#There's a story behind this whole scar and how he had aquired it - leading down a path he never asked for :o
rajakaen · 1 year
Content Warning: The following segment depicts part of Tahr'rys' backstory, his chemical burn and includes the distressing event involving the shooting of an innocent child. The short scene was meant to delve into the profound and enduring impact this event had on his psychological well-being
Trigger Warning: violence, child harm, psychological trauma
Consequences of a Fatal Shot: Tahr’rys’ Chemical Burn (from -3647 BBY / 6 ATC and ongoing)
The scar that marks Tahr'rys' arm, back and neck serves as a reminder of his past affiliation with the Imperial Army. Whenever it is fully exposed or touched by others, it can bring forth a swell of discomfort and unease. For him, it stands as a symbol of failure, embodying a multitude of memories and emotions linked to a specific incident during his final mission as a sniper. Etched deeply in his mind, this mission can re-emerge like a ghostly filmstrip, replaying with disconcerting clarity. The haunting moment begins with his hesitation, culminating in the imperfect shot that fatally wounded their assigned target: a young girl, the offspring of a Republic General. Keethan's urgent command to Tahr'rys to pull the trigger echoes in his ears, blending with the kickback of his weapon and the sharp scent of ozone that permeated the air. The harrowing vision of the bleeding child squirming in agony remains seared into his consciousness, a tormenting eternity compressed into mere seconds. Immobilized by the weight of his actions, he was forced to bear witness to her torment before finally delivering the lethal blow. These memories rush back to him, resounding with breathtaking, vivid detail. The pain of recollection reminding him of his past associations and his own failures. All efforts to push these impressions to the recesses of his mind only give rise to more fragments: the sudden blast that ravaged their urban outpost, the crumbling of its structure prompting their frenzied escape and the burst pipes that spewed corrosive liquids, splattering onto his skin. The searing pain and the acrid scent of his own flesh corroding remain chillingly intense in this unbidden recollection. As a result, the last remnants of that ill-fated mission consistently lose clarity, blending into a maelstrom of fear, pain, obscurity with fleeting glimpses of Keethan's concerned face. The gravity of these memories engenders profound sensations of guilt, shame and regret, leaving in its aftermath an indelible impact on Tahr'rys' mental state. Each recollection serves as a painful reminder of the irreversible consequences of his actions, filling him with a deep sense of compunction.
Note: Tahr'rys hesitates to reveal the full extent of his burn, preferring to keep it concealed and avoid discussions or reminders of the past. It remains a deeply personal and private part of his history, something he prefers to keep locked away.
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