#They're getting there
morganski-19 · 18 days
The One Where Steve Feels Smart
“Where are Jon and Argyle?” Steve asks Nancy. The rest of the group gathered around the table for their weekly group dinners.
“Jonathan said that he has a lot of work to do, and Argyle is working closing. Said they would try to come later if they could.” Nancy sits at the table, acting as if the information doesn’t bother her.
Steve doesn’t buy it. “I thought Argyle never closed on Fridays.”
“I don’t know,” Nancy shrugs, annoyed. “Maybe he’s covering for someone. It doesn’t matter, so just eat.”
Steve still doesn’t buy it. Jonathan will always use their hangouts as a break, so his eyes don’t try to kill him. Argyle values friendship too much to take a shift during one of their hangouts. If what Steve knew about them was right, though.
But, he decides to ignore it, and eats dinner.
The next week, however, something like this happens again. It’s not an everyday thing that the group gets together at the coffeehouse after work to talk, some can’t justify buying coffee five days a week when they can just make it themselves. But today, everyone is there. Everyone except for Jonathan and Argyle.
“Isn’t it weird that they aren’t here?” Steve asks, mainly to himself. He’s sitting at the bar, bugging Eddie while he’s on shift.
Eddie shrugs, passing a drink across the bar to a customer. “Maybe they’re busy again. Didn’t Jonathan shoot like four wedding in the past two weeks? That’s a lot of editing.”
“But he would bring it here. Especially since Argyle would get off shift,” he looks down at his watch, “an hour ago. They would come in here together and chill with the rest of us.”
“Don’t know man. Maybe they just wanted to stay at home. The weather is kind of shit today.”
It’s never stopped them before. Something else is going on.
The next time it happens, it’s on game night. He asks Nancy if she’s heard from them and gets shut down immediately. Something about the both of them needing to work. Nothing else.
When it keeps happening, Steve starts to get more and more suspicious. Everyone else seems unbothered. Blind to the excuses that mean nothing, and continue on with their lives. When Steve knows that they are hiding something.
He decides to bring it up again when him and Robin are making dinner. Trying to use both their heads to figure this out without Nancy shutting him down immediately.
“You don’t think they finally,” Steve makes a motion with his hands, indicating that they are together.
Robin glares at him from the kitchen. “Probably not, Jonathan’s demi, remember.”
“That is not what I meant,” Steve says, partially annoyed. “I just meant like, dating. What if they are dating.”
“I would hope they would tell us if that actually happened. We’ve listened to too much of their suffering to not know.”
Steve stares at the cutting board. Not so sure about that. “I think Nancy knows something.”
“Here we go,” Robin groans.
“No, Rob, seriously. Like every single time I ask, she shuts me down almost immediately. With the same excuse. Jonathan is busy editing, or has a shoot, and Argyle is working a closing shift. I’ve never known Argyle to have this many closing shifts in his life.” He turns to her, hoping to see that she sees what he sees. “Isn’t that a little weird?”
“I guess,” Robin goes back to stirring the vegetables in the saucepan. “But maybe their rent got raised and they had to pick up a few extra shifts. Wouldn’t be that surprising.”
Steve is still not convinced. “Maybe.”
A week later, the group was planning on going to see a movie. Some weird horror movie that Nancy and Eddie love, but will probably traumatize both Steve and Robin. Normally Jonathan and Argyle would come along and laugh at how unrealistic it is, but they bailed again.
They’ve been bailing for about a month now, something was definitely up.
Steve stands in line to get the popcorn, letting the rest of the group go into the theater to get their seats. Hoping that Eddie is able to save a seat next to him for Steve.
Out of the corner of his eye, Steve sees two people who look familiar. After thanking the guy behind the counter and turning toward his theater, he sees it. Jonathan and Argyle walking in with their tickets. They make eye contact with him, looking caught.
“Well, there you guys are,” Steve says, trying not to make it weird. “I feel like I haven’t seen you guys in weeks.”
“Uh, yeah,” Jonathan says. “Just been really busy with work, that’s all.”
Steve nods, going alone with the lie. “Yeah. I’m glad you guys were able to make it tonight though. Unless, you know, you came to see a different movie.”
Argyle opens his mouth, going to say something. Jonathan nudges him with his shoulder, shutting him up. Argyle presses his lips together in a forced smile. Eyes wide.
“Yeah. We were just going to get some popcorn, so why don’t you go into the theater, and we’ll meet you in there.”
The smile that forms on Steve’s lips is one of pure joy. “I don’t mind waiting. It might be easier to carry all this shit to the theater.” He takes a glace down and sees their hands clasped together. “Four hands are better that two, so.”
“Four hands?” Argyle questions under his breath.
Jonathan looks down at their hands, and pulls them apart.
“You guys weren’t going to see the same movie, were you?” Steve questions. Feeling smug.
“No, we weren’t,” Argyle blurts out. “We were going to see this comedy together because we’ve been dating for a few months now.” He immediately slams a hand over his mouth.
“A few months,” Steve says much louder than he should.
Jonathan starts looking around. “Dude, quiet down.”
“Sorry.” Steve lowers his voice to whisper shout. “A few months. I thought you were just dating for a few weeks.”
“You knew we were dating?”
Steve snorts. “You two are not as subtle as you think you are. Always missing hangouts conveniently at the same time. It’s really rude to cancel on your friends to go on dates for your secret relationship, by the way.”
“We’re sorry,” Argyle apologizes. Looking like he’s going through multiple emotions at once. “We just have been busier with work so the only times we’ve been free to go out are the days we would hang out.”
“You’re not going to tell everyone, are you?” Jonathan asks, hand rubbing at the back of his neck.
Steve shakes his head. “No, it’s your thing to tell. I wouldn’t do that. I just miss you guys. I am still going to gloat about being right, they just don’t need to know what about.”
“Thanks, dude.” Argyle finally calmed down back to one emotion.
“We really appreciate it.”
“I have to go, the movie’s about to start. Have a good night, guys.”
Steve turns and head to the theater. He finds the rest of them and sits between Eddie and Robin. The popcorn immediately getting pulled from his hands.
“What took you so long?” Robin asks over a mouthful of popcorn.
“The line was long,” Steve says. This was going to be fun.
Tag list (let me know if you want to be added or taken off) @slowandsteddie, @annieofhearts, @cacdyke, @ubpd, @captain--low,
@thespaceantwhowrites, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @anne-bennett-cosplayer, @lunaticparisianlady,
@apomaro-mellow, @dolphincliffs, @dragonmama76, @maggiebug417, @stevesbipanic,
@fearieshadow, @eightpackdiaz, @au79burger @bookworm0690 , @practicallybegging,
@potato-of-the-lord, @autumncrocusandladybug, @estrellami-1, @ilovecupcakesandtea, @gregre369
@my2amgaythoughts, @ellietheasexylibrarian, @emmabubbles, @eriquin, @grtwdsmwhr
@croatoan-like-its-hot, @dreamercec, @dreamy-jeans137
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tofuingho · 1 year
I have ANGST! Part 4
To the past >1 >2 >3 To the future >5 >6 >7
In hindsight, Danny really should have told his parents about being Phantom ages ago.
It seems so obvious now that they wouldn't hurt him once everything was explained properly (which took several hours, a couple boxes of tissue, and Jack Fenton's body weight in fudge.)
In the past few weeks, his mom and dad have really cleaned up their act.
His parents have stopped shooting at him.
They've officially cut off Vlad (Jack was devastated when he found out that Vlad had been trying to kill him).
Dani, or Ellie now, was introduced to his/their parents (Maddie punched Vlad extra hard when she found out he'd made her a grandmother without Danny's consent) and now she has her own room for when she wants to take a break from traveling.
His parents also disabled the security system that kept attacking him.
And they're trying to figure out a way to keep ghosts from popping out of the portal (It's a work in progress).
They've started asking him to help or give advice on their inventions.
They've actually started paying attention to lab safety and stopped cooking/contaminating food with ectoplasm.
It's been great!
His grades have gone up. He's actually getting more than 2 hours of sleep a night. Less injuries. More time to hangout with Sam and Tucker.
The only thing that hasn't gotten better is the GIW.
They don't seem too happy that the Fenton's aren't helping them anymore.
In fact, they seemed really upset that his parents have changed their views about ghosts. Especially since they've been helping him out as Phantom.
Anytime Danny is out as Phantom the GIW starts swarming and trying to capture him.
They seem really desperate to get him. But, as long as his family and friends are on his side, he'll be fine.
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phanta-friends · 2 years
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minecraft 3 - yogcave :)
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deepersea · 7 months
once more 7k into a fic with no sex in sight. sigh.
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h-f-k · 1 year
me: *is taking fitness slowly because long term "dieting" and exercising works best for me*
me one month later looking at my arms: when the FUCK are y'all gonna grow?
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mangaka-neko-chan · 2 years
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Them. The unholy duo.
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the-nocturnal-writer · 11 months
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notmontauk · 2 years
good evening just for fun i would like to share a very short list of my favorite byler-related things each of my friends, who did not know about byler, said while watching stranger things for the first time, in no particular order:
“who does that?!” while laughing (about mike taking el’s hands away from his face and stopping the kiss to sing in 3x01)
“wait he’s lying??” very loud, with the widest eyes ever (halfway through mike’s monologue)
“i really liked the monologue in the shed! i didn’t know mike and will had a special relationship” (after we finished season 2)
i love them, can’t wait for them to finish everything
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white--moon · 2 years
His gaze slips, straying to Shiro’s tongue where it peeks softly between his teeth and parted lips as he talks. He could lean in and tilt his head and brush his tongue against the tip of it ever so slightly. He thinks things were a little more complicated than Shiro is interested in painting them back then, and he thinks firing him is less complicated than Shiro is making it now. “I’m not some sort of junkie. I understand what the word no means.”
Fuck. He’s legitimately squirming inside and out when Shiro takes such a long time to answer. It only took two of those seconds to regret everything he’s ever done leading up to this moment. He has no idea what he’d been thinking considering how painful this is all likely to be. He didn’t even consider the level of hurt he was courting. But then, he blinks and it’s his turn to roll his eyes. “No, me and the couch in there. Yes, you. I want…” Shit. He almost messed up again. “I mean… nothing exclusive. It probably shouldn’t be.” Mostly because the idea of attempting to tie Shiro down terrifies him. “It doesn’t have to be awful, that’s what I’m saying.” He’s failing to meet Shiro’s eyes, which doesn’t matter, because Shiro isn’t meeting his either. “Sure. Let’s go eat.”
His expression flattens out and he sends a look over at Ichigo. He's really of the opinion that everyone is addicted to something and Ichigo is definitely flirting that line when it comes to the things he does for Shiro.
The confirmation of something he already fucking knew (of course Ichigo meant a relationship between the two of them, who the hell else would he have been talking about??) does some unexpected things inside him he doesn't know how to process or what to think about. His brows go up and his attention finds Ichigo again. "You want...?" He prompts a little, but he isn't really expecting an answer, since Ichigo kind of circles around to approach at a different angle. "I'm, uh, you know, not sleepin' with anyone else lately anyway, so..." He shrugs. Exclusive... It probably says something about them that they had an easier time conversing about Ichigo literally trying to murder him than they are about... this. There's something wrong with both of them and whatever it is, it's the same something. But Ichigo agrees they can talk about it and he nods a little more eagerly than he probably needs to and unlocks the car. "Yeah. Somethin' spicy. Any other requests?"
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hansoeii · 1 month
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the honda odyssey, huh?
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dredsina · 4 months
Ive said this before but swear the biggest skill to learn as an adult is how to resist high-pressure sales tactics. You do NOT have to answer questions with anything other than "Sorry I'm not interested." No matter how nice they are or no matter how many follow up questions they ask or even how agitated they get when you stand your ground. Just keep saying I'm not interested. Don't answer their questions. Don't give them an opening to try to push back on your reasons. Be a fucking brick wall of I'm not interested.
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mayhemchicken-artblog · 5 months
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in the hour or so it took me to draw this op turned reblogs off
EDIT: reblogs are STAYING OFF. op was right and correct and i have never regretted making a post as much as this one. if you want to reblog my art you can reblog something else from my blog. or commission me, lord knows i deserve financial compensation for the nightmare this post has put me through
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scurvyboy · 12 days
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they would get along i think
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eddiegettingshot · 4 months
"their relationship is strictly platonic" "they're so in love" well, more importantly, they are fucking weird and abnormal about each other in an undeniable way
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liquidstar · 11 months
If my mom sees a significant amount of blood she gets lightheaded, and has fainted on some occasions. Once it happened when we were kids, I wasn't there to witness it but I heard the story from my dad. Basically my brothers, around 7 or 8 at the time, were playing outside while my mom was making their lunch, and she accidentally cut her finger. It wasn't anything serious, but it drew a fair bit of blood and she passed out. My dad saw this and rushed over, but he didn't really know what to do so he just sort of started slapping her to wake her up (not recommended, but he had no idea and panicked)
At that exact moment my brothers both came in from playing, and all they saw was our mom unconscious on the floor and our dad slapping her. So, like, without even saying a word to each other they both just INSTANTLY start whaling on him, like, full blown attack mode to defend our mom. Which obviously didn't help the situation, but she did wake up and everything was fine.
Now our dad says that he's actually really glad they attacked him over what they thought was going on, because it means he raised good boys. And I still think that's true, they're very good boys.
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historical drama/sitcom where two gay best friends (woman and man) get lavender married--and proceed to spend the Fancy European Honeymoon their parents paid for acting as each other's wingman
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