#They love to say that to everyone on may 4th btw
willbyersoffical · 5 months
May the Fourth be with these silly guys who love Star Wars
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esoteriamaya · 2 months
Astro thoughts : short n sweet <3 Jupiters Moment
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Jupiter in the 1st - Beneficial factors play a lot with this group. However they have to work harder to get it. It is because their life is based of their beliefs, they have to work to maintain a certain mindset to keep the luck from straying away. Have beautiful spirits and are capable of anything, that is because they chose to walk that path & not by how easy it looks.
Jupiter in the 2nd - Needs peace & stability at all times. Good looking. Money making abilities are stagnant until they learn to grow with their consciousness. Not everything is what it seems, so try to be on the look out for something new and different. Thats when the luck begins. Take a risk, and use your intellect to get what you need.
Jupiter in the 3rd - Needs a lot more quiet time, hermit mode. Have gifts in astrology here. Some may op for a new path every few months or so. It's because their destined to know a lot in this life and go after anything that interests them at the moment. Could be open to trying new relationship tactics and going with the flow much easier. Have a different perspective than most & they dont keep quiet about it for long. Mature presence. Very odd but likeable at the same time.
Jupiter in the 4th - Royal family. Heritage & traditional values are stored in this vessel. Mysteries and traditional secrets from the family bloodline may come out at some time. This is a very special house placement because its so much to explore in a short time.
Have faith in your lineage, you're the one who breaks the code!
Jupiter in the 5th - Creativity flows through these cats like no other. Very special essence and can be well liked by almost anybody. This comes from their talents btw. If you're good at drawing, singing, dancing, acting, etc. You might catch a lot of attention on you at some point. This placement gives me Johnny Bravo energy. like you're capable of getting the girls to like you with just your looks and personality. Just dont get to happy, no body likes a super boastful guy ;)
Jupiter in the 6th - Unique flow when going after what they love. They work the hardest when its something they know is divinely ordered for them to achieve. They don't mean any harm, their just trying to get their needs met. Super optimistic when live seems to be in order and balanced. But when off balanced, it seems as if a fire has striking them and they become the great dragon. Don't stare at them to hard, they'll begin to overthink a lil.
Jupiter in the 7th - My my my, this is what I call a royal placement. Because this gifts an individual with a great sex life. Could be unattainable to say the least. You're not everyone's 'favorite' but your presence is also something that people want to receive. How that work? You have a value to you that keeps you at bay from onlookers that don't have nothing to give, but something to take. Be more weary with the company you keep, you don't know how good you got it, and how special you are.
Jupiter in the 8th - Very deep, raw personas who are captivated by the knowledge they receive in the dream realm. They have a lot of issues very psychologically, and this gets deeper with the maturing of their path. They have a light & dark persona but its given to sustain balance in this life & the after life. They have integrity and morals and most times it is based of tradition. Other times, their really a rebel, and go after everything they came for. Because what's a life to live when you can't live it freely?
Jupiter in the 9th - Free spirits and ultra loving character. Can be a bit of a know it all but thats fine. This house is their rightful home, so a lot of good energy can be bestowed on them from time to time. Great luck. Adventure is something they should seek from all ages of their life. It is good to have someone around when going on many great journeys of the soul. These people could be a friend you never forget.
Jupiter in the 10th - Likeable nature. Their personalities fit that of the audience they are naturally connected to. Very bountiful energy. Could look like they got it all going on, but deep inside you may not know the true darkness they carry. This is a capricorn ruled house, so they tend to battle some challenges here and there. But with great restraint & an amazing mindset to go with it they come back on top, each and every time.
Jupiter in the 11th - Sweet personas and balanced personalities. They could be in a lot of groups and can know a lot of people with just their smile and cool personality. They could end up being in groups where they are teaching something to a large mass of people. Could be very inspiring and open to anyone they meet.
Jupiter in the 12th - They feel things a lot heavier than most would like to believe. They see the world differently than their peers and this could make them the odd ball at times. Their personalities mesh well with artistic individuals because they've mastered the eye of sight. Meaning that their good at understanding things from a point of view only them and God could understand, but that doesn't mean that it can be explained. In other words, they are extremely complex to the human brain, not an individual you can describe. Very spiritual, very contagious energy. Bright speakers and just super angelic.
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hyunsvngs · 6 months
Okay friend. Here's the deal with Woojin from an adult stay who is realistic and (actually) unbiased in the situation. Stays constantly give him shit and tell him to apologize and now that he did, it still isn't good enough.
Short version: Woojin leaving when he did absolutely was shitty and he needed to take accountability for the additional stress added to skz during that time. He's taken accountability a couple of times and it's not enough for aggressive stays who for some reason beg for apologies all the time.
Long version:
Lots of stays use the "he was the oldest in the group" line all because he said he was young and immature and wasn't homie like 20/21? That is young and it is immature. He chose to think of himself first in this situation. It may have been the best decision. If he continued on when his heart wasnt in the right place, his performance likely would have tanked skz success.
Stays are also saying it's too late for him to come out with an apology when he originally did so about a year after leaving. If you don't want him to apologize, stop bringing up his fucking name in association with skz.
Stays claim he's doing this just for his comeback... he's had several releases and did well considering he's practically blacklisted in 4th gen.
Finally, stays love to use the fact that was caught following news about skz. Duh. He was in the group and trained with these guys during formative years. Do we really think he wouldn't care about them? We also don't know what kind of relationship they have because literally no one says anything. And they don't have to because it's not our business.
I get the need to feel like you have to defend your favs- I really do. I'm a skz ult and the whole woojin situation fucking sucked... for them. We have no idea what has happened behind closed doors since then. They may have made up or they may not have. It's not our business. It is likely that he wasn't allowed to speak up for however long die to contractual issues.
Bottom line: 1. Stop asking idols for shit that won't appease you anyway. If you didn't want an apology, you should have stayed out his comment section. 2. Stop taking things personally because you are all just fans who have no idea what's going on.
It probably sounds like I am biased toward Woojin. Believe me when I say I'm not. I am taking the side of stray kids and Woo over the side of stays who literally bully the fuck out of someone who did what was best for him in that moment. Yes it was selfish and it sucks that the boys had to endure that but support the boys without mentioning or tearing down Woojin.
thanks to everyone who sent me asks abt this btw, i’m replying to this one bc i feel like it’s thorough lol
i get what ur saying completely. woojin was still young when he left skz, and i can understand putting yourself first.
however, i can’t have any sympathy for someone who is time and time again using the success of his ex-group to promote himself. i understand following skz news, that’s not the issue here - it’s the fact that woojin seems to be using almost clickbait titles in his videos about the boys to get attention. skz were hurt when woojin left, and this was not just career wise but personally too. i don’t have any sympathy for him and i can’t understand him using skz for clout lol
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gnashingwailing · 5 months
@fireflywritesgt sending u my ch 24/25 thoughts <3
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⬆️How Harry looks processing how upset he is that Joe nearly died in a lake while lovingly making him tea for his hangover
Meanwhile, Joe: I hope sober Joe knows how to deal with this Sober Joe:
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First off. this is primarily a reflection on Joe & Harry throughout these last two chapters but I would be remiss not to mention how EXTREMELY fed I am by the Gutters lore ... was HE a pet or was it someone he cared for... either way... woof. Plus Calloway coming to Joe's rescue once again... even though there are now rumors and Gutters saw something. In parallel with the marking scene ... this story does such a great job of balancing the horror with the levity. maybe it's for the best Joe isn't telling Harry the particulars of his visiting Calloway's bcuz Harry might just have a heart attack if he stops and thinks through the implications of all this. Wonder if he realizes how much danger he might have put Joe in... he seems to kinda forgor everything else where saving/supporting Joe is concerned (as seen in ch21 when he wanted to bring Joe to see O'Grady...)
(Btw I love the way (sober) Joe will NEVER admit anything re: Harry saving his life lol. “You just threw me into a curtain 🙄“ “I don’t even remember the turtle 🙄”)
“He knew what the medical journals had to say about homosexuals; hell, he had read them! He had to give himself some credit, however. The little bastard had been drunk as a skunk, lying helplessly in his hand, and the worst Harry had done was march him straight upstairs to tuck him into bed. Whatever pathology Harry himself had, it had not gotten the best of him yet.”
GIRL (gn) HELP NOT THE PEER-REVIEWED INTERNALIZED HOMOPHOBIA… The Harry chapters always hit soooo hard for me when you read between the lines of what he’s thinking. He is SUCH a poor little guy… We can see pretty clearly that Harry thinks of his affections as something poisonous but Also apparently as something predatory? “his pathology” “getting the best of him” being like… what? That he’d take advantage of him because he’s attracted to him ? Is that the kind of thing the research said? UGH IT BREAKS MY HEART. I hope he’ll reject his coping mechanism of rationalizing and dissecting everything and just let go and trust Joe to know what he wants! It would be really tragic if Harry tried rejecting Joe much the same way Georgie rejected him :’(
“Harry, though he hated to admit it, was afraid – not of Joe himself, but what Joe represented.” - OUUUUUGHHH THE PARALLELS… the way Joe thought the exact same thing after the night of the thunderstorm… ouuuuughhhhh save meeee...
And the parallels continue in their tendency to self-harm… Joe may be more overt about it (lol if Harry ever learns that Joe has purposefully eaten poisoned chocolate three. times. and fully thought he was doing it a 4th with Harry’s own offering … #girl…) but Harry’s absolute repression of any self-expression or vulnerability is equally a form of self-harm… questioning Joe’s ability to make his own decisions is such a sad expression of how Harry (maybe unconsciously?) views things — safety and staying alive is worth more than authenticity. Maybe he won’t stick Joe in a cage anymore but he still wants to exert control over him — in the relatable way many of us do when we feel like our loved ones are making bad decisions. And Joe is making some of those! But so does everyone! And in Joe’s case the worst of them are likely driven from years of internalized self-loathing and self-neglect !! He would probably chill out if he just had a good man waiting for him at home……. Taking Harry by the shoulders and shaking him. U are both two sides of the same coin
“Unseasoned. The word crept back into Joe’s mind. Calloway had a point, he realized; Harry wasn’t acting all that different from some of the lesser-experienced boys of Joe’s own size that he had toyed with. Surely, though, Harry didn’t find Joe attractive. That would be absurd!” Holy shit this whole chapter is so good but this part is hysterical. 1. TOYED WITH⁉️ 2. Watching Harry’s brain overheat in real time while 3. Joe getting to enjoy flirting shamelessly (clapping and hollering that he got to do that AND got to be sober to remember it) WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY BEING LIKE 🤨 there’s no way he finds me attractive tho. How do they both manage to be such conniving little bastards and also so innocent. So clever and yet soooo dumb. 💕
But even tho he’s somewhat in disbelief about how Harry feels about him, Joe knows himself so very well lmao. At first I thought he was lying about not remembering their conversation but. I don’t think so. Harry telling him he said “something very nice” to him and Joe being like. Was it that you had a nice ass. LIKE HE WAS THIS 🤏 CLOSE TO THE MARK BDDJSHHD but ALSO even just calling Harry handsome made him a blushing mess!! It fascinates me that Harry is so terrified of receiving affection but he felt much more at ease when he was giving it. I mean, he was calling Joe handsome two chapters ago‼️ I think Joe can be forgiven for his romance-novel-brain idealizing Harry as a seductor. It says something interesting about Harry’s character that he’s been so comfortable complimenting Joe until it might lead somewhere … Is that open, easygoing kindness, the sort that compliments other men readily, the ‘real’ Harry? Was Joe seeing his unvarnished personality before it got hidden under the internalized homophobia that has come out in force since ch22? I get the sense Harry is just the sort of guy whose true feelings sometimes spill out of him in a way he is barely cognizant of. We know that’s true for his anger, but I could see that being true for his affection, too. I’m guessing that is why his internal monologue goes “wow! He’s like a movie star :) and he’s so brave and cool and I respect him so much. He looks like a dancer. And his clothes look so good on him. And I notice his haircut and whether he’s getting enough sleep and every scratch and scrape and other intricacy of his appearance immediately. Yeah, I can’t help but love him - you know - like a brother or a friend!!” 👈 UNSEASONED
"“So you admit it. I’m up here because I manipulated you, and not because you manipulated me.” Joe said." — omfg. On the one hand, I love that these two are so good at unhanding each other, and it’s very cute to me that they’ve both at different points felt proud for “catching” one another. On the other hand, Harry & Joe when they are tasked with cultivating a mutually nurturing and vulnerable relationship:
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WHAT IF NEITHER OF YOU ARE MANIPULATING THE OTHER AND DOING THIS BECAUSE YOU LIKE ONE ANOTHER AND YOU’RE BOTH CHOOSING THE UNKNOWN. WHAT IF THAT WASNT BEYOND BOTH UR KEN RN. What then. One day they will quit playing Tom and Jerry-esque mind games with each other but not today. I know the rituals are intricate. I know. I know they’re intricate 😔😔😔
On a lighter note so glad to see Joe’s other go-to behavior is back. If he doesn’t wanna Just Walk Out then he wants to Fuck Around & Find Out <3 I luv how compatible the two of them are… Joe is not only moving in he's turning Harry into the u-haul service and Harry is just enamored with him for it. Faithful hunting dog retrieving game indeed. Submissive in the way a livestock guardian dog is submissive to its sheep. 10/10 Joe got his ass so good.
"“I’m sure you[‘ll listen to me]. You have to. If I’m gonna be the tiny, then it means you have to be the giant and do everything I say all the time.” He said." — Hmm. Joe and I have the same g/t fics bookmarked I think 👍 I sort of get the same sense that Harry got when Joe was talking about “luck” — that maybe the idea of “being the tiny” vs “being the giant” has some cultural connotations for him we don’t quite grasp.
OH this reminds me of the question I meant to ask you and promptly forgot about. If miniatures have a taboo against taking things without giving something in return… what does it feel like for Joe when Harry just keeps giving him stuff? Does “paying me in sleep” really work in borrower cultural norms? Hazarding a guess, I’m assuming romantic partners don’t necessarily operate on the same principle of equivalent exchange… given “Joe’s got a rich boyfriend that’s spoiling him” being something Calloway reads as normal/expected … That is to say. Hmm. Is Harry giving Joe all these things something that a romantic suitor would do? 🤔 Harry the unknowing seductor…
Parting thoughts… Miss Wilkins’ dad suddenly came down with tuberculosis, huh. Gang, do we know how Harry’s mom died, other than that it was sudden and traumatic? How do we think Harry is doing re: pushing all his feelings & unprocessed trauma down at this time. 👍/👎?
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stylezxsilvermoon · 2 months
mila's summer watches review list (ft...hot ass actors)
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hey everyone i've been watching a hella lot of movies with hot men in it (hence the pictures) and i wanted to do a review or wrap up list, because this summer i've watched an unbelievable amount of movies and shows this summer (like may to august) so yeah why not make a list! and maybe rate some of them!
(not in chronological order at all)
hayden christensen
factory girl
shatterd glass
life as a house
virgin territory
little italy
vanishing on 7th street
higher ground (show)
american heist
little italy
hayden christensen faves:
i might be a bit bias (i am) (denial) but i really did semi-like everything hayden was in, although some of it was a bit weird. but my faves that you should SO WATCH is life as a house (2001) i just rewatched it for the 4th time and its just such a classic coming-of-age 2000's movie about this edgy teen that has separated parents and his dad takes him for the summer, and its just a whole thing you have to watch it.
also not to mention higher ground (show) its about these teens that are troubled and end up at a summer camp for abuse survivors and druggies and it just goes so in depth about serious topics and i just love it so much, there's a tiny bit of drama but it's not so over the top its unbelievable, and its realistic too.
tom sturridge:
the boat that rocked/ pirate radio (uk version vs us version lol)
on the road
like minds/ murderous intent
sweetbitter (show)
3 way junction
waiting for forever
effie gray
tom sturridge faves:
literally just the boat that rocked/pirate radio (2009), its so good, its about these middle aged men who start an illegal radio channel on a boat, and the godson of one of them is tom sturridge's character and it takes off from there, also set in the 60s...and made in 2009...so ehem...ya know...
but still really good! fun fact this was the first tom sturridge movie i watched and it's still my fave! also another fun fact you can literally find all of waiting for forever full movie on youtube uploaded by some random person here (not a rick roll, literally the full movie no joke)
mike faist:
(not that many since i just got into him but he still makes the list lol)
panic (show)
west side story
the atlantic city story
i can i will i did
mike faist faves:
ok so we probably all know challengers is gonna sweep right..right? yeah but actually WRONG it was panic (2021) but challengers (2024) is a close 2nd for me, the reason being i did not get it at all first watch, but i watched some movie reviews on it and watched the interviews with the cast and i actually was like wow this is deeper than i thought (mainly bc i just hated tashi the whole movie) lol blame my probably ocd high morality and anxiety that was PROBABLY flaring while watching it but its just! a character! so we can look at it from a regular standpoint
but yeah, panic just had me on the edge of my seat the ENTIRE time and it was such a good show, im sad it got cancelled but what I saw of it was SOSOSO good I'm clawing at the walls of my enclosure
and yeah to wrap this post up I just wanna say all 3 of these men are insanely talented and I'm looking forward to watching all of their movies and shows...and out of all of them in total I'd say my favorite one is probably life as a house (2001) and it just captured those summer vibes for me and it was one of the (1st? I think) movies I watched of hayden's that started this ENTIRE thing, this monstrosity of me foaming at the mouth for these fine ass men and posting about it several times lmfao
and btw moots! And ppl who I don't follow or don't follow me feel free to talk about any of these that were mentioned because they were all a joy to watch some more than others obviously
other things i watched that aren't hayden/tom/mike related:
black clover
young justice
and bro black clover (anime) is SO good literally my favorite show of 2024 if you haven't watched it you need to show-wise is my favorite rn and blows these out of the water in enjoyment but that's just bc I watched it literally since like may 2024 @blackclovershowrunners SEASON 5 NEOWWW!!!?? I DONT WANT ANOTHER DANG MOVIE I WANT SEASON 5 (take ur time tho so it's good)
also for fun, here's a poll:
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puckpocketed · 5 months
somethign must be said about LA Kings media converging like deep sea creatures in the whale fall of yet another first round exit. big beautiful thinktank of kingstwt opinions and a pinch of analytics how I adore uou <3 it’s the tortured millennial (gasp!), the sarcasm in italics, the 5 stages of grief as we’re taken through the author’s dawning realisation that bobbert blake was never going to play Clarkie <3
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and the date is May 4th 2024 !!! butter churning cottagecore playoffs goon Andreas Englund can’t shake the leg weight allegations !!!
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death, taxes, and everyone going to war for our handful of dynamic baby forwards in the AHL (stares at Grundy fighting for his LIFE in game 5 to get ice time while they double shifted QB who was SICK at the time <3) incredible to see this on a published article and not, say, a 15 tweet thread from user Clarke for Norris !
NB: you think your NHL team is risk-averse? you think they’re stagnating ? the la kings sat on their hands during the trade deadline . the la kings are playing a system that is 10 years out of date. they were on the doorstep of elimination with back to back games where they failed to score — and still they wouldn’t call up any of their most creative prospects who’ve shown their ability to produce on the big stage <3 we are all mad about it. rob blake and jim hiller are beefing with us in the most ancient hockey language of them all: REFUSING TO PLAY OUR SPECIAL GUYS
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and a bold move here to split from the pack and join the Pierre-Luc Dubois defenders — give the man a medal, Stolly <3 obsessed. obsessed (The Narratives are LYING to you Joe!!! STEP INTO THE LIGHT)
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after a season of “is he engaged” check-ins during games (beloved passtime btw. i LOVE 2 hear how engaged people think PLD is after 2-3 shifts) we’re finally basing some of our takes on stats rather than vibes . ough they ate sO many rare candies theyre evolving their opinions LETS FUCKING GOOOO !!!! have we witnessed the induction of a new member into the She Can Fix Herself squad ? only time will tell <3
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pawfulofwaffles · 10 months
What do you think your first ever special interest was? And if you can and want to, please info dump about it.
Infodumping you say? Oh, I’ll give you info dumping(this wasn’t supposed to be long HELP-)
(this is just a lot of artwork and text of me talking about Five Nights at Freddy’s. Don’t follow me for Five Nights at Freddy’s content, I don’t draw FNAF content anymore, maybe one day but not now, sorry)
So a lot of my hyperfixations double as special interests, the first one being no different. I’ve had fixations before, but none of them hit me quite like the horror game Five Nights at Freddy’s.
I know it goes back to 1st grade because I recall working on a project in 1st grade with this other kid who liked FNAF, and I remember very well that he told me that Golden Freddy couldn’t speak because he ate a guy and… the guy got wedged in his throat apparently??
Despite the obsession starting in 1st grade, I didn’t start drawing FNAF until 2nd grade. I have art from 2nd grade but I don’t know where it is, so the best thing I can give you is this one piece of art from 3rd grade,
And this art from 4th and 5th.
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I also started a comic series in 4th grade called Foxy Fox.
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I went under the pen name “Foxy Fox”, and Foxy was altered in the story to not be a pirate and to be female. Basically, I unknowingly made a Foxy kinsona. They started as QnAs, but then got an actual story of their own after book 6. There are 12 books in the main series, and around 10 side stories. I stopped writing them sometime last year because nobody was reading them anymore. I mean, nobody had been reading them ever since 6th grade, but for some reason I didn’t stop until 8th. To be fair, I was heavily obsessed, but I eventually ran out of motivation when nobody was there to read them.
I think what intrigued me so much was the whole deal with them wanting revenge on William. I have this thing where I love “character does something wrong, regrets it, victims get revenge” and also I loved woobifying villains… uhhh William was very woobified, it was really bad lol
To give you a rundown of the main idea of Foxy Fox, in the 4th book they find an unconscious yellow rabbit animatronic and they’re like “oh neat new friend” and then later he wakes up and kind of freaks out for a second but then he’s like “oh you guys are chill I’m Springtrap btw lol” and then Goldie sees him and is like “I LEFT YOU FOR DEAD WHAT-“ (except super quietly under his breath so only the audience can hear… I wanted to make it subtle that Springtrap was William, but I did not make it subtle) so basically, the whole thing was it was Springtrap becoming part of the gang with only Goldie knowing, and Goldie wasn’t telling because he knew it would hurt Springtrap more if he grew attached to everyone as friends only for Goldie to tell everyone.
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And apparently this stupid plot gave me 6 years of obsession… damn.
I may be good at writing a lot, but I am not good at making a closing sentence, so… I’ll just dump a bit more art down here lol
(all of this is from the two newest books, and like a part of the plot was that there was RWQFSFASXC and Shadow Freddy, but there was also Shadow Foxy and Shadow Chica(both female) and the Shadows were like the bad guys, and the two most recent books have just been the Shadows fighting with the main gang, consisting of Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, Goldie, Mangle, Marionette, and their newest addition— Springtrap. There’s a reason why they’re fighting but all you have to know is that they’re fighting in order to understand the art I’m going to dump.)
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Ok bye bye now @:3
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nukabrain · 5 months
My OCs
Wanted to create character sheets!! I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed creating them! Took me awhile too, kept getting sidetracked by schoolwork :C (Gotta keep those grades up!!) (So I can try to write consistently but not sure if that's even gonna happen-)
So MEET....
Courier (FNV) OC: Enzo Atticus | 25yrs | Independent NV
Is a doctor, so he frowns upon people who fight risky.
For safety, he fights with a sniper so he can minimize damage on himself.
Will get his money's worth, so of course he passes all the speech checks (its at 100 and I haven't even made it to New Vegas)
He is the type of person who always nit-picks on things.
Every time he heals a companion he will grumble things like "why would you do that" and "can't believe I'm using my resources on you" (He doesn't mind at all and enjoys healing others but he will never tell you that)
I know I mentioned he uses the sniper rifle but he is SERIOUSLY good at using it, even Boone considers his sniper skills to be as good as his.
He is very healthy himself, because "If you get sick out here it's game over for you." Plus he thinks its a pretty dumb way to die because you couldn't out run a worker ant.
This man is the unluckiest person on earth. (I had to nerf him somehow.)
Will be traveling along bothering no one and suddenly step in some puddle. Day is ruined because he forgot to pack spare socks.
Will lean on a wall and it crumbles on him. Gets angry and kicks a bucket. Water splashes on him. Did I tell you water? It was actually piss.
Also gets massive headaches/migraines (due to being shot in the head- duh)
Quotes from Enzo:
"I am NOT helping you with your addiction to chems, this is the 4th time this week and its fucking Tuesday."
"100 caps?? Oh c'mon the only enemies I better see are geckos."
"Why did I sign up for the courier job if I was a doctor? Easy, the pay was simply divine. I thought 'How bad could this transport job could be!'.... turns out pretty fucking bad."
"God damnit my boot broke and blood seeped into my socks. That's the 2nd time today! I should really take payment in socks instead of caps."
"Why do you keep rushing into battle? I can't keep wasting my stimpacks on you..... I had some extras anyways but STILL STOP RUSHING INTO BATTLE HEAD ON."
"Oh sorry sweetie, I just thought you look simply wonderful tonight. Now what were you saying? Oh it's only for 50 caps? A special discount for me? Aw thanks sweetheart."
"God I love fighting robots. No blood on my armor! I can even reprogram them in my favor!"
"Please just be water please just be water. *peaks in bucket* ITS FUCKING PISS ARGHHH"
"Buddy your armor isn't fit on right. *Adjust armor* There. Oh yeah and your shoelace isn't tied right. Fix that."
"Hey handsome, you never told me your name."
"Hey I worked on my endurance for running away from enemies, but it also comes in handy for special events like these."
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Character Insert (RDR2) OC: Elise Roseburn, 31yrs | Herbalist
very VERY kind, she helps whoever walks through her door.
not the naïve kind of kind, in order to receive her kindness you must treat her with kindness first.
Since she lived in the woods her entire life, she knows some good tricks
that also means she's good with rifles. She hunts for food herself.
She only has 9 1/2 fingers because she cut off her pointer finger from watching her dad cut a log. She got a little to close.
Knows every natural remedies there is.
Has a little shop in the woods just off the main path. It's like a secret spot only veteran travelers know of.
Those veteran travelers gatekeep btw, they don't want her to get too popular to the point someone kills her or she runs out of supplies.
She may treat everyone nice, but she's not attached to any of them. Sometimes she'll hear news of some of her customers dying and she won't bat an eye.
Cheeky! She'll make smart remarks and tease her customers.
She's able to tell a lot about a person within 5-7 minutes of conversation. (I know there is a word for this I just can't remember)
Doesn't like it when people do things for her. She doesn't mind gifts, but if there's a task she set for herself, only she can complete it.
Often pushes her emotional problems away. Perhaps staying in the forest alone is taking a toll on her.
Talks a lot about her parents, but when asked about their current status, she lies and say "they moved to a small town."
"Well hey there mister, you ain't looking very well."
"Ay! Unless you wanna mop my floors, rub your dirty boots off in the grass."
"Stop looking at me like I'm some catalog girl, unfortunately for you, I ain't for sale."
"Bless my heart, ain't that the cutest looking guy I ever seen."
"You think I'm 25? Well lets keep it that way."
"Unless your ready to eat lead on a Tuesday afternoon, I suggest you get your ass out of my shop."
"Well miss, if I told you my secret it wouldn't be a secret anymore."
"You only get my respect if you earn it. Now scram"
"Oh man he's a goner. Now which one of you nice boys gonna clean up the mess?"
"Oh this little beauty? She's my ace in the hole."
"What the fuck you mean you went hunting. Looking like that?"
"Now now boys, settle this outside, away from here. Winner gets a free item from my shop!"
"Airing the lungs aren't you? Hope you don't talk to your ma like that."
"A visit to the bone orchard never goes well."
"If I say it cost 3 dollars it costs 3 dollars, take yo bargaining ass someplace else."
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adotrevsleft · 2 years
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Random post #4
Things I don't like about my fav K-pop groups:
Red Velvet - the fandom mainly. They have a superiority complex that is through the roof, however it has been growing less over the years as the fandom gets older. Also, the small mismanagement of SM with Red Velvet, there have been so many times especially in this year where they say oh yh here's an activity that will happen with rv and then it gets cancelled, like what? This doesn't happen, or at least not as much, in other K-pop groups under SM, I'm tired of it.
IVE - Unnecessary hate that the members get. Like ong where is it all coming from? It's too much. Sometimes, I may understand it but like sometimes it just gets out of hand. Especially with Wonyoung, the strawberry issue was ages ago and people are still angry over it like chill. Liz is getting unnecessary hate for weight gain like are u actually angry about someone gaining weight? You must be bored af. Gaeul got some hate in June for someone on Twitter saying that Gaeul said the n word yet there was never any evidence in the first place for her saying it and these claims were false in the end. The hate is so unnecessary many times. Really. Also, there are rumours that Starship only wants Yujin and Wonyoung (possibly Gaeul as well as she was supposed to go with Yujin and Wonyoung to pd48) to shine and I can see where that comes from. Btw, mini album when? I'm getting tired of only 2 songs each comeback... Another thing is the tension between the girls, it's clear that there is not complete good communication, clearly Yujin and Wonyoung are upset about Iz*one disbanding and they're not over it yet, so it's sad. They communicate with each other not as people who are close but like co-workers almost.
Seventeen - this was difficult to decide because in my opinion everything about Seventeen and the fandom is near to perfect. However, the only problem I have is that they're too perfect. They're too good to be true and I'm scared that we will get a twisted and ugly truth when all of seventeen ends. They have been in barely any controversies and the ones that they have been in were not that big as well. So, I'm just afraid it's going to backfire on the whole load of us, carats, yk? Because no one is perfect and you know it. But, I'm going to enjoy them while it lasts yk?
TXT - I think a lot of MOA's feel this way but the huge change of direction of music, it's too much almost. HYBE really needs to know how to change concepts smoothly so the public isn't shocked when it comes to them, especially the fans. Tbh, I really liked the emo punk they were going for but this new bad boy concept is cringy and annoying in my opinion. Don't get me wrong I love my boys all the way, they're my favourite 4th gen BG atm but yk it hurts to see the inconsistency. It's one thing to experiment with music and another to be inconsistent, they didn't have enough time in my opinion to solidify their sound and that's why it becomes worse, the songs don't sound like TXT and ever since gbgb I've become quite distant from TXT.
NMIXX - scared of the beat drops and the overall superiority complex from people that are obsessed with nmixx and with people that are obsessed on hating nmixx with all their might. Other than that, I love that a lot of people are aware of how talented nmixx is, because the music may not be to everyone's taste but we have to admit that they are really talented especially for rookies. But even that doesn't allow nswers to have such a superiority complex within the fandom, and no we are not going to win roty, I think that's pretty obvious, if it was because of talent, yh we would win but through achievements, no we aren't.
Newjeans - I mean probably obvious but it's Min Heejin and the audacity she had to debut a group filled with minors. I also hate the fact that people try to brush off the fact that they are minors because they are "talented". Don't get me wrong they are, they're your average kpop rookie girl group, and still quite talented but they're minors and talented or not, it puts them in a lot of danger. The world of K-pop is not for children unfortunately, it's very easy for them to be manipulated or exploitation.
Twice - either the fandom is toxic (small minority tho) and the fights with blinks that are completely stupid. Anyway, also ig it's how much they being overworked, I mean they are at least, the second biggest K-pop girl group internationally, but it's still hurtful to see them getting worked so much especially now that they are growing up as adults. Some people can't even accept the fact that they have grown, some people think Jeongyeon is fat on purpose, she's not even fat, that's the normal weight a human being should weigh. She's not fat. Also, JYP old use Jeongyeon as an actual lead vocalist thank you very much.
I'm sorry that the majority of these us about the fandom but I, and many others, don't know a lot about the idols themselves or how they work or what they do in general and it's none of my business anyway.
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demibussie-too · 1 year
Workout notes
wow my arms are so weak. like ridiculously weak. i wish i'd be strong arms wise but we're working on it so holding.
did 10/12 minutes bike at intensity 8 which made my clock tick at 135 bpm. That's about 5 kilometers btw so not so slow. it surely hurt a little but that was necessary.
then planks, 4 x 30 seconds regular plank on arms and feet, then 4 x 30 seconds of side planks, alternating. between each rep i took a 30 seconds rest.
then I went full magikarp mode, 15 reps. people call that superman but it's definitely a magikarp move, like splash.
it was time to go to the guided musculation machines. i do one exercise focusing on the upper body then body and i do (as well as i can pull it off) 4 x 12 reps with 1 minute rest in between series.
OST of the day: clipping. started with visions of bodied being burned and then the 2014 eponymous because body and blood is the best song for a bad bitch.
exercises of the day:
1. shoulder press
started at 12.5, died on the 8th rep, finished that series at 10, then barely finished a series at 7.5, and even at 5 kg i was feeling like i was about to die.
2. leg extension
at 25 it was a bit tough on the knee so we cranked it down to 20 and then the 4 x 12 reps were a breeze
3. chest press
first series at 17.5. twas tough but i did it. for the second series i died at the 8th rep so i removed 2.5 kg and finished. switched to 12.5 for the 3rd rep and the same happened. the 4th rep at 12.5 kg was okay but next week i'll try 10 kg from the start and see if it still kills me
4. adductors
40 kg, nothing to say, i have the thighs of a lesbian
5. upper back
20 kg. the second series was tough but i breathed through it and the 3rd and 4th series went okay
6. abductors
see the adductors? same story. 40 kg. lesbian thighs i tell you.
7. vertical traction
i feared that one but it actually went okay. only 20 kg but i did it in full without dying. i may need fingerless gloves because this will get me blisters
8. prone leg curl
started at 30 kg but collapsed at the 8th rep so switched to 20 kg and went through the exercise. it was hard but i completed it.
then it was time for stretching and a little bit of meditation, thinking "oh shit there's no arm curl machine here i wish i would have done that exercise", dressing for the outside world again, going home and writing on Tumblr.
no boxing today because there's an event and everyone's out so i figured i'd take time to do something else (lazy me).
love, demibussie
(it's very hard for me to smile on pictures)
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neptunianchild777 · 3 years
astro observations
hi siren ✨✨
- having scorpio or pisces anywhere in your chart dominates the overall energy of the chart. i feel like people underestimate the powerful currents of water sign energy in general. its v powerful
- i've noticed that leo stelliums / leo risings are prone to having several hair textures around their head. like wavy on the front then maybe completely straight at the back. just an example thou. could have other combos as well. or just have really thick and beautiful shiny hair. either way their hair is prominent which everyone knows atp
- neptune square asc are v prone to getting cosmetic surgeries bc their standards r off the roof n they just wanna feel beautiful ( honestly they are most of the time, neptune in aspects to the asc truly creates an ethereal appearance )
- neptune in aspect 2 asc have siren eyes. or sleepy / half open eyes. it kinda gives the effect of a pisces rising but not like completely. u still have the look of ur rising sign but its just influenced by the celestial energy of the planets its in aspect to.
- lilith in the 10th get very sexualized in the social sphere. putin (i do not support him at all, but im bringing n his chart to back my theory up bc i saw this placement manifesting ) was called 'vladdy daddy', among other things, b4 the war started because gen z tried 2 prevent the war by jokes. obv that didnt work. but yeah, i do feel like theyre sexualized no matter what
- lilith in the 1st housers are more the embodiement of the lilith energy in regard of their identity, but lilith 10th housers may not even relate to the way their being sexualized because its so different than what they think theyre projecting ( i see lilith 10th house energy manifesting in many different ways and this is just one of them btw )
- aquarius and pisces r the most otherwordly signs of all the other zodiac signs
- decans in asteroids exist as well ! might make a post on it sometime
- alot of air signs in a persons chart could indicate neurodivergency. i will make an in depth analysis abt this and explain why i think so.
- i remember @d4rkpluto mentioning that the different races are connected with the planets or smth and i thought about it and i think black people are connected to jupiter. but this is their theory and i'd love to hear their thoughts on this :) <3
- neptune is associated with orgasms and i think it makes alot of sense.
- tall capricorn rising men r gna be the death of me oh my god
- pisces ic has infinite creative potential. more than any other ic sign. neptune in the 4th gives a more intense effect ( esp if neptune is in pisces )
- im so FUCKING tired of people messing up the profection years. when ur in the womb, ur in ur 12th house profection year. which means that when ur 1 yr old, ur in ur 1st house profection year. and so on. n when ur 11 ur in ur 11th house profection year. i see these dumb ass wheels popping up on google when i search abt this saying ur in ur 11th house profection year when ur 10 excuse me ??? no it doesnt work like that nd it doesnt make sense stop just stop
- taurus moons are either the most stable babies or suffer from eating problems
- neptune / pisces in the 4th gives magical baking / food making skills. their food taste like something straight out of a dream, and people may struggle trying to describe what their food exactly taste like. like,, its hard for them to define it. n their food just tastes otherwordly. makes perfect sense. ( im not saying that if u have this placement ur automatically a good cook lol, but this is just one of the many ways this placement could manifest )
- the amount of capricorn 8th housers i've met who have bondage kinks is like.. insane im not even joking. ig they just like that control
- saggitarius risings have a god - like presence
- scorpio doms might want 2 major in psychology. i have an associate who's a scorpio dom and she said she wanna have a psychology degree just to know when other people are lying to her lmfao.
- the age of aquarius is in year 2147.5 purrrr cant wait age of pisces done fucked up everyone with its drugs and delusions. might make a post predicting how the age of aquarius is gna go bc its so interestinggg ahh my aqua moon loves the thought of it. also that doesnt mean im saying the age of aquarius is gonna be all sun n butterflies lol.
- sun in a fire sign in the 4th house has been surrounded by spicy food since they was kids.
- the sign of ur 8th house and the house that sign rules is one of the synastries that could make u vv sexually attracted 2 that person. for example, a gemini 8th house might really favor 3rd house synastry because they find that mental stimulation exciting and it turns them on.
- not astrology related but destiny number 11 ppl are prone to nail biting
- when the moon is transiting thru ur 4th house it's favorable to bake or cook. though i dont recommend this if chiron is in your 4th as well, and if thats your case you should just sit down and really spend some time with your inner child. it's most probably very wounded unless you've already taken the time to help heal it
- cancer mars ppl with female anatomy have nice titties. like they just sit perfectly and theyre soft.
- north node square jupiter ppl r very lucky but they only rely on their luck and do no hard work. like babes get ur ass up u cld accomplish so much more if u combined that jupiter luck w some dedication. ( i dont agree w hustle culture but we live in a capitalistic wrld where u kinda have to work ur ass off to succeed )
- uranus in the 2nd degree.. insane placement im not even elaborating
- the north node is in taurus and everything is getting so much more fucking expensive. like food, cryptocurrency, gas. EVERYTHING. gosh. like capitalism isnt ass enough.
do not rip off my shit i'll find you and hex you
eternal love, neptune 🤍
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thelastharbinger · 3 years
I am going to have to address this in a longer post but I originally intended this as a reply because once again we have to talk about the supposed “queerbaiting”. Look, I’m tired.
People misunderstand that "queerbaiting" by definition is a marketing ploy and tactic where media producers imply queer stories that are never actualized because they think it will bring in profit. It’s the quintessential, they want to have their cake and eat it too-- “we don’t want to turn off our conservative audiences but we still want everyone’s money so we’ll dangle something in front of you and pull out before we make our Mike Pences in the crowd upset.” In a conservative South Korean market where queer visibility is little to none and still very publicly frowned upon (Marvel's Eternals had its first gay married couple kiss on screen and many audiences in Korea at the theater were not happy about this, in case that gives you any indication of where things are in terms of how Korea feels about the gays, *hi*), to do what OOO is doing from a strategic and monetary standpoint, hurts more than it helps them. Companies will do literally anything to avoid making their group unmarketable, that’s why idols are not allowed to publicly date (OOO are btw), among other things.
I don’t know how to emphasize that for OnlyOneOf, who are a very small group (as in, they are largely unknown among 4th gen groups inside a hyper competitive industry) that come from a very small company, that to actually imply any kind of same-sex narrative would be more to their detriment. In the kpop scene, we know conformity gets you more popularity. It’s why so many groups follow trends like the girl crush concept (Blackpink, Itzy, Aespa, Everglow, and more) or why electronic dance music made a major splash across groups these last few years. OnlyOneOf doesn’t produce a typical kpop sound, they don’t have typical concepts, thus they already are at a disadvantage compared to their peers in the industry and sure, you could say by queerbaiting they’d garner attention, and they did, but a lot of it was negative (which they understood and accepted as a risk, hence why we’re getting a song called “undergrOund idOl” but it’s not on spotify yet???) and they had to censor parts of their choreography to fit broadcast standards.
(Also, and I do have to add, why is it suddenly OOO is queerbaiting but fandoms have been shipping kpop group members since the beginning, and those are actually some of the most popular/viewed kpop youtube content, i.e. “Stray Kids are not Straight Kids”, “The S in ATEEZ Stands for Straight” or “YeonBin are real” or whatever shit. Moonbyul released a song and video about a same-sex relationship and I don’t see anyone claiming she’s queerbaiting???)
I can’t say libidO and skinz are “queerbaiting” because there’s no way to look at those videos and not come away with, “this is gay.” They’re not hinting at relationships and pulling the rug from under you, it is there. And if the mvs didn’t confirm that for you, then the choreo and stage performances certainly did. The members have been very explicit in the behind the scenes of the libidO shoot that what you see narratively are three love-lines.
I don’t think OnlyOneOf set out to say “oh we’re going to pretend to be gay now” (1. don’t assume you know anything about anyone’s sexuality) but rather, they set out to depict a more mature concept about love that is explicitly sexual in nature and in Korea where women are admonished for participating in their own sexuality, it may have just been easier to say we’re just going to express carnal desire amongst us. It was a double-edged sword to begin with. You gotta understand that in kpop, when it comes to songs about love it is very much, a school crush or a puppy love or a break up song or a yearning, etc etc, but it is never about sexual desire. Idols are encouraged to be sexy but not act as sexual beings, that goes for male and female groups alike. OOO’s Instinct albums are a refusal to this rule and several others. In the end, it is all storytelling and I think they’re doing a pretty good job of it.
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05aaphrodite · 4 years
I can't let you escape, not even to your own world
Pairings:Yandere! Venti x reader
Warnings:4th wall breaking,Slight crack fic,Reader death
(Plz don't let my friends see this lmao)
______________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐_______________
I chug all of my soda then slam it on the table "Aight, let's go farm for Venti's talent mats" I grabbed my controller then push the left joystick forward, after all of these grinding... I finally manage to get him on his rerun, I was skeptical that he would come home but surprisingly, I did a single pull then I got him, I'm grateful that I got my dream team, Xiao,Diluc,Venti,Bennett I will be saving for a Klee rerun.
My phone beeped a notification, I peek at it and it's my friend gc, I put down my controller then grab my phone
(A/n: Btw, the gc is based of my friend gc lol)
❀Genshin Gang❀
Diluc's hairtie
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Albedo simp
Xiao come home plz
Hope all😭😭
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Diluc's hairtie
I was losing hope until I wished one more time😭
Now my Zhongli is happy :D
Diluc's hairtie
A smile plastered on my face, I'm so happy for them! My attention was stolen when Venti decides to say his idle line "Come on Traveler, let's go! The world is full of lost ballads just waiting to be rediscovered." I put my phone down then grab my controller again "Ok ok, I will pay attention to you now" I chuckled humorously "Good! Just don't make me murder your friends."
The moment he said that line, my thumb suddenly stopped pushing the joystick, did he just..... did I just heard that right? Murder... your friends? What does he mean by that? Someone never mentioned this voiceline of his, I should check the character icon. I clicked on the character icon then proceed to his voicelines, I checked every details but I can't seem to find it, maybe it's a bug? The fact that I was talking to my friends.... maybe Mihoyo intended it?
I shrugged my shoulders then continue to the domain to farm for talent materials. After countless of grinding, I started to have fun with his wind current while harassing random hilichurls for fun, I made him sat at the Barbatos statue "You finally came home..." I smiled as I touch the screen, Venti looked at the camera then smiled "That's so cute! He smiles when he looks at at camera!" I awed, I continue to fawn over him.
⌣ ‿ ‿ ‿ ‿ ‿ ‿ ⌣⌣ ‿ ‿ ‿ ‿ ‿ ‿ ⌣
I woke up by the sound of my ps4 opening, the bright light illuminated my body, and to my surprise, my ps4 opened by itself "What the fuck?" I stood up from the bed then went to investigate it. The creepiest thing is that Venti is the only one in my party, and he is sitting at barbatos' hands, and then I remembered the hacked accounts in genshin, this could be a sign..
I hurriedly grab my controller then check my characters, all of them were Venti! I can't find a single character other than him! What's going on!? I check my weapons but they are okay, I checked my profile and nothing changed but my icon was set to Venti, i checked my primogems and fate but nothing changed, in fear of getting hacked, I contacted Mihoyo for customer support, I can't lose Xiao, I whaled for him! I restarted my ps4 then go back to sleep, in hopes that it will be resolved next morning.
I rubbed my eyes then stretch my arms wide, I look at my ps4 then my phone, I grab my phone then text on the gc
❀Genshin Gang❀
Guyssss, something weird happened yesterday 
My ps4 opened by itself and Venti was the only one in my party, I tried to change my party set back to normal but all of them were Venti
Albedo simp
Welp, sounds like a bug
But hey, freemogems :D
My weapons and primogems were untouched but the weird thing is that my character icon is set to Venti, but I didn't change it
This is like a Ddlc reference lmaooo
Xiao come home plz
Aight, time to report to Mihoyo for free 600 primogems 
Be careful, maybe you're getting hacked? You should change your password incase
Yep bro, I will change it
I put my phone down then open my ps4, I prayed to myself that everything is back to normal. Happiness washed over me when I saw that my original party is deployed "must've been a crazy bug.." I chuckled, I change my icon back to Xiao then continue with the grinding "Ooohhh timmie's birds" I smirked, I switched to Xiao then climb the nearest cliff, I glide then plunge on the birds "Free fowls!!" I exclaimed then claim the fowls, my character suddenly switched  back to Venti, I didn't even press anything other than claim fowls "You know I'm getting impatient.." Venti said, again this was not even in his voice lines, then I notice that something is odd with my venti, he kept saying weird lines everytime my attention is drifted to somewhere else, could it be Mihoyo's doings? I hope so, I don't want a ddlc fiasco again.
After farming for his ascension materials, I quit genshin then read some fanfictions in Tumblr, I came across a Kaeya fanfic then proceed to read the contents. All of a sudden, my ps4's screen started to distort, my eyes widened at the sight of it, then a bright light surrounded me, making my head dizzy
"Traveler, you're awake" I woke up to a familiar voice reaching my ears, I blinked my eyes slowly to realize that I'm not in my room, where am I? My jaw dropped when the person I saw in my eyes is none other Venti, this is impossible! He's not real! "Venti...?" I tilt my head in confusion, there's no way this is real.... this must be a dream! The bard showed a genuine smile before putting down his lyre "I'm happy that you pulled for me, I will go crazy if you pulled for him instead, hehe." Venti had a patronizing smile after that, my eyes widened as I sat up "Venti? There's no way that you're real!" I said, feeling my empty pockets, Venti sighed as he stood up, he had his lyre in his hand "Come on Traveler, let's go celebrate the windblume festival." the God reached out his hand, I was reluctant to respond to his offer, he seems a bit suspicious to me, considering my ps4 sucked me in Teyvat. Not to mention, he said these weird lines when I was communicating with my friends, and my controller would move on its own when I'm playing another character "What are you waiting for?" A smile was om his lips, I took his hand then stood up "Ok, let's go." Venti giggled as he led me in Mondstadt, I gaze behind to see the Vennessa tree.
No way.... all of this seemed real... the designs.... the npcs.... all of them are accurate! The only difference is that I don't see control menu "Isn't it beautiful? Traveler?" Venti turned to me, I nodded with hesitant. As my eyes scanned the whole city, Fischl and Bennett were talking to each other, Kaeya,Rosaria, and Diluc at the same table, although Diluc seems poker faced, Barbara was performing for the crowd, Jean and Lisa are eating together, Albedo,Sucrose, and Timaeus are experimenting,Amber is seen gliding, everything seemed lively more than the actual game.... "Come on Traveler!" The bard took my hand without giving me time to consent.
The rustling sounds of the leaves snap me back to reality, it still feels like a dream, did Mihoyo said something about this? The atmosphere is so lively and different "Uh oh woahhh!! Watch out!" Amber then crashed into Noelle, I giggled slightly then turn to the bard who was playing the lyre for a small crowd, as the sweet melodious tone halt to stop, the crowd clapped their hands, I smiled a little bit as I made my way towards him "Did you like it?" Venti inquired, I nodded then smiled, the bard chuckled as he took my hand then led me somewhere.
I realized we were getting far away from the festival, perturbation washed over me "Venti.... where are we going?" sweat dropped on my temples, Venti looked at me with a menacing smile "Somewhere..." 
He led me to starsnatch cliff, the breeze of the wind soothes my nostrils, I can't believe all of these are real.... Venti picked a Cecilia flower then hand it to me, I narrowed my eyes "Are you really.... real?" I gaze at his eyes 
"I'm aware that all of us are just video game characters, that's why I'm a God"
My eyes widened as he said that, he tucked the cecilia behind my ear "Y/n, will you stay here forever..?" The bard took both of my hands, his puppy eyes gleaming, I do want to visit Genshin.... but that does not mean I will abandon my world 
"Venti.... I have my friends and family there..." I said, I averted my gaze to the floor, his grip on me got tighter "Y/n, your world does not need you" his tone was a mix of devastate and anger "All you need is me, you belong here" 
My eyebrows furrowed, what does he mean by that!? "No! I can't just leave everyone! My friends care about me!"  I screamed in frustration. He then uses his anemo powers on me that sent me flying through the air "Arghh! Let me go!!" I desperately try to break free
"Don't you see that I love you? I don't like it when you control me everyday" Venti was feigning sadness on his tone 
"Because you're never real!" I retorted back, a grin was marked on his face "I ever regret pulling for you!" I yelled. The bard went closer then cup my cheeks "So? You already got me, you did this to yourself" then his hands swayed, causing me to fall of the cliff, my life flashed before me, this is it....
"May your soul rest in this game"
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putschki1969 · 3 years
「H-el-ical// STUDIO LIVE - Introduction of “Story"」 Live Commentary
Edit: This event was archived on YouTube until November 14. It is no longer available. In case you didn’t already download it, here is a Google Drive link ^_^
One more hour until the live broadcast! Be sure to tune in! The live stream is available on the H-el-ical// Official YouTube Channel. You can set a reminder! Be sure to sign in to your account in order to comment in the chat. You can use the hashtag #HSL_IoS on Twitter. Also, as you may already have noticed, the Super Chat feature is once again available, this means you can send money to H-el-ical// and your comment will be pinned at the top of the chat column. If you have the means and you want to support Hikaru, please consider sending some money. I am sure the cancellation of today’s concert constitutes a massive loss of revenue. Obviously, YouTube will take a considerable cut of all donations but most of the money will still go directly to the H-el-ical// team.
In other news, you will be able to preorder the new H-el-ical// album “Story” after the live stream. There is a limit of two CD copies per person so please take note of that. You can also purchase a “Story”-themed CARU UTA board game in a set together with the CD in order to receive a bonus postcard. The Official Online Shop allows overseas credit card and PayPal payments. However, you do need a Japanese address so make sure to get yourself a TENSO account!
【H-el-ical// ONLINE SHOP】 http://h-el-ical.tokyo
Ohhhh! Love the set-up of the studio. Kinda reminds me of those First-Take videos, very understated but still sophisticated. Her all-white outfit looks fabulous.
Wish we would have actually gotten a live performance of “prologue” but it worked nicely as an intro. “diary” is better than expected. "I am me” is pretty badass, love seeing her perform it live. Wish we could have gotten the chance to see her perform it together with a proper band. During the first talk session Hikaru explains that this is a concept story that tells a proper story. In the latest fan club issue, you can find detailed selfliner notes that explain the meaning of each song. In short, “prologue” is meant to potray the hazy and dreamlike feeling of just waking up. “diary” is about coming across something by chance that completely changes your life. “I am me” is from the point of view of a confident and stubborn teen who takes life head on.
She skips “awake” and goes straight to “midnight” which is about falling asleep with a troubled mind. When you are struggling hard and feel like there is no way out of despair, you hope for things to become bettter. It portrays that sort of sad feeing. I was unnecessarily harsh to this song when it was first released, I honestly love it.
Oh wow, the next song is very unexpected. Hikaru is singing “clea-rly-”, thought she would stick to songs from the album. This reminds me that I have barely listened to this track. It’s better than I remember. Everyone is so happy to finally hear it live. Hikaru says it is a yandere song which perfectly fits her :P She was excited to perform it with a band but alas that wasn’t meant to be. She also discusses that now that she has become a solo artist she sings a lot more vibrato, something that she hasn’t really done a lot during her Kalafina days. "clea-rly-” leads to “drizzle” which is a great transition. The theme is similar to “midnight” but it is a lot darker. Btw, she encourages everyone to press the LIKE button on her video so if you haven’t done that yet, please do so!
Next up is “Angel” which is about the compassion and love you feel towards something precious. She is struggling quite a bit with some of those high notes here, not the most flattering song for her unfortunately. She improved a lot in “生 -SAY-“, solid performance!
On a side note, they just confirmed the new release date for H-el-ical//’s 4th Single “JUST DO IT”. It’s scheduled to be released on January 26, 2022! Further details will be announced at a later date!
We also get to hear “The Sacred Torch”! YAY! Makes sense of course since it has just been released.
Hikaru explains how the board game works. The cards contain words (lyrics) which you spread on the table. Then you play a song from the album and the players need to find cards that match the lyrics. The more cards you find the more points you will get. After a few songs have been played you can determine a winner. The words on the cards are pretty general so you can play the game with almost every kind of Japanese song.
Final song is “TSUMUGU”. Will I ever get tired of the lalalas? Not likely :P
Overall, this was a lot of fun!! Not the best vocals but hey, I didn’t expect too much from a studio live. Don’t forget to LIKE her video and SUBSCRIBE to her channel! You can also still send money so if you have the means, please consider supporting Hikaru!
Good news! The event will be archived until November 14! Hikaru would like to do a Watch-Along-Party on the 14th using the hashtag  #HSL_IoS同時視聴会. Be sure to vote for your preferred time! (Source)
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accio-victuuri · 4 years
2017 BJYX Timeline : At First Sight.
Everything starts with a blank canvass. Oh we painted each others lives inch by inch. from black, gray and blue to colors we never thought existed. Two photos from different places, longing to be one. 
Let’s start from the beginning of this whirlwind timeline. There will be very minimal interaction between our boys, but this will also be a good time to see how they were before working together. I wanted to paint a picture of  XNINE’s Xiao Zhan and Idol Wang Yibo. Before their names got tied to the Untamed and each other.
They were doing their own thing, working hard with their careers, no clue that one chance meeting will be so important. Warning, this post is video links, image and information heavy. I am missing some stuff because this hell site refuses to save things and continues to glitch.
🡆 MARCH 2017
03242017 : The story starts when XNINE was a guest in Day Day Up. When asked, they always say that this is the first time they met. However, they did not interact at all.
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But there are definitely times on this episode where they pay attention to each other and it’s so cute. You can find different videos that will highlight these moments better than any screencaps can.
1. Web Stealing a glance at GG
2. First meeting
3. Gun heart - This is the gesture GG used when he introduced himself. The hosts all imitated him and teased, that included Web who smiled too. The same love gesture will be seen in the following years as “their thing”.
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4. Doing the same steps for the dance.
5. Web allowing GG to pass and did not lift up the bamboo to trap him when it’s his turn.
6. Red string of Fate
7. Love at first sight-ology
When asked about this shooting, especially the segment when they were in the fields— GG said it was too cold. There is also CPN that the bag Web was using was GG’s.
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03252017:  Yin Yue V-Chart Interview with XNINE. GG talking about being scolded for not updating his video diaries and updating his fans. 😂   On the same day that this interview came out, he posted a selfie. 
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🡆 APRIL 2017
04022017 : XNINE shanghai concert - BE A MAN.  blessing us with this dance from GG. The next one is the one that the Untamed Cast were watching. He also posted a selfie for this night. 
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Full video of the concert 
04082017 : The Wolf starts filming. According to GG, this is the drama that made him decide to really be an actor.
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04092017 : Web attends the 17th Top Chinese Music Awards and wins Best New Idol. This also blessed us with the blindfold dance. 
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04132017: Southern Metropolis Entertainment Interview - XNINE. GG sings Jay Chou’s Love confession on this one ( I died ). We also see his very shy side when people say that he is the Visual of the group. Also, LOL at Peng Chuyue’s face when GG says this.
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04162017: Posts a selfie on set of The Wolf in the blistering cold.
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04242017: XNINE “Say No” BTS is released.
04252017: GG posts a selfie. 
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04282017 : Release of Single “Say No” - XNINE 
04292017 :  Wang Yibo X Guan Xiaoton release of the song Once Again for the Once Again OST.
🡆 MAY 2017
05072017: GG posts himself with that stubble. 
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05292017: Another selfie in specs. 
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🡆 JUNE 2017
060172017 : Both GG and Web posted selfies for Children’s Day. 
06082017: Zhelife
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06222017: Another selfie. I’m side eyeing the date this was posted wtf. 622. 
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06232017 : Posted alot of selfies this time. This is one of those. 
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🡆 JULY 2017
072017 - Filming for GG’s “Battle through the Heavens” has ended where played the role of Lin Xiuya.
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07032017 : GG posted a bare face selfie, wearing Stussy! 
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07032017: Adidas NEO CF for Web
07102017 : Web CF for Estee Lauder. Our boi in shorts and white shorts, using estee lauder in the morning. 
07192017: Idol Interview - XNINE @ Asian Music Gala. They won the Most Popular Group award. This is Where you can see a very quiet GG who does not speak at all. https://youtu.be/7dwA6WwD-5c
07202017: Cute selfie. 
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07272017: Posted a selfie photoset which includes the photo he sent to Web, apparently, in 2018. I’m a love at first sight believer, so I don’t buy the story that this was only sent in 2018. hahahah! don’t believe me. 
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🡆 AUGUST 2017
08042017: GG posted a Happy Birthday message to DDU for their anniversary. DDU weibo account responded with :
“Thank you handsome and attractive little zhan zhan! ( btw little Day Day won’t tell you that a colleague of us already became your fan. )”
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08082017 : XNINE Metersbonwe photoshoot.
08152017: Episode 1 of Love Actually Drama aired with Web acting alongside Joe Chen. He played the role of Zhai Zhiwei who is an IT genius.
08162017 : First episode of the TV program "When we were young" airing. Web guest starred on this, for episodes 16-17 and played the role of Lin Jiayi.
08242017 : Web shoot for Once Again MV the making released.
08252017: XNINE “be strong girl” campaign message. Have some encouraging words from GG.
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08272017 : XNINE performs at Fresh Asia Awards.
08302017 : “Unsurpassed Conference” ; Where we got this absolute gem of him not wanting to talk but ended up being a host on DDU.
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Web : I don’t really like talking 
Host : so you went to DDU 
Web : I don’t know why I went too.. 
09052017 : Wang Yibo and Joe Chen video in an Amusement Park shooting the drama “Love Actually”. 
09162017 :  Wang Yibo attended the “2017 Asian Influence Awards Ceremony.” and won Best New actor.
09222017: Web interview and photo shoot for Hey idol. This shoot is responsible for that photo where Web eats an orange like an Apple. 
09232017: Selfie time again 
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09262017: Web and Wenhan represent UNIQ as they perform in TV Online Video Influence Ceremony
09272017: Web AD for KFC. Please watch this. He looks good in Yellow- dancing and eating chicken. I STAN THIS BOI! 
🡆 OCTOBER 2017
10102017: Posted cute selfies with him as a cat and a Pig. hmmm. pig? 
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11072017: Web’s Just Dance single is announced. This is the Theme song of 4th Xuan Wu Festival
11092017 : Filming of Oh My Emperor has finished. GG plays the role of Bei Tang Moran in this drama that will be broadcast in 2018.
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11092017 : Web attends the Ifeng Fashion show event where he won   Most Popular New Actor. 
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11162017 : Web recording the song “just Dance”. does the clothes he’s wearing remind you of another recording session? 
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11212017 : Web x Fashionable Photoshoot
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11262017 : Attending and performing in Star Night of Mister Inke. His style in this one is really Joker-like.
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2020 : Web is cast in the science fiction drama Super Talent/ My strange friend.
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12032027: XNINE performs “ We want what we want”.
12032017: Web performs JUST DANCE in Tencent Games Carnival.
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12092017: Photoshoot with Rayli 
12122017: Photoshoot with Cheese Fashion 
12132017:  Photoshoot with NTSnap 
12142017 : BEST TASTE releases one of it’s short films that include Wang Yibo. We see two personas in this feature and it’s really interesting.
This one called “耳” Ear; about sounds. [What we heard can’t take away by time 🕙 ]all the good memories when we were a child, some one them we might not be able to remember what happened, but when you hear the sound/voice of them, they trigger our memories
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12152017: Volunteer Union photoshoot / campaign 
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12172017 :  Attending Tencent Star Charity Night 
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12202017 : Photoshoot feature with our street style AKA everyone's favorite Web flower boi spread. 
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12222017: "Just Dance" single MV release
12222017 : Winter solstice post from both of them. Talking about eating tangyuan. It’s of those mirroring posts, but again, could just be coincidence that they posted something similar.
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12312017 : Web Participates in Hunan TV’s new year countdown as a Host. 
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*** Note 01 : In 2017, XNINE was transferred from EE media to Long Danni’s Wajijiwa Ent. Company. Some initial problems that they had was that their company was more interested in promoting them as actors and not as an idol group. They were also not kept safe in public venues which will be a recurring issue to GG as we go along other timelines.
*** Note 02 : I wanted to add Web’s Rossi posts and more pictures but it won’t save (will try again at a later date, but I think Web’s awards and projects are more important to highlight here). LOL. Thankfully, GG’s selfies worked. I mainly added stuff that they did in 2017 to give a sense of where they were career-wise. 
*** Note 03 : Looking at how this timeline turned into a monster, I will probably split the 2018 timeline into two parts. Forever Summer Part I & Forever Summer Part 2. Seeing the amount of Activity these two did in 2018 alone is STAGGERING. Plus, this site is glitching with all the content when I save it so splitting it might be better. if you have suggestions, let me know. 
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twstheadcanons · 3 years
This is a lore question and a slightly specific one. Cater as a character and otherwise is super interesting to me but at the same time insanely confusing. While at first I thought he would end up having maybe slightly abusive family there's a possibility that's not the case. His sister's seem to enjoy dolling him up and his mother seems to go along with it and his father's a bit more absent. I think I would mainly like to know what his true self is truly reflecting and also if Trey seems to know about this 'true version'. Don't feel pressured to anwser this if you can't btw ❣️
Cater fans come get yall’s food.
S, iideally I’d go through events Cater’s prominent in (Beans Day, Halloween), but that would just make this whole post longer.  So I’ll be using Cater’s card stories for now.  What we know about Cater, on the surface level, is that he comes across as happy-go-lucky, energetic, social, trendy, superficial, flaky, and insensitive at times.  But that’s Cater on a surface level.
So for Cater, his major issues from his background are:
his family frequently moving to accommodate his father’s occupation as a banker
his sisters dragging him into their own interests that he was expected to accommodate as well
Cater repeatedly states he disliked getting dragged around by his sisters and having cutesy stuff he wasn’t genuinely interested in shoved into his face.  This would even happen on his birthday, where his sisters got him things they’re more likely to enjoy, which made Cater feel frustrated since he was supposed to be the focus on his own birthday.  But despite that annoyance, Cater understands his sisters didn’t really mean any harm.  From the sounds of it, they liked hanging out with Cater, and assumed that Cater enjoyed how they spent time together as well since Cater preferred to go with the flow, rather than rock the boat.  
In his Bday SSR, Cater mentions that his sisters became more considerate of his own interests and asked him what he wanted.  All three coming from a family where they move and lose close friends a lot, the sisters are probably close and want to stay close to their brother as well, since they’re the only consistent company in a similar age range.  His sisters are each other’s best friends, Cater didn’t have that growing up.  He also mentions his sisters and mother’s sweets-making kick, and how he eventually got over having sweets every day.  But when he protested, it’d disappoint and sadden them/they’d have dejected looks on their faces, which Cater didn’t know how to handle, so he made himself go along with their whims to keep them happy.  
This pours into his social media life, where he’s a peppy, cheery guy that posts upbeat content and responds with light, casual, carefree messages to people.  His Lab SR literally has him state that he ‘should always be happy and excited, after all’.  So, clearly, whatever dynamic the Diamond family has, while not what I’d call something as heavy as abuse, isn’t considerate of Cater’s feelings and views Cater’s ‘go with the flow’ ways as approval.  If he ‘breaks character’ of the devil-may-care person he is on the surface, it raises questions, and Cater would rather just avoid all that and enjoy himself instead of getting involved in anything heavy.
Again, Cater doesn’t like to rock the boat.  He also mentions in his Lab SR that this obsession with cutesy stuff became rather invasive, and he’d even be criticised or second-guessed if he didn’t go along with the idea.  Cater ends up accommodating that interest to prevent any debate, even if he didn’t actually care for them.  That said, with such an emphasis on aesthetics being the way he grew up, Cater has a good understanding and practical knowledge of decour and eye-catching designs, which makes him helpful and invaluable when the time calls for decour.  This is something Cater knows he’s good at, and enjoys showing off since the focus is on himself and he’s acknowledged for his skills.
With their family moving all the time, Caters gained and lost friends a lot.  Cater has an outgoing personality, at this point, it’s safe to assume he’s an extrovert, so making friends comes naturally to him.  But when you’re moving a lot, maybe sometimes in the middle of a school term, .  Cater needs engagement and social interaction, but at this point in his life, he’s tired of trying to keep up with old and new friends on deep levels, hence his interest and obsession with social media.
One thing to note about Cater: he likes cutting corners.  a lot.
In his R card “Portrait of Rosalia”, it’s understood that Cater being nice to Rosalia by throwing her a party with some lively students around is a way for him to get on her good side, because Rosalia overhears the teachers’ discussions of tests and future lessons so that he wouldn’t have to study for an upcoming history test: while Cater’s idea of a party to lift Rosalia’s spirits is in good nature, he wants something out of it that benefits him.  But while disappointed the plan didn’t work, he’s quick to brush it off, and Rosalia’s anger, by mentioning that she’s cuter when uptight anyway.
In his PE card “This betrayer!” Cater only have five laps left to do in PE.  But he hates how sweaty he is and how tedious the overall task is.  So he uses his UM to try and avoid doing all five laps himself.  Riddle catches him red-handed, and Cater tries - albeit I’m sure he knows it’s a lost cause - to flatter Riddle at the last minute.  Trey’s also involved, and despite leaving Cater in the dust, Trey also returns with Riddle, because Trey knows that Cater’s the type that tries to cut corners whenever possible, something against the rules in Heartslabyul.  Honestly, as far as Trey goes, Trey’s someone used to the way Riddle holds himself back.  Cater’s exterior personality wouldn’t be hard for Trey to recognise as Cater pushing himself or exaggerating points of his personality just to keep up an image. especially after being in the same dorm for three years.
In short, while he isn’t malicious about majority of the time, Cater will use others to get out situations and tasks he wants no part of.  This is a huge thing reflected in his UM, as it allows Cater to be in more than one place, so that he personally doesn’t have to be involved.  Growing up with two pushy older sisters, it makes he develops a UM that complements a need for escape when pure wit won’t work.  And despite being someone with a superficial interest in trends, that experience accumulates in him understanding the basics about social media and how it affects others, himself included, since it became the only way he could stay in contact with acquaintances and ‘friends’ from previous years. 
 Cater has a good understanding of how people, in general, work, especially those in his agegroup, which makes him rather crafty when he wants to string others along and get out of a situation.  This doesn’t make Cater a mean or conniving person, and in fact, he’s generally amicable and social.  Cater lives by a pretty ‘live in the moment’ credo.  He enjoys having fun and not getting overly serious about issues when he can help it.  There are instances where he doesn’t care about the situation he’s in, or thinks it’s lame/boring, but he tries to make the most of it as something to post about on MagiCam later to engage in low-effort social interaction for a mental break. 
Cater pretty much states this in his Halloween SSR:
“If I left there, they remained there. That’s why I’d rather have a casual and happy time with everyone instead of going steady. It’s like a circus troupe, you know, having fun hanging with people all over the world and then leaving. And that’s why MagiCam is the best. I suddenly got messages from acquaintances from the school I went to 3 years ago. Aren’t my casual and light relationships multiplying? It’s lovely! “
Social media helps him keep in contact with people on a low-effort level, so the risk of moving doesn’t damage his relationships online like it would physical friendships.  As for family, Cater’s feelings towards his family are difficult, tricky ones he has problems with.  He certainly doesn’t hate them, but their lifestyle, the moving and pushy personalities, don’t mesh well with Cater’s personality overall.  When Lilia tries to relate to Cater’s experiences of fleeting relationships, Cater can’t help but dismiss Lilia’s empathy as surface-level, since, to CATER’S knowledge (it’s not like he knows Lilia’s old as shit), Lilia’s always lived in the VoT with his own family and friends, which hits a sore spot with Cater:
““Cater: ….Family…huh.
Flashback Lilia: I feel like I understand you. But it is just as Cater says, it might be the truth that you should not attach yourself too much to one person in particular.
Flashback ends Cater: (That was full of lies. For a guy who grew up in the same place and never had to deal with rebuilding relations over and over… He wouldn’t understand my worthless and meaningless feelings.)
Cater: Hello, Trey. What’s up? Huh? Are we doing our rehearsal for our night show at the stamp rally now? And is Deuce from my committee lacking in hands, so Ace is helping him out? Darn, Ace is definitely going to use this to ask me for a favor later!
Cater: Argh! And is Riddle on the verge of a rampage? I’ll be back soon, Trey, please calm him! It was such a pain getting involved in the biggest crisis of this Halloween week! No, for real! I’m not lying. That’s why you don’t have to say such cold things to me, kay? URGH, TREY, YOU’RE SO CRUEL!!
Cater: Now that Diasomnia’s turmoil has settled, it’s time to change the mood. No matter how you slice it, we’ll still separate if we become 4th years… It would be different if I repeated a year though. Anyway, I should just enjoy the memories I’m making “now”! I’ll surprise everyone with this charming skeleton costume! I’ll show them my serious side!”
Cater calls his own feelings ‘worthless and meaningless’, which likely ties into how he got dragged into his mother and sisters’ own interests over his own, and sometimes even criticised if he didn’t go with their flow.  He also expects the friendships he’s made in NRC (as we see with him talking to Trey about the rest of the Heartslabyul cast), to inevitably disappear after he and Trey are fourth years with their own internships and lives to live.  Because to Cater, the future of his life and relationships appear disruptive and inconsistent, so instead of fretting about them, he wants to live in the moment and enjoy what he’s doing at all times, hence why he cuts corners to make things easier on himself.  This is why he can come across as superficial and easy to get along with, because he doesn’t want to fret over the details.
unrelated but we’re team ‘former dorm leader cater’ here because him doing it because it sounds cool and fun fits perfectly with his personality
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