#There’s a SH warning just saying in case I decide to read !!
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stinkypeanutbutter · 11 months ago
me rn making an aiden angst fanfic and I’m literally dying over it I’m making him struggle fr
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retroellie · 11 months ago
Mile-high club
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Summary: After a month of not having sex, you decide to be bold with what you want from spencer. Stepping out of both your comfort zones due to complete sexual frustration.
A/N: This one is a bit rushed, but can y'all tell what my faviote spencer era is? Like i love long haired spencer i can not! Also yall... I just turned 19 :) So that's a little life update lmao. Anyways love and miss y'all!!
Warnings: NSFW, public sex and dirty talk
Word count: 5.4K
As with any other case, this case dragged on and on until you felt you were nothing but skin and bones. Cases always left you feeling so empty inside, always so bleak... it always took you a bit to come back to your natural self. The first rule of being a part of the FBI is never to take it personally, don't take it to heart. But how could you not? You're inviting yourself into these people's lives, picking apart their brains, and using that to your advantage. You knew it was for the best but that didn't mean you had to like it.
You were doing what you normally did after cases, drinking hot tea on the jet aching for the sweet release of sleep. This time, however, you weren't aching for sleep. This entire week there was a thought always in the back of your mind, you weren't sure why it was this case specifically but for some reason, the thought lingered. Spencer... You felt yourself heating up every time around him, focusing only on his hands when he was showing you paperwork or squeezing your thighs together as you watched his hips. You had never been the needy one in the relationship, it has always been Spencer... but something about him now left you hungry. You racked it off to just you being hormonal, but you knew it was because Spencer's hands hadn't been on you for a while. Back-to-back cases like these always left no time to get down with Spencer... one downside to this job among many.
Even now, while sitting on the jet, you could only look at him. Emily and JJ were talking about god knows what, while you started across the jet to see your little Spencer. He was reading, his hands so delicately following as he read... His hair had gotten long, almost touching his shoulders now. You had gotten real used to pulling on it, sometimes subconsciously doing it as you hugged him. You started to think about how he looked last time you made him whimper, the picture burnt into your brain as you slid yourself up and down until he begged you to stop. "too much...." was all he could muster up, his wrist rubbing against the rope as he so badly wanted to reach up to touch you.
"You hear Y/N?" You heard a voice say, your heart dropping as you whipped your head towards it.
The voice belonged to Emily, her eyebrow raised as she wondered what you were thinking. She could see that something was up and not just because she was a profiler. Anyone who could see how you were looking at Spencer could see exactly how you were feeling, sexually frustrated. The way you gripped onto your coffee mug, and bit the inside of your lip roughly... basically eye fucked Spencer. Obviously, you could never tell Emily how you were thinking about Spencer being so pussy drunk that it physically hurt him. So you just sent a smile over to her, brought your tea to your lips, and nodded.
"Yeah! Sorry..." You kept the grin on your face, your embarrassment getting the best of you as you began to become flustered. "Just a bit distracted today."
You flicked your eyes between my cup and Emily, not wanting to make too much eye contact in the state you were in, your state being extremely turned on. It was gross to even admit, but even just looking at Spencer... your body reacted. Emily looked over at JJ, shooting her a look. You caught onto this, but not sure what that look even meant. JJ just chuckled softly, shifting herself in her chair. You looked between them, feeling as though you were left out of a really funny inside joke of theirs. Emily looked back at you, giving you a smirk.
"I can see that..." She leaned back in her chair, hands placed on her stomach as she read your confusion. "Been a while?"
Her words confused you, not sure what she meant by that. You now started feeling like you were the butt of the joke, feeling like you did in high school when girls would giggle behind you. "Been a while." Could mean anything, has it been a while since you showered? Has it been a while since you ate? Has it been a while since you went to a concert? The possibilities were endless yet Emily still expected an answer. You furrowed your brows, cocking your head to the side.
"What?" You asked, genuinely needing an explanation before you could even answer her question. Emily chuckled once again, looking back at Spencer before huddling herself closer to you as if she had to tell you a huge secret.
"You and Spencer?" That was all she said.
Your heart dropped, was Emily a mind reader? or were you just that frustrated that it was written on your skin? Her words made you think, however, how long has it been? It was definitely before this case and the one before it... then there was that 4-day conference y'all were forced to attend, well then that one week you got your period and didn't feel like doing anything but laying in bed... You would say it's been a good month, maybe a little more. This was definitely not normal for you two, sex was like food to the two of you. It was y'alls way to destress from cases, it became so normal to go home after a long case and bang it out. Trust and believe this drought had been taking a toll on you, you were so horny that you could start humping Spencer's leg at any moment, just like a dog in heat.
You hesitated to answer, not wanting to cross that boundary with Emily but also not wanting to be humiliated. You were the more private person when it came to the BAU, you would come in and do your work... that's it. Obviously, you were a part of the BAU family, you knew everyone's business and you would hang out with them outside of work. But you were a mystery to everyone there, well except Spencer, he had quite literally known you inside and out. As of right now though, you were frustrated and in need of a rant so that boundary didn't exist for you today.
"Is it that noticeable?" You said sarcastically, scoffing as you did so. You hated the feeling of being easily read, but the frustration was sloshing around inside you so it was only a matter of time before the people around you figured it out. Emily chuckled softly, looking over at JJ before she spoke.
"I mean you have been grouchy, you're not focused, and well..." Emily paused, she was now reading you like a book. "You've been undressing Spencer with your eyes this entire trip."
You wanted to melt into the ground, and let the worms use your flesh as food. You were embarrassed, completely and utterly ashamed of her words. You were acting like a starved man, only able to focus on the mere thought of food... like a complete glutton-driven man. You never really knew how much you needed sex, you started to wonder if you always had this need deep inside you. You remember before Spencer, you went months without an orgasm and was perfectly fine. Maybe it was Spencer, maybe his cock switched something on inside your pussy... or maybe other men hadn't been doing it right.
You felt your cheeks heat up but at the same time, your body ran cold. All you could do was watch as Emily snickered at your reaction, like your embarrassment was the funniest thing she had ever seen. You were much younger than Emily and JJ, you were newer to this world and newer to sex than they were. Trust and believe that both women have had their share of droughts, so this is not new to them. They weren't trying to embarrass you or make you feel you needed to be ashamed. No, they just found it amusing that you were so blinded to the fact you were so obvious with your motives. Let's just say your subtle touches and comments towards Spencer weren't so subtle.
"I just..." You start, your voice sounding as though you were pouting and honestly... you were pouting. "It used to be every day! Every night, after work... like clockwork! But this stupid fucking job is getting in the way of us, I mean sex is how we communicate!"
Your voice is rising, alerting the sleeping Derek who sat right behind you. He was too tired to even comprehend what you were talking about, which surprised you because he always teased you and Spencer about your sex life. The girls didn't laugh this time, only watched as you looked like you were going crazy. They didn't realize how upset you were about this, this felt it went far beyond sex to you. It did in some sense, as said before you and Spencer were always having sex so if there was no sex happening... there was no and him happening either. This could turn into a therapy session, you could cry about how you felt ignored and put aside but it wasn't that at all... you were just so horny for Spencer, this frustration building up and ready to burst. JJ sighed softly, patting you on the shoulder.
"I get it... I mean we get it." She points between her and Emily, shooting Emily a smile. "Y/N... You need to have sex or you're going to go insane."
Emily nods, agreeing with JJ's clear over-exaggeration. You felt like you were already going insane, you couldn't do anything without the thought of Spencer's cock down your throat completely eliminating your focus. So although it was clear JJ was being dramatic about it, you felt it was pretty accurate for the feeling inside you. You let out a sigh, pushing your hair back as you leaned back in your chair. You have been at this job for 4 years, and insanity came with the job, so this feeling of complete and utter insanity due to not having sex was killing you simply because it was so new to you.
"Trust me, I know." Was all you said, biting your lip softly as your eyes flicked over to Spencer once more.
He was now leaning back in his chair, his thighs slightly opened as his hands were placed on them delicately. He was looking out the window, watching the clouds go by as the sun started to set. You couldn't help but look at his veiny hands placed so pretty on his thighs, you suddenly gained tunnel vision and your eyes started to outline his cock. Spencer sensed you looking at him, the hairs on the back of his neck standing up as he turned his head. He made eye contact with you, sending you a soft smile. Talk about the straw that broke the camel's back, that opened the floodgates inside of you.
"You know what you should do?" JJ asked, trying to get your attention, and in only milliseconds... she had it. "You need to make him want it, it's what I used to do with Will all the time when I was pregnant, and believe me pregnancy hormones are no joke."
How does one go about making someone want them? You were no stranger in the teasing scene, it was your favorite thing to do with Spencer. But you haven't even had 2 seconds to tease him since the drought started, so you were a bit out of practice. Spencer would usually be a puddle on the floor you stepped on in seconds when you teased him, but he was so stressed that he couldn't tell his ass from his head sometimes. You were more than willing to know how JJ did it, and how she made men want her in times of desperation. 
"How?" You ask, feeling slightly more embarrassed by your sudden confusion. JJ thinks for a second, looking over at Emily for her to pitch in at any moment.
"There's many ways to do it, all people are different Y/N" Emily chuckled, looking over at JJ who was still thinking about how she even managed to seduce Will like she did. "My advice is just be overly affectionate with him, you know? Touch him more, show a little more skin, laugh louder... Just make it known, be loud with it."
You took in her words, especially the "make it known" and "be loud with it". You felt you could do that, with how frustrated you had become you could see yourself screaming for him to just fuck you. It would be a bit hard because Spencer is kind of not good with social cues, if you try to flirt with him sometimes, he just throws statistics your way. You repeated the words "make it known" in your head, how could you make it known... at that moment as you repeated it in your head like a mantra, you had such a devilish idea. Your hands almost started shaking due to excitement, the feeling taking over your body as you went to speak.
"I can do that..." You said with a smile, standing up from your seat and fixing your shirt. "I need to use the restroom, be right back."
You basically ran to the bathroom, zooming past Spencer who was quite confused at your sudden rush. You locked yourself in the small bathroom, the excitement taking over your body as you could see yourself start doing handstands due to excitement. You pulled out your phone, setting yourself on the small counter sink as you started to pull your shirt off. You weren't sure how to do this, your nerves getting the best of you as you clicked on your camera. You had no time to think, you just pulled your shirt off and aimed your camera at your chest.
The first one was more of a softcore nude, only in your bra as your hand laid on your chest. You took a couple of pictures with your bra on, then you clicked through them, deleting the ones you didn't like. You would've stopped there but you wanted to go the extra mile, you were "being loud" with it as Emily would say. You pulled your bra off, watching it fall to the floor, the nerves in your stomach only fooling you to go further. You pointed the camera at your chest, snapping a couple of pictures. Again, you weren't good at this... you never claimed to be, so you took pictures from multiple angles and positions. Some you were squeezing them together, some you weren't.... you weren't a model or a photographer so you were working with what you had.
You finished, hopping down from the sink and putting your clothes back on. You sat on the lidded toilet, scrolling through the pictures as you picked the ones you would send. You were nervous to say the least, you knew it was just Spencer but you had never taken sex outside of the bedroom before. This was new, this was scary... this was so arousing. You clicked on Spencer's name, his name being "spencie poop" In your phone, you clicked on the pictures you wanted and hovered over the send button. Would this work? what if he isn't into it as much as you are? What were you even doing?
"Make it known. be loud with it." You repeated in your head, closing your eyes before clicking the send button. It took only seconds for it to send the anticipation building in your stomach. You decided to stay sitting in the toilet for a little longer, getting yourself together before you faced the world behind the small bathroom door. You knew Spencer wouldn't see the pictures until later on, knowing that he always put his phone on silent as he hated technology, especially when it interrupted his reading time. You wondered how he would react, knowing that Spencer didn't know how to react to most things. You wouldn't be surprised if Spencer sent you a thumbs up and a message saying how pretty you look, you weren't sure this would even work in your favor.
You gathered yourself, breathing in and out before you stood up to leave the bathroom. As you reached for the door, there was a small knock on it. You assumed it was someone who needed to use the bathroom, you had been in there for a good 15 minutes before you decided to leave. You reached for the door, opening it... Your heart dropped, your entire body went hot and your underwear became wetter than before. It was Spencer, his face was bright red and his hands shook softly. He didn't give you time to even open the door all the way before he barged into the small bathroom with you, shutting and locking the door behind you.
"Are you crazy?" He whispered, hoping no one else saw him or heard him come in. You were pressed against the sink, Spencer pressed against you as the small bathroom was not made for two. "Are you trying to get me in trouble? what if someone had seen?"
Spencer looked upset but his hard cock against your stomach gave his true feelings away. Spencer could never be mad at you, you knew this and you took advantage of it often. Unfortunately, Spencer was very by the books, he followed all the rules but when it came to you... rules didn't exist. So he wasn't actually upset about the pictures, he was just frustrated you decided to send them now. While Hotch was sitting right next to him, a clear shot of his phone and everything. You bit your lip softly, your eyes being pulled toward his cock rubbing against your belly, there was no hiding that in this small compact area.
"Seems like you liked them.." You teased softly, chuckling out as you looked up at him with doe eyes.
Spencer could have come then and there, your innocence creating a deep desire within him. He let out a sigh, his breath panning across your face as he did so smelling of coffee and mint. You brought your hand up to his tie, fiddling with it softly as you stood on your tiptoes, trying to come face-to-face with him. Spencer's breath hitched as your lips brushed his own, his mind going foggy and forgetting where he was in the moment... Something inside him though reminded him, the small voice in the back of his head telling him this was a bad idea and the team was only feet away from you both. As you started to undo his belt, He grabbed onto your shoulders, pushing you back softly.
"Y/N, that was extremely inappropriate..." He said sternly, trying not to give in to your pleading eyes. "Hotch was right next to me an..."
His words were cut off by your hand grasping his cock softly. In the short time, he had been scolding you, you managed to stuff your hand down his pants, Spencer was far too focused on trying to not give into your motives he didn't even realize. Spencer became putty just then, your hand rubbing his cock slowly cutting his iq down by 100. You knew this was also a horrible idea, I mean were you really going to let your twisted, horny mind risk your job? The answer was, yes... yes you were. If it meant that Spencer would be inside of you, then you would do anything.
"I know baby... I've been so bad." You whispered out, your hand still wrapped around his cock. You fluttered your eyes up at him, watching as his ability to control himself slowly disappeared. "But I had to! it's been so long, you have me all worked up and it's starting to hurt."
You rub his cock softly, his own eyes fluttering shut as you turn him into putty. Spencer hadn't even realized how long it had been, he didn't have much time to think about anything but work nowadays. He didn't realize it until he almost came in your hand just from a few pumps. His body had heated up, his cheeks red as you slid your thumb across his tip. His head was foggy but he still couldn't get past the thought that his boss was just outside the small bathroom you both had been in. He stiffened himself up again, putting a hand on your wrist.
"Y/N, the team is inches away from us." He spoke, pulling your hands from his pants and doing up his belt again. "I promise you I will let you do whatever when we get home to make up for these last couple of weeks okay?"
Trust and believe that it took Spencer his entire self-control to say no to you, especially after seeing those pictures. Your half-naked body, the way you looked up at the camera for him. He wasn't sure if he would be able to get his cock to soften after knowing those pictures existed, he knew this was going to be a long trip home. He struggled with getting his belt looped, his hands shook so vigorously that they were no help to him. You finally reached your hand out to stop his hands, reaching up to lift his head to look up at you.
"Spencer, if you tell me to stop right now... I will." You spoke, you were frustrated and it was so obvious you both needed this. "I will stop and we can walk out of here like nothing happened okay? I just need you to say "I want this to stop." and that's it, I'll stop. But all i need is 5 minutes, I'll get us both off and no one will even notice.``
Spencer thought for a moment, seeing how serious you were. He knew you would never force him to do anything, so he knew if he really did tell you to stop, you would. but he really didn't want you to stop, his "professional FBI agent" side told him to stop but his "love drunk" side didn't want you to stop. All he could think about was your pictures and how uncomfortable this boner was going to be for the rest of the plane ride if he didn't just flat-out fuck you.
He tried to calculate just how far away the team was from the two of you and what the chances of them hearing the two of you were. He came up with it being 72% they won't hear the two of you, due to the fact the bathroom is a bit insulated and most of the team liked to sit far from the bathroom. You could see him doing this math in his head just by the look on his face, you chuckled to yourself knowing this was a complete Spencer Reid thing. Spencer struggled internally, both his logical and hormonal sides butting heads just as he looked down at you with those pretty doe eyes you kept giving him. Spencer was going to burst, the month of no sex finally catching up to him all at once.
"Fuck it..." He said right before crashing his lips onto yours.
Now Spencer Reid must have really been frustrated as he never used words like that, but something about you just sent him over the edge each time. You kissed him back immediately, his hands kept your mouth on him as his tongue slid into your mouth. It was all so fast-paced, just like you said it would be... you just needed five minutes. You reached down to his half-done belt and started undoing it once more, trying to focus on his lips and your hands at the same time. Spencer was so completely engulfed in the kiss that he couldn't even contemplate helping you at all, he just pressed you against the sink hinting at you to hop on it.
You positioned yourself on the sink, Spencer's hands going to your ass to prevent you from falling into it. You finally got his pants undone, pulling them down so only his cock could bounce free causing a soft groan to fall from his lips. You smirked softly into the kiss, feeling just as hard he had gotten just from your little "fight".
"Really liked them huh?" You said through the kiss, Spencer just kissed you harder trying to get you to shut up.
You just laughed softly, your hands now going to your own pants to take them off. You struggled with your pants, trying to keep Spencer's mouth satisfied with your mouth while also trying to get out of your very tight pants. Spencer noticed this, pulling away from you to help you slide your pants down your thighs and watching them bunch up on your ankles. As soon as they were out of the way, Spencer didn't even bother with your panties, he just pushed them to the side and slid himself into you.
"Fuc.." Was all he could get out before he stuffed his face into your neck, silencing his moans that were bound to come out.
Your eyes immediately rolled to the back of your head, gripping onto his shoulders for support. You felt whole again, his cock sliding inside of you like it never left. Spencer didn't sit still for long before he started thrusting inside of you, his hands gripping your hips roughly. Spencer's thrust started rough and fast, taking your word for it only taking 5 minutes. To avoid suspicion and losing your job, you both needed to hurry up and get off.
You couldn't help but get lost in the feeling, finally after weeks of needing to be fucked and it's actually happening plus the feeling of getting caught only added to the pleasure. You thrust back into Spencer, lifting your hips off the counter just to slam your own hips into his. It went like this for minutes, both of you breathing heavily and using each other's bodies to get off. Suddenly you felt a knot inside of your form, your hands moving up to his hair to pull on it to alert him.
"Gonna cum... fuck gonna cum." You whispered into his ear, as his face was still stuffed between your neck and your shoulder. He was afraid if he replied, he was going to not be able to control the moans that came from his throat.
He just thrusted faster, his hand coming up to rest on the mirror as you both were being pushed further and further up onto the sink so the faucet was almost digging into your back. He let out a couple of soft whimpers as his thrust became sloppier, his eyes tearing up as his cock twitched. He'd never come this fast before, only besides the first few times you both had fucked, but this was a record and it was clear he had become so backed up that this was definitely needed.
He came first, coating the inside of your walls with his hot cum, fucking himself through his own orgasm as well as coaxing you to your own. You came only moments later, the feeling of his warm breath on your neck and his hot cum inside of you... you broke. You came with a soft moan and your nails digging into his shoulders. It wasn't the best orgasm he had ever given you but it was so needed, it felt like you had been given water after days of dehydration.
As said before, you needed to be quick so after a few seconds of recovering from ecstasy, you both were pulling your clothes back on. It felt dirty in a way, aftercare, and soft kisses weren't a luxury you had at the moment. You watched as he pulled his pants back on, once again struggling with his belt. You realized how lighter and rested he looked now like the quickie was the thing he was missing his entire life. You chuckled softly, moving your hands down to his belt to help him loop it through.
"Guess we just joined the mile-high club huh?" You smirked up at him, his face still red with lust. Spencer chuckled softly, watching as your hands fixed his belt.
Spencer was almost embarrassed that he allowed you to sit high and dry for almost a month straight, he hadn't even thought of touching you that entire time. Although his mind had been elsewhere the entire time, it still felt wrong for a person to completely deny you of anything. Spencer felt he needed sex as much as you did, something he would have never thought he would ever need. He now understands why Morgan is the way he is, the constant need to feel that closeness to someone... to feel so vulnerable, especially in a job where vulnerability is a weakness. You noticed that Spencer had been in his head again, he always just had that look to him.
"You okay?" You asked, your hands now fixing his hair slightly. "I didn't push a boundary did i?"
Spencer shook his head almost immediately, the feeling of any discomfort so far away it wasn't even there. Spencer felt completely comfortable with you, even if it was such a weird situation to be in. He just got into his own head a lot, letting his mind wander and making up all kinds of assumptions about things. The assumption on his mind right now was that maybe having a healthy, functioning relationship in this field was almost impossible. You both hadn't had a single conversation that wasn't about a case or coffee or anything that didn't involve the office, in weeks. Could you both go on like that or are you both destined to just have quickies in the jet bathroom for the rest of your careers.
"No! Of course not!" He breathed out, basking in your soft hands touching his face softly, something you had done to comfort him. "Just wanted to say sorry for being so distant lately, didn't know you were feeling this...ignored?"
He wasn't sure what the right word to use was and honestly, you didn't know either. You weren't actually angry with him, just frustrated especially when your only kind of stress release was coming home and fucking him till he cried. You continued to rub his cheek softly with your thumb, pushing his hair back from his face.
"I'm not mad honey." You chuckled, trying to reassure him that he did nothing wrong. "Just please start checking in with me okay? So the feelings don't build up and we have to risk our jobs again."
Your joke caused Spencer to crack a smile, his laugh filling the small bathroom. He nodded, leaning down to set a soft kiss on your lips. The reality started to sit in however, you both just fucked on the job basically and the embarrassment and shame were written all over both of you. You both had only been gone for 15ish minutes so it was going to be an easy lie to come up with, you'll probably blame it on your motion sickness that you actually feel often on the jet. You both agreed on a story, you had gotten sick and asked Spencer to hold your hair back, easy enough. You went to open the door, taking a breath before facing your team again.
"Hey y/n?" Spencer spoke, stopping you in your tracks before you opened the door. You gave him your full attention, turning to see his eyes once again filled the lust. "I did like them...You should definitely start, you know I'm...Sending them more often."
You let out a soft chuckle, rolling your eyes before walking out of the bathroom. You both nonchalantly went back to your seats, as if nothing happened. JJ and Emily were talking about something when you got back, completely lost in conversation to realize what had just happened. You looked around at everyone, trying to see an inch of disgust or knowing on their faces. Fortunately, everyone was oblivious to the events that happened in the bathroom so you could relax in your seat. You tried to listen in on JJ and Emily's conversation, putting your two cents in here and there but your eyes kept flicking over to Spencer. He was now boring his eyes into your skin, making your body heat up once again. You could tell that what was supposed to be a simple quickie, was definitely not over yet and it was going to be a long trip home. 
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cloveroctobers · 7 months ago
A/N: thanks for voting on my poll, which I already knew who was going to win that but I still wanted to do a preference anyway since I never got around to writing what I originally wanted for my other characters on my summer prompt list rip to that idea! I’m writing in the order of which was voted from most to least highest minus one character.
WARNINGS: language, violence is sometimes the answer 🤭 + FC changed for Mikey due to recent news unfortunately, *GIF DOES NOT BELONG TO ME, not here to argue with anyone that feels different and you’re always welcome to keep imagining JB or simply do not engage with this.
<- read my previous summer anthology prompt here.
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He doesn’t take disrespect lightly.
The both of you lived just fine in your condo out in Miami, although Armando preferred the privacy more than anything he just kept this to the back of his mind that he was going to provide for your dream house together. Having your four year old daughter, Isaura only gave him more drive to get out of here.
The neighbors that lived on the floor directly above you, were all wide smiles and friendly making it their special job to try and introduce themselves to whoever they caught. They found you three at the pool one Sunday evening before dinner. Armando immediately felt they were weird telling you later that night in bed beside you, “they look like they eat people.”
“Armando!” You scolded as you slipped a bonnet on a half sleep Isaura, “they do but maybe they’re just the over friendly type.”
Armando sucked his teeth as he reached around you to snatch the sleepy toddler into his chest, “niña, can you say oblivious? tell mama that’s exactly what she is.”
Isaura just shifted her head looking away from the both of you.
“See, even your own daughter doesn’t want to listen to your mess. Give me my baby back so I can put her down,” you waved your fingers while Armando swings his legs to the edge of the bed.
He shifts the tiny girl against him and shakes his head, “nah, I got it. Got to make sure the fucken weirdos aren’t hiding in her room since you don’t want to believe me.”
“Hey, watch your mouth!” You lecture while Armando rolls his eyes, peeking down to see if Isaura even budged at his foul language before you continued, “I don’t know what goes in your mind sometimes,” you sigh with a shake of your head as Armando makes his way to the door, “…now you know I’m going to be up half the night checking on her.”
“Don’t worry about it, daddy’s gonna take the daybed just in case.”
Frowning you respond, “So you’re just going to abandon me?”
Armando snorts, “there’s enough of me to go around but if you wanna stay hold up in here by yourself, when we have the hills have eyes lurking from the floor above, that’s on you.”
“Bastard.” You muttered just as Armando was about to shut the door.
“What was that, mami?”
“I said I’m getting my neck pillow.” You answered as Armando laughs to himself, leaving the door open just a crack before carrying on down the hallway.
Armando would peep the disrespect more than you would but mostly on separate occasions. First it started with the husband constantly taking Armando’s assigned parking spot with one of his many cars, he would always turn up right when Armando had to circle around to take someone else’s, and when he was face to face with the husband’s false apologies and story about how he had to keep his monster truck locked away in storage thirty minutes away from the building, yet he always decided to take it out when Armando worked late nights…which was pretty convenient if you asked Armando.
Then you would tell Armando how the wife would make…interesting comments about how many more kids you two planned to have. “Hopefully a soccer team with your good looks!” She would laugh as she gripped your wrist. She would also ask: How you two managed to have free time with a four year old and if she was receiving enough attention between the two of you? That last question was off putting because why was this woman worrying about your child? Then if you listened closely enough, around the time it was time for Isaura’s nap or bedtime, whether Mike, Marcus and his family, or your best friend or family were watching her while the both of you were at work, the couple would decide to either start salsa lessons (according to the wife, Amy) which ended up turning into salsa lessons with no clothes directly on the floor, the husband winked at Armando who was not the least bit impressed.
“I think it’s common courtesy that you two learn to keep it down for not only us who have a child…who also has a routine but for your other neighbors as well. I’m sure there’s plenty of classes out in town you two can get into outside of this building.” You hinted to them.
“Oh sorry! I told Kit we were being too loud, see honey?!” She weakly slaps the wannabe WWE star against his buff chest, “We’ll definitely keep everyone more in mind this time, again sorry about that.” Amy apologizes.
“A man has needs though, am I right?” Kit would laugh, clapping his hand down on Armando’s shoulder who peeked at it, wondering why this man was so comfortable touching him.
Armando sniffed, “and you need to have some respect is all that we’re saying. Along with removing your hand from me.”
“Hey now! No need for the animosity, we’re all friends here neighbor!” Kit says as he applies a little more pressure on his hold of Armando’s shoulder but that only causes Armando to darken his stare.
Even Armando knew that statement was fake. Next thing he knows, when he’s heading out to work the morning after, he’s got a broken side mirror on the driver’s side and a large scratch on the passenger door with Kit’s car—that’s usually parked to the right of Armando’s—already gone for the day. Armando doesn’t take long to assess the situation, jaw tight as he looks around the garage for where exactly the cameras are. He would be hacking those as soon as he clocked in and didn’t give a damn who had something to say about it. He ended up calling you on the way to work, thanks to him phoning Dorn to carpool—him and Kelly had a disagreement so she drove to work on her own—to tell you exactly what happened since it was one of those days where you clocked in earlier than he did.
“I’ll try and keep him from doing something stupid.” Dorn calls out to you from the driver’s side.
You whisper as you stepped out briefly from working with a client as an aesthetician, “would you? I know it’ll be hard—
“I’m right here.” Armando reminded, “I’m done dealing with their creepy asses, Kit better hope I don’t see him when I get home tonight because his ass might turn up missing.”
You didn’t even argue because once Armando had something made up in his mind, it was hard for him to ever see another perspective. Also you didn’t doubt that Kit had something to do with it.
The last straw was when Kit and Amy’s German shepherd nipped towards Isaura’s face, when you had a minor confrontation with Amy, who you ran into while out shopping. She tried to sweep over the fact that she admitted to wishing that it was Armando on top of her instead of her actual husband and that it wasn’t a big deal because Kit was doing the same with you. Not only did she fix her mouth to say that, she also said she thought about what a kid would look like with her looks and Armando’s. “There’s nothing wrong with daydreaming.”
She said and it felt like she had spit in your face at how wicked her smile was on her overfilled lips. Again she was too close in your space but once Isaura ripped a cry so loud below along with the sounds of snarling from Amy’s dog, you didn’t hesitate to pull your child up into your arms and to kick at the dog.
“What’s wrong with you?!” Amy yelled pulling on her pet’s leash, “He’s just an animal!”
“An animal who tried to bite my kid’s face off! You’re lucky my foot didn’t connect but next time my fist won’t miss yours.”
“Are you threatening me?!”
“It’s not a threat, It’s a promise.” You concluded, “Stay away from my family if you know what’s good for you.”
“Excuse me? What does that mean?” Amy kept a tight hold on the leash now, “These are the things Kit and I get for being good neighbors?!”
You stopped in your tracks as you turned to give Amy one last look while you cradled a scared Isaura to your chest, “it means exactly what you think it means. Y’all keep saying your good neighbors but is that in the building with us or in your sick delusions? I’m warning you Amy, back the fuck off or you’ll really be sorry.”
Amy sticks her nose up in the air, “my uncle is the best lawyer in the city. If you’re thinking about harming my family then I’ll sue both of you so hard that little Laura will have no choice but to have a new family. Kit and I have been trying for months for a little one and Laura is the cutest thing.”
Laughing you found it hilarious that Amy thought she could continue to try you with her mind games. She really didn’t know who she was fucking with.
“I can guarantee that your uncle doesn’t have shit on my man. Also my father-in-law is a pretty good detective and he’s already heard about you two, just waiting for the word. The difference between you and I, is that I love only one man. And sweetie, it’s no competition when I’ve already won. Now you enjoy the rest of your day…before it expires.” It was your turn to send her a sickeningly charming smile as you spun back on your heels.
Leaving her like a gapping fish, you make your way back to your car, strapping Issy in with another caress to her face, quadruple checking that the dog didn’t do anything to her face and handing Issy one of her toys to cuddle with on the way back home. As you started your engine, you immediately called Armando through the car’s Bluetooth before pulling off from the curb.
It’s game night when there’s a knock on the door. Since Armando is helping Issy with the game piece on the game board, you push off the couch to get the door.
“Oh hi!” You greet, which makes Armando also move to get to his feet.
“We’re your new neighbors on the floor above who just moved in and we wanted to say thanks for the blueberry crumble and bottle of wine you sent our way, you really didn’t have to do that! We just thought it would be the kind thing to find the time to come down and introduce ourselves.” The woman speaks first with her hand held out.
You grasp her hand with a warm smile as you say, “mostly everyone is to themselves here but we got…pretty close with our old neighbors and my boyfriend, Armando and I thought we’d keep the tradition going.”
Armando gives a short wave at the two new faces as he stands beside you now, “hello,” he addresses the two while he bounces a giggly Issy on his hip.
“Aw, she’s so precious! Isn’t she, Steven?” The girl at the door elbows the guy beside her.
You take in her expression carefully, “do you two have any kids?”
She jabbed a thumb at the taller man, “Oh I’ll leave that all to my brother here.”
“I don’t have any…at least no one’s ever told me anything.” He nonchalantly shrugged while he looked off in thought up from his phone, while his sister rolls her eyes at him.
Armando snickers, which makes you quirk up a brow at him.
“Do you guys know where the other tenants moved off to? The agent says it was pretty abrupt but we got a steal on most of their furniture.” The young girl chats.
Armando speaks up, “heard they really wanted to explore more of Europe…guess Miami living inspired them to see what else the world has to offer.”
“Sweet,” Steven nods, “that would be a dream.”
“That is what they say life is,” Armando adds as he sends a quick wink to you while you lightly shake your head at him. He then slips an arm around your waist appearing as a Kodak moment to the siblings outside the door, “but welcome to the neighborhood you two, I’ve got a feelin’ you’ll be good neighbors.”
In short: he eliminates the problem.
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He had been away on a business trip when he gets back home earlier than expected. He likes to do this sometimes, liking to surprise you with his pop-in’s—take that how you will. What he wasn’t expecting was his ex sitting in the sitting room with you, the two of you chatting to the right of the home from the foyer over a bottle of tequila.
“…so the hell are you gonna tell lollipop king?”
“Girl, who?”
“You know his name, Christopher!”
You laugh followed by a groan, “he’ll find out sooner than later since old man Stewart and him are practically golfing buddies who act like they don’t gossip.”
Rio used that moment to clear his throat from his leaned position against the doorway. He didn’t like how your guard was down as he just lingered there, you slouched on the couch and Rhea balled up in one of the living chairs but that was another conversation. He needed to know just what you were hiding from him and now.
“Tell me what, mama?” Rio rasped, hands clasped in front of him.
Rhea’s mouth formed into an O-shape, getting ready to collect her things but Rio cuts his eyes at the short haired woman too, “nah, you don’t gotta leave on my account.”
“Believe me I’m not,” Rhea sassed as she collected her square glass and the almost empty bottle, “I’m going to check on our son while you guys—debrief.”
You gasped, “this involves you too, you know?!”
“I don’t live here!”
“Could have fooled me.” Rio adds as Rhea makes her way by him, bumping her shoulder with his.
Rio just snorts as the woman heads across the hall towards the side entrance of the kitchen. When he sets his eyes back on you, he watched as you used one of your hands to pinch in between your brows as you pulled your bottom lip into your mouth. The buzzed haired man then plops down beside you, lolling his head to meet your gaze but you just quickly down the rest of your drink.
“What’s going on?” Rio questions.
You exhale, “oh nothing much, it’s good to see you though!”
“You’re tipsy on a Wednesday afternoon and not on wine…something’s up?” Rio analyzed you pretty quick, which was to be expected.
Exhaling you close your eyes, thinking if maybe you just dozed off then Rio would leave you alone and Rhea would sneak out with Marcus out the back. You knew that was a slim chance since that boy loved his father a lot and would want to see him before heading back home with his mom.
Your eyes were widened as Rio gripped your bandaged hand, making you wince as he did so. You were hoping that he wouldn’t notice but you couldn’t be that much of a fool, not when it came to your husband.
“I’m going to ask only one more time before I start looking for answers myself, so tell me what happened?” Rio quizzes one last time.
Sighing you meet Rio’s eyes as you tell him, “Polly’s mother is visiting and she started shit with Marcus while he was outside playing in the front yard. I was bringing the plants from the garage up front when this all happened but Stewart saw it happening from his window and came out before I got up front. I handled it, she got HOA involved, and now apparently there’s a meeting on Saturday morning.”
The shift in Rio was instant as he sat up, still holding your hand in his lap, “she don’t even live here and she thinks she can say something to the kid? Did she do this to your hand? Give me the details, mama.”
And so you did. You told him how Marcus was running around out front keeping himself entertained while you were dragging the outdoor plants that you thought would look nice in the backyard up front from the garage. It took some time for you to pick up on the yelling, making the palm of your hand get impaled by one of agave leaves that you tossed to the ground at the familiar rebuttal of Marcus’ voice. Your instincts kicked in even if your hand bled like crazy and hurt like hell, you didn’t take kindly to strangers screaming at kids.
You were once an elementary school teacher before becoming a housewife to Rio. There was always a certain way that you needed to speak to people, especially kids and you weren’t having it with Polly’s mother who always visited in the summer. Polly was cool, even her mother-in-law was tolerable (although she was a yapper) but you just didn’t understand how someone like Polly had a mother as nasty as this Karen who was drilling into Marcus who she didn’t even know. In her mind she believed that Marcus specifically shouldn’t be playing around the sidewalk, that it was against the “rules” of this community that she wasn’t sure Marcus even belonged to and should be playing in a different area instead.
You guys had a fence but Marcus said that he hit the ball too far and it ended up on the sidewalk so that’s the only reason he came around the fence. You didn’t care what the reason was, he knew not to play near the street of the gated community but you trusted his word regardless and old man Stewart confirmed this with a nod of his head. He had the both of your back’s and you guys spent the holidays every so often at each other’s houses.
“It got ugly, babe. Told her to keep her finger out my face and to not ever speak to my kid like that again. She tried to chest bump my back so I turned around and shoved her on her ass. She’s lucky I didn’t smack the shit out her wal-mart Glenn Close looking ass. Which was enough ammo for her to call HOA but we’ve got cameras just as much as Polly’s got her ring camera so I’m not worried. I just didn’t want Marcus to deal with that bullshit.”
Rio ends up smiling at you and you widen your eyes at him. “I’m glad you find this amusing.”
“Oh it’s not—I’m just proud of you.”
“For not going to jail?”
Rio tilts his head to the side, “The verdicts probably still out on that one, knowing the kind of woman she is.”
“You’re right.”
“I’ll have to talk to Polly.” Rio decided as he caressed your fingertips.
“She’s already sent mountains of texts, she’s with us and says she’ll work on talking to her demon—I mean mother.” You can’t fight against the liquor but even still, you said what you said.
Rio nods, “you don’t even got to worry about the rest. I got us.”
“…do I want to know?”
“Nah,” Rio shrugged as he used his other hand to caress your face, “just continue being the best thing that happened to me. I know I don’t have to thank you but I want to, for looking at Marcus as your own.”
You laugh, “he’s a great kid, part of you, which makes me love you guys even more so of course I will—without question.”
Rio pulls you by the chin to his lips, which you’ve been missing all week and when he lets you slip your tongue into his mouth, he pulls back with a grin. “Later mama, I got to make sure you two are good first.”
“Huh?” Your eyes fluttered open as Rio holds your own hand up in front of your face to prove his point, “that’s just a scratch.”
“Our girl will be the judge of that.” Rio tells, “Can’t believe you didn’t try and sneak her over here.”
“Thought she was on business with you guys.”
“We got more than one medic, mama. I kept the best here with y’all.”
“How kind.”
“I’m a kind guy.”
“I don’t think the dust bag will think so when you’re finished spooking her.”
Rio doesn’t fight his grin but replies, “Who says I’m gonna do it? I got people for that but the message will be real clear.”
He shushes you as he pecks your lips once more, making you lean your forehead against his, happy that he’s home before he’s sending out a code to your number one medic girl to stop by the house ASAP.
the both of you break away as the thudding of steps decended down the steps, revealing Marcus who called out Rio’s name, who he needed further reassurance from.
“Hey bud,” Rio starts as he embraces the young boy before knocking their fist together, “you good?”
He slowly nods but Rio knows he’s not, although he had a feeling Marcus held his own. It usually took a lot to bring it out of him to defend himself but Rio would see for himself once he looked at the footage tonight.
“You know what? Let’s go play outside while the ladies finish up.” Rio gets to his feet and the slight panic in Marcus’ face is evident, making your heart break while Rhea tightens the folding of her arms.
Rio squeezed Marcus’ shoulder, “hey, when you’re with me you remember you’re the king of your own castle, aight? Nobody can tell you nothing, move how you wanna move and own it. This is your neighborhood too, you understand?”
“…yes dad.”
“Alright? I got goalie.”
Rio sends a firm look to you two ladies before he heads outside with Marcus right beside him.
He attentively analyzed the situation before deciding what else needs to be done. One thing you could never do was go against the family he built and that was always serious to him. Anybody that messed with his family, immediately became his target and if it had to be a part time neighbor from across the street?
So be it.
They’ll learn soon enough.
They always do.
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“Babe! You’re not gonna believe this.” Luca calls out to you as he slams the front entrance door from down below shut, before making his way upstairs.
You can always tell when Luca’s home because he has a tendency to be heavy handed, always slamming the door that it tends to shake the house. It’s not something he purposely does, majority of the time he doesn’t even notice but it is a thing and even your neighbors in the townhouse to the left of you mockingly mentioned it.
They were assholes anyway and should be the last ones to talk about noise. Having loud company over every other day and some type of event at their home every other weekend, also crowding up the streets, without inviting you guys on multiple occasions. There were eight specific units on this street that were all grouped and managed underneath the same property and you would think they would also include you two. The both of you quickly learned that Chicago was much different than Copenhagen.
And what Luca remembered.
“I wouldn’t take it to heart and give it some time, yeah? Otherwise? They can piss right off!” Luca’s older sister that he’s reconnected with while being back in the states tells you two, laughing lightly as she’s helping you two unpack weeks ago.
You wouldn’t have if you didn’t decide to be neighborly, bringing them their mail when it accidentally got mixed in with yours, waving at them in passing as you chatted with the other residents, and then actually going over to introduce yourselves with a platter. It was all fraudulent and they just didn’t want to be bothered with you two, Luca gradually started to forget about it after finding a new position at one of the top three upscale restaurants in the city until you would bring it up. And of course he listened to anything that bothered you.
Their music was too loud for hours at a time sometimes until two in the morning on a week night, Luca would calmly address the situation to the guy of the household when he would get a hold of him on his way in from running around the city in sweats and a hoodie—yes in the middle of a scorching August, the both of you always had early mornings with you being a medical assistant down at the hospital and with Luca always having to do prep. You didn’t have the patience to stick around for the guy and his significant other never came to the door when you both knew she was home probably hungover.
Luca was friendly in his approach about it and at first, the athlete told Luca that they were just celebrating as much as they could before he was back on the road to get in the box yet he couldn’t help but to throw in a jab, “They do have these things called single family homes. Maybe you two should consider that.” In the end he said they’d try to keep it down. That still rubbed you the wrong way when Luca slipped up and told you that part.
Which only meant turning the music up even louder that the house rattled on their end. If their garbage was over filled, they would dump some of it into yours attracting raccoons but would then claim it had to be one of the other neighbors—you two had a ring cam, it wasn’t. The last straw was the fiancée drunkly pissing right in the path of your garage, which you stepped in the next morning when you were running late to work.
Humming you turn your attention from the street view of the balcony to Luca who stood in the doorway. You sat comfortably in the outdoor chair, paperback turned over on the table as you finished sipping at your fruit water.
“Hey baby,” you greet with a smile, relaxed and bare faced on your day off in the summer light as you held your face up for Luca to place a quick kiss to the corner of your mouth before he sat in the chair across from you.
Luca stretched his arms across the table as he greeted you back, “hello darling…you’re not gonna believe this!” He continues.
“What? That you suddenly caved and like Chicago dogs now?” You quizzed, folding your own arms as you leaned against the table, ready to listen.
Luca chuckles, “not likely, babe. Guess I won’t ever fit into their standards, yeah?”
“I think the world will still turn.”
“I think so too,” Luca agrees with a small smirk, “listen to this. I went to the bakery, the one Marcus is working part-time at now because of the whole thing with Carmy’s uncle—just to check on him you know? Guess who was also in there?”
You raise your brows after finding it sweet that Luca made it his mission to check in on Marcus. The two hit it off when Marcus trained underneath him for a couple of weeks back then and he’s been over to the flat a few times along with Sydney. Luca didn’t give you much time to guess since he was so adamant about telling you about his day. Usually when something was on Luca’s mind, his words went haywire out of excitement—depending what it was of course.
You blinked at the news of your boyfriend running into your problematic next door neighbor in slight confusion, “okay…a little surprised he likes baked goods since he gives the impression that he drinks egg yolks and eats raw meat for fun.”
It was Luca’s turn to furrow his naturally arched brows, “I’m not quite sure how you’ve gotten that idea and you might want to cut back on your time watching Santa Clarita Diet. It might help.”
You snort as you wave your fingers along for the now buzzed blond to continue. It wouldn’t be the first show that you watched where Luca passed judgment on. He is definitely the one to ask a thousand questions while you’re trying to watch something.
“Ryan told me, Leah was rushed to the hospital yesterday morning.” Luca informs you, “Want to know what for?”
Sitting back against the chair, you keep your arms crossed and fight the urge to roll your eyes, “…not particularly, no.”
Luca bites down on his bottom lip trying to hold it in but doesn’t, “she crapped out a parasite.”
Your mouth drops open, “You’re lying.”
“Honest to flavor town.” Luca does the praying motion before pointing to the sky and you knew it was serious business if he mentioned Guy Fieri.
Clasping a hand against your mouth you try to hide your snickers but Luca picks up on the fact that you found this a little too amusing.
“…what have you done?” He points an accusatory finger at you.
Lifting your shoulders, your lips twist around in laughter and you dared peeked back at Luca who was awaiting your answer. You wouldn’t leave him in the dark much longer, “fine! I sent a cleanse her way after all that day drinking and with my medical knowledge…I thought I’d give a helping hand.”
“Which means what?” Luca pressed, sitting back as well as he listened to you.
“I may have or may not have used the papayas that Grace left here before she went back to Texas when we went to that farmer’s market,” you slowly admit of your time with your old friend who came to visit with her baby girl Charlie, informing your boyfriend of the slight clues, “we both know I’m allergic and I didn’t want them to go to waste. So I made our lovely neighbors some papaya cereal with the seeds, put it up real nice in a jar for them to enjoy. Left it by their door and watched Ryan bring the bait in.”
Luca exhales, “you’re actually starting to scare me.”
“Remember that old nutritionist who’s heavily spiritual I told you about that we always end up seeing once a month at the hospital?” You ask while Luca nods his head, “she experienced the same thing partygirlLeah99 did but her’s was intentional.”
The bomb that you dropped had Luca clenching his eyes shut, “what you’re telling me is…you basically gave our neighbor some form of a laxative?”
“Just removed the toxins and clearly Leah has some. How many parasites was it?”
Luca shook his head, “no, no, no. We’re not just going to skip over the chaotic evil you’ve just done.”
You tilted your head to the side, “I think it was more lawful evil…maybe even good. She pissed on our property, Luca! And Ryan’s a dick.”
Luca holds his forehead now stressed, “Yeah and he can K.O. us if he really wanted to if he ever found out! He’s a professional boxer—
“I don’t care! Lessons need to be taught and he’s out of here in the fall anyway so that’s one less problem we have to deal with.” You shrug as you reach for your water again but Luca snatched it back.
He sighs, “we talked about this…you can’t just go and take matters into your own hands without discussing it with me first. I said I would talk to them about the peeing situation—
“You tried talking to them before! They don’t care about us, and sure they don’t owe us anything but I worked really hard on that charcuterie board, then they excluded us constantly and probably will do it again once Halloween comes around—
“So that’s what this is about? You’re worried about Halloween?” Luca questions, knowing it was one of your favorite Halloween parties.
“How dare they throw a summerween party when I’m the number one queen of the spooks!” You childishly turn your head to peek out into Chicago’s scenery from your first balcony.
Luca sips at your water now and exaggerates as he lets out an, “ah! That’s refreshing but I don’t know what to say about my girlfriend being upset over some people that we don’t even know well enough to care about their perceptions of us, if they even have any.”
Both of your professions caused you to be around all sorts of people, especially some downright mean ones but you both persevered. Luca would always take it as a learning curve, whereas you tended to take things more personal majority of the time. Yes you were the type to cry when angry, go ahead and sue your sensitive heart! Luca was only a little older than you and slightly better at communicating—when he wasn’t a nervous wreck—but you on the other hand tended to proceed with action rather than words or a conversation like Luca.
“Don’t say anything to me, just love me, choose me,” you playfully recite while Luca scoffs, “and wish those bitches an early happy Halloween, specifically from me to them. What she won’t know what hurt her.” You wink while Luca runs a hand over his buzzed summer look in shock.
“Well it actually did,” Luca frowns with his hands held out although you’re still unphased, “and doesn’t this count as assault?”
There goes the panic everybody!
You knew a good lawyer that shared the same blood as Luca (if it ever came to that) you weren’t worried and maybe you were chaotic evil after all? Depends who you ask.
Pouting you say, “Did she die?”
“Then everybody wins!” You clap as you push back from the table, “So…What’s for dinner?”
“Not fucking papayas that’s for sure.” Luca states while you laugh, beginning to collect your things to bring back inside.
Luca sits outside for a moment longer, you briefly kiss his lips, him shaking his head at you afterwards once more as he whacks your backside before you head in to search the fridge, and he stares out into the city just wondering what else this place will bring.
Hopefully better understanding of being neighbors in the states!
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“The hell happened to you?” Mikey asks, sneaking up behind you in your kitchen.
Which wasn’t unfamiliar for him to do but you did let out a yelp as you stood by your coffee and tea counter. You turned to your old friend, who scanned his eyes all over your filth covered clothes.
“My neighbor Lorraine is mad that I called her son out for being a pervert. Then she tried to argue that my dog is barking at all times of the night so I don’t have the right to speak on her son!” You paced the floor.
Mikey crosses his arms, “well she isn’t too bright because that thing in there is far from a dog,” he starts while you give him the side eye for talking shit about your Maine coon, “and what’s this about a pervert?”
You sigh, “..her son is just this college dropout who’s apparently into astronomy and thinks I don’t catch him with his telescope set out on the front sidewalk, right where the living room window is, as if he’s gone camping with my body being the view!”
It wouldn’t be Mikey’s first time catching you streaking around the house either—that was your fault for giving him a key—but this random kid? He had a problem with.
Mikey rubs at his facial hair, “Was he the one that did this to you?”
You huff, “that little bitch ran as soon as mommy Lorraine thought it would be nice to dump her trash on me out in the courtyard.”
There was always something going on in your courtyard out back, whether it was random cookouts even in the winter!, residents fighting over which outdoor seating technically belonged to them (it didn’t belong to anyone, everybody at the condo had access to it), to Lorraine overpopulating the backyard with her garden and horrible smelling manure, and fires being started by the little kids for fun, Mikey can never say it’s a dull moment on Sunnyside Ave.
“…and what did you do?” Mikey questioned, his lips twisting at the corners, knowing he wasn’t the best influence, especially if the shoe was on the other foot.
Which you knew, hanging out with him, Richie, and even Michelle always had the potential go left very quickly.
“There’s onion juice or some shit in my eye,” you start using your wrist to wipe at your red eye before saying, “and if I somehow end up blind before I get in to my eye doctor this year…it’s a wrap for her.”
“So you’re going in for the silent kill?” Michael summarizes, “that leaves the creeper to me then, is he home? I’d love to have a talk with ‘em!”
He points towards the back door which leads out to the courtyard. You leap forward, latching onto Michael’s wrist, “which I’m sure you’ll get your chance but I see you bought something for me?”
Michael rolls his eyes as he glanced back at the counter that contained a bag, “you’re real observant aren’t ya?”
“I’m also hungry but I need to get this stench off me first.” You slap your hands beside your thighs.
He jokingly steps forward to take a whiff towards you, “…I wasn’t going to say anything but whew!”
“Shut up, Mikey!” You shove him back but he just laughs.
Mikey pinches a piece of your hair on your way by, pulling something from it, “looks like she got you good with some shallot skin and soil if you ask me! But I got a nice Cubano waiting for ya when you get out.”
Your mouth watered at the mention of your favorite sandwich Mikey always brought over to you every other Tuesday, “can’t wait for that baby to bring me the biggest serotonin.”
Mikey grins at you.
When you drag your eyes back to meet his you ask, “so how was your day, bub? Good?”
“Yeah! I think it’s going to be alright.”
You hold your hand out, “tell me about it?”
He takes your hand as you lead him to the bathroom. He sits on the toilet as you quickly get into your skincare, terrified of skin mites thanks to some shit Sugar sent to a group chat between you, her, and Michelle. Michael doesn’t mind watching you do your routine, falling into quiet chatter before you strip out of your clothes.
He tries not to let his stare linger but he always thought you were a goddess, even with your clothes on. The comfortability between you two was strong, that at times it felt like there was nothing to ever be afraid of, especially when it came to showing your most vulnerable selves to each other. It’s not long before he’s joining you behind the shower liner, helping each other clean away whatever the day held before you’re embracing each other, arms tucked underneath each others as your now loud conversation fights against the pressure from the shower head.
He tells you all about the possible new hire, her name being Tina and how he feels like she’ll be the one to keep Chicagoland on their toes and in shape. He’s got that spark in his eye when he talks about her, finding a connection and in hopes that she will turn up when she’s ready but he has no doubt that she will.
“Maybe you can call her for backup if you ever come face to face with string bean nose Lorraine.” Mikey jokes over the water.
You scoff, “if the garbage can actually hit me, Lorraine just might need to tap Tina in for her to get me off her ass!”
Mikey chuckles, leaning forward to place a kiss on your forehead before you tuck your head underneath his chin. If you could’ve, you would have held onto him for eternity.
But…that’s not the way life played out in later episodes.
When Tuesday’s hit, sometimes it still feels like he’s here around your condo trying to scare the shit out of your cat, when he’s the one who’s actually terrified of him. And when you catch yourself staring at Lorraine’s nose a little too long during your small morning chats before you’re both leaving for work—that’s right—you two are now cordial enough to have civilized conversations, and yes you had Michael Berzatto to thank for that.
For constantly seeing the best in everybody, even crazy gardening neighbors who loved composting and believing their son could do no wrong.
Who only knows what Mikey’s conversation with that kid was like. You had a feeling that Richie knew, there was a slim chance that Richie was his ride along when you were off at work or someplace else but Richie would always be Mikey’s keeper.
And you were fine with that, as long as you never saw a telescope again.
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SUMMER ‘24 PROMPTS FIN. (For now!)
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skulldetergent · 6 months ago
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ghost scar headcanons (CW for his backstory)
no tattoo/no text version & explanation under the cut
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CW⚠️ discussion of child abuse, torture, self harm & sa
since i headcanon ghost to have quite a few scars, i decided to make a "character sheet" or "scar map" to keep my art more consistent.
in the drawing, the scars are already labeled and i think pretty self-explanatory, but i will go into some more detail and elaborate on my headcanons. again, please read the content warning. i did my best at trying to discuss the following in a sensitive way, but it may be upsetting to read nonetheless.
let's begin with the ones that say "mission". i imagined they are just random scars he sustained during his service over the years, like gunshot scars or knife slashes from close combat.
but others like "roba's hook", the autopsy scar, tally marks, the whip scars and his glasgow smile are from during the time where he was captured and tortured. i headcanon reboot ghost to have pretty much the same backstory as OG ghost, with some slight differences and additions of my own.
things like the glasgow smile or tally marks are made up by me, and others like the being hanged from his ribs actually happened (comics). ghost was also canonically sexually assaulted multiple times, which gave me the idea of said tally marks to emphasise how cruel his captors were.
correct me if i'm wrong, but in the comics ghost doesn't have any scars after being tortured, any cuts shown on his body just cease to exist a few panels later. but considering what he was put through, i do think that there would be permanent scarring.
now, it's also canon that ghost was abused by his father in ways like him bringing large animals such as snakes in his room to scare him, or having him watch a woman die from OD, which made me consider what the full extent of his terrible father's "parenting" must've looked like.
ghost has a small, almost faded scar under his eye, he was too young to remember how he got it, only finding out when his mother told him. his father was being neglectful when he was supposed to watch him, and simon injured himself while wandering around.
now, it is unclear in the comics if mr. riley's abuse was purely psychological, or if it extended to physical as well (again, correct me if i'm wrong). but i didn't find it unrealistic to have the latter be the case, which is why simon has cigarette burn scars on his neck and legs. his father found it amusing under the guise of "making him a man" and seeing how long little simon could take it before he would start crying. nowadays the burns are barely visible.
and lastly, the self harm scars covered up by the tattoo sleeve on his left arm. considering what simon had to go through at an early age, it is not unlikely that he might have resorted to SH as a teenager. and later, he got the tattoo as a reminder to himself that those days are his past and not his present.
i really read the comics and said:
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cobraaah · 7 months ago
Pairing• [Nauseaxe_404 ♡ Reader]
A/N• This took way longer than I wanted. Hopefully, it's not too long for you guys. It's not the best since I haven't written anything, let alone smut in a long time. Also not proofread. . Way too long. Also I dunno how to do warnings so be prepared I guess.
Warnings• Smut 18+, intentional injury, manipulation, slight blood?, axe usage ( not hurting reader), P in V, cunnilingus
Word count• 8k
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Desperate. Desperate for money of course! Recently you've been low on money, having bad impulsive buying habits on randome junk you didn't need. "A way to gain fast money!" Popped up on your laptop screen. Scrolling on suspicious and unsecured websites had its downsides. A grumbled sigh left you as you tried to click the ad off your screen. It didn't leave, it was like some sort of weird virus. . or something like that, you wernt the smartest tool in the shed when it came to computers. Your curiosity came over you, you did need some quick cash. Your morals went out the window, discarding the fact that you could get so many viruses, maybe even kidnapped! Your finger hovered hesitantly over the pad on your laptop. Deciding to get it over with quick, you click, closing your eyes for some reason, expecting a million more pop ups to show up, maybe a random guy breaking into your home to take you away. . but no. Your E-Mail opened up instead. Your eyes squint at the screen reading the new E-Mail that was sent to you. To you, it was all non important, besides a few key details, they read; "simple and does not require any particular skills or talents." , "50,000 dollars cash in total. Half will be sent to you in a few days, the other half will be at the job site." You paused for a second, re-reading the last part. Your eyes widen as your mouth gaped with a surprised grin. "Fifty K?!" You scanned the email over again, trying to convince yourself this isn't real, fortunately, it was. Deciding to actually read the email now the description talked about having to be a mediator, having to remove some tendents from a hotel of sorts. Seeing as they said it's simple and you don't need any special skills, this seemed as a easy way for you to earn some money. Red flags should've been popping up in your head but your lust and desperation for money took over. Quickly, you typed a E-Mail back accepting the offer, clicking send you sat back with a sigh. Now all you had to do was wait for half the money to be sent to you and-. "Wait a second.." You mumbled to yourself. With another quick re reading of the E-Mail they did say they were going to send half the money. . but how? "I never gave them my address or like. . anything?" With a sigh, you closed your laptop assuming that these ominous people from this sketchy ad had all your information already from your relentless visits to sketchy websites doing god knows what on them.
A few days have gone by since you've sent that e-mail accepting the suspicious job offer that you didn't even know was real to be honest. Currently looking up at the ceiling contemplating everything you've done at this point, we're you really that gullible? Thinking that someone would actually give you a-. . A loud crashing noise can be heard outside your room, heavy footsteps can be heard getting more faint until nothing. Frozen through the whole ordeal, you sit up after just laying there for who knows how long. Your eyes dart over to your door completely unsure about this whole thing, did someone really just break into your house? What if they were still inside?! A shiver runs through your body, goosebumps form on your arms at the thought. Getting up, you shuffle your way to your door cautiously incase the intruder was still there. With a creak of the door, your eyes dart everywhere not noticing anything out of place. Walking out of the hallway you notice a suitcase placed infront of your front door. "What the fuck.." Eyes squinting suspiciously at the case infront of you. Looking behind your shoulder before you crouch down and open the suitcase up.
Stacked upon stacks of hundred dollar bills are loaded in the case. Your mouth open slighty in disbelief at the sight, was this the twenty-five thousand?? Who ever your client is, they know where you live. Too overwhelmed by the amount of cash infront of you and the thought of some random from the internet knowing where you live, AND them actively breaking into your house, you shut the case. Staring surprised at it, you pick it up and walk back into your room carefully setting the briefcase next to your dresser. You get settled back into your bed opening your laptop having it rest on your lap. Just before opening up the web browser a pop up flashes on your screen, it has some address with the text underneath it reading "Arrive by 6 AM this monday, no backing out now." Oh. . oh. A small frown forms on your face at how threatening that last part was. Weighing the option of dipping with the twenty-five thousand dollars or suffer the consequences your client would serve to you if you didn't listen. . . you took the ladder. You take a screenshot of the address, saving it to your laptop for later. The pop up disappears a few moments later leaving you to the browser.
Scrolling on Dumblr, looking through random blogs, reading fanfics, the usual. Just as your finishing reading a blog the notification inbox pings. . . and pings repeatedly. "Jesus christ.." You mumbled under your breath. 'Swear to god, if this is the same guy-' Tapping on the inbox button you're welcomed by spammed comments by this guy named Nauseaxe_808. Now you would've been fine by this if it wasn't the same guy you've blocked hundreds of times for, number one being a creep, leaving obsessive comments. . and that's it. This guy just creeps you the hell out, everytime you block him he comes back with a new account with the same name but just different numbers added at the end, it started as Nauseaxe_404 to Nauseaxe_808.
At this point you've thought of just deleting your account since no one interacts with your blogs besides this weirdo. BUT thinking that if you did delete your account this sicko would win in his sick game. Of course at some point you started to feel bad for the guy, he seemed like a good person at some points when he wasn't leaving comments like, "I know where you live Superstar!", "Please notice me, I'm your BIGGEST fan!" Just super obsessive stuff. Did it make you feel wanted. . . yes. Should it? no. Are you delusional? maybe. Finger grazing over the mouse pad on the laptop, with a click on this guys profile and another click on the block button a sense of relief washes over you, but so does some regret creep up on you. All this guy wants is your attention and you keep on blocking him, maybe you should respond to him once. . . just once so you don't feel guilty about ignoring this guy, you'll just wait until the next time he makes a new account to respond with a simple 'Thanks.' and maybe he'll leave you alone, maybe just one response will make him stop. Is that a smart move to make against this online stalker? Not really, but common sense wasn't really that common to you anyways. You close the laptop with a sigh deciding today was eventful enough for you, too overwhelming in fact. Setting the laptop on the floor you get settled in your bed, deciding to get some sleep. Sleep quickly takes over, not realizing how exhausted you were. . .
Monday comes quicker than expected, unfortunately. Having to wake up way earlier than expected to go to this random ass location in the middle or the woods. Great! Sarcasticly you think to yourself as you follow the GPS on your phone, a small scowl appears on your face, rethinking your decisions. You dressed somewhat formal for this job, after all they are paying you fifty thousand dollars to be a mediator so you better belive it you're not gonna look homeless today. But having to wake up at five in the morning so you could make it on time didn't motive you that much to put that much effort in yourself. You did the basic for yourself and hoped that was good enough for this client of yours. The soft growl of your stomach interrupts your thoughts. You completely forgot to eat something before leaving due to being so nervous for this ominous, potentially dangerous job. Butterflies twisted your stomach like parasites as the destination neared closer, you felt like you were gonna throw up. You power through it though and turn on some music to calm your nerves and get your mind soothed. The sky still shone with the bright moon still out, the sun still sleeping. . . just like what you should be doing right now. You shake your head dismissing any negative thoughts about this job, you were gonna do fine. . right..? A soft groan leaves you as your mind keeps wondering and complaining about how stupid and unsafe this was for you to be doing.
Pushing away those thoughts, the cars headlights shine on a old looking hotel of sorts. Parking the car nearby you step out, the cold very early morning air hiting your skin almost like a warning, making the nerves on your body be on high alert once more. The gravel crunches under your shoes as you walk twords the hotel. Stepping on the wooden front steps, you're greeted with a briefcase and a walkie talkie placed near the front door. Bending down you open up the briefcase, marveling at how much money there's in it. . just like last time. Abruptly the walkie next to it chimes in, "Thank you for accepting this job offer! Now that you've accepted the full amount of cash, you can now begin the job." the walkie buzzes off as the guy stops talking. You're exciment was short lived as you realized you did have a job to do afterall, debts to pay, things to buy, and of course bills. You stand up with a stretch grabbing the radio and the briefcase. You put the case in the back of your car and walk back to the hotel, you feel unease, your body telling you this isn't a good idea, red flags should've be popping up in your head. But you're clouded with your need for money you trudge on and open up the front door, a loud creak resonates through the deathly quiet, empty lobby. As soon as you step inside the door quickly slams behind you leaving you in the dark for a quick second before the dim lights turn on. Two doors on either side of you and one big door in the middle presumably leading to the rest of the hotel. Each door has a different colour red, blue, yellow and finally purple.
The walkie talkie comes back to life, "Congratulations for making it this far, in all honestly youve made it farther than three quarters of our business partners from before. You seem reliable and more. . .entertaining. .," the voice goes quiet before buzzing back to life, "Anyways! Welcome to my hotel, just a small caution for your job today as a mediator, you'll be working with. .with monsters? Not really that important, anyways start with the red door!" The walkie quickly shuts off without anymore information about the 'monsters'. "W. . Wait?!" Your finger pressed the button on the side of the walkie, "What do you mean 'monsters'?" You question wide eyed into the walkie. . . you recive no response after a minute. You silently curse to yourself as you slowly approch the red labeled door that reads '001' in gold letters. You side eye the barricaded door and windows, realization finally sets in. You can't leave until you're finished with this job. With your attention back on the door you grip the handle and open it, quickly stepping inside.
The door slams behind you making you jump forward a bit, startled again by another door slamming behind you. You squint at the door suspiciously as you turn back around looking around. You step forward into the middle of the room, "Uhhmm. . . Hello?" You say hopefully loud enough for the resident to hear. Before you're able to take in the surroundings something hard hits the back of your head making your vision go black and fall unconscious, the last thing you're able to feel or even hear is "I've got you my. . Superstar," as you feel a pair of hands grab you a little too tight, keeping you from falling face first onto the floor.
A soft buzzing fills your mind as you slowly gain consciousness again. A soft groan escapes your throat as you sit up from the floor, your head hurts like hell. It appears you're in the same spot before you blacked out, it suprises you that youre still alive. As your vision gets unfuzzy there's a tall figure looming over you just. . . staring. "Uhm. . Hello..?" Your voice came out mumbled and quiet as you started back at the supposed monster infront of you, you can't make out what his face looks like due to his hood casting a dark shadow over his face and the red bandana covering the lower part of his face only making one of his eyes visible. In all honestly he doesn't really look like a monster besides his much taller height, but nothing else is distinguishable about him to classify him as a monster.
"I can't belive we can finally meet. . .-" Heavy breathing can be heard coming from him, almost could be distinguished as panting. "-Face to face..," His eyes squint, under that bandana he most likely has a sinister unsettling grin on his face. Just at the thought makes you cringe, internally of course, scared to make any negative reaction could have percussions. You finally register what he said after a moment, your mind trying to catch up with everything, adrenaline spiked a little out of fear, "Do I know. . you?" Your eyes squint suspiciously at the man infront of you, legs moving on their own, you stand up, leaning against the door behind you. The height difference didn't change at all, he was still much. . . much taller than you. Standing at roughly about two meters tall, your eyes widen in shock at the size difference between you both. 'What the hell was this guy?', 'Is he actually a monster?' , 'ARE MONSTERS EVEN REAL?'. Multiple thoughts swarmed your head like bees, are you going crazy? Shaking your head you averted your attention back to the guy infront of you. . He's still staring with his ecstatic squinted eyes, great.
"Of course you know me Superstar, I'm your biggest fan," You froze, goosebumps automatically formed on your skin as you heard that nickname. 'Superstar', could this really be the guy from Dumblr. . .? The air in the room seemed to get thick, making it hard for you to breath. Your hands get sweaty, a shudder runs through your spine. This 'thing' was your stalker. With heightened sense you realize that he's holding an axe. 'Holy fuck he's gonna kill me, I'm dead... im dead... im dead'. Those two words repeat in your head, frozen in fear. With your eyes fixated on the axe he begins to speak again. "Sorry for knocking you out, I thought you were one of those 'pests' who try to break into my room! It's become a habit for me to automatically attack anyone who enters. Good thing i realized it was 'you', my Superstar! Or else you woulve gotten. . . seriously injured." He cocks his head to the side, confused on your spaced out, deer caught in headlights facial expression, not realizing youre staring at the axe.
Responding in a meekly way, "I... It's okay.," Being super freaked out by the fact he could've killed you if he didn't recognized you sent a shock through you. A sudden laugh breaks you out of your trance as your eyes dart back to his face, you realize he's laughing. "PHAHAHAHA!" Being the awkward person you are, nervous and emotionally broken already, in fear he might attack you again, you awkwardly laugh along. "Hah... hahaha.." Your laughs come out more quietly than you wanted them, but he doesn't seem to care. But seriously, you have questions, you need to figure out how to cooperate with this monster and convince him to leave the hotel, afterall you do have a job to do.
Bringing up the courage to yourself to speak as he finally stops laughing, his squinted eyes turning back to their normal predatory gaze. "Are you by chance Nauseaxe_404...?" Raising an eyebrow already knowing the answer, but wanting confirm your suspicions. You see his eyes squint happily with admiration. "Yes! You don't know how long I've waited to finally talk to you, I've tried messaging you on Dumblr but you kept on blocking me.." His voice trailed off slightly, making you feel unease. Both his hands grip on the axe tightend as his breath became labored again. "You. . . You didn't block me on purpose. . hah . . Right?" His red eye glared at you with a subtle twitch, was he really that naive? Did he not realize he was a total creep when leaving those comments on your blogs? "Uh. . Of course not! It's probally some weird Dumblr glitch.." You don't sound sure at all, or even confident, but it was good enough for Nause. His grip on the axe loosened until only he eas holding onto it with one hand, and his shoulders slacked. He blinked and his eye went back to normal as he stood up semi straight again, still a bit hunched over.
"Heheh yeah. I guess it was, haha..," He paused, rubbing his neck. "Well then, what brings you here my Superstar?" He questioned, looking down at you with an unreadable expression, you weren't quite sure how to read him, he was unpredictable. "You need to like. . . leave?" You tried putting it in simple terms in hopes he won't lash out on you. You start feeling unnerved and decide to glance around, all this direct eye contact with him is making you more nervous. Taking in the view around you, you see presumably stapled or tacked printed out pages of writings of some blog? Not just a normal blog, fanfics. . . Holy crap. This guy has been printing off every single one of your posts and sticking them to his walls. He really IS your biggest fan. . . in more appropriate terms 'He really IS a stalker, creep, weirdo, a loser with no life!', gulping at the thought, thankfully your attention is directed back to Nause as he starts speaking again.
"Why 'would' I want to leave?! I have no idea how I got here in the first place. . . but I still have no intentions on leaving." His voice trails off with the hint of festering agitation. Small huffing can be heard from him again, he grips his axe infront of him. You accidently worked him up again, seemed like that was somehow a touchy question, flip. Mentally cursing to yourself you connect the few braincells in your head that haven't fried yet and come up with a excellent plan on how to deal with this freak.
"H. . How about I write a uhm..-" You paused, are you really gonna make the proposition of writing a fanfic for him in exchange for his leave. Yeah. "-If I write you a 'fanfic'. . or something since you seem to enjoy them. . . a lot..," Mumbled as your eyes glance back to the walls full of printed out pictures of your blogs. "If I do that will you please leave this hotel?" Silently pleading, praying, hoping to the man in the sky that he'll accept this offer so you can hurry up and finish this job. His body begins to shake with. . you don't even know at the moment. His eye curves with excitement you presume. "Really? Just for me right? No one else?!" Before you're able to respond he continues, "Could you maybe write them here? Or at least one? I have a old typewriter just incase for this one specific moment I fantasized about fivehundredseventytwothousandeighhundrednintyhundrendedquadrillion times!" You should be surprised but at this point you just want to be done.
"Sure... Sure yeah.." You mumbled with squinted eyes, hoping he wasn't going to make you stay here forever writing endless stories for him. You follow him into a room that has a desk with a laptop and a wooden chair. . . That must be uncomfortable for him, sitting at this desk for how many hours a day, stalking your blog with the shitty hotel wifi, life must suck for this dude no wonder why he's like this. Shaking your head at that absurd intruding thought you eye the chair, is that really what you're gonna have to sit on? Walking over, you sit down. Nause grabs the type writer from a box in the corner of the room, he pushes the laptop to the side and replaces it with the typewriter. He looms behind you, waiting for you to start typing. "Anything. . specific you want me to write?" Quickly you begin to regret the decision of giving him the option to choose what you write. "What about one about me and. . ." You can quite literally feel his breath huffing down on you, his grip on the old chair makes a soft cracking noise at how tight he's holding onto it. "Y. . yeah! Of course!" You quickly say not wanting to hear what else he has to say..., also scared he's gonna hurt you on accident from how worked up he got. Your attention goes back on the type writer, fingers tap against the keys writing whatever comes to your mind.
"Can you make it long....? Like at the minimum one hundred pages maybe?" Your fingers freeze on the keys. "one. . ONE HUNDRED?!" Your eyes widen as you tilt your head up to look at him, his gaze is still unrelenting as ever. "Yes! Since I'm getting a 'real', authentic work of art from you personally. . . I need it to be long.. It needs to take me more than one sitting to read it! PAHAHAHAHA." Who the hell does the guy think he is. "Sure. ." You're cooked, you've only manged to write stories with at the maximum two thousand words, and now you have to achieve like what. . fifty thousand words? Hopefully- "Can you start writing? Sorry to press but you've been looking up at me for a minute now. .NOT that I don't mind. . . pahahahahahaha," Your head slowly tilts back down defeated, no way in hell you can write this much in one sitting, and having to do it sitting on this uncomfortable ass chair and someone watching every word you type. Deciding to lock in with that grindset mindset you begin typing, fingers grazing over the keys as you tap away. With Nause not injecting in every second you're able to actually write.
You've managed to successfully write a solid ten pages. You slump forward dejected. How the actual fuck are you going to finish this. Already ran out of ideas and your ass starting to hurt from the wooden chair. You shift with a soft groan, having completely forgotten about the monster looming right behind you. You jump forward, startled at the sudden voice behind you, tilting your head to see him. "How's it going Superstar? Is the chair treating you well enough PHAHAHAHA." The nerve on this guy. You give him a deadpanned stare before turning your head to face the type writer again. "It's great. Thank you very much..," Sarcasm laced your voice, a small laugh can be heard behind you then in a swift movement Nause picks you up and places you on his lap as he sits down on the chair that 'might' be a little too small for him. Your body tenses up in his grasp as his hands lay comfortably around your waist, keeping you in place. Small huffing can be heard behind you. "You can relax Superstar, I won't be hurting you...yet. phahahahahahahah. . . hah.."
How ominous! You slowly begin typing again, trying to calm your breathing or just yourself in general. But it seems like Nause isn't letting you get anywhere near finishing that damn story. He keeps on poking and prodding you with injections on what you should put in the story. "How about you make me a love interest? Make it where me and you.." His labored breathing starts up again, his grip on you tightening but he doesn't seem to care at your attempts for him to stop. "Y. . Yeah! Okay!" You quickly verbally agree to this idea instead of nodding to his other ones since this one seems to twist something inside him. Gross. His grip slowly loosens as you quickly begin writing again about him and you doing more intimate things like couples would do, but nothing too drastic.
Nause gets more comfortable as your fingers press against the keys, it seems like the noise lulls him to some extent. Was this part of one of his fantasies he's had with you? You start to feel kinda bad for the dude, he's way too obsessed with you. . a nobody. How could someone like this find you alluring? You cautiously lean back into him, oddly finding comfort in this situation. You hear his heavy breathing audibly hitch at the sudden adjustment. His arms snake around your waist completely, entraping you for good now. Not that you were complaining, it felt nice.. and comforting, in a more underlying sickening way. You shouldn't be comfortable around this guy, he's your stalker after all, in all reality did you even know anything about him besides his crippling obsession over you? No, no you didnt, you should be pushing him away but the fear, the fear of him hurting you made you stay in his lap. In the back of your mind you knew how wrong this was, how wrong it was for you to find a small twing of comfort with this sadistic monster. Maybe your desperation, the feeling of finally feeling wanted in your life, finding someone who actually wanted to be by you?
These thoughts made you feel revolted. You were actually feeling disgusted with yourself right now. A sickening feeling wrapped into your stomach, why were you trying to find some light in this situation? Was it to try and manipulate yourself into thinking that you're fine with all of. . this? You've never met anyone like this before. Never seen a person so obsessed. . devoted with you, you didn't want this, not at all. This guy is dangerous, he's unstable, and extremely unpredictable. You 'shouldnt' want this, but knowing that it's wrong only makes you crave it more. When you’re not used to attention, anything feels romantic. The way his arms are wrapped around your body as you try to focus on writing the story infront of you make you feel completed in a way. Nauses chipper voice broke you out of your thoughts, "Can you start to write the more heated stuff now? Just like in your old posts? Can you write about how you and I. ." He begins to list off in very detailed scenarios between you both. You sit there and listen to him talking non stop, you don't even think he took a break to breath. As he continues to rant about multiple of his fantasies that you should write about his grip on you gets tighter. . . and tighter to the point where it feels like he's going to break your ribs.
You yelp. Pathetically, you try to pry his hands off of you but it doesn't work. Realization sets in that he doesn't realize his death grip he has on you. You tilt your head to see him and his gaze is glossed over as he continues to ramble on about his weird fantasies. You look around the room and see that his axe is near the door, too far away to grab.You slowly lose hope, is this how you die, by the hands of your obessor? A cracking noise is what makes him stop. Your breathing chokes as you feel a sudden shot of pain near your chest. 'Did. . did he just break my rib..?' "S..SUPERSTAR? Superstar are you okay?" His voice is laced with faux worry, but you're too out of it to realize, your eyes are glued to where you felt the pain. Multiple thoughts rush through head about the pain, what were you even going to do? Nause picking you up is what breaks you out of the trance. "I think I broke your rib! PHAHAHA." Your eyebrows furrow at his laughing. He didn't seem to feel any remorse or guilt for hurting you. . . you should've known. You're a fool to have thought you felt secure next to him.
The sudden shift in surroundings jolts you out of the haze of pain and fear, as Nause carries you into a different room. The air feels heavier here, suffused with a sense of foreboding that sends shivers down your spine. The mattress beneath you feels cold and unforgiving, a stark contrast to the warmth you once sought in his twisted embrace.As your gaze wanders around the room, you are met with a display of walls adorned with an array of photographs capturing moments of your life, each one a piece of your personal history frozen in time. Surrounding you are intimate details about your existence, laid bare for Nause to see, creating a tapestry of memories and revelations that paint a vivid portrait of your identity, your life. You can't help but feel like a trapped bird, ensnared in a web woven by a predator whose intentions grow darker with each passing moment.
Nause reappeared after a brief moment, holding a small, sleek black container in his hands. As he places it beside you, his tall figure looms over, casting a shadow that seems to engulf the room. "Superstar, may I have a look at where it hurts?" he asks, his one visible eye gazing at you with an innocent curiosity. Feeling a mix of apprehension, you nod hesitantly mumbling unsure "S. . Sure," propping yourself up with your elbows. Slowly, you lift your shirt, revealing the area where your ribs are already bruising. Nause opens the container, revealing its contents - soft gauze and a cold ice pack, promising relief from the pain that gnaws at you. He begins to slowly wrap the ice pack with gauze around the side where your rib was broken, the coldness makes your body shudder and goosebumps form on your skin. His movements are carefully slow, as if he's doing it on purpose. As you finally begin to come down from your shock of how much pain you were in, soft labored breathing can be heard next to you. You wonder how long he's been like that, was him bandaging you up really making him act up. . again?
With a nervous gaze, you watch as his hands slowly guide the gauze just under chest, his eyes were trained on your exposed flesh. You cringe slighty as you notice, is that what was really bothering him? Seeing half your torso exposed? "Did you know this was one of my scenarios I've thought of before?!" Nauses somehow chipper voice rings through the quiet room. Holy fuck, he broke your rib on purpose. This revolution makes your body shudder with disgust? Anger? You couldn't really tell at the moment. "Oh. . Oh really. ." You mumbled out under your breat, distaste laced your . Nause finishes up bandaging you up and sets the container on the floor next to the bed. You quickly pull your shirt down with the energy you have left. You lay back down on the dingy bed now just feeling how tired. . exhausted you were. A sigh leaves you as your hands rub against your face, leaving them there for a second before letting then fall to your sides.
Frustration boiled inside you. This job was suppost to be quick and easy, you wernt prepared for this, for 'any' of this. This was most likely some sort of trap from your client. He set you up for failure. "Superstar, you should really get some rest. You still need to finish writing my one hundred pages story!" Your tired eyes glanced over to him, his towering frame made you feel small, pathetic. "Yeah. . goodnight.." You managed to muster out, turning around so your back faced him. Pulling the blanket up to your face, nuzzling into it. Sleep quickly came over to you. Should it worry you that he's watching you sleep? Yeah, and should you be on guard? Probally, but you've lost hope. You never really had a chance in the first place, did you?
A soft groan left your throat as you woke up, the pain from your broken rib quickly reminding you where you were. Rolling over on your back with a yawn you almost choke on your breath as you see Nause still standing over the bed. . watching you. "Were you there. . . all night?" You question him with a raised brow, you were seriously concernedfor this guy. "Of course! I had to make sure my Superstar was safe!" Of course, what more did you expect from him. You hiss out in pain as you sit up. "Can I get like an advil or something?" Your hand holds the spot where the now semi cold ice pack sits, you don't bother telling him about the temperature of it, you don't want to risk him overwhelming himself again and hurting you. . again. He seems to pause for a second, letting out an unsure noise. "I don't really have anything like that here. .The only reason I got that ice pack and stuff for you was from one of my neighbors. ." Sheepishly he rubbed the back of his neck his eye twitched with agitation, you wondered about why he couldn't just go over next door and ask for some pain meds but you didn't wanna pester him about it, he didn't seem to have the best relationship with the other residents here.
"BUT! To take your mind off of the pain you can continue writing!" Oh right, you still had to write about fifty more pages for his psychotic fanfic about you both. With the typewriter on standby he carefully sets it in your lap, to your suprise it wasn't as heavy as you thought it would be. Leaning back on the adjusted pillows behind you, you began writing. Deciding to cheap your way out, you typed every word with doubled letters to make the pages fill out quicker. After awhile, you were able to make the pages filled out faster than normal, but you quickly ran out of ideas. "Do you 'really' need a hundred pages? Im running out of ideas. Can't these perfectly crafted fifty pages be go-," Nause quickly cuts you off. "NO! I NEED those one hundred pages. I need. . . hah. ." His voice trails off as his breathing starts to get harder. In a swift motion he yanks his axe out, his grip tight on the handle, his eyes clouded with god knows what as he glares at you.
"Y. . Yeah! Of courseee..." You quickly agree scared of the axe welding monster infront of you. His grip slowly falters as his breathing goes back to normal after a couple of moments. "PAHAHAHA. . HAH.. I know how to help you!" Your expression quickly dropped, what could he mean by that? He could do litteraly anything to 'help' you, what he thinks could be 'help' could be the complete opposite to you. Multiple ideas infected your head, multiple terrible ideas, you were terrified on what he was about to do. "Since you need inspiration how about I help get your little mind in gear again!" His hand pulled down his bandana showing his sinister grin that laced his face, his sharp teeth gleamed in the dimly lit bedroom. "PHAHAHA!" He began to hysterically laugh again as he crawled onto the bed with you, on top of you. "W. . wha . ." The words you want to get out in protest, to question what he's about to do, they get stuck in your throat from fear. All you can do is stare up at him petrified with wide eyes, mouth agap.
"You don't know how long I've waited for this. .!" His eye gleamed down at you happily, in his sick twisted mind this way his way of helping you. After a moment of him just looking at you and you not giving a response, his head tilted to the side in confusion. His expression turned to one of a kicked puppy, his once toothy grin frowned. "What's the matter? Why arnt you excited? Isn't this what you've wanted?" He questioned looking confused, and a little heart broken. "I've read all your stories and one of them sounds just like this! A tall, handsome, good looking monster with an axe gets with you. I already know that the story was about me, the description matches. So. . . isn't this what you want?" You freeze, did you actually write something like that? You don't remember at all, you begin to doubt his truthfulness and think he made that up on the spot just to try and manipulate you. But, another thought did cloud your mind. When in your whole life are you going to get another chance to fuck a monster? You start to see the appeal of him, his grey skin, sinister gaze, size difference, and the fact he could kill you? A whole package deal to be honest.
"I. . I guess." Reluctantly you agree, if there's a chance you're going to die, you'll die happy. You wince under his gaze, his eyes squint happily once more as his toothy grin appears again. "Great! Even if you said no I was going to anyways!" He admits nonchalantly, what did you expect, of course he would. "Now let's get those creative gears in your head flowing with endless ideas!" His voiced changed into a slutry tone as his gaze clouded with undying lust. With his head lowered and his face just inches from yours, you can see a long, black tongue slithering out of his mouth. A soft gasp leaves your mouth at the sight, at the opportunity Nause connects his mouth with yours. His tongue snaked into your mouth, causing you to let out a choked gasp. He then left you with a sated moan as his tongue roamed around in your mouth. His hands creeped under your shirt, his rough fingers pawed at the exposed flesh of your sides, seemingly trying to ground himself.
As his knee forcefully inserted itself between your thighs rubbing against you, it felt divine. A choked whimper left your lips at the feeling, you don't even remember the last time someone was this intimate with you, it was making you feel light headed. . . No it wasn't because of that, it was the fact that Nause wasn't budging when you needed air, now. Your eyes shot open as your hands relentlessly pushed and pathetically punched against his chest, he was unmoving. With your vision starting to blur you resorted to your last idea, your hand moved down to his crotch and roughly squzzed. A low moan left his mouth as he pulled back from you panting heavily. "PHAHAHAHA. Superstar. . hah.," He stares down at your hand, licking his lips before reaching down and grabbing it. His large hand wrapped around your wrist pushing your hand harder onto him.
A low satisfied groan leaves him as he ruts against your hand. "N. .Nause..," You spoke barley above a whisper, your eyes were glued to the scene infront of you, his large clothed cock rubbing against your hand. Fuck, there's no way that was fitting inside you in anyway. "Superstar. ." His eyes never left your face. "I. . wait a second, how did it go again.." He mumbled more to himself as he took his hand off of yours and searched his pockets. After a moment he took a piece of carefully folded paper out of his pocket and unfolded it, his eyes scanned the page. "Nause. . . what is that." You could already assume it was one of your fictive stories. "It's one of my favorite pieces by you! I just forgot how it went. . bear with me for a moment Superstar. . .!" His voice trailed off twords the end as he concentrates on re freshing his memory up on supposedly what he wants to do. "Aha! Now get ready for a once in a life time experience. . . PAHAHAHAHA." He shoves the paper back into his pocket, his predatory gaze looks down at your lower abdomen. His fingers quickly did work of your pants tugging them off and discarding them on the floor.
His breathing begins to get labored again and if pupils could have heart eyes that's what he would have right now. "Finally. .!" He gets situated inbetween your thighs, now laying on his stomach, his head resting on the inner of your thigh and his callused fingers lazily tracing along the already damp clothed slit of your entrance. In a swift sudden motion he pulls his axe out from his back, holding onto the butt of the axe he slowly cuts off your underwear. Your body freezes as you stare down at him with wide, scared, yet desperate eyes. Maybe him using the axe turned you on, just a little bit. His axe hovered over the bare skin of your thighs, he seemed lost in a trance as he traced light lines above your skin.
"N. .Nause?!" Catiously you warned him with a slight waver in your tone, scared he was actually going to cut you. "PAHAHAHAHA. . . HAH.. Sorry." He haphazardly tosses the axe off the side of the bed, a thud resonates in the room from the heavy axe. "Now where were we!?" He stares at you briefly before redirecting it down to your exposed cunt. His fingers traced along your folds, letting his fingers get drenched in your slick. With his mouth hovering over your clit, he experimentally takes a long lick on it. You squirm at the feeling, thighs instinctively wanting to close, his free hand holds onto one of your thighs making sure you're spread open for him. His two fingers quickly pump in and out of you as his tongue circles and softly sucks on your clit. The obscene squeltch of your pussy sends a blush across your face, with his relentless bullying of his fingers in you, curling up into every time he pushed them in. Your hips jerked as you felt the familiar feeling of your high building up in your stomach.
Soft pants filled the room as you neared your peak, your hands gripped onto Nauses head pushing him more into you, the feeling of his tongue swirling around on you became too much. A soft moan left your mouth as you clenched around his fingers, coating them with your cum. The low groan that left Nause vibrated against you, causing your hips to jerk slighty due to the stimulation. "PAHAHA. Did I do good Superstar?" He asked teasingly while sucking hard on your clit. "Mmphh.." Is all you manage to reply from the overstimulation. Nause leans back after a moment, allowing you to catch your breath. "Now let's get to the real show! HAH. ." His unerving grin never leaving his face as he undoes the clasp of his grayish belt, quickly yanking his pants down discarding them on the floor.
You're now able to see his clothed member strained against the confines of his briefs, there's a wet spot near his tip from how much pre cum he's leaking. Your eyes widen at just how big he is again realizing that there's no way he's gonna be able to fit all of that in you. "Feeling nervous? PAHAHAHA. You look so cute when you're scared. . hehe..!" His hands grab at your shirt ripping it off of you, then unclasping your bra leaving you completely nude underneath him. His hands find there way to your chest and paw at your breast's, taking in the nip inbetween his fingers and tweening it. The noises filling in the room are your soft whines and whimpers and Nauses concerning hard breathing. "Nause. ." You mewl out impatiently. "Sorry! They're just so soft..HAH..heh.." He pinches them once more before pulling off his briefs. With him now exposed he grabbed the back of your thighs hastily, pushing them up to your chest.
"You don't know how long I've waited for this!" With his neurotic gaze set on yours he roughly pushes himself inside, pained whimpers filled the room as tears filled the corners of your eyes. The sudden intrusion with no warning did not prepare you at all. He's only able to stuff about half of himself inside you due to his size. You guess due to him being freakishly tall with a huge build he was bound to have a big cock. "So small.." He mutters with a groan into your neck. "All mine. ." He pulls out and slowly ruts back in clumsy, your gummy walls desperately try to adjust to his size. With each thrust, his movements get harsher, more needy, all consuming. With his face nuzzled into your neck, you feel something slick slither around your neck before a quick shot of pain envelopes on your shoulder.
Nause bites rather harshly, letting his teeth sink in just enough to draw blood. His tongue laps up the blood eagerly, you can feel his dick throb inside you as he gets closer to his release. His hand moves down and his rough thumb sloppily rubs circles on your clit, a choked moan leaves you at the overwhelming sensations. You thought he would be talking this whole time but he seems too caught up in the feeling to care. With his thrusts getting more sloppy and the pleasure building up in your stomach becoming too much, you clench around Nauses cock, closing your eyes at the feeling letting out a moan as you ride out your climax. Shortly after Nause rocks his hips into a few more times before shoving himself back in roughly. You shudder at the feeling of him filling you up, harsh breaths fill your ears as he's gripping onto you like you'll leave.
He stays on top of you, holding onto you as his cock slowly softens inside of you. He pulls out, laying beside you, his arms hugging you from behind, face comfortably nuzzled in your hair, taking in the scent. The feeling is comforting, as you hear his breathing soften behind you sleep begins to lull you. You sleep comfortably in Nauses arms, the dread of having to write those pages and the task of removing Nause from this room leaves your mind as sleep over takes you. The pain of your rib being forgotten, that was going to be a pain when you woke up.
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wildemaven · 1 year ago
you, me & john mcclane | dave york
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→ pairing: dave york x f!reader
→ word count: 4342
→ content warning: 18+ blog; friends/idiots to lovers, mentions of food and alcohol consumption, blind dates, mentions of bad dating history, miscommunication, soft dave, carol and dave are divorced but rockstar co-parents, fluff, pining, reader is wearing a dress, no descriptive features of reader, die hard is a Christmas movie, equalizer 2 au, I think that's it but let me know if I missed anything
→ notes: im really hoping this reads well because i struggled getting it finished. words became rough to work with. part of the holi-dave universe, but can be read as a holiday one shot too. big thank you to @gnpwdrnwhiskey for listening to me ramble about these two!!! somewhat beta'd, but not entirely.
→ masterlist / holi-dave masterlist
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5 minutes late. Not that you’re keeping track. Although, it’s hard not to when the hostess keeps checking in to see if your date has arrived because they can’t hold your table all night, as you wait in the front lobby of the restaurant. Actively trying your best to convince her your date should be arriving any minute— nearing 10 minutes late now. 
You want to be annoyed. You want to call it a night, order your meal to-go, make the trek back home so you can slip back into something less revealing with more layers to fight off the almost freezing temperatures that you hadn’t accounted for when you got dressed earlier. Then once you’ve cocooned yourself in a blanket on the couch, you’ll call your friend and laugh at what a horrible matchmaker she is. 
Blind dates have never been your thing. Sure, you have heard plenty of success stories from friends and family about meeting their partners on a blind date, falling in love and getting that happily ever after kind of romance that you’ve always wanted. But that's never been the case for you. You weren’t convinced blind dating would ever produce any sort of cosmic connection like you’ve always heard about. You could barely get a second date from the ones you’ve been on. 
You decide to stay, give this whole thing a chance and see what happens— that is if he ever shows up. 
The frigid air billows in at the opening of the restaurant door. The cold biting at the exposed skin your dress isn’t covering, as you curl into yourself,  turning away to shield your body from the air that’s spilling through the entranceway. 
You scan the restaurant for what seems like the hundredth time now. All the couples and families seated comfortably as they enjoyed their warm meals. Probably discussing their upcoming holiday plans and their excitement for the new year ahead. 
Glancing down at your phone, it’s approaching 15 minutes late now. Sadness begins to settle in the pit of your stomach. Clearly this date isn’t happening tonight and it’s time to call it like it is, you got stood up— also not a first for you. You tuck your phone back into your purse and make your way over to let the hostess know that she can give your table away. 
“Oh my gosh! Dave?” Recognizing a familiar face standing next to the ‘wait to be seat sign’.  
“Hey— Hey! How are you?” He says with a smile, instantly moving in to give you a warm friendly hug. His cologne, all masculine and refreshing, wafts about as you lean into him— you envy whoever gets to revel in it tonight.  
“I’m good, thanks.” You tell him, as you step out of the way of the couple who just walked in to check in for their reservation. “What are you doing all the way over on this side of town? You picking up dinner for you and the girls? They would love their chicken tenders, super crispy. Molly would love the garlic aoli, it’s really good.”
“Uh, yeah— I mean no, sorry. The girls are with Carol tonight. Things ran late at the office and I’m supposed to be meeting someone for dinner.” He doesn’t mean to be rude, his attention focused on glancing at the seated guests. 
“Oh! Same. Except I’m not the one running late, my date is.” You glance back over your shoulder to the restaurant door, still no sign of your date. 
“Oh yeah? Maybe he’ll have a good excuse when he shows up.” Dave says, giving the restaurant one last look before setting back against the wall to give you his full attention. 
“I hope so, I’m starting to get hungry. Do you know what they look like? Maybe they’re somewhere else in the restaurant? I think there’s a back room through those doors.” You point towards the back of the restaurant. You’re in no rush to leave and start your sulking, so you might as well help a friend out. 
“No. It’s a blind date. Literally don’t know a single thing about them. Was just told to be here at 5pm.” The opening of the front door grabs his attention, another well dressed couple enters. He breathes out a sigh, head falling back against the wall, wishing he was anywhere else but here waiting to have dinner and forced conversation with a stranger. 
“Then how are you going to know if they’re here or not?” You laugh, situating yourself next to Dave on the wall. 
“The dress. That was the only thing I told to look out for— that she would be wearing a brown dress.” He says casually as he checks the watch on his left hand. 
A brown dress should be easy enough to spot. Taking a look around to see if you might have better luck spotting his brown-dress-wearing date. It’s nothing but bold reds, soft whites and classic black scattered through the room of guests— no brown dress in sight.
When the hostess glances over to you with her annoyed look, you decide to call it a night. Straightening up off the wall, you prepare to bid Dave a goodbye and make your way home to see what can be done to save the rest of your evening. You adjust your purse strap on your shoulder and start pulling at where the silky fabric of your dress had ridden up. Smoothing over the wrinkles to make sure it’s laying right. You freeze the second your brain registers exactly you’re wearing tonight. 
You look up to where Dave is still standing, focused on the ground, hands folded together in front of him. Suddenly becoming keenly aware of every detail about him. Ones that you hadn’t bothered to notice or pay attention to when you said hello only minutes ago. 
“Dave… you’re wearing a gray t-shirt and leather jacket.” Your voice barely above a whisper as you try to convey the realization that you’re starting to come to. 
“Yeah. Carol told me to wear it. Said it made me look less CIA or whatever.” He pulls open the  jacket front, revealing more of his shirt underneath, very much gray and definitely less CIA. He lets the jacket fall back into place, checking his watch for the second time. 
“Dave…” Attempting to get his attention again. Your eyes widen once all the dots have been fully connected. 
“Yeah?” Dave looks up from his watch, taking in your shocked expression.  
“Dave, I’m wearing the brown dress Carol picked out for me— I’m your date, Dave.” His eyes trail down your body— brown silk dress. The same brown silk dress that Carol said his date would be wearing when he arrived at the restaurant tonight. 
“Carol set us up?” You both say in unison. 
Staring at each other, you’re both completely dumbfounded at the thought of being set up. 
You met Carol by chance one morning 3 years ago at a local coffee shop you stop in everyday before work. It was unusually busy in the small coffee shop, which led to your orders being mixed up.
A 10 minute chat while you both waited for the kind baristas to remake your drinks quickly turned into a budding friendship between you. Purposefully arriving for coffee in the mornings so you could catch up on the latest news and tv shows you both loved before jetting off to work. 
Before you knew it you were meeting up for dinner  and drinks regularly, booking girls trips and attending concerts during the summer, but your favorite was joining Carol and her girls for movies and pampering.  
When you met Carol, she had already been divorced for almost 3 years. You admired how well she was juggling life and work as a single mom. She attributed it to having a great co-parenting relationship with her ex-husband. 
It was months later when Dave and you had officially met at a summer barbecue Carol and him were throwing for the girls and their friends. Inviting all the families to come enjoy the warm weather and grilled food. Carol had invited, forced, you come and hang out for a few hours. She insisted Molly and Alice had begged for you to be there, learning early on it was hard to tell either of them no. 
Carol had warned you Dave was quiet. Reserved felt like a better description. Because with you, he was anything but quiet. 
After helping Carol set out food and drinks, both of you retreated to a quiet spot on the porch as the chaos of tiny screaming girls took over the backyard. A comfortable silence between you once hello’s and brief pleasantries were shared.
Dave liked that about you, not forcing a conversation with someone just because you were in close proximity. He found that annoying with Carol’s other friends, always wanting to talk to him and never picking up on his lack of interest. He found you both had a similar aversion to groups of people you didn’t know. Watching the barbecue activities unfold from a distance and only making yourselves known when needed. 
Silence was soon exchanged for friendly banter and bouts of laughter. The space between you had become nonexistent as you both shared bits of your lives. Walls began to fall. A sudden eagerness to know more about the worlds you both existed in. A full fledged friendship formed in a matter of hours. 
From that day on, you were invited to all gatherings whether it took place at Carol’s or Dave’s homes. It became a song and dance of sorts. Always seeking each other out once things were in order. Finding a quiet place on the sidelines to avoid unwanted attention and small talk with literally everyone else. 
Unbeknownst to Dave and you, Carol had been keeping tabs on you both over the years. She wasn’t blind to the bond that had quickly developed between you two. The small touches to Dave’s arm when you were deep in conversation. When you would lose yourself in laughter and lean into him when he said something funny. The way Dave’s hand settled against your lower back when he introduced you to someone you hadn’t met before. Carol’s favorite was how, aside from her and the girls, you were able to make him genuinely smile like no one had done in a long time. 
It was after a recent failed date you had gone on, mentioning how hard it was to find someone decent enough to be in a relationship with, that Carol decided to take matters into her own hands. Conjuring up a plan to set you, her closest friend, and Dave, her ex-husband. A little nudge both of you seemed to need. 
“Look, Dave. I completely understand if you’re not into it and want to leave. No hard feelings at all. But we’re already here and have a table waiting for us to enjoy ourselves— which I’m sure the hostess would love for us to either sit at sooner than later. So, maybe we just do that. I mean, what’s the worst that could happen?” You find it hard to read his blank expression, hoping it’s just pure shock and not that he is repulsed by the fact that he was set up with you. 
Are you even his type? Could he see something beyond just a friendship with you? Not things you had ever really worried about until just now. The thought of being rejected by not just someone, but by Dave had you distracted with embarrassment and worry. 
A smile begins to form on his face, the tension he’d been wearing when he first arrived no longer evident now that he won’t be having dinner with just anyone, but with you— something the two of you have never done alone before tonight. 
“I can’t think of anywhere else I’d rather be, now. Let’s go enjoy ourselves.” Sensing your internal panic he attempts to calm your nerves, reassuring you that he fully wants to be here. He takes a step closer to you, his hands curled around your shoulders, thumbs gently sweeping in over your bare skin in a back and forth motion. Worry melting from your face instantly. 
“Okay.” Your head tilts to the side as you smile sweetly at him, taking in the softness in his eyes. There’s a part of you that’s sure nothing will come of this evening, just two friends merely entertaining the fact that they were set up. But you’d be lying if you said there wasn't a small part of you that bears hope for the possibility of something flourishing from this evening. Whichever outcome, you’re relieved it is Dave. 
It’s not long until you’re seated at a small table for two, draped in white soft linens. The overhead lights set to a low muted level, allowing the tabletop candles to elevate the restaurant's evening ambiance. A musician sits at a small piano in the corner, playing a rendition of some holiday song, its nostalgic tune mingling with the hushed voices conversing about. 
Drinks and warm appetizers placed among the candles, festive florals and white porcelain tableware. Your meals were discussed and deliberated then placed with the waiter, leaving you both alone in a hushed nervous state. Neither of you quite sure what to say, unsure whether or not you address the elephant in the room— Carol’s secretive matchmaking tactics. 
“How are the girls?” You decide to stick to the safety of topics you both know. Hoping the ease of familiarity will lead to a more relaxed dialogue as the night passes. 
“Good. They’re good.” He says, in a very to the point Dave response. The waiter breaks the stagnant bubble surrounding you to refill his water, Dave giving a nod of gratitude before directing his attention back to you. 
“That’s good.” You quietly release a shaky breath.  
“How’s work?” Dave asks after taking a sip from his glass of aged whiskey. He sets it back on the table, before relaxing back into the chair. His arm propped up by the armrest, chin resting between his thumb and forefinger and his eyes focused on you. 
You briefly fixate on the flickering light that dances across his ambered irises, the glow of the candle’s flame reflecting in his eyes. A  golden brilliance that’s so vividly captivating, you can’t help but feel the warmth that gleams from them— how have you never noticed their allurement before? 
“Good. Great, actually. I got that promotion I was telling you about last month.” You don’t miss the way he immediately smiles at your answer. 
“I knew you would get it. Congrats!” Dave is proud of you. 
He had hoped he hadn’t overstepped when he encouraged you to apply for the position. Agonizing over it with him during a potluck dinner Carol had put together a month ago. You weren’t so convinced you had it in you, but Dave knew otherwise. He knew how hard it had been for you, working tirelessly to prove your worth in a male dominated field. But he also knew how well you held your own against the pressure of being scrutinized doing your job just because you were female. You just needed a little encouragement to make it happen, and Dave was more than happy to give it to you. 
“Thank you.” You say gratefully. He raises his glass up to you, grabbing for your white wine,  your glass meets his in a clinking celebration. 
A rich note strikes from the piano. The warm cadence of a new song catches your attention, drawing you to look over at where the musician's hands move effortlessly over the keys. After a few chorus plays through the second half, you redirect your attention back to the table. Your heart flutters with vibrancy at the way Dave is already looking at you. A reverent gaze that gives you the idea that his eyes have been drawn to you the entire time.
“What?” You ask. Your playful confusion has Dave chuckling, his fingers rub steadily over his bottom lip. 
“Nothing. Just—“ Dave knows the moment he says it, there’s no turning back. He’s been silently gauging your demeanor. Noting how you fiddle with the silverware when you’re talking. Or the way you look at him with a subdued intensity, not allowing yourself to truly express your feelings to him— or for him. 
With a deep breath and burning confidence, Dave’s willing to take a leap of faith to break the nervous tension that is strung tightly between you both.
“Just what?” Encouraging him to continue. Your fingers twisting your napkin in your lap, each revolution pulling it tighter and tighter in your grip. 
“Just admiring how beautiful you look right now. Something I never fully allowed myself to do before this evening.” He sees the way you react to his words. Relief or a validation of your own feelings. 
“How come?” You have a feeling you already know, but you want to hear him say it. 
“You’re Carol’s friend. I didn’t want to ever make you uncomfortable.” 
“You’ve never made me feel anything but comfortable, Dave.” It’s the truth. You don’t think you’ve ever felt so comfortable or safe with anyone. “But I get what you mean. With you being Carol’s ex-husband and that unspoken understanding of respecting her boundaries as her friend. I guess I’ve always been happy with being just your friend, too. But clearly she has a very strong opinion about us though.” 
You both laugh, knowing how determined Carol gets when she has a feeling about something. 
You both take a moment. No words needed or spoken. Neither of you are willing to wipe the absurd smiles off of your faces, while you stare at each other with an unbridled sense of fondness. The rest of dinner carries on with a better sense of purpose and understanding between you both. Endless conversation exchanged well into dessert. An eagerness to know more about each other before the evening’s end. 
It’s a velvety darkness that welcomes you the moment you both step out onto the sidewalk outside the restaurant. White tuffs of clouds drift through the sky, shrouding the moon and stars' usual intense glow for diffused lambency. 
The town’s streets are filled with an abundance of Christmas lights hung from store fronts and wrapped around tree bases, providing a perfect backdrop for an after dinner stroll. 
“Do you want to take a walk? Look at the lights before we call it a night?” Not really wanting to rush home any time soon, hoping to rack up more time with Dave as possible. 
“Sure. Here, take my jacket though, you’re gonna freeze out here.” He could tell you were trying to bravely endure the cold air nipping at your bare skin, but the goosebumps covering your arms and the slight shivering would have you freezing in no time. 
He doesn’t really give you an option, draping the leather jacket over your shoulders. The warmth is welcomed as you pull it tightly against you, grateful the moment a brisk breeze picks up and sweeps through the air. 
“Thank you.” You say as you both begin to walk in step together down the festively lit sidewalk. 
“Of course. Any time.” Dave says with a soft smile. His hands tucked securely into his jeans as he does his best to keep the chilly air at bay. 
A group of carolers offer a special serenade of Christmas classics, Dave and you both stopping to enjoy the merriment their harmonies add to the atmosphere. Dave tosses a few generous bills into their tip jar before you both continue your stroll. 
“What are your plans for Christmas?” You know him and Carol have a great system for the girls, always making sure they both get equal time with them. 
“I get to have the girls Christmas Eve this year. Well open gifts Christmas morning and do our tradition of pancakes for breakfast before Carol picks them up.” You love that he has a special tradition with the girls, there isn’t anything he wouldn’t do for them. 
“Carol said they’re asking for a dog this year?” Remembering how Carol had mentioned the girls had been begging for a dog for the better part of the year. So it was no surprise when you had heard they were forgoing Barbie’s and clothes in hopes to add a new furry companion to the family. 
“Yeah. They sat us down last week with a full blown presentation on why they think we should get them one.” 
“What was one of their reasons?” Knowing full well Molly and Alice probably had a decent list of all the reasons for getting one. 
“I think the top reason was that a dog would make me less grumpy.” His brows pinch together with his signature grumpy expression, the reason seemingly obvious at this moment. 
“Oh my god, Dave! They deserve a dog just for their efforts alone!” You bite back a snicker, loving how the girls didn’t hold back one bit. Although, you do find his grumpy expressions cute and charming. 
“Go on, laugh it up.” He shakes his head at your teasing. “What about you? Do you have any plans for Christmas?” Dave asks. His shoulder lightly bumps against you as you continue to walk in a close proximity to him. 
“If you call feasting on a rotisserie chicken straight out of the container while rewatching Die Hard an unhealthy amount of times, plans— then yes, I have plans.” You try to say with a straight face, but fall into a fit of laughter when you see the empathetic look on Dave’s face. “I’m kidding, mostly. I usually spend Christmas with my parents, but they’re out of town this year. So it’s just me— and John McClane.” 
“Hey.” Dave grabs your hand, pulling you to a stop with him. His eyes flitting over your face, his thumb brushing over the top of your hand he’s still holding. “Why don’t you come over once Carol gets the girls. I can make dinner and we watch Die Hard a healthy amount of times together, if you want?”
There’s a warmth that radiates through you at his offer. You feel giddy at the thought of spending Christmas, alone, with Dave. You don’t know quite yet what this thing that’s blooming between you is, but you trust that Dave will catch you— especially with how you’re thoroughly falling for him. 
“I’d love that— oh shit! Dave, come here!” Your hand now wrapped around his as you try to pull him from where he’s standing. His stubborn body is rooted in place, not moving as you continue to hold him while looking at something overhead that caught your attention. 
Dave catches your line of sight. Looking up to see a bundle of mistletoe hanging from the shop sight you both were standing under. He looks back to you, panic stricken by the sight of the green foliage dangling above. He steps closer to you, his lopsided grin slowly becoming a more pronounced smile. 
“Dave, you don’t have to if you don’t want to. It’s just silly mistletoe.” 
“Isn’t there some sort of thing about bad luck if we don’t?” He slowly starts to lean in towards you, his eyes searching for any kind of hesitation in yours. 
“I don’t think that’s a thing.” You murmur. Your stomach flips with anticipation. 
“I guess there’s only one way to find out.” 
His lips are softer than you could ever have imagined. For even the briefest of kisses, it feels electric and warm. 
Dave pulls back slightly, his gaze oscillating between your lips and your eyes, taking in the blissed out look you have. Silent confirmation that you were craving it as much as he was. 
It’s dizzying passion when Dave’s lips crash into yours. One of his hands cradles the back of your head as the other snakes around your lower back, pulling you flush against him. Taking advantage of the way your mouth opens for him, his tongue moving over yours with a fiery fierceness. 
It feels right and perfect as you continue to revel in the way he deepens the kiss with each passing breath. His jacket falling from your shoulders to the ground as your hands clutch firmly at the front of Dave’s t-shirt. Your mind is a fuzzy mess of thoughts, swirling about, all focused on Dave and this monumental release. 
A whine escapes when Dave pulls away for the second time. His forehead resting on yours. Mouths hanging open, vapor puffs hitting the cold air as you both try to catch your breath. 
“Dave York. Great conversationalist, devoted father, devastatingly handsome and exceptional kisser— checks all my boxes.” You purr at him. 
“Hmm. The first two seem like a given. Handsome?” Asks as he continues to hold you close to him. 
“And what was it? Exceptional kisser?” Cradling the side of your face, recalling exactly how you described the kiss. 
“No complaints from me. At all.” Your teeth catching your bottom lip, arms wrapping around his neck, fingers tangling in his soft chestnut hair. 
“Not a single one?” His nose gently nudges against yours. 
“Well— maybe one. My only complaint would be if you never kissed me again.” You shake your head. The thought of never feeling his lips against yours again would be soul crushing. 
“I guess it’s a good thing I look forward to doing it again.” He assures you. 
“That so?” 
His fingers lightly grip your chin, bringing your lips closer to his. This time the kiss is slower, gentle, still conveying just as much affection and intentness as before. 
“I definitely could get used to more of that.” You say breathlessly. 
“Yeah? How about we take things slow? You promise me another date. I’ll promise to keep kissing you— exceptionally well.” A promise he’s more than willing to keep. 
“I like the sound of that.” Pulling him back for another kiss. 
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jaylynn1318 · 2 months ago
Prequel to this
Based on this video
*warning: Swearing, Misogynistic language, verbal abuse*
Mack was driving Kevin’s van, Kevin was in the back, laying on the mattress in the van, holding his guitar, and looking spaced out and drained. Mack decided to open his mouth
Mack: Man, Kevin, you really missed out. Vicci's friends were wild and crazy. Glad that town wasn't a total waste.
Kevin: I met some wild ladies too. They changed shape and appeared out of beams of light and one of them even four arm-
Mack: Hey dumba$$, save the poetry for San Francisco, Star Child. We've got a big day ahead of us tomorrow.
Kevin: don’t call me a dumba$$ Mack, and I'm serious. Something's goin' on back there.
Mack: What are you, stupid? Just wait 'till you see what's ahead of us. It's FAME AND FORTUNE BABY!!!
Mack tries to play some music by pressing the 'Play' button on the radio, only for nothing to happens
Mack: What the fu- Hey, what the hell did you do to your tape deck? You been putting pennies in here, you weirdo? Play something for me, Star Child
Kevin obediently strums his guitar and begins to sing
Kevin: 🎵waking up at start of the end of the world, and it’s feeling like every other day of before-
Mack: 🥱what the hell is that? You're gonna put people to sleep with that. Where's the sappy sad stuff coming from?
Kevin :*blushes and continues is a downer tone* I-I just can't stop thinking about that woman at the show.
Mack: Okay fine😏, how big was she?
Kevin: Eight feet tall... massive blue hair...
Mack: okay now I know your messing with me *sigh* this is your problem. You want one huge woman, when you could have multiple small ones.
Kevin: uh in case you forgotten Mack, women are people too, they don’t exist just to please you.
Mack: Just follow my lead okay? I'm gonna get you everything you want. Money, fame, and tons of ladies wanting to your who-
Kevin refuses to let him finish that sentence, who in their right mind would say that. Besides that wasn’t what Kevin wanted, that was what Mack wanted
Kevin: What if I want to go back?
Mack looked like he wanted to murder the tattooed rock star wannabe, what did he just say?
Mack: what did you say?😡 Star child?
Kevin: What if I want to go back and be with her?!
Mack toke his eyes off the road and hands off the wheel, an angry look in his eyes, ready to give Kevin a piece of his mind
Mack: Listen right here you idiot, no one gives a sh%t about your feelings Kevin!! They're making you lose sight of what's really important!! Now Stop lying about this blue tall bimbo and-
Kevin screams at the top of his lungs: WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!? WATCH THE ROAD!!
Headlights become visible in the windshield of the van as a truck, looks like it was one of those 18-wheelers trucks ,approaches. Mack manages to quickly swerves the van out of the way in the nick of time and stops it beside a billboard that reads “welcome to OceanSide, it’s always beach time here”. Both Mack and Kevin were in shock and frozen in fear, Almost having a mini heart attack. Kevin decided he should talk first after taking a deep breath.
Kevin: Why do you always decide what's important?😠
Mack: Because I'm your manager, and you're just some spaced out, stupid kid. I'm taking you to San Francisco , and you're gonna play, and you're gonna like it. Maybe you'll even make me some decent money for once. Maybe you’ll succeed where Joshie failed.
Kevin: who’s Joshie?
Kevin answered his own question when he realized that he wasn’t the one guy Mack try to make money off of, and then proceeded to blow off his side of deal, call him stupid and a dumba$$, insult the women in his life, and pin all the blame on him.
Mack: that doesn’t matter, why don’t you go back to making lyrics for your songs, maybe one of them will be good.
Kevin: Get.Out.Of.My.van.
Mack: sit down Kev
Kevin:*raising his voice* I said... GET OUTTA MY VAN!
Kevin kicks Mack out of the van onto the rainy roadside, and drive off, leaving him behind, in the heavily pouring night.
Mack: What are you doing? You're making a HUGE mistake! Get back here Star child, you’re nothing without me
Kevin never came back.
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acemakes-art · 2 years ago
Hate for everyone to be seeing this but please reblog if u wanna. But slight warning about for what ur gonna read.
So Saturday I was at AZ mills shopping for school stuff right? I was w my mom and Titi (my aunt) about to leave all of a sudden we just heard screaming then people running.
Me and my mom tried ducking down at a kiosk but thankfully a lady was near guiding us to an exit nearby too. We got out safely but immediately after we legit thought we got sorta caught up in a mall sh**ting.
After, almost like every 20 mins I would go back onto google and begin to refresh my page to see if any articles were yk made already to give me some sorta closure. It did.
Turns out a fight just broken out at a kiosk. Three people were apparently trying to steal things and in the process got into a fight with the cashier and pushed him. This person fell and ended up getting a laceration on his head from a piece of furniture on the way down. And I’m guessing something fell which mimicked a sh*t fired and people ran thinking it was or just didn’t wanna be in the mix.
Why am I even telling everyone this?? Well.. I decided to go on tik tok cuz I know there must be some videos about it whether it be just footage as the were hiding or evacuating. But this one acc is basically lying about the whole situation.
Ofc people called it a sh**ting at first cuz they yk thought it was but this one kid tried to say it was and make up a whole story of how he was “injured” even using one of the most low quality images off of google to “prove it”. I know camera quality varies but I highly doubt it’s this bad.
His other video giving his side is also on his page still.
The Tempe police department has confirmed there was no shooting. On both their twitter and multiple articles have stated it too. So this person is attempted to cash out on something that probably scarred the victim and A LOT of people cuz lemme tell u the mall was PACKED whether this was their first scare or it was the second third fourth or however many times they’ve experienced this traumatic experience. INCLUDING ME. Literally today I was scared of going to Walmart and for like the beginning of the thing I was holding to her arm so just in case. But also just imagining how the hell it would even go down.
I’m drawing attention to this scammer because ain’t no way would I encounter a person trying to profit off of something traumatic for the victim, witnesses, and bystanders but also twist the narrative into something even more horrible than what was confirmed by the literal police.
Please repost this cuz idk if anyone else has posted about this yet but also to bring light to this terrible person and the even more terrible situation.
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not-a-space-alien · 8 months ago
hi im sorry but is it possible for you to give a summary of the newest chapter without mentions of sh? i don’t wanna miss story and context but im afraid it’ll trigger me :/
Sure, I can do that! In chapter 6, after leaving the human quarters Tessie and Lex give each other and Ari manicures. Lex and Ari notice Valen hasn't fed in a while and make him eat, since he isn't taking care of himself due to stress. Valen has trouble sleeping and sneaks into Lex and Ari's bed like he does when he has bad nights, and they pretend not to notice. He gets out of their bed before they wake up.
In the morning, Valen wrestles with what the moral thing to do to help the humans at the manor is. Should he ban the vampires on staff from feeding on them? How can he help them? They can't function on their own and are essentially braindead, walking corpses.
Valen decides to take the bull by the horns and go to the fertility clinic for the intrauterine insemination day 1. This turns out to be a mistake as Valen gets extremely triggered by this and dissociates, becoming basically nonverbal and nonfunctional and needing Lex and Ari to take him back home and handle the situation. Tessie provides emergency contraception, which instantly helps Valen feel better.
Ari begs Tessie to figure out a way to keep the estate and help the humans without Valen needing to do this, and when they get home, Tessie has scrutinized the language in the will and figured out that they can simply take possession of the estate and use it for 10 years and not get in trouble for not producing the heir until the 10 years are up. So essentially, Valen has plausible deniability to just not go to the clinic and say that it's just hard to conceive and he's trying, and they can just take ten years to do with the estate what they will.
Under the cut I have written a non-graphic summary of why I gave it a self harm warning. I'm also going to tag the taglist here in case anyone else wants to read this summary before reading chapter 6 for the same reason!
Valen has such an extreme negative response to the process of being inseminated at the clinic that he claws at his own belly until Lex and Ari stop him.
@tomato-whump @dragonfireridge @taterswhump @whump-cravings
@scoundrelwithboba @pigeonwhumps @whumpsday @whumpy-writings @fuzzydarkpebble
@melodicnommer @thecyrulik @snake462 @gt-daboss @appelsiinilight
@star-rott @mottinthemainpot @corvidat @melancholy-in-the-morning @whumplr-reader
@honeycollectswhump @dragonqueenslayer6 @whumpycries @starfields08000 @scumashling
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hebimoonlightwrites · 2 years ago
hellooo! how are you? >u< well since the requests are open, I would like to request relationship headcanons for itsuki, yohei, anne and allen being with a rebellious girl~ , someone who doesn't like to follow anyone's orders and very sure of herself, in conclusion a total brat ! but when she's with them, she behaves a little better, pouting a bit because deep down she's a lioness who likes to be pampered jeje Thanks! take care <3
Writer's corner: Hi, sweetheart! I'm fine! I hope you are as well! Thank you so much for your request! I hope you'll enjoy reading what I prepared for you! If not, please, feel free to let me know, so i can fix it or write something else for you! Enjoy~♥
mc's pronouns: SHE/HER
Warnings: none, just a lioness who wants to be pampered oof-
⭐𝐈𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢, 𝐘𝐨𝐡𝐞𝐢, 𝐀𝐧𝐧𝐞, 𝐀𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧⭐𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭-𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐦𝐜 𝐰𝐡𝐨'𝐬 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞
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⭐What the hell is wrong with her?!
⭐I'm sure that Itsuki would be pretty confused and especially pissed off at first by seeing mc behaving so brat-like!
⭐Since Itsuki is so rational and almost doesn't know what feelings are, I headcanon him even almost scolding mc.
⭐He'd behave just like a father would with his own child.
⭐Like imagine him moving his index finger scolding mc, while she's sitting on the couch with a bored expression.
⭐"You're not my leader! I don't have to follow your orders if I don't want to!!"
⭐mc would say as a response, looking at Itsuki with a confident and serious look, almost quite aggressively.
⭐"It's not about being a leader or not, mc! And I'm not trying to give you orders, but to tell you what should be better to do! And you don't listen to me, as always, in short!"
⭐Itsuki would be pissed off by the impulsive mc who doesn't want to listen to his boring speech..
⭐And.. his speech is not boring at all!!
⭐If he's worrying about her, it's because he cares.
⭐Why can't she just think more before doing anything!?
⭐I'm sure Itsuki would find mc being in the middle of a fight with someone.
⭐"You piece of sh#t!! How you dared to insult me?! I'll make you pay!!"
⭐Itsuki would facepalm himself before thinking for a moment..
⭐He's made this way, after all.. he trusts his own mind deeply, contrary to the impulsive and brat-like mc.
⭐"She only brings troubles.. what do I have to do with her?.."
⭐..he'd sigh and then decide to reach for her and to help her, even if in deep he would prefer to ignore her.
⭐Itsuki would talk with the people mc would have been in a fight with, showing and proving her that sometimes rationality is stronger than impulsivity.
⭐Only when home together, mc would sit on the couch, crossing her arms and pouting.
⭐Itsuki would soon understand that mc is secretly adorable..
⭐but why then she behaves like that?..
⭐He doesn't know.. but he would sit next to her and with a slightly smiling expression he would put his hand on her hair, softly caressing her head.
⭐He'd meet her eyes and chuckle slightly.
⭐"You're hopeless.. you know that... hehe..♥"
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⭐Yohei would be kinda interested to someone like this kind of mc..!
⭐Even if such a troublemaker, he'd find himself chuckling, amused.
⭐She's different from all the other girls he has met..
⭐So he'd find her being interesting.
⭐Of course at first he'd try to calm her down, especially if she's behaving that brat-like with the other TCW members.
⭐"Hey! Clear your mouth while talking to Saimon!! Ya' got it?!?!"
⭐He would never scold her, unless she's overdoing...
⭐In that case mc would see him being very angry and pissed off.
⭐"You're not my leader! I don't have to follow your orders if I don't want to!!"
⭐After hearing something like this, Yohei would surely chuckle, maybe smoking.
⭐Mc would seem an angry and small pomeranian!
⭐"Hehe.. how cute~"
⭐By looking into her eyes Yohei would immediately notice that this is not her true nature..
⭐He would get it.. he would understand that she's actually adorable and kind.
⭐"It's useless that you're trying to act like a brat, mc..."
⭐He'd say while approaching her and maybe even blocking her against the wall.
⭐"We both know that you're simply doing it because you want to get attention..."
⭐He'd whisper to her ear while blowing a vape cloud, still holding her against the wall.
⭐Mc would blush heavily and slowly lose her brat-like look in favour to a flustered and embarrassed look.
⭐"Who knows... maybe my attention....?.. Heh... In this case, you did it.."
⭐Yohei would then slowly pull her closer, kissing her lips.. his hands on her hips.
⭐"You won..."
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⭐Anne would be surprised by mc's behaviour.
⭐They would open their eyes wider in response to any bratty sentence or move.
⭐At first they would get protective of their friends..
⭐Especially if they think that mc is trying to mess up with them.
⭐Anne could be teasing with her friends- even if mostly with Hajun- though..
⭐But they care about them.
⭐BAE gave Anne a place where they can be themselves without being scared of being judged..
⭐That's why I'm sure they would enter in a defensive mode if they got the slightest feeling that mc is trying to mess up with them and their friends.
⭐But since Anne is also quite supportive of their friends' uniquenesses...
⭐Well, they would even end up considering mc as one of their friends and support her bratty behaviour!
⭐Of course Anne would give her advices and help her if she needed..
⭐"You're not my leader! I don't have to follow your orders if I don't want to!!"
⭐"Darling..! Just let me give you some tips for a good make-up."
⭐"I don't want to!"
⭐But they wouldn't try to change mc at all!
⭐After all..
⭐Anne would love her for the way she is..!
⭐Also I'm sure they would appreciate realizing that mc keeps a cuddly and cute side only for them!
⭐Anne would be so happy and would feel their heart warmed up as they felt mc unusually cuddling with them.
⭐"Haha... How unusual of you, love..."
⭐They would whisper, while holding her between their arms as they would lie down on the couch together.
⭐Mc would pout and blush heavily, feeling Anne who'd caresses her jaw.
⭐She would hear Anne's chuckle and soon would see their lovingly eyes pointed on her figure.
⭐On the other hand Anne would feel their heart beating faster and a lovely warmth inside their chest.
⭐Thet would think that mc is cute and would kiss her forehead while keeping her as close as they could.
⭐"You're such a lioness, aren't you..? Hehe... You're beautiful.. And adorable while blushing, love..."
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⭐"I'm sorry...?"
⭐As the others, even Allen would be surprised by seeing mc behaving that bad!
⭐Why is she such a brat?..
⭐Contrary to Itsuki and Yohei, Allen wouldn't be pissed off..
⭐.. I'm sure he would apologize and try to make friends with her instead!
⭐Just like he tried with Kanata!
⭐Especially if he thinks that it's worth it, Allen would try his best to get in contact with mc even if at first she behad that bad with him.
⭐Let's remember that Allen is awkward in social situations, though..
⭐So.. he wouldn't know how to start a conversation.
⭐I'm sure he would even be quite hesitant after seeing mc speaking in a brat way to him.
⭐He'd be scared of making mistakes or, on the contrary, he'd speak without thinking, maybe realizing after a while that mc is looking at him with a serious expression.
⭐"W-what...? I... I've said something wrong..? I'm so sorry in that case! It wasn't my intention! Please forgive my impulsivity.."
⭐He'd say chuckling, almost blushing embarrassed.
⭐"You're not my leader! I don't have to follow your orders if I don't want to!!"
⭐ As Allen would hear mc saying that sentence, he would look at her opening his eyes wide.
⭐He would let the silence being between them for an instant before standing up and freeing that strong side of his temper.
⭐"I'm not going to give you orders, mc!!! I simply wanted to be your friend!! But you're making it impossible!!.. Just tell me if you prefer to be alone!!.."
⭐Allen's eyes would be filled with his phoenix's soul's flames as he would speak.. His eyes would be determined.
⭐This would be the first time he would see mc opening her eyes wide in response., a soft blush on her cheeks.
⭐She would feel strange inside...
⭐She would feel warm... Happy... For the first time.
⭐"You... You want to be.. My friend..?"
⭐At the sight of a few tears leaving mc's eyes, Allen would start panicking.
⭐He'd get closer and try his best to comfort her (of course he'd end up being awkward, like patting her shoulder while chuckling nervously...)
⭐"I.. I'm sorry!! I didn't want to make you cry!!"
⭐Soon Allen would see mc crying but pouting too..
⭐He'd hug her and smile softly as he would think..
⭐"She's such a brat but... actually so tender inside... Hehe... she's cute..."
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©hebimoonlightwrites_tumblr Please, do not copy my contents nor repost it without my permission.
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ellieloverr · 2 years ago
My Strange Addiction
Ellie x Reader
Warning ⚠: language, making out, SH, smoking, alcohol, body image issues ⚠
You and Jesse have been best friends since the beginning of middle school . You had met Dina in the beginning of high school. Since then you guys have been the best friends. You are now 20 Jessie is 21 Dina is 20 years old. You all are in college. Jesse had made other friends, one that you have a tiny crush on but you also hate when she picks on you. Ellie williams.
"Hey D, you wanna go to a frat party? "
"Yes I'm dying to get out of here"
You chuckled. You got up to go get dressed but you heard a knock on the door so you opened the door and it was a girl with forest green eyes, dark brown hair, and a tattoo on her left forearm that you really admired. It was Ellie williams.
"What are you doing here? Don't you have to go beat up some guy down the hall? "
She chuckled. "No princess actually I'm here for Dina to see if she's going to that frat party. "
"Oh. Well yeah both of us are going."
"Are you gonna come in or just stand there being a creep"
She comes inside. You didn't mind getting changed in front of Ellie since you weren't getting fully naked in front of her. You take off your shirt leaving you in a sports bra. Ellie's eyes gravitate to you as you find a dress to wear. You have a mirror in your closet so you can see her stupid smirk. You end up getting into a black long sleeve dress with black doc Martin shoes with leg warmers. Once you turn around Ellie's eyes look down at your right thigh at your matching tattoo with Jesse.
"Jesse has that tattoo to."
"Yea uhm we got matching tattoos when we were 16."
She didn't say anything back. Dina came back with Jesse and all of you guys had got into Ellie's car you got in the front since Dina and Jesse had got in the back. As Ellie was driving your sister Casey had texted you.
Case ❤️‍🩹
"Hey (name) wyd? "
"I'm going to a frat party"
"Ok well be careful please ❤"
"I'm always careful Case"
"How's mom?"
"Idk she's at work it's just me and Mason"
"Oh tell Mason I said hi but I'll text you later case ok I love you ❤"
"Alr I love you to have fun kid ❤"
Read 9:20pm
You get out of the car. You realize that you have two exes that are here that you can already see. Jesse and Dina were already almost in so you had no choice but to stay behind with Ellie. You had no idea how it was gonna be in there. You started shaking and fidgeting with your fingers. Ellie realizes you are starting to get anxious.
"You ok? "
You clear your throat "yeah I'm fine I just have people I don't want to see here starring at me. "
"Your gonna be ok just try not to interact with them."
You look at Ellie and nod your head. Ever since you first met Ellie she always knew when you were feeling anxious or sad or mad. That's what you liked about her. You always were addicted to how beautiful her eyes looked. As you go in there Ellie departs from you saying she's gonna go find somewhere to go smoke. You wandered to go find Jesse. You found him and Dina at the alcohol drinking table. When they were done you went to go find the bathroom. On your way to the bathroom you find Ellie struggling to get some girl off of her.
Ellie 🥱
"Hey Imma go over to you and get her off I have a plan"
"Yea ok. "
Read 9:43pm
"Els! Hey baby where have you been?"
Ellie plays along with your plan. "Hey babe sorry I got lost"
You kiss Ellie on the lips to make her go away. You stop as she walks away.
"Fuck- sorry I should've asked you first. "
"Uh.. No y-yeah it's fine thanks for getting her off of me. "
It is now 10:30pm you guys decide to leave. You guys go to a diner for dinner. You guys get your menus. You have body image issues that only Jesse knows about. The waiter comes up to table 21(your table)
"Hi, are you guys ready to order?"
You guys nod. She starts with Dina and Ellie. Then moves on to Jesse and you.
"Oh uhm I'm not ordering anything."
"She'll just have a vanilla shake."
You looked at Jesse confused. You don't want to start an argument so you just agree with him. Once your guys stuff comes to your table Jesse takes your cherry like he always used to do.
Your phone buzzes, it's casey.
You answer
"Hey when are you free? "
"Uhm I don't know I think Thursday and Friday I don't work why? "
"What's wrong casey?"
"He and mom are.. "
"They are separating."
Your heart drops and your eyes widen. Why we're they separating? What happened .Your thoughts filled your head.
"Yea... Ok I'll be there soon. "
"Ok I love you bye."
"Love you to case. "
Call ended.
"I'mma be right back Jess. "
He nodded as you went to the bathroom. You were crying so much that your eyes went red. You were tempted to cut right then and there but you couldn't. Looking at your wrists, you quickly pulled your selves down as you heard the door open. It was Ellie
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ja0-s-blank-canvas-fic · 2 years ago
Part 3 - Chapter 21 - A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed
Blank Canvas Part 3
AO3 - here
Fanfiction.net - here
Thank you for your patience, dear readers! Sorry for the wait. I was a little busy being a bridesmaid for my friend's wedding. :P Tiny bit preoccupied. But we're back with more fluff! If you're interested, I chose this style of dress in steel blue. ^____^
Did a small edit last chapter. I forgot to add where Ochako was placed since she's also living in the dorms. A simple fix.
So...there were guesses it would be Bakugou that shows up. It's not. Just going to rip off that bandaid now before we get to the chapter.
Warning for teasing. There's a very brief one at ["Please take care of him..."] to about [The blonde winked...] but it's really not that bad. To the point a warning is probably not necessary but I will just in case. There's also another one at ["Though I figure..."] but again very brief.
Linktree to all the things!    
End notes for the chapter are under the line.  
Alright! Izuku is starting to slowly acclimate to the dorms, but it'll take him some time to fully adjust. But not to worry. He's got a supporting Shouto to help him along the way. For Shouto changing his room, I referenced the MHA School Briefs Vol. 3 for his reaction to his room and where he found the supplies. I made my own changes because of the differences in BC from canon, but I still drew on how he felt about the original western style of his dorm room.
I hope I used the French correctly. I was looking up names of endearment and chou came up as meaning either a cream puff or cabbage. Various websites say it's more for someone you love but I went more with the green vegetable theme. :P
So, the character we haven't seen in a while was the OC I made for this with help from peeps on the discord. You can read up his post on the tumblr here. He was introduced in BC part 2 chapter 39.
Shouto finally learned about his nickname!! :D So Peppermint Prince was decided in BC part 2 chapter 52 but Shouto wasn’t there for that. And I realized this was the first time he would be hearing it.
They had an ATLA watch party! :D It was first suggested in BC part 2 chapter 11 though I don't remember by who exactly. XD Sorry. Does this mean I'll be rewatching the series the nth time for ideas? Yes, yes it does. Also Izuku has sort of seen the 'research material' but it's still a mystery to him yet.
Sh-sh-shout out to Isn’t Sane and cooper on discord for Sh’s fantasy AU classes/professions! That little rant was fun to write.
That's all for now! I've been showering you with fluff but that last part with Shiggy means there's rough waters ahead. Next chapter has some teenager shenanigans and then the start of the training camp! Let the hell training begin. >:) Bye bye!
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mys-ships · 5 months ago
and because im so big brained and intelligent i can turn sleep token's "are you really okay" to be about wife dove struggling and failing to connect with john as he deals with his trauma and refuses to tell her about it or open up to his emotions.
im gonna go insane abt the full lyrics beneath cut lalalalala. content warning about the actual song/lyrics its uh. its abt self harm
I raised you in the dark Caught you reading by the sunrise You wandered from the path Through the silence of the hillside
this i feel is dove living with him shortly after the eli tillon incident. she doesn't know what happened, why he's changed, seeing him like this makes her distressed. He refuses to let her know what happened to him. Something surely did, he just. does not. cannot open up to her. His behavior has become more erratic, indulging in shit he'd never before like conspiracy theories, drinking more, not getting healthy hours of sleep in....
And don't you know I could see it in you even then And don't you know I was trying to hold back the darkness
Dove KNOWING something is wrong with him, something hurt him mentally. Scarred him, and just trying to be there for him, trying to comfort him anyway she can... the first time she tries to comfort him and help him despite it not working.
And are you really okay? Are you really okay?
... she asks him if he's okay but he ofc refuses her comfort, complaining and telling her that he's FINE and he doesn't have to worry about him and what happened. Its not her problem to worry about, to not focus on. deciding not to argue about it... she lets it go for awhile
You woke me up one night Dripping crimson on the carpet I saw it in your eyes Cutting deeper than the scars could run
in my head this isn't about john self harming lol dw, in their case, imagining it like, years later, Dove being woken up by one of John's nightmares, him jolting out of bed, wide eyed and freaked out as he has a near panic attack about it, her seeing it in his eyes just how he's still damaged by his past. This trauma runs deep.
And don't you know I can see it in you even now And don't you know I want to help you but I don't know how
even after all this time after brushing dove off and shutting her out of his feelings, trying to look tough and unaffected by the incident, she can still see the same wounded freaked out man he was years ago. It never left him. And Dove wants so badly to comfort him, trying to reach out to him to help him, but since he's built these new walls so high, she doesn't know how to get him to open up again anymore. and very much the "don't you know?s" feel like her trying to make him understand that she sees him and wants to help.
And are you really okay? Are you really okay?
And I, I cannot fix your wounds this time But I, I don't believe you when you tell me you are fine
This time Dove is insisting. She isn't asking, she's insisting in asking if he's really okay. She admits that she can't fix him. she doesn't know how to because he hasn't opened up to her about what happened. How can she be a good wife if she can't help him??? She does not believe him when he tells her he's fine, she never did, she just didn't press it before because he was uncomfortable with sharing but now shes pressing it. He isn't okay. Cupping his face. showing him how much she loves him and cares about him and is trying to make a connection to him again. But if she cannot help him, she's letting John know that she knows he is lying.
Please don't hurt yourself again Just please don't hurt yourself again, oh Please don't hurt yourself again Please don't hurt yourself again
(again not about sh when it comes to them) maybe john finally relents and opens the floodgates about his trauma and what happened to him. Finally letting Dove hold him and comfort him. Dove saying please don't distance yourself from me again. Don't hurt yourself like that. Please. please please don't. I love you. Don't hide it from me. Please. Please?
Bc I always have to be thinking abt different John/Dove ideas, sometimes I think about like. Her being his age, and that they've been married since a little before the whole- Crescent King incident- but otherwise being High-school/college sweethearts. And the tragedy of watching the man you love and adore who's sweet and kind go through unspeakable trauma that changes his whole outlook on life and his personality. You love him and he still loves you but this is not the same man you fell in love with.
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lesbianloml · 2 years ago
Ur looking for ideas? IM STARVING anyways ur writing is amazing ily boo<3
It’s actually a post of mine but I’ll go more into detail for you
Mommy!wanda finally letting reader top and use a strap on her for once, r being so excited to fuck wanda they start at a bruising pace needing wanda to guide them and show them how to make her feel good, once r gets a hang of it the friction of the strap on them plus Wanda’s moans and praise is too good making it hard for them to stop and pushing them into subspace, which ends up overstimulating both r and wanda, imagine wanda having to calm down r, cupping their face and telling them to breathe and that they’re doing so good for her, “you’ve made mommy feel so good baby, it’s okay calm down pup” and r just whining, hiding into her neck, barely able to from words anymore just mumbling “too good, I don’t wanna stop, hurts” but they keep going until r just physically can’t move anymore and they’re both a mess by the end of it🤭
(Ive lost all my shame٫ help)
In and Out
Type of piece(s): imagine, oneshot, drabble, series
Type(s) of writing: smut, angst, fluff, dark
Pairing(s): emo!soft!dom!wanda x sub!fem!reader (I hope everyone reading this knows the difference between top/bottom and dom/sub)
Warning(s): praise kink, use of strap, overstimulation, tummy bulge
Summary: Mommy finally let's Reader be on top. (Mostly) Reader does pretty good. A little too good.
A/N: I would love to write this request! Thanks for being my first writing ask! Hope you like it! Enjoy!
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"Hey, Wanda?" "Not my name, detka." Wanda responded, not looking up from her book. "Mommy?" "Yes, sweetheart?" "Can I be on top today?" You asked, sweet as can be. Wanda sat and didn't respond for a minute. "I guess that would be ok. Let's go." Wanda said, standing up and holding her hand out so you could slip yours in. As Wanda walked into the bedroom, she layed on the bed after taking her clothes off. "You know where the toys are, don't you honey?" "Yes, Mommy." You say.
You stripped as you walked to the drawer and opened it. You decided to get her back for all the times she did this to you. You picked out a very large strap with a little piece that would move in circles on your clit while you thrust. Then, you pulled out a blindfold. Just in case. You walk over to her and she sees the strap. Her eyes widen a bit but she doesn't say anything. She wants you to feel like you're in control, even if its only for one night. You put the harness on and groan as you feel a little pressure on your clit. It was tight enough that it squeezed and put pressure on your clit every time you moved. You didn't want to know how it would feel when your start to thrust.
You straddle her waist, gasping a bit as it rubs at your clit. You sit there for a moment staring at her pretty pussy thinking about how you've never done this before and you don't know how to please her. "Malyshka?" "Yes, Mommy?" "Do you need help?" "Yes please." "So you go like this." She said, pulling you to straddle her lap. You lifted your hips up and started to sink down, moaning as the toy rubbed and squeezed your clit. As you got a little more than halfway, you saw a bulge appear in Wanda's stomach. Wanda was groaning as she saw the bulge. As you kept going down, she began to whimper. You had never seen Wanda like this. Whimpering. She usually looked so composed.
You continued bouncing and as Wanda was moaning and praising you as she came for the second time, you also came. But as you came, moaning loudly, you drifted into subspace. But you just kept thrusting in and out, in and out. You had no thoughts in your head at all, just the pleasure you felt. Wanda and you had both came 6 times before Wanda cupped your face. "Sh sh sh. You've made Mommy feel so good pup! You did so good. Just breathe. Take a breath." But you just buried your head in her shoulder, whining and whimpering as you continued to circle your hips, thrusting in and out. "So good. Don't wanna stop. Hurts! Hurts so good." You whimpered into her ear.
Wanda just didn't have the heart to stop you. You and Wanda both came twice more before you physically couldn't move anymore. You looked down at Wanda. She was panting, moaning, covered in a sheet of sweat and looked like an absolute wreck. Little did you know, you mirrored her looks. As you and Wanda limped over to take a shower together, Wanda stared at you, amazed. Without even meaning to, you had ruined both yourself and her.
Thanks for reading! Keep those requests flowing!
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I Wasn't Enough
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Pic from Pinterest | Dividers from @firefly-graphics
Summary: Jensen receives a letter that turns his world upside down. Pairing:Jensen Ackles x Female Reader Prompts: #10 "I was broken from a young age" from @smellingofpoetry Challenge and #41 "The voice in my head really needs some help" from @negans-lucille-tblr Challenge Squares: Quote D from @supernatural-jackles' Tell Me A Story Bingo // Warnings: Allusion to SH, anxiety, asking for help, implied mental health illness and treatment Word Count: 1.1k
A/N: This is overdue for both challenges, I'm sorry I didn't post it earlier but life and writer's block got in the way. Thanks to @fictional-affairs for giving me their opinion on this, I truly appreciate it.
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“If you are reading this, it means that I did my best but it wasn’t enough.”
That’s how her letter started. I thought the worst had happened and I just wanted to run to her, but I needed to know more. The letter wasn’t long but I knew she did it from the bottom of her heart.
“I’m sorry. I never meant for this to happen, but I couldn’t do it anymore. Everything became too much and I just couldn’t handle it anymore.”
With each line I read, my heart ached because of her. I knew she was hurting; I knew she was in pain, but I never did anything to help her. She always said she had it in control and I believed her, but I guess I was wrong.
Every few lines I had to stop reading and clean my eyes, my vision was blurry because of the tears. 
“You know, I’ve always thought I was broken from a young age, but you always helped me to understand that I was forced to believe that. You helped me know that I never had the support system I really needed.
You always believed in me and I failed you.”
She kept saying how much of a burden she felt, how she had failed me, and how she struggled but couldn’t keep fighting. 
I was there for her, whenever she needed me, and I always checked on her. I was sure she knew I was going to be her support system, and still, she felt like she had failed me when in reality, it was my fault. 
“I decided to make this decision because the voice in my head really needs some help. I didn’t know what else to do. Everything became too much and she took control of me. I tried my best to fight her but I couldn’t; I had to give up.”
This was the first clue she gave me, someone was bothering her. Was it a friend? A relative? Someone I didn’t know?
I needed to find out who she was and have a talk with her. I needed to know what happened.
“Thank you for always being there for me. I’m very thankful to have found you. I love you Jay” 
She ended the letter but I didn’t have any answers. The only thing I knew was that someone was bothering her and I couldn’t do anything to help her. Why did she never say anything?
There wasn't much that could tell me something else other than what I was already thinking.
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That's when I noticed. The personal card over my table, it must have fallen when I opened the letter. It had a phone number written by hand, without hesitation I grabbed my phone and dialed the number hoping to finally find some answers.
“Hello, I’m calling on behalf of Y/N Y/L/N,” I said when the call was picked up. “We were expecting your call Mr. Ackles. If you are okay, we would like to meet you to talk about Miss Y/L/N’s case,” I released a breath I didn’t know I was holding and agreed. I needed to know what had happened to her. I finished the call feeling uneasy. I don't know what to expect, they gave me an address and an appointment to meet someone that's taking care of Y/N's case. What case? What happened to her?
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I drove to the address the place had told me and waited. Uncertain feelings because I didn't know what to expect. My anxiety was very high.
I was taken into a room and asked to wait there. 
A few minutes later, a man walks in holding a folder. We shake hands and ask me to sit on one of the chairs.
I learnt that this person, Dr. Carol Balmes, was Y/N’s therapist and was responsible for her case. I’ve also learnt that Y/N admitted herself after a bad episode which I would’ve liked to be informed either by Y/N or the therapist.
“I know you’re thinking about why we didn’t call you when she came as she listed you as her emergency contact; but we wanted to assess her situation first. We needed to know how serious it was”
I kept nodding at what the doctor was telling me.
“Given it was four in the morning when she came, we opted to wait for an appropriate time to make the call if it was necessary. The following morning, she was feeling a bit better, but didn’t want to make the call yet, so we respected her decision.”
“So, I’m here today because she wanted me to come?” I asked trying to understand the situation and the doctor nodded
At least I know she’s alive and well I thought
“If it’s okay with you, I would like you to see Y/N first and then talk about her situation and treatment” The doctor suggests and I nod
The doctor leaves the room and comes back with Y/N some minutes later. She looks well, she's lost some weight and she has dark circles under her eyes, but she looks fine, and I’m glad to see it. I smile at her when she makes eye contact with me.
I know she’s nervous and anxious for the whole situation, but I hope she knows I’m not mad at her at all, if I have to be mad at someone is myself, for not noticing before it got too bad.
“I’ll leave you two a few minutes and then I’ll be back” Doctor Balmes says before leaving the room.
The first thing I do once we are alone is hugging her tightly, as if I was afraid to lose her. Then, I kiss her forehead. 
“I’m sorry,” she starts speaking, still hugging each other, “it wasn’t supposed to end this way” she admits and I tightened my embrace.
“Honey, you don’t have anything to apologize for. I’m the one who should be doing it instead.” I reply 
We moved to the couch that was in the room and we talked for a bit until doctor Balmes came back. I'm glad to know that Y/N is doing so much better than when she first arrived, and I promised her that I was going to be there every step of the way.
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starryevermore · 2 years ago
do not chastise the dove (7) ✧ steven grant, marc spector, jake lockley
do not chastise the dove ✧ a royal moon knight au | ao3 | pinterest board
pairing: knight!steven grant x fem!princess!reader x knight!marc spector x knight!jake lockley
series summary: you were a princess who would rather be anything but a royal; he was the knight her father forced her to marry—a true match made in hell if there ever was one. but, as the wedding inches closer and closer, it seems that, perhaps, your father had finally done something right by you. 
chapter summary: steven wants to make things right with you, but his chance is stolen from him. 
word count: 2,464
warnings?: kidnapping, not proofread
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Jake would say that he was the one who fell in love with the princess first. He’d speak wistfully, recall seeing you walk the halls of the palace, offering kind smiles and sweet words to everyone you met. It was impossible not to love you. But, Jake was completely, and utterly, wrong—about falling in love first, that is. Steven did not remember much of his childhood. He didn’t really want to, either, if he was being honest. Some memories, though, had stuck with him so clearly. He remembered being in school, learning about the royal family and about you. He remembered watching the news about Benjamin’s jubilee and seeing you for the first time. He remembered, one time, you and Elaine had come to his school on royal business and, when he was chosen as one of the students to have lunch with you and Elaine, you spoke to him nearly the whole time. He remembered getting older, becoming a Moon Knight, and you attending the ceremony where he was officially Knighted, smiling brightly at him. Jake was right—it was impossible not to love you. But he was not the one who loved you first. 
And that why Steven’s heart sank when he heard your whispered words, that losing them would be the worst heartache you’d suffered. Between family lies and assassination attempts, losing them would be the worst? He could hardly believe that you loved them as strongly as they loved you, and yet you were so sure they would leave. What ever had given you an idea quite like that?
He wanted to take control of the body, to pull you close, to tell you that neither he nor Jake nor Marc had any intentions of leaving you. But you thought he was asleep, and you had confessed something you didn’t think he would hear. Would it be some sort of breach of trust to confront you with it? As he laid there, he decided that he wouldn’t, but…But he would make sure you understood that, and Jake, and Marc, were all in. That they wouldn’t leave you unless you told them to. So, he let Jake hold you, deciding that, in the morning, he would make sure you knew how appreciated you were. 
But you were gone when he woke up. 
Panic settled in his chest as he looked around the room, seeing no immediate sign of your presence. But, as he stumbled out of bed, he noticed that your favorite pair of shoes were gone. That there were a couple more empty hangers. That, when he glanced in the mirror, there was a lipstick stain on his temple. That a near-finished cup of tea sat on the nightstand. That, next to the cup, there was a note that read, “I’m so sorry to leave you without a goodbye. My questioning was moved up, so I’ve gone to meet with Matt and Foggy. I’ll be back by lunch. ♡”.
And, when his heart rate finally began to slow, he saw Layla sitting in the living room of the suite. His brows pinched together, crease forming in the space between his brows. What was she doing here? If you were out, shouldn’t you be with your bodyguard? Should…should he resume panicking? 
“Shouldn’t you be with Y/N?” he asked. 
She huffed, rolling her eyes. “I should be. But, just because I’ve been cleared of any involvement, Parliament doesn’t want anything to be left to chance, just in case I’ve managed to dupe them. They’ve assigned her a couple of their own security guards.”
“I can’t imagine she was happy about that, either.”
Layla snorted. “She worded her displeasure so eloquently, the poor dopes thought she was flirting with them. Though, she could have been more outright and they probably still would have thought she was making a move.”
Steven crossed the room, sinking into the couch, sitting next to Layla. “I don’t like that you’re not with her. I…I don’t think the danger has passed yet.”
“It probably hasn’t. The king, Kieran, even Harrow…None of them have to jump through as many hoops to come and go as they please. I worry Parliament has made Y/N a sitting duck. It isn’t hard to find out where she’s staying, who her lawyers are, when she’s going to be questioned…All it takes is one half-baked plan for them to take her out.”
Steven swallowed thickly, glancing at the large windows that overlooked the kingdom. Staring back at him were Marc and Jake, concerned looks on their faces that he was sure his own face mirrored.
She’s going to be fine, Jake said. She promised to be back by lunch. She’ll be fine.
You don’t know that, Marc muttered. 
Layla watched Steven carefully, before asking, “What are they saying?”
Steven glanced back at Layla. “Jake thinks she’ll be fine, but Marc isn’t convinced.”
“And what about you?”
“…I think that, regardless of if things go well or go to hell, we should be ready for the worst case scenario.”
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You couldn’t remember the last time you had been out in public without Layla. Or any other royal guard, if you were being honest. It didn’t feel right, being without her. And as you eyed Billy Fitzgerald, the guard that Parliament assigned to you, as he practically fell asleep during your meeting with Matt and Foggy, you knew that nothing good could come under his “watchful” eye. 
Perhaps it was wrong of you to unload these feelings now, to Foggy and Matt especially. But, you felt like you could get a genuine response from them. If you told Layla or your fiancés…Well, they would be comforting, you were sure of that. But you wouldn’t know how much of it was them trying to offer genuine reassurance and how much they were just trying to placate you.  
“I don’t feel good about this,” you said to the two lawyers. 
Matt raised a brow. “About the questioning, or in general?”
“The questioning will be fine,” you said. “I just have to stick to the truth. But everything else…I don’t know if it’s because I’ve been left alone for so long now or if something bad is actually going to happen, but I can’t…I have this feeling that something is going to happen. I don’t know if I’ll be okay when it does.”
Foggy spared a glance at Billy. “I can see why you feel like that.” He looked back to you, his face softening. “But there are a lot of people in your life who will do anything it takes to make sure you’re safe. There’s a lot of people in your court.”
“But what if they only feel like that because they think they have some obligation to me? That they worked with me…for me…for so long, it’s just another work obligation. That they were forced into this situation, and they don’t know how to get out so they keep playing the part.”
Foggy frowned, his brows furrowing together. “You don’t actually think that, do you?”
You sucked in a breath, before wetting your lips with your tongue. You didn’t like the thought, but it was one that hadn’t left you for a long time. “All I know is that my mother was the first and…and possibly only person who cared about me just as I am. Everyone else? I don’t know. I really don’t. Their care and concern could be genuine. Or, like I said, they feel like they have some feeling of obligation.”
A silence hung in the air. You could sense that neither man were quite sure how to address such a statement. You weren’t quite sure how to address it, either. If you did, you wouldn’t need to say it out loud, to ask someone else. You would’ve been able to figure it out up in your hotel room. But now…Now you knew that you didn’t have the first clue how to sift through these feelings.
“There’s a lot of things people will do out of mere obligation,” Matt finally said. “But risking their own livelihood? People don’t do that unless they care. People don’t go out on a line for someone unless that someone means something to them. Whoever it is that you’re concerned about…They care.”
“I don’t know if I can make myself believe that.”
The sound of a chair scraping across the floor pulled the three of you from your conversation. You turned your head, seeing Billy get of his chair. He groaned as he stood, stretching his limbs, before asking, “We done here yet?”
You looked back at Matt and Foggy. “Yes, I suppose we are. Will I be seeing you before the questioning?”
“We can pick you up, if you like,” Foggy said. 
You nodded. “I’ll call about the details when I return to the hotel.”
You got up from your seat, shaking Foggy’s hand and then Matt’s, before turning back to Billy. He opened the door, letting you walk ahead of him, before following after you. He walked behind you, which you found odd. Layla always walked at your side or in front of you. You wondered if that was a difference in training between the two guards. Then, a darker thought settled in you. What if this was the thing you were worried about?
Throwing a look over your shoulder, you tried to see if there was anything strange about Billy. If there was something you should be concerned about. But he kept his gaze ahead of him, not quite looking at you. When you turned back around, you realized you had reached the car. You started to grab the door handle to open the door—something you rarely got to do, but wanted to take advantage of since you doubted Billy knew royal protocol—when he said something. 
“I’m so sorry, princess,” he said. 
Your head whipped around, your brows furrowing together. Hm. Perhaps he did know something about royal protocol. But…then why did he have that look in his eyes? One of…what was that? Remorse? “Excuse me?”
But he didn’t say anything. Instead, he moved faster than you would have expected him to move, grabbing the back of your head, smashing it against the window of the car. You crumpled, falling to the ground, everything going dark. 
Not again, you thought bitterly before your consciousness slipped away, followed by— I hope they know to look for me. 
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The clock struck two, and there still hadn’t been a sign of you. Not a word, not a peep. Anxiety began to settle deep in Steven’s bones. He didn’t have a good feeling about this. He didn’t have a good feeling about this. He didn’t have a good feeling about this at all. 
“She’s not the type of person who eats lunch at four, is she?” Steven asked. 
Layla, who had taken to standing by the window, watching the cars drive by the hotel, shook her head. “She’s always had a strict routine. Lunch is at noon. Always.” She turned her head, raising a brow. “Have you met people who eat lunch at four?”
“Jake’s a weird guy is all I’m going to say.”
Hey!, Jake protested.
“Should we call someone? Matt and Foggy, maybe? See if the meeting is just running late?” Steven asked. 
Layla glanced at the clock on the wall, chewing on her lip. Then, she reached into her pocket, fishing out her cell phone. “I’ll call.”
“Put it on speaker, yeah?” Steven said, walking closer to Layla.  
She went through her contacts before settling on the one listed as Nelson & Murdock. The dial tone rung through the room as she hit the speaker button. After a few rings, Foggy answered, “You’ve reached Nelson and Murdock, Nelson speaking.”
“Hey, it’s Layla.”
Foggy dropped his more professional voice for a friendlier one. “Layla, hey! How can I help you? Y/N ready to set up the details about when we’re picking her up in the morning?”
Layla glanced at Steven. Steven was sure all of the color had drained from his face. No, no, no…The bad feeling wasn’t supposed to come true. 
“…Actually, I was calling because I was wondering if your meeting with Y/N was running late.”
“Uh, she left a while ago, actually. ”Foggy paused, calling out to Matt. Matt’s response was muffled, before Foggy said, “Yeah, she left at around eleven. Did she not make it back?”
“No, not yet. I’m sure it might just be traffic,” Layla said. Steven looked out the window, at the near-empty streets. “I’ll try calling her now. Thank you, though.”
As Layla hung up, Steven was already pulling out his phone, dialing your number. It went straight to voicemail. He tried again with the same result. He tried a third time, and he was ready to vomit when he went to voicemail. 
“This isn’t good, Layla,” he said. 
“…I’ll call…Shit, I don’t know.” Layla gripped at her hair, her eyes squeezing shut. “This was the fucking thing I was supposed to prevent. How could I let this happen?”
Call the prime minister, Marc said. Sam something. He’s the one overseeing the investigation, right?
“Marc says to call the prime minister,” Steven reported. 
Layla opened her eyes, considering the option. “…that might be helpful. I don’t have the bodyguard’s number, but Sam might.”
But as Layla started to dial Sam’s number, her phone began ringing— And Sam was the one who was calling. She glanced at Steven, worry evident in her eyes, before accepting the call. After putting the phone on speaker, she said, “I was just about to call you.”
“That doesn’t make me feel good, if I’m being honest,” Sam said. “Have you seen the princess?”
“That’s why I was calling. That bodyguard you assigned picked her up for her meeting, but they never made it back. Foggy said they left the office at eleven.”
“…our bodyguard never made it out of the building.”
Steven couldn’t stop himself from snatching the phone from Layla. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?!”
“Steven…We need to remain calm, okay? We’re going to get to the bottom of it.”
“What do you mean your bodyguard never made it out of the building?!” he repeated, aggression still present in his voice. 
“We just found Joaquin knocked out in a storage closet ten minutes ago. When he came to, he said he was attacked.”
“…then who the hell is with Y/N?” Steven asked. 
“I’m afraid I don’t know,” Sam admitted. “I’m sorry. I’ll alert the appropriate channels, but for now…”
“We have to operate under the assumption that the princess has been kidnapped.”
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