#This is what my brain does at 4AM on a weeknight
atgranger · 3 years
A new marauder
Okay so hear me out, what if, after the events Deathly Hallows, George asks Harry for the Marauders Map. He isn't in the mood to create new products for the joke shop so instead he wants to figure out the inner workings of the map. And Harry gives it to him.
But like I said, it's after the Battle of Hogwarts and all 4 of the original marauders are dead. James and Lily had welcomed Sirius into the little routine they had built for themselves in the afterlife, watching over Harry. When Peter died, he was right to fear what the afterlife had in stock for him. Hell knows no fury like the wrath of the one's you've betrayed and Lily had always been ferocious.
By the time Remus and Nymphadora join James, Lily and Sirius in the afterlife, there is no Peter Pettigrew anywhere to be found. And Remus is glad. But before he can really settle into his new afterlife, James is up and running again, greeting another new arrival.
Remus can only spot the fiery red hair so telling of a Weasley and he feels his heart plummet. He can understand James' excitement when he recognises the new arrival as Fred Weasley. Naturally James would be excited of meeting someone with as much raw prankster energy as Fred. And so Remus and Sirius walk towards Fred and James, welcoming him amongst their midst.
By the time George starts experimenting on the map, the four are thick as thieves and even Lily and Tonks must admit that neither of them has ever integrated to such an extend into the group like Fred has done. But both are happy to see the marauders as a quartett once again.
One day while working on the map, George falls into some kind of trance and then unconscious shortly after. When he wakes he doesn't feel much different but he is still next to the map, so he opens it and opens it to check if he damaged it on accident.
Instead of the usual "Messrs moony, wormtail, padfoot & prongs..." he is greeted by
"Messrs Gred, Moony, Padfoot & Prongs"
and he stands there shocked for a whole minute until he closes the map again only to try opening it wrongly on purpose. The first message that appears then is
"Mister Gred would like to inform Mr Feorge that he is very loved and that they will meet on the other side.
Mister Padfoot would like to add that they are taking great care of his brother during his absence and that there is no need to rush.
Mister Prongs seconds Mister Padfoot and extends his gratitude for Mr Feorge's role in the youth of the Prongslet.
Mr Moony kindly requests of Mr Feorge to pass on the love and laughter of him and his wife onto their cub."
George spends almost 2 hours with the map that night. The next day he goes to visit Teddy.
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