#This is accurate I can't say anything is off omg
woroti · 2 years
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the mouth ; sharp teeth, sharper tongue, all growl and bark and bite, bite, bite. your power is gritted teeth and set jaws, quick and powerful words, decisive actions. everything you do is so personal and vulnerable - the way you love, the way you are loved, the way you attack, the way you drink in and feast on life.
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tagged by: @nazorneku (thank you!) tagging: @ekidan ; @taiixuan ; @lastvigil ; @azurtai ; @numinousdread ; @chenqizi ; @rebirthee ; @raeso ; and everyone else on dash!
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wilzy-woo · 2 months
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Ikemen Vampire Suitors ideal type in my eyes 👀 (also sorry if it seems more aimed at girls I tried to make it GN 😭)
Starting off simple with everyone's favourite (or not) sugar daddy COMTE 😍
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• Thinks confidence is really hot and he DEFINITELY likes a little bratty type
• Likes independence but LOVES it when they need help just so he gets to look all snug, he doesn't say anything (he might) but just looks at you with his smexy smirk
• Doesn't care much for looks but loves it when they get dressed up OR LIKE THE KIND OF BEFORE SHOWER MAKEUP
• I think that he NEEDS them to be honest like he would hate the "they told me not tell anyone..." Like he doesn't care he would want ALL OF IT spilt to him whether it's serious or not
Next is the love of my life (he wouldn't like me at all)
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• He wants an extrovert. I don't care he NEEDS an extrovert. May think he doesn't but Ugh he just does
• Wants someone to stand up for him, he may be able to stand up for himself but he just really appreciates when someone would do that.
• Someone cleverrr I can't stress this enough he wouldn't be able to stand someone who isn't interested or knows a thing or two about science or anything for that matter. He WANTS the "erm actually" person
• Needs someone who loves snow. It's a weird thing but I can just see him loving a snowy date in his delusions
Pookie bear Vincent (am I the only one who isn't a fan of Vincents route? Like it was painfully slow 😔 I mean don't get me wrong I love him but I didn't feel very attached)
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•Loves a sweet girl, needs someone to protect and love omg can you imagine someone timid meeting Vincent UGH IT WOULD BE SO CUTE
• Needs their love language to be physical touch, he just screams it
• Wouldn't mind someone bad at art so he could help them with it if they are interested but would PREFER someone who is good at it so they could do cute little dates together
• Wants a very Smiley person like someone who smiles or laughs at the stupidest thing, broken humour type of person
Now Theodore is different his route WAS SO GOOD I WAS LITERALLY SCREAMING THE WHOLE TIME even if it was a bit weird and k!nky at some points 🤨
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(Why does this photo look massive)
• Chill anyways ALSO wants a bratty person, wants pretty much the opposite of Vincent he finds it such a turn on when they give him a dirty look or roll their eyes at him UGH
• I just know he likes a busty person (ass and chest for girlies) 😔 He seems like that type of person to nonchalantly slap their ass (honestly I'm not a huge fan of that but he would probably do it)
• Definitely likes the weird yappers, the ones who get distracted from one subject they were talking about and moved onto a completely different one
• Likes the observers! People who could just analyse someone easily based on the way they are sitting or talking
UGH MY HUSBAND (this might be biased towards me but I'll try 💔)
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(this photo makes me do unspeakable things)
• Wants them to be independent but not TOO independent, he wants them to depend on him for things but also have that nice balance of independence
• Also loves yappers, he's the listening type so being able to listen to their voice for hours on end would be so good for him. He doesn't care what it's about just as long as he doesn't have to pitch in much he's fine with it
• LOVES when someone is indecisive and asks for HIS help with choosing something, knowing that you think he has the best decision making compared to the others is such an ego boost
• Loves someone who isn't afraid to share their opinions. Finds it such a turn on when their mouth is faster than their mind and just says stuff that doesn't even make sense
Arthur oh Arthur let down your hair...I'm not even sure if this is accurate I never finished his route I got bored halfway through 💀
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•NEEDS someone humorous, CRAVES IT someone who can take a slightly rude joke and give him one back
• Needs someone with 100+ rizz...no seriously he would find it so funny if you went up to him and said some pick up line with that certain face
•Wants someone who would put him in his place when he does something wrong like overworking or doing something risky ass gambling 💀
• LOVES when their love language is acts of service, something simple like bringing him a coffee when he's writing and sitting down with him in silence, every now and then he'd ask you for ideas or something, just being helpful would make him fold.
• (EXTRA) would laugh if you failed your English GCSES
Mozzy Mosquito is that you 🤨 (I've never done his route so I have no bloody idea 💀)
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•WOULD FOLD IF THEY COULD SING. Not like one of those strong voices or rapping NONONO he wants a Lana Del Rey, Alex G and the Florence type of singer , someone with a soft sleepy like voice! He would literally be in love
•CRAVES FOR CONFIDENCE he just thinks it's so attractive for someone to be confident. Like for them initiate conversation and WON'T BACK DOWN (even when he's being a bit of arsey introvert)
• Craves praise. Needs it. Needs someone who praises him and supports him all the way, someone who will get him out of music block by just being there to share ideas or sit there with him for hours telling him if it's good or bad
•Would prefer an introverted lover, he needs someone who is calm and collected and loves it if they come home from an outing and go straight to him groaning and ranting about how much they dislike people
I finished the first chapter of Jeans route I'm sorry if this is inaccurate I literally just go from what I saw of him from the other routes I've played (which isn't a lot ,😭)
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•Though he's more of a listener he would also want a listener partner, to be able to sit there in comfortable silence in each others arms. However there will obviously be conversation it would be quiet and would last hours, something deep and personal to the both of them
• would love love love someone with soft slim hands. I don't know why he just seems like the type of person to be obsessed with those types of hands
• Needs someone patient and soft spoken, someone to be able to let his tough exterior break but by bit. A soft voice and reassurance looks like it would get him head over heels
I also haven't played Sebs route I'm sorry 😔
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•Probably wants someone who is capable of doing what he's capable of, a helping hand and someone he can rely on without messing up
•Someone who wouldn't mind if he was busy a lot doing something for the mansion as he is the 24/7 working butler 😭 someone patient and doesn't mind sitting in silence just holding eachother after a long day
• Prefers an ambivert, definitely wants to be able to have balanced conversations where they can be bothered listener and talker
• that's all I can think of 😭
I'm going to leave it here and do the other six in another part 😭
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mono-dot-jpeg · 11 months
tank moment - mauga
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summary; title slightly irrelevant, i wanted to be funny. iykyk
genre/extra tags; headcanons/bullet fic, i talk about mauga hcs i thought of on the fly, reader is implied to be a support character, reader is also part of talon group, fluff, i only know the bare minimum about him and that's all i need baby, is this platonic or romantic idk
[gender neutral reader] [canon typical violence mentioned]
a/n; im back on my overwatch era. it never really ended but, i want to write about him, mauga, the beloved. typing this on my phone and finishing on my computer if anything seems wonky shhh dont tell me i'll relive that mistake for days
also this is a somewhat lightly reseached- aka not fully accurate/detailed work. i briefly mention samoan culture and if it offends or if it's a mistake, please tell me and i will erase those parts asap.
[support me and buy a kofi]
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i've been watching and playing with/against mauga since the trial to play him came out and god i love him
but he's kind of easy to counter (im an ana main, nade is fucking broken but that's just anti heal things) and his ult is annoying
every tank needs their heal bot to keep em up
you just happen to be mauga's heal bot KDJSJSJ
(baptiste is too probably but not really)
he's a really smug guy
no one really knows that bc he sounds so upbeat and nice
but he loves to tease you, poke at you bc he knows that you will answer to him most of the time and entertain him in conversation
you and him are probably in your world even when you're both in talon tbh
he does his own thing and you just happen to join in
(he totally baits you to join his plans and you both know it)
he's a chaotic and cunning man and you're his enabler
(sounds like me and my bestie tbh)
"a hero would sacrifice you to save the world but a villain would sacrifice the world to save you" type beat
he's lowkey possessive but we dont talk about that
jk we do talk abt it
he's your scary guard dog privileges
like that man is tall tall ‼️‼️
idk why but i dont really imagine him being like an openly sweet person
he keeps it private even with how loud he is
you know how he's on a yacht for his origin story and there's like a bunch of people who got destroyed by him?
yeah he would totally do that shit for u if you asked.
he would give you the best home but
"thanks for the new place and all but did you have to kill someone for it?"
"i mean come on! this place is nice! let's enjoy it!"
he's very "i'll do the dirty work, just sit back and look pretty." and then you're like, "yeah i could. but i won't."
dps support vibes for you ✨️
but also he's charging in most of the time so, there's not much time to dps support KDHDJDJJD
he's like the kool aid man bursting in through the walls /j
back to the hcs here...
he's so tall and big, he would totally let you hang off his back like nunu and wilump (from league, yeah i play league dont remind me totally gonna write for heartsteel soon tm)
also he's literally the greatest heated blanket (ahead of roadhog)
he's so stronk and wowowowow im so gay i love him
when you're surrounded by some enemies, he's charging in, slamming the ground and carrying you with ease as he keeps you safe while destroying any enemies who even tried to touch you
despite his lack of pda, he's a very actions over words.
he's so silly
chivalry isn't dead when he breaks into a jewelry store for u 😍😍
if you ever have those crazy thoughts about crime, he's totally gonna enable you and let you reign havoc on god knows what.
love language is actions and gift giving. enough said.
when he gives you a hug, he's so fucking warm omg
i said it before and i'll say it again, he's the best heated blanket, literal furnace
bad for the people who sweat easily though (ahem me lowkey)
one the off-days where it's just a day off and relaxing, he's taking care of you well !!
when you're on talon missions, since he can't run around as easily unless he gets the okay but you do keep him company until then
he likes to protect but he loves destroying people
he knows you're able to care for yourself, so he can go crazy whenever, and he loves that.
he also loves watching you get mad or angrily passionate
"yes go, la'u ma’asoama!" (my rock/stone, get it? bc his name means mountain)
he is a really good hype man. even if you're the one in the wrong.
soon (tm)
someday i'll write more.
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sugarpasteltmnt · 6 months
First of all, I gotta say that I absolutely LOVE your fic. I read the first chapter and just... didn't stop reading lol. It was so compelling and the way you describe emotions and depict Leo's mental state is so good!!!! I can't get enough of it. I love how you write his manic thought process and the way that his thoughts jump around in a very 'word association' type way! (That's super accurate to manic episodes!) I also really like the way that his awareness ebbs and flows and how you are able to indicate that to the reader while also maintaining the narrative. For real, kudos to you, that's a super difficult thing to do and you've pulled it off so well! It's absolutely stunning!
Question (and feel free not to answer if this is a spoiler or if you aren't sure), did Leo age in the Prison Dimension? Cause obviously the five years was FIVE YEARS, he didn't just time skip or anything, and he's definitely five years older mentally (for better or for worse, poor guy) but if the Prison Dimension essentially 'stops' bodily functions like hunger, thirst, exhaustion and.. dying, was his aging paused as well?
I'm low-key dying over the idea of Leo still being a kid physically. Like, the mental image of his brothers coming face-to-face with a visibly teenaged Leo who is more scar tissue than skin, it's just, ugghhgg. It's one thing to know 'oh he was a kid, he shouldn't have had to deal with this. He shouldn't have had to have been in that position, this is all so fucked up' but it's another thing entirely to see it, y'know?
Anyway, again feel free to ignore the question if it's spoiler territory or completely off the mark or if you don't have the spoons to answer. I mainly just wanted to say that I'm obsessed with your fic and it has me completely unhinged (pos). Was literally sobbing at 3AM while reading it. 10/10. Would recommend.
(also how the fuck do you write Leo so scary and threatening and yet also so adorable and charming and 'wet meow-meow stuck in the rain'. I'm frothing at the mouth wtf. The whiplash of being all 'oh no he's gonna kill- oh he's purring now, he's baby' is so fantastic holy shit)
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THANK YOU THAT'S SO NICE WAAAAAAH 😭😭😭 i'm so glad people seem to enjoy it because i can always go a little TOO in depth at times and i hope it's never like, too boring or repetitious
and yes, Leo did age!! while the idea of Leo being a time capsule of his teenage self but now so warped is DELICIOUS... I love the idea he aged for several reasons. It was one (or maybe the only) way Leo knew time was passing for him-- which adds to the mental strain of knowing he was stuck there. Forever. And the emotional damage it would inflict on his family because it makes it just more transparent and painful how much time had passed. How long they left Leo there. As well as prove the point that time in the Prison Dimension passed at the same rate as it did on Earth.
Plus, I feel like there's another, dark, angsty edge to it that I couldn't resist. I feel like when the Prison Dimension was made, the primary goal was to trap the Krang for eternity. Whether intentional or not, the Mystic Warriors had practically made a place you could age. Where you can get hungry. Where you can get thirsty. Where you have to face all those painful needs of the body you just can't satisfy... But you just couldn't escape it. Ever.
That might make it a bit TOO dark to think about, but ultimately I just loved the idea of the brothers seeing Leo older like them and knowing that they had left him behind for so long. (toot-toot all aboard the angst train)
but omg i'm so glad you like it 😭 thank you for the ask it was super sweet 🩵
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My Brother in Christ Pizza Supreme I wish i knew
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hanrinz · 2 years
rosie u have the biggest most sexiest brain ever im waiting for best friend rin rn ok
content. fluff, 1.1k words, failed attempt at angst, ooc rin !!! not proofread / notes. my dear amora <33 no bc i have so many thoughts about best friend! rin 😮‍💨 how did this get so long T-T
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his name on your contacts is literally 'bf rin<3' and it literally stands for best friend, he doesn't know that but let him dream, okay?
kidding it's just 'teal bitch' (i can't think of names tbh), unless...
no cause i firmly believe he walks with you to school or rides the bus with u everyday, he'll always be at your home by 6 am and your mom always prepares breakfast always urging him to eat with the two of you. she would always scold you for not waking up early like rin.
always with the comparing.
but, hey at least your mom absolutely supports the both of you if ever did end up together. may or may not have already planned your wedding or anything (maybe even had a bet between the both of your parents) but you didn't hear that from me.
and he would judge you for every guy you have a crush on PLS, you'll be like: "that guy is kinda cute," and he would glance at the guy you were pertaining to, brows furrowing and giving you a side eye,
"tf your taste in men is lukewarm," excuse me?????!!!?? he thinks he looks sm better.
he would always hangout with you on the weekends always down to watch movies with you, horror of course bc what else could he possibly watch.
"hey, wanna watch a movie? i got a new horror one," sending him up a text as you ready your room for your movie date night.
"be there by 10," he would always reply, following up with a question. "chips or ice cream?"
you'll always pick the ice cream anyways, yk he likes it very much and he just buys both of it no matter what.
always with the bickering and you hitting him of some sorts.
"at least I wasn't dumb enough to get back to my ex, twice!"
"at least your brother follows me on my social media account!"
"fuck you??????!!!????" *he was crying*
sae would be so fucking done with rin, he doesn't care anymore. you and his brother hiding feelings for each other is so painful to watch anyway. probably the reason why he left for spain. (omg what is he doing here)
okay so your friends- scratch that everyone in your town practically wondering why the two of you haven't got together yet and like please they are all literally waiting for THAT day. best believe that everyone was so willing to help rin to confess to you. how did everyone know? a little birdie or a demon (shidou provoked him obv) which is more accurate may have possibly babbled it about to a person who's a chitty chatter and soon enough everyone knows.
and you might not notice it whenever you look away from him or when you're distracted, his eyes couldn't help but to look at every inch of your face or admire it. you don't know how he looks at your pictures every night, you don't know that all he needs is you beside him, you don't know how much he wants to just take you in his arms and tell you he can treat you sm better than that lukewarm piece of shit person you call your ex.
and you don't know that he had beaten your ex right on the face 11 months after your break up. he came into your home at 1:43 am with a cut lip and bleeding knuckles, you didn't suspect that it was your ex who had the honor to be met with his fist. you only scolded him, not to get hurt again, to stop losing his temper and picking fights.
he was sitting on the counter of your kitchen, laying his head on your shoulders, you in between his legs, as you caress his hair. and he likes to say something, to say so much more than a promise. and holds off for awhile, snuggling deeper into your neck, feeling his breath that has your skin tickling. your afraid he might hear the pounding of your heart right into your ribcage. taking a deep breath, shakily.
"rin, you need to go home," you whisper.
you were only met with silence, as you felt his hand intertwining with your free one.
"don't make me go," he says right into your ear. "just- just stay.."
and you couldn't really resist him, can you?
"okay. 'm not going anywhere," you stood still, your thumb drawing circles on his hands. "i'll stay... i'll stay, rin" you reassure.
something changed after that night, and you finally noticed all the signs. how rin was more of a different person to you and not just because he was your best friend. but because he had a feeling. now, his eyes would hold more meaning than his words would.
and it scared you.
how much all this time, you were pretty much blind and oblivious. because this was your best friend, the man who you had almost spent your whole life with. and he looks at you like a precious thing he doesn't deserve.
because finally all the love songs have meaning to it now. all the things around him remind him of you. and as much as he tries his best to mask everything he was feeling, it kept slipping down on his face whenever he was with you.
and confessing to you wasn't the perfect scenario he had imagined so many times, it was awful, he thinks. the rain was pouring hard and loud on the pavement. you were on the road, the same road you would always walk on the way home. all wet and soaked from the rain, you still look pretty. you were pretty.
"i like you," he said, it was almost like a whisper from all the noises. he's pretty sure you didn't hear him, but the way you were walking towards him with a smile adorning your beautiful face, he can't help to think.
did you hear it? is this really happening? he finally did it.
and it didn't occur to him immediately how your lips were pressing against his, all under the rain your hands caressing the side of his face. and he didn't waste anymore time, kissing you back with the same intensity. he can feel you grinning against his lips.
you pulled away, arms wrapping round his neck, "i like you too, rin itoshi," you said with elation, eyes brimming with tears.
"i like you a whole lot," you repeated.
he could only take your lips once again as if he would die if he wouldn't. fuck, he thinks he needs to hear you say it, again and again.
and just like that the mask he's been wearing all this time was gone.
"what took you so long, idiot?"
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◞♡ something took over me while writing this, it's monday again i hope everyone has a great week ahead!
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mrsnancywheeler · 7 months
i was thinking abt that one scene in priscilla where elvis tells that girl that he likes the perfume she’s wearing and then she says it’s Chanel no 5 (literally the same perfume cilla uses)
and like i was thinking, this scenario but with billy and “his” girl. like he could be talking to some random girl and then like be all flirty n shit and then he’s like omg that perfume is so nice (or something) and then the girl is like all smiles and giggles and happily tells him the name and the brand of the perfume and then once billy hears the name he recognizes it from seeing it in reader’s like bedroom or purse or something!
imagining like this during one of those periods when they've had another blow up fight so you've gone back home, he's been able to push the need of having you around for a while with the writing, rehearsing, recording, the drinking, the drugs, the other girls, so the piece of him you were filling he's able to push away for a while. that's until he's flirting with one of the groupies and he likes that she smells familiar, he doesn't know why or how, but it feels comforting.
he's so close to her face, so close to kissing her and he's keeping that cocky smirk on his face, "nice perfume you got there." maybe if he has her it'll fill the void he's ignoring, the void of you.
she's smiling up at him, flashing a grin, "it's sweet honesty from avon." and boom, billy knows why it's so comforting. you refused to use anything else, you always had a bottle in your purse and one in the bedroom just in case. he misses being engulfed by it, misses you, the longing takes over. he needs you to come back, he can't function fully without your presence. he misses your laugh, messing around on the guitar while you smoked a cigarette on the floor, how animated you were when you talked, cuddling you in his bed, when you'd convince him to go swimming, he misses all of it. he's headed towards the nearest phone, trying to call you and you don't pick up. you always pick up. you're reliable, you're always at the phone when he calls, and now he's scared because maybe he's finally done it. he's told you how replaceable you were one too many times and you'd accepted it even though he was sure you weren't. you were like all the best and worst parts of him, he was attached to you and unbelievable amount.
so he's driving over to your house (more accurately the place your dad pays for) knocking on your front door and a friend of yours opens the door. she's rolling her eyes, sighing, yelling back at you, "he's here!" and he can't deny the way his heart skips a beat when you run up the door.
you've got a small spark of hope in your eyes, "billy!" before realizing you're not supposed to. even if you'd been eaten up inside because this call had taken longer then usual to happen.
"hi, baby." his face has the whisper of a smile on it, "I called."
then you're looking regretfully at the floor, that was the point, if he called you weren't supposed to answer. you were supposed to take care of yourself, but what could you do when he was driving all the way out here just to see you? it made you remember the best of times, made you immediately want to hop back into his car. he can see it on your face, that you'd done so on purpose. "billy..." you trail off and the suddenly you're crying. and he feels terrible.
"hey, come here." billy's playing with your hair, comforting arm around you. "let me take you out, baby. we can go to our place, get some burgers by the pier. need to spend some time with my favorite girl."
favorite, the word favorite rather than him saying 'his' girl irks you, maybe it shouldn't, but you don't want to fight again so you ignore it for now. "yeah, I'd like that." you're meeker after fights, softer when it's time to fix things. now you're playing with the buttons on his denim shirt, which he loves. "can I come back 'round?" you're not looking at him and he's smiling because he knows not to be worried this time, he's won her another highest of the highs with you.
"of course, baby. need my muse around." he's kissing you and you're back to being all smiley. you run inside to grab stuff and as he's standing on the doorstep he can hear your friend berating you for going back, but you don't have a care in the world. you've grown to need billy and you're feeling that lovely high that reminds you why again. before you're out the door back to him again. his arm around your waist as he pulls you with him, "you know, baby, that perfume smells real good on you."
you're smile is so bright, "really?" he's nodding and lighting you a cigarette as you climb into his car, driving off into a repeat of the cycle.
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13eyond13 · 4 months
12 + 14 for both Guts and Griffith ? (:
Ooh thx @hawkfawun ! ♡
GUTS + What's a headcanon you have for this character?
I don't think Guts would worry much about stuff like what it would mean about him and his sexual orientation or what other people might think of him if he was interested in Griffith as more than a friend. Doesn't seem to really even cross his mind much, aside from during his initial gruff uncomfortableness when Griffith first comes onto him very strong (which I think is due to how poorly Guts was socialized as a kid, how he has never experienced somebody take an interest in him positively like that before, and also because of his traumatic experience with Donovan). I think the reservations he might have about letting Griffith even closer to him or believing that Griffith actually genuinely "wants him" would be more due to his self-esteem issues, his general trust issues, and his good ol' fashioned shyness and social obliviousness. So it bugs me whenever I see people in the fandom elsewhere making a big deal about how he'd wrestle with the idea of having a queer attraction or acting like it's something that would be a huge source of shame or inner turmoil for Guts, because it just doesn't really ring that true to me based on how he actually thinks and acts and talks about Griffith to others in canon. I think his insecurity about feeling inferior to Griffith is the main thing he worries about in their relationship more than anything else.
GRIFFITH + What's a headcanon you have for this character?
I think Griffith is pretty dang emotionally intelligent in how quickly he recognizes and analyzes his own feelings and other people's too, actually. I've seen people say the reverse about him before, that he's a complete idiot about recognizing his own repressed emotions and desires and whatnot, but to me he comes off almost the polar opposite of that? At least before he does the sacrifice and transforms. In my opinion being super repressed and not emotionally intelligent means you struggle to even recognize you have feelings in the first place, and are also not good at accurately naming or recognizing the emotions you or anybody else are having or the possible reasons why, and are afraid to try to dig into that stuff any further. But Griffith basically instantly decides that he likes Guts and tells him that he does, and he also has a lot of clear ideas about his desires and ideals and dreams and how to get what he wants in general and how to give other people what they want. And I'm also thinking about stuff like how he will sit and walk himself through all the various things he's feeling and being pretty honest with himself about it all, like when we get inside his mind during his imprisonment for a bit. I feel like a lot of Griffith's misery and internal struggling in the Golden Age actually comes from how NOT repressed he is about how he feels much of the time, and from realizing how incompatible with each other or how futile some of his different desires and goals might be. Like I think he was pretty frustrated and hurt over making his emotional attachment so bare to Guts right from the start and then ending up feeling totally abandoned and rejected by him – I also understand why Guts had the hangups of his own that he did at every point, but I still can't help but feel bad for Griffith wearing his heart on his sleeve so boldly like that during the Golden Age and yet never really getting much of any direct obvious indication that his affections were returned, when in reality Guts DID feel the same. I sometimes don't blame him for going so extreme the other way with how hard he tries to remove all his feelings after that when I think about how shitty it must have been during those moments where he felt totally rejected and humiliated and abandoned during his torture and imprisonment after Guts left.
GUTS + Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
Omg good question. I don't have any idea what label to give him... but to me he'd be something between like a metalhead/punk and a biker and a lumberjack/working-man blue collar kind of aesthetic, haha. Like wearing the same black cutoff T-shirt and trousers and big heavy boots every day. Probably would get stuff mostly at like military surplus stores and thrift stores and be thinking much more about practicality and durability and protection with what he's wearing than anything else. And he definitely wouldn't be willingly putting himself into too many situations where he had to wear a suit and tie or anything overly fancy or formal. Though I guess he got a little dramatic and sassy with his Three Musketeers type ensemble that one time...
GRIFFITH + Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
Hahaha omg I'm so bad at this, it's def not my strong-suit to know and name all the specific fashion aesthetics and trends. Well, he definitely likes to get dressier and pay more attention to what he wears than Guts does, and he'd have a wider range of clothes in his closet too. He'd be switching between stuff he wears when he has to impress in the public eye and the stuff he wears when he's working or fighting or just hanging out with the boys. I think he'd have some fun with it too and know his most flattering colours and how to accessorize and whatnot. If it was a modern Griffith AU I think he'd probably not just be wearing like the most basic boring bro business suits when he has to be formal or anything either, like he'd be more androgynous and adventurous about it and still have some lace or frills or fun colours going on somewhere or something 😆 But that's about all I got, and I have no idea what you'd call it or what kind of specific aesthetic box to put it in, sorry...
[character ask meme]
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ye-oldroderich · 2 months
Hi i saw a friend of mine do art of ur wiz ocs and kindly i wpuld love to hear more about them. Nonhuman ocs in wiz r so fun
OMG YAAAAAY i love talking about my ocs so bad ..... WAHH. prepare for a long yap sesh
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More art of them from last(?) year's art fight by my friend @mister-geuse <3 ily tutt
I love Insaf and Rund they're my little guys im so glad so many people like them too 😭 when i make ocs for media i like to try and explore things that help to flesh out the world more and wizzy has SO many nonhuman peoples and there's just so much you can do ... no shade to people with human ocs of course. but personally i like exploring different things with each character i make
Krokotopia is one of my favorite worlds because i'm old and i like lizard people. it isnt without criticism (LOTS of criticism) though. i dont think ive ever seen another mander oc before (although i havent looked *that* hard, theres probably some out there!) so they were my go-to when making an oc from that world.
Insaf loves history! especially the history of magic in her world. she's often frustrated after she comes to wizard city and the library doesn't have much information on krokotopia's history, let alone things about her culture or anything before the krok dynasties came to power. after being Alhazred's student, she finds Arthur Wethersfield's teaching suuuuper lackluster in comparison. she corrects things he says about Balance magic in her mind. Insaf would be an "um, actually" girl if she wasn't nerfed with a severe anxiety disorder LMAO
she's actually really easy to anger but is just so adept at bottling it that she never shows it. this girl wants to rage so badly. magic is her outlet. she's a bit of a wildcard during duels since shes small and unassuming but VERY quickly becomes very aggressive with lots of offensive spells. she got a broomstick when she moved to wizard city but sucks at riding it and is pretty embarrassed about it (her tail throws her off-balance). she also has a pet chameleon in her dorm! its name is Sheba.
Now for Rund. i love birds and dinosaurs and corvids so a raven was a must-have for me as an oc. also its fun to put your characters through the horrors (ie a cult) and Rund definitely gets the brunt of it lmao. i haven't really ever made a character dealing with amnesia because its such a cheap plot cliché and its never done accurately to how amnesia actually works as like. a nuerological condition. so with Rund i've been really researching how it actually works so that i can portray it well.
amnesia is still not very well understood because the brain is so silly and complicated but if i were to label her with something it'd be pure retrograde amnesia. after her head injury, she can't really remember much at all about herself, and isn't familiar with ravenscar or anyone there. she CAN remember how to use runes, though, and other "muscle-memory" things. after she's sent to wizard city to recover, she starts getting some memories back over time (mostly information she got while reading, and some personal details) but memories specifically retaining to the Coven are much harder for her to remember.
Rund is also autistic (both she and Insaf are) and has some other underlying conditions that were exacerbated by both her head injury and the traumatic stress she was under. she has both motor and vocal tics, and doesn't speak much outside of echoalia. she's very easily overwhelmed so she sticks to less crowded and quieter places, which are hard to find in wizard city ... its why she and insaf hang out by the death school LMAO. no one else is ever there.
Rund uses runestones instead of a spelldeck, just like a lot of people in Grizzleheim traditionally do. she likes to shake the bag and hear them clinking together. her mount is a Death Vortex, and i rationalize it as like ... her turning into a cloud to zip around (usually so she can get on top of something and perch up there). she likes having her hood up so she can block out stimuli. Rund knows people look at her differently, which is part of why she avoids most people. she doesn't really know how to feel about being sent to Ravenwood, but supposes its better than the alternative ... though she misses Grizzleheim's snow.
Rund and Insaf met when they were assigned partner on a death class project. neither of them really had friends before that at ravenwood. Insaf doesn't expect anything of Rund or judge her for things she can't control. Likewise, Rund doesn't judge Insaf for having "unsightly" feelings, and can relate to it. they both like yapping about magic and history, and take turns talking at eachother. they have library dates where they go and point out flaws in the literature (hater activity). they're their own best company.
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panlight · 1 year
This is unrelated to anything, but my favorite thing about Carlisle is that whatever Edward tells Bella/the reader about him is wrong in every way. Like, Edward thinks he’s damned so the implication is that Carlisle, a former priest, thinks the same and encourages Edward to believe that, but this is disputed in New Moon. In Breaking Dawn, Edward is convinced that Carlisle would forcibly abort Bella’s baby if it weren’t for Rosalie, but Carlisle confirms he would never do such a thing to Jacob.
Even when Edward shares details of their backstories, he just glosses over crucial information pertaining to Carlisle and it is so funny. Edward mentions Carlisle spent a few decades with the Volturi and this is treated like it’s nothing. Edward completely cuts Elizabeth out of the story, making it seem like Carlisle chose him because he thought he was special, and we only learn about Elizabeth from Carlisle himself. Granted, this could be because SMeyer didn’t come up with that until New Moon, but it does make me reevaluate Edward’s testimony on… anything. I know human memories are blurry to vampires, but they’re not erased like Alice’s were because she was subjected to brain injury inducing electroshock therapy. So it feels like Edward’s exclusion of Elizabeth was deliberate. Lastly, Edward’s disdain for human-blood-drinking vampires and his assumption that his family has equal disregard for them is especially ironic when all of those human-blood-drinking vampires who come to the Cullens’ aid in Breaking Dawn are Carlisle’s besties.
It makes me question Edward’s thoughts on everything, and I feel like the fandom takes a lot of what he says as absolute truth (such as Rosalie being meant for him or Rosalie wanting Bella to die so she could raise the baby) because he’s a mind reader, but his perception and misunderstanding of Carlisle, his beloved father and oldest companion, throws that out the window.
Oh yes, this! I used to say "Edward is not a good storyteller" because he leaves out crucial details all the time. And whether that's a conscious choice on his part to leave things out or he's Just a Teenager who makes himself the focus of everything, I don't know. (Or, as you suggest, that SM didn't flesh out the stories until later so Edward was giving accurate information in the moment but the stories changed).
The other two examples are Esme and Rosalie's backstories, too. With Esme, he makes it sound like, again, Carlisle just found this random dying person and chose to save her; he completely leaves out they had met before. And with Rosalie he makes it sound like the only reason Carlisle 'saved' her was so Edward could have a girlfriend. But when you hear the story from Rosalie's POV it's not like that, and ROSALIE of all people would not be trying to paint Carlisle in a more positive light, so I trust her more. Rosalie talks about hearing him say how terrible what happened to her was, how he couldn't just leave her, what a waste of a young life, etc and that she was free to go off on her own if that's what she wanted. Absolutely nothing about matchmaking or suggesting they get together. Even the guide says it was in 'the back of his mind' and while "omg this poor girl, I can't leave her here, and hey maybe she and Edward will hit it off if she decides to stay with us" isn't super great, it's not nearly so creepy as "here Edward, I found a wife for you" as Edward sort of implies.
And I do often see fandom/fanfic taking Edward's word for it; Carlisle gets a lot of flack for 'changing Rosalie for Edward' and being willing to abort Bella's pregnancy against her will, but when those incidents are seen from the POV's of other characters, Edward's understanding of those moments is called into question.
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witch128chick · 6 months
Soo hii! We're here
It's time for
Young Blood, Old Souls
Agony Of A Witch was the last ep with the happier intro :((( shit is about to go down
People praise toh for having accurate sibling dynamics. AND YES I COULDN'T AGREE MORE BC WTH THIS IS ME AND MY BRO
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Lilith you finally came to your senses
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This reminds me of the time when i was in primary school (wtf my keyboard recommended "prison" when i started typing "pri" 😭😭😭)
I was such a lil rebel bitch i love that for me (and i miss being like that)
I didn't do anything awfully bad just little things but those still pissed off either a teacher or my parents
I skipped classes for example in 2nd grade!!!! Wtffff- and lied to a teacher so that she'd let me go to a friend's place after school instead of staying there yk until my parents picked me up (mom was FURIOUS)
Anyway i feel like this scene with Luz and King is kinda similar to what i've done lol
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I LOVE how sassy Luz was in this episode
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Alsoo it's so cute that Willow and Gus went to the petrification to help Eda and Luz 🤧 their friendship is everything
Gus is like a cool secret agent btw
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No but this scene omg 😭😭😭 i'm crying 💔💔💔
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Did i say i love Luz? Well yea i love her. LUZ YOU'RE THE BEST
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Baby Clawthornes 🥺😭🤏🏼 lil tiny babies
and have such a tragic past
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This was legit so beautiful-
And they saved Eda together!!!!
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Well... this was another ROLLERCOASTER. I love this episode too it's sad, it's painful and it's angsty. But also beautiful. I just love it
So i'll give it a 10/10
Here 🐰 brought you 🍫 (if you don't like it or can't eat it, take a 💐 instead)
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fatuismooches · 3 months
I'am not okay i'am not okay I'am not okay i'am not okay I'am not okay i'am not okay I'am not okay i'am not okay I'am not okay i'am not okay I'am not okay i'am not okay I'am not okay i'am not okay-
Capitano is so cool 😭 why is he so fckng cool like why, his design?? Omg *chef's kiss*, his voice?? (Even though he only says "Hmph" Like brother Hanu from HSR) *on my knees* i'll do anything for u sir, also why he really gives off "a man with a few words" vibes from that trailer 😭 like omfg why he is so hot- i really hope that i would be there when his banner arrives 🙏
Anyways hello smooches 👉👈 i hope u are doing well. I'm sorry that i've become one of ur silent reader since i'm not feeling really well for the past few months (and also bcs i'm too shy to share a new idea of Capitano and also Dottore), but i can assure u i still love reading ur fic especially that one Dotty fic u made 🙂 (i'm still hurt and salty from Dotty decided to kill baby zandik for a gnosis, bcs if it were me, i would definitely throwing hands against him- like how dare u 😭💔) also the fact that it connects with ur other fic where reader gives Omega a silent treatment after what he have done is so HNNNNNNGGGGFFGGHGGFGH- 🙏🛐. The angst is so good that it still lingers in my mind to this day 😩👌.
Also pls take care of urself smooches, i know that a lot of us have said this many times, but i just want to say thank u for all of the content u bring to us. Ur writings of the Harbingers really keeps me going through this hard time and u don't understand how much ur content means to me (and probably to everyone too). I wish u a good health smooches and good fortune with ur future 🙏🛐
-🥝 (sorry for dissapearing)
🥝 ANON!!!! I MISSED YOU SM!!! (i see you in my notif bar which made me very happy but im also really happy to see you in my inbox <33) When i saw Capitano i IMMEDIATELY thought of you bc i know you've loved him for YEARS- HE'S FINALLY HERE AND BEAUTIFUL! :D but YA .. I CAN'T BELIEVE HE ONLY SAID HMPH... 😔 i wish for more but I'll take it... (wdbewud and not Hanu but that's so accurate, i always choose the *do a cool grunt* option whenever i have the chance, i also wonder who you main in HSR? 👀 And did you see we can also see the outline of Capitano's nose/mouth... ewdewidb)
And 🥝 anon you don't need to apologize!!! It's absolutely fine, i just want you to put yourself first and take care. I know i can't do much but i hope the best for you and better health ❤️ I am glad you are enjoying my writings though :) and YA... i think we all love Dottie... but we would also ALL fight him for what he did... me included, I'll join you. AH AND THE FICS CONNECTING... i honestly didn't think of that but YES. i do love writing angst because of the reactions tbh 😌
Thank you for your kind words <3 i am always happy to provide for you and everyone else! I'm glad i can do something for you :) please take care of yourself too 🥝 anon!!!! ❤️❤️❤️ and i wish you the same thing 💕 (and whenever you feel up to sharing that idea of yours, feel free, don't be shy!! 🙏)
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blood-teeth · 3 months
I absolutely love the mouth of elysium omg.
I'm intrigued so much by it. And alil grossed out at times lmao 🤣 but that's okay! Your writing is just really vivid and descriptive it's hard not to imagine the gross imagery 😅
I love it so much. It makes me so thoughtful tho. Like this is just my rambles so forgive me. But it's very cultlike. This devotion. The knowledge that you'd probably be better off not being here but feeling honored that your life is being sacrificed for some greater good.
Like moved by it all. When I'm here like.. this shit is so sus. Lol
Being that brilliant that you feel like it was just your fate to be doing this despite how MCs mom didn't even really want it for herself in the beginning and their dad has a whole legacy of dying in the pursuit of it all. As again. An honor.
It's crazy. And interesting. And crazy. And a part of me is just like how much of this is actually true. Is this place really home or just an elaborate prison keeping people here. And that same part has me saying fuck the King because whose to day this isn't some goal to save your home but the need for a selfish scared little man who knows death is all our due and is using his people as pawns to strive for some immortal elixir that he feels only he's worthy of. That it's not to save a kingdom but because he is so egotistical that he believes he is the kingdom.
I feel sorry for MC but ai also feel their rage and it's both interesting and conflicting. The shifts between when they are alone and you read this doubt and self depreciation and then swiftly cry over being "allowed" and "chosen" to sacrifice your life for a dream that isn't yours.
Like they aren't even studying anything they want to from my understanding.
This story has me thinking so much and it's chapter 2. Christ lmao.
Sorry that this is so long. It's great writing is all i wanted to say then i got carried away. 🤦‍♀️💕
aww thanks so much for sending me this it absolutely made my day <33333
YES i'm so glad this is being portrayed and picked up in the way i was hoping!
i wanted to write about an environment that was so plainly and obviously abusive, but the MC can't help but love it. its the only thing they've ever known and how can you not help but love all that you have? They're constantly conflicted, but they don't know enough to be resolute. if that makes sense.
it's very on purpose that you as the player has so little choice right now when it comes to actual gameplay.
and for the king- to live for someone else. to potentially die for someone else - is as you've accurately put it "sus" and yes so much of this story will be unraveling the intricacies of the labyrinth and what the relationship the king and the labyrinth truly have.
im curious to know what you've thought about the Princess/Prince once they were introduced as well! and not jut the MC's thoughts, but the entirety of the class seemed to be moved just as equally.
i'll share something here about the Princess/Prince, too.
their names mean Gift of God
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bloody-wonder · 5 months
omg im the tsc anon, i literally sent it cause i knew from the past aftg opinions you shared - you'd likely feel similarly to the way i did about tsc
neil outshines jean to such a shocking degree when he only has a handful of scenes... neil is a fantastic protagonist so ofc it's hard to live up to, but come on 😭 jean has such a weaker personality imo? he does/says less interesting things, but also has a less interesting perspective on things. his lack of standing up for himself when the trojans badgered him constantly and talked behind his back bothered me to. can u imagine neils reaction if the foxes had been sharing his secrets over a group chat?
but just in general. tsc felt like a sanitised version of aftg, if that makes sense? scrubbed clean of the controversial and unconventional aspects. and it's those aspects that, in my opinion, played a huge part in what made aftg so good. noras a very talented writer, but i can not comprehend the decision to make tsc... all that it was, yknow? it feels almost like it was written for the 'andreil say ily' part of the fandom...
neil really saved this book for me icl. outsider pov of him is fascinating. and while andrew barely said/did anything even when he was there, i actually kinda liked that? it puts into perspective how ig off-putting andrew can appear to those who don't put in the effort with him. 'creepy little goalkeeper' is so funny and so accurate, he IS a creepy little goalkeeper and i love that for him.
idk, some things i had anticipated - the trojans being who they are were never going to match the foxes. jeremy x jean was never going to match andreil (and ive seen ppl comparing them already... the blasphemy.) but there were things i was surprised weren't there. i had expected kevin and jeans relationship to be a lot more tense ig? i had thought jean would harbor a MUCH deeper resentment towards kevin, but i suppose its just not his character? but when i was reading, i couldn't help asking what would the fan reaction had been if that had been the case? if kevin and jeans past relationship, and places in a cult hierarchy, had shown through in a much uglier and uncomfortable way? i can see why she didn't do that, i don't even necessarily want that, i think i was just desperate for this book to have some sort of deep conflict between the characters.
on the subject, kevin felt quite different from how he was in aftg. but i can't quite put my finger on why.
anyway, it is nice to see someone else have mixed feelings towards the book. i enjoyed it, but i was shocked how many people seemed to really love it. not because it was bad. but because, to me, it was so fundamentally different from aftg.
thank you for sharing your thoughts! i suspected you might have written me bc i used to be the resident notorious contrarian of the fandom lol
yeah neil is a textbook example of a protag who drives the plot forward, he has that main character energy which jean totally lacks which makes sense since jean was originally a minor side character. at the same time the differences in their characterization make complete sense in universe due to the different ways they were brought up and the different trauma they faced. so it all comes down to each reader's personal preference: for me, neil's arc is a self-indulgent power fantasy. i think i have a strong sense of self and when i can't achieve something it's due to circumstances so far out of my control it's impossible to overcome them. it's therefore very satisfying to read about neil facing impossible odds and winning thanks to the sheer force of his personality, whereas jean's way of dealing with trauma feels less fun by comparison. but other readers can relate to him more and all the power to them. i do however think tsc does a disservice to its new characters by opening with a rather lengthy recap of how cool the foxes were in the last act of tkm and closing on a chapter where neil comes along and reminds us who the real hero of this story is🤷‍♀️
i don't think tsc has been entirely scrubbed clean of controversial aspects - i saw plenty of reviews complaining about the amount of dark content (in book 4 of a series known for its dark content, le gasp) - but i do think the handling of certain things was less nuanced than in aftg. for instance, both stories have a plot bit about someone unknowingly exposing a character to their abuser which leads to them being retraumatized (jean himself comments on the similarities between drake and grayson). in aftg that someone is nicky - a person andrew knows and trusts, a person the readers grew to care about (lol not me but certainly some other readers) - so his role in the tragic sequence of events is that much more upsetting. rape and abuse is terrible but the fact that a person who means well can exacerbate the issues bc they don't have the framework to understand the other person - that hits so much harder for me personally. so in the end drake is just an evil rapist but nicky is a much more nuanced character bc through him nora questions whether being nice and having good intentions is enough, whose feelings should be centered on in such a complex situation, whose emotional needs should be prioritized etc. by contrast, in tsc that person is lucas - someone we basically just met, who is nothing more than an antagonistic stranger to jean and who we therefore don't care about. which is why when he leads grayson to jean it's like, first of all, duhh. but secondly, bc it happens against the backdrop of the other ("good") trojans' cheerfully patronizing attitude it doesn't come so much as a shocking twist that puts the ways how we deal with complex trauma into an unconventional perspective than as a culmination of everyone disrespecting jean's boundaries all the time - which is likely what nora intended but the overall constellation feels much less interesting to me.
ig this ties into your point about the book lacking the kind of deep conflict aftg had - but maybe that was intentional too, maybe it's supposed to be aftg light in that sense, sort of a post canon character study fic. which i am not opposed to, not everything has to be high plot and tension and grey morality, but unfortunately the emotional core the story relies on in the absence of the plot just didn't work for me. i can accept jean's "weaker" personality, i can understand him not being able to stand up for himself even tho i can't admire it, but i draw the line at how forced his friendship with jeremy and the girls ended up feeling. like, i still can't get over cat's sex toy joke right on the heels of jean being badgered into admitting he had been sexually abused - the info which jeremy promptly spilled to the girls. if something like that happened to me i would never be able to trust these people again, much less call them friends so soon. it's such a bizarre contrast between how neil joining the monsters in tfc despite their problematic initiation rituals feels valid bc the narrative earned it both plot-wise (we're now facing a bigger enemy together) and character-wise (neil pushing back, talking about why they did it, nicky apologizing) on the one hand - and how jean accepting jeremy, cat and laila as his new friends feels rushed and artificial despite them being so very nice and domestic and wholesome on the other hand. idk maybe it's bc i'm inherently skeptical about disingenuous cozy/hopepunk subgenres in modern lit bc they usually have a darker underbelly people are loath to confront but ngl the words sanitized and conventional did come to mind while reading and so did the idea that tsc will especially appeal to a certain subset of fans which found the (at times uncomfortable) complexity of the original trilogy too much to handle. well, i hope they're enjoying their fantasy of healing a survivor of cptsd by cooking and shopping and hugs - i certainly got to enjoy mine in aftg, there's plenty to go around lol
besides, tsc being so different/separate from aftg makes it really easy to just not engage with the fan content and discussions if it starts feeling like they veer into the annoying territory too much. tbh my primary concern when tsc was announced was that it could contain some retcons about andreil and aftg which i wouldn't agree with - and that didn't happen, my boys are still very much in character, so i can just retreat to my enclosure and leave tsc to jean stans who are its main target audience in any case.
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tomorrowillbeyou · 6 months
do u have a song thats just your enemy like you hate it so much. its your enemy
answering this before ur other ask because it's sooo much easier.... from maybe the 4th or 5th time i ever heard it i have DESPISED crazy=genius by brendon urie. it pisses me off so bad that in high school it used to be my alarm because i would hear the first like 2 seconds and jump out of bed to turn it off. the stupid heyeyey part makes me genuinely fucking lose it. i HATE the lyrics sooo much they're stupid and smug and like sooo quirky omg and the fucking brian wilson shit makes me SEE RED and then the way he says "DENNIS wilson!!" like it's the coolest thing he ever thought of . some of the instrumentation is kind of decent like in the verses and bridge its kind of fun but every time i think im getting into it i get interrupted by brendon urie wailing about how he's soooo crazy and u can't take him anywhere ! and the whole attitude pisses me off like in an alternate universe u could write a song called crazy=genius and it would be an actual interesting take on the idea presented in the title but whatever . ! and actually no (the reason im saying so much is because i went and listened to it to be accurate and realised i had way more to say) the whole chorus is so dumb "if crazy=genius then im a fuckin arsonist im a rocket scientist" 1. Ur not an arsonist ur some fucking guy from utah who got big off someone else's songs and r superficially acting like u can still put out the same quality while having nothing interesting to say like he did (sorry for bringing ryan into this i prommy this isn't about him or anything like that it's about the song i just had to mention) .. like the way this has a slight tinge of fever abt it in some aspects of the style (im mainly thinking theres a good reason...) makes me even more mad because it reminds me how fever was actually good and had something to SAY!!! and this feels like him jingling keys like hey guys remember that ! i can still do that 😀 no u can't! and 2. doesn't even make logical sense what do u MEAN. if crazy=genius then im crazy and also im genius ? NO u havent already established that ur either of those so the conclusion DOES NOT follow from the premise!! u could be neither and im starting to suspect thats the case!! ANYWAY THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE 3 SENTENCES! MY APOLOGIES!
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zoropookie · 6 months
Seems very very unlikely but I wanted to imagine Scara and yn from your smau being forced to go on a date or smt so both of their careers don't get sillied over by the streaming service they use bc of how big the drama got (dunno what it's called I'm sorry) except it's the most violent most aggressive date anyone could ever have
Scara drives over yn's fence before spamming the horn to make her neighbors hate her, yn almost breaking his car door by yanking it open before slamming it shut as hard as she could, they don't say anything except for aggressive come backs like "where tf are you taking me" "I'm driving us both off the nearest fucking cliff" oh how adorable they are having a picnic? Nvm they are slam dunking everything on the ground, yn only brought cloth for her to sit on and Scara doesn't even come out of the car that narcissist little twat just sits in his car. They argue over the radio, they can't even drink wine because yn broke it and they don't eat anything because they both got food the other hates or is allergic to (yn learned from Childe dunno who Scara learnt it from tho) Scara once again drives over something like a mailbox when dropping yn off and they bid each other goodbye in the most civil way they talked the entire night; "goodnight I hope you crash your car 120km/h into your house" "night, hope you fall down the stairs already and break your neck"
omg anon the passive aggression, the Actual aggression, the lowkey serious threats 💀 i think that’s actually very accurate to what i had in mind for them. i love these little imagines, keep sending them!
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shatcey · 7 months
I have finished Revolution (children's routes aside)!
OMG! I can't believe I've spent more than a year on this game.
I started when the game was no longer supported by the developers, so I only have the main routes, and you know… It's so difficult. I've thought to drop it a few times, but I don't like NOT finishing something… It's annoying and itchy, and I'll keep thinking about it over and over again… So it's easier to finish and then forget about it once and for all.
So… Before I leave my final words about this game, I would like to say a few words about the twins. My last route was Dum/Dalim, so it would be fair to talk about them.
To be honest, I don't remember seeing Dean very often… He was, of course, in the "through the looking glass" routes, but aside from that… not certain. I just remembered… Zero or Edgar. I remember their duel, and Dean was there…
I didn't see twins together very often. But every time I saw them, they denied that they were related. And I thought it was the same as Luka, who always said he wasn't related to Jonah…
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They are literally a mirror image of the same picture, except for the hairstyle… Someone was too lazy to draw them a little differently and decided to cheat…
And it's hilarious to see how synch they are…
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And now... will be a spoiler...
But suddenly...
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So Dean doesn't remember anything, and Dalim is just playing along… From that moment on, I begin to doubt that Dalim is a villain at all…
And the more he pushed Alice away, the more obvious it became that something was wrong. Real villains do what they like, they could toy with people (push and pull), but they don't push them completely away from themselves.
So it wasn't a surprise to find out that he was just being manipulated.
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It reminds me of Seth…
Some of his words are reminds of a completely different character… from another Cybird game…
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I wish I could add another spoiler…
I know how strange it may look… but Dalim is pre-version of Gilbert. Starting with his way of manipulating people's actions (Dalim's army of fans), continue his constant interest in studying and finally self-devotion to the brink of destroying his own health for the sake of his goal. This is so weird… I still find it hard to believe, but they have too much in common to ignore it.
And I know I wanted to talk about the twins, but ended up talking about Dalim. So let's get back to Dean. He is very smart and makes pretty accurate assumptions based on very little information.
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Yes, you are totally right, my angel is a very stubborn idiot who decided that he should be a sacrificed goat.
And I love that he never turns off the teacher-mode… I would like to see him in a romantic relationship… Alas…
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And at the end of the romantic ending, Alice says that nothing changes between the brothers at all. At least something never changes…
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