#This is an aya and bram appreciation post
walmart-miku · 1 year
You know what guys, I think we've been focusing too much on all the love wims/loses and gay in ep 11 I think that we should be paying more attention to THESE TWO
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AHHHHHHH it drive me insane
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saw a post from @oliverwolfboy abt bram liking hoodies so
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i spelled things wrong but watever. also very sorry to any engineers or amputees seeing this, ik the prosthetic hand prob looks impractical
still working out how he lost his arm. ideas r appreciated
also idk if Bram should be a college student or like a substitute teacher. maybe student so he's aya's older brother or smth
edit: i found his post abt bram
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gildeddlily · 2 years
another bram post
i can't actually function without bragging ab this man.
Just, all the jokes about him being Aya's father figure are my reason to live, but even tho that man is Father Material™ it's almost impossible he's gonna have the concrete possibility to be her father (help me).
Aya is probably too kind to let him kill his father (I hope he dies pt2) but I hope someone does something for it, yes kunikida bbg we're talking to you, free the child from the abusive parenthood please. (I see it, Bram talking seriously with a more than pissed Kunikida explaining why "a goddess shouldn't be treated that bad") (Them realising they have to coparent a child) (Bram thinking Kunikida is one of his concubine im crying)
Bram will probably die, and I just know it. what are the alternatives? that he survives and they remove the sword, and goes back to sleep. He could join the ADA, or he could become an ally for them to be woken up when needed (hc in that universe Aya wakes him up to watch teenage mutant ninja turtles together) but it's truly unrealistic, more an utopia, and I only expect the worst. So yes, I've read a fic with him dying and giving his powers to Aya, but thinking about it, if they remove the sword Bram takes control of the vampires, and they could become his "siblings" (image bram calling akutagawa brother- oh right he already did it). We see that Bram stopped turning ppl into vampires when they all got killed, starting to consider his ability a calamity (im crying), but if he simply let them have free will and live their life? like akutagawa and jouno wouldn't die. And Tecchou would have a long life crush on a vampire (he fell first and harder, change my mind)
the state of my phone rn is having every manga panel/icon with bram in like ten formats (asagiri can't give him more lines fr) (welcome me in the asagiri hate club) (stormbringer wasn't enough) (this man not being appreciated is enough)
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junipersrambles · 1 year
Alright, so I just finished watching the season 5 finale of BSD and I have a lot of thoughts, most of them unprocessed but I'm going to try and summarize them anyways!
Its not shocking to me that there was a bit of a twist ending with everything being tied up quite nicely (for the most part, I'll get to the 'two hours later' thing in a bit). Kafka Asagiri has a habit of subverting expectations when concluding complex plots. Now is it a bit convenient that it ended the way it did? Perhaps, I would argue though that we were left with a lot to explore in the upcoming chapters/season of the show (assuming the manga follows the same plot beats when released in the upcoming months). Lots of great character moments and parallels occurred which I will likely write in future posts.
Do I think Fyodor is dead? I'm not entirely convinced, considering the circumstances though its the most likely conclusion. Not how I assumed it would play out, but it was an interesting conclusion to the mind games between him and Dazai that have been playing out since the prison arc started.
I'm curious to see why there was a lack of focus on Sigma. It probably has something to do with wherever the next arc is going. I would hope that he isn't dead as his arc feels like it hasn't been properly concluded. If he isn't dead its possible that he gained knowledge about whatever the next incoming disaster is. The best we can hope for is that he survived and we can learn about what Fyodor knew and what his ability truly is (if we are lucky).
I could gush forever about Nikolai and how he talks about Fyodor after the helicopter crash. It feels like an interesting conclusion to his story, one that seemed inevitable in my opinion. Though I am curious to see where his character is taken from here, I think it would be okay if this was his final appearance. I have a feeling that he may get a few more scenes processing his feelings about how his worldview may have been altered/shifted after the events of this episode. Only time will tell.
Bram gets his body back!! He is probably one of my favorite characters if not for his interactions with Aya alone, then definitely for his characterization (and the way I know the real Bram Stoker would be rolling in his grave). No idea where he'll go from here, but all the moments with him were nice and its my hope that he can at least be a fun father type figure for Aya in the future.
Its nice to see Dazai and Chuuya interact (as always). Was it a bit convenient that Chuuya was pretending to be a vampire? Yes of course, though it provides a reasonable explanation as to why Dazai isn't dead, so I suppose it works. Glad they aren't dead, their arcs don't feel complete yet. I don't have much else to say about their time in the episode unfortunately.
All of the scenes with Fukuzawa and Fukuchi were excellent and I am very glad that they took up the most time in the episode. The emotional resonance in their scenes is palpable and I'm really glad that they had time to talk things out while in Poe's book. Those moments had too many literary quotes and references to count, but I really appreciated that their motivations were laid bare for the audience. I think the final scene between the two of them will stick with me for a long time. If you have yet to see the episode this moment alone makes it worth watching in my opinion.
I don't think that there is a complicated answer as to why Akutagawa appears to be human and alive again in the 'two hours later' segment. The simplest answer likely has to do with aspects of Bram's powers that have yet to be explained. If this is not the case I'm sure there's another convenient explanation.
I always think that its an interesting choice when a studio releases the conclusion of an arc or season of a show before the story line has concluded in the manga, that being said the final part of Twilight Goodbye makes me nervous for a couple of reasons.
One, kind of wild that it progresses to a big super-powered fight only a few hours after the conclusion of the last arc. Not that BSD hasn't done something similar before, but this seems like a bit of a rush for the timeline. I will hold my extended worries on this for now. It reminds me of the Bad Apple story line and how quickly all of that plays out. Perhaps this will proceed similarly? Though with how many characters are in focus right now we can't be entirely sure.
Two, this mystery character seems quite powerful and is seen wielding the "space-time sword" that Fukuchi had previously been using. I can't help but notice that this mysterious figure also looks a lot like Fukuchi. Same scars on the face, same hair. I am not saying it is him, but I think that him being the 'final?' enemy of this story line would interfere with a lot of the meaning infused into the end of the current arc. I sincerely hope that its not him, but I would be interested to see where everything goes if it Fukuchi.
Lastly, I do truly hope that this is the intended direction of the story moving forward for Asagiri's sake. I don't think Studio Bones would conclude or move on with a story without more of the manga being written. They tend to be more patient than other studios when it comes to waiting for enough material for new seasons. That being said, season four and five did not necessarily need to be produced separately and back to back. Then again, I am not that familiar with the inner workings of the Anime industry. In conclusion, I just hope that this is genuinely what the author intended and that whatever is made moving forward carries the spirit of BSD as it has been portrayed so far.
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