#They like to remind you that they're literally a dime a dozen and that you should get over it.
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4bsurdcreature · 14 days ago
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mysteriousmarketer · 7 months ago
Marketing like an Olympic newscaster on steroids
"Walking On The Beach And Coming Up With One Good Idea (If You Implement It) Is Worth More Than A Lifetime Of Hard Work!"
~ Gary Halbert, Copywriting Legend
Everyone's waitin' to watch their favorite Olympic athletes compete for gold…
But I've been entertaining myself watching news companies fighting each other to get your attention for the events.
It's interesting how skilled some of the news companies are at coming up with unique marketing angles. So more people tune into their Olympic broadcasts instead of watching the other news stations.
All I can say is…
Some of them are pretty good at sucking you in!
While the more mediocre news companies go after the 'blah blah boring' angles all the other news companies are going after like sheep…
… stuff like -
the history of the Olympics,
* who the athletes are,
* their background,
* how they've been preparing, etc…
… the smarter news channels have been hitting angles no one else even sees, grabbing pieces of the mind-share pie left and right.
With content like:
"Why This Olympics Is Going To Be One Of The Cheapest In History" - 660,000 views
(Every country in history has over-spent their budget during the Olympics, many to the point of financial collapse. This time might be an exception… Interesting…)
"The Anti-Seks Bed Provided To Olympic Athletes" - 100,000 views
(Not sure why they call it that, but man… is that bed interesting. They actually scan every athletes body using A.I., and adjust the bed based on their body type.)
And so on and so forth…
Hitting all sorts of angles that other news channels are oblivious to, while catching watch time and revenue that everyone else's missing.
Whether you're a marketer, entrepreneur, or do any sort of business in general…
… it just reminds me how important it is to approach everything with fresh ideas.
Ideas are the lifeblood of your business.
And the students who I always see struggling online with marketing or sales or productivity or motivation, are always those who lack creativity and are blindly following the status quo.
No wonder one of the biggest problems that I've been hearing people mention is about how saturated the markets are getting with all the A.I. content out there.
They're not.
You're just being a copy cat. And not coming up with anything new.
And so, you pay the price.
A.I. has trouble coming up with creative ideas most of the time anyways (believe me, I've tried, so boring).
So it goes with marketing…
So it goes with solving almost any problem you have in your business…
You are always just one good idea away from unblocking all the bottlenecks to generational wealth.
Of course:
Coming up with good, problem-solving ideas is easier for some, harder for others. It's more of a personality type thing.
It can be learned.
But some people just grow up having it.
Like me.
So if you're having trouble coming up with good ideas for solving your biggest marketing challenge, like I mentioned yesterday, it's not to late to send me your requests.
Feel free to reply to this post.
With a couple of words (or sentences).
On what's bugging you the MOST in your business right now.
And when I start going through them over the next few days, let's see what crazy new ideas I come up with. :)
Time for bed.
Sincerely, Allen Walker The Mysterious "Creative" Marketer
P.S. The saying that 'ideas are a dime a dozen' is a myth. If it were that easy to come up with great ideas, most people would be rich, happy, handsome, and healthy. Believe me…
P.P.S. If I were a news company, I'd send in investigative reporters to interview pickpockets around Paris, and ask them about the strategies they plan to use to plunder tourists without getting shot.
I bet that'd grab some attention…
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phonkscribes · 3 years ago
Sorry I might have requested this twice. But can you write how mercs are when they are jealous. (tf2 x reader fluff)
The Color Green.
You're a dime in a dozen, and quite frankly there's not a single person out there that's just like you. With the mercenaries, they're not accustomed to being treated the way that you treat them and the mere thought of someone coming forth to take you away from them is one that makes them so angry! Thankfully, you're there to remind them that there's no one else out there in the world that'll sweep you off your feet.
He's had to fight for his spot on many occasions with all the brothers that he has. It's no different when it comes to you.
You've stuck by his side when others have left him in the dust, and because of that, he can't help but to hold onto you like glue.
Some guy had approached you at the diner that the two of you like to go to, big and strong like a bull. He was handsome, and he had some charm to him.
To an outsider, it could be assumed that the two of you were a thing. Scout, who had gone to the restroom to freshen up a bit as you arrived, didn't know what emotion came over him when he saw this. This bum hitting on YOU and doing his job for him!
To no avail, he storms over and puffs his chest out. You grin and are delighted to see him, but... you notice that he's obviously miffed about something. You're about to ask what when he jabs a finger accusingly at the big guy.
"Who the hell do you think you are?!", he fires, to which the other guy scoffs, "That's MY dame wise guy"
Already, Jeremy's raring to go and you're about to intervene but watching him get so worked up about something so... trivial is adorable and you love that he's just about had it up to here with the jerk who's trying to get between your legs.
It eventually ends in a brawl, which gets the three of you thrown out of the diner and banned for the time being. Scout won, to no avail. Still, he's left feeling winded even if he could run literal circles around the beaten man on the floor.
You prod, and he folds his arms at you, trying to return to his cocky demeanor but fails to. The possibility that you'd leave for someone with better attributes scares him more than anything, and he knows that you could OBVIOUSLY do way better than him.
A frown forms on his lips, and you're shocked beyond belief. Since when does your favorite slugger frown? You didn't think he had it in him for as long as you've known him for.
With a kiss to the cheek, you pull him from his thoughts as he holds his face for a second.
"I'm yours, aren't I?"
"I- Y/N... uh... well yeah. Duh, that's a no brainer"
"Come on, I know a place", you take his hand and lead him on.
Soldier isn't the sort to get jealous often, but when he does, it becomes this sort of elephant in the room.
Lately, you've had your hands tied with work making you unavailable and having to cancel plans that he's tried to arrange on several occasions.
Knowing that you're busy and that you'll make time for him, he doesn't give up or feel disheartened, but the sting lingers after you shoot him down.
It is then that he has a brilliant(terrible) idea to come and visit YOU instead of it being the other way around. A simple drop in at the office to come and get a little time in before he's called back to the front lines.
You're on the fifth floor, in your cubicle as a co-worker you're close with starts to talk to you about the little things to make conversation. Stuff like the weather and movies, sadly, it's pretty boring.
There's a sharp, distinct sound that can be heard just outside of the window you work right next to, an explosion and then yelling.
Oh no
With a crash and glass flying everywhere, your poor colleague shrieks at the sight of Soldier standing proudly and beaming like an idiot when his eyes fall upon you.
You're shocked, but it's a somewhat pleasant surprise(at least until management comes.)
"Hello Y/N!", he shouts as he walks through the shards to come and clasp a hand on your shoulder.
"Y/N, who is this- this maniac?!", your co-worker gasps and takes a step back in visible distress.
"This is-" "I am their friend!", he proclaims very loudly.
"Is he bothering you? Should I call for security?"
"I am not bothering them at ALL actually! Are YOU bothering them?! I will have you know that I am a soldier of WAR and will NOT hesitate to PROVE IT" "That's really nice Jane but-" "Who are YOU? Maggot!"
You sigh in mild discomfort as curious heads peak above the office walls to get a glimpse of the situation.
"Oh my god, you're a freak! You're an actual freak! Y/N how do you know this guy? Where did you meet this guy?"
"Hey. I don't like you speaking ill of my friend like that, he's a good guy really"
"THAT'S RIGHT! I AM!", Soldier stands between the two of you before taking your hand in his.
"Let's GO!" "Soldier I work here", but before you can say anything else, he's pulling you closer and aiming his rocket jumper at your feet. Lord.
You've been hanging out with Scout a lot recently, ever since he discovered that you just so happen to also be an avid baseball and Tom Jones fan.
While you're allowed to have other friends and people that you're close to, you seem to be having more fun with Jeremy than you are with them.
Pyro isn't used to being jealous, not that they ever have been, but it's an awkward feeling that they try hard to work around.
They don't know much about baseball or sports or music, and trying to get into those things so that they can hang out with you and Scout isn't as easy as they thought it'd be.
The fire starter hangs around while you talk it up with the other Offense class, laughing as the two of you recount highlights that they've never heard of before or cared about
Honestly, they think that you're replacing them as a friend and go off to mope about it in their room.
You notice this however, as you've noticed them trying so hard to fit in with the two of you. Thinking about it actually, you start to feel bad about how little you've been paying attention to your best friend.
It's just been so long since you've had someone to talk to about with baseball that you got caught up with Scout and rekindling your old hobby.
When you go to see Pyro at their room, you can hear muffled sobs behind the door and the flicking of matches being set aflame for their enjoyment.
You're about to knock when Scout finds you first.
"Hey Y/N!", you make a face as you turn around, "Hey slugger, did you need somethin'?"
Pyro thinks you've come to make things official with your little break up here, which results into them coming out of their room in sniffles.
A couple of marbled shouts later and they storm off, Jeremy says "Sheesh" and you punch him before going to chase after them.
When you catch up to Py, you two have a heart to heart and do something that they like instead.
You ignore Scout for the next couple of days
Sometimes, after the matches have been fought for the day, you like to head out with Tavish and have a bit of Scotch at a bar to relish about the little victories you've shared.
You're starting to cut back on your drinking and for the better since Medic's told you of your newest addition to your pile of worries. Liver disease. You haven't found out how to tell Demo, but you know that it's going to be disheartening.
The sight of booze makes you nauseous now and you haven't been able to break it to your long time drinking buddy. Instead, you've been hanging around the doctor to try and help get you your fix before the withdrawals start impacting your work
Seeing you with Medic more and even sharing a drink(medicine) breaks his heart into two and he feels a little betrayed
Did he do something to make you feel uncomfortable to stop drinking with him? You seemed perfectly fine but... maybe that's why you drank with him. Maybe there's something wrong and he just couldn't see it.
Tavish starts to linger outside of the doctor's office after he sees you go in, having the perfect excuse of blaming it on hangovers and things like that
When he walks up to you in the infirmary, he's always right there by your side.
"Hey laddie! What're you in here for?", he'd try and play it off like he wasn't jealous but fails horribly and you realize that you've got to break it to him now before he fist fights Medic
"So that's why..?", starts to sob as he pulls you into a hug, "Ooh why didn't ya tell me sooner?! That's alright, Y/N! You coulda jus' said that!", he cries.
You pat him on the back and tell him that it's alright and he takes you out for something else instead!
Ice cream!
You are lactose intolerant.
Heavy used to be the team's designated chef when it came time for everyone to eat. Back in Russia he used to help cook with his mom and doing it here with the team brings back good memories.
However, this all changes when you're introduced into the picture. You were hired by Mann.co specifically to work behind the counter as the one to handle food and all of that, and while everyone was skeptical of a stranger cooking their meals, their suspicions were waved away by your fantastic skills.
The spotlight was stolen away from the sandvich lover in favor of someone entirely new, and with that being said there began an unspoken rivalry between you two. Well... Scout caused that by saying he liked your food better than Misha's.
"Oh, it is on"
"Yeah? Let's see it then, tough guy"
It's so childish to be genuinely upset about this one thing that Heavy goes to the Medic to vent about it. The way his face burns a bright red as Ludwig laughs would put your cherry pie to shame. Another team favorite.
He was going to win back his position and send you home to find another job, Medic being his number one supporter in the ordeal as he goes to step up his kitchen game.
You like the challenge, but being put out of work is definitely not on your bucket list.
There's an official competition held on one of the few ceasefire days bestowed upon the teams. It is there that the other mercs gather 'round as you and Heavy dish it out.
It's looking good for you in the first half, a little too good, and you start to see how it wears him down to the latter end of the battle.
"Hey- you... you good?", you ask from within the kitchen as your steak cooks over the stove, you only had to ask because you started to hear sniffles on the other side.
"Da- I am fine", you hear, but that's obviously not true.
The poor guy is doing all that he can with the small bowl and ingredients in his large hands and you're met with a fork in the road. Be the bigger person, or kick his ass.
You aren't feeling spiteful enough for the latter, so... for his sake, you decide to not go as hard as you were on your side.
However! The only reason he was crying was because there were onions in his dish! It doesn't dawn upon you until it's too late. Just like that the rug is pulled out from under you and Misha takes the lead.
While you were helplessly crushed in the aftermath of such a score, he does look noticeably better and happier when his team cheers him on and congratulates him on a job well done. Though instead of basking in his victory, he turns to you with a hand and apologizes by offering you a slice
You'd be mad, but it's too damn good... and he was nice enough to not be a dick about it. Surprisingly you don't get fired, on the premise that he gets to cook and bake with you to feed everyone together.
It's not a bad deal, and it's so incredibly sweet of him. What the hell.
You're another mercenary on the team who happens to also have a mechanical prosthetic, only it's on your leg instead of your hand. Nevertheless you've become quite the fascinating piece to Dell when he discovers you made it yourself.
He doesn't mean to boast about his own creations and work, but at the same time, there's nobody else that really gives him the recognition he deserves. Everyone... except for you. You're as sweet as a tart to that man, and he absolutely adores the way you look on with genuine interest as he goes on to talk to you about his work.
As someone who's well versed in the art of engineering and mechanics yourself, you're able to give the man the insight he's been looking for and someone to have a bit of work talk about.
Enter Dr. Ludwig.
Medic's a swell guy, but upon catching wind of your hidden knack for science, he couldn't help but butt himself into your conversations. Inserting himself between him and you flips something on inside his brain that he can't quite wrap his head around. It's definitely a psychological issue.
"Uh, Medic... me and Y/N were tryin' to have a little chat here?"
For a fella so short and full of smarts, it wasn't like him to act irrational for once. Domineering and going to wrap an arm around your waist(he couldn't quite reach your shoulder), it paints the picture quite well for the German man.
"Ah, my apologies zhen", he smirks, as you look down to try and get an answer from Dell
As soon as he leaves, he removes himself from you with a little bit of shame in his demeanor now.
"I'm awful sorry about that sugar, but if he... stayed for a little longer, I woulda lost my patience", he chuckles
"Oh no, it's fine, I actually kinda liked it"
"Huh? I-"
"Shh... now where were we?", you chuckle as you watch his ears tinge red.
Dr. Ludwig doesn't get along with a lot of people, especially since he has rather... peculiar interests. Trying to talk to the others outside of business proves to be rather difficult(except if it's with Misha of course.)
You're a nurse, looking to get a good bit of medical practice in with some field work, but this also means that you spend a lot of time with the Medic on and off the field when helping him with work.
In the time that you've come to known the man, you're certain of two things: he's lonely, and crazy. Though there's something about the way that he pulls it off like he's not that's sort of charming, in an unhinged 3 AM sort of way.
You're one of the few people who think that way of whom he works with, and while he goes off about an idea or a thought he has, Ludwig notes the small ways you light up when you find something interesting or disturbing.
To him, you're a scientific discovery of your own, and if anyone else were to come between you two he'd sever their head and stick it in the fridge.
Engineer has taken a shine to you as of late, and while you like to make conversation with the others, you can tell that the doctor doesn't quite approve of it. In fact, you're certain that it aggravates him.
You've been deemed as his favorite person, and if you leave him for the short Texan, it'll be hell.
Medic plays it off well, but the aggression and tension in his veins is amusing to say the least. He hasn't ever gotten like this before, even with his wife when... well...
It is on one evening that you're finishing up a performance report on Mr. Mundy when Dell sticks his head into the infirmary, Medic who was seated at his own table perks up with a nervous expression as he frowns at the little encounter.
He disliked it so much so that he felt the need to come over to check up on your work, wondering how far you were done and to wedge himself between you and the Engineer.
"They are busy Engineer, vhy don't you come back some ozher time? Like vhen you are actually injured?", he smiles to be polite but there's nothing but venom in those words.
He gets the message fairly quickly, but you suppose that's what 12 phd's are good for.
"You're awful green there Doc", you say as you pick up a mug of coffee at your side.
"Green..? Really?", he touches his face sheepishly before getting up with a chuckle, "A new illness could be interesting or razher troublesome...", he groaned.
"Mm, I don't think it suits you", you chuckle yourself as it takes him a second to register what you truly meant.
"As perceptive as ever heheh! Er.. so... vhat is your relationship vith zhe Engineer?", this guy...
He's not the most social guy you know, but he seems tolerant of you at least, so that's good. Mundy doesn't quite leave the shelter of his van often, but you manage to coax him out with some food whenever you do decide to pay the bushman a visit.
People tell you to keep away because of how savage he can be and just the general amount of piss jars this guy keeps on him. Though, you're not one to be a quitter. No matter how many times he threatened to gut you, you stood persistent at his side.
Eventually, when he saw that he couldn't shirk you away, he couldn't help but to go along with your endeavors to try and get him to talk to other people more
Your cheery disposition does well to brighten his day, even if he won't say that aloud. Though, recently, you've become rather busy and distant with other things. It makes him miss you, to which he would also rather not admit aloud.
That's alright though, he understands as a professional assassin, there will be times that he's busy and unable to always spend time with you like how you do with him.
Funny enough, it helps when his hits happen to be in the same area as you, which makes things convenient.
Mundy peers through the scope of his rifle to see that you're striking up quite the conversation with one of them, Scout.
Whatever the two of you are talking about, it seems to be quite the conversation. You're laughing, he's laughing and that look on his face... he doesn't like it. Not at all.
You're called off somewhere, probably something about work or something small like that, but it's enough to pull you away from the Boston Basher. The look on his face is lovesick, and he's already grumbling and mumbling to himself.
A gunshot echoes out as you busy yourself with something, already knowing what had happened behind you.
"Thanks for standin' still, wankah", he grunts with a smirk.
While it was totally unneeded, you're glad your boyfriend pulled the trigger when he did. Scout's a nice guy and all, but he was starting to run circles on your nerves. If Mundy didn't kill him, you might've... had you the means like he did.
Oh well!
You definitely reach out to talk to him about the matter, relishing in the way he tenses up when you noticed.
"'s nothin' Y/N", he tries to brush it off like how he says it is, but that blush can't be hidden from your eyes for long.
Spy is a secretive man, always has been and always will be. That's what makes him so enticing, and the thrill of the mystery is sort of exhilarating when both of your lives are rather dangerous.
You're a soldier, a recon agent so to say, which isn't all that different from what he does only that there's a certain finesse to it that guns just don't compare to.
You two met while on the same mission; eliminate a target and retrieve some intel. Bickering from the start, there was something about how arrogant he was that pissed you off but drew you in. At the end, you were smitten with this European stranger as he was with you, and after the mission was done he invited you out to dinner.
You've been at his side for as long as you can remember after that.
In all the time you've known the Spy for, he's been kind, sweet, and romantic. You're abrasive, having grown up to not be used to such treatment, but watching you fumble with his gestures is something he gets a kick out of.
To try and get a step ahead in this game that the two of you play, you've sought outside help from the second most charismatic man that you know. The Engineer.
He's a smart guy so he should know a thing or two about this kind of stuff right?
He has a degree in psychology and does give you helpful, practical tips even though it's not really his forte. The Texan teaches you a little trick with your leg to catch the other with your arm.
You're impressed that he can hold your weight with his hand against the small of your back, but it is then that you're discovered by your lover, the Spy.
"... I can explain"
"You had better, and fast", he quipped.
Where a smile had once been, there was an expression of disdain and fuming hatred filled to the brim with contempt directed at the Engineer but not you.
Dell chuckles as he quickly steps forward, an arm behind his back as he prepares to strike the other.
"I was jus' teachin' 'em somethin', no need to get hasty partner"
"Does it require you to hold them like that?"
His temper flares in his voice and you quickly peel yourself away from the other to distance yourself from Engi. Things were about to get ugly and you'd like to not be within the epicenter of it all.
Miraculously, you're able to calm the frenchman down but not before he wraps an arm around your waist to pull you closer.
"Mon ami, you would do well to remember that I do not like it when you lay your filthy hands on mon cheri. Are we clear about that?", he dotes on you, even while he's ready to jab his butterfly knife into this guy's throat.
You also do well to remember to not do things behind his back. While you're certain you could take him in a fight, you're a little scared of the guy now. In a good way, of course.
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