#There is a distinct possibility that silly mode is more dangerous
madcontainer · 2 years
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paragonrobits · 1 year
first initial thoughts of watching the 1st episode of fionna and cake actually:
the AT characters actually SAYING 'fuck' is not nearly as dissonant as it seems to be for a lot of other people; it comes across as them just really wanting to say things like that this whole time
Ice King present in any form as a Tuxedo Mask stand-in is... I'm not sure how i feel about that!!!
i like the ratbus and for that matter, the general pastel aesthetic of this world. it feels like a kirby game and is very cute
this dream reads as a weird premonition of things to come and a HYPER idealized take on what Simon is actually like. This is far from the first time a Finn incarnation dreams of things to come, as Ice Prince does NOT read anything like Ice King in any way, idealized or not. He comes off more as Simon, so if this is just Fionna wishing for a more adventurous lifestyle (which given the city, IS a distinct possibility), it is notable that he is not Ice Queen in any way, but feels a lot more like the most extreme best case scenario for Simon Petrikov with Ice King's powers (minus Simon being a massive dork that honestly isn't that different from Ice King in maximum silly minimum danger mode)
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claire-starsword · 1 year
The Shining Series’ lost mobile games
so, apparently japanese company G-MODE has an archive of old mobile games for the Nintendo Switch (and maybe Steam as well? so I’ve heard but i’m having trouble finding it). If you don’t know, Japan had a lot of unique pre-smartphone technologies, and a lot of games produced specifically for these platforms as well. Because these services have finally shutdown in recent years, these games are now inaccessible for the public and in danger of being lost forever, which sucks big time, so it’s nice to know at least one company that cares to keep them around, and their archive apparently even includes some third-party games besides their own.
how did I find this out? They’re celebrating the archive’s third anniversary by asking people of games they’d like to see added. They’ll be taking replies until April 30th. I don’t put much stock in that kinda thing, since i know nothing of business so who knows what kinds of negotiations are required for that kind of thing to begin with, it’s not guaranteed any suggestions will be added. Besides, I’m of the feeling that if certain big companies (like say, Sega, hypothetically) wanted to preserve their stuff they’d already done it on their own.
am I still clowning out there asking for shining force stuff? You silly bean of course I am. And more people are asking for Sega stuff as well. So I’m inviting you to clown with us, or at the very least get to know what stuff was once out there to begin with, because the Shining series has quite a few of these games, including tactical RPG entries that classic fans have always wanted back, and it sucks that they’re simply lost and uncared for now.
(Note: should you really decide to reply the tweet, here’s a template if you don’t know japanese:
タイトル: [game’s name, preferably in japanese of course]
メーカー名: [name of the company that made the game]
So let’s begin with the games that have already popped up in this blog:
Shining Force Chronicles I/II/III (シャイニング・フォース クロニクル I/II/III)
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The Shining Force Chronicles trilogy were ports of the Game Gear’s Shining Force Gaiden games. As you can see above though, they had different graphics. They are also very weird in that they seem to have been vvvvvery briefly available on Play Store as well? And then removed? And then accessible only through a Sega subscription service that has also shutdown??? so yeah it’s weird, but Android versions seem to exist as well, despite being just as lost. I tried very hard to find apk files but got nothing. If you ever do,
Ahem. At the very least, sprite dumps of the games (SFCIII here) exist in the Shining Force Central forums, so we can enjoy the updated graphics to some extent. I’ve even posted some comparisons between them and the originals for Gaiden III - Final Conflict before, but while the battle sprites there are only resized versions of the game gear ones, I and II did better and straight up redrew some to make them distinct as opposed to palette swaps.
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Here’s some examples, pretty cool right? Sadly the game’s animations were more limited so there aren’t as many frames, but I still appreciate the heck out of these.
Shining Road -to the force- (シャイニング・ロード ~トゥ・ザ・フォース~)
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I sadly cannot find footage of this game at all, so all I know comes from the archived website. It seems to be a turn based dungeon crawling RPG where you and your party members move together tile by tile and must figure your way through the dungeon without getting separated. Each of the four playable characters has their own attack range, and depending of your formation around enemies, it is possible to unleash combo attacks.
It’s hard to judge without seeing the game in action, but it feels to me they were trying to mix up the tactical rpg roots of the series with the dungeon crawling and smaller parties of Shining Soul, and in fact, the game does lift assets straight up from the Soul games. The character sprites however have a lot more color and are very pretty in my opinion.
Story wise it takes place in the same world as Shining Tears, following the story of Affen, a treasure hunter who dreams of becoming the first human Beast King General of the kingdom of Bestia. I’m not too familiar with the Tears setting to comment on that, but I’ll note that two out of the other three party members are said to dislike humans. The game got a sequel, Shining Road 2 -Priestess of the Dark Dragon- (シャイニング・ロード2 ~黒き竜の巫女~) which seems to be essentially the same in terms of gameplay.
Shining Force EXA Mobile (シャイニング・フォース イクサモバイル)
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Sadly I cannot find footage of this one either, but as you can see in the pictures, this one is a tactical RPG like the classics, but with the world and cast of Shining Force EXA. The archived website is poor in information compared to the other games here, but it mentions the Geo-Fort being playable and capable of upgrades like in the PS2 version, which might be this game’s distinctive feature in terms of gameplay.
Story wise, it seems to take place somewhere during the original game’s plot, with the characters being transported to another world by a mysterious gate, losing their memories in the process. It sounds like a very excuse-y filler plot, but according to the one liveblog i managed to find, it actually delves into Toma’s backstory quite a bit, and also introduces new characters related to Faulklin and Duga.
I didn’t play EXA but did enjoy the story quite a bit, so I’d love to see more of this characters. Out of all games in this list, this is the one I’m most curious about. Sadly I can’t even find pictures of its exclusive characters though... I’d love to see an older dog boy in the series.
Shining Wind X ~Weissritter War Chronicle~ (シャイニング・ウィンド・クロス ~ヴァイスリッター戦記~)
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Ah, the classic japanese of putting letters in names and reading them however you want. That is meant to be read as “Shining Wind Cross”, and it’s a tactical RPG like the classics, with the world and characters of Shining Tears/Wind fighting a bunch of dark elves.
What little footage I could find of it sadly does not show battles, but it shows certain assets are lifted directly from Shining Force Chronicles, and the archived website confirms that yup, it plays very much like the Chronicles/Gaiden games, alternating between tactical battles with a party of up to 12 characters, and HQ stops where you manage your party, items and everything else. These HQ stops also allow you to talk with your party members, including choosing dialogue options that might deepen your bond with a character, unlocking extra story events. As a soulblader, the main character Soma also gets to select a partner each battle and do special link skills with them, whose strength also depends on your bond with them.
Thankfully this one also has a character page so we see the whole playable cast, which includes a bunch of centaurs, blind foxling monk, and, crow birdman ninja, which wields a staff?? for some reason??? i’m a bit confused at his class but he does look sick as hell and that’s mostly what i want of a shining game.
So yeah, this is mostly all I know about these mobile games, if anyone has more info please let me know, it sucks that they and so many others are stuck in limbo, and finding any information at all is hard, everybody say thank you Wayback Machine for what little i have here. Also, if anyone wants direct translations of certain pages here let me know, I did summaries only because i don’t want this post to get even bigger.
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maomao-words · 4 years
Inspiration hit me a few days ago and all I felt like doing was write for the MLQC fandom! (=・ω・=)
So here I am! I will hopefully post some of my other writings soon too!
But for now, I hope you enjoy these (●'◡'●)ノ
MLQC Boys as Bodyguards: (Victor, Lucien, Kiro and Gavin)
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Weapons: A handgun equipped with a silencer and a katana which has your initials engraved on its black handle.
Background: Victor is the top ranked bodyguard known in the high society. Your family had to go through a prolonged battle of wits and money with numerous other important figures just to be able to hire Victor as your bodyguard. Dominating and commanding, Victor’s distinct aura screams authority and power for all who lay their eyes on him. Just his name is enough to deter countless of those who were planning to harm you. Those stupid enough to still risk attacking with Victor at your side simply dug their own graves and were not even able to get any information on your whereabouts, let alone spill your blood.
Fighting style: Victor does not mess around. His words are the law and the law you shall follow. He has been handed the duty of protecting you and he has no intention of wasting his time on indulging you in your risky adventures and whimsical decisions. He gets to decide everything that concerns your safety and all you have to do, in order to continue surviving, is to obey his orders. An advice? Do not attempt to rebel against him. It will only result in him convincing your father to leave you in charge of several business-related projects that will bound you to your office for no less than six months.
With his intricate network of acquaintances and allies of important and powerful figures, it is only rarely that Victor gets to fight directly in order to protect you. Victor is highly skilled in predicting threats and eliminating them before they even fully manifest. In those scarce moments where an enemy is powerful enough to get near you, Victor is considered as the last and ultimate defense line. He likes to execute his attacks silently and calmly. One shot to the heart will quickly seal the deal, save Victor’s efforts and protect you from needless scenes of blood and violence. Many enemies have mistaken the handgun as Victor’s main weapon, disregarding the katana as a mere ornament, and focused most of their manpower on disarming him. This mistake is what usually leads to their complete annihilation. Victor’s katana which he carries with him at all times is in fact his cherished lifeline as it is efficient, practical and does not run out of lethality.
Off duty: Victor’s off duty routine is not that far from his day to day habitual activities. He remains in full control of all things and does not seem to recognize the real meaning of being off the clock. The one thing that does change, however, is that Victor gets sweeter and gentler with you. If you have been an obedient master for the past few days, Victor will make sure to reward you with a taste of his cooking which you absolutely love.
With Victor at your side, just sit back and relax since danger is no longer a possible happening in your world. I do hope however that you are ready to pay the “price” of this absolute safety as Victor is not cheap by all means.
Weapons: A sniper rifle with a high-precision for ranged attacks and a handgun for close combat.
Background: Lucien is the bodyguard you cannot read most. At days, you even wonder whether he is really on your side or simply lurking in your shadows to eventually kill you. His eyes betray none of his thoughts and his hands, cold yet tender as they wrap around your waist to guide you through dangerous situations, seem to be always covered in blood yet somehow still feel as gentle as a feather on your skin. Lucien is a riddle that you are ready to spend your whole life solving, even if the chances of winning are close to none.
Fighting Style: Lucien mostly prefers to situate himself in the shadows of the roof a tall building and strike the enemy with one shot of his rifle from a distance. Lucien is known to dislike close combat; a fact several of your enemies sought to exploit only to discover that Lucien is as merciless with his fists as he is with his rifle. He just dislikes getting blood on his suit and would prefer to avoid that.
Mysterious and charming, you will not be able to get your eyes off of Lucien no matter how much his actions scream treason and suspicion. Because no matter how much his plots and schemes seem to be leading you to death, he will always appear at the very last second and gets you out of harm’s way, with a gorgeous smile in tow. Lucien’s existence is like a deadly poison to you, and you are just addicted to him.
Off duty: Lucien’s role in your life extends from a talented bodyguard and assassin to your own personal butler. He takes care of delivering and managing all the important papers and documents sent to you and even offers his own advice on different business-related matters. He also manages your personal schedule and private affairs, from meals and sleeping times to clothing choices and hairdresser appointments. Lucien is a highly qualified aid so do listen carefully to him. You will not regret following the plans he draw. Despite it all, however, there are also moments where Lucien seems to open up to you, moments where his eyes, usually two bottomless voids of blackness, suddenly clear up and his smile gets softer as he gazes at you cooking or playfully petting his cat. Those moments, although scarce and rare, are your most cherished possessions and you won’t exchange them for the world.
With Lucien by your side, you must get used to courting danger. Just never question why you are enjoying hell as you keep on dancing with the devil.
Weapons: A mini laptop and a dagger with a golden handle with your initials engraved on it. He also carries a handgun in case of emergencies.
Background: Kiro seems to be your best friend who just happens to also be your bodyguard. Right from the start, Kiro seemed to win your heart in a blink of an eye and you formed an inseparable duo ever since. Thanks to his bubbly personality and sunshine-like smile, you just can’t help but smile and giggle whenever you are around Kiro. Nevertheless, despite the numerous years you spent by his side, you are still startled by the drastic changes Kiro display when it is necessary for him to activate his bodyguard mode and discard his tender smile and gentle touches.
Fighting style: Don’t be tempted. Kiro’s lovely smile and gorgeous looks are nothing but a deadly trap for those who wish you harm. Kiro will not hesitate to use them to his benefit, attracting them before slicing their throats with a cold smile on his face. He usually takes care of all threats as soon as they start to bud and before they even reach the range of a kilometer close to you. With his trusty laptop in hand, Kiro will manipulate, hack and destroy whatever he deems dangerous. Your villa’s top notch security is also established and managed by Kiro, so rest assured, no intruder will be able to set foot into your backyard without being shot or electrified to death.
Off duty: Once his job is finished, Kiro will turn back to his sunshine self in a blink of an eye and will turn to you with his twinkling eyes and jumps on you, asking for a bear hug. Kiro’s off duty routine mostly consists in eating unhealthy snacks, watching hero movies with you and challenging you in silly video games. If the coast is safe enough for you to leave the house, Kiro will definitely accompany you to movies, to attraction parks, to zoos and to basically wherever you wish to go. If there is any sign of danger, Kiro will coop up with you at home and keep you entertained all the while keeping an eye out on you and making sure the threat that is forbidding you both from having your usual dates is dead and buried before the 12 hours mark even passes.
I hope you like sugar and fluffy sweets because that’s how life will taste like with Kiro by your side. Ah, but don’t forget! Even teddy bears have sharp claws!
Weapons: A handgun and a mercenary knife with a silver handle that you personally picked for him.
Background: Gavin seems as the calm, collected and detached type of bodyguard at the start. When he first started working for your family, he simply performed his duties to a perfection, protected you to the best of his abilities and then completely detached himself from you as soon as he was off duty. You initially thought that he was uninterested in building an actual relationship with you and respected the distance he drew between you. But as time went by, you discovered that, contrary to your assumptions, Gavin was just too clumsy in his attempt to get close to you and ended up cutting you off instead of bringing you to him. This awkward yet sincere confession came from a very red-faced Gavin as he lay on top of you trying to shield you from bullets. His clumsiness managed to win you heart and your relationship started to change for the better ever since.
Fighting style: Gavin is a proficient all-rounded soldier. He is perfectly capable of tracking and hunting down enemies, leading and coordinating between security teams as well as shielding and protecting allies. Gavin is sure to secure the safety of his client regardless of the threat he faces. He prefers close combat as he is highly competent in hand to hand battles as well as street brawls. He is also extremely skillful with his gun, using it mostly to secure an escape route for you in cases of ambushes and, in extreme situations, shoot down any threat on the spot. Gavin does not kill until he deems the situation necessary. He values human life and continuously encourage you not to hold grudges and not to consider the world as a mere violent and bloody realm.
Off duty: Off duty, Gavin’s more laid back and boyish charms come to the surface. He likes exercising in his free time and welcomes you with open arms if you come to him for private self-defense lessons. Gavin also enjoys playing video games with you and does not hesitate to let you win just to receive one of your hugs as a reward. When it comes to his butler skills, however, he is at the same low level of Kiro. He once attempted to bake a cake for you, ended up burning half of the kitchen’s ceiling and was banned from getting close to a stove for the rest of his life by you.
Just get used to the feeling of safety because Gavin is willing to risk his life for you. So let him spoil you.
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beautheexpositor · 5 years
Jester's Emotions
Okay y'all, a Beaujester conversation happened and so naturally here comes the meta train.
This one went quite a bit differently from how I expected it to at the beginning of the conversation, but right from the beginning there were some very clear and distinct things notable about Jester and what she's been feeling.
There's a lot to talk about here, so I'm going to break it down as best as possible.
Now, it's easy to see Beau's panic. The person she's crushing on has asked if she's avoiding her completely out of the blue, and pulls her into a conversation saying she "Knows why" Beau has been avoiding her. Insert obvious gay panic here.
But Jester is the one who initiates this, because Jester is scared. Setting all possible romantic feelings aside for a second, Jester has at least noticed that her best friend has been a little odd- and Jester is the type to always want to please others and make them happy, so of COURSE she'll freak out the moment someone acts a little differently around her. Of course, if someone is avoiding her, surely she did something wrong that she needs to apologize for. Now, whether or not Beau has actively been avoiding Jester is up for speculation and would take a bunch more meta, but if she is, Jester is quite wrong about the reason (this becomes apparent when she says why and Beau looks shocked, laughing and responding "No, that's not- no, not at all") Jester is scared that she was a bad friend. She feels personally responsible for Beau. I mean, it's very obvious right from the first "It's because I didn't save you." Even though there are two clerics and multiple people with healing abilities in the party, Jester was sorry that it wasn't HER. She's been torn up about her decision of not saving Beau to the point where she feels like Beau has been avoiding her because of it. Jester is testing and looking for Beau's reaction, because Jester feels as if something is off and feels as if she needs to find an amends to make to set things back and have Beau back. Of course, this isn't the reason, so Beau starts comforting her (in her own, Beau-ish, gay panic sort of way).
This all leads to Jester apologizing anyways, and then opening up a lot and showing her fears and vulnerability by saying "I don't want you to die." This moment is incredibly important. Jester doesn't often show how afraid she is, Jester doesn't like to bring up things like the fact that what they're doing is dangerous, and they all could die. It's apparent that she wants to say something, she wants a reason for why she feels so extra obligated to protect Beau specifically- and there are many times when she almost will say something, only for Beau to keep talking and her to stop mid track. Yet she says that. She admits a fear. After all the things she almost said, all the excuses she could've made, she knows the truth. More than anyone, she doesn't want to lose Beau.
Then, less than moments after she shows this vulnerability, she changes the subject to some silly ridiculous thing she did FOR Beau, so as to keep the conversation going without getting serious. I think this part is incredibly important to show Jester's mindset in this conversation and overall. She missed Beau, and wants to talk to her, but she doesn't want to explore territory that gets too deep because she isn't sure entirely what she's feeling. This conversation does not go the way she was imagining it to, though, and there is a clear return to square one for Jester. Once again, she finds a potential reason for Beau to be upset with her (because there has to be a reason, this is BEAU, and f she's avoiding her, clearly it is Jester's fault). Her statement, "This is what I should be apologizing for," Shows that fear coming back again, but Beau- even in her confusion and probably in her overwhelmed state- wants to comfort Jester, and can't help but "Love her ridiculous plan." She goes as far as to even openly call Jester endearing for doing it, which seems to calm Jester's nerves a bit, because she smiles, then goes into planning mode instead of apology mode.
By the end of it, even though they bicker a bit, Beau has opened up to Jester, and Jester very clearly wants to help Beau. She wants to be there for her. She cares for Beau, in a way that's different- even from the way she cares about the other M9. Jester's love for Beau is deep, and this is apparent in these moments. These moments where, even when they have something they disagree on, Jester doesn't want to argue with Beau or force her opinion down her throat (Which, normally Jester isn't afraid to do). Instead she says "agree to disagree." To which Beau responds by saying maybe one day she'll believe. When she does, she suggests JESTER be the one to potentially get her to, easing the possible tension by literally giving Jester Molly's tarot deck. Jester shows excitement and obviously freaks out about reading tarot cards, but you can also tell that something shifts in her in this moment. She's not nervous or finding something to apologize for anymore. She's excited again. Beau gave her a meaningful gift. Beau showed that she cares. That, even if their opinions differ or Jester does whacky things, Beau is there- and believes in JESTER. Jester doesn't need to apologize.
Jester gained something out of that conversation, she gained affirmation that Beau cares. She gained affirmation that the reasons she was scared of are not the reasons Beau has been acting strange. She ends it being silly, and is silly many times throughout the conversation; but, that's because that's who Jester IS, Beau too. It's hard for them to sit down and have a conversation without being incredibly THEM. Still, Jester was vulnerable. She was afraid. She was afraid to be drifting from her best friend, and (tin foil hat) potentially afraid of losing someone she's interested in, whether she was consciously aware of that or not. More than anything, she just wanted to talk to Beau. She missed her, and was looking for any and all excuses to find conversation with her. Once she got that conversation, and saw that she had Beau, her very intense emotions throughout the dialogue seemed to calm down. She thanked Beau, and ran off to play with her new very special gift.
TLDR: Jester is deep in her emotions and fears in this conversation, and wants to talk to Beau, because she misses her. She feels that something is off between their dynamic, and is pushing for any and all reasons that Beau might possibly be avoiding her- because in Jesters mind, if someone is avoiding her or acting differently towards her, something must be wrong. She gets deep, and maybe deeper than she knows how to get, and derails then conversation only to find it getting deep again. By the end, even after an argument, Jester seems lighter- and more okay. Beau isn't mad at her, they talked, and Beau gave her a gift. After a lot of emotions, she was thrilled to just have been able to talk to Beau again.
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The Not So Lonesome Knight Part 6
Parts 1 X, 2 X , 3 X , 4 X, 5 X
Where in the Devil were his employees? He can’t help but wonder. They were certainly long overdue!
When they finally arrive at the restaurant, the Foundation’s salt and pepper haired Patriarch is waiting and had apparently been doing so, for a good allotment of time. Devon Miles cast a vexed glance down at this wristwatch. His marvelous topaz eyes radiate impatience which, was tempered by a more merciful nature. His lips are pulled tight into a frown though the relief is evident upon his countenance upon catching sight of the distinctive hard-top taxiing to a stop.
“Kitt, you know the drill.” Michael cheerfully states, shifting the gears into park. They’d been through this routine more than a hundred times by now. Plus, he had every confidence that Kitt would go into surveillance mode as they discussed the case. While, it felt like overkill, Michael really didn’t want to lower his guard. Especially, if someone was preparing to strike out at the Foundation. His detective instincts knew it was a very real possibility.
He exits the cabin and skids his way over Kitt’s hood so that he can promptly open the door for Bonnie. Sure, the day hadn’t been off to the best of starts. Though, he really did enjoy the kiss. Gazing at her now, with that same embarrassed flush upon her face, made him all the more certain that he wanted to be with her or alone the rest of his life. But he can’t imagine upsetting her. He had already come dangerously close to provoking her while they were getting dressed. So it is with earnest that he feels compelled to show her how he felt without the assistance of fancy words.
Flattery and chivalry weren’t things Bonnie was fully accustomed to. So her hand instinctively had flown to the door handle but before she can grasp it, the door is swung wide open before her. She stares long at hard for a second at his proffered hand before allowing her own fingers to graciously curl around it. The grasp parts when she rises to stand upon her own two feet. “Thanks.” The gracious word is imparted, just a hint louder than a whisper. The brunette can feel the tropical scorch rising back into the curves of her cheekbones. Internally, her heart gives a petitioning thud. Tell him, tell him. Her mind chants to no avail. Her tongue was unready and unwilling to gift any such nonsense a voice.
As they walk she can feel the reassuring pressure of his palm residing over the small of her back. He’d always done that for as long as she could remember. For some reason today it felt different. Dare she consider it a loving gesture? No. It had to be a silly trick of her sentimental imagination! Besides, when Michael had learned that she was the one he had been kissing, his azure orbs had almost vacantly searched her. She had interpreted that as Michael showing a polite indifference. Who was she trying to kid by fancying that last night would have any significant impact? Michael was notoriously allergic to attachments. He moved from one girl to the next in pursuit of the next hot fling. Bonnie didn’t want that. She didn’t want meaningless relations. Even more so, she didn’t desire a lowly unimportant place in his life. Still, with his hand pressed against her, the mechanic allows herself to cling to a tiny shred of hope that she may still earn something more than his passing affections.
“My heavens,” the elder gentleman starts, the very minute Bonnie and Michael were seated. The richness of his purely English accent slipping into every syllable. “I was beginning to think you two weren’t going to show.” His gracefully veiled reproach was well deserved given they were definitely more than one hour late. Fidgeting, he readjusts the cuffs of his tailored suit jacket before he picking up the menu to give it another once over. “What in the Devil kept you? I trust you have a good explanation.”
He is met with bashful glances and two definitive apologies. Michael is the first to clear his throat. “It’s my fault, Devon. There was a mix-up at the hotel.”
“Oh?” Devon questions. His graying brow quirking just enough to show that his curiosity had been piqued.
“Well you see,” Michael commences, ready to launch into the whole spiel when Bonnie interjects.
Bonnie, never really one to slouch, allowed herself to sink lower in the comfort of the booth. “It’s a long and uninteresting story, Devon. Let’s just say the front desk made the phone call to the wrong room.” The excuse sounded plausible enough. Didn’t it? She cast a worried glance at the two from over her own menu.
Michael looked as if he had been physically struck. His tongue was ready to dispute part of her explanation when he thought the better of it. Maybe, just maybe, she was right. Undeserved shame compels his head to droop. His mind considers the potential that he wasn’t the great company he thought he was. Try as he might to focus on the menu, he couldn’t. Her words kept rolling like a bowling ball down an endless lane, over and over in his mind. What had she meant by her statement? Why did it feel like she had been speaking in some kind of code? Or was he simply too unintelligent to decipher any message she was trying to get across? Why was it so hard to communicate with her?!
Bonnie snagged a glimpse of Michael. Her heart sinks inside of her chest as his expression bordered on the precipice of offended and angry. Had it been something she said? Worry grips tightly around the slowly thrumming muscle. Each of its beats dredged up fear that he loathed her. How could she backtrack now? Swallowing sharply she feels her appetite fleeting.
Devon, who to this point is still blissfully unaware, cheerfully prompts, “so what will you to be having?” He suspects that his lovely mechanic would resort to ordering something health-conscious and wise while, his haphazard agent would opt for something bathed in grease. His topaz orbs linger with considerable interest upon them.
Bonnie and Michael both had the misfortune of locking each other in the cross-hairs of their gazes when they went to answer. Immediately, they both allow their eyes to falter downwards.
“Well? We don’t exactly have all day.” Devon prods. He was beginning to suspect that something is amiss. They had been getting along so splendidly the other day and now they could barely stand to look at each other.
“Go ahead, Michael.” Bonnie coolly states, in an effort to take some of the pressure off of herself.
Under his breath, he bitterly grumbles, “why don’t you just tell me what I’m allowed to have and what I’m not.” He thinks that it is said in a soft enough tone that it wouldn’t be audible over the other lively conversations around them but it’s not. She always criticized his choices. Particularly, when they came to food and women.
Bonnie’s menu flops down onto the table with a click. “What is that supposed to mean?!” It was her turn to have confusion and offense tattooed to her countenance. Honestly. She can’t even believe he said that!
Small sparks of repentance flicker through his gaze but are quickly snuffed out to something colder than ash. He shifts uncomfortably in his seat. “Well, its just that you...” The unfinished accusation sits like bricks in his tone. Catching a peripheral view of Devon, whose face clearly bespoke disapproval, he recants. “It’s nothing.” Like an admonished child he ducks behind the cover of his menu and he dwells there for several minutes in silence. “Guess, the double cheeseburger looks good.”
“Nothing?” Bonnie prods, not fully willing to let it go. “Michael, if it was nothing you wouldn’t have mentioned it. And now, I want to know.” Want definitely was not a strong enough term.
The curly-haired agent’s menu is dropped beside her discarded one and he leans across the table. His hands fold together like a shuffled deck of cards. “Well, you apparently know what’s best for me. What was it you said a while back, you anticipate my every need?” Every yearning but one. The most important one. The one that revolved around her. “And everythin’ I tend to order is considered junk or trash.” He doesn’t even remember where the hell he was going with his statements so he abruptly ceases. In the undercurrent of his discourse lay a deeper meaning. One he had tried to impart to her that morning. But it lodges stubbornly and quite painfully somewhere inside of him. It changes form and escapes as an unintentionally harsh rebuke that he immediately wishes he could erase.
Her words had been taken so far out of context it was hard to piece them back together. Where was all this coming from? She is so taken aback by his commentary all she can do is glower. In a low grievous tone, she quips, “it’s none of my business if you want to poison yourself.”
In that instant, Devon’s suspicions were confirmed. Something had gone on between them since they had parted ways. Whatever it was, it didn’t appear to be good. Astonished by the cruelty of their banter and wishing to save face for both of them Devon interrupts. “Yes. Well, to each their own. I’m sure you’ll both make the appropriate selections.” He only gives a pause long enough for their orders to be placed with the waitress before directing their attention back to the case. “About Kent Stevens...”
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missolivialouise · 6 years
“A few years ago, after taking a blood test, my doctor told me I had a cholesterol problem. I wasn’t in immediate danger, but I started running regularly. After a year I returned for tests, and he told me the good news: My life expectancy had risen eight years. That was my best checkup ever. What had happened? 
There are two kinds of cholesterol—high-density lipoprotein (HDL), known as good cholesterol, and low-density lipoprotein (LDL), known as bad cholesterol. My bad cholesterol levels had not changed. But my HDL, the good cholesterol, had significantly risen since I started exercising more. My overall cholesterol rose, and I became way healthier. It was then that I realized the huge importance of good cholesterol.
I can remember when doctors thought that all high cholesterol was bad. For the sake of the health of millions of people and for my lifestyle, thank goodness they made that distinction.
 It seems, however, that traffic engineers and transportation planners are behind the curve. A few years back, former CNU president and CEO John Norquist wrote an article about “good congestion” and “bad congestion.” For more than a half century, the US and state governments have been waging a war against traffic congestion in general, spending billions of dollars to fight it through road widenings and new highways. This is fueled by an annual report, published by the Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) at Texas A&M, which generates a “congestion index” for each metro area. According to TTI, congestion is always bad, and it always costs money. When the TTI report comes out, it generates nationwide media coverage, and congestion is uniformly portrayed as bad.”
“Good congestion is a place where everybody wants to be. A beautiful main street or lively downtown are examples—and that place is typically full of people—pedestrians, cyclists, drivers, transit riders. You find good congestion in a great destination.
Bad congestion is a place that where you only want to get through—but you can't get through fast enough because of the congestion. Bad congestion often occurs in miserable places to be—like a beltway or major arterial road lined with strips malls and big box stores.
One easy way to tell the difference between good congestion and bad is to look around. Are there lots of people on foot? Do you see bicyclists on the street? Is the transit service frequent and mode share high? Then you probably have good congestion, because good congestion involves people outside of cars. The best congestion can be found when people are hardly moving at all. People are so happy to be in a particular location they are hanging around for the joy of it. Well-occupied outdoor café tables and park benches are top indicators of good congestion. People talk, buy food from a vender, maybe somebody plays guitar on the side of the best congested streets. The faces your see have purpose and animation—which means they are making connections, doing something meaningful in their lives.
Conversely, if the street is full of cars but nobody is around outside of cars, you’ve got bad congestion. Bad congestion is a joyless condition. Faces are resigned, frustrated, frowning. Hands gripping steering wheels. ”
This article is basically an argument for increasing congestion - the good kind of congestion. 
A successful place - that is to say, a place that lots of people like to be - is going to be congested. The only question is, how would you like that congestion? Full of cars, or full of people? Cars have people in them, obviously, but if you design a space first-and-foremost to get cars through as quickly as possible,  it’s not an efficient use of space, because cars take up so much space per person.
Here’s a visual chart for that
Tumblr media
A big topic in cities is “how can we eliminate congestion?” But that’s kind of a silly question. A successful, popular place is going to be congested, so asking how to eliminate that congestion is like asking “how can we eliminate the popularity of this place/how can we make this place no longer be successful?”
The conversation ought to be about “how can we increase good congestion?”
This article takes a look at that question, and breaks down a few of the ways to get there.
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sarc666-blog · 6 years
GTA 5 Money Adder
GTA 5 Cheats
Some wise man or rapper (I do not genuinely bear in mind) as soon as said that funds guidelines every little thing around him.” The value of income can not be overlooked anywhere, not even in GTA 5. With enough GTA 5 cash in your coffers, you could get oneself a high-finish sports car, a luxurious apartment, designer outfit, artillery, weapons, ammo and so numerous other factors. Zbierz nie wiecej jak GTA$ 100 000 000, przekroczenie tej kwoty moze skutkowac banem w GTA On the internet. Numero Uno (Bronze): GTA On-line: Obtain initial location in all competitive game kinds. The income inside the game expenses for biggest packages much more then $one hundred+ but nonetheless it is a GTA game so i would bought the funds inside the game to if i had some cash in my pockets.https://www.thegtaplanet.net/
<a href=><img src="https://i.imgur.com/BhcEXCF.jpg" title="free gta 5 money" alt="gta 5 free money generator"></a>
One of the films you can watch at the cinema shows the beating heart inside the Happiness Island statue that appeared in GTA IV. Gamers could have no straightforward way to convert in between in-game currency and pounds or dollars, but the amounts accumulated show the extent to which GTA 5's in-game economy might have been manipulated by gamers unwilling to play by the rules.
Go to any funds package in the ocean, the 25,000 on the submarine is the ideal one. To make straightforward income in the stock marketplace, invest in a company, and then target the competing firm. Try to shoot the driver with the briefcase just before he reaches the armored vehicle to speedily get the income ($five,000).
Each and every time you die, hospital produces a new physique which requires some quantity of money. Here is the ideal site more than Internet which offers GTA money On the internet for Free of charge. I just now employed it and received 450,000,000$ to my GTA on the web account in just couple of seconds!
This is ensured after the tests performed, encapsulating all various prospects and possibilities which can cause any problems although generating free of charge GTA cash. Moreover, totally free GTA 5 money cheat is available to anybody who is want of a lot more game cash.
If you can survive the fall, this cheat is extremely valuable for fast traveling around the map. Dive into your Cell Phone, browse the world wide web, and deposit your income in the bank immediately soon after each Job. Rockstar Gamings' well-liked title GTA 5 On the internet - the online multiplayer variation of GTA five - has excellent deal of ways to earn the players get abundant. 
Just don't forget to be prepared to run as soon as you have the cash in your hands simply because the police somewhat respond faster to practical store robberies! Save the game (just to be safe), then invest all your funds in Beta Pharmaceuticals on BAWSAQ. You can use it from everywhere as the tool is online website primarily based, access it correct here on our internet site and be the leading player in GTA V game.
Quickest income in the game is by way of heists and now delivering cars from the warehouse. GTA Money is obtainable on other web sites too but they ask for payment ahead of you can redeem them to enjoy the services of GTA, but this site gives free GTA income which can be generated in matter of seconds with out any payment.
This is purely due to the fact there seems to be a lot of Bots generating silly amounts of cash putting our service at danger so we had no option but to implement a cap. Jobs are brief missions that you can attempt solo but are frequently much better with a group since you make a lot more money at a higher difficulty level.
And let's face it hacks and cheats are component of gaming and will be as extended as games are made. In the beginning hours of the game, a single of the easiest ways to make cash is to rob an armored automobile They seem randomly as blips on the minimap although you are driving about. 
Funds is the gaming currency and it has a lot of value since it assists you to move forward faster and also to unlock the different features of the game. Which has an remarkable line in faked videogame site news pieces about their great funds grabbing approach.
Go to the Friends” tab in the GTA On the internet menu and click on the friend assisting you out and click on Spectate Player (BETA)”. You can use an exploit detailed in our Infinite Income Guide to get the very best out of these hidden packages. IFruit, the game's new telephone, can be utilized to snap photos and upload them to Rockstar Games Social Club to share with the GTA neighborhood.
It works across each and every platform such as Android, iOS, Play stations, XBOX and other consoles. The GTA five online generator works with the GTA V, the fifth edition of the game and with its support, you would be capable to get a competitive lead more than your fellow players.
Study our Making Money in GTA On-line page and you will quickly be swimming in a sea of luxury and decadence. It will give you the money to truly open up this game and aid you discover its accurate possible. That was the auto driven by the Zaibatsu Corporation in GTA two, and a luxury auto in GTA three.
Though the ability to kill individuals in Grand Theft Auto tends to function the media into a frenzy about video game violence, doing so is a single of the quickest techniques to accumulate income in the game. Also Grenades are positioned proper subsequent to the wreckage (go to the side exactly where the cash is and go straight down and the grenade will be proper there).
For instance, a completely tricked-out yacht in GTA On-line will run you ten million GTA$. These in dire want of some in-game money can now make tons of money every single time they successfully full a straightforward time trial job in the on-line mode.
The GTA V map is the biggest, most detailed and most diverse map in Grand Theft Auto history. Our GTA online cash generator supports all platforms namely, Xbox 1, Xbox 360, PS3, PS four, and Computer as properly. You want to make some cash in GTA, the very very first issue you're going to have to do is prevent your self from spending your tough earned/stolen cash needlessly.
To make a lot of cash, wait till you have accumulated a huge quantity of funds at the finish of the game prior to finishing the assassination missions so you can earn a lot a lot more in income off the stocks. I am creating new accounts every single day and adding to them all the funds so that i have many accounts with a lot of money in all of them, thanks! 
The distinction in between the two markets is that the LCN is straight related to the factors you do in the game, creating it a sure-fire way to make money. It worked perfectly for me, I generated a lot of funds to my account in such a quick time. Even when GTA On the internet players discover a Job that's comparatively effortless to run and supplies high GTA$ payouts, Rockstar appears to usually discover the strategy and neuter it.
Just like the true world markets even though, you are going to struggle to make money out of these systems until you have a fair bit of funds to throw at them. This might guarantee a three-starred wanted level, as it is crucial for players to make the glitch operate. Disclaimer: To make the most money achievable from Assassinations, execute the first and ignore the rest till right after you have completed story mode.
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the-undertale-mouse · 7 years
Handplates : Tempus Pt 1
    Handplates is a really cool if dark take on the Papyrus/Sans origin story by @zarla-s and if you haven’t seen it already, I highly recommend it. This is a spinoff of that in which a human enters their lives. Some things may be inaccurate, but please be patient with me. I just need to get it out of my head and I need some feedback. ~miamouse
  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5
“Say hi to King Fluffy Buns for me. Us war vets got to stick together.  Maybe we should have a cards night or-,” Gerson said as Gaster paid for his groceries.
    “I’m sorry I have a very tight schedule,” Gaster said, cutting the conversation short. Not that he didn’t appreciate everything the ‘hammer of justice’ did in his time, but the old war vet had a tendency to ramble, and Gaster really did have a schedule to keep. Any time away from the lab not working was time wasted to Gaster, except he still needed to go out every now and then to buy food.
    “Don’t be such a stranger,” Gerson said well-meaningly.
    Gaster took his leave and started back along the road to Hotland, taking special care to avoid the nonsensical beings dubbed ‘tems.’ he just didn’t have the time to deal with the silly creatures. He made it safely past them without an encounter and sighed with relief as he stepped into the darkening lantern room. He could use his one functioning eye socket to glow and show him the path, but he didn’t bother. He knew the path so well, he didn’t strictly need to see. Not many monsters came this way, it was too dark and depressing. He liked this room, it was peaceful and solitary. He did not expect someone to bump into him. He did not expect to drop half the groceries he just bought. He did not expect them to scream, “Ah! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to hurt you!” Most of all, he did not expect them to be human. But it happened anyway.
    Panic flooded his chest cavity, despite their words of apology and concern directed towards him. A human? Here, now? Right in front of him? What to do? He had confidence he could easily capture it and bring it to the king, as was protocol, but he couldn’t stand the thought of the look in the king’s eyes after he killed yet another human. He could kill the human himself and bring the soul to the king. It would be no trouble, he’d killed his fair share in the war, and those were adults. By the look of it, this one was a child not yet full grown. He would just say he found it that way. Tragic for the human, good for the monsters. How long could it last in the underground anyway? He was surprised it made it this far. He was doing it a favor, cutting off its misery short.
    He shifted into ‘fight mode’ turning its soul blue from the get-go (well, darker blue, since it was already a pale blue.) This would be over with soon, if he worked straight through lunch, he could be back on schedule. It wasn’t anything he wasn’t used to.
* * *
    Tempus accepted that her apologies didn’t work the moment her soul became heavy and the skeleton across from her started sending bone-shaped bullets her way. The increased gravity made it difficult, but she was very good at detecting patterns and timing her movements just right. She managed to avoid all of his intricate waves of bones with the least amount of energy possible. She was able to catch a breather and use a little trick she called “check stats.” She did this with everyone who chose to fight her in order to understand them a little better and find a way to appease them.
    ‘Wing Dings Gaster. LV 6. Hurt some people on purpose. That’s probably bad. Though maybe some of it was in self-defense or something. I don’t know, I wasn’t there. HP 200/200 MP 55/60 AT 6 DF 7. Royal Scientist obsessed with breaking the barrier.’ Tempus gulped. Even if she didn’t lose her cute ribbon, he could kill her in 2 hits (she was weak for a human, she only had 10 HP.) She could use one of her tricks like “redo” or “teleport” but those always left her feeling tired and hungry. If she could negotiate a solution, she would always try that first. She had to think fast as she dodged the next, trickier volley of bones.
* * *
    The human was exceptionally skilled at dodging. Gaster would have been impressed if it weren’t so annoying. It was just making the battle drag out longer. Between the volleys of bones, the human attempted to reason with him. Its efforts were fruitless. He just tuned it out. Nothing it said mattered. They needed its soul for the barrier. There was no discussing it. Gaster did not indulge it with replies, it probably wouldn’t understand his accent anyway, and he doubted it knew how to read his hands. Talking to it would be pointless, and he did not like to do anything pointless. He was, however, intrigued that it wielded no physical weapon. This was odd for humans since most of them could not wield magic. On the off chance it could use magic, why didn’t it? It was in very real danger and did not defend itself besides dodging and expelling useless chatter. Perhaps it was luring him into a false sense of security. Its soul signature was patience after all. It could be waiting for the right moment to strike, for all he knew. As he was thinking that, the human changed tact, but not in the way he expected.
* * *
    Tempus had four different logical actions she could use on Gaster: reason, plead,  threaten and joke. In addition to actions, she could use a ‘trick’ to manifest magical versions of her toy knife to attack him. She dropped the real one back in the ruins when she promised herself she wouldn’t use it to hurt anyone. With magic, you could manipulate it so that the person on the receiving end could be left with 1 hp, no matter how many times you hit, but that was her most desperate move. More desperate than attempting to actually spare him or run away, both of which would be very desperate indeed, considering his strength. She was getting to that point of desperation though.
    She tried pleading and reasoning several times, hoping to wear him down, but to no effect, since he didn’t seem to be listening. Maybe he was deaf. An idea occurred to her: perhaps he wasn’t ignoring her, perhaps he actually couldn’t hear her pleas. He didn’t have ears after all. There was no guarantee he understood ASL, but it had a better chance of success than sparing him. She gave it a shot, thanking her stars she knew sign language since she was little.
  “Please stop. I’m not going to try to leave the underground. I don’t want to hurt you or your king. I know you need my soul for the barrier, but you don’t have enough anyway. Can’t I stay in peace, at least until the last human falls?”
* * *
    Once again, this human surprised Gaster, this time by speaking in hands; a highly unusual trait, even among monsters; many understood, but few actually knew how to use it themselves. He was so stunned, he forgot to ignore what it was saying. ‘It made a good argument,’ he begrudgingly acknowledged. That didn’t mean it wasn’t lying about being a pacifist. True, it didn’t have any LV or EXP but, who’s to say it would never gain some? No matter what it said, he couldn’t let it roam free. Humans were far too dangerous and unpredictable. But perhaps it didn’t have to be killed yet. If its power could be restrained, harnessed, then maybe freedom was closer than it seemed. Plans formed in his head for how to get and use that power. The possibilities it presented were endless. It would almost be a waste to kill it so soon.
* * *
    Gaster considered for a moment then said both out loud and with his hands, “If I let you live, will you come quietly?”
    Tempus did not like the idea of an LV 6 scientist taking her captive, but what choice did she have? “Yes. I’ll come quietly.” she signed and spoke. The battle ended. 0 EXP and 0 G gained.
    “Oh, I can hear you just fine. I was just ignoring you earlier.” Gaster said bluntly.
   She had a feeling this was the case, though she had hoped better of him. “You don’t have to sign for me either. My hearing is just fine.”
   He paused and looked at her with an unreadable expression on his face. “Really now, you can understand me?” he spoke out loud only, neither using his hands or magic to sign. His tone was colored in disbelief as if he highly doubted a human like her could know what he was saying.
   Tempus had no clue what he was implying. He did have a bit of an accent, but it was nothing crazy. “Yes, I can understand you. We’re speaking the same language, aren’t we?”
    “Indeed. But for now, I would rather you didn’t speak unless spoken to until we get back to the lab. You did agree to come quietly.” That’s not what that meant and he knew it, he was just being smug. But Tempus obeyed him. She was patient. She would follow along, do as he said...at least until she figured something out.
* * *
     As they walked on in silence, Gaster’s mind was buzzing.  ‘The human, hereby referred to as ‘subject 3’ or ‘3-T’ diverges from the norm in several notable ways. First, it understands me, signs or no signs, furthermore, it is capable of using the signs itself. Second, it speaks in a distinct font, as a skeleton would. Said font could be seen as a mix between the fonts used by Subjects 1 and 2. Given a name, the font would be ‘Tempus’ hence the ‘T’ in ‘3-T’ but I’m not telling it that, lest it feels special or something. Third, it chooses to wield no physical weapon though it may be in possession of magical ability, a rarity among humans. That is yet to be seen, but upon further inspection, it is noted subject 3 possess a certain aura and frailty unusual to its kind. This aura and frailty are reminiscent of the wizards who betrayed their monster kin(as far as I am aware, all wizards have some monster blood in them) and sealed us away nearly 1000 years ago. I’d be nostalgic if I didn’t still have the battle scars. Last, Subject 3 is adept at timing its dodges perfectly. I suspect it has something to do with its soul signature ‘patience.’ All these things ought to be looked into and studied. Subject 3 is lucky to have piqued my interest so thoroughly...or maybe unlucky. It’s too late either way.’
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yurilolita-blog · 7 years
GTA 5 Hack Tool Money And RP Online Generator 2019
GGTA five Cheats
It is damn difficult to acquire the GTA five income by playing the game generally no matter if you use the XBOX or PlayStation even Pc you can not compete each measures really nicely in order to get some extra funds and the GTA 5 game is all about the money if you have the enough funds you can get any automobile or weapon or character or whatever you want in the game but you have lack of the income it is extremely hard to compete the levels even amongst the colleagues and the last choice to have some cash is Buy the funds by spending your real funds which price a lot to any gamer. Tired of obtaining shot when you are not playing or busy doing something else in the GTA Planet. I am genuinely pleased to use this tool, this cheat genuinely aids me, thank you for building this cheat and now i can enjoy that caaaashhh ! The Grand Theft Auto 5 Hack can be an action adventure game enjoyed from the very first-particular person or third-person view.https://wompwobble.com/gta-5-money-hack/
Monetary pickups in gang turf are present, and like GTA Vice City, properties may possibly nonetheless be bought and generate income of their personal. Hear about the most current Grand Theft Auto five guides, exclusive content material, and incredible gives! Opportunistic rivals wait like vultures to steal funds from players coming off Jobs with full pockets.
GTA 5 HACK TOOL: The hack tool accessible on this web site is supported more than all various platforms and browsers. GTA 5 Cash Hack: Users searching for extra GTA funds, this is the greatest site to check out for the exact same. Exposing little ones to violent game titles as part cheat for gta 5 ps3 money on-line gta five income cheats of a investigation experiment is, of course, out from the query.
Every single time you die, hospital produces a new physique which needs some quantity of money. Here is the best web site more than World wide web which supplies GTA cash On-line for Free. I just now employed it and received 450,000,000$ to my GTA on the web account in just handful of seconds! 
Factors i am debating is familiar to those that have played a handful of the versions of gta 5 cheats. Jezeli chcesz aby taka dodatkowa sesja Cash Lobby odbyla sie namów four kolegów aby skorzystali z Cash Lobby razem z toba. You can hack limitless quantity of Cash to unlock the Character even though playing the GTA five!
Save your money for Weapons , Ammo, and Armor , and invest in a $25,000 Garage if you happen to be interested in collecting Automobiles At the moment you can only have one particular home in your ownership. Some of the men and women who have been playing the mode for a Grand Theft Automobile V player have been wondering how the GTA V On the internet narrative correlates or crosses. 
Just keep in mind to be ready to run after you have the income in your hands simply because the police somewhat respond faster to convenient retailer robberies! Save the game (just to be secure), then invest all your income in Beta Pharmaceuticals on BAWSAQ. You can use it from everywhere as the tool is on-line site primarily based, access it appropriate right here on our site and be the leading player in GTA V game.
Quickest cash in the game is by means of heists and now delivering automobiles from the warehouse. GTA Income is available on other sites too but they ask for payment prior to you can redeem them to enjoy the services of GTA, but this internet site provides free of charge GTA funds which can be generated in matter of seconds without any payment.
This is purely because there appears to be a lot of Bots generating silly amounts of money placing our service at danger so we had no selection but to implement a cap. Jobs are quick missions that you can try solo but are usually better with a group given that you make more income at a greater difficulty level.
And let's face it hacks and cheats are portion of gaming and will be as long as games are made. In the beginning hours of the game, 1 of the easiest approaches to make funds is to rob an armored automobile They seem randomly as blips on the minimap whilst you are driving about. 
Following setting up this update, the shortcut to start off GTA On the internet will be unlocked in your activity menu. If you determine to put your funds into bricks and mortar instead you'll make significantly less money general, but your money's much safer.
Go to the Friends” tab in the GTA On the web menu and click on the friend assisting you out and click on Spectate Player (BETA)”. You can use an exploit detailed in our Infinite Funds Guide to get the ideal out of these hidden packages. IFruit, the game's new phone, can be employed to snap photographs and upload them to Rockstar Games Social Club to share with the GTA neighborhood. 
Of course, if you are hunting to do it the systemic way, then you ought to be ready to invest much more time and work in making adequate money to boost your progress in the game. Driving a jacked vehicle to a nearby Mod Shop will garner a tiny extra spending money.
We Help Xbox 360, Xbox 1, PS3, PS4 or Pc, what ever platform you have we have it covered. Luckily, there are a number of techniques with which you would be in a position to get your hands on some big funds to fulfill the GTA dream. You should then invest all of this funds into the stock market as you operate via Lester's missions, so that you can achieve the highest achievable rewards from your corporate interference. 
When the game 1st came out, it made a lot of sense to put your income into Ammu-Nation as quickly as feasible. An even better defense against money-drain, throughout cash farming, is to stay altogether outside the open world and hop from Job to Job as swiftly as achievable.
The second way to make cash legitimately in GTA 5 Online is to, you know, really play the game. You may even be fortunate sufficient to catch the security guards bringing the cash to the armored truck beforehand, in which case the job is that a lot less complicated. 
GTA five Wiki -the ultimate resource for cheats, codes, guides and more for Grand Theft Auto V on the PS3, Xbox 360, PS4, Xbox One particular and Computer! When the mission restarts, you will have all of your funds back from the purchases in the gun shop. This light strike helicopter is equipped with projectiles gta v on-line gravy train grand burglary auto five loan cheats as effectively as equipment weapons which the pilot or the guest can make use of.
If you want to get high-priced toys for online play you either want to work difficult to earn the funds or invest real cash in the game. The difficulty has been with gamers in GTA 5's on the web world, a multiplayer version of the game's fictional Los Santos county exactly where players roam the streets with each other, free to race their automobiles or kill other players.
Distinct as all other GTA Games, in GTA III the player has the capacity to earn income by crashing automobiles. The far more funds you invest, the far better the return, and if the stock does poorly, just load up your previous save and you will have all the income you invested without having any reprecussions.
Just like the actual globe markets though, you are going to struggle to make money out of these systems till you have a fair bit of income to throw at them. This may possibly guarantee a 3-starred wanted level, as it is essential for players to make the glitch work. Disclaimer: To make the most money possible from Assassinations, execute the very first and ignore the rest till after you've completed story mode.
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operationrainfall · 4 years
Title Shantae and the Seven Sirens Developer WayForward Publisher WayForward Release Date May 28th, 2020 Genre Metroidvania, Platformer Platform PC, Apple Arcade, Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One Age Rating E for Everyone 10+ – Fantasy Violence Official Website
I’ve been waiting to play Shantae and the Seven Sirens since WayForward first revealed the game. I’m a big fan of the series, and have been since I first played Risky’s Revenge. It has grown and changed dramatically over the years, sometimes being more of a pure platformer, and other times closer to a Metroidvania. I personally felt the series reached near perfection with Pirate’s Curse, both due to the structure and plot of the game. It really gave more development to several characters, as well as expanding the game universe in fascinating ways. Then we got Half-Genie Hero which, though a definite step up visually, also felt like a step backwards in other ways. So when I heard Seven Sirens would be another Metroidvania-styled outing, I got really excited. If it could successfully mix the gameplay elements of Pirate’s Curse with the visuals of Half-Genie Hero, it had a outstanding chance to cement itself as best in the series. Keep reading to see if I feel it succeeded.
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The story begins when Shantae and company head to a tropical island to participate in a genie exhibition. It takes place in Arena Town, where the mayor is pulling out all the stops to have an outstanding ceremony. Shantae is excited to relax for a change, as well as meet a few of her fellow half-genies. After you introduce yourself to each of them, a fancy and thrilling dance show starts, only for the lights to suddenly go out. When they pop back on, all the genies except Shantae are suddenly missing. Overwhelmed with guilt as the sole survivor, Shantae nevertheless musters the courage to hunt down her new missing friends, and get to the mystery of the island in the process.
Though I want to say more about the story, it’s probably best to experience it yourself, especially to enjoy the curve balls the game throws at you later in the experience. That said, I do wish we got a bit more character development. I realize that’s trickier since there’s several new characters introduced. It would be difficult to balance revealing and sufficiently developing many new characters, but I can’t help but remember how in Pirate’s Curse, many of the included characters got some great development, especially Rottytops and Risky Boots. Nevertheless, I’m not disappointed by the plot here. I just wish there were a bit more to it, especially since I was hoping for a deeper dive into Risky’s character, as well as her possible connection to Shantae.
Thankfully, you don’t necessarily play a Shantae game for the plot so much as the humor and gameplay. I am happy to agree that Seven Sirens is great in both regards. If you love games that poke fun at the industry silliness, Shantae is your girl. Tons of characters make fun of her lack of clothing as well as her bouncy nature, but in a way that isn’t offensive or cruel. There’s also an utterly hilarious sequence of events featuring Shantae, Sky and a couple other characters I won’t reveal. It reminded me a lot of a classic Simpsons Halloween episode involving Comic Book Man, but that’s all I’ll say. Just get ready to laugh frequently as you play through Shantae and the Seven Sirens.
Like I said above, the gameplay in Seven Sirens is also pretty great. It’s definitely more reminiscent of Pirate’s Curse, in that there’s lots of interconnected maps to explore with new abilities, and hidden treats to unearth. It’s also less of a hardcore platformer than I felt Half-Genie Hero was, so you won’t be swearing as you keep falling into deadly pits or run from dangerous creatures. That’s not to say there’s no challenge, just that it comes more from the enemies than the environments. And I’m fine with that. Pretty early in the game I invested heavily in Shampoo and Cream so my genie was a merciless hair-whipping machine, so much so that I worried I was too overpowered for most of the game, though the last few bosses were still a hefty challenge. Thankfully there’s a New Game Plus mode after you beat it once, and I fully intend to play through again but restrict myself from overpowering my genie, just so things are a bit more challenging.
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One thing I loved about Seven Sirens is how WayForward streamlined the transformation process. You no longer have to dance, select a form and then transform. Instead, all your animal transformations are relegated to various buttons, so you can instantaneously turn into the right form. As examples, you can press ZR to turn into a newt that dashes at and climbs walls, or press ZL to turn into a turtle and smash through rocks. There’s some really wonderful forms you can transform into, and in typical Shantae fashion, they’re all adorable. But it wouldn’t be a proper game in this series without dancing, and I’m happy to say they improved this aspect as well. As you recover your missing half-genie brethren, they will eventually reward you with a portion of their magic. These are called Fusion Magic, and they let Shantae do some spectacular dances. Some provide support, others are attacks, but they all serve a purpose. Take the Seer dance. It reveals hidden items and secrets that help you progress. Or the Nourish dance, which not only heals Shantae, but also causes flowers to bloom and give you treats, or even turns murky poison water into clean springs. Best of all, when you finish each dance, it reveals a cool hybrid form of Shantae based off the genie you got it from. I wish I could show some here, but trust me, they’re all fantastic-looking.
What I really appreciated in Seven Sirens is how each transformation really opens up your exploration skills, much like in Pirate’s Curse. Each one lets you explore more and more of the island. My only minor complaint is that it all felt really linear, especially since you can always get a nudge in the right direction by talking to any villager with an exclamation mark over their head. Granted, you are allowed to wander, and there’s some big areas, but there’s just not that much to do outside of the main story. I really wish there were some huge bonus area you could only access after the credits roll, but alas, it all takes place on or near the main resort island. I also have to admit, I did get lost a few times early on, but mostly because I wasn’t thinking clearly and trying to rush. Once you have two or three transformations, there’s not much you can’t do. By the time you get the last one, things are totally opened up, if you have the inclination to hunt down every last scrap. And while most of what you’ll find hidden away are either Heart Squids or Nuggets, there’s one new element in Seven Sirens that makes the game more interesting: the Monster Cards.
I feel like WayForward really took inspiration from the Castlevania Sorrow games with this mechanic. Basically as you defeat foes, they’ll occasionally drop Monster Cards. Once you have enough of them, you can equip up to three cards at a time, providing passive bonuses to Shantae. Some examples are making food more nutritious or increasing the range of subweapons or even making dances cost less magic. There’s a lot of these cards, and I haven’t even found all of them. The most powerful are of the titular Sirens themselves, and it seems these can only be acquired by trading Nuggets to specific villagers. While you certainly don’t need to actively use the Monster Cards to beat the game, they offer a nice little distraction to broaden the experience.
Shantae games typically have really fun bosses, and that’s also true here. Each of the Sirens is well animated and fights you very differently. Take the Water Lily Siren, a beautiful flower that tries to smash you with vines, who needs to be coaxed into a pool of sunlight to reveal her weak spot. Or the Tubeworm Siren, a deadly Gorgon that attacks you with snake-like appendages. They’re all equal parts creepy, cute and dangerous. That said, I wish we got some personality from them other than how they attack you. Give me a line or two of dialogue. Anything. You’ll only really get to know one Siren, and the rest are just there to block your progress. Also, I can tell that WayForward toned down the bosses from when I last demoed Seven Sirens at PAX West. Then I was barely holding my own against the first boss, but now they all seemed to have less life and be more relaxed. Honestly I felt that Risky Boots was more difficult when you face her in various mini boss fights here. I guess I just wanted a bit more of an obstacle from the bosses overall.
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Visually, there’s a lot to enjoy. Shantae games are always pretty, with bright colors and vivid designs. Each of the new characters has a distinct style and the new foes are also pretty creative, such as serpentine mummies. I loved the animated introduction by Studio TRIGGER, as well as several spectacular cinematics, many of which that take place right before major boss fights. I didn’t realize how much I needed these animations til I saw them, and they’re all wonderful, so much so that I almost want an animated TV show for my favorite genie now. That said, while this is a very visually attractive game, there’s one area it’s inexplicably a step backwards: some stage designs. I double-checked my review of Half-Genie Hero to confirm, and it’s true that there’s less visual complexity on display. Some areas look downright barren, much to my surprise. HD graphics are best when they’re trying to flex their muscles, and I just feel like several layouts here needed a shot in the arm. They’re not all bad, but some were very underwhelming. Just giving us more action happening in the background would have helped a ton. I still remember sights like the conveyor belts carrying would-be mermaids or rioting Tinkerbats attacking Scuttle Town in Half-Genie, and wanted more of that here. Musically, Seven Sirens is pretty great, with lots of jaunty, upbeat tunes. They do a good job of matching the theme of an island resort, without too many ominous or threatening tracks. And as I’ve grown accustomed to, the voice work is also really spot on. Each character has a distinct voice and personality, especially during the aforementioned cinematics. Overall, the aesthetics were pretty enjoyable.
Honestly, it’s hard to stay mad at my favorite genie. There’s just a lot to smile about in any of these games, and Shantae and the Seven Sirens is no different. Sure, I would have liked more to do, and a bit more challenge, but it was still a fun ride. It successfully cut out the irritating elements from past games while adopting elements I enjoyed from others. And for $29.99, it’s still a pretty good deal. I spent nearly eight hours to beat the game, and had about 70 percent item completion. Once you’re done, you can still tackle New Game Plus, as well as trying to unlock game clear screens. This might not have been the entry that took the crown from Pirate’s Curse for me, but it came damn close. I just hope that WayForward continues to improve on and iterate their formula for these games, and hopefully the next one will be the very best. If nothing else, the ending of Seven Sirens provides a good starting point for whatever comes next.
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REVIEW: Shantae and the Seven Sirens Title Shantae and the Seven Sirens
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Best Drum Machine Reviewed
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The 808 was a staple of early hip-hop, digital music, and even fusion rock and is still used to at the present time.  For beat machine reviews follow the link.
For my needs, Ableton's Drum Racks are one of the best thing out there, most notably as a result of they can help you apply particular person effects for each drum pattern in a easy and fast way (and furthermore, drum racks provide a collapsable mixer channel for each drum pad, so the additional visual element is there IF you need it).
Best Drum Machine;
Basically Hammerhead (laptop) for Android This app is ideal for making beats on the go. If it is laggy set the drum polyphony to 12 and priority to high that often helps when using the sequencer. The actual dimensions of this drum pad controller are available in at 9.4” x 7.9” x 1.6”. It weighs roughly 1.6 pounds, so it is light-weight and great for making beats on the go.
Whether it's HIIT, Tabata, Circuit Training, Operating, Cycling, Yoga, or one thing else entirely, you need to use this app to maintain track of your times. For the aspiring DJs and lounge producers, there's now a strategy to craft your drum machine chops with nothing more than your favorite net browser. Called, appropriately, A Tiny Recreation of Pong, this pleasant creation is the work of developer Matt Wiechec, and is offered from the iTunes retailer now. Gamers are tasked with matching a rhythm by coming into the inputs for varied percussion simply as you'll on a real drum machine. Think of it as a music recreation for the rhythmically-challenged — with a number of the most iconic digital sounds ever laid down (programmed?), so go get the best drum machine here.
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Sure to generate a warm fuzzy feeling for nostalgic types old enough to recollect Atari's in style sport when it landed on the scene all those years ago, A Tiny Sport of Pong plays standalone on the Apple Watch, though pairing it with an iPhone brings additional performance.
Sound selection is first rate, however Drum step sequencer opens in a small window which is simply plain silly. All on-line drum machines ought to include a large vary of sounds and beats and sometimes can have greater than the standard beat machine. Quite a lot of legendary producers love the drum machines that had been first created by Roger Linn for Akai back within the day because of the swing facet, and the fact that the sound high quality itself was far sharper. While the game might technically be referred to as a rhythm sport, it is principally a tiny model of the TR-808 inside your phone or pill. Lets be clear here, just because your drum machine is impeccable does not necessarily imply that it will mechanically make the music for you.
As the game strikes on, tones are layered on high of the unique rhythm to create a bit of dance music. With VoxBeat, just sing a beat and have it automatically and immediately transformed to a drum machine beat. Operations which may very well be completed in seconds right now on a pc, could take a big period of time on a drum machine. The best Persons are giving this app dangerous opinions as a result of they do not know methods to use it. They assume you possibly can only press buttons. Keep in mind that for those who decide that you do not like the machine you have bought after experimenting with it at residence, you at all times have that two or 4 week grace period to return it for a different one. GymStream guarantees to be the one fitness center music app enjoying motivating music sans ads.
Options: The Akai Professional MIDI Drum Pad Controller comes with a wide range of options, all of which I believe make it awesome. And in the later 1960`s drum machines started to accompany all organs and organists. It's also price noting that typically it is good to use (or create yourself) synthesized drum sounds, as opposed to pattern based mostly drum design. The app was informative in 87 % of individuals studied and agreed with the physician's analysis in 96 % of these cases. Usually you hear this on the snare drum, but typically it seems on the kick (or extra usually, one the 'click' layer of a multi-layer kick drum). The electronic model featured digital samples of analogue sounds - what a baffling idea that was at the time! But the level of sophistication and the standard of the sound from the DR660 was a distinct ball sport. With TR-REC, the audio company makes use of sounds from both the TR-808 and TR-8, as gamers recreate rhythms played by the app.
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I am gona want those final 20 bars so I'm going to have to begin over on another app...I favored the sounds here too, simple to make use of as well. However, I'd argue that you simply'd should go a good distance with software program to rival the standard of the sounds within the Boss DR660.
I understand that it may be fairly daunting, and confusing in the case of shopping for the best machine to start with. In addition to turning nobs to get the proper sound, it can save you samples for use throughout your next studio session. Latest model lets you have fun for under three minutes or so. Should you don't save your machine in time, you're doomed. There are undeniably issues you can do with sampled drum hits native to a computer, which you'll't do when sequencing an early ‘90s beat field by way of MIDI. Within the first examine, an epilepsy app was designed to help non-docs decide if a person is having an epileptic seizure. It comes geared up with 48 pad banks excellent for finger drumming and music manufacturing. The TR-REC app is obtainable for each iOS and Android and is a free download within the App Retailer and the Google Play Store proper now.
Though it's easy to use, you will be able to provide nice authentic sounds with great bass and sound to the music you are producing.Online drum machines are actually designed for people who just haven't got the coaching or the information to use a mixer or a sequencer, however they're also great instruments for pro's too!
He wrote the app on his own time, building features to help with high quality improvement, ease communication, and display screen for clinical trials The app is now being used by physicians, nurses, and analysis support staff at UT. Click on the fitting button subsequent to where you may change the drum sounds, long press every tab to tug up the changes then load a newwav file I.e.download/drum samples/) and it really works like a dream. No thanks Very gradual and laggy with recording; provides random instruments in patterns on its own, quite annoying.
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Drum machine Drum Machine or D-Mac is,this is thee greatest D-Mac app pads are the perfect drum pad as if touching magic it is response time is prompt, the truth is it is a hair before impact as a result of the sound hits upon affect so precise it is spooky to not point out its skill to deal with cell impact is outrageous installer is what you get each the programming during which you get to punch it in used to have quite a lot of b and the whole lot else about this app blows the others away plus its free Ninjas,Whoop Whoop!!
Consequently, the perfect machine for you is probably not the perfect machine for me. Don't enable your self to turn into overwhelmed…simply patiently experiment with each machine one by one, and you'll really feel which one is right as you go alongside.
I can even drag and drop samples from Ableton's browser right onto the drum pads, which is also key for me, because it's an enormous time-saver after I'm sorting by way of my somewhat ridiculously large library of drum sounds. Cool I thought this game could be considerably obscure,however it was tremendous easy!. With advances in expertise the software program will not be only straightforward to make use of and inexpensive but there is an abundance to choose from, so you will see that something that is the best fit for you! Two enjoying modes are offered: Arcade, a quick-paced…endless recreation with an unbeatable opponent,” and Basic, where you possibly can pit your wits towards an AI opponent in a primary-to-three-factors match.
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Now, use the Ship on your Drum channel to send round %50 (give or take a bit) to the Return - it will add the compressed sign from the Return into the combination, on prime of the already heard drum channel, resulting in a beefier, snappier general combine to the drums.
These features embody sixteen Thick Fat backlit MPC pads, forty eight assignable pads accessible by way of three banks, 6 management knobs (that are used to provide enter to your drum machine), 18 assignable knobs (which will be assigned to manage specified parameters), free software program and three banks of accessible preset sounds and styles to select from.
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tendertatti-blog · 8 years
For Honor Steel Hack
For Honor Steel Hack
At first look, you could be forgiven for speculation For Honor is a basic hack-and-slice diversion in a comparative vein to Ryse: Child of Rome, however once you're behind the controller you'll rapidly understand that there is quite a lot more to be found in Ubisoft's new "Specialty of Fight" control framework. Behind the activity enterprise style lies a profound and complex battle framework that feels special.
The "Specialty of Fight" battle framework in For Honor is the establishment whereupon the diversion is fabricated, and for that reason it has significantly more just the same as customary battling amusements like Road Warrior and Mortal Kombat than hack-and-slice recreations like Ryse or activity experience recreations that its third-individual, over the shoulder point of view and medieval setting may propose.
When going head to head against an adversary rival, holding the left trigger places you into "Watch Mode," where you can modify your position between the right, left and top positions. To square approaching assaults, you should read which bearing your rival is utilizing and afterward reflect their position, and to perpetrate your own particular harm you should change to one of the two headings that they aren't as of now securing to arrive effectively utilizing the accessible light and substantial assaults.
It sounds like straightforward stuff until you leave the instructional exercise and the adversaries start to battle back vigorously. Nothing will truly set you up for the multiplayer diversion modes where you'll rapidly find that basic those essential standards there are stamina levels you'll have to watch out for, avoids, repels, protect breaks, counters, bluffs, combos, unique assaults that can't be intruded, natural dangers, unlockable capacities called deeds, and a list of 12 distinctive legends you'll confront who all utilization them in various courses and to shifting degrees of adequacy.
It can be severe and unforgiving at to start with, however as your aptitudes enhance and you locate a playable saint that supplements your battling style, you'll get that eureka minute where everything bodes well and you start to feel comfortable in fight. Despite everything you'll see that your legend's head moves around on the floor frequently, however experiences transform into a move of timing, methodology, and ability instead of an uneven butcher that abandons you confounded.
Making utilization of the battle framework are 12 legends which are similarly partitioned between the three warring groups of Knights, Vikings, and Samurai. Every group offers its own minor departure from four unique classes of saint. A balanced Vanguard, a slower yet hard hitter Substantial, a nimble and quick Professional killer, and a Half and half that is a harmony between the others and is fit with a long range weapon. There's a genuine refinement between each of the 12 accessible legends on account of the distinctive expertise sets, weapons and accomplishments accessible which implies that on the off chance that one class didn't work for you with one group, you may find that it does in an alternate one. Adapting each of them is one of the highlights of For Honor's battle.
There is an extensive variety of customisation choices accessible for each character, including some which permit you to change the sex of your warriors. New things will be granted through movement, while some can be obtained utilizing as a part of diversion cash called Steel. The main problem here is that Steel is granted so inadequately for contending in matches. With a few things costing 5,000, 10,000 and 15,000 Steel, being compensated 20 for match means you're either must do a ton of crushing for that glossy new outfit you truly need or spend genuine cash.
Before each match, you can look over any of the accessible characters to battle with, albeit some are at first bolted behind a paywall that will require in-diversion money to open. At an opportune time, every saint feels very much adjusted giving you can take in the subtleties of their solid and frail focuses. That begins to change as you advance, notwithstanding, as in three of the accessible five multiplayer amusement mode equip details become possibly the most important factor.
Each of the saints has his or her own particular autonomous rank that will ascend through use in diversions. At level 20 your notoriety level will increment — consider it like renown levels in Obligation at hand — however dissimilar to Activision's shooter, which resets every one of your weapons and obliges you to open them once more, For Honor remunerates these characters with better levels of apparatus that straightforwardly influence qualities, for example, assault harm, safeguard and stamina costs. This combined with a matchmaking framework that now and again unjustifiably puts all the more elevated amount characters on one group can make for some matches where the situation is anything but favorable for the other group from the begin. Higher details don't really ensure triumph, obviously, however it more often than not gives them preference that feels like it could without much of a stretch be remedied amid matchmaking.
The complexities of For Honor's battle framework truly come to play in the Duel (1 v. 1) and Fight (2 v. 2) amusement modes where equip details aren't considered. It absolutely comes down to the expertise of the contender or twosome to win the day. Each match is battled about five rounds, implying that you get the chance to take in your rivals' strategies and devise an answer regardless of the possibility that you lose the early lead.
A portion of the better purposes of For Honor's battle are lost in the 4 versus 4 amusement methods of Domain, End and Conflict where you can frequently be dwarfed with substantial assaults descending upon you from various headings. Fortunately, this is countered with Retribution mode — a meter that gradually fills each time you hinder a rival's assault - and when activated gives you a hostile and cautious buff that can be accustomed to swing the fight back to support you. It's not ensured to work, but rather when it does there is no preferred feeling over observing at least two aggressors lay dead on the ground while you are as yet remaining to tell the story.
The 4 versus 4 modes additionally permit players to utilize unlockable abilities called Accomplishments which are allocated to the D-cushion. Each character has four accessible and they highlight capacities like Second Wind, which will recoup some of your lost wellbeing, to having the capacity to flame shots into a focused on zone.
The entire multiplayer experience is wrapped in a metagame called the Group War. As you begin the amusement you'll be solicited to pick one from the three groups to call your own. After each match, you'll have the capacity to send War Resources onto a regional guide where a progressing war is being battled. You can guard your own domain or assault a neighboring one. Like clockwork the outcomes are noted and the domains controlled are rearranged. It's a fascinating idea, and despite the fact that it may sound silly you'll be allowed in-amusement rewards if your group does well over a two week round or 10 week season. The aftereffects of a season will change the presence of multiplayer maps as time advances and constructs the account of the diversion.
On a par with the multiplayer is, For Honor suffers from some association issues which can go from somewhat irritating to rankling. I've been detached as I've stacked into recreations, been evacuated halfway through amusements, had bots supplant each other player and the odd event where slack has been bad to the point that adversaries appear to transport from place to put before me. The issues feel like they have enhanced somewhat over the previous week of playing, yet they are still there, which is not as much as perfect for such a multiplayer centered amusement.
While For Honor is unashamedly a multiplayer centered diversion, it includes a four to six-hour single-player crusade that tells the historical backdrop of the group war and goes about as an instructional exercise to a significant number of the subtleties of the amusement's battle framework. While it positively doesn't feel like an "attached on" experience on account of its cutscenes, setpieces and a lot of extra discourse, it feels like a missed chance to educate an important story concerning these notable groups. Rather, we're left with empty and forgettable characters that will abandon you supposing how great it could have been as opposed to getting a charge out of it for what it is.
On the off chance that you do appreciate the battle, there is a different rank that is earned as you advance which will give you some customisation opens for multiplayer, and with three shifting trouble levels and bunches of collectibles to discover, there is motivation to replay on the off chance that you need to see and do everything accessible.
For Honor's accomplishment rundown isn't particularly troublesome, however it will take some devotion in case you're searching for the culmination. The crusade has accomplishments for completing every group's part, discovering every one of the collectibles, and three in view of trouble. Most of the accomplishments are granted in the PvP multiplayer amusement modes which will require some ability and practice yet shouldn't be an issue in case you're playing the diversion all the time. There are additionally accomplishments for partaking in the Group War, which means will need to continue returning and playing the diversion to ensure you put resources in five distinctive two week rounds, return to see the aftereffects of a 10 week season in which you have taken an interest, and furthermore put resources on the guide in 50 of the distinctive six-hour long turns.
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nofomoartworld · 8 years
Hyperallergic: Critical Distance: Car Seat Headrest, Solange, Danny Brown, Christine and the Queens
As most adolescents across the nation sit in their bedrooms and agonize over the eternal question, what do boys/girls like, some of us have more unfortunate and inconsequential concerns: what do critics like? Immersive soundworlds are one answer, albums with distinct and possibly arbitrary aesthetics ready for induction into alternative canons. Distancing strategies are another, albums that avoid the obvious through either attenuation or throwing a firecracker over the listener’s shoulder and yelling “Look over there!” The four touchstones reviewed below earn their acclaim by participating in the above tendencies. The latter two earn my adoration.
Car Seat Headrest: Teens of Denial (Matador)
Every indie-rock sadboy has his own method of coping with existential depression, and Will Toledo’s involves scale — if marshalled guitar riffs, inspirational choruses, and rather long songs can fill an arena, surely they can crush all those residual negative feelings that drive one to music in the first place. This album is his attempt at epic, infused with the requisite pathos, jangle, and willingness to look silly while making big, serious gestures.
Theoretically the record is animated by the disparity between emotional hugeness and lo-fi sound. Toledo’s melodies are strong, grand, soaring, sincere, as they invite fist-pumping and radiate major-key triumphalism. When he revs his mumble into a yell and slams down with thin, crunchy shards of guitar static splintering every which way, the band rouses, especially on “Vincent,” whose echoey single-string intro sets up an increasingly frantic and jubilant song, and the latter half of “Drunk Drivers/Killer Whales,” when he goes overboard, pleasingly, with the moaning. Elsewhere the anthems fall flat; a roomful of sympathetic young people chanting along with “We are just, we are just, we are just teens of style” in a tune as nostalgically celebratory as this one, or for that matter, the ballad about the unforgiving world but she’s not an unforgiving girl, constitutes a ritual of resigned sentimentality that inadvertently self-congratulates. Corny songs remain so even when played on harsh electric instruments. Toledo’s voice is another problem, even in a genre where lead singers scorn technique — although it clears up when he yells (again, see “Killer Whales”), otherwise there’s a lumpy toad plopped in his throat or perhaps perched in his sinuses. It prevents him from projecting as the guitars deserve.
One could imagine Toledo cleaning/beefing up his sound if given enough label money, but that would corrupt his vision: creaky production, always threatening to crumble apart, is the doomed loser’s hallmark. A second option would be for the guitars to get spikier and angrier as snarl replaces soar. Don’t gulp, now—screeeeeeeeam!
Solange: A Seat at the Table (Saint/Columbia)
On her first release in four years and her first full-length album in eight, Solange Knowles strings a set of hushed neosoul exercises around nine spoken-word interludes. As befits her reputation as the subtle sibling, the resulting music is calm and unexciting, shot through with brief moments of intermittent beauty and prolonged moments of spacey drift.
Don’t think hers is a pop stance: texturally and especially vocally, Solange’s music follows a decade of atmospheric experimentation in R&B. Midtempo percussive clicks, jazzy piano chords, and assorted layers of synth burble produce a constantly percolating dreamscape as magical keyboard swirl flits through the mix and leaves sparkly traces. Her coos and sighs, plus whispery backup from many famous guest singers weaving the collective breathy tapestry, balloon to fill the music’s blank spaces, turning an airy vocal style into airy polyphony.
Individual songs are exquisite: “Where Do We Go” combines piano plodding and melodic swell to fraught effect, and the ostinato violin in the lead single “Cranes in the Sky” cuts through the smoothness and vocal flutter. As a whole the album floats aimlessly. One could speculate about her sister Beyoncé’s long shadow instilling in her a taste for quietude, for avoiding popstar exuberance with diffidence and a shrug. More likely the album’s slightness is calculated as a means to soulfulness. Only music this passively rapt could back the high soars and swoops of her singing, which evokes a free, dreamy, restless spirit in tune with nature while presenting beauty as an abstraction. A firmer set of hooks might present beauty as a concrete attribute.
Faint, sleepy, subtle to the point of indistinction, the album never materializes. Perhaps that’s the appeal; it’s forever receding into an imaginary horizon. Reticence can be its own fixation.
Danny Brown: Atrocity Exhibition (Warp)
Danny Brown’s childish yap and scrunchy, skronky beats have charmed before, but never so charmingly. Perhaps inspired/alarmed by his title’s dystopian resonance, the infamously silly Detroit rapper presents his most consistently thrilling album, rampaging through an imagined hedonistic-fantastical landscape with suitably hyperactive desperation.
Brown’s most delightful quality is transparently insincere remorse. Rappers who depict themselves drinking, fucking, etc., frequently provide disclaimers, likely intended to distinguish them from hordes of mere braggarts: these choices are dangerous, don’t be like me, and so on. Sure enough, in addition to the album title, the lead track announces he’s on a “downward spiral,” and throughout the album he continues making similarly gratuitous remarks about the excesses of his lifestyle. Naturally, he doesn’t mean a word, as the beats and his vocal mood indicate unsullied joy. Brown’s no braggart: where other rappers use hedonistic detail to assert superiority, he enjoys inventing scenarios whose details he finds amusing. “Lines and lines of coke” and the like become infinitely droller when delivered in his shrill cartoon bark, the voice of someone happy to dramatize, and for the record’s duration impersonate, one particular extreme mode of being. Ditto when recited over the twangy riffs, industrial crackles, ominous guitars, skewed piano echoes, percussive bells and looped clicks, obsessive basslines and random squeaks, jittery drum klatches and comic dissonances that drive the record, courtesy of producer Paul White, unified less by any coherent sonic signature than by a muscular spareness of method that elevates Brown’s music from shtick to vision.
Whoever said rappers had to take themselves seriously? Sometimes a giggle does the trick. Giggles can also substitute for middle fingers. Brown knows their adaptability well.
Christine and the Queens: Chaleur Humaine (RAK/123/Smokehouse)
Synthpop–what an excellent simulation of softcore erotica. Released two and a half years ago in France, the tweaked 2016 UK reissue of Christine aka Héloïse Letissier’s debut showcases the potential subtleties in popstar stance and an allegedly simplistic genre.
Whenever pop aesthetes assemble spritzy drum machines under chintzy keyboard hooks plus comforting softer washes of electronic texture to blur the edges and evoke light, one might ask whether the resulting music represents commercialism or eroticism. It’s a misleading question: one is rarely possible without the other. Shiny surfaces, upbeat in mood and extroverted in how they signal product, reveal private feelings and desires whose long shadows are thrown into massive relief by the spotlight’s dazzle. Christine eschews the cheer typically associated with perky electronic music for a caution that feels European partially because her flighty, assured, accented vocals switch off between French and English, partially because she’s committed to ironic modes that don’t negate feeling. Downtempo and fixated on slow, steady burn, her musical euphoria appears when she savors snaky lines of melody, when keyboard textures thwock and ping against your ear’s expectations, when rays of electronic light crisscross and leave the drum machine faintly shaded, when sonic contrast creates a hushed, fragile, hesitant mood. The highlight is “Paradis perdus,” which steals the chorus to Kanye West’s “Heartless” and makes it sound creepier, somehow, performed by a sincere, breathing, flesh-and-blood being over West’s Auto-Tuned original.
Time calls her “the voice of a different generation.” I’ll call her the bearer of a detached but not therefore otherized sensibility. She’s crafted a synthpop record whose obvious pleasures don’t obscure the attenuated ones.
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