#There's an easy market if you're the only one able to provide for it after all
estellardreams · 4 months
Aha! I got it!
Why does Star have so much money?
EASY! She provides for any type of family to have a bio-logical child through a lab tube. Granted, both (or individual) parties consent to using their DNA.
It's incredibly expensive too, but it does help for families who can't produce children, who's bodies might not be able to handle the pregnancy, or just couples and single parents who can't produce a child on their own.
And everything is taken care of for them, too. No extra costs besides paying for the DNA samples to form the baby, and if they want they can schedule an appointment to check up on the child's condition and find out what they need to know about it.
The process does take a similar time frame for a usual pregnancy, though. And when the child is ready, they're extracted from the tube, cleaned off, and given to their parents to take home.
But how costly is it?
Around 16k rings. Or 5k red rings.
No wonder she's rich...
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not-neverland06 · 3 months
Crash of Worlds
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Cooper Howard x fem!reader, The Ghoul x fem!reader A/N: After this there’s gonna be more canon divergence - this one’s short (rope divider done by @saradika-graphics , cowboy hat/revolvers done by @firefly-graphics) Summary: You’d been expecting everything to be different, people, to be different. But not like this. Not to such an extreme extent. Maybe the vault had softened you more than you’d have liked but there was nothing to do about it now.
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The green canopy of the forest provides a welcome relief from the heat. You and Lucy follow the signs pointing the way to Filly. You hear it before you ever get to see it. There’s a distant sound of yelling and the murmur of people. It has your heart clenching in your chest. 
You’re outside, breathing in real air, not oxygen from tanks. You can feel the breeze in your hair and hear people. It’s all you wanted for three years. Bud prepared you for a lot. But he didn’t prepare you for just how jarring it is to wake up and suddenly everything you’ve ever known is gone. You don’t feel the years you’ve been asleep. It was like it happened yesterday. 
But you’ve had three years to come to peace with what had happened. You can’t let yourself get wrapped up in this feeling of nostalgia. The raiders that came down to the vault were proof enough that the people you’re going to meet up here aren’t going to be anywhere near friendly. You know this world has turned into dog-eat-dog, Lucy doesn’t yet, though. 
She walks towards a large grove of abandoned cars. The paint has flaked off and the glass smashed in, but they’re not in horrible condition for being two hundred odd years old. You're distracted by the convertible she stands next to and you gasp. 
You rush forward, hand smoothing over the hood and grinning at the familiar feel. “I-”
You cut yourself off abruptly and Lucy looks over at you, a curious smile on her face. “What is it?”
You shake your head, “Nothing. Just excited to see civilization again.” You give her a terse smile, hoping she doesn’t smell the lie. You’d almost said that it was exactly like your old car. But that would have opened up a can of worms you weren’t ready for. 
She groans, linking her arm through yours and nodding. “I know, me too. The surface is definitely not what I was expecting.”
You sigh, glancing back at the car before stepping towards Filly. “Yeah, me either.” 
The noise reaches a crescendo as you finally manage to make your way into the market. There’s still signs directing you further through the woods so you figure this must not be Filly yet. Probably just a little place where people tried to peddle junk. 
A man lurches out at you holding out a kebab and grinning widely. “DOG MEAT!” You jump back in shock as he screams in your face. His eyes are unseeing as he waves the kebab around. “GET YOUR DOGMEAT HERE!” 
“Oh, what the fuck?” You mutter, you didn’t mean dog-eat-dog literally. You notice you and Lucy getting odd looks and you finally realize just how much the two of you stand out. In comparison, you're both well groomed and much cleaner than anyone here. 
Not only that but you’ve got the stupid Pip-Boy’s on your arm and vault suits on. You’re walking advertisements of “Come rob me!” You steer Lucy further through the market, narrowly avoiding a lizard meat stall and dragging her towards a tunnel at the end of the path. Filly’s just beyond and you shove her through the opening, eager to get somewhere where you might be able to find something useful. 
You seperate with the promise to meet back up in the middle of the town square. You’re going to look for something to change into and she’ll find some information on her father. Should be easy enough. 
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He’s not supposed to be here. He’d gotten himself and all of his kind banned a long time ago. An impressive feat, considering how lawless Filly is. But no one’s going to say anything to him, no one ever has before. 
Any other ghoul and they would have been dragged right back out before they could even put a foot through the tunnel. But he’s not any ghoul, he’s the ghoul. And no one in their right mind is going to be the one to start a fight they’ve got no fucking hope of winning. 
He rolls the empty vial of RadAway around in his hand, hat tipped down as he waits for his mark to show up. Ma June, cantankerous old bitch that she is, always has good supplies. But she doesn’t sell to ghouls, and if he didn’t need her alive right now he would have shot her for turning him away. She’s a well known fence for fugitives and bounties. If his mark is going to show up anywhere, it’s going to be right here. 
Most of the people who try their hand at bounty hunting do it for the experience. They get bored, not that he can fucking blame them. After a while staring at nothing but sand and chickens makes a man go a little crazy. They don’t understand that it’s all a waiting game. 
Sometimes it’s an exhilarating chase, like a predator tracking down its prey. But more often than not he’s just waiting for a slip up. A mistake from whoever has a price on their head is usually what lands them in his hands. And the second this man decided to use Ma June as a transport was when he made his mistake. Everyone knows that Barv can’t keep her mouth shut for shit. 
When someone decides Ma June can help them, everyone knows where they are. It’s a big bounty, enough to keep anyone with a normal life cycle sated for the rest of their life. For him, it’s all about the hunt. The wait, that look in their eyes when they realize they're trapped and there’s nowhere left for them to turn. He loves it when he’s got them cornered. 
There’s a desperation to them that makes the capture all the more sweeter.  
There’s two bright flashes of blue against the otherwise dreary countenance of Filly. He doesn’t look up much, still trying not to draw too much attention to himself. He sees one, brown hair and wide eyed as she takes in the sights. Fucking vaulties. 
It’s been a while since he’s taken one of their bounties. Their tech was pretty valuable among surface dwellers and when one was spotted, which was rare, there was usually a good price on their head. He can only catch the back of the other one, her face blocked by a conveniently placed support beam next to him. 
She stops by the clothing stall, waving her friend along and speaking to the woman who runs the booth. Good fucking luck to her. There was no haggling with that woman and her prices were fucking ridiculous. He wonders how long it will be until he sees those two on the poster in some bar somewhere. He’s sure when the time comes, he’ll enjoy taking them too. 
His gaze goes back to Ma June’s shop, interest already waned in the rare vault dweller. They were never all that fun. Never had any good information and always had a stick up their ass about morals and being a “good” person. 
Finally, his mark turns up. Blind to the danger lurking behind him. 
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You’re in a really shitty spot when the fighting starts. You’re overwhelmed by everything around you. Freaks in wacky ass clothes peddling their mutated animals and fucking teeth. Teeth. 
Teeth and bottle caps, that’s the currency now. Who decided that bottle caps were a good idea? Or teeth for that matter. You’ve only got so many of them. You don’t even want to think about what they’re getting used for.
The woman in front of you only has four of her own left and she’s demanding three of yours for a shirt. You’re not well versed in the economy of the wasteland, but even you’re sure that three teeth is a ridiculous ask. From the way people keep glaring at you as they walk by, you’re sure that she thinks because you’re from a vault you’re going to be gullible. 
You’re too caught up in your quickly escalating argument to realize what’s happening until it’s too late. A man stands in the center of the square, his back to you. You can tell from your view that he’s pretty badly burned, the skin around his neck and skull warped and twisted. 
He’s yelling about a bounty and your head tilts in confusion. There’s something to the lilt of that accent that sounds familiar. You take a step forward, abandoning the clothing stall and trying to place how you know him. It’s impossible, really, that anyone recognizable would still be alive. But maybe someone else got out of a vault and made it to the surface. If they did, it clearly wasn’t unscathed. 
It’s only when he pulls out his gun that you realize Lucy is standing in front of him, with the man that bothered her last night. You want to call out her name, try and catch her eye, but the last thing you need is him pointing that gun at you. You jump back in shock as he shoots the man’s foot off, eyes widening, and feet scrambling backwards. 
The woman in the clothing stall hisses, “Fucking ghoul,” and makes a run for it. You watch her go, finally realizing just how empty the square is now. Everyone has left, all of them terrified by the man in black. Your eyes dart between him and the stall. 
She’s gone, and you need clothes. You’ll deal with Lucy’s scolding later. You leap over the counter of the stall and begin to rifle through the woman’s stock. Stuffing any spare clothes you think will fit into your pack and just because she was such a horrid bitch, you steal her bag of caps too. 
The crazy old lady by the shop screams out a reward for anyone who manages to kill the man in front of you. When the guns start going off you realize just how screwed you are. You’re in the middle of the town square. Granted, you are blocked by the clothing stall, but these bullets they’re using aren’t ordinary. 
They’re getting holes blown clean through their chest and the buildings around them are damn near exploding from the impact. The measly little wooden stall isn’t going to be any sort of decent cover against them. 
You risk another look over the counter, hoping to find a clear path to Lucy or at least some better cover. He’s finally turned around now and you can get a half decent glance at his side profile. There’s nothing truly recognizable about him, just familiar. It’s hard to really tell anything about him when he doesn’t have a nose. 
You watch with wide eyes and a disbelieving expression as he takes three shots to the chest like it’s nothing. He keeps chewing on his tomatoes and slowly finding cover to reload. A ghoul. Hank and Betty had told you and the other’s about them. People poisoned by radiation. 
Most of them turn feral, but those who can find the right chems live a lot longer than any normal human should. They heal nearly immediately and are almost invulnerable to anything except their own disease. Considering how quick on the draw this guy is, no one has any real hope of taking him down. 
With the shooting redirected you leap out from behind the counter and rush towards the shop. But something stops you before you reach the door. You don’t know what it is, what connects in your brain that has you so harshly coming to a stop. 
You whirl around, ignoring the way Lucy calls out your name. He’s back out from his cover now. He aims, grinning and laughing as he manages to get two people with one bullet. Carnage is all around you. Blood flying through the air, surrounded by blood and guts. The relatively peaceful downtown has been littered with dead. 
And in the middle of it all stands him. You have to be wrong. There’s no fucking way he’s standing in front of you. You take a step forward and his head whips towards you. The rest of him isn’t recognizable, but you would know those eyes anywhere. 
His eyes widen with surprise and you feel your gut drop to your feet. This can’t be him. There’s no way. He’s slaughtering these people like it’s nothing. The man you knew could never be so casual about this. Then again, the relationship you’d had was built on lies. Maybe you’d never really known him. 
Before you can process the anger in his face you’re being jerked to the side. Lucy pants as she drags you into the shop and you look over your shoulder, shocked to find a bullet where you’d just been standing. You catch his eye, see the smoke coming from the barrel of his gun and realize he’d tried to fucking shoot you.
Shit, maybe it is him. He had always had a bad temper and a good aim. 
You can feel his eyes, tracking you even as you disappear behind the walls of the shop. You and Lucy risk a peek out of the shop when you hear something like an explosion. You gape as a power suit lands in front of him. What twisted ass blast to the past have you just been sent to?
How the fuck was Cooper Howard, ghoulified, and a power suit both in the same area? 
You had to be dreaming. There was no way this was happening. But it was, and whoever was in charge of that suit had no idea what they were doing. He’s ducking under their swinging metal arms, taunting them and drawing out the fight. He could end this now, you both know where the weakness is. 
Hell, you could end this fight right now. But you don’t see the need to kill the Knight when it’s clear he’s trying to protect you and Lucy. “We need to get him,” Lucy points frantically to the man on the ground. He’s not really moving, just clutching the bloody nub where his foot used to be and looking astonished at the blood around him. 
“This is really stupid,” you hiss as you both start forward and wrap an arm around one of his own. You don’t have much time to process what happens next. 
“Watch out!” The knight barrels towards you both. He wraps his arms around Lucy and goes flying into a building. You jump back at the explosion of wood and metal flying down around you. The ghoul has his gun pointed at them both. He’d clearly been trying to snipe you both, get you away from the man on the ground. 
Well, he could fucking have him. You drop the man to the ground and he grunts as you make a run for it. A coward’s move, the same one you admonished Norm for. But, you’re a fucking hypocrite, so what? Right now, you’d really just like to survive this gun fight unscathed. 
Something lands near your foot and you jump, realizing it’s a bullet. You glance up and the ghoul is laughing at you, full on belly laughing as he shoots around you. You realize with a start that he’s playing with you. Taunting you like a man who’s got all the time in the world. But you can’t stop running. If you stop, those bullets are going to catch up with you. 
You keep going, legs pumping and heart racing as you’re separated more and more from Lucy. The mission, the whole reason you came up to the surface, is lost on you. You can only focus on one thing, surviving. You keep running, through alleyways and around buildings until you’re back in the woods. The whole time his laughter is following you. 
The sharp noise of something whistling through the air reaches your ears and then something snaps against you. You glance down, only a moment to process the rope over your arms before he’s dragging you back. Your head hits the ground with a harsh snap, the motion slamming your teeth together and nearly biting off the tip of your tongue. 
You groan in dazed pain and then he’s slowly dragging you back. One sharp tug after another, rocks ripping at your suit and scalp, hair ripped out underneath your back. Until, finally, he’s peering over you, face upside down and lips twisted up into a strained smile. 
“Well, there you are, sweetheart.”
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end. — I do not own the characters or the game/show Fallout, but this writing is my own all rights reserved © not-neverland06 2024. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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Love me harder
Pairing: Elizabeth Olsen x Fem!Reader
Summary: You are having a nice day out with Elizabeth when a paparazzi stumble over you
Disclaimer: English is not my first language. This was inspired by that photos of Lizzie eating ice cream.
Warnings: Elizabeth Olsen being too cute
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“What flavor do you want?”
You heard your girlfriend asking you with her lips brushing just behind your ear before a quick kiss landed right there, making your entire body melt against her. Elizabeth was standing behind you, one arm around your waist, and easily sustained your weight with a low chuckle at the reaction she got from you. People around you paid no mind at all despite the park being packed with families and passers-by enjoying the sunny day out.
“Chocolate,” you replied after giving it some thought. You had never eaten ice cream from the truck Elizabeth had taken you to, but chocolate was your forever favorite.
“Okay,” Elizabeth said and removed her arm from around you. You turned your head to look at her, already smiling the easy smile that came to your face whenever you were around her, but she simply slid on her sunglasses again and smirked. “Stay here, I will go to the line. It’s too sunny,” she declared, gently guiding you to take another step back to stay in the big shadow the tree behind you was providing.
You rolled your eyes fondly at the sweetness of her gesture, but didn’t try to argue as she walked away. You knew there was no point in arguing, after all. So you watched as your girlfriend walked a few feet to your right to stand in the line to buy both of you the ice cream she promised you would get if you woke up early to go out with her. She wanted to go to the street market for days now, mostly because she wanted to buy some new flowers to her garden but also because she knew they had the most fresh vegetables around, and she was finally home to do so. Of course, she would drag you along with her. And, of course, you would agree to wake up at a ridiculous hour in the morning to buy carrots just because she pouted at you.
There were very few things you wouldn’t do when Elizabeth pouted at you and she knew that.
“Here we go.”
You noticed you had dozed off when you heard her voice approaching you. You looked over in time to see her walking towards you while holding two cones with a soft smile on her lips before she handed you the chocolate one. She took advantage of her free hand to raise her sunglasses to the top of her head again and you were blessed with the sight of her green eyes.
“Thanks, Lizzie,” you smiled at her, already moving to take a bite out of the ice cream. It made her shudder, as you knew it would, because she couldn’t imagine how you were able to just bite ice-cold things and not feel anything.
Even so, she made sure to lean in to press a kiss against your cheek. “Not a problem, honey. Do you want to sit down to eat?”
“Can we? I'm afraid I might make a mess if I try to walk and eat at the same time,” you admitted with a shy grin, looking down at the ice cream that had already started to melt a bit.
“Of course.” Elizabeth nodded and used her plastic spoon to point at a bench not far from where you both were. It was under a tree so there was a big shadow around it as well, and there weren’t many people around since most seemed to be enjoying their day to run or walk their dogs. “There are a few benches over there.”
“Let's go.” You both walked towards the bench with no rush and you sat down as soon as you reached it, stretching your legs in front of you in the air and groaning. “Ah, my feet are killing me.”
Elizabeth rolled her eyes at you, but she had a smile on her face. “We didn't walk that much.”
“No, but I'm tired,” you complained, licking your ice cream with a pout.
Elizabeth, who had been eating her treat with the spoon, glanced at you for a moment. “You're only saying that because you want me to put all the groceries away when we get home.”
“Of course not!” You exclaimed in fake shock, even going as far as placing a hand against your chest. “I would never.”
This time, your girlfriend laughed and shook her head. “You're lucky I love you,” she mumbled while leaning down.
“Yes, I am,” you agreed easily because, really, you were so lucky to have Elizabeth in your life and, even more so, that she loved you so dearly.
Your lips connected in a quick peck since you were both in a public space and in odd positions, but she sighed when she pulled away. “You taste like chocolate.”
“And you taste like pistachio,” you replied with an adoring smile. You wished you could kiss her again, but Elizabeth was already straightening her back. She had not sat down by your side, kind of towering over you, but you didn’t mind. “Which I think I don't have a problem with when I taste it like that,” you added and stared at her ice cream as if it had personally offended you somehow. You didn’t like pistachio, which was ironic because that was Elizabeth’s favorite flavor.
Your girlfriend threw you an amused glare before pointing at your ice cream with her plastic spoon. “Eat.”
“Yes, ma'am.”
You didn’t have to be told twice, obviously. The ice cream was delicious, there were some chocolate bits inside, and you were positively sure that the truck had the best ice cream in the entire city. You would tell Elizabeth that later on because she kept telling you this for weeks now and you didn’t believe her before.
You both ate in silence for a few minutes. You were watching people walking past you, focused on all the cute dogs walking with their owners or the birds trying to steal popcorn from people passing by, barely paying attention to anything else. Elizabeth took a few looks around over her shoulders and you assumed she was also watching the dogs, but you noticed the way she shifted closer to you at some point, almost touching your feet together. You looked up, a bit surprised, and noticed she had lowered her sunglasses again, which did not prevent you from seeing the frown that was suddenly on her face.
“What?” You asked because you knew her enough to know there was something wrong.
Elizabeth, who had been gazing down at her ice cream with her lips pursed, looked up from her glasses at you. “Huh?”
“You made a face,” you pointed out, deciding not to mention that she had basically changed positions as well, or that her posture had gone stiff.
It looked like that, for a second, she was going to dismiss your worries, but Elizabeth eventually sighed almost sadly and her shoulders dropped. “I'm sorry,” she declared and, this time, it was clear she was tense. “I saw someone taking pictures.” Elizabeth made a face and discreetly pointed over her right shoulder to show you where that person was, but you didn’t try to look over. You realized she had moved to try to cover you from whoever had a camera pointed in your direction. After she saw realization washing over your expression, she sighed again. “I'm so sorry.”
She sounded so earnest, her sadness so crude, that you couldn’t stop yourself from reaching out to squeeze her arm. “That's okay, Lizzie.”
“No, it's not.” She shook her head. “You shouldn't have to suffer the consequences of the career I chose for myself.”
That wasn’t the first time she expressed how upset she got when someone tried to drag you to her crazy lifestyle. You had been dating for over two years now, but you just recently came public with it because she was trying to keep you away from all of that - she had adamantly assured you that it wasn’t because you were a woman and you belived her. The paparazzi, people following you around, newsletters treating you as a public figure, fans stopping you in the street to ask you questions about her, and the influence it could have on your work and your very normal, mundane life. But you both reached an agreement to have her post a picture of you two at one of her castmate's wedding to announce to the world your relationship and things hadn’t gone as bad as you initially thought they might go.
Sure, some people found out where you worked and showed up, but your boss was understanding and just added more security for a while until it all settled back again. Other than that, the occasional fan giving you something for you to pass along to Elizabeth, and the eventual paparazzi taking pictures, things weren’t so crazy. You hadn’t shown up on her Instagram again, mostly because Elizabeth herself wasn’t very into social media, and you kept your own account private, only accepting your friends and family there so you could keep posting all you wanted.
That was a thing that happened when you dated a Marvel’s movie star when you weren’t one yourself. However, dating Elizabeth Olsen wasn’t all bad as your girlfriend made it seem - or believed so herself. You had been together for a while, enough for you to know there was no one else capable of making you feel as happy as she did. You would move mountains to be with her, so you could endure a few pictures taken without your consent, as annoying as it might be.
“Hey,” you called her softly, letting your hand caress her arm until you were touching her hand. She stopped spinning the small spoon with her fingers when you touched her, but it took a few more seconds before her eyes moved up to meet yours. You wished she didn’t have her sunglasses on, although they weren’t dark enough to hide all of them. “Thank you for protecting me,” you said, making sure you sounded as honest as you were. “I know you try to hide me when you see someone is taking photos.”
“I just…” Elizabeth sighed and allowed you to play with her fingers, letting go of the spoon. “I don't want to hide you, but you don't deserve to have your life ruined because of me.”
There it was again. The way Elizabeth made it seem like she was bringing the end of the world straight at you. You could understand that, of course, because her life had always been under the spotlight since she was a baby. She saw how being in the media affected her sisters, what it did to them, and how it shifted her life as well. So, of course, you understood why she was so protective of you when it came to that. It just made you love her even more.
“My life could never be ruined because of you,” you affirmed and allowed a small smile to turn the corners of your lips up. “You are the reason why my life has been pretty great lately.” Elizabeth also smiled, although it didn’t reach her eyes, and you decided to kiss her palm to remind her you were not going anywhere. You didn’t care if the person was still taking pictures or not, if that was going to reach the internet somewhere or not. “Eat your ice cream, sunshine.”
She smiled more widely at the pet name you used as you let go of her hand so you could both finish eating. By that point, the ice cream was melting down the cone and almost reaching your fingers, so you sped up to eat it. Elizabeth still kept trying to hide you, but she looked more at ease when she started biting down on the cone, so you also allowed yourself to relax.
Once you were done with the ice cream, she helped you to stand, putting out one of her hands, and then grabbed your napkin to throw it away in the trashcan a few steps to the side. When she returned, you didn’t think twice before pulling her in for a peck.
“Thank you for the ice cream. I loved it.”
“I told you they were good,” she replied with a soft smile. “Are you ready to go home?”
“Don’t you want to buy anything else?” You asked, pointing over your shoulder to the street market still happening.
Elizabeth looked over and thought for a few seconds, before she looked at you again. “No. I think we’re good.”
“Okay.” You nodded and turned around. “Let’s take a walk then. I know they have a dog park on the other side and I really want to see some cute dogs today.”
Elizabeth hesitated for a moment, probably thinking if she should take you away from the camera still lurking around, but she saw your excited smile and quickly made up her mind. She curled one arm around your waist and you started walking slowly along with the other people enjoying the day out.
You took four or five steps before getting out of the shadow you had been and the sun hit your face full force. It wasn’t a warm day per se, since it was early autumn, but the sun was already making his presence known after a long winter, so you weren’t surprised there were that many people out. You raised your hand to try to cover up the sun from your eyes, even if you knew you wouldn’t be able to stay like that for much longer. Before you could think too much about it, though, Elizabeth took her sunglasses and handed them to you.
“Oh, I’m fine.”
“Keep it,” she insisted.
You were about to try to give her the sunglasses back when she kissed the side of your head and you lost all ability to talk suddenly. Elizabeth smiled like she knew what she was doing when she did that, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to complain, so you just slid the glasses in place and tried to ignore the blush on your cheeks. You walked for maybe two minutes before any of you talked again.
“You know we’re going further away from our car, right?” Elizabeth asked, albeit she sounded amused.
You remembered where she had parked her car because you had to walk there three times to put away the things she bought, but you didn’t care. You would walk a marathon if you had to. Anything for Elizabeth… and some cute dogs.
“I know,” you agreed and then joked: “But now I have sunglasses.”
Elizabeth laughed happily and you decided there was nothing in the world able to keep you from hearing it for the rest of your life.
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spacedustpan · 6 months
Hey Tennessee fandom people: the ELVIS Act getting ready to go through. It prevents you from using likenesses of Public Figures and their voices. It's Supposed to target AI of musicians and actors but it's written So Broadly that it can effect things like Political News Reporting, Political Parody, AMVs, Fan Edits, and of course Fan Art. It's not limited to Tennessee households either so a Hollywood company can relocate a headquarters or branch to Tennessee and use Tennessee law to sue people outside the state.
If you care about any of that, then look up your county's/district's representatives in the Tennessee Senate and House and start calling. It's headed to General Assembly.
Specifically the bill says - no one can use a famous person's likeness or voice without that actor's permission for the actors life plus 10 years - .
You can see how likeness and voice can be broadly applied and of course fans would never be able to get permission for fan content.
Surely you can see how this would affect amvs and fan edits on places like Instagram.
It would also affect things like Fan Art for Live Action Series.
This would limit free use for things like parody which would effect comedy too.
It's named after Elvis and claims to be for the entertainment industry but it's written so broadly so that it can be used by public figures in general. So Politicians would be covered under it.
Honestly politicians are trying to get this passed in Tennessee to limit the use of their own likenesses for things like memes because it's a fairly easy state to get ultra conservative bullshit passed.
Here's some more info from Real Clear Policy writer Hannah Cox:
Right of publicity laws typically include stringent, clear exceptions and only apply to advertising, merchandise, and fundraising purposes. Those exceptions are for “newsworthy” images in content that provides a “public interest,” which encompasses everything from hard news to documentaries, to satire, to celebrity gossip.
This is a fantastic structure that ensures an individual has a right to their own personhood while also upholding the First Amendment, its protections for free expression and freedom of the press, and ensuring the public has easy, fast access to information.
The ELVIS Act doesn’t include these provisions. As currently written, filmmakers would have to obtain permission from nefarious actors like Jeffrey Epstein’s estate in order to make a documentary about him. The producers of Forrest Gump wouldn’t be able to include all those scenes with historic figures. 
That’s a really good way to protect powerful people from scrutiny. And it would severely stagnate the flow of information online as even obtaining such permissions could take weeks. Additionally, out of fear, many content creators would simply play it safe out of fear of litigation.
The ELVIS Act also does not limit its reach to those living or dead, nor does it restrict its parameters to those with a Tennessee domicile. This seems like an open plea for people to infiltrate the state with ridiculous lawsuits that wouldn’t make it past the first gate elsewhere. It’s almost like the trial lawyers associations wrote this bill instead of Hollywood unions.
But to be clear, this was brought to the Republican legislature by the music industry associations and Hollywood unions - a peculiar entity for conservative lawmakers to be carrying water for to say the least. What these entities really want is an end to Fair Use practices because they’re bleeding money, and instead of making better products or creating new revenue sources, they’re simply being lazy and attempting to restrict the market.
When you call: You're a concerned republican worried about how limiting AI can hurt small business and how the law should be written more specifically and Exceptions Should be included To Protect Fair Use for Non-Commercial, News, and Parody use, because all are integral to Free Speech.
The Law is Simply Too Broad the way that it's written now and it limits Facebook campaign support for Republicans if they have to get permission from Liberals to use their likenesses. It limits free speech which is integral to preaching God's good word against his disbelievers in a political setting and you won't stand by a politician that limits your freedoms like that. This is America Land of the Free and you'll be damned if you let someone step on you like that. That its Big Government infringing on your rights as an American instead of sensible small government.
If you dont live in Tennesse this will still affect you with the ways it's written. It doesn't take much for companies to set up "official" shop in a new state.
It will also ABSOLUTELY be used as the model for a much worse NATIONAL bill if it gets passed in Tennessee. Because Politicians will see that it already succeeded once and HollyWood and the Music Industry are two lobbies FLUSH with cash for bribes and campaign donations.
Mark my words this will absolutely bleed over into national politics which will be devastating for News Reporting and informing the populace which is ALREADY in awful shape.
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Hey, I've been reading through your posts about how tourism and digital nomads and expats are gentrifying all kinds of cities and places in Spain and price out the locals and don't respect the culture and only put money in the hands of the wealthy.
I completely understand where you are coming from and what you're saying makes a lot of sense, but as an extranjero who wants to visit Spain, what are some things we can do to support the locals and also celebrate your culture while visiting?
Kaixo anon! Thanks for your message ^_^
I know that we all travel on a budget and are very much used to low costs in everything, and many of the suggestions I'm gonna write are quite more expensive than maybe other alternatives. This is another issue: affording ethical tourism is a privilege not many visitors have.
avoid big hotel chains and AirBnB. Instead, choose little, family-owned hotels. They usually are in villages not far from the big touristy town and also provide a calm space out of the noisy crowd.
avoid restaurant chains and fancy ones, since 99% of the times they're owned by a board of investors. Run away from those with menus displayed on blackboards written in English, they're usually unauthentic tourist traps with poor quality food. Instead, choose family restaurants offering homemade, real Spanish food. There are maaany of these, and they're a terrific experience.
if you're willing to buy some groceries, avoid supermarkets. Choose any good-looking fruit shop, or butcher's, or fishmonger's. Go to local markets and buy local produce.
if you're moving around, use public transportation or a bike. Avoid renting a car or boat and polluting our hometown and seas. If you're moving between towns, choose the train if possible instead of booking a flight.
And regarding the celebration part, some simple pieces of advice:
unless you're Latin or Mediterranean-looking, you're gonna be spotted as a guiri at first sight. You can do nothing to stop being a guiri, but don't behave like one. Since you're an easy target, be especially wary with your belongings and with people that suddenly approach you, they might be thieves. Don't walk with your map in hand 24/7. Leave your valuables at home or at your accomodation. Don't think Spain is your playground where local law doesn't apply to you because you're spending your money there. Behave like you would normally do at home.
many foreigners don't understand Spanish service. Waiters and waitresses won't be all smiles, sweet as candy, asking you non-stop how everything's going. That doesn't mean they're being rude to you and want you out, it's just a different culture: their job is to take your order, get your food, and give you the bill when asked for it. That's all the interaction you'll get. If you need more drinks or bread, you'll just have to politely attract their attention and they will help with your needs.
flow with Spanish schedule. Many tourists are entitled enough to ask for lunch at 12 or for dinner at 7. Of course this won't be a problem in tourist bars and restaurants, but everywhere else this just won't happen. Make sure to ask for the kitchen's working hours if you're interested in having a meal in a certain place and don't ask Spaniards to follow your guiri schedule.
use basic words in Spanish to be polite: buenos días, gracias, hasta luego. You don't need a Spanish proficiency certificate to leave a good impression after you leave and avoid that everyone thinks putos guiris again.
Learn about the different nations inside Spain before your visit. Don't expect flamenco shows in Donostia, or sangría in Santiago. Respect our pride: dressing up as a matador, donning a hat with the Spanish flag, or wearing it as a cape may be very unpleasant and rude for the locals in Catalunya, Euskadi, Galiza, etc. Do your homework prior to your visit and you'll enjoy it much much more, since you'll be able to appreciate all the different cultures that live together around here and what each of them has to offer you.
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genericpuff · 1 year
(about the bell post) i dont know anything about lore olympus but is there something inherently bad in using free stock images? like, thats what stock images are for right? i know that its probably lazy or whatever but is that the only problem? /genuine
Part of the issue with using stock photos is licensing. Like fonts, they're in abundance online and easy to snag for "free", but as soon as you enter commercial work, it becomes a legal minefield. Stock photos typically belong to either individuals or corporations that rely on people buying the rights to those photos to use them; if they don't, they could very well be sued for copyright infringement.
In that respect, emojis fall into a similar grey area. Some emojis are public domain/open source meaning they're free to use for everyone. But many are not. It's why different social media platforms and different phone providers use different emoji's - it's not purely for branding (though that is a factor as Facebook emojis have become distinguishable from Android emojis) but also for ownership.
So, in the legal sense, I do not know if the bell emoji that Rachel used in LO is legally hers to use, or if it's even subject to such laws (it could be an open source image meaning it's free-for-all). I'm hoping for her sake she's not breaking any sort of copyright ownership laws, but I'm also not a lawyer and wouldn't know how to get that information even if I wanted to lmao
Aside from the legal, it's also just... sigh I'm gonna get into more opinionated territory here, but even if something is open source, even if you're legally free to use a stock photo or other tool to create your comic, there's also the ethics/integrity of it. Lore Olympus is not a Canvas comic. It is not an indie hobbyist project. It's a commercial product with multiple people working on it behind the scenes, book deals, merch deals, a TV deal, and an upcoming feature at this year's SDCC, with Rachel headlining alongside Cassandra Claire (Mortal Instruments) and Jeff Smith (BONE). Webtoons is trying very hard to market LO as a 'flagship' series and convince the public that it can stand alongside other literature juggernauts.
What I'm trying to say here is, if Rachel did legally use it, it doesn't make it any less cheap. There's a lot of discussion in the art field over the usage of external tools and assets in art creation, especially here in the west. 3D models, AI shaders, gradient maps - there are tons of things that exist now that stand to benefit artists, but can be abused or used poorly, being used as less of a tool to benefit an artist with pre-existing skills and more as a cheap shortcut to circumvent actual skill/effort.
The bell emoji isn't the heart of the issue I pointed out in that post. If it were an isolated thing, if LO were an otherwise impeccable comic with high-effort art and just one little picture of a bell, it wouldn't be that big of an issue.
But LO isn't that comic. The recipe of its art development week after week has become very cheap and low-effort, and the bell is really just the cherry on top.
And just to make it clear, I do stand by artists being able to use tools that make their lives easier. None of this is to say it's wrong to use stock images, or 3D models, or gradient maps, or whatever have you. Those tools exist to help and can be used in fun and experimental ways to bring new perspectives and life to your work. And I'm not going to scrutinize whatever shortcuts are being used in a comic that's being made for free by a hobbyist or someone who's still learning.
But like all tools, there are still ways to use them to the detriment of your own work, either due to a lack of understanding as to how that tool works, or lack of effort to blend it into your work. It can make it glaringly obvious that third-party assets are being used, and can often distract from what you've drawn (the complete opposite of what most people are trying to achieve).
When I think of art shortcuts and tools being used poorly, I think of Let's Play and its stock photo background characters.
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I think of Time Gate: [AFTERBIRTH]'s stiff default 3D models that result in lifeless poses and restricted body types, which I am VERY eager to move on from LMAO
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I think of LO's 3D backgrounds with only 1-2 colors thrown in and the characters floating in front of them. Or sometimes no characters at all even when people are speaking.
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And of course, I think of the emoji bell, which could have easily just been drawn as a door or an actual doorbell, and not some random grey bell copied and pasted from a Google search.
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All that's to say, too much reliance on poorly-implemented assets can take a great piece of work down to a mediocre one. Of course, the assets definitely aren't the only issue with LO, but they are definitely a piece of the problem. There might not be anything 'wrong' with using assets, but they can still be used poorly or result in cheap-looking work and that's primarily what I'm calling out here.
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janedoewrites · 11 months
Did you self-publish? If yes, what was it like? Any advise for writers looking to publish?
I did self-publish, yes.
How I Did It
It was easier than I thought it'd be, at least, the way I approached it. Caveat that I went through KDP (i.e. Amazon) for a number of reasons that basically came down to a) ease of publishing b) availability of hard copies c) the shipping of hard copies on a global scale (not all countries are available but it's a decent amount) d) it's a place people often go to for books period e) the cost of publishing (the way it works is that print is done "on-demand" it's slower but I don't have to pay out of pocket for X print copies that I then have to sell to make the money back). f) fairly good royalties g) the general terms and conditions and 'ownership' of my material.
There are downsides in that it's through Amazon, whom nobody likes, and that there's return shenanigans in that if I get money from a purchase and if someone chooses to then return the book then that money gets taken away from me personally. (This has gotten better, recently, with ebook purchases as now if a reader reads past a certain percentage they're considered as having 'bought' it where before a lot of people treated it like a library and didn't realize it was the author they were fucking over and not Amazon who makes sure they're not the ones taking the cut).
And look, to those who want to give me flack, we live in a society and people buy books on Amazon. Them's the breaks.
There are other ways to self-publish and platforms you can pay to be a part of where they'll work to not only get you listed on Amazon but bookstores such as Barnes and Noble but it's a little more complicated/does cost some amount to do.
What Was it Like
It's a fairly simple process through KDP at least. What you do is set up an account with tax information/agree to terms of service/so on and so forth. You can then manage your books through a profile and the manuscripts you can write in pre-provided document templates that have the print structure for whatever size book you want to write (e.g. 6"x9").
When you're finished and have your page count in the formatted text, you go and see what size covers are required for hard copies (if you're interested) and can either use stock images to generate covers or else cover images that you own (e.g. you do it yourself or commission it as a book cover by an artist). For e-books they give specifications on the quality your cover should be for the best resolution/results.
You then submit your manuscript/cover art for copyright review, get an ISBN (KDP provides this for free for hard copies if you use them), and decide on digital rights management, promotion options, and pricing structure (where you're told up front the cost of printing/the amount you get after KDP's cut of the royalties).
It sits in reviews for up to 72 hours and provided all goes well you're then live, you get an author page and links to your works, and you can distribute how you want/tell the world to buy your book.
In other words, it was stupid easy.
Should You Self-Publish
There are pros and cons to self-publishing vs. publishing in general.
One great pro is nobody tells you what to do and so long as you follow terms of service (which hopefully you do as it's things like: don't write about the glorification of violence, glorification of sexual violence, so on and so forth) you can publish what you like without having to necessarily be 'marketable'.
Remember that published books are intended to sell and they generally either target extremely niche markets in a very deep way or else try to cast a very wide net with a book everyone can enjoy. One thing you'll see a lot of if you go the publishing route is "I as an agent enjoy unique stories. Now, tell me at least five books that are exactly like yours that were published in the last five years." There are exceptions, but it's generally not a field that likes risk or shaking the boat. They want to be able to sell books.
Another great pro is you're depending only on yourself. You can publish the book as soon as you're finished editing without having to convince someone else it's great stuff.
And of course, there's the pro that you don't have to get an agent or publisher to say yes. The way it typically works is if you want the big or prestigious publishers, you have to have an agent and that agent usually has to have some in roads with that publisher. Which means you have to submit a few pages of a manuscript/a summary and other things to them and hope they get back to you on that. This can be very time consuming (as they generally allow a window of 4-6 weeks) and annoying.
The cons is that you have to market yourself and you don't have the leg up that publishing would otherwise get you (where you are associated with whatever books they already have published just by being published by them, they may or may not run marketing campaigns and advertising for your material, and they can get your books distributed on a much wider scale). What this means is that if you don't have a large-ish platform already and care about sales/intend to make a living on this then you're going to have a very rough time getting a foot up.
The other part of this is that obviously you don't get a forward/amount of money before any books are sold as you otherwise might with a publishing agency. You only get the royalties you earn through sales.
Any Advice?
The self-publishing bit is easy enough that the hardest part is the writing and the editing. Obviously, I haven't gotten far in at this point, and I'm also not all that concerned about sales (I have no intentions of quitting my day job and becoming an auteur any time soon) so I'm perhaps not the person to ask at this point in time.
If you go Amazon worth thinking about is if you want to go the Kindle Unlimited route or not. I haven't as of yet, because I'm not feeling the burn for promotion.
What it is for those not familiar is that Amazon will market your book much more internally (e.g. that stuff that pops up on your kindle when you turn it on), run sales and promotions on it, but your ebook version can be read for free/lent to others for free with you getting a small amount of money depending how far readers make it into the book. The idea being that as you reach a much larger audience, you get more money than you otherwise would have. It's a good way to market if you have no platform/following already and a good way to proliferate the book but you lose out on people actually buying it.
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allproducts81 · 5 months
Freedom Found: My Experience with the Freedom Accelerator Digital Membership Area
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I've always dreamt of achieving financial freedom and escaping the confines of a traditional 9-to-5 job. After years of research and countless "get rich quick" schemes that went nowhere, I discovered the Freedom Accelerator Digital membership area. Skeptical at first, I decided to take the plunge, and it's been a game-changer.
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I particularly found the video tutorials to be immensely helpful. The creators break down complex concepts into easy-to-understand steps, making them accessible even for complete beginners like myself. Additionally, the downloadable templates and workbooks were instrumental in keeping me organized and on track with my goals.
Building a Supportive Community
One of the most unexpected benefits of the Freedom Accelerator has been the incredible community it fosters. The membership area provides a platform for connecting with like-minded individuals who share your aspirations for freedom. Through online forums and discussions, I've been able to exchange ideas, bounce off questions, and celebrate each other's victories.
The sense of camaraderie is truly inspiring. It's amazing to find a network of people who understand the challenges and triumphs of building your own path. This supportive environment has kept me motivated and accountable throughout my journey.
A Structured Roadmap to Success
The Freedom Accelerator doesn't just throw you into the deep end. It provides a clear roadmap, guiding you through each step of the process towards financial freedom. Whether you're just starting a side hustle or aiming to launch a full-fledged online business, the program offers a structured approach that ensures you stay focused and make consistent progress.
I particularly appreciated the step-by-step modules that walked me through various aspects of online business creation, such as market research, product development, and marketing strategies. This structured approach not only saved me time and effort but also gave me the confidence to take action and move forward with my entrepreneurial goals.
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Overall, the Freedom Accelerator Digital membership area has been an invaluable asset in my pursuit of financial freedom. The comprehensive resources, supportive community, and structured roadmap have empowered me to take control of my financial future. If you're looking for a program that provides the tools, knowledge, and support you need to achieve your entrepreneurial dreams, then I highly recommend the Freedom Accelerator Digital membership area.
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classicquid · 7 months
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For the convenience of its clients, the majority of businesses offer online application forms. In order to proceed through the internet, borrowers must fill out an application. The short term loans UK direct lender providers' website has this application form, which is typically free of charge. Many lenders are available in the market offering their services at reasonable interest rates. Therefore, it is advised that consumers contrast and compare the loan quotes before choosing the best one.
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Fly Anywhere, Anytime: Seamless Flight Booking Service for Every Destination with Fly24hrs
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Travel agents need a fast, dependable, and smooth platform to purchase airline tickets for their clients in today's hectic environment where time is of the utmost. By offering a simplified flight booking service that covers destinations across the globe, Fly24hrs establishes itself as a reliable partner for travel agencies. As a business-to-business (B2B) platform, Fly24hrs only provides services to travel agencies. This guarantees that agents have access to a dependable flight ticket booking service, enabling them to easily accommodate the various travel demands of their clients.
Why Choose Fly24hrs for Flight Ticket Booking?
By providing a ticket-only solution that streamlines the travel agent booking procedure, Fly24hrs distinguishes itself in the market. As a specialized Best B2B portal, we are aware of the difficulties travel agents encounter in locating reasonably priced, dependable, and effective solutions for their customers. Because of this, our platform only concentrates on offering airline tickets, enabling travel agencies to quickly find the lowest rates for their clients.
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How Fly24hrs Simplifies Flight Ticket Booking for Travel Agents
At Fly24hrs, we are aware that it is the duty of travel agents to make sure their customers enjoy a trouble-free trip from beginning to end. In light of this, we have created a platform that provides:
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Conclusion: Fly Anywhere, Anytime with Fly24hrs
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Join Fly24hrs today, and ensure your clients can fly anywhere, anytime, with ease and confidence. Our mission is simple: to make flight booking easy for travel agents, so you can focus on what matters most – delivering excellent service to your clients.
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Unlocking Success: Why Studying in Germany is a Smart Move  
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Germany has earned its place as one of the most popular destinations for international students. From world-class education to cultural richness, there are numerous reasons why studying in Germany is a smart move for those looking to unlock success in their academic and professional lives. Here’s why choosing Germany as your study destination can be the key to your future success.
1. High-Quality Education  
Germany is known for its strong emphasis on education and research, offering a wide range of degree programs that are globally recognized. German universities, particularly public ones, are celebrated for their academic excellence, innovative research opportunities, and access to modern infrastructure. The curriculum is designed to foster critical thinking, problem-solving, and hands-on experience, which equips students with practical skills sought after by employers worldwide.
Many German universities consistently rank among the top institutions globally, with institutions like the Technical University of Munich and the University of Heidelberg leading the way. The country’s focus on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields further enhances its appeal to students aiming for careers in these high-demand sectors. University of Stuttgart , KIT, University of Mannheim
2. Affordable Tuition Fees  
One of the most attractive aspects of studying in Germany is the affordability. Most public universities in Germany do not charge tuition fees for undergraduate programs, even for international students. This is a stark contrast to many other countries where higher education can be prohibitively expensive. Students are only required to pay a nominal semester fee, which covers administrative costs, public transportation, and access to various student services.
The low-cost education system in Germany allows students to focus more on their studies without the burden of heavy student loans, making it an ideal option for those seeking high-quality education on a budget.
3. Strong Job Market and Career Opportunities  
Germany’s strong economy, particularly in engineering, IT, and manufacturing sectors, means there are numerous career opportunities for students, both during and after their studies. Many German universities have close ties with industry leaders, allowing students to participate in internships, research projects, and work placements that provide invaluable experience.
Moreover, Germany offers international students the possibility of staying in the country for up to 18 months after graduation to search for a job. The country’s demand for skilled professionals, especially in the fields of engineering, healthcare, and IT, makes it an excellent place to start a career.
4. Cultural Diversity and Quality of Life  
Studying in Germany also provides the opportunity to experience life in a country rich in history and culture. With its vibrant cities, picturesque landscapes, and a tradition of artistic and intellectual movements, Germany offers a unique living experience. From visiting iconic landmarks such as the Berlin Wall to exploring the castles along the Rhine River, students can immerse themselves in German culture and broaden their global perspective.
Germany is also known for its high standard of living, strong public services, and excellent healthcare system. International students are welcomed with open arms, and the country's diverse population makes it easy to feel at home, no matter where you're from.
5. Learning the German Language  
While many programs are offered in English, studying in Germany presents an excellent opportunity to learn the German language, which is the most spoken native language in Europe. Learning German can significantly enhance your employability, both in Germany and across Europe. Additionally, being able to communicate in German allows you to engage more deeply with the local culture and community.
Studying in Germany offers a wealth of benefits, from high-quality education and affordable tuition to robust career opportunities and a rich cultural experience. By choosing to study in Germany, you’re not only investing in your academic future but also unlocking a world of possibilities for personal and professional growth. Whether you’re pursuing a degree in engineering, medicine, business, or the arts, Germany is a smart move for students ready to unlock success.
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newvista857 · 15 days
The Rise of App Companies in Kansas City: Why You Should Partner with Local Developers
In today’s technology-driven world, mobile apps have become essential for businesses of all sizes. Whether you're a startup or an established company, having a custom app can enhance your operations and customer engagement. Kansas City is home to a number of top app companies that specialize in building unique and functional mobile applications. These companies not only develop apps but also provide ongoing support, ensuring that your digital presence thrives in the ever-changing tech landscape.
This article will delve into why working with app developers in Kansas City can be a game-changer for your business and how local expertise can streamline your app development process.
Why Mobile Apps Are Essential for Business Growth
Mobile apps have revolutionized how companies interact with their customers. With smartphones becoming more accessible, people now prefer using apps for shopping, banking, social media, and more. This shift has made it crucial for businesses to develop their own mobile applications to stay relevant.
A mobile app can enhance the user experience by providing faster access to services, improving customer retention, and increasing brand visibility. It can also enable businesses to collect valuable data about customer preferences and behavior. For these reasons, investing in app development is no longer a luxury—it’s a necessity for businesses aiming for long-term success.
The Advantage of Working with Local App Companies
Choosing to work with app companies in Kansas City offers several benefits. Local developers understand the market trends and customer behavior specific to the Kansas City area. This localized knowledge allows them to create apps that resonate with your target audience and are more likely to succeed.
Additionally, partnering with local developers fosters better communication. Working with a Kansas City-based team means you can meet face-to-face, discuss your vision, and ensure that the app aligns with your business objectives. Local developers also provide more personalized support throughout the app’s lifecycle, from development to updates and maintenance.
What to Look for in Kansas City App Developers
When selecting app developers in Kansas City, there are a few key factors to consider:
Experience and Expertise You want to work with developers who have a proven track record in creating successful apps. Check their portfolio to see the variety of projects they’ve worked on. This will give you insight into their expertise and the industries they have experience with.
Customization Options Every business has unique needs, and your app should reflect that. Look for developers who offer custom solutions tailored to your specific requirements. Whether you need an ecommerce app, a loyalty program, or a booking platform, the right development team will be able to deliver a solution that fits your business.
Post-Launch Support Launching an app is just the beginning. After it goes live, it’s crucial to have a team that provides ongoing support. This includes fixing bugs, rolling out updates, and making improvements based on user feedback.
User-Centric Design A well-designed app prioritizes user experience. It should be intuitive, easy to navigate, and responsive across all devices. Skilled developers will ensure that your app is not only visually appealing but also functional and user-friendly.
Custom Mobile App Solutions Tailored to Your Business
One of the major benefits of working with app companies in Kansas City is the ability to receive custom-built apps that align with your business goals. Custom apps provide the flexibility to incorporate features that meet your specific needs. From integrating payment gateways to enabling push notifications for promotions, custom apps are designed to give your business a competitive edge.
Additionally, these apps are scalable. As your business grows, your app can evolve to include new functionalities without requiring a complete redesign. This flexibility ensures that your app remains relevant as your business needs change.
Why Investing in an App Matters
A mobile app is a long-term investment that pays off in numerous ways. It allows you to stay connected with your customers, keep them engaged, and provide them with a seamless experience. Apps also open up new revenue streams, from in-app purchases to subscription models.
Moreover, having a mobile app boosts your brand’s credibility. Customers expect businesses to have a digital presence, and those without apps may appear outdated. By working with app developers in Kansas City, you’re not only modernizing your business but also ensuring that you stay competitive in a fast-paced market.
Mobile apps have become indispensable tools for businesses in every industry. Partnering with app companies in Kansas City gives you access to local expertise, ensuring that your app resonates with your audience and meets the needs of your business. From custom app development to post-launch support, local app developers offer end-to-end solutions that can help your business thrive in the digital space.
As technology continues to evolve, having a well-designed, user-friendly app is more important than ever. If you're ready to take your business to the next level, working with app developers in Kansas City is the perfect first step.
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bestescooter · 1 month
Affordable Electric Scooter Company in UP | Delhi
As urban landscapes in Uttar Pradesh (UP) and Delhi continue to evolve, the need for sustainable and cost-effective transportation is more pressing than ever. Electric scooters are gaining popularity recently because they offer relatively low cost yet rather high efficiency. Affordable electric company in UP like Reveal Electric that offer the best electric scooter at a very reasonable price. If you're considering investing in an electric scooter, you're making a smart move towards reducing your carbon footprint while navigating the bustling streets of UP and Delhi.
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Why Choose an Electric Scooter? 
Electric scooters are often characterized by low cost of operation, easy to maintain and are environmentally friendly. They provide a comfortable ride and just like motorcycles can manoeuvre through jammed traffic and even tight corridors. Further, the hazard associated with fuel cost progression in combination with rising concern for green energy has made these scooters a popular solution for green commuters. 
Best Locations to Explore in Uttar Pradesh
If you are planning to go for a tour with your electric scooter, the Best electric scooter available in UP,  let me assure you that this is a state with a rich history, as well as in culture and food. Here are some must-visit locations:
Varanasi: As stated, Varanasi is known as the spiritual capital of India in UP and, thus, it is rather unique. Drive through the city and get to see the ghats near the Ganges; do not miss the Aarti in the evening. For food lovers, the local chaat and sweets are a must-try.
Lucknow: It is the city of awakening and is well-known for some of the most famous buildings that include the Bara Imambara and Rumi Darwaza in UP. The place is famous for kebab and biryani; one must try the local non-vegetarian dishes, and there is also an opportunity to buy the famous Chikankari clothes of Lucknow. 
Agra: Agra, which has its fair share of history being the home of the Taj Mahal, can only be described as historical. Apart from the Taj, explore the Agra Fort and Fatehpur Sikri. After the tour, do not forget to taste petha for which the city is so famous and do shopping for marble handicrafts in local markets. 
Kanpur: Industrialized town of Kanpur holds the historic significance of the Allen Forest Zoo and Phool Bagh. The city also boasts of their markets, in particular, leather products are fairly easy to come by.
Electric scooter tour of Delhi on the Best electric scooter available in Delhi 
As the capital of India, Delhi is a city that combines the experience of the old and the new. Every city has a situated neighborhood and with an electric scooter you would be able to trace every beautiful corner. Here are some top spots to explore: 
India Gate and Rajpath: Begin with India Gate which is a war memorial, and an unique place to start with to explore India’s history. Drive on the Rajpath which is beautiful especially in front of the Rashtrapati Bhawan and the Parliament House. 
Chandni Chowk: A market which dates back to the Mughal era, Chandni Chowk is as overloaded as any place can get. Leave your electric scooter at the doorway and venture into the crowded streets where you can buy food and clothings and spices. Do not leave without trying the beautiful local street food particularly the parathas and the jalebis. 
Qutub Minar: It is an architectural delight and is on the list of the UNESCO world heritage site. One should also take time and explore the Mehrauli Archaeological Park that surrounds the monument. After visiting the monument, you can shop for food and some funky items at the nearby Hauz Khas Village which has some of the best cafes, shops and art galleries in town. 
Connaught Place: A classic example of a central business district that also has the role of a commercial center that contains restaurants. Here you can find a great number of restaurants serving Indian food as well as other kinds of food from all over the world. Janpath Market is nearby and great for purchasing impossibly cute trinkets and gifts. 
Lotus Temple and Humayun’s Tomb: Both seemingly are architectural marvels which stand majestically in beautiful gardens. All these sites are calm and serene, and are thus an ideal getaway from the busy city. 
Why an Electric Scooter is Ideal for These Locations
Traversing through UP and Delhi on an electric scooter not only makes a whole lot of sense from an economic point of view, but it is also quite comfortable. These scooters are small and therefore it is easy to park them even in areas with poor space. Also, the quiet engine means that travellers do not have to compromise their enjoyment of areas around different landmarks by adding to noise pollution. 
In conclusion, selecting the affordable electric scooty available in UP and the affordable electric scooty available in Delhi that will help you move around UP and Delhi is a decision you won’t live to regret. It does help in commuting and saves the cost of commuting and at the same time one gets to witness the culturally and historically beautiful places at one's own convenience.
Visit: https://www.revealelectric.com/affordable-electric-scooter-company-in-up-delhi-ghaziabad-india/
Medium: https://medium.com/@Best-electric-scooter-in-Delhi
Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/bestescooter
Writeupcafe: https://writeupcafe.com/profile/best-electric-scooter-company
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reveal.electric/
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aiinnovatorshub · 1 month
How to Get the Most Out of Galambo: Tips and Tricks for Effective Image Searches
Unlocking the full potential of visual search can transform the way you interact with content online. Galambo, with its powerful AI-driven technology, makes it easier than ever to find the images you need. But how can you ensure you’re using Galambo to its fullest? Here are some tips and tricks to help you master visual searches and make the most of what Galambo has to offer.
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1. Start with a Clear Image or Specific Keyword
The quality of your visual search often depends on the clarity and specificity of the image or keyword you start with. When you upload a high-quality image, Galambo can more accurately identify similar visuals, leading to better search results. If you're using a keyword, make it as specific as possible to narrow down the results and find exactly what you’re looking for.
2. Use Filters to Refine Your Results
Galambo’s search engine is equipped with a variety of filters that allow you to refine your search results. You can sort by color, orientation, size, and even image type to pinpoint the exact visual content you need. Using these filters not only saves time but also ensures that the images you find are perfectly tailored to your needs.
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3. Take Advantage of Galambo’s Predictive Search
One of Galambo’s standout features is its predictive search capability. As you start typing, Galambo suggests related terms and images, guiding you toward the most relevant content. This feature is especially useful if you’re unsure of the exact keyword to use or if you want to explore related visuals. Don’t hesitate to click on these suggestions to discover new and unexpected results.
4. Explore Related Images for Inspiration
After finding an image you like, Galambo offers a selection of related images that can spark new ideas or provide alternative options. This feature is a goldmine for creative professionals, marketers, or anyone looking for inspiration. Browsing through related images can lead to surprising discoveries that enhance your project or campaign.
5. Save and Organize Your Favorite Searches
Galambo allows you to save and organize your favorite searches, making it easy to revisit and reuse images in the future. Whether you’re working on a long-term project or need quick access to a specific type of content, this feature ensures you can quickly find what you need without starting from scratch.
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6. Utilize Galambo’s Integration with Other Tools
Galambo is designed to work seamlessly with other platforms and tools. Whether you’re integrating it with your content management system, social media accounts, or design software, Galambo’s compatibility enhances your workflow. This integration means you can effortlessly incorporate visual searches into your daily tasks, improving efficiency and consistency.
7. Stay Updated with New Features
Galambo is constantly evolving, with new features and improvements added regularly. To get the most out of the platform, stay updated on these developments by following Galambo’s blog or subscribing to their newsletter. By keeping up with the latest updates, you’ll be able to take full advantage of the most advanced visual search technology available.
Conclusion: Mastering Galambo for Optimal Results
Galambo is a powerful tool that can revolutionize the way you search for and interact with visual content. By following these tips and tricks, you can maximize the effectiveness of your image searches, save time, and discover high-quality visuals that elevate your projects. Whether you’re a marketer, designer, or researcher, Galambo offers a range of features that can help you achieve your goals more efficiently and creatively.
Ready to explore the possibilities? Start your journey with Galambo today!
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smrakhann · 1 month
Data science course at future connet training
In today's data-driven world, the ability to analyze and interpret large sets of data is more valuable than ever. Data science has emerged as one of the most sought-after fields, with businesses across all sectors relying on data scientists to drive decisions and strategies. If you're looking to break into this exciting field, choosing the right training is crucial. That's where the Data Science Course at Future Connect Training comes in. This comprehensive course is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the world of data science.
What is Data Science?
Data science is a multidisciplinary field that combines statistics, computer science, and domain expertise to extract meaningful insights from data. It involves collecting, cleaning, and analyzing large volumes of data to identify patterns and make informed decisions. From predicting customer behavior to optimizing supply chains, data science has applications in virtually every industry.
The Growing Demand for Data Scientists
The demand for skilled data scientists is skyrocketing, with job opportunities far outpacing the supply of qualified professionals. Companies are increasingly recognizing the value of data-driven decision-making, leading to a surge in data science roles. According to industry projections, this trend is only expected to grow, making data science a highly lucrative career choice.
Why Choose Future Connect Training for Data Science?
Future Connect Training is a leading provider of professional courses designed to help individuals advance their careers. The Data Science Course offered here is tailored to meet the needs of both beginners and experienced professionals. With a curriculum that covers everything from the basics of data analysis to advanced machine learning techniques, this course is your gateway to a successful career in data science.
Course Structure and Curriculum
The Data Science Course at Future Connect Training is structured to provide a comprehensive learning experience. The course is divided into modules that cover various aspects of data science, including data visualization, statistical analysis, machine learning, and big data technologies. Students also have the opportunity to work on real-world projects, gaining hands-on experience that is crucial for job readiness.
Key Benefits of the Data Science Course
One of the standout features of this course is its industry-relevant curriculum, which is regularly updated to reflect the latest trends and technologies in data science. The course is taught by experienced instructors who bring years of industry knowledge to the classroom. Additionally, Future Connect Training offers flexible learning options, allowing students to choose between online and offline classes.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course, you will have a solid understanding of the key concepts and tools used in data science. You'll be able to analyze data, build predictive models, and communicate your findings effectively. Most importantly, you'll be prepared to enter the job market with confidence, knowing that you have the skills employers are looking for.
How to Get Started with the Data Science Course
Getting started with the Data Science Course at Future Connect Training is easy. Simply visit the website, complete the enrollment form, and choose your preferred learning mode. There are no strict prerequisites for this course, making it accessible to anyone with a passion for data. Throughout the course, you'll have access to a range of support services, including mentoring, career advice, and technical assistance.
Career Opportunities After Completing the Data Science Course
Graduates of the Data Science Course at Future Connect Training are well-positioned to pursue a variety of career paths. Some of the job roles you can explore include data analyst, data engineer, machine learning engineer, and business intelligence analyst. With competitive salaries and high demand for skilled professionals, the future looks bright for data science graduates.
Success Stories from Future Connect Training
Future Connect Training has a track record of helping students achieve their career goals. Many graduates have gone on to secure positions at top companies, thanks to the skills and knowledge gained from the course. The success stories of these individuals serve as a testament to the quality of education provided at Future Connect Training.
Why Data Science is the Future of Technology
As technology continues to evolve, data science is playing an increasingly important role in shaping the future. From artificial intelligence to personalized medicine, data science is at the forefront of innovation. By enrolling in the Data Science Course at Future Connect Training, you're not just gaining a new skill—you're positioning yourself to be part of the future of technology.
How to Stay Updated in the Data Science Field
The field of data science is constantly evolving, with new tools and techniques being developed all the time. To stay ahead of the curve, it's important to engage in continuous learning. Future Connect Training offers additional courses and resources to help you keep your skills up to date. Joining professional networks and communities is another great way to stay informed and connected with other data science professionals.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Duration of the Data Science Course? The course typically takes a few months to complete, depending on your chosen learning pace.
Do I Need a Technical Background to Enroll? No, the course is designed to be accessible to students from all backgrounds, though some familiarity with basic math and statistics is helpful.
How Do I Know if Data Science is Right for Me? If you enjoy problem-solving, working with data, and have a curiosity about how things work, data science could be a great fit for you.
What Support is Available During the Course? Future Connect Training offers mentoring, career advice, and technical support throughout the course to help you succeed.
Can I Take the Course Online? Yes, the course is available in both online and offline formats, allowing you to choose the option that best suits your schedule.
The Data Science Course at Future Connect Training is an excellent choice for anyone looking to build a career in this rapidly growing field. With a comprehensive curriculum, expert instructors, and flexible learning options, this course provides everything you need to succeed. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced professional, Future Connect Training has the resources and support to help you achieve your goals in data science.
How Long Does it Take to Become a Data Scientist? Becoming a data scientist can take anywhere from a few months to a couple of years, depending on your prior experience and the intensity of your study.
What Are the Job Prospects After Completing the Course? Job prospects are excellent, with many graduates finding positions in industries such as finance, healthcare, and technology.
Can I Switch Careers to Data Science? Absolutely! The skills learned in this course are highly transferable, making it an ideal choice for a career switch.
Is Certification Necessary in Data Science? While not always required, certification can significantly boost your job prospects and credibility in the field.
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bp--builders · 2 months
BP Builders
The people of Rhode Island and Connecticut are very fortunate to have BP Builders as their roofing contractor. 
Contact BP Builders if you are in need of roofing services and live in the central Connecticut or Rhode Island area. 
If you're looking for a reputable roofing supplier in the Centaurus, Cape Cod, or Rhode Island areas roofing company near me give BP Builders a call. If you live or work in the Rhode Island or Connecticut area and are in need of roofing services, give BP Builders a call. 
The roof can be replaced by BP Builders if you are dissatisfied with the appearance of your property. Our roof replacement company is the best option for residents of Rhode Island and Connecticut. 
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Commercial Roofs 
Hiring a professional roofer was a wise decision. So that you can resume your core business as soon as possible in the event that your roof requires repair, contact a local commercial roofing company. A tremendous shift will occur in the results of our actions. 
Advantages of Heart-MindA Healthy Lifestyle Through Exercise Roof and structure damage, for instance, may not be immediately apparent after a storm has gone. We can handle all communication with your insurance company while you're away. 
What took place: A Concise Summary: Brief Summary We need to keep going because eventually someone with more knowledge will show up. If you live in the Connecticut area and are in need of a roofing contractor, BP Builders is the one to call. Many have relied on our roofing and home improvement services for more than 25 years. 
Our home renovation experts are licensed and insured, and we back their work with a five-year guarantee. Do not hesitate to inquire more if you require any other details. When it comes to home improvement, you can trust our experts to help you out. 
Our organization stands out from the competition because of our unwavering commitment to providing exceptional service. From our first meeting until the installation is complete, we commit to listening intently to your ideas, comments, and suggestions. Our roofing work is something we are really proud of, thus we always try to wow our customers. 
Keeping in mind the sector's previous goals, we will acquire what you require once you specify it. 
For any and all roofing requirements, get in touch with BP Builders. We are able to provide the longest warranties on the market because we exclusively sell high-quality goods. When it comes to roofing, no one does it better than us roofing companies near me Our commitment to exceeding your expectations and ensuring your total satisfaction distinguishes us from our competition. Our roofing services are backed by a 10-year warranty; for more information, contact us today. 
Trustworthy Roofing Firm 
The outstanding service that BP Builders promises is always delivered by them, regardless of the situation. Our professional roofers have the necessary skills and knowledge to complete the work. We won't stop working on your roof until you're happy with the results. Any time, day or night, you can contact us for assistance. 
This ShingleMasterTM will last for decades because it is a Certainteed product. 
Make sure a roofer has the right license to work on roofs before you hire them. Differentiate your roofing firm from the competition by getting it certified by CertainTeed. I can state with confidence that only 3% of businesses have achieved this goal. Our comprehensive roofing technique ensures that your roof will last for many years. You may rest easy knowing that BO Builders' roofing systems are backed by SureStart PLUSTM, the industry's top extended warranty coverage. Your full satisfaction is our promise. 
I can say with confidence that we are affiliated with every single major insurance company. 
Has a storm, high winds, or hail damaged your beloved home? Our roofing firm is capable of handling any size job. Rest assured, we will take care of contacting your insurance company. Returning homes to their former glory is BP Builders' forte. They provide accurate estimates in addition to thorough inspections. Any repairs that may be required to the property you bought can also be taken care of by us. 
You and your family have been through incalculable suffering. Roofing replacement is obviously not a cheap fix, and we get that. You may shop with us with confidence thanks to our extensive payment options. You can pay with any major credit card, as well as cash or a cheque. No matter how long you wait, your roof will require repair at some point. To proceed, dial BP Builders' number. If you want any support, please do not hesitate to contact us. 
Guardians of the Renown and Rich 
Before making any repairs or replacements, make sure the roof is clean. Hiring us will ensure that your home and yard are protected from inclement weather. You can use a magnet to find nails and staples in the yard with ease. Listening to your physician? Drove aimlessly around the immaculately kept backyard. 
There are occasions when Hartford, Indiana does serve as a venue. Have Faith in BP Builders' Roofing Expertise 
With a combined ten years of experience, the roofing crew at BP Builders is well-equipped to assess your needs. 
Trustworthy Roof Price Quotes 
Roofing firms in your area will gladly come to your home or place of business to assess the roof and listen to your problems, all while offering free estimates. 
Tips for Roofing Businesses 
Many Connecticut homeowners have raved about our roofing coatings. One more reason is the outstanding customer service we provide. 
From initial installation to ongoing maintenance and beyond, BP Builders is at your service for all of your roofing needs. We will take care of the cleanup, paperwork, and permits when you engage us to fix your roof. 
Reassurance Roof Warranty 
With warranties ranging from 5 to 20 years, you can rest easy knowing that we stand behind our roofing replacement and construction services. 
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