#This cutie little brown cat has been wandering around outside her house
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introspectionera · 13 days ago
put a sundress on and smoked a joint, life is worth living again baybeeeee
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i-need-to-stop-stanning · 6 years ago
Stray Kids Reaction To Meeting You For The First Time (Maknae Line)
Each member has their own scenario, enjoy 💜
Hyunjin was sat in his class, aimlessly playing a game on his phone, waiting for class to begin. The bell soon rang and he put his phone away. The teacher began her lecture, and about 10 minuets in, someone knocked on the door. Someone really tall entered the classroom and began converseing with the teacher. She gestured to the front of the class with a smile on her face. He made his way to the spot before clearing his throat. “Hello, everyone. My name is Y/B/N, and I hope we can all be friends, please take care of me.” He smiled and turned to the teacher. “Thank you, Y/B/N. You can take a seat in the back with Hyunjin. Hyunjin, please raise your hand.” He rose his hand high as the giant, lanky boy shuffled through the desks, toward him. “Hi, it’s nice to meet you, I’m Y/B/N.” He smiled at the new boy. “I’m Hyunjin.” They began to take quietly among themselves during the lecture. Hyunjin found out that Y/B/N was from Y/C and moved to Seoul recently with his mother and sister, to get away from his father. Soon the class ended and Y/B/N asked if Hyunjin wanted to come over later after school, and Hyunjin accepted the offer. They went their separate ways, to go to class. As Hyunjin was walking he bumped into someone. He looked down to see a girl with hair covering her face and books scattered around her. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry, are you okay?” He bent down to help her collect her belongings. She moved her hair and he was shocked. She was breathing. Her beautiful E/C shone brightly, her lips looked oh so soft, her beautiful H/L a bit messy, but still enough to leave him stunned. She smiled”yeah I’m fine, it’s okay, thank you for the help.” Her smile left her face when she looked at her wrist. Her eyes going wide and frantic and she scrambled for her words. “I’m so sorry, but I have to get going, thank you again” she sprinted past him and down the hall. Hyunjin was still watching after her figure dashing when the bell rang. He began to walk to his own class, that smile never leaving his mind. Little did he know that he would see you again that very evening, at his new friends house.
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Han was currently walking down the dimly lit sidewalks of Seoul, in search for the closest convenience store. The 00 line and Jeongin we’re craving junk food in the middle of the night, and after and intense game of Rock Paper Scissors, Han was the one to grant their wishes. That’s where he was now. His headphones in both ears, face mask on and hood up. It was slightly drizzling and the slight echo it made to his music relaxed him. He came to the front of the store and took his hood off, and one headphone out. He needed to focus on the list he had. Ramen for Hyunjin, Cheetos for Seungmin, and ice cream for Felix and Jeongin. He needed something for himself aswell. He was bent over the ramen isle attempting to find the specific brand of ramen his hyung had requested. The bell on the top of the front door chimed and he heard a small greeting. He finally located the ramen and went to find Seungmins Cheetos. As he made his way to the other side of the store he froze. He saw a girl clad in a hoodie far too big for her, rummagingthrough the isle of chips in attempt to find something. As Han walked over, he caught sight of Seungmins precious Cheetos. As his hand came in to contact with the bag, her hand came in contact with the top of his. He turned and finally got a good look at her. She was gorgeous. Her hair bunched up in the hood of her sweatshirt hid a good bit of her face but not enough to hide her shining eyes. The thing that caught his attention the most was the pair of glasses perfectly perched on her nose bridge. As he continued staring at her, she grew crimson and began to speed walk away. “Hey! Comeback! You can have it!” She turned around, hope filled eyes. “ really?” He chucked at her adorableness. “Yeah, of course, my night would be ruined if I knew I stole a bag of Cheetos from a pretty girl.” He handed her the bag and she looked up into his eyes. “Thank you...” she wanted his name. “Oh, Han, or Jisung, whichever one you like better.” He gave her a genuine smile and she giggled. “Thank you Jisung, I’m Y/N.” She held her free hand out to him for a shake and he grabbed it securely. “So Hannie, how about I take you out on a date, since you so graciously sacrificed these Cheetos for me?” She asked hopeful once again. How could he turn down such a cute girl? He accepted her offer and got her number. He went to finish his shopping, and then left the store. Seungmin might be pretty mad about not having his Cheetos, but Jisung couldn’t care less. All he could think about were those beautiful E/C eyes from behind those glasses.
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Felix was currently late for practice. He had slept in and Chan had warned him the next time he didn’t wake up the first time Chan called him, he would be left behind. Oh he wished he listened. It would have all been fun because Felix is pretty fast, but one thing he can’t live without in the morning is his coffee. His coffe from the Sippy Cup. A small little cafe with beautiful aesthetics and amazing beverages. It was tucked away in a small alley, making Felix always wonder if it really was magical. This cafe had the ability to turn any sour day sweet. As Felix came to the alley he spotted a cat, a lovely black cat with green glowing eyes. Him being himself waved at it, and I meowed. It took Felix by quite the surprise but he didn’t have time to dwell on it as he walked down the alley way for the bakery. As he opened the door he heard the familiar little chime of the door. “Good morning sir, how may I help you?” He turned around after shutting the door, to ensure the cold would stay out. He froze. The most adorable girl stood before him, well behind the counter. Her H/C in a high pony tail, stuck out the back of her hat that read ‘the Sippy Cup’. Her tan apron having the same logo, was a beautiful contrast to her white blouse. Her eyes were breathtaking, but what surprised him most was the freckles that adorned her cheeks, and across the bridge of her nose. Just like his. He escaped his trance and made his way to the counter. “Yes, can I get a Classic Sippy Cup and hmm... what do you reccomend pastry wise?” He asked her with a smile. “Oh I just made a fresh batch of banana muffins, their really good, if I do say so myself.” He smiled, asked for one, and paid”are you new here? I just noticed you and I come here everyday.” She showed him a smile that could rival his own. “Yeah I just started working here 2 days ago, the names Y/N. They haven’t got my tag yet.” She chuckled. “Well I’m Felix.” He told her. She went away for a minute and returned with his drink and a small brown bag. “Your muffin is in the bag Felix. I hope to see you back soon.” He slightly smirked. “Oh, don’t worry cutie, I’ll come back.” He exited the cafe with a little wave and was on his way. The fact he was late, left his mind. He just couldn’t get over the fact your muffin was so delicious, it just wasn’t as sweet as you.
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Seungmin was on his way to the library. Finals were coming up and he needed to study because he was always tired in class and never really got to pay attention. The school library was packed and so Seungmin decided to skip going there. Instead he was going to The Book Nook, I small little library hidden in the streets of Seoul. It was never really visited because it was so small, when you passed most didn’t even know they passed it. He finally arrived and decided to take a seat in the back. He put down his book bag and got his study materials out as well, before going off to find a book. He wasn’t great in math, so that’s the first book he got. His chemistry grade wasn’t too great either so he went to find a book to fix that. As he went down the isle he spotted someone. I girl was struggling to get a book of of the top shelf and holy crap was she gorgeous. Her H/L had fallen in her face due to her spastic jumping, and her eyes showed determination. Her eyes were trained on that book and they weren’t going anywhere, anytime soon. She made another attempt this time jumping, and lost her balance when she landed. She hit her butt on the ground with a soft oof. Seungmin ran up to her to check if she was okay. “Yeah I’m fine, I just can’t get that damn book.” She huffed before standing up and brushing her knees off. “Would you like me to get it for you?” He offered with a smile. “Oh yes please! Thank you!” He reaches up with no fuss and grabbed the book, bringing it down, and extended it toward her. “You’re welcome...” he looked down and saw her name badge. She worked here. “Y/N.” She giggled and asked for his name “I’m Seungmin” he smiled at her. “Well Seungmin if you need anything, I will be at the front desk reading this book. Don’t hesitate to ask!” She wandered off and seungminfound his Chemistry book and headed back to his seat. He got to doing some work when she came to his mind again. Gosh, is it gonna be hard to focus.
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I.N/ Jeongin
Jeongin was at the zoo with his members and he was having the time of his life. Jeongin loves animals and he loved going to the zoo. They were currently at the penguins and he couldn’t contain his excitement he was a smiling mess. Hyunjin decided to take the Maknae Line for ice cream to let the hyung cool off a bit. Hyunjin dragged them to the little shop called Frost Bite allowed them to get their treat. Felix got chocolate, Jisung got Oreo Seungmin got vanilla, and Jeongin got birthday cake, but he also got Hyunjin a strawberry cone since he was waiting outside. They all sat their and ate their cold treats before hyunjin decided they were behaving so they could go see the lions. Jeongin was so excited he ran ahead with Seungmin. They arrived about 2 minutes before the rest came. Jeongin loved lions and he was beyond excited to see them. He turned to the enclosure and watched as two lionesses played on the ground. The male of the enclosure looking down from a big rock, making sure their was piece. All of a sudden their was a loud whistle and the boys turned to see a girl about Jeongins age standing at the gate with a big bucket of raw meat. The lions began to walk toward her, slowly as if she were their pray and not the bucket. Jeongin panicked. “be careful!” He shouted down at her and she looked up and gave him a reassuring smile. Jeongin has never seen such a nice smile. Her H/L hair fell down her face as she waited for the lions to approach. Her zoo shirt a bit dirty due to the habitat she was in. Her eyes, although far away, were shining in the evening sun, Jeongin would say her eyes were the sun, bright and big and beautiful. The lions finally were close enough when she whistled again. A warning to stay back. She began to throw large chunks of meat at each lion, praising them for how good they were. “Good job Simba, what a good boy you are. Nala, you too.” She finished giving their meal and trudged the bucket back through the gate. Jeongins eyes never left the gate until he was tapped by Han, telling him it was time to go. He said okay, but the gate on the terrace overlooking the den opened and out came her. She was even more beautiful up close. She smiled at him and gave him a little wave before walking away to go feed the other big cats. Jeongin wasn’t gonna let you walk out of his life. Good thing they were going to the tiger enclosure next, cause that’s where she was going.
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itbeajen · 8 years ago
Small is Cute | Ike (Fire Emblem) | Modern!AU
@may-vin and @xi-lyrica, this is all your fault. LOL. Also if you’d like to see art correlating to this, please check out this post by the lovely and beautiful Morgan.
"[F/N]! Dr. [L/N]!" The call of your name makes you glance up from the files you were looking over one last time. Your assistant pops her head in, strands of brown locks blocking her face as they fall out of the messy bun atop her head. "Yes, Mist?" The petite girl steps in, and in her arms she cradled a small blue tabby kitten. Its meow were weak, but it was still fighting to be freed from her arms. "I was wondering, the kitten, Rai, do you think it's okay to leave him here overnight?" You hummed and then closed the file containing the kitten's information and you mumbled, "I would like to say yes, but... his owner did say the poor thing doesn't like to be left alone." You reached up and gently scratched beneath its chin, causing the kitten to momentarily purr before you pulled away. Mist gently pet the blue tabby and she mumbled, "I would love to bring it home, but.." She flinches when the tabby scratches her arm, and she laughed, "I don't think he likes me too much." She hands him off to you, and immediately he cuddles up beside you, nuzzling its head against your chin and you chuckled, "I can take him." Mist's eyes widened and asked, "Are you... are you sure? [F/N], no offense, but can you handle taking care of a kitten?" You looked away from the small kitten that was now playing with the collar of your white coat, only to meet Mist's playful gaze and teasing smile. You laughed, "Says you who can't cook." Her cheeks flared red, and she stuttered, "I-I'm perfectly capable of cooking a meal!"
"Instant ramen doesn't count, Mist," you teased and you laughed, "Go home, Mist, it's after hours, you're not required to stay." A pout is evident on her face, but as she watches you play with the kitten so naturally she sighed, "Okay, but don't stay up too late, alright?" "I won't, you worrywart. Even if I do, I'm still the first one to get to work anyways. Drive home safely, okay?" "'Kay," she sang out as she left your office. The kitten gives you a pathetic meow as it curls up sleepily on your lap. Your fingers gently tread through its fur and you smiled, "You're lucky that you're so cute. Just one more night and a final check up tomorrow and you'll be home free." *** You had thought it'd be like every other time you brought home another animal. They slept in your 'guest room' that has been redesigned into a pet playhouse, decked out with fluffy rugs, mats, and plenty of chew toys all over the room. But this time was different. You had finished getting ready, all you were missing was Rai. But you had opened the door, and it was silent, empty, and devoid of all signs of the blue tabby. You heaved a heavy sigh and muttered, "This cannot be happening." Immediately you went through the entire house, calling Rai's name and hoping that maybe she'd hear a distant mew somewhere in the house. You shook your head and ran a hand through your hair, "Gods, please. This is a disaster, oh my god." After spending half an hour looking for the cat, you bit your lower lip in worry. I have to get to work in an hour. But there's no sign of the damn cat. I cannot believe he somehow got out of the house. How? I locked everything. You sighed, and mumbled, "Okay, I'll check outside. Maybe he wandered out there. I really hope he didn't. Gods, what if he's actually missing?" As soon as you unlock your door, the sound of water being sprayed catches your attention, and you glance over, only to be surprised at the sight of your bluenette neighbor holding the blue tabby you spent the entire morning looking for. "Rai!" you declared upon sight of the kitten. It meows in response, squirming slightly in the toned arms of your neighbor. But instead of squirming away, it cuddles up in the crook of your neighbor's arm and he glances down at the cat, then to you, and asks, "Oh, is he yours?" You blinked once, twice, and then upon realization that you actually never met him before, you answered, "Not quite mine, I was taking care of him though. And uhm, my name's [F/N], nice to meet you." Your neighbor quickly switches off the hose and just tosses it over his shoulder, extending his arm and hand in a greeting, he shook yours and gives you a small smile, "I'm Ike. Nice to finally meet you." You grimaced, "Ah, yeah, I'm usually only home in the mornings and nights. I spend all my time at work." He nods understandingly, "I see. I'm normally at work too, but today's my day off." You give him a small nod, but your gaze drifts away from the ocean blue hues to the tabby that was snug and asleep in Ike's arms and you mumbled, "This spoiled kitten." Ike glances down, and his fingers gently rub against its chin and he smiled, "He's cute," he pauses, and mumbled, "Don't normally see them this small." You don't catch that part though, and you sighed, "Sorry for any trouble he caused you though." Your neighbor shakes his head and gently maneuvers the kitten over to your arms, "It's fine, he kept me company while I watered the garden." You chuckled at the way Rai immediately snuggled up against you, his head finding the crook between your neck and shoulder and settling there. You cooed and gently rubbed his head with your cheek, "Aren't you a pampered kitty?" You get a purr in return, causing both you and Ike to chuckle at the sight of the comfortably spoiled kitten. With a fond shake of your head, you look up at Ike and smiled, "Thank you for watching over him, even if it was because he escaped. I have to get to work now though. I'll see you around?" Ike's eyes widened just slightly, and he nodded, "Yeah, sure. See ya, [F/N]." *** "You look tired, doc." You glanced up, surprised to see Rolf here this earlier. And you laughed, "Yeah, Rai gave me troubles." Rolf looks down at the blue tabby that was sitting comfortably on your lap and he raised an eyebrow, "I'm surprised he's so attached to you. I don't think he likes anyone in this office." You rolled your eyes and sighed, "I'm telling you, he's spoiled." You gently pet him, and you mumbled, "Good thing he's going home soon." "Well, the day's only begun, so don't be too exhausted." "Yeah yeah, go set up the lobby room for me, I'm going to do my rounds on the overnight patients." "'Kay." *** "You know, I thought Rai was supposed to picked up already," Rolf commented as he watches the tabby play with the mouse toy that was attached to a string. Mist sat cross legged on the floor, teasing the kitten and she shrugged, "Ranulf said he'll be here, but apparently he wanted to bring a friend along." "Wonder who it is," Rolf sighed as he rests his chin on the lobby counter. His gaze was empty as he looked out the window, only for him to sit up straight, surprising Mist who slightly flinched at his sudden movement. "W-What is it, Rolf?" "Ranulf brought your brother." "What?" Mist turned her head towards the door, and upon hearing the jingle, the meow from the once occupied kitten is heard along with scampering as it runs up to the newcomers. "Hey there cutie!" Ranulf greeted as he picked up the kitten. He shoots Mist and Rolf a cheeky grin, "Hey you two, didn't know you guys worked this late." "We're only here this late because of you," Mist pointedly replied. Ranulf laughs, and places Rai back onto the floor where he circles around Ike once before the male scoops him up into his arms. Mist watches with intrigue and teased, "I thought you only liked the bigger cats." "Small ones are cute," Ike responded naturally. Ranulf nodded in agreement and asked, "So where's the doctor at? Gotta thank them for taking care of this spoiled kitten of mine." "Oh, let me go get them," Rolf offered. He quickly made his way towards the back of the building, finding you gently cradling a bearded lizard in your arms as you fed it liquidated nutrients. Rolf smiles at the sight, and gently knocks against the doorway for your attention. "Oh, Rolf. Did you need me?" "Rai's owner is here." "Oh, okay. Let me just put this fella back," you whispered softly as you adjusted the reptile's position until he crawled back into its respective cage. You smiled and gently ran your finger down its back, "This one is about ready to go home soon too. Anyways, I'll be right out, tell them to wait a little please?" "Sure thing!" he responded as he made his way back. Ranulf gives him a questioning gaze and the green haired boy responded, "Give them a minute to clean up." "Well, I don't need them to wash up just for me," Ranulf laughed, and then smiled, "Sanitation purposes though." "Yup, nice to meet you," you greeted as you came out. You firmly shake his hand and he smiled, "Ranulf. Nice to meet you, Dr. [L/N]." "It's a pleasure to meet you. Rai's a really sweet kitten, he took all the shots well, just had to stay overnight in case there was any potential reaction to them," you explained. You glanced around and asked, "Where is your kitten actually?" "Over there," Ranulf pointed behind him with a thumb and you glanced back, surprised to see your newly acquainted neighbor lifting the small blue tabby up into the air like a certain movie. You blinked once and mumbled, "What." "What?" Ranulf parroted and then glanced back and laughed, "Would you look at that? Ike, my dude, I thought you said you weren't comfortable with smaller animals." Ike glances back, and his eyes widened slightly upon seeing you, but he smiled, "Rai's cute." "Right?" Ranulf sang out and watched as Ike shifted himself while sitting to face the two, "Kind of want one for myself." "Brother, we can't take care of a cat when neither of us are ever home!" Mist sighed in exasperation. Your eyes widened and mumbled, "Brother?" Mist looks up towards you and smiled, "Oh yeah, [F/N]! This is my older brother, Ike." Ike glanced back and answered, "We met this morning." "Oh, I see... wait." Mist looks at Ike and then back at you and asked, "How?" You sighed, bringing a hand to your forehead and mumbling, "I can't believe we're neighbors." "Rai was sitting on the front door when I went to go water the plants." "And that's how we met," you added as soon as Ike finished speaking. Ranulf let's out a low whistle and said, "No wonder the whole day Ike was like, 'Small animals are cute.'" "Does he... do you not like small animals?" you asked out of curiosity. Ike hands Rai over to Ranulf and he answered, "No, it's not that. I work at a zoo, so I'm used to the bigger cats." "Oh." "Yeah." Mist laughed at the expression of shock on your face that you didn't even realize you had. And she sheepishly smiled, "Maybe I should have told you I had a brother." "No, no," you sighed, a fond smile on your lips, "It's fine. What would I have done with that information anyways?" Mist shrugged, and Ike slowly gets up and casually commented, "At least I have a name and a face to the wonderful and beautiful vet that my sister works with." There's a teasing smile on his lips and Mist is flushed pink and whined, "Ike!" "Oh?" you teased, "So I'm beautiful and wonderful, eh?" "Ike! Look what you did!" He ruffles her hair and Ranulf laughed, "Well, we must have taken up most of your time making you guys wait. So," he drawled the last word, glancing back at the siblings and then at Rolf, "Why don't you let us treat you to dinner, Ms. [L/N]?" "[F/N] is fine, but as nice as it sounds, I really don't want to burden you-" "You should totally come eat dinner with us!" Mist interrupted you, a bright smile on her face. She exchanged a weird glance with Ranulf and Rolf, and both nodded in agreement and you frowned, "What are you up to, Mist?" "Nothing!" Although you still didn't believe her, not with that look in her eyes. But she smiled, "Consider it a thank you for all the times you've made me lunch!" "What, [F/N]’s made you lunch?" Rolf asked, and Mist looked away, clearly embarrassed, and you laughed, "Alright, fine. I'm assuming we're going out for dinner? And I won't be subjected to Mist's attempt to cook again?" "[F/N]!" she whined, causing everyone else to laugh. But she can't help but be grateful that you said yes. Because she was definitely not letting this chance go. *** "That was a great dinner," you praised as you leaned back against the car seat. Mist nodded in agreement and leaned forward, "It really was." "Thanks for paying, Ike. I barely met you today and already you've helped me out again," you chuckled and he smiled, "Don't worry about it. With Mist around, I'm pretty sure we'll see each other more often." "What's that supposed to mean?" she asked, there's a clear whine of accusation in her voice, and you turn around to face her, "It means that you're a social butterfly." She rolled her eyes at you and snarked, "Like you aren't." "Uh-huh," you laughed, "If I was, I'm pretty sure I would have found out you two lived next to me a lot earlier." "Well, it's never too late now. But hey, [F/N]." "Hm?" "You should go check out the zoo where brother works at." "Mist," Ike's tone was laced with warning, but regardless, she continued, "Ike takes care of all the bigger cats, but the best part of it all is him and birds. They love him! Hawks, herons, owls-" "Mist, if you-" "So when he said that he was just cradling Rai, the sight was-" "Mist." She finally stops, but there's a smirk on her face when Ike glances at her through the rear view mirror and he sighed, "Sorry, Mist tends to... overexaggerate my job." "But working with predatory animals, now that is pretty cool," you commented, and smiled, "I think it'd be pretty neat to be able to see you do that." "Yeah?" "Mhm, any animals are cool to me. Of course, I do prefer the smaller, cuter, and cuddlier ones. But large animals of prey? And being able to handle some of them on hand? That's amazing, I'd love to see that," you laughed. You don't quite see it thanks to the darkness in the car, but there's a small smile on his face, and perhaps a tinge of a embarrassment.
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