#They exchanged numbers and they text sometimes about their respective boyfriends
Dowd’s Crowd (dp x dc)
“Don’t look now, but Mr. Swanson is looking our way again,” Bernard says quietly, as he prepares to bite into his hors-d’oeuvre.
Sam groans. “I hate that guy.”
Bernard nods, his mouth full of pastry.
“You steal someone’s toupee one time and suddenly you’re a delinquent,” she continues, raising her glass for another sip of sparkling non-alcoholic cider.
“Everyone knew about it anyway,” Bernard agrees, having finished his mouthful. He looks into the distance wistfully. “Still, I wish I had been there to see it.”
“I wish we could leave already,” she gripes and her companion sighs.
“I’ve got a 30-minute quota of presence to fill,” he answers morosely. “We’re not even halfway through.”
Sam hums sympathetic. “Mom said I just had to stay the first five minutes if I wore a dress,” she tells him as she looks down at her pastel gown in disgust.
“You can leave, then,” Bernard says, sounding in even lower spirits than before. “I’m glad at least one of us gets to escape.”
Sam turns toward the other teen, barely stopping an eye-roll. “Please,” she says, “like I’d leave you alone with these losers. I’d like to think I’m a better friend than that.”
Bernard’s eyes go all big and starry. “Really?”
Sam actually rolls her eyes then. “Come on you big baby,” she says as she grabs his arm and starts dragging him away, towards the refreshment table. “Let’s go spike the punch.”
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jjuzoir · 4 years
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Sakusa Kiyoomi Relationship HC’s
Word Count: 1396
A/N: woof woof i’m the ceo of soft content bitches ❕ one of my biggest pet peeves with sakusa’s fanon is ppl forgetting he’s literally... just super fcking dramatic like he could be a theater kid if he wanted to /hj so i wanted to try writing him as a soft still dramatic boifie is it probably ooc? yeah... do i give a fuck? no.
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- Unlike popular belief, Kiyo isn’t going to cry if you hold his hand. If anything, it’s one of the few displays of affection that truly gets him blushing a bright pink.
- He does get kind of annoyed if you hug him or do anything that requires too much physical contact too suddenly, give him a little warning or ask him; He’ll almost always say yes, unless he’s sweaty from practice.
- As long as you’re both clean and sanitized, he’s willing to indulge you.
- He’s not super big on PDA but he’ll always have an arm thrown around your shoulders or wrapper around your waist.
- A big fan of subtle matching accessories, he’ll probably buy you matching key rings and phone cases. Don’t make fun of him though, he’ll get embarrassed and kind of uncomfortable; it’s one of his Love Languages afterall.
- He likes seeing you wearing his clothes, he’ll have a few things he exclusively has just for you but he also has some he’d rather not share. The latter category is mostly dress shirts, formal wear, anything that might stain easily or you’d need in fancy situations, but things like extra t-shirts or hoodies are as much his as yours (just tell him you’re taking anything and make sure you wash it before giving it back).
- Sakusa has a sensitive nose so he loves the way you sometimes smell like him, even if it’s just a little bit, when you wear his jackets or hoodies he likes knowing you’re going to smell like him for the day.
- He really likes indoor dates, from staying inside with you at home or going to museums or stores. He tends to favors the dates where you’ll choose things for each other, he takes getting you gifts super seriously and will spend hours making sure what he’s getting you is up to his standards.
- Talking about gifts, he’ll treasure anything you give him. His favorite gift you ever got him was a cologne, it was one he’d mentioned in passing to you because it was meant to be softer on the nose, and for his birthday you ended up getting him that and a clock.
- The fact you thought about him and listened to what he’d said made him very happy. He knows he’s often seen as intimidating and sarcastic, people tend to take what he says wrong or way too literally/liberally.
- Sakusa isn’t afraid of being blunt with you, he doesn’t like sugar coating his words and you’re no exception, he tries being more kind with his word choice but at the end of the day he won’t hesitate saying what’s on his mind.
- So whenever he compliments you, keep in mind he absolutely means it and he won’t hesitate to repeat it (unless you ask him to do so too much, he’ll get blushy and annoyed).
- He really wants to get a dog with you. Not any dog though, he wants a big dog he can take on walks and running with him, probably wants a siberian husky, would name him Mr Clean.
- Is the type of guy who’ll be like “the dog sleeps on its bed” but you’ll find him with said dog cuddling together under a blanket after a hard day. Sakusa is in love with Clean, he’d die for him, he even calls him your son.
- Got him little paw-gloves for when he’s cleaning the floor and he’s got chemicals around him so his paw beans don’t get irritated.
- An underrated comedy master, Iwaizumi says he has the sense of humor Atsumu wishes he had. He doesn’t even think twice before speaking with his teammates which leads to ridiculously funny exchanges, the best part is that he doesn’t seem to understand that he’s being hilarious so his face quite literally stays the same.
- Before dating you, his room was kind of boring (read: that one Haikyuu manga cover Furadate made for Christmas), black covers, white walls, etc., basically a minimalist nightmare but when you started dating he kind of got into keeping knick knacks that remind him of you or from dates with you, he has a few of your things laying around too. It’s still clean, he’d rather die than have a messy or dirty room, but it’s got more personality.
-  Has an extra MSBY jersey for you and his homescreen is a picture of you wearing it next to him; he’s whipped for you. He won’t let anyone unlock his phone because of it, one time Komori almost saw it and he had a mini-heart attack.
- Has you saved as “[Name] 💖” and gets super annoyed when anyone (Atsumu) teases him about it.
- He likes the intimacy of waking up together and performing a morning routine with you. Seeing you standing in the mirror brushing your teeth while chatting about your day or while you do your skincare routines.
- He's better at holding phone calls with you rather than texting - he can be kind of dry and he knows it, he’s also busy often which leads to many gaps between the responses; it’s a mess. So he’d rather call you, that way he can also make his tone/intentions known easier! the
- Not big on pet names for you, the most he’d do is “honey” or “dear”, he’d rather call you by your name or a nickname.
- On the other hand, he’s a big softy for the pet names you have for him; he’ll act like he hates them, especially if you call him out in public, but in private he gets blushy and his voice softens when he talks to you afterwards.
- Matching masks are a staple in your relationship, he’s always on the lookout for them just in case. When he’s abroad he’ll bring you a bag full of them, and they’re not the unfiltered ones, he makes sure absolutely nothing can get through them because he’s not about to have either you or him breathe in germs and risk getting sick.
- Health is his number one priority for both you and him.
- The type to call you when he’s away to rant about the silliest things, he’ll see something that annoys you and he’ll just think about how you’d never do him like that and how you’d be just as annoyed.
- When you two get a shared bed he’ll ask for the side closest to the window, he doesn’t care if it ends up being the right side or the left side; he likes being able to leave the window slightly open as to keep the air in the room clean and he doesn’t want you to get cold.
- Kiyoomi is really thoughtful, he knows he can be picky and particular so he wants to make it up to you by keeping you in mind to make sure you’re also comfortable.
- Arguments are rare because of this, he knows when to compromise - so if his partner can’t it’s a really big no for him and would lead to a very short relationship - but he also wants you to know he’s not a pushover and he also needs you to compromise as well.
- Likes intertwining your pinkies together when you’re walking down the street, it’s not super noticeable to others but he’s still holding you tightly in his own way.
- I said it before but Kiyoomi isn’t against holding you as long as you’re clean (as in; took a bath, clothes are washed, etc.)! He likes being able to hold you tightly during movies, just being there with you is soothing to him.
- Very dramatic when it comes to important dates and anniversaries, he acts like he’s cool with it as if he hadn’t spent a week planning the bouquet of flowers he has in his locker alongside a handwritten note he has his mom check just in case he made a mistake. In that way, he kind of expects you to take it seriously too and would get kind of disappointed if you didn’t remeber or give him something; it could be a hand gel and he’d treasure it though.
- Overall, Sakusa tends to be a surprisingly soft boyfriend - he has his quirks, much like anyone does but as long as you respect them you won’t have any problems down the road. He’s a thoughtful lover, he takes pride in knowing you well and taking care of you.
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itsamejin · 4 years
this love || yoongi angst
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Summary: A story through the years detailing your relationship with Yoongi and all the ups and downs that came with dating an idol. 
Warning: cursing, sexually suggestive content
Genre: angst, fluff, idol!yoongi, artist!yn
Pairing: Yoongi x female!reader
Premise: Based on the song ‘This Love’ by Taylor Swift. Reader is an artist.
Commission Request: @minyoongail​
Word Count: 7,681 words
You met Yoongi when he was just a trainee, ready to take on the world and bursting with energy to get on stage. He had visions of grandeur- him living in a beautiful mansion, wearing name-brand jewelry, cruising in rare sports vehicles. When times were simpler, he’d promise that you’d be there with him, indulging in the glitz and glamour that came with his fame. He’d be an idol and you’d be his muse. Yet under all those pretenses, under all those empty promises, he was just Yoongi.
He was a guy who walked in and out of your life as easily as ocean tides come and go on the shore. He taught you how to fall in love, fall out of it, and rekindle it all the same. It was a sort of beautiful asphyxiation, being wrapped up in his lifestyle and learning to accept the consequences that came with dating a celebrity.
You wonder even now as you search his name on the internet, if you had any regrets. After all, you lost too much to be with him.
April 2013
A first meeting meant everything to you, especially when it came to your clients. You didn’t accept jobs from weirdos who didn’t respect your craft and you definitely hated impatient ones who badgered you to finish your pieces as quick as possible.
Big Hit was a happy medium and had hired you as a contract employee after reviewing your portfolio. Although the style of work they wanted from you was not at all what you specialized in, you were happy that they treated you like an actual employee and not some sort of machine. Plus, the pay was good.
You were asked to work on some cute animal characters for an upcoming boy group that you weren’t terribly familiar with, maybe stumbled on a vlog of theirs that you forgot about. You were intrigued by the slew of trainees that sat in front of you, their palms clenched out of anxiousness.
“I’m [Y/N], one of the digital artists that will be working with you guys from now on,” you introduce yourself politely to the seven bright-eyed boys in front of you.
You were in a room with other staff members, discussing the concept of the “Hip Hop Monsters” your graphics team was working on. This was a planned project lasting over a span of years and would eventually result in collectors edition items. It made you giddy just thinking of the royalties you’d earn from it all.
“I’d like it if the animals took after us,” one of the boys suggested shyly, slightly intimidated by the large number of corporate employees there were in the room for something that seemed so trivial. “I think our fans would like the characters more if they kind of resembled our personalities and stuff...”
You nod along to his suggestions, staring at his jersey to notice that the member who spoke up was Rap Monster. It was cute how they all wore clothes with their names on them. That’s one way to attract attention, you suppose.
“Any other suggestions you guys have for us?” you ask, jotting down notes and making rough sketches as they talk amongst themselves.
“I’d like it if,” a somewhat husky voice starts and you can’t help but stare into the guy’s eyes as he speaks, “my character was a turtle.”
You burst out into a fit of laughter along with the other staff members. He had said it with such a straight face and with so little enthusiasm, yet you could tell from his slight blush that he was serious. He was cute in the way that he wasn’t trying to be.
“You resemble one,” you grin at him, drawing out a small turtle with a cute beanie on your iPad, like the one he wore in front of you. You show it to him. “Something like this?”
“Exactly that!”
He breaks out into a gummy smile, one so bright that it hurt your heart to stare at him for too long. Now you were the one left flustered. He realizes how enthusiastic he was and got embarrassed once again, scratching the back of his head to avoid eye-contact.
“S-sorry, for shouting. It looks good.”
You bite your lip from forming too big of a grin. You still had to remain professional after all.
“You’re welcome,” you smirk slightly as he goes back to trying to look cool. You can’t help but doodle his name on your iPad even as the other members shared ideas for their own animals.
Suga, Suga, Suga.
You smile to yourself. It does have a ring to it.
June 2013
Yoongi sees you in the hallways sometimes and wants to say hi, but he can’t because other people are watching. Though, that isn’t the only reason.
He tells himself every day that he’ll muster up the courage to go talk to you, but every time he sees your face his legs turn to jelly. Yoongi was busy with debut stages recently, but he found some free time in his schedule to approach you.
Yoongi was never the shy type, more reserved if anything else, but you had something that enamored him- intrigued him. He wanted to know who you were other than the cute girl he was stuck in meetings with from time to time.
As you sat there on your desk, Yoongi lingered in an area nearby. He would give you his number today and if things didn’t work out then that would be that. There was no need to be all shy about this; it’s not like this is his first time asking someone out.
He strides over to you with feigned confidence and you look up after a minute, not noticing how his shadow loomed over you. He sees that you’re working on realistic portraits of the members and not the cutesy characters he usually sees you drawing.
“Hi,” he says curtly, trying to seem disinterested though he was the one that approached you first.
“Hello,” you smile up at him.
“You draw really cool stuff,” he says to break the awkward tension. “You should show it to the CEO. I’m sure we’d have cooler concepts for our albums with your work.”
You look up at him, a happy glint in your eyes. He was complimenting you, although avoiding eye contact to seem a little less nervous than he really was.
“Well, I’m just a contract worker so I don’t think I really have the authority to start up new projects out of nowhere,” you say with a smile on your face at how flustered he looks. “I feel like you’re here to ask me for something. Am I right?”
He looks away for a split second, coughing to alleviate his nerves. He was a grown man for fuck’s sake, why was this so difficult?
“I was actually wondering if you could come give me some opinions about some art that I drew,” he lies through his teeth, just trying to find a way to get you in a more private area than the corporate floor teaming with watchful gazes. “I’ve been trying to start a new hobby.”
You chuckle slightly, seeing right through his words. You stand up to amuse him.
“I’d be happy to.”
He leads you to a studio filled with whacky knick-knacks and dim lighting, not necessarily the best place to draw. You know by now that he just said those things as an excuse to be alone with you.
“So where’s this masterpiece?” you tease slightly at his nervous expression. How did a guy who looked so deadpan have such a giddy personality?
“Well actually,” he starts off, palms already sweaty. “I-It’s not here right now, but I think I left it at the dorms. Maybe if we exchange phone numbers I can text it to you.”
He tried to appear nonchalant, but his hands moved as if he was doing a public speaking presentation. Yoongi thought he was doing great, though growing a little more nervous at how you were giggling.
“You know, Suga,” you start teasingly, “My number is in the company directory. Feel free to text me anytime.”
Yoongi slightly cringes hearing his stage name. He loves it, don’t get him wrong, but he didn't like hearing it come from you. He didn’t like the unfamiliar aspect that came with using his stage name- like you two only went by professional terms.
“Call me Yoongi,” he says with genuine confidence this time. “I like it better when my friends call me Yoongi.”
You nod, relieved that you could finally know this cute guy’s name. Truth be told, you were snooping around his conversations with other people to figure it out.
“So we’re friends?”
Yoongi nods, sitting down in his rolling chair.
“I’d like to be,” he grins, patting the sofa, hoping you’d take a seat with him.
And you do.
It’s hard to work efficiently when you’re no longer in a corporate space. There’s no boss to check up on your progress nor is there a nosy coworker trying to see what you’re doing from the corner of their eye. You missed the hustle and bustle of an office floor, but it was nice exploring your creativity through freelance work.
You tap your digital pen onto the table repeatedly, looking at the reference image over and over again. It was a sick joke played by the universe to have been commissioned to draw your ex-boyfriend’s idol group, but you couldn’t refuse the hundreds of dollars the ecstatic fangirl was willing to give you. Truth be told, she might have offered too much pay, but you took up her offer anyway. Money is money.
Yet a face you’ve touched so often, a person you’d been with for years felt so unfamiliar to you. It wasn’t like you were drawing him realistically either. The client wanted anime-style figures that resembled them, looked enough like the boys to display it as her Twitter header. In the end, it’s still too difficult to draw. The rest of the members were lined up and sketched perfectly, but there was a blank area where Yoongi’s face should’ve been.
Your wrists hurt from the constant drawing and erasing so you set it down to massage your hand from cramping. In moments like these, you hated your job.
A message notification popped up on your phone that laid beside your iPad. You usually left it silent when you were working, but you opened yourself up to distractions when drawing this particular piece. Whoever thought it was a good idea to specialize in celebrity artwork? You pick up your phone and smiled softly at the text.
hey, can I come over?
March 2014
“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Yoongi, happy birthday to you~~”
You cheer on with the rest of the boys in their cramped dorm. Somehow you had gotten close enough with them to be at this level of comfort, sitting crisscrossed and shoulders touching with Jungkook and Seokjin. Yoongi blows out the candles and claps his hands, a little sad that another year passed by so quickly. He kept glancing at you who was focused on cutting the cake like the perfectionist you were.
He couldn’t help but feel like time was running out, like if he didn’t confess to you now then it would never happen. Yoongi took off the beanie he wore and ruffled his hair. He was feeling anxious all of a sudden.
“Dude don’t do that your dandruff is gonna get everywhere,” Hoseok whines. “The cake is gonna be decorated with your dead skin cells.”
“Go wash your hands,” Jin commands and Yoongi could only roll his eyes.
“Relax, I don’t even think we’re gonna have cake anytime soon when this slow-poke is taking forever to cut.”
He flicks your forehead as you glare up at him.
“I could so easily throw this in your face, but I choose not to,” you stick your tongue out at him and he scoffs.
“I’d like to see you try.”
All the members groan out of annoyance.
“Oh my god they’re having a lovers quarrel again,” Jimin yawned. “Aren’t you guys sick of arguing?”
Yoongi freezes at his words. Lover’s quarrel. That was a nice way to put it.
“They’ll stop arguing when Yoongi finally-”
Taehyung was cut off as Yoongi swipes three fingers worth of frosting from the cake and lathers it all over Taehyung’s face.
“You talk too much,” Yoongi shakes his head and soon chaos descended. Cake flew in places it shouldn’t have and ended when Namjoon knocked over a glass of water, managing to break it on the floor tiles. In the end, no one got cake.
Yoongi and you were laughing amongst yourselves at the kitchen sink, washing off some of the bits that got onto your shirts.
“I’m so sorry about your cake,” you say through your chuckles. “I’ll make it up to you some time.”
Yoongi only smiles.
“Yeah, you can treat me on a date,” he replies a little too boldly. You look at him in shock, not quite processing his words.
“A date?”
He nods.
“We should go out sometime.”
You purse your lips to prevent the huge grin about to be displayed on your face.
“We should.”
It was subtle, the way it all started. You trace over the features you drew so far, only getting to his eyes. Yoongi and you were innocent lovers for a while, keeping your trysts a secret from everyone in the company except his managers and the members. A few of your friends knew, but none of them knew BTS well enough to be all that surprised. It wasn’t all that rare to go out with a celebrity in your line of work.
You almost miss those days when he was unrecognizable. After your friends realized who he was after he hit it big globally, you felt like a secret of yours was displayed to them. Your love was supposed to be private, but his fame left very little room for privacy. You missed when you were the only one that knew of him and maybe it’s selfish to think that way, but you were past the point of being selfish.
You text back.
yeah, can't wait to see you
Jan. 2015
Yoongi lays you down on the couch gently. His hands caressing your sides underneath the thin material of your shirt as he pulls you in closer to his kisses. This felt different from other nights, different in that there was nothing around to stop what would come next.
He pulls away from you slightly, panting from the lack of oxygen.
“Are you sure?” he asks, drawing circles on your hip with his thumb. He was only supposed to come over to help you unpack some stuff for your new apartment and here you were, pinned on the couch and sweating from the close contact.
You nod back in response, not finding the right words to get him to continue. He pulls your shirt over your head, peppering kisses on your neck and atop your breasts. He fixates on your neck languidly, biting as he sees fits.
There was a pause as you felt him press up against you and you knew then that there was no making it to the bed. You would have your first time with him on this newly moved-in couch.
The clothes dropped to the ground as his touches get more impatient, more desperate. It all passes by like a blur and you could only remember the pleasure that came with his long fingers, the satisfaction you felt when he was inside you. The climax of it all made you realize that you loved him, truly and without regret. He holds you in his arms when you come undone, flashing a satiated smile as you look up at him. It’s like the stars were in his eyes.
“How do you feel?” you ask him, worried he was already drowsy. You didn’t want to have to sleep on the couch naked.
“Satisfied,” he says with a smile on his face.
You can’t help but swoon, his eyes fixated on you. At least for now, he was yours He wasn’t Suga, a rapper. He was Yoongi, your boyfriend.
It didn't matter to you that he was struggling to make a name for himself in this cut-throat idol industry or that he would spend countless nights cursing as one of his numerous tracks get rejected. None of that was in your mind. Only he swam through your thoughts. Only him.
“I love you,” he sighs out. He was the first to say it.
“I love you too,” you reply back and he holds you tight against him.
He’s nuzzling himself in your hair, his chest pressed up against you so his heartbeat can synch with yours. He loves this, can’t get enough of it. He catches your lips and once again you are whisked in the pleasure of it all. This is it. This is what love is.
The piece is finally finished and you send it off to your client, hoping she doesn’t ask for revisions because you can’t handle another second of drawing his stupid face. His soft skin, his tiny moles, his gummy smile...
It's not like you hate him. It’s just... a certain contempt lingers after a breakup from a long-term relationship. It’s the type of resentment that can’t really be explained. You don’t want to see him, but you catch yourself watching his videos on Youtube. You don’t want to think about him, but you hope he thinks about you. You don’t see yourself ever getting back together with him, but you don’t have his phone number blocked.
It’s a sort of paradox you catch yourself in and you wonder if you could ever get out of it. Will Yoongi ever escape your mind?
can't wait to see u too babe
Aug. 2016
Yoongi hugs you from behind, his face scrunched at the nape of your neck where several marks were made from last night’s events. Your eyes stayed focus on the TV in front of you, still impressed by your own ability to afford one in your bedroom at your salary.
“BTS' SUGA drops new music video for his song and mixtape Agust D...”
The news anchor drones on and you could barely hear her through the sounds of Yoongi’s soft snores. His hold on you grew tighter as he hears his stage name from an unfamiliar voice and it makes you giggle slightly at how different the edgy music video being displayed was from the same person wrapping you in his arms so tightly.
“Babe, wake up. I have work to do,” you whisper into his hair and he only shakes his head back in response.
“No,” he mutters, pulling you into him closer. You roll your eyes, managing to pry off one of his hands as you sit up on the bed.
“Don’t you have studio stuff to do today?” you ask him, searching for a shirt to wear.
He shakes his head as his eyes start to flutter open. You both reeked of alcohol since you opened a bottle of wine last night to celebrate the release of his first solo work. He was proud of it and you were proud of him.
“Can you turn that off, I’m getting a migraine,” he whines, covering his head with a pillow. You opted to wear Yoongi’s shirt instead of your own since you couldn’t be bothered to walk to the other side of the bed to find it. You smiled at his laying figure, cooped in a fetal-like position. He was still naked, but you were with him long enough to no longer be phased by that sort of thing.
“From one bottle of wine?” you tease slightly. “I think you’re losing your touch, Agust D.”
You chuckle as he throws the pillow on top of his head towards you.
“Don’t call me that,” he pouts, “It feels like you’re making fun of me.”
You stand up from where you were, stretching out your back as you make your way to the door.
“That’s because I am,” you smirk, “You know you’re saved on my phone as Sugar?”
He gives you a glare.
“It’s Suga,” he says, attempting to add some intimidation to his voice. It doesn’t work because all you do is stick your tongue out at him.
“Whatever sugar.”
He chuckles lightly and watches the silhouette of your figure exit his view. Yoongi can’t help but mindlessly follow after you.
As you exit towards the kitchen, you can’t help but hear the television from the bedroom.
“Suga has recently been caught up in a dating scandal with Suran, the solo artist, who sang with him in a song...”
Your head snaps up from those words, your skin crawling with goosebumps. You make it into the kitchen but with a heavy heart and no appetite.
“What’s wrong?” he asks, passing by you to pour himself some water.
“Nothing,” you say, though you sounded bitter. He caught on quite quickly. You were jealous again.
Yoongi heaves out a deep sigh and sets the glass of water down. He comes over to your angry figure and gives you a soft hug, laying his head on top of yours as if to comfort you. You try to pull away but he keeps you close.
“I’ll tell them to drop the rumors, okay?,” he says, genuinely enough to make you believe him. “I don’t want us to fight so early in the morning.”
“You promise?”
He pulls away.
“I promise,” he says, brushing a hair away from your face. “Let’s not think about those rumors right now. You and me both know they’re not true.”
You were never one to forget so easily.
It was around 2016 when you had stopped working at Big Hit. They halted the Hip Hop Monster brand and your contract was expiring with them anyway. You went from living a kush office life to struggling freelance worker in a matter of a second. It also meant that Yoongi and you would be spending less time together. His busy schedules couldn’t permit him to stay with you longer than a few hours and his presence slowly started to disappear from his side of the bed.
It was like a sinking ship, what you had with him. The pain starts off slow, unnoticeable. You’ll still laugh and keep up appearances as time passes, but you could tell there was an ominous atmosphere that wasn’t initially there in the relationship. Your screams start to grow silent as more problems start to stack on top of each other. It’s then when you hit the iceberg. It’s then when it all starts to fall apart.
He was still good for you, you convinced yourself, even as the currents swept you out under your feet.
Dec. 2016
“What the fuck do you mean you’re not coming?” you yell through your phone. You were sitting on the floor of your living room, holiday decorations strewn around the apartment. He promised he’d come spend a day off of his winter promotions to be with you.
“You know how hectic the end of the year gets with promotions,” he says in quiet hushes. “I can’t do anything about it. This is my job.”
You suck in your cheeks to prevent yourself from yelling. From the sound of it, he was in public.
“Yoongi, I called out of talking to a really high-paying client,” you say through gritted teeth. “And I still came home. Why am I the only one making sacrifices?”
He sighed at the other end. He didn’t have the patience to deal with you today.
“Look, can you stop being so fucking needy. I don’t need this right now.”
He couldn’t tell from the phone call, but your heart broke at the word. Needy. He thought that you were needy.
“I’m already stressed out as it is,” he continues through the phone. “I don’t need you up my ass all the time.”
“I’m not gonna wait for you,” you reply, tears threatening to spill over. “I’m going to sleep and you’re gonna get rid of all the shit you have in my apartment. I’m sick of you, Yoongi.”
He scoffs.
“I’m sick of you too.”
Yoongi hangs up, about ready to hit the wall when Jimin comes to calm him down. Small things that were never meant to be taken seriously built up until it was ready to crash down.
When Yoongi comes at night to visit you, he sees that you’re asleep on the couch. He sits next to you, pulling you into his arms.
“I’m sorry baby,” he whispers quietly. “I’ll do better.”
You nuzzled closer to him, comforted by words you forget the next day. Even when you woke up with a bad neck and Yoongi snoring onto your skin, you couldn’t find a way to stay mad at him. You knew, deep down, that some way or the other you’re gonna find yourself arguing about the same thing next week.
Junghoon comes to pick you up. Junghoon, your boyfriend.
He’s a little uptight and too stern for his own good, but has a good heart and a knack of giving great gifts. You met him from working in the same industry, a 3D graphics designer for several video game companies. He was a new addition to your life, your relationship only about three months old.
You were warming up to him slowly, thankful for finally having a consistent presence in your life. He always made time for you, never used work as an excuse, and didn’t act cold just for the sake of acting cold. Junghoon was sweet in the way that Yoongi used to be when he wasn’t such a massive celebrity.
It was a relief to have someone like Junghoon in your life that didn’t walk in and out of your door without much of a thought to even say goodbye. Your life with him has been a tad bit dull, but you don’t mind all that much. Junghoon’s made you feel secure in ways that Yoongi couldn’t.
May 2017
“Your boyfriend is winning a whole ass award across the world and you’re having ramen with me?” Chaerin sighs. It’s typical for a best friend to judge the actions of the other.
“Yeah and?” you reply snarkily, swirling your chopstick around to find the perfect clump of noodles. “I’m not the top social artist according to Billboard, what’s it have to do with me?”
She rolls her eyes at you.
“I don’t know, you could at least watch him win the award?” she suggests. “The live stream is literally happening right now. Your boyfriend is making history and you don’t even care!”
You look at the clock on the restaurant wall. It was nearing 2 o’clock and your client meeting would be starting soon. You were in high demand as a graphic artist recently and as far as you were concerned, that was the only thing on your mind at the moment. You stare back into your bowl, suddenly losing your appetite.
“The apartment is lonely without him,” you admit sadly.
He bought one for himself and had you move in. ‘It’s easier to not get noticed by the tabloids,’ he convinced you. The modern sleekness of his penthouse was a nice change to your lifestyle, but you missed the comfiness of your small studio apartment. It was often too cold when he wasn’t around.
“You could watch it with me?” Chaerin suggested. “Yoongi’s probably so sad that his own girlfriend doesn’t even want to watch him win such a major award.”
You bite down on your chopstick harshly.
“Well he didn't even want me to come with him so I don’t wanna hear anymore about him from you.”
Chaerin squinted her eyes in your direction.
“Well I mean I get where he’s coming from. He’s still an idol, [Y/N],” she scolds. “It would be a massive risk to take you with him.”
You shook your head disapprovingly, pushing the bowl away from you.
“I’m not an idiot, Chae. It’s not like I was asking to be on the red carpet with him, I just wanted to be there waiting in the hotel room after the show. Two nights ago he suddenly backs out and says I shouldn’t come.”
Chaerin’s jaw dropped out of shock. That wasn’t what she was expecting at all.
“Did he say why?”
You stare down at your nails, your heart growing heavy as a long pause of silence takes place. It would be better to be honest, right? You shouldn’t have to pretend like everything’s okay when it clearly isn’t.
“He said he wants space,” you say, careful not to get choked up. “So I’m giving it to him.”
You clutch your thigh instinctively, remembering how Yoongi had brought that up with you just nights before. You two weren’t happy and that he needed to figure himself out before the relationship gets any worse. It’s just a break or whatever bullshit he spouted.
She scoffs.
“What is wrong with you two?” she asks, genuinely concerned. “You are not the type of person to take a break in a relationship.”
You stare bitterly into the reflection of your soup.
“I just don’t think I’ve been happy for a while,” you reply, taking a sip of your water that was left untouched for a better half of the night. “I don’t think he is either.”
Sept. 2017
The break lasted for months and you wondered if it was really even a break at all. It felt more like a break up if you were honest. He’d text once in a while and video call you when he was free but other than that it felt like he became a stranger, just another celebrity billboard you walked past on your way to a client’s workplace.
You’d draw sketches of him countlessly, in fear you’d forget how his face looked in real life and not through a low-quality screen. You etched every baby hair, every small blemish he’d hide with makeup. It was your method of not forgetting who the real Yoongi was because honestly, you didn’t know anymore. You didn’t know him.
The sound of your doorbell could be heard all throughout your apartment. You stood up from where you sat on the bed, leaving the sketchbook of his face on the comforter. You weren’t expecting any visitors, but surely enough, Yoongi stood in front of you with a lopsided grin on his face.
You let him in, not uttering a single word. He looks different now. His hair was black, thank god, but his face was a little softer than you were used to. You remember him being so paranoid about turning bald just a few years ago and here he was, no bald spots to be found. He looked healthy.
“It’s been a while,” you respond, hugging your arms close to your chest, uncomfortable that he was in your presence. It was his apartment technically, but you lived in it more than he did. He opted to stay in the dorm ever since he issued that idiotic break.
“I miss you,” he says in a lowly voice and you almost believe him. Almost.
You scoff.
“It seems like you’ve been having fun without me though,” you say through gritted teeth. “I thought you still wanted space?”
He shakes his head and brings his hand to touch your arm.
“No,” he swallows his saliva. “I miss you.”
You could feel his sincerity, but you can’t help but not trust him. He’s been viciously cold to you, but you find yourself pulling him closer anyway.
“Don’t ever do that again,” you threaten. “It’ll really be over then, Yoongi.”
He sighs into your hair. He loves you. He does. But he doesn’t know why it’s so hard to express it.
“I promise [Y/N]. I won’t leave.”
Aug. 2018
He buys you flowers, your favorite kind. It’s a small gesture, but it has you jumping into his arms all the same. It shows that he still cares somewhat. It’s been a while since he’s last shown it.
He holds you closely, appreciating the softness of your body and how you curl perfectly into him.
“I want to stay like this,” you say mindlessly, just relishing in his presence.
You’re not mad at him today and he’s not frustrated with you. It’s a high point in your relationship.
“Me too.”
His words are simple but it warms your heart nonetheless. Yoongi looks at you with twinkling eyes and for a moment you think that this could last forever and that it will last forever. You kiss him slowly and he reciprocates.
It reminds you of your first time, slow and careful- like you were the last person he’d ever want to hurt.
His love, although painful at times, was good to you when you needed it to be.
July 2019
Yoongi’s gone again. He’s on tour, as usual, and not giving you any updates. You were getting sick of it. The constant waiting, the constant insecurities that ate you up inside. You weren’t built to endure this kind of torture.
Suga. Suga. Suga.
It rolls off the tongue but it feels disgusting coming out of your mouth. His stage name, a persona. He starts to resemble that name more and more as the days go by. You hear it so much now that it no longer registers as an actual word.
You call him.
He doesn’t pick up.
No answer.
You’re about ready to throw the phone at the wall until a soft ring was heard from the small device. You take the call immediately, smiling as if you passed the hardest difficulty of a video game. The grin would soon be wiped away, though.
“Why’d you call?” he grumbles from the other line, loud music blasting in the background.
“Why weren’t you picking up?” You sound bitter. You don’t care.
“I’m out right now,” he says, exasperation laced in his voice. “I’m not in the mood to talk.”
Clearly, he just wasn’t in the mood to talk to you. Yoongi was at a party or a club or wherever he could possibly be in the streets of Shizuoka at 10 p.m.
You just wanted to chat, check on him as a good girlfriend would. He’s been complaining that you haven’t been in a while. You thought this was what he wanted- for you to care.
“I just wanted to see if you were doing okay,” you sigh. “How’d the concert go?”
“Good,” he says, clearly distracted. “Some of us snuck out of the hotel rooms to let loose for a bit.”
You nod as if he could see you.
“So you’re partying?”
You could hear him laugh at the other end, but it wasn’t from your comment. Someone else was making him laugh. Someone with a light and dainty voice, whiny as she got closer to Yoongi.
“Yeah, I guess you could call it that,” he says, clearly distracted. “Listen I’ll call you back, okay?”
You feel a lump stuck in your throat. There are no words left to say. The foreign girl on the other end giggled harder at whatever Yoongi was saying and it felt like you were invading their privacy- as if she was his girlfriend and you were nothing. You hung up, your mouth feeling dry as the tears poured down.
You see a text from Yoongi just a few seconds into your wallowing. You sniffle as you read it.
don’t misunderstand. nothing’s happening rn i'm just having a bit of fun.
This time you really threw your phone at the wall.
You go to your iPad that’s sitting untouched on your desk. You open your drawing app and just let the anger in the stylus take you from there. You draw a rough sketch of a couple on the edge of a beachside cliff. The woman seems to be falling into the water as if she was pushed. The guy’s hand reaches out to her, but you can’t really tell if he was trying to grab her or if he was the one that let her go in the first place.
As the tears spilled onto the cool surface of the iPad, you sob harder. Nothing could be fixed and everything still felt broken. It was meaningless, sleeping in his bed and wearing his clothes when he was all the way in Japan snuggling up to girls that were probably much prettier and much more willing to understand his lifestyle.
You look around the penthouse he had bought for the two of you, beautiful wide panel windows and modern furniture. It mostly looks empty, everything nice and tidy as if no one lived here. It had such a stark contrast to that of his old life when he shared rooms with other members and had no place to really put his keyboard except the studio. You smiled at the memory of you all hovering around the small coffee table in the cramped living room eating ramen.
Maybe it was your fault for falling behind, for letting the world around you build up and not follow in Yoongi’s tracks.
You guess it was then when the relationship had passed a point of no return. When everything that felt right had started to feel incredibly wrong. You tolerated his presence rather than bask in it. You heard him speak but couldn’t bother to listen. Maybe you were petty, but more than anything you were angry.
You were angry that he could break you that badly and you would still forgive him for it.
You stare over at Junghoon who’s cooking you up something on the stove. This is what you needed.
Nov. 2019
Yoongi was back from some big-name award show that you didn’t watch. You heard he won Artist of the Year or whatever, the accolades that he’s collected no longer having meaning as the days pass. Why be happy for him when he himself showed no signs of excitement? This was routine. He expected the awards at this point.
You walked towards him. Yoongi looked angry, though you have no idea why.
“Hey, I made dinner to celebrate,” you tell him. Yoongi’s sitting on the couch, scrolling through the congratulatory messages he received from other industry stars. He looked like he needed to get something off his chest.
“I’m not hungry,” he mutters. “Just leave it.”
“Are you sure?”
He scoffs. It was a simple question.
“Not in the mood.”
You give him a pointed look and sit next to him.
“Why are you never in the mood for anything?” you ask him. “It’s just food Yoongi. I just want to eat with you.”
You don’t see it properly but he rolls his eyes.
“Just drop it okay? Today’s a good day, I don’t need you to ruin it.”
You suck in your cheeks.
Yoongi sighs heavily.
“You know that’s not what I meant,” he starts, facing you. “Why do you have to be so dramatic over everything.”
You grit your teeth.
“Dramatic?” your voice quivers. “I didn’t know feeling hurt was being dramatic.”
His gaze softens and he touches your arm lightly.
“Sorry, I didn't mean it like that.”
You shake your head, feeling your eyes dampen at his words.
“I hate your apologies, Yoongi,” you say in a hushed tone. “They don’t mean anything anymore.”
He’s shocked, not really sure how to respond. You were never one to confront him, especially when he was angry. Instead, he holds your hand softly. He was terrible at comforting people.
“Yoongi are you really sorry?” you ask abruptly. It was a question you’ve been meaning to ask for years now.
His grip on you tightened and you can’t quite read his expression, but you can tell that it’s not a positive response. He looks conflicted and he shouldn’t have to be if he really was. You force him to let go of you.
“I am,” he says, knowing he answered a little too late for his words to not seem suspicious.
“I don’t think you are,” you reply sadly. “You say sorry more than you-”
say I love you.
He doesn’t let you finish the sentence because he knows. He knows what you’re trying to say.
“I am,” he says with more sincerity, but he looks at you with an unreadable expression. “I just don’t think it’s enough at this point.”
“What’s not enough?”
You were confused. Is he still talking about whether he's apologetic or not? Or is it something entirely different?
“I do love you,” he says with a certain conviction in his voice, “and I always will, but it feels like nothing’s working out.”
Yoongi doesn’t look at you and focuses on the leather of the fancy couch. He doesn’t say anything but you know what this means. He’s about to stand up, but you grab onto his wrist.
“This is your apartment,” you say before he could say anything to break your heart even further. “I’ll leave.”
“[Y/N], no,” he says. “You don’t have anywhere else to go. I’m just gonna stay over at the dorm. I just...”
Your eyes get blurry from the tears. Even now it felt like he was looking down at you. Nowhere to go. It was like he pitied you.
“...need to go clear my mind,” he finishes the sentence, standing up to grab his coat.
You shake your head and stand in front of him. He’s usually like this. A coward. A bumbling fool who would rather avoid problems than face them head on.
“I need you to stay, Yoongi,” you cry out. “I need you to actually stay for once and comfort me.”
He looks at you, mouth open but no words come out. He smiles sadly and walks toward you, kissing your cheek.
“I don’t think I can do that anymore, [Y/N],” he says and you watch him leave as easily as he walked in.
It’s not like he ever comforted you in the first place.
The break up happened silently over a late-night phone call a few days after he disappeared on you. You packed up your things, stayed over at Chaerin’s house, and braced yourself for what was to come. It should’ve happened sooner, you admit, but your heart still sinks when he speaks.
“I just don’t think either of us is willing to try anymore,” he says solemnly. “We’ve been on and off for the past few years and I don’t think it’s healthy for either of us to continue.”
You agree, just wanting the call to end quickly so you wouldn’t have to hear his voice any longer. It hurt to have to listen to him rationalize breaking your heart.
“I don’t think we should be together anymore, [Y/N],” he says, not even a tiny bit choked up. “I think we’ve... outgrown each other.”
You knew what Yoongi really meant. He’s outgrown you.
“I think so too,” you say rigidly. Short and simple. You left nothing to be desired. “Let’s break up.”
Yoongi looks at his phone, slightly disappointed. He wished you would fight back, maybe rekindle something in him that he’s lost over the years. Yet you were silent on the line and he just had to accept it- that there was nothing left to be saved.
“Take care, okay?” he says softly because in the end he still cares- he just doesn’t want to anymore.
“I will,” you reply, ultimately hanging up the phone. You collapse onto a bed unfamiliar to you. Yoongi would no longer sleep beside you, no longer reach over to hug your side and whisper sweet nothings in your ear. He was gone and you had to accept that maybe he was never yours in the first place.
His last words replay in your mind.
Take care.
That was the most concern he’s ever shown you in the past few weeks. You almost scoff at the absurdity of it all. You don’t notice how truly broken you were until the tears start streaming down your face. You see the image of him through blurry eyes and you wonder how you could let Yoongi leave such a permanent scar on your heart.
“Do you like your eggs runny or no?”
Junghoon asks as you approach his figure. You hug him from behind and smile at his warmth. Safe.
“Just a little runny,” you reply.
He smiles and nods, turning off the heat and grabbing some seasoning from your cupboard. You detach yourself from him when you realized what he was grabbing.
“Babe that’s not salt. That’s-”
You stop yourself from saying it and Junghoon looks at you with concern. He chuckles at your stoic state and ruffles your hair.
“Cat got your tongue or what?” he asks, grabbing the right container this time. “Maybe I should’ve asked if you like your eggs sweet instead, huh?”
“I’ve never tried that combination before,” you say teasingly. “Why don’t you test it out for us.”
He clicks his tongue at you and splashes some salt on your face.
“I’ll pour sugar all over you if that’s what you really want.”
You laugh half-heartedly. A simple word shouldn’t affect you this much but you find yourself get more teary-eyed as it repeats in your head. It wasn’t fair to Junghoon that you were thinking of your ex in his presence. It wasn’t fair to you either.
You feel a vibration from your pocket and you pull it out to serve as a distraction from your wallowing thoughts. It’s a text.
From Sugar.
A/N: This was so hard to write because my mind has just been empty these days but I’m so glad it’s done now >_< Thank you to @minyoongail​ for requesting this story. I’ve been bumping to the Taylor Swift song now because of this commissions T^T I recommend you all to listen to it. I tried to write this in a different style from my other works so I hope this is still readable for you all LOL
I’m closing commissions temporarily to focus on the ones I have now and to also start writing my own stuff. Let me know how you feel about this, I appreciate all types of comments and criticisms <3 Look forward to Part 2!
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thetravelerwrites · 4 years
Henry (Amphiptere Naga) Lemon
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Rating: Explicit Relationship: Female Human/Male Naga Additional Tags: Exophilia, Monster Boyfriend, Naga, Amphiptere, Best Friends to Lovers, Demisexual, Graysexual, Sex Worker, Cam Model, Mutual Pining Words: 6104
A gift from @oddacle​ to her friend/roommate! A woman moves back to her home town after an online friend offers her both a job and a place to stay. She accidentally learns an interesting secret about him that she tries, and fails, to hide. Please reblog and leave feedback! Art by @oddacle​!
The Traveler's Masterlist
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You stretched at your desk and sighed. “Well, Henry, I should get to bed,” You said. “I’ve got a lot of packing to do tomorrow.”
“Dude, I can’t wait to see you in person finally!” He said over the headset. “I’m so excited you’re coming to work in the store.”
“Me too!” You said. “It’ll be nice to see you in person! And I can’t thank you enough for giving me a job and a place to stay. Working at the grocery store was crushing my soul.”
“I get that,” He told you. “I felt so out of place when I worked construction. I’m so glad I decided to save up to open the flower shop.”
“You and me both,” You said. “Flower arranging is something I love to do. I about fell out of my chair when you said you owned a shop.”
“Two more days and you’ll get to see it yourself,” He said with a laugh. “Go get some sleep. I’ll see you soon.”
“Night, Henry,” You said, smiling to yourself as you logged off. You had met Henry while gaming almost five years ago now, and he had been one of the best friends you’d ever had. At first you just played together, but after about a year, the two of you had exchanged phone numbers, and since then you texted each other constantly and called each other once a week. Despite that, you had never actually seen what he looked like. You didn’t mind; maybe he was body-shy. You could understand that.
When you finally quit the soul-suck of a job in the back of a grocery, he was quick to offer you a place in his shop, in your own home town, no less, as well as one of the apartments above the store. You’d been homesick since you moved away with your mom when you were younger, so the idea of going back had massive appeal. Combined with your dream job and working with your best friend, it was like everything you ever wanted was just falling into place.
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That Saturday, you loaded every single thing you owned into a rental truck and headed to Santa Barbara, excited to start a new life and meet your best friend for the first time.
You pulled up to Henry’s Floral Arrangements later that evening just before sundown, driving nearly nine hours straight with only a few breaks for food, gas, and bathroom visits. You pulled out your phone and clicked Henry’s number.
“Hey, are you here?” He asked excitedly.
“Yep!” You said, stepping out of the truck. “I pulled up just now. Are you in the shop?”
“Yeah, I’m coming out! Be right there.” And he hung up.
You giggled at his enthusiasm and walked around the truck just as he came out of the shop, his face as excited as a brand new puppy with a brand new toy, and you stopped in your tracks.
He. Was. Beautiful.
He was a naga, but a rarer breed than average: an amphiptere. He had short, two pronged horns on his head and large wings on his back. His horns were teal, and the feathers of his wings were teal and ocean blue with black accents on the outside and grey on the inside, like the skin of his torso. His snake skin was teal and ocean blue as well, with giant black rings lining his back. His eyes were as golden as his nipple rings. He had lovely tattoos on his arms, neck, and back of waves and geometric shapes. He was lean and muscular, and had short black hair. He wore no clothing, so every inch of his glorious body was on full display.
You stood staring at him, unable to speak, as he slithered up to you. Oh god. This was not a possibility you had entertained. Living next to your best friend had sounded like a dream. But now… oh no, this was a disaster. How could you be attracted to him? You never felt attraction, not ever! Of all the times, of all the people, Henry had to be… this! This lovely specimen of a naga, and the best friend you’d ever had! What were you going to do?!
“You alright?” He asked, tilting his head and lowering himself down to look at your face.
You blinked and smiled breathlessly. “Yes! Yes, I’m great! It’s so nice to finally meet you!”
“You too!” He reached out for a hug and you walked into it. His skin was cool and smooth to the touch. He smelled like peonies. “Come in, come in, let me show you around!”
“What about unpacking?” You asked.
“Oh, leave that till tomorrow,” He said. “Let’s order a pizza and eat in the shop.”
You grinned. “That actually sounds amazing.”
“Come on!” He held out his hand and took yours and pulled you into the shop.
Oh, it was incredible. It had just crested into the middle of spring and the seasonal flowers were exploding all over the place. Color was everywhere. You closed your eyes and just breathed in the fragrances.
“Have I died?” You asked, your eyes still closed. “I’ve died, haven’t I?”
He laughed. “I hope not, you just got here.” He picked up his cell phone from the counter. “Pepperoni and pineapple on thin crust, right?”
“Yep!” You said, sitting at the counter, your eye catching on the decorative cherry blossom bonzai tree that you’d sent him for Christmas two years ago. You weren’t sure if he’d even like it, much less have kept it, but there it was, right next to the register where everyone could see it. It gave you a warm feeling in your chest.
He took you to the second floor, where there were two apartments, one on either side. You couldn’t help but notice one half of the stairs was covered with a ramp, likely to make it easier for Henry to get to the second story.
He led you to the apartment on the right and opened the door. It was a modest place but comfortable, and from the smell it seemed like it was recently deep cleaned and freshly painted in a pretty holly-green color with blush pink accents. There was a vase with all your favorite flowers spilling out of it on the kitchen table. It was mostly furnished with older but functional furniture, so you hadn’t needed to bring any heavy wardrobes or mattresses or anything, thankfully. Most of what you had in your old place was junk anyway.
“I love it,” You told Henry. “And I love the flowers.”
“I thought it would be a nice touch,” He said, holding his arm almost shyly. “I wanted you to feel comfortable.”
“I feel more comfortable here than I did in the two years I spent in my last place,” You said truthfully. “You know, we can leave the unpacking for tomorrow, but can we go down and get my rig and gear and hook it up while we wait for the pizza? It’s the only thing I have that I don’t want to leave in a truck overnight.”
“I get that,” He said.
The two of you managed to get your PC, laptop, gaming gear, and computer desk up the stairs in one trip. There was a flat screen TV on the wall of the living room to which you hooked up your PC. You ran a diagnostic as Henry heard the buzzer from the door and rushed down to get the pizza. Then the two of you spent an incredible evening eating pizza, watching comedies on Netflix, and solidifying the strength of your friendship.
You were comfortable, more so than you had ever been with anyone. Five years of talking to him was wonderful, but being close, seeing his smile, hearing his laugh and the way his eyes crinkled when he did was pure magic.
Magic that you didn’t want to ruin by being weird or creepy just because you suddenly felt attracted to him. Would he be weirded out by the fact that your brain turned into goo the moment you saw him? Would he think it was just because of his looks? You didn’t want that.
And you didn’t want to fuck up what was already an amazing relationship. Hell, meeting him in person and hanging out with him had already been a huge test of your friendship; working with him and living next to him would be an even greater one. You didn’t want to complicate it even further with an, in all likelihood, one-sided attraction.
By the time the pizza was gone and he headed back to his apartment for bed, you’d already decided to put the attraction or any notion of a relationship beyond friends out of your head.
But by God, he was beautiful.
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You sort of jumped into the deep end when you started in the shop: prom season was just beginning, so you spent weeks making corsages and lapel pins. Henry thankfully spared you from having to deal with spoiled teenagers, entitled moms, and annoyed jocks dragged in by their girlfriends. Henry seemed well practiced at fielding angry customers who couldn’t make up their mind.
After work, the two of you often ate dinner together, either in his place or yours. Even though you were usually exhausted at the end of the day, you still played games together at least four times a week from your respective apartments, talking to each other over headsets even though you were probably only two walls and twenty feet apart. Sometimes you took your laptop to his apartment and played at the same desk.
It went on that way for months. It was amazing and you treasured every minute you got to spend with him. Despite putting the idea of dating him away in the back of your head, it was easy to pretend like it was just the two of you, together, against the world
After prom season ended, business slowed dramatically. You weren’t as tired in the evenings, so when you weren’t playing games with Henry, you did a little writing. You were too shy to let anyone read it, even Henry, but it still felt good to have a creative outlet.
One night, as you were writing, you heard Henry’s voice over your gaming headset on the desk. The two of you had quit playing over an hour ago, so you put it on to see if he needed anything.
“You alright, Henry? Are you back online?”
He didn’t respond, so you thought maybe you were just hearing things, but as you went to pull your headset off, you heard him say, “I’m glad to see you again. I’ve missed you.” The sound of his voice was distant, like he didn’t have his headset on.
Did he have company? His voice sounded silky and sultry, a tone you’d never heard before, and you wondered briefly if he had a girlfriend, or boyfriend. Or whatever. He’d never mentioned anything like that to you, but you weren’t his mom; he was allowed to have private things he didn’t share with other people. You did, after all.
Still, the idea that he was in a relationship cut a little deeper than you would have liked.
You heard another voice, but it was strangely robotic sounding, like it was coming through a speaker, and you couldn’t quite make out what the other person was saying. Whoever they were, they sounded male. Maybe he was in a long distance relationship?
“Mm, I love it when you talk to me like that,” Henry said, a sexy lilt in his voice. “Tell me what you’d like me to do. I could touch myself. Would you like that?”
You blushed and your heart began to race. You shouldn’t be listening to this, you knew that. It was private and none of your business. But… you couldn’t take the headset off. You wanted to hear this. You wanted him to talk to you that way. Maybe through this person, vicariously, you could have an intimate moment with him. It may be the only chance you ever got.
You heard him moan over the headset, and a sparkling heat filled your body. You bit your lip at the thrill you felt, but you were unable to move, like a deer in headlights. There was a dangerous quality to this, the idea of getting caught listening in terrified you.
You heard the person on the computer say something, but you couldn’t understand them.
Henry responded, “Of course I will. I know how much you like that… mmm, that feels so good.”
Henry’s moaning over the headset made you feel both exhilarated and astonished. You felt like you could listen to him moaned for hours.
Henry grunted sharply and repeatedly, then gasped for a minute before speaking again.
“That was wonderful,” Henry said. “It always is with you.” The other person said something you couldn’t understand, and Henry answered, “Oh, I’m afraid we don’t have time for that, darling. Our date is almost over. If you’d like to purchase a ten minute extension, you can donate an additional five hundred tokens, or you can schedule another date from any of the open slots on the main website. You know I’m always happy to spend time with you.”
You sat up in your seat, confused. Tokens? Website? What was he talking about?
There were more words you could hear, and Henry tutted. “Aww, are you sure?” He pouted. “Well, alright. I hope you won’t make me wait long, darling. See you soon.”
There was some tapping on his keyboard, and there was a power-down sound. Henry sighed and you could hear him slither out of his office, closing the door behind him.
You sat for a moment, trying to wrap your head around what you’d heard. Was he getting paid to jerk off for people? You opened a web browser and typed “amphiptere cam model” into the search engine.
You knew amphiptere nagas were rare, of course, so you weren’t surprised to only have found two results. You were surprised to find Henry’s face on one of the profiles, wearing beautiful make up and a sexy underbust corset with matching opera gloves. You clicked it, and realized he was both very expensive and highly sought after, considering all of his five weekly slots were already filled for the next two months.
Henry was a cam model. And he was apparently very good at it.
You put a hand to your forehead, stunned. What was happening right now? This was something you could never have anticipated. He was hot, of course, but he always seemed like a shy, down-to-earth kind of guy to you, even after meeting him. Who knew he had this in him? You weren’t judging, it was just surprising.
You didn’t manage to get much sleep that night, and when you did, you dreamt of being on the other end of that screen and woke in a sweat.
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The next morning, you stood in the shower with your thoughts in a roil. Should you tell him you know? Would he be upset with you? Probably; listening in was a huge breach of both privacy and trust. Oh, god, what had you done? How were you supposed to act around him now? He’d know something was wrong; you could never hide your emotions well and he knew you better than anyone. Was it too late to live in a cave and cut ties with society altogether?
No, there was no internet in caves. Fuck.
You couldn’t avoid him forever; you were due downstairs for work. You could tell him that you were sick, but knowing him, he’d shut down the shop for the day to take care of you. He was so damn sweet.
No, You said, mentally slapping yourself. Don’t get distracted by his adorableness! This is a crisis!
You got out of the shower and started brushing out your hair, your stomach in knots. A knock at the door made you jump clean out of your towel. Throwing on your robe, you went to answer it. Henry was standing there with a bag and coffee, and his eyes widened when he saw your bathrobe.
“Oh, sorry, I just came to bring some breakfast. Felt like treating you a little.”
You swallowed a lump in your throat and smiled. “Thanks, this is awesome. I’ll get dressed and meet you down in the shop. You’re the best.”
He gave you a full, sharp-toothed grin and snaked his way downstairs, leaving you to grip the door to keep from falling to your knees. Did he have to be so kind? He was the worst!
You met him downstairs and tried to be normal through breakfast, but all you could think of was the way he moaned last night and tried to keep the blush off your face. Work wasn’t any better, you had all of ten customers that day, so you spent most of it talking to Henry and daydreaming about him calling you darling. It was all you could do to hold it together.
After closing the shop, he asked if you wanted to have dinner and a game at his place, but you declined, saying you were tired. He seemed concerned but didn’t press it, and you were able to escape upstairs.
You made yourself some tea to try and settle your nerves, stress-eating girl scout cookies straight from the box as you waited for the water to boil. Was it going to be like this forever? This was torture.
Another knock at the door startled you into dropping your cookies.
“Fuck!” You hissed at yourself as you bent to pick up a box. “Get your shit together!”
Henry was at the door. He had a bag from a deli.
“I brought you soup,” He said. “You seemed like you weren’t feeling well today. Is anything wrong?”
You felt incredibly guilty, staring at that bag for a solid minute, unable to talk.
“Hey,” He said, frowning and squinting into your eyes. “What’s up? Talk to me. What’s wrong?”
“I’m so sorry, Henry,” You said without thinking.
“Sorry?” He said. “For what? What happened?”
You were having a hard time articulating your thoughts. You hadn’t meant to say sorry, and once it slipped out, your mind blanked.
“Look, can I come in?” He asked plaintively. “Something is obviously wrong. I want to help.”
You scrubbed your face. “Okay.”
He followed you in and laid the soup on the table. “So… tell me. What’s going on?”
“I don’t even know how to say it,” You said, looking around helplessly. Your eyes fell on your headset. You picked it up and listened to it, and you could hear the fan from his office running. “Here,” You said, handing it to him. “Listen.”
He put the headset on, frowning with confusion.
“Do you hear anything?” You asked.
“I think that’s the fan, right?”
“Yeah, from your office,” You said.
He laughed as he took it off. “I’m an idiot, I must have forgot to disconnect last night after we were playing.”
“Right, it was active last night. All last night. I could hear you.”
His face went from confusion to blank shock, his mouth hanging open.
“...oh,” He said quietly. “Oh, god.”
“I’m so sorry,” You said. “I shouldn’t have listened. I should have taken it off and ignored it. I’m so, so sorry.”
There was a pause. “How long did you listen?”
“I think it was the whole thing. I heard you… finish.” You blushed just thinking about it.
“That was a thirty minute session,” He said, confusion back on his face. “Why did you listen so long?”
You looked away and bit your lip, unable to meet his eyes.
“Did you… enjoy it?” He asked. He sounded almost hopeful.
You couldn’t speak, but you nodded once.
“Really?” You heard a smile in his voice, and you managed to look up. He had a goofy, sappy grin on his face. “You don’t think it’s gross or anything like that?”
You shook your head. “No. I’m curious, though. Why do you do it?”
“I only do it during the off seasons,” He said. “The first year was really hard for the store and I almost lost the shop. I got into camming to make ends meet, but the money was so good I just continued to do it when business is really slow. I’ve been able to save a lot of money this way. I was even thinking of opening a second location, and I think at the end of this season, I’ll have enough.” He looked very shy. “You really don’t mind it?”
You shook your head fervently. “No, not at all.” You looked at his earnest face. He didn’t seem angry, and while you were relieved, you also felt inquisitive. “What’s it like? Does it feel weird?”
“It did at first,” He admitted. “But it’s normal now. It’s actually fun, especially getting ready and putting on the clothes and stuff. I don’t really get to wear that stuff out, so it’s the only time I get to feel… I don’t know, fancy.”
You smiled softly. “I think I get that.”
“Actually,” He said, rubbing his neck. “I was going to record a free promo to put up on the website tonight. Do you want to help me do my makeup? I sort of self-taught myself, but I can never get the eyeliner right.”
“Oh! Yeah, of course, sure!” You said. “I really liked that corset I saw you in.”
He narrowed his eyes at you and smirked. “Did you Google me?”
“I had to,” You said. “Wouldn’t you?”
He laughed. “I guess.” He took your hand and led you toward the door and his apartment. “Come on. I’ve always wanted to have someone help with this. I’m never sure which colors compliment my skin.”
“Wait, let me grab my makeup bag,” You said, running back to your bathroom, snatching it up, and returning. “Okay, let’s go.”
Helping a guy with his makeup counted as a date, right?
He took you to his bedroom, which you’d never been. There wasn’t any furniture, not even a bed. Instead there was a huge nest of fluffy pillows and soft blankets which took up most of the floor space. He had a large walk-in closet where there was a hidden vanity with fairy lights around the mirror. The hangers had various corsets, fishnet shirts, and gloves. There was another desk that seemed to be a large jewelry case.
“This must have cost a fortune,” You said, impressed. You wished you had the confidence to wear some of this.
“A small one,” He told you. “Sometimes in camming, you have to spend to make money. The customers like variety; it’s why I record a new free promo every week. I don’t want my patrons to get bored with me.”
“Who could ever get bored with you?” You blurted without thinking.
You blushed. He blushed.
“Uh… I don’t have any chairs,” He said. “But you can sit on my tail, if you like.”
“Are you sure?” You asked, looking at his tail as it made a hump for you to rest on. “Won’t I hurt you?”
“No, no, not at all,” He said. “Please. I want you to be comfortable.”
“Really, it’s okay, I’ll stand,” You said, unable to even imagine sitting on his beautiful tail. “Now, let’s see. We’ll wash your face first and then we’ll start on your make-up. What about a gold lip? That’ll make your eyes pop.”
“Ooh, that’s a good idea,” He said. “I just bought some new shades recently, and I think there’s a gold in there.”
Applying his makeup for him was a stressful experience. You were eye to eye with him, so close you could feel his breath on your skin. His lips were inches away from your own, and you were having trouble not dwelling on that fact. He was cold-blooded, and therefore generated no heat, but you wondered if he could feel yours at this distance, if he enjoyed it or was made uncomfortable by it.
You did also notice, though, that his tail had wrapped around the two of you twice. He let his arms dangle, but you noticed the muscles twitching a few times and asked yourself if you might be making him self-conscious. After all, you were the only person in his real life who knew about all this.
“Makeup done,” You said. “You look amazing. I wish I could pull off a look this daring.”
“I bet you could,” He said with a smile, looking at you fondly. “Now that I think about it, I’ve never seen you done up before. I’ll have to take you somewhere really nice so that I can see what that looks like.”
Again he blushed, even through the makeup, and pressed his lips together.
You didn’t answer that statement, trying not to read too much into it, and instead looked over at his vast array of cute garments. “How about that gold and blue underbust with the Victorian scrolling pattern? I think it would look good with your makeup.”
“Oh, yes, that’ll work nicely,” He said, grinning. “And that shrug with those gloves. I usually work a little bit of a striptease into these promos.”
You cleared your throat. “You… uh… you’ll have to let me go,” You said, gesturing at his tail.
“Oh!” He jumped and unspooled, so to speak. “Sorry. Have you ever laced a corset before?”
“Yeah, once or twice. I’ve had friends who’ve worn them before. Would you like help?”
“Yes, please,” He said. He lifted his arms to let you reach around him and position the corset, gingerly moving the feathers of his wings out of the way so that you didn’t crush them. “Thank you for this. I’ve never gotten finished so fast before. I should ask you to help all the time.”
“I wouldn’t mind,” You said, pulling the strings taut. “This was fun.”
“I’m glad you think so, too,” He said, looking over his shoulder. “If you don’t have any plans after I’m done filming and editing the video, would you like to come back over and help me take all of it off?”
You looked at him and blushed.
“I didn’t mean that in a dirty way,” He said hurriedly. “It’s just nice having someone who knows and I can talk to about it.”
“I get that,” You said as he pulled on the gloves. “Are you ready to record?”
“Yeah,” He said. “Thanks for helping.”
“Sure,” You told him. “I has happy to. I’ll let you get to it, then.”
He nodded and you saw yourself out.
When you got back to your apartment and sat down at your gaming desk, you sighed heavily, the thoughts of how good Henry looked revolving in your mind. You were both extremely attracted to him and a bit jealous that he looked better than you in all that stuff. It actually made you laugh a little bit.
“Welcome back,” You heard Henry say, and you looked down at the headset laying on your desk.
Oh jeez, he left his headset plugged in again. God you loved him, but he was such an idiot sometimes.
“I’m glad you could join me. I’m hoping your having a lovely day.” You heard the soft shhff of him taking off one of the gloves. “I always love seeing your face. I love the way your hands move. I love the smell of your shampoo when it mixes with your perfume. I love that soft little smile that you get when you arrange flowers across the shop from me.”
…what? What did he just say?
“I hope you’re listening. I’ve tried so hard to say this to you when we’re face to face, but I can never seem to find the words. This way, I can say what I want. This way, if you don’t hear me, then I haven’t risked our friendship, and if you do hear and don’t feel the same, you can ignore it, and nothing has to change. But… if you do feel the same… come back. Please. This show is for you and no one else. I’ll be waiting for you.” You heard the headset being pulled off and laid down on the desk.
You stood up and did the same. He couldn’t mean you, could he? There was no way. Stunned, you walked back toward your front door and opened it, looking across the hall at Henry’s door.
It was cracked open.
With your heart in your throat and breathing like you just ran a mile, you pushed it open and walked slowly toward his office, only to find it empty. The headset was laying on the desk and the camera was off. Looking down the hallway, you saw the light in his bedroom was on and the door was also cracked. Swallowing hard, you walked down to his room and opened the door.
He was laying there, curled up around himself, laying with his head on his arms, looking a little forlorn.
“Henry?” You asked.
He popped up immediately, his eyes widening. “You came.” He whispered. “You actually came!” Before you could respond, he rushed up and snatched you off the ground, hugging you tight. “Does this mean you want me, too? The way I want you, I mean.”
“I… yes,” You said. “I just didn’t want you to think it was because of… well… all this.”
“I don’t care about that, I’m just so happy,” He said, kissing your cheek. “I’ve been in love with you forever, even before we met in person. I was just scared that if you found out about my second job, you’d be disgusted. Knowing you don’t mind it gave me the courage to try and confess.”
“I’m glad you did,” You replied, hugging him tightly around the neck. “I’d never have been able to do it.”
He pulled back and looked at you. “Can I kiss you, please?”
You laughed at the absurdity, but you appreciated that he asked first. He was thoughtful like that. You nodded, and he didn’t waste time, pressing his lips to yours hard enough that you could feel the fangs behind them.
His kisses became hungry, and he gripped your clothes. “I… um… don’t want to assume,” He said breathlessly between kisses. “But… um…” He looked over at his bed-nest, and regarded you with a questioning look.
“It’s okay,” You replied. “I’ve wanted this for a long time, too.”
He snaked over to the nest and lay you down in it, unbuttoning your shirt.
“Should I take off the corset for you?” You asked him.
“I can leave it on, if you like,” he said seductively, kissing your neck and leaving a trail of sparkling gold lipstick on your skin.
“Would that be uncomfortable?” You asked.
“Not at all,” He replied, his kisses moving lower. “I want to look good for you.”
“I’m not a client, Henry,” You said. “You don’t have to work so hard to impress me. I’m already in love with you.”
“That’s good to hear,” He said, his lips against your breast. “But it’s not about wanting to impress you and I don’t see you as a client. I see you as the woman I want to be with. I should put more effort into my time with you than anyone else. I want you to know you’re special to me.”
“You’ve done more than enough to make me feel special,” You said. “I want to return the favor.”
Your hand went into his hair as his tongue swirled around your nipple, and the lower half of his tail moved up around your head. When you turned to look at it, you saw a swollen, puckering slit, normally hidden underneath him as he moved, that he now revealed to you. You pressed your finger along the line, and he moaned against your skin. One of his hands reached down into your pants, into your underwear, and touched you.
You gasped softly at his fingers tickling your slit, you doubled your efforts on his own, moving your head so that your tongue could reach it and licking a slow stripe upward. A strangled, broken grunt came from him.
He continued to undress you slowly and kiss your body, touching you and teasing. You writhed underneath him while sucking at the slit on his body, watching as a bright golden organ slowly peaked its way out, followed by another. You were startled at first, but it was fascinating to watch. You took one in your hand and sucked on the tip of the other, reveling in the sounds that he made.
His lips finally came back up to meet yours, the need in his body evident as he lined one of his cocks up to you, the other resting against your clit. He rose up to look at you.
“Still okay?”
You nodded. “It’s okay.”
He began to push himself inside you, kissing your forehead and cheek as he did so. You gripped his shoulders and held on as he fully seated himself, his second member resting between you. The slit was farther down on his tail, about halfway down, so the position was a little awkward at first, but the two of you pulled each other close and found a rhythm that suited you.
He lifted you up easily, his tail between your legs, undulating into and out of you, and all you could do was hang on for the ride. You moaned, held securely in his arms, his wings flaring out behind him, the light of his bedroom lamp filtering through the feathers like sunlight through clouds.
“I’m so close,” He gasped, picking you up as a flood gushed from the cock you had been riding, splashing against your leg and his tail, before he moved you onto the second one and kept going.
“That’s handy,” You said, also gasping.
“When this one is done, the other one will be ready again,” He said as you bounced on him.
“Oh, god,” You wheezed. “What have I gotten myself into?”
He laughed breathlessly and kissed you again, hitting harder and faster. You felt your own wave coming fast and you began to moan and whimper, not able to control the sounds you made.
Finally, you came, and the rush of ecstasy filled your mind. You lay your head on his shoulder as you dangled in his grasp bonelessly, his tail still moving inside you slowly.
After giving you a moment to recover, he sped up again, and you came again. It might have been hours before the two of you found a stopping point, or more precisely, and exhaustion point. He lay you down in the nest, corset and makeup still on, and the two of you slept in a sweaty pile.
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The next morning, he woke up with the makeup smeared across his face and a serious case of bed-head. You laughed.
“What’s funny?” He asked sleepily, smiling at you from the coil of his tail.
“I think I should have taken you up on the offer to help you dress down,” You said. “Let’s get that taken care of.”
You helped him out of his corset and the two of you stepped into the bathroom, three-fourths of which was just the shower. Stepping into the shower, you soaped him down and washed his long body, and he did the same for you. The two of you couldn’t help kissing and giggling and cuddling the whole time.
He ordered in breakfast as you dashed across the hall to fetch some clothes. When you got back, you said, “You didn’t get to record your promo.”
“I can do it tonight,” He said. “Will you help me with it?”
“Of course,” You said. “I’ll be your manager or assistant or whatever you’d like to call me.”
“I’d like to call you my girlfriend, actually,” He said with a smile.
“I like the sound of that,” You replied, hugging him around the waist. “Partners in all things.”
“I like that, too. Speaking of which, I think I might be able to open that second location sooner than I thought.”
“Why’s that?”
“Well, if you live with me in my apartment, we can rent out your apartment, and the extra income will help. Two birds, one stone.”
You smiled. “Sounds good to me. As long as I’m with you.”
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Thanks for reading!
My Masterlist
The Exophilia Creator’s Masterlist
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yuthoe · 3 years
Heyooo request number 2 is from the Kiss Promts list; a hoarse whisper “kiss me” for Leedo bc his voice ends me😳👀
LITERALLY WOULD NOT LEAVE MY HEAD UNTIL I WROTE IT, SO HERE U ARE! thank you so much for sending these in! i’ve wanted to write something for leedo for a while now, and this was the perfect prompt yo
i mean, this isn’t my best, but it was so easy to write lol, it’s the bias effect
PAIRING: LEEDO x reader. GENRE: fluff, oneshot, drabble. WARNINGS: n/a. WORD COUNT: 1,108.
Long Awaited
Hey, babe
Sorry about this, but can we reschedule?
I know we’ve already rescheduled this date twice, but our manager just got a call for another guesting on that day
It’s for comeback promos, so i can’t not go
I’m sorry
The string of messages pop up one by one. Your heart sinks as you read them over, resigning to once again postponing your long awaited date. There’s no helping it anyway—you’ve been busy with promotions for your comeback the past month, and Geonhak is in the middle of pre-recording for variety show gigs in preparation for ONEUS’s comeback. When you first got together, you knew very well what you were getting into—weeks without seeing each other, being too tired from practice to even send the other a message, missed celebrations because of individual schedules… 
Back then, you both thought that just sticking it out would get your through, especially with both of you being busy with your respective debuts—there was no moment to breathe, let alone miss each other. But now…
Now you have more free time between comebacks, even if it’s just a day or a few hours. You have much more time to rest and be idle and think about how much you miss Geonhak, his deep voice and soft hands and cute laugh.
You sigh, fingers hovering over the keypad to type.
It’s oka—erase, erase, erase.
It’s no problem, babe, we can just—erase, erase, erase.
I miss you
You groan and flop back onto the pillows. You haven’t struggled with replying to Geonhak since the flirting phase of your relationship, but you’re just stuck on what to say. How do you tell him to not be sorry without hiding how you feel about the situation, but also showing you’re okay, but you’re not okay?
The thoughts run in circles through your head as you attempt to think of a reply. After a minute or two of nothing, you decide to get water. Maybe hydrating will help you finally think of something to say.
You down a glass of water before frantic knocking erupts at your door. The sound startles you, almost making you drop the glass. The knocking stops and you stay where you are, waiting for whoever is outside the door to leave.
But the knocking starts up again and you tiptoe to the door to peek through the peephole; you’re not going to just open the door for someone this late at night without making sure you know them first.
Geonhak’s side profile floods your vision, distorted from the fisheye lens of the peephole, and you open the door immediately. His head whips towards you.
“Geonhak,” you say as he steps inside, crowding you at the entryway and closing the door behind him. Your face is flushed, flustered at your boyfriend’s sudden visit. “What are you doing here? It’s late, aren’t you supposed to be—,”
You’re cut off by Geonhak cupping your face with his big hands and saying in a hoarse whisper, “Kiss me.”
There’s no time to react before he crushes his lips to yours. Your hands go to his black hair, tangling in the silky locks on instinct. One of his hands wind around your waist to press you closer to him and you moan. Geonhak takes the opportunity to slide his tongue in your mouth and explore, hungry for your taste.
He can’t remember the last time he kissed you like this, and now that he’s got you in his arms again, he can’t fathom how he went so long without you. Geonhak backs you into the nearest wall, trails the hand on your waist down to your hip, your thigh, hooks underneath your knee to hike your leg up and around his waist.
You squeak and he smiles into the kiss. He’s missed the sounds you make.
“Ah, wait—Geonhak,” you say, pushing at his strong chest until you separate. “Not that I’m not happy seeing you right now, but… What are you doing here?”
The look you’re giving him makes him want to sink to his knees and show you how much he loves you. But he only snuck out of the dorms and he doesn’t have much time before the other guys come looking for him. Plus, he has an early morning tomorrow, and knows you have a schedule, too.
So he settles for resting his forehead on yours. “You said you missed me,” he says quietly, deep voice making goosebumps rise on your arms. “And I missed you, too, so I snuck out.” He carefully lets your leg down and places both hands on your hips, rubbing circles through the thin fabric of your sweatpants.
You’re wracking your brain, trying to remember when you explicitly said you missed him. The last text you sent him was…
The bulb lights up in your head, your mouth gaping open when you realize you must have accidentally sent that “I miss you” from earlier.
You relax in Geonhak’s steady hold, run your hands up his shoulders to clasp at his neck, lean in to land a soft kiss to his plush lips. “You have to go soon, right?” you murmur, playing with the short hairs on the nape of his neck.
“Mhm,” he simply says. “Don’t wanna, though.”
The smile that spreads across your face is inevitable. “It’s okay. There’ll be other days, babe.” You cup his cheek to look at him properly. Smooth your thumb over his cheekbone. “Why don’t you have a drink before you go? I have some of that good coffee you like.”
You feel a flush in your cheeks when he smiles at you, so handsome it’s unreal sometimes. Even bare-faced and unruly hair, dressed in worn-out shirts and sweatpants, Geonhak is beautiful.
“Yeah, I’d like that,” he whispers, sending a shudder down your spine.
You talk as you make coffee, catch up on what’s kept both of you busy as you sip your beverages. Seoho calls you after an hour asking about his groupmate, and you assure him he’s on his way back.
You idle by the door, and neither of you want him to leave. Short and sweet kisses are exchanged, along with promises to reschedule that date for another weekend. You watch as he walks off and turns the corner towards the stairs, and you think,
It’s moments like these, quiet and stolen, that make you grateful for all the time you spend apart. Sometimes you miss him so much that you get agitated and anxious—but all those nerves disappear when you finally see him, touch him, hold him again.
Guess absence does make the heart grow fonder after all.
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fantasticfangirl21 · 4 years
How Much He Means to Me
Word count: 7150
Ships: Moxiety (Patton x Virgil) Side Logince and Karrot Kings
Trigger warnings: Sick characters, coughing, self doubt, anxiety, language
Characters: Patton Virgil Roman Logan Remus Janus Thomas Nico Joan
How much he means to me
Pattons fingers tap restlessly against his back pack straps while walking through the hall to his last class of the day. His friends Logan and Roman flank his sides, left and right respectively. They are talking about something for their English class, Romeo and Juliet possibly, Patton remembers they are reading act three in class today. He zones out again thinking about a certain missing person. It's not like he's friends with the kid or anything… well not really, but Patton has been watching him from a distance for quite some time now. Not because he's cute or anything… pfft... he just seems anxious sometimes during class and such and Patton was always a bit worried about the dark strange teen in the back of class. He always had his headphones over his ears, blocking out anything and everything in class, yet still managing to turn in all work on time or ahead of it, and keep all As and Bs. Something Patton couldn't do without his friend Logan's constant assistance. Patton often found himself distracted in class.
“-tton? Patton…?” Patton blinked from his thoughts finding both Roman and Logan looking at him curiously, they were near the classroom door now.
“Huh? Oh sorry! What was that?” Patton asks, refocusing as they enter the classroom.
“I asked if you were okay?” Roman says, his tone pitching up at the end somehow making it sound like a question rather than a statement.
“Your expression was rather distracted.” Logan adds.
“Oh, yes I'm okay!”
“Is it about Virgil being absent?” Logan asks inquisitively as they take their seats in class as    Zr. S (Joan) sets up the room for today's English lesson. Patton's face coloured at that and he looked at Logan surprised.
“Pat it's pretty obvious you've been crushing on a Jack Smellington for a while now.”
“Yes, your eyes dilate each time he so much as walks into the room. Speaking of which, he's not in the room, so am I right to assume you're worried about him?” Logan asks, his grey eyes sparkling intelligently under his glasses. Patton's face shifts from soft pink to burning red and he adjusts his circular glasses frames nervously.
“Lighten up, teach he's going to pass out from all that blushing.” Roman says with a knowing smirk sliding up to sit on Logan's desk. The two have been a known couple for quite some time, Logan used to get aggravated about such actions from Roman. Though now he barely glances at Roman on his desk anymore.
“I- What no I- I just, Um- I mean…” Patton is quiet for a moment, his blush only worsening by Romans attentiveness.
“Ahhh young love~” Roman swoons dramatically off the desk and into Logan, who catches him, having expected the overdramatic boy to do so. Logan, now with Roman seated on his lap smiles slightly before addressing Patton.
“You could bring him the work he misses today after school, I'm sure he would be most appreciative and you would be able to check on him without arousing suspicion.” Logan offers. Roman throws an arm around Logan and lays his head on his shoulder.
“It would be really cute if you gave him his stuff and brought him cookies, you made cookies today in baking class earlier right?”
“Well yeah but we've never really talked before… wouldn't it be weird If I just showed up at his house with English work and cookies???”
“Not if you say you made too many-” Roman starts, only to be cut off by Logan who just got an idea.
“You can say that Zr. S asked you to bring him the work from today.” Logan interrupts, Roman pouts at being interrupted and Logan moves a hand through Romans hair to compensate. Roman smiles again, leaning into the touch for a moment before speaking.
“Besides I'm sure Mr. Sanders will tell us where he lives if we say that we want to check on Virgil, he was probably going to check on him himself knowing how worried he gets about his students.”
“Oh yeah, I'm sure he has homework in science too… You should gather work from all of his teachers actually, we could go with you.”
Zr. S clears their throat as the bell rings, glancing at Roman and Logan, thankfully not only are they a lax teacher but they also couldn't care less about their students being openly gay. They begin the introduction to Act 3 and pass out the guided notes before calling a few students to the front to read for today's characters in scenes one and two.
“Janus is Petruccio, Remus is Tybalt, Patton is Benvolio, Virgil is Mercutio and Roman you can be Romeo again, Logan I need you to be Juliet later in the second scene if you don't mind.” Roman gets up quickly, taking the plastic sword and facing it at his brother, Remus, who has his sword already as well, Logan stays seated smirking and Patton raises his hand tentatively as he stands. “Yes Patton?”
“Um, Zr. S Virgil isn't here today.” He says, glancing at Virgil's seat while making his way to the front. Joan follows Patton's gaze to find their perfect attendance student in fact missing, they frown slightly.
“That's odd…” They say, “He's never been absent before… hmm.” They think for a moment, “Val you can be Mercutio then, I will print out filled in notes for Virgil and hold it for when he returns.”
“I can take it!” Patton says quickly, Zr. S turns to him, eyebrow raised and Patton pinkens slightly.
Joan smiles, they would have been blind not to notice the looks Patton constantly sneaks at Virgil during class. Though this sudden confidence was a bit unexpected, Zr. S gathers the papers from the printer and hands them to Patton. “Perfect, would you like me to inform the other teachers that you will be bringing his assignments to him?”
“Yes! I can pick them up after class and take them over to his house if that's okay with you.”
“Certainly, I'll let you leave early with Roman and Logan to do so.” They say as Patton smiles before moving back to his seat to place the papers in his bag. “We need a Benvolio still so come back up here Patton.”
Patton does as he's asked and returns to the front, taking a sword and a Romeo and Juliet book to use for the reading. The rest of class runs rather quickly, Roman being over dramatic, Val gets killed by Remus, flanked by Janus, after which Roman avenges by “killing” him. Roman gets banished and Logan runs through his elegant soliloquy, the way he reads it almost causing Roman, in his seat, to actually swoon. Though Logan is a bit stiff at times he is quite a nerd for Shakespeare, and would rather read the part with emotion like it was intended, than without. Nearing the end of class Zr. S calls Patton, Roman and Logan to the front and sends them off with a hall pass as they said they would. They stop by all of Virgil’s classes, Logan for some reason knowing his schedule though they only share English and Science with him.
They end up at Science last, walking into Mr. Sanders classroom, mostly empty seeing that the bell had rung a few minutes ago. Patton knocks on the doorframe since it's already open and they walk in to find Mr. Flores (Nico), the Music teacher, chatting with Mr. Sanders, and sitting on his desk in the same fashion Roman was to Logan’s desk earlier. Mr. Flores smiles at the kids and kicks Thomas’ knee lightly to get him to look up from the song the two had been working on.
“Hey boys! What brings you here this morning?” Thomas asks, looking at the boys entering the room.
“Afternoon.” Mr. Flores and Logan correct in unison.
“Ah- my bad, time is hard to keep track of. What brings you here this afternoon.” He says with a chuckle. Roman nudges Patton with his elbow and Patton steps forward slightly with a shy smile.
“I came to pick up Virgil's work for today-”
“Oh right! Joan emailed me about that a bit ago.” Thomas gets up and moves to the printer, gathering the papers he had printed for them. He turns back around and hands them to Patton. “There ya go Pat, I also included directions to his house that I was going to use to check on him later. I wasn't sure if you knew how to get there or not.” Logan gives Patton a raised eyebrow look that says ‘Told you’ and Patton shoots back a smile before turning it on Mr. Sanders.
“Thanks Mr. Sanders! I wasn't expecting the directions but they will help… I've never been to his house before.” Patton responds with a shy smile. Logan and Roman exchange a look over Pattons head, both smiling.
Thomas nods with a bright expression, “Anything to help out my students, just make sure he's doing okay and text me after you check in on him alright Pat? You still have my number from the bake sale earlier this year right?” Patton nods quickly, remembering how Mr. Sanders was one of the main teachers in charge of the event along with Patton's baking teacher Mr. Williams (Terrence). Pattons gaze rises to the wall clock over Mr. Flores’ head, seeing it's been around twenty minutes since school let out he glances at the door in silent question. Thomas smiles at him with a laugh. “You don't need my permission to leave the room afterschool like you do during the day Patton, you three can go. I only have that rule so that Remus doesn't sneak out before the end of class like he loves to do.” The trio laugh and Thomas, along with Nico, chuckle. Both have Remus in their classes this year.
It's not long before the three boys are back in the halls and Nico is back chatting alone with Thomas about their days. Roman and Logan walk side by side on the right side of Patton, this time roman gushing about how cute Mr. Sanders and Mr. Flores are as a couple. They have been married for around three years now, having gotten married in the boys first year in high school. Even now, in their Senior year, Roman couldn't get over the pictures that he had begged for, of their wedding. Logan just listened to his boyfriends gush per usual, Roman often just liked someone to listen to him, Logan enjoyed being the one to do so, even if sometimes he pretended he didn't. The nerd and prince headed for Logan's car and said quick goodbyes to Patton, who was eager to check on Virgil.
Within a few moments Patton has discarded his backpack along with Virgil's assignments in the passenger seat and is already on the road, directions in hand. He follows them perfectly and drives a little too fast to Virgil's house. Once he pulls his baby blue Kia Rio into the driveway behind a purple jeep, he begins to get a bit nervous, but pushes past it. He's just going to give him the homework and the cookies and ask why he wasn't at school because Mr. Sanders was worried. Yeah… that's reasonable right? Not weird or creepy or anything. Patton tries to convince himself of this as he walks to the door, Virgil's work on top of the tupperware he grabbed from his backpack.
Working up the courage to knock he taps on the door da da duh-duh da da, his typical musical knock from Frozen. He hums ‘Do You Want to Build a Snowman’ for a moment but after a bit he tries again. He doesn't hum this time and instead shifts on his feet worriedly. He stares at the doorknob for a moment before testing it tentatively. It turns easily and the door gives, opening into an entryway. Patton pales slightly at the unlocked door. Due to Virgil's high anxiety that Logan had assumed he had there's no way having this door unlocked would be a normal occurrence. Patton moves forward a bit, not yet in the house and looks around.
“Virgil?” He calls waiting a moment for a panicked response or maybe a startled one. Only silence is reflected back at him. He takes a step inside, his worry overcoming his anxiousness. “Virgil…?” He calls again, closing the door behind him and walking carefully down the hall. There were no cars in the driveway save for Virgil's purple Jeep, and there for some reason is no garage. Then again the driveway is a bit longer than standard, Patton realizes Virgil must be home alone today. “Virgil? It's Patton, I came to drop off the schoolwork that you missed-”
A door opens to Patton's left on the hallway and he jumps, startled by the sudden sound. He swivels to face it and immediately chokes on whatever he was about to say. Standing in the doorway, leaning heavily on it, was Virgil. His eyes were unfocused and tired, staring through Patton rather than at him. He was covered in a sheen of sweat, and Patton quickly noticed he had no shirt on and lowered his eyes blushing fiercely.
“Oh great,” Virgil rasps “Another Patton hallucination,” He twirls a finger in the air “Not doing to confuse me this time dumbass brain, I'm going to get water and go back to sleep-” Virgil cut off, coughing roughly into his elbow, his entire body racking with the coughs. Once finished he inhales painfully and winces before moving from the doorway and stumbling to the kitchen using the wall for support, leaving a flustered Patton in his wake.
Patton, now leaning against the wall, watches Virgil leave and has half a mind to help him, but the other half has malfunctioned. Pattons head catches up with him slowly and his blush subsides, Virgil now in the kitchen down the hall where Patton can't see him. Pattons breathing slows as well as he carefully works through what just happened. Sick Virgil is home alone and thinks Patton is a hallucination. Again. Again? He said another Patton hallucination right…? That means he's… had one before- Focus. Virgil's sick. I can help.
Without another thought Patton refocuses on helping Virgil, he walks into the kitchen and finds the teen leaning dizzily on the counter with a glass of water in hand. Patton sets down the cookies and papers on the counter beside him and moves over to Virgil. Ignoring the fact that he still doesn't have a shirt on. Ignoring the way his lean muscles are visible and highlighted by the shimmer of sweat from his sickened state. Ignoring the way his chocolate eyes dully gleam with the sunlight shining through the window- IGNORING.
Patton places a hand on Virgil's head and retracts it quickly. “Virgil you're burning up!” He exclaims, “Finish drinking that water I'll be right back.” Patton hurries off, Virgil does as the hallucination told him, downing the water and waiting patiently for it to come back. Another coughing fit seizes him and when Patton does return Virgil is on the ground leaned against the cabinets. Patton comes rushing back in with a wet washcloth, having found a dry one under the sink in the downstairs bathroom. He finds Virgil on the floor swaying unsteadily and moves over to him quickly putting an arm under his shoulders and helping him up. “Virgil I'm going to help you back to your room okay just walk with me okay?” Patton moves forward and an unsteady Virgil follows, using Patton for support, still caught in a sick haze.
It's not long before they are back in the bedroom, Patton gets Virgil onto the bed and tucked into a thin sheet so that way he's not too hot. Virgil smiles softly at Patton the whole time, still thinking the encounter is a nice dream. Patton finishes fussing around Virgil's room and getting the water on his bedside table refilled and situated. Patton sits on the edge of the bed and runs a hand through Virgil's slick purple bangs, stuck to his face, moving them out of the way of his eyes gently. Virgil's lopsided smile continues and Patton chuckles at the puppylike look that he's never seen on Virgil before.
“What's that look for?” he asks, stifling a giggle.
“I just wish you would notice me like this in real life too…” He says softly, a smile still present as he looks up at Patton. Patton blinks surprised and blush rises to his face at the comment. He looks away nervously. His mind races for something to respond with, but before he can he hears soft slow breathing from the bed and turns to find Virgil fast asleep. Patton exhales and smiles slightly sadly at the asleep teen. He runs a hand through Virgil's hair again with a sigh.
“I should have approached you sooner… and said something other than just saying hi to you in the mornings…” Patton murmured to Virgil's sleeping form. Patton gets up off the bed and heads back to the kitchen, gathering all the materials to make soup for when Virgil wakes back up again. Patton works quietly in the kitchen, not wanting to wake Virgil up, he knows that it's not likely Virgil ate lunch in that state, let alone breakfast. He didn't seem to be the type to eat breakfast.
Patton finishes the soup and leaves it to cool, going back to check on Virgil and finding him upside down about to fall off the bed, snoring softly. Patton giggles and moves him back onto the bed, a hand takes Patton's wrist as he's about to get up and next thing he knows he's in the bed beside Virgil's sleeping form. Virgil has both arms wrapped around Patton's abdomen, Pattons back against Virgil's bare chest. Patton's face flushes and he stifles a squeak. He's tense and blushing deeply for a moment but after a bit he leans into Virgil's warm embrace, sighing softly his eyes flutter for a moment as he tries to stay awake. The long day of worrying at school plus the calming breathing from Virgil with him so close nearly pulled him under. That is until his phone dings from his back pocket. Pattons eyes open again and he realizes it's going to be a bit difficult to get to his phone. Patton carefully maneuvers his hand behind him, under Virgil's arm and to his back pocket, carefully pulling it out so that it doesn't wake virgil. His arm brushes against Virgil's six pack and he blushes scarlet, grabbing his phone and holding it to his chest, waiting a moment to see if he woke Virgil. The steady breathing continues and after a moment he risks a glance at his phone. 7:36. It's been nearly two hours since he got here. His gaze trails down and finds the reason for the dinging, another sound rings from his phone and he stifles it with his hand before turning it on silent. After doing so he opens the group chat message.
Logan: Hey Pat haven't heard from you in a bit, you doing okay?
Roman: Hes fine Lo, I'm sure he's just making out with the emo, give them some space
Patton manages to blush deeper as he reads the messages.
Patton: no, we're doing no such thing! but um, i need some help…
Logan: What's wrong?
Roman: Did he hurt you??????
Logan: Were on our way.
Patton: no! no i'm fine it's okay! i um, don't come here, it's just…
Roman: Just…???
Patton: um… so… how do you get out of the arms of someone who's asleep without waking them…?
Roman: WHATTTTTTTTT!?!?!? Patton, skipped a couple steps there dontcha think? [wink wink]
Roman: Dang Padre you work fast~
Patton: roman that's not what i mean quit!
Logan: Am I right to assume that he's sick and you accidentally got mistaken for a hallucination?
Roman: What's with that off the wall guess babe??
Logan: I had assumed he was sick earlier today and given Patton's predicament it would make sense.
Patton: um actually logan that's exactly what happened
Roman: Wow, I stand corrected
Logan: Wouldn't be the first time
Patton: right so how do i get out?
Logan: If he's asleep and sick you theoretically should be able to move without waking him. What are his symptoms if you don't mind me asking?
Patton: um, fever, dizziness i think, cough- like a really bad cough, and he's tired… oh and hallucinating i think, or at least maybe he was earlier, i'm not sure. He said something about “another patton hallucination”
Roman: Sounds like he dreams of you often~
Logan: It sounds like a bad cold, check the house for ibuprofen, it should help with the fever, the dizziness and hallucinations may be side effects of the fever and the cough is the cold. A cold wash cloth also could be beneficial. Have you removed yourself from his bed yet?
Patton shifts slightly, no he hasn't moved from Virgil's arms... He doesn't particularly want to though he probably should. Virgil needs to eat something and the soup is definitely cold by now. It should still taste fine heated up, with a quiet sigh Patton moves to slip out of his arms, Virgil shifts and his arms clutch the pillow in Patton's absence. Virgil frowns softly in his sleep and Patton pouts slightly knowing he caused that. Patton places a cool hand on Virgil's head, his head isn't warm like it was earlier, his fever must have broken. With that new information Patton smiles and turns and heads back into the kitchen.
Patton: yeppers, i got a washcloth earlier, i checked just now and i think his temperature broke, i'm going to reheat the soup i made now and see if i can get him to eat something, i doubt he's eaten anything all day seeing as he's home alone…
Roman: A tragic sick prince trapped alone in his tower! In dire need of true loves kiss from Prince Patton to wake him from his sleep~
Logan: Ignore Roman, that's good, since it broke make sure he drinks lots of water, he's going to need the fluids in his system after being sick like that. Also his parents are on a business trip so your assumption about his eating habits are most likely accurate.
Roman: How do you know his parents are on a trip???
Logan: It's all over their facebook page, apparently they leave on trips often and are rarely home
Patton: that's kindve sad… i'm bringing him soup i'll be back later
Patton takes the soup and places it back on the stove to heat back up. Finding some bowls after some searching through the cabinets he takes them and pours the soup into two of them before bringing the bowls back to Virgil's room. He finds Virgil awake in the bed looking actually awake now that his fever has broken, some of his color has returned to his skin and he's stopped sweating. He's sitting up in the bed, eyes on his phone when Patton walks in.
“Oh you're awake!” Patton exclaims with a smile.
“Patton!?!” Virgil nearly jumps out of his skin before dissolving into a rather violent coughing fit at the sudden usage of his voice.
Patton quickly sets the soups down on the nightstand and hands Virgil the water along with some cough medication he found and placed on the nightstand a while ago. “Sorry! I didn't mean to startle you…” He says as Virgil eyes him with confusion and a bit of anxiety, downing the water quickly along with some of the cough medicine. After a moment he tests his voice tentatively again.
“What are you doing here in my house- how did you- why-?” Virgil's breathing quickens and he starts coughing again, this time blushing furiously as well. Patton moves closer sitting on the bed like he was earlier, Virgil stops coughing and watches Patton anxiously.
“Zr. S and Mr. Sanders were worried about you, well mostly Mr. Sanders… he was actually planning on coming to check you out himself and stuff um but I offered to bring you your work and so, well I did and yeah so I knocked but you didn't answer or anything so well your door was unlocked and I- I wanted to make sure you were okay...” Patton rambles blushing as well. “I um- well I can leave if you are feeling better now, s-sorry kiddo!” Patton gets up quickly from the bed and turns to leave, a hand wraps quickly around Patton's wrist and he stops, turning slowly.
Virgil's hand encircles Patton's wrist carefully, as if scared if he squeezed too tight Patton would run. Virgil's eyes were trained on his hand around Pattons, a faint blush coating his features that Patton couldn’t tell if it was him being sick or him blushing because of Patton. Both were quiet for a moment. Virgil lets go of Patton's hand suddenly and speaks.
“I um- well you don’t have to leave, you just startled me…” he says quietly and leans against the back of the bed again. “Sorry.” Virgil says, glancing up to Pattons eyes for a moment before quickly falling to his phone again. The screen is black Patton notices.
“Oh.” Is all Patton can say, stepping to the side and taking the soup off the nightstand after a second. “I made soup for you.” Patton chitters excitedly handing the bowl to Virgil. Virgil's lips quirk slightly up into a small smile taking the bowl from Patton's hands.
“Thanks…” he says quietly, taking the spoon as well. Patton takes the other bowl and sits on the edge of the bed beside Virgil. Virgil dips the spoon into the soup and eats a scoop of it, mostly to please Patton who was watching him.
“Mmmm~” Virgil hums involuntarily, he snaps a hand over his mouth and blushes embarrassed. There is silence for a second before Patton giggles quietly, it quickly turns to a happy laugh and Virgil, even though embarrassed, catches the contagious laugh. Both can’t stop for a bit of time but once Virgil's laughs dissolve into coughs Patton stops and helps by getting water and giving it to him. Virgil drinks the water thankfully and Patton sits on the edge of the bed watching him to make sure he’s okay. Virgil places the water cup on the nightstand and looks up, locking eyes with Patton once more finding his eyes soft and concerned… caring. Virgil chokes on the water he was swallowing and ends up coughing again, unused to the sincerity in Patton's eyes. Or in anyone’s eyes directed at him. “S-sorry” he says coming out of the second coughing fit.
“It's okay, don't apologize for being sick! I just wish you would have told me- er someone sooner…” Patton leans down and pushes Virgil's bangs out of his eyes that had fallen back after the coughing fit. His fingers delicately brush the bangs back, his caring careful touch causing Virgil to shiver, the gentleness a forgiven feeling to him. His parents are typically gone and no students have made any effort to get to know him other than Janus and Remus, they don’t exactly do gentle things. The closest thing Virgil has gotten from them is a punch in the shoulder from Remus or a pat on the head from Janus when they're feeling generous.
Virgil leans into the touch, eyes fluttering closed for a second before he quickly snaps his head away from Patton's hand and turns his head back to the soup. Patton watches him carefully with a slight frown drawing back to where he was sitting before, taking his bowl quietly back in his lap. They eat quietly now, with each second of silence unsaid emotions continue to brew between the two. The silence presses on Virgil uncomfortably making him feel more socially anxious than usual.
“So, uh, random question, how did you get to my house?” Virgil askes tentatively, spooning soup into his mouth after asking the question. Patton perks up and looks at Virgil with a shy smile.
“Mr. Sanders printed me directions… I hope that's not weird or anything.” He says slowly, finishing his soup and fiddling with the spoon idly. Virgil just smirks slightly at his nervous behaviour.
“Nah, not weird for a teacher to print directions to a students house so that a student can come to check on another when they've missed school for a single day.” Virgil teases, patton blushers slightly.
“Yeah sorry, though it's a bit weird for you though, you have never missed a single day this year, I haven't even seen you enter class late or anything once.” Pat remarks, thinking back on past experiences through the year. Virgil raises one eyebrow and his lips quirk into a smirk.
“Have you been spying on me or something Patton?” he questions playfully, spooning the last bits of soup into his mouth. Patton stands and takes his bowl.
“Course not, Mr. Sanders said that's why he was so concerned.” He covers quickly, turning with the bowls to hide the blush he got from the question. He scampers quicker than needed into the kitchen and cleans it, all of his soup materials and the bowls clearing his head with it.
Meanwhile Virgil is left to his thoughts, tucked delicately into the sheets Patton had prepared for him before. All Virgil can think of are those eyes. The soft bright blue eyes, gazing at him with care and concern that he didn't deserve. Or at least no one seemed to think he did. No one but Patton. The cute kid in his english class. The peppy boy who constantly made Virgil smile, even on the worst of days, his cheery disposition lighting up any room he entered. That smile that couldn't be dulled by the darkest sunglasses. The freckles that seemed to light up like stars dusted across his cheeks when he was excited or happy about something. The way he loved to gush over animals, cats and dogs mostly. How he loved to talk about and share his baking with others constantly. The contagious laugh that spreads like wildfire across the room when he's content. The boy who is now in his house. In his kitchen. Oh fu<k hes in the house.
A bit of anxiety begins to creep into Virgil at the realization that his practically lifelong crush was in his house. While he was sick- he probably looked horrible! Virgil gets up from the bed quickly, his balance slightly unsteady as he moves to the bedpost, grabbing his patched purple and black hoodie off of it. He pulls it on before heading to the bathroom and applying his usual black makeup he uses to cover the constant dark spots under his eyes from his insomnia and late nighters for school.
After fixing himself and making sure his sweat pants were also presentable he makes his way into the kitchen. Patton is at the sink with his back turned to Virgil. A scenario runs through Virgil's head, in it he walks quietly to Patton and hugs Patton from behind while he washes dishes. Patton turns and with a gentle smile brings a hand to Virgil's face before kissing his cheek- Virgil snaps from his thoughts, blushing dark now, Patton seems to sense his presence and turns his head to look at him. Those sky blue eyes pierce Virgil and his heart skips a beat, Pattons gaze turns concerned, given how red Virgil is he assumes something is wrong. Before Patton can do or say anything though Virgil breaks eye contact and pivots on his heel to head for the living room, breaking off into a fit of coughs. Patton finishes and dries his hands, bringing water to Virgil for what must have been the hundredth time, though Patton didn't mind. In fact he rather liked helping Virgil- er people, not just Virgil, people in general. Patton hands the water to Virgil who drinks it quickly, mumbles a thank you and proceeds to scroll through Disney Plus. After some indecisive scrolling he settles on The Nightmare Before Christmas, it takes a moment for him to realize Patton is still standing beside the couch, his eyes on the tv in a curious way.
“I was just going to um watch a movie, it's getting a bit late Pat… you can like head home, I don't want to make you stay here or anything… Not that I am- well maybe I mean I guess I haven't said anything about you leaving yet, sorry am I making you feel trapped here… um and your parents I-”
“...No what…?”
“You're not making me stay or feel trapped or uncomfortable, and both my parents work shifts at the hospital at this time, they won't be home till early morning...” Patton slides onto the couch beside Virgil, leaving a comfortable but close amount of space between them. Virgils quiet, unsure what to say so Patton speaks again, “I've never seen this movie you know.”
“What?? Really? It's my favorite, I had figured Prince Disney would have forced you and the nerd to watch all the movies by now.” Virgil remarks, ignoring how close together they are on the couch and staring straight through the screen, rather than at it.
“Prince Disney… oh are you talking about Roman?” Pattons airy laugh fills the room and Virgil feels heat rise to his neck just hearing it. “Well he does like to watch disney movies but I haven't gotten around to every movie he's wanted me to watch yet.” Patton chuckles and Virgil starts to hum to ‘This Is Halloween’ absentmindedly thinking.
“So you're usually busy then?” Virgil inquires hesitantly after a moment. Patton sinks into the seat some at the question.
“Uhh yeah… usually I'm doing work for classes or baking… It typically takes me a while to do homework, I don't focus very well and it's difficult to understand some topics. Logan helps me sometimes, but a lot of times I don't want to bother him… he's usually with Roman or doing his own work...” Patton replies slowly, a bit embarrassed from admitting that fact.
“I could help.” Virgil says before his mind catches up with his words, Patton turns his eyes from the screen and looks at Virgil with a hopeful expression, his eyes shining.
“Really??” He asks in response, Virgil breaks eye contact with Patton fiddling with one of the rings on his fingers.
“I mean- well yeah… I don't really have plans,” Ever, he considers adding but decides against it, “I'm usually just... here, doing school work and watching movies and stuff… my parents aren't exactly home often so…” I'm lonely, once again he decides not to add what his mind ads for him. Pattons hopeful expression kicks up excitement, his blue eyes twinkling with it.
“Thank you!!! I mean you don't have to or anything I- I understand If you don't want to help me or something or if you don't really mean it-” Patton rambles quickly, Virgil cuts him off.
“No- Pat it's fine, I want to help.” he says, a shy yet sure smile crossing his lips. Pattons eyes shine with happy unshed tears, before Virgil can blink Patton quickly throws his arms around him with a happy squeal. The unexpected hug sends Virgil falling against the couch, Patton not even noticing as he hugs Virgil tightly. Virgil lands against the couch with an oof and blushes fiercely a reaction to the gesture.
Patton detaches himself from Virgil once realizing what happened and finds himself positioned directly above those coco brown eyes and flushed pale face, Pattons hands at either side of his head. Virgil stares up at Patton unmoving, and Patton stares back, just as still. Patton has the urge to apologize again but the words die in his throat as Virgil's eyes flash with something Patton doesn't recognize seeing in those brown eyes before. Courage.
Driven by a sudden impulse, Virgil leans up from the couch and joins Patton's lips with his, Pattons eyes flutter shut after a split second of surprise, leaning into the kiss he's been imagining ever since he first saw the dark mysterious teen at school. Virgil's hands find their way to Pattons waist and linger there at his sides, Pattons moving to Virgil's hair as they sink back against the couch together. After a moment their lips part and they look at each other. Neither say a word, staring into eachothers eyes, infatuated by the lingering taste of the kiss on each of their lips.
Virgil is the first to respond, his mind catches up with him and his fight or flight response kicks in. His eyes go wide in realization of what he just did and he blushes, fiery red climbing from his neck to his face at an impossible rate. Panic floods his system as he decides flight.
“S-Sorry! Oh god- fu<k- I didn't- sorry you probably didn't want to- I- Patton I'm sorry- I didn't mean to- Patton you um- fu<k you should go- I made you uncomfortable- I don't know what got into me- now you could be sick- sh!t-” He sputters covering his face with his hands and wishing he could sink into the couch and just disappear. He feels Patton's warmth move from his chest, a spike of sadness quickly drives itself into his heart at its absence. He bites his lip and chews on it, his hands still covering his face as he chokes back the lump starting to form in his throat.
D@mn!t he fu<ked up- why does he even try- why did he ruin everything, he could have at least been friends with patton… he was excited to get school help- I was excited to help him! And here I go- everything I touch gets fu<ked up- it's better if he leaves anyways… Everyone always leaves, it's nothing new...
Virgil's thoughts spiral quickly in his head, chastising him and making him feel increasingly worse about the situation while Patton sits on the couch. Pattons eyes have shifted from awestruck to empathetic, Virgil lies there shaking, his hands covering his face as he spews apologies and stammers incoherent sentences. Patton reaches over and carefully takes Virgil's hands from his face, holding them in his. Virgil quiets and so does his head, watching Patton, still shaking. Patton squeezes Virgil's hands with a soft comforting smile, the smile shifts to nervous and Patton looks down at their hands.
“You didn't make me uncomfortable… and um… actually I did want to…” Patton looks back up and meets Virgil's eyes. “I liked it.” He says quietly. Virgil blinks, once… twice, his expression unreadable. Virgil's hands move in Patton's, shifting until their palms are together and their fingers are intertwined, eyes still locked. A gentle fondness finds its way into Virgil's gaze, his panic subsiding. Virgil hears the song that has taken the movie in the background and smiles softly at Patton, his voice syncing with Sallys as he sits up carefully to face Patton properly.
“And does he notice…”
Virgil's right hand separates from Pattons and makes its way to Pattons cheek, caressing it gently, his thumb sweeps back and forth as the uncertainty he was feeling earlier fades, only to be replaced by a confidence he rarely ever feels.
“My feelings for him?”
Pattons free hand slides against Virgil's hand against his cheek as Patton gazes into his fond chocolate eyes. A look Patton has been craving to see from him for a while now.
“And will he see”
Virgil moves closer on the couch, their knees now touching, the space between the two becoming increasingly smaller until the two are right in front of each other. Breathing the same air, noses brushing delicately against each other.
“How much he means to me?”
Patton closes the distance this time, meeting in the center as Virgil's voice fades on the last word of that line. The two kiss again. This time different, less surprised, more intentional. Their lips meeting more than once, continuously coming together and breaking apart, longer kisses savored and shorter ones filled with longing. Patton moves his hand from virgils and shifts closer, Virgil taking Patton carefully into his lap and holding him close as they continue to kiss. Virgil's arms around Patton making him feel secure and wanted. Safe. Patton in Virgil's arms making him feel needed, valued and worth something.
The two part again, both breathless and dazed, foreheads resting on each other, eyes closed. After a moment Virgil bites his lip, speaking hesitantly.
“Are you sure-” Patton silences him with another kiss.
“Yes.” He says, soft yet still certain.
“Okay…” Virgil whispers breathlessly. Without another word Patton lays his head on Virgil's shoulder and the two finish the movie together. Virgil holds Patton close, one hand trailing gently over his back while the other lies intertwined with one of Pattons.
Once it ends, neither bother to mess with Disney Plus as it switches to Tangled, one of Patton's favorites, Virgil soon learns by Pattons knowledge of every word. Patton also expresses this by Singing all the words happily and expressing ecstatic excitement over dashing dark rouge that's Flynn Rider. Virgil mimics the smoulder to Pattons sheer delight, his laughter fills Virgil's heart and they end up kissing again, the night passing quickly as they watch Tangled. They duet ‘Now I see the Light’ together, and as it ends dissolve into yet another kiss shared between the two. Patton gets Virgil more water and the cookies he had made earlier that day, Virgil eating one before devouring a few others after realizing one wasn't enough. What? Patton's baking was goooooood. Plus Virgil has quite the sweet tooth for someone so dark and gloomy. Patton giggles at how quickly he eats them, having a cookie himself before they disappear. Virgil's eyes start to droop as fatigue weighs on him, Patton too stifles a yawn and curls up with Virgil once more, this time laying on the couch with him, his glasses on the coffee table. Virgil's head propped on the armrest with a pillow, Patton tucked against his chest, his back against the couch they watch as Aladdin plays next. Virgil is asleep before Arabian night ends, his chest rising and falling slowly against Patton's back as he watches the movie unfold, it's not long before he's asleep as well, falling victim to Virgil's warm embrace and the sweet symphony of ‘A Whole New World.’
@crazydemigod666 @hamatobrothers @leinahtan @peanut-butter-and-theatre @analogical-spacegays @squippydraws @thefanficbooktuber
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mycosylivingroom · 3 years
Me and relationships
In this post I will talk about a serious topic. Its related to my austism and how I handle all sorts of relationships. Its also a deep look into myself trough the years. I wanted to have this off my chest.
So. Lets start at the beginning. When I was small thanks to the lack of oxygen in my brain, my brain has developed slowly, so did my social skills. Till my 13th year I had no awarnes of my actions not even during my  young teen years, people had to tell me, still do but I am getting better. Sometimes I broke friendships because I said some stuff that I shoudn’t had said sometimes I didn’t relealize that these people never cared about me. I was naive, also was copien behaviour of the people where I hanged with and I my old school friend not very nice, I was paroting my bad friends behaviour. Also that ashole stole half of my pokemon cards and some games so he wasn’t a good friend and I kinda semi ruined the friendship with my old school friend. Luckely we were still friends, she follows me on fb. But looking back at it, I understand that most austic womencopy others, for me I will copy the people I care about.
When it comes to friendships I could be pushy I wanted to rush things, when I see friendship potential I want to trips with them, I tend to push myself, I never respected peoples boundries. Thats how most of childhood friendships didn’t last long. Also there were people who were only friends because there parents ask them too. There were also plenty of kidds who used me, they wanted that I brought them snacks or that I used my finest marbles knowing that I might lose. Or called me ableist slurs when I wasn’t able to do stuff that I didn’t dare to do.
During middleschool years I first hanged out with a bully, I thought that she could be my friend, and even during her friendly moods I would do anything to please her. That was my weaknes, I always try to see the best in people and for a while I was a people pleaser. I also had fake friends. one of them also was later diagnosed with austism. There were moments where she would hang out with me and then when a new group of people arived or when a new person would arived I wasn’t in the picture anymore. After middleschool I tried to call a couple of times but she rarely picked up, she didn’t called me either. In 2016 I followed her on fb, we had short chats but that was short lived.
In my havo days I did the same, I had a short friendship and I pushed myself to be her friend. I did the same with some other people who I had a short nice friendship with but my pushy nature and lack of boundries tore it apart. At least I have a good aquitance from that time on fb.
The same with friends I made during vacations.
During my Zierikzee periode I had a sence where I finaly started to reflect on my own behaviour. I had a nice coleage who was realy nice to me, I wanted to start a friendship, she was my age group, but the moment after my periode there when I asked, well hows your family and such, no responce, that where I knew yea she doesn’t want to be friends so I left her alone. 
even with my ex I was  bossy and pushy but he was also the blame for this relationship break, He in the beginning was also claiming me, so I had to set boundries, the more boundries and the pushier I was the more we broke apart, but that would be another topic.
In the archive I thought I made a new friend but again, I wanted to trips, meet his boyfriend, sometimes was a bit pushy even though he didn’t liek that but he also wasn’t a good friend, only contacted when I contacted him first, the text exchanges were mostly short from his part. Also I tend to say hey you shoudln’t say that. He would often make racists, sexist and sometimes awful remarks, turns out he didn’t had a good view of women and the fact that a woman was telling him that he was saying is wrong pissed him off, well he was kind about it but when the friendship ended, he used those things against me. I ended the friendship by blocking his number and removing the fr on fb
But party i was to blame, but also he was toxic at the end, saying that I was the one who was the evil one, that I thought that I was better then anyone else, while I only was correcting him for his bad takes, because if you know me I hate it when people say awful things about other people. I am against zenofobia, sexism,rascism and inner ableism, and when my friends have these takes I will call them out if I feel that I can do that.
Thats how I was, now I will be carefull what I say, carefull not to push boundries, not push myself into a friendship, end friendships when the person is going to be a fake friend.
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rosy-wooyoung · 4 years
Husband series [2/8] | Seonghwa
Word count: 3.8k Pairing: ex-husband! Yunho x single mom! reader x boyfriend! Seonghwa Genre: mostly fluff, kinda cliché af?? A/N: Second work out of the eight that I’m not really proud of... as usual, the gif doesn’t have anything to do with the fic :’)
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You sighed as you looked for your child in the store, worryingly pushing strands of hair out of your eyes. Two minutes of inattention were enough for him to walk away, carelessly wandering around the shop. He was still quite young, but he was able to walk without your help, freeing him from any restraint.
“How could we lose him?” your boyfriend Seonghwa exclaimed as he looked around him, brows knitted. You were on the verge of tears and abandoned the trolley in a corner. Seonghwa gently caressed your back as you started searching for your son again.
“Minwoo? Minwoo, baby, where are you?” you said louder, starting to imagine the worst-case scenarios that could have happened to your son. You hurriedly trotted through the store, earning side glances from the rest of the shoppers, sometimes meeting Seonghwa at the end of an alley, only to find him alone. Your son was the most precious thing you had in your life and you couldn’t see yourself without him. It didn’t matter if you lost your boyfriend, you had already lost your husband by the past, but you’d kill to keep Minwoo by your side. You neared the fish counter and noticed a small boy next to two tall men, who were showing him the living sea animals in the huge tanks next to the fridges. You recognised the dark blue jacket your mom knitted for Minwoo and felt a weight flying away from your chest. However, you didn’t recognise the men next to him, so you ran towards your son.
“Minwoo!” you almost screamed and rushed to your son, grabbing him from behind, not paying attention to the men next to your son. “How many times did I tell you not to leave my side when we grocery shop! We were worried about you with Seonghwa!” you said in one breath, your hand cradling his head on your shoulder. “But Daddy,” you heard your son said and you froze. “What do you mean, “Daddy”?” Minwoo looked up from your shoulder and you recoiled as he pointed to one of the men. The man you didn’t recognise was none other than your ex-husband, Yunho, accompanied by Mingi, his best friend. After seeing his face, you noticed that he hadn’t changed, even after years of divorce. His hair was a bit shorter, but his facial features were the same as when you parted ways. He was wearing a suit and tie, an embarrassed smile drawn on his face. Your eyes widened when Minwoo made grabby hands at him, happy to meet his dad. “Hi Y/N,” Yunho managed to say, rubbing his neck, “I didn’t expect to meet you there,” you clenched your teeth and awkwardly smiled, not really knowing what to say. “Ah, Y/N, you found him,” you pursed your lips and closed your eyes as your boyfriend arrived, ready to take you and your son in his arms. He took a step back when he noticed Yunho and Mingi. Minwoo, who was in your arms, did everything to touch his father. Mingi, behind the two of you, took a step back and waited a bit further away to clear things out. He knew your situation since he was also a good friend of yours, your divorce preventing you from hanging out with him.
“What’s happening here?” Seonghwa said and none of you answered. You stared at Seonghwa, feeling sorry that he had to witness this awkward encounter. You could see his brain working, his eyes going from you to Minwoo, then to Yunho and his eyes widened when everything clicked in his head. For some reasons, you couldn’t talk, and the three men around you noticed that. You were frozen on the spot. Yunho cleared his throat and extended his hand towards your boyfriend. “I’m Yunho, Y/N’s ex-husband and… Minwoo’s father and, that’s Mingi, a good friend of mine,” he said, gesturing to Mingi, who nodded with a dull face. “I believe that you’re her new partner?” Seonghwa shook his hand without a word, his eyes never leaving your ashamed ones. He detached his eyes from you and looked at your ex, shaking his hand with such force that his digits turned white. “Exactly, I’m Seonghwa,” He said and his eyes darkened, suddenly remembering the reason why you divorced.
Of course, you had told him by the past the reason why you parted ways with your ex-husband, and he was mad. He was mad that your husband acted like a complete coward, scared of his parents. Yunho was someone from the high class. His parents owned an immensely powerful company and he fell in love with you the minute he saw you entering one of his parents’ restaurants. It was a place that your friends didn’t usually go to, but she wanted to celebrate your well-deserved promotion and went there, lucky to find a free table at rush hour. He immediately introduced himself as the son of the restaurant’s owner. Your friends were impressed, you were quite too, but you didn’t show it. You treated him like an ordinary person, with respect, but you didn’t admire or glorify him as your friends did. You beamed and nodded at his jokes, making him feel weird not to have everyone laughing and smiling like everyone did when he was around. He found you hard to get and Yunho loved challenges. At the end of your meal, he boldly asked for your number and you gave it to him without really thinking about it. However, when he was in private, he was way calmer but still very flirty, charming you with his sweet words and actions you exchanged until your first date.
After two years of life together, he introduced you to his parents and it was one of the worst nights you’ve ever had. You put a lot of efforts for your appearance, going to the hair and nail salon, buying an expensive, chic dress with heels. You almost chickened out at last minute but Yunho comforted you and you walked out of his car. But now, in hindsight, you shouldn’t have ever entered this mansion. The dinner was tense, even Yunho could sense it. His parents made zero effort to welcome you in their family, both of them shook your hands with such strength that it made you whine when they turned around. You kept your head high the entire dinner even if they put you down, subtly telling their son that you weren’t good enough for him. They even suggested in front of you that he should get married to someone richer and more influential. You swallowed your pride and feelings when you were in front of them, but you let everything out as soon as you entered your home. Yunho apologised for his parents’ behaviour but it didn’t make you feel better. The only thing you wanted to do was breaking up with him and get away as fast as possible from the two sharks that were his parents. Yunho begged you to stay and promised that he’d make everything to keep your relationship alive. And you believed him.
After months of struggle and rebellion, his parents reluctantly let him date you. On the other side, your parents were happy and proud that you were with Yunho, even if his parents were mean to you. It was sounded better to have their daughter dating a son from a rich company than being happy with someone from your social class. Sadly, showing off was something really important for your parents. They were even happier when Yunho proposed to you during one of your trips abroad. You had said yes without really thinking about the consequences with his parents, and it created many, many problems. You had to hide the ring every time your future mother-in-law randomly paid a visit to her son’s house. One night, she was there and Yunho was about to enter the house, but you pretended to go grab a bottle of wine from the cellar, grabbing Yunho by his tie and pulling him here. Yunho was thinking about something else as you untied his tie knot and unclasped his thin golden chain, your promised ring hung from it. You took off your ring from your finger and hid it behind a wine bottle, grabbing another one as you quietly explained the situation to your future husband. He nodded as he redid his tie, acting as you ran into him as you went out of the cellar in front of his mother.
One night, seeing your distress, Yunho offered you to marry him in secret. You were very against it at the beginning, worried about his parents and their power, but he promised to make everything work. He invited only your family and your closest friends and celebrated this wonderful day in a small group. You were a bit anxious to see his parents show up unannounced, but fortunately, they didn’t. 
One day, as you slid your key into the slot, you realised that the door was unlocked. You first thought of housebreaking since Yunho’s house was big and filled with different kind of luxury items, silently making your way to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. Someone was upstairs and rummaging through yours and Yunho’s stuff. You instantly sent a text to Yunho about the current situation and took off your shoes, easier for you to climb up the stairs without making any noise. Through the poorly closed door, you recognised his mother, raging mad, searching through everything. You hid the knife in the bathroom next to you, scared that she might kill you when she’ll find out the truth. When she saw you, she yelled, hurriedly pacing towards you. 
“You filthy bitch!” she said as she went to grab your blazer, but you pushed her away, feeling the rage boiling in your body as well. “What is wrong with you, what do you want?” you yelled back, making eye contact with her. “How can you enter your son’s house like a burglar?” “Oh,” she exclaimed, eyes shooting bolt lighting towards you, “you dare to call me a burglar when you are the biggest gold-digger out of all my son's girlfriends? You’re only dating him for his money, his fame and power we have in the city. I won’t let you ruin our reputation by dating and marrying my son! A silly cow like you doesn’t deserve to get a taste of luxury,” her behaviour truly shocked you, each word spilling out of her mouth sending daggers to your heart and pride. You gulped and started to walk back, noticing every item around her that could serve as a weapon. “Now, where do you hide it?” she spat and furrowed your brows. What was she talking about? “The ring, you bloody foul, where do you hide it, hm? You can’t deny anything, I found the wedding ring bill in Yunho’s desk drawer. Tell me where it is!!” she screamed, and you thought that she was going mad. You clearly didn’t want to fight or hurt her, knowing that she’d take you to court for your acts, so you avoided her as much as possible. Hoping that Yunho would come soon, you heavily inhaled and remained silent. “I’m going to ruin your life if you don’t tell me where it is.” “Mom!” Yunho yelled from downstairs and came up in a blink, shielding you from his mother with his body. “Get out of my way, son.” She said through gritted teeth but Yunho didn’t move. “Get out of my house first. How dare you coming in like a robber?!” he forced her to walk down the stairs by pushing her with his body, and you shivered when she looked at you. She squinted her eyes and pointed her finger towards you. “You,” she whispered, ignoring her son, “don’t think that you’ve won. You don’t know me, I’ll fucking destroy you.” Yunho pushed his mom out of the house, closing the door and locking it.
Three months after this incident, you discovered that you were pregnant with Minwoo. You were happy but his parents were the only fly in the ointment. During the time of your pregnancy, Yunho and you decided to live in a smaller house in the countryside, an unknown place for his parents. Yunho worked from home as much as he could and so did you, your maternity leave coming way sooner than you expected it. Those nine months flew by and you almost felt like breathing again, without being constantly feared that his parents would show up. You even had nightmares of it at the beginning of your pregnancy, but Yunho was here to protect you. However, a week before the scheduled birth date, you went back to your house and Yunho changed the door locks, preventing his parents from breaking in as his mother did. 
A night where you were alone, Yunho paying a visit to his parents, labour had just begun, your waters just broke. It was very painful, yet you managed to call your husband to announce him the news. Yunho was stuck, he couldn’t leave his parents so suddenly without arousing suspicions about your pregnancy. He excused himself from his parents, but they didn’t let him go so easily and you started screaming in pain in the phone, his mother instantly understanding everything. She grabbed her son’s phone from his hand and threw the cellular on the floor. You were still on the line, but you were starting to be weak, not able to call for Yunho anymore. You were about to hang up to call someone else, but you heard his mother’s words.
“You divorce with this witch immediately or we’re disowning you. I’m calling our lawyer.” You hung up and called Mingi, knowing that he’d help while Yunho fixed the situation with his parents. His friend was terrified and concerned, but he managed to drive you to the hospital before you gave birth. Before falling asleep from exhaustion with your newborn son on your chest, you begged Mingi to look after you and he promised, allowing you to rest.
Yunho never came to see you. You learnt from a nurse that he still came and signed the birth certificate, but he never came to see you and his child that you carried for nine months. Mingi and his mother came to visit, taking care of you like her own daughter-in-law. They understood you because they weren’t the same as Yunho’s family, Mingi's parents worked hard to allow their son to work in this company, yet they were still mad that Yunho never came to visit. Once you could get out of the hospital (you had to stay a few more days because the doctors found that you were exhausted and dehydrated), Mingi and his mom took care of Minwoo while you drove back to Yunho’s house. When you entered the house, you had to lean against the doorway when you saw boxes filled with your clothes and other belongings.
“Yunho?” you called with a small voice, eyes filling with tears. You heard footsteps coming from upstairs and the tall man appeared, tear-stained cheeks and puffy eyes. He ran downstairs with a devastated face. “I’m so sorry Y/N,” he said, and you shook your head, understanding that it was too late. You swallowed and refused Yunho’s embrace, starting to drag the boxes outside, putting the maximum in the trunk of your car. In less than a month, you were homeless, a mother and divorced. When you closed the car trunk, you sighed and Yunho grabbed your wrist. He placed a set of keys linked to a tag, an address messily written on it. “I bought this apartment for you, I’ll come to visit when the situation will quiet down a bit.” He closed your palm on the key and you opened his other palm, putting your wedding ring in it. “Thank you, but I can’t do it anymore. I can’t risk my life, Minwoo’s and yours just because of your parents. I’ll put the keys of this apartment in the mailbox once I’ll find something else I can afford.” You said as you cried, starting to walk to the driver seat. “Please Y/N,” “No Yunho, we can’t. I can’t do it anymore. You didn’t even come to see me and our child. You didn't even ask why he's not with me right now. Everything stopped here for me. Our years of relationship, our marriage, it all ended. Thank you for the wonderful memories but it’s over. And deep down, you know that it’s already over, your parents probably forced you to sign the papers anyway. Goodbye Yunho.”
He sent you one last text that night, telling you that he was sorry and that they sent him in America, for “business matters” and it was the last time you heard from him. It took you months to move on and start again. You had found a place to stay which was smaller but closer to your workplace, a day-care centre only a block away from your apartment. Minwoo grew up and started asking for his father and you quietly explained to him why he didn’t have a father. You kept a picture of the two of you framed next to the door, showing it to your son every time he asked for his father. At first, he cried, but he slowly understood that you were still loving him and trying your best even if you couldn’t give him a father. You had also tried to date again, but you were so worried about your son in day-care that you never enjoyed any of them. It was hard to be a single mom, feeling worthless and unlovable each time you came home from an unsuccessful date. You knew that your son loved you, but it wasn't comparable to the love you could get from a caring man.
Since your work was closer, you privileged the public transports over the car. You entered the bus and your son suddenly started crying for no apparent reason. You tried to feed him, give him his cuddly toy, but nothing changed, he was crying at the top of his lungs. You were so embarrassed that you barely looked up, profoundly apologising to everyone around you, nearly in tears due to exhaustion and shame. The man in front of you looked around your age and his gaze on your son was tender. He tried to catch your son’s attention by grabbing his plushie, waving it in front of his face, the cries slowly fading as the man in front of you portrayed a funny sweet voice while talking to your son through his toy. Minwoo was now mesmerised by his talking plushie, laughing, and hugging it close to him while looking at the man in front of you. You rested your head against the window, and you sighed along with a few other people around you, relieved that your son had stopped crying.
“Thank you so much,” you said to the young man and he smiled. “It’s nothing, I couldn’t let this little man embarrass his mother,” he chuckled, and you started talking to each other until you had to get off the bus. He was named Seonghwa, and came with you to your workplace, distracting Minwoo from crying. You thanked him again and went to work, feeling more peaceful. Meeting Seonghwa on the bus had become your daily routine. He was an interesting and smart man, bringing you entertained until your stop, looking forward each time to see him the next day. Bus rides turned into dates, smiles turned into kisses, closeness turned into caresses and tenderness. You fell in love with him, hard, and you were scared, but he reassured you. You had almost forgotten your ex-husband and his tormenting family, hoping to never see them again. You were doing well. Until tonight.
You cannot lie, Yunho looked happy and surprised to see his son for the first time, but Seonghwa didn’t agree. You noticed the two men menacingly stare at each other and the atmosphere was tense. You couldn’t let them start a fight in the middle of the shop, so you grabbed Seonghwa’s hand, quickly bidding goodbye to your ex-husband, as well as Mingi and left the fish counter as quickly as possible. Once everything was in the car trunk, you sat Minwoo in his seat and went to the passenger seat, Seonghwa waiting for you to go home. You took big breaths during the journey home, expecting your boyfriend to leave you or not talk to you for a while. Why did you have to run into your ex-husband when you were with him? Why did it have to happen? You got out of the car as soon as it stopped in the driveway, taking in a big bowl of fresh air. You shook your head in defeat and opened the car door, unfastening your son’s seatbelt, carefully carrying him to your apartment and put him to bed. Seonghwa was tidying the grocery around the kitchen when you came downstairs, taking a glass of water along with a pill for headaches. Your boyfriend closed the fridge door and observed you, noticing that you were on the verge of tears. He walked towards you and took you in his arms, shushing you as you quietly cried on his shoulder.
“I’m sorry-” “I know the memories and scars are still vivid, but you need to move on. I saw how sad and upset you looked when we met him, but I won’t let this ungrateful bastard destroy what we built together. You were doing fine so far, we managed to make you forget him and I won’t let you dive back in your sorrow. You’ve been strong for so long, it’s not the time to give up. Do it for your son, for yourself, and for us as a pair. You need me, I need you, Minwoo needs healthy parents and I’m ready to take this role. Forget about this man, I promise that you will be better and healthier without him and his family.” Seonghwa whispered and worked his fingers through your hair, “I wasn’t so sure about bringing up a child who wasn’t mine, but I realised that I love you too much to let you down.” His words made you burst into tears and he shushed you, his fingers working in your hair. “I’m sorry that we had to see him, I swear it wasn’t planned.” You whispered and Seonghwa exhaled at your words, realising how guilty you felt. “No need to swear Y/N, and it’s okay. Let’s forget that for a while, shall we? You look really tired.” Seonghwa kissed your temple and you nodded, letting your boyfriend carry you to your bedroom.
Seonghwa made sure to kiss you on the cheek and dry your wet tears, his arm circling your waist before you both fell asleep in one breath.
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atinycarat · 4 years
☼ ateez as your college bf ☼
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rating: sfw (mentions of teasing) 
category: super soft, college au vibes! 
you guys probably met in class or exchanged numbers only because y'all were apart of a group chat. 
"we should study at the coffee shop together" yeah, real smooth hwa 
you guys take super cute selfies together, if you don't think he'll wear matching outfits with you then you're sadly mistaken! 
really bashful when talking about you, gets flustered when you compliment him 
cute and subtle around friends, but once y'all are alone it's a different story 
he wasn't kidding about that daddy kink, but that's a story for another day 😳 
super romantic and loves kissing your cheeks softly, not very touchy but we'll hold onto you all the time protectively 
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how did you guys meet? y'all don't really remember. maybe @ some college event where you complimented his pants 
"wanna come hang in the studio with me?" 
he's always busy, but he makes time for you, wants you to be there with him while he's working just because your company relaxes him 
his phone background is a live wallpaper of you probably jamming out to some song he made, he loves that moment too much 
isn't the most romantic, but talks about you like you're his everything. "yeah, that's my baby" or "oh my partner made this, it's pretty cool" 
due to not being romantic, he gets a little awkward or shy when it comes to you complimenting him or saying you love him, but he says something equally as sweet in return 
definitely falls asleep on facetime with you just so you both can wake up together, just a v chill couple 
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he approached you at the cafe and said he liked your keychain, he didn't care about the keychain he just thought you were cute 
very gentle and caring, always offers his jacket and holds your hand because he is so happy to be with you and around you 
his petnames are never the same tbh, "baby", "apple pie", "chicken nugget" it can be anything 
always down to cuddle anytime anywhere, loves feeling like he's protecting you in his arms while kissing your forehead 
he gets super sOFT when you wear his hoodies or jackets. most boyfriends get agitated if you steal their stuff but yunho encourages it and shit like "yes take them all idc i wanna see my partner in my stuff" 
protective as hell, will probably fight for you if it ever comes down to it, nobody crosses his BABY!! 
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he took a while to open to you, but he was sweet each time. always listening carefully and being genuinely interested in what you would say but his face made it come out the wrong way bc he probably looked bored BUT HE REALLY WASN'T 
when you both confessed to each other, you were probably shocked because he seemed bored 
"oh, i thought i made it pretty obvious y/n" in his own special way he did sure 
master of surprises, he'd bring you cute little gifts and draw little doodles for you 
smiles a LOT MORE when you're around him, super gentle when you guys hold hands 
he doesn't ask for much, he just wants respect and reassurance because he's going to give the same towards you 
"emma watson? who's emma watson? never heard of her before in my life." she's still in his heart, but she's not like his partner at all that's for sure 
(there aren’t any gif icons of him so pls take this cute little selfie <3 )
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you guys probably met at a party and he came up to you and talked to you like he knew you 
if he doesn't get attention every 5 seconds he's probably gonna die, that's fact 
san: 🥰  y/n: *looks away for two seconds* san: 😰
he's the type of boyfriend who will tell you that he loves you every single day, gives you so many hugs and kisses and compliments you no matter what circumstance 
"whoa seriously y/n you're so beautiful. it's like you're unreal." even when you just rolled out of bed being sleep deprived and unwashed hair. he doesn't care, he loves tf out of you 
gets jEALOUS v easy when someone stares at you for too long he just holds onto you and hugs you but he'd get over it pretty fast because it's you so of course there's trust 
constantly calls or texts random things hoping that you have a good day or again him telling you that he loves you and how lucky he is 
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*insert cheesy romance sitcom where you both run into each other randomly and he helps pick up your stuff* 
L O U D. a big ball of positivity, always makes you laugh when you're upset or sad. he loves seeing your smile so he always does goofy stuff just to see it 
ALWAYS trying to impress you "yea i bench 900 pounds, i bet you didn't know that huh?" he makes obvious bluffs sometimes, but you just go along with it
random hugs out of nowhere. doesn't matter where you are, he just wants to be closer to you because he's super affectionate with the person he loves 
"hey y/n, i just got tickets to the zoo but..." dramatic sigh "i have nobody to go with...oh whatever shall i do?" 
he really likes spontaneous dates and he sets up things for you guys to do all the time
he's scared of a lot of things so he's gonna be afraid but he's still gonna protect you as if ghouls and goblins don't exist in the dark (in mingi logic, they totally do) 
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you guys met through mutual friends, he visited your friend one day and probably looked over at you and was like "wow, you're cute" and casually went about his day 
teases you CONSTANTLY, he kinda wants to see you squirm and get reactions from you. randomly kissing the side of your neck or brushing against you...it never ends 
SUPPORTIVE AS HELL. even if you do something wrong he's gonna blindly defend you. "so what if y/n wants to punch babies?! let people live!" 
if y'all ever argue he gets sensitive as hell and just stays quiet while you speak before taking his time to speak. he respects you and refuses to upset you any further if he did 
makes matching charms so you guys can wear it together whenever you're around each other 
still flirts with you as if you guys are strangers. you could be cooking something and he's like "damn, you got a boyfriend? 😏" again just to tease you and get a rise 
you guys ALWAYS laugh and have a good time with one another, it's never a dull moment with him 
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you guys met at some college event to where he sang a beautiful rendition of a song and you complimented his voice when you saw him later that day. he just says thanks and it goes from there 
y'all were friends for a hot minute after that, he didn't want to jump to flirty mode because he has to feel you out first. once he confessed, he expressed his feelings more 
overprotective as hell, but he does it very cutely. "y/n, it's cold...come close to me okay?" 
sings you to sleep when you're having a very rough night, cuddling you and pulling you to his chest while he sings love songs to you. (ugh that made me soft bye) 
prepares small little gifts for you, but kinda just pops up with it instead of surprising you because he sucks at surprises 
super careful with you and intimate, just kinda stares at you sometimes because WHEW you're so beautiful
people think he's a serious boy but he's so soft to you, hand-holding and cuddles will happen along small occasional kisses. they say he doesn't like affection, but you're a different story ok!
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gif icon credit - retrcmoon - diamondgifs - hotelgifs 
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randomoranges · 3 years
it’s like one idea and two blurbies. also the joke is we never get to read about the date ha ha 
i guess this is like the conclusion to the whole kate and ét thing. ish.
Date Night 20XX
 “So, I have a question,” Étienne typed out and hit sent. He’d been texting with Edward for a good half hour now and there had had been something he’d been itching to ask his boyfriend for a while. He wiped his hands on his pants, feeling ridiculous for suddenly being nervous, but – this was an unusual question and he was both parts excited and nervous for Edward’s potential answer.
 “Sure, go ahead,” Edward’s answer read.
 Étienne took a deep breath and steadied his nerves. Of all the things he’d ever asked Edward, this was tame in comparison to some past questions, but – still.
 “I know you sometimes go out as Kate – like for fun and I know Calvin’s taken Kate out before – so, I was wondering – well, I’d like to take Kate out. One day. It doesn’t have to be on my next visit! And I totally get if it’s some exclusive thing you – Kate does with Calvin and I respect that, but yeah, I’d like to take Kate out at some point. Just – to a restaurant or something. Spend an evening together – or brunch or – something. But – I’d like to go out. In public. With Kate.”
 There was an extremely long wait before Edward’s next reply.
 Étienne’s nerves went on frenzy and he tried his very best not to freak out. He told himself that no, he had not just scared Edward away and that no, his boyfriend hadn’t just been insulted by what he’d just asked him. Edward was two time zones away. He had a life. Things he did. Maybe his phone had died. Maybe he’d gotten a call. Maybe he’d gotten distracted. Maybe he’d received a parcel. Maybe a hot guy had shown up to strip for him.
 “Maybe you’re over thinking this,” He told himself. Out loud. Like a normal person.
 His phone buzzed.
 He nearly dropped it in his haste to open it up to read the new message.
 “Oh darling,” The first message read and Étienne’s stomach sank – this couldn’t be good. Edward was probably trying to let him down easy – trying to spare his feelings and such. Then again, Edward seldom ever called him darling.
 “I would absolutely be tickled pink if you took me out on a date.” The other message read.
 Étienne blinked to make sure he’d read correctly. He even took off his glasses to make sure they were clean.
 “Kate??” He asked, just to be sure he hadn’t missed anything. This was new. In fact – all of this was still very new. He’d been going to see the shows, as many as he could, whenever he was in town and Kate was performing. He’d been – good about it, really. He and Edward had talked long and hard about this and he’d been doing his best to show that he was supportive and to make up for being a right old jerk in the past. They were moving past that and enjoying this new normal. It was a new chapter and he absolutely loved where this was going and genuinely enjoyed going to watch the performances.
 “Hello darling,” She answered him back quickly, “It’s good to hear from you.”
 “It’s always a pleasure! So it would be okay? You wouldn’t mind going out with me?”
 “Not at all; I was starting to think I would need to be forward and ask you myself! But I’m ever so pleased you’ve taken the initiative. I would love to! In fact, if you felt up to it, we can go out on your next visit.”
 “Really?” The last thing Étienne wanted to do was to misinterpret her message and find himself in an awkward situation where Kate would feel pressured into doing something she didn’t want to. They had time. Lots of it. They could wait. Do this on a different occasion. No rush.
 “Absolutely. Did you have anything specific in mind?”
 “Well – sort of. I really would like to take you out to dinner, but I’m open to other suggestions if you don’t want to do that. I’m also open to restaurant suggestions, even though I have done my research, but you do know the area better. And, you can drive, if we’re going by truck or whatever, but you are absolutely not paying.”
 Étienne kept an active list of restaurants Edward had casually mentioned wanting to go to and he and Calvin actually exchanged on other such pertinent information. Of course, the list wasn’t as thorough as his own list of Montreal locations, but he had a fair amount of places he knew Edward liked and that Edward would like going to. He just hoped the overlap would apply for Kate as well.
 Kate sent him a string of emojis from one that rolled its eyes to one that cried while laughing, “Somehow, I’m not surprised, but that sounds lovely. You can make reservations for whichever night you please, but do let me know, so I can make sure to be ready on the right day! And if you need any other suggestions, I’ll be more than happy to give you some.”
 “Sounds good!”He felt giddy. He had an actual date with Kate! He was already looking forward to it. Not that he hadn’t before, but his excitement had suddenly shot up.
 “It’s a date then <3”
 “It absolutely is <3”
 Étienne made sure to make their reservations over the weekend of his visit. It gave them both ample time to settle in around each other and catch up and if ever Edward wanted to back out for whatever reason, it gave him a chance to do so. That last thing he wanted was for this to turn into a disaster. This was another big step for the both of them and even if he knew it wouldn’t be perfect, he wanted it to go over smoothly.
 On the day of the actual date, Étienne found himself to be actually nervous, which he thought was funny in its own way. He could count on one hand the number of times he’d been nervous for a date and he wondered what that meant. He was giddy, also, since this would be the first time he’d be going out with Kate. It would be different from a show and different from the post-show evenings they’d spent together, when Kate had lingered for a while longer.
 But, if anything, Edward had also seemed a little nervous and that had reassured him. In fact, his boyfriend had shooed him out of the bedroom what felt like hours ago in order to get ready and Étienne had taken the spare guestroom to change as well. Being ready, he took to the living room and sat himself on the couch, trying to distract himself while he waited for his date.
 He was busy twiddling on his phone, refreshing a page on one of his social media accounts, when he heard footsteps approaching him. He quickly put his phone away and looked up, only to have his breath catch in his throat. Kate stood in front of him, in a gorgeous evening dress that complimented her complexion nicely. It was deep mauve, with delicate patterned flowers that went throughout and the a-line dress flared out at the hips and worked wonders with Kate’s body.
 Étienne found himself standing and wiping his hands on his trousers, as he took a step forward towards her. “You look stunning,” He murmured, slightly breathless at the sight of her. She flushed, pleased, and swatted his chest playfully.
 “You charmer,” She said, “Can you help me clasp my necklace? I’m afraid I’ll ruin my nails.”
 Étienne nodded and followed her back to the bedroom, where Kate’s necklace was waiting on the dresser. Étienne prayed for steady hands as he looped the chain around her neck, while she held up her hair for him. He managed to get it clasped on the second try and then watched as the pendant hung around her neck. It really did bring the ensemble together, as he caught their reflection in the mirror and paused to appreciate the sight.
 “We make a lovely pair,” He said as he placed a careful arm around her waist. Kate leaned into him and Étienne couldn’t help but smile, his eyes still on both their reflections, who smiled back at him.
 “Don’t we?” She asked, grinning, before she turned to look at him and pecked his cheek. Étienne was surprised by the gesture, but couldn’t help but laugh, pleased by her boldness.
 She laughed when she noticed the faint lipstick stain on his cheek, “Oh, this gives me an idea,” She said as she reached over for her rouge and powder, “Would you mind?” She asked as she held up a brush.
 Étienne hesitated for a moment. He’d been – reacquainting himself with makeup again; nail polish and mascara – sometimes even eye shadow and eye liner, but it had always been at home, very rarely when he went out. But this was an important night, after all and he wanted to look good for Kate. He nodded, finally, figuring this was a big night and a big step they were taking together – he might as well go the extra mile.
 Kate looked pleased as punch as she rummaged for a shade that would look good on him. Her movement was sure and her strokes gentle as she worked her magic on Étienne. She checked in with him every so often to make sure he was all right, but every time he assured her that this was fine. In the end, she settled for something soft. She added a bit of lip-gloss for effect, subtle shiny eye shadow and called it a success. “There,” She said as she stood back and took in her work, “I think we’re ready to go.” She added with a reassuring smile.
 Étienne spared himself a glance and had to admit that he liked the way he looked – the way they both looked. He also liked the fact that it had been Kate who had added these finishing touches to him. “Yeah, I think so; shall we?” He asked and offered her his arm. She gladly accepted it and after putting on their shoes, they headed out for their date.
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anika-ann · 5 years
Nothing but the Truth - Pt.5
The Truth and Nothing but the Truth
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader        Word count: 4490
Summary: A fake dating AU. Lies always have consequences; you just never imagined they would look like this. You should have known better… Aka the one where shit hits the fan.
Warnings: a lot of swearing, rudely interrupted fluff, implied stalking, creepiness and sick beliefs leading to violence at its finest, kidnapping
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Story Masterlist
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Coming back to work was a true life-hazard.
First of all; you didn’t sleep properly. Basically not at all. You couldn’t get Steve out of your head, the feeling of his lips on yours and their taste, his hand on your face, on your hip, the sensation under your hands, the sincerity of his tone when he spoke about you two together— all of that kept you awake, ruminating in your head, lines between reality and fantasy blurring in the restless slumber keeping you company the whole night.
Second of all; there was a pile of paperwork to fill since you had been absent for the past two days.
And the worst of all; your colleague was there. And she was terrible at hiding her curiosity, downright gawking at you, her eyes following your every movement, every nervous shift in your posture, not single one of your sighs escaping her attention.
Hint: you were mostly sighing because you could feel her glare on you and you knew she wanted to ask about everything, but gave you the opportunity to start talking on your own, while being passively aggressive as fuck and driving you insane.
You didn’t have the slightest idea what to tell her, because you sucked at lying, you felt bad about lying to her in the first place, but you also signed an agreement on confidentiality.
So… where did that leave you?
You sighed again, leaning your back onto the backrest of your ergonomic chair and crossed your arms on your chest, spinning the chair to face your friend.
“Yes, Irma? Something on your mind?” you asked slowly and she grinned.
“What the fuck is happening?” she blurted out, using the swirling hair as a means of transport, wheeling to you and despite yourself, you snorted at her ridiculousness.
“Well, you’re staring at me the whole day while I’m working through this big-ass pile of papers, that’s what,” you shrugged light-heartedly, while your heart in fact sped up in your chest.
Why hadn’t you just kept your mouth shut and let her come to her own conclusions only?
“Har, har. Spill it. I leave you alone for two days…” You left her alone, thank you very much, because you hadn’t as much as shown your face in the office. “You’ve been ignoring me.” In that respect, she was correct; she had been blowing your phone and you blatantly ignored her. “You can’t escape me now. So…what the hell?”
“Don’t play dumb,” she huffed, patting her feet on the ground again, her inching closer. “Congrats and all that, glad that the heart-eyes exchange that’s been going on for a while escalated and you finally got together, but what is all that interview and engagement bullshit?”
You groaned, turning back to your table, and let your forehead meet the desk.
Right. Irma was convinced that there was something going on between you and Steve (she very pointedly called it ‘eye-fucking’, god bless her for saying ‘heart-eyes’ just this once) ever since you had started going to lunch with him alone – courtesy of Sam being busy at the moment and hence not being able to join you two and your friendly lunch date.
“Got the sentiment, not the words, hon. Spill it.”
You huffed, your lips barely moving as you were practically kissing the table.  “It’s…” What was the word they always used? “…classified.”
“Oh come on! I’m your friend! And who am I gonna tell?” she exclaimed, half-offended, half-excited. “I’m totally harmless!”
She… had a point, right? Who was she gonna tell? She was your friend and she even covered for you when you messed something up, she was loyal to the company, being there longer than you and—and-
And you still couldn’t spill your guts to her.
Or could you?
Raising your head and meeting her expectant gaze, you kept your mouth shut as you reached for your phone and started typing.
Peripherally, you could see her frown in discontent and confusion.
“I’m sorry, are you ignoring me again, young lady?!”
You held up your index finger, sent the text and then you resumed to ignore her.
She rudely waved her hand in front of your face when you returned to the paperwork.
“It’s classified,” you repeated absently, distractedly reading over the lines of the document, checking for typos.
Irma threw her hands in the air and refused to leave, looking over your shoulder as your heart nearly gave out with the insane pace it was set up in.
Had she always been so nosy?
You almost jumped out of your skin when your phone started vibrating, lighting up with Steve’s face.
You hadn’t spoken or texted ever since the taxi dropped you off at your apartment after the interview. You had spent the rest of the night alone, perfectly content with a take-out and your intrusive thoughts about ridiculously attractive and kind supersoldier keeping you from some quality sleep.
“Your boyfriend’s calling you,” your friend pointed out, grin in her voice as you sarcastically thanked her for her observation and accepted the call.
“Hey- hey, Steve,” you stuttered to the phone nervously, not expecting him to react to your stupid text so soon, with a phone-call no less.
“Hey,” he greeted you courtly and you gulped, avoiding your friend’s gaze. You were dating Steve; whatever he was about to tell you, you shouldn’t look spooked when talking to him in front of anyone who wasn’t involved. “I assume you’re talking about your office-mate?”
Your breath was knocked out of your lungs when he proceeded to tell you her full name, social security number, her marital status and names of siblings and parents.
“Yeah, that’s… eh, that’s her.”
Your colleague raised her eyebrow questioningly.
“Do you trust her?” he asked matter-of-factly. “Her records are clean, but we can’t have her telling tales anywhere.”
“Yes,” you confirmed, trying to sound firm.
The idea of confiding in someone who wasn’t an Avenger and didn’t have a penis was way too tempting and you started to getting giddy on the inside, already feeling the relief at the mere idea of spilling it to someone.
You melted into your seat when Steve spoke up again, his tone much more like the one you were used to, hell, softer even.
“I understand this must be difficult for you. You deserve to talk about it with your friends and I… I understand that maybe you don’t… you don’t want to talk about it with me. Just… you can, you know? You can tell me anything, doll,” Steve coaxed you, voice falling an octave.
Yeah? How about I tell you that I think I love you? What would you say to that? Can I tell you that? Because I really want to, especially when you’re using that stupid, stupid petname-
“…but I understand. It’s your call. If you trust her, you can tell her.”
There were literally no limits to Steve’s kindness, you were sure of it. You truly were doomed, weren’t you? How could you not love him?
“Thank you, Steve. I… really appreciate it. I… I trust you too, you know?” you whispered, momentarily forgetting he wasn’t the only one hearing you.
You could imagine the subtle lift of the corners of his lips – lips that kissed you yesterday, oh dear God, lips you dreamed of –, the gentle light in his eyes, yet with a tiny cocky spark in the irises… you could picture all of that only by hearing the tone of his voice when he answered.
“I hope so. You’re doing alright after yesterday?”
No. “Y-yeah. You?”
He sighed tiredly. “Work is work is work and the PR is sending me e-mails that are basically just streak of curses – I’m learning new words today –, because their phones won’t stop ringing. I’m fine.”
You chuckled, imagining Steve’s eyes widening and his cheeks flushing at every new swearword, probably a new term for a manhood.
“Aww, you poor baby,” you cooed, your lips automatically curving in a smile. “Do you want me to beat them up for you?”
“God, no!” he blurted out, sounding almost as if he panicked at the image of you trying to sock the employees of personal relations in their jaw. Whether his horror was caused by the fear for them or you, you’d never know. He chuckled then. “Thanks for the offer though.”
Someone tugged at your skirt and you realized that you were, in fact, not alone in the room.
“Anytime, Steve. Gotta go back to work now. Stay strong?”
“I’ll try. Same to you. See you for lunch?”
You grinned. “Yep. Sam already told me he will be our bodyguard. Brave man,” you teased Steve and you could practically see him rolling his eyes.
“Brave man,” he mimicked, as if jealous. “He sure is. See you then. Have a nice morning.”
Was it a hobby of his to cause your heart to burst with his insufferably gentle voice or something?
“You too, Steve. Bye.”
“You two are honesty disgusting. If I wasn’t so happy for you, I might puke. And did you just ask your boyfriend for permission to tell me? Really?!” Irma instantly chimed in and you shot her a look to cool her down.
“Yes. I told you: it’s classified,” you deadpanned. “I’ll tell, but not now, not here. Girls’ night?”
She pumped her fists in victory gesture and you sighed, mentally preparing for an interrogation. You had to go somewhere where they had no desk-lamps; she would aim it to your face for dramatic effect, you were sure of it. You couldn’t believe she was almost five years older than you sometimes.
“I thought you’ll never ask, future Mrs. Rogers.”
You grabbed the nearest paper, hoping it wasn’t important, and scrunched it up. With your perfect toss, it hit her square to the middle of her head as she unwisely turned her back to you.
She snorted in laughter, but let you breathe for the rest of the workday.
The evening couldn’t come fast enough.
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Contrary to what you thought when learning you’d talk fake relationships with Irma in the evening, the day actually passed in a blur; a very exhausting blur filled with work, with a highlight of the lunch with Steve and Sam. You only attracted a few more glances than usual, people discouraged by the two Avengers glaring at them if they lingered with their eyes for too long. At the same time, Sam served as a mediator for you and Steve, keeping the conversation light and off potentially dangerous topics like kissing, so that was… nice.
Naturally, you thought the night would turn out nice as well. Which… it did? Kinda…? The alcohol helped.
Irma, the amazing friend she was, got you tipsy first, listened patiently and then proceeded to tell you that you were in some deep shit, totally screwed – or not screwed at all, to be precise – and that it would blow up to your face, because you could be terrible at communicating and voicing your feelings, which was why you were in this situation in the first place, because otherwise you and Steve already would have been a couple, you could have, if you just opened your damn mouth and told Steve how you felt weeks ago, after which he would have kissed you and screwed you against a wall or something, because eye-fucking, duh, I keep telling you that.
You had a wonderful girl-friend. Was it too late to call Sam?
But in the end, confiding Irma in felt really good and overall, it was a great night.
You should have known something was going shit all over it.
As tipsy as you were, you and Irma agreed to take a walk rather than call a cab, saving money and reducing the danger of throwing up.
What an idiotic idea since you lived over twenty blocks from each other!
The moment her door clicked shut behind her, you snuggled up into your coat and started walking; at much faster pace than before. Not that it was easy in the heels, because of course you were wearing heels; it was girls’ night and you wanted to feel pretty and you hadn’t anticipated walking a long distance in them.
Silly you.
Feeling the pleasant buzz of alcohol which had been warming you up before vanish, you shivered, looking over your shoulder when a particularly loud guy from a group of drunks by the near-by bar yelled how much he loved America.
You could relate, partly at least, by one half to be precise, because after your heart-to-heart with Irma, you were pretty certain you were at least a tiny bit in love with its infamous Captain, but who cared. You didn’t feel drunk anymore and other drunk people scared you.
Hell, everything seemed frightening to you now for some inexplicable reason, especially since another guy from the group catcalled you as he noticed you turning around to glance at them. You quickly whipped your head back and quickened your pace.
Turning around the corner, you sighed in relief when you heard them start singing, apparently not too upset you disappeared from their view.
It was only about a minute later, when a shiver ran down your spine, a premonition of something dark, shady, chilling. Vaguely remembering that glancing over your shoulder and actually spotting the person whose eyes you felt following you might only encourage them, you kept glaring ahead, yet couldn’t help but add to your tempo. Your feet were starting to hurt, but you didn’t give a crap, feeling your heart jumping to your throat, beating wildly, your chest feeling tight.
You were confident enough that people didn’t recognize you throughout the whole night at the bar, let alone identifying you as Cap’s girl on the night New York street; everyone was much more focused on the fact that their beloved Captain liked it so he put a ring on it, rather than actually giving you a second glance, you were sure. And contrary to the popular belief, people – even of New York – had other things to live than for Avengers’ romance.
Still, you were a woman – a stupid lone woman walking the street at night, in heels no less, and really, just how did you make such a stupid decision at your age? To be fair, you were fake-dating a man you likely loved, so the bar was set very low.
And because despite your poor decision-making you were still a grown-up, so you did the first thing that came to your mind.
No, you didn’t call a cab.
You called Steve.
You were surprised when he answered after two rings only; perhaps you shouldn’t have. Steve Rogers was always at his friends’ disposal.
Steve Rogers was also very sleepy when he spoke.
“Hey,” he greeted you, quietly and you could punch yourself for waking him up. Of course he was asleep! It was like… oh, two a.m. already. “Are you okay?”
“I’m sorry!” you blurted out instantly, feeling like an idiot.
Not because Steve was always asleep at two a.m. – in fact, you had the privilege to know that there were times when he was desperately trying to fill his sleepless nights with pretty much anything, as nightmares, his restless brain or the serum coursing through his veins kept him awake. You felt like an idiot, because there had been a little chance he actually would be asleep and you just ruined it for him.
“What are you sorry for?”
“I woke you up. I’m an idiot. I’m sorry-“
You would swear that even over your babble, you could still hear someone’s steps approaching and you squeezed your eyes shut, unable to walk faster.
“You’re not an idiot,” Steve’s soothed you, voice still rough with sleep. You could hear some rustle; bedsheets, you assumed. “What’s wrong?”
I’m shitting my pants, because someone is following me. I think.
You gulped, pushing yourself to speed up without breaking into a run and nearly sighed in relief when the person behind you resumed their pace.
“I’m on my way from the bar. It’s stupid but… I feel lonely?” you explained, lowering your voice and judging by the sharp inhale on the other end of the line, Steve understood you felt hella lot more than just lonely. “Could you… could you maybe stay on the phone with me? Please?”
“Of course I will,” he was quick to assure you, but you heard him moving around his room now. Could he be- “But I’ll do you one better. Where are you?”
“Steve, you- you don’t have to do that.” You instantly felt bad, mostly because the idea of him coming to get you sounded like heaven and it caused your gut twist in guilt, because you had no right to ask that from him. “You’re not obliged to—it’s not like– like you are-“
-my boyfriend.
“Hey. You might not be my fiancée, but you’re my friend. When my friend doesn’t feel safe, I’ll go get her so she will.”
You could weep at that, both regret you were nothing more but friend and at the tone he said it, warming you from inside out despite the fear still at your heels. You slowed down just a fraction, tension in your shoulders easing, your chest finally expanding as you inhaled generously, not realizing you had been barely breathing before.
“Thank you, Steve,” you whispered.
“Of course. Anytime,” he threw your earlier remark back at you and you couldn’t help but smile despite feeling shaky on your feet. He could be so damn cheeky sometimes.
“Apparently,” you hummed. “But seriously, thank you.”
“No problem. I might have already checked your tracker so I’m coming to get you, yeah?”
Oh. Right, you forgot about that; the trackers. You had got so used to the weight of the necklace on your chest that it was easy not to think about the fact that it contained a tracking device. You felt even safer now; if anything happened, they’d find you; which it wouldn’t, because Steve was on his way.
“Now talk to me. Did you have a good time?”
You smiled at his inquiry and continued walking, almost at peace.
“I mean, it wasn’t bad at all…”
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Waking up from your slumber, your first thought was that your head hurt; the second was that the pain was so immense that you might as well be in hell.
Hell seemed to be very uncomfortable; your head lulled to your side, neck craned in such strange angle that it made the headache worse and something hard was digging into your spine, not to mention you could barely feel you bottom as the surface was as unwelcoming as the flat backrest and overall, hell simply sucked.
Where the heck had you fallen asleep? This was the least comfortably chair ever made.
With a groan, you tried to move your head to a less headache-inducing position, but your body felt so heavy.
What in the fuck had happened? How had you got- where had you-
Blurry images of a dark street, roar of a motorcycle, Steve’s sleepy and yet cheeky grin as he hopped off– ‘You look like the most handsome biker-gang leader, Steve’- “Will you be my stunning biker chick then?’– gentle hands taking your coat and slipping a leather jacket on, the comforting smell— the world swaying off of its place- darkness– pain-
Gasping, you forced your eyes snap open, even the dim light too sharp for your hungover eyes; several blinks that followed did little to sooth the burn.
With a heart in your throat, you took in your surroundings; the very first thing you saw was Steve and you could cry in relief. Whatever was happening, whatever your mind wasn’t ready to supply you with just yet, it would be alright. Steve was right here–
-hunched in a metallic chair, his wrists, shins, ankles strapped to it, thick leather strip over his chest keeping him upright, because he was- he was—your breathing stopped in horror when you noticed the thin wires leading from his body, needles piercing his skin on several places— unconscious, he was unconscious and-
With a cry of his name on your lips, you lunged forward, not expecting the resistance you met with. Your voice died in your throat as you quickly scanned your body, marking that you were very much strapped to a chair as well. God bless, no needles in your body, just some sort of tourniquet reminding you of check-ups at your GP-
Jerking with all strength you could gather, you whined in frustration when your restraints didn’t give, not moving even an inch.
Tears gathered in your eyes, your other senses engaging to build an image of terror – cold was seeping into your bones, the sharp stink of mould, sweat and urine filled your nose and you could hear periodic taps, drops of water falling.
Surging forward once more with zero result, you cried out, a sob breaking from your lips.
Your frantic gaze searched the room, devices you couldn’t even hope to recognize on your left, seemingly endless emptiness on your right. And if front of you-
“Steve!” you sobbed, clearing your throat to speak louder than in a broken whisper. “Steve!”
He was motionless; you squinted in the shadows, focusing on his chest, praying you could see it moving.
Tears spilled from your eyes, this time from relief; the expands of his ribcage were there, barely noticeable, but present.  
Your gaze followed the wires that led from his body to one of the machines and your stomach made an unpleasant somersault as you tasted bile on your tongue.
What the fuck was this nightmare?
The answer came from your right, a heavy metallic sound and creak, door shutting. You winced, not daring to breathe, your heart nearly beating its way out of your chest with the swift footsteps approaching.
Instinctively, you backed into the chair, ignoring how uncomfortable it was; that was the least of your worries now, being comfy.
A man of average height emerged from the dark, black hair the only thing visible from his head as he wore a plastic mask, nearly transparent with black lines in the place of eyes, nose and mouth.
You shrieked in terror when he tilted his head curiously.
“You’re awake. Good,” he stated, sounding pleased as he paced to the machines, ignorant to your paralysing panic.
You felt a tremble running through your body, your throat too tight with dread for you to speak; to demand what this was, how did you get here, how-
“The captain is taking a bit long though,” he mused and your gaze, following him previously as he flipped a switch, bringing another of the machines to life, swiftly moved to Steve’s crumpled figure.
A sting of longing and fear punched your ribcage and you finally found the courage to speak, praying it wouldn’t set the mysterious man off.
“What did—what did you do to him?” you whispered, voice hoarse from crying.
The man looked up, the smile painted on his mask making you want to throw up.
“Combinations of tranquilizers. Perhaps I overdid it.”
You would have doubled over if it wasn’t for the strap on your chest keeping you upright. The edge of your vision darkened, black embracing you soothingly for few seconds.
Your eyes swiftly found Steve once more, clinging onto the motions of his ribcage like onto dear life.
Christ, he’s lucky to be even breathing.
Needless to say, you would have been much more assured if Steve was awake and if he hadn’t had… had the—the-
“The… the needles?” you choked out, a sob bubbling in your throat as the image of multiple thin needles in Steve’s body burned itself into your retinas.
You’d never forget this sight in your life.
Fairly enough though, that might not be a very long time. The thought had you squeeze your eyes shut.
“Electric pulses,” he explained as easily as if he was telling you it was raining outside.
Electric- you wanted to cry and puke at the same time and most of all, you wanted to wake up from this fucked up nightmare.
“It should keep him less mobile once he wakes up. It took me quite a while to figure it out. Not an easy task to keep Captain America down.”
He seems down enough now, you thought wryly and shivered, your face twisting as you tried hard not to imagine what was being done to Steve’s body.
When you looked closely – really closely – you could see the tinniest twitches of his fingers.
Before hope could get a hold of you, you noticed the startling periodicity of those motions; he wasn’t waking up. It wasn’t him moving on his own account.
It was the pulses.
Your head spun, the whole world swaying aside, your eyes rolling back; you didn’t feel like your body belonged to you anymore as the wave of revulsion caused your insides to coil violently.
What kind of a sick monster did this to another person?
Tearing your blurry gaze away from Steve’s form, you shot the other man a loathing look, the force of hatred towards him nearly startling you.
“Stop that right now,” you hissed dangerously as if you weren’t strapped to a chair yourself, utterly helpless.
You had a feeling that the maniac smiled behind his mask, but you couldn’t tell for sure.
How did you not throw up just yet?
“You don’t make demands here.”
Electricity crackled in the air with whatever he did with the machines and you winced, your whole body tensing in horrible anticipation.
He was going to the same to you—he was about to-
“Now, I’m sure you’re curious what’s happening here…” Not really, no, Christ, just let us go- “…I brought you here to ensure your future commitment to each other will be proper.”
What in the-
He rose from his own chair, carrying what looked like electrodes towards you.
You balled your hands into fists, trying to break the restraints, but they didn’t even budge as the man leaned forward with a purpose; clasps joined to your cuffs and you felt your teeth clatter at the icy fingers of fear running down your spine.
He just wired you to a source of electricity.
Sick, he was such a sick person, whatever he had said meant–how could anyone just-
“What the hell are you talking about?” you breathed out, not having a clue where the strength to speak up came from.
“I’m simply gonna ask a few questions,” he replied, fastening the same clasps on Steve’s straps – as if the blond didn’t already have electricity coursing through his body making him fucking spasm every now and then – before turning to face you. “And you’re gonna tell me the truth. Nothing but the truth.”
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Part 6
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@mermaidxatxheart​ @bobertswagert​ @kakakatey​ @ccolz88-blog​ @joeyrumlow​@lovemeterwrites​ @jessyballet​
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Dun dun dun.
Oops, this one got away from me a bit and it’s… morbid, I know. But we finally got to the title at least…?
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In the Darkest Days
(read on ao3)
Summary:  TK's having a bad mental health day... It's a good thing he has his dad and Carlos to look out for him.
CW: Depression and depressive thoughts.
From the moment TK wakes up, he can tell it will be one of those days. He can feel the weight of the day pushing down on every inch of his body and just the thought of leaving the security of his bed is enough to make him wish he could just fade away to avoid all of his responsibilities. Yes, the dark cloud is hanging over Tyler Kennedy Strand’s head, and it isn't going away anytime soon.
But fading away isn't an option for him today. He can hear his dad downstairs making breakfast. They both have a shift in an hour. Taking note of the current time, he knows he needs to get up so he forces his body through the motions of getting out of bed and decides to take a shower. He’s not normally a morning showers person, usually opting for quick showers when he’s on shift and a longer one when he gets home at night. However, he thinks that maybe the steaming water will wake him up enough for his body, and his brain, to take the hint that shutting down is not an option.
Getting in the shower, he turns the water temperature all the way up so that the water is nearly burning his skin. He knows he should take the time to wash up, but it’s as if his mind and body are not connected. Instead, he just stands there, letting the water droplets roll off of his body and down the drain. After minutes of doing nothing except waste hot water he finally is able to convince his body to turn off the shower and grab a fresh towel.
By the time he gets himself dressed and downstairs he’s already mentally and physically exhausted. It’s also nearly time for them to leave for the station. He feels bad that he’s holding his dad up, yet his thoughts are too clouded for him to dwell on it too much. Reaching the bottom of the stairs, he is greeted by his dad’s always enthusiastic demeanor.
“Morning,” Owen says to him. “How do you want your eggs today?”
“I’m not hungry.”
Owen looks up at him, taking in his son's disheveled appearance. He must really look bad because he watches his dad’s face soften as he sighs. “Why don’t you take the shift off and go back to bed?”
He’s aware that his dad is always able to notice the signs that he is having a particularly bad day. The fact that he picked up on it right away though doesn’t make it any better.
“It’s fine, I’ll be fine.” He lies, knowing he won’t be. But that doesn’t mean he needs to take special treatment just because his dad also happens to be his captain. Everyone has bad days, he tells himself. They power through it and so can he.
Except his bad days are more than just bad days. A fact that he and his dad are both aware of.
Owen just shakes his head, not taking “no” for an answer. “TK, please. Just go back to bed. I can bring a floater in for your shift and I will tell the rest of the team you are taking a sick day. Please. You won’t be able to help anyone in this mental state.”
TK knows his team would understand; however, he isn’t sure he is ready to disclose to his team that his mental health is bad enough to warrant a day off. He appreciates that his dad understands that without him having to explain it.
“Okay,” he resigns without arguing about it anymore. Arguing takes energy. Energy that he does not have today.
Owen walks over and places a kiss on his forehead. “You’ll call me if you need me, right?”
TK nods, giving his dad a small smile.
“Good,” Owen says, returning the smile and grabbing his keys before exiting their house.
Trodding back into his bedroom, TK takes out his phone to plug it in and sees that he has a missed text from Carlos.
Carlos: Are we still on for dinner tonight?
Sighing, as much he would love to see Carlos, TK knows there’s no way he’d be up for doing anything besides laying in his bed for the rest of the day.
TK: can’t tonight. sorry.
Shutting off his phone and placing it back on the nightstand, TK climbs back into his comfortable bed, ready to let his body shut down for the day.
Carlos frowns looking down at his phone. Canceling their dates on the day of wasn’t entirely unusual considering both of their hectic work lives. However, TK would normally offer up an explanation for why he had to cancel at the last minute, or at least more than the three words Carlos received today.
Slipping his phone back into his pocket, he devotes his attention back to the paperwork piling up on his desk. He did his best to stay on top of it but this week had been especially busy at work. All the more reason he was looking forward to seeing TK tonight.
Carlos doesn’t get more than a few lines done before he feels his phone buzzing again. He expects to see TK’s name on the caller ID but instead it reads “Captain Strand.” They had exchanged numbers not long after his relationship with TK became official, but this is the first time Owen has called him. He isn’t even sure how to answer the phone. No matter how many times the other man tells him to just call him “Owen,” Carlos still feels like he owes the man some respect and continues to strictly refer to him as “Captain Strand.”
Deciding to avoid the matter altogether, he answers with a simple “hello?”
“Hi Carlos, it’s Owen. I was wondering if you could do me a favor?”
“Hello sir. Yes of course. What can I do for you?”
“Would you be able to stop by our house and check on TK for me?”
“Sure, I don’t mind. Is everything okay? He did cancel our date for tonight…” Carlos trails off. He wonders what could possibly be going on with TK that he wouldn’t want to see him tonight. And why was Owen worried enough to send him to the rescue?.
“He’s just not feeling well but I bet a visit from you could help. I left a key under the doormat if you want to stop by sometime this afternoon.”
Owen’s response provides more questions than answers as far Carlos is concerned. He decides it’s better not to press the issue anymore though. “Oh, okay.”
“Thank you so much Carlos, I really appreciate it and TK will too.”
The two men hang up, leaving Carlos slightly worried and wondering what on earth is going on with his boyfriend.
TK isn’t exactly sure how much time has passed since his conversation this morning with his dad. The way the light has shifted in his room indicates that it’s been hours. Yet in his mind it feels like minutes. Or maybe it feels like days. He has no idea, really.
He hasn’t stopped staring up, lost in the trance of watching his ceiling fan spin around. He's tried to sleep but the thoughts in his head are too loud and he cannot find a way to shut them off. Instead, he is choosing to let them run around in his head and let him sink further into his depressive state.
His trance is broken by the sound of the front door opening and closing. TK didn’t think that much time had passed that his dad was home already. Maybe he came home early to check on him, he thinks to himself.
“TK?” the guest calls. The guest who clearly is not his dad as he thought.
Carlos, he realizes.
But TK thought he canceled their date. He should probably go down and see him. Ask why he came. But he can’t seem to move out the cocoon he made for himself in his bed.
Much to his relief, the other man opts for coming right up and softly knocks on the bedroom door before entering his room.
Carlos doesn’t say anything. Instead he walks over and perches himself on the bed, next to TK. He then starts to run his hands through TK’s hair. It feels amazing. He didn’t realize just much he craved someone to be here with him.
“I’m sorry,” TK mumbles into his pillow.
“Why are you apologizing?”
“I don’t know,” TK pauses before shifting so that he’s looking at Carlos. He knows his eyes are puffy from the on and off crying all day. If Carlos notices though, he doesn’t show any sign of it. “I didn’t want you to see me like this,” TK adds.
“Oh, baby…” Carlos replies.
Before TK can say anything else, Carlos stands up and moves to the other side of the bed, climbing in next to TK. Wrapping his arms around him to spoon him, TK immediately feels comforted by the other man’s presence. Melting into Carlos’ arms, relief floods over him and he can’t stop the tears from rolling down his face. Carlos only holds him tighter, allowing him to let go of all of his bottled emotions.
TK knows this certainly won’t be the last of his bad days. However, knowing he has someone who cares about him this much, through the highs and lows, is enough reassurance to know that he will be okay.
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mindofharry · 4 years
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hate is a very strong word.
But harry styles is sure he hates maya clearwater. With every bone is his body, he hates that girl. He hates her curly black hair, that she sometimes straightens (which he hates too). He hates the way she smiles her pearly white teeth on show for everyone to see. He hates the way her dimple show everytime she laughs, she laughs so loud people can her from a mile away. He hates the way people love her. How she has so many friends. He hates the way teachers praise her. The dictionary meaning of the word hate, is to feel an intense dislike for someone. And Harry’s sure he had more than a feeling of intens dislike for maya.
As for maya, she loved everyone. She was just easy to be around. Everyone she’d ever met, she got on with. Except for: Harry styles. She could never really put her finger on him. Why he always got so annoyed when she joined him and his friends. She had to admit, he wasn’t who everyone thought he was. But she was hopeful. Hopeful that he would change his ways, and be his true self. The one the fans think he is. But maybe that’s one of her so called ‘toxic traits’ always being hopeful and believing there’s good in people. Even with there may not be an ounce. Maya had been like that since she was a child. You might call her a push over or naive, but she always believed in second chances and seeing the good side of people. Even when they’ve made her upset or angry.
Maya and Harry had met at Sarah’s, Harry’s drummers, party. It was New Year’s Eve, everyone seemed to be getting on really enjoying themselves. Until maya arrived. Harry had disliked her since the moment she layed on her.
He was upset because she didn’t remember him. She never texted him back. And definitely looked much better than he did. They had met briefly before at a mutual friend’s birthday party, they exchanged numbers, maya promising him they would meet up again soon. But as Harry waited, there was no call or text. And that’s when he decided he would hate maya clearwater forever. And he would make everyone know about it.
And they did.
When maya and Harry finally had met properly, able to talk and actually say hello, Harry was the rudest he had ever been his life. Sarah was so beyond embarrassed as she had met maya only a month ago, and was really trying to get to know her more. Sarah apologised profusely to maya when she decided she would head home early.
“Maya, please don’t leave! I’ll sort it out!” Sarah said red in the face from embarrassment. Maya shook her hear bringing her new friend into a hug before kissing her cheek.
“I promise we can celebrate together another time. Please don’t worry about this, I’ve already forgotten about it” maya lied putting a fake smile “you should too” she continued nodding her head before grabbing her red coat and black back before hugging Sarah again.
“I’ll text you when I’m home” maya said before leaving the house.
So maya went home and cried. And then she put on her fake smile, and forgot about. This is what she did, she cried. And then it was forgotten. She didn’t like to dwell on things, and she was already insecure enough, she didn’t need heart throb Harry styles bringing her down too.
The next time maya and Harry met was when she was dragged to another party at her college. Of course she wasn’t expecting to see one of the most famous singers in the world today at her friends college party. She had remembered back to the words that he spoke at Sarah’s party, but she quickly put her thoughts to rest as her friend, Jane, brought her to the dance floor.
Harry saw her curly black hair and her red dress before maya realised he was here. He sighed bringing the beer to his lips. Why was she always where he was? Why was she always in his thoughts? Why can’t maya clearwater leave him alone?
Harry snickered to his friends as he watched her and her friend dance together. He nudged his friend tom, pointing over to maya. “She looks like a stick” Harry laughed and the boys all nodded laughing along. Maya stopped dancing and looked over at Harry with tears in her eyes. Jane was trying to get maya to dance, while maya stood there looking Harry in the eye, her brown skin glistening with sweat and tears. Harry almost felt half bad, but he soon forgot about that once he remembered what she did. He smirked at her sipping at his beer once more as he watched her walk away from her friend and leave the house.
Maya had cried one too many tears on this man. She had hardly even talked to this man! They had met twice, barely the second time.
She just wanted to know why he hated her so much. She had always tried to be the nicest person she could possibly be. That’s what her mum asked of before she died. You could say maya had a wild child phase, while her mum was sick. She just couldn’t expect that her mum was going to die. So she abused drugs and alcohol, and she became known as the towns whore. She was naive and she was defintly in denial. But maya thought if she did this it would numb the pain. She would forget that her mum could possible die while she was out having sex with any beating heart.
“Baby. I need you to be good when I’m gone. I need you to look after dad and toby, ok?” Her mum said tears in her eyes and maya grabbed her mother’s hand tears running down her face.
“I need you to be better. To love yourself. Respect yourself. And please, please. Treat people with kindness”
And maya never forgot that. She eventually calmed down, went to therapy. Helped her brother with school and stuff a mother and father should be doing. But her dad was depressed. He knew this was coming, but he lost the love of his life. But soon everything went back to whatever normal was. Her dad would smile. Toby would ask about their mum, but no one would cry. It took a good few years to mend their hearts, but they did that with, collette clearwaters words:
“I need you to be better. To love yourself. Respect yourself”
The next time Harry and maya met, Harry had crossed the line and maya had, had enough. She was completely done with Harry styles.
Maya had a rough day. She failed a maths test she thought she’d aced. Her roommate was moving out and on top of that her dads birthday was in two days and she couldn’t reach the shops because her car broke down, and she forgot to bring money for the bus. She had to walk to college, in the rain. All her books and clothes were soaked, and her poor straightened hair was no more.
She needed a friend, so she texted sarah before walking to her house. She never ever did this, just show up. But she needed some friend cuddles and a warm cup of tea. She arrived to Sarah’s house 10 minutes later with still no text. She didn’t want to be rude, but she really just needed someone. Maya knocked on Sarah’s front door.
Sarah opened it excited, confused and a little worried.
“H....hi.... i texted but you um didn’t reply so so i....i thought i could stop by, maybe?” Maya stuttered. Sarah smiled warmly at maya pulling her into a hug. “No need to text. I’m always here for you love, whenever” Sarah replied rubbing maya’s back.
“it’s just harrys here, and i know the two of you don’t really get on” Sarah stated and maya bit her lip. She really needed this. She didn’t want to be in a mood when her dad got home. So she nodded “it’s ok. I’m sure he can put his hatred for me away for today”
Maya walked in hand in hand with Sarah, Harry’s band looking up immediately. They all greeted you with an unsure look, looking between you and Harry. You smiled at them all including Harry, but he just scowled. Her smile immediately dropped, Sarah pulling her to the sofa beside her boyfriend Mitch.
“What’s stick doing here?” Harry asked with a half smirk. The tension was now very clear in the room. “I’m not a stick Harry” maya replied biting her lip once again. She was probably going to lead a lot of Vaseline after this conversation. “hmm y’sure” he asked rolling his eyes.
maya sighed leaning back into the sofa grabbing the pillow beside and tried covering her body with it. The room was silent and uncomfortable, before Harry opened his mouth again. “i asked you a question.” Harry said leaning his elbow on his leg, holding up his head.
maya shook her head, again biting her lip, and sighed. “I just had a rough day, needed some company. s’all” maya mumbled seeing Harry roll his green eyes once again.
“What are you gonna cry again?”
“Everytime i open my mouth, you cry. It honestly getting old maya! cut the act” Harry said leaning back. Maya sighed her eyes once again, filling with tears. “We don’t have time for this, go on home and cry to your mummy instead” he said and Sarah gasped.
“Harry” she yelled trying to grab your hand as you stood up with a sob.
“I don’t know what I’ve done to you Harry. But I’m so sorry. For whatever i did. I really am. But when you bring my family into whatever sick hatred you have with me, is where i draw the fucking line”. Maya said with tears running down her face. Harry looked almost shocked and upset?
“My mums dead harry”
The room was immediately silenced and Harry let out a curse as he stood up.
“No! No! You don’t get to apologise and pity me once you figure out my mother is dead” maya yelled waving her hands around as he walked closer to her. “You have hurt me Harry. You really have. Don’t ever fucking come near me again” maya said grabbing her bag before running out of her friends house.
A week later Harry had tried to reach maya a total of 456 ways. He had texted her and phoned her and tried to get her when she was out and about. He even went to her house. He even wrote her letters? This boy was truly sorry. He hadn’t stopped to think about the possibilities of her losing his number. Or him putting in the wrong number. Or maybe she just wasn’t interest. And lastly, maybe she did forget. And he should’ve been ok way that. But Harry wasn’t. He hated her. He hated her so much, and now he can’t stand the thought of her hating him. Of her doing the same thing he did to her.
The only way he was sure this apology would be written well, would be through a song. Something he was quite good at. You could really feel the emotion from the song when he preformed it with the band. It was named fine line. Quite depressing but happy and the same time.
Sarah wasn’t sure when Harry tried to persuade her into giving maya the song. But when Harry started crying her eyes widened and grabbed the paper before dropping the note in maya’s bag. She knew maya wouldn’t take it, even from her.
So she snuck it into her science notes in her bag, a place she knew maya would look today.
And Sarah was right of course.
Maya saw the note. And at first she wa confused. But then she read the note, telling her to plug the disc in and listen carefully.
‘ put a price on emotion ‘
Maya let out a strangled sigh as she heard the voice of Harry. Her eyes filling up with tears as she listened to the song.
‘ we’ll be alright ’
Maya picked up her phone sobbing as she looked for the number Harry rang her with.
She nodded when he picked up letting out a sob.
‘ we’ll be a fine line. We’ll be alright ‘
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sanshineaus · 4 years
mingi : friends to lovers
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warnings: none!
type: bulletpoint au, fluff
word count: 1989 (a lil short!! i’m very sorry)
a/n: as a san stan, we get fed content every 30 minutes and y’all mingi stans are the backbone of the fandom
you and mingi have a very sweet friendship, really
he and you would most likely die for each other
but also if he touches your charger you WILL kill him
you met through another friend, at their birthday party
right after you congratulated them and handed them their gift, mingi came around the corner and clumsily nearly spilled a drink on you
he still apologized though!!! AND offered to check for you if there was a drink anywhere
your friend laughed and introduced you two
'he's cute isn't he?'
oh boy was he!!!
he really was sweet too; you didn’t know anyone else but your friend and now, him, and he was nice enough to let you stick to him like glue
you even ended up exchanging numbers, and playing 8ball in your respective cabs when the party ended
from then on you began texting
and it grew into exchanging social media
to being inseparable in real life too
mingi would constantly bug you to go out and eat with him
and you’d frequently go shopping together (or window shopping. mingi just LOOKS stingy)
when your snap streaks had officially reached 420 days, mingi made sure to screenshot it and post it on all social media
as he did with any you content in general
and let’s be honest with ourselves— mingi’s a very, very beautiful person
so there was no shortage of people in his dms
most of which happened to be opening with ‘are you single’
because of your numerous posts together, it just didn’t seem likely
but really, you’d say ‘ew’ to that, because ew, that’s your best friend
who you’ve seen snotty crying over a picture of a particularly small puppy resting on a very large cat
and who has seen YOU snotty crying over the same picture but shhhh
you honestly think there’s no way you like him
your heart doesn’t palpitate around him or anything like that
(your chest just gets concerningly warm, so does your face and ears, and you have to take several gulps of air to compose yourself when he smiles. shhhhh)
EVEN if you did (which you don’t!) he wouldn’t like you back
he’s mingi
all mingi likes is dragging you out of bed by your feet
and making you regret giving him a spare key to your place
he’s in general grossly sappy, though
he fully understands that he’s cute and you detest it
because he ASKS you. he has the gall, the nerve to put on a silly cat, make a face at you in the store you’re in, and ask if he’s cute
and you want to say yes and laugh along with him but you settle for sighing and saying ‘sure’
but each and every time
he smiles
and it’s really rejuvenating. maybe an angel gets its wings or something. or fairies get born?
you two once debated over which of those two phrases is better, and you were the firm ‘fairy gets its wings’ believer
until he seemed a bit pouty and you decided to just merge the two
you have very stupid discussions
of the ‘do we belong in a circus’ kind
(yes, you might)
his very hidden talent is carrying a lot of mugs
mingi’s fingers are long, and he hangs the mugs off of them while maintaining focus
his record? 24 mugs
one of which broke while he walked from his room to the dishwasher
he was sad about it because it was a mug shaped like a bird
and you had to both comfort him and drive him in his tears to the store to get another one
to be fair, you also felt bad. so, so bad, because the mug was ADORABLE and you could tell mingi thought so too
but you got a Mingi Hug out of it later
when he thanked you, he really did go all out
(he put in no effort, he was just very huggable and it was very nice)
it was when you were very tired and on the brink of Death™ (you know, Death™, like when you just want to nap for 78 hours somewhere in a forest temple)
that you two decide to go to a 7/11
you both unfortunately have this thing called responsibilities so for whatever reason, neither of you can sleep
and so you offer to mingi to meet up at the store between your houses
to which he agrees, and asks if he can come over
to which you say no, but you also say YOLO™ and decide to leave your work in progress to meet up with your friend
(be gay do crime)
you don’t really do either, actually, you respectfully pay for your drinks and those packaged meals which are never as good at day as when they are at night
he insists you use the plastic bag you two had as a seat so your butt doesn’t get cold
and you do, but you also try and elbow his shin when he also sits down on the concrete
you are reminded of the ew feeling of seeing your best friend scarf down sushi like it’s soup
and he somehow manages to talk coherently about his stupid escapade which brought him to this point of meeting up with you
it’s so frustratingly endearing
because you know he’s enjoying himself if he doesn’t stop talking, and you know he’s comfortable around you
and that’s what makes you heart FINALLY flutter
it doesn’t take long for you two to depart, when you finish your own food and drink
and berate him a bit for not saving his drink for when he ended his meal and then stole a sip— no, a GULP from you
that night you give up on your project
(obviously not entirely)
but you’re certainly too busy to think straight
and lying in your bed with your heart beating quick is something you find pretty exhilarating
it’s actually pretty nice to like someone
because anything mingi does is fun, too
he gives you his jacket? perfection
he gives you a noogie? not AS perfect or ideal, but you’re happy he has you in a headlock because it’s a touch of human contact
and you like This human
he tries talking to you about what he would do if aliens landed
and you call him out on his bullshit, not because he’s wrong but because you love him <3 and he’s also wrong
he would NOT try and be nice to them, he’d immediately go in and look if there’s more species
“mingi would accidentally bring doomsday because he’d reject the flirting of an alien princess” yunho (who you met through mingi on the exact day of your 420 streak) adds, from somewhere near you guys in mingi’s apartment, and you absolutely agree
“marriage proposal? come on, i’d know!”
yunho looks at you, then at mingi, then back at you, and just shakes his head
and you feel offended because you’re aware of what yunho’s thinking
but mingi’s less on board
“are you saying they’re an alien princess?”
you argue that if you were an alien, you’d abolish the monarchy
but you also add that you’d rather be king if it came down to it
mingi is very insistent and it’s then when you realize that your heart is beating like that again
because he’s stood up and taken you with him to show to yunho that you’d make a terrific alien princess if only they put you in a sci-fi dress and crown
you want to put mingi in a sci-fi dress and crown all of a sudden, you don’t know : /
it’s prerogative you get more than one Mingi Hug
Mingi Hugs are a bit of an oddity
not because he doesn’t hug you often
it’s just that this is such a specific brand of hug that he reserves for moments of vulnerability
where he protectively wraps his arms around you, but places his head on your shoulder to hide his face
maybe he’s crying, maybe you’re crying, maybe neither is happening and he’s just grateful you’re there, but you’ve noticed he doesn’t do it as often to other people
it’s really cute, though
you’re sitting on your roof one night
not star gazing, mingi just said he read an article that said some phenomena will hit the skies
you tried to listen to him but he was so excited that explaining failed him and he just grabbed your hand to pull you out
(not that you were complaining, he was so gentle and cute)
you are lying down next to each other; and he’s pointing out constellations to you
you see some of them, others are less easy to spot, but every once in a while he rambles about something interesting he knew
but then it starts
you hear a sizzling first, and then a shot
and your sky is red… with a firework
after that, there’s another pound, the colour this time pink
it is pretty— colours exploding against the night sky is pretty
but what the hell? this isn’t a nebular event
it’s when you finally tear your eyes away from the sky to mingi to interrogate him that you see he’s already looking at you
and he has a very sweet smile on his face
“it’s our 500th snap streak day”
and you aren’t stupid, so you know he’s behind the fireworks, but
and he lets out a very burdened sigh before he grabs your wrist, and places your hand in his
“it means i’ve liked you for 500 days”
there’s two emotions fluctuating all throughout
relief and joy
so you scoot over and let go of his hand so that you can swing your arms around his neck
his arms, for the first time, are loose, and you can absolutely hear the beating of his heart
the fireworks stop all of a sudden when your neighbour yells
but you ignore her so you can try and get even closer to mingi
you mumble that you like him too
however he hugs you tighter
and tells you he can’t hear you
so you decide to be even worse about it
and you y e l l it
now the whole neighbourhood knows you like mingi
though it does gradually grow into love
mingi’s a very caring boyfriend; after all, he was exactly the same as a friend
now with the added bonus of being able to kiss you
which is a power he abuses thoroughly
he gives forehead and temple kisses the most
and he’s a very terrible gremlin, so he sometimes holds your head only to bring it to his lips
or he’ll pick you up randomly
“can you tell i worked out?”
yes, you can, but you’re more focused on trying to land safely if he loses his grip
not that you don’t trust him
you trust him in every aspect of the relationship
he’s reliable— and also brings you food at inconvenient times of the day
plus you get to visit each other whenever
he likes doing animal face masks with you
and offers a bath every. time.
he runs some of the best bubble baths though, you can’t lie
he’s also very warm most of the time, so if you’re a heat sink… guess what! you no longer are!
mingi’s also very careful
he makes mistakes often; physically breaking things, sometimes he doesn’t know his strength, and so on
but he’s always ready to apologize and get you something new
he sometimes ends up going too far with a joke?
he’s very meticulous with it too. words mean as much as actions to him, and so there’s a lot of meaning in his apologies
he’s just cute
you’re both very cute but also a very annoying couple
pda? she’s your best friend
*yeosang cringes*
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Colors In Silence
Chapter 3
Chapter 2 here
Chapter 1 here
Disclaimer : just wanting to remind you all that English is not my mother language. Sure, I’ve been learning it my whole life but when it comes to grammar, I admit that I’m very much lacking. So if you find any grammatical errors, I’m more than happy to know. You can always knock on my dms <3
I can’t stop looking at my phone. It has been 3 days since I saw Robbe and there’s no text from him whatsoever. We exchanged numbers after that lunch and, let me tell you that it was one of the best moments of my life. The food was great, our conversation was amazing and I finally learnt about Robbe’s life; he’s an only child, divorced parents but both still respect each other very well and sometimes they even go on vacations together, been deaf since he was only 6, doesn’t want to go to college because it’s too tiresome and later his Dad open the flower shop for Robbe to feel at peace and make his own money, met his girlfriend named Gia in the supermarket when he was helping her to reach the top shelf and they’ve been together for over 2 years now (I gulped loudly when he ‘told’ me this. 2 years is a fucking long time!!!).
All these memories, I can’t help but miss him right now. I need to see him but what if he’s with her? What if he’s on vacation with her, like Hugo and Violet?
Screw Gia. Text him NOW!
You win this time, brain.
Apparently my longing is far more superior than my guilt. Feels like my fingers are already know what I’m supposed to type :
Robbe, how’re you? It’s been 3 days since we saw each other and... well, if you’re free, can we meet again soon?
And without another pause, I send it. Now the most infuriating part is starting; waiting anxiously.
Hang on.
I’m not being too creepy or demanding with that text, right? What if he’s gonna hate me because of it? What if he doesn’t want to see me again? What if...
Before my brain is making up another scary scenario, my phone beeps. I immediately open it and almost scream when Robbe replies :
Hey, sorry for not texting you. I just thought maybe you’ve been busy with your project and stuff; don’t wanna disturb, y’know. I’m good but yesterday Gia was being a little difficult, we even had a row :/ but ofc we can meet but maybe the day after tomorrow? My parents are going to take me to watch a play out of town tonight and we’ll be going home tomorrow. Wdyt? :)
Can’t contain my excitement, I quickly reply :
No problem! Any day is fine! But if you don’t mind me asking, what’s going on with you and Gia? Are you okay?
I’m not asking on how she’s doing because I don’t give a damn and even if I know her personally, I still don’t want to give a damn. Maybe I’m a bit mean but after reading what Robbe said about them lowkey being not okay and even arguing, my heart is swelling with joy.
His reply comes 5 minutes later :
It’s okay. So, I forgot that yesterday was our anniversary because the shop has been so busy, I even had to ask my Mom’s friends to help me sort that out. At 10 pm, when I just wanted to close the shop—being DEAD-ASS tired, there she was; stomping and giving me a death glare. She was half-screaming “I WAS WAITING FOR 3 HOURS, ROBBE! DO YOU KNOW HOW EMBARRASING IT IS FOR A GIRL LIKE ME, IN A FANCY RESTAURANT ALL ALONE AND CRYING IN SECRET?! YOU DIDN’T EVEN READ MY TEXT! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU???” but the funniest part is she didn’t even let me explain and said “know what? Screw you! I hate you! Leave me alone! Don’t even bother to say sorry!” instead. So I just stood in front of my shop, with people staring at us and a second later, Gia walked away from there, crying *smh* but there you have it. My oh-so-touching love story. Feel free to cry or laugh.... or both -_-
I’m sorry, Robbe, but I do laugh after reading your text. Whoa, I can’t comprehend why a girl go feral when her boyfriend forgets their anniversary. To be fair, Yoona never remembered our anniversary, nor did I; though I still remember how we met. We met at the school cafetaria when she asked me to swap her pasta with my mango pudding and because she gave me such a radiant smile, I couldn’t say no. Therefore, after lunch was almost over, I approached and tried to talk to her; the rest is history. Oh by the way, we’ve dated officially after 3 times going out together. A year later, Jonah happened and we were going downhill fast.
But I don’t need to talk about her any longer. She’s happy with him now and I’m already falling in love with someone else—a very special person if I might add.
I’m sorry that happened to you but I can understand how scary a girl can be hahaha. Maybe going out of town with your parents tonight can lift up your mood :)
Robbe replies :
Tbh, I’d rather spend the night with you. You can cheer me up like no other, honestly.
My breath legit stops for a minute because of that text. Did he actually.... OH MY GOD! He’d rather spend the night with ME? ME?!?!
Lord, if you’re really there, I need your help not to send a risky text to him, showing him that I want that too. No, I need that.
Just say what you wanna say, Sander. If he can be blunt, you also do that.
I really do hate how my brain works sometimes but today, I do what it told me to. Twice. So I type :
The feeling’s mutual, Robbe. *sigh* if only we could see each other right now, that’d be great. Don’t you think?
He replies :
I do think so but I can’t, yet. So I’m looking forward to our next meeting. Where do you wanna go?
To be honest, I don’t even know. If I say that I want to go to the art gallery, I’m scared that it’ll bore him, if I say that we better watch the new movie at the cinema then it’ll be too mundane. I’ve never been this stressful about going somewhere when Yoona and I were still together.
I don’t know. Any ideas?
He replies :
You decide this time, not me :) I’ll wait until tomorrow. Okay?
I smile while typing :
No problem. Challenge accepted
He replies :
Well, gotta go. Need to pack for tonight. But you have to impress me with your choice or I’m never going out with you again. Bye for now, Sander. P.S : I’ll text you tomorrow, don’t worry. Ciao!
“Have fun, Robbe.” I say softly to my screen, pretending that he can hear it from here.
It feels really good to finally be able to look forward to something. To see Robbe again. Even though we can’t meet today or tomorrow just yet, at least he said that he would text me again and that thought alone makes me happy and content.
Because I’m feeling delirious, I run to the art room and immediately start to sketch one thing that comes into my mind while thinking of Robbe—a tulip. Even though I’m not an expert or as good as Robbe but because I’m an artist who’s often drawing or sketching some flowers, I do read books about them. To be frank, I only remember the meaning of the popular ones like sunflower, peony, rose, orchid and not the ones like what Robbe gave me the other day; larkspur and all that and I don’t understand why it happens.
Most people declares their love for someone using roses, especially the red one. But I’m different. I always like tulips among all flowers. The way their colours can lit up the whole field, very vibrant and pleasing; not too dramatic but not too subtle either. That’s exactly how I felt when I saw Robbe’s smile for the first time. It warms my heart and also sends chills down my spine. Maybe it was love at first sight.
But before my thoughts can go any further, Dad’s voice greets me.
“It’s me, Dad.” I reply without looking at him, hand still sketching.
I hear his feet approach and stop beside me, his eyes are examining my art.
“Why a single tulip?”
Of course I can’t tell him the truth, so instead, I say, “I just wanted to.”
He becomes silent for a while before continuing, “something happened to you while I was gone?”
My hand stops instantly, my body goes rigid. Is there any indication or a slightest reaction from me that tells him why I’m doing this thing? Oh God, no.
I shake my head, “nothing happened.”
“You can’t lie to me, Sander,” he answers, sighing. “I know how you feel by just looking at your arts. You can always tell me what’s wrong.”
That’s it.
That’s the last straw.
I had enough!
”STOP ASSUMING SHITS ABOUT ME!” I retort. “All those years you carved me into something, into someone just like you! I know that I never complained but you NEVER asked me what I want or what I need! Since Mum died, you never acted like a proper parent for me but a teacher. Just a mere teacher. To be honest, Dad, I always feel like an orphan. You don’t even know when I’m sick, whom I hang out with, where I’m going except the Art School and so many other things. But NOW you suddenly came here and even had the audacity to tell you what’s wrong with me? Okay, I’ll tell you what’s wrong, I’m falling in love with a boy. A BOY—and yes I’m aware that I’d been dating a girl before but this time is different. To make matter worse for you, Dad, I’m a Pansexual and I fully realised that when I was 11,” I stop to take a breath. Dad’s face still looking stoic but also sad, somehow. I can’t take this anymore. I need to leave. “Know what? I don’t give a shit whether you’re gonna be disgusted with me or not because of that. I’m done! SCHLUSS!”
And with that, I walk out from there without looking back and close the door loudly behind me.
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five-rivers · 5 years
Here’s Ectober Day 2!  It’s a continuation of Necromancy from last year.  
It was known, in certain social circles of Casper High, that on days when Danny Fenton came into school with bruises on his head and a faraway look in his eyes, he could see the future, but not remember it. Well. At least, he could prophesy to it, and his prophecies were accurate. Disturbingly so.
Sometimes, he would give one out of the blue. He'd tell a freshman that their cat was going to die, or what scores everyone would get on the next test. He'd slide up beside the jocks in the senior class, and warn them about a party going wrong. He'd sit down at lunch time and spoil an entire week's worth of TV shows for someone- because the power was going to go out at their house, and they'd miss them otherwise; and it would. These would rarely be about anything more than a month out.
But if Danny was caught in the right mood, he could be asked about things. Things that wouldn't happen for a long time, for months, or even years. College admissions, marriage, sports, events, politics, friendships, contests, romance, deaths. No one had tested a prophecy that went out more than a few months, but he was rarely wrong, and when he was wrong, he wasn't wrong by very much. One student was wait-listed for a college, instead of accepted outright. Another found proof their boyfriend was cheating before Danny had predicted. A third managed to avoid being injured in that basketball game.
More importantly, on those days, his advice was always spot-on.
Hannah Weston had been observing Danny Fenton for a while. Unlike her older cousin, she didn't think that Danny was Phantom, that was kind of crazy, but she did have a soft spot for conspiracy theories and occult rumors.
Her current theory? Danny was some kind of esper. Or a necromancer, in the original sense of the word. His whole family was weird. Mad scientists. Everyone knew they had a lab in their basement, and they had done something with the government, according to Amity Park's conspiracy message boards. They could have done... something. Something to make Jazz super smart, and to give Danny precognition.
And what was to say Danny didn't have precognition all the time? He certainly made himself scarce during ghost attacks. He always seemed to know when they were going to happen. His 'prophesy mode' always seemed to come on right after big ghost fights, too. Hannah's working theory was that his powers ran on ectoplasm (ectoenergy?), and the ectoplasm shed in big ghost fights overloaded him, and made him less careful about hiding his powers.
Of course, not everyone followed Hannah's logic, which is why she and some of the other 'socially neutral' girls were trying to corner Danny away from his ever-present protectors, Sam Manson and Tucker Foley.
It was so weird to think of herself as 'socially neutral.' Then again, considering all the ghosts, being a conspiracy theorist in Amity Park was almost respectable. Right along with the occult, and the tiny ghost-centric actual cult.
Which only made Danny's outcast status weirder. Whatever. No one said high school social dynamics had to be logical.
Their idea (not Hannah's) was that if Danny could already predict stuff well, then he could predict it even better with some actual fortune telling paraphernalia. It didn't make sense, as far as Hannah was concerned, but she was willing to humor her friends, and this was the only way she'd be able to ask him questions without Sam or Tucker shooing her off.
Not that she had anything really pressing to ask. She was just curious.
She peeked in the classroom window. Her friend Mia had found out that Danny and his two friends hung out in this classroom during lunch when Danny was in a prophetic mood. It was mostly used for storage, so the teachers didn't care, even though students technically weren't supposed to be in there.
The PA system coughed to life, summoning Sam and Tucker to the office, as planned. Sarah, her other friend, had been in charge of that. Now it was Hannah's turn. She knocked on the window, and waved at Danny.
Danny came over and opened it. "I can help you, Mia, and Sarah," he said, before Hannah could repeat her lines, "but it's too cold by the field."
"Uh," said Hannah.
"We could go stand by the stairs to the roof, since the upperclassmen who smoke there got busted." Danny smiled absently, his eyes glassy. "I hope they stop doing that now. Smoking isn't good."
Hannah thought about it for a second. "Sure, let me text Mia."
"Also, I don't know how tarot works."
"That's fine."
Sarah brought a magic 8 ball. Mia brought cards.
"I couldn't find a crystal ball," Sarah said, defensively, taking the toy out of her bag.
"It's fine." Hannah peered at Mia's cards. They were black and gold. "Those are pretty," she said.
"Thanks," said Mia. "My grandma got them for me for my birthday."
"So," said Sarah, slightly pink. She held up her magic 8 ball. "What should we do first?"
Surprising everyone, Danny reached for the magic 8 ball.
"Signs point to no," he said. He shook the ball.
Everyone leaned in to see the answer. The ball said, 'SIGNS POINT TO NO.'
After a few more minutes, it became obvious that Danny could accurately predict which answer the magic 8 ball would display every time. It became equally obvious that, as long as he had the ball, that was all he would do.
Hannah pulled the ball away. "Let's try the cards," she said. They were halfway through lunch, and as cool as the trick was, it got boring after a while.
"Oh," said Danny, face falling. "I don't know how tarot works, though."
"That's okay," said Mia, holding out the cards. "Just do what feels right."
"I'll try," said Danny, dubiously. He shuffled the cards. "I think Sam would like these," he said, running a finger over the gold foil back. "What is the question you want to ask?"
"You first," said Sarah to Mia. "They're your cards."
Mia licked her lips. "Tell me about what will happen if I become an exchange student." Mia had wanted to be an exchange student for a while. She was even taking Honors Spanish. Her parents, however, weren't enthusiastic about the idea.
Danny divided the cards into three piles.
He flipped over one card. It showed a pair of clasped hands, each wearing a bracelet. "It won't happen the way you expect it to," said Danny. He turned over the next card. It showed two flowers. "You'll go far away, but your plans won't help." He turned over the card on top of the last pile. It had a pair of skeletons on it. "You'll find something important, though."
"Er, you couldn't be maybe a little bit more... specific?" asked Mia.
"I told you it wouldn't work," said Hannah. She was just a little smug.
"Sam and Tucker are looking for me," said Danny. "You shouldn't be here when they come up. Here are your cards."
"Thanks," said Mia. She and Sarah went down the stairs. Hannah lingered.
"Are those two ever going to get together?" asked Hannah, hooking her thumb over her shoulder.
Danny blinked up at her. "Weren't you listening?"
"Hannah!" called Sarah. "Come on, we've got to go."
"Well, bye," said Hannah.
"Bye," said Danny, waving. He stood up and stretched. That wasn't too bad. At least they hadn't asked for lottery numbers.
His concussion would be better by tomorrow.
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