#They both deside to walk him down the aisle
Xander and Peri honor dueling for who gets to walk Laslow down the aisle.
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mona-stay · 6 years
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A valentines hunt - Peter Hale
Prompt -  Peter sets up a scavenger hunt for y/n for valentines day
Warnings -  none pure fluff
Pairing - Peter Hale x reader
Notes -
Y/n = your name Y/d/n = your dogs name Y/f/m = your favourite movie
Story - Peter had never celebrated valentines day before, heck he’d never been in love until he met you. So he had no idea what to do.
His first thought was to book a table at the most expensive and exclusive restaurant in the city for you. However he knew you wouldn’t really enjoy it, it wasn’t really your thing and he wanted it to be special.
He’d spent a week planning the perfect day. Waiting till you feel asleep he kissed your forehead and whispered “sleep well baby hope you have fun” before leaving his first note too set up his hunt and get back in time to cook breakfast and disappear before you woke.
The light from the open curtains woke you up. Rolling over to try and block it out, you felt the empty space next to you. where peter should have been a note laid in its place.
‘my dear y/n, good morning I hope you slept well. In the kitchen you will find breakfast already made and your first clue. See you shortly all my love Peter.’
Confused by the note you quickly got out of bed, putting on your dressing gown and went to the kitchen. On the table was 3 heart shaped pancakes, with strawberries and syrup. You couldn’t help but smile imagining Peter making them, cutting out heart shapes just for you. Next to the plate was a small card with clue one written on the front
You sat down in a happy giggle over the mystery of it all. Tucking into your valentines breakfast you opened the card. 'hello sweetheart for valentines day I have arranged a scavenger hunt solve the clues and get your reward.
Clue 1 Let’s start your valentines treat Your first gift a sweet treat. Our start was the day we met, Do your remember, at the ___!
You bit your lip smiling at the words, reading them over and over. The answer was easy, outside the veterinary office. You had collected your dog from Dr Deaton after a check up. The husky pup wriggled her way of the lead and ran into the road. Peter was walking passed and stopped (y/d/n) from running into the road.
You smiled at the memory, Peter was so charming and swept you off your feet that day. After getting dressed you picked up the clue card and headed to the vets. The walk there you thought about how charming Peter was then, how you fell in love with him that day.
You pushed open the door hearing the bell ding. Scott was stood by the counter talking on the phone, you stood in the same spot but let your eyes scan the waiting room for a clue. You couldn’t see anything and guessed Scott held the next clue. Waiting till he finished on the phone you asked Scott about Peters next clue.
Scott however was clueless in all sense of the meaning. He didn’t know Peter had made you a valentines hunt and certainly didn’t know there was a clue in the building. “maybe you got the wrong place?” Scott offered trying to make you feel better. “it has to be here it’s where we met” you told him.
Giving up you left the vets ready to head home. Looking up the street you thought again about how the dog was saved by the wolf. That’s when you seen it a small envelope tied to the lamppost where Peter stood that day. Running over to it you seen your name on the front. Trust Peter to put it in the exact spot he first seen you.
You pulled the envelope off the post. It felt heavier than just a letter inside. Ripping it open you found a necklace inside, it was delicate silver with a small silver wolf pendant with light blue gem stones for the eyes. You smiled at the sweet gift, putting it on right away. Next you pulled out the little card.
Clue 2 Knowledge is the key for the next part, At the school would be a good start. This place to me means a lot, It’s a hiding spot.
You laughed at the clue this was more confusing then the last one. There was lots of hiding places at the school, too many to count. The first one could be the hale vault, or the basement. You decided to just head to the high school and whittle down the possibilities on the way.
Peter wouldn’t have put it in the vault, if he did you wouldn’t be able to get in to get it. The basement seemed a good idea but you can’t even remember a time you had both been in the basement together. Starting to think about times you and Peter had both been at the school. At the entrance only one memory came to mind. Smirking you headed inside going to the maths room.
Last year you had been helping Scott with the dread doctor problem. They came after you running the wrong way you had found yourself running the length of the second floor hallway alone. You screamed when a noise from a classroom, in fear you didn’t know where to go. Peter appeared in the class door way, “y/n get in here” he said in a whisper.
The both of you could hear the clinks and clanks of the doctors getting closer up the stairs. Peter grabbed you pulling you inside with him. As the sound got loader the pair of you hid in a small equipment cupboard. Your body shook in fear, you was about to be taken and experimented on, knowing you’d had a skin graft in the past making you compatible for their chrimias.
He held you tight inside the cupboard, keeping you calm, whispering in your ear “your safe, ill never let them take you” and other feel good sentences. However the most memorable thing Peter said “I promise I won’t let anything happen to you y/n I love you” it was the first time either of you had said the words to each other. To his word he kept you safe and got you away from the school and the doctors. You knew yourself you’d truly fallen in love with Peter that day.
As you opened the cupboard door you seen a long box with your name on it. You felt so exited to find a bunch of long steamed (y/f/c) roses. You took them out the box and smelled them, happy with his choice.  You picked up the card reading the next riddle wondering how many there actually was.
Clue 3 A movie and take out was our first date, I still wonder if you hate me for being late. Can you remember what we actually did see Find a copy in the movie store, maybe?
There was no maybe about it. You knew the movie would be at the the store and so did Peter. Since that first date you had rented (y/f/m) 50 times over, until Peter bought you the dvd for Christmas.
As you left the school building you heard someone shout your name. Turning around you saw Lydia walking behind you. “what are you doing here?” she asked. You smiled showing her the roses, “Peter made a valentines scavenger hunt” you say with a silly smile.
You went on to tell her about breakfast and all clues so far. Lydia seemed as giddy as you felt and offered to drive you to the movie store. “so what happened, why is he asking if your still mad?” Lydia asked referring to the line in the clue.
You chuckled “it was are first date and Peter was 20 minutes late to pick me meaning we were late for the show at the cinema. So Peter decided to drop by the movie store and get a take out and he turned Derek’s loft into our own cinema for the night. It was so romantic” you told her.
Lydia smirked “who’d of thought Peter could do something so sweet. I swear you’ve changed that man” she said. You knew Peter had a history and a terrible one too but part of you didn’t want to truly believe Peter was as bad as they all said. The way he’d always been with you was nothing but kind and respectful, and tried to keep his anger hidden around you.
Soon enough Lydia pulled up to the movie store, you went in to find the movie. As always the store was practically dead the only person inside was the store worker who was too interested in his mobile phone then the sound of the bell.
When you went to the section where your favourite movie is but all the copies were gone. In its place was a black and red paper bag with a fancy logo. Lydia gasped seeing the bag, no doubt it was a designer she knew.
Inside was a stunning dress, Peter had an eye with fashion picking out the perfect colour to make your skin tone. Holding the dress to your body you spun on the spot showing on the item. “y/n it’s gorgeous” he smiled at you. Your smiled beamed at her complement and slight hint of jealously.
Lydia noticed a card fall from the dress as you turned. She picked it up seeing clue 4 on the front “looks like this is yours too” she giggled. You placed the dress back in the bag, then took the card ready for your next clue.
Clue 4 End of the line your hunt is done, Hope your enjoyed your gifts and had fun. However if you look closer you’ll see another clue Put them together and find me, you know what to do.
As you went to leave Lydia desided she wanted a shush puppy. At the counter the store owner seen your bag. “so your Peters girlfriend” he said. You smiled and nodded watching him crane his neck down one of the aisle. “did you find the gift in the horror section?” he asked knowing you hadn’t. You and Lydia both looked at each other giddy, quickly walking to the horror movies.
On the floor in the corner was a gift box black with a red bow. On top was a fallen dvd, you picked it and put it back on the shelf turning all your attention to the box. As you opened it you gasped to find a pair of flat knee boots. The ones you had been looking at for a few weeks now but were a bit out of your price range. You squiled in delight at the boots. “dress up and find me when you figure out where” you heard Lydia say. You turned to face her seeing her read a small bit of paper.
You spent the drive home re reading Peters clues trying to work out his final stop. So far with no luck. Lydia was talking about the shoes and dress Peter had bought and how stiles would never get her things like that. Once you were home you got showered and Lydia did you hair and makeup. But it didn’t matter if you couldn’t find Peter.
“maybe it has something to do with a memory, and meaningful places. Your first meeting, first date” she said moving the clue cards. Lydia was right they were all firsts, just in the wrong order.
“they need to be in time order, look” you said taking the card. “Clue 1 it’s all about our first meeting” you say putting the card in place. “Next is clue 3 our first date about 2 weeks after we met” you said sliding that card next. “now the school attack. The first time Peter told me he loved me” you say with a smile.
As you looked at clue 4 Lydia asked “and this one isn’t that just the movie store too?” she asked. You were partly stumped with this. You tried to think of where in the order clue 4 went. “these boots are to die for” she said getting bored with Peters puzzle. “Lydia your a genius” you say. She looked at you smiled “I know but what did I do” she said.
“clue 4 its the last one. When we were at the movie store the was a dvd on the box at first I didn’t think anything of it. But it was an American werewolf in London. Peter made a joke about how he wanted to tell me something important about himself and the dvd would help him explain who he is. He wanted to tell me he was a werewolf but I already knew because of Derek. But when we left the store I asked him to show me, show me his wolf side for the first time” you explained moving the card into place.
“so is that where he is were he showed you himself as a werewolf for the first time?” she asked. You shook your head no “that was at the back of the movie store” you answered. Once in order the bigger clue became clear the first letter from each clue spelt out the answer, Peter was at the L A K E.
It didn’t take you long to get there. You should have guessed its where you’d had your first kiss with Peter. As you walked the path you could see the glow of lights ahead, walking faster with excitement. you reached the clearing, finding it covered in little fairy lights and candles.
A big blanket was laid out with a picnic basket in the middle, a fire was lit close to the blanket. Before you could take anymore of it in your dog came running at you almost knowing you down, followed by Peter. He walked over looking smart dressed in a black shirt and not one of his famous v-necks. He kissed you telling you how beautiful you looked. You both sat down the eat the meal he’d made all your favourite foods and sweets in the basket.
As it grew darker Peter got another big blanket and wrapped it around you both. You spent the next hour watching the stars or (y/d/n) playing on the grass. Peter looked nervous checking his watch every now and then like he was waiting for something. Soon Peter took something out of his pocket but kept it hidden from your view.
“y/n I wasn’t going to do this today. I thought it would be too clique but I couldn’t wait and I don’t think I could find a better time or place for this” he said. Moving he turned and sat on his knees, grabbing your left hand “y/n I love you and always have from the day we met. I don’t want to spend my life with anyone but you. So will you spend the rest of your life with me as my wife?” he asked showing you a diamond ring.
You nodded yes, happy tears running down your face. Peter slid the ring on your finger and surprisingly it fitted great. Picking you up of the ground he kissed you passionately. Your kiss was interrupted by a loud bang. You jumped and Peter laughed turning you to face the lake. The sky soon filled with fireworks you watched them light up the sky in a mix of colours as Peter held you from behind. “this is amazing” you say snuggling more into his hug/hold. “only the best for my girl” he said in your ear.
Soon they stopped and a small boat came towards the shoreline. Inside was Scott, stiles and Derek, they had helped Peter all day set up the little area and waiting out on the lake for the time to set the fireworks. The sound of footsteps on the path made you turn your head and see Lydia, malia and Liam coming too. Lydia held a bottle of champagne smirking at you, she’d known Peters plan all along.
They popped the bottle and everyone toasted to your engagement and for the rest of the night you, your fiance and friends celebrated the rest of valentines day and your future.
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thewisekenisme · 6 years
Logan late?
Summary: Logan goes missing when the sides and Thomas had planned a meeting to talk about ideas for a video ,but no one seems to know were he is.
ships: family LAMP/CALM
warnings: none that i know of message if i missed some
word count:1,319
It was a quiet Saturday Afternoon in Florida the birds were singing children playing with their friends family's going on a drive, all was right in the world that is for everyone except for a certent person.
"Can't we start with out him?" Roman whined crossing his arms with a slight pout. He was standing in his normal corner near the Tv.
"Now Roman , you would not be very happy if we started our meeting without you woukdnt you be kiddo ?" Patton asked wearing his cat onesie. He had said it was a bit chilly and he wanted to be comfortable.
Thomas had asked if it was alright for them to meet up and hashout ideas for new videos and talk about how they were going to Schedule them . The only problem was someone was missing .
"Yes but I am more important . Why is it okay for Microsoft turd to be late ?but not for me to be fashionably late?" Roman asked sighing dramatically .
Virgil rolled his eyes leaning forward on the stairs left elbow resting on his knees hand holding his head whikw he scrolled through tumblr "Face it sir sing alot your the least Popular character and you know it ." He teased with a soft smirk .
Roman let out a offended noise . Before he could say anything Thomas got their attention "Hey guy? Where do you think Logan would be?I tried calling for him but he's not responding . "
Patton gave them a soft reassuring smile "How about I go look for him , you guys go ahead and start I'll be right back with him" he suggested.
Thomas nodded looking at Virgil and Roman who were already giving each other nasty looks "yeah good idea , just please go fast "he said nervously .
He chuckled "of course kiddo!" He smiled sinking down into the mindscape .
Patton was now standing in the mindscape living room , he frowned softly noticing all of Logan's papers and binders were laying on the coffee table . 'Golly, he must of forgotten something' He thought to himself gently stacking the papers .
Once the papers and binders were in a neat stack He slowly made his way up the stairs walking towards Logan's room . He stood I front of the wooden door staring at it .
Knocked softly on the door he "Logan? Kiddo , are you in there?" He asked listening for a response.
When he got no response he opened the door peeking in . He frowned noticing the room was no better then the coffee table was with papers everywhere , the bed looked like no one slept in it but worse then that Logan wasn't in his room .
Patton hummed going in picking up the papers placing them neatly on his desk, He stood there rubbing his chin in thought wondering where Logan could be .
"He could be in the bathroom?no not for this long . maybe he is in the libray. " He said to himself. He grinned at the idea he began to walked out of the room before heading to the libray .
He remembered when they usually can't find Roman it's because he went on a adventure to cool down from a stressful day , Virgil was usually in his own or Patton's room to either be on Tumblr or just have company.
Logan the libray was his personal space he stayed there when he was to stressed or he was trying to relax . It had rows and rows of shelves of books and a big comfy chair in front of a fireplace. Making the place as relaxing as you would want .
Patton opened the door to libray and sighed softly staring face to face with the rows of bookshelves . He sighed holding he remembered the way to the center of the libray .
He began his journey through the non fiction section walking along the rows hoping it was the right way , he also hoped Logan was okay , it wasn't like him to be late to anything .
He walked for what seemed like hours which in reality was probally only a couple minutes when suddenly he stopped hearing something crinkle under his foot . He looked down lifting his foot seeing a paper on the ground . He picked it up looking at it frowning when he saw it was one of Logan's schedules .
He looked up sewing another paper. He bent down picking it up looking at it 'another schedule?' He thought frowning. He stood up again seeing another more papers going along the aisle of the bookshelves .
He followed the paper trail picking them up as he went till finally he found his way to the center. The fireplace was light making the room feel toasty and warm .
The big chair was moved in the middle of the room surrounded by papers and a blanket he carefully walked towards the chair avoiding the papers careful not to step on them he looked at the chair and he couldn't smiled that came onto him .
In the big chair sat Logan wearing his Pajamas snoring softly as he slept. His head leaned on the arm rest his glasses gently pushed against his fave . A binder was laying on his lap but was held losly in his hands almost falling to the floor .
Patton fought back a squeal at how cute he was. He gently walked closer to him kneeling in front gently taking the binder "Logan ? buddy wake up " he said softly gently shaking his shoulder .
Logan slowly moved his head taking a deep breath as he slowly opened his eyes . He looked at Patton blinking a few times "Patton?"He asked quietly .
He slowly sat up looking around "Patton if I may , what are you doing in the libray . Shouldn't you be in bed ?" He asked taking his glasses off before rubbing his eyes .
He gave him a small smile "Actually Lo it's afternoon, we were waiting for you to join us for our meeting . " he replied putting the papers down "Are you okay Lo ?it's not like you to be late or over sleep."
Logan sighed "I am okay Patton, just tired . I came in here for some peace and quiet around 4 this morning to finish up the schedule's for us to look at. " He said rubbing a hand over his face .
"Awe Lo , if your still tired we can let you sleep a little more ." He offered . He stood up quickly when Logan stood as well .
"No, no I'm okay let's get this over with ."He said gathering the binder in his arms before snapping his fingers . He was now wearing a black polo and blue tie and glasses back on .
He looked at Patton and gave him a small smile " Patton are you wearing your cat onsie?" He asked looking at him confused.
He smiled widely nodding "yeah it's warm and cuddly " he giggled hugging himself.
Logan smiled nodding "Also Patton, thank you for coming to get me " he said softly picking up a couple papers from the floor .
Patton smiled back "no problem kiddo , now we better hurry and head back before Roman and Virgil start fighting more "he said putting a hand on his shoulder.
They both sank down into Thomas living room just in time . Because it looked like Virgil and Roman were about to start a arguement .
"Oh if it isn't the techno nerd . You finally desided to Grace us with your presence? About time " Roman grumbled crossing his arms .
"yes apologies , I was finishing up some last minute things shall we begin?" He asked setting his papers and binder on the floor so he could see them better .
Patton smiled softly listening to the meeting happy Logan was relaxing , but he knew he was going to havw to make sure he went to bed at a reasonable time for now on. But for now he would just listen to the meeting and feel like a proud dad.
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