#This is so depressing
princesssmars · 2 days
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her aura
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Hm it’s almost like people genuinely believe that captivity is the biggest threat to cetaceans…
Could it be that by over saturating the public to anti marine park messaging you’ve now created a general public that thinks having dolphins and whales in human care is more of an issue than entanglement in fishing gear, noise pollution ect?
I mean… you could literally donate to so many more important cetacean charities that are dealing with the huge threats that wild whales and dolphins face every day. But sure, let’s donate proceeds to an organisation that spends most of their money on lawyers to “protect” animals by giving them to unaccredited “sanctuaries!”
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earth4angels · 3 months
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the last time he will ever see his baby brothers
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newtscamandersbf · 2 months
tboys w hyperandrogenism wya make some noise 🗣️🗣️
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not-another-side-blog · 11 months
He’s predestined to win, so we don’t have to do anything.
-Ferrari probably
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codenamesazanka · 3 months
If Deku shows up next chapter and Spinner thanks him I’m going to be so mad
After mulling it over for a while, I will tentatively say... I don't think Spinner will thank him. I think the two of them will be able to provide some closure for each other, but I think/hope/cope that Spinner won't thank Deku, because after all, Deku failed.
Judging by the saves/resolutions of Shigaraki and Dabi, even maybe the heteromorph arc, the pattern so far is that the Heroes have stopped the Villains and gave them a bit of relief, but the Villains were still ultimately right to a degree. Heroes did not manage to achieve a True Save, a complete happy ending, they are being dealt with some lingering consequences. Deku shattered Shigaraki's hatred - but Shigaraki still didn't renounce destruction, instead entrusting to Deku the rest of it, and as seen in Chapter 424, Deku is uneasy about how things ended. The Todorokis have stopped Dabi's rampage and reunited as a family, finally looking at him and willing to talk - but Dabi was right to have destroyed the Hero Endeavor, and they acknowledge that everything right now is patch-up, because it's too late. Stretching this pattern a bit, the Heteromorphs have been stopped, but it's because their anger has finally been acknowledged, thus giving them some relief, and this is admission on the Heroes' part that they 'never knew', they had failed to shine their light on heteromorphs, and they've got a lot of catch-up to do.
So. Spinner. He just lost the horizon/the changed-through-destruction world he sought, and likely his freedom now that he's been caught, and maybe his health after the extra quirks. He just lost his friends, the League. Shigaraki, who he fought for, who he loved, is gone. I think we can say that Spinner is grieving, and thus has not been saved.
What can help him now is Deku coming to give him closure, to give him Shigaraki's last words so that he can at least receive this final gift from his friend. However, like the other resolutions, this will not be a true save. Shigaraki is still dead, because Deku's actions caused his death. Deku can alleviate Spinner's pain a little, but ultimately, he'll be carrying the burden of having contributed to Spinner's grief. You don't get thanked for that. At best, you get 'coming to an understanding'. I hope. Dear god, I am hoping.
(the other possibility is that Deku already gave Spinner Shigaraki's last words, which we see in a flashback, and the visitor is someone else. Spinner is grieving that all he knows and love is gone, and he's empty of purpose again. The visitor will come to give him a purpose, thus giving him relief, but this is also a patch-up, not a true save, and this is what they all have to live with.)
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goldfish-or-smthing · 2 years
the season 1 titles vs the season 3 titles.....
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we're well and truly in the dark forest fellas...
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icejjfishesz · 6 months
i’m sobbing
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axiian19-art · 5 months
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When Arle is sad abt her spider dying her curse acts up and her hands get darker, then they become less dark until they're almost entirely normal when she's with Clervie, but once Clervie dies they blacken again and the markings, long nails, and red nails show up
Also maybe she made her title "Father" so she wouldn't have to hear herself referred to with the same title as the previous Knave who killed the person who was seemingly her only friend
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millenniallust4death · 9 months
"How a Drag Queen Event That Never Happened Forced a Library to Shut Down" by John Leland.
(New York Times, 15 December 2023)
In April, Drag Queen Story Hour was announced [in Lake Luzerne, New York]. Protests erupted, and by September, the library was forced to close. It still hasn’t reopened. [...] “We knew it would probably be controversial,” recalled Amanda Hoffman, who was the library’s director of youth services. “We didn’t expect it to be what it became.” Over the coming months, someone called in a bomb threat to the library, a board meeting ended in punches being thrown and the library itself became so tense that Ms. Hoffman was hospitalized with stress-induced vertigo. Neighbors denounced one another as “fascists” or “predators” and complained of being doxxed, threatened and harassed.
Small towns and bigots, am I right? I'm going to gift this article to remove the paywall because we all need to read the story.
A commenter, Ray Zinman, said it perfectly:
You can ban all the books in the world and shut down all the libraries and some of your kids will still be gay and trans.
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tteokdoroki · 9 months
ive never had a white or cream coloured cat before so seeing the pink in his ears is really scary like my cat is literally a white man
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
man its a good thing my art is ugly and unmarketable cuz at least for now no one is training their ai off of it.
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cloverv333 · 2 years
I have like too much to say omg plz listen to my short rant
it wasn’t even that she died, she didn’t know it was gonna happen. her face was literally in confusion by seeing kazuki there and was like “what?”
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and her child was in her stomach. her unborn child that they planned together to bring the brightest world for. that child would never be able to see the light of day and they wouldn’t even know it because they weren’t even born yet.
then it was rei looking absolutely EVERYWHERE to find something, anything that could help miri feel better. the desperation on his face was real, and he realized that he wasn’t just looking after a random kid, he was looking after HIS kid. and HIS kid was in pain.
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and he felt helpless, because he didn’t know where the hospital was, and kazuki, the only person he could go to, was gone. so he ran to the next person he could think of, in shorts and a t-shirt in the middle of the rain, probably barefoot.
there were so many gold moments in this episode, and I loved how the writers dealt with trauma and getting over it, and all the amazing themes that were there to truly show heartbreak and growth. all the little things, like the flowers appearing throughout the episode, the comparisons with kazuki’s dead wife and her sister, and how hard parenting can be. there was so much vulnerability throughout everything and this was an amazing episode.
okay rant over, also I wanna try kazuki’s french toast now
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okkalo · 7 months
BAD BAD day for me guys bc WHERE is the broccoli and cheddar mac at panera that’s literally my favorite food of all time where is it im going to cry
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artbugjuice · 1 year
Hey, do you happen to use AI tools for your art? I just notice some similarities but it's not tagged as AI, so I was curious.
No!!! Never! I have video timelapses of everything to prove it 😭 this makes me so so sad
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youcouldstartacult · 8 months
these seven year old girls making tiktoks about how much skin care they use and how they don’t have any toys is actually going to make me kill myself
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