#They threw the octopus at the first game I went to and I was so excited its the first time I've witnessed it live
javierpena-inatacvest · 7 months
Lots of Madeline's updates and life ramblings below the cut 🤠
Hey lil homies!! Glad that we're all collectively swooning over OUR SAG WINNER (!!!!) Pirate Pedro 🤪 So happy for our lil drunk baby boy and am ready to fight anyone that says this isn't the hottest look of this award season (I need this man to be a Disney Prince or in a Historical Romance IMMEDIATELY)
I know I've been posting one shots and drabbles, but I feel bad that the posting of chapters for NTL have been taking so long between each one. I've been going through a really bad bout of sleep anxiety and insomnia the past few weeks that has been absolutely kicking my ass, and I'm lacking the normal passion/energy I have for writing (and let's be honest, teaching 8 year olds all day is not helping with that exhaustion when you're running on 4 hours of sleep a night 🥴)
I'm currently working on the wedding chapter, and as I'm typing, I'm thinking I'll split it up into two parts bc it's gonna be hella long if I don't, and lord knows when I'll finish with it if that's the case. Thanks as always for being so patient with me, I promise I'm doing my best to get new chapters out bc our two favorite idiots in love bring me a lot of joy and comfort, just like I hope they bring you 🥺
In other news, I finally got myself enough together to cross post NTL on ao3, so if you have any interest on reading/following on there, here is my ao3 account!! I'll work on adding more there soon, just wanted to get all of NTL there first!!
On a positive note, just like Osita, I am a die hard hockey girlie, so the fact that I have been to two Red Wings games in the past 3 days has really been a bright spot in my week 🐙🔴 (big shoutout to @itsokbbygrl for Patty Kane, I am so sorry for your loss 🤪)
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Have a great week my cute lil friends, I wish you all a fabulous day and no Sunday Scaries!! Here is a live look at me arriving at work tomorrow!!!
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Dagon x Reader
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Your favorite movie is the little mermaid, you tend to be quiet and are the baby of your group.
First Date:
Everyone was chilling out in Dagon's domain. "Man, I'm bored!" Great. Mahito was whining again. "Hey, Jogo! Jogoooooo!" The curse continued to ignore him. Mahito then dumped his drink into Jogo's head, causing the fire to turn into plumes of smoke. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT!?" He then smiled and waived his hand. "Hi."
"Geto, can you please do something!?" It looks like he would need to get more medicinal "herbs" from Hanami for dealing with his chronic headaches A.K.A. Mahito. "I already have something in mind." Jogo began to pray to Gege that it wasn't another round of soccer. "Who's up for a game of volleyball?"
"Me, me, I wanna try it!" Geto then materialized a spider curse to spin a web to create a net. "What about you Hanami?" Hanami then looked up from their National Geographic magazine. ".snioj ogoJ fi ylnO". They then turned their head to face Mr. Mt. Fuji. "I can never understand what you're saying but I have a feeling that it's about me... Fine, let's get this over with..."
"And what about you Dagon?" The curse shook it's head since it wasn't capable of speech yet. "That's too bad. If you need us, we'll be over there." Dagon wanted to laugh. 'It's not hard to find them with all the shouting!' The curse then went over to the water. 'What is this?' __________
You were exhausted, having travelled for so long that you had stopped counting the days. "Hey! I think I finally see the shore!" You swam as fast as you could, hoping you could find some help. __________
"Mahito, what are you doing exactly?" The curse had shifted the shape of it's soul to resemble a crab like creature. "You were going to pinch Jogo, weren't you?" Mahito then transformed back. "You're no fun!" Geto then grabbed the spider curse and swallowed it, causing a large bump to be seen in his throat. "Needs a bit more flavor. Why are you all staring at me?"
"You never told us you could do that!" Geto rubbed his throat. "Oh, this? If you thought that a humans neck shouldn't stretch that wide then I'll tell you about the effects of pregnancy." Hanami then spoke. ".won yalp tsuj esaelp we naC" __________
You would question why you saw an octopus on land but to be frank, you were delirious. "Excuse me, have you seen my son!?" The creature then looked your way. "You can see me?" You really must have been dreaming. "Why wouldn't I be able to see you? Do you have short term memory or something because I don't want to deal with that again..."
The creature then spoke. "Sorry, I guess we got off on the wrong fin. My name is Dagon. What's yours?"
"######." __________
"All right, Hanami, you partner with me and Jogo, you pair up with Mahito." The volcano curse then groaned. "Why do I have to be stuck with him!?" Mahito then flung an arm around Jogo. "Stop making it sound like that's a bad thing! I have an idea on how to help us win!" Mahito then changed his soul to resemble a busty girl in a skimpy bikini. "You know this isn't dead or alive extreme beach volleyball, right?"
"Hey! I'm just trying to seduce Geto to distract him. Besides, I think I look pretty cute!" Geto then walked up to the net. "Unfortunately, that's not going to work Mahito. The curse pouted. "Why not?" Geto then laughed and rubbed his stitches. "Tell me. Have you ever heard of the name Jin Itadori?"
"Who?" __________
You learned that Dagon was a cursed spirit while you told him of how you searched far and wide for your son. "I haven't found him yet but I did find another missing child." You then brought out a fish girl in a bucket. Dagon then picked it up. "And what is your name?"
"I WANT HAM!" __________
"So we just have to hit the ball and make it land? That's easy!" Mahito then grabbed Jogo and tore his head off. He then threw it so hard that it began hurtling towards the sun. "Curse you, Mahito!" could be heard. "You didn't hit the oppents side so that doesn't count." The curse then kicked over Jogo's corpse. "Oh well, it was worth it." __________
"Did you hear something?" Out of nowhere came a break in the domain. An old man threw a harpoon, hitting you straight in the chest. "T-tell my son I-" A heel then came came down and stomped on your body. "Damn it, I was aiming for a shark! It must be all these 4k frames messing my moves up! (All the alcohol the man drank prior totally had nothing to do with it).
He then examined his foot. "Seems pretty small for some cursed spirits." Dagon then hit puberty and transformed into a beefy octopus. "WE ALL BEAR NAMES!" The man then vomited all over himself. "And I'm too drunk to care! Now let's get this over with!" __________
The rest of the curses and Geto had finished packing up. "Do you think we're forgetting something?" __________
"Toji, what are you doing here!? Aren't you supposed to be dead?" There was his son,Toji Fushiguro in the flesh. "I heard you ruined another family today... Y'know... I'm supposed to kill this thing over here but I have a better idea..." He then looked at Dagon.
"WAIT TOJI, PLEASE!" But it was too late, as Naobito was already being pummeled to death with playful cloud. As this was happening, Dagon went to the shore to sit and cry. A clown fish then popped out of the water. "Sorry to bother you mister but have you seen my dad?" Dagon began to cry so hard that the water levels rose faster than scientists could have predicted, the only thing able to live there now being aquaman.
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quazartranslates · 3 years
Welcome to the Nightmare Game II - CH46
**This is an edited machine translation. For more information, please [click here]**
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Chapter 46: Star Death Reality Show (XXIX)
All of the blood in Qi Leren’s body had solidified, and every cell was screaming silently, "No, don't, don't be it"! But this useless prayer could not help their current dangerous situation.
The sound from the vent became clearer and clearer, and it came out through the metal shutters. Qi Leren suddenly woke up from the stiffness that was like being thrown into a freezer, pointed to the door, and shouted, "Open the door! Fast!"
Dr. Lu was closest to the door, and rushed to open it. As a result, as soon as he raised his leg, his left foot stumbled over his right foot, and he fell hard on his face. Du Yue reacted quickly and rushed to the door to unlock it urgently. However, Leviathan had opened the metal shutter in the vent, and its tentacles wrapped in tinfoil stretched out from the black tunnel.
Qi Leren fired three shots at the tentacles. Two shots missed and one shot hit, but like last time, with an ordinary gun’s offensive power, it was impossible to break through the octopus’s shell.
The monster fell down from above like a pool of mud and expanded to a size larger than before. Its mass had exceeded that of a human, and after it fell, those branching tentacles spread across the ground like dead roots, motionless.
Qi Leren retreated slowly, glancing out of the corner of his eye at the door. Dr. Lu was struggling to get up from the ground while Du Yue was sweating as he struggled to unlock the door, because it had been Qi Leren who had locked the door just now, and Du Yue was unfamiliar with this type of lock.
No, I can't get out yet. I have to stall for time... But it would be difficult to stall by fighting. The best way is...
Qi Leren shouted: "Du Yue, use your skill!"
By the time the two rookies reacted, Qi Leren had been chased by the octopus and didn’t hesitate to jump into the vent!
"Stop, don’t move! There’s a kind of charge up!" Du Yue quickly launched this bug-like skill card [Protagonist Halo]!
[Protagonist Halo: When you use this skill card, you instantly become the center of attention, the protagonist of the story, and the fearless saviour! You, with the frightening aura of a king, can easily move people’s hearts, but you can always keep your last breath when you are beaten by a powerful enemy, because the enemy can’t help but explain his motives and modus operandi to you (although there may not be enough time). This skill lasts for one minute, with a cooldown time of three hours. During the start of the skill, persuasiveness increases by 20% and some people’s IQ decreases by 20%. You will not die if attacked. After all, you are the protagonist of this one minute.]
With He Yi’s brain, Leviathan was like any boss who had been faced with the lead character. It had forgotten who it was, where it was, and what it was going to do. It just stood there and listened to this guy who was 1.9 meters tall and 18 years old and could barely act as the teen protagonist. He shouted at it with a cracking voice, and sincerely advised it to abide by human laws and surrender itself quickly.
Ah, there was an invisible and intangible mysterious aura on this human being, which made everyone who saw him believe that this was the legendary protagonist! Although it was very angry, it still had to listen to the protagonist's words!
If it wasn't for its lack of vocal cords, it would probably explain its criminal motives and criminal record. Qi Leren took this opportunity to rush to the door, grabbing Dr. Lu with one hand and unlocking it nervously with the other.
This lock should be like this, wrong, so like this, wrong, how is it unlocked?
Under the Protagonist Halo, Qi Leren, whose IQ had plummeted by 20%, went crazy. It took half a minute to unlock the door and kick Dr. Lu out: "Run!"
Dr. Lu clutched his kicked ass and ran away in three steps.
The most delicious one had escaped the danger. Now there were less than 20 seconds left. Qi Leren shouldered the rocket launcher up off the ground and grabbed Du Yue to drag him out. Watching the "protagonist" run away, the monster finally woke up from the unexplained state of wonder, and the huge mouthparts hidden beneath its tentacles let out a sharp cry, rushing to catch up!
This speed was too fast! Qi Leren kicked Du Yue out with another foot, braced himself against the door, and aimed the rocket launcher at Leviathan, but it was too late. The monster had already jumped in front of him, and its tentacles suddenly stretched. He was dragged to the ground by his feet!
As soon as Qi Leren's hands loosened, the rocket launcher on his shoulder immediately smashed down and landed on his instep, causing a tingle of pain, and his left arm was swallowed by Leviathan's sharp-toothed maw!
"Qianbei!" Du Yue cried, looking back to pull Qi Leren out.
At this time, it was too late to save, and even if he loaded the file, he couldn't go back to the time before his left hand was injured. However, Qi Leren still saved. He felt the pain as if his arm was stuck in a meat grinder, everything below his elbow being ground by countless tiny teeth.
But this was also an opportunity. Qi Leren, who almost fainted in pain, used his quick wits, and a miniature bomb from his item bar appeared directly in his left hand—that is, in the belly of the octopus. Only six minutes were left before his privacy time ran out!
This explosion was even more devastating because it happened directly in Leviathan's body! This terrible explosion made the inside of its body turn inside out, and the brain hidden in it was more fragile than any internal organs. After the explosion, the human brain was useless.
Qi Leren's situation was not much better. The heat and impact of the explosion came out of Leviathan's mouthparts towards him, slamming him against the wall and breaking his neck. He died on the spot and was resurrected at the save point.
Du Yue, who witnessed the death of his senior, was still dumbfounded. Qi Leren had already judged the current situation—he couldn't continue to play! To say nothing of his left hand that was basically wasted, he would die in a few minutes if he didn’t stop the bleeding. Leviathan, though badly hurt, obviously did not lose its fighting power, and even became more violent!
At the moment when Qi Leren resurrected, it had already become like a giant spinning top, spinning wildly on the ground and rushing towards them!
Qi Leren, who suffered from the pain, relied entirely on willpower and kicked Du Yue out the door with one foot. After he slipped out of the door, he threw it closed. The sound of heavy objects hitting the door sounded behind him. Leviathan's bloated and heavy body hit the door directly, but it didn't open the door.
Because its brain had been destroyed in the explosion just now.
One destroyed hand, but he lowered the enemy’s IQ. This round was not a loss!
Damn, you shouldn't have forgotten to shoot He Yi's head before, otherwise, how could you play so badly?!
Because of the severe pain from the intense trauma just now, Qi Leren's right hand covered the elbow of his left arm. The part below the elbow has landed in Leviathan's stomach. The blood was spraying out like a broken faucet, reaching half a metre away. The ground was as horrible as a murder scene!
Du Yue looked at Qi Leren at a loss: "Qianbei, your hand is gone! What should we do! It's bleeding!"
Qi Leren glanced at his privacy time of only five minutes. He gritted his teeth and forced himself to stay awake. If he passed out now, with Du Yue's rookie first aid knowledge, he might really fall to the fate of bleeding to death. At this crucial moment, I have to rely on myself. Qi Leren took out the first-aid supplies that Chen Baiqi had once enthusiastically recommended from his item bar, and gritted his teeth: "Help me hold it."
Du Yue held his arm and listened to the thumping sound behind him. He helped Qi Leren to tie the rubber hose with trepidation. Qi Leren pulled hard and tied it around the middle position of his upper arm. The wound finally stopped bleeding crazily, but it still couldn't be stopped altogether.
Qi Leren remembered that Chen Baiqi had once said that if no measures were taken within three minutes, this kind of limb injury was basically equivalent to signing a death certificate. If there is no teammate who can treat it, take a soldering iron or flamethrower and burn it against the wound. Only when the blood vessels cauterize to necrosis would it stop the massive bleeding.
"Go, Dr. Lu certainly didn't go far, and time is running out," Qi Leren said, suffering from dizziness and severe pain, and hurried in the direction Dr. Lu had run away. Along the way, he was still thinking. He had had a fight with the big boss, and was injured and dying. He also ran away with the protagonist. It was like a life mentor of the leading role who was going to croak.
Bah, it's so unlucky!
Before running far, Qi Leren heard Dr. Lu’s voice: "You ran too far!"
Qi Leren and Du Yue stopped, looked intently, and Dr. Lu, who had opened the [Free WIFI] skill card, was squatted in the corner without any presence, shouting at them. Looking at Qi Leren's injury, he was shocked: "What's wrong with you, don't move, don't move, I'll give you quick first aid! Oh come on, this injury is too heavy!"
"There’s still four minutes left," Qi Leren reported the time, in too much pain to speak.
Dr. Lu immediately used "Doctor’s Orders". In the milky light, the continuously bleeding wound miraculously stopped. Although the amputated limb could not grow back, the wound healed quickly and new skin covered it. It was completely healed.
Dr. Lu was also shocked: "This effect is too good... Am I so powerful? Am I really a genius nurse?"
Du Yue said faintly on the side: "You’ve never had such a good effect in treating my injuries..."
"No, no, no, this must be because your IQ is not enough to affect the performance of 'Doctor’s Orders'. The skill card says that the more impressive the patient is, the better!" Dr. Lu said convincingly.
"But your treatment for others isn’t this good," Du Yue refused to accept it and refused to admit it was an IQ problem.
"Right, why is that?" Dr. Lu was also confused.
Just then, the pain that made him feel close to blacking out finally faded away. Qi Leren untied the rubber hose which left a bruise on his arm. He stared at the healed amputated limb on his elbow for more than ten seconds, and then he came back from the state of high tension just now.
Although he had died before, thanks to S/L Data, he has always completed the tasks with intact hands and feet every time, and this was the first time that he has lost a hand directly. He thought he would be disgracefully frightened, but because of these two rookies, he looked much calmer.
"Don't worry, there are people in the Twilight Township who can do limb regeneration. I know them. If you go back and pay a few survival days, you can grow it back." When Dr. Lu saw Qi Leren staring at the amputated hand, he thought he was sad, so he comforted him.
"Is it expensive?" As a poor player who has consumed a lot of survival days in the process of competing with Su He, this was what Qi Leren is most concerned about.
"It's okay, I remember it was just over a hundred days," Dr. Lu said.
Qi Leren, who had only seventeen days to live, didn't want to speak.
Du Yue was not rich either. He said gloomily, "That’s a lot, I only have thirty days..."
There was no harm without comparison, and Qi Leren suddenly felt that he was impoverished...
"It’s nothing, if you don’t have enough, I’ll pay for you. I usually charge for treating others. Healers are quite scarce, so I’ve earned a lot. Right now I have about two hundred survival days!" Dr. Lu said generously.
More than two hundred days… More than two hundred days… More than two hundred days…
Du Yue would be silent when hearing this number, and Qi Leren would cry when hearing it.
Editor’s Notes: For anyone (me) who has forgotten the exact details, here’s the description for Doctor’s Orders:
[Doctor’s Orders] (Non-Binding Skill Card): The ability to work miracles comes with a price – a price for your patients. There will be no mercy given to those who do not deserve. Allows the holder to heal all who meet the following requirements: attractive, not a Virgo and an IQ over 100. The number of requirements met will determine the effectiveness of the treatment. Skill cooldown: 2 hours. (translated by Sigma)
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Fest & Fire
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Name/Link: Fest & Fire
Fandom: Harry Potter
Challenge(s): Ship; Garden; Set; SS
Ship & Team:  Lunar Lion (Luna Lovegood/Harry Potter)
List (Prompt): FaMic2 (Candle); FaMed1 (Courting/Wooing; Admiring the View); FaBig (Feast); SuBig (Bonfire) || Daphne Special (Eye Shadow)
Space Address (Prompt): Ship [2D] (Public Declaration)
Word Count: 489
Warning(s): Firework
“Oh, moon and stars,” Luna moaned around the bite of falafel that xe had just taken. “This tastes so good!”
It was a good thing that Harini was so good at translating Dudley when he talked with his mouth full because otherwise there was no way she would have understood that declaration. Not that Harini blamed Luna for xyr lack of manners. She had a small paper basket of her own samosa that she was eating with just as much relish as Luna was xyr basket. Street food was not this good back in England, not even at any of the pubs that other of their friends swore by.
Visiting the Punjab had been an inspired idea. Harini loved everything she had learned and experienced so far. She had been a bit wary about Luna choosing the location for xyr birthday trip just because of the fact that Harini was going to be xyr travel companion and it was her first trip out of the Isles, but Luna seemed to be enjoying xemself just as much as Harini was, if not more. Not to mention that Luna’s forthright and direct manner had proven helpful as xe did not have any problem with bluntly asking for clarification and elucidation on things where Harini still had an instinctive urge to duck a blow from Aunt Petunia’s frying pan for considering asking questions.
Coming in late October and staying into November as they had meant they were there for Diwali, the festival of lights. That meant there was a festive mood over the entire city. Everywhere they went, there was music and dancing. Luna managed to convince a trio of old women to teach them how to make rangoli in the park’s pavilion.
Now they were farther into the park, where there was a series of food vendors and craft stalls lining the wide sidewalk. After finishing their food, they threw out their trash and continued down the path. At the end of the avenue they were on, the sidewalk widened to a wide plaza. The town they were in had organized a carnival with several rides and boardwalk game stalls. Dotted among them were even more artisans and craftspeople selling their goods.
“Do you think Teddy will like this?” Harini asked after examining a stuffed octopus knitted with crimson yarn shot through with strands of gold. It was beautiful and very soft. Even if her godchild was too young to really appreciate it now, she thought that Remus would probably appreciate the gift. Dora might make jokes about indoctrinating the baby early, but Harini didn’t see anything in Hufflepuff colors to balance things.
“I think Teddy will love it,” Luna agreed. Xe grinned before reaching into a basket on the craft table and presenting a rattle made from a pale yellow wood with swirls of black on it.
“Perfect,” Harini said before buy both souvenirs for Teddy from the knitting booth-runner.
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Set in @moonbowphobia​ and @octopus-defence-squad​‘s Heist Au
Again, this is more characterization and absolutely no A plot. I will get to it, if I keep telling myself that. It’s just that this is more fun.
TW: Child Neglect And I’m going to preface no ships. It’s just for story purposes.
Wilbur was at the skatepark. He was going his own thing. No friend group to show off too. No little kids asking for advice. Just the sound of wheels on cement and whatever was going on his the background.
In all honestly he was bored. It was strange. Wilbur had spend all of his childhood on the look out. Protecting himself. Keeping Tommy safe. Making sure Tubbo never found out that those two things were going on. It was trying, but necessary.
It was weird having a support system. It made him feel bad when he realized how sad that sounded, but it was true. His mother died giving birth to Tommy when he was five. His father deteriorated soon after.
Teachers didn’t care; Wilbur tried his best, but he was an average student at best. Not good enough to get praise. Not bad enough to be of note.
Tommy was another story; always causing trouble in class. It was a wonder that he hadn’t gotten kicked out of school yet.
At least that’s what Tubbo and his family thought. Wilbur knew it was because Tommy learned how to stop just shy of too far by dealing with their father.
Tommy was a good kid. He just didn’t get parental support at all and Wilbur was still in kindergarten when he was forced to grow up. Neither blame the other.
~ ~ ~
Wilbur remembered the first time Tubbo came over. Their dad was drunk out of his mind and thought he was seeing double. He had been mad at Tommy for waking him up that morning, so he was angry when the saw two Tommys. It was a little funny, because he actually wasn’t seeing double. But it was bad because he threw an empty bottle at the two five year olds.
Wilbur took them grocery shopping with him. He let them pick out whatever they wanted from the shop, spending a little more money then he was supposed to. But he just cut into his guitar funds that he had been saving up.
He was thankful that they don’t remember that encounter at all. As far as the two boys remembered, Tubbo had never been to Tommy’s house.
There were only two things that they retained. Tommy knew that Tubbo wasn’t allowed to come over. Tubbo didn’t like the sound or sight of broken glass.
- - -
Wilbur remembered the “first” time Tubbo came over. Wilbur and Tommy’s father was in hospital due to heart problems. Something about all that alcohol. The two looked at each other defeating, knowing they should feel bad for their father, but not giving a shit.
They cleaned the house up. It took all week. Everything looked nice. It looked normal. It looked acceptable enough for Tubbo to come over.
Wilbur stayed in the kitchen doing school work while the eight year olds played around the house.
- - -
Tommy always went over to Tubbo’s house. That’s how it was. That’s how it should be. Wilbur would always drop off and pick up Tommy. Tubbo and his family had never seen the boys’ father ever. Other than that one incident that only Wilbur knew about
Sometime they’d invite Wilbur over for dinner. Sometimes they’d invite him over for family game night. Wilbur was reluctant to go, this was his little brother’s best friend’s family; how welcome was he?
Very, he would find out.
After picking Tommy up one time, he was bombarded with how fun it was. How much he would enjoy it if he just came over. Once.
“C’mon Wilbur.”
“It’s Tubbo’s family game night.”
“Yeah family.”
Wilbur went to the next one. Wilbur realized why there was always a little sad glint in Tommy’s eyes when he would come back home from game night.
It wasn’t because it was over. Well that was part of it for sure. But there was an even number of people in the Sparklez-Puffy household. So for partner games, Tommy would always get tacked onto a team as the third.
Wilbur made time for every game night from then on.
They fell into a rhythm of teams. They mixed it up sometimes, but there was a standard: Wilbur and Tommy Niki and Eret Tubbo and Ranboo Captain and Cara
His name wasn’t Captain of course, but it was a term of endearment due to the man’s time in the army.
~ ~ ~
Today was one of those days. Family game night. But Tommy was working at the new job Technoblade had scored him. And Wilbur, while he had gotten closer to the family sure, didn’t want to intrude on game night without Tommy there.
So here he was. At the skatepark. Alone.
He didn’t mind the stability don’t get him wrong. It was just weird. Not that Captain and Cara weren’t wonderful people who would have given Tommy and Wilbur anything they could ever ask for.
But Tommy hated pity with a burning passion. And Wilbur didn’t want to burden the Sparklez-Puffys. So the two made sure that the family didn’t know how bad their situation was.
But they brought enough stability for Wilbur go pick up skateboarding.
- - -
It was weird that the two brother’s were at their most stable right now. What with their father passed out on the couch every hour of the week, but that was normal. The weird thing was that the boy’s idol and eight grade science teacher were helping them plan to rob a bank.
The Gold’s marks were the highest they ever were. They got at least one good nutritious meal everyday. Sometimes two or three depending on if they had afternoon snakes or left overs from the night before.
When dinnertime planning became a normal thing, Wilbur realized that Technoblade and Mr. Phil knew about his and Tommy’s home life. When they started getting leftovers everyday, Tommy made the connection. Wilbur was surprised Tommy didn’t fight it. Then again, he was a growing boy.
- - -
Wilbur sharply turned the board. When had to gotten to Technoblade’s house? He didn’t need to be here this afternoon. He was bored. He kicked his board up. He knocked on the door.
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thiswasinevitableid · 3 years
For mermay, could you do 11 for sternclay? sfw please :) I love your prompt fills!
Thank you so much! Here you go. The prompt was “royalty” and I based Barclay on a basking shark and Joseph on a mimic octopus.
For the last two weeks, Joseph has been hearing what a difficult assignment he’s taken, and how most bodyguards wouldn’t take it even with the handsome pay. That the princes of Sylvain are impossible to guard, that they’ve gone through more security staff than sharks go through teeth (this part he knows to be true from the records he’s found). 
Two days in, he’s starting to wonder if there’s been some sort of mistake. 
Now, had he received Duck’s assignment, he’d understand the warnings. Prince Indrid, seer to the court of Sylvain, has already shown himself to be a strange mixture of aloof, demanding, and spoiled.
But Prince Barclay?
When Joseph was shown into his chambers and introduced, the instant the servants left Barclay swam over to him with a nervous smile. He asked if there was anything he could get him, was he hungry, would he like something to drink? Joseph accepted that last offer, curious to see how the prince would react if called upon to perform hospitality rather than simply offer it. 
What happened was Barclay swam into an anteroom and came back with a carved coral platter with mother of pearl pitcher and goblets, pouring Joseph’s first before taking a glass for himself. 
That set the tone for his behavior, and it hasn’t changed in the week since he’s arrived. The prince, charcoal tailed and a little shy, seems to view Joseph as just another mer to talk to. When in the castle, Barclay will ask him his thoughts on the historical and political scrolls his tutors assign him as part of his preparation to one day inherit the kingdom. Out in public, Joseph shifts into the background, watches everything with care while the prince swims behind his parents or, more often, their advisors. 
“Do you think there was some kind of misunderstanding with his previous guard?” Joseph asks Duck over a late night dinner in the hall, which allows them to keep their eyes on their charges rooms. 
“I mean, he seems like a nice enough fella to me. But nice fellas can still be sneaky; from what Ned told me, Barclay’s an escape artist. Think he might be lurin you into a false sense of security.”
“And I think trusting what Ned Chicane tells you is a terrible way to gather intel.”
Movement from Indrid’s room and Duck stiffens, listening, then relaxes.
“Shouldn’t you go check on that?”
“Nah, he’s just pacin, does that a lot, especially at night.”
“He really should get some sleep.”
Duck shrugs, “He should. But treatin him like a child is the wrong way to go. He knows he oughta rest, my remindin him will just annoy him. Besides,” Duck raises an eyebrow, “maybe you better be more focused on your prince.”
“He turned in an hour ago.”
“You sure?”
Something in Duck’s voice sends worry bubbling through his guts, “I’ll check now, just to be positive.”
The bed is empty, the prince nowhere to be found. 
“Shit!” He darts back into the dim hallway, “he’s gone, I’ve got to find him and fast. How, how in name of the deep did you know?”
“Call it a hunch. Indrid likes to play the ‘I know somethin you don’t’ game, but if I let ‘im play it long enough, he let’s somethin important slip out.”
“Shit” Joseph says again, “I, if anyone asks-” 
“I’ll say I ain’t seen you or Barclay since dinner. Ain’t a lie.” Duck winks and Joseph flashes him a quick smile before swimming back into the prince’s rooms. There’s only one door and no secret passageways, (he checked for those himself), so the windows it is. His tentacles can sense Barclay’s trail, faint but unmistakable, and he follows it until he’s almost at the shore. Then it’s gone. 
He spends the next three hours feverishly tracing and retracing his path and keeping his panic to a minimum. When he spies a figure swimming towards him, he backs against a rock, planning to hide until they pass. 
This plan changes the instant he registers who it is. 
“Gaahfuck” Barclay catches his yell quickly and muffles it down to a hiss, “what the hell Joseph, you scared me.”
“And you just made me spend three hours swimming around and wondering if my charge had been abducted. I’d say that makes us even.”
“Didn’t make you do anything.” Barclay grumbles as Joseph turns them towards the palace. 
He sighs, “No, I guess technically you didn’t. But I take my job very, very seriously. If this past week hasn’t demonstrated that sufficiently, maybe tonight has. When you disappear into the night, it’s my duty to follow.” He catches brown eyes studying him warily and adds, “I’m not doing it to be punitive or steal your freedom, or even because their majesties told me to; I’m doing it because you’re under my protection.”
The prince nods but says nothing else until they return to his rooms. 
“Joseph? I’m uh, I’m sorry. For scaring you. You got farther than anyone else did, none of them ever tracked me that well, if they noticed I was gone at all. I figured you wouldn’t notice, so you wouldn’t worry. So, yeah. I’m sorry.” 
Joseph knows a false apology when he hears it, and this is as far from one as a desert is from the deep sea. 
“Apology accepted, my prince. But Barclay” he levels the other mer with a stern gaze, tries not to notice his cheeks tinging pink the longer he holds it, “don’t do it again.”
“Are you certain we cannot trade?” Indrid’s fin ripples with agitation as he draws. 
“Nope, Joseph is a good bodyguard.”
“And your crush on him is not governing your answer in the slightest?” Indrid smirks but doesn’t look up. 
“No idea what you’re talking about. Besides, Duck seems nice.” Barclay stretches his other arm, then pauses, “wait, fuck, is he hurting you or something?”
“No. On the contrary, he is annoyingly concerned with my wellbeing.”
“That’s his job.”
“It was the job of all his predecessors as well, but all it took was ordering them around or demanding things in the right tone before they were letting me do as I pleased. I wanted to go to that bar on the edge of town last night and do you know what he did? He told me no, because word had gotten around that it was a spot I frequented and someone there might try to take me hostage.”
“And, and then when I tried to leave anyway he blocked the door with that blasted muscular tail and obnoxiously charming face and wouldn’t move! Then he told me he would if I looked at the future told him we’d both be safe if we went. It turns out he was right, the chances of violence were high.”
“I mean, you don’t like places that loud anyway-”
“It’s the principle of the thing.” Indrid sighs, “so we stayed in and I made him read to me as penance but he was very good at it and I fell asleep within a half hour.”
Barclay is trying hard not to laugh, only because he knows how hard it is for his brother to admit such things. And because, given what else he knows of Duck, the mer might be exactly what his brother needs. If nothing else, Barclay hopes Duck might be observant enough to notice what’s there, not just what his brother tries to toss up like so much sand in hopes of obscuring the truth. 
Indrid goes back to his drawings. Barclay can remember the first time their ministers caught Indrid capturing the futures this way and scolded him, saying the futures to look at were only those the court asked him to, nothing else. Indrid had explained, in a number of different ways, that this was how he could keep the images from overwhelming him, but still they insisted he stop. It wasn’t until he drew on his status and threw a near fit that they relented. That was a lesson he never forgot. 
Barclay hopes todays lessons will be more enjoyable. One of the jobs of a royal bodyguard is to train the princes in self-defense. When Joseph and Duck enter the gym through kelp curtains, Barclay can’t help but be mesmerized by the poise with which his tentacles move across the ground. 
“Good morning, your highness. And to you as well, your highness.” Joseph bows to them each in turn, “Barclay, today you and I will be working with swords while Duck and Prince Indrid work on hand to hand combat.”
“What?” Indrid looks up, red eyes wide, “Barclay is the one who trains hand to hand, not me.”
“Which is exactly why we gotta mix things up. You need all the modes of defense you can get. Unless of course you’re, uh, afraid you can’t take me.” Duck raises an eyebrow at Indrid. 
His brother says nothing, simply grabs his bodyguard and pulls him towards the designated room, calling, “I’ll see you after lunch!”
He and Joseph trade an amused look, then swim to the shelf of blunted training weapons. They’re still bone or sharks tooth, but they’ve been sanded down so no one can get hurt. 
“Now, you mentioned you’ve done some sword work, so am I right that you know how to hold this safely?”
“Yep.” Barclay takes the sword, swimming over to one of the Xs on the floor. 
“Good. To keep things fair for now, I won’t use my tentacles for anything other than swimming.” Joseph takes his position on the opposite X and lifts his sword, “ready?”
Barclay nods and then immediately parries as Joseph lunges with a burst of speed. He recovers quickly, and they begin an elegant back and forth, bubbles and stray sand swirling through the air as they spin and dodge around one another. Joseph keeps up a steady stream of commentary, either positive or instructive, and Barclay is having a hard time ignoring the the thrill he gets every time Joseph pulls off a graceful maneuver. 
When they break, both a little winded, there’s a crash from the next room. 
“Fuck! You okay, your highness?” Duck sounds concerned. 
“Yes, now try that again, I am going to get this right.” 
Joseph glances at him, “Should we-”
“Nah. He kinda sounds like he’s enjoying himself.”
The other mer studies him, “Are you?”
“Yeah, of course.”
“Then I’m going to ask you to stop holding back. I can’t train you effectively if I don’t know what your skill level actually is.”
He’s learned not to insist Joseph is mis-observing things when he’s actually observing them perfectly; the other mer is too sharp for that. 
“I...I just don’t want to hurt you.”
Joseph swims close, sets a hand on his shoulder, “For starters, these are fake swords, and I’m not a bad fighter. But more than that, I suspect there’s a very impressive swordsman under those scales.”
They take their positions and when Joseph gives the signal Barclay attacks with all the force his tail can muster. Joseph dodges easily but makes an approving noise. Then he grins, the expression downright rakish, and attacks with such precision and speed that Barclay barely manages to counter him. 
His focus narrows down to the fight, to watching Joseph’s body for every sign of movement, every twitch of muscle and tentacle. Finally, he sees his opening and drives the other mer backwards until he’s trapped, back to the rocky grey wall. 
“Well” Barclay pants, images of finishing the fight with a kiss banging about his mind, “what do you think of that, Joseph?”
Two tentacles rise, plucking both swords from their fighters hands as his bodyguard murmurs, “I’m impressed.”
It’s been a month and a half since Barclay slipped out of his room, and while he’s tried twice more, Joseph has been ready each time. Tonight, however, he’s opting for a new strategy.
He bids the prince goodnight, well aware he’ll swim out the window around moonrise. Then he waits just across from the window, skin and tentacles camouflaged with the rocks. Right on time, Barclay emerges, swimming quickly and quietly towards the shore. Joseph follows at a safe distance, forces himself to focus on the prince’s likely path rather than on how handsome he looks in the moonlight. 
When they reach the shallows Barclay pauses, slips a woven bracelet onto his wrist, and kicks towards the surface. 
Who in the name of the wide ocean gave him legs?
Joseph’s physiology allows him to crawl across the tidepools, keeping his eyes on Barclay as the prince retrieves a set of clothes hidden behind a rock and walks into the small town of Kepler, turning towards a restaurant on the pier. 
Someone had to enchant that bracelet for him, has to know where he’s going while using it. And that someone has to be a mer he trusts. 
“Yes. I made him the bracelet. What of it?” Indrid says coolly. 
“Indrid, do you have any idea how dangerous that is?” Joseph throws his arms and several tentacles in the air. 
“Hold up” Duck turns to his prince, “Indrid, I’m guessin Barclay probably asked for a reason, right?”
“Indeed, but if I say what it was, you will reveal it to our parents and ministers and take it away from him.”
“I won’t. I promise. I, I just want to help.”
Indrid narrows his eyes. Then, remarkably, he turns to Duck and cocks his head. Duck nods. 
“Very well. And yes, I will grant you that favor you’re about to ask for…”
How do humans manage with these things? His tentacles tell him so much more than these useless feet do. 
Joseph makes his wobbly way into Kepler, following Barclay’s trail down the pier, the one he’s walked the last two weeks while Joseph intermittently clung to the nearby wooden supports or fencing to make sure his prince wasn’t in danger. 
Even with Indrid’s explanation, the room he enters is a surprise. Several counters with what he knows humans call “stoves” sitting on them, each manned by one or two people. 
“Hello there” An affable older man in a multi-colored shirt approaches him, “you here for the class?”
“Great! Hmmm, since you’re new, better pair you with someone, just to be safe. Follow me.”
Joseph isn’t afraid of much. But when he sees who the man intends to pair him with, he almost jumps out the window and flees back to the sea.
“You’re in luck, gonna pair you with my best student. Barclay, this is…”
“Joseph’s first class with us, so I’m handin him over to you. Make me proud.”
Barclay isn’t blinking, but he manages to say, “sure thing, Thacker.” 
The older man nods, pleased, and makes his way towards the kitchen set-up at the front of the room, greeting people as he goes. 
“What the fuck, Joseph?” Barclay keeps his voice low, “did Janelle give you legs just so you could come drag me out of class?”
“No, no not at all. Indrid did this.”
Joseph takes a deep breath, “Barclay, I told you that first week that I’m here to protect you. The way I see it, I’ll do a much better job if I come with you to something that clearly matters to you, rather than force you to hide it from me. No one knows about this but Indrid and Duck.”
Barclay seems stunned, doesn’t say anything as Thacker opens the class and instructs them on how to make something called “marinara” to go on “pasta.” The prince stays silent until they’re working on the cookies the human is also having them make.
“Here, it’s easier to cut them out like this.” He sets his hand atop Joseph’s, pressing and shaking it so the dough comes away from the stone slab in the shape of a heart. 
“Thank you.”
Barclay smiles at him, and the kitchen grows hotter. 
When everything is done cooking, they sit on stools at their station, eating the fruits of their labor. Barclay is animatedly describing the pie they made last week, occasionally stopping to chat with some of the other students. He looks so happy, and Joseph decides he will not tell their majesties about this even if they torture him. Or fire him. 
As they walk back along the beach, Barclay explaining all the things he’s learned about cooking and how much he wishes they’d let him cook at the palace rather than insist it’s beneath his station, the prince takes his hand.
“Humans do this when they’re waling on the beach together. I think it’s to keep them from getting separated if they get hit by a wave.
Joseph is pretty sure that’s not the reason, but he’s not about to say so now. 
They dive back under the waves, removing their charms and swimming side by side in the dark water. Once they’re safely inside, Barclay turns to him, beaming, “Thank you so much for coming.”
“Even if I wasn’t invited?”
“Yeah. It, uh, it means a lot to me that you wanna learn about the stuff that matters to me. That you wanna know the real me.”
“Of course I do.”
Barclay swims dangerously close, “You, uh, do you wanna know another part?”
He nods. Barclay leans in and presses their lips together. Joseph manages to keep his hands himself, but his tentacles have other ideas, curling protectively around the prince’s tail and waist. The instant Barclay pulls back with the most adorable sigh in the sea, Joseph forces them to return to their normal position. 
The prince gives him a final, shy smile and whispers, “‘Night, Joseph. And thanks for everything.”
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plainbrunettelbl · 5 years
ABO (O) Amajiki Tamaki x (A) Reader Blushing Birthday Boy
Word count: 1679
Warning: Enough fluff to kill you.
Title: ABO (O) Amajiki Tamaki x (A) Reader Blushing Birthday Boy
Summary: It’s your Omega’s birthday and you can’t wait to take him out to celebrate!
(Gif not mine credit to the owner!)
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🐙-You were excited to spend the day with your sweet Omega on his birthday! You had planned this day a week in advance just to make sure everything was perfect.
🐙-You didn’t tell him where you were taking him, wanting to surprise him when you pulled up to place. You excitedly pecked him on the cheek when he climbed into the car. He let out a quiet squeak before slumping into the leather chair in a blushing mess.
🐙-Your Omega was so adorable! Your Alpha purred at the sight of him.
🐙-“Happy Birthday, Omega! I can’t wait until we get there! We are gonna have so much fun today, Tamaki.” You beamed, pulling away from the curb and driving to the destination.
🐙-You parked the car and turned to him. You had made him close his eyes five minutes before you got there just to see his face when he opened his eyes are saw where you were.  
🐙-“Okay! Open up, Tama.” You grinned, loving the way his indigo eyes reflected the sunlight hitting them.
🐙-“A carnival?” He questioned, looking at the twirling rides and white and red striped tents.
🐙-“Yeah! I am glad today is your birthday since this is their last weekend here.” You said, getting out of the car.
🐙-You walked over to his side and opened his door for him. Once his feet hit the ground you scooped him up in a hug. You Alpha nearly purring at his sweet smell rubbing off on you.
🐙-You should have scented him before you went into a crowd with a bunch of Alphas but you knew he would short circuit if you scented him it in public. For now, you were content in leaving a little of your scent on him with the hug.
🐙-“Are you excited, Omega? I asked Mirio if you ever been to a carnival before and he said no. I thought it would be cool to do something you haven't done before.” You said, pulling away and looking up until into his blushing face.
🐙-“Yeah, it seems fun.” He stuttered, still feeling the warmth of your body against his.
🐙-His Omega was begging him to stay wrapped up in your arms all day but he pushed his Omega’s thoughts down. His Alpha had planned this trip for him and he was gonna enjoy every second of it.
🐙-“Well come on Omega! The fun is about to begin!” You smiled, taking his hand and tugging him to the entrance.
🐙-You and Tamaki stood in line at the very first ride you saw. It was a huge roller coaster that had so many loops and turns it made you head spin just looking at it.
🐙-“There are so many sweet treats I know you are dying to try! Let’s get on a few rides before we start hitting up the food stands. I don’t want my Omega getting sick on their birthday!” You laughed, loving the way Tamaki was trying to hide with his face stuffed in your chest.
🐙-“Y/N...” Tamaki mumbled, nuzzling more into your chest.
🐙-“What’s up? If it’s about the food we don’t have to wait if you are hungry now. It’s your birthday so we are gonna do whatever you want.” You hummed, rubbing a hand down his back.
🐙-“I don’t think I can go on this ride.” He said, shivering a little.
🐙-Your Alpha sat up immediately, her protective instincts rushing forward.
🐙-“What’s wrong, Tamaki? Did I mess up? Are you afraid of roller coasters?” You asked, you heart stalling at the thought of ruining your poor Omegas birthday.
🐙-You had planned the perfect day and not taken into account that Tamaki might not like roller coasters.
🐙-“No, Alpha! I am willing to try them but I would prefer if we went on the ones that have more than one bar holding you down in place.” He mumbled, embarrassed at his own fear.
🐙-The smile bounced right back on your face.
🐙-“Why didn’t you say so sooner? Let’s go find another ride. This one looks like it would give us a headache anyways.” You hummed, dropping a peck on his forehead before pulling him away.
🐙-After a few rides, you and Tama finally hit up the food stands. Your Omega looked like he didn’t eat a lot but thanks to his quirk he could put away quite a lot of food.
🐙-“What do you want, baby? The turkey legs look good. I could go for a couple of hot dogs though.” You pointed out, looking at the menu.
🐙-From the corner of your eye, you saw Tamaki eyeing the ice cream vendor not too far from you.
🐙-You knew he wouldn’t ask for ice cream if you didn’t push him. He had wanted to pay for his ticket at the door. You had lightly scratched the back of his scalp and told him you were paying for everything today. He had melted in your grasp and didn’t put up much of a fight after that.
🐙-He usually wouldn’t let you spend a dime on him if it wasn’t needed.
🐙-Like you would sit by and let your Omega go dessertless after a meal. That was unthinkable. Your Alpha was determined to spoil your soft-spoken Omega.
🐙-“I think I will get a turkey leg and some chili fries if that is okay, Alpha?” Tama asked nervously eyeing the prices on the menu and looking back at you.
🐙-“Of course! You know what! I am feeling some fries too. How about I buy us a large order of chili fries to share?” You convinced, look sideways at your gentle mate.
🐙-You knew a small order of fries and a turkey leg wasn’t gonna fill him up so you would buy a big plate for him and pretend you were eating your fill.
🐙-He perked up at the suggestion.
🐙-“Sounds good, Alpha.” He hummed, wrapping his arms around your arm while you placed your order.
🐙-You both walked to a table not too far away and waited for it to be made.
🐙-“Are you having fun, Tamaki?” You questioned, pulling him closer to you by his waist.
🐙-“A lot of fun, Alpha! Thank you for bringing me.” He beamed, leaning down to drop a kiss on your lips.
🐙-“Are you sure? I know the crowd must be a lot for you.” You asked again, peering out at the bumbling crowd shifting around you both.
🐙-“Not if you are by my side, Y/N. Everything seems to fall away when I am in my Alpha’s arms.” He looked down a small smile on his face.
🐙-Your Alpha howled in pride.
🐙-“I’m glad to hear that, Tama. Looks like our order is ready. Let’s eat and afterward that ice cream stand is calling our name.” You said standing up to go get your food.
🐙-Your Omega was getting his sweet treat whether he liked it or not.
🐙-You were walking down the two rows were the carnival games were set up. You looked as kids and adults tossed rings and threw darts. You knew taking your Omega here was evil but you couldn’t help it.
🐙-There was a reason why this lane smelled of Omegas more than the rest of the carnival. All the stuffed animals stacked on the game walls were too tempting for any Omega that passed by.
🐙-Now you need your precious Omegas eyes to latch onto one and you would be all too pleased to win it for him.
🐙-As soon as his indigo eyes locked onto a small octopus plushy your target was set. Your Alpha was already upfront and center ready to demolish anything in her path to win that soft toy for her mate.
🐙-“Ooh, look! Let’s try out that game. I bet I can knock over those milk cartons in no time!” You declared already walking up to the stand.
🐙-“Are you sure, Y/N? You know these games are rigged right?” Tamaki said, peering at the stacked cartons and trying not to let his eyes stray to the soft octopus hanging a foot away from them.
🐙-“Even if it is, I won’t let it stop me.” You winked, slapping down some money and grabbing the three baseballs you had purchased.
🐙-Your first throw knocked down three of the six milk cartons but it was just a practice shot to get a feel for it. Your second throw was much better, five bottles rolled off the stand.
🐙-“Blow a kiss on the ball for me, Tamaki.” You encouraged, lifting the baseball up to his lips.
🐙-He flushed red and backed away.
🐙-“W-what? Why?” He stuttered, his cute elf ears turning crimson as well.
🐙-“For good luck. You are my good luck charm after all.” You chuckled, offering him the ball again.
🐙-He was blushing up a storm but he still leaned down and blew a kiss on the ball.
🐙-“Thank you, Omega. Now its time to win you that octopus.” You grinned before throwing the ball with all your might.
🐙-Six bottles down and one plush octopus later you both were heading to the entrance. The sun was starting to go down and you knew it would get colder at night so you coaxed your timid Omega to leave.
🐙-You didn’t want your mate walking around in the cold after all.
🐙-Being cuddled up in the nest he had on the couch was a better option.
🐙-“Thank you for the plushy, Alpha,” Tamaki said, climbing into the car.
🐙-“No problem, Omega. Anything for you.” You smiled, turning the car on and making sure the heat was pointed in his direction.
🐙-“W-would you scent it for me when we get back?” He whispered, clutching it tightly to his chest, his heart nearly jumping out of his chest waiting for your answer.
🐙-“Sure thing, babe!” You grinned, happy today had turned out so well.
I had this idea of going to the carnival with Bakugo but since it was our elfs birthday today I changed it out. I hope yall liked it! This is also the first time I switched roles so please give me some feedback!
Please reblog and leave a like! Each really helps motivate me to post! 💜
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amaya777 · 3 years
The Hunt | A Twisted Wonderland Oneshot
With the Beans Day event rerun going on right now, I wanted to write something with the reader being involved in the event as well. Since I started writing long after this event the first time, I did not think to write a oneshot around it until recently with this rerun. Of course because it’s me, a certain octopus will be involved in this particular game of monster and farmer with the reader.
You thought for sure that you would survive this and beat the monsters, that the farmers team would win. While Vargas made it seem like this was a test of physical strength, in your eyes this seemed more like a matter of speed and stealth. Get to the coliseum and steal the harp without getting caught, that should be easy enough. So you made the way to your starting point with your ten beans and map, thinking.
“I’ll go for one or two of these supply boxes, see if they have anything useful. But it’s straight to the coliseum after that.”
Then it was time, dashing off as you quickly ran through the area. While avoiding being seen and hiding behind trees and structures, you aimed for a nearby supply box. It was rather risky to go for it alone, but you had your beans to use. So you went up to the supply box, only to spot two of those on the monster team as you immediately threw beans at them. Hitting them square in the head, you took off with what you could easily grab from that box before any reinforcements could come.
Finding shelter up in a tree, you discovered that you had grabbed a small bean shooter, a bag of beans, and a magic drug that could make one run faster for ten seconds. Perfect, you can get to the coliseum faster and easily outrun anyone that might come after you. So continuing on your way toward the coliseum, light on your feet and shooting any monsters that are in your path, the drug really did its job.
Yes, this will be a cinch! But then you heard something and jumped in the air as a large hand appeared, grabbing where you had just been.
“I’m not letting you get through!”
Seeing that it was Jack Howl wearing some sort of glove, he growled and came right towards you. But the drug was still in effect as your reactions were slightly faster, flipping over him and then running off. Knowing that the drug was about to wear off and hearing his growls from behind, you ran the long way to the side zigzagging to confuse him.
Finally you could not hear him anymore, relieved as the drug wore off. Oh god, that was close! But you’re almost at the coliseum and you still have beans to shoot any monsters with. Now it’s a matter of getting in there without being caught though. After catching your breath and coming up with a plan, you started to make your way over to the coliseum. Not long afterwards, there was laughter and suddenly a net came flying at you. Unable to dodge it, you were caught and trapped within it as you were shocked. But how?! Then footsteps were heard and now you could make out the chuckling figure that was approaching.
“Azul Ashengrotto?!”
“Yes. You are certainly a fast one, no one else on the farmers team has made it this close to the coliseum yet. But it was foolish of you to come here alone and to fall for my trap. I knew you were coming here and judging by how fast you went, I made sure to have Jack intercept you and then lead you straight to me!”
Damn it! So Jack was just the decoy that tricked you into going this way. Now that explains why you had managed to lose him so easily. You glared up at Azul as he walked over and looked down at you with a big smile.
“Wipe that damn smirk off your face.”
Azul just laughed before he made the capture net disappear, freeing you as you stood up. Ugh, guess now you’re out of this. So close to having won for the farmers team!
“Your skills are impressive to have gotten here, that is for sure. Speaking of, I heard from one of my personnel that you had wagered a bet on your team winning this. The loser is to sign a contract with me, isn’t that right?”
How? That was a private conversation!
“What, no! It was just a joke!”
You then awkwardly laugh and try to dismiss it, but he had an even bigger smirk on his face. He turned his back, looking at you over his shoulder.
“We can discuss the terms of your contract after this is over.”
Azul gave a chuckle and a wink before he went off, leaving you there groaning. Great, why did this have to happen?!
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aster-tiger · 3 years
The Raging Witch
Zoro x OFC, Luffy x OFC, Law x OFC, Zoro x Luffy, Law x Zoro
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Warnings: swearing, starved character, medical experimentation, pt$d, panic_attack$, hum@n_trafficking survivor, hurt/comfort, shameless smut, recovery, bisexuality, consensual k!nk, emotional slow burn, developing relationship, bonding, mating (not abo), post Punk Hazard, changing pov (no head hopping)
Chapter 09: Body swap
She woke at dawn, groggy, sweaty and with awful aftertaste in her mouth. There was somebody wrapped around her like an octopus.
She unwrapped the stretchy limbs and sat up. Luffy was still asleep, his mouth slightly open and hair sticking in every direction.
Rage was craving a shower and a cup of coffee or two. She rummaged through the wooden chest by the foot of the bed and found clothes that would fit her. She took them, threw on her previous shirt, grabbed the rest of her stuff and went to the bathroom.
She had to kick out three men sleeping on the bathroom floor, the stench of alcohol heavy around them. Then took a quick shower, thoroughly brushed her teeth and washed her clothes in the sink.
She went on deck to find a rope, threaded it through sleeves of the shirt and the pantleg. Then tied the rope to the railing for the clothes to dry. The wind was strong, yanking at her hair and blowing them into her face. She still had Usopp's hair tie, so she gathered the damp hair in a ponytail. She headed towards the galley and smiled when she caught the smell of oatmeal and coffee.
"I figured you'd be here first," the cook greeted her as soon as she stepped through the door. "You're the first one up every morning."
"Your crew's just lazy." She reached for a cup from the cabinet above the coffee pot.
"They'll be lazy as fuck today after Zoro drank everyone under the table," he laughed while stirring the large pot of oatmeal.
She hummed and took a sip. "So the party went well."
She was wondering if he'll mention anything about her performance or Sin City. People tended to treat her differently after they learned of her connection to the city. All respect they had for her seemed to evaporate in a blink of an eye. She wasn't a working girl, not all people living in Sin City were sex workers. But it didn't matter. People cussed her out, calling her a dirty whore, a shameless slut and every other derogatory term for a sex worker. Others withdrew their attention and proceeded to treat her like she didn't exist. Some tried to explain why Sin City was wrong, gave her advice or offered to rescue her from the immoral lifestyle. It used to make her angry and she got into spats or fistfights a lot. Then she tried to explain that there was nothing wrong with sex work, it's work like any other. She tried to clarify how it really looked, that there were different kind of services, or why people seeked out sex workers. But now, she just judged people by their reactions.
There were also people who assumed she owed them sex just because she was from Sin City. She lost count of how many times she was propositioned and assaulted. There was this fucked up notion that whores always want sex, thus they can't be raped. She used her fists to remind her assailants what consent meant.
Yesterday, when Zoro ratted her out, she didn't want to put up with any bullshit. She figured, if she slept with Luffy, nobody would bother her. They'll just assume she's his woman and keep their mouths shut.
"The deck is still littered with unconscious drunk pirates. It might be a bit difficult to do your training," J warned with a sardonic smile then turned to slicing sausages and bacon.
Rage studied his profile while she sipped her coffee. He already made it clear, he was attracted to her. His flirting game was on point and he was respectful about it. The fact that he didn't make any pass at her was either a good or bad sign. She chose not to prod for answers.
"I don't feel like training today, so no worries," she replied while filling her cup with more coffee. She made her way towards the door, deciding to keep her opinion about the inebriated crew to herself. If the ship got attacked, while most of the crew was this drunk, they'd be an easy target.
She found the area on top of the sheep's head empty, so she took a seat on the bench built around the mast. There was a clear view of the rising sun from her spot. The colors of the morning sky were changing as the sun climbed above the horizon.
The night with Luffy turned out completely different than she expected. The way he acted during sex, somehow reminded her of Kisa, the way she kissed and touched. It filled her with longing for the life she lost and for her mate. Which was surprising, because even in her cell on Punk Hazard she hadn't missed Kisa. She thought about her, but it never brought the feeling of this hollow void in her heart.
Rage was so deep in thought, she didn't register she wasn't alone until Zoro sat down next to her, pulling her from memory lane. The smell of soap and shampoo mixed with his usual scent were blown towards her. Oddly she found it comforting.
It fucked with her head. She was angry with him for his big mouth. She was angry with herself for thrusting him carelessly and that she was still attracted to him. It was infuriating that his presence put her at ease.
"What's going on?" Zoro asked, nudging her leg with his.
"Your captain fucks like a lesbian." She told him flatly, choosing to get back at him anyway possible, even if it was petty.
It caught him off guard.
"Are you serious?" he sputtered.
She shrugged, still looking at the horizon.
"He's a guy," Zoro said matter-of-factly.
"Yeah, I know. Doesn't that make it even more funny?" replied Rage without any humor.
"Yet, you're not laughing," Zoro commented sternly. "You haven't done your training today. What's up?"
"Sleeping with Luffy put me in a bad mood," she told him with a sigh and drank the rest of her coffee.
"That lesbian part killed your mood?" Zoro asked, rubbing his forehead.
She hummed in reply.
"That's Nami's doing," Zoro explained. "She sleeps with women exclusively. Luffy is the only exception."
"Oh," Rage looked him in the eye with a mischievous glint. "She trained him! Clever woman, she did an excellent job."
Zoro was frowning and narrowed his eye quizzically. "Didn't you just say sleeping with him put you in a bad mood?"
"Yeah, but not because the sex was bad," she explained frowning back. "It was ok, I'll give him a solid five out of ten."
Zoro seemed offended on his captain's behalf. Before he could respond, the galley bell rang, calling the crew for breakfast.
Rage stood up and glanced down.
"Oh look, there's Law," she pointed with a nod of her head. "Did you have a good time with him last night?"
Rage looked at the swordsman with a smirk and a sharp stare. She offered to sleep with both him and Luffy, but Zoro suggested they swap partners. Declaring he would keep Law company while she took care of his captain.
"No," Zoro replied curtly, holding her gaze.
Rage hummed noncommittally.
"Well, that's a shame. He's a damn good lay," she smiled at him cheekily. "Also he proves to be quite trustworthy, never spilling anything that was meant only for his ears."
Zoro's brows furrowed. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"I told you about Sin City because I naively trusted you. Then you shouted it for everyone to hear, putting me in danger." She snapped.
"What danger? You're safe with us." He stated confidently.
Cold fury burned in her gut at the absurdity of his words. Of course he didn't understand. But the conviction in his eyes made her pause. Her mate looked at her exactly the same when she vowed to protect her. Rage reeled and probed at the bond, panic rising its ugly head. A second later she sagged with relief when she found only one bond, the one belonging to Kisa. She frowned at Zoro and left, jumping down the sheep's head.
When she entered the galley she immediately sought out Luffy. He was sitting at the head of the table, devouring food, as usual. He paused the moment he spotted her and met her stare.
Rage frowned, once again probing her mind for any trace of a new bond and again finding nothing. But something did change. He still got on her nerves, but after last night he reminded her of Kisa.
"I suppose I have to respect you in the morning or become a douchebag," she commented flatly.
Luffy frowned. Usopp spit his food, Robin giggled, Law put his forehead in his palm.
Luffy opened his mouth to reply but was cut off when Zoro entered the galley.
"Shut up, Luffy! Leave it at that," the swordsman ordered with an angry look on his face.
Luffy threw his first mate a curious look and shrugged. Rage flipped off Zoro and headed to get a coffee refill. But was intercepted by J who took her mug away and shoved a bowl into her hands. It was filled with oatmeal, decorated with fruit slices, nuts and honey. It looked pretty.
She stared at the cook, confused.
"You seemed sad, so I made you something special," he explained grumpily.
She made huge eyes at him and hugged the bowl to her chest.
"Thank you" she smiled, touched by the gesture.
"Thank me by eating it," he grabbed her elbow and pointed her towards the table. She obediently sat down between Usopp and Franky.
"Hey, that's super pretty!" commented Franky and turned towards the cook. "Can I get a pretty oatmeal too?"
"Are you also a sad princess?" The cook replied with a cheeky grin.
"Hey! I'm not a-"
Rage started to protest but was cut off by the cook.
"Eat your damn breakfast," he scolded angrily.
She pursed her lips, not amused with his gruff manner. But dug into her food without a word. It tasted as good as it looked. When she finished a thought occurred to her.
"Does anybody have today's paper?" she exclaimed, interrupting the conversation that was going around the table. "Ah, sorry."
A hand appeared on the table in front of her, holding a folded newspaper.
"Thank you," Rage uttered and flipped the pages straight to the sports section.
"Oh! You're looking for Sabo's message," Usopp commented loudly. "Does the sports section contain secret code?"
"I could tell you, but then I'll have to kill you. You're my maybe-brother, so I'd prefer not to do that," she replied while skimming the page.
She found the part she was looking for and scowled. Then put down the paper like it personally offended her.
Franky picked it up and read the sports section.
"A football grand cup is held in South Blue. There's a list of teams and groups with dates of upcoming games. There is a commentary of yesterday's match. Apparently the team that everyone expected to win has lost. Their main striker tired himself during the first half by aggressive play. He was inefficient for the rest of the game. The commentator recommends stamina training and improvement of his technique." Franky summed up the section, holding the paper in tiny hands protruding from his huge robotic arms.
"So, what does it mean?" asked Usopp, puzzled.
"I don't know, I hate football," replied Rage while turning to the cook. "Is there any more coffee?"
He pointed with his chin towards the freshly brewed pot and she stood up to refill her cup.
"So, the Gentleman asks you to train Luffy to use haki more efficiently," Law said with a flat tone.
"Does he?" she answered, scrunching her nose in disgust.
"He knows you can use conqueror's haki," Law stated calmly.
"What?' exclaimed Luffy. "You knew Sabo before Dressrosa?"
He stopped eating and was staring at her with round eyes.
"I don't really know him. We've met briefly a couple years ago, that's all," she explained, glimpsing towards the door.
"Why does he ask you to teach me?" Luffy tipped his head to the side.
She shrugged and sipped her coffee.
"He saw you fight on Dressrosa. The amount of haki you were burning through was wasteful," explained Law with a flat tone, pointing at Luffy. "Yesterday, Rage didn't emit any haki but she somehow used it to injure you. If you had activated gear fourth, the increased blood pressure would shred your lungs. You would drown in your own blood."
All eyes turned to her and she looked up at the ceiling with a proud smile.
The galley got deadly quiet.
"Sooo, she nearly killed Luffy yesterday, but she got knocked out on Dressrosa while she had the power to take down Doflamingo?" summed up Usopp.
"Hey! I was two days out of prison, after being starved and poisoned constantly. You have to forgive my poor performance," she replied sarcastically. "And this stupid devil fruit is draining my energy fast, so I'm not yet in my top shape."
"Seems like you're shit at using your devil fruit but good at controlling haki. Luffy-senpai is shit at controlling haki, but great with his devil fruit powers," stated Bartolomeo with a sharp smirk. "You could exchange some tips to improve your skill."
Rage sent him a withering look.
"Well, I did give my word to the blond fucker," she said bitterly over the rim of her cup. "I'm not much of a teacher and I get angry easily, you might not want me to teach you," she turned to Luffy.
He looked at her with searching eyes. She held his gaze but felt unnerved quickly. It seemed like he was seeing through her facade. This reminded her of Kisa again and she didn't like the feeling.
She broke eye contact with a sigh.
"Fine," she uttered with defeat. "Do you mind if I use the cup for a demonstration?"
The cook motioned for her to proceed.
She put the cup on the counter.
"First, center your haki," she made a line in the air over her chest. "Second, you direct that energy into your hand in a steady stream," she put her open palm above the cup. "Third, you release the haki with a controlled burst."
She made a move as if she wanted to crush the cup, but stopped her hand just above it. The cup burst into pieces. "You manage to do that and you'll be set with the basics."
"You call that basic?" Usopp sounded incredulous.
"Pretty much, since he has the attention span of a toddler," Rage deadpanned. "Mom made me scramble the inside of an egg without breaking the shell, so consider how many eggs I saved you."
"Does your mother also have conqueror's haki?" asked Robin with raised brows.
Rage cringed at her question. She told them too much. Sleeping with Luffy was a mistake, it brought up too many feelings to the surface and made her go soft.
"Yeah, she can. Every woman in my family can use it."
"Wasn't conqueror haki a rare ability?" pointed out Usopp.
Rage shrugged again.
"Not in my family," she commented and started picking up pieces of the broken cup. "Great grandma claims she ate all her children who didn't possess haki. She's a total psycho so it's actually not that hard to believe her."
"How many kids does she have alive?" asked the cook, taking the broken pieces from her.
"Only my grandma," Rage replied with a wide smile. "Grandma had only my mom and I'm an only child. So great grams can be a total fucking liar, who likes to scare little kids into quick inprovement of their haki use."
"That's an awful thing to say to a kid!" Usopp looked horrified.
"Yeah, but it worked." She answered with a grin. "Anyway enough with my family history. You already know more about me than I know about you all, seems a bit unfair. Anyway, Law promised to use his powers and swap my body with someone else's. Who wants to get into me?"
She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively while grinning maniacally.
There was a flurry of movement and most of the Barto Club crew hurried towards the door.
"Oh come on! It'll be fun!" she yelled after them with a scowl, then turned towards Bartolomeo with a wide smile. "Come on you crazy bastard, it'll do you some good to know the perspective of someone half your size."
Bartolomeo actually laughed at her comment.
"Yeah, let's do it, but what about your powers? Won't it get dangerous for people on the ship if your body starts to sip hormones from everybody?"
Rage checked her hormone levels. Healing Luffy put her in a bit of a strain but she felt decent after getting some rest.
"I'm stable right now, so it's alright. As long as you don't touch anyone, nothing should happen," she answered finally. "Besides, you're an experienced devil fruit user, so you'll manage."
They went to the main deck and stood beside each other while facing Law.
The crew gathered by the galley door and around the main mast to watch.
Law tapped his sword against the deck.
"You said everythings was fine. But to be clear, if there is even a small sign he can't control the devil fruit, I'm swapping you back," Law stated firmly.
"Fine," Rage agreed curtly.
Law made a Room around them and snapped his fingers.
Rage felt a tug in her chest and her vision spun for a while. Then her point of view changed and her body felt weird. She tried out her balance by changing her weight from one foot to the other. Then she raised her hands and looked them over. Yeah they were Bartolomeo's hands. She felt a grin forming on her lips, exposing long canines. She touched her face, then brushed her hands through Bartolomeo's impressive hair.
There was a choked up sound beside her and she looked down.
It was a bizarre feeling seeing her own body from above. A laugh escaped her.
"I'm so small it feels adorable!" she chuckled in Bartolomeo's voice.
The captain was covering his nose and cursing under his breath.
"What's with this sense of smell?! Why does everything stink so much?!" He shouted in Rage's voice.
"I forgot about that," she admitted sheepishly.
"You forgot you had this super sensitive sense of smell!?" Bartolomeo yelled again, his face getting all red with anger.
She crouched down to be on his eye level and smiled apologetically. Bartolomeo was fuming.
"Ok, try to ease into it and don't breathe through your mouth, it will only get more intense," she instructed. "For me different smells are like colors. It doesn't matter if it's the color of fresh shit or the hue of the evening's sky, they just are."
He looked at her incredulous, still clutching at his nose.
"You're joking, right?"
"Well, I was born with this sense of smell so I'm used to it."
"My body also stinks," he said with scrutiny in his voice. "And there's some other layer under the stink, Law has it too."
"That's the pheromones and hormones layer, you're tapping into the devil fruit powers. Try not to reach any deeper with it, in case you'll be tempted to absorb some."
"Why is it so hard to breathe in your body? You have asthma or something?" Bartolomeo grumbled.
That surprised Rage, she stood up to her full height and took a few deep breaths.
"This is amazing!" She exclaimed. "It's so easy to breathe! Law! Do I have lung damage or something? Why is it harder to breathe in my body?"
Law threw her a careful look.
"There's a difference between the shape of men and women rib cages. The ribs are set at different angles in relation to the spine. It's more energy consuming for women to breathe," Law explained very calmly.
"You're fucking with me?" She asked with disbelief.
"Not right now," he deadpanned.
"This isn't fun at all," complained Bartolomeo.
"Stop whining like a little bitch," she snapped. "You had it easier from the start!"
"What did you call me?" He yelled back, taking his hands down from his nose. His fists turned black with haki.
He seemed surprised and looked at his hands, turning the black palms around.
"What's happening? I didn't do this," he said confused.
A shiver ran through him, the armament was gone and he doubled in half clutching at his stomach.
Rage rolled her eyes.
"Bartolomeo, what's going on?" Law asked, slightly alarmed.
Rage waved her hand dismissively.
"He didn't maintain the process of suppressing my cycle. He's getting cramps," she explained with an evil smile.
Bartolomeo looked at her with round eyes, a stunned expression frozen on his face.
"Congratulations, you're on your first period," she smiled wide, flashing her fangs. "Do you have any pads or tampons you could use? Have you ever considered storing period products on your ship, while having female passengers?"
His eyes got even bigger while realisation hit him. He straightened up and made a step towards her.
She took two steps back, grinning maniacally.
"Give me back my body!" he yelled and jumped, trying to catch her.
She laughed and took a couple more steps back. With Bartolomeo's long legs it was enough to put a reasonable distance between them.
"You fucked up, you deal with it!" she sing-songed while avoiding another attempt at grabbing her.
He growled and she laughed even harder.
It was easy to avoid him, but it seemed he was catching up on her body's abilities and was getting faster.
He nearly grabbed her but she threw her hand out and a barrier appeared between them.
"Huh?" she looked surprised at the barrier. "That was easy! Is this what using a real devil fruit feels like?"
The barrier flickered and vanished. She focused and conjured a smaller one in front of Bartolomeo, then kicked it with extra force to knock him back.
Rage focused and two round barriers appeared on both her forearms.
"This is neat," she made the shields follow the movement of her forearms. "Come on Bartolomeo, my body can do so much more than stumble around like that."
He flashed her a sharp grin. Then straightened up and his arms and legs turned black.
She did the same and charged him.
He avoided every punch and kick she threw at him and responded in kind, getting faster and faster. Rage blocked every hit with a floating shield, she needed to conjure more barriers to keep up. She quickly got winded and was panting heavily, her muscles getting tired.
"Your stamina is shit," she informed Bartolomeo with contempt.
"Yours is great," he smiled widely, throwing another haki infused punch.
She conjured a shield to block and made another one just below. Then punched it with a burst of haki and it crashed into Bartolomeo, making him fly back.
He didn't fall, as she expected. Instead he did a backflip, throwing off the shield and landing on his feet.
"That hurt," he stated but nothing in his posture indicated pain.
"Well done," she praised with a wide smile. "You did all that, while bleeding over the deck. That's quite a fit."
Bartolomeo looked down and cringed at the sight of blood smeared thighs.
Rage dissolved the barriers and stepped closer to him.
"We'll change back in a moment," she assured. "But before that, could you do me a favor?"
"Depends," he stated curtly, releasing the armament haki from his limbs.
"Would you try to use my devil fruit powers? Right now I know what it's like to use a real devil fruit. I was hoping you could find where the problem is in using mine."
He searched her face for a moment.
"Yeah, I'll try. Just guide me through the basics."
"Try to feel different hormones in my body," she pointed at him. "Assess their levels. Pick the one that's causing the uterus to shed and increase its level, so it'll go faster."
"Shed what?"
She stared, finding herself at a loss for words. He blinked, uncomprehending.
"Yeah, that's a talk for later," she declared. "Do what I told you, make my period go faster."
"Fine" he snapped and closed his eyes. He stood motionless for a few minutes. Then his brows furrowed and his hands started trembling. He made an aborted gesture and looked straight at Rage.
"Yeah, it's done. It hurts a fucking lot," he brushed angrily at strands of hair the wind blew into his face.
"Crank up serotonin levels in the brain, the happy hormone. It'll mute the pain," she instructed.
This time he didn't close his eyes. Focused hard and huffed with relief after a short while.
"Period sucks," he grimaced, like he was trying to expose his canines but forgot he was in the wrong body. "What's next?"
"Now, look into this body and evaluate the hormones. Nothing more," she pointed at Bartolomeo's body.
He focused again and stared at her. After a while he closed his eyes, furrowing his brows in concentration. Another long while and a look of surprise appeared on his face. His arm shot forward, trying to reach her.
Rage took a step back. She didn't want him to touch the body, in case he'll be tempted to draw hormones from it. She didn't want him to get hurt.
"Don't touch," she warned, taking another step back.
Suddenly she felt dizzy and struggled to take another breath. He was drawing hormones from the body without even touching it. Rage turned her head and found Law's gaze. "Change us back!"
Law snapped his fingers. There was a hard tug, the world spinned and she was again in her own body. The body that was sipping hormones from Bartolomeo mercilessly.
In a blink she was by his side, taking hold of both his hands and pushing the hormones back. She urged his organs to work correctly again, struggling to make his heart beat normally. Her own pulse racing in fear she had hurt him.
A tight squeeze of her hands broke her focus. She looked up and met Bartolomeo's eyes.
He was smiling softly at her.
"You can stop now, I'm alright," he squeezed her hands again in reassurance.
Rage let go and stepped back, brushing her fingers nervously through her hair. Her hands were shaking.
Something warm fell over her shoulders and Bartolomeo's scent encased her. She opened her eyes and realised he had put his coat around her. It was so big it pooled on the ground around her ankles.
Before she could say anything, Bartolomeo picked her up. He put his forearm under her hips and the other hand on her back.
"Hey, I'm not a child!" she protested pushing back against his bare shoulder.
He caught her forearm lightly. There was something vulnerable in his gaze and Rage stilled.
"Just let me do this," he asked, holding her gaze. "I know it stinks, but bear with it for a while until everyone's watching."
Rage turned her head and realised the whole crew was still looking at them intently. It dawned on her that Bartolomeo didn't want her to walk in front of everyone with bloodied legs. It was an oddly touching gesture.
"Ok, then carry me to the bathroom. I'll clean up and get rid of this bloody problem."
She smiled widely at Law when they passed him. Then waved at the whole crew, she figured if she had this much attention she might as well have some fun.
"I was inside your captain, he's my bitch now," she shouted cheerfully.
Bartolomeo nearly tripped. He grabbed her under her arms and dangled her in front of him.
"The fuck you just said?" he sneered at her while shaking her in the air.
"Do that again, my back cracked into place," she laughed with glee.
He put her down, turned her around and pushed her towards the bathroom with his foot on her back.
"Go clean up, you crazy woman!" he growled at her.
"Hey, my clothes are hanging over there," she pointed towards the railing. "Grab them for me would you?"
He made a barrier and used it to push her into the bathroom.
"Fine! I'll walk around in your coat, see who'll be more bothered!" she shouted and slammed the door.
Law watched closely Bartolomeo's and Rage exchange. She seemed to act more obnoxious than usual. Which Law recognized as a facade she put up to cover emotions that made her uncomfortable.
Bartolomeo's behavior seemed off as well. After Rage went into the bathroom, he fired a barrage of orders and his crew dispersed to their tasks. Someone brought him a shirt to wear while his coat was held hostage.
Law waited patiently for the commotion to settle. He wanted to check with the captain, if everything was alright after the body swap. But it was Bartolomeo who approached him first.
"You're her doctor, right?" Bartolomeo asked with a forced casual tone. He shoved his hands into the front pockets of his pants and slouched a bit, feigning nonchalance.
"Yeah, let's call it that," Law sat on a couch and leaned Kikoku on his shoulder.
"Have you noticed her whole body is in overdrive?" Bartolomeo sat on an opposite couch, mirroring Law's posture.
"What do you mean?"
"She asked me to use her devil fruit powers to go over hormones in her body, then in mine." Bartolomeo explained while lacing his fingers together and leaning his elbows on knees. "I didn't know that hormones regulate so much stuff. Anyway, she makes a lot more hormones than me. A fucking lot more. I got a feeling that some organs are really exhausted by making that much. It's hard for her to keep up with the strain the devil fruit is putting on her. The moment I felt the hormones in this body," Bartolomeo pointed at himself, "I didn't have the willpower to stop myself from taking them. The sheer relief from that was absurd. And she just gave it all back the moment she regained control." Bartolomeo's face for a split second contorted in pain. He dropped his head and brushed a hand through his hair in frustration. "I can't shake this feeling, she'll die if she keeps going like this." His voice was strained.
This piece of information wasn't surprising, Law already took this possibility under consideration. The concerning part was the other captain's reaction.
"You are getting too emotional about this," Law leaned back on the couch, putting Kikoku across his lap. Bartolomeo threw him an angry look. "You swapped bodies for a short while, it was your decision to do so. In consequence you couldn't handle the devil fruit power. Also you experienced all the period hormones and her disability which messed with your head. She learned to live with it and made a decision to do it the hard way, without crippling or killing other people." As Law was speaking, Bartolomeo's expression changed from angry to concerned, then shocked. "You did help her today, though. She needs another devil fruit user's perspective on managing her powers. So just give her whatever advice you have about the artificial devil fruit."
Law was ready to leave, but the chagrined look on the green haired man's face made him stop. After everything the man had done for him and the Straw Hats, he didn't want to leave him in emotional turmoil. Also the fact he was distressed because of Rage's condition, made Law feel sympathetic. He sighed and leaned towards Bartolomeo. "Look, you know her for a short while. She has a serious medical condition and she does her best to live with it. A lot of people have terminal illnesses that can't be cured. You might meet more people like Rage, so my advice would be to find a way to deal with your emotions. Because people with limited time sure as hell don't need to waste it on cheering up every person who feels sorry for them." Law stood up and took a few steps towards the infirmary before he stopped and looked back. Bartolomeo was hunched on the sofa, deep in thought. "You have a couple more days with her, then it's possible you might never see her again. You don't need to be so troubled with her."
Law left Bartolomeo to his own thoughts. He went to the infirmary to grab some fresh bandages, then headed to the bathroom. Rage's clothes were left by the door, so he took them and went in.
The bathroom was filled with steam. Rage was sitting in the tub with her eyes closed.
"You came to scold me or join me?" she said without opening her eyes.
"You can tell it's me by the smell or hormones I give off?" he propped Kikoku against the wall and started to undress.
"Smell," she answered simply, opening her eyes and giving him a lazy once over.
"How sensitive your sense of smell is?" he started to unwrap the bandages around his chest.
"You were in the infirmary recently and spoke to Bartolomeo before coming here. His smell is over your clothes." She answered, closing her eyes again.
"That's pretty sensitive," he mused and stepped into the shower.
His chest wounds were mostly healed. There was an angry red, scabbed line around his right arm, but it was healed enough to allow water to flow over it. He washed up quickly, being used to saving water after spending so much time in a submarine. The filtration system on the ship had its limits and there was the whole crew to take into consideration.
He stepped out from the shower and joined Rage in the wooden tub. It was round and large enough for five grown people, filled with steaming hot water. It took him a moment to get used to the temperature.
"Still bleeding?" he asked after his body relaxed, the tension slowly leaving his muscles. He kept his right hand on the edge of the tub, not comfortable with the wound soaking in hot water.
"Nope. I made it all go away in the shower. It hurt like a motherfucker. But it's better to suffer for a short while than bleed for a week," she smiled widely, looking satisfied with herself.
Law searched for any sign of fatigue or stress, but she looked completely relaxed and content.
"You seem drained," he bluffed. "Bartolomeo was concerned with your health. He thinks there's too much strain on your body which can affect your lifespan."
That made her open her eyes and focus all her attention on him.
"Sounds accurate," she stated with a schoolled expression. "Is there any way to lessen the strain?"
"Yeah, you'll have to absorb hormones from other people. Probably one person every couple of days would be enough for a comfortable life. More if you'll use your powers a lot."
"You mean killing people," her voice was firm but her face was devoid of emotions.
He nodded, holding her gaze.
She leaned her head back again and closed her eyes.
"Well my great grandma is over two hundred years old. She only gets bigger with time and still does not look like a wrinkled old lady." Rage said matter-of-factly. "Mama's in her fifties now. There's not a single wrinkle or gray hair on her and she has only a quarter of great grandma's blood in her veins. With their genetics I might manage an average human lifespan."
That made Law curious.
"How is it possible for your great grandma to live so long?"
Rage smirked at his question.
"Maybe it's because of all the babies she ate," she laughed, referring to the story she told in the galley.
It was clear she didn't want to give him a straight answer, and Law didn't press.
"There are still some ways for you to absorb extra hormones," he nudged her calf with his foot and she looked at him. "People with hyperthyroidism would feel better with lower levels of thyroid hormones. You could help pregnant people who don't want to be pregnant by absorbing most of their progesterone and all the hormones produced by the placenta. Absorbing prolactin would stop lactation. I imagine people who are weaning their babies or had a stillbirth would much appreciate your help. Also some men would do fine without testosterone oozing from their pores."
Rage laughed at his last suggestion.
"I don't have a problem with emasculating men," her expression turned vicious and her lips stretched in a wide grin.
"You have options. Whether you decide to consider them or not, that's up to you."
She hummed and sat up in the tub.
"You know, I do feel a bit drained," she threw him a suggestive look. "And right now, there's a perfect option in front of me to get my energy back."
Law smiled crookedly and beckoned her with a finger. He really liked her forwardnes.
She moved closer and straddled his lap. Her arms encircled his neck loosely and her breasts pressed against his chest. She leaned in slowly and connected their lips in a simple kiss.
Law threaded his fingers through her hair, pulled gently to tilt her head and deepened the kiss. She opened her mouth invitingly, her tongue darting forward to meet his.
She rolled her hips, brushing her pussy over his hardening cock. He thrust up slightly to gain more friction and was rewarded with a needy whimper.
It still somehow surprised him how effortless it was to just be with her. Expectations were clear and simple, and there was no taboo surrounding sex. She was a strong willed woman who knew what she wanted, knew how to communicate it and wasn't shy to get it.
He released her hair and with both hands grabbed her hips to still her movement. He wanted her to grow impatient and squirm for more. When she protested with a groan, he slowly moved his hips to tease her core.
She could have multiple orgasms during sex and it didn't take long for her to reach climax. The first time they did this, she came nearly the moment he entered her. It wasn't due to anything he did. Law had a feeling, she would react the same to any dick shoved into her after a year in lock up.
He wanted to be different from anybody else, to be someone special to her. He cared about her from the moment she shielded him from Doflamingo's strings. And it only progressed when he got to know more about her. She was getting comfortable around him, trusting him enough to ask for help. But it wasn't enough, he wanted more.
Right now, he felt like teasing her to the point she'd be begging for release. To make her come hard while she screamed his name.
Rage seemed to pick up on his mood. She chuckled into the kiss, before she released his lips and leaned in to whisper into his ear.
"Someone's in a mood for quality play," her lips brushed against his ear and flicked his earrings. His cock twitched in response. "How about we make it quick here, so I can get my strength back and you'll continue this," she swirled her hips,"in a proper bed. Bathroom sex isn't really my thing."
Law was a bit disappointed, but she had a valid point, her health came first. And a bed had a lot more perks than a tub.
"Whatever you need," he answered, looking into her eyes and brushing wet strands of hair out of her face.
She smiled, held his palm and kissed it. Then she stood up and stepped out of the tub, pulling him along.
She stood in front of the sink and wiped the fogged mirror hanging on the wall. Then leaned her hands on the cabinet and smiled invitingly into the mirror.
Law smiled back and stepped behind her, brushing his hand over her scarred back.
As per her request he didn't waste time, took his cock into his hand and positioned himself at her entrance. Then caught her gaze and thrust forward. Her eyes lost focus and her lips parted with a moan.
He could see the reflection of her face and bouncing breasts. He could see himself holding her waist, his muscles flexing with every thrust.
The view in the mirror was making him even more aroused and he thrust harder and deeper. Rage moaned louder, her eyes falling shut. But she seemed to regain some semblance of control and opened them again, her gaze was glazed with pleasure.
She pushed off the cabinet and leaned her back on his torso, putting her chest on display. She looped one arm around his neck and turned her face to capture his lips in a wet open mouthed kiss.
"Please go faster," she moaned into his mouth and he did as she asked.
Law grabbed her breast and squeezed. With the other hand he rubbed her clit in fast circles and she screamed her orgasm into his mouth.
He felt her walls constrict around his cock. In the mirror he saw her body straining in his hands, her eyes tightly shut and mouth opened, panting hard. It was fucking hot and he felt his own orgasm crashing over him while he gave final few thrusts.
Rage went lax against him, so he circled an arm around her waist tightly. She leaned her head on his shoulder with a small content smile. She moved the hand looped around his neck to touch his temple. There was an odd sensation pulling at his consciousness, making him lose sense of time. It ended when she lowered her hand and the usual after sex heaviness was gone. His mind was clear and sharp.
Rage took a step forward, slipping from his hold and off his cock. She turned around to look into his eyes.
"You ok?" she laced their fingers together in silent reassurance that she was ready to give back what she took, if he wasn't feeling well.
"Yeah," Law squeezed her fingers gently and smiled at the change he saw in her appearance. Her skin was getting back its healthy glow and her eyes shined with energy. "You look better."
She leaned up to place a soft kiss on his lips.
"Thank you," she uttered, her gaze soft and warm.
It gave Law pause, he didn't expect to see affection on her face.
She must have noticed his surprise, because her eyes fell shut in concentration. When she looked up at him, all the warm emotions were gone and she reverted to her usual cheerful and flirty appearance.
Law knew she remade all the attachment hormones her body produced during sex. There was a pang of sadness in his chest at the realization. It became clear how badly he wanted her to have feelings for him.
"Do you still want to keep going?" Rage leaned over the cabinet casually.
"Of course," Law replied instantly. Then a thought occurred to him that made his chest feel lighter.
She was used to having all sorts of sex with different people, like she described to him in the infirmary. She told him sex and love were something distinctively seperate. It suggested she didn't develop feelings for people she slept with. So, the emotions she just wiped from existance, meant she saw something more in him than a convenient body to fuck. However, it was clear she wasn't entirely comfortable with the way she felt. "Do you?"
"Oh yeah, I'm totally into the idea you had earlier," she brushed back her damp hair. "Just so you know, when it comes to edging, there is a very thin line between excitement and boredom for me. You've set yourself for a bit of a challenge."
Law smirked and shook his head in amusement. It was so typical of her, being all easy going and laid back. Then dropping a piece of information that put the whole interaction on edge.
"Noted. I'll do my best," he answered, reaching for a towel.
"Do you want me to help you with bandaging your wounds?"
"Sure, but don't you want to clean up first?" he brushed his fingers along a glistening line of semen that was trickling down her thigh.
She gave him a cunning smile.
"I was planning to let it all flow out, then rinse it under the shower. Does it bother you?"
He laughed under his breath.
"Oh I would have taken care of it myself if you weren't so keen on leaving the bathroom and finding a bed."
She froze in place and he could see her pupils dilating, the look of utter lust appearing on her face. For a moment he thought she was going to change her mind and jump him. But she grabbed the bandages to wrap his wounds.
He found out she was very skilled in dressing wounds, she was quick and efficient. It made sense judging from her profession.
"Done," she informed. "Get dressed."
Before he could thank her, she was already in the shower. And he laughed when she was out after he barely managed to pull his pants on. She didn't bother with a towel, just put her shirt and shorts over her wet skin.
"Someone's hot and bothered," Law commented with an amused chuckle.
"You don't say something like that and expect me not to be bothered." She replied and pulled him towards the door. "Don't trouble yourself with the buttons, you'll be taking the shirt off in a minute."
He laughed and allowed her to drag him out of the bathroom, grabbing Kikoku on his way.
The bath was next to the entrance to the sleeping cabins but she led him towards the galley. When the deck came into full view she looked around.
"Hey Luffy!" she shouted and Law froze, unsure of whatever next might come from her mouth. "I'm taking your room since you don't use it."
Luffy turned to them from his spot in the center of the main deck, where he was trying to crush a mug with his haki.
"Sure! Go ahead!"
Then the wind changed direction and Rage froze. Law looked the way she turned her head and saw a wall of thick mist the ship was sailing towards. The air around them was already getting a bit grey but the visibility was still good.
"It's a trap," Rage said as if thinking loudly. "Bartolomeo! Put up a shield in front of the ship!" She yelled to the green haired captain. Her posture immediately changed into alarmed and battle ready.
"What's happening?!" Bartolomeo sprang to his feet and made a swiping gesture with his hand to conjure a shield over the bow.
"There's a ship in the mist, I can smell it," Rage jumped down to the main deck. "There's a lot of gunpowder and sweaty people in front of us."
Then the world exploded into chaos. There was a roar of cannons and cannonballs crashed into Bartolomeo's shield. The sound was deafening. Then speed boats burst from the mist with a loud whirr of their engines.
Bartolomeo shouted orders as shots were fired from the speed boats.
Law took care of the bullets coming from the right side with a Room and Takt. Zoro cut through the bullets coming from the other side.
"From above!" Rage shouted a warning. There was a series of shots fired at Luffy from three parasails gliding above the ship.
Luffy jumped back, avoiding all the bullets and pulling back his fist to strike at the assailants. But he wavered with a cry of pain and he dropped on the deck. Law whirled around and saw another parasail with a person holding a rifle.
In a heartbeat the parasail was shredded and the man who shot Luffy plummeted into the water.
Cannonballs were still roaring in the air, crashing into the shield expanded over the ship. There was a bow of another ship emerging from the mist, spiked with cannons. Its deck littered with men holding pistols and swords.
Law changed the curse of a cannonball, crashing it into one of the speedboats. Usopp shot down the parasails gliding above the deck. Zoro sent shockwave after shockwave to crash the speed boats circling their ship.
"Law!" he heard Rage's panicked voice. He found her leaning over Luffy's unmoving body, pressing both of her hands to his chest. "It's a seastone bullet!"
In a blink Law was by the Straw Hat's side. The shot wound was just to the side of his heart and it was bleeding profusely. Luffy was choking for a breath. Law searched for the bullet with his powers but couldn't find it. He probed at the entry wound, checking the damage. And found metal shards digging into the lung and surrounding tissue.
"Fuck, they used fragmenting seastone bullets," Law cursed and removed the whole lung from Luffy's body. It was necessary to prevent the shards from entering the bloodstream. It would spread sea stone all over his body.
"Do you need me to boost his healing?" Rage asked through clenched teeth. Her hands were covered in blood.
"Not right now, the bullet shards need to be removed first," he explained as calmly as he could.
"Then could you send me there?" she pointed at the ship that was still partly shrouded in mist and constantly shooting at them. The distance was manageable, so he focused on the enemy ship's bow and Rage disappeared. A man with a pistol appeared in her stead and Law cut him down with Kikoku.
Law focused on pulling the seastone shards from Luffy's lung one after another. The ship's medic came to help stabilize the captain, so Law was able to focus completely on the task. When he removed the last seastone shard he realized that it got really quiet. There weren't any cannonball shots, no gunfire or shouting. Only the sound of the waves and creaking wood of the Going Luffy-senpai.
Law looked towards the enemy ship and saw Rage stepping into view. He made a move with his hand and Rage appeared in the middle of the deck. Her hands were still covered in blood, although it wasn't red anymore, but had turned brown. There were no signs of injury or fatigue. Her face was blank and a morbid aura surrounded her.
She turned to Zoro.
"Sink it." She said with no hesitation in her voice.
Law didn't watch what happened next, he had to focus on Luffy. With his powers he made Luffy's body hover in the air. The ship's medic compressing his chest as they made their way to the infirmary.
Then a loud crash reverberated through the air.
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footballerimaginess · 4 years
Fluff Alphabet | Eric Dier
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Eric Dier fluff alphabet! This is my first time doing this, enjoy x  My birthday present to you guys! Please let me know what you think because trust me I have so many more I wish too write for x  Word Count: 1,187  ARMS - His huge arms, constantly wrapped around you. Whenever you felt down Eric was always cuddling you. His huge arms being your comfort blanket and one of the safest places you can be in. 
BABY - Finding out you were pregnant was one of the happiest moments of you and Eric’s life. You were so in love. You were always questioning whether you wanted children. But when you read the test, you were elated. He was obsessed with your baby bump, couldn’t keep his hands off of it.  CUDDLES - His cuddles were just perfect. When you had a long day at work and he was there greeting you with his big arms. The cuddles from behind while in the kitchen and leaning his head on your shoulders. Whatever type of cuddles he was giving you were always the best.  DATE NIGHT - You loved planning date nights, as Eric had so many games as often. You had to set out when you were having date nights. Sometimes you went out to restaurant and sometimes you would change it up. You had fun date nights going out playing golf and having cocktails some evening date nights.  EXCITEMENT - When Eric wasn’t here you just loved having the buzz of whenever he was going to get home. Every day when you saw him always gave you the biggest butterflies and you loved it so much.  FLOWERS - The random flower surprises when you came in from work or when he picked you up from work was always the cutest. Even on the most random of occasions, he would be so cute and bringing you just because he could. It was so sweet of him because receiving flowers for no reason was always the best.  GARDENING - Eric absolutely loved his allotment and sometimes spent more time outside with his vegetables more than he spent with you. But that was his pride and joy, you were so happy with how much he done on it. You loved seeing his little face when he shows you how much he has picked from it. 
HOLIDAY - Going on holiday’s in the summer was always your favourite. There was so many places to go to. Eric would always make it so special because he would plan on where you were going to the finest details.  ICELAND - One of your favourite holiday was going to Iceland and visiting the Northern lights. That was a memory you would always remember because it was just so special. It was something just so incredible to be able to witness.  JIGSAW PUZZLE - While in lockdown, Eric being Eric had so many puzzles for you both to do. He absolutely loved jigsaw puzzles, he was so obsessed with them. He tried to say he wasn’t competitive, but unfortunately he had to make sure that he completed it in a certain time frame.  KISSES - His smothering you in kisses. He hated when you kissed him when you had a lipgloss on which was sticky, he just hated it. He always had lip marks on him when you had been kissing him all over his face. He always moaned, but none the less he never ever refused you kissing him.  LAUGHS - Whenever you were with each other you were constantly laughing. You were always cracking jokes with him. He found himself way funnier than you usually found him. But it’s the thought of the jokes that counted.  MAKEUP - Eric was always fascinated by seeing you do your makeup. “Does that hurt?” he often asked when you curled your eyelashes. “No babe, why would it? Shall I do it to you?” you teased him as you curled his lashes. “Shit, stop it” Eric threw his hands.  NAMES - Baby names list was something you had on your phone for years. You had so many written down, you were shocked at how many you planned. Eric was amazed as to what you were planning on calling your baby. The ones you hated because you went to school with people of that name, you weren’t happy to call them that.  OCTUPOUS (way harder than expected) - The long limbed boy, he was just like an octopus. Always reaching for things, grabbing your waist as often as he wanted or liked in his case.  PROPOSAL - The proposal was so cute, Eric had planned a dinner at the beach. You had no idea what was going on until he got down on one knee. Even then you were still in complete shock that he was even going to propose. The best day of your life.  QUIZZES - In lockdown, Eric made sure that he was the quiz master. Every other day, he would be making quizzes for the boys to all get together. He was obsessed, obviously ultra competitive too.  RAIN - One evening you and him were so bored, all you wanted to do was go and run in the rain. Just to release some energy, that helped massively.  Despite getting absolutely drenched, it was well worth it.  SWIMMING - You hated swimming, Eric was always so good at it. Probably not many things he isn’t good at. But you sat on the side, admiring him. TOTTENHAM - Being able to watch him at games do what he does best is something you loved doing. You absolutely love going to games and supporting him. You were always his biggest fan, always was and always will be. With his shirt on at all times, going to home and away games. Going and travelling round Europe, seeing him making his debut for his country. You were always there with him.  UNDERWEAR - You had treated yourself to a new underwear set, you were admiring yourself in the mirror when Eric came in. “Woah, you look insane” you blushed as you kept looking at yourself. “Thanks, I am obsessed with this set I got” you commented.  VOICE -  His husky voice was something that you loved. His sleepy voice, the one that barely come out when he woke up.  WEDDING - The wedding day and night was the best night of your life, everything you had dreamed off. Seeing Eric getting emotional when you walked down the aisle was a sight to behold. It was so magical, everything about the whole day was amazing. You could happily relive the whole day if you could.  Xxx - The boys would rip him to pieces when he text you because he would either give you no emojis, no kisses or all in between. He would send a thousand to you.  YOU - He put you first at all times, he would be looking out for you whenever he needed. He was your protector and he cared so much. Despite being married, it was all about you.  Zzzz - Sleep was what you both needed, he was always the big spoon. But you secretly you knew he loved being the little spoon. The extra warmth at night was always needed when he was beside you. Despite ignoring how loud he snored most nights. 
TAGLIST: @footballffbarbiex @lawsandother @evie-pr @emwritesfootball @sanchos-dream @meteora-fc @kingkepaff​ @kkim120​ @glam-khal​ @bichotaa​ @eatsleepbreathefutbol​ @footballxixstars​ 
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doubleminor · 4 years
do you have any other cool hockey fun facts? I’ve just gotten into the game since March, and I love that kind of thing but I feel like I still don’t know hardly anything
yessssssss i do
hat tricks! 
you throw hats onto the ice when a player scores three goals in a single game
but if a player scores three goals in a row in a single game, its referred to as a natural hat trick
the fastest natural hat trick was scored by Bill Mosienko in 1952, he scored three unanswered goals in 21 seconds!!!
if a player scores four goals in a game, it’s often unofficially referred to as a dick trick (term originated from the san jose sharks very own joe thornton). if you want to hear all about the dick trick you can refer to this old primer i wrote on dick tricks.
there’s also what is called a gordie howe hat trick, which references hockey legend gordie howe, and refers to when a player gets a goal, gets an assist, and gets in a fight in one game. 
a double gordie is when there are two players in one game who get a gordie howe hat trick (aka they both score a goal, get an assist, and fight each other).
there’s also a rat trick that isn’t really a hat trick term, but it refers to an event in 1995 where florida panthers captain scott mellanby killed a rat with his hockey stick before the game and then scored 2 goals. later when mellanby scored a hat trick in another game, panthers fans threw plastic rats onto the ice.
this plastic rat throwing tradition continued for all the 1996 playoff goals the panthers scored, but the NHL banned this and made a rule about the home team getting a minor penalty because having to clean up the plastic rats caused too many game delays!
speaking of throwing things on the ice there’s the Legend of the Octopus
detroit red wings history time!
this is a tradition of red wings fans throwing octopuses on the ice when the red wings score at home during the playoffs.
this all started during the 1952 stanley cup playoffs. this was when the NHL played two best-of-seven series to win the stanley cup, aka you need 8 wins to win the cup. how many tentacles does an octopus have? (technically ten but we like to say eight okay) eight! so eight wins, eight tentacles, you get the point.
so in 1952, pete and jerry cusimano threw an octopus onto the ice at The Old Red Barn (the then red wings arena). 
the red wings went on to sweep both the toronto maple leafs and the montreal canadiens and won the stanley cup.
therefore the tradition during playoffs has persisted
once in a 1995 game, fans threw thirty six octopuses on the ice, one even weighed 38lbs, like bruh
the red wings (un?)official mascot is al the octopus, now you know why!
the nashville predators fans also throw catfish on the ice! it’s believed that this was developed in response to the red wings octopus tradition, and was first recorded to have happened during a red wings v preds game in 1999. 
currently the preds goal song is ‘i like it, i love it’ by tim mcgraw, and i can personally tell u the video they show on the jumbotron when they score and play the goal song shows him swinging a catfish around
there are a bunch more octopus inspired events that other teams have picked up that you can read about here
uniform history!
nowadays, home team wears colored jerseys and away teams wear white jerseys
but did u know that before 1952, both teams would often wear colored jerseys? because television was still in black and white then, it made it hard to differentiate who was on what team, so the league demanded one team wear black (colored) jerseys and the other white! 
whether or not its the home team wearing colored or the away team has flipped a bit during history.
according to wikipedia, when home teams wore white and away teams wore colored jerseys was during 1970-71 and 2002-03. 
the creation of what are known as third jerseys or alternate jerseys started in 1995! a really cool alternate thats in place now are the kachina jerseys worn by the arizona coyotes!
the NHL demanded names be sown onto the backs of jerseys along with their numbers in 1977-78. 
the then owner of the toronto maple leafs, harold ballard, refused to do this on account of him believing that sales would drop but then was threatened with heavy fines
so ballard made the names appear on the backs of the leafs jerseys....in blue. since leafs colors are blue, that made the names unreadable.
then the nhl made an amendment and demanded names appear on the backs in jerseys in a contrasting color to the jersey color lmao
unrelated to jerseys but the way u differentiate between referees and linesmen on the ice are referees have that orange armband and linesmen dont.
theres like. a ton more than i could go on about, like weird hockey facts and weird hockey history (disputed sabres-stars cup goal, goalies are weird, the 1994 vancouver riot, the russian five, hockey superstitions) but like. this post is already so long lmao. if u want more fun facts just hmu and i can answer more in a separate post haha
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quazartranslates · 3 years
Welcome to the Nightmare Game II - CH45
**This is an edited machine translation. For more information, please [click here]**
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Chapter 45: Star Death Reality Show (XXVIII)
His right hand slammed against the emergency close button, and his body rushed out with the instant acceleration from pushing off it. As if Qi Leren had thought about the plan in his mind for a long time, he opened a hand and threw a grenade behind him without looking, sprinted out like an arrow leaving the string, and repeated this old trick when he rounded the corner, throwing down another hand grenade!
Two consecutive explosions shook the corridor like a tottering boat. Qi Leren threw himself to the ground, feeling the turbulent heat flow from the corner and blow his hair into a mess.
He coughed twice on the ground, got up, and ran away again.
Leviathan didn't catch up, and Qi Leren who had already run to the floor where the arsenal was located finally breathed a sigh of relief.
The research institute was huge, and it would take "extraordinary luck" to run into that monster again. However, he didn’t know whether Leviathan had a sensitive sense of smell... Qi Leren looked back, and the world was immersed in a bright silence. This kind of terror hidden under the light was frightening.
He Yi had been parasitized by Leviathan, who was obviously Su He’s doing. He himself had said that he’d released the dangerous creature in the underground glacier. The octopus was similar to the alien queen in Aliens, much more difficult to deal with than the ordinary octopuses. What's more, it also had human intelligence... Hey, why did you listen attentively to He Yi just now and forget to smash his head?
Qi Leren walked on, and when he came to the corridor where the arsenal was located, he saw at a glance that Dr. Lu was poking around.
"Ah! Qi Leren! You’re still alive!" Dr. Lu excitedly ran out, "How is it on your side? Have you seen Su He?"
"Have you met Du Yue?" Qi Leren asked.
Du Yue also ran out of the arsenal and took Qi Leren's arm: "Qianbei! I thought you were going to die! Thank god! You can't die!"
Hey, what did this kid say? Qi Leren lamented Du Yue, who was too agitated and incoherent, and patted him on the shoulder in comfort.
"Why is that guy so stalker-ish?" Dr. Lu muttered with a bitter expression.
Qi Leren said with a straight face: "He can hear you."
Dr. Lu's face went white with fear, staring at him, looking overwhelmed.
"I’m just scaring you, he should be gone." Qi Leren pondered that Su He seemed to have too much free time. He was acting as both a prison guard and a Devil, and he also had a lot of beautiful subordinates. No matter how much he divided his time, he couldn’t do everything. He shouldn’t be idle enough to come here to peep at how a group of wannabes did in their task.
Dr. Lu was relieved and complained, "Don't scare me all the time."
Only Du Yue, who had never seen Su He, wondered: "Who is Su He?"
Dr. Lu quickly waved his hand: "A super terrible Devil, who is cruel, cunning, and ruthless, the worst in the universe! Your qianbei was killed by him before, and his death was miserable. You could say he’s a freak!"
Du Yue was taken aback: "So bad…"
Qi Leren, who had died miserably: "........"
"Yes, your qianbei's boyfriend is grief-stricken, and he’s still wandering the world, unaware that he’s still alive."
Du Yue was dumbfounded again: "Ah, my qianbei has a boyfriend? Isn't it a beautiful woman? Qianbei said that she was particularly beautiful!"
Dr. Lu looked at Qi Leren silently. Qi Leren, who had once talked with this youth about first loves while they were watching Annie, coughed twice: "Don't talk about this now, I have something very important to say: in the glancer beneath the institute..."
Forcibly changing the subject was successful. Qi Leren locked the door of the arsenal, briefly explained the previous events, and skipped a lot of things. He only told the two people about Su He's saying that he had released Leviathan from the underground glacier, and told them about his previous fight with the monster.
"We need a temperature below minus forty degrees? Awesome, our temperature regulating clothes only guarantee that we won't lose heat in environments above minus 30 degrees. Once the temperature drops below minus 30, we won't last long, and even worse when it reaches minus 40. If you cool down that much, you may as well sign your will. To tell the truth, it's quite amazing that you can still insist on not wearing gloves..." Dr. Lu looked at Qi Leren's bare hands and then at his own hands in thick gloves and couldn't help showing envious eyes.
Qi Leren moved his fingers. Although he was cold, he wasn’t frozen. He had good resistance to cold now, otherwise he probably wouldn’t have escaped just now.
"I can't think of a way to deal with it now." Qi Leren walked around the arsenal to find the weapons he needed. "Shall we set a trap and blow it up here?"
"You can try, but if there’s an explosion in the arsenal...……S/L Data can't save you from the fire after the explosion," Dr. Lu worried.
There were indeed difficulties. There were too many explosives in the arsenal. If the explosion lasted for several seconds, even if he saved here, the resurrected Qi Leren would still be blown to pieces.
"What should we do then?" Du Yue looked sad.
Qi Leren was also depressed, and he had to worry about another question: "How much private time do you have left?"
"This is reset at 8:00 every morning...I only have half an hour left." Dr. Lu was even more sad.
"Me too." Du Yue was also worried.
Qi Leren looked at his privacy time that was less than half an hour, which was also a headache.
After the privacy time ran out, the invisible camera that followed him would ignore his instructions and shoot him from 360 degrees without any privacy. In this way, he could neither use unscientific skill cards indiscriminately nor discuss things with Dr. Lu.
If only this thing had been blown up when Mark blasted it with a rocket launcher... Unfortunately, he had used the "Prophet's Heart" at that time and he was unscathed. Sadly, even the camera was preserved.
"Where are the others?" Qi Leren asked Du Yue.
"They ran away, and then I only met Dr. Lu," Du Yue said sullenly.
"Don't worry about them, you can't stop them from dying." Dr. Lu squatted on the ground heartlessly. "Think about how to get home alive first. By now, this task is definitely not C-level. We might say there is also an A. This Leviathan looks much more difficult than the crazy lady of B-level. "
Of course, Qi Leren thought. This Leviathan was released by Su He in order to force him to level up. However, now he didn't even know what the principle of a half-field was, because his teacher Chen Baiqi hadn't expected him, a loser student, to break his shell. In her prediction, this wouldn't happen for a long time.
The plan couldn’t keep up with the changes
"Let’s think about it again... This amphioctopus is intelligent, strong defensively, fast, and aggressive... I’m afraid it’s also very strong, and ordinary weapons can't handle it. I’ll try the rocket launcher next time." Qi Leren was also very worried about this weapon that he had never used before. There was no instruction manual for weapons here, and Chen Baiqi had never taught him how to use it.
Dr. Lu and Du Yue looked at him with eyes full of doubts.
Qi Leren coughed: "Let’s think of another plan, I don't think this is foolproof."
Qi Leren’s biggest reliance was the Prophet's Heart given to him by the Prophet, but the cooldown time of this item was as long as 24 hours. To try to wait for this to finish its cooldown, Qi Leren didn't think they could spend 20 hours safely.
Then what else can I do...
Underground glacier.
This word jumped into Qi Leren's mind without warning, and he suddenly remembered what He Yi had said before he died: "...Even if it’s frozen in the extremely cold environment of minus 40 degrees, it will not die, but will only go to sleep. It’s like the amphioctopuses’ soldier ant, and its fighting capacity far exceeds that of the workers. Leviathan is different from the ordinary octopuses. As long as it senses the approach of living creatures, it will be forcibly thawed..."
He Yi wanted to express the danger of Leviathan, but if you thought about it carefully, wasn't this its weakness?
40 degrees below zero wouldn’t kill it, but it would go to sleep. If he could lead it back to the underground glacier and then escape quickly, so that Leviathan, that couldn't sense the biological atmosphere around it, went to sleep, then he could wait for the Prophet's Heart to cool down before going back and killing it.
The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this may be the only way.
"I have an idea," Qi Leren said into the silence. "The danger of confronting it is too great. My idea is that I’ll lure it into the underground glacier and let it return to its dormant state again."
Then Qi Leren explained his reasons, and discussed specific measures with Dr. Lu and Du Yue. The biggest problem was that Leviathan has intelligence, and it was difficult to set traps for it.
"We haven't been to the underground glacier. I don't know what the terrain is like. If it’s an underground crevasse or a huge underground lake, even you will be in danger. Why don't we try the laser corridor, surely it isn’t stronger than steel plates?" Dr. Lu also had an idea.
Du Yue nodded at the side: "Yes qianbei, it’s too dangerous for you to lure it to the underground glacier."
"He Yi knew about the laser corridor, and that I can pass through it. It would be difficult to lead it into that trap... But it reminds me that we need to find the others. After making sure that they haven’t been infected by the octopuses, I want to send them out of the research institute first, and then re-seal the basement of Annie's house. If they’re running around here, they could easily be killed by Leviathan," Qi Leren said.
The corner of Dr. Lu’s mouth twitched: "I think they aren’t already done for."
It was hard for Qi Leren to refute.
"But if you want to lure it to the underground glacier, will it be fooled?" Du Yue asked.
Qi Leren tried to maintain a strong smile: "Yes."
Only on this point, Qi Leren had full confidence. He would be able to taunt the monster’s ire towards him. As long as the laser corridor trap wasn’t in front of it, this monster would be like the most loyal boyfriend, only watching him in a crowd, abandoning all temptations and running towards him.
The two EX lucks, Dr. Lu and Du Yue, were just like wild flowers and weeds on the roadside, which were ignored by this single-minded monster.
This kind of thing had happened so many times that Qi Leren was used to it.
Time passed by, and there was only ten minutes left in Qi Leren's privacy time. The three people discussed how to explain it to the audience later, and unanimously recommended that Dr. Lu pretend to be the anchor, so that he could think of his lines quickly.
Dr. Lu wore a tearful expression as he auditioned:
Ladies and gentlemen of the audience, I have bad news. Just now, XXX went crazy, together with XXXX. Then they were all killed by Qi Leren and God. This god-like Qi Leren is neither a special soldier of the military nor an interstellar mercenary. Please believe that he is just an actor... Oh no, a lead singer of a tone-deaf band. Next, the lead singer of the strongest band in history is going to fight the boss. Please look forward to it.
"You really seem like a default actor. Come on, is this filming?" Anchor Lu said with disgust.
The heavy-hearted Qi Leren was not in the mood to make jokes and rolled his eyes.
He didn't want to waste any more time, so he could quickly took care of Leviathan and then set off for Ning Zhou in Purgatory.
Qi Leren pondered it. He could only use Save/Load now. Secretly Observing and Rain Day Laundry were cooling down alongside Prophet’s Heart. There were still Pleasing Rations left, but according to his experience, this monster was not in the range of creatures that could be bought off.
Then there were these weapons. Qi Leren picked up a rocket launcher and weighed it on his shoulder. Dr. Lu opened his mouth and said, "Wow, have you used that?"
"No, but I was shot at with one and hit straight on," Qi Leren said.
Dr. Lu looked at him with an expression of "I know you’re acting, but for the sake of friendship, I will barely cooperate with you." Only Du Yue, who was stupid, sincerely praised: "Qianbei is so powerful!"
Qi Leren glanced at the time. It was the early morning of the fifth day. Let's make it quick.
Dr. Lu considered his physical condition and suggested that Qi Leren rest for a few hours to refresh himself. Anyway, the door to the weapons room had been locked by him, so there was no need to worry about Leviathan breaking in.
In the past, Qi Leren might have thought about it, but now he was full of thoughts about Ning Zhou and refused this proposal.
Dr. Lu sighed: "Well, suit yourself. In fact, I’ve thought about waiting in this arsenal until the army arrives and rescues me. Either way, it can't get in."
Qi Leren was not so optimistic. The monster would come up with a way to break into the room sooner or later. Here, he could only wait to die, and...
Suddenly there was a slight noise above his head, as if something was crawling in a pipe. The three men looked up and looked at the metal ceiling above their heads, and fell into a strange silence.
Qi Leren suddenly thought of a problem.
The air of this large underground research institute was unexpectedly clean, and there was no staleness of air being trapped. Its exhaust facilities were obviously operational.
Qi Leren's eyes turned to the vents in the corner of the ceiling. There was a metal shutter one meter square. It seemed that the sound of something crawling had come from there!
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lampyrid · 4 years
Hey hello. So for the past few day's i have been follow you're blog and i quite fond and love you're blog oh so very much!, are you still accept request? Can i have the reaction of the dorm leaders when their darling told them that they were an empress with the nickname the goddess of war by the knights and the people of her Kingdom, and heard stories during Darling's time in the battlefield and the time she ruled over her kingdom. Pretty please🥺🥺
Hm...you’re quite the greedy dreamer...usually, I accept only up to five individuals in a dreamer’s dream...but since you’re the first one to request this world, I’ll let it slide just this once. 
Riddle Rosehearts
...is in awe once he finds out about your status. 
He knew that there was something special about you. The way you carried yourself, full of confidence and dignity, your discipline and manners, the way you effortlessly took the lead and instructed your friends through difficult situations...to think that you were an empress of all things!
He admired the Queen of Hearts for she was a strong woman that upheld the rules and valued discipline. That admiration now extends to you. You are an amazing person in his eyes. He was not royalty like Malleus and Leona, but he knows that it is incredibly hard to rule an empire and gain your citizen's respect. You must have put a great deal of effort to obtain what you had.
He loves hearing tales of your conquests, but at the same time, he can't help but think of the hardships you went through, especially when you went into battle. 
After finding out about your status, Riddle would hold your hand more often. He would gaze at your delicate fingers and feel the callouses on your hands, no doubt gained from wielding a weapon. A Goddess of War indeed.
Although with Riddle's admiration, there is also pangs of insecurity going through his heart.
Is he good enough for you? You have an empire waiting for you back in your world...does that mean you will leave him? Rulers put their people first, do they not?
He asks for your forgiveness, because he would never let you go back. His twisted love for you is stronger than his conscience. If your empire should fall without you around then...so be it.
Aside from that, nothing changes. You are still within Riddle's clutches, obeying his rules and accepting his affections with no other choice.
Although your achievements do motivate Riddle to work harder and prove that he is a worthy man to be with you.
In Twisted Wonderland, you are not an empress.
Riddle is the King of Heartslabyul. And you are his Queen.
Leona Kingscholar
...feels jealousy go through his heart.
You're an empress admired by your people while he's the second prince of a kingdom that won't get to offer you anything grand.
Don't get him wrong, his respect for you is immense especially when he finds out that you're a warrior as well, just like the women from his home. He just doesn't like feeling inferior. Not to his brother and definitely not to you. Expect him to become even more possessive of you after he finds out your status.
With how you're nicknamed the Goddess of War by your people and how you're experienced in real battlefields, he most likely would not have a chance at ever pinning you down completely.
Also, even if he can't actually scratch you, that doesn't mean he can't lay a hand on your little herbivore friends. He knows that your first instinct is to protect them, and he will hold that against you.
He takes care of any man that dares to approach you with hidden intentions. Leona can smell would-be rivals a mile away. If they're not careful, they'll get mauled.
Don't even think about going back to your world because your "people need you". You're staying, no questions asked. That empire of yours can go and find themselves a new ruler.
Still, he does love seeing you fight. Either with a sword or bare-handed, you look beautiful in his eyes. It also amuses him when he sees the anger and frustration in your eyes as you slice a large tree in two. You're clearly taking out your rage in training due to your current predicament.
That's fine. You're a lot easier to deal with once you're calm, and the other Savanaclaw students can witness your power as well. A powerful warrior empress fit for the king of beasts.
Azul Ashengrotto
...first witnesses your prowess when you manage to bring down Floyd with one hit. He remembered almost spitting out ink as he watched you bring down the six foot tall eel. Well, that threw some of his plans into disarray.
There was quite the scuffle in Mostro Lounge that day as you fought the twins protecting the octopus. Azul stayed out of your range, holding the golden contract tightly within his hands. 
He was utterly enamored as he saw you fight so fiercely. Burning eyes, a ferocious expression, soft lips pulled into a snarl, vigorous and precise movements...it made shameful feelings arise within him and he found himself trembling with excitement as you got a little too close for comfort before Jade pulled you back.
But, you had one weakness. And that was your lack of magic. With several spells at his disposal, you were eventually subdued. The twins both had to pin you down as you glared at Azul.
You were stuck with the mer and there was no getting out of it. Due to your abilities, you'll find yourself chained up in Azul's bedroom with chains imbued with magic until you learn to behave. They were extremely difficult to obtain...but anything for you, my dear.
Once he finds out about your background, his feelings would be quite similar to Riddle. He is amazed, yet his heart would fill with insecurities. From there, Azul would seek specific people out and trap them in a contract. Each of those individuals would have qualities that would serve to perfect his image even more. His darling is an empress, so she deserves a worthy man. (He won't allow that worthy man to be anyone else other than him.)
You can say goodbye to your empire as well. Because once the both of you graduate, he'll take you back to Coral Sea where you'll spend the rest of your life with him.
He could never be an emperor but...perhaps he could be the magician that makes you happy. (He'll wait until you learn to love him.)
Kalim Al-Asim
His eyes would sparkle with interest once he finds out about your background. 
An empress?! A Goddess of War?! How incredible! You're such an amazing person! It makes Kalim love you even more.
He loves to hear stories about your time as a ruler. About the monsters you've fought, about the people you've met, about how your empire developed, any story you tell would excite Kalim.
And as an empress, you should only have the best, right? So he spoils you rotten. Beautiful clothes made of the best fabric, sparkling jewels that bring out your pretty eyes, exotic pets that will be trained to listen to your beck and call...just say the word and Kalim will get you anything you want.
He would watch in awe as you dueled with Jamil, enjoying the sight of you moving so gracefully with your weapon. (Jamil on the other hand is worried and very much on guard. He knows your circumstances and he fears that you may go after Kalim's life. With that kind of physical prowess, assassination would be a very easy thing to do.)
While Kalim cares for you very much, he's also a bit delusional. In his mind, he's thinking that you had already abandoned your empire to stay with him. You chose him over your own people which makes him happy (and a bit guilty). He chooses to ignore the obvious signs and view your relationship through rose-tinted glasses.
He reassures you that your empire is fine, that a new ruler would come and make things better there.
So please, don’t look so sad! Just look at the new world Kalim will show you! He’s sure that you will grow to love it, just as much as you loved your empire!
The moment his family find out about you, they’re over the moon! They start planning your future wedding right away. It will be grand, it will be beautiful, and it will be a day that you will remember forever!
Kalim is sure that you'll make a wonderful wife and mother to your future children.
Vil Schoenheit
Well now, looks like you're not a potato after all. 
He had his doubts about you being a normal person of common status. You walked with grace and confidence, carrying an aura that even the other nobles of Pomefiore found themselves treating you with respect as if you were higher than them.
Charisma, poise, excellent manners, intelligence...you had it all. Someone that is truly fit to be a royal. Vil is very pleased about this. He won't have to do much in turning you into a perfect lover.  All you needed was a bit of polishing to shine as bright as him.
Vil loves showing you off and you would often find yourself accompanying him at special events. In other people's eyes, the two of you were a beautiful couple. They do not notice your smile not reaching your eyes nor the iron grip Vil has on your waist.
The only thing Vil did not like about your background is that you entered battlefields. He almost screeched once he saw scars on your otherwise flawless skin and immediately started concocting medicinal salves that would make them disappear. He would also frown at your calloused hands, not enjoying their rough texture. 
If you insist on maintaining your combat prowess, then he will allow you to take up fencing. A relatively safe sport that will help you stay in shape and won't get you any new scars.
In a way, you're Vil's beautiful and perfect little doll. An empire? Protecting the people? Those aren't your responsibilities any more. Why care about a world that is unreachable now?
Idia Shroud
...feels like he's in some sort of fantasy visual novel game (I mean...technically he is?) and you're the ultimate love interest that a player can romance only when they've cleared the rest of the game's content. 
You just became even more perfect in his eyes. He feels like he's on cloud nine once you tell him about your background. An empress, a Goddess of War...and a shut-in otaku like him got to be the one that dates you!
His obsession for you only grows, and so does his possessiveness. You're amazing while he's...not so great. He constantly seeks your validation and affection, often trapping you within his arms and whispering frantic declaration of love in your ears. If you don't return his affections, he's going to cry and ask how he can make you like him more.
You're someone that's supposed to be out of his reach and that thought haunts him every single day.
He hacks your phone, puts a tracker on you, and sometimes, he steals some of your stuff so he can bask in your scent while you're away from him.
He's fucked up. He knows that. But does he care? No, he does not.
Idia plans to take you back to the Isle of Lamentation sometime soon so you can stay with him forever. And you won't get a choice.
He can't really provide you with the luxuries you may have had during your time as a ruler, but he'll try his best to spoil you rotten. He is from a noble house after all.
You really shouldn't think about your old world or your previous  responsibilities...since you're staying by his side even after death. He'll make sure of that.
You'll become his beautiful Persephone no matter what.
Malleus Draconia
He finds out about your background when you were already taken to the Valley of Thorns to become his spouse.
He thought that you came from a common background, so he assigned tutors that would teach you the ways of royalty. He started to suspect that there was more to his precious child of man when all his tutors praised you for your excellence in their lessons. Even Lilia, who was assigned to teach you about their customs was impressed about how quickly you learned.
He didn't get to ask more about your background until he and his retainers found you subduing an assassin that snuck in as a servant with a mere dagger. He was amazed at your prowess and elegance as you fought with your assailant and quickly plunged your weapon into their heart, killing them instantly.
Once the chaos died down, you explained that you were an empress that ruled a mighty empire back in your world. Not only that, you were a warrior praised by your knights due to your strength.
You could feel Malleus' pride as he regarded you in a new light. Would his child of man ever cease to amaze him?
This revelation also solidifies your place as the queen. Many of the fae have come to respect you, admiring the human that can even rival their best knight in strength. Even Sebek, who first regarded you as a weak human, now looks at you with reluctant acceptance.
After the assassination attempt, Lilia will also be the one assigned as your personal guard for two reasons. One, he is Malleus' most trusted retainer. And two, aside from the prince himself, Lilia is the only one capable of stopping you if you ever decide to escape.
While you cannot return to your empire, surely becoming queen of the Valley of Thorns is an excellent alternative? 
Malleus promises to be a loving husband that will take care of you and your future children. He’ll reassure you that its alright to forget about your past and focus on the present and future.
And well...if you do try something, a simple sleeping spell won’t hurt you.
You will rule the kingdom with Malleus for eternity, your life forever bound to his.
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thesunshinebunny · 4 years
Congratulations on the 200 followers, you deserve it!!! I would like to ask Layla the following: how did the Riddle, Leona, Kalim and Azul react to your gender? Did you tell them openly or was it accidental?
Thank Youuuuuuuuu soooo much dear anon!!!! I freaking love you all, I'll never tire of saying it. Now...Layla will answer your question ;)
Well...each one was a different experience, each revelation wasn’t the same as the last one...ehhhh, ok, sooooo this was what happened:
Riddle Rosehearts
After his overblot, I was the one who took him to the infirmary to rest and get some sleep. I stayed by his side all night while I sang a little lullaby that my mama used to sing to me, as my father told me, when I was still a baby.
The next day Dire Crowley went to see Riddle and recommended me to get some rest.
“Ahhh, Rosehearts-kun, how are you feeling? Can you remember yesterday’s events?”
Riddle shifted heavily on the infirmary bed at the noisy interruption of Crowley. “Vaguely, but yeah...where is Layla?”
“Ohhh, I recommended her to get some rest. She looked very tired after so much fighting, poor thing, even without magic... *sob* *sob*”
“Yes indeed, Layla is a girl...you didn’t know?”
Let's say, after that day, Riddle had a hard time looking me in the eyes without blushing. Cute
Leona Kingscholar
Ok, sooo this: I spent many days training in Savanaclaw at the insistence of Crowley. Well, it wasn't directly what he asked, instead, he ask me to go and take a few pictures of Savanaclaw’s dorm (I don't know why, I'm not a photographer, but since he gave me the ghost camera, that's been my part-time job, I guess) and within minutes, Leona had me by the ankles to join the training.
And that training lasted several weeks. I could feel how I was getting stronger, but apparently not at the rate Leona wanted. He even made me practice Magift.
"It’s problematic to see how it’s still difficult for you to trow with calculation"
"Well I'm trying, I've never played it before, I'm not a natural player like you" I threw a new disk to the rim, but this one got halfway.
"Tch, you're terrible at throwing, what are you, a girl?"
Uhhh, that boiled my blood.
Unconsciously I had lowered the training hood and tightened the shirt below, revealing my outlined bust. Leona's eyes were wide open, unable to take his gaze off my chest. "Is being a girl an insult to you?"
I think that threw him off his feet and made him want to trow himself at the sun. Poor Leona and lucky at the same time. Ruggie told me that in Afterglow Savanah they respect women a lot, otherwise you end up dead or worse...I have a slight suspicion that I will never hear Leona disrespect me again.
Azul Ashengrotto
Remember the time Azul wanted to take over the Ramshackle dorm? Let's say I gave that octopus a hard time.
"So it's a deal, Prefect?"
My eyes were glued to the contract, unable to reason calmly. On one hand I had Jack telling me not to do it, that I was going to lose at the very beginning, and on the other, I had my poor Grim, begging me with his little eyes to save him from this calvary. Being the leader of our dorm, I had to take care of him, but I didn't want to play Azul's dirty game either.
"Azul...can I have a moment with you, alone?"
Jade and Floyd came out with smirks on their faces, but Jack and Grim were the hardest to leave me, perhaps uneasily.
"Soo ... what do you have to discuss with me so privately?" I could see in his eyes he expected to play around with me, but it was me who would end up playing with him.
"I want you to reconsider the deal, I'm not going to sign the one you just proposed to me"
"So I don't see why you're still here, I'm have not time to waste, I'm a very busy man, I have more clients to deal with..."
"Then I'm going to propose another deal" That was what made his eyes shine with interest. I had his attention.
"Oya? And what could that be?"
"I can give you my body, but not the dorm" His interest fell to the floor, and he gave me a disgusted gesture. Damn octopus.
"Sorry, but I don't swing that side. I'm not attracted to boys"
"I am a girl"
Ah well, I got his interest back, but I think I got the wrong reaction. At the end I ended up signing the first contract, but I won the image of a Azul blushing from head to toe, and before the door to the VIP room closed, I also won the image of a half transformed Azul.
Kalim Al Asim
With Kalim, the situation was much more fun, or so I think. It was a very hot day in NRC and my dorm didn’t have an air conditioning or gardens with a lot of shade and cold draft, so I was suffering...a lot.
I walked into the school with the intention of getting a gallon of water out of the kitchen to keep Grim and I cool when I met the Sun itself at a corridor. 
He looked with great joy, as if the heat of the day did nothing to him, unlike me who was melting. And apparently he realized that, because he grabbed my hand and led me directly to his dorm... which is in the middle of a desert and the sun beats much harder. 
That day I thought I was going to die from a heat wave. RIP Layla.
BUT, to my surprise I came across a huge fountain, full of water and people swimming and playing in it. I had found an oasis in the middle of the desert.
“Scarabia may be one of the hottest dorms at school, but it has a lot of fountains and a huge oasis a few miles away. You will never melt here”
My savior.
"Take advantage and take a good dip"
That happiness was short-lived. Not that I had a problem getting into the water, but I didn't have a swimsuit at hand and even if I did, I would be surrounded by a bunch of guys...what a shame. Seeing my indecision, Kalim picked me up like a bride and shot toward the fountain.
"Wait, Kalim, hang on a bit"
There was no time to react, in a matter of milliseconds I was already inside the fountain. I heard how Kalim laughed under the water and how the screams kept coming from the others. 
I came to the surfaced for air, although the cold water had alleviated the unbearable heat, I knew what was about to happen. It was seeing Kalim's decomposing face and noticing how the screams began to stop that my underwear was showing under the uniform shirt.
Sooo, I had to ease the situation. I playfully splashed Kalim once, twice, three, four times, until the water entered his mouth, making him pay attention to the splashes and keep playing. I wanted to see that huge smile again.
When the others saw Kalim's smile return and see how he splashed and dive into the water, their smiles and screams came back.
Yeahhh, it wasn't that bad.
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nervousomegaorb · 4 years
Fair game
Ship: A! Meso shoji x O! f! Reader
Warning: None
F/I/F= Favorite ice cream flavor
It was a warm sunny afternoon and you were at the amusement park with your six month Alpha, Mezo Shoji, he surprised you when he showed you the tickets he bought, him usally wanting to stick with inside dates like watching movies and cooking while you tended to want to go to theaters and Fairs . You were the Ying to his yang and and he loved you dearly for it, so when he got the tickets you automatically said yes to going and threw on a cute outfit.
Once you were there shoji didn't really know what to do since it's never been his thing before so you easily directed him to the best classic rides, you went on all the rides that didn't terrify you and after riding a few rides you introduced shoji to fair food and decided to walk around the gaming section witch you already told shoji was rigged and not to waste money on any of them.....That was until you saw the most adorable soft looking octopus plushy in your life that would look perfect in your nest and decided it was worth the risk of getting scammed if you even had a CHANCE of getting the plush.
"Baby! Can I please try it please, please, please! 🥺"
"But I thought you said these things are rigged.."
"They are! But each one usally has a trick to it!"
"okay just don't waste to many tickets."
The game looked simple enough, but looks are deceiving. Throw the ball knock down the little aliens and you win, simple enough right? You knew that the beta behind the booth was controlling it, you weren't in the hero course, weren't supper strong, you were obviously an Omega by your scent, and it wasn't helping that shoji let you borrow his hoodies since it started getting chilli, making you look like you were wearing a dress and making you look even more weak and small.
"How much for a game?"
"That would be 1 ticket each ball sweetheart" said the beta boringly like he had better things to do.
Non the less you gave him a ticket and took your first shot, Missed. Second, you got it! But it didn't knock down. Third, same as second, each time he would say something along the lines of "Ohhhh better luck next time sweetie" and you were. pissed. Were you putting in all your strength? No but the strength you did put in should have been able to knock down cardboard and honestly even tho you knew the game was rigged you kinda started to feel bad, I mean were you that weak that you couldn't knock down a stupid alien?
Shoji, seeing that sadness creaping in you, knew he had a mission: Get you that damn octopus, before you could spend another ticket shoji stepped up and gave the man one of his tickets the man handed him the ball, took a seat, and waited till he had to say his cursed line again, Shoji lined up his shot and pitched. He did it! He knocked over the stupid ass alien when the man tried to stop em! That may or may not have came with some casualties tho....he kinda broke the alien off the metal pole it was on...the man was stunned and looked hella angry but you knew he wasn't going to say anything out loud about the game being rigged so he let you pick out your plush.
You skipped your Mary little but all to the ice cream stand where shoji bought you F/I/F and held onto the plush since he knew it was probably going in your nest and you didn't like a mess int your nest, just in case you spilled.
By the time nighttime was setting in you both went on the farris wheel and snuggled with your alpha for a bit enjoying the view
"Thank you alpha...for that plushie and taking me here in the first place."
It was kinda hard getting use to his title being used by someone else.
"N-No problem omega."
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lord-explosion-baku · 5 years
Tumblr media
Yandere Warlock!Monoma x insecure witch!reader
Warnings: dark themes, yandere, suggestive themes, hinted dubcon scenario, light violence
A/N: THIS WAS RUSHED AS HECK. Like when I say that, the story just moves along really fast and I’m hhhh sorry about it. This is the first thing I’ve ever written for Monoma though! Fun stuff! Also ahhhh I’m not loving the way the reader reacts to how Monoma treats her. I’m so used to writing the reader with a hint of ANGERY BASTARD inside but I figured that if she’s insecure, and wack enough to fix a love potion for someone, this might be natural for someone like her?? Idk dood. I love magic and I am a newt.
“Tell me you love me…”
You’d spent so much of your time yearning for Neito Monoma, wondering if he’d ever give you the time of day. It was wild and unexpected of you to crush so hard for someone as arrogant as that warlock; usually types that constantly had to one up everybody irked the living hell out of you, especially since you were too modest by nature, too nervous to ever give yourself any credit when you’d excel, but Monoma paid you a few compliments here and there. He smiled at you during passing periods and even told you he liked the way you cast your spells. You thought that maybe he was this way with all the other witches, even so, he made you feel less obscure, visible to even a stronger caster such as him. You had no idea that he’d reciprocate your feelings, at least, until it was too late.
It was a simple potion, you couldn’t even call it a love potion. Sure, you may have added some reagents that had similar properties one would put in a love potion, but it wasn’t supposed to be for “love.” You just wanted to be more recognized by him. And woof, after you’d slipped that potion into his morning pumpkin juice, you were for sure recognized.
Things started out fine. You had stumbled upon Monoma in the school gardens, a place he rarely studied but it was one of your main haunts. He was sifting through flowers, making an eclectic bouquet full of different varieties of your flora friends. When he’d caught you staring at him, he gave you a bashful smile that nearly melted your heart.
“I was hoping this would be a surprise,” he said, tying a black ribbon around the bouquet that made the various colors of each petal pop out more. He held the bouquet out to to you and when you took it, his long warm fingers lingered of yours. Clear blue eyes scanned your face, lingering on your lips before you brought the bouquet to your nose to take in the sweetened aroma. “The prettiest flowers for the prettiest girl.”
After that, you spent so much more time with Monoma. He seemed pretty normal to you other than how often you caught him staring at you from across the classroom. He’d leave you cute little notes, if you could call them notes; honestly, they were a bit more like sonnets than anything, and he’d bring you nice gifts and pay you sweet compliments. He made you feel special. You had never known that someone who spent most of his time boasting about his power and shutting everyone else down had such a way with words! He was nearly the perfect boyfriend.
Until he started to get a little more creative with his gift giving. You’d find roses left on your pillow when you returned back to your dorm room after a hard day’s work. Warlocks weren’t permitted to enter the witch’s dorms but somehow Monoma figured out a way past certain enchantments. You thought it was cute that he was willing to break some rules for you. After you told him that you were interested in brewing a certain master level potion that required fairies blood, a super rare rageant that not even Aizawa, your potion’s professor, could get his hands on, Monoma came to you with a box full of four vials of fairies blood. That was a bit excessive. The potion only called for a tiny bit.
Monoma grew more violent towards other warlocks in your life as well. He’d hexed your best friend, Hanta Sero, giving him octopus arms after Sero carelessly threw his arm around your shoulders in the main hall, right in front of Monoma and sometime after Kaminari asked you what you saw in your new, probably too invested boyfriend, Kami’s lips were seen sewn shut for about four hours until a professor figured out how to reverse the curse. Kaminari never told you how it happened, but after everyone who was supposed to be your friend started avoiding you, you kinda figured you knew what was going on.
On top of everything else, he was advancing on your hardcore. You enjoyed the attention, in fact, you craved it, but you weren’t ready to go all the way with him and he was beginning to get really pushy. When you didn’t do whatever he wanted, he’d get frustrated, accusatory, he’d make you feel guilty about things you never did! Claiming that you weren’t faithful to him seemed like his favorite thing to do and the only way to get him to stop was for him to use a strange truth spell on you, one that you were always afraid would work so you’d tell him about the potion you slipped him, though the questions he asked never lead to that. Once he was satisfied with your answers, he’d litter your neck and body in hickeys, little bruising love marks to make sure that if you weren’t committed enough, everyone else knew that you belonged to him.
So you knew you had to confront him.
Walking up the steps of the astronomy tower, your shared secret spot with Monoma, the place you’d use to make out amongst other things without being caught by any school faculty, you gripped the note you’d written out for Monoma tightly in your trembling hands, trying to steady your breath. You knew what you’d done and you had to admit to Monoma that you were responsible for how he was acting. Aizawa always said that you shouldn’t mess around with love when it came to magic. You didn’t think you were when you’d made that potion, but deep down, you knew what you were going for. This was your stupid mistake and you had to right your wrongs. You shoved the note in your pocket and opened the astronomy room door.
Monoma was already there, standing by the extravagant telescope, tapping his foot impatiently. “You’re late,” he said, hands latching onto your hips immediately. “I was beginning to think that I was going to have to fetch you.”
Instantly, he yanked you close so your body pressed flush up against his, and he turned so your back was against the wall. His body felt… warmer than usual.
“I missed you,” he murmured, nuzzling into your neck. Almost instantly his tongue slid out and he licked a strip up your neck to your ear, making you shudder against him. “Don’t make me wait for you again, angel. I can’t stand not seeing you.”
He squeezed your hips before trailing a hand up to the edge of your shirt, thumb gently caressing the skin underneath. “How are you?” He asked, playfulling toying with the elasticity of your skirt.
“Um- I’m okay,” you stammered, catching his hand in yours that only made him smirk as he brought the back of your wrist to his lips.
“Just okay?” He lifted a brow, brushing his lips across your skin. “Better now that I’m here?” He closed his eyes and breathed you in. “Oh!...” you took in another long whiff. “You got a new perfume…”
He brought your arms to hang around his neck, keeping your gaze locked into his. You wondered if he could tell just how guilty you were just by looking at you. “Did my sweet girl have a bad day?”
“I’ve just been… a little stressed, is all.”
“Mmmm, I can tell,” he mused, “lucky for you, I know the perfect way of relieving tension.”
You bit your lip, dreading the blood that undoubtedly rushed to your face. Even if Monoma wasn’t all there, he still made your heart jump, especially when he got himself riled up.
“Sound nice?” He smirked, leaning closer back to your face. “I’ll be gentle. You know I only want to take care of you, right?”
“Neito,” you began, turning your head away from his cool, mint scented breath. “N-not right now…”
He scoffed. It was too easy to aggravate him and pissing him off was a dangerous game to play. He never… forced you to do anything you didn’t want to, but he was not above throwing fits. “Then why don’t you tell me what’s going on with you? Honestly Y/N, you’ve been acting strange for weeks, and if you don’t want me to show you just how much I love you, then you might as well come out and tell me who you’ve been fucking already.”
“Neito!” You shot him an incredulous look. “I haven’t been sleeping with anybody! You know I’m a-!”
“Who is it? You can tell me,” he cut over you, not bothering to hear you out. “You know I’ll always forgive you, but I want to know what filth has been tarnishing what’s mine.”
“Nobody, Neito! I’ve never had sex!”
“Was it Todoroki? I saw him talking to you after your Charms class.”
“He was lending me notes! I missed classes because I was with you!” Jesus, you hadn’t even seen Monoma after you had charms, he was like some kind of obsessive ninja.
“It better not have been that trash, Katsuki Bakugou! He’s been eyeing you since the moment he saw that you were with me. I bet he can’t stand seeing me have something that he doesn’t!”
“You’re not listening to me!” You cried, moving your hands from his back to gently cup his face. You watched as his eyes went from feral and angry to soft and loving as you drew your thumbs across his lips, trying to ease him back to his senses. “Neito, nobody’s been talking to me… even if they were, I’d let them know there’s only one guy for me. I… really liked you, Neito. I liked you enough that I did something very wrong and it has hurt you and for that, I’m sorry. ”
“Hurt me?” He didn’t understand.
“I spiked your drink with a love potion. I thought it would just make you notice me, but now everything is wrong!”
The pregnant pause between you and Monoma was nearly deafening. He lifted his hand to neatly place over yours, his body hot. His eyes searched yours, seeming to register what you were saying. But his eyes lied.
“Liked?” His hands tightened over yours. “As in past tense?”
“That’s not the point and not really what I meant-!”
“Oh, darling, don’t be cute with me right now. I’m thinking!”
You only realized how hard you were shaking when he pulled away from you to let you breathe. Monoma ran his fingers through his hair, messing up its usually neat style. He let out an exaggerated sigh and began to pace. You brought the note out of your pocket. If he couldn’t understand your words, maybe it’d make more sense to him if he’d read them?
You reached out for his shoulders, he tensed at your tender touch for a moment before relaxing against you. You hugged him from behind, burying your face into his back and held the note out in front of him. “Please read it,” you asked, muffled by his blazer.
Gingerly, he took the note out of your hand. He read it over; it basically said all that you had done, when you did it, and why you did it. You noticed his back growing damp and you only realize that you were crying when he turned to face you, with an unreadable expression.
Monoma’s thumb found your cheek and he wiped away an escapee tear you hadn’t intended to let him see. He sighed and watched your lips part, a natural, possible submissive instinct you’d picked up since you started dating the warlock. “I love you, Y/N,” he muttered, trailing his warm, now shaking fingers down to your chin. “I love you so much, it hurts.”
“I-I know.” You forced yourself to speak even though your skin was nearly vibrating from anxiety. “And-“ you gulped “-It’s all my fault. But I’m going to fix this, Neito. You won’t have to hurt… anymore.”
Monoma’s hand found your neck, his touch tentative and gentle at first until his fingers wrapped around you and he started to squeeze.
“You know?” He demanded, his face inching closer towards yours. “If you know how much pain I’m going through, then why the hell are you trying to push me away? Why don’t you ever say you love me back? Why is my angel lying to me?!”
“I’m not,” you squeaked back, pulling on his arm but that only encouraged him to back you up against the wall again.
“I’m going to make you tell me who’s making you say these things to me and then I’m going to have you watch as I strap them to a chair and set them on fire!”
“N-no, Neito,” you choked out as he began to raise you against the wall. The corner of your eyes started to blacken as you stared into the raging blue irises of the crazed blonde.
“I’ve done so much for you, Y/N, and I’ve asked so little in return!” He scoffed at the pathetic, reddened face you were making. You didn’t think you could hold on much longer. “Tell me who it is, Y/N. Tell me who it is or I swear I’ll kill every last warlock, hell, every last caster in this whole goddamn school!”
“Aizawa!” You cried out, noting the shifting black figure across the tower windows.
Monoma blinked, registering who you had named. He was silent for a moment, not noticing the older warlock muttering an incantation behind him.
“Filthy slut,” Monoma finally seethed. “You like older men, then? I bet he gets a kick out of that, taking advantage of something so pure-“ he dropped you to the floor “-so fragile.”
Tears were streaming down your face. You couldn’t manage to look at him and didn’t dare look at Aizawa while he was preparing a spell without Monoma noticing.
“I bet you call him daddy before he makes you choke on his cock, huh?” Monoma grabbed a fistful of your hair, forcing you to look up at him. “Once I rid the world of him, I’ll make you do everything you've done to him to me. I’ll be your daddy then, and you’ll be my dirty. little. princess.” He laughed dryly, yanking your head closer to his crotch. “But why wait until then when I have my pretty angel on her knees all ready for me?”
“That won’t be happening.” Aizawa’s low voice sounded across the room. Before Monoma could even turn, Aizawa muttered something in Latin and your boyfriend’s arms were magically bound together and he fell to his knees beside you.
You grabbed Monoma before he could topple over onto the floor, hugging him tightly, whispering ‘I’m sorry’s’ over and over again. Monoma looked at you incredulously before thrashing around in your embrace as Aizawa approached the two of you.
“Obsessive and violent behavior, attempted assault on a student,” Aizawa sighed. “This is exactly why you don’t screw around with love magic, little witch.”
You wiped at your wet face, looking up to your teacher. “You knew?”
“Of course I did.”
“Then why,” you sniffed, looking apologetically bac to Monoma leering next to you, “why didn’t you do something sooner?”
“We have to from our mistakes by facing the consequences,” he said as if your situation were so simple. A potion vial appeared in his hand. “Now it's time to take care of your mistake. Step back.”
You looked to Monoma who had his lip curled up at your teacher. His eyes flicked to you. “Don’t you dare.”
“I’m sorry,” you whispered before scooching away from the writhing warlock.
“Stay away from me!” Monoma snarled at Aizawa as he got a bit closer.
“You need to drink this,” Aizawa said to him, “it’s going to cure you of your ailments.”
“Lying pig!” Monoma all but screeched at your teacher. It burned you to see him this way. This was all your fault, all your fault. “You just want her for yourself!”
Monoma’s eyes once again found yours as he pleaded, “angel don’t do this to me. You love me right? I love you… tell me you love me baby, just this once— KEEP YOUR HOBO HANDS OFF OF ME!”
Monoma kicked his legs up, nearly knocking the vial out of Aizawa’s hands. Your teacher sighed, “at this rate, it might be better to just knock him out.”
“I dare you to try,” the blonde growled.
“Neito, please,” you silently begged, “this is only going to help you.”
Monoma answered you with feral noises, he was practical foaming at the mouth, being over dramatic and kicking himself away from his threat, even while Aizawa backed off and waited for your go ahead.
“If you do this for me-“ you inhaled, heart beating rapidly against your chest “-I’ll do anything and everything you want.” Though, you were sure that after this, Monoma would want nothing to do with you. “I promise you, Neito, anything.”
Monoma scowled at you. “You promise?” He asked. “Anything?”
Another tear fell to your cheek. You nodded.
He finally let up. He stopped his squirming and Aizawa could finally get close to him. Monoma didn’t fail to warn Aizawa that he was going to “be the end of him,” before Aizawa popped the vial into his mouth, and Monoma drained it dry, all while keeping his glare on you.
Minutes passed. You stayed on the floor, allowing silent tears to roll off your face while Aizawa stood cross armed, watching the motionless Monoma intently. Finally, Monoma groaned, squeezing his eyes shut.
“How are you feeling?” Inquired Aizawa.
“I…” Monoma winced. “My head feels like it’s splitting in half…”
“That’s to be expected.”
Guilt hung on your shoulders. Still, you managed to reach out to Monoma’s legs. His eyes opened, he looked right at you, then down to the floor, crossing his legs closer in to himself.
“You should probably go,” Aizawa said to you.
You never wanted this. You never wanted Monoma to be hurt, never wanted him to be obsessive or possessive, never wanted to feel how did you now. You just wanted him to recognize you so you did something vile to him and now you had to live with your guilt and your shame. Now you had to live with Monoma hating you. And you carried your guilt all the way home, using it to cry yourself to sleep.
You didn’t go to school the next day. You would have to face your problems sooner or later but after the night you had, you couldn’t face Monoma or Aizawa or anybody else who would without a doubt know about the heinous act you pulled.
You went into town, trying your hardest to forget about who you were, but whenever you saw a couple holding hands or simply exchanging glances, your heart stung. You managed to split Monoma’s head in half while you simultaneously ripped your heart to shreds. It was what you deserved.
Your legs felt heavy as you crawled into bed. You hardly had enough energy to kick your sheets over your body. You thought you just about drained yourself of all of your tears, but when your head hit the pillow, they came rushing back to you. You could only hide for so long. You were going to have to go to school tomorrow.
Sleep crept its way into your bedroom all the while another force snuck its way in. You were busy having a dream of being forced into a cauldron, when a heavy weight was pushed onto your torso. Your eyes snapped open and you found yourself face to face with Neito Monoma.
“I didn’t mean to wake you,” he said, a sickly sweet smile crawling across his face. “You were so still, so… perfect… Did you know you talk when you sleep?”
“Monom-!” Before you could get his full name out, Monoma’s lips locked into yours. He moaned as he kissed you, fingers wrapping around your wrists and bringing them up above your head. He took your breath away, but it wasn’t all that uninvited. You had missed him.
He pulled away, sighing as he took in your flustered physique. His body pressed down harder on you and you were finding your breathing to be a bit strained. He was crushing you.
“I waited for you today,” he mused, peppering kisses down your collarbone. “It seems I’m always waiting for you…”
“What… are you doing here?”
“I’m hurt you even have to ask,” he chuckled sarcastically. “Don’t you remember the promise you made me before making me drink that poison?”
You promised him you’d do anything he wanted. “But the potion was supposed to change you back…”
“It didn’t work,” he said thoughtlessly while his hand slid down to palm you breast.
“W-wait!” You grasped his hand but his merely pushed your arm back down, pulling his knees up to hold your sides tightly.
He glowered down at you. “What I mean to say is, the first potion you slipped me didn’t work.” He smirked. “Do you think that I’m so much of a fool that I couldn’t tell that a drink of mine had been spiked? I was insulted at first, of course, but your actions did give me incentive to pursue you. I’ve always had these feelings for my little angel, and soon, you will too.”
In one swift motion, Monoma held both of your hands back with one of his, while the other pressed glass against your lips. Cold liquid was forced down your throat. Panicking, you swallowed, making Monoma grin and coo, “good girl.”
You coughed when he pulled the vial away from you. He hushed you and kissed your forehead. “Things will be better this way,” he whispered as your body began to shake. “You’ll see me just as I see you. We just have to wait a few minutes.”
Your head spun and it felt like your body was sinking into your bed. Your mind was clouding over and there was nothing you could do about Monoma’s wet, hot, hungry kisses across your body. But in a matter of minutes, just like he said, it wasn’t of any negative concern. Your head, along with your heart, was changing.
“Neito,” you sighed his name and leaned up against your bed.
Monoma placed a tender kiss on your stomach before looking up at you with the most dazzling and brilliant blue eyes. You lifted your hand out to him and he wove his fingers through yours.
“Is my angel ready to make good on her promise?” He asked. You nodded and he grinned, crawling up your bed to level his head with yours. “Then let’s start with one simple request,” he said before brushing his lips against yours.
“Tell me you love me.”
TAGS FOR EVERYTHING (NOT SPICY): @ayeputita @yandere-inamorata @dee-madwriter @unboundbnha @rizamendoza808, @rubycubix @smbody-stole-mycar-radio @zellllyyyy @sarcastictextstuck @kpanime @captain-sin-allmight-queen @psionicsnow @wickedlewicked @ghost-of-todoroki @kattariapenn @im-an-adult-sometimes @bnhya @local-senpai @eggpienutbuttercroissant @usernamekate94 @reyvenclaww @hi-ho-and-hello @rubyred-imagines
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