#This can apply to Sagau though.
forgottennpc · 1 year
In Genshin Impact, thinking about vision. In lorewise, each vision holder can use their vision in specific way, as gameplay limits just to showcase each character's abilities. Like in the Manhwa, Kaeya can do something with his vision other than his canon (melted by diluc) ice bridge.
But thinking about lorewise, imagine having a Dendro vision and living alone, far from people and yet some mobs kept finding their place, so why not plant the plants from "Plants vs Zombies" there? Like, why not create peashooter and walnuts then tall nuts to protect your property while bonk choy(punching pechay?) boxing life out of enemy/ies?
Then zapping the treasure hoarder with lightning reed or maybe use it as unlimited source of electricity for your house, throw a cherry bomb to the enemy's base and became Klee 2.0—, I mean, arsonist.
And have a Chomper be a Venus-fly-trap-be-like-that-eats-humans (treasure hoarder, Fatui, eremites, etc)... maybe use their bodies as a plant food or something...
I don't know, but this ideas seems fun.
Oh yeah, this idea can also apply in SAGAU!
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whispereons · 1 year
Oracle!Reader Part 4
Masterlist - Part 1, Part 3, Part 5
TW: this has death, mentions of child abuse, and more heavy topics. Remember that SAGAU is (usually) a yandere au and yanderes are a warning by themselves. Plus SAGAU is a cult, that makes it 10x worse depending on how it is. You've been warned.
You wake up feeling refreshed for once. You managed to get a full sleep and when you felt your face, the mask was still there. As you get off the bed your foot touches the bag the clothes were brought in. Now with more clothing options, you take a shower ready to properly wash your body.
The shower attached to your room was small and clean. This wasn't earth so no shower or bathtub but what they had was the closest to it since the Kamisato's were rich. In fact, you would even say it's better than Earth. Were the water bills here as high as it is on Earth?
You soaked in the warm water as you scrubbed away the filth. From the dirt to the dried blood and the pus from the electric wounds. Your hands traced the faint scars that covered your body. Little nicks from knives to full-on stab wounds from a certain relative.
Some days they felt like battle scars. You looked at them proud of how far you've come, how much you've survived from. Other days or most days you should say, they felt like your failures were on display. Whether from lack of awareness or for failing to save him.
The thought of him still makes you sad even though it's been years since it happened. It seems being in another world in a whole new situation couldn't shake his influence from your life. You aren't completely sure if that's a good or bad thing.
You finish your bath and apply first-aid to the minor wounds. You were quite skilled in this area from years of practice. Looking through the bag with a critical eye you choose one of the new outfits. It's unlike anything on earth. Both in style and fabric. Actually that's probably cause you were never able to afford high-quality clothes like this.
In typical Genshin fashion, it was asymmetrical with many accessories. You left most of the accessories in the bag and only wore the body suit pieces with the shirt and pants. Your feet cried in relief with the new socks and shoes.
As you finish doing your hair, someone knocks on the door. You open it to see a servant handing you a tray of food.
"Good morning, I'm here to deliver your food and a message." You take the tray from them and listen.
"The weekly festival and ritual for the creator will be happening this afternoon. As such Lord Kamisato has requested that you leave for Ritou after it. 'An oracle should attend even if not publicly. Especially as it's the Kamisato Clan's turn this week.' That is what Lord Kamisato message says."
Fuck. A ritual and festival for you? That's just begging for your bad luck to bite you in the ass again. You can already see yourself accidentally meeting Ei there.
"Thoma will bring you there after lunch. If you have any more questions please don't hesitate to ask." The servant gives you a moment to voice any questions before leaving.
Everything you wanted to ask isn't something they could have answered so it was best to wait till Thoma picked you up. You set the tray down and begin eating, it seemed this day wasn't going to be any less hectic than yesterday.
You were stuck in the estate while waiting for Thoma to pick you up. You couldn't leave in fear of meeting an enemy and dying. You may be the creator and should be a god therefore immortal. But did you really want to test that? No. You've skimmed by death enough times to know it's painful.
Trying to be productive you thought back on when you first arrived on Seirai Island. Now that you have a good identity with the Kamisato's approval you need to worry about living difficulties.
How will you get mora? A job would be best but you need one that allows you to travel around. You couldn't risk getting attached to one place in case your identity is compromised. It also can't be stationed in Inazuma meaning Komaniya Express was out of the question. The Adventurers' Guild was the only option.
You could probably sign up sometime during the festival but that could be risky if Ei requests their records to search for you. If the opportunity arises then you'll sign up today, if not then you'll do it in Liyue.
Since you'll be traveling around then a home or apartment isn't necessary. You'll probably need some camping gear to sleep and cook. Thankfully your life on earth has already taught you what you do and don't need. Plus a weightless game bag with little to no limit is priceless.
Now the hardest part is how you'll deal with the enemies. You don't know how to wield a weapon outside of a pocket knife and you had no controllable elemental powers. (The anemo and geo that helped you yesterday did not count. You couldn't actively call upon them.)
Learning a weapon was hard. A brand new skill and you weren't even sure which would work best with you. No vision, delusion (not that you would ever use one), gnosis, or main character powers like the traveler. You were really in a tight position, would the Guild even hire you?
The moment you think that you almost laugh at yourself. If reckless Pallad who was so weak he couldn't run away from slimes. Clueless Lynn that couldn't find apples or sunsettias unless they were handed to her. And Tiantian who doesn't even know what the Adventurer's Guild does could all be hired, then so can you.
That doesn't fix the initial problem as they all stay in their nations while you'll be traveling. Hilichurls and other monsters' aggressiveness may have been exaggerated for the games sake. But that doesn't mean they aren't aggressive and can't attack you.
A series of knocks matching a melody are heard on the door. Were you really deep in thought for that long?
Opening the door, Thoma stands on the other side with a smile. "Y/N, are you ready to get going? The festival is going to start soon and my lord went early with my lady to prepare the ritual. I can show you around it while we wait for the main event."
His fast-paced speech showed off just how excited he was. It was a cute sight. Would this count as a date?
"Yeah, I'm ready to go. Everything I have is in my bag."
"Perfect then let's get going." Thoma takes your hand and leaves the estate with you. You begin the trek with Thoma when you remember your original questions about the ritual.
"So this must be pretty popular if it's done every week. In the message Ayato sent me, he said it was the Yashiro Commission's turn. Does that mean the other Commissions take the other weeks? Who does the last week?"
"The last week is a collaboration of the Tri-Comission with the Elctro Archon in charge. We take the first week, the second week is the Kanjou Commission, and the third week is the Tenryou Commission. It's courtesy for each commissioner to attend them all but the Electro Archon only attends hers."
So no accidentally running into Ei at the festival? Perfect but you'll still be on guard. Ei may be the biggest threat but you haven't forgotten the others. Ayato, Yae, and Heizou were the top people to avoid to keep your identity. You had no choice but to meet Ayato and even though it worked out, you didn't want a repeat of that.
"Then the last one must be the most exciting. Can you tell me more about what to expect?" Thoma helps you past the rocky path as you are halfway to Inazuma City. His grip is tight when you jump off a particularly steep ledge.
"When we get there the ritual won't start yet but the festival will be in full swing. You'll be free to walk around and look at the stalls. Food, drinks, games, merchandise of the creator, and even some small plays."
"Merchandise and plays?" It's weird thinking that you have official merch. Especially since no one knows that you are the face of said merchandise. You'll probably need to buy some to upkeep your oracle schtick.
"Yup! Merchandise can range from posters, clothing, plushies, and even decorative food. The scriptures say that the creator is especially fond of F/F." Wow, they even know your favorite food.
"Would they be selling the actual food at the festival too?" Please say yes. You've been dying to eat something from your world. Teyvat is great and you don't miss your old life but that doesn't mean you don't miss the things you used to have there.
"Of course they do! Everyone loves to experience what the creator loves to feel closer to them. As for the plays, they differ every so often. Sometimes it's the classic 'Creator making Teyvat' while sometimes it's something more farfetched like 'Creator using the traveler and acolytes for their will'."
You're not sure if your wish is arrogant but you kinda want to see one of these plays. Hopefully, if you have the time you can watch one before the festival ends. You can see Inazuma City coming closer and closer.
"Then what exactly is the ritual?"
Thoma smiles mischievously at your insistent question. "You'll just have to wait and see. Since the creator sees through you best, we wanted it to be a surprise."
Sighing you give up, it didn't really matter since you'll be seeing it in person. You climb the steps and finally look around as the surroundings slowly got more colorful. Banners of you with a gold cloak on are situated all around.
Awed you let Thoma lead you deeper into the city. Many stalls were set up with everything Thoma said. The people were no longer NPCs with similar models and nearly identical clothes. Instead, people of all types were chatting as they walked the streets. Colorful kimonos, yukatas, and what were those called? Happi? Either way, the sheer variety and amount of people stunned you. The 'crowds' in Genshin always looked lackluster so this was a wonderful surprise.
All around you could hear everyone speaking about someone. About you.
"What a beautiful work of art. I'm sure the creator would be pleased if I hung this up in my house."
"The perfect figurine of the creator. I'm sure this shows only a fraction of their perfection."
"Mommy, can I please see the play? Mr. Sorahiko promised to do the play about the creator and the archons. It's my favorite one!"
"Yet again I had enough rent and a free day to attend the first ritual of the month. Our beloved creator always looks out for us."
Man, you weren't sure how they would react if they knew you were the creator. In fact would you even still be the same if you lived a year or two as the creator? You're most likely to get a savior or god complex judging by how they talk about you.
Thoma smiles at the sight of your excitement. The way your eyes never stop on one place for too long. Your fidgeting as if you can't wait to be freed and explore. He had made sure to have this time off to spend it with you. He wanted to spend as much time with you until you left.
"Y/N, I'll show you the best spots and places. Trust me when I say that-"
"THOMA!" Thoma is cut off by the yell of his name. The way his eyelids drop and his lips scowl for a second show his annoyance. Was this person super annoying or something?
It's an old man with balding white hair and a slightly hunched back. He's behind the counter of Shimura's restaurant. He must be the owner, Shimura Kanbei.
"Thoma get over here! I need to speak with you!" Yeah, you can definitely understand Thoma's annoyance now. From what you can remember Shimura only ever bitched about Uyuu restaurant. But he was also a samurai so maybe that's why he's so rowdy?
Thoma smiles apologetically at you and says, "Just give me a minute please." You nod and watch Thoma go to Shimura. They talk and Thoma seems very insistent on something while Shimura keeps refusing. Seems Thoma lost the argument by the way he walks back to you with a disappointed expression.
"I'm sorry Y/N, I won't be able to spend time with you like I wanted. I owe Mr. Shimura a favor and he wants to cash it in now. I tried to convince him to let me repay it another time but it seems he needs it now. Again I'm really sorry Y/N."
Thoma's head was hanging and his eyes were closed with resignation. It was like looking at a sad puppy who was being punished for breaking his toy. You can't resist reaching over to pat his hair.
His eyes shoot open in confusion but he doesn't move away. He only stares at you with an unreadable expression and an embarrassed flush. You can't help but laugh a little and move your hand away after getting your fill of patting him.
"Sorry if that was sudden. You just looked really cute, like a puppy. You don't have to apologize for doing your job Mr. Fixer. This isn't the last time we'll see each other so go ahead and help the old man."
He looks away with a smile when you call him cute. He enjoys the way his face feels hot when you are around. The feeling of your hand on his hair was surprising but very nice. He wished you left it there a little longer. Maybe even forever.
"Thank you Y/N, I'll finish this up quickly and then join you! But before I forget, here, this is for you from my lord and lady." Thoma takes out a thick pouch and hands it to you.
The clinking, weight, and shape of the pouch give it away immediately. You open it a little to see loads of mora inside it. You could kiss Ayato, Ayaka and Thoma. You were no longer broke! Eagerly you put it into your bag for safekeeping.
"Use the money for whatever you wish. It's a present from them."
'I'll be sure to thank them when I see them. And thank you too Thoma for delivering it and escorting me here. Now go finish helping Shimura, we can hang out afterward."
Thoma smiles and jogs back to Shimura. You wave goodbye before strolling down the street. Once you get to a less crowded area you sit down and open your bag.
The game screen pops up and although the pouch is no longer there, your mora has gone way up. Instead of 108 mora, it's now 150, 108 mora. Knowing someone else gave you this money purely for whatever you want is really nice... Is this how Zhongli feels whenever Hu Tao and Childe pay for him?
Well, you won't be using most of this money, an oracle that wishes to stay hidden should live a frugal lifestyle. Plus you never know when you'll need to pay someone off to keep your face hidden. Even still spending some of the money now to enjoy this festival wouldn't be that bad. Right?
With renewed enthusiasm, you set off to explore the stalls. You make sure to keep your eyes peeled for any signs of Yae or Heizou. But it's all smooth sailing.
You get to a stall selling F/F and buy one. The taste is wonderful even though it's not exactly the same as the one you used to eat on Earth. Spotting a different stall selling Tricolor Dango, you get closer.
There's a little sign that says. "Tricolor Dango Creator Edition! Limited Sale!" It seems even here merchants won't lose a chance to make mora. The Dango is blue, gold, and purple colored. Curious you buy one and try it.
It's actually really good and it felt slightly nostalgic. Looking at the second one you bought, you stare at it trying to recall where you've seen the colors before.
It hits you that it's the same colors of the Fates you wish for in Genshin. Blue for the 3 stars, purple for the 4 stars, and gold for the 5 stars. They sold this as the 'Creator Edition' does that mean they can see your wishes?
A loud sound interrupts your train of thought. You and a few other bystanders look over to see Gorou looking distraught at his Tricolor Dango on the floor. A knocked-down stack of boxes on the ground and oh boy, Yae Miko standing right with him.
You can't hear what Yae is saying to Gorou as he fixes the boxes. But you can see the very uncomfortable look on Gorou's face as she circles him. You want to leave, Yae is not someone you want to get the attention of.
Steeling yourself to turn around and walk away, you try to look away. Yet you can't stop looking at just how badly Gorou wants to escape her. It bothers you to no end. You glance at the Tricolor Dango he dropped. It's the same creator edition dango you bought.
You groan and start walking over to them. This was so stupid, you were so stupid. Reckless, dumb, softhearted and-
You continue to beat yourself up as you confidently walk over to them. Yae looks at you with slight confusion as you sling an arm around Gorou's shoulder. The look on his face is hilarious.
"Hey, Gorou! Good to see you came back to Narukami Island so soon. I know you came back for your gig at the Yae Publishing House but I never even got to see you. C'mon, let's hang out while we have the chance. Oh, and you must be the Yae Miko right? A pleasure to meet you, I hope you don't mind me stealing him. Thank you, goodbye~"
You drag out the last syllable as you simultaneously drag Gorou away. Yae doesn't follow you to your relief and Gorou simply lets you pull him away. Once you're far enough away you let go of his shoulder and take a step away.
"So uh about what I said. You know what let me just be honest. I'm the creator's oracle and that's how I knew all that personal information about you. You just looked super uncomfortable around Yae that I couldn't walk away." Rubbing the back of your neck you look at Gorou sheepishly.
"Wow, that's uh a lot to process at once but let me thank you first. I was really uncomfortable. She isn't some horrible person but I'm not the best at countering her teasing attacks. Thanks for helping me retreat from that situation." Yeah, you did it at the cost of your own safety.
Even still the way his tail wags a little as he speaks and his ears twitch makes you want to reach out and pet them. Now that you can properly look at him, it was incredible to see actual animal ears on a person. You try to tamper down your excitement but it's a little hard since they move so often.
That's also when you notice the way Gorou is staring at your dango. His poor dango was left on the floor and he does have a big sweet tooth. Ah it's just one dango, you can get more dango later. You hold your dango out to him with a smile.
"I'm pretty sure Yae startled you making you drop your dango. You can have mine, it's the same limited creator edition." Gorou seems a bit bashful at his obvious desire but takes it from you gratefully.
"Thank you again. Even though you know my name I would still like to properly introduce myself. I'm General Gorou of the Watatsumi Island resistance. Even though the war is over, we still have official duties to maintain peace which is why I commute over here. What's your name?"
"My name is Y/N, as I told you earlier I'm the creator's oracle. As proof, I do have a fan given to me by the Yashiro commissioner." You take the fan out and it glistens in the sunlight. Gorou's eyes widen at the sight of it. Was it really that influential?
"I mean I already mostly believed you simply by the information you knew but to have Lord Kamisato's fan is impressive. It's an honor to meet you Y/N being the creator's oracle must be an envious position. That also explains why my body was weirdly okay with you pulling me along."
He really believed it just like that? Gorou isn't from Narukami yet he held the fan in such high regard. You mentally thank Ayato and have a feeling you'll be thanking him a lot more after this.
Gorou finishes the dango in record speed while you spot a stall selling creator merchandise. Gorou follows your eyes and stands next to you, his soft tail brushes against your skin. Man, you really want to pet him.
"Do you want to check out that stall together? I mainly came here for the festival and I already completed the work I had to do. It would be great to explore the festival with you."
You nod excitedly and tug at his wrist. "I don't remember much before I became the oracle so I want to explore everything! It wouldn't be embarrassing for the creator's oracle to buy some of their merch right?"
"Of course not! There is a lot of good things only available during the festival. And afterward, I can show you the best spot to see the ritual." Gorou lets you pull him to the stall full of creator accessories.
Really you just wanted something that would make you seem like a big fan of the creator. Nothing super stalkerish level but noticeable to those who are cultish, like the acolytes.
You look around at the items on the stall with Gorou. Nothing catches your eye until you spot a bracelet. The design is what really drew your attention.
The bracelet was gold with Intertwined Fates and Acquaint Fates as charms. It's incrediably beautiful but also worrying. How did they know this symbol when it's only in the Wish system and Paimon's Bargains?
Right when you're about to ask the vendor, Gorou looks at it and says, "Oh, I recognize those, pretty aren't they? It's written in the scriptures that when the creator is close to coming back they will use stars with fate's design to input their will into their chosen acolytes. I'm lucky to be one of them."
So that's how they know. Quite clever how they input the word fate into it hinting at the name intertwined fate. Or was it the other way around?
"Such rich history. I may be knowledgeable in some areas concerning the creator but in others, such as the history, I'm lacking. I hope by traveling around Teyvat I can grow closer to the creator."
"Don't say that Y/N! You are like a signal officer for the creator, hold that position with pride. No one expects you to be perfect right away. I don't know you very well but I can already see how hard-working you are."
Well, he wasn't wrong. Making up a whole new identity in a new world is hard work. But you decided not to buy the jewelry or anything else. Who knows what kind of act you may need to use later on? Expensive jewelry like that could hinder you more than anything.
"Thanks Gorou, I'll do my best to live up to the title of oracle. But enough about that, let's continue exploring. In fact, do you smell that? I can basically taste all the food they have here."
Gorou perks up at your words and points toward another stall.
"Do you like sweet food? I know all the best ones here. Even if you don't we can start there with the dango milk, it's a good warm-up for the other treats!"
You follow Gorou to the stall and order your own dango milk. Thick, sweet, and a weird texture? You can see why Ei likes it but you can also understand why Wanderer hates it. In fact, knowing that Ei loves this is ruining the taste.
"Are you okay Y/N? You don't seem to enjoy it. If you don't that's okay, not everyone likes it."
"I'm fine but yeah I don't really like it. Maybe because it's too filing." You chuckle weakly. You were enjoying yourself so much that the thought of Ei really ruined your mood.
Gorou glances around before gently holding your wrist and leading you to an empty bench. He makes you sit down before giving a 'wait here' gesture and leaving. You look at his retreating form in confusion and simply sit there.
You didn't do a good job hiding your emotions just then but his actions were still confusing. Wouldn't someone normally just say encouraging things and leave it there? You just met him today after all.
While you were still wrapping your head around his actions, Gorou comes back holding a box. He sits next to you and opens the box while speaking.
"I'm in no position to make you talk or vent your frustrations to me but I'm a firm believer in speaking your mind. Muzzling up all your thoughts never helps anyone. I may not have the perfect advice or any advice but I'm a good listener. But if none of those things interest you then you can eat this box of sweets with me."
He opens the box showing it full of taiyaki, sakura mochi, sweet shrimp sushi, and berry mizu manjuu. The way he holds it in his lap while offering it to you is like some teenager confessing. Especially with how his ears flatten on his head with his tail wagging slowly.
You can't help but feel thankful that out of everyone that you accidentally slipped up in front of, it was Gorou. Not only because he was a good person, but because he was the type of person to not overlook someone else's problems. At least that was the impression you got from him when he chose the books that would help Watasumi Island in that one event.
You smile shyly and grab one of the fish-shaped Taiyaki. The jam is sticky and sweet mixing with the crunchiness of the shell well.
"Well, I can't say too much about it but you're right that speaking a little will probably help me." You take a deep breath before retelling what happened with Ei. Of course, you used metaphors, alias, and even more tricks to hide the real story while getting the main conflict across.
As you speak, your emotions bleed through. You take angry bites of your treats leaving little crumbs on the corner of your mouth. Gorou is intently listening and nodding along the whole time. Absentmindedly he reaches out and brushes away the crumbs.
Both of you freeze once the action is done. You pull away with a slight blush and Gorou yanks his hand back as his tail wags rapidly.
"I'm so sorry! I was so caught up listening to you that I did that automatically." His face is starting to get redder and redder with each word. He buries his face into his hands in embarrassment.
You grin devilishly at the opportunity that luck has presented you with. You weren't Yae but a chance is a chance. You would be a fool to give it up.
"I understand and don't worry I'm not bothered by it. Just a bit surprised. But it's a bit unfair isn't it?"
"What do you mean?" Gorou looks up from his hands as he feels a chill go down his spine.
"Well you got to touch me, shouldn't I get to touch you as payback?" Gorou's ears go straight up and his face all the way to his neck goes red.
"I'm talking about your ears of course! Your animal features are most similar to a Shiba Inu right? I would love to pet your ears." You can't tell if Gorou is relieved or disappointed by how he sighs.
"Y-Yeah, I guess I can allow that. Is it really that tempting?" He moves to sit by your side rather than in front of you. Now with him almost pressed against your side you pet his ears. Almost immediately he whimpers at your touch.
"Please. Please ignore the sounds, I can't exactly stop them." He basically begs you. With a small laugh, you decide to go easy on him and not comment on it. Instead, you focus on how his soft ears twitch under your hand.
As you continue quietly petting him, he seems to relax further into you. Before long the almost empty box of sweets is beside you with Gorou's head on your lap.
Was he sniffing you?… Should you take it as a compliment or as something creepy? Well it's normal for dogs to smell people and you weren't being any better petting him like this. So maybe you're both weird and it's best to ignore it.
His eyes are closed with his cheek laying on your lap. His tail wags rapidly thumping against the wood of the bench. He mumbles sounds of contentment with whimpering mixed in. It's an incredibly cute sight. To the point where perhaps everything you went through was worth it for this moment.
You sneakily pet his tail, to which his tail responds eagerly by wagging harder. Gorou is seriously lucky nobody is around to witness this. It's ironic how just like you helped him from Yae, he helped you deal with Ei. It makes you feel a certain sense of kinship with him. Even if yours was significantly more dangerous.
"Y/N, there you are!" You jump at the sudden yell of your name and Gorou immediately sits up straight. Gorou whips his head around a bit dazed trying to find the source of the noise.
"I'm sorry it took so long, where were you anyway? The ritual is about to start." Thoma jogs closer to you and Gorou- did Gorou just growl at him?
You stare at Gorou in slight disbelief, maybe he was still out of it from sleeping? Yet Thoma seemed to respond in kind by grabbing your hand and pulling you up onto your feet, away from Gorou.
"You were hanging out with Gorou? Makes sense as he tends to come over a lot for the festival and work."
Thoma's words may be friendly but the way he was staring at Gorou told a whole different story. Gorou stands up from the bench too with his ears straight up in alert. Gorou stares at him with a barely concealed growl while Thoma smiles with gritted teeth.
Holy shit, they were never this hostile before. Well, they never interacted or had any voice lines with each other but they are both just friendly people in general. Why the hell are they even fighting? You know what the cause doesn't matter anymore. You don't need this kind of attention coming towards your area.
"Alright hold it you two." You yank your hand out of Thoma's and stand between them. Giving them both cautious glances you try to clear up the situation.
"I and Gorou were just enjoying the festival since we ran into each other at a dango stall. He dozed off right when Thoma yelled my name. The growl wasn't intentional. And Gorou I'm sure Thoma was just worried due to the growl."
They both seem to want to say something but they shut up at the look you give them.
"You guys aren't angry are you? I mean we should be enjoying the festival for the creator especially since the ritual is about to begin."
"No, I'm not angry. I was just a bit startled by the sudden hostility." Thoma says trying to hold back his frustration. You raise an eyebrow at that seeing clearly what he was trying to hide.
"I agree with Thoma. It was a bit offensive that he believed I would hurt someone outside of battle but I'm guessing that he was just worried about you." The look they give each other once Gorou is finished tells their true feelings.
"Alright since neither of you are mad at the other, why don't you shake on it?" Were you just fucking with them? Yeah, but if they were going to tell stupid lies then you'll make them do stupid things. You still didn't fully understand why they were so mad at each other.
Nonetheless, they both robotically reach out and shake hands. You can easily tell how they are tightening their grip to bruise and intimidate each other. Thoma may have the height but Gorou is a general for a reason. They let go at a draw.
This was going to be fun. Smiling you link arms with them and start walking to the main area of the city.
"With that out of the way, we should head to the ritual. We need to get good spots to watch it after all. I still don't even know what the ritual is."
The atmosphere relaxes for a minute as both men admire the sight of you. Your strength and willpower to keep plowing forward with both of them in tow despite their spat. They give each other a dirty look behind your back before walking in step with you.
"We should go to the left side Y/N, you did say we could hang out once I was done helping Mr. Shimura."
"The right side is better. I did promise to show you all the best spots."
And here they go again. By the time you get to the main area where a crowd was slowly forming, you were ready to sit in the first spot and ignore them both.
Like an angel from heaven Ayaka strolls to your group with her practiced perfect smile.
"Y/N, are you enjoying the festivities? The ritual is about to start and I'll need to bring Thoma with me to help out behind the scenes."
You release Gorou and Thoma as Ayaka gets closer to you. You've never been so happy to see her before. Still aware of the people watching you only hover near her.
"It's been a lot of fun, everything looks beautiful. I'm going to get a good spot for the ritual thanks to Thoma and Gorou. But of course, I understand that you need to take Thoma. I'm excited to see what you and Lord Kamisato have prepared."
"I'm just as excited to see your reaction Y/N." Thoma walks over to Ayaka as cheerful as ever but you can clearly see the way his shoulder sag. You wave goodbye to them both and Gorou has a smug smile. The minute he sees you looking, his smile softens to something kinder.
"Alright Gorou, lead the way." You still didn't fully understand what's making them so hostile but honestly, it didn't really matter. They weren't hostile to you and you were leaving today anyway.
"It's just up these stairs, and-" Gorou's words are drowned out by an overwhelming sense of something watching you. More like someone you realize as the sight of pink fox ears flickers in the corner of your vision. Seems like Yae has decided to watch you or Gorou, maybe even both.
You sit down with Gorou and pay extra attention to manage your expressions. The last thing you want to do is slip up again. A huge crowd formed near the stage, it looked suffocating to be there. Thankfully the spot Gorou brought you to was still close but high enough that you weren't being trampled.
On the stage is a statue of yourself. The statue is holding the Inazuma symbol in its hands as if displaying it. This statue is made of stone instead of wood like the one in your temple. The clothing and hair were made of Obsidian while you were made of Jadeite. The most notable detail was how gold lines seem to follow your veins in the statue.
Was that some sort of reference to the story of the creator bleeding gold? From what you remember reading in the room in the Kamisato estate, the scriptures said "The creator's blood is like flowing gold. Sacred and holy. Never should it have to be shed, and if so, may the offender pay for bleaching their golden blood."
You sure as hell bleed red so it's most likely that it's metaphorical rather than literal. But how many people in Teyvat see it that way? You had a feeling everyone took that chapter literally instead.
Ayaka goes up on stage holding a box while other servants that you recognize from the estate follow her holding more boxes. She gives her box to someone else to hold before going to all the other boxes and taking out the contents.
Gold, jewels, jewelry, fabric, and bottles of something presumably fancy are laid at the feet of your statue. Two servants place incense at either side of you before Ayaka lights them. The smell is refreshing and vaguely reminds you of cinnamon.
Your body seems to relax automatically but you keep it still since Yae may still be looking. Just as you're about to comment on the smell, Gorou speaks up.
"I've always wondered what it smells like." What? Gorou who has a great sense of smell can't smell it? You look around to see nobody else reacting to the smell.
Quietly you ask, "What do you mean by that? I thought we were just too far away to smell it."
"The incense used for rituals is special. It's specifically made with elemental power. Its concentration to make the sticks is so fine-tuned that only the creator and archons can smell the true scent. Everyone else smells nothing or a indescribable smell."
Well bullet dodged, you almost got caught there. By claiming to smell something, you would have drawn way too much attention for something that couldn't prove you well enough. You nod quietly and look back to the ritual.
Ayaka had now opened the box she was carrying showing two elemental decorations. It made sense that it's the highest prized offering since the Kamisato Clan deals with elemental energy the most.
She places a beautiful Sakura made of ice near one incense and a crystalline Camelia near the other. They were both truly beautiful, you would have loved to take them with you.
Ayato strolls to the front from who knows where and kneels at the statue. Never did you think that you would see Ayato kneel and clasp his hands in prayer at a statue of yourself. Yet everyone takes his lead and kneels down. The moment you see Gorou kneel is when you follow along.
Ayato's voice rings out over the dead-silent area.
"We offer these humble gifts to the creator. Our one and only maker that sacrificed themself for their creations. From every pebble to all the blood that exists in Teyvat. They all belong to you. We will continue to worship and offer to you as long as we still have the oxygen to do so. Let your title be our dying last words as you take us from this world into your loving eternity."
Damn, if you forgot that basically all of Teyvat was a cult, you sure as hell remember now. Just yesterday you were joking and play fighting with Ayato and now he was praying to you to basically make sure that he dies thinking of you. At least you knew that your worries about him killing you weren't unfounded.
You hold back the sigh of relief when Ayato says 'Amen' and everyone stands back up. Thoma opens the gate to your statue as the rest of Kamisato Clan leave the small space. People form a line to the statue holding offerings and boxes.
Old, young, men, women, and other species besides human all go up to your statue with gifts. They place them down and mutter a short word of thanks before moving for someone else. You look over at Gorou who's watching everyone with you.
"I didn't know what this ritual was so I have nothing to offer this time. Do you have anything to offer?" Gorou smiles mysteriously at your question.
"Yes, but I already gave them my offering. Really, I and her excellency offered on behalf of Watatsumi Island but I still count it since I was the one who caught him. But you won't see him till the next part of the ritual."
Oh, was sacrificing the next part? It wouldn't be pleasant to see animals be sacrificed in your name but you could deal with that. You wonder what kind of animal Gorou caught.
"Well just let me know which one you caught." He nods and rests his head on your shoulder as the line finishes. You can still feel someone staring at you. It seems Yae still hasn't given up.
With everyone out of the area around your statue, the gate is closed and Thoma walks onto the stage pulling 3 people along. They're in chains and old ragged clothes. Cuts, bruises, and dried blood cover parts of their bodies. You hold your breath at the sight of them lined up.
Ayato walks to the front of the stage and Thoma forces all 3 people onto their knees.
"People of Inazuma, this week will be slightly different from the Yashiro's usual sacrifice. Instead of one, we have three prisoners with the highest amount and the worst crimes committed."
Ayato unsheathes his Amenoma Kageuchi, the sword you had maxed out for him. He points it at the first prisoner.
"This man was a samurai that used his status to kidnap, rape, and kill multiple children. For the lives and innocence of those children he will face capital punishment. May the creator carry out their will through his punishment."
Oh my god. Yes that man is horrible and if his punishment is execution then let it go through but in your name? No, no, you don't want that man's life on your consciousness. Ayato points at the second prisoner.
"This woman was caught by the Grand Narukami Shrine. Not only was she colluding with a foreign nation to start a war but she was also found poisoning the water supply in the Shrine. That resulted in many shrine maidens becoming permanently ill and even dying. It also damaged the Sacred Sakura, she will face capital punishment. May the creator carry out their will through her punishment."
Was he going to say that for all of them? How many people have been sacrificed in your name? You barely breathe in fear of choking and calling attention to yourself. Right before Ayato points at the third prisoner, Gorou points at them first.
"That man is the one I caught."
Such a simple sentence yet it made you so nauseous. Were you dumb or just in denial for wanting to believe earlier that he was talking about an animal?
"This man was caught on Watatsumi Island. He had been found planting multiple explosives near the crop and farms on their island. This would not only kill a good portion of their population but also ensure that they would starve in the upcoming winter. For the attempted murder of so many lives he will be charged with capital punishment. May the creator carry out their will through his punishment."
The prisoners keep quiet with their heads down. Were they feeling guilty, resigned or apathetic? Doesn't matter, for what they did they deserve capital punishment but not under your name. They were still living beings that should rot rather than be killed for a god that didn't even ask for it.
"After hearing the crimes of these individuals. What punishment will we carry out in the creator's and victims names?" Ayato's voice booms and the public responds in kind.
At first it was a jumble of yells for certain executions. Seeing all these people including children yelling out for punishment in your name left bile in your mouth. You weren't about to say that all life was precious and that killing them in general was wrong but you were selfish.
The main reason you were so against it was due to your own conscious. Because this whole scene is confirming something you never wanted to believe. Something you struggled to accept or deny.
The masses seemed to reach an agreement and Ayato announced to everyone.
"The samurai will be forced to commit seppuku, the shrine maiden will be beheaded and the arsonist will be burned at the stake."
The stage is a blur of movement as the crowd cheered. The roaring applause and yells of excitement made you dizzy. You watch in a daze yet hyperaware of everything.
It starts with the child abuser, Ayato forces the man's hands around what looks like the man's sword. Ayato forces him to stab himself in the stomach. Its dragged from right to left. The blood sticks to the sword as Ayato pulls it out, the sight is disgustingly familiar. The samuri has his hands handcuffed behind him as he is left to bleed out to death in front of everyone. You aren't quite sure but by the way his mouth is moving, he seems to be screaming in pain.
The guillotine must have been set up while you were watching the samurai. Ayaka forces the bound woman to her knees and closes the top trapping her head. The shrine maiden is muttering judging by her mouth movement. Ayaka raises her sword and at that moment, the shrine maiden yells above the noise.
"Oh, beloved creator! Take me into your sweet embrace and show them all the truth of this world! Just as I have done everything for you, please-"
Her words are cut off as her head rolls. Ayaka stands there with a bloody blade and a frosty glare. The woman's head is stuck in a pleading expression and tears drying on her face. Your hands slowly grow paler with every second. The sound of desperate pleading brings your attention to the arsonist.
The man is already tied to the stake with wood at the bottom of it. Thoma's vision lights up but instead of hitting the man with his fire, he simply lights the wood on fire. The fire licks the thrashing man's feet and grows up the stake.
You can't stop staring at the two men slowly dying. In seppuku someone is supposed to cut the head off but no one will do it. And usually with burning executions they add more wood and fire to hurry up the process yet no one is adding anything. These two men are rightfully suffering for their crimes but you can't help but feel isolated as the crowd cheers for the men being publicly tortured.
In your name, in your name. Their deaths are on your hands. Those lives were taken due to you. You already had someone else's life on your hands, how could you handle any more?
A soft touch on your shoulder makes you look toward the source. When did he even move his head off your shoulder? Gorou is looking at you with worry evident on his face.
"Are you okay Y/N?"
More than anything you want to say no. You want to hide away and forget the deaths you just witnessed. More than anything you want to cry and not worry about the consequences. But things like that are too good for you.
You are sure of it now. Your identity must be hidden forever. The minute anyone finds out your true identity is when you'll suffer a worse death than those prisoners. Your brain and body seem to finally catch up with reality. You give a sad smile to Gorou.
"This is something completely new to me. Truthfully I'm just confused about how to feel about all this. But the creator's feelings are echoing clearly. They are thankful and very happy to see how devoted Inazuma and its residents are but... At the same time, they can't help but feel sad too. Innocent people suffered and even though those criminals are getting their due punishment, they still feel love for them. Because all of Teyvat and its beings are their beloved creations."
Gorou nods his head in understanding before asking.
"But what about you? This must be pretty intense for you as it's your first time."
Gorou really was kind, he's still worried about you. It's too risky to ever open up like you did before but you still need to maintain a close relationship with him.
"You're right, I think I need to step away for a little while. The creator's feelings mixed in with mine are creating a mess." Gorou nods in understanding before holding your hand and leading you away. Your skin pricks at the feeling of being watched so intensely.
Your mind is running a mile a minute to categorize everything you've learned. To think of a plan on what you'll do when you get to Liyue. Yet every time you go into the deep crevices of your mind with thoughts like 'Should I just live in the wilderness forever?' It's Gorou's hand that grounds you back to reality.
Reliable as ever you think to yourself as he sets you down on a bench near the Inazuma City entrance. It's funny how you are being taken care of by him twice in your first meeting. It seems even knowing how he gave a horrible man as a public sacrifice isn't enough to dissolve your love for him.
In fact your love for Ayato, Ayaka, and Thoma as people still existed in your heart. For years you had Genshin and it's people as your only source of safety and comfort. Despite your fear and desire to be away from Ei, you still wished that she would have some form of happiness too.
"Do you want to talk to me about it? If not then I can just sit with you until you're feeling better."
"It's fine Gorou, you should just go ahead and enjoy the rest of the ritual. That man you caught almost did irreplaceable damage to Watatsumi after all."
"You may be right but he's already suffering his due punishment. I'd rather help out my comrade than spit on the defeated enemy."
Gorou's words though encouraging will only lead to more trouble. Not only would you start becoming dependent on Gorou if you relayed your troubles in another metaphorical tale. But Yae's eyes are still watching you and it's quiet enough that her ears won't miss a sound.
Hmm, this plan might be risky but risk is necessary to trick Yae. You chew on your bottom lip while looking away from Gorou.
"I'm just a little sick. All the sugar and excitement wasn't the best combination for my stomach. Just let me have a breather and I'll be good to go. Go on ahead without me, I'll be fine."
Gorou is about to retort but a yell of "General Gorou!" cuts him off. A Watatsumi soldier stands closer to the main area waving their hands.
Gorou sighs and stands up with his tail drooping. He looks apologetically at you while you only smile nervously back.
"Don't worry about me Gorou. Just go ahead, I'll catch up later."
He nods and leaves. Once you're sure he's out of sight you slump against bench in relief. A matching sigh of relief leaves your lips as you tilt your head back and close your eyes.
"Well, aren't you a sneaky one?"
You hide your smile by rapidly sitting up straight almost hitting Yae who was behind you. Her teasing chuckle as you move to stand up and spin around to face her, lets you know that it was successful.
"No need to stand up little one. You're quite skittish for someone that managed to pull that cute doggy general away from me."
You duck your head and look away with a nervous chuckle.
"It's just that I was startled by you. I really mean no offense Ms. Yae." You finish speaking and can't stop your teeth from biting your inner cheek.
Yae smiles at your little tell as she places her hand over her mouth mockingly.
"Startled? By me? I believe you aren't being entirely truthful. But it's fine by me if you want to keep up your little lie. It's just that..."
Your eyebrows pinch in worry as she trails off. She stays silent as you begin fiddling with your hands.
"You'll have to be my precious 'friend' seeing as you stole Gorou from me earlier. At least for a little while."
You light up at her words and smile. Relief is clear in your face as you hold your hands together in front of you.
"Isn't that more of a good thing? I mean everyone says that you are very popular. I guess all the talk about kitsune biting was false!"
You immediately slap a hand over your mouth as Yae laughs at your words.
"Do we now? You must have heard such things from one of my editors."
Your cheeks take a light pink hue as she steps closer and peers down at you. Her gaze is piercing and you turn your head away slightly.
"I-I'm so sorry! Please don't eat me!" You speak with a pleading tone and your eyes screwed shut.
A little zap from her electro-fox hits your forehead making you look at her in confusion.
"I'm not going to eat you little one. My word, do I really have that fearsome of a reputation? That does make me wonder why a little lamb like you is wearing a gold kitsune mask if you are so scared of being eaten."
Time to see if you've built up enough credit for your trick to work. Your eyes wander around the area refusing to look her in the eyes. Your lips start to turn a little red from how harshly you're biting it.
"It was just pretty."
"Even though it's broken?"
"...it was cheaper that way." Your eyes are a little glossy from embarrassment. Your lips tremble as you stare sadly at the ground.
There was an awkward silence after you spoke. On the outside Yae isn't affected by your words but you caught the way her ear flickered for a moment. She's feeling a bit guilty.
Yae was arrogant and for good reason too. But it was also this arrogance that helped you get to the point where she won't ask about the mask anymore.
She can't help but feel the need to tease someone easily embarrassed like Gorou. By mimicking that flustered state with a dash of enthusiasm due to your first appearance being so energetic. You made yourself a perfect target for her to underestimate.
This paved the way for her to feel superior to you. That's why such an easily faked tell like biting your lip or really any area of your mouth worked so well. Made sense since most highly skilled people find the beginner tasks the hardest after they become masters. Something about being too used to harder things makes them either look too deep into simple things or overlook it completely.
You only could pull this act and not reveal your oracle due to Yae not feeling any bond. Ayaka didn't feel any bond or familiarity because you never pulled her. You didn't pull for Yae either and it seemed your theory is correct. Since she doesn't sense your divinity, she has no real interest in you besides your mask.
You can only hope that you managed to swindle her enough for her to lose interest in you completely. She wasn't heartless but she also had no problem leaving people to suffer unless it concerns someone she cares about.
The smell of burning flesh reaches the area and your act falters. You cough and wipe away a small tear. You peek at the fire that completely enveloped the arsonist and the black smoke rising. Your face grimaced at the sight of it. Was that samurai still bleeding to death?
Even from far away you can hear the people cheering as the stake falls down. You can imagine the way the burnt corpse crunches as it hits the ground. Was that shrine maiden head and body still there as it grows cold and stiff?
Yae tilts your head to look at her using her wand stick. The ribbons tickle your skin as you look up at her making sure to keep your eyes reminiscent of a doe.
"If you think your little act was enough to fool me then you're wrong." Shit, did she see through you at any point? No, it can't be. The only thing you let slip was your distaste.
"Stepping away from the ritual to avoid watching any more of the bloodshed is quite selfish. It's our job as the creator's subjects to dirty ourselves with blood in order to keep our creator pure." You recognize this from the book you translated to read. It spoke about the people of Inazuma only offering blades never used, therefore 'clean' to the archon. It seems it applies even more to you as the creator.
"Inazuma is filled with bloodshed, I suggest you learn to live with it. The Shogun fought numerous wars for this nation and even more for the creator."
You keep your mouth shut. As much as you would like to retort and speak against it. You really can't afford to bring any more attention to yourself. Your safety is on the line.
You keep a sad and guilty look on your face as you listen to her.
"Are you from Inazuma? It's honestly quite disappointing if you are, a resident not knowing Inazuma's history with the creator is a crying shame."
Shame bubbles up within you for not being able to speak your true thoughts but you use it to your advantage instead.
"I'm sorry... I just don't know how to read. I'm one of the residents forced out of Yashiori Island due to the war and tatarigami. I'm really sorry."
Another silence ensures and you don't even have to look at her to see the pitying look. It seems you were right about her feeling bad for those affected by the war. It was only a guess due to the counseling services she holds for samurai returning from war but it paid off.
"Don't look so pitiful like that, you're making me look like the bad guy. Nevertheless, ignorance is not an excuse to do wrong. I expect to see you stay for the whole ritual next time."
Yae only gives you a glance before leaving. You keep your head down as her footsteps slowly get quieter. You wait an extra second before slumping onto the bench and groaning.
This was exhausting, you couldn't wait to be on the boat to Liyue already. As you sat there trying to ignore the loud cheers from the main area thoughts of what Yae said kept trickling in.
It's the people's job to be dirty with blood for the creator? Bullshit. Even if some people were overzealous and wanted to sacrifice evil people, they shouldn't force other regular believers into it!
Just how many people were peer pressured into joining the cult's violent nature? If this whole creator religion started so long ago then what if those who refused to participate were turned into sacrifices? That would have forced people to join in fear of being killed.
After centuries or even millenniums of this pattern, this obsession and violence became normal and even expected behavior. As much as you enjoyed almost everyone's company, you could not afford to stay even a day longer. They may start expecting you to join in on stuff like this. You are no stranger to death and violence but Teyvat was supposed to be your chance to change. Not for you to find a new reason to inflict harm, especially for a religion about yourself.
Through the smoke and noise of everyone partying, you can smell the incense Ayaka lit earlier. Just a few minutes to relax you tell yourself. Bringing your knees to your chest to sit in a fetal position on the bench, you hide your head. You watch two cats play fight nearby as you think.
You just need a minute to decompress.
The beginning with Gorou wasn't the best but I think I got it to improve as the chapter went on. The real struggle was Yae. Personally I'm not that fond of her and writing her was hard. I hope all you Yae lovers weren't too offended, I really did do my research to keep her in character. This was actually half of a chapter but I really wanted to publish something. 10K words here instead of 15K like the other one is progress in my book. I'm trying to find a happy middle of 'long enough that it doesn't drop off' and 'not long enough that editing makes me cry'. Besides I wanna spread out the trauma I'm giving reader. Gotta save some for next chapter. All the comments and hearts are very appreciated!
Taglist: @vvyeislazzy, @nikqi, @the-dumber-scaramouche, @etherisy, @yourlocalstranger123, @ra404, @iruiji, @goldenglow149, @haru-tofuu, @lsleepysimpl, @bebobeboben, @yuyuzi-ling, @amidst-the-tempest, @resident-cryptid, @mxd1zzy, @mochicurls21, @nervouseaglelover, @thedevioussmirk, @yumuramma, @kwqsla, @undecidingfate, @ehjane, @game-savvy, @akiramirae, @sielt, @fluffy-koalala, @formacoon, @sxftiebee, @khxii-i, @ursinaw, @chuuya-brainrot, @sweetbills, @kazuchaos, @snowfoxnix, @bluebelony, @conspicuous-mayonnaise, @pencil-of-ashes, @ghostlyintervention If you are in italics that means I couldn't tag you! Usually you'll need to check your settings to fix that.
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alitheakorogane · 2 years
Freedom's Protection: A Blasphemy or The Truth?
Summary: Venti's outburst shocks everyone, making the people of Mondstadt question everything they knew about their Archon.
This is the third part of Mondstadt's storyline for the Reader Protection Squad SAGAU series.
Note: There are instances of grammatical errors, please bear with me. Also, the entire layout was now changed and I placed a title on them so I could not be confused while I write the next chapters. It's still the same story though.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3 (current), 4, 5, 6, 7
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"What if your dear Anemo Archon was also like them, an imposter who also steals someone's face?!"
Everyone couldn't believe what the young bard was saying, especially those who are very devoted to Lord Barbatos. The Anemo Archon is also an imposter?
Bennett and Fischl who accompanied him looked at Venti with surprised looks on their faces, while Razor was confused about what happened. On the other hand, you were shocked at what the bard did, even though you had expected him to do something stupid after Eula's harsh statement regarding imposters.
To be honest, you can understand why the usual happy and mischievous bard suddenly snaps out and break down at everyone. Eula's statement may be intended for you but it also applies to Venti's situation, and her scathing words hit the Anemo Archon on a personal level. You guessed that not everyone knows his real story, not even his very devout followers in his church, as you had remembered that only the Traveler was the one who had truly opened up about his real feelings of loss by telling his story about his bard friend in his story quest.
They didn't know who he really is... because all knowledge that the Mondstadters knew about their beloved Archon is from secondary sources, from the words of other people, and not really from Venti himself.
They never knew how hard is to pretend to be someone he really isn't. You know it wasn't his choice to rule a nation, since Andrius had stepped down from being a suitable candidate but Venti had tried his best to fulfill the wishes of his beloved friend before he had died: for Mondstadt to be free.
Mondstadters from the past to the present saw his Archon persona in rose-colored glasses, portraying him as regal, poised, and hardworking as his people (they were also overworked because they thought they can emulate Lord Barbatos' 'hardworking' work ethic) who value the concept of freedom over his domain, not knowing that their Archon is actually a happy-go-lucky troublemaker who has the heart of gold, who really likes apples and Dandelion Wine to the point of breaking the records for most shots a Mondstadter can drink in one go, or how he likes to annoy people with his songs and pranks when he feels like it.
You had sympathized with him, as you and he are similar in some aspects. You always force a bright smile on your face and feel optimistic, even though there are times that you feel like you wanted to give up on everything. You can crack jokes over your so-called friends, laugh at the corniest punchlines, and put up some masks on other people, saying to them that you're okay even though it really isn't.
There is a reason why you loved playing Genshin Impact, it's not because of the waifus or husbandos or you just want to have fun and spend over nothing, but it was an escape from your loneliness and the reality. You feel loved when the game greeted you on your birthday before anyone can and was given you a digital cake even though you know it was coded to be like that. You feel happy when your favorite character had come home and when you listened to their voice lines where they said something good about you.
You think that someone took pity on you and whisk you away to the beautiful continent of Teyvat, but it seems that there's a mistake. The moment you were spat at by the same characters you really loved, you feel like you were really unloved by anyone no matter what world you've been thrown in. You're not suicidal, but at that moment, the urge to throw yourself off the cliff and unto the waters of Cider Lake to drown was very strong.
So when you met Bennett, Razor, and Fischl for the first time and they had befriended you no matter what others say something bad about you, you feel happy that someone had accepted you the way you are, and you wanna cry with tears of joy.
And when Venti, the actual Anemo Archon of Mondstadt, came to your rescue, you feel like you were lucky that someone out there still appreciated your existence. You silently thank whoever is above that gives you some mercy over this forsaken world.
Meanwhile, Barbara Pegg, the lovely Deaconess of the Church of Favonius, couldn't help but ponder over what the bard had said. You had noticed how she was not as defensive as the other nuns present, but you just brushed it off as she was just in shock. You were unfortunately wrong about your assumptions, for you underestimated her just because you know from her game appearances that she was oblivious to her Archon being literally meters away from her.
She may be a devout follower of the Anemo Archon, but as a Gunnhildr, she had access to a certain diary of one of their ancestors living at the time of Decarabian, along with her older sister Jean.
She remembered a passage regarding a wind elf and his human friend who died in the rebellion, after her mother, Frederica, had let her read the family heirloom after Barbara joined the church as a Deaconess.
"The young leader had unfortunately passed away by a stray arrow to the heart, the winds took away his young life so early. We were devastated to see the one who had awakened our hearts and fought for freedom die in the rebellion against Lord Decarabian, but no one grieves more than the Elf, who was with him till the end. The Elf has done the unthinkable after they had ascended into a god by Celestia: they had taken the form of his human friend so he could see the free world under the eyes of the Elf, who was now under the name of Barbatos, the new Anemo Archon of Mondstadt."
Imagine Barbara's surprise when she found out about that, she had never read this information in any Mondstadt history books or tomes she had come across. She knew that her ancestor had been part of the first Mondstadt rebellion against Lord Decarabian, so she could assume that it was a legitimate source.
At the time, she can't believe that Lord Barbatos' current form seen in the statues isn't his, to begin with, for it was based on his human friend who had died in the first rebellion. Today, she had doubts about the issue, especially when the bard had brought it up.
"If that's the case, then it's true that Lord Barbatos is technically an imposter, just like how Mr. Bard had said," she thought to herself, "But how he known about that if that information isn't in the books I have ever read about our Archon? Did I miss a book?"
She looked at her older sister who was still standing with Diluc with a troubled look in her eyes like she was pondering about something. She ever wondered if Jean still remembered the contents of the diary or knew something about Venti. As far as she was concerned, Venti knew the Honorary Knight, Jean, and DIluc personally due to their involvement during the Stormterror crisis.
She knew that Venti can summon Dvalin, one of the Four Winds, when they went to the Golden Apple Archipelago months ago. He is also the only one she can't heal with her Hydro Vision, the first time since she had been blessed by the gods. He had an angelic voice and an exceptional talent for playing the lyre, which to be honest, Barbara was slightly jealous of. And he just recently appeared on Mondstadt, which was coincidentally the time when Dvalin, known as Stormterror that time, had attacked Mondstadt.
Who really is Venti anyway?
"Blasphemy!" One of the nuns screamed as her fellow comrades and citizens agreed with her, "Lord Barbatos isn't an imposter, you blasphemous child. How dare you speak to the Archon that way?!"
"History books had never told the Anemo Archon's whole story!" Venti continued as he lowered his bow down, his right arm wiping the stray tears on his cheeks. You wanted to comfort him, to hug him in your arms, but the situation was so tense that you prefer not to, for now.
"You just knew him because of those books and those spoken stories that always praise him! And in every single one of them, he was portrayed as a divinity who committed no mistakes and made some exceptional deeds just because he is an Archon. You may think that he is perfect, but news flash people, he's not! He's as flawed as any other mortal out there! He should have saved his dear friend if he was as perfect and powerful as you think he was!"
He was glaring at the people in front of him, his aqua-green eyes glowing in intensity, "You had never known that he was originally a wind wisp who had taken the form of a dead friend to honor a wish. He had never saved his dear friend... if only that blasted wind wisp was a second too early, his friend wouldn't have died in the rebellion! That friend of his was the one who started the peak of the rebellion, who had sang songs of freedom, and guess what, no one remembers his name or even his sacrificial deeds!"
Venti closed his eyes as he continued speaking, a look of nostalgia etched in his eyes as he stared at the skies above, "Freedom was given to all of you due to a sacrifice of a human who was now forgotten by history, but his face... his young face now lived on under the facade of Lord Barbatos. Without the bard's final wish, Lord Barbatos would never make freedom his ideal for Mondstadt..."
"...He would never have been the weakest among the Seven Archons if he had never fulfilled his dear friend's dying wish."
"And how would you know about that? Why would you try to defame Anemo Archon Barsibato just to manipulate our minds about the imposter?!" Rosaria harshly interrogated Venti who just spewed some blasphemous information about their Archon, her polearm pointed at the bard.
The nuns of the Church of Favonius had deadpan looks on their faces over Rosaria's mistake over Lord Barbatos' name, while the citizens who believed in the Archon glared at Venti for his statement.
To their surprise, the young Anemo user smiled at them, but they could guess that he was actually smirking. He chuckled as he bowed his head, bangs covering his beautiful eyes. It left people confused and scared, especially the Knights and the Church nuns. They had never seen this side of the bard who they have just known to be as mischievous and happy-go-lucky all the time.
You felt chills when you see his smirk, as you had an image of a young-looking boy with angelic wings who looked at the people with a menacing smile, the bow on his hands was stained in blood. You then realized that you had seen a glimpse of Venti in his Archon form, and it was possible that it was him in the Khaenri'ah disaster 500 years ago!
His Elegy of the End bow was still on his hand as he dared to respond with a playful tone at the young nun, staring at her with a coldness that could rival someone with a Cryo Vision, as if he was scolding a young misbehaving child, "You could say that I am more than just a mere drunkard bard, Miss Rosaria."
"After all, how could I ever spread blasphemous words about myself?"
Well, this is Part 3 of the Reader Protection Squad series of one-shots, where someone is trying to protect the Reader from being pelted down by the Divine Creator's obsessive acolytes.
This one was also cut into two parts, so there is a possible Part 4 regarding Venti helping you off. (sigh) I think I will do a full-blown fanfic if I kept this up. I also write the Reader's inner thoughts, based on my experience. I couldn't help but shed a tear when I wrote this part.
To those who are new to my story, in this series, Venti is part of your protection squad in this Imposter AU concept, one of the two Archons who are going to help you. He is usually the mischaracterized character in SAGAU fics, and I wanted to do justice to my boi's character.
I made Barbara more perceptive than she was on canon, because why not? I made her a book enthusiast, she likes to read books in her free time just like her older sister (if she is not busy with her idol work, practice, healing, and church duties). Her possible favorite books are about Lord Barbatos and his deeds to Mondstadt.
And here's Rosaria and her mishaps with Venti's Archon name...🤣
Taglist: @eimuros, @vvyeislazzy, @ansyistiredsstuff, @haru-tofuu, @coquettemaiden, @voidlesslove, @depressed-bitchy-demon, @yuukaaariyuuu, @g3n0dtt, @misswitchthewindborn, @lumpywolf, @c00kie-cat, @mulandi, @genshin-impacts-me, @bloop-booop
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self-awared · 4 months
The Casualty
SAGAU Imposter Au!
Part 1, Part 2 <— you are here
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When you entered the city of Liyue, your eyes landed on the glaze-lily sticking out of the ground. You walked over to it, bending over and picking the delicate flower, twirling the stem between your fingers.
The city of Liyue was a lot more beautiful than you remembered it to be. The city was full of people, lights shimmering around the city, children running around with kites. It was a gorgeous sight.
Exploring the city, you stopped at multiple shops, stopping at one where the smell of food wafted through the area.
A girl that looked like she was in her late teens or early adulthood took your order, her name being Xiangling.
Xiangling was so kind to you, getting your food ready in less than a minute, and laughing and giving you water when the spice was too much for you.
Continuing on your little exploration, you wanted to stop by a toy shop, when someone called out to you.
"Excuse me, Mx. It seems like you're bleeding through your bandages." A green haired male called out to you, eyeing your bandaged shoulder now stained with golden blood.
Your eyes widened at the man's words, and you quickly covered your shoulder with your shirt before anyone else could notice the abnormal blood.
"Please don't tell anyone-" Your voice was quiet, weary of this new face.
"We won't. Only if you allow me to replace your bandages, Your-"
"Don't call me that!" You quickly interrupted him before someone could overhear.
The man chuckled, nodding slightly. "I'm Baizhu, owner of the Bubu Pharmacy. Now please, come inside."
Reluctantly, you followed him into the little building, where he led you into a backroom and had you sit on the white table.
"What did you mean by 'we', earlier?" You asked quietly.
"he's talking about me." The talking snake slithered around Baizhu's neck, scaring you half to death.
"...you can talk?"
"Duh." The snake spoke with a hiss, earning a scolding from Baizhu.
Baizhu sighed, turning to you. "Can you take off your shirt please? I need to see how bad it is."
Baizhu seemed to be ignoring the fact that you were the actual creator, being hunted and sitting on his table as you reluctantly removed your shirt.
He began unwrapping the bandages, almost wincing when he saw the wound the arrow had left.
Carefully, the pharmacist applied disinfectant and alcohol to the wound, making you yelp from the sting.
Changsheng, the snake that had introduced herself a few moments ago, opened her mouth to make fun of you, but was quickly shut down by Baizhu.
After tending to your wound, he sent you off. You wanted to pay him in some way for his care, but he insisted it was okay. But, you wouldn't just accept that.
So, you left a little gift on the pharmacy's door. A rare herb that you could make from your elemental powers.
When you heard the familiar whisper of the wind, you thought it would be calm. No.
It was like a hurricane had brewed.
When you jerked your head around, you once again found yourself horrified to find a mob of people charging at you with angry yells.
Someone must have saw the golden stained bandages before Baizhu, and told everyone.
You ran wherever your legs would take you, refusing to give up even though your calves burned from exhaustion.
You looked behind you. Majority of people were gone, worn out from the chase and returning home, others were being mauled by wild animals and being attacked by hilichurls.
At least nature had your side.
Your took a rest against a tree near a lake, scooping some water into your hand and holding it to your lips, greedily gulping it down.
You didn't feel the eyes on you until you had re-energized yourself. Your eyes scavenged around the perimeter of the tree line, looking for your stalker.
Sighing as you were unable to find the owner of the eyes watching you, you took a few more gulps of water, before starting off again.
You ended up wandering to the bottom of Mount Aocang, gazing up at the tall mountain.
"Morax! Get down from there!" You screamed as you saw the tiny little dragon scaling the mountain to get you a flower.
"I'm getting Your Grace a flower!" The tiny dragon responded with an adorable tone, taking a step on a rock to get closer to the flower, and fell.
Instantly, you wrapped a vine around the young Morax, stopping him from falling with your elemental powers.
You sighed. "Let's not do that anymore, Xiǎolóng.
(Xiǎolóng translates to little dragon according to Google translate)
The memory of taking care of the little dragon filled your mind as you gazed up at the flowers hanging off the side of the mountain.
Almost as if on que, you heard the wind's panick.
You turned around, Morax floating in the air with several large spears at his side, aimed at you.
Dread filled your body.
"Imposter. You dare impersonate Their Grace?" Morax stated, observing your fear as he glared down at you.
You stumbled back, your back hitting the stone mountain. "Morax, w-wait! Please don't do this! I'm the real Creator! I swear!"
Your pleas fell on deaf ears as the spears rushed down at you. You did your best to avoid them, but it was impossible to avoid them all.
While dodging one of the spears, you tripped on a branch that wasn't there before. Just as you were about to scramble to your feet, the last spear came crashing down.
"...my Xiǎolóng..."
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This was very rushed and I had writers block while writing it, so sorry if it doesn't make sense! Part 3 should be out in a week.
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Hello hello!
So you know how you made a small series where Genshin characters get kissed on the face with hard to remove lipstick?
I was thinking, how would that situation play out with characters like Venti and Gorou? Both of them seem to have bad self-esteem.
Honestly. 10/10 good idea.
Genshin SAGAU x reader part 4
You know, when people degrade themselves, saying horrible things about themselves.
So you made a rule that when you hear EVEN ONE thing that includes something that degrades themselves, they will be punished personally by you.
It involves lipstick💄 so if you don't like wearing lipstick and being a ✨️bAdDiE✨️ then this ain't for you.
Warning: can you read long? Because this is pretty long.
Website: Danbooru. Artist: ? Homare (ghmr88)
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You were one hell of a bored God. Honestly, you kinda wanted to see him dressed as miss- *cough cough* Hina, you decided to blend in as a soldier and sneak in to see him. You may have brought an outfit for him to wear.
On the way, you tried to not chuckle when you saw some fans squealing in excitement to see Miss Hina. You were also bringing a handmade outfit you made so at least 'she' try it on before going to 'her' usual outfit.
Oh, how you were gonna tease those fluffy ears and tail of his. Don't forget about how pretty he looks in his outfit. You smile happily, strolling to his place.
Before you went to his place, you checked the time. Of course, you don't wanna be late! You don't wanna miss-...oh...You forgot. It starts tomorrow....ig the fans also forgot LOL but you can still see him in the outfit you made! And only for you to see ♥︎
You slowly peeked to see if he is sleeping. He did have a lot of work to do, so he should be asleep right now. And as expected. He is.
You swiftly and quietly sneaked past him to put a little note with the clothing in the box.
Dear Gorou or should I say, Miss Hina
When you wake up, I'll be waiting for you in the extra room. But before you do that, I do hope you wear the outfit! Make sure you are not caught, because this sight is for only me to see!
To gorou
From your dear creator ★
As you are about to leave, you heard Gorou sleep talk. He seems to be having a nightmare, you decided to go check it out.
"No, no! You can't die...please... I'm sorry, it's all my fault, please! Don't leave me...."
You slowly reached to his face, cupping his cheeks. He unconsciously snuggled into the warmth you gave. Slightly tugging your sleeve. You decided to let him rest and tried to let go but his grip was getting tighter, whimpering for you to stay. You gave in and went to bed with him.
You woke up to the feeling of a fluffy tail wrapping around your leg. You see Gorou looking down in embarrassment, whispering a sorry. You gave him an amused smile as you pet the fluffy ears.
You reminded him that he had to dress up as Miss Hina and go. He frowned but complied. He was about to go to the makeup drawer, you went there before he could get it and got a red lipstick.
He was heating up, you only kissed his lips. Surprisingly soft though.
"Now you don't have to worry, I already applied some lipstick to your lips! With yours Although..." You kissed the back of his neck. "Heh, good luck with getting rid of that one! *wink*" you ran away with a smirk before he could process. Of course, Yae Miku takes notice of his strange behavior. Even though the necklace covered it, she knew what was going on. Thanks to the smudge on the edge of his lips She is going to tease him so hard.
Bonus Scenario:
Gorou: I- is it getting hot in here or is it just m- me?
Reader: maybe it's because you're so hot dear~
*continues playing with his ears*
Gorou: *blushes harder*
Rumor has it, he is still malfunctioning to this moment.
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Website: Danbooru. Artist: tyo197snh
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First 2 pictures: website/app: Reddit.
Artist: MarQuaine
Last one: website: danbooru. Artist: einelitas
You wanted to go rest outside for a bit, it was a bit exhausting to give people blessings every day and just sit in one place. You went to wind rise. You liked the way the wind is so calming, but you felt something was out of place.
You ignored the feeling and continued strolling down to Wind rise. You stopped at the sound of a lyre playing, although it sounds calming, deep inside it has such sorrow. You knew it was Venti. You knew him well, although he doesn't express it. You felt the sadness, even as he is currently a drunk bard.
He hasn't noticed your presence since he was so drunk. He started to play the lyre again. He also sang a familiar song.
Fly, fly away.
Like a bird in the sky.
See the world on my behalf...
To the heavens may you fly...
As he finished, he sat down. Looking at the sky as the birds glide through with the wind. You decided to step up, you sat beside him. He looks at you smiling, laying his head on your shoulder. He fell asleep soon after, intertwining his hands with yours.
You felt tears on your shoulder, you moved your head to him. Kissing away the tears, gently letting him on your lap. You put your coat over him while humming a tune. Slowly singing the words.
[Could be any song. Even the genshin backround music in the login lol]
"Hello, my little windblume. Did you have a nice sleep?"
You greeted him with a smile. He snuggled onto your neck. Smiling at the nickname you gave him. If you looked closer, you could've seen light pink ears as he hides onto your neck. You had to go, although he saw lipstick in your pocket. He doesn't think much about it, until.....
Aether: hey, I just visited back here to see you painted yourself?
*venti in clear confusion.*
*grabs a mirror*
Venti:....i- HuuUuuUUHHh?!
Reader in the background: heh.
*aether tries to wipe it off*
Venti: woah, it's not necessary to wipe it off.
Aether: venti. Who walks around with lipstick everywhere on their face?
Venti: me.
Now there was a rumor going around that a bard was running in mondstadt with lipstick all over his face. Smiling so happily, while the traveler was chasing down him trying to wipe the lipstick off his face. Pouting as he struggled to get away from the traveler who is going to great lengths to get it off.
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App/website: Reddit. User: Hornyheracross
Another rumor venti didn't totally create was that creator was the one who put lipstick on him.
Adult version
Website: Deviantart Artist: Tiretsu
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App: Twitter. Artist: soleilrune
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Website: Deviantart. Artist: sayuuhiro
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App: Reddit/Twitter/insta User: Lapstle
(Idk anymore honestly)
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I couldn't find anymore
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isshua · 2 years
Spoilers for the new Windblume Event that’s happening right now
The fact that Cyno’s roleplaying through this entire fucking storyline while everyone else is already just kind of done with his shit but still playing along is so fucking funny to me. Immediately I started applying this to ideas for Imposter Sagau in which Cyno is one of the few people to recognize you as the Creator. Imagine he’s helping you hide from those in Sumeru who want you dead, maybe Tighnari, maybe the Akademiya, hell, perhaps even Dottore or Alhaitham or Dehya. His first instinct wouldn’t be to fight for you (though he will turn to that option immediately, if need be, this man would fight tooth and claw for you without hesitation). It wouldn’t be to run or hide, either. He’d fucking get you to roleplay as his new assistant or fellow soldier or something in an attempt to get people's eyes off of you.
Tighnari: “Cyno the imposter’s running loose in Sumeru and I have a sneaking suspicion that you are helping them.”
Cyno: “What makes you think that?”
Tighnari: “The person standing behind you is literally them, I can see their face and everything.”
Cyno: “No it isn’t, that’s my new assistant, a musician from Fontaine that specializes in playing a unique kind of ukulele and also knows how to tap dance and opera sing at the same time.”
Creator reader, disguised in some ridiculous outfit Cyno threw together at the last minute for them to wear, who has had to put up with this shit ever since they got to Sumeru: “I want to kill myself.”
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sagau-my-beloved · 2 years
Share the suggestive sagau content please, if your writing/creating it I know its good!
-Rapid anon
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You're all way too nice to me 😭
But I guess since I now have a general consensus I'm not gonna hold out, so warning it gets slightly more than suggestive a bit down the road, starts off pretty safe though
So I wasn't kidding that this concept, in one form or another, has been floating around in my head for like two years now
Obviously it didn't start out as sagau centered but it transitions so easily into that universe so I've expanded upon it
Basically the general structure is based off of how in sagau fics it's always kind of implied that the very land of Teyvat itself reflects the creators emotional/physical state
Like heavy storms/rain in imposter au where poor reader is getting hurt/killed by the characters, and the less seen counterpart where the day is just beautiful and perfect when reader is happy
Soooo, taking that, why don't we apply it to characters as well?
And by that I simply mean that the reader's emotions quite literally extend from themselves and can be felt lowkey by anybody close to them
So if the reader is happy then it's almost as if it's impossible to be anything else in their presence, happiness and bliss just permeates throughout the room lifting the spirits of anyone that comes in contact with
Then of course, if the reader is sad, every living thing near them suffers the same pain
It's also considered a universally good thing even if the reader is experiencing negative emotions, which are then also felt by other people in the general vicinity, because at least then all the acolytes know exactly what their beloved creator is feeling and the moment when they're feeling bad, it's not as if it can be hidden, which then allows them to jump right in and try fixing it
I headcanon that this sensation is obviously stronger the closer to the source, aka the creator, that a character is, the strongest of this sensation being felt when the character is physically touching the reader
I feel like there's just a very big variety of what you can do with this concept, like having usually sad/depressed characters finding relief in the creators presence, happy energetic characters instantly feeling waves of negative emotions and just booking it to where the creator is to calm them
You could even extend it further and have this happen in a less dramatic way with the creator statues, if the reader is still in their own world
Like it becomes a daily ritual to visit the creator statue to touch it and feel exactly what they're feeling, it's a sacred place of relief for tired fighters, stressed akademiya students, and sad acolytes who want nothing more than to just bask in the warmth of the divine creator, and if they're met with a negative emotion it's customary to leave an offering and a prayer for the creators wellbeing
Now, moving into the more suggestive aspect of it, and I'm sure you can see exactly where I'm going with this but—
All feelings are amplified for others near them, including pleasure and arousal
Sooo, just saying, there's a lot of potential for some fun drabbles where maybe a particular character quite literally gets addicted to the intense bliss felt from merely touching our dear reader
Or maybe something more like said character can get off on focusing solely on pleasing their creator and the effects of that (not as if they couldn't already, but now it's a bit more literal)
And, in a few things I've written, I've also extended this concept so that the previously mentioned euphoria gets so intense that it becomes something of a baseline, as in there's an actual feeling of pain or at least discomfort from being without it, cough character abandoning all dignity and begging to touch the creator cough
Taking the phrase "addicted to your touch" to a whole new level 😀👍
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citrus-seas · 2 years
Personal Sagau Intro
IMPORTANT NOTE: Much of this can be subject to change!!! I don’t really have this whole thing entirely planned out, so this is not a guarantee of what the series will be. This is written as of 10/24/22, and I have not started the first chapter yet. This intro drabble will not be updated, but I will instead make a new one if the changes are major.
I really need a better title for this series. It’s just... so bland. Anyway, this fic is extremely self indulgent, and not quite an x reader, although the player/owner of the account will be referred to as “you.” The reader is entirely based on my experience in the game, as this is based on my account. I will be changing a FEW things to make it more interesting, and also because it would be boring for me to just write everything that I’ve done in game. There will be no romance in the series since I have no plans of the reader/player actually descending to Teyvat as of now. This series is also COMPLETELY SFW with the occasional gore/violence, which will be tagged and warned about accordingly.
Quick side note: This will probably be poetic interludes from the perspective of a specific character. I don’t know if this is exactly what I’ll be doing, but let me know if you’re interested!
About the world: In this SAGAU, the characters worship the Creator as usual, with the player/reader not knowing about it. The characters are also aware they are somehow “chosen” to be vessels, with a heavenly meteor shower of gold/purple flying above them when chosen. POV will switch between controlled characters (kind of???) and the player/reader. The reader is completely gender-ambiguous and uses they/them pronouns. 
About the reader/creator/player: Just an average genshin enjoyer whose POV will not include major aspects from things not related to them playing genshin. They have no idea about the SAGAU concept, and sometimes simply talk to the characters for the fun of it (little do they know, their beloved characters can hear some of it). Their age is also ambiguous, but is from the age of 16-20.
About the characters: I will mostly be talking about the characters I have or understand the personality of well enough. Who these characters are? Here are some short drabbles about the main characters: 
NOTE: Some of these constellations are purposely inaccurate to what I have, so please tell me if I get some of their buffs from constellations wrong, since I don’t have any experience using them (same applies to characters I have more constellations of, and included a higher constellation feature then the one I stated they are.)
Jean (C0): The first five star you get, coming home at early pity on someone else’s banner (you’ll find out who soon ;) ). She is decently built, mostly as a healer and sub DPS. She used to be a fine main DPS, before being fazed out and replaced, only to be used as a slight buffer/healer in the spiral abyss. She holds a slight grudge against her successor, but she shoves the insecurities down into the depths of her heart. She could never be made at you, her beloved creator! She understands her place and tries to excel at what she does and in her assigned role.
Zhongli (C0): The second five star, coming home at soft pity on his banner. He is very poorly built and is only used for his shield and burst. He is completely dedicated to serving his role in the party, and takes it as a personal challenge to do his best with his bare-bones equipment. He feels as though you don’t build him better because you feel as if he can succeed without the extra help. Very proud, and often bores his fellow party members with his lengthy anecdotes, constant talk of osmantus wine, and occasional boasting about Their Grace’s confidence in his abilities without divine assistance.
Diluc (C1): Very well built, with his many five-star artifacts and R5 archaic. He feels blessed about coming home on both the standard and limited time banner of another (you certainly don’t feel that way). Although he is somber that he is no longer in parties as much, he feels a sense of relief that you still occasionally use him, and haven’t recycled his artifacts. Usually a main or sub DPS. He cares deeply about his fellow party members (which he can sometimes feel resentment towards because they are used more), except when a certain Calvary Captain is used. To his dismay, his damage is much lower, but still feels the need to surpass his “brother.” Do you pair them on teams together as a punishment, or because you truly want them to reconnect?
Damn this is getting long, so I’ll post a part 2 and 3 with the other major characters listed. Thank you for the support, and I’ll see you in the next post!
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hiraya-rawr · 3 years
Your new sagau was hilarious! The comments though— 🤣❤️
So... I have this idea I want to share about Aloy in sagau, like— Aloy just came from another world right? So I don't believe that she believes that the player is God, just someone like her. Or maybe since some players don't use her she doesn't not experience this "warmth" around our darling God, idk depends on the au.
Also, When I was researching about Aloy and the game she's in 'Horizon Zero Dawn'. I look up the fact that 1. She's born from the mountain cave, and the genetic clone of 21st century roboticist and engineer Dr. Elisabet Sobeck. So basically almost a synthetic human... Like albedo or Raiden Shogen. I can definitely see Albedo asking Aloy about herself and her world! :O
Number 2. She's born in the 31st century, post-apocalyptic in a world where humans live in scattered tribal-like groups with minimal technological access. I can definitely see player and Aloy talking about their world technology and how similar they are and it's nice to find somebody who understands what the heck they are saying.
"Car?.. Phones¿.. Tony Stark eyeglasses??, your grace, what are those???"
Aloy and player: 😕
Yeah, that is all. Sorry for the big rant.
- 😺 anon
Yes!! Aloy's existence in Teyvat is a bit strange.
Meeting her in SAGAU would definitely have its perks, especially if she came from the same world as ours. She's the best person to go to (next to Traveler) if MC ever feels lonely or homesick just because of your similar knowledge.
And Cars?? Phones??? Tony Stark???? 🤨 (As a Marvel fan, I just have to explain the concept of superheroes to them!!)
Moreover, you can brainstorm on inventions that can help Teyvat! (in Soft AU). I'm not sure how advanced Teyvat is but I think Fontaine and Sumeru would show us more technology.
I think Aloy would still apply with the warmth concept though since she's a person of Teyvat now. But she wouldn't worship you as much — it's more like, she just entered the religion to fit in? So i think it's good to be her friend if you want to get away from the cult.
Overall, Aloy is great for comfort and homesickness. Sorry for replying late I'm kind of tipsy and buried in college heheheheh
fun fact but Fischl was also sent to Honkai Impact as outworlder
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weirdsht · 3 years
ohh more fluffy SAGAU ideas!! picture this: picnics with the genshin characters while you hum a tune and weave them flowercrowns!!! birds are singing, the breeze is cool and everyone enjoys themselves with yummy snacks and flowercrowns on their heads
a/n: currently deciding if applying for uni is worth it or if i should just kms /j
This was all over the place sorry, but more fluff lezzgooooo
Warnings: fluff (let me know if there’s anything I should add here)
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
Any form of interaction toward the post is appreciated <333
If it was any other person this wouldn’t have happened, but it’s you, the one who has the whole of Teyvat wrapped around their finger. The whole outing started because you mentioned something about wanting to spend time with everyone and getting tired inside the teapot. Then Paimon being the food enthusiast she suggested having a picnic.
Traveller’s floating companions idea came into fruition and now almost every vision holder and archon is at Starsnatch cliff enjoying the foods laid out on the table they prepared.
You decided to host the picnic on top of the cliff but you’re not looking at that. Who needs the scenic view when what’s happening in front of you is much more amusing.
Everyone is trying their hardest to get along just for you. Of course this behavior was utilized by some menace, not gonna name any names but definitely the archon who likes to take their late friend's form, and made everyone’s life more difficult.
For a short time you thought about scolding them but you didn’t when you realized how lighter the atmosphere felt because of them. When the whole thing started the air was so tense. Most of them didn’t know how to act towards each other. Because of what a certain Archon and pixie did though now everyone’s attention is focused on them with intent of revenge. A small price to pay so everyone can enjoy themselves?
Aside from the chaos the drunk bard created, everything was peaceful and relaxing. Their deity is happy and content so the whole of Teyvat is also content. Birds are singing, trees are swaying slightly as if they’re dancing, and you’re just there sitting peacefully on the blanket weaving the flowers Klee and Qiqi got for you into a flower crown.
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i've been thinking about a sagau x monster prom crossover for DAYS
usually my brainworms give up by now but nooooooo
it's just nonstop so i'm gonna share some of it with you in hopes that it'll either go away or at least give someone some amusement
the main premise is god!reader being a member of the cast, not one of the main prospects but they show up a lot (or they are one of the options but, y'know, like the most difficult route bc the requirements need like a perfect run to meet & even then it's treated as a one off thing (you're devoted to your people/protecting this poor soul from them))
the entire cult was isekai'd and the others can make appearances, but you tend to try and avoid intervention bc you know this is a game and you don't know if it also counts as yours (either way you're pretty set as teyvat's god and you don't think they're willing to share, gotta protect the world, the coven would be proud)
i see the cast seeing you as kinda boring in the 'doesn't resort to violence, murder, or drugs and actually gives a damn about the less fortunate????' but also that puts you closer to the 'must protect' category with blobbert and scott
zoe is the only one who actually knows that you're mx god of gods and the two of you vibe on being more ancient and powerful than everyone else while usually being depicted as the more normal or harmless than the rest (aside from particular moments, like Zoe lashing out, but those are triggered by an outside source)
please feel free to troll the fuck out of leonard and maybe kill and revive him a few times can't be arrested if he's not dead
i feel like your secret ending would revolve around finding a way back home and like maybe creating a way to go back and forth so you can still spend time with the pc bc you gotta give them that satisfying ending (or maybe they come with idk it won't last)
fucking love imagining the various possible scenes where people find out you're not as harmless as you seem, maybe a full run of that could be a second secret ending
honestly really like the idea of god reader meeting damien's dads for some reason??? but like damien's my fave and i love him and his dads and their relationship so it's not surprising
the two of you can totally complain about your cults (yours is an "organized religion"? ok whatever) together and how over the top they can be, but you definitely count yourself lucky that yours is so much better (though i suppose they do get better in one of zoe's secret endings, you'd probably cameo there)
calculester would love you, finally one of his friends has a fucking MORAL COMPASS (the coven too)
let loose sometimes tho, you gotta keep up with the shenanigans
PLEASE punch the interdimensional prince in the face
also it'd be so cool to hang with valerie and you're not monster enough for the slayer to go after you so you and aaravi can hang too!
omg talking video game stuff with aaravi she'd be so interested in the artifacts and weapons from teyvat
you can hear the narrator btw & sometimes discuss with him how much you can do without messing up the game's progression (letting you build up a whole ass unofficial empire w/ your group behind the scenes, the advice on how to keep out of vera's sights and away from any in-game powers (the only real threats, let's be honest here) is op)
any time anyone says anything like "but that's impossible" you can just pipe in like "since when does logic apply to spooky high? just ask [player name]"
yes you say player name there :)
just it's so fun???
i'll leave most of it to your imagination but you could totally give cameos to your faves! like half the genshin cast (ok that's an exaggeration but shhh) can transform, just like, kffjsdjgkslk wisp venti or birb xiao chilling on your shoulder??? carrying around a fox yae??? idk how canon it is but ik a lot of people on here like talking about a smaller dragon zhongli and like just keep him on your shoulders it's perfect
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whispereons · 11 months
Oracle!Reader Part 20
Masterlist - Part 1, Part 19, Part 21
1K special
Warning! This is yandere, sagau imposter au so expect lots of gore in the series. This chapter is tame in comparison to the others.
The moon glimmers in the starlit sky as a hand brushes against your newly scarred skin. Eyelashes fluttering, your vision begins to focus on the plain ceiling above you. 
A coarse groan leaves your cracked lips as you flinch from the sudden pressure on your stomach. The hand quickly retreats as a pale green blob comes into view.
"...are…eeling?" The voice is barely picked up as your ears ring. Squinting your eyes, you swallow the dried saliva tasting faintly of blood.
"W-Who?" The word is coughed out as your throat struggles to form the words. Before you can ask for water, a cup is brought to your lips. The cold water brings sweet relief to your parched body.
Your senses begin to sharpen and clarity is brought back to your vision. Baizhu stands next to your bed helping you drink from the cup, though Changsheng isn't wrapped around his neck like she normally would be.
The water runs out and he draws the cup away. "How are you feeling? Your body is technically healed of its major injuries but it's still trying to adjust. The pain will continue to persist for a long while."
"I feel better than before." The reply is automatic as your hand twitches in an effort to move your muscles. The recollection of what had even brought you to Baizhu's care is a slow trickle as you process his words.
Shenhe, Yelan, the treasure hoarders, the fall and Qiqi are slotted into your memory like perfect puzzle pieces. The small pitter-patter of footsteps coming closer to you and the sound of metal being set down goes unheard by you as you focus on sitting up.
Soreness and exhaustion are impossibly heavy weights as you struggle to lift your body a few inches away from the mattress. Gentle hands support your body, along with much smaller ones on your other side. 
"Thank you…" Your words are choked out between your bitten lips as a dull ache plagues your body. Clenching the blanket in your fists, you sigh in relief as a cold compress is applied to your bare back.
Wait, your bare back?
The strangeness is not lost on you as you look down at yourself. A thin hospital-like gown is all that you seem to be wearing with the blanket pooled around your waist. It takes a second for you to properly process what this means for you before you’re frantically reaching up to your face.
“No need to fret, your mask was left untouched during the treatment.”
It seems to be the truth, as your fingertips are met with cool porcelain and flaking blood. Not to mention the casual way Baizhu is speaking to you and the lack of Millelith guards swarming you.
Licking your chapped lips, you eventually arrive at the question: where do you go now? Ningguang would surely kill you if she finds out you’re still alive. Zhongli is still expecting an answer, god knows what Yelan would do and Shenhe is a wild card-
The thoughts racing in your mind are abruptly cut off as a metal tray is plopped onto your lap. A warm bowl of soup and yogurt with a soft pastel color greeted you. The refilled cup of water placed on your bedside is ignored as your mouth waters at the sight of the meal.
“Clear chicken carrot soup and fruit-flavored yogurt.” A child-like, monotonous voice comments with a deeper melodic voice following up. “I would have had food suited to your taste, but you hadn’t awoken until now. Are you allergic to anything?”
“Nope.” You replied by popping the ‘p’ before pulling the tray closer and picking up the utensils. Allergies didn’t concern your ravenous mind, as your dormant stomach awakened painfully at the smell of food. Who knows, maybe your creator buff will also prevent any allergic reactions.
An upside to being the creator was something you desperately needed after the saga of pure bullshit you’ve been through.
Baizhu gently directs Qiqi out of the room after instructing her a message you couldn’t bother to hear as you gulp down the food. When he returns, he sits next to you as the moonlight shines down from the window.
“Let me explain your previous and current state while you eat. Qiqi brought you in with multiple minor injuries, a few stab wounds, head trauma, elemental damage, with fractured and broken bones. That’s not even mentioning the severe blood loss and infections beginning to manifest on your poorly healed past injuries.” Each description is like a stab to the heart, with the visualization of your passed out body arriving to Baizhu on death's doorstep crystal clear.
“Thankfully your body reacted well with my elemental healing so the life-threatening wounds were healed, without infections, and your critical condition was toned down. That doesn’t mean you’re out of the woods yet.”
The soup and yogurt is picked clean, leading you to gulp down the water next. Looking at him, you open your mouth to ask for more food when he cuts you off firmly. “Don’t bother asking for food, the arrows didn’t hit your lungs or heart, but your abdominal organs weren’t spared. You’ll be stuck with light meals until I’m positive it’s safe.”
Resisting a scoff, you ask him. “So what’s my current condition? Will I have to stay here overnight? Hold on, can I even afford that? How much did this treatment even cost?!”
“Please calm down, Y/N.” 
“How did you-”
“Your name was etched onto the bag that Qiqi brought along. As for payment, there’s no need to worry. You had a rather generous benefactor that has given us more then enough mora to cover your total cost in every possible scenario.”
That was suspicious beyond belief, but you didn’t have a reason not to believe Baizhu either. Baizhu would have healed you even without payment, but not being in debt was ideal. 
This benefactor either wants something from you, wants to kill you themselves, or knows you personally. 
A few people come to mind that could fit your suspicions but with so little knowledge you couldn’t confirm anything. Instead, you asked. “Isn’t doctor-patient confidentiality a thing? Did they leave any message for me?”
If Baizhu was surprised, then he hid it well. “She knew your name and appearance, though I never confirmed that you were here. She simply left the money and a verbal message asking you to have dinner with her tomorrow at 1800 in Xinyue Kiosk. But please be aware that I’m not forcing this, whether you would like me to refund the money so you can avoid interacting with her or not is completely up to you.”
Shaking your head, you declined it. “I’ll go. Since everything is paid for by her, does that also include any medicine I have to take for whatever current injuries I still have?”
“That’s right. I’m mostly prescribing supplements for the blood loss and fluid imbalance. Some are for the bones that broke, even repaired they might cause problems, so calcium intake is also important. A simple drug for your immune system, as your body's defenses are relatively low from the wounds. As well as per needed fever and pain medications.”
… You didn’t want to imagine the cost of those medications, let alone the treatment. A dinner in the most expensive restaurant in Liyue within the city with an unknown woman isn't that bad. 
You've met people in worst locations and survived this long.
Pushing back the lingering worry, you focused on Baizhu’s explanation over what condition your body is in, what time to take the medicine and any other problems that could arise. It was boring, but you weren’t looking to get sick from your own stupidity.
The conversation had gone as you expected for a while until he brought up a strange topic. Flipping through a few papers, Baizhu steered the topic onto your- “Scars. Many of what you suffered from will leave new scars on your body. It’s the old scars that were peculiar.”
Knowing your luck, your scars must also be known to them. But you weren’t going to bring it up if he didn’t.
“They are imbued and cultivated with a power that is strikingly familiar, yet foreign. It actually perfectly correlates with my researched point of interest. I wanted to ask your permission on getting a sample of it before your discharge.”
That was a risky request. Your face stayed neutral as you thought to yourself. The consequences could be minor, but what if it became another situation of an accidental connection to the Creator again?
Looking back at the smiling snaked eye man, you opened your mouth to respond when he suddenly gave the fakest gasp.
“I almost forgot to mention that your old scar formations are the exact locations of the Creator’s real scars! This along with everything else I’ve seen is almost enough for me to report this to the Mille-”
“For fuck's sake just take it.” You could be excused for not playing mind games this time, being nearly dead should be enough reason for a day off. 
“I want some form of compensation, though!” Being stupidly tired is a different matter then being just plain stupid.
“That’s not a problem. I’ll most likely take the sample sometime tomorrow before your discharge. So please, tell me what you have in mind by noon tomorrow so I can fetch it in time.”
In hindsight, it wasn’t surprising that Baizhu would ask this of you. Your body has clearly undergone some changes as you lived in Teyvat and Baizhu is dead set on finding a way to be immortal. 
There was a time you had wondered if you might be immortal due to being the creator, so maybe Baizhu can figure it out with your sample.
“The last thing I want to address before you rest is-” Baizhu is cut off by a knock on the door. He glances at you, asking permission to open the door with his eyes before you nod firmly. Qiqi walked in earlier without knocking, so maybe it’s a visitor? But considering how late it is, maybe you were wrong…
“Come in Qiqi and bring the visitor in too.” 
The door opens slowly as you watch Qiqi walk in stiffly with a yawning girl following her in at a similar height. Long light brown hair is loose as the girl rubs her eyes tiredly. 
“Hello Dr. Baizhu, I came back to check one last time if the oracle- Oh!” Caramel colored eyes widen at the sight of you sitting on the bed, and the girl hurriedly gives a polite bow. A yellow plush bunny is smooshed in her arms in the process.
“Hello, pardon my rudeness. My name is Yaoyao and I was sent by my master to check on you! It’s my honor to make your acquaintance, Y/N, or would you rather me call you by the oracle title?”
The ‘little adult’ looks different without the decorative bells she usually wears in her tied up hair, but the bunny was a dead give away. You smile at the nervous girl while wondering just who told her about you being an oracle.
Baizhu was giving you a look that basically screamed suspicion.
“You can just call me Y/N. By master, you mean Madame Ping, right?” Yaoyao beams at that as she steps closer.
“That’s correct, we learned about you from the other Adepti and Xiangling.” You should have known. “When we heard that you were here, I was sent on my Master's orders and Ganyu’s concern. Visitors weren’t allowed earlier, but I wanted to check one last time.”
Ganyu too? That basically guarantees Ningguang, Keqing, Zhongli and even more knowing that you’re here. But more importantly was the fact that Baizhu investigated anything connected to the Adepti for his immortality quest. 
You could only hope that Baizhu would be happy with a basic explanation and the sample of your scar tissue as promised.
“Visitors was the last topic I wanted to address.” Baizhu smoothly joins as he gets up from his seat and heads toward a desk on the far side of the room. A small pile of letters and a pile of gifts sit on the table next to your bag. How didn’t you notice it before?
“After a patient here noticed you before she was discharged, she and her guardian left you a letter with a present. I believe she may have been the one to spread it, but I ask you to kindly not hold anger against her. She’s rather young.”
So the little leaker was a child? It could be one of the kids you saved, but none of them could really afford to go to Baizhu. Not that he would have denied them but most children in that situation don’t go unless on the verge of death or pushed by an adult.
“It’s okay, I’ll look through the stuff in the morning.” As if on cue, Yaoyao fails to hide a yawn as she walks to stand next to your bed.
“Auntie Cloud Retainer and the rest of the Adepti told Master what happened on Mt. Aocang. Master really wants to meet you, so if you have any time to spare, please pay her a visit here at the Yujing Terrace near the Yiyan temple.”
Nodding absentmindedly, you make a mental note of that before asking Yaoyao a question in return. 
“Just how many people in general know that I’m here? I know quite a few people and Qiqi being here must have been quite a spectacle… But surely it must not have been too much considering that it was the middle of the night.”
The nervous expression on Yaoyao face dashes away any hopes you had. 
“Sorry Y/N but a lot of the city was speaking about you. Even nature and the animals kept mentioning you! Though they were a little more vague. If it helps, most people know you as a masked person rather than your name.”
Sighing, you don’t even bother hiding the distaste on your face. Changing masks wouldn’t do much and you sure as hell can’t remove it either, leaving you with the sole option of leaving. 
Leaving before anyone else can attack you in this fast-pace city filled with greed and ambition. If you stayed here any longer, you’ll surely be pulled into whatever new situation happens and only get more attention. 
The dinner you had first worried about is almost miniscule compared to the threat of Yelan and Shenhe knowing your location. More so, Yelan as she has an obligation to get rid of you due to her job rather than Shenhe’s emotional motive. 
Your mind replays the last bit of your fight where you had touched the waypoint and- Oh fuck. Groaning, you dumped your face into your hands as Yaoyao watched you worriedly. Her worried calls rolled off you like waves as you remember how the teleport waypoint glowed in front of everyone.
That’s a complete group of people, treasure hoarders nonetheless, that saw you activate it. Yelan could use that information and the witnesses in whatever stupidly clever way she wants!
Yaoyao looks back at Baizhu confused as he shakes his head silently. Qiqi picks up a glass of coconut milk and begins to walk towards you with it before Baizhu blocks her way.
Fingers digging into your scalp, you resist the urge to pull your hair as you bite your still slightly bruised lips. The realization of what kind of ammo you gave Yelan was killing you. 
Baizhu takes the glass from Qiqi and puts it back down before handing her a glass of water. Qiqi stares blankly at Baizhu before switching the glasses again. As the two continuously switch cups, Yaoyao rummages in her bag.
A sting of pain begins to grow as you get dangerously closer to the recently healed head wound. The smell of something sweet yet earthy snaps you out of your stress-fueled self depreciation as small hands pry your rough ones away.
“Please be careful Y/N, Dr. Baizhu is a great doctor but you shouldn’t hurt yourself like this. Have a candied date, it's golden honey flavored and works great to get rid of the bitter medicinal taste that he prescribes.”
It didn’t smell too bad, so you hesitantly took it from her hands and glanced back at Baizhu in case he tries to confiscate it. With his back safely turned, you pop the candied date into your mouth.
It’s a nice taste and it does work well as a distraction from your worries. “Thank you Yaoyao.” Your hand reaches out instinctively and pats her head. “The Creator views you fondly and one day your fate will intersect with the creator’s just like it did with the Adepti.”
The lie flows smoothly from your mouth as she smiles brightly up at you. Her eyes move down to the blanket as she responds. “I still don’t quite know what that means, but I’m sure I’ll be able to properly appreciate it once I’m older.”
Qiqi joins you both and hands you a glass of water that you take from her gratefully. Your hand leaves Yaoyao’s head to rest on the bed, making Qiqi look away with a pout. Before you can question the unexpected reaction, Baizhu redirects the conversation.
“I understand that you hold some valid concerns over your safety, Y/N. This situation isn’t one we deal with frequently, but we do have measures in place.”
The look you send him speaks a thousand words as he sighs and adds. “Free of charge, of course, as it counts as patient confidentiality.” 
“Bubu’s Pharmacy has tight security measures and Millelith frequent the area due to it being near the Yiyan Temple and the Welkin Temple.” You were 100% sure that the second temple did not exist before you came here. “Me and Qiqi both reside here and as experienced vision holders, you’ll be in safe hands.”
Nodding in understanding, you can’t deny that it felt safer knowing you weren’t going to be left alone. Your body was still exhausted and in the midst of healing so you didn’t have much energy to defend yourself with if Ningguang were to send another person after you.
“Qiqi doesn’t sleep much, so she’ll keep an eye out for anything amiss.” And you were right back to feeling anxious. Baizhu was relaxed as he tidied up the room, while Yaoyao spoke softly to Qiqi.
Glancing at the zombie child, you repeated the mantra to yourself that anyone could be a DPS in Genshin. You just needed to check her equipment before bed.
Yaoyao turns back to you with a sleepy smile. “I’ll be taking my leave now. I wish you a swift recovery, and I look forward to seeing you again with my Master.” With a casual wave, you let that be your only farewell as you drink the glass of water Qiqi handed you earlier.
Baizhu pats his clothing down as he calls out to Yaoyao right as she opens the door.
“Oh Yaoyao, since you’ll be relaying the message to Madam Ping and Ganyu, please have Ganyu tell Ningguang about Y/N’s acceptance to dinner for me as well.”
The water you were drinking goes down the wrong way at those words. 
Coughing, you yank the glass away as you look back up to the surprised Baizhu. “Did you say Ningguang? Was she the one who paid for everything and asked for the dinner?”
Baizhu smiles pleasantly with little regard for your shaky tone as he nods. There goes every flicker of hope you had that Ningguang wasn’t your benefactor.
Every drop of blood your body synthesized to restore you back to normal is drained as you pale at the confirmation. Just how the hell did you manage to meet Zhongli, Yelan, and Ningguang!? 
They are all people you wanted to avoid, and you definitely shouldn’t have met, considering the fact that people pay to even get an hour with Ningguang, let along a whole ass dinner invite!
Was there some stupid rule that goes along with being the creator making you meet nearly every acolyte that exists?
So busy cursing yourself and the entirety of Teyvat out, you don’t notice how Baizhu corrals Yaoyao out of the room before heading to you, as Qiqi watches from the sidelines.
“My, my you’ve gone pale at the news Y/N.” Baizhu’s glasses glint a little from the flickering lantern illuminating the room. He smiles down at you with half-lidded eyes that stare at you strangely.
“I didn’t realize that I forgot to tell you who it was. If you decide to, we can always cancel it and send a priority letter before discussing a payment plan.”
Squinting your eyes, you shake your head ‘no’ as you try to read the simultaneously shady yet reckless doctor. It didn’t seem like he had any malicious intentions, as he very much did mean to hide it. But you can’t be sure that he had any good intentions either.
“That’s a shame, I was looking forward to discussing alternate ways of paying that don’t require mora.” …Yeah, no matter what way you put it or how clean Baizhu keeps his reputation. One can not simply not be seen as shady while going around saying stuff like that.
So not only is Baizhu showing signs of that strange attachment in a matter of hours, but Ningguang decided to suddenly switch her tactics. From ‘investigate and kill if deemed a threat’ to ‘generous wealthy person that totally isn’t covering up a crime’.
Could you possibly get Yanfei to sue Ningguang if you aren’t poisoned at the dinner?
Maybe, but that’s all riding on the chance that you aren’t killed in some coincidental accident before then. Waving away the pessimistic and slightly comical thoughts, you look up at Baizhu as he dims the lantern. 
“The pharmacy opens at 0900 in the morning. Are you willing to take visitors from that point on till your discharge at 1300?” Briefly looking at the letters and gifts, you nod silently.
Baizhu’s smile doesn’t waver as he responds casually. “Many people will be happy to hear that Y/N, you seem quite popular.”
He opens the door before kneeling to Qiqi’s height. “The last order I have for you tonight is to keep watch over Y/N and protect them if need be. Understand?”
Qiqi tilts her head at that and blandly states. “Order received. Order cannot be processed. Original intended function still active and in place.”
Baizhu frowns at that as you look at Qiqi curiously. His expression quickly smooths back to a calm smile as he stands up. “As long as the ending is the same, then I don’t mind.”
He glances at you one last time as the door creaks open to show the dark hallway. Slitted eyes meet yours, full of curiosity and intrigue. They almost glow as he steps into the hallway with Qiqi in tow before the door closes softly.
Sighing in relief, you flop back onto the bed and roll in the covers for a position that won’t put pressure on your aching muscles. Baizhu’s increasingly strange behavior slithers back into your mind as you close your eyes.
Just why didn’t he ask you about being an oracle yet? Is he planning on getting the Millelith? No, he would have done so much earlier. Maybe he’s trying to gather some blackmail on you? 
The possibilities torment your exhausted mind as you finally settle on just explaining yourself tomorrow when you get the scar sample from you. When you open your eyes, the flame has already burned away, leaving your only light as the moon. 
Staring at it, you think back to the waypoints. Are they finally fixed? Can you use them again? You couldn’t test it out now, but you could do so when you leave after the dinner with Ningguang. 
Which region should you travel to next? There was no may you could stay or go back to Inazuma, so it’s either Mondstadt or Sumeru as they are the closest. 
Closing your eyes, you try to imagine what traveling through the terrain would be like to arrive in the city. Frowning, you continue by imagining what it would be like traveling in that region for the weekly commissions.
It’s a simple decision really as Sumeru had a wide range of animals and poisonous plants to fight past. While Mondstadt had that sweet peaceful greenery from being the starter city with the lowest amount of treasure hoarders thanks to a certain Cryo user.
Deciding that you’ve picked your brain enough on the topic, you shut your eyes for some actual rest.
A moment passes, and then another, as the wind rustles the leaves on the tree outside the window. The faint sound of a sweet croon reaches your ears as you stubbornly keep your eyes closed.
As your mind is slowly consumed by the heavy exhaustion and the dimness of the room, two thoughts come to mind.
One, you forgot to check Qiqi’s equipment. Two, just what made you be locked out from the teleport waypoints if it counts as a game mechanic from Genshin Impact itself?
“The moon is quite beautiful at this time of night.” A kind and knowing voice says as wrinkled hands pick out the bits of leaves from long white hair. The moonlight illuminates the silvery strands as it gradually is picked clean to its former glory.
“Child, just what has happened that you come to me out of all the Adepti for assistance?” A red rope is cut into perfect portions and tied to form the perfect braid. A Cryo vision sits innocently as the centerpiece, while a monochrome ornament adorns the top.
“I cannot advise you on the matter that troubles you if you do not speak, Shenhe.” Iridescent eyes finally move up from the ground to meet the elderly woman’s warm ones. Shenhe struggles to speak as her head dips forward.
“I… I hurt someone badly. But they hurt me too.” Shenhe holds her hands together in a prayer like motion as her eyes flutter close. “But at the end, they showed me something I couldn’t believe. No. That I refused to believe and even helped me.”
With a hunched back and patience learned over thousands of years, the old woman stays quiet. Giving the oh-so apathetic disciple time to put her thoughts into words.
“I don’t know what to do, and master isn’t the most adept when it comes to humans. But you, Streetward Rambler are, in more than one way. You constitute as a human more than me.”
Shenhe closes her eyes as she thinks back to her encounter with you. The truth you didn’t hesitate to spit in her face, the raw anger you expressed at her delusions and denial.
“I just want to understand these emotions. Are they a witch’s, an Adepti’s or a human’s emotions? Not even these ropes are stopping them!” Shenhe tugs at the newly bound rope in frustration but stops at the touch of light fingertips.
Madam Ping smiles warmly down at Shenhe. “None of those answers are correct child. They are simply your emotions. And I believe deep down, you already know what you feel. You just don’t know what to do with them.”
Shenhe looks at the ground with a mixture of guilt and self-loathing swarming inside her. It was true, wasn’t it? That day you spoke her feelings in the bluntest way possible, but here she was, still trying to deny it.
“Then what do I do? Is it really okay to love someone that hurt you? I don’t want a repeat of my childhood… I just want to treasure and use this new chance at connecting with my entire self that the Creator has graced me with.”
The hand that pats her head is familiar and warm. Childhood memories of her shedding those human emotions she once thought weak come to mind before Madam Ping’s voice brings her back.
“Trusting in the Creator and following the path they opened for you, no matter how scary or concerning, is always the right path. Follow me Shenhe.” 
Madam Ping is quick to walk away toward the two temples, as Shenhe follows her swiftly. The Yiyan Temple for the Geo Archon is laughably small in comparison to the huge Welkin Temple behind it.
They climb the stairs past the Yiyan Temple and enter the luxurious archway leading into the Welkin Temple. Decorations laced with jewels, paintings of the highest caliber, and statues of the rarest minerals are a common sight in it.
As Liyue Harbors sole temple, the city and its citizens spared no expanse in making sure it was top-notch. That included the deceased Geo Archon who left it in the care of the Liyue Qixing before his passing.
The pair walked through the halls as many people prayed and worshiped within the dead of the night without care for the passing onlookers.
Everyone gathered here at this time of night is here to do the same thing after all.
A couple of people amble past the determined Adeptus and disciple into the barren clinic as physicians begin to care for them. The blood, bone, and missing parts of skin are applauded before quickly being catered to. 
Madam Ping enters the hallway where many citizens wait outside the rooms for their turn. Yet instead of stopping like Shenhe expected, the old woman brings her to a hidden staircase around the corner.
The two climb up and up, till they reach the rooftop where an alter sits. Shenhe is well aware what she must do for the answers she desires. Kneeling before it, Shenhe gratefully takes the ceremonial spear handed to her by Madame Ping.
“You have matured enough to earn the privilege of giving a piece of yourself to the Holy One. I can only excitedly wait for the day my own disciples can have this honor.” With a calm yet cheery chuckle, Madame Ping moves away from the grave faced Shenhe.
“Oh Holy Creator, God of all that has lived, lives, and lives on. Listen to this acolytes prayer and grant me but a crumb of your wisdom. Though I am foolish and mortal, your mercy shines down on in the form of that person.” 
The spear is raised into the air as Shenhe stays kneeling and points the spear down.
“Please, Divine One, show this wretched girl just how I’m supposed to make it up to Y/N.”
The spear drives down and the crimson droplets stain the altar like a dazzling flourish of rose petals.
Well this took a long while. This time it wasn't school but just personal stuff. Between house hunting, family feud, car problems, and just trying to keep up with school. I haven't got much of a break. But things have finally calmed down somewhat so I used it to get this done. What also helped was making the outline for the 1k special. I think I should have it done for the next update instead of the regular chapter. But I did notice that a good chunk wanted regular chapters instead so I got a compromise. The special features Mondstadt (as most sagau start in Mond so I thought it would be fun) and it'll be a teaser to what Mondstadt has in store for you all. I'm not sure how many of you have noticed but each region has a certain theme when it comes to worship. Inazuma with sacrificing, Liyue with self mutilation, and Mondstadt will be hinted at in the special. My editor, @serpent-benediction, did this super late last night so props for once. But if there are claims to being anything more than an editor then don't listen. I keep basically everybody in the dark. Kinda feel like death so if you have any questions or comments I will answer them as soon as I can read again. Taglist: is open for anyone so just comment if you want to join <3
@vvyeislazzy, @nikqi, @the-dumber-scaramouche, @etherisy, @yourlocalstranger123, @ra404, @iruiji, @goldenglow149, @haru-tofuu, @lsleepysimpl, @bebobeboben, @yuyuzi-ling, @amidst-the-tempest, @resident-cryptid, @mxd1zzy, @mochicurls21, @nervouseaglelover, @thedevioussmirk, @yumuramma, @kwqsla, @undecidingfate, @ehjane, @game-savvy, @akiramirae, @liansh3ng, @fluffy-koalala, @formacoon, @sxftiebee, @khxii-i, @ursinaw, @chuuya-brainrot, @sweetbills, @kazuchaos, @snowfoxnix, @bluebelony, @shellofthewell, @pencil-of-ashes, @ghostlyintervention, @taiformaifoe, @goaudduck, @carminerin, @maddysflowers, @zenith-of-all-zenith, @crazydreamcat, @leafanonsforest, @grimreapersscythe, @leylanx, @sapphireknown, @help-whatdoimakemyusername, @zhonglisfruityass, @mer0n37, @victoria1676, @mochinessss, @sinnful-darling, @emilymikado, @pix-stuff, @esthelily, @luxie963, @emmbny, @millienolife @kbar1013, @xxblackroses623xx, @chxrlxtteee, @aludicpoet, @yandematic, @atrcclovsxoxo, @0lshadyl0, @esthelily, @t-rex-red, @ck123, @steadybreadbluebird, @118gremlin, @stratonia, @time-shardz, @farelady-fate, @valeriele3, @francisnyx, @byakuren100, @waveto-earth, @flyingpansaurus, @silverstarred, @iamapotatoe
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~Chasing Tails - Tale One~
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Written by: 🍡, 🦷
Fandom: Genshin Impact (SAGAU: villain au)
Character(s): copious amounts of ocs (🍡: Jiahao, Edda, Damus (mentioned), Xiulan (mentioned), 🦷: Hanju, Adrik (mentioned)), other characters mentioned
Warnings: being hunted (mentioned), injuries (mentioned), ocs (lmao)
Summary: Previously after being on the run for days on end, you black out and now find yourself in a tent in an unknown camp.
A/N: *subjects y’all to our ocs*
Anyways if this is received well we might write a alt pov version of Jiahao and the gang meeting darling/reader
<Previous> <Next>
The third time you had awoken, it was in a tent. Rather, you had just awoken in a tent. With a pounding headache and a general ache all over, but you weren’t dead. Surprisingly. Blinking blearily, you looked around, trying to gather your surroundings and the best escape route. You could see dirty bandages, your clothes cleaned and folded neatly on a mat (thankfully you were left with your underclothes), and what might’ve been bottles of ointments.
Hearing footsteps, your head snaps up to see the tent flap opening. In steps your savior, maybe savior? You did see multiple people before you passed out, after all. They step closer to you, holding a bowl of something, and a cup of what’s probably water. Though they did stop when you tried to scramble away.
“Hey, hey, hey-” they say, obviously trying to placate you, “It’s safe, I’m safe?” They try to gesture but realize that their hands are full, it was pretty comical, leading you to snicker softly. The stranger places the bowl and cup where you can reach them, and your body unhelpfully reminds you that you haven't exactly eaten a full meal or drank anything but river water. So you reach over, warily, grabbing the bowl and cup.
As you ate in awkward silence with the stranger, you could only observe and try to figure out who they were. Maybe they were part of a hunting party looking for you, but then this whole treatment wouldn’t make sense. Would it? Eyeing them up and down, you were able to pinpoint a few things; they had clothes similar to the Liyue characters, their long hair was blue and white, they had a hydro vision, and that... your gaze falls on a pair of ears. A pair of furry ears.
(Your brain unhelpfully supplies, once again: not a playable character, but not plain enough to be a background character or npc?)
You almost choke on a chunk of mushroom, an Adeptus, they were an Adeptus. In response to your half-choking sound, your host(?) begins to panic slightly, “Hey, hey- slowly now?” They sounded unsure, but it was enough to calm you. At least a little bit.
“You’re-?” You stuttered, a shaky hand pointing at their ears, fear clouding any sense of social anxiety that came with doing so. An unspoken question passed between you two, and your host grimaced, confirming your suspicions. You tried to get up again, to bolt, to run. You could almost hear the sound of the other Adepti and Zhongli with them-
You were stopped again, “Hey- look, I’m not with them, okay?” They said, though their voice was flat, the way they said it made you stop. Taking this as a cue to go one, they started, “My contract with Rex Lapis was voided due to extraneous circumstances.” And what they said next, knocked the wind out of you.
“Rex Lapis’s orders to hunt you down don’t apply to me.”
You sit back down again, blinking owlishly at your now empty bowl. The person across from you runs their hand through their hand, muttering about how ‘Xiulan and Adrik are better at this stuff than I am... but nooo, they insisted they had to go get more food-’. Stopping their muttering, they focus back onto you, “Right, I should probably introduce myself.” Clapping their hands together, they continue, “My name is Jiahao, former? Former. Adeptus, and welcome to me and my friends camp?”
You stare at them.
Jiahao stares back.
“...I also use he/him and they/them?” They supply, trying to break the sudden tension.
The sheer absurdity of it all finally gets to you, and you burst out laughing, the kind of loud laughter that makes you shake and wheeze. Honestly, it kind of made you glad, that finally, there’s some kind of normalcy. And that you were finally safe, and with people that are (probably) sane. Wiping a your face and trying to present yourself with some shred of dignity, you introduce yourself to Jiahao. Catching a glimpse of his relief that you were okay.
It gave you a shred of hope, that maybe you could survive here.
After explaining that Damus and the others all had helped clean and bandage your injuries, Jiahao tells you that you were out for a few days. In turn, you explain the circumstances that lead to all this and your injuries. As you spoke, you watched as their expression slowly sour more and more at your circumstances. Sighing, they pinched the bridge of their nose, clearly frustrated.
“So basically,” he slowly started, “all this... manhunt? Started because you looked like the Creator? And they assumed you were some kind of imposter looking for attention?”
You shrug, “Apparently so, I don’t- I don’t even know who this creator person is? I thought the ‘creator’” you made air quotes with your fingers, “Would’ve been Celestia or something?”
Jiahao sighed and ran his hand through his hair again, “Right, well. If it’s your appearance that’s the issue, we should probably do something about that then. How do you feel about a mask? Or a veil? Both?” He offers. “We probably have a few extras in storage. I can ask Edda and Hanju about it?”
You nod, accepting the idea, “I’m open to whatever you have, really.” Sighing, you lean back, the pain in your limbs now just a dull ache. “I’m honestly just glad to be alive.”
They give you a sad smile, before saying, “Alright, I’ll go fetch them then,” they stand up, give you a pat on the shoulder, and walked over to the tent flap, “It won’t take too long, probably.” Then Jiahao walked out, presumably to fetch ‘Edda’ and ‘Hanju’.
As they left, you slump down, tension leaving your body. As your mind finally caught up to what was happening, and trying to pin any of the names mentioned to anyone you knew from the game. Unfortunately you came up with nothing, but maybe that’s better... after all, they don’t seem to see you as some kind of ‘imposter’. So you shelved it in the back of your mind, deciding to come back to it later.
So you sit, for a few minutes, before hearing footsteps approach your tent area again. Looking up, you spot Jiahao with two other people, Edda and Hanju probably. The shorter of the two seemed to be a cryo user, if the vision around their neck meant anything. The other one looked to be a really sad dendro user.
(Mentally you first bump yourself because FUCK yeah another dendro user that isn’t Baizhu or that one kid you could never remember the name of-)
Jiahao gestures to the two, and introduces them to you, “Right, the one who looks like a Fatui defector is Edda, the sad green one is Hanju,” he says, clearly fond of the both of them, and you have to stifle a giggle at the look Hanju gives Jiahao for that kind of introduction.
The sad green one, now identified as Hanju, rolls his eyes after giving Jiahao a look. There was fondness in the scornful expression, however. “Silly introductions aside… It's good to see you up and about.” They remarked, their tone neutral despite your circumstance. “Jiahao already informed us of your predicament, and we still have to inform the other two…” Hanju glances over to the aforementioned Adeptus, well, former Adeptus.
Jiahao just shrugs a bit, mouthing something along the lines of, ‘When they get back we’ll have a group meeting about all this,’
Hanju just huffs in response, but continues on anyways, “Regardless, know that we are on your side.”
The one who looked like a short Mirror Maiden nodded, and cheerfully chirped, “Right! Most of us here aren’t any strangers to being hunted or wanted by the government anyways, so this isn’t the first time we’ve picked up a stray criminal,”
“They’re not a criminal,” said the fox.
“Schematics, shmatics,” Edda claps their hands, before turning around and lightly dropping a pack, presumably masks of some sort judging by the noise it made. “Back to the topic of disguises! We’ve got a handful of masks from different origins here, so take your pick! A couple intact veils as well too,” they pause, “and we should probably think of a cover story about why you have a mask too.” They add, nonchalantly.
You blink, as you open the pack and are greeted with, as they said, many masks from different regions. Looking back up, you ask the three gathered, “Why... why do you have so many anyways?”
“Oh they’re Edda’s spares,” Hanju adds, ignoring the indignant ‘Hey!’ from Edda. Tuning out the playful squabbling, you sit down and began to look through the pack of masks, and a ‘handful’ doesn’t even begin to describe the amount in it. Thumbing the gilded filigree of one mask, it was too pretty, too eye-catching, so you put it to the side. Not what you wanted, you had to lay low after all. The next mask was of (what you assumed to be) Inazuma design, a fox base with red accents, simple but elegant. You put that one in the ‘maybe’ category, plus it was cute. Another two added to the ‘maybe’ pile was theatre masks, comedy and tragedy, you internally laugh as you recall the one time you tried to join a theatre club. You intentionally avoided the oni and nuo masks, far too flashy.
So what ended up in your ‘maybe’s was: one kitsune-esque mask, two theatre masks, a vaguely abyss mage shaped mask, and one very simple featureless mask. The veils were put aside, you had planned to use one in conjunction with a mask anyways since cloaks apparently didn’t exist here. Weighing the pros and cons of each mask, as well as having to think about of a cover story for why you had a mask for anyone other then your.. saviors? Allies?
What a headache...
Your brooding is interrupted by a bowl of soup, again. This time offered by Hanju, “You know, you can take your time with this stuff,” he sits down next to you once you take the bowl. “We’re not really going anywhere for a good while.”
A flash of what happened only days ago makes you cringe, you look down at the bowl and the masks, “Are we? ...You saw how I was before.” You sigh as you stir the soup, “I don’t want to get you all wrapped up in my mess,”
Hanju scoffs, but there’s no heat behind it, “We were part of your mess the moment we found you,” they prod your side with a spoon, making you yelp, thankfully it was your uninjured side, “Besides, we said we were on your side, didn’t we?”
You only hum in response. This week(?) started out as a nightmare, but honestly, you didn’t particularly mind this outcome. This felt like a home, even in the short time you’ve been here.
Maybe things will be okay. Maybe you’ll be able to find a way home.
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iamconstantlyinpain · 3 years
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This blog reached 100 followers faster than my ig account
Anyway! Thank you very much for all of your support!! I wouldn't have reached this milestone without you all i love you all of you thank you very very much i love you all so much thank you thank you thank you!!
And as promised, I said that I'm gonna do an event(?)! And i decided that I'll do the six fanarts challenge that can be included with a fanfic/headcannons
I have the rules listed down utc if any of you all out there want to participate. Again, thank you all so much i appreciate all of your support!! 💕💕💕
What and what not to ask for:
You can send me an ask of who you want me to draw for the six fanarts challenge
There are only six slots so hurry up and ask away (no pressure tho)
It can be a genshin impact character or not (example: an anime character like Vanitas from The Case Studies of Vanitas) though I do prefer genshin characters more
I also said that the fanart can include a fanfic/headcannon, but it's only an option for you all to choose
The fanfic should be connected to the character you asked for (cause it would be weird asking a drawing of ningguang but the fanfic is about kaeya)
What details you can or cannot add on your ask(fanart):
You can specify what clothes the character will wear
You can also specify what emotion they have and what pose they have
BUT I will not draw THAT much nsfw cause i still dont know how to do those stuff
Suggestive asks are accepted tho
I.. cannot do furries and mechas and um old people since I'm still not acquainted on drawing them
Sending these details aren't necessary, you can just send a character's name and I'll draw them as they are
What you can or cannot ask (fanfic)
Fluff, angst, drabbles, and all those good stuff are accepted
I also accept different AUs (in Genshin) btw, it can be SAGAU, Modern!AU or just basically just Genshin!AU itself (this also applies on the fanarts)
Nsfw tho, hmm, I CAN do that but according to the rules above the drawing and fanfic should be connected with each other
I will not do an ask that makes me uncomfortable thank you very much
I accept anything other than the things above that you cannot ask so feel free to send any ideas or headcannons! I want to broaden my way of writing u see..
That would be all of the rules (for now), in the end it's up to you if you want to send an ask for a character, and if you do, I'll gladly do it! Thank you very much again and have a nice day/night~
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sagau-my-beloved · 2 years
I feel once venti relationship with creator got past the awkward room mate stage to the “practically sleeping in each other’s beds for more than JUST sleeping in each other’s beds” venti practically tried to get as much time woohooing under the sheets with creator as possible in that year before they both were dragged back to tyvat by albedo. That’s practically one of the reasons he says him and creator are practically married, since the whole fuck culture that exists here is nonexistent in tvat except in certain scummy places (brothels). Tho creator probably just thinks of him as fuck buddies or even bf/gf if she ever asked if he wanted to take the relationship to the next step.
'woohooing' omfg 💀
The latter part of that is something I was trying to insinuate, I really don't think casual sex and hookup culture is really thriving down there, and I especially don't think it would have been thriving when Venti was learning about the social norms of the world around him, so he probably would very heavily associate being intimate with a solid committed relationship, meanwhile titles are a bit looser around here, so if a particular form of relationship isn't specified, then it certainly isn't guaranteed, no matter what actions may or may not have been performed
Really there's so much room for miscommunication because of the potential in completely different social norms between Teyvat and our world, either in a comedy or drama sense, it's just there waiting to be utilized
But yeah Venti acting like a horny teenager, where he's just constantly in the mindset of 'Take me!' sounds pretty canon to me
And whenever they both do get back to Teyvat he'd be pretty upset about a lot of realizations, like the fact you two aren't actually in a committed relationship, and just because he makes you breakfast every morning and is super enthusiastic about being intimate with you doesn't mean you two are actually together in any way that really matters
Of course he's working on rectifying that the moment the realization hits, but sadly, since he didn't get in on it back when you two were living alone together and there wasn't actively a couple thousand people competing for your attention that you had a sense of obligation to, the best he can really hope for is consort
Though that's not going to stop him from calling himself your soulmate/spouse/lover to anyone and everyone who does and doesn't ask, as far as he's concerned, you two are completely bound together
Which also means there's going to be a pretty heavy surge of unpleasant feelings if you do have multiple consorts, and those apply tenfold if you actually treat them all the same
He's probably bitterly thought that if what you have is more comparable to an open relationship, then what exactly is stopping him from going around and sleeping with whomever he pleases? Since that's what you seem to be doing and all, with no regards to his own feelings might he add
The problem is there is no one else in the world he would prefer to have that sort of relationship with, and he probably couldn't even force himself in that position with another person if he really tried because it would feel too much like being unfaithful to you
Poor poor Venti, forever suck falling hopelessly in love with a person that hundreds of others are also hopelessly in love with
Funny little situation to end this off, but like the interaction I did with the sagau and yandere Ventis, if either regular sagau Venti or reverse isekai after they both return to Teyvat Venti met reverse isekai still in the creators world Venti... Both would tell him to never ever ever ever bring to reader to Teyvat ever and just stay there happy together because it gets so much worse
It's like the little devil/angel on the shoulder thing where the angel side would theoretically be Venti doing his due diligence to every single person in Teyvat and also you by returning you to your rightful place in your rightful position, where you would receive so many more luxuries than he could ever hope to give you himself, but both of them are just little devils and are all "If you take the creator back to Teyvat I will actually personally kill you right here for being an idiot. For the love of Barbatos (wait a minute—) don't do it!"
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