#Theresa Maeve Rourke Cassidy
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docgold13 · 2 years ago
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365 Marvel Comics Paper Cut-Out SuperHeroes - One Hero, Every Day, All Year…
December 11th - Siryn 
Theresa Cassidy is the daughter of the X-Man known as Banshee (Sean Cassidy) and his former wife, Maeve Rourke Cassidy.  During his time as an agent for Interpol, Sean was sent on an undercover mission for many months, not knowing that Maeve was pregnant when he left. Maeve gave birth to a girl whom she named Theresa.  Not long thereafter, Maeve was tragically killed in a terrorist bombing.  Sean’s cousin, Tom Cassidy, took custody of the baby and raised her as his own, hiding the truth from Sean as well as Theresa for many years.  
Tom Cassidy was himself a Mutant, as well as a villain who frequently teamed up with the fellow super villain, The Juggernaut.  Theresa’s own Mutant powers manifested in late childhood and she possessed the same sonic powers as her father.  These powers entail the ability to emit a high pitched sonic scree that creates significant concussive force.  Along with offering a formidable offensive weapon in the form of a sonic blast, when coupled with a specialized gliding suit, it can provide short term flight.  
Theresa was a sweet and gentle young woman, but also impressionable and anxious for the approval of the man she believed was her father.  As such, she was willing to use her powers as a super villain to do Tom Cassidy’s bidding.  She took on the alias of ‘Siryn’ and accompanied her father to the States where she battled Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew).  Theresa did not fare well in her initial outing; her heart was not in it and she was easily defeated by Spider-Woman.  Tom Cassidy and The Juggernaut, meanwhile, were defeated by The X-Men.  Following his capture, Tom Cassidy exonerated Theresa, stating that he had coerced her.  He additionally revealed her true identity as the daughter of Sean Cassidy.  
Still a minor, Theresa was not charged and released into the custody of the X-Men.  They reunited her with her biological father and the two lived together on Muir Island along with Sean’s girlfriend, Moira MacTaggart.  
Theresa would go on to resume the guise of Siryn whist acting as a member of the Fallen Angels.  She later became a member of Cable’s X-Force.  She would go on to serve as a part of the X-Corporation as well as Jaimie Maddrox’s X-Factor Investigations.  
At one point, Theresa had a fling with Jaime Maddrox (unaware that she had actually slept with one of his sentient dupes).  The affair resulted in Theresa becoming pregnant.  She had the baby and named him Sean after her father.  Tragically, when Maddrox toughed the newborn he unintentionally absorbed in that it was essentially a dupe.  Losing her baby in this fashion was unbearably traumatic to Theresa and she fell into a deep depression.  Theresa was ultimately able to get through her sadness in part by getting back in touch with her Catholic faith.  Thereafter she retired the codename of Siryn and took on her father's former mantle as Banshee.    
A version of Siryn featured in the Fox Films movies, X2: X-Men United and X-Men: The Last Stand, portrayed by actress Shauna Kain. The heroine first appeared in the pages of Spider-Woman Vol. 1 #37 (1980). 
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ennmaximof4 · 1 year ago
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Sean Cassidy
Mutante / X-Men
• Acoustikinesis: Ele cria ondas sonoras poderosas com sua voz com as quais ele pode alcançar vários efeitos, muitas vezes com a ajuda de habilidades psiônicas que funcionam apenas em uníssono com suas habilidades sônicas.
√ É melhor tapar os ouvidos, crianças... isso vai doer um pouco! -Banshee.
Sean Cassidy nasceu como herdeiro do castelo e propriedade de Cassidy Keep, na Irlanda, bem como de uma pequena fortuna. Ele estudou no Trinity College, Dublin, onde se formou como Bacharel em Ciências.
Certa noite, enquanto pedia carona, Sean atraiu a ira de alguns policiais, que tentaram prendê-lo sem acusações. Vendo a situação de longe em sua motocicleta, Maeve Rourke interveio para resgatar o jovem Sean. Depois de uma longa perseguição por três carros da polícia, eles conseguiram bater em um dos pneus e Maeve e Sean caíram de um penhasco. Sean, no entanto, revelou-se um mutante e levou Maeve para um lugar seguro.
Ao longo dos anos, Sean e seu primo, Tom Cassidy, que também era um mutante, competiram pelo amor de Maeve, mas Maeve acabou escolhendo Sean. O jovem casal se casou em uma tarde de primavera no condado de Mayo. A banda tocou Night in Soho e Stand by Your Man. Eles dançaram até o amanhecer.
Sean começou a trabalhar para a Interpol, chegando ao posto de inspetor. Sean foi enviado em uma missão especial, infiltrado. Ele se separou de Maeve por meses sem nenhuma maneira de contatá-la.
Quando ele partiu para a missão, Maeve estava no primeiro mês de gravidez, embora Sean não soubesse disso na época. A filha deles, Theresa, nasceu durante a ausência de Sean. Pouco depois do nascimento de Theresa, Maeve levou a bebê Theresa com ela para uma visita a seus parentes em Armagh, na Irlanda do Norte. Enquanto ela estava lá, Maeve foi morta em um atentado terrorista junto com várias outras pessoas. Tom Cassidy conseguiu a custódia do bebê e a criou como se fosse sua, escondendo a verdade de Sean e de Theresa por décadas.
Ao retornar de sua missão, Sean foi informado de que sua esposa havia morrido. A princípio, Cassidy tentou escapar de seu desespero com a notícia se dedicando ao trabalho na Interpol. No entanto, o ainda melancólico Cassidy deixou a Interpol para se tornar um agente autônomo e, com o passar do tempo, se envolveu em algumas atividades criminosas.
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As autoridades legais nunca descobriram que Cassidy era culpado de crimes, mas o mutante conhecido como Changeling sim, graças à tecnologia da organização subversiva de mutantes poderosos sobre-humanos e seus subordinados conhecidos como Fator Três. O Changeling contatou Cassidy, que a tecnologia do Fator Três também identificou como um mutante super-humano e o convidou para se juntar à organização. Cassidy ficou chocado ao saber dos objetivos do Fator Três e recusou veementemente. No entanto, o Changeling e seu superior, o chamado Mutant Master, concordaram que os poderes de Cassidy e o conhecimento do funcionamento das agências de aplicação da lei eram muito valiosos para o Fator Três perder, e então eles enviaram seus agentes para capturar Cassidy. Sean então se sentiu forçado a obedecer aos comandos do Fator Três e realizou várias missões criminosas para a organização.
Enquanto estava na cidade de Nova York em uma missão para o Fator Três, Sean entrou em confronto com os X-Men originais, que capturaram ele. Ele participou da batalha ao lado dos X-Men contra o Mestre Mutante, e foram seus poderes que derrotaram o Mestre Mutante.
Sean, agora com o codinome de Banshee voltou a uma vida honesta e o tempo passou sem grandes incidentes para ele, exceto por seu breve cativeiro nas mãos dos Sentinelas e do segundo Império Secreto. Mais tarde, o professor Xavier convidou Banshee para se juntar aos X-Men, quando ele estava recrutando novos membros para combater a ameaça de Krakoa. Depois que a maior parte da equipe original partiu, Cassidy, junto com os novos recrutas Colossus, Noturno, Tempestade, Wolverine e Thunderbird, permaneceram como membros dos novos X-Men.
Durante um piquenique, eles lutaram brevemente contra o Arma Alfa, que acidentalmente feriu a Dra. MacTaggert e enfureceu Sean. Cassidy e Moira logo se apaixonaram.
Cassidy acompanhou os X-Men até a Ilha Muir, onde eles lutaram contra a ameaça de Proteus, o filho mutante da Dra. Moira MacTaggert, que a certa altura fez sua mãe prisioneira. Proteus foi derrotado e a experiência de ver a mulher que amava em perigo fez Cassidy perceber que queria ficar ao lado dela. Portanto, Cassidy se aposentou dos X-Men. Cassidy retornou brevemente para ajudar os X-Men contra agentes do Arcade, durante uma situação de emergência.
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Mais tarde, os X-Men lutaram contra Black Tom Cassidy, seu parceiro, o Juggernaut, e Theresa, que desenvolveu seus próprios poderes sonoros, que ela usou sob o pseudônimo de Siryn. Theresa sentiu-se obrigada por seu dever para com Black Tom, o homem que a criou, a auxiliá-lo em seus crimes. Depois que eles foram derrotados pelos X-Men, Black Tom deu uma carta para Sean, explicando que ela era sua filha. Sean e Theresa estavam alegremente unidos na mansão de Xavier.
Depois de se juntar aos X-Men como um membro ativo, Banshee de repente percebeu o sequestro dos X-Men pelo Phalanx. Ele e Emma Frost trabalharam para salvar alguns jovens mutantes visados pelo Phalanx. Banshee mais tarde se tornou o co-diretor da filial de Massachusetts do instituto Xavier junto com Emma Frost, a filial que abrigava a Geração X.
Sean ficou inativo, até que voltou ao alcoolismo por um breve período, e então sua amargura para com os mutantes que eram como aqueles que supostamente mataram Moira o atingiu. Interessado em compensar os erros do passado, Sean fundou a X-Corps, uma organização de milícia sobre-humana que usava principalmente ex-terroristas mutantes controlados pela mente para proteger a espécie mutante em geral. Apesar de suas melhores intenções, as coisas não funcionariam, e Mística, que havia se infiltrado na organização disfarçada, cortou a garganta de Cassidy e o deixou sangrando até a morte.
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Com o tempo, a garganta de Sean curou o suficiente para ele recuperar a fala, mas ele não podia mais usar seus poderes mutantes. Após o Dia M, os X-Men pediram a ele que fosse à Ilha Muir e procurasse quaisquer anotações que pudessem ajudar a encontrar o Professor X. Sean descobriu algumas informações surpreendentes e rapidamente arranjou um voo para Westchester.
Ele deveria encontrar Noturno e Wolverine, mas percebeu que o Blackbird parecia estar indo em direção ao seu avião em rota de colisão. Ele rapidamente usou o pouco poder que tinha para voar e tentou usar seu grito sônico para impedir que o avião machucasse os passageiros. Infelizmente, não foi o suficiente para parar o Blackbird se chocar contra ele, assim como o avião cheio de passageiros inocentes.
O corpo de Banshee foi encontrado mais tarde por Kurt e Logan. Quando os X-Men foram culpados pela situação no início, Emma Frost disse a O.N.E. que o ataque também matou um dos melhores amigos dos X-Men.
Banshee foi visto em Erebus por Hércules junto com muitos outros seres falecidos, apostando por suas almas. Mais tarde, Banshee, junto com muitos outros mutantes falecidos, foi ressuscitado por Selene e Eli Bard com o vírus Transmode. Ele lutou contra o controle dela para avisar Emma e Scott, mas era muito forte e foi subjugado novamente. Quando os planos de Selene falharam, Banshee voltou para a terra dos mortos, até que o Rei do Caos travou uma guerra contra a realidade e os portões para o submundo foram abertos, permitindo que Banshee e muitos outros heróis falecidos retornassem.
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Banshee foi trazido de volta à vida pelos Gêmeos do Apocalipse, usando tanto a Semente da Vida quanto a Semente da Morte, a fim de servir, ao lado de Sentinela, Ceifador e Daken, como um de seus Cavaleiros da Morte. Depois que os gêmeos do Apocalipse foram derrotados, Banshee acabou sob custódia dos X-Men quando o Fera concluiu que curar a energia de Banshee da Semente da Morte que o tornava um Cavaleiro da Morte levaria anos e tecnologia altamente avançada.
Banshee permaneceu em coma, aos cuidados de Fera, até que um ataque dos Reavers forçou Hank a libertá-lo. Ainda visivelmente não recuperado, Sean permaneceu totalmente em silêncio enquanto Hank e Alex procuravam outras pessoas para se juntarem à sua busca, ocasionalmente se juntando à luta, se necessário.
Em seu confronto final com os Reavers, Sean foi infectado por Skullbuster e a nanotecnologia que o ajudava a manter o controle começou a funcionar mal. Incapaz de conter seus gritos sônicos por muito tempo, ele os lançou contra Dazzler, que os absorveu e derrotou um exército inteiro sozinha.
Após a batalha, Sean proferiu sua primeira frase completa em anos e compartilhou seu desejo de buscar uma maneira de resolver seu problema sozinho... Ou deixar a natureza seguir seu curso.
Ao atacar a sede da O.N.E., ele foi pego de surpresa por uma sentinela dourada gigante que o esmagou sob seu pé. Para a surpresa de todos, Banshee conseguiu soltar um grito final que detonou o robô em uma explosão horrível.
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Sean Cassidy foi presumivelmente ressuscitado por um grupo de mutantes conhecidos como "Os Cinco", finalmente curado da energia da Semente da Morte e voltou a ser alegre. Ele começou a viver na nação mutante de Krakoa, criado por Charles Xavier, Magneto e Moira. Mais tarde, ele foi visto comemorando o reconhecimento de Krakoa como nação soberana pela ONU. Durante a festa, ele compartilhou um olhar conhecedor com sua filha, pouco antes de ela se juntar a Dazzler para produzir um show de luzes para os festeiros.
Algum tempo depois, Moira finalmente se revelou a Sean em um pub irlandês. Tendo se voltado contra os mutantes, ela queria que ele a ajudasse a entrar furtivamente em Krakoa, mas Sean, que ainda não conseguia acreditar que ela estava viva, queria levar as coisas devagar e levá-la a um hospital primeiro. Perdendo a paciência, Moira decidiu interromper o reencontro e matá-lo, arrancando seu rosto para entrar disfarçada na ilha. Após sua morte violenta, Sean foi revivido pelos Cinco e tentou superar a traição de sua amada.
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marvelheroperil · 4 years ago
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Siryn/Banshee is choked and dangled over the balcony of the lighthouse by Morrigan. 
- X-Factor v1 #239, 2012
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xmenprompts · 4 years ago
Sirynpath, James is depressed and is shutting others out. Theresa decided to not let him suffer alone and tries to cheer him up since he’s always been there for her. Feelings are confessed and the unresolved (sexual/romantic) tension finally gets addressed
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girlsofcomics · 5 years ago
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-Real name: Theresa Maeve Rourke Cassidy
-A.k.a.: Sonique, Sy, Terry, Theresa Cassidy, Theresa Rourke, Tracy Cassidy, Banshee
-Publisher: Marvel
-Type: Mutant
-Afilliations: Fallen Angels, Hounds, Muir Island X-Men, New Mutants, The Outcasts, X-Corporation, X-Factor, X-Force, X-Men
-Powers: Sonic scream, sonic lance, uses her voice to make people fall in love with her, blast power, flight, force field, intellect, leadership, radar sense, stamina, super hearing.
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songbirdformcu-blog · 5 years ago
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Red Hulk’s Thunderbolts / the Morrigan
I've always been disappointed that nobody has seen fit to do anything with Siryn as the Morrigan. I suppose I am glad she hasn't been reverted either, I think this was a fascinating place for PAD to put the character. But like a lot of PAD's status quo changes, other writers don't seem interested in following up.
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heroicheart · 5 years ago
ok damn call her out
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phoenixlionme · 2 years ago
Marvel Redheaded Superheroes
NOTE: I know I have already done this type of list in the past. I have decided to do one again but with pics of each hero. If I am missing anyone, please add them with a pic but be respectful.
1. Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow
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2. Wanda Maximoff aka Scarlet Witch
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3. Jean Grey
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4. Hope Summers
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5. Elsa Bloodstone
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6. Rahne Sinclair aka Wolfsbane
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7. Sean Cassidy aka Banshee
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8. Raven Darkholme aka Mystique
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9. Mary Jane Watson; aka Spinneret in an alternate universe
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10. Matt Murdock aka Daredevil
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11. Angela
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12. Medusa of Inhumans
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13. Red Sonja
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14. Pepper Potts aka Rescue
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15. Alicia Masters
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16. Theresa Maeve Rourke Cassidy aka Siryn
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17. Annie-May Parker aka Spiderling
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18. Angelica Jones aka Firestar
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19. Doreen Green aka Squirrel Girl
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20. Julia Carpenter aka Spider Woman/ Arachne II/ Madame Web II
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cyavillaarts · 3 years ago
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X-Men Vote 2022
Theresa Maeve Rourke Cassidy
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elgaberino-mcoc · 5 years ago
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SIRYN Theresa Maeve Rourke Cassidy AKA Banshee II
The Idea A playable Marvel Contest of Champions Character in the Mutant Class with sonic attacks and vibration- or shockwave-related debuffs.
For her character design, she could have any of several past looks, each documented here.
Why Summoners Care An X-Force original, she was a core member of several Mutant teams. 
It might seem odd to add her before adding the original Banshee, but it might make sense.
Synergy She should enhance her Fallen Angels teammates, essentially Sunspot and Warlock, and (if/when they enter MCOC) Boom-Boom, Multiple Man, and Devil Dinosaur. She could also enjoy synergy with other X-Force members from its first volume, including Cannonball, Feral, and Shatterstar, “It’s Complicated” with Warpath, and “Romance” with Deadpool and Deadpool X-Force. Enemies include Onslaught and Mojo. Her family includes Banshee and Black Tom Cassidy. A sound-enhanced hero with whom she has literally synergized in the comics is Dazzler. Another sound-powers female is Songbird. Other X-Force members yet to join the contest include Rictor, Caliban, Bedlam, and Pete Wisdom.
Siryn in Other Games She was featured in the X-Men: Battle of the Atom mobile card game.
Siryn and Summoners She has been mentioned several times on the message boards (including at least once misspelt) and is ranked #192 (of 550 candidates as of December 2019) with 44 upvotes from Summoners on the poll.
On November 26, 2019, content creator RichTheMan discussed the possibility Siryn could fit in the X-Force section at the bottom-leftmost corner of the State of the Battlerealm map and could join the Contest in 2020. 
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hearthegoddessscream · 6 years ago
Character Profile
꧁ ❦ | · THERESA CASSIDY · | ❦ ꧂
【 Biodata 】
Name: Theresa Maeve Rourke Cassidy Aliases: Morrigan, Banshee, Siryn, Terry, Sy,Teresa , Theresa Rourke, Tracy Cassidy, Screaming Mimi
Sex:  Female Age:  Early twenties to late thirties
Species: Mutant Race: Irish
Relationship Status: Single Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Place of Creation: Spider-Woman (1978) #37
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【 Physical Specifics 】
Hair: Red Eyes: Green
Height: 5’7 Weight: 130 Ilbs (59 kg)
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【 Relations 】
❦ Liam Cassidy    Relation: Paternal Ancestor    Status: Deceased
❦ Patrick Rourke    Relation: Maternal Grandfather    Status: Deceased
❦ Sean Cassidy/ Banshee    Relation: Father   Status: Deceased
❦ Maeve Rourke Cassidy Relation: Mother Status: Deceased
❦ Thomas Cassidy (Black Tom)    Relation: Cousin    Status: Unknown
❦ Victoria Donnely   Relation: Cousin   Status: Alive
❦ Sean Madrox    Relation: Son   Status: Re-absorbed by Mardox   » ━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━ «
【 Quotes 】
“ My vocal cords are lethal. My estrogen level is berserk. Between Braxton-Hicks and my huge belly, I haven't slept in weeks. And I gotta pee...again. Free advice, Ms. Cooper. Never bet your life on what you think you know about a hormonal, sleep-deprived W.M.D. with a full bladder ”
”You needn’t be formal with me, sir. Most people find ‘Siryn’ an easier name to remember than Theresa Cassidy.”
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【 Personality 】
Theresa is an easy going young woman. She’s earnest and reliable. She’s a very good team player and a very dedicated leader. She actually thoroughly studied super-heroes tactics to be up to the task. After she took leadership, when Cable or Domino were moving with her team, she never doubted their legitimacy to take over.
When it comes to relationships, it’s another matter.While in a rather steady environment in Muir, she had a stable one with Madrox.While on the edge with X-Force, she was scared of getting too close, except maybe with people she won’t be seeing often.That’s how she pushed Proudstar away but was not so blunt with Deadpool.She’s certainly not an easy target.
Deep inside, she resents the lack of parental love.The Shadow King’s possession was a milestone in her http://life.It shaped her decision to join X-Force. She has a tendency to self-loathing that surfaces when she’s drunk.Before hooking with X-Force, alcohol was her way of filling these voids. 
After Proudstar’s intervention, it was her teammates and her responsibility as their leader.
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【 Background History 】
Theresa Maeve Rourke Cassidy is the mutant daughter of Sean, the mutant who was to become known as the Banshee, and Maeve Rourke Cassidy. Soon after his marriage, Sean Cassidy, an Interpol agent, was sent on an undercover anti-terrorist mission for many months, not knowing when he left that Maeve was pregnant. Shortly after Theresa's birth, Maeve took the infant Theresa with her on a visit to her relatives in Armagh in Northern Ireland. While she was there, Maeve, an innocent bystander, was killed in an IRA (Irish Republican Army) bombing along with a number of other people. No trace of Maeve was found by the authorities and they, and Maeve's relatives who knew of Theresa's existence, assumed that Theresa had also been killed in the explosion and never told Sean that Maeve had had a daughter.
In fact, however, Black Tom Cassidy, her father's cousin and a rival for the love of her mother, had been present at the scene of the explosion and had secretly carried Theresa off with him. Black Tom suspected that Theresa might develop superhuman mutant powers as she grew older, and therefore he intended to raise her secretly so that he might exploit her powers himself. Sean was so filled with anguish when he returned and learned of Maeve's death that he left his ancestral home of Cassidy Keep and threw himself into a series of highly dangerous missions, eventually leading to his resignation from Interpol and his later involvement with the mutant villain team Factor Three.
Theresa's sonic powers emerged at puberty and, a few years later, Black Tom began coercing her aid in committing crimes, whom she called "uncle" out of respect. At one point during high school, Theresa developed a drinking problem. However, Theresa's heart was never in a life of crime and she pursued it because the man who raised her, Black Tom, ordered her to do so. Eventually, Theresa accompanied Black Tom and his partner the Juggernaut to San Francisco.
There, employing the name Siryn, Theresa battled the original Spider-Woman and several of the X-Men. This conflict ended in Black Tom's temporary capture. While in custody, Black Tom gentlemanly exonerated Theresa of responsibility for his crimes and wrote to Sean explaining who she was. Theresa and Sean were joyfully united at Professor Charles Xavier's mansion. Theresa went to live with her father, who had since retired back at Cassidy Keep and, due to his new girlfriend Dr. Moira MacTaggart, divided their time between Cassidy Keep and Muir Island.
Fallen Angels
Sometime afterward, Theresa lived for a while at the Muir Island Mutant Research Center, owned by Dr. MacTaggert. There Theresa met, and developed a romantic relationship with Jamie Madrox, the Multiple Man. After being informed that the New Mutant Sunspot had run away, Theresa and Madrox helped to track down the young mutant.
Traveling to New York, Theresa and Jamie found Sunspot and Warlock, attempting to rob a church for food, and Gomi, propositioned Bobby da Costa to join the Fallen Angels. Vanisher appeared to further persuade the children and, while still considering, Chance and Ariel appeared and challenged Sunspot to take a chance. Then Bobby, Warlock, and the duplicate Madroxes left with the group.
After tracking the youths, Theresa and the original Madrox, met Boom-Boom and were teleported to the Valley of the Flame, on Dinosaur World, where they were joined by Moon Boy and Devil Dinosaur. After Devil Dinosaur, accidentally, crushed Don the lobster, Gomi's words of not leaving friends after an accident or tragedy struck a cord and Bobby began to second-guess his decision. After all of the mutant's powers, temporarily, went out-of-whack, due to Chance, Ariel suggested that they all leave and teleported them to the Coconut Grove, her home planet. The inhabitants of the Coconut Grove and the leader, Unipar captured the Fallen Angels, intending to use them as experiments to continue their evolution, but the Angels worked together to defeat them and return home. Sunspot and Warlock decided to return to the New Mutants, but Siryn and Madrox chose to remain with the Angels instead of going home to Muir Island.
Muir Island
Siryn eventually returned to Muir Island, only to get caught up in the Shadow King's telepathic influence. When the X-Men came to Muir to investigate, Siryn ended up fighting her own father Banshee, and took advantage of his feelings to beat him for the Shadow King.She was freed from Farouk's influence with the other residents after the Shadow King was defeated on the physical and astral planes.
Later, Theresa learned of an attempt by Black Tom and the Juggernaut to bomb the World Trade Center in New York, and she joined the formative group of mutants known as X-Force in defeating them. She remained alongside the team for a long tenure, and eventually grew to become Field Leader during the absence of their former leader, Cable. On a solo adventure, Theresa encountered the mercenary Deadpool when both were tracking down activities of Black Tom. The two developed romantic feelings toward one another, but parted company.
During her time with X-Force, Theresa's teammate Warpath developed a crush on her, and later he helped Theresa recover from a relapse into alcoholism During a clash between X-Force and the villainous New Hellions, Theresa's vocal cords were severely damaged, causing her to lose her voice as well as her powers. Taking a leave of absence from the team, Theresa adjusted slowly to life without her powers, visiting with an aunt.
Soon, however, Theresa walked into an antique store where the owner put a necklace on her. Theresa immediately began to talk again and flew off, the obvious victim of a possession, similar to the type performed by the deceased villain Malice.
Later, Theresa encountered Deadpool who managed to get her to an organization that was able to heal her using the mutant healing power of their captive, the X-Men's Wolverine. Wolverine was upset at Deadpool, even after Theresa broke out of her healing tank, but Terry stood by Wade and flew off with him. What became of her possessor is unknown.
X-Corps & X-Corporation
Banshee founded a mutant team, the X-Corps, as a paramilitary force that could police the mutant community. The team recruited several known villains and soon they embarked on a rampage through Paris until the X-Men were able to defeat them. Even so, Banshee was left wounded and the X-Corps was disbanded. Feeling the need to help atone for her father's debacle, Theresa offered her services to the X-Corporation, a clandestine extension of the X-Men operating as mutant champions on a worldwide scale.
X-Factor Investigations
Siryn became a member of X-Factor Investigations. She was in a state of denial regarding her father's recent demise, correctly noting that many X-Men had been believed dead only to later return alive. Due to these recent traumas, Siryn was under considerable emotional strain. She was beaten by Damian Tryp, Jr. and captured by Doctor Leery. Rictor rescued her, killing Leery in the process. During the Superhuman Civil War, Theresa opposed the Registration Act and was tasked with contacting more high-profile superheroes about the Decimation. After speaking with Spider-Man, X-Factor got into contact with Quicksilver and Cyclops’ team of X-Men demanding they answer why the reason behind the Decimation was kept secret and defy the Registration Act.
One night, Madrox got drunk; Jamie Prime and a dupe he described as his libido incarnate slept with Siryn and Monet. Jamie was not sure which of them slept with the dupe. Regardless, Jamie kept it going with the both of them, afraid of revealing that he was double-timing them. After a confrontation with Singularity Investigations the members of X-Factor met with Doc Samson, who encouraged Jamie to confess the truth to Monet and Siryn. They did not take it well.
Baby Sean
Theresa discovered that she was pregnant with Madrox's child. After Mutant Town was destroyed by Arcade, X-Factor moved to Detroit. As Theresa went into labor, she proposed to Jamie who accepted. Eventually, she gave birth to a baby boy that she named Sean. Upon picking up Sean, Madrox absorbed him: he had been a dupe all along. Filled only with rage, Theresa declared after breaking Jamie's fingers that she would break his neck next time she saw him.
Banshee After disbanding the Detroit branch of X-Factor Theresa went back to Ireland where she ran into Reverend John Maddox, one of Jamie's dupes. Reverend Maddox helped Theresa cope with depression and she had a one-night stand with Deadpool. After finally coming to terms with Banshee's death and reconciling her grief, Theresa retired the codename Siryn and took her deceased father's codename as her own and began calling herself Banshee in honor of his memory.
The Morrigan As Polaris continued to mentally deteriorate, Terry asked Layle Miller to help her contact the Morrigan in an attempt to save Lorna's sanity. The Morrigan revealed that her name was actually a title that was passed down from one woman to another and that she was tired of being the Morrigan. She would help Terry by giving her the power that was needed to heal Lorna's mind. To do this, Terry had to kill the Morrigan and become the new Morrigan. Theresa accepted and killed the Morrigan using a "Banshee's scream" in the form of a sonic lance, by the Morrigan's request. With her new godly powers, Terry easily saved Lorna.
After Terry donned the title, she immediately left the team, only reappearing when Jamie Madrox prayed to her while he was stuck in his demonic form because of Mephisto and the events of the contest to kill Tier Sinclair. She was initially surprised at the context of her summoning because she didn't expect this to be when Jamie summons her. She then healed Jamie and defeated the policemen that we attempting to arrest Layla. She filled Layla and Jamie in on their friends' lives, and later offered to rally the team herself but didn't because she learned that Layla and Jamie just wanted to raise their child in peace
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【 Abilities 】
Banshee is a second generation mutant and possesses sonic acoustic powers similar to those of her father:
Acoustikinesis: The ability to create various sonic effects through the combined action of her vocal cords and limited psionic powers which can only be used in conjunction with the sounds she produces.
• Sonic Scream: Siryn can cause her vocal cords to vibrate over a wide range of sonic frequencies and produce a volume of sound ranging up to at least 140 decibels. Siryn has thus the ability to shatter solid objects with a sonic scream. This ability is most likely augmented with her ability to weild mythological Banshee cries which were demonstrated as being louder than her own sonic scream.
• Flight: Siryn can use the sonic vibrations of her scream as a carrier wave.
• Sonic Lance: By focusing her sonic vibrations while screaming into an intense beam. This is used as a sort of "battering ram" that can stun or even destroy most solid objects.
• Sonar: She can use her sonic powers as a form of sonar. By sending out a precise, pure note and listening to the returning, altered wavefront of the note, she can evaluate her surroundings in total darkness with varying degrees of resolution.
• Sonic Null Field: She can project a field of silence in a area making no sound reach outside the area or no sound outside the area in.
• Sonic Amplification: She can amplify sound carrier waves allowing her to hear conversations or noises from far off.
• Sonic Shield: She can tighten sound waves around herself or others near her, making a barrier against outside attack.
• Vocal Disorientation: The ability to change someone’s balance, by affecting their equilibrium using her sonic scream.
• Vocal Trance: The ability to subtly influence peoples subconscious mind by changing the tones and vibrations of her voice using sonics, the effects tend towards blatant hypnosis. At times she's been even capable of calming down an enraged Hulk (when his rage is not so intense).
• Vocal Unconsciousness: The ability to affect the fluid in someone’s ear causing the person to go unconscious.
• Siren's Song: The ability to influence human beings with a certain pitch of her voice, causing them to fall in love with her without regard to gender or sexual orientation.
• Sound Immunity: Siryn's hearing and equilibrium are unaffected by the effects of her scream and similar abilities.
• Superhuman Vocal Stamina: Her vocal cords are tremendously strong, so that she can produce sonic effects through screaming constantly for hours at a time without noticeably tiring or injuring her vocal apparatus. Siryn's vocal cords and the interiors of her throat and mouth are also superhumanly tough, so that the intense pressures and constrictions that she produces do not cause her any injury.
• Unarmed Combat: She is well-versed in the form of unarmed combat (trained as X-Force member in Martial Arts)
Godly Physiology: After she killed the Morrigan , it is assumed that she gained all of her powers • With the power of the Morrigan, transforming her into a Celtic goddess with superhuman strength, a mystically enhanced sonic scream, powers of healing, clairvoyance, teleportation, and attuned to the needs and summons of her supplicants and worshippers • Superhuman Durability: She was able to take a direct hit from a gun that was able to destroy Layla Miller’s shield and didn't even feel discomfort.
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【 Themes 】
❦ Detroit Rock City [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZq3i94mSsQ ]
❦ Unleashed 【 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCVNRucNGE0v  】
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thisdayincomics · 7 years ago
December 30
Like her father, the X-Men's Banshee, Theresa Maeve Rourke Cassidy is an Irish mutant who possesses a "sonic scream" capable of incapacitating and injuring an opponent's hearing and sending powerful vibrations through the air. She can use these vibrations to fly. Theresa was raised by Banshee’s cousin and nemesis Black Tom Cassidy without Banshee's knowledge. By her early teens, she left Black Tom and eventually joined the X-Men offshoots X-Force and later X-Factor. Siryn first appeared in Spider-Woman #37 (December 30, 1980), where she appears as a villain.
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koval77744 · 6 years ago
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512) Siryn / Morrigan / Banshee / Terry / Sy / Teresa / Theresa Rourke / Tracy Cassidy / Screaming Mimi - Theresa Maeve Rourke Cassidy
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writeups-org · 7 years ago
Powers & Abilities
Siryn is the mutant daughter of Banshee. She has inherited her father’s sonic powers.
Under Black Tom’s tutelage, she developed some stunts of her own. During the few years she spent on Muir Island, Moira continued her training.
Theresa Rourke Cassidy is the mutant daughter of Sean Cassidy, the mutant who was not yet known as Banshee, and Maeve Rourke…
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marvellousheroesrpg-blog · 8 years ago
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“Ye'd best cover yer ears, kids... this is goin' to hurt some!”
After graduating from university, Sean Cassidy gained a position at Interpol as an agent. He kept his mutant identity secret, even from those closest to him for fear of prejudice. He met and fell in love with Maeve Rourke and the two of them got married. Around the same time, Sean was promoted to the rank of Inspector at Interpol. Life was going well for Sean.
That was until he was assigned a secret mission that meant he would need to spend a lot of time away from his new wife, Maeve. Unbeknownst to Sean and Maeve, Maeve was pregnant when Sean left for his mission. Maeve gave birth to a daughter while Sean was still away and unable to receive this happy news. Maeve took her daughter, Theresa, to see some family in Belfast but was involved in a terrorist attack on the city. Maeve died of her injuries and Theresa was taken away by the authorities. When Sean returned from his mission, he was told that his wife had died but no one told him about the birth and disappearance of Theresa. Devastated by the loss of his wife, Sean threw himself into his work. This did not do anything to minimise his grief and so Sean left Interpol and began to do freelance work, some of which was illegal.
While doing the freelance work, a gang of not-so-pleasant mercenaries learned of Sean, now calling himself Banshee, and his mutant ability and talents. They managed to coerce Sean into working for them, even though Sean did try to escape them. Eventually the gang and Banshee ended up fighting the X-Men. At the first opportunity, Banshee told the the X-Men everything he knew about the gang and their activities. He had enough evidence on them to send them to prison for a long time. The X-Men offered Banshee a place at the Xavier mansion which he accepted.
Sean’s life is much better now and certainly a lot more crime-free. While he is too old to attend Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters, Sean does take advantage of the training facilities available both at the school and in the mansion. He has earned a place on the X-Men team and gets on well with the other team members. Sean does have his concerns about the Sokovia Accords and what they will mean for mutant-kind, but generally he avoids getting involved with the politics.
Acoustikinesis - he is able to produce incredible sonic waves with his voice and he can use those waves for various tasks, such as flight, sonar, and sonic blasts.
Gifted detective and seasoned undercover operative.
Skilled combatant who is well versed in combat tactics and strategy.
FC: Domhnall Gleeson
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tinysonicscreamer · 8 years ago
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Name: Theresa “Terry” Maeve Rourke Cassidy
Alias: Siryn
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Unsure--she’s just a kid.
Powers: (All definitions taken from the superpower wiki)
Audiokinesis: The ability to manipulate sound and/or sound waves Vocal Hypnosis/Siryn’s Song: She can emit an astonishingly beautiful and enchanting singing voice that can put the listener under her control Sonic Scream: She can emit/generate an extremely powerful scream of a high amplitude for a variety of purposes. Sonar/echolocation: The ability to determine the location of objects in the environment by use of reflected sound waves.
Origin Story: After the events of X-Men: First Class, Sean Cassidy married a young woman named Maeve Rourke. When Sean was killed during the events prior to Days of Future Past (or simply presumed to be dead depending on how there RP goes), Maeve moved Theresa—then an infant—to Sean’s ancestral home in the Irish countryside, far away from the violence. Due to her rural upbringing, Theresa had little access to television and thus the events of DOFP and Apocalypse were unknown to her until enrolling in the Hellfire Academy. Her only exposure to the world of mutants came from Sean’s cousin Thomas, who Theresa came to see as a father figure. When Theresa’s own mutation manifested, Maeve saw little choice but to contact Charles Xavier. Due to Thomas’s influence and because she blamed humans for her father’s death, Theresa opted to join the Hellfire Academy instead of the X-Men.
Key Traits: Dramatic, impulsive, affectionate, creative, athletic, temperamental, loyal
Affiliation: Hellfire Academy
Room number: 21E
Extracurriculars: Soccer, cheer team
What do you want to get out of this school: She wants to know more about her father’s history and legacy and possibly avenge his death. She also appreciates having more time with Thomas, who is a teacher at Hellfire.
Known Family: Sean Cassidy (late father) Maeve Rourke-Cassidy (mother) Thomas Cassidy (second-cousin, but she calls him her uncle) Patrick Rourke (estranged grandfather)
Relations: TBD
Personality Type: ENTP, Chaotic Good
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