#There are a lot of decaffeinated brands on the market today that are just as tasty as the real thing
misanderousmisfit · 1 year
Maverick: I’ll come when I’m goddamn good and ready. You got that?
Ice: babe, you really need to switch to decaf
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meggie-stardust · 4 years
Favorite Things Tag
From @myletternevercame who tagged whoever wants, and I do ;) 💜
Five favorite books:
His Dark Materials .. Phillip Pullman
House of Leaves .. Mark Z Danielewski
Killing Yourself to Live .. Chuck Klosterman
The Lord of the Rings .. JRR Tolkien
The Night Circus ..  Erin Morgenstern
Five favorite drinks:
Black tea, sometimes with milk
Red wine from Spain or South America
Gin & Tonic
Sparkly water with lemon 
straight up ice water
Five favorite songs ATM
Shelved .. The Mountain Goats
Adam Forever .. U137
Candy’s Room .. Lifter Puller
Revel in Your Time .. Gunship
Like a River Runs .. Bleachers
Five favorite quotes:
“If you think that by threatening me you can get me to be your slave, well... that’s where you’re right, but--and I’m only saying this because I care--there are a lot of decaffeinated brands on the market today that are just as tasty as the real thing.” Chris Knight .. Real Genius
"’I knew I should create a great sensation,’ gasped the Rocket, and he went out.” Oscar Wilde .. The Remarkable Rocket
"She was a really cool kisser and she wasn’t all that strict of a Christian. She was a damn good dancer but she wasn’t all that great of a girlfriend." The Hold Steady .. Stuck Between Stations
“She's so refined. I think I'll kill myself.“ Singing in the Rain
"Good and evil are a great deal more complex than a princess and a dragon, or a wolf and a scarlet-clad little girl. And is not the dragon the hero of his own story? Is not the wolf simply acting as a wolf should act?" Erin Morgenstern .. The Night Circus
Five favorite fictional characters:
Steve Rogers 
Janet .. The Good Place
Chris Knight .. Real Genius
Parker .. Leverage
Jonsey & Riley .. Letterkenny (they count as one person, ok?)
Tagging: whoever wants 💕
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cliftonsteen · 5 years
Exploring Millennial Trends in Specialty Coffee
If there’s one thing millennials around the world have in common, it’s a taste for coffee. As this group makes up a major percentage of the world’s coffee drinkers, it’s a generation worth taking note of if you’re a coffee shop or roaster wanting to stay ahead. 
Tapping into this market is crucial for business success, but it won’t happen without an understanding of what trends drive their behaviour. To find out more, I spoke with two specialty coffee professionals about trends they’ve observed in coffee consumption.
Keeping reading to find out what Nicole Ferris (Managing Director for Climpson & Sons) and Ralf Rueller (owner of The Barn) have to say about the impact of millennials on the coffee industry, and be sure to catch their panel on the same topic at the Producer & Roaster Forum in Honduras this March.
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Baked goods on display at Climpson & Sons. Credit: Climpson & Sons
What Are Millennials Looking For in Coffee?
Millennial coffee consumption can be characterised by many traits. However, for those looking for more insight into catering to the millennial consumer in a coffee setting, the following trends offer valuable information on their consumption habits.
Alternative Health Options 
Millennials are more concerned with personal wellness than any generation before them, which may be because they have more access to information on their health than ever before. This concern has spilled over to their coffee consumption habits, with many seeking out decaffeinated options in an effort to keep their caffeine consumption in moderation. 
With the amount of diagnosed food allergies on the rise, coffee consumption could also be impacted by those who’ve developed lactose or nut intolerances switching from traditional dairy milk to plant and nut-based options.
It’s noteworthy that consumers are learning that popular dairy alternatives such as almond and coconut milk have negative consequences on the environment and often violate human rights. This means that the demand for sustainable and cruelty-free alternatives such as oat milk and seed-based milk could rise in the future. 
Milk and caffeine-free alternatives are something that many modern coffee shops have started to offer, as Nicole Ferris and Ralf Rueller can attest.
Nicole is the Managing Director of Climpson & Sons, an East London specialty coffee shop that sources and roasts coffee. She says, “The rise of oat milk has been huge – we’ve seen about a 70% increase in oat flat whites from last year. Overall, we’ve seen about 50 to 60% increase in oat milk consumption across the board, [in] both hot and cold coffee drinks. I think we’ll see this continue as veganism and environmental considerations are considered. This is an easy win for people to be able to make a small change, and it still tastes good”.
Ralf is the owner of The Barn, which is a specialty coffee roastery in Berlin, Germany. He informed me that he already offers two low caffeine level coffees at his shops: “One lot is called Laurina and one is called Aramosa. [In] early 2019, we launched our low-caff coffee for people that are more sensitive to caffeine, for people that want to drink in the evening, or for people that just want to have less caffeine. They’re very flavoursome and enjoyable, and we’re really proud that we found a natural alternative to decaf”.
A barista steams milk on the espresso machine at Climpson & Sons. Credit: Climpson & Sons
Better Quality Offerings
Specialty coffee is characterised by its high levels of quality, and the fact that every step of its journey, from growth to brewing, is constantly monitored in order to improve it. Origin is important, as it can impact a coffee’s flavour and profile, even amongst coffees of the same variety.
For millennials, quality trumps quantity. In the US, millennials have taken to specialty coffee, and drink more of it than any other generation. They’re also more likely to drink it outside the home, and will spend more on quality coffee, as they’re willing to pay for a drink that’s complex and innovative. A study by American beverage supplier S&D Coffee & Tea on millennial coffee consumption reinforces this, by revealing that millennials are concerned with a coffee’s origin, how it was roasted, and its brand when making a purchase decision. 
According to Nicole, millennials “have a desire for crafted products, and they want to identify with these values geared towards sustainability, traceability and local or independent business[es]. People want authenticity so it’s an opportunity to share your story. This, in turn, creates the buy-in you need for people to come back. A genuine experience is priceless!”
She adds, “People want to be a part of something, share in this value system, and feel connected. At the end of the day, you can come for a cup of..coffee, but it’s more than that. There’s an opportunity to share an experience [and] engage with other people, in an increasingly digital world”.
Traceability and sustainability are important to millennials when choosing which coffee to buy. Credit: Climpson & Sons
Increased Environmental & Social Responsibility
Wanting to know where their coffee comes from – as well as how eco-friendly the milk they add to it is – is indicative of another concern that millennials have that impacts their coffee consumption. Environmental friendliness, sustainability, and social responsibility are all issues important to them.
They’re more price sensitive and less brand loyal than the generations that have come before them, which means that they expect companies to be more socially responsible without having to pay more for it.
They care about how well the farm workers involved in coffee production are paid, and if they have an established set of rights. Research by America’s National Coffee Association also indicates that they’re concerned about whether their coffee was produced sustainably – in other words, with as little pollution as possible, and using renewable resources.
With continual improvement comes a rise in prices, and higher quality beans are going to cost more to the consumer because they cost more in general. Therefore, the final product must compensate for this. As Ralf says, “specialty coffee is an opportunity to change the value chain of coffee…to really make a difference at origin at farm level. Not only to…pick the best lots, but to do some real work with farmers; to elevate them, to treat them as equal partners”.
For coffee shops looking to capitalise on this on a budget, the most significant solution could be being as honest as possible when it comes to ethical practices. For example, acknowledging that your coffee shop doesn’t have a cup recycling scheme is probably going to sit better with millennials than covering up the fact that most of them are sent to landfill.
As Nicole explains, this must be done genuinely and honestly: “Millennials seek ethically conscious buying behaviour, so the world is bombarded with the word ‘sustainable’. It is a bit of a buzz-word so to be able to find authenticity is the challenge for the specialty coffee industry.”
The unique shop front of Climpson & Sons coffee shop.Credit: Climpson & Sons
Convenience on Demand
As millennials increasingly demand speed and convenience from their products and service providers, they’re turning to forms of coffee that are convenient and quick to prepare, but still taste as good as a four minute pour-over. This can be seen in the ever-growing popularity of cold coffee beverages, ready-to-drink beverages, and specialty instant coffee. 
Between 2016 and 2017, the US saw cold brew sales increase up to 80%, and consumption rates show no sign of slowing down. Its popularity isn’t necessarily unique to American millennials, as one out of every five new coffees introduced to the global market in 2017 were cold brewed and ready-to-drink. While European markets remain resistant to cold coffee drinks, sales of iced coffee drinks are on the rise in countries like Australia and India.
As a group, millennials are twice as likely to drink cold coffee compared to older consumers, and cold brew is a beverage that most have either heard of or tried. Grabbing a bottle of ready-to-drink cold brew off a shelf will fit in perfectly with the busy, career-focused millennial lifestyle, allowing them to enjoy quality coffee whilst still keeping up with the fast pace of the modern world.
This demand for convenience that doesn’t compromise on quality can also be seen in the rise of specialty instant coffee. Businesses are beginning to sell quality instant coffee that can be consumed on the go, requiring only hot water and a cup. 
While instant coffees have had a reputation for being poor quality, modern manufacturers are investing in labour intensive processes to preserve their flavour and aroma such as small batch brewing, secondary drying and an extended freezing process. Many manufacturers are also creating their products using better quality Arabica beans instead of the usual Robusta.
Ralf spoke to me about the specialty instant coffee that is available at The Barn, saying that “the convenience market is there. They want to have it quick…not everybody’s travelling with a grinder and an Aeropress and a kettle…The pouches are compostable, so it’s also environmentally friendly, and it tastes good”.
You may also like How Cold Brew Captured The Millennial Market
Grab-and-go coffee stalls, such as Climpson & Sons Old Spitalfields location, could be the future of specialty coffee. Credit: Climpson & Sons
What’s Next? 
The interests of millennials have no doubt helped drive the specialty coffee industry to where it is today, and they’re crucial to its future development. For coffee shops and roasters wanting to capture this market, integrating the above trends is just the beginning.
The millennial market is educated on what it wants, which allows businesses to foresee the direction that they should be heading in. There’s a chance that this might change in time, but by paying close attention to what they’re enjoying today, you’ll be better positioned to see where they’re heading tomorrow – and make sure your business is there to meet their needs.
Enjoyed this? Then Read Managing Customer Expectations in Your Coffee Shop
Written by Tasmin Grant. Feature photo caption: Nitro cold brew being served at Climpson & Sons. Feature photo credit: Climpson & Sons
Perfect Daily Grind
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The post Exploring Millennial Trends in Specialty Coffee appeared first on Perfect Daily Grind.
Exploring Millennial Trends in Specialty Coffee published first on https://espressoexpertweb.weebly.com/
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rosieraphaelle · 5 years
If you’re too busy to stick to a proper diet and exercise program, but you really to lose a little weight, then you could find the answer in NatureWise Green Coffee Bean Extract supplements.
Interested in what you can get from these supplements? Well, let’s take a look:
NatureWise is the leading brand when it comes to Green Coffee Bean Extract
The supplement is standardized to 50% chlorogenic acids; an antioxidant compound that has been studied for its effects on weight loss
Contains high-quality, safe ingredients such as GCA and highly concentrated chlorogenic acids
Gluten-free, vegan friendly, and made from natural ingredients
Decaffeinated; each capsule has roughly the same amount of caffeine as a decaffeinated cup of coffee
Formulated by doctors and made in the USA
[aio_button align=”center” animation=”none” color=”red” size=”small” icon=”amazon” text=”Click Here to Buy Now” target=”_blank” relationship=”nofollow” url=”http://amzn.to/2p4JbF8″%5D
Many people make use of NatureWise Green Coffee Bean extract to improve their blood sugar and control their weight. Green coffee beans are rich in chlorogenic acid and other natural antioxidants, making this one of the premier products for weight control.
About NatureWise
Before delving in more on NatureWise Green Coffee Bean extract, it would be a good idea to tell you more about NatureWise themselves. This supplement manufacturer focuses on creating 100% all-natural supplemental products for both men and women.
The ingredients they use include raspberry ketones, garcinia cambogia fruit, coleus forskohlii root, hoodia gordonii, guarana seed, fennel seed, ginger root, and – of course – green coffee beans.
The brand offers supplements in a range of categories including weight management, longevity, and daily support. The directions needed to use the product depend on which product it is, and your own personal goals for weight-loss.
You may need to adjust your dosage of the supplement based on how much weight you’re looking to lose and your tolerance to the supplement. Not everyone responds the same. Some may have to take more of the supplement to get the same results, while some may need to take less.
The headquarters of NatureWise can be found in Medford Oregon, USA. They make sure all of their products are created using only the highest quality raw materials. Their ingredients are all-natural, non-GMO products without fillers, all of which are obtained from organic and sustainable sources when possible.
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Click on image for full size.
Why Choose NatureWise Green Coffee Bean Extract?
These supplements are ahead of the game when it comes to delivering great results, using natural ingredients, and being offered at an affordable price. NatureWise Green Coffee Bean Extract is one of the top green coffee bean extract brands in the market today. They promise to deliver the best in weight management results due to the fact they are created using un-roasted green coffee beans.
Un-roasted green coffee beans are rich in the natural antioxidant chlorogenic acid, which is ideal for maintaining blood sugar levels and removing that stubborn stored fat that seems impossible to get rid of.
When antioxidants get into your body, it gives you several advantages as far as losing weight goes. Antioxidants can be used to get rid of those harmful toxins damaging your body, but they also cause weight loss, leaving your skin looking healthy. You’ll have a lot more energy than usual and feel great.
The Advantages of NatureWise Green Coffee Bean Extract
“I love this! NatureWise Green Coffee Bean gives me the right amount of energy to finish my workout!”
While there are a number of benefits to taking these supplements, there are some that are better than others, including:
Tried and Tested
The formulation and manufacture of these weight management supplements are supervised by specialists and qualified doctors. These supplements are also tested by third-party laboratories to verify the results. Every tablet has been created to deliver the promised results in a matter of weeks.
Natural Ingredients
NatureWise are proud of making weight loss supplements made from completely natural and organic ingredients and nutrients. Their tablets are also gluten-free and non-GMO. They contain no artificial ingredients at all. All the supplements are also vegan-friendly, meaning anyone can take them.
Manufactured in the USA
These supplements are all manufactured in the USA following clinical testing to close any loopholes.
Safe to Use
These supplements are completely safe for consistent use. They are made from natural ingredients, which means they are free from side effects. They can help you lose weight, but they won’t cause any side effects as they do so.
If you’re looking to lose weight but don’t have the time or the energy to dedicate to eating right and hitting the gym, then NatureWise Green Coffee Bean extract supplements are the supplements you’ve been looking for!
[aio_button align=”center” animation=”none” color=”red” size=”small” icon=”amazon” text=”Click Here to Buy Now” target=”_blank” relationship=”nofollow” url=”http://amzn.to/2p4JbF8″%5D
Ingredients in NatureWise Green Coffee Bean Extract
Each and every capsule of NatureWise contains Green Coffee Bean Extract (50% chlorogenic acids), and a patented GCA (Green Coffee Antioxidant) (50% chlorogenic acids).
There are other ingredients in the capsules such as vegetable cellulose and organic rice bran extract. There is also 20mg of naturally occurring caffeine in each capsule, which is about how much caffeine there is in a decaffeinated cup of coffee.
How does Green Coffee Bean Extract Help you Lose Weight?
“I was waiting to be done with my 1st NatureWise Green Coffee Bean Extract bottle.  but I already could see that my body fat has decreased”.  Click here to read the  user testimonials.
The trick behind the supplement is simple. After you start taking the supplement, it fills your body with antioxidants. These antioxidants flush toxins out of your body, giving you more space for healthier nutrients to take their place.
Drinking more water in the day also leaves you feeling fuller, with less hunger pangs. The supplement also boosts your energy levels while improving your metabolism from within. Improving your metabolic rate boosts your digestive system and natural fat burning levels.
Another great advantage of the supplement is that it leaves your skin looking great thanks to all the additional nutrients.
How to Take the Supplement
There isn’t a never-ending set of guidelines with this supplement, which could be one of the best things about them. Some weight loss supplements might need to be administered in case of side-effects, but that’s not a concern at all with NatureWise!
It’s simple enough to use them. Just take one capsule 30 minutes before eating a meal once a day.
That’s really all there is to it! It’s recommended to also drink up to 8 glasses of water each day, but it only takes 8oz of water to take the capsule. You’ll quickly notice the difference it makes once you start taking the capsule.
Review Conclusion
NatureWise Green Coffee Bean Extract contains one of the only patented forms of green coffee bean extract in GCA. GCA has been subjected to a lot of studies, proving that it is able to consistently deliver the industry standard in quality, concentration, and safety for green coffee bean extract.
You can buy this product through their official site for US$29.99 (as reviewed). However, you’ll get a larger rebate when you purchase this product through Amazon store.
NatureWise Green Coffee Bean Review If you’re too busy to stick to a proper diet and exercise program, but you really to lose a little weight, then you could find the answer in NatureWise Green Coffee Bean Extract supplements.
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gobussiness-blog · 7 years
The Dirty Facts on Tassimo T Discs
Cheap Tassimo pods
The Tassimo reads a tiny bar code printed in addition to the T-Disc to recognize the disc, and customize the water quantity and temperature to the drink. The Tassimo also has an amazing selection of espressos together with coffee. Tassimo is a popular beverage machine which uses prepackaged discs to produce a number of coffees, teas, and other hot beverages. Tassimo and Keurig coffee makers are all the rage at this time, but you can use the majority of the info within this short article to receive a very good deal on any automated coffee maker or espresso machine.
If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Tassimo T Discs
If you've got the discs, you're requested to quit using them and use the contact information above to receive a complete refund. It really depends upon how careful you're with the Disc. These reusable Discs contain all you want to use them and create your own coffee or tea.
The Lost Secret of Tassimo T Discs
Going to get a Dolce as the pods are absolutely inexpensive. Even though these pre-packed pods supply an expansive assortment of flavors, they are brand-specific and has to be purchased separately. Since you can see there's an exceptional range of T-disc coffee pods to select from. Because coffee pods are produced from filter paper, they are sometimes discarded as compost rather than trash. Since they are the most flexible and have the most variety, this is a good choice for anyone looking for the largest choice of coffees available. If it comes to variety, Tassimo coffee pods arrive in a great deal of different flavors for each taste.
The Do's and Don'ts of Tassimo T Discs
Take into account what you're searching for in a coffee maker. Durability You can't just purchase a coffee maker for the time being, but you've got to discover an appliance you know will last for many years to come. The coffee makers also include the particular pause and serve feature, which plenty of coffee drinkers find very handy and useful. If you don't have a one-cup coffee maker, keep reading to obtain info about which products may be suitable for you, and if you presently have one,Cheap Tassimo pods continue reading to find out new options you may be missing! You can select from small-capacity coffee makers and large-capacity ones that could brew up to twelve cups at the same time. Utilizing single-serve coffee makers is a very costly means to earn coffee drinks. There are lots of Single-serve coffee makers on the marketplace.
How to Get Started with Tassimo T Discs?
If you own a coffee capsule system at home, you understand how good it is. Don't hesitate any longer, but make the most of many drink varieties that the Tassimo beverage system has to supply you. Unlike other single cup coffee makers, the Tassimo system is the sole cup at one time system which has the most significant range of drink choices to select from. To summarize, you are in need of a Tassimo Coffee system because it's clean and uncomplicated.
Coffee became my very best friend. The Gevalia coffee is generated from many of coffee farms around the world. It also includes a number of gourmet kinds. The Gevalia coffees are made with the clients' taste and degree of satisfaction in mind. Note that all the above mentioned Gevalia coffees are at present available on the market in delicious caffeinated and decaffeinated varieties.
You may change your coffee from day to day or maybe to match a particular occasion. That means you can get gourmet coffee or hot beverage just enjoy those at your favourite coffee shop, except you are going to have this in your home or office, instantly! It's great coffee and there are lots of completely free gifts. These fantastic coffee making machines are brought to us by Gevalia Kaffe, one of the absolute most well-known businesses in the area of coffee.
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