#There is a non-zero chance of me writing a fanfic with this premise
jammed-one · 2 years
William Corzine from Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction, season 2, episode 1, was an avatar of The End, no I am not taking criticism at this time.
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cienie-isengardu · 7 years
Q&A meme thing
tagged by @inthegrayworld I’m so sorry for late answers!
1. What ship did you ship with all your shipping heart that never become canon?
None? I don’t really do the shipping and even if I like(d) some non-canon pairings it never was for romantic or sexual reasons.
2. The plot of a fanfic you may or may not ever write.
Oh boy, there is so many plots in my head XD But let’s stick with Mortal Kombat for a moment: a story focused at Frost who betrayed Kuai Liang and joined the Revenant / reborn!Quan Chi. The New Generation saw her as an enemy and fought her on many occasions. Only to learn in the final battle that she was Lin Kuei’s undercover agent the whole time, whose role was to get close to Quan Chi, so the Sub-Zero brothers could finish / imprison him for good by using some dangerous technique based on their cryomancer skills & family bonds. After that Frost joined Cage’s team and drove everyone crazy.
That, or more angst-ish story in which Kuai Liang get seriously sick/injured, but his type of blood (thanks to cryomancer legacy) is too rare & different from normal human blood. Hanzo & New Generation goes to Netherrealm to find Noob Saibot in hope he will help his brother in dire need. Bi-Han of course refuses (since his blood is tainted) but in the end team actually learnt that Kuai Liang’s parents are alive and they are determinated to get the needed blood from his father. But there is a reason why Kuai Liang never cared for his father and Bi-Han outrightly resents the man.
The stories may be actually connected to each other and are - in the premise - focused at dynamics between Sub-Zero brothers and cryomancers as the whole. Just some angst, Hanzo copying with his past thanks to specific friendship / comradeship with Kuai Liang, a lot Frost because there is so little about her and the more connection between “old” heroes and new ones then better.
3. What was your first fandom?
Hm, I liked to watch & read a lot things as a kid, including Star Wars and old anime as Dragon Ball, Captain Tsubasa or General Daimos and movies I shouldn’t watch as so young kid. But I guess Star Wars fandom was the first I consciously joined.
4. If you were going into battle, which fictional character would you like to have your back?
Anakin Skywalker. He is a great warrior whose plans may sounds crazy but are quite brilliant and effective. And if something is going wrong, I know he is going to do everything to protect his fellow comrades from harm even at his own expense.
5. Which fictional character would you get drunk with?
Roronoa Zoro. He doesn’t get drunk, has very sharp sense of observation & fast reflex, so I would really feel safe around him while drinking. Also, I see him as asexual & aromantic person, so I wouldn’t worry about unwanted sexual and/or drunk comments & attention and though he may act like jerk sometimes, he is also funny and very honest man.
6. Do 100 push-ups or 100 sit-ups?
Sit-ups I guess. Sit before computer and up for snacks or water or to see what’s going in other rooms XD
7. If you could have any creature as your devoted pet, what would it be?
Dragon, wolf, raven, bat or any cat would be great! Then again, I’m not relly picky, I would welcome & love any creature who would offer me its true friendship.
8. If you had a million million dollars, what would you do with it?
After making sure my family & closest friends are financially secured and happy, I would put money into making movie(s) and / or animated series based on the Siewca Wiatru book series to start with. The story and its characters need a bit of polishing but I love them since I read the book for the first time. There is a lot cool angels and demons and I really want to see Lucyfer and hell's special forces in action and the epic Flight and Fall of Litiel XD Not to mention my all headcanons and analysis of this universe coming true, hell yeah!.
9. What color is your lightsaber?
I’m Mandalorian at heart, I don’t need or want lightsaber. But if I had to choose then red (and only because black color looked so weird in TCW).
10. Book that you’d recommend everyone to read.
Don’t know if anyone would have a chance to read it since I’m not sure if Siewca Wiatru by Maja Lidia Kossakowska was translated into other languages than Polish. On tumblr it’s known as Sower of the Wind thanks to Zlukaka & Luffik’s fanfic “As heaven is wide” & fanarts I think? But who knows, maybe you will see a fan translated version soon.
That or The Witcher saga by Andrzej Sapkowski. It’s good to know the original story before serial will show on TV.
11. How many glasses of water have you had today? Doctors say you need at least eight. Hydrate, folks.
I don’t drink enough water, that’s for sure...
Now, let’s suffer with my own questions:
1. Your own Original Character(s) you like the most?
2. How do you feel about Darth Vader?
3. Are you night owl or early bird?
4. Tell me something about your favorite female characters! Who are they?
5. Do you have story (or any other creative project) you wish to publish one day?
6. Do you prefer cold or hot weather?
7. Favorite Disney’s villian(s)?
8. What’s your zodiac sign?
9. The last book you read?
10. Do you have any headcanon(s) that you so badly wish to become canon one day?
11. (Real of fictional) proverb that you really appreciate and care to share with us?  I would love if you can write it in engish and your native / its ficnional language too!
@zlukaka, @luffik, @evolvana, @ride-the-vinsomer, @isshi69nikkei, @mahiyana, @maxpowersimpsonskywalkerspock, @animeftw10,  @eagle1sky, @everyone who wants to answer! :)
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Heathers Fanfic Ideas
Okay so I’ve been trying to write lately and just felt like writing out the 4-ish story premises I have both because I’m bored and so I don’t forget them if I want to expand on one
- Time Loop AU: 
Kay so I’m a sucker for AUs where the protagonist gets sent back to the beginning of the story and then has to fix their mistakes. But I also like time loop stories (mainly that one Librarians episode), so I thought, what if Veronica was sent back in time by someone trying to give her a second chance (I basically stole Hoid and stuck him here), but accidentally trapped her in a time loop of the events of the play. I kinda liked this idea because it lets you write basically every ship idea and combination and do a whole bunch of crazy stuff and most of it won’t have consequences. Veronica would have to psychologically deal with seeing bad stuff happen over and over again, and restarting even when she does do almost everything right (the time loop doesn’t end until she finds the perfect ending, so to speak). Of course, I thought I might have some sort of antagonist so she can’t get everything right that easily; someone who’s traveling through time with her and trying to sabotage everything she does. I like this idea a lot, but it also requires far more skill and time than I have right now. I might try to write it in the background of something else.
Pros: Long, lets me do a lot of weird shit, lets me ship literally everyone, supernatural Heathers AUs are fun, Hoid cameos
Cons: Would be hard to make it not boring, and you’d probably have to choose only a few timelines to fully write through, long, requires romance writing skills that I don’t have, would take fucking forever
- JD/Chandler/Veronica AU
This is a basic idea I want someone to do, not necessarily me. So I’m a fan of the Chansawdean ship (I made that up because it doesn’t have a name) which seemingly no one writes, and the people who do tend to not write long stories. Basically you have Veronica and JD, but also Chansaw, and JD and Chandler sort of fight over Veronica’s attention and act as sort of the devil and the.... other devil on her shoulders. Eventually of course they’d resolve their differences and have a happy ending but that’d be at the end. It’d probably start with Chandler being jealous of JD and Veronica after she kicked Veronica out (most likely Veronica would just have grabbed the right cup in Chandler’s house or something so she didn’t die), and then she sort of shoves herself into the relationship. So the problem with this one, as much as I love the idea, is it’s an entirely romance story, and I have zero experience or skill with that. Also this is by far the least plotted out one I have.
Pros: Fun, funny, has both JD and Chandler ships, could be serious or non-serious, doesn’t already exist
Cons: Requires romance writing skills I don’t have, I don’t have an outline of this at all, so I’ll probably keep this idea on the back burner
- Mean Girls/Heathers Crossover AU
So there are a bunch of crossovers of these, but not so many that there aren’t ideas left. I had a couple premise ideas. So idea one, Cady, instead of transferring to North Shore, transfers to Westerberg after moving from Africa and befriends/falls in love with Veronica. Either this would be the year that Heathers takes place in, or Veronica would have been a junior that year and it’d be the year after (the latter of which is probably a better but less fun idea). Although the former has actual conflict so that could be fun. Problem is I don’t actually like Cady that much, so I want to find some way to fit Janis into it in her place (I can ship Janis and Veronica, shut up.). I’d need another explanation for her being there but it could work. And the interactions of those two could be hilarious. This idea could go a bunch of ways, basically it would be one or more of the Mean Girls cast transferring to Westerberg either during or post Heathers.
Pros: Crossovers are fun, Janis/Veronica ship, wouldn’t take place during the musical so I could screw stuff up with less consequences if I choose to do that, could possibly have the Plastics meet the Heathers
Cons: Requires romance writing skills I don’t have (a lot of them), is a very not fleshed out idea, would need some more stuff to be original
- Vampire Chansaw AU
So this is the one I’ve actually been thinking about writing because it’d be a fun mess. There are an annoyingly small amount of vampire Chandler AUs (And only one of them is really good (It’s Unholy)), and the good one I’ve read has a very good but also strange tone that I think you could remove to make the story much different. So anyway, the basic idea of this one is that Chansaw is a thing, but Veronica eventually finds out that the reason Chandler doesn’t want to be with her is because her family is involved in an organization of vampires including Chandler herself, and she doesn’t want to get Veronica involved. However once that inevitably fails, the two have to run from/infiltrate the vampire underground in order to prevent them killing Veronica for knowing about them, with the help of the rest of the cast who would be on various sides. So I actually really like this idea and it would definitely be the one I wrote if I ever was to actually complete a story, both because vampire Chansaw AUs are just really fun and because it’s very supernatural so I can do whatever I want and it will work.
Pros: Supernatural AUs are fun, Chansaw, Vampire Chandler,  could throw seriousness out the window when I didn’t feel like it, mostly original worldbuilding, not entirely romance based so it wouldn’t be as terrible if the romance wasn’t that good, could be long or short
Cons: still requires romance writing skills I don’t freakin have
Kay so obviously the first and last ones are the only ones on here that would ever get written by me, mostly the last one. HOWEVER IF ANYONE WANTS TO STEAL THESE IDEAS EXCEPT THE LAST ONE AND WRITE A STORY BASED OFF IT PLEASE DO because I won’t get to them and I want to see both of them. The first one could really be good I think, simply because if would just be a whole lot of normal AUs strung together plus fun supernatural stuff. But I’m not that good or committed yet, so I think the last one is what I’ll write if I end up writing anything. Imma outline it heavily first, just so I don’t hit plot block early on.
Thank you for reading this very long post, and feel free to DM me. This isn’t related to this post I just want DMs because I’m bored :)
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