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davidstanleytravel · 1 year ago
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Thing1 (2013) is a striking apartment building popularly called the "Lego house" in Örnsköldsvik, Sweden. It has won several awards as Sweden's ugliest building.
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27dragons · 2 years ago
Mother's Day Breakfast
It is our tradition that on Mother's Day, I take the kids out for breakfast to a pancake house (a breakfast restaurant, basically, if that's not a thing you've encountered before) that is not far from us. We haven't gone for a couple of years because COVID, but I thought we could resume the tradition this year.
Naturally, this resulted in things I need to post on the "my kids" tag.
Me, yesterday, to Thing1 (the late sleeper): How early can we wake you up for this? Thing1, after consideration: Not earlier than 8 Me: Honey, I'm not going to get up before 8
Me, this morning, knocking on Thing2's door: Hey, ready to go get breakfast? Thing2: Yeah! Let me just get dressed! ...Do you want me, like, clothes dressed, or pajamas dressed? Me: …Let's go all out and try for clothes dressed. 😂
This particular restaurant's decoration theme is divided evenly between "cast iron cookware hung on the walls" and "chicken statues/art on every flat surface." Thing2 counted at least 22 chickens and 28 iron pans. I took pictures of some of my favorite chickens (and also the Things!)
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Waiter: Y’all ready to order? Thing1: Almost… Me: I’m down to 2 things Thing2: Chocolate chip pancakes! Waiter: (laughing at Thing2) No thoughts, head empty! Me & Thing1: ::dying::
Thing1: Okay, I know men are gross but our waiter is cute Me: He kinda is Thing2, dreamily: Yeah… Me: ::blinks at Thing2:: You never say someone is cute Thing2: I know but he’s REALLY cute! Thing1: I’m so glad we’re all queer
Thing2: ::staring in horror at the table behind me:: Me: What??? Thing2: There is a bottle of Tabasco hot sauce on that table! Who the fuck needs hot sauce at a pancake restaurant??? Me: Lots of people put hot sauce on eggs Thing1: Or potatoes Thing2: ::even more horrified::
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doodlingcrayon · 6 months ago
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One old man Lahabrea in need of a vacation for @1wretched-thing1, overdue by about 5,000 years or so! 🍹🏖️ (His vacation is overdue, not the commission :p)
One of the final requests for the Summer YCH, closed at the end of August! Got in just in time to enjoy the last few weeks of nice summer weather~
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fujoshiwarrior · 1 year ago
a lesser known universal childhood experience a la dressing your fat baby up as a pumpkin for halloween is that by law or some compelling force of nature every mother of a set of twins will buy them thing 1 and thing 2 matching outfits
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buckandduke · 11 months ago
they’re helping
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geekgyrl · 2 years ago
The Cat in the Hat 2003 Movie Review
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vaspider · 10 months ago
Hey, sending this off anon so you can answer privately if you wish. I'm really confused about the difference between being anti-Zionist and pro-Palestine. I've been using both interchangeably for myself, but apparently that's incorrect? I don't know who else to ask.
So... I haven't had anon on in like 12 years, I don't do private answers, and I don't talk about I/P online.
But let's talk about a different issue instead. Let's talk about reproductive rights instead, as a means of just talking about why being anti-Thing1 doesn't mean you're pro-Thing2.
(I swear to fuck if anyone comes onto this post and tries to say I made some sort of direct weird parallel between Israel and either of the examples below to try to 'prove' something about me or drag me into stuff I have said I don't talk about, I will yeet them into the fucking sun. The purpose of these examples is solely to use easily-understood references to explain how you can be anti-Thing1 without being pro-Thing2.)
If someone is anti-abortion, that doesn't mean they're pro-parenting or pro-baby. It's about where their focus is, right? Lots of people are just like 'well, we don't think abortions should exist. There should be no abortions.' Well, great. But what's your plan for the people who are pregnant and don't want to be? They're not going to stop existing just because you think abortions shouldn't exist.
But a lot of people who are anti-abortion don't have plans for that. All they have is a firm belief that abortions shouldn't exist. No one should need them, no one should want them, no one has a right to them. All other concerns go by the wayside.
Or the people who live around me who want homeless people off the streets, but have no plan for how to get people off the streets. They just say 'well, there shouldn't be any homeless people on the streets of Portland,' but their answer is fines and jail time. (This is a real thing happening where I live, btw. Fines for daytime camping, as if that's going to help people get off the streets. Now they have a fine they also can't pay with all of the money they don't have.) These people have no plans for affordable housing, they feel like it's perfectly acceptable to define someone as 'turning down' shelter even if that shelter requires you to be inside by 9 PM and the unhoused person doesn't don't get out of work until 11 PM. Their focus isn't on the positive thing -- people obtaining housing security -- it's on the thing they think shouldn't be happening: unhoused people where they have to see them/be inconvenienced by them.
You can be anti-abortion without being even remotely pro-parent or pro-baby. You can be anti-homelessness without being pro-housing security. It's all about what your actual focus is.
In this case, the question you have to ask yourself is: is it more important to me that to be anti-Zionist or to be pro-Palestine? I can't answer that question for you, because, like I said, I don't talk about I/P at all online, and -- more importantly -- it's going to completely depend on how you, personally, define Zionism, let alone anti-Zionism, and how you, personally, define being pro-Palestine.
You're gonna have to wrestle that one out on your own.
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annaebibi · 6 months ago
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👶 Thing1 & thing 2 | Crochet hat + diaper_INFANT [Anna&Bibi]
Crochet hat (v.1 and v.2): ���New mesh ⭐3 Swatches  ⭐Infant
Crochet diaper: ⭐New mesh ⭐Clothing body ⭐3 Swatches  ⭐Infant
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✨ If you want to support us 🌿 Patreon: Anna&Bibi 👽
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📌All of our items are made with love, I hope you enjoy it. Please do not modify or re-upload my mesh without my permission.
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o-i-w-u · 2 months ago
You did not think you’d just drop art of the Overlords and go about your life with nothing in return
Did you?
Ok ok ok, sorry for the ominousness, just wanted to be dramatic
Fanart be upon ye
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i think he'll greatly enjoy this offering <:)
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misfiterators · 8 months ago
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certified sibling moment
(me and my sis have our surv + monk slugpup plushes in thing1 and thing2 guinea pig costumes so I had to draw this lol)
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athetos · 6 months ago
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Thing1 and Thing2
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27dragons · 2 years ago
Happy Mother's Day
It is Mother's Day in the US, and my darling Things gave me cards this morning that made me laugh for like half an hour because of how extremely on-brand they were.
Thing1's card: Beautiful drawing of flowers on the envelope, elegant script, wax seal. Gorgeous notecard with metallic gold foil design. Inside, slightly messy but VERY TINY handwriting filling one whole side of the card, explaining that they love me and there's nothing I could've done to keep them from being fucked up mentally or physically and that Gen-Z nihilism means that nothing matters but that means we should just have fun!
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Thing2's card: A sheet of notebook paper folded in half saying they forgot about Mother's Day until the last minute and that's why they didn't get me a gift. 🤣
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doodlingcrayon · 8 months ago
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Next up is my beloved Kalista!! They are my silly little clown, my lil guy, my eeby deeby (uwu) Thank you @1wretched-thing1 for letting me draw them big chillin'!!!!!
⛱️ Want a cute YCH of your own character big chillin'? Check out the form right... 👉 [HERE!] 👈 They're open all summer and the next batch is already well on their way down the lazy river! ;)
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ryssachrysalis · 2 months ago
Thing1 is considering Tumblr but has VERY SERIOUS ISSUES with the platform's lackadaisical algoe rithyms and inadvertently stumbling on a p*rn page, which regularly shows up in his other social media platforms. He has VERY STRONG OPINIONS on what constitutes an acceptably appropriate feed for a 13 year old. He's not wrong because Tumblr is the wild wild west of social media. You can't search for a particular user unless you know their exact user name; there's no rhyme or reason for what shows up in your feed. I can't argue with him because I adore/thrive in an environment where, if I search enough, I can find something for every one of my nerdoms no matter how outré plus discovering something new to hyperfocus on. This site is precious to me. But his struggle is real. Funny but real.
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takemyteawithformaldehyde · 1 month ago
man i hate adhd cuz i was soo down for doing thing1 before i got home but then my parents pressured me to start doing thing2 (which i havent planned for today in advance) so now i can't do any of these or anything really for the rest of the day and im gonna just sit there feeling awful about it
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allforfemeclipse · 1 month ago
For the long run tomorrow, here are the placement thingys;
We are a distractor
Our friend whom we'll call guyerland in the game is the temporary distractor because our wifi sucks ass
Our friend who's name in the game is THING1 is Astro as a stamina thing for us
Our other other friend is a healer/Extractor
You can be something like a healer or Extractor (we see you maining as Cosmo and our other other friend also main as Cosmo so you two can be healers together or something)
We might want either you or our other other friend to be a better Extractor if that's alright (wdk how attacted you are to playing as Cosmo so ye)
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