#They have a lot of good tert variety
stories-in-the-wind · 2 years
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Thinking about possibly making one of these two pairs into undertides...
Blood-Sanguine | Phthalo | Phthalo
Mulberry | Mulberry | Turquoise - Caribbean
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manic-marzal · 5 months
hot take but i think the novelty of ancient breeds and their line breaking genes has worn out a little and i don’t think it makes up for them not being to wear apparel at all or breed with normal dragons
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imo aethers, dusthides, gaolers, sandsurges, and veilspun aren’t wacky enough to be ancient breeds. we’ve got bug with horns, smooth boi fat tail, big shaggy moose tundra, not quite ridgebacks, and bug (?) with hair. they all fit the head neck torso arms legs wings tail layout modern breeds do, it’s literally just the line breaking genes that are the issue and the customization from apparel feels better than what the terts offer anyway imho
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abberations, auraboas, banescales, and undertides i understand a little more, but…
abberations literally just have two heads and two tails. you can make head and tail apparel just go on both. some people might not want that but there’s a lot of things on the site some people don’t want already so that’s kinda a moot point
auraboas, okay. they don’t have legs or anything analogous to legs. i get why they don’t wanna have a dressable dragon with no legs. i’ll accept that
banescales don’t have arms, but i feel like that’s more manageable since the wings are in the place the arms should be. i think it’s workable putting arm apparel on wings though
undertides i can understand the most. they don’t have arms or legs and the best they have in their place is tiny fins. i can live with them not being dressable
“but the terts are so cool! it would take too long to draw all the apparel for all the breeds! you’re breaking the rules!”
i don’t think the line breaking ancient genes are cool enough to justify it. i’d rather wait longer for them to draw all the apparel stuff than get something kinda mid quicker. people make fake clothing accents for ancients all the time so it’s definitely doable. hell just get creative with how the clothes lay around the line breaking terts. put the terts on a different layer so they can overlap when needed. idk
don’t get me wrong, i’m really appreciative of the art team and everyone else on staff, i just don’t think this is working as well as intended or paying off enough to justify continuing. make the terts crazier (if you can even do that within the square they’re stuck in) or just make them modern breeds <:/
edit: i don’t expect them to change existing ancients if they change anything at all. that would be an enormous backlog and frankly unreasonable. i just think going forward they should be more lenient on what is a modern breed that deserves time put into drawing apparel for them and what should be dug deeper into to make truly weird and crazy enough to justify not being able to customize them with the thousands of different apparel pieces on site when that’s like half the game
also if they’re gonna add parallel genes anyway why can’t you breed them with other ancients or moderns. if it’d result in a gene the other breed doesn’t have just make it default to basic or something
second edit: just make the weird terts some kind of apparel. no it wouldn't have the same color range as genes but looking at clothing stuff like roundhorns and antlers and feathered wings and claws and whatever else, they could make 90% of the weird tacked on line breaking terts into apparel pieces with a good variety of colors and it'd be more or less the same thing
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spoppersonality · 4 years
SPOP Character Typing: Adora
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ESTJ, 9w1, 953, so/sp
I’ve seen Adora typed as ESFJ and ENFJ, and I get why people don’t think she seems “hard” enough to be an extroverted thinking dominant type. But I think this is exactly the kind of mistype that happens when people don’t know Enneagram. Adora is an interesting mix because she has a super soft Enneagram core type and a harder “take-charge” MBTI type.
So, let’s get into that.
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I think what people forget when they type Adora as an extroverted feeling dominant type, is how incredibly personal and tactful Fe-doms are. (On a good day, anyway.) Adora, however, tends to be more impersonal and straight-to-the-point. Te-doms can also come off as people-oriented, that is not exclusive to Fe-doms, but they go about it differently. There is an Fe-dom in the Best Friends Squad, but that is not Adora.
If you think about it, Adora is a very classic Te-Si type. She likes rules and has a natural inclination towards implementing those rules in a very practical, hands-on type of manner. She’s very action oriented. She sees what needs to be done, and does it. ESTJs are highly effective in the sense that they don’t often stop to ask as much questions as some other types. They go about things based on what gets them from point A to point B, and what has worked in the past, or how they are used to doing things. They can also get quite hooked in moving from one plateau to the next in a routinely manner. This can often be how ESTJs go through life, if they don’t stop to think about why they are doing what they are doing, and specifically what personal values drive their actions. No wonder ESTJs are generally the jockiest jocks to ever jock.
Being a Te-dom doesn’t mean you’re not empathetic. Adora definitely is. It just means that you primarily show it through action. If a friend cries, for an Fe-dom the most natural course of action may be to sit with them and listen, and for a Te-dom it might be eliminating the reason for the crying. This is overly simplified of course, and real people as well as good fictional characters are multifaceted, but you get the idea. This is how Adora most often works. It’s not: “Catra, I can see something is bothering you, do you want to talk about it?” It’s: “Let’s take a skiff for a ride to cheer you up.”
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Adora can also be quite funny in a random seeming way, which is due to her tertiary extroverted intuition. ESTJs and ESFJs (tert Ne-types) are often one of the most hilarious people alive, because they like to use their extroverted intuition in tandem with their dominant function. The level of control they have over it isn’t often that great, so it comes off as child-like randomness. Their first two functions lead them towards order and predictability, but when Ne comes into play and they venture out of their usual habits, they may surprise you. The results might be unpredictable: Turns out licking sand didn’t work for Adora but with the help of her friends she managed to play Double Trouble’s game nicely.
In general ESTJs are not in their comfort zone with Ne-type of creativity or innovation but they are not hopeless with it. Adora struggles with the more unpredictable qualities of her sword, like turning it into different objects. She doesn’t use that quality too often and doesn’t have too much variety when she does. While Adora’s first instinct is to simply charge ahead, someone with high Ne would’ve been likely to utilize the flexible qualities of the sword to the max. But Adora can still manage it, her Ne isn’t low enough to be considered her Achille’s heel. She takes a bit of time with it but eventually comes up with solutions that work, such as carrying her sword as a bracelet.
Introverted feeling is what Adora desperately needs in her life and has trouble figuring out. If you think about Fi-doms, they are people who spend a lot of time thinking about who they are, what they want, what they value, and their life builds around that. It’s their most natural state, thinking about whether or not everything they face is something they like/dislike, if it’s good/bad, right/wrong, desirable or not, them or not them.
This is what makes the planets align for an ESTJ. They neglect this function, and when they finally start developing it, the whole world is new for them. This is very literal in Adora’s case, it’s like Etheria’s magic is waking up with her introverted feeling. (Because when all your four functions finally align it IS magic.) That function, introverted feeling, is essentially where she keeps her love for Catra, or rather, it’s the function she needs to be able to make one person, whether it’s Catra or herself, a priority. Te is a rather utilitarian function, and since Adora leads with that and has internalized the belief that her desires don’t matter, there’s nothing in her dominant extroverted thinking process that would justify her “selfish” desires. Te cares about numbers, masses and large scale consequences. She needs Fi, the function that is all about individuality, and essentially yourself. We know how much it takes for that function to surface for her, but when it does, oh boy.
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Core type: 9
As a type 9, Adora comes off as unassuming, warm and friendly. 9’s are all about forgiveness, self-neglect and acceptance.
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9 is the most “traditionally selfless” type, because unlike Enneagram 2s for example, 9s don’t expect anything in return for what they give to others. Adora’s upbringing has magnified that quality in her (which was obviously very intentional from Shadow Weaver). 9s also have a natural tendency to ignore negative feelings, so they can keep feeling “okay” and unaffected by the external world. This quality makes 9s susceptible to staying in bad situations and bad relationships for a very long time, because they so persistently see the good in others. This is why it took Adora so long, and why she needed evidence that was impossible to ignore to realize that the Horde didn’t have a good cause. 9s are conflict-avoidant because they fear loss and separation above all. That’s why Adora too is such a people pleaser. She would rather live in “fake” harmony, than be the one to create conflict that causes emotional pain. Unfortunately, that’s exactly why 9s sometimes upset others. Like how Adora is unwilling to do anything that would get her on Shadow Weaver’s bad side, which hurts Catra. Or how she pretends to be the She-Ra Plumerians expect her to be so she wouldn’t disappoint them, which only leads her to disappoint them more later. It’s very classic 9 of her to let things develop to a point where everything comes crashing down before addressing the conflict she really needs to address. 9s tend to go with the flow, and sometimes too far.
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One of the big things with 9s is that they lack a solid sense of self. They are out of touch with their needs, desires, and identity. Another thing that Shadow Weaver magnified in Adora. Basically, if you break a 9’s sense of self-worth far enough, they’ll become a blank canvas for others to write on, because they already believe they are somehow inherently “less” than others. They always assume to be the least important person in the room. As a 9, what being She-Ra essentially meant to Adora was being everyone else’s servant. For other types it would have meant different things, like to a type 4 it would have been about having personal significance in the world, and to a 3 it would have essentially been about being a celebrity. As a 9 Adora was also one of the most likely people to just roll with it. Like, if you threw something like that at a type 6, they would have most likely just bolted, and half of the storyline would’ve been about “I can’t/don’t want to do this!”. (=a tip for anyone who wants to write certain role swap AUs. ;D)
As a 9, Adora integrates to 3, so at her best mental state, she becomes driven, ambitious, present, and sees her value as a person. She’s no longer someone things happen to, but she’s the driving force in changing her life and the things around her. She disintegrates to 6, so in times of prolonged stress she can get easily irritable, pessimistic, and feel helpless.
Wing: 1
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This is where Adora gets her grit, and the moralizing side to her character. Having a strong 1-wing definitely helped her survive in the Horde but it also frequently adds fuel to her self-sacrificing: it’s so easy to back up that 9 quality by telling herself it’s “the right thing to do”. The Right Thing is all 1 cares about. It also plays directly into her dominant Te tendency to follow rules, and makes her the typical “Lawful Good” type of person. Catra’s accusation that Adora “thinks she’s better than everyone” doesn’t miss the mark too far. Even though Adora isn’t a core 1, and as such her whole identity isn’t wrapped up in being morally superior, she does care about having integrity to a certain extend. So, maybe she doesn’t literally think she’s better than everyone, but she still strives to be above certain things, and hates the idea of being “bad”.
Head fix: 5
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This is largely where Adora’s nerdy side comes from. 5s want to be competent, and they hate not knowing what to do, so they want a lot of information. Not knowing and not understanding frightens them. The most blatant expression of this with Adora is probably the whole thing with the princess prom. This side of her comes to surface when she can’t just adapt (=9) or do the right thing (=1). 5 is also detached and uncomfortable with their feelings, so this only strengthens Adora’s 9-tendency to not address hers. 5s are also big on compartmentalizing, so this greatly helps Adora to entertain certain difficult realities inside herself as if it’s nothing, such as Catra is an enemy she routinely fights, but she would also die for her in a heartbeat.
Heart fix: 3
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If none of the three other strategies work, Adora will try to solve things and get people on her side by showing off. 3s want to be viewed as valuable and useful by others, and in Adora’s case it’s probably best seen in the way she acts when she meets Huntara. 3 is where she gets her cocky side. It’s a funny contrast with her humble 9-core, and in most cases she only has enough confidence to act like this when she’s with Catra, or when she’s She-Ra. Having a 3-fix also plays into her need to be useful, because while 9s often want to be useful to excuse their existence, 3s also want to hear that they are useful, so whatever little vanity Adora has will always directly reinforce the idea that good things come from her overexerting herself.
Instinctual Variant: so/sp
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Social instinct is Adora’s primary instinct. She has a natural inclination to play by the rules of the group and acknowledge hierarchy, because social variants get safety from belonging and having a place, a role, in something bigger than themselves. Even though she has her hero complex, she doesn’t tend to fly solo until the stakes are really high. She never questions the Princess Alliance, it’s simply natural for her to move from one group to another, and that She-Ra’s strength belongs for the rebellion. She doesn’t really seem to get why some other people don’t seek the strength in numbers. Losing She-Ra also primarily means losing her place in the group for her, and she very much struggles to accept this.
Self-preservation instinct is Adora’s secondary one. It may seem like it isn’t because she’s so ready to die for others, but self-preservation isn’t really about that. It’s more about being preoccupied with questions of resources. Like, after turning against the Horde, Adora isn’t just concerned about losing the support of the group, her mind also immediately goes to “I don’t have a roof over my head”. She’s not as particular about having her physical needs met as a primary self-pres would be, but it’s included in her priorities. She feels out of place in Bright Moon because she’s used to different kind of surroundings, and losing She-Ra’s power is a hard blow because of losing the physical strength she has as She-Ra: her means for providing physical safety for others. She also desires some amount of independence, and She-Ra gave her that as well.
Sexual instinct is what Adora needs more in her life. That’s so tied to the whole point of the show that I’m not even sure what would be worthwhile for me to say about it at this point. The whole conflict between her and Catra relates so closely to it. Adora will routinely make sacrifices in her personal relationships for the common good, because one-to-one relationships are not her first concern in life. People who neglect their sexual instinct are uncomfortable with their more “primal” and intense feelings, so even in her closest relationships Adora is more about being friendly and accommodating and showing warm feelings to the other. She doesn’t have the “let me stare you deep into the eyes for hours and drown myself in them” quality that is characteristic of the sexual instinct. However, this is exactly the part she needs to accept in herself to be fully satisfied and to take her relationships to another level.
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SPOP is so juicy because it’s so much about personal growth. We see Adora face pretty much every weakness and blind spot that relates to her personality, and we get to see her change for the better. At least that makes it very satisfying for me to analyse, because I’m such a fan of growth. Can’t wait to get to analyse the other main characters, and the supporting cast too.
Also, if you wish I would do a particular character, just tell me and I’ll take that into consideration!
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funkymbtifiction · 4 years
Kevin McCallister - INFP to ENTP?
Hi! Quickish holiday-themed question for you - I was tooling around the internet after watching Home Alone 2, and found this old reblog of typing by you that types Kevin as an INFP. The current typing on FunkyMBTI lists him as an ENTP and I was wondering what similarities these types have, at least in their outward presentation, that might make an ENTP seem like an INFP or vice versa, since the two types are (stereotypically) pretty different.  I’m especially curious about how the ENTP function stack might combine to masquerade dominant Fi. Full disclosure, this is partially a selfish ask because I was always typed as INFP in my teens and 20’s, but after actually studying the functions (and taking this very un-hackable test you posted) have been finding that the functions in the socionics Alpha Quadra might be a better fit. It would be interesting to see how an Alpha Quadra type might be similar to INFP!
I really enjoy your blog, by the way!  Been learning a lot about the cognitive functions through it :-D, and I appreciate how well you can use actual examples of a character’s actions or words to see past whatever the general consensus is on a character’s type (like OMG I can totally see now how Juliet Capulet is INTP, not a Feeler!) Thanks, and if you celebrate Thanksgiving, hope you’re having a good holiday! ~spaceplesiosaur
I can’t really give you a decent answer, because the basic one is: I was wrong. The old typing is a “cringe” moment from my past, before I understood the functions. Once I realized its wrongness, I changed it to the correct typing.
ENTPs in actuality never seem like Fi-doms. There’s too much open-minded manic Ne energy and skill with its use, compared to the rigid propriety of a Fi-dom, who is constantly judging the world and everything in it according to its own standard. ENTPs have the potential to be amoral in ways Fi-doms are not, because of their desire to hack every situation to their advantage.
If you are questioning your type, I would consider how important moral ethics are to you and by what criteria you use to judge other people’s behaviors and/or make your decisions. Healthy Fi-doms use a ‘skilled’ variety of Fi that is able to see and understand the nuances of emotional dynamics (I don’t agree with you but I won’t try to change you) without compromising their own sense of integrity. Kevin isn’t making value decisions (other than his desire to help out the toy store and the kids without any presents); he is protecting his home in creative ways and screwing with the bad guys for his own amusement (tert-Fe).
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1) Hi! I have read the FAQ and I was wondering if you could help me determine my type. I have been into typology for years and I typed myself as an INFJ. Recently, I was visually typed as an ESTP and it actually made a lot of sense. I am a 4w3 so the INFJ descriptions of being rare and unique resonated way too hard with me. Now I am pretty sure I have aux-Ti and tert-Fe, but I am stumped on whether or not I am an Se dom or an Ne dom.
2) I enjoy theorizing about the meaning of things and I have always thought of myself as having a very abstract thought process. However, I also feel like I am oriented in reality and get frustrated with plans and ideas that don't seem practical. For ex. my boyfriend wants to plan our dream house with all of these cool rooms (like a pokemon room) and I can't talk to him about it for very long without getting frustrated. I would much rather plan for something we can  
3) actually take steps towards (like getting married, getting an apartment, etc.). Also, I like pokemon but the thought of having a pokemon room annoys me because I see no practical use in it. People say Se users are not concerned with the future implications of their actions and I very much am. I don't really relate to "living in the moment" but I do enjoy experiencing environmental sensations and I could probably stare at a field of grass for like an hour without getting bored.   
4) I am also the type of person that has to touch everything as I walk through a store. I feel like I am very good at reading peoples body language and catching on subtle expressions that indicate what they are feeling/thinking. If I walk in a room full of people I study everything that I can about the environment and then sit back and ponder on what everything means. I am good at catching on to patterns of something and predicting how a situation will unfold.                            
5) I am very good at multitasking and I don't have an issue with focusing on a variety of things at once. At work, I like staying busy the whole time with challenging tasks that can be quickly done. I feel like I am constantly trying to add something new to my life (or possibly change or improve something). But I don't really feel a sense of restlessness, more just a drive to improve myself. I don't switch between activities, I tend to find something I like and stick with it for awhile.
6) I tend to find a few songs I like and listen to them over and over for like a year or so. If I want to watch a TV show I usually prefer to watch something I’ve already seen and enjoyed.   Ok that is all I can think of for now. I hope the information I gave you is helpful. Thanks!             
So this question touches upon a possible trend I’m seeing in which people try to justify their mistyping, and I think that doesn’t really help. Like, if you are an ESTP, 4w3 is a fairly unlikely enneagram - it’s not impossible, but it’s worth revisiting and confirming if that is your MBTI typing. It is entirely possible you aren’t a 4w3 and you just mistyped as an INFJ because people like to feel special and a lot of INFJ descriptions in particular make it sound like it’s the only type capable of like, intelligence and empathy at the same time. Ironically enough that makes the writers of those descriptions sound less intelligent and empathetic themselves, but that’s beside the point.
I do think high Se makes sense based on the behaviors you describe - multitasking, craving novelty, pragmatism, very attuned to sensory experiences. I have my doubts about visual typing (I think people can do it if they’re very experienced, but it’s not perfect and it’s hard to assess if the person who says they can do it is any good), and there’s nothing in here that specifically points to Ti-Fe vs. Fi-Te. I would also consider that if you related to the introverted nature of INFJs or the descriptions of Ni, ESTPs tend to be some of the more extroverted extroverts, but Se-auxes would have developing Ni in their teens (and so be very aware of it within themselves even if it’s not super well developed yet).
I would consider a few possibilities: if you are really confident in enneagram 4w3, I’d look at ESFP and ISFP. On the other hand, if you’re not, I’d also make sure you weren’t an ISTP, and then revisit that enneagram typing (ESTPs are rarely but occasionally 4s and not uncommonly 3s - check out 3w4. ISTPs are rarely heart triads ever but 5w4 is worth considering).
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sye216-fr · 6 years
Lair review for fitzfr
@fitzfr thanks for being my first customer!! i added a couple extra dragon reviews at the end as thanks~
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as i was looking through your lair, wright was the first dragon that made me stop and go “OOOOH”. the color scheme you have going on here, with brown + grey + white/cream-ish + blue accents is gorgeously eye-catching, ESPECIALLY with the bluish tint at the tips of the auburn striation. the outfit, especially the dusty sage shawl and the candles, bring a lovely unity to the overall colors of the dragon and the outfit. my eyes still keep drawing to the blue accents. they’re so lovely next to these shades of brown, a really beautiful marrying of warm and cool. A+ dragon.
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saanjh here is DEFINITELY an eyecatching boy. an absolutely GORGEOUS skincent, topped with a well-coordinated outfit. with skins/accents like these, sometimes an outfit with fewer apparel pieces is what the skincent needs to shine, and i definitely think this is one of those cases. the apparel pieces aren’t so numerous that they cover up the skincent, but there’s also just enough of them to add extra flair to the already gorgeous look. i ESPECIALLY love how the ivory smoke tert showing through matches the highlights on the skincent itself. that is some top-notch color coordination 👌
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i may be a shadow kid, but i LOVE some well-done light aesthetic, and cairn’s definitely some good good light aesthetic. brown, yellow, plus a dash of sparkly navy blue is a color combo i had no idea could work--but with the accent, the silks, the umbral wreath and the book, it’s perfect. and of course, the light halo and the sundrapes bring it all back to that shiny shiny Light Aesthetic™. it’s kind of like a moon/sun night/day dichotomy going on with this dragon, like you have the sun and all the stars shining out from this dragon all at once.
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the moment i got to dryad in your lair, i felt like i was wrapped in a fuzzy sweater looking at aspens in autumn and sipping a warm drink as I crunched leaves under my feet. these GORGEOUS fall colors are unbelievable, tbh. and i’d probably still say that even without the accent (but the accent is still a GOOD addition to that atmosphere). the accents of red in the outfit especially bring together that feeling of looking at color changing trees in autumn, but it’s such a warm homey feeling rather than a chilly sense of loss. the other thing it brings to mind is sitting in front of a fire after a cold day. i trust this dragon 10/10
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this boy is exactly a good example of when “a lot going on” works out WELL! there’s a beautiful unity of color going on here with the browns, yellows, oranges, and creams all swirling around the center. the jester’s cape is an ESPECIALLY good choice with the little bells flying off of it,the accent is a bit more understated than some of the others i’ve seen so far, i’ve noticed, but it gives a good edge to the dragon, especially since you described him as a reader of bones in the bio. i like how the greyish tones on the cat actually match the bones in the accent?? such a tiny little color match that’s still so effective. also, the art in his bio is amazing too. overall excellent dragon. I love him.
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now this is one mysterious boi. im always a really big sucker for this particular kind of blue/periwinkle hue, and i love dragons where they’re technically XYZ but two different colors still match comfortably, and this is definitely a good example of that. this dragon gives me the impression of being inside a cave filled with huge crystals, dark and silent and huge... i have no idea what lore you have planned for this dragon but the outfit you have on him plus the atmosphere of his colors just makes me feel like he’s strange and mysterious and possibly dangerous...that’s just my shot in the dark tho
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red+white+black/dark grey is definitely a tried and true color combination, and this dragon is a beautiful example of that. i always thought the viper’s armor set had such an interesting and useful combo of colors, and i’ve seen it used to great effect, and you match it well with other red apparel here. and of course, it goes quite well with the sanguine scales. the little tiny dashes of green and yellow add a nice amount of variety to a small color scheme.
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let me just start out with THE EYES AND THE LANTERNS GODDAMN! the way those two things match create a real visual punch on the overall color scheme of the dragon. they pop SO intensely that the very first thing your eyes move to is the dragon’s head and lanterns--and since the lanterns are in a triangle-ish shape it’s a very pleasing composition. then the accent leads your eyes away from his head and then spirals all the way around the rest of his body. such a pleasing dragon to look at. the cerise stained on top of the double phthalo is just unbelievably gorgeous as well: it’s just such a unique combo and it’s beautiful. A+++ usage of stained.
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ohhh i could cry over this girl. i love f guardians so much and isra is just... heartbreakingly beautiful. purple and brown is a bit unorthodox but she WORKS IT... like flowers blooming out of turned earth, with a lovely dash of blue hues to really give that feeling of flowers an extra boost. i ESPECIALLY love how the lightning halo really brings out the light blue/cyan accent in the mulberry opal. the unity of colors is top notch. also, the lore in her bio? pure fucking poetry, my friend.
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this dragon.... is a forest. and i love her. the forest green wraps match her secondary BEAUTIFULLY! and the light grey accents and the slight cream tint of the gem thief piece match well, like sunlight shining through canopy. the umber ripple is just rich, and the patterning on the ripple looks exactly like tree bark. i feel like if i touched her hide, her scales would feel like bark. the nature eyes are also a BIG plus, especially since that particular eye type really matches with the green in the flair scarf. beautiful girl.
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last dragon will be this girl, because HOOOOOOO 👌 👌 👌  I am always a sucker for a good blue dragon and/or outfit, so my eyes were immediately drawn to the cloak, and then i saw the rest of her and i was smitten. blue on black+grey is a lovely combination, especially with purple accents. it’s like looking at the sky as it changes from dusk to night. especially with the sparkly look that comes from the cloak, the guise, AND the accent. this dragon is a beaitufl sparkly space dragon and i love her.
overall: your accent collection is impressive!! i found myself going “oh thats a fucking gorgeous accent” a LOT even if i didnt pick the dragon wearing said accent to review. you have VERY good taste when it comes to skins and accents. also, you’re good at putting together outfits in ways that don’t require a lot of apparel pieces? it makes it so you can appreciate the dragon’s genes and/or accent a lot easier. overall? good lair, good dragons! thanks again for being my first customer!!
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driftingicecaps-fr · 6 years
Lair Review for StarsAndMoon #374606
Hi @atrius-asper! Thanks for the gems :D
You have a very nice lair! There’s a lot of variety here with your dragons. There’s a little bit of everything in regards to breeds, color, and flights which is always refreshing.
Persephone: Oh man I am living for that color/gene combo. It’s nice because you’re using a blue-black color instead of just black and it achieves the same effect in a nicer way. And the way the Phthalo Rosette fades and matches the tert? So good. And HOO BOY that lore. This girl has gotten herself into some trouble. I wonder if there’s any accents out there with melting candles for F Sd’s because that’s what I think of when I see her. Melting candles and impending doom. Poor Signora - when will she learn what her friend has been doing?
Griffin: I keep picking dragons with the new fest apparel and I gotta chill but I just love that electricity. I was like “lets talk about this guy he’s pretty” and then I read that lore and got smacked in the face. What the absolute heck is Esther’s deal. And I had noticed Autumn in your lair before I read this lore and was going to comment on her claw and her primal eyes and then BAM! Here she is, the hatchling thrown into the pits of the dreaded Wyrmwound. That was a whole emotional rollercoaster I didn’t expect thanks for that. I hope he can maybe ease this poor spirit’s corrupted soul.
Khasa: A permababy! I haven’t talked about one of these yet. Annndd that’s not a dragon, it’s an Idol. Oh boy. I’m guessing she took control of the thief? It would certainly be easier to guard things in a living vessel rather than a statue. I want to know more about the significance of the brooch. Who left it, and the idol, here? What powers does it hold? I’m incredibly curious now, what an interesting idea. She could totally use a living statue familiar.
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cryingbecausecoatls · 8 years
Breeding Guide: Multi-Generation Pyramid
Since I don’t have too much to say as I am between phases of my projects (and utterly drowning in dragons in the process), I figure now would be a good time to write this thing up. I frequently have people asking me for help on starting their breeding projects, and I wind up giving a very long spiel on how I go about the task of breeding something very specific that doesn’t exist yet.
To save them a long, wordy spiel, I shall create a long, wordy spiel, with pictures and examples! Wow, such improvement.
This guide is useful for achieving those dream dragons that don’t exist yet in any form, and all without ever having to buy a breed or gene scroll!
What is being created is a little bit like a reverse pyramid scheme, I guess. You start with a whole bunch of dragons, then narrow them down to a single super close pair, which then, in theory, shall produce the dragon you need. Let’s see how this works.
First step: Know what we want to breed. I shall use one of my current projects as an example.
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Overcast Skink/Overcast Spinner/Ruby-Crimson Glimmer or Runes, male Imperial or female Pearlcatcher.
Second step: Set up the first generation. Way back when, I started with 16 dragons total. That was madness, and also usually unnecessary. Now, I start with just 8 dragons. Here are the rules for these dragons:
1. All 8 dragons shall be unrelated to each other. You don’t just need to be able to breed them together; you must also be able to breed their offspring together.
2. Among the 8 dragons, the desired genes and breed shall be present at least once. The rest of the genes and breeds shall be of equal or greater rarity than the desired genes. Breeding Rarity Comparisons is your best friend. You want to avoid low chances of inheriting the right genes. Sometimes, if dragons are abundant for a particular project, I’ll even avoid genes/breeds of the same rarity.
3. The dragons shall be 4 males and 4 females. When paired together, their ranges cover the desired colours. You’ll thank yourself later for coordinating this one properly. Sometimes, this is difficult, and one of the pairs may be just barely out of range. Ideally, keep looking for a better pair, but if that proves impossible, it’s not the end of the world if this happens to one pair. More than one, and you start running into issues later on.
So how did I start out? Because I have multiple options for breed and tert gene, I aimed for the lower rarity options, Runes and Pearlcatcher. If I wind up with an Imp or with Glimmer, that’s cool too, but I’m not going to sweat for it.
The hardest part is starting the project, though it will be made much easier when the auction house revamps hits, because selecting multiple breeds, genes, and colours will be an absolute GODSEND for this. You’ll be perusing the auction house for those starter 8 dragons. For this project, here are the pairs I found:
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In case you are curious, I consider those colour ranges to be incredibly narrow, and that I lucked out on this one! One of my previous posts showcases more typical colour ranges to start with.
But we have all 3 rules covered: All 8 dragons are unrelated, and when paired together, they produce colour ranges that cover the colours we need (Overcast/Overcast/Ruby-Crimson). Lastly: The genes and breeds we need are all present. Oravine and Galiya are Pearcatchers, with Tyrell possibly producing Imps (we’re not counting on that, though). Skink, Spinner, and Runes are also all present on various dragons. I’m not factoring in getting Glimmer at all, as I have Runes, Gembond, and Spines to contend with against it, but that’s okay as Runes fulfills the goal anyway.
For Step 3, we’ll be selecting the best of the offspring these four pairs produce, and pair them together.
What I’ll have to be mindful of is making sure I select enough of the offsprings with the right genes, and as few of the ones with the wrong, equal-rarity genes. Fighting that 50% chance now is alright, but it would be a bummer if later on, I got the exact dragon I needed... except it has, say, Toxin, or Gembond.
Onto generation two:
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Speaking of Toxin and Gembond...
Once you have babies from all four pairs, it’s time to pair those babies together. Each of the above four dragons from the two pairs comes from one of the four different pairs in the first generation. They are all still unrelated to each other, and it is important not to break this rule by using two dragons from the same parents, or you will not be able to form the next and final generation pairing.
Creating this generation’s pairs is much less scientific and much more touch-and-go than I would like it to be, and every project is going to be different, and have its own, unique problems. I shall give a general analysis of how I went about forming these pairs, but here are a few pointers:
1. Make sure each desirable trait is present! Take stock of what you have. If only one dragon has a particular gene, you know you HAVE to use that one! That is a good starting point.
2. Take stock of the sex disparities. Sometimes you’ll have a lot of girls and only two boys or vice-versa. You know then that you need to focus on pairing the boys (or vice-versa). There are a multitude of scenarios involving the sex of the dragons, and this is where piecing together this generation is so touch-and-go.
3. Figure out which colour spectrums are rare. It almost always happens that most of the dragons wind up on one or the other side of the desired colours. Focus on pairing the few that are on the opposite side, to make sure you’ve got good colour combos that’ll include the desired colours. Sometimes, there is no way to make this happen, and you need to re-breed. This is the most common reason for having to re-breed generation one, and unless you had super tight colour ranges to start with, there’s no way of preventing it, unfortunately.
Due to space constraints, I typically only keep the best offspring while I am breeding generation one. I determine who is better than whom. I try to keep at least one of each sex, so that I have variety there. But in cases where I have more than one of each sex, I determine who is the better option. If dragons are the same sex, but on opposite sides of the desired colours, I’ll keep both options. The more variety, the better, but I don’t need two dragons with similar traits.
A simple example of this would be one nest I recently had for a different project: The project’s goal is Crimson/Crimson/Violet. This four egg nest revealed four baby boys, all with Crimson/Crimson/X, and all on the same side of Violet, towards the black-range. Super simple decision: I kept the baby with the closest tert colour, Heather, and discarded the rest with Plum, Eldritch, and Shale.
Alright, onto my analysis:
I usually write out what babies I have and what their key features are on a single notepad, putting desirable traits in all caps, and undesirable traits in lowercase, while traits that don’t negatively impact the project are simply capitalized, like so:
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From here, one thing is immediately obvious: I only have one baby available from Ishikk and Galiya, and so I know I must use him. Because there are only three females, and one of them won’t cover the tertiary colour range, I am down to two options for him, and the Ridgeback from Mineral and Isadora happens to have a more ideal tertiary colour than the Pearlcatcher from Oravine and Tyrell. So, Oakprince and Evanel are paired together.
Because this first pair happens to have all the right genes, and a darn good chance of inheriting them, I’m not too pressured on the second pair, which is good because the next problem I encounter is the colours. I really wanted to use one of the male Skydancers from Hahona and Verica, because the RNG apparently tried to thwart my attempts with this project by giving the girl Iridescent instead of Skink. However, their colours did not work at all with the female Pearlcatcher from Oravine and Tyrell, so I had to use the female Skydancer instead. Not the worst cast scenario - I am now guaranteed gem genes against Skink, which is hardly a problem as I have a 97% chance of getting Skink from them anyway. From there, it is an obvious choice, as of the two boys, one of them misses the target colours in two traits, while the other has all three colours covered.
And so, I have Till and Perryn. While their colour ranges are great; better, I daresay, than Oakprince and Evanel’s, their genes are going to be problematic for me, and unfortunately, it cannot be helped. When selecting the final pairing, I will definitely need to avoid getting Toxin and Gembond. Unfortunately, a baby getting Spinner and Runes is a 1 in 4 chance, and that baby having ideal colours to match whatever the first pair produces is an even smaller chance. We’ll have to see what RNG has for us in store, though, and for now, the following is all theory:
This second generation shows quite obviously that it is narrower in range than its parents, as will naturally happen, and the gene selection is also better. In theory, the final pairing shall be even more narrow, and should be able to breed the goal dragon within a few tries. If you are happy with the second generation, (which in my case, I am) you can go ahead and exalt/sell the first generation and reclaim some of that valuable lair space. And if you are very content with your third generation and desperately need lair space back, you can exalt the second generation, and be down to just two dragons, a single pair, that’ll hopefully get the end goal dragon you’ve been wanting.
It sounds like a lot of work, and it can take forever to get to that point. It’s also intensive on the lair space usage, but it does have one major benefit: If you play your cards right, you will not have to buy a single gene or breed scroll. After selling and exalting all the reject offspring and parents as well, you’ll most likely wind up making more money than you initially spent on the parents, too!
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frankierising-blog · 7 years
Lair Review for Turstrigo Part 1
 Sorry, I was halfway through this and got called into work so I’ll probably finish the rest this afternoon during downtime in my shift!
First Impressions:
Very, very mixed bag here, love the variety! Gosh damn, this is gonna be fun!!
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Um, I’m sorry to bother you during these trying times, but I wanted to let you know that your Fae’s wings have gone mouldy. It’s pretty bad, like it’s spread into the limbs. I’m afraid they might need to amputate that foot. :S
But seriously, it’s refreshing to see a non-flashy first drago- Nope, I can’t do it.
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Oh, crap! SEE! THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU HAVE AN UNCLEAN LAIR! IT’S BLOODY SPREAD TO PICEA NOW! Luckily she’s only really in the early stages, but you gotta get onto that ASAP!!!
But seriously, I actually really like this? The browns really match the tert in Basic! I hope you leave it basic, it looks PERF! Also, the blues in the fez somehow match the hues/tones/whatever in the feet!
UPDATE: it just occurs to me that the whole thing I a Skin so… I’m dumb.
But still, she’s really cute and Naturey even though she’s Ice, I like that you haven’t gone THEY’RE ICE, THEY HAVE AN ICE FAMILIAR SO I’D BETTER MAKE IT BLUE AND WHITE!
Then again, maybe they were blue and white and then… okay we don’t need any more mould pics.
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Eeep, yeah, I spoke too soon. Here we go.
Nah, but see, you’ve added the variation with the orca while th Facet keeps it in the crystally/Icey range. I REALLY LIKE THIS!!!
It’s subtle, but… detailed? I really like that you’ve added the Conjurer’s Cobwebs to this, the darker tones really compliment the piece and work REALLY WELL with the Orca? He’s so freaking handsome! And very royal looking, but the widdle Spider hints at something darker going on? DID THE MOUL TWINS LOCK HIM UP BECAUSE HE’S SO PRETTY!? OR HAS HE BEEN IN QUARENTINE TO STAY FRESH!?
Ooooh, how nicely does the pinkie/purple highlights work with the same in the Orca Facet?? You’ve done well, this is perf!!
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Hollyyy shiiiiiiit!!! This looks effing incredible!! I would NEVER had thought these colours would work together at all. And if you said you were gonna add those clawtips I would have laughed in your silly face at the thought… but low and behold, this is freaking majestic!! Because it’s pretty much the same set, there’s not a lot I can say about the colours without really just describing the set, but heck, you’ve done really well with this! I’M SO IMPRESSED!!!
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HOLY CRAP! ALERT! ALERT! SOMEBODY MANAGED TO MAKE THE SHOULDER MASHED POTATOES LOOK GOOD!?!?!? I’m so confused!! The Pauldrons don’t match with ANYTHING and yet here you are, adding this perfect little focal piece to the ensemble! This is great!!!
How nicely does the Ivory crackle mix match the emblem and compliment the accent!? And the reds in the Cleaver with the tert – hot damn AND THEN THE METALS ALL MAYCHING UP WITH THE ABYSS IN THE MIDDLE TO TIE IT ALL TOGETHER!? I FECKING LOVE THIS! It’s got elements that could have just him her a generic Earth Rep or what have you, but you’ve made it really creative and awesome!? And the Cerise almost starts to look like lava with all the rock and earthy tones!
And, of course, dat sprite. PERFECTION!! Your customisations are so out there and creative, I’d absolutely LOVE to get lore on these!!
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Oh, gosh, I just went through every piece of apparel, trying it on male Imps trying to find out what makes the ear green? TURNS OUT I THINK IT’S THE ELDRITCH IRI!? YOU ARE SO CLEVER AT COMPLIMENTING SUBTLE COLOURS! GOSH DAYUM!!!!
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funkymbtifiction · 6 years
I got two questions • How does tertiary Ne act and when? • Can you describe a 7w6 vs. 7w8 ESFJ?
Tert Ne can manifest in a variety of ways.
The Good: It makes the ESFJ bubbly, funny, and full of ideas, eager to seek out new perspectives and explore them. It causes many of them to have a variety of different hobbies and interests in their life. They use it to theorize on the future and switch tactics if something isn’t working the way they hoped.
The Bad: The ESFJ can also use it to make impulsive, irrational decision and rationalize them away and/or run away from responsibilities. They can pick an idea prematurely and run with it, stubbornly holding onto it even when it fails and/or outside information proves it wrong. They can be flighty, indecisive, and inconsistent, not realizing their new collection of beliefs contradicts a lot of what they say overall (owing to poor Ti, an inability to achieve internal consistency).
A 7w8 ESFJ is going to be more hedonistic, more assertive, more aggressive, less idealistic, and more interested in controlling situations than a 7w6; the 6 brings in a level of anxiety and safety-seeking the 8 does not have, so the 7w6 will be more cautious and more romantic, often having anxiety about the future.
- ENFP Mod
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funkymbtifiction · 7 years
Rose: Sent this (and a bit more) to your e-mail, but since you didn’t answer me, I wanted to post it to make sure you saw it. =)
The middle functions can cause confusion, especially when you detach them from another (Fi and Te instead of FiTe), so it may be more helpful to look at yourself as a holistic entity rather than pulling apart the middle functions.
FP types are driven by people; their understanding of people, their understanding of emotions, their decisions being framed by both their feelings and other people’s feelings, and social interaction. Depending on the emotional ‘health’ of the person involved (and their Enneagram type… and their level of amiability), the EXFP can either be self-absorbed (the “I am who I am, don’t tell me who to be, I’ll do what I want” variety) OR … have incredible respect for and insight into what drives the people around them.
FP’s are primarily concerned with being kind, treating others as they want to be treated, not having anyone ‘force’ someone into doing anything they don’t want to do, and to some extent, simply a desire to be true to themselves / find themselves. Because they are feelers, they struggle to self-motivate / to lay down hard laws / to incontinence other people / stick to jobs all the way through, etc. Young ESFPs in particular are driven by how they feel in the present moment.
TPs have told me they look at the world like a computer system, in which the people are simple cogs in the wheel; they do not have much respect for others’ feelings or irrationality, and often have to ‘learn’ how to be polite / concerned for other people’s emotional states. Often, their tert-Fe manifests more in a “how can I get people to praise me?” manner than a “I actually know how they are feeling” manner. They understand computer systems, electronics, and etc., just fine, but often turn to other people for insight into, for example, their boyfriend’s emotional state.
Now, this is a major BUT – female EXTPs are a different breed from male EXTPs. Women naturally have better social skills and society / the culture demands more compassion and interaction from them, so a female ESTP will develop Fe ahead of her male counterpart, because society demands it. But it will still be a little bit of a blind spot for her / an area of insecurity (“am I being appropriate??”).
Probably the best example of a healthy ESTP female I’ve seen is Sydney Bristow from the show ALIAS. She’s opportunistic and quick thinking, but also fiercely emotional / extroverted with her feeling (Fe) and has an attitude of ‘the greater good’ and can be motivational for others (‘we can do this together’ Fe speak).
Original post:
Hello! I’d like to apologize in advance for sending this as a submission, but I don’t have a tumblr, so it’s my only option.
I have already decided that I am an Se-dom, because I fit it completely for both Se-dom and Ni-inferior, the problem I am running into on the other hand is the middle functions. I’m going to try to make this as easy as possible for you by trying to explain why I think I might use which functions, and then I guess maybe you could give me an idea on which type I am.
Te: I’m starting with this function because it is the one I have issues seeing myself as having. When I was initially typing myself, I thought it was possible for me to be inferior Te, but when I realized that I was an Se-dom, I thought that maybe I was Esfp, but when I read the descriptions for Tert-Te, my brain pretty much went “Nope.” While I can bypass how I feel about things, I am not very results-oriented, and I have a hard time actually setting and making goals (which might be an inferior Ni thing). I do prefer to gather knowledge because I want to use it at a later date, and I have a hard time with school because unless I find something to either be useful, interesting, or enjoyable, I don’t have the patience for it. 
Fi: I am super private with my emotions, I even thought I was an Fi-dom for a really long time. I generally tend to hold on to things until they get super overwhelming. My morals are pretty strong, and I can’t imagine doing something that goes outright against against them, but they aren’t really a guiding force in my life.
Ti: I’m leaning towards me using Ti/Fe, but the reason I struggle with it is because most of the Ti descriptions use the word “Logic” which is almost inherently a pretentious word, but when I changed logic in my head to “Reasonable” I was more open to it, because I try to do things based on how much they make sense and how reasonable they are. People have told me on multiple occasions that I seem cold and snarky, I agree with the snarky, I’m not sure that I agree with the cold. I decided to change my major from art to a certificate in EMS services because it makes more sense. It only takes a semester, pays a reasonable amount of money, and most of the states in the US offer reciprocity. So I chose it despite the fact that I would probably enjoy being an artist more. Who knows if I’ll change my mind later on.
Fe: I associated Fe with a lot of negative things because my only point of reference was an extremely unhealthy Fe-dom, but after I read the descriptions of Tert-Fe, it seemed very likely (also I met some Fe users that changed my mind on the function). I’m starting to think that maybe I thought I was a feeler type was because since I don’t use my feelings often, that when I do they seem all the more present. I hold my feelings back for a really long time, until they erupt, which usually involves crying, shouting, wall punching, ect. I have tried on multiple times to move out of my father’s house, but each time, I was held back because he and our family convinced me to stay, so I generally tend to put the feelings of others over my own well being despite the fact that it drives me up the wall because I like to consider myself an independent person. I like having my feelings validated and being complimented on things I’ve created, but I have a hard time not taking criticism personally. My morals are generally decided by what I think is best for everyone.
So I guess my question is, judging from what I just sent, do you think I am an Esfp or Estp (or any other suggestions you have)? Thank you, have a nice day/night/whatever.
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