#Theodore Ash Jr
star-spangled-bastard · 5 months
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based on this text post
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rangerzath · 3 months
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I've always wanted to try my take on Broderick Northmoor's appearance. He's such an asshole. I love him. I just love the way Northmoor is just so about himself.
I've always wanted to create something for Northmoor/Ash. I headcanon that there was a time when he and Ash were in love. Because every Director falls in love with their Head of Research. Rules of the Oldest House.
I wrote a drabble to go along with this picture. You can read it on AO3 here. 🔥
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velvetjune · 6 months
Ash jr. days into staying at the Foundation: I hate Northmoor I hate the Foundation My team is miserable
Ash jr. months into staying at the Foundation, surrounded by id: Here are my friends Hercules, Adam, Lilith, Copernicus, and Mabel. They’re a little shy. I gave them teddy bears and we look at art together :)
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ineedmoredragons · 1 year
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"For who among us has touched the foundations of this world and deemed them solid."
Dr. Theodore Ash
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tanis-fics · 7 months
When Ash Jr. is trapped in a building shift incident and begins to freak out about his imminent death, the person who aids him is the least one he expects. The least helpful, too, but at the end of the day, Ash could really use a break. (A musical break, even)
Pairings: Theodore Ash Jr. & Ahti, Theodore Ash Jr. & Ahti & Oldest House ♦ Words: 1117 ♦ Notes: For the @februaryficletchallenge, prompt Trapped In An Elevator
[on ao3] ♦ [on squidgeworld] ♦ [read on site]
 When Dr. Theodore Ash Jr. first felt the elevator shake under his feet, and then stop menacingly, he immediately assumed he was going to die. Of course he was going to die after making the discovery of a lifetime, the cruel irony of it almost made him crack a smile; the fact that he could at least see the twisted beauty of the Oldest House in all its glory unlike his father before him almost brought him peace of mind, in those grim final moments.
 He took it in stride at first. Face it proudly like the bearer of his name should.
 Seeing the concrete surrounding him ad infinitum outside his fancy metal cage ever so slowly closing in, however, eventually panic began dawning on him.
 He couldn't die. Not now, of all times. He still had so many things to research, so many caves down in the Foundation to find and study. His friends, the Id, he couldn't just leave them all alone while the rest of his team (or, God forbid, Director Northmoor) probed the place without a care in the world.
 Breath began coming shallow as death started breathing on his neck. Trapped like an animal. No. Trapped like so many members of the Bureau by the shifting chimera of the building. Ash had been researching the energy leylines from the pillar, coming up with ways to stabilize it's uneasy entrails to avoid these senseless deaths, but maybe he had been far too late.
 As his windpipe closed in panic, Ash would have wanted to say that he hoped someone else took his investigations and finished his work for the Bureau. But he was just a coward, and his mind screamed for someone, anyone, to realize where he was and came help him.
"...Yksin sankar yöhön syvemmälle matkaa pois,
Se taakka hänen harteillaan kuin lupaus aina ois,"
 Jerking his head up, Ash recognized that faint melody before recognizing the accompanying voice. He couldn't see anything past the concrete, but the song came from a point somewhere above him. Swallowing, his throat hurt horrors, but he still croaked.
 "J, Janitor, is that you?" He cursed at himself for not remembering his name, despite his appreciation to the mysterious man. The singing stopped, and he felt panic rising again. "Are you there? Can you hear me?"
 Silence followed his many questions, until he heard his voice again, closer this time.
 "Doctor?" His thick accent brought a smile to his face, relief washing over him for a second. "Were you running with your head as your third leg, and got stuck in the walls?"
 He had no idea what that meant.
 "More or less, I suppose." He yelled back, voice breaking a bit at the end, and was met with a candid laugh. If it were anyone else, Ash would be enraged and humiliated, but the Fin's idiosyncrasies put his mind at ease, or as much as it could in that situation. The man had a surprisingly vast knowledge of the building, either inherent or learned, and if he could laugh in the jaws of danger maybe it wasn't as bad as he originally thought it was.
 Still, he was no God either.
 "Friend," he tried again, grabbing the metal curtain and facing the darkness from where the voice came from, "there was a shift in the building and I happened to get caught in the middle! I'll need you to call Security to get me out of here."
 "Yes, yes, do not worry, an emergency does not look like this. Ahti will make sure you get out of there, loose like a grandma's tooth." He sounded very sure of himself regardless of the wording, and Ash thanked him for that. Regardless, time started passing, with only the sound of the mop against the floor and the whistling of the man to fill it. Had... had he even called for help? He couldn't help but wonder, anxiously. Did he misjudge the strange man, misjudge Ahti? Or was he testing him? Could that be a test? "Eh. So nosy." The man called again, sounding... annoyed? Offended? "Don't wait as if waiting for the raising moon. You will not die. Not in an elevator, at least."
 Ash froze, but then sighed. Fine. If the Janitor said he wasn't going to die there, he couldn't possibly die there, he guessed, bittersweet.
 The walls stopped closing in, though.
 "That's right, perkele." He heard him say, proudly, yet probably to himself, before stating louder, in a way that seemed less and less like a suggestion. "Take a rest. It will do you good."
 Odd. What an odd fellow.
 Two peas in a pod, he supposed. The Janitor and the House.
 The Janitor and him, too.
 Resting his back on the opposite wall and sliding to the floor, Ash could swear he felt a rumbling on the elevator, and despite every logic and every alarm ringing on his mind he actually felt his fear slowly melting away, as his breath eventually slowed down too. The Fin's words ticked him, but he was tired, he couldn't remember the last time he took a break. The last time he allowed himself to take a break.
 Maybe he was safe. Call it good luck, or affinity, maybe the house wasn't going to swallow him alive. Not that day, at least.
 "Ahti." He called eventually.
 "Could I ask one thing of you, at least?" Since you're clearly not calling anyone.
 "What is it?"
 "Could you sing to me that song you're always singing to yourself?" He heard a surprised noise.
 "Sankarin Tango! You like it?"
 "As a matter of fact, I do!" And then, to himself, somewhat feeling like the compliment will reach his ears regardless. "I've always found it quite lovely, actually."
 Ahti sounded extremely pleased, speaking to himself in Finnish with an audible smile on his lips, and Ash couldn't help but smile too as the last traces of fear left his mind and body. As music filled the air around him his worry was replaced instead with the low rumbling that now enveloped him, louder. Did it came from the elevator? From the Oldest House itself? Was it, and could even be a reaction, let alone a positive one? Was it a response to Ahti's singing? First drafts of theories rose and fell like his calmed down breathing, like the melody carried by the air, as he waited to be rescued. Or, as it eventually will come to happen, for the walls to open and for him to meet his janitor friend, standing alone on a recently cleaned room.
 For now, Theodore Ash Jr. simply sat there, enjoying the choir in peace.
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tanis-drawings-2point0 · 10 months
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trying to come up with an ash jr design + sketches of a first meeting
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thinking about this scrawny ass bookworm nepo baby, i feel like his clothes felt a tad too big once his father died and they meet the oldest house... would Love to draw him once hes more comfortable in his position 🥰
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compressednerve · 9 months
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Here's a lil somethin I've been chipping away at all week. Ficlet under cut ^_^
“Why the hell is this House Shift so isolated to us?” Broderick sneers at Theodore, crossing his arms over his chest and looking down his nose at the other man. The Director and The Head of Research are standing so close together though not of their own volition. The walls are squeezing in on them but their bodies are not touching yet. Northmoor’s temperature is rising with his agitation. The oxygen in the room is hot, and hard to breathe in. It smells like sweat and stale air.
Ash is shrinking against the wall, his palms flat and fingers splayed outwards on the concrete of The House. It’s like he’s trying to melt into the wall, or at least like he’s trying desperately to get away from his superior. A response bubbles in his throat, but he can’t bring himself to speak properly.
From an outside perspective, it’s clear that they’re trying to reach a conclusion. It’s also clear that with where they stand, one on the side of The Board, the other on the side of The House, that they cannot reach that conclusion together.
It offends Northmoor. He responds with a challenge.
Ash gathers his courage and tries to speak
“Northmoor, Sir, with this house shift, I can't... there's something wrong…” 
“And what, pray tell, would that be?”
Ash takes the challenge, against better reasoning. He thinks he’s going to be able to appeal to Northmoor’s higher reason. He’s been able to tell that something has been changing Northmoor, much like The House has been changing him.
“I- I think it’s you, Sir…” Dr. Ash’s voice comes out meek, afraid, like always. Ash’s hands come up to gesticulate as he speaks. To Ash, there’s the glimmer of opportunity for camaraderie. He couldn’t be more wrong in assuming there’s common ground between them. The sound of the pathetic waver in the Head of Research’s voice is almost enough to distract from the meaning of his words. Almost.
Broderick’s eyes widen. The snarl of his mouth curls into a deeper sneer. Northmoor takes it as an insult, because how else would he take it? He’s even more offended, and now incensed. He surges forward, grabbing Ash’s arms by the wrists, lifting him off his feet and pinning him against The House. The walls shift again, closing around them, squeezing them together even tighter. It practically shoves the air out of their lungs.
Northmoor’s knee is jammed between Ash’s legs, pressing concentrated sweltering heat and pressure against Ash’s crotch. Northmoor’s pelvis is pressed against Ash’s hip. Northmoor’s breath is so hot against Ash’s face, he’s struggling to breathe without choking on the searing damp of the Director’s respiration. They’re so close now, and with Northmoor holding him so hard and high, Ash can practically taste the sweat rolling down his face. His tongue almost, almost darts out to taste it. It’s the only thought in his head other than the fear of imminent immolation.
(timelapses for part 1 and part 2)
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taniushka12 · 1 year
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yknow i was really wondering and hoping that ash and ahti met at some point in canon, im v glad to see they did :')
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stolenrocket218 · 10 months
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have a scientist. my beloved Dr. Theodore Ash <3 <3
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controlquotes · 2 years
For who among us has touched the foundations of this world and deemed them solid?
Dr. Theodore Ash Jr. (Control 2019)
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star-spangled-bastard · 3 months
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another illustration for Sacred Geometry now that it's complete
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subjectsix · 1 year
What kind of Pokémon do you think the Control characters would have?
OOOO [rubs hands together] THIS IS MY STUFF
Okay, so I'm gonna try and limit myself to 2-4 per person. I'm assuming they won't have their whole 6 pokemon team, and just some with them in the Bureau or travelling with them.
Jesse Girafig seems like a fair, albeit a bit unusual, pick for Jesse in my eyes. Maybe a Blaziken, or a Growlithe? Umbreon fits well too. I like the idea of her having smaller pokemon that are easy to travel with though, so Blaziken, Growlithe, and Umbreon feel like a good spans of her personality and style.
Dylan Absol and Hypno both feel like viable options for Dylan. Espurr is kind of the funny meme answer, but fairly fitting I think. I can see him having a Wooper or Gilgar from childhood.
(There's no way Mewtwo could ever be on his team or similar, but I think he'd find Mewtwo relatable.)
Emily I can see her with a Froslass, Reuniclus, and Togepi! Togepi and Reuniclus fit her more scientific and excitable part of her personality-- a pokemon like Froslass (or maybe Gallade or Mawile) would fit the more elegant in.
Darling Sudowoodo. In a bowtie. Also a Quagsire! They just seem like they'd fit his personality.
Marshall Luxray and Nidoking, especially a Luxray. The kind you'd basically associate with her constantly, because her Luxray is nearly always with her.
Trench A Grovyle and a Scizor feel fitting for him. Stantler too. Grovyle and Scizor just fit his demeanor-- seems tough, but fairly friendly. Stantler I can't really explain... it just seems to fit him well.
Arish Scraggy. No explanation, just vibes. As well as Poochyena and Croagunk. Maybe a Croconaw?
Ahti Golduck :) and maybe also a Psyduck. Quirky janitor who has a lot more going on with him than meets the eye (and ocean associations?) Heck yeah man
Langston I remember @fbcbreakroom suggested Klefki for him once, which feels so fitting! I also think it would be very funny to give him a Rotom, especially in "fridge" mode.
Underhill Breloom, Vileplume, and Parasect. And a Granbull! The first three all relating to her area of study, and the Granbull just being Her Pokemon. I mean, look at them!
BONUS: Theodore Ash Jr Sableyes! Tell me you wouldn't be shocked if you went to the Foundation and found hoards and hoards of Sableyes. This guy would befriend them.
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velvetjune · 6 months
ash jr makes all these rules and policies to stop the bureau from inhumane practices, then soon after he’s gone, the new director and head of research kidnap a child lmao
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parasitefun · 9 months
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There's such an interesting contrast between Ash Jr.'s relatively nonchalant "Northmoor will be angry at me [...], that's just his way." and Trench's somewhat more serious reminiscince about how "Northmoor hated my guts for [disobeying orders]."
Obviously there's a lot there about Theo knowing Northmoor before he was in power and his supsicion of the Board vs Trench's reliance on the Board and taking Northmoor's authority at face value...
But honestly I think Ash Jr. always getting yelled at when he's hunched over his desk and being eyelevel with Northmoor's Glowing Boss Battle Weak Point is a funnier reason.
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thatcontrolfangirl · 2 years
Control (2019) Sexyperson Competition!
Time to pit these bad bitches against each other, except IDK how to use brackets. Please reblog this along with the polls!
So, here’s our lineup for the first round:
Emily Pope VS Helen Marshall
Frederick Langston VS Philip Philson (Fridge Duty)
Jesse Faden VS Zachariah Trench
Casper Darling VS Theodore Ash Jr.
The Board VS The Former
Dr. Underhill VS Dylan Faden
Polaris VS Hedron
Simon Arish VS esseJ
@oldest-house summon the fandom, we have much to discuss
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oldest-house · 2 years
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