#These NoTP plot bunnies? I would like to return them please.
averbaldumpingground · 9 months
A Little Messed Up by june
The door's locked between them, and in the coconut steam of the bathroom, she tries not too panic too loudly.
"Emma? Love? Are you alright in there?"
The knock on the door makes her almost knock over his razor.
She breathes. She tries to breathe. The window's too narrow, and all of her clothes are still somewhere all over his kitchen. She thinks he's wearing his robe.
He sounds concerned. That makes it worse. He hasn't got a right to sound concerned.
"Emma, are you alright?"
He hasn't got a right to smile and look at her like that and maybe mean it.
It's that resigned, quiet rasp of her name that makes her hold on to the counter too tightly. To stare at her familiar reflection. The bruises, shaped like fingers, on her hipbones. The redness from his beard along her breasts.
It's stupid to allow herself to want him. This thing they've got is never gonna last.
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