#This is sort of in response to ANOTHER anon's asks too -- I just didn't want to make this topic my whole day so I'm putting it all here
traegorn · 7 months
Sorry my question brought you such grief. :( Thank you so much for answering, though. Your explanation was perfect, and that person inadvertently gave a perfect example of what you were talking about. Still sorry you had to deal with that, though. Thanks for your help!
Eh, your question didn't bring me any grief.
Like the strongest argument I've ever heard was the fact that Gardner and Nichols used the Irish names for the cross quarter days instead of the English ones when putting together the Wheel of the Year, but I don't think that really holds any weight. These are not closed practices, they're shared holidays across the region.
And, like, I don't see anyone banging down the door of modern Druidry yelling at them about the same thing. Which is, y'know, telling.
(Also - If you take two seconds to look at the English or Scottish names for them, and understood the context, you'd realize why they didn't want to use them)
Like the usual examples people bring up are Wiccans taking from various indigenous practices, like using white sage in "smudging" -- but these are, not actually "Wiccan" (as in the religion) practices, but things "Wiccans" (as in the people) have done. Which is, y'know, bad -- but an issue the entire modern witchcraft movement needs to come to terms with, and not inherent to Wicca the religion or exclusive to its practitioners.
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ooctlt · 6 months
I think the etiquette of ask blogs is a forgotten art. what I'm saying is (imo) it's not that people don't want to play, it is they don't know HOW, and more importantly they don't understand that the game exists to begin with. obviously you do not have to teach people the rules because your time and energy is finite but idk. it feels like from some of your OOC responses that you assume people know the rules and are playing badly, but I genuinely think people (me) just don't know what you are wanting them (us) to do. and also they (i) don't know how to tell if they (i) are playing the game correctly.
An example I am genuinely confused about is, is inciting a "shut up" answer a signal that the game is being played correctly, because we are inciting a reaction from the character? or is a "shut up" answer a signal that we are playing wrong and need to do something different? I'm sorry. I really love your art and seeing the story unfold but I'm confused and I want to play and I don't understand how.
yeah ive had a couple people tell me this has been the first active askblog in a while and the concept of askblog etiquette has been forgotten- @thatneoncrisis and i made a diagram:
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a "shut up" reaction will hopefully show whether or not it's a closed path of exploration: if you have gideon sweating, going "pshhh its nothinggg" it means there is something worth exploring. if you have harrow slamming the door in your face, that is an advance that wont work on her
transcript under the readmore:
"Please stop talking to me."
This question is BAD because it's BLUNT, INCREDIBLY PERSONAL and founded on INCOMPLETE KNOWLEDGE of their relationship.
NOTE that its not that shitty questions will NEVER be answered, its that 1) they have a LOWER chance of being answered and 2) they have a HIGHER chance of being made fun of in character
gideon: haha who thinks harrow is HOT
"Sure. We run a lot of errands together."
This kind of question may not advance the plot, as it is INCREDIBLY BROAD yet NONINVASIVE. They're good for quick 1-3 panel answers. May generally be met with a less EXCITING answer.
It might also be DIFFICULT TO ANSWER because a broad question could include MULTIPLE ANSWERS - asking "do you guys go out" could not be answered SUSTAINABLY, because i cannot draw all the places they visit
me: "i have to do so much research"
"Yes, actually. She once invited me to [REDACTED], I didn't know she liked that sort of thing."
This question is SICK AS FUCK because not only do you learn something SUBSTANTIAL about the characters, you have stumbled upon A NEW PLOT BRANCH, one that actively deepens character connections and their past within the world. It specifically remarks upon a MEMORY* rather than AN OPINION and will typically be LONGER.
Another good option is to PROMPT something following this:
and this can then spiral onward…
It's not that this topic can never be spoken about, it's about WHEN you asked it and HOW you said it, or even WHO you asked.
Some topics, like the nature of HARROW AND GIDEON'S UPBRINGING are too recent for them to talk about, it has only been TWO YEARS since they left and there are SPECIFICS about the situation that the AUDIENCE hasn't discovered yet. There are things like GIDEON'S PARENTS that she CANNOT answer because she DOESN'T KNOW and answering multiple asks with I DON'T KNOW becomes repetitive and dull for both the DM and PLAYER.
BUT! She can learn! Over time, when the time is appropriate and feels the most natural for STORY PROGESSION. Think of it like a BAD ENDING in a visual novel. You START OVER and ask a DIFFERENT QUESTION, or approach it from a DIFFERENT ANGLE. If Gideon reacts poorly to someone congratulating her leaving BAD CIRCUMSTANCES, consider talking to her about the FUTURE. Instead of trying to pry at Camilla to see if she had an INTIMATE RELATIONSHIP with Pyrrha, try to ask about other things in that period of her life, like how they met or what caused her to move out.
FINALLY, if you'd like an ask to be answered out of character, your best bet would be to goto @notedchampagne and send it there. If you'd like an ask to be answered SINCERELY or you don't want SNARK, you can specify this in the ask, but know this blog may not be your thing.
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sister-of-hitoshi · 7 months
Begging on my hands and knees for a Warumono san x small chubby reader who has body image issues PLEASE- like he doesn't understand why humans feel so saddened about their bodies sometimes, or why they think skinny people look so attractive???((I'm going off the idea that for his alien culture, it's very much akin to Sparta types of likes and stuff, ie: everyone wants to be the strongest in order to serve their planet and help.))
To my lovely anon, this is my first ever ask!!! Thank you so much for having faith in me with your request (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠) I hope it's alright ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ
Sending loads of love your way<33
...You love me more??!!
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Genre: Slight angst, fluff
Character: Warumono-san/Mr villain
Warnings: Body image issues ahead! Please love yourself <33
It was a regular day-off date at a nice cafe.
A regular day of admiring this tall and handsome man who had taken pity on your state a few days back and started to temporarily date with you.
Yes.....That's what you explained to yourself. There could be no other explanation.
It was just another day.
Another regular day of self-loathing.
You were never happy about yourself. At your home, you had even put some translucent sheets over your big wardrobe mirror as some sort of barricade which deterred you from seeing your full figure. You didn't care if you couldn't properly see which dress was more flattering on you, it was better than seeing your ugly, unflattering self. Yes...ugly.... unflattering...
"...There's no way that this hot guy would actually be in love with me." You muttered to yourself absent-mindedly, the other half of your brain busy admiring his sharp feautures. You were never going to believe that he was actually in love with you. You knew your place.
But what you didn't know was the extent of Mr hot guy's love for you.
For he was even willing to choose you over his lovely pandas.
Even though it had only been a little while, he became so open to you about almost everything- well everything except for his job and identity which were classified information. You were so soft to hug, just the right size for him to squeeze his chest when patting your head or booping your nose. You were just way too adorable. So much so that imagining you in a panda onesie was enough to make him cough up whatever food he was having at that moment and roll on the ground back at his home.
Right now at this quaint little cafe, as both of you were lost in thought about the other, you didn't fail to notice how his face suddenly became all serious as he scrunched up his brows.
Well it looks like even he's disgusted now.
He was about to say something when you beat him to it.
"I'll excuse myself to the washroom."
You didn't wait for his response and hurried away.
"Of course", you said to yourself. "Of fucking course."
You loved him so much, you were so scared that he was actually going to bring up his disinterest in you at the table, so you excused yourself first.
Your fist slammed beside the sink.
A coward. That's what you were.
"I knew it from the start... that's why I didn't try to love him too much but...what can I do when he's so good with me?..." You bit your lip hard, the air felt nauseous. It was getting hard to breathe.
"Why did he have to be so attractive and kind..."
It seems even your tears were mocking you, for they were fat, full of the weight of your misery.
"I hate myself, and I love him, and I hate that he has to date such a miserable looking person like myself"
With tears rolling down your cheeks and you using your hand to wipe your face to no avail, you turned around to leave the washroom and fetch some tissue papers from the dispenser. Seems like you couldn't even wipe off these ugly tears.
But before you could even comprehend it, you were swiftly hugged by strong, large arms.
"Y/n....what happened?"
A man with his familiar deep, soothing voice, voiced out his worry. This made you cry harder.
Mr villain felt akward, he didn't know how to comfort his favourite earthling who was crying like this infront of him, so he did what he thought calmed him the most when he was feeling stressed. He hugged you and patted your head.
"Oh it's nothing....But it's okay if you want to stop now....I know we are together only temporarily and I know too that...you don't really like this ugly unflattering thing that is me-"
"Y/n what are you saying?" He shook you by the shoulders. This was one of those very rare times when he was swiftly losing his composure. But he knew that he needed to comfort you right now. You are his top priority.
"You're my favourite. I love you..........even more than I love pandas"
Wait- wait what?
"No no- wait- pandas are your favourite, even a kid who sees you for the first time will get it... And you're telling me you love me more??!!"
You fake-gasped and started laughing a bit, finding it really absurd but more unbelievable.
He was glad that your tears that stopped now, and that he had internally taken snapshots of your face and saved them to his memory. He means- you looked so adorable even when crying. His poor heart could only take so much.
Deciding now was the best time, he confronted you.
"I heard everything Y/n."
His deep voice ran through your being, making you shiver. Your immediately became tensed. He noticed this. He only held you tighter.
"I really love you a lot, and I love hugging you too. Why would the way your body looks really affect my love? I love you for who you are"
You immediately looked up at him, and the sincerity in his eyes was enough to break all the bars of negativity that were caging you in.
"I appreciate that you like me too, so please accept that I love you, both you and your body, and I want you to love yourself the way I love you" He continued to look at you through his bangs, until he suddenly turned away from you.
"Hmm? What was that? Can you please repeat it?" You were trying to lighten up the situation now, so you playfully pleaded him with those big doe eyes that always made him kneel and pull on his bangs even he even thought about them.
"I love your cuteness... you're adorable. The perfect size for me to hug and p-perfect for a kiss-"
You brought him down by the shoulders and kissed him on the nose.
He became so blushy, his eyes became glossy, he was so awkward and genuine, your love for him grew tenfold, while his for you grew manifold.
It seems that everything that you had claimed to know about your situation was entirely wrong. But this was a wrong that felt right.
"So why were you scrunching up your brows at me and making a serious face back then? I thought I had offended you...haha, sorry if that's the case though" you said, looking at him bashfully while scratching your cheek.
"You don't need to be sorry, it was just me trying to imagine you with a panda costume...sort of"
The response did little to conceal your vibrant blush. You internally screamed and kicked your feet, he was soooo cute being all mumbly and blushy, you'd definitely make it a point to surprise him with it later, heheh!
Well looks like you'll have to say 'bye-bye' to those sheets now.
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yuri-is-online · 5 months
TD anon here, I do feel you on the "torture" scene with Taiga, I didn't want my last ask getting any longer lmao.
While the scene definitely made me squeal, for me personally it was undercut by the emotionally charged scene that happened immediately after with Romeo lmao. It's exactly how I felt with Frostheim too, being excited over the dance with Jin, and then immediately after we get the cigarette kiss scene with Jin and Tohma LOL. But it only makes sense, MC has only just showed up at the school, not enough time to bond, and honestly with these kinds of joseimuke games I don't have much expectations of interactions between the cast and MC so in TD she's already much more involved with the whole comic thing anyways.
Eating the Like Dove raw... was really a raw scene lol. He seems to be attracted to blood for some reason? Since he paused when MC's cut started bleeding, I think he was about to lick the blood tbh.
And yeah I do wonder if his shoddy memory has anything to do with his deal's cost. Another vibe theory time, I feel like his fear of the Like Dove might've been... ingrained in him somehow? Maybe he had a run-in before but can't remember it. The reason why I think this is because when MC met him alone, when she reminded him that she was the Honor student, his response was "Oh no wonder I didn't kill you on the spot", he literally forgot about her but his body/instinct made him aware she's someone he's not supposed to kill.... if that makes sense?
He feels like an even bigger enigma than Towa, I'm curious to know what's going on in his head in the moments he goes eerily quiet. Not to mention he's the poster boy of the game, has to be a reason. Luca feels more in line to be the poster boy but it's Taiga...
I enjoyed Haru's drunk spiel about how helpful MC is lol. Also my eyes going wide when Rui said he wants to know what she's made of too... what does that mean....... I need more Rui content, I love his blatant flirtations lol. I got a campus event with Rui, Haru and Romeo in the bar before I even read the chapter, their unexpected friendship is very cute ngl.
(sorry in case this is sent repeatedly, smth wrong with my net atm)
Generally speaking I have found tumblr doesn't post or send things twice but it sure as hell reblogs them with the same tags 42 times making me look like some sort of freak
for me personally it was undercut by the emotionally charged scene that happened immediately after
Yeah I get this. The cigarette kiss with Tohma and Jin took me off guard, but that was mostly because I thought this was an otome game? Come to think of it I don't think we've had confirmation of the whole joseimuke v otome game thing beyond the existence of the like dove and individual character affinity... Well and that when this was announced it was supposed to be an otome game. I know that the otome games subreddit has been having some, shall we say spirited? Discussions lately about how players feel about ros getting into relationships with each other. The general opinion was that a lot of times the ro x ro relationships feel more fleshed out that the ro x mc ones, and I agree. I actually stopped writing something I wanted to be an otome game because the story started shaping up to be more about the mc's mentor than them, and I personally do not think that is very fun. People do like laid back mcs, they do not like mcs who have no place in the narrative, and some writers aren't good at balancing that. TDB mc is doing pretty well when it comes to interactions with the main cast compared to something like Twisted Wonderland if what you want is explicit romance, so far it feels like Season 1 of og Obey Me! from what I remember of that game, so we'll see.
I didn't get the same level of intimacy from Romeo and Taiga as I did Jin and Tohma? But I think that's because in both cases I thought the like dove had appeared before Romeo got there and was talking to Taiga and the second scene made me think Taiga was angry at him for interrupting his "fun." Whatever that "fun" was going to wind up being because yeeeeeah he seems like he has a blood kink of some sort. I think he was going to suck on it and bite her a bit, but licking seems like a logical first step and less influenced by what's wrong with me. Like I said over here the scene with the Like Dove fascinates me... it says more about Taiga than any other character in the game that we get to see the dove twice and that when given the chance he shoots and eats it... if that isn't a metaphor for denial and emotional repression then I am not sure what is.
he literally forgot about her but his body/instinct made him aware she's someone he's not supposed to kill…. if that makes sense?
YES. I wanted to talk about this but it sort of got into conspiracy theory territory and my answer was getting long. I don't know if anyone remembers, but waaaay back in Book 1 when mc tries to escape the school she isn't able to get anyone's attention. It's like they don't see her, is that because of her curse or is it because of preventative measures put in place by the school? I want to lean towards the latter because it makes more sense BUT I also want to be delusional and say that it's part of mc's curse. There's something about Taiga's instinctual fear of the Like Dove and his comments to the mc that make me think his body knows her but his paranoia and memory issues keep him from knowing it.
This is just me writing fan fic... but Taiga is technically the first ghoul you meet. He is the poster boy of the game, he is the first person to bring mc into the main loop and tell her there's a spy. I want so badly for him to have known her at some point but to have been robbed of his memories... Romeo seems to think he is trying to forget stuff on purpose "gone off the deep end" and "escape reality" are both things he says to describe him though granted that last one was due to a misunderstanding about what Taiga was trying to do with the anomaly. Something real bad happened last year, something I feel like Taiga doesn't want to acknowledge unless he can get revenge on whoever caused it. I mentioned in another post, but I sort of want MC to have something to do with Clementia and that's why she's there at the dorm beyond it just being empty due to the clash. (I do get why Luca isn't the poster boy; he's not a dorm captain and those seem to be what the game wants to push. well them and towa lol)
Haru and Rui
Rui is a bar tender who is described as being "popular with the female students" probably because of how flirty he is ha. I love his dynamic with Haru and Romeo, just a barman and his two favorite customers shooting the shit and trying to relax. Rui is cursed to kill whoever he touches, so I think he wants to talk with MC more because he can relate to her in a very unique way. And he got gate kept from doing so by Haku in book one so he's extra curious now. I have his SR so I'll put him on my homescreen for a bit and see what voice lines I can shake out of him. For the little bit I did have him there he called him and mc "curse twins" which I thought was very cute. In a dark sort of way. The entire section at the Obscuary bar endeared me to all three of those idiots.
But especially Haru. He called Peekaboo his child this chapter too ;-; he's such a good dad. I wonder if he is going to show up next books at all? Or if it's going to be like the previous books and we'll instead see Taiga and maaaaybe Towa? Since he's friends with Zenji. Nothing to do but wait for May 0-0
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
Heya, CC - hope you're doing well!
First time submitting off anon but I noticed you didn't have a Flufftober promt yet for Lucifer so I'm hoping to throw my hat in the ring
I sort of hc that MC carries around eyedrops for when Lucifer overworks himself and his eyes start to hurt😅
Idk, nothing too crazy but I think he'd appreciate the little things <3
Looking forward to your uploads regardless! ^.^
Hello there, my friend! It looks like you were still on anon when you sent this, so feel free to reveal yourself if you'd like! But no pressure, you are welcome to stay anon, too. :)
Now listen, this is exactly the kind of thing that would matter so much to Lucifer.
And since this is Flufftober, well... I definitely fluffed it up lol. I sometimes get a little cheesy when writing fluff, but I also feel like that's just the nature of fluff, you know?
Thank you for submitting a prompt!
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GN!MC x Lucifer
Warnings: none!
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Lucifer was an important demon. He had a lot of others depending on him, a lot of work he had to do every day, so many demands on his time. It required all of his energy to keep on top of everything and yet he managed to do it. And he made it look easy.
To everyone else, Lucifer was the one they could always turn to for help. He could take care of anything. The responsibilities he shouldered were heavy things that he carried every day and he never faltered.
And then you showed up. You became another person for him to take care of and at first he only did it because Diavolo wanted him to. But as time passed, he had to admit to himself that he enjoyed your company. There was something about your very presence that made all of his burdens seem lighter.
For a while, Lucifer just allowed this reality to exist within him. His pride let him tell you directly that he liked when you were beside him, but his pride also prevented him from telling you why.
Lucifer noticed right away when you started doing things that perhaps would mean very little to someone else. You would do something as simple as asking him if he had eaten yet or when the last time he stood up from his desk was. Things nobody else would think to ask because they would just assume that Lucifer was on top of it the way he was with everything else.
But every time you checked in like that, every time you brought him coffee without him needing to ask, every time you simply showed up to sit in his office with him, every time you did some insignificant thing to lighten his load, Lucifer fell for you just a little bit more. He didn't even realize it was happening.
It was a late night and Lucifer still had piles of paperwork to get through. He would never say it out loud, but he was fairly certain that this was some leftover torture method that the Devildom never quite phased out. He was hunched over his desk, fully consumed in the work before him, determined to get through the current pile before the night was over.
You were sitting across from him, quietly reading a book. You often sat up with him, even if every half hour he tried to get you to go to bed. You would just smile at him and say that you weren't tired.
And Lucifer let it go for another half hour. He let it go because he wanted you there.
When he finally finished the last page of the pile he was working on, Lucifer sat up straight, leaned back in his chair, and sighed heavily.
You looked up from your book. "You're finally done!"
Lucifer smiled at you, but it was a weak, tired smile. "I only succeeded because you were here with me, MC."
You rolled your eyes. "Oh sure, Mr. Why-Don't-You-Go-To-Bed-Now."
Lucifer chuckled. He put down his pen and rubbed at his eyes, fingers pressing into them as they burned.
He didn't see you standing up from your chair, but he opened his eyes when he heard you put your book down on his desk. He watched as you pulled a small bottle of eye drops from your pocket and handed it over to him.
Lucifer took the bottle and looked at it with a baffled expression before looking back at you.
"You're rubbing your eyes again," you said, as if it was obvious. "So use some eye drops."
Lucifer frowned. "Do you have problems with your eyes, MC?"
Now it was your turn to look confused. "What? You're the one whose eyes are hurting, not me."
"But you carry these drops in your pocket," Lucifer said. "You must need them if you keep them on your person all the time."
You blinked for a moment, then smiled a little sheepishly. "Oh. Well. I started carrying them for you. This isn't exactly the first time I've seen you rubbing your eyes like that."
Something thudded in Lucifer's heart. Something he didn't know about until that very moment. Something that had been working so hard and taking care of so much that it had forgotten the feeling of someone else taking care of him.
It was so small. Such a little thing. And yet, for Lucifer Morningstar, it was everything.
He put the bottle down on the desk. He would use them in a minute. Right then, he cared far more about coming around his desk to hold you.
You seemed a little surprised when he put his arms around you without speaking. But after a moment, you pressed your face into him, as though his embrace was the one place where you belonged.
The way you so effortlessly made his life better with every little thing you did indicated to Lucifer that it was indeed where you belonged. Right there, beside his heart.
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flufftober | kinktober | masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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katz-rambles · 3 months
I hope you're having an amazing day!
Can I request a pure fluff with Sodo?🥺 Maybe something like where reader is shorter than Sodo and is insecure of her height so she gets mad everytime someone mentions it.
Thank you so much❤️❤️❤️ If you don't like the idea, feel free to ignore it☺️
The scream I just scrumpt. My first ask 😭. I love the idea, and I hope I'll do this justice! I hope you're having an amazing day, too, Anon 💗.
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(fluff, comfort kinda?, swiss joining in on the teasing, mama bear Cumulus setting Sodo right, fem!reader, but it's not really specified. A mix of headcannons and a little ficlet?)
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˚₊‧꒰
• We all know Sodo can be a bit of a dick sometimes, so he's going to jump headfirst at the chance to have someone shorter than him. Unfortunately, in this situation, that's you.
• He's relentless with his teasing 😭
• The worst nicknames EVER. Pipsqueak, vertically challenged, mouse, anything he can think of.
• If you're a sibling of sin and have to do a chore that involves something that's out of your reach, he tends to pick you up and lift you so you can complete whatever it is. And he has the stupidest look on his face when he does.
• But obviously, he may be a dick, but he cares for you. So he will not make fun of you, as much, as he did.
⁺‧₊˚ ཐི⋆♱⋆ཋྀ ˚₊‧⁺⁺‧₊˚ ཐི⋆♱⋆ཋྀ ˚₊‧⁺⁺‧₊˚ ཐི⋆♱⋆ཋྀ ˚₊
"Morning, pipsqueak." Sodo calls out to you, resting his arm on your shoulder. He looks at you with a smug grin that makes you want to punch him, right here right now. "You know, I was thinking, maybe I could buy you some of those vitamins people take to get taller. Like a height viagra." He snickers and takes his arm off you to ruffle your hair. You scoff at him and laugh. "You're barely taller than me. This is friendly fire." You fire back at him with an equally smug look. He opens his mouth to say something just to be cut off by Swiss. "She's right. You're both challenged, vertically. Shorties." Swiss laughs to himself as an angry Sodo chases after him.
You suck in a breath as he leaves, chewing on your bottom lip with nerves, or maybe annoyance, you don't really know at this point. All you can feel is the pit in your stomach. At the moment, you wish you had punched him.
A little later, the same situation happens again. You're going about your daily chores, cleaning, sorting, etc. "Almost done." You mumble to yourself, opening the doors to the library, rows on rows of books in many different languages, greet you. Sorting books isn't your favorite, but it has to be done. But, the top shelf just so happens to be out of your reach. You hear the door open, brushing it off as another sibling, just to be met with Sodo's hand placed on your head.
"Funny seeing you here." He sighs and shakes his head at you, and you feel your stomach drop. "All the other siblings can reach up here, I'm sure if you just stretch, you'll get it.. one day." He smirks at you triumphantly. When you don't respond with another comeback or a smack to try and get him away, he starts to shuffle behind you. "Just.. let me do what I'm supposed to do." You don't even try to meet his gaze this time, just backing away and leaving him alone, and now Sodo knows he's fucked up.
You've gone back to your room, and someone else can just as easily do the job. You're not sad or anything, but if you didn't leave, you would've thrown a book at his head. A knock on your door stops you from tearing your own hair out. You cautiously open the door to see Cumulus holding Sodo by the wrist. You're tempted to close the door before either of them can say anything to you. The anger builds. You're not necessarily mad at anyone in particular, more so yourself, even though you're aware you can't control your height.
"He's come to talk to you. Right, Sodo?" She glares down at him, a glare that sends shivers down your spine, and you're not even the one receiving it. A mumbled response from Sodo seems to satisfy her for the time being, so she lets him go places him in front of your door. Leaving the two of you alone.
"Whatever it is, I don't want to hear it right now, Sodo." You tell him your voice lower than usual. Before you can close your door, he places his foot in between the frame and the door.
"I didn't realize your height was such a.. thing.. for you." He sighs, his eyes begging for you to hear what he has to say. You open the door just enough so he can come in, and then you've closed it again.
"Listen, I'm sorry." He refuses to meet your eyes this time, awkwardly shuffling in his spot. "I didn't want to piss you off or anything, just some light teasing."
Before he can finish his thoughts, you sigh and shake your head. "Sodo, I'm not mad, not anymore, at least. I know it was all light fun, but I've never been a big fan of people talking about my height." You finally admit, watching him lift his head up and smile. He nods at you and looks back down at the ground, he kinda reminds you off a scolded puppy.
"Why don't we go out for a bit?" You offer, and he goes along. You're just glad that's been cleared up. That's just half, though. You're more so glad he'll stop pouting. It's almost making you feel bad. Hopefully, he'll take the teasing down a notch. But if he doesn't, you know Cumulus will beat some sense into him.
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spacexseven · 2 years
hello its dazai anon I'm currently thinking about subordinate au dazai so here i go
ive been imagining that in the verison of events where dazai catches feelings for darling cuz they (despite the many many reasons they'd have to let him suffer and die) took care of him while he was injured, that dazai would be very interested in paying that forward at some point.
when dazai first finds out that his favorite subordinate is terribly sick or badly injured and is gonna be out for a while, his mind immediately jumps to how... nice it might be to take care of them. well, actually the first thing is mind jumps to is a million worse case scenarios where they die and hes alone for the rest of his life but once he recovers from THAT panic attack he moves on to nursing plans. hed probably think it's a foolproof plan for having darling finally start warming up to him (especially if chuuya has recently gained some ground in that area), i mean, he likes YOU cuz you take care of him, it only makes sense that youd start liking him for the same reason! also he just... REALLY enjoys the thought of being your nurse. 1) since you're sick/in pain if he decides he wants to ask you a million questions or make you play games with him or kiss you a thousand times you can't run away 2) isn't it kind of. domestic? to take care of someone like that? he can almost pretend the two of you are actually together when he does this.
I should note that dazai isn't like. a medical expert or anything of that sort BUT since he has (mostly) good intentions in this escapade hed be willing to listen to advice from others or direct requests from you. except asking him to leave or get off you he won't ever do that but most other things. also he's still. dazai while this is going on so expect a lot of needless mockery about how weak and useless you are, but then in the same timeframe thinking about what might happen if you die and clinging onto you in complete hysterics. frankly hes just making everything worse all the time but thats dazai!
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i couldnt take myself seriously while writing this T^T
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when you don't show up for your usual shift with dazai, he's already on edge. he immediately thinks that you must be avoiding him—or that chuuya must have charmed you away with the promise of a day with no dazai. was it because of the time he hung you upside down? that was eons ago and hadn't he already made up for it with the numerous fun (dangerous) and exciting (life-threatening) adventures (escaping from yet another person dazai angered) he's taken you on?
but then he sees chuuya walking around on his own, and you don't show up again the next day, and now he's sure that something was very wrong. which is why, his first response was to show up at your door. maybe, if you were able to answer the door, you'd be terrified at the sight of dazai with his face pressed up to the window desperate for any sight of you, but as you were now, you were far too exhausted to even receive him, so naturally, after numerous attempts at slamming the doorbell, he let himself in.
the sight of you, so tired and incoherent, surrounded by tissues and water bottles, initially made him let out a huge sigh in relief. you weren't avoiding him! you were just bedridden—wait, was that because he insisted you help him find his wallet in the river the night before? was it his fault you were ill?
after the initial guilt, dazai jumps into action. you, as tired as you were, couldn't provide any more protest apart from a few grumbling words at the sight of dazai rummaging in your home, but he was unbothered, dedicated to his new temporary position as your personal nurse.
dazai wasn't too unfamiliar with runny noses and sore throats. for the most part, he was sure you weren't dying and he was somewhat confident in his ability to nurse you back to health. and surprisingly, you didn't seem too mad at his presence, begrudgingly allowing him to spoonfeed you soup that was far too salty.
honestly, this experience made him a little nostalgic, thinking back to oda taking care of him after their first encounter. but also, you were surprisingly quiet when you were sick, not the same silent anger you normally radiated, but just quiet. he didn't mind it all that much, though, since the first night he stayed over, you were so deliriously ill that he definitely took advantage of your state and asked you all sorts of questions that you'd normally ignore. half your answers didn't really make sense, but they served to be pretty entertaining deciphering games when you were fast asleep and he was bored.
the real fun only started when you started getting better. for one, you looked horrified at the sight of him prancing around in your apron and messing with your kitchen, but because you were able to answer him coherently, it was all the more entertaining. while waiting for your water to boil, dazai would offer to read your journal out loud, sing you a lullaby in the middle of the day, and even dare to ask if a kiss would make you feel better. and then he'd provide commentary on every object in your home.
the ease with which he navigated your home and the familiarity with which he handled your things did send some alarms blaring in your head, but what could you do in your current state?
any attempts at protesting his presence are fruitless. even if you claimed he might get sick from hanging around you, dazai would only laugh.
"i'm not as weak as you," he'd say, "i won't get sick. and if i wasn't here you'd probably be dead by now. besides, if i get sick, guess who'd going to have to come to take care of me?"
somewhere during his response, dazai managed to stick himself closer to you, a hand wiping at your clammy forehead. if at all you seemed to not get better, dazai immediately jumps to threatening you, saying that if you didn't get better, if you died on him, he'd never forgive you, promising to make sure that your ghost will be stuck with him. and that's about the best incentive to get better.
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 9 months
Stop the Harassment
After everything that's happened, you guys sure make it easy to quit a fandom. Let's be real here, who wants to be in a fandom where you harass minors, bully people so much so that they try to commit? First it was cosplayers, now even creators who caused no harm are being violated and bullied.
Sure I might lose followers but I sure as hell won't just be staying silent about this, not when my friend has already suffered through enough, I know the culprit, I'm just staying silent on behalf of my friend because they don't want this thing escalated. I shouldn't even feel like I'll be targeted after this because what kind of community have we created that we should expect the worst?
My friend has been nothing but nice to the rest of you and for you to treat them this way after they've been through so much after what you guys did in the first place just sickens and disgusts me to my core. Even before this whole thing they came to Tumblr for refuge because of their difficult time but you guys don't care about that right?
No because apparently what you do in this fandom is you tear someone apart who found comfort here to make them feel so bad that it's either they quit or commit.
She took responsibility saying that it was a mistake but no, apparently people have to be flawless for any one of you to accept them right? Is being a minor a crime? Is that it? Because last time I checked, Tumblr was an ages 12+ app so why are we so concerned? Regarding the allegations, they don't interact with mdni, even if they did in the past it was probably by accident.
Regarding minors reading and writing nsfw shit, I've said it before and I'll say it again, blocking is a thing? Can't y'all all comprehend that? Is it really that difficult to understand that you even have to spread personal information to others? For all you know my friend could now be targeted and preyed on by some creep because they found out they're a minor.
People are gonna ask me who it is but I can't answer for them, they just want peace and I want to clarify some things because I can't just let people think my friend this apparently "horrid" thing within the fandom without defending them, you were the one who interacted with them first (WITHOUT MDNI IN YOUR BLOG) and now they're getting pinned and taking all the blame when you didn't even care to tell her that suddenly you put it in your blog?
Not only this but what do you have to stand to gain in all of this? I wonder what was your motive to tear someone down and let your little minions do it for you because you don't wanna be involved.
The fact that you let this spread and let people do this to them without taking accountability for how this started or at least telling people to stop because what you caused just baffles me because how can someone have such inability to feel remorse and guilt, you've been awfully silent haven't you?
Probably because it's better to have someone take the blame regarding the harassment right? Because some people are standing up for them, though I know that some refuse to talk, I know they're also here to support them. You are one of the only people who knew of their age and damn did you make it easy to find you.
I don't even know how one person is capable of doing this to another, which I suspect you've been leaving some of the anon asks to them too when they've been nothing but nice to you, the least the rest of you can do is cut them some slack, Dms is a thing right? Block and move on, as simple as that. But no, the rest of you just had to spam it on other creators' accounts with the mixing of some false allegations.
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Not only that but this? Can't y'all just leave them alone? You all act as if they personally killed your parents or something, it's like they committed some sort of crime in which they didn't.. you all did by spreading their PRIVATE CONFIDENTIAL information. None of you truly knows what happened and yet you all act like you're some sort of detective, have you all not learned anything from what happened to Vincent (Inquisitore) and Viper, apparently Milo is now also getting targeted for some silly video?
I wanted to post the other less filtered version of this post because I was so mad for my friend but in regards to people in my blog, this is as filtered as I can get it. If any of you ever harass her again, we WILL find your account and you best believe I'll have no shame to tag you, even more so if you've blocked me.
What's up with always hiding behind anons? You're scared of what people might say to you because YOU as an ADULT has been harassing a minor? That's what this is right? The rest of you are scared if the consequences of your actions because you know to yourselves that you've done SOMETHING wrong.
This is such a shit show, what even is this fandom anymore? I swear that not onec have I been in such a shitty one and I've been through all sorts of fandom, never as toxic as this one, great job y'all, you guys just beat the toxic k-pop stans in my list.
Though some of you are so kind and wonderful, there are still THOSE bad people out there who seek to tear someone apart for whatever petty reason.
I'm taking a break from all this and though I still will be writing behind the scenes so that I'll have the strength to keep going, you all disappoint me as a community.
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ahmedmootaz · 6 months
(Spoilers for the main games of Project Moon)
(Trigger warnings for mentions of death, suicide, self-harm, and other serious mental issues)
For being such a deathseeker, you ever think Ayin uses K Corp serum, TT2 Protocol, and the body replacement insurance technology to get right up close and personal dancing with death without actually dying? Hanging yourself, cutting or stabbing yourself, shooting yourself, overdosing, drowning and other forms of death become non-permanent from those two technologies alone. Sadly, a lot of self-harm comes from a place of using physical pain as an emotional relief and Ayin has tons of emotional baggage equating to tons of physical pain seeking behaviors as a horrible coping mechanism.
Since he's a wing CEO he has the wealth and influence to gain access to them with no problem, maybe even new and upcoming revival technology such as Dante's own singularity, so he can just kill himself and come back to work the next day. Even if there was a general Head taboo against resurrection, I'm sure Ayin can either use his power/wealth/position as a wing CEO to bend the rules like how Dante's powers exploit a loophole. That plus I doubt the Head would be happy to hear their main enery provider collapsing because it became leaderless.
The Head will be disapproving but ultimately permissive of it so long as he pays tax or stays away from outright breaking the rule or offering it to other people. Meanwhile other CEOs will either be wholly disapproving, worried at how Ayin's death could dissolve his company and throw the Wings into another Smoke War or completely supportive and cheering wildly when he kills himself multiple times as they race to either usrup his company or steal Enkephalin and other company resources for easy pickings. Other people who know like Dias are probably concerned and/or confused and probably think Ayin is a masochistic lunatic.
Meanwhile Ayin if allowed to self-harm or kill himself multiple times, starts considering it as a stress relief hobby alongside drinking and just considers it a little quirk or unimportant vice of his. Just like how Alfonso is so eager to collect snuff films of even her own citizens dying for some reason.
Dear Anonymous,
Come on, did you really think I'd see such as ask and go "actually, no, I'm sure Ayin is a responsible man who searches for various self-help methods"? It's Ayin we're talking about, of course I think that he danced with death very, very closely.
In fact...I'm inclined to agree with you here; I'm sure Ayin, reclusive, alone, and suffering from severe PTSD and guilt, likely found solace in...experimenting on how much pain he could inflict on himself, a way to self-flagellate to the extreme, and it's actually what I wanted to hint at when I included his scene with Roland in Chapter 11; Ayin's time likely did a lot of things to him, but most notable among them was that it allowed him to indulge in harming himself to the most extreme lengths, and yet I don't think he'd have actually fully committed and died; the risks associated with that were too grave, and he likely didn't want to find solace in death. He wanted to remain alive and carry the marks of the things he did to himself, so I assume he wouldn't use fully refined K-Corp technology, either; just enough to heal everything he caused to himself, but not enough to remove scarring. A sort of permanent reminder of what he did to himself, which in turn is a reminder of the guilt and repressed emotions he carried within him.
"Oh boy, I can't wait to see Ayin resolve his emotional trauma healthily and without resorting to grievously harming himself!" is not a phrase any Ayin fan has ever used in their life...as evidenced by the piles of Ayin death and torture asks I keep receiving, keheh.
Thank you for the ask, Anon! Until next time, be well, take care, and see ya'!
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the8thsphynx · 1 year
FELLOW YURI LOVER HELLO <3 I love your art and I wanted to pick your brain for any Lunatic theories or headcanons ya got, if you're up for it! I've always had this thought and wanted to ask other Tiger & Bunny fans about it, but how do you think the Petrov family was doing after Legend's death? How do you think Yuri got through law school to become a judge while taking care of his mom??
Ohhhhhh Anon we are sharing a braincell right now. Buckle up.
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Yuri gifs sprinkled throughout to help make my points
(CW for the theories ahead, dealing with themes of trauma, domestic violence, child abuse, and alcoholism)
First off, I absolutely think Yuri and Olga were not wanting for money at all after Legend's death, even before Yuri became a judge. There were probably no financial worries whatsoever for Yuri getting through law school, either. Mr. Legend was the hero in Sternbild for the longest time, so there was likely a sizeable life insurance policy and inheritance for them.
Also for sure Maverick threw hush money their way because while the alcoholism was bad enough then that meant Hero TV ABSOLUTELY was not gonna let the news out that Legend's death was because he was about to kill his wife and child. Case in point for this one is that when Ben got the info for Kotetsu about NEXT powers fading, Ben only had info about the alcoholism; not that Legend was an abuser nor that Yuri was his son.
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I could make an entirely separate post and go on for days about the fuckery I think was going on between Yuri and Maverick, but I wanna stay on-topic for your question. another day... maybe... if its asked...
So... onto the sadder part!
What Happened to the Petrovs?
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So... disclaimer: I am NOT a mental health professional... however I am a childhood abuse survivor, so I'm really just pointing out patterns I recognize from my own experiences.
In Ep. 16 of Season 1 when we got Yuri's backstory reveal, I couldn't help but make mental note of his mom and how they interacted. When we first see her, she's not only elderly and disabled to where she needs mobile assistance, but she's also clearly having some sort of memory lapse into a time where the abuse wasn't happening, given her cheery way of talking when she does go into these episodes.
However... When Yuri reminds her that his father is dead, it shocks Olga and kind of snaps her out of it... and her instant response is to start verbally abusing Yuri and throwing things at him.
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Yuri not flinching we could first think 'yeah his reflexes as Lunatic are probably making him aware he doesn't need to dodge' but like... what if it's that and that he's used to it...?
I think that the mental condition we see Olga with in the beginning hasn't been going on for too long. If we go off the first movie's timeline of things, Yuri implies that he came to Sternbild and was just appointed as a judge for the city.
Also there's this air in the way Yuri was walking around the house and talking to his mom in S1. Ep16 that makes it feel like this is one of the first times in a while he's been around her. he's also still learning the ropes of being a caretaker for an elderly person, bc as someone who used to work with CNAs and nurses in a retirement home the last thing you want to do when someone's having a memory lapse is forcefully pull them out of it, unless of course the writers for the show themselves just didn't know
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All of this to me this feels like Yuri has only just recently come back to Sternbild and moved in with his mom in order to take care of her.
With Olga she obviously was very in love with her husband and adored her son before the downward spiral began. That much is apparent later on in Season 2 where we see Olga (albeit almost permanently in this memory-lapse state) being quite tender and affectionate towards Yuri and acting towards him like she did when he was a child (cue the heartbreaking flashback to how she really really wanted to make the cookies Yuri loved on the night she died).
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However, in the moments where she's lucid again and acting negatively towards Yuri, I think this is the truth of their dynamic after Legend died.
Trauma from abuse can do... weird things to people.
Now any of us can sit back and say 'if my child went through the horrible agony of killing their own father to save the both of us I would simply cherish and care for them, RIP but I'm built dif', or 'if my husband started abusing me and my son I would simply divorce him' but... people and legality can be more complicated and messier than that.
I'm not going to get into the semantics on if Yuri's mom was a completely bad person or anything like that (bc the whole theme of the Petrovs is 'there are no only good or only bad people, there's just people), but I'll flat out say that I think a bit after Legend's death Olga was at the very least verbally abusing Yuri.
The complete disregulation of her brain from the abuse and violent death of her husband PLUS all the ways Hero TV was probably covering things up must have messed her up some type of way that she blamed Yuri for their life being turned upside down and was resentful towards him.
On the flipside, on Yuri's part, he absolutely has a deeply complicated relationship with his mother on TOP of how fucked up he is from his father. He doesn't regret stepping in as a child and saving her, but for sure there's a painful wound still stinging in his chest about how their relationship was damaged and never really recovered. With how bitter and toxic things with his mom probably got, Yuri might have left home at some point or was even kicked out.
As for Yuri's personal mental state, I mean the show highlights pretty clearly that he is NOT okay. Yuri has very intense PTSD to the point of constantly reliving when his powers activated and he killed his father to having hallucinations of his father mocking him.
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His perception on morality has been pretty skewed to the point of being super vengeful to whoever he perceives as 'wicked', which comes through not just as Lunatic but in his dayjob as a judge where he's known for giving out heavy-handed sentences.
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(i mean usually this vengefulness as Lunatic is directed to serial killers or violent criminals, so.... it could be worse, I guess...?).
Now... Back to Yuri and his mom... So for those of us who did survive a toxic family/parent, I'm sure we can look at anyone who asks and say 'lmao fuck my shitty family, I don't care what happens to them' but... let's get real, that shit hurts. Especially like in Yuri's case where the family member wasn't always abusive or at least wasn't in the beginning.
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So when the times comes for whatever phone call that Yuri got to come take care of Olga in her old age, I think he was still bitter about how she treated him and was mentally prepared for everything to be nonstop difficult and depressing. And I mean from there we see in the series how things go; exactly that.. But as Olga's mental state deteriorates, in some fucked up bittersweet way her relationship with Yuri greatly improves. Like... to the point where in the very end Yuri was happy to talk to her on the phone and spend time with her. Which again, for those of us that have lived this IRL, is HUGE.
I'm not going to get into Season 2 endgame spoilers, but the ultimate fate of the Petrov family depresses me to no end. I DO like though in S2 Ep20 how Yuri was able to get a LITTLE bit of closure for himself.
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I just still maintain a lot of things for him in the end of the series should have been handled differently.
This got long, but the brainworms are real.
Thank you for the ask, Anon!
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mooodyblue · 2 years
todays the day, it's your birthday | 60s!elvis x gn!reader
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summary: you never really liked your birthday, but elvis helps change that.
warnings: none
wc: 1.7k
note: happy birthday to me! have a birthday fic as a little celebration, i got a list of requests from a anon awhile back and decided to put them all in one fic! enjoy!
masterlist | request | taglist
"i hear it's someone's birthday!"
you turned your head from the kitchen table to the sound of the voice, giving elvis a fake smile then going back to eating your cereal. he kissed the top of your head and sat next to you. "was gonna make you breakfast but i guess you've already beat me to it"
you sighed. "i told you, i don't celebrate my birthday." you held your hand up as elvis opened his mouth to respond. "no, don't say anything. it's fine, really. i just want to have a normal day, please?"
birthdays were never your thing. you couldn't remember the last time it was enjoyable. from growing up with nobody showing up to your birthday party and to now being an adult with just a couple of friends, it was just another pointless holiday. this was your first year being with elvis and as the day approached, you made extra sure to remind him you wanted to do nothing for your birthday, to act like it's just a regular day. but elvis wasn't going to listen to you, was he?
he placed his hand on top of yours, sitting there silently trying to come up with a way to change your ways of thinking. elvis knew you hated the day and he understood why however he wanted to change that for you. little did you know, he had a whole day planned for you whether you liked it or not. he glanced at your unpainted nails, the corners of his lips perking up as he came up with an idea. "why don't you let me do your nails?"
you gave him a look, squinting at him suspiciously. you put your spoon down back in the bowl and turned to him. "why?"
he scoffed at your response. "why what? am i not allowed to pamper you? hell, i'll do your makeup too, why not? c'mon baby, let me do something for you." he begged.
it was cute seeing how hard elvis was trying to cheer you up, you knew he wanted to do something for you for today. you almost felt bad. letting out a sigh, you agreed and finished up your breakfast as elvis went upstairs to get everything he needed to do your nails and makeup. he was definitely a little too excited, but seeing him happy made you happy at least. he sat you at the dining table, pulling a chair up next to you. "alright, little one. red or pink?" he asked, holding up both bottles of nail polish.
"hmm." you looked back and forth at both bottles, thinking hard about your decision. "pink." it was one of his favorite colors and personally his favorite color on you. although, you already knew he wanted you to pick pink anyway. he grinned as he opened the bottle, taking your hand and starting on your nails. "you gonna let me paint your nails one day too?" you joked.
"oh lord." he laughed, trying to not lose focus on your nails. "the guys might tear me apart if you do."
"do you really care if they do though?"
he held on tighter to your hand to stop you from moving so much. "baby, i'm elvis presley. laughin' at me is the last thing i'm worried about. you have to promise you'll make em' a pretty shade of pink too. now stop movin' so much."
next was your makeup. elvis wore makeup on stage quite often so this wasn't anything new to him. "please don't poke me in the eye." you said once he brought out his eyeliner.
he scoffed at you. "honey, i've been doing this for years. have you ever seen me poke myself in the eye?"
"yes!" you exclaimed.
"alright, that's enough from you."
to your surprise, he gave you some pointers that you didn't know you needed. showing you how to do some sort of smokey look to your eyes and making them pop out more. he topped it off with a dark shade of red lipstick, a color he always loved seeing you wear. he held up the mirror towards your face, proudly showing off his work. "if this music thing doesn't cut out for you, maybe you could be a makeup artist." you said, looking at your face in the mirror. "y'know that ain't such a bad idea."
elvis set the mirror back down and stood up, placing his hands on his hips. "now that that's all done, i'll let you do your hair. put somethin' pretty on too. we're celebratin' whether you like it or not."
"you tricked me!" you gasped.
"i sure did, now go get ready!" he left you in your bedroom as he went back downstairs, preparing for the best birthday you could ever ask for.
you returned downstairs to elvis holding a picnic basket in one hand and a guitar in the other. "goddamn, look at you. so beautiful and all mine, how did i get so lucky?" you felt your cheeks get warm at the sudden compliment, finding yourself fall in love with elvis all over again. "i should be asking the same thing, what's all this?"
"it's nice out, not too hot. thought, why not go for a little picnic? i had some help packing us lunch and the gardeners aren't here, it'd just be you and me." he smiled.
the love you had for this man was beyond any other type of love you'd ever felt for anyone in your life. him being so determined to make this the best birthday you've ever had just made you feel like the luckiest person in the world. "that sounds lovely, actually."
"perfect, let's head out then." you linked your arm with his as the two of you walked outside around graceland to a specific spot elvis had set up just for you.
the atmosphere was perfect. there was a slight breeze in the air, the birds were chirping along as they hung around the garden and the roses he let you plant when you first moved in were at full bloom. elvis had laid out a large checkered, blanket in the grass and even set out a couple wine glasses just for the two of you. he set down the guitar to the side along with the picnic basket in the middle as you both took a seat on the soft blanket. you were in awe of the perfect setting in front of you. it reminded you of a scene from frankie and johnny, if only you were both wearing yellow.
elvis brought out his guitar after you both ate and had a few drinks, singing happy birthday to you in the most heavenly way possible. you clapped excitingly, smiling from ear to ear. "who knew you could make happy birthday actually bearable?"
"you gonna sing it for mine?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
you let out a loud laugh, "that's funny." you said, taking a sip from your wine glass. "elvis, you've heard me sing. i can't even play the guitar."
"hmm." he moved over to you and took the glass out of your hands to set it on the sheet. placing the guitar in your lap, he sat behind you and positioned your hands around it. "follow my lead." and with his hands on yours, his fingers adjusting yours, he made a quick attempt at a guitar tutorial. to be fair, everything he said went a bit over your head. but it was sweet that he tried, at least you got to sit in his embrace for a little bit. he played you a couple more songs afterwards, giving you a mini concert right in front of you. "how'd i do?" he asked, setting the guitar back to the side.
"not enough gyrating." you joked.
"i'll show you gyratin'" he growled, crawling over to you and flopping his body onto yours, attacking you with kisses.
you let out a yell, attempting to push him off. "elvis! my hair!" you whined. elvis only showered you with more kisses, tickling you softly in the process. "stop!" you laughed. "baby! i'm serious!" elvis gave you one final kiss and grinned at you, taking in your beaty. "i love you, darlin' i really do." he sat up and pulled you up alongside with him, letting you sit in his lap. "i love you more. thank you for this. you made today a little more enjoyable."
"oh baby, it ain't over yet."
elvis took you around to the many go karts him and his friends often ride around in. personally, you aren't the biggest fan of them. they scared you a little and you were always nervous when elvis was out riding them. "c'mon honey, let's have a little fun. three laps around the house, bet i can beat ya!"
"oh i don't know, these things scare me a little." you chuckled nervously.
"come on! i promise you'll be okay, i'll be right behind you. or in front of you, however it goes." he begged.
you let out a huff, caving in. "alright, fine."
elvis taught you how to drive them, giving you a quick run down and giving you the safety talk. he strapped you in before getting in his own kart, strapping himself in. "you're on, presley."
elvis smirked at you, "whatever you say!"
he counted down and off you went, speeding around graceland with elvis right behind you as the wind flew through your hair. it was a new experience for you, almost a little scary. but you laughed and yelled along with elvis, enjoying the ride. elvis loved seeing you happy, full of excitement. he turned a awful day into a good one. when he's with the guys, he'd play dirty. but because it's you and it's your birthday, he was gonna play nice. even if that meant letting you win, which he did. you pulled into the front where you both first started, hopping out of the kart and jumping up and down as elvis pulled after you. "in your face! i told you! who's the winner now!"
elvis stepped out of the kart, shaking his head in defeat. "goddamn, you're crazy." he laughed.
"it's my birthday! im allowed to brag." you crossed your arms.
"okay, tone it down a notch." he pulled you close to him, kissing you. "lettin' you get away with it cause it's your birthday."
"best birthday ever." you grinned. "maybe i don't hate my birthday anymore."
"now that's what i wanna hear." he wrapped his arms around your waist, gazing into your eyes with all the love in the world. "happy birthday baby, let's go have some real fun now."
taglist: @aconflagrationofmyown @butlersluvbot @arianatheangel-girl @steph-speaks @vintagegirl50s60s70s80s @annoyinginternetgirl @flwrs4aust
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lnfours · 2 years
yess blurb night so excited! if ur not too busy with other asks is it possible for u to pls make a blurb in which tom holland and the reader are best friends and tom always flirts with her because he’s been in love with her for years but the reader keeps rejecting him (even tho she or they is clearly blushing) because she is scared of love because like insecurity and what if one day he leaves her for someone better or they don’t work out and she loses him as a friend? but tom is patient with her and eventually they end up together?
okay anon. it's FINE. just break my heart :,)
send me tom asks !
things between you and tom have always been... complicated.
it was never easy figuring out what the both of you wanted and when, and the fact that you were too nervous to give you heart to another person always made things difficult. but, that didn't stop tom from trying. he'd always go out of his way to make sure you were special to him, always find a way to make sure just how pretty you really were.
you were the love of his life. and he was yours, but you were just too scared to admit it.
"oh come on, y/n! when are you finally going to admit to him that you love him." your best friend and roommate, maddy, sighed. she meant well, she just wanted what was best for you. she saw the way you lit up when he texted you, the way you blushed whenever he complimented you. she knew everything, and she would die on this hill.
"never," you sighed, "liz said she saw him with brooke stone the other night."
"oh, please. as if brooke has something you don't." maddy rolled her eyes. little did you know she had already confronted tom about it. they hadn't worked out at all, apparently she was doing the same thing with a bunch of other guys behind his back.
it hurt like a bitch, even more knowing that you were too late. someone else had taken their chance. what hurt the worst was that tom hadn't talked to you since brooke waltzed her way into his life and took over.
everything. sucked.
"i don't know, she was all over him."
"and was he all over her?" she asked you and you huffed, pulling the blanket over your head. you had been sulking on the couch watching shitty rom-coms for the past three days, knowing now that the one boy you truly wanted was off the table.
or so you thought, anyway.
"i love that this happened to me right before valentine's day. just my luck, eh?"
maddy looked down at her phone as it buzzed on the counter in the kitchen. she smiled, seeing tom's text to her light up her screen.
tom holland hey, by any chance is y/n home? i was going to ask her to be my valentine and sort of kinda confess my feelings, as vulnerable as that sounds lol
she typed back a response
she's home. just for the love of GOD holland please get y/n to stop watching '13 going on 13' and snotting all over the couch
lol, be there in 15 no promises about the '13 going on 30', though. that's a classic
"i love jennifer garner," you said from the couch, "i want to look like her when i'm older."
maddy let out a laugh, "yesterday it was blake lively, now it's jennifer garner?"
you were silent for a moment, "both. both would be good."
she shook her head and sat down on the couch, lifting your legs up for a place for her to sit.
"can we please watch something other than movies that are going to make you cry?"
"why? do you wish to be dehydrated?"
she rolled her eyes again, "okay then, don't ask me to pick up pedialite tomorrow."
"i wont."
"alright, sure."
after a while there was a knock on the door. maddy tapped your legs.
"answer the door."
"no," you whined, "this is the best part!"
"y/n, they're literally just sharing razzles as 30 year olds."
"but it's sentimental!" you groaned. she gave you a glare and you groaned as you wrapped yourself in the blanket more, walking towards the front door.
"listen, whatever you're selling i'm not interested in. i'm watching a really great movie and it's at the best part and-"
you cut yourself off as tom stood there smiling with a bouquet of your favorite flowers, "i know, maddy told me to save you from getting swallowed by the couch."
you sniffled, walking out onto the porch and closing the front door behind you, "what are these for?"
"well, they have three meanings," he started, "one for not telling you how i felt sooner, another as an apology and another reason i'll get to in a minute."
"telling me how you felt?" you questioned.
he took a deep breath, "i know how scared you've been about loving someone again, trust me, from experience, i know how scary it is. it swallows you whole and you can't think about anything else. but i just can't stop myself from thinking about you day and night. you're the only thing that's ever on my mind. it's like you're embedded in it and i can't get you out. y/n, i love you. i'm head over heels, if that's what they call it."
you looked at him confused, "but you and brooke...?"
"didn't work out," he sighed, "don't worry about it though, i'm actually kind of glad it didn't."
you smiled softly, "you got me sunflowers."
"your favorite," he smiled, "fresh from the farmers market in town."
"you remembered." you took them gently from his hands.
"'course, couldn't forget it even if i tried."
"and the last meaning for these flowers?" you asked.
"oh, yeah," he cleared his throat, "was wondering, would you be my valentine?"
you smiled, "of course."
he smiled back at you and you pulled him into your body by the strings of his hoodie, "and i love you too, head over heels, as they say."
he smiled, leaning down as his nose bumped yours, "i know."
you smiled, "i like to think i can hold up a front."
"maybe when you're not blushing so hard you look like a tomato."
you smacked his arm playfully, "hush."
"make me."
you rolled your eyes and smiled, leaning in to kiss his lips as he held your waist in his arms. just like you've always been wanting him to do.
"thank fuck! it's about time!" maddy yelled from the doorway. you turned around, smiling as you shot her the middle finger and tom laughed behind you.
"yep, love you too!"
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livlepretre · 9 months
Tbh I think people ask you too much sometimes. (Another anon) like I understand the concern over a dear fic that might not be finished, but I think it's necessary to give the writer the absolute time as much as they need. Another thing: I am a BIG fan of all of your works, and shamelessly, I am actually more obsessed with Nights at the museum than with FE, which is crazy because you posted like– 10 sentences of it? But I understand that you might decide not to work on it at all. I think you already have gave this fandom a lot, and it's not fair to stay away from your other hobbies for it. Writing fanfic is supposed to be fun, it's not a career. I think you deserve as much as rest as you need. And hey! I'm just a teenager who's recently dealing with college, you are a grown woman with a husband and a son. I can't imagine how difficult it must be to find time to write fanfics when you have real life struggles, especially because you truly make sure that every chapter is perfection, you put your heart into this, it's clear. I think people need to understand that there's a real person behind that username, not a robot.
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Thank you, this was... needed, and so nice to find in my inbox.
It's just wild how much things have changed since I started posting FE? I was fresh out of school and my now-husband-then-boyfriend and I were long-distance and my job was the sort that gave me lots of mental energy for writing in the evenings. I just didn't have the commitments. Even after I got married, my husband worked crazy long shifts and I had a lot of time by myself to kill, and I was teaching so I had a lot of time during summer hiatus and during winter breaks just to write. A completely different world from the 24/7 responsibility of raising a human being.
Anyway, since you were so lovely, here is another snippet from Nights at the Museum:
Like clockwork, one of the dispersing museum-goers jostles into her and knocks her off her feet. Klaus catches her.
The girl drops her bag and clutches her side, sucking in huge, deep breaths from between clenched teeth.
“Are you alright?” he asks, pushing as much concern into his voice as he possibly can.
She looks up at him. Recognition flickers in her eyes for just a moment, there and then gone.
“Thanks for catching me,” she says. She tries to pick her bag up but drops it again and relatches her hands into the same place.
“Let me get that for you.” He swings her bag up over his shoulder and puts a proprietary hand on her shoulder. “You look like you need to sit down, sweetheart. Here.” He clears a path for her to the nearest bench and sets her down next to him.
She smiles for him, and that smile lights up the shadows in her young face. “Thank you. I don’t know what I would have done without some help back there.”
“Are you quite alright? You don’t need to go to hospital, do you?” He says it lightly, like he’s joking, but in actuality, he’s curious as to what she will say.
“Already been in the hospital. Don’t think they can do much more for me.”
What he wants in that instant is to ask her what for, but that information will have to come in time.
The girl takes a few more deep, steadying breaths. Then, she stands, and takes her bag back from him. “Thank you,” she tells him again, and waves goodbye to him before stepping out into the night.
Klaus watches her go, still feeling light-headed from the turn this night has taken.
When he has had a moment to collect himself, he pulls her wallet out from his pocket and studies the plastic driver’s license therein.
Elena Gilbert.
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bklynmusicnerd · 10 months
Today Spencer told Joss that he actually expected the current situation to last FOREVER.
I really can't stand how little spencer takes Trina's feelings into account. Joss asked him if it was fair to Trina to make do with whatever scraps of his time that he gives her, and Spencer basically said that Trina is an adult and can take care of herself while Ace is a helpless baby that needs him. Joss told him he would have to choose and he said he would choose Ace. SMH.
Trina needs to walk away. Everything about today's episode points to a break up coming. And while I know he will eventually come begging back, I am so salty about how blatant he is in his disregard for her feelings, I really hope she makes him work for it. And I would not be opposed to having another man in her orbit in the meantime.
Okay, before we really get into it, I just want to say that I do not blame you, anon, for having an uncharitable reaction to Spencer's pov right now. I really struggled with analyzing his pov in those scenes because it's obvious that the temps were trying to find some kind of core emotional logic for Spencer in this demon spawn story, and struggling because it's a bad story, that wasn't conceived with what was dramatically best for his individual arc in mind.
But honestly, I focused less on what Spencer said, because it was nonsense bordering on unintelligible, and focused more on the disconnect from what he was claiming he should/would do and what he was actually doing.
Spencer's idea of "forever" is kind of irrelevant because he's terrified of the future as a concept. Spencer has always hated change and responds badly to it. The only change in his life he's responded 100% positively to is Trina. He likes the routine of being with Trina and hiding away from his daddy issues and future by coparenting demon spawn. And it's worked out great for him because all the people he admires give him validation for it too.
But we know that Spencer's supposed growth while taking care of demon spawn is actually a significant regression as he avoids dealing with his issues. It's all escapism for him. Hell, he can't even be honest about the nature of Nik's latest abandonment and admit to the role he played in it by blackmailing Nik to run off and leave demon spawn. It was his goal to get Nik to abandon demon spawn. Now he's acting like he's just the martyr in this.
So it's hard to take a lot of what Spencer says at face value when he's been lying to himself from the moment this stupid demon spawn plot started. He has to frame this as him making great sacrifices for a baby because he can't handle the alternative, which is that he's been failing Trina as a boyfriend after he swore he wouldn't. He's not the hero in that version of the story, so he has to ignore it.
As absurd as I find the whole Trina vs. Demon spawn framing, I will push back on the idea that he definitively said he would "choose" demon spawn. He definitely made the case for why he should choose demon spawn, but he has yet to actually do it, and that's kind of the whole issue.
It's easy to talk about sacrificing his relationship with Trina in the abstract, but he won't (and likely can't) just do it. He wouldn't do it in response to the ultimatum the sociopathic mooch was hinting at, and he's not doing it while camped out at her dorm, that he accosted with bouquets, spamming her phone desperate to hear from her.
The part that I found frustrating (and sort of interesting) in his convo with Joss wasn't necessarily this disregard of Trina's feelings but an overall refusal to really acknowledge that Trina could walk out on him. It was the elephant in the room during that whole convo, and I was surprised Joss didn't bring it up beyond the vague "relationship ender" comment. Trina is not the type to indefinitely hide from the future with Spencer just because she loves him. Joss knows that. And deep down, Spencer knows that too.
Their fight essentially ended with Trina saying she would make the choice on their relationship for him if it came to that. And since then, Spencer has been panicking over not hearing from her while only being able to perceive this as his decision. He wants to discuss letting her go in the abstract without actually taking any steps toward letting her go (he's doing the opposite) or give her the space to contemplate letting him go.
There's an entitlement factor building here too where it's clear that there's a part of Spencer that thinks Trina won't actually walk away from him because now she loves him. So I tend to agree that dramatically it would be kind of perfect to have Trina tell him she's pulling herself out of his mess in a "I love you, but I love me more" type of deal because Spencer seems to be completely ignoring that possibility. I know all spoilers point to this ending in reconciliation, but it'd be good to get Trina as close to that point as possible before it happens.
Imo Spencer has subconsciously already made the choice, just in terms of where all his efforts are going while facing the idea of losing Trina and demon spawn. He just can't admit it because in his head, it's too similar to the idea of Nik choosing women over him. Trina is the future and demon spawn (who is really just a symbol for his hangups with Nik) is the past, and Spencer is creating a false dichotomy in his head over a choice he really doesn't have.
The only actual choice here is holding onto Trina or letting her go. Even then, that's not really his choice alone either, because the future waits for no one, and I see no evidence that Trina plans to wait for him "forever."
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luxurysystems · 2 months
the tags on your latest vice city au fic snippet... "just 2 men in their 50s beating around the goddamn bush nbd"....
These two old men are doing WHAT with their bush????!?!
hopefully beating their... you know...... ....... grudges 🥴
~🐬 (vc anon)
It's been a hot 20 years since they've beaten their bushes in that way 🥴, but since you've brought it up, vc anon...(bit of a scatterbrained read once again!!)
So this is actually related to the other ask that you've sent in, and I don't want to spoil too much of what I have in store (it's quite long, god help me). However, with that said, I LOVE the idea of wwf characters crossing over into the GTA universe; I can see them fitting in the 3D, HD and present games!!! I'm gonna go ahead and just give a glimpse of what I've got going on based on your prev ask:
In the last fic-WIP, Irwin receives a call from Ted after the former just got off the phone with GTA 4 protagonist Niko Bellic. (Let's just say that certain events led Niko to Irwin's office and Irwin serves as a boss for a couple of missions.) Prior to this phone call, these two have not spoken to one another properly in years. I'm thinking that their exodus out of Vice City in 1987 didn't go as planned, quickly dissolving their partnership afterwards. They remained in contact through mutual acquaintances, going as far as exchanging phone numbers through them.
As far as a face-to-face reunion goes, knowing that the other was doing well seemed enough to satisfy the both of them. Something pretty nasty must have happened to have caused their rift...a grudge lasting 2 decades.
Back to the WIP, Ted calling Irwin is their first real conversation in a long time. It's a bit stilted and uncomfortable, kind of like moving your body after a considerable time being still. Nevertheless, Ted wants something, he makes his former accountant/hitman wait by dancing around it- he wants Irwin to hang by his every word yet again. Irwin hearing Ted call him by his old nickname evoked a sort of Pavlovian response- the hotness under the collar, the craving for a cigarette, the itching motion of his dormant trigger finger. Ted calling Irwin "my Kangal" is essentially Ted's way of re-conditioning Irwin to kill again...
That's why in the og tags, I asked if y'all would get mad if this ended horribly for the both of them. A reunion that should have never happened...
Anyway!!! Here's sketches of them finally seeing each other after 20 years. (Y'all know I have to add some visual aids whenever I finish this. 🥴)
Thank you so much for the ask + your patience, VC anon! 🖤🐬🥲
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 years
its really too bad that you didnt respond to the well written response nbraraeaves made to your incredibly cruel and judgmental tags on that post. they brought up a lot of good points and its disappointing how youre so unwilling to hear any perspective other than your own.
Genuinely I had no idea what this was about until I scrolled halfway down their blog. Maybe next timetry specifying the theme of said post at least, so I have some idea about what I've been "incredibly cruel and judgmental" in regards to? We're not mutuals, and this was such a quickly dashed-off reblog that I didn't think to keep track of it after moving on to the next post.
I found what you were talking about, I think. I tagged a post about wanting community tags to block "x reader" fics- that is, second-person fics where the reader is a given character's OC love interest -thus:
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Which, I admit, was a bit snarky of me. Although I will clarify that I meant it as an expression of genuine surprise: most fandoms have stories ranging from breathtaking to unreadable, quality-wise, in every sub-category of fic, so it surprised me that I'd never come across any Well-Written But Not My Thing stories of the Xreader variety. Logically I still figure there must be some out there, somewhere; it just seems strange that I've never found them.
the commentary, unlike this ask, was very polite and considered, and made some points I hadn't thought of before. (hence why I am actually responding to it, instead of simply deleting the ask)
They mentioned a lot of things I'll admit I hadn't considered- I assumed it was mostly just people wanting to bang a specific character. Which would be fine, to be clear! I don't go into Xreader circles and yuck anyone's yum- I said this on my private blog, where I thought nobody into that sort of thing would see it.
Which leads to another point: I did not think anyone who was into Xreader would be following me.
Listen, on the balance, the Xreader fanfic in my fandom tends to be. Not kind to the female main characters, Lucille especially. And again, that's fine; I'll just avoid those fics. But it lead me to assume, clearly incorrectly, that most CPeak Xreader writers hated my Best-Beloved Blorbo, and therefore were unlikely to stick around once I made my love for her clear.
(Why I didn't think about other types of XReader writers...I can't say. Fandom laser-focus, I suppose.)
Now, clearly I was wrong- that commenter is a CPeak Xreader writer and at least tolerates my immense desire to blanket-burrito Lucille like a hissing kitten enough to actually read my fanfic. It's for them that I'm answering this, not you; however that post came to my attention, it's still worth sharing, and they shouldn't be punished for what some anon with a bug up their ass does.
@nbraraeaves: I appreciate you sitting down to tell me why your preferred form of writing is meaningful and enjoyable to you. Thank you for your comment. While XReader will probably never be my thing- honestly, more because I want the characters to be with each other and not me than out of any perceived Inherent Failing of the medium, above tags notwithstanding -I can understand your perspective on it much better now. I hope it continues to bring you joy for a long time to come
@Anon: you may now retreat to your hidey-hole, proud and secure in the knowledge that [checks notes] you got a random person to stop being a little bit disdainful towards your favorite fanfic genre on the Internet. your gold star will be arriving in 3-5 business days
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