tell you…and then I blink and you’re gone.”
*I guess I keep on rambling…*
“You know I sat on that floor for hours after it happened? Wouldn’t even answer my phone. Sam kept calling and I couldn’t even be bothered to care, because I just lost you. It hurts so freaking much, Cas, you gotta know. You gotta know how I feel.”
Doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo…
I gotta keep searching for my baby…
Dean looked around, the meadow still just as quiet and still as it had been when he first arrived. He was still just as alone as he was when he first arrived.
(Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby)…
I gotta keep-a-searchin' for my baby…
“Yup. Figures.” He muttered, wiping the tears off his face. “Don’t even know why I thought that would work.” 
(My, my, my, my, my, my, my baby)…
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah 
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah…
“Fuck,” he laughed, the sound both bitter and hysterical, “what am I even doing? This was stupid…I feel like crap.” 
He got up, wincing at his popping knees, and turned back to the Impala, just as Plant’s vocals started to fade. 
I can't find my bluebird…
Cas was gone, his brain supplied helpfully.
As if he didn’t already know.
I can't find my bluebird…
His bluebird was lost to the Empty forever, that much was clear.
Dean let the song finish, using the last few seconds to collect himself, fists clenched down at his sides. He couldn’t help but think how wrong Sam was; he didn’t feel any better after letting his emotions take over. Hell, he just had a chick flick moment with himself, and he still felt like ass. 
He unfurled his hands when the next song on the tape rolled over, crescent shaped marks from his nails tattooed on the skin of his palms. He welcomed the pain, reminded him he wasn’t completely numb, yet, after everything. 
A small breeze made its way through the meadow, faintly rustling the grass, and sending shivers down Dean’s spine. Thinking nothing of it, he sniffed, and reached out to pat Baby’s roof, deciding now was a good as time as any to start heading back to the bunker; it would just get colder as the night went on.
Just then the tape stopped abruptly, and Dean cursed, but just as he reached in to take it out, the radio popped and crackled to life, rapidly scanning through static. He furrowed his brows in confusion, only to stumble backwards in surprise when Baby’s lights started to flicker.
“What the-“
The flutter of wings behind him effectively cut him off, and Dean’s eyes widened, heart skipping a beat. He whipped himself around, and let out a sob of relief at the angel standing there, his angel standing there, trench coat and all. 
“Hello, Dean.”
He didn’t even care how it was possible, not yet, not when Castiel was right there. Dean ran toward him, and wrapped Cas in the biggest embrace, starting to sob proper when Dean felt Cas hug back. And, in a complete turn of events, Dean found he was done waiting.
He pulled away, just enough to see Cas’ face, before joining their lips together. Cas made a pleased sound, and pulled Dean closer, Dean letting himself melt into Castiel like it’s where he belonged.
”I know. I heard you, Dean, I heard you.” Cas whispered breathlessly against Dean’s lips. 
“I’m home.”
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sarasa-cat · 10 months
As for a few other things --- my literal exhaustion regarding the state of the world (things clearly beyond my ability to do anything about it so I'm turning the volume down) --- I'm sticking some vague blogging about political shit behind a cut:
ngl, the current state of international affairs, national politics and political projections/fortune telling about future outcomes, and a major clusterfuck of not-well-publicized local political bullshit has pretty much made my brain turn off at the sound of all of it.
I have no plans on unfollowing anyone on tumblr and no plans on blocking any tags --- honestly, I'm fine seeing political content on occasion on my main dash and my scrolling fingers are fast --- but my level of engagement with those posts (meaning hitting the occasional like-heart) has dropped and will continue to drop precipitously.
Also, my brain has shifted into winter break mode so, lol, even if my butt is planted in a chair in the US right now, my brain has left the continent and, in a few weeks, my body will catch up location-wise.
Re: tumblr:
I really love how well curated some of my "top of tumblr page" tabs are.
My tags feed is super curated with tons of lovely visual imagery (well, minus that recent infestation of porn bots ... which makes it hard for me to interact with my tags feed when in public or in "all ages family friendly spaces").
My Blog Subs tab is becoming a bit more populated as I add more aesthetics(tm) content to it rather than only using it to keep track of my closer mutuals.
And for the most part I want to keep tumblr mainly as my place for chilling and relaxing and being watercooler-social with fannish friends online.
In Summary:
ONE: The international, US, and local-to-me political scene makes me exhausted and there is really nothing I can do anymore. (Also, I'm no longer working on various campaigns or non-for-profit-political-outreach or doing research that affects our understanding of any of the media, etc., so, like, really, I'm just a tax payer and a voter these days and nothing more on that front --- which is very different from who I was from age 18 onward, up through the end of 2022).
TWO: I am not happy with the direction of pretty much anything in the point above and when I look back at the work I have done in the past (see point ONE) and feel like .... what the fuck was it even for? Very little*** but personal experience because none of it amounted to anything beyond a full fledged extra resume attached to my normal/aca-pro resume.
(***I originally typed nothing but then I remembered a bill we managed to pass back in [*cough*] plus the work I did during the worst of the "a horse is loose in a hospital" period of pandemic, what was work that MATTERED)
THREE: I'm reclaiming all of my spare time for other things.
FOUR: Tumblr is for chilling and relaxing. and seeing tons of pretty on my dash is important to me. (preferably without the semi-disembodied butt cheeks, cunts, and boobs... tumblr-- get these bots under control).
(caveat: I am still open to ongoing political discussions that occur in private channels btwn me and a few other mutuals --- but my overall tumblr disengagement with overly political topics is going to continue dropping and may eventually plummet to zero regarding likes, reblogs, and original posts; and yes, yes, the personal is political, etc. there will always be some leak through for those reasons, and how muck leak-through you perceive depends on how personal politics can be. But this caveat is getting academic and meaningless. All of the above paragraphs clearly speak for what they mean.)
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bitch-butter · 1 year
not to be weird or anything but "three hour long montage of men talking about Important Things in rooms" is so you. Like, I was nodding along because it made so much sense haha
What's your fav movies you had seen so far this year, and why?
w o o f that's hard because i feel like this year has been so slow to start movie-wise! i'm really happy it's summer now, because this is typically when all the movies i'm really excited for start opening, but things won't get really crazy until fall so a lot of the movies i've actively sought out this year have been horror lol so for my own piece of mind i'll back it up to Exactly a year to highlight some movies that i really, really responded to so it doesn't seem like i Just consume darkness lol
being really annoying about movies under the cut
oppenheimer (2023) - see prev Showing Ass post
reality (2023) - a Very scary movie that if you live in america you should watch, because not only is it told impeccably but it's actually shocking how few people actually remember Reality Winner given the fact that this story is only a few years old. sydney sweeney is incredible in this.
skinamarink (2022) - a Divisive horror movie that truly did get so much shit but the way it scared the hell out of me remembering being a kid left alone in a house with just a TV cannot be described.
renfield (2023) - me and my gf dressed as vampires to go to this movie, it was a laugh riot from beginning to end and nic cage deserves 77 awards, best dracula since gary oldman.
nope (2022) - 100% more scared of monkeys than i am of aliens, jordan peele call me to talk to me about our national fixation on spectacle and also Westerns.
tár (2022) - what a f u c k i n g movie this was, i saw it with my best friend on a visit to Omaha and we screamed the entire time. i love a Complicated film that wants to explore the intersections of bad people making good art, the gender studies major that still lives within me was losing it watching this movie.
pamela, a love story (2023) - this is your typical Netflix documentary, meaning there isn't a whole lot of New information that they give, but any opportunity given to us to reexamine a woman that was unfairly maligned i think is a very, very good opportunity. and pamela is a great writer, and seems like a very lovely (again, complicated) person, so i enjoyed getting to see her overcome some bullshit.
women talking (2022) - i really think i cried the entire movie when i first saw it, and i watched it again recently and did the same thing so i think it holds up. really excellent performances, even if its a very talky movie it also has a really potent atmosphere and it So effectively builds horror into hope by the end.
AND nothing compares (2022) - this is timely, because we lost shuhada sadaqat aka sinéad o'connor yesterday, and i was just recently thinking about this documentary and how much i loved it and how i should rewatch it. it's so sensitive to her, and takes her thoughts and feelings Seriously, and that made me very emotional to see as someone who remembers her being made into a fucking joke my entire childhood. it isn't a Perfect doc, but i value it very much, especially now.
really really pumped for: Dune Part II, The Last Voyage of the Demeter, Killers of the Flower Moon (funny story: this past weekend my best friend ran into lily gladstone at the grocery store and apparently she was So nice lol) and Barbie (seeing it this weekend for my birthday, very , very, very excited).
thank you for asking ~ 🖤
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parkminijiminie · 1 year
Time for conspiracy…
I’ve been shipping jikook for 4 years and counting and this is the first time my belief is shaken to a significant level. Jikook has always been weird. I remember when Goldy was still active on her former blog, we used to speculate a lot on their hot and cold interactions. Jikook has always been like that. Smooth sailing for a couple of months and then they just change the vibes for the coming ones. The problem is that jikookers will never agree something is wrong😩😩. They used to attack Goldy then when she speculates that they were on a break or they had a fight. Jikookers place them on a pedestal. Anyone with eyes could see something was off but jikookers wouldn’t listen. The same thing happened last year/ this year. Jikook was weird. Simple!!!. The 2 members that sticks to each other like glue suddenly are not spending time together anymore. Jk began visibly spending time with tae when that had never happened before. People excused it as jimin too busy but I call bullshit. The jimin before 2019 would give up a lot of things to see jk. No matter how busy he was, he would find the time. Jk of the past would have moved heavens to stay with him or find another arrangement that suits them better rather than jm staying with pdogg. It was that intense between them. Tae began to invalidate jimin in jk’s life and that was the biggest clue. Tae would’ve never been brave to keep name dropping jk as he did this year unless something changed between jikook. And Jm wouldn’t have allowed it. We know jimin. He would’ve claimed his man in public no matter the consequence. Jk doing those lives, being sad, crying on live was a clue something was wrong. There were isssues. I saw jikookers claiming ex doesn’t behave like that (I mean the few times they interacted and seemed fine)etc. lol, Jikook behaves like that. It isn’t their first rodeo but jikookers wouldn’t listen because they thought they are perfect. When something was obviously wrong with them in 2020, they kept a front, smiled at each other, touched each other, flirted on camera but something was happening during ON era. So if jikook breaks up, you wouldn’t be aware because they will keep being cordial. Jikookers swore nothing was wrong but it was obvious to those who were not fooled by their bright smiles😩😩. Here is my theory about what happened:
They had issues somewhere in 2022. Simple!!! Their Instagram was another giveaway. Even tkkrs were shocked that they never acknowledged each other. That was how bad it was. They were the only 2 members who avoided themselves as much as possible. They settled on platonic probably around late 2022. He wished Jimin happy birthday and everyone thought things were back to normal. Jimin continued making his album while jk spent time doing whatever he wanted. He spent a lot of time with Tae. Then after jm album promotions was done, they probably agreed to get back together and that is how we got the jikook of today. The leaked video got me thinking about a lot of possibilities and none of it makes me happy:
1. Jk fucked around during their separation time and he just got caught.
2. they were never broken up but they were on agreement to hold up on things and jk stepped out on jm. Don’t say never. Even Beyoncé was cheated on. We don’t know them personally.
3. they are still broken up but trying to get back together hence the New York trip in July
4. They broke up and he stepped out and jm already knows since it’s technically not cheating and now they’re on the path of reconciliation and finally
5.the video is not jk but a smear campaign against him. The theory of them having issues still stand
6. they were in an open relationship and jm gave consent which I doubt because my man is madly in love with jk. None of these possibilities makes me happy especially if it turns out that was jk. Jm would be broken. I say this as someone who is sure they have a thing going on. All in all, I pray it isn’t jk because I don’t want to consider what it means for them. I just want jikookers to forget the notion that ex doesn’t behave like jikook does because jikook do😭😭. When they have issues, jm tries his best to cover it up and present as if nothing is going on. Pls God let it not be jk😩😩😩
Well, I'd say so far it looks like Jungkook, but here me out: it isn't the end of the world! Firstly, we don't know if they were ever together. Second, if they were broken up for months by the time JK started hooking up, then he has every right to. Yeah, it would have probably hurt Jimin but we can't know for sure. Maybe Jimin also had someone in his life? Let's not act like Taekookers and turn him into a victim when we don't know anything.
I think points 3 and 4 are the most logical ones. I don't think them being in an open relationship is very feasible. They both strike me as very jealous, in or out , type of people and I don't see them liking to share.
That being said, if something along the lines of point 3 or 4 is going on, this is their business. If they're both ready to put the past behind (possible other partners included), then this is their business.
I believe it is very important to keep some distance from the whole thing and not take it personally. In those lines of thought, we should be able to discuss all different scenarios and not move like a cult, saying "all is marry and happy all the time".
Considering this, I'm curious about you guys' thoughts on Jm possibly not spending time with Jk on his bday? What are your thoughts on this?
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mamamittens · 2 years
Naughty Cause I've Never Been Nice (+18)
Day #6 of December Event 2022
Fandom: One Piece
Ship: LawXKirin(OC)XReiji(OC)
Warnings: Tipsy drunk Law (still mostly sober), fingering, teasing, dirty talk, praise kink, light degradation, unsafe sex, and implied threesome ending.
Word Count: 2,093
Let me know if something needs tweaking, I might be coming down with a cold and wanted to get this out before I got wonky lol
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It happens upon occasion that Law wonders what exactly he did in a past life to deserve the bullshit of his current life. It had to be fucking awful. Horrendous. Positively unforgivable. There wasn’t really many other explanations to be had for this shit.
At the very least, Law hadn’t managed to drink nearly enough eggnog to put up with his partner’s shit.
“Oh-Ho-Ho-Ho! Have you been naughty or nice~?” Six-inch heels clicked across the floor as Kirin teased Bepo, slinging an arm over the mink’s shoulder. Bepo looked uncertain and almost afraid, panicking like he thought Kirin was actually Santa Clause and not just his usual jackass self in fishnets and a red mini dress with a fur trim. A dress that, Law noticed, bunched up at his waist just enough that his ass was barely covered.
“A-Ah—I-I’ve t-tried?” Bepo managed to stutter, looking towards Law for emotional support only to find a brick wall of irritation. “I-I’m s-so-sorry! EEEP!” Bepo ran across the room, removing himself as a distraction for Kirin to tease. Ever the opportunist, Kirin simply redirected his attention to someone else, swaggering towards another victim instead.
Aside from a saucy turn to show off his ass in the faux-Santa dress, Kirin had been ignoring him all night.
And Law has had quite enough of that shit.
Law slammed down the last of his heavily spiked eggnog, ignoring the burn in his throat that felt more like high grade moonshine than store bought booze.
Then, without any ceremony, Law stormed over and yanked on Kirin’s ear. Dragging the precocious shit to the hall and slamming him into the wall a bit harder than he intended.
“You.” Law hissed, face hot from the fake fur of his Santa suit brushing his chin… and probably too much eggnog. Kirin grinned, all teeth and self-satisfaction, gold eyes gleaming.
“Me.” He purred, tipping his chin down mockingly. Law nearly snarled, suddenly aware that his baggy pants weren’t as loose fitting as they were an hour ago.
He was pissed about something.
Law knows he was… fuck if he could remember with the ridiculous amount of heat and peppermint eggnog pouring off of Kirin’s body.
Was it the dress? It was the dress, right? Too damn tight everywhere to the point it rode up his thighs. Fake fur covering Kirin’s tits—see how smug that ass would be if Law could tweak them. Maybe it was the heels, already overkill as it was, paired with the fishnet stockings.
More than anything though, it was probably the absolute certainty that Kirin wasn’t wearing anything under the dress at all, having flashed him just before the party started with his tight ass and bare pussy. Stockings conveniently cut around the areas Law wanted to fuck bent over the nearest flat surface.
“The fuck are you asking Bepo about being naughty or nice for when we both know damn well you top that list?” Law hissed finally.
Kirin chuckled and leaned down.
“Are you included on that list, Captain?” Kirin asked coyly.
“Well someone is enjoying the spiked eggnog.” A low voice murmured behind them. Law hissed like a startled cat and whirled around, only to find it was just Reiji. The man grinned, light eyes narrowed in amusement. “Don’t mind me. I’m just enjoying the view.” Reiji laughed softly, shuffling by them with a hard swat to both their asses. Law felt his hand twitch to rearrange something painful but it was already too late. Reiji had accomplished his goal of tweaking Law’s nose and had left Kirin to take the fall.
A bait Law happily took anyway. Reiji would get it later though.
Abruptly, Law gripped the fake fur trim over Kirin’s chest and yanked hard, slamming their lips together in a harsh kiss that tasted of spiked eggnog and frustration.
“You wish.” Law spat, his tongue slipping in deeper as he pinned Kirin to the wall, grinding his erection against Kirin’s thigh. “Only the nice list gets to top. Naughty gets fucked over the dresser.”
Kirin had the audacity to laugh but Law let him have the moment. He’d soon be laughing a lot less after Law started riding his ass hard.
“You think you’re on the nice list?” Kirin laughed but allowed Law to yank him towards their room by his belt.
“Keep it up and the only thing you’re getting for Christmas is being edged.” Law warned him in a low voice. Even through the taut pull on Kirin’s belt, Law could feel the hard shudder. “You’d fucking like that, wouldn’t you? Long as I called you pretty and twisted your nipples, you’d ride the edge until I said so… isn’t that right, pretty?” Kirin sucked in a sharp breath as Law reached their room.
“…Yes, Captain~” Kirin breathed, clearly excited with the electric atmosphere that crowded the bedroom. Law spun Kirin around and slammed him onto the bed. As expected, the mere act of bending over exposed Kirin completely.
Law kicked aside Kirin’s heels and slipped two fingers in, unsurprised to find it tight but soaked. Law dug his fingertips into Kirin’s soft walls hard, pulling a high whine from the man as he arched his spine.
“Is this what you wanted when you dressed like a slut?” Law growled, steadily working Kirin up with one hand.
“Yeah, Captain~ Mm-more~!” Kirin sighed, clutching the bedspread in his hands. Law braced himself over Kirin’s back, fingers drenched as he stretched them wide apart.
“Oh? So you’ll be perfectly happy with just this? You should have said you liked my hand more than my cock, Kirin.” Law purred. Kirin gasped, clenching down on Law as he looked back a little frantic.
“N-No!” Law yanked out his hand, arousal dripping onto the floor and soaking Kirin’s thighs.
“So you don’t want my hand either? Tch, I guess I’ll just go back to the party then…” Law pulled back, licking his soaked hand like his cock wasn’t throbbing against the cheap Santa pants.
“Law~!” Kirin groaned, reaching back for him with a hungry stare aimed firmly at his crotch. “I want you, please baby!” Kirin whined, receiving a hard smack to his exposed ass for the trouble.
Law pulled up one leg and set it on the bed before sinking his fingers back into Kirin’s pussy until he hit his knuckles. Stroking the pinned leg, Law started a furious pace, stretching and teasing until his whole hand was soaked.
“You’ve got me right now, pretty. What more could you need? Isn’t this good enough?” Law teased, leaning further against Kirin until his erection was pressed against Kirin’s thigh. “Show me you can be good and I’ll let you cum. Doesn’t that sound fair to you, pretty slut?” Kirin panted and cried out into the bedspread, trembling beneath Law as he got worked up fast.
“So fucking wet…”
“Look at how well your pretty pussy takes it?”
“Ah-ah! You haven’t earned that yet. I can feel you squeeze me, knock it off.” Law warned despite not slowing down or going any easier on Kirin. The wet smacks from his dripping pussy made Law dizzy with want, but he had a plan. To what end, Law didn’t remember, but the plan itself was perfect in Law’s eyes.
“L-Law~ I-I’mmmmmmm~!” Kirin cried out, trembling as he tried to hold back.
Law ripped away his hand and yanked down his pants, slamming into the hilt as Kirin let out a startled moan, just barely managing to not cum.
“Oh, what a good boy you are.” Law cooed, pressing down onto Kirin’s back as he reached under the other man. His hands found the faux fur and pulled it down enough to grasp his chest. Kirin clenched down on Law like a vice as he started teasing his nipples. “So close but so eager to be good for me. Keep holding on for me, pretty.” Law groaned, staying perfectly still as he ruthlessly exploited Kirin’s weakness. Kissing the exposed skin of his shoulder blades as he tweaked and twisted. Enjoying the steady clenching on his unmoving cock.
“I-I wanna be so fucking good for you~ P-Please le-let me cum!” Kirin stuttered, thighs shaking under Law’s steady pressure. Law hummed, like he was thinking about it.
“Hmmm… I’m not so sure you deserve it yet. Dressing like a slut tonight. Trying to tease me. Oh, but you do sound so pretty begging.” Law considered, whispering against Kirin’s skin. “How about this? You can cum when I do. And not a fucking second before me.”
Law pulled back his hips and slammed into Kirin’s ass, setting a hard pace with his hands still toying with his nipples. Kirin’s body bucked under Law as he cried out, babbling pretty compliments to goad Law into cumming faster.
“S-So good! Oh! Shit L-Law you feel so fucking good, fuck me harder~!” Kirin groaned, moaning when Law obliged. Railing into Kirin’s pinned body as he gripped his wrists above their heads. “Y-Yes, I-I’m so fucking close let me have it! Cum, please!”
Law pressed as deep into Kirin’s body as he could and fell still. Leaning down a bit further to whisper into Kirin’s ear.
“No.” Kirin’s whole body shuddered as he cried out in denial.
“No?! S-Shit L-Law please!” Kirin groaned, squirming under his body as if he could make Law continue fucking him.
“No.” Law muttered, body hot in his stupid Santa suit as he clenched his teeth against the vice grip Kirin’s pussy had on his cock. “It would serve you right to just sit like this for the rest of the night. Maybe then you’d remember to behave.”
Kirin huffed, clenching down on Law’s cock deliberately.
“I need you! F-Fuck Law, please fuck me I need it so bad~! I-I wore it for you p-please enjoy it—it was for you!” Kirin confessed deliriously.
Law removed himself entirely, ripping off his jacket and shirt as Kirin scrambled to stand. Hopping onto the bed himself, Law grinned and pat his lap, right next to his wet cock.
“You want it so bad, huh? Then sit on Santa’s lap and take it, darling” Law invited. Kirin didn’t hesitate for long, throwing his leg over Law’s lap and damn near impaling himself on Law’s cock.
And then the needy slut started bouncing, Law’s hands anchoring on his hips as he tried to steady the desperate rhythm. Glancing up at Kirin’s red face and closed eyes, Law grinned.
And took a sensitive nipple between his teeth. Instantly, Kirin moaned loudly. Shuddering on Law’s lap as he came hard.
“O-Ooooh~! L-aaaahhhnnn~!”
Law thoughtfully slapped a still quivering thigh.
“I didn’t say you could stop, darlin'. Keep going.” Law growled, nipping at Kirin’s chest. Shaking and dizzy, Kirin did his best to follow directions. Sloppily slamming his soaked pussy onto Law’s cock. Crying and moaning as he started getting wound up all over again.
“Cum! P-Please, Law! C-Cum for me!” Kirin whispered desperately as he shook on Law’s cock again. Slowly, gold eyes fixed on his own, Kirin reached up and grasped Law’s neck.
Slowly enough that Law could stop him easily.
Instead, Law allowed himself to be pushed down onto the bed, Kirin still bouncing on his dick. Fingers tightened as the tension built up in Law’s thighs. His breathing grew more labored.
“Harder, darling.” Law hissed and Kirin squeezed. Law’s cry was cut off and garbled as he came, Kirin’s pussy throttling his cock almost as hard. Kirin kissed him, still choking Law as he moaned into his open mouth.
Trembling, Law took shuddering gasps as he was released. Muscles boneless as he panted for air. Still reeling from his orgasm, Kirin rocking on his lap as he rode out his own high.
After another long moment, Kirin collapsed on Law’s chest with a gasp. A cold finger trailed up his cock still in Kirin’s pussy.
“Aww, are you all tuckered out or are you ready for another playmate?” Law opened his eyes and found Reiji staring down at them with a smug expression. “Santa should know to share his toys, after all.”
Kirin whined but Law didn’t miss the harsh squeeze on his cock.
Looks like all three of them were calling it early. At least now Law could get back at Reiji with an added bonus of the post-nut clarity bringing an additional air of soberness to Law’s head. Law grinned, reaching down to grip Kirin’s ass cheeks and spread them.
“Can’t leave such a pretty stocking empty, now can we?” Law mused.
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lehhoh7822 · 2 years
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I posted 3,855 times in 2022
That's 3,609 more posts than 2021!
648 posts created (17%)
3,207 posts reblogged (83%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,355 of my posts in 2022
#lr likes your art - 182 posts
#dsmp - 75 posts
#ua reblogs - 47 posts
#lehhohgoeszoom - 34 posts
#cdc reblogs - 29 posts
#cw food - 29 posts
#haha - 27 posts
#yeah - 27 posts
#passing ships - 27 posts
#creb - 26 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#you know i don’t remember what an ost is but there are many people who go by ranboo and followers knowing your music taste isn’t atypical
My Top Posts in 2022:
@americans how many blazes are you getting???
i see a lot of post complaining about blazed posts but im in australia so ive gotten literally like none
15 notes - Posted September 26, 2022
you know i rewatched the whole minecraft bu the sky is eating the world thing where mr soot kept saying that he was being an iron slut
i am beign a whore for copper. i need more fucking copper. 64 of those only translate to 7 blocks (and there should be an extra one but there isn;t because... maht?)
listen I have this massive room and it’s made of snow. and copper. 
16 notes - Posted August 31, 2022
“At this rate I see literally no difference between kicking your ass out of the balcony and not.” oh my god.
this is the bullshit that keeps my love of centricide going
how would one describe centricide, genuinely? EDIT: oh my god I am so sorry I forgot to mention this is a quote from the politi-girl fanfic series on ao3 sorry for forgetting to give credit to @politigirls on ao3
19 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
you know, with all this reboot stuff, i just want to say that the ccs... idk, i feel like they dont completely get how funky the fans are. they’ll be real upset that you tore away the plot and characters and storylines they drew to love with a potential of everything failing more, and many will pull away
but even more so, i think many will stay.
im not sure if they realise that dsmp is really important to a lot of people, and how upsetting it would be to have it torn away after waiting and being paitient, endless fan content and community based around a plot that essentially got “Abandoned Work: Unfinished or Discontinued” slapped on it, but its important enough that even when you mock your fans for being there, even when you fuck them over, etc, etc, they will still watch because it was so good and they care enough and hope enough that theyll keep going until you reach really really shit
yeah lol. idk man
25 notes - Posted July 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
for me specifically as a teenager who has asthma, i just. maybe its just me, but i swear it can’t be. asthma is this frustrating creature who you get very sick of very quickly. when i have an asthma attack, i might be experiencing like. physcial struggle to breathe but cognitively im just annoyed and tired, and the most emotional reaction you’ll probably get out of me is just frustration or a little bit of fear if it goes on a little bit too long.
everyone is prickish about it, when i was younger i could never participate in sport and people thought i was so lucky when everything just hurt and my head was always light and the office ladies fucking despised me. no one wants to call it a real disability (what else is it? I dare you, tell me what a disability is), it makes you scared to do things, you dont want to run that race or try that sport because you know you won’t be able to do it. you need breaks while running. inhalers are more expensive the price stacks up over time 
like when i have an asthma attack, i literally cannot just breathe. that is the entire problem. i cannot do breathing exercises, it does not matter whehter or not i look you in the eyes, i need the medication for my chronic illness. 
i had this whole thing where a bunch of student in primary school like year 5-6 made videos about me, mocking me and calling me asthma attack girl, and pretending to have asthma attacks to be like look at (name) and how much shes faking!! and putting them online and they got a lot of shares. 
“stop doing that stupid wheezing thing and just breathe” “why are you coughing like that? don’t you want to breathe?” “look at me, no, NO, HEY, HEY, look at me and breathe in- NO NO, BREATHE in and hey no-” “you just lost control of yourself, you need to stay in control and not give in to the asthma”
like. fuck you. treat us with respect. also because your ableism is easy to clown on. 
91 notes - Posted October 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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promisenolies · 2 years
Time for some end of year reflection I suppose, hm?
2022 was wonderful in many ways, and incredibly difficult in many ways. The year started with my needing to come to terms with the unexpected death of my best friend. A death that has continued to leave me with more questions than answers and grief that continues to sneak up on me.
While I lost a friend, I also gained a friend. Well...a few really great friends, but one specifically here, at home. My person. It's still jarring sometimes, a year later, to realize just how comfortable I am and how safe I feel with her. Sometimes there's a hint of guilt I feel with how much I adore her, because of the timing - I hope that Renee would never feel like I replaced her. But I know that if she were still alive, I'd have time and space for all in my heart, so there's been no replacement, just the growing of my heart to accommodate. I kinda don't know what I would have done without her support this past year. She's one of the few people who can get me out of my head and reframe things without making me feel invalidated.
My work has been chaotic. It's meaningful and I still have passion for it deep within me, but the space in which I do the work has been quite draining and toxic so it leaves me feeling less than engaged and largely checked out. It's hard to remember the passion when I'm so burnt out. It flickers now and then...just enough to keep my head above water.
I'm so thankful for the opportunity to travel and experience more time with BTS and my friends who love them. Who would have ever thought that such a popular jikooker on twitter would have ever picked me to like and want to spend time with. She's quite popular lol and I... well... let's just say...this year has also shown that I'm still not everyone's cup of tea.
Writing has been a struggle this year. Likely impacted by time management, burnout, mental health, the fanfiction "community" and it's bullshit, comparisons, frustration, other writers and their bullshit... I'm still greatly considering finishing my commission and my two on-going multi-chapter fics and then calling it a day.
I'm blessed and so thankful to share my life with my incredible husband. And even though I have my irritations, I know he's my person and we're good together.
2023 is the year I'll finish my medical coding program and 2024 will be the year I get to start a new career.
I know this year will have its challenges as well, not the least of which being watching the rest of the guys leave for service. I will not go anywhere though, I will wait for their return.
I don't handle change well, so I know that this year will be hard in many ways. So I'll just have to hold on to the things I know that aren't changing. - my love for the hubs and the kiddo, my sharing of a braincell with @asifwewerewaiting and @cassiopeiassky, my love for BTS, my undying support of Jikook, my unhealthy consumption of fics, my annoyingly affectionate pups... And I'll get to plan a couple trips so that I can spend time with @themoonandhissun and @iamu-uarmyhope!
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ghenry · 2 years
Looking back on 2022, and a lot has happened this year for me! Both personally and channel-wise. I figure I reflect a bit on most of this year's videos. So here we go!
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Kick-Ass | What It Means To Be a Loser
This was definitely a video style I wasn't used to doing at all, I basically saw it as an exercise in reviewing both a film and a comic. And honestly, this was a huge headache to get done because of the copyright bullshit I had to deal with. Literally rendered it like 8 different times because of that shit. And it wasn't just a money issue, getting hit with copyright and demonetization means it won't show up on people's feeds so it's important to me that each video has the potential to get out there.
The video's point: The movie was missing a huge element that made the comic at least satisfactory for me, and that was the consistent tone of the characters being downtrodden 'losers.' Another way to put it would be human. Our faults, our insecurities, and our flaws are what make us human, so that being part of the characters made them more relatable, thus more likeable. But the movie wiped the main characters of their human characteristics almost completely. I got into detail how that's the case in the video.
I did my best also emphasizing that I wasn't merely saying "movie different from comic, so movie bad." I don't even like the Kick-Ass comic that much, so I felt I was going with a less biased perspective. I even brought up examples where I found the film adaptations of some comics to be huge improvements (Scott Pilgrim will always be the shining example). Regardless, people in the comments still accused me of saying "movie different from comic, so movie bad" which is kind of annoying, but that's my fault for expecting better from typical YT comments.
Still, the video was surprisingly a hit! I'm extremely dumbfounded so many people still seem to give a shit about Kick-Ass. It kind of motivates me to make a new video comparing the sequel comic and movie, but I hate both, so I don't see myself really bothering for a while. Also one other good thing, making a video centered around a comic and/or movie is soooo much easier than a video game in regards to footage. I don't have to sift through hours and hours worth of gameplay to find a specific clip for visual context, I just remember part of the movie/comic and go there lol
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No Paradise | No More Heroes 3 Analysis
Now THIS was a fucking nightmare. In a good way, mostly. A 4.5 hour analysis that took every bit of my goddamn being to write, capture, and edit. Recording all of my voice was also done in one session too, but I hope my exhaustion near the end didn't reflect my performance.
I loved talking about NMH3 extensively too. I was also extremely happy to find a lot of nuance and complexity within the madness of this game. With the help of a few friends and long conversations, of course!
The point of the video: Travis is in hell, and is doomed to spend an eternity in this hell he locked himself in all the way back in the original game. Having this in mind adds contextual sense to the previous games as well, which helps with the arguments I provide. Not that I claim to be objectively correct, the reason for this analysis was to get people thinking and talking about the game. I think if I wanted to prove ANYTHING, it's that NMH3 isn't as simple and "senseless" as a lot of people were claiming it was. And it doesn't take a genius to figure that out. Take it from me, an idiot.
I am extremely proud of how the video turned out. It might even be the best one I've done, but that's not to say I can't improve. I need to improve, and I'm trying to get better at this constantly. I picked up a lot of great editing skills while making this, and will pick up more as I go. And while I didn't upload a lot of videos this year . . . do you see how long this one was?! Idunno, I think this counts as like 6 separate uploads 🥸💀
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The ONE feature I want to see in future run-gun games
This video I've actually had on my mind for a very long time, I just had to finally hunker down and make it a reality. I simply had a sneaking suspicion that a lot of indie devs might not be aware of an innovate design first seen in games like Alien Soldier or Contra Shattered Soldier, likely because those aren't the universally renown classics. I think I'm at least sort of right.
The point of the video: This is a "for your consideration" piece for indie devs planning to take on the run-n-gun genre with new games. I genuinely think this mechanic can take their future titles to the next level of feel-good gameplay!
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Huntdown | Run-N-Gun Revolution
My closer for the year, another run-n-gun video I simply made for myself because I wanted to. Adrian Comeau, writer/community manager for Huntdown's dev team, randomly emailed me with some steam codes, presuming I was interested in trying the game out. And I'm glad he did, as I fell in love with nearly everything about Huntdown! It was also cool to interview Adrian to get further thoughts on the game.
The point of the video: Huntdown rocks and you're a fool if you haven't played it. It also has such a rich world coated in interesting characters. It helps that the game is fun to play and has an assortment of unique, challenging bosses all sprawling with personality.
So get yourself something nice for Christmas. Buy Huntdown on Steam. Or Switch. Or PS4. Or PS5. Or Xbox. It's probably on sale right now 🎅🎄🔫
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So that's what I managed to do with my channel. I also did a video on Cuphead, but don't have too much to say as it was a very straightforward video. DLC good, but I'm ready for something new by MDHR.
I know I didn't upload a whole lot, but I'm happy with everything I put out. I feel like I need to take more time on these videos in order to further refine them properly. I have tons of ideas for new videos, and can't wait to make them a reality! But I also want to make sure they're of a standard I find satisfactory, while also raising said standards. I want to get better and better!
I hope all of you have enjoyed what I've been putting out, and are excited to see what else I have in store! Here's to 2023! 🎇🎆🚀
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numetaljackdog · 2 years
what i'm listening to 10/5/2022 (song notes under cut)
spot. link//yt link
Laura Les - Haunted: haunted. by laura les
Nirvana - Something In The Way (Live at the BBC): when listening through last month's album ranking, this performance caught me. something in the way is one of the more underrated tracks from nevermind (or at least it was before the new batman movie lol). truthfully there's nothing too out of the ordinary with this performance but i like how kurt's voice sounds on the chorus especially <3
Umphrey's McGee - National Loser Anthem: i LOVE mashups that are actually recorded by someone else instead of sticking the tracks together (both kinds are good but this type is underappreciated). this is the opener to this album and it introduces the mastercraft on display so well...
Papa Roach - Scars: i don't even have anything nice to say about this song other than that it's super catchy. i actually got it in my head bc i had been listening to the laura les remix lol
Europe - The Final Countdown: okay everyone SHUT UP. i know this is a fucking sports stadium anthem but i dont give a shit about that!! when i was 11 years old and only just starting to listen to music, this was one of the only songs i knew. everyone only knows the chorus (which is really good) but if you actually listen to the lyrics it's this heartwrenching power pop track about leaving earth and dealing with the complicated emotions that would come with that...... you wouldn't get it................
Luscious Jackson - Naked Eye: heard it on the radio. struck me as a very genre-bending band, with rock and hip hop and a bunch of other shit mixed in. cool stuff! apparently the drummer was the original drummer for the beastie boys?? crazy
Vanilla Ice - Hooked-Live/1991: i've been writing a ranking of all of vanilla's albums, which led me to relisten to some significant tracks. hooked was one of the stronger tracks from his debut album (the original release of which was even named after it) but it always fell a little short for me. the live version, on the other hand, has a lot more energy and hype
They Might Be Giants - Hide Away Folk Family: tmbg was one of the first bands i ever listened to (explains a lot tbh) but i only knew a little bit of their stuff from like the 90s and 00s, so i wanted to go back and check out some old school material. i liked this album a lot, and the chorus to HAFF stuck in my head big time
Jethro Tull - Aqualung: i've been getting into some more prog rock recently for no. particular... reason...... and i already kinda knew i would like this album. my dad had recommended "up to me" a while back, which i really liked, so i had high hopes. they were met! good fucking album! the title track is really only a standout bc of my love for opening tracks
ANGEL_TECH - whats up with u??: new angel_tech album out now!! once again, the opening track thing is big for me. i love an album that makes a good first impression. it was unfortunate that i couldn't make the release party but oh freaking well!
Huey Lewis & The News - I Want A New Drug: i think i've properly memed myself into enjoying huey lewis lmaooo i found sports in those old cassettes i mentioned i've been going through and was like "lol i should listen to this bc funney american psycho reference" and then an hour later i was adding a bunch of huey songs to my playlist...
Mind-Body Problem - Flesh and Blood (Ephesians 6:12): found this band through their hand crushed by a mallet cover, but honestly i think i might like this original track better. metalcore and hardcore and all that are severely lacking some fresh faces and new takes on the genre, so i'll be keeping an eye on what else this band has to offer!
August is Falling - August Is Falling: really great new ep from an absolute classic pop punk emo band. definitely not tied to any kind of internet inside joke bullshit. remember seeing them on warped tour
Girls Rituals - Idiot punk tetratogenic perma-decline (at the end of your bed): i've been enjoying all devi's new singles but this one's the one i keep coming back to. nothing much more to say it's just good tunes
Spin Doctors - Little Miss Can't Be Wrong: i've been just ever so slightly abnormal about these guys since the trainwreckords episode, but this one is not really that interesting? it's just a really good pop song 👍
Cry Baby - Singing For You: y2k throwback pop rock recommended by skatune network. i've become such a pop girlie and this one has a big catchy chorus. great stuff :)
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so! hiya!
hiya! been a while since i’ve done one of these. Yes i am finally back, on tumblr, cause batdr is getting me back into the fandom, i’ve spent maybe... half a day clearing up old posts that just didn’t fit in anymore, and i’ve seen just how uh... messy everything got COUGH COUGH so! i will be retconning a few things. one, during prowler’s revenge arc, those ‘demons’ that he fought against, minus lanky, that claim to be his other halves? they are now gonna be lone soldiers his demon had in the past past, just resurrected due to lanky’s bullshit. like aoi-kao and some shit. also! i shall be going back to a soft reboot of sorts, hence the memory loss arc, where prowler is back to normal. but.. well... let’s just say most of his trauma didn’t happened exactly. Cause he doesn’t remember it. along with that, i will also be working heavily on the story now that i’ve got a good grip of how to reintroduce certain characters, i was thinking of doing a full on reset, like- show you all how things were in the studios when henry arrived, but- that is bullshit. i love these characters and i don’t wish for them to relieve the horror they had all endured, esp alpha. plus- it would be a pain in the ass for me to draw LOL so! in order to make up for a lot of stuff that needs answering, i will be heavily working on the AU along with focusing on the blog, and overall just being chill. and also! i have been more active on a new blog i’ve made for a server about an AU! here it is! @the-horror-show an au i created with friends! based off of everymanhybrid, tribe twelve (an more Au version of that) and MLAndersen0, it’s kinda an unofficial continutation of them all, but in the universe of Bendy and the ink machine! along with having it’s own set of trials (which are basically death games/social experiments made for your characters and such is the gist of it, to forge a new you and forget the old) and overall, the server is pretty chill and chaotic, but for now the blog will have to settle, if any of you are interested hit me up. otherwise! back to more important stuff i will try to get into a weekly upload as much as i can, depending on how active the inbox is, and how i feel. i desperately want to reveal certain stuff about how my characters can do the things that they do (transforming without the use of ink, using higher powerful attacks that despite being demons, normally couldn’t access) and overall WHY the world is so fucked up in prowler’s AU right now. but well-  yeah- that’s just me though, i am glad to be back and not a moment too soon, 2022 is ending, and 2023 is coming around, i hope that i can be active enough this time, but. who knows right? anyways. that’s all i have to say! expect some big changes to come around! oh and i also made another blog, based on another au i made, which is pretty much an crossover between batim/batdr and stranger things, @inkier-things-au but that is about it! oh and to those who have waited patiently! don’t fret! things will get a lot more interesting from here on out. so. let’s give this another shot, shall we? the studios and the lodge shall open it’s doors for you... but only you can ask the right, or wrong questions to progress it. how will you all fair i wonder? :) welp! only one way to find out! let’s begin!
[The False King Must Be Killed]
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gemsgamegems · 8 months
I...do not have the necessary energy to transfer my 4774274 screens from my switch to this Tumblr post, and then go back and add the ALT text.
This will be a text only review, and the pictures will possibly come later (and in SMALL batches) sometime...in the future...yeah
Yeah, I started the month/year it came out (Sept/Oct 2022) and then...had to abandon it BUT I have finished, 100% everything (except the dumb rhythm game that unlocks one last CG in Malik's route--okay, the mini game isn't dumb, I just keep getting super low scores and stressing myself out 🤧)
So, some thoughts?
The order I played: Isabelle -> Inaya -> Emhari -> Malik
Favorite characters: Bigs, Isa, Yolanda, Malik, all the kids. God the kids were so CUTE I COULD NOT??????
Favorite routes: All of Malik's (more later), All of Isa's (I just love her SO much??? Literally rooting for her the whole time. Definitely fell in love with her during the demo days and she didn't even have a route out yet!!) Bigs x Emhari (a friendship route in which I was introduced to Bigs and spent the rest of the game's other routes crying that I have to wait until vol. 2 to play as Bigs, God I love him too, stop it 🤧)
Not...favorite characters: Ashlie (which...I understand she's purposefully written to be a bitch, and the girl is going through some Stuff™️, ALSO I played her route back in the original demo days and remember some of said stuff, but...idk. I was not feeling her once I got to Emhari's route 😂) Keaton (yeeaaah his white ass was a Kickstarter tier and I still stand behind the team needing to make it more money to have him in the game. Spoilers spoilers spoilers SPOILERS SPOILERS lol if you're reading this post, it's basically talking spoiler stuff anyway There's the Inaya x Keaton route, and of course they fuck, and I was literally so unimpressed with Keaton's sorry self. Like he's definitely a well written character....but my God, I know ppl--men-- like him IRL and I can't imagine ignoring that particular brand of bullshit and going yeah, let's bump uglies. Good idea. Yup. NO!!! NOT A GOOD IDEA!!! GIRL WHAT??? NOOOOOOO. Lol so ofc I bullied him to get the bad ending card, and then cried when I had to be nicer to get the good ending card lololololll)
Specific thoughts Concerning Isabelle
It's the way I want to go back and replay all her routes??? I felt a strong kinship with Isa before, during and after her routes. I was in the same mental and physical state as Isa when I first played her route, and while she's in the theater world and I was in the retail/customer service one, I related to her creative spirit, her ties and love for her family, hell having to ride the city bus and living with your family because you're afraid/can't afford to strike it out on your own. And yeah. LOL concerning her dates and romance escapades...no there aren't direct parralls to my life with that BUT I had great empathy, and I especially understood where she was coming from in trying to find herself and pursue her own dreams even when she was frigging proposed to and I was like OMG YES GIRL MARRY ANOKI, BE CUTE TOGETHAAA
Specific thoughts Concerning Malik
....I know I curse in these posts anyway, but apologies for this because... NIGGAAAA 😂🙄😐🤣 I should preface this section of rambles with the disclaimer that I have an inherent bias for Malik x Arihi because of the damn demo. And I mean the early days demo, back with the old art style. So like...the VERY first character I played as was Malik and he has vexed, stressed, garnered my emotional support, and then some with his light-skinned self ☠️. He grows a loooot during his routes though: struggling rapper with 2 kids by 2 different moms, still in love with one of them, struggling and then excepting his sexuality, coming to terms with how much his dad fucked up him and his mom...all while being an utter MESS at times. Some of the stuff you could choose to say with him??? 🙄...🤣 Listen, I will clown his ass but I also will be his loudest defender!!! But after a few Ls he did get some huge Ws and I was super proud of him. (Side bar, but I thought was interesting and needed perspective concerning parents who love their children but don't want to be parents. Like...controversial? Very. But not everyone is fit or even wants to be a parent, and I wish we'd stop pushing that idea on people. Anyhooooo....)
To Conclude
I bought the soundtrack, so I love being at work listening to it, or at home and drafting/writing with it playing in the background ($6 USD y'all!!!). The CGsssssssss I liveeeeeeeeeeee 🤧Volume 2, I need very much omg. I know it was scheudled to come out last year, but life happens and I'm sure the team is doing whatever they need to do to get us the next installment of ValiDate. The game very much ticks off the 'slice-of-life' box for me, and it's even more fun as we're removed from the teen side and get to see this trope explored with 20 somethings all from diverse cultural backgrounds, ethnicities, sexualities, and family make ups (ppl are divorced, have broken engagements, are hung up on exes, serial daters, needing friends, etc etc. and that's just volume 1!!)
On a side note, I would recommend playing this on PC or Xbox, and not the switch. I liked playing in bed, but I had soooo many issues with crashing and sprites not appearing, and things not unlocking on my Switch version. It was very annoying. But that aside, I truly love this game and I highly recommend it!
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eyeofthemoose · 1 year
Okay I guess it's time for a lil story time about my bulgarian friend (used to be with benefits but now just friend) from work because I just had a little realization about my feelings and... yeah story timeee with Eva at 4am bc my bedroom is too hot to sleep so why nottt:
So yeah, after my failed relationship that ended at the beginning of 2019 i was kind of a trainwreck for half a year basically. But then around the second half of August when Lover came out, one day I was listening to "I forgot that you existed" and suddenly it hit me that I, in fact, did forget that he existed, and I stopped crying over him and blah blah. So I finally started noticing other guys again, it was like "Wow, other guys actually exist, what a revelation" and I noticed this guy at work, he just started working there maybe a few months before that but I never really SEEN him before obviously bc crying etc. And it hit me so harddd. Immidiately. Boom, a new crush. I had to get to know this fine mannn. So I stalked his name on a working plan and found him on Facebook and added him to friends and ofc that was it for a few weeks bc shy lil Eva lmaooo. Then in September he texted me birthday wishes, as in privately anddd i took the chance so I thanked him and asked how was his day and well, the rest is history.
We had been texting a looot, bonded a lot, I felt a real connection between us. He ofc knew I had a crush on him and we've been flirty and etc and it was amazing 3 months, I loved every second of it and I was sooo goneee. And then finally he invited me over after christmas. We exchanged gifts etc it was cute, we watched some movies but I don't remember what they were lmao and we had some drinks and ofc one thing let to another and... we fucked
And I swear to god I didn't recognise myself in that moment bc I never done something so reckless before like idk what happened to me but I liked it and wanted it.
OH AND ALSOO... his ex gf was living with him at the time as well lmao but I think she was gone for the holidays.
But anyway we fucked and silly me thought it was a start of something serious lmaooo bc like he was so gentle with me afterwards, kissed my forehead and whatnot.
But next day at work he was ofc distant and then after work he texted me saying that it was a mistake and that he's sorry and that we should stay friends. I was heartbroken yet again. But I couldn't stay away from him bc like we worked together and etc so like at first i was mad at him but then I agreed to being friends.
Two months had passed and I don't remember now how and why we had that conversation (bc we still texted but it wasn't so often and the "magical" bond was kinda done by then ofc) but at some point i was like: "we both lonely, why not be fwb" lmfaooo my biggest mistake ever.
But yea it happened. So in february 2020 he invited me over again (his ex was in the other room, it was crazy lmao) and we watched game of thrones, he made me interested in it and I watched it on my own in the next few months lol but that's not the point. We watched few episodes and fucked again...
And yet again he was being distant after that.
This pattern repeated a few more times over the next two years BECAUSE I'M A MASOCHISTIC DUMB ASS THAT'S WHY.
Ofc it fucked with my brain, so much that I had anger issues at work lmao or I was randomly crying and I was super jealous of any girl he talked to etc. Basically it was crazy. But I didn't want to let go bc I had feelings for him but also I really thought we could do it, that we could be friends. We just needed to get rid of the benefits part. But every time he invited me I was so gone, it was stronger than me. And the best or worst part is that the sex wasn't even that great lmao but I craved the intimacy so much, the presence of another human being, the connection, sigh.
Anyway around July 2022 when I was on holiday in Poland I really had enough of his bullshit at that point and another guy from work has texted me and I decided to text him back and blah blah we went on a few dates and it was great and he was so good to me, we became a couple but I felt like i could not love him, like there was zero chemistry. I was actually so horrible to him, ghosting him bc of depression episodes and etc. He got angry, we broke up after a few months. Then i had a new crush lmfaooo (i'm going so fast through this now but maybe i'll make a separate posts about those guys as well someday).
Oh and also sometime between my ex and my new crush, P. (the bulgarian fwb guy) told me that he has a gf now and we would not meet up anymore and I was suprisingly fine with that and genuinely happy for him bc it was like we could be finally friends and that's all I truly wanted. And at that point i had this new crush and thought i'm fully over him. And we haven't had sex for around a year so my brain was fine and our relations were better than ever. It's like we were meant to be just friends.
But anyway this crush turned out to be a fail as well bc of course lmao. We're now hitting the recent months in this story btw.
And now that I'm no longer having any crushes I've grown attached to P. again (actually i never stopped probably). And like two weeks ago or something like that he pissed me off and like really offended me bc he was having a hard shift but like that's no excuse and I wanted to cut him off bc I don't deserve this shit but then I realized that I had lost enough people this year (another story but nvm) and I forgave him and he's been nothing but super nice to me ever since and yeah I think we are truly in a good place right now and I want it to stay this way but the other day a friend of his has passed away (I posted about it yesterday i think) and like i want to comfort him but idk howww and I know I should probably just let him be and give him space but i'm hurting so much for him and that made me realize today that I probably still have romantic feelings for him deep down and yeah i'll probably never escape it lmao
But i'm just gonna keep those feelings to myself and continue to be his friend bc he really means a lot to me for some reason idk like i can literally ghost and cut off anyone else but not him... it's been 4 years. It's actually kinda scary how attached I am bc what if he just leaves work one day and i'll never see him again lol...
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