#Then the questions/interrogation would start
kingkat12 · 2 days
say it (roman godfrey x reader)
WARNINGS: 18+, mentions of sex, jealousy-schemes, depictions of violence, blood, angst, fluff, Roman using his powers for no good as always
summary: many questions have been left unanswered-- was Roman really going to take revenge on the girls that hurt you, and would the avalanche of events lead him to finally tell you the words you've longing to hear?
word count: 9,208 (holy fuck)
a/n: celebrating 400 followers (???) with an extra long chapter!! thank you all again for the support of this series!! all the comments have warmed my heaaarttt omg hope you enjoy!!!<3333 love u!!
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Roman had always been highly unpredictable-- but this, I should've expected.
My hands trembled as I reached for the brand new phone in my locker, realizing he had bought me the most recent model he could find. As I picked it up, I slowly pried away the attached post-it note;
taking care of things - the one thing I do well
Knowing I had asked him not to do this, I could only sigh as I tucked my new phone away in my pocket. The day had certainly started on an odd note, but my main concern wasn't this-- it was rather the question of what Roman had done after he stormed away from my house that kept my mind occupied. 
Roman could be scary, and I was aware of this. But gifting me a brand new phone for several hundred dollars? It just proved I could never foresee his next moves. This only made me more anxious to learn why he had left my place in such a hurry shortly after seeing the cuts Jasmine had left on the back of my hands. 
As I closed the door to my locker, a group of girls passed me, their whispers catching my attention. I turned around, ready to face off with another group of bitches just like yesterday, all until I realized what they were whispering about. It wasn't me. 
I followed their gazes which were focused on something further down the hall, and it was at this moment that I spotted the man who hadn't answered any of my panicked messages or calls-- instead, he stood talking to Jasmine. 
Thankfully, it seemed to be quite a heated conversation, unlike how he usually spoke to girls. Roman's brows were drawn together in anger, nearing her slowly in his typical tactic of intimidation, clearly telling her off; I stood frozen by my locker, not bothering to suppress my growing smile at the sight. My stomach fluttered with warmth as I realized that he was standing up for me.
... However, my smile quickly faltered as I caught the change in Jasmine's face. Her lips had been pursed, her finger had been drawn forward to point at him in defense, but her whole fight-back demeanor faded within the snap of a second. It was as though she lost all the blood in her face, eyes not blinking as they met Roman's intense gaze-- everything about her state reminded me of mine yesterday, when I suddenly couldn't control my own words when I looked into his eyes and he interrogated me about my wounds. 
I couldn't deny how dangerous Roman looked, watching as he told her one last, short thing, before harshly nudging her shoulder and disappearing out of view.
Jasmine stood by her locker, completely frozen. I wondered whether she was still breathing, all until she finally moved. She slowly turned to stare into her reflection in the mirror she had hung up on her locker, still not blinking. 
I didn't think I could shriek the way I did-- the extent of my voice was something I discovered as Jasmine unexpectedly slammed her head against the mirror, a loud thud echoing through the hall. 
I wasn't the only one who had been caught by surprise, and I watched the people around her jump away in a mix of both fear and shock. 
Jasmine didn't look like herself; her eyes were dull, hollow, as she brought her head to her locker once more, now leaving bloody cracks in the mirror. 
I recognized Jasmine's posse of girls flocking to make their way through the crowds, and Letha appeared almost out of nowhere to grab her and pull her away from her locker. A shrill cry followed from Jasmine, who was clawing at Letha as though possessed. I watched as she fought, yelled-- I couldn't look at it anymore. I couldn't look at the tiny trickle of blood running down her nose, similar to Roman yesterday, or the small shards of glass she had managed to get lodged into her forehead. 
I turned away, clasping a hand over my mouth as I squeezed my eyes shut; something told me that the sight of the whole thing would burn itself into my mind forever.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
Oh, how right I was. I kept replaying the whole scene, but I had oddly enough fixated on something that wasn't the blood-- suddenly, my mind kept replaying how ridiculously hot Roman looked leaned over Jasmine with his intense, big eyes. 
I did my best not to think too much about it. I couldn't; it all brought back thoughts of how soft his lips were against mine.
Speaking of Roman, I didn't expect to talk to him at all today. He still hadn't answered any of my messages, so I assumed he needed time away to cool off.  However, I knew I had him cornered when I accidentally walked into the chemistry lab, catching him in the middle of... an experiment?
This was certainly a new side of Roman which I hadn't seen before-- I had never seen him do anything school-related, as I had gathered he didn't care much for it from our study sessions at Letha's place before everything happened. But here he was, so consumed in whatever he was doing that he didn't acknowledge that I had closed the door, leaving us alone in a confined space.
I pressed my back against the cold door, watching him from afar. Something about how calm he was made me uneasy; why was he so focused? Roman, captivated by the small, compact container before him, kept his eyes on his work as he spoke; "Are you lost?"
My brows drew together as I watched him pour a liquid gel into the container which contained what looked like blood-- he was so meticulous that it gave me an inkling that he had done this several times before. "No," I mumbled, clearing my throat as I fought my queasiness at the sight of his experiment. "What are you doing?"
Roman barely reacted to my question, busy with putting the container into a machine nearby. "Genetic testing,"
"Since when do you know how to do that?"
Annoyed by my continuous interruptions, Roman's gloved hand put the blood-box into the machine and pressed a button to start it, finally looking up to meet my nervous, flickering gaze. "You certainly have a lot of questions today," he huffed, adjusting his protective glasses. "My turn. How are your hands?"
I suddenly became very aware of the cuts on the back of my hands, and my eyes diverted down to watch my thumbs nervously brush over my wounded skin. "They'll heal. I'm not too worried about it," My next inquiry was one I was wary to say, but it became obvious to me that I had to; "I'm more worried about why you stormed off like that last night."
Roman didn't move a muscle, watching me with a blank look on his face. "You told me to go,"
"Come on," I was reminded of what my state had led me to yesterday; the way I wanted to push Roman away, to never see him again. But here I was, standing before him with no greater wish than to run to him. "I was worried sick that you'd do something... You looked like you were ready to kill someone." It was at this moment that I dared to look back at him and suddenly caught a glimpse of the hickey I had left on the side of his throat-- I immediately felt a familiar warmth creep up my cheeks, leaving me with a flustered, reddening expression on my face. "What did you do?"
Roman tilted his head to the side, scanning my state. "I haven't done anything--"
"Then why did you?--"
"Major," Roman bit down on his lower lip, trying to suppress his shameless grin. The familiar spark in his green eyes returned, and I could see it perfectly clear through his protective gear-- no matter how worried his words made me, that look never failed to make the butterflies in my stomach explode all over the place. 
I had to pull myself together, but my voice came out frail and shaky; "You're kidding, right?"
I recognized Roman's wish to remain reactionless and the way he fought the rounding out of his big, green eyes. It seemed to dawn on him that I was genuinely concerned. "... Sure. But what did you think of what happened this morning with Jasmine?"
"What?" That was certainly unexpected-- "Why?" I wanted to ask what he had said to her, but something told me he wouldn't tell me the truth about it anyway. Instead, I opted to find comfort in the fact that he had confronted her for my sake. 
Roman shrugged before his attention moved back to the machine. It was beeping rather obnoxiously, a sound impossible to ignore. He got back to work, pressing a few buttons here and there; "Just wondering. Did it not make you feel good to see her like that?"
I couldn't put my finger on why he was asking these peculiar questions. "Well... No? I was mostly scared. I've never seen anyone have a nervous breakdown before, and I didn't expect something like that to happen to Jasmine,"
"Nervous breakdown," Roman echoed, checking some numbers he had written down on a sheet nearby. Something told me he was upset I wasn't over the moon about it. "Don't you feel like she deserved it?"
It was mind-boggling to hear him talk like this, with such nonchalance about a girl slamming her head bloody-- I had suppressed the memory of this side of him. The inclination to anything pain-related, the scorching look of amusement in his green eyes at the sight of my flaring anxiety, and the infamous fucking needles. How he had gotten hard when seeing how scared I was when we hid from Letha on our first date. 
I hated every reminder of this side of Roman. Hated it. 
"I don't think anyone deserves to be driven to that," I mumbled, picking at my nails out of nervous habit. "I didn't know she was dealing with anything that would lead her to do that. Maybe that's why she acted out yesterday? I hope that's the reason, and not because Letha sent her to do it... " With a sigh, I brought my hands up to rub my temples. "It was so damn scary... The whole thing. And ever since, my head has been hurting like crazy."
Taking in the silence that ensued, Roman tapped the spot next to him on the counter-- come here.
I held my breath as I made my way over with shy steps, hoisting myself up on the cold surface. I watched as Roman removed his gloves along with the protective glasses, now reaching forward to part my legs and make space for himself between them. He listened to the hitch of my breath as he laid his hands on my hips, his calculated gaze scanning mine whilst pulling me towards him. 
By instinct, I rested my hands on his broad shoulders, taking in the moment our breaths became shared. Right now, it was impossible to believe that I had made the wrong choice in choosing him over my friendship with Letha-- something about the tenderness with which he was touching me, told me he was changing right before my eyes. 
With baby steps, of course.
Roman seemed to be taking pity on my state, softly nudging his upturned nose against mine. "Try not to think about it too much," he breathed, watching as I closed my eyes to savour the moment. "Trust that I know how to take care of this."
No, no, no-- "Please don't say that," I pulled away, my hands slowly reaching for his face, searching for the intent behind his eyes. "I know you well enough to know that you're capable of things I don't want to get into, and honestly? You scare me when you say shit like that."
Roman's brows drew together in a troubled look; "I scare you?"
"Yeah," I breathed, stroking my thumbs across his cheeks. "You and your infamous needles and stuff."
A drawn-out groan ensued-- "Again with the fucking needles!--"
"Roman!" My grip on his face hardened in an attempt to keep his focus. I watched his green eyes widen, clearly not used to being handled like that. "Whatever it is, please snap out of it! You can't even tell me that you're into me, but you're ready to go back to being all dark, and for what? My honour?"
Something in Roman's eyes changed-- For once in his life, he was stunned, unable to utter a proper response. 
Overcome by a newfound sense of confidence in his unproclaimed feelings for me, I gently twisted my fingers into the nape of his neck, pulling him in for a soft kiss. Roman let out a relieved sigh against my lips, his grip on my hips tightening as he moved me closer to the edge of the counter, closer to him. 
It took a lot of willpower to disconnect our kiss, the warmth of his touch luring me in. "I'm serious," I said, nudging his nose as I felt his breath hot against my upper lip. "I can stand up for myself--"
"Shut up," Roman's lips came crashing against mine with a hunger I hadn't expected, especially knowing we could be walked in on at any moment. But I gave in, letting his greedy hands travel further to grab my ass, pressing me against him as his tongue moved softly against mine. 
Usually, I'd taste the hints of his cinnamon cigarettes, but today there was nothing-- I knew he didn't smoke the days he knew he had to be focused. There wasn't much time to ponder why, especially now that our kiss heated further.
As I felt Roman drive his teeth into my lower lip, I could only whimper against him. My grip on his hair tightened in an attempt to pull him even closer, but the sharp sting of the tug only fueled Roman's obvious growing need for more. 
It was building in me as well-- in my anxious daze, I had forgotten how good it felt to feel him against me. How thrilling every touch, every kiss, every little breath was. And if anyone had told me a month ago that Roman Godfrey would be grabbing my ass in the chemistry lab, I would've probably fainted; which I struggled not to do right now.
And I knew we would've gone further, beyond all restrictions and rules of the school, had the door not opened with a loud creak.
Squeaking, I pushed Roman away out of pure instinct. He didn't go very far, feet planted to the ground, as his hands trailed down to rest comfortably at my thighs when he met the eyes of the intruder of our moment.
Letha still held onto the doorknob as though her life depended on it, knuckles nearly turning white at the sheer force-- she inhaled sharply, not yet able to exhale. 
I felt like an icicle, frozen by fear on the counter after meeting the eyes of my ex-best friend. Roman's hands on my thighs burned, the realization of being caught in such a compromising position making me want to burst into flames like the witches of Salem. 
Roman took the lead, catching onto the intense staring-contenst which ensued between me and his cousin; "Did you need anything?" he asked, gaze hardening. 
Letha cleared her throat, letting go of the door. I couldn't help but notice the slight shake of her hands. "I need to talk to you, Ro," 
"I don't want to talk," 
She sighed, visibly fed up with her stubborn cousin; "We didn't finish this conversation yesterday. Don't act like we're not still talking because she's here,"
Oh? I held my breath, my nervous gaze moving to Roman. He remained unfazed, but the minuscule twitch of his eye revealed that he didn't enjoy that information being aired out. "What do you want?"
"To talk. It's important," Letha glanced at me once more, an unintelligible emotion glossing over her eyes as she looked back at me; "Could you please leave?"
It took a few seconds before I realized she was talking to me. The coldness in her voice broke my heart all over-- I didn't have the energy to fight her. Uncomfortable and mortified by the situation, I nodded to myself before sliding off the counter, Roman's hand never leaving me. He now held onto my arm, not letting me gi just yet. Leaning down to my level, he made sure he had my attention before he spoke in a hushed tone; "My number is already in your phone. Give me a text when you're free for lunch,"
My heart leaped up into the air as Roman pressed his lips against my forehead, the sincerity of the gesture flustering me beyond any previous point-- it was especially meaningful now that he did it in front of Letha. Realizing there was no going back, I got up on my toes to give him a short, soft kiss, feeling the plushness of his lips against mine before making my way to the door.
Passing Letha might've taken less than a second, but it felt like hours. I felt her green eyes burn into me, a sense of shock apparent in her body. We exchanged a short look, and I wondered whether I imagined the look of longing that so clearly streaked across her face; I didn't allow myself to dwell on it.
After closing the door behind me, I realized I had been holding my breath. I took a moment, regaining my composure before I got ready to kick off the door-- all until it dawned on me how clearly I could hear Letha's voice through the wall. My heart stopped, realizing I was about to do something I never thought I'd do; I pressed my ear against the door, mentally beating myself up for doing this.
"I see you guys are still getting along," Letha said, her fingers tapping against the door. "That's longer than any of the other friends you've stolen from me."
Roman groaned-- I didn't need to see him to know that he was rolling his eyes. "Get to the point,"
I drove my body closer to the door to hear them better, hearing Letha stepping away from the other side of it to come closer to her cousin. "Tell me why I had to drive Jasmine to school today because the wheels of her car had been punctured? Or even worse, how she got a note under her bedroom door saying she should watch her back?"
There was a long silence before Roman finally answered, a hint of humor in his voice; "... Maybe she should, then?--"
"Ro, you were in her house! Are you out of your mind?!"
As he groaned, I could almost see his usual annoyed stance and the way he grabbed the surface in front of him as his anger simmered to a boil. "Me? I would be more concerned about your own mind if I were you! Your cunt of a friend would've done it all again in a heartbeat if I hadn't scared her a little!"
Letha gasped; "What are you talking about? You have no right to call her a!--"
"That bitch hurt her!" Roman's fist came down against the counter, the thud making me jump away from the door. "Have you seen the state of her hands? How do you expect me to react when our petty bullshit comes down to this?!" 
I imagined the stunned look across Letha's face, the way her eyes widened as her lips parted, unable to find the right words. Eventually, she spoke; "Jasmine did what?"
I pressed myself harder up against the door, closing my eyes as it dawned on me how concerned Letha sounded. Everything about it made my heart swell with hope-- this meant she hadn't been the one to send Jasmine and her girls. If anything, she sounded horrified about the ordeal.
"Yeah... She did. And when I talked to Jasmine this morning, she seemed quite proud of it. You should be damn happy I didn't kill her on the spot," I heard the humming of the blood machine starting again, along with the snapping of gloves being pulled back on, indicating that Roman was back to work. "But does Jasmine suspect it's me?" he asked, a certain nonchalance about him. "The car and all?"
Letha sighed, trying to contain her outbursts; "She has no idea. And now she's just rambling incoherent things after what happened this morning... I think she's concussed,"
A hum. "Good,"
I clasped a hand over my mouth to suppress a snort. Against my palm, I could feel my growing smile as I realized this confirmed that Roman wasn't motivated to take revenge on Jasmine to quench his thirst to cause fear, but that he cared for me.
He cared for me.
My smile only grew as I stepped away from the door-- He cared for me. He cared for me!
Now, what remained was for Roman to actually own up to it... And I realized I was grinning as the perfect idea of how to get it out of him came to mind. But my plans came to a hard stop when Letha's voice sounded through the door once more; "Whose blood are you using this time?" she joked, trying to lighten the mood. I grimaced as I walked back to the door; I felt bad listening in on their conversation. Still, I imagined Letha was pointing at the machine Roman was using, as it kept making noise. 
"Jasmine's," Roman mumbled. "Got enough scraped off her locker to make a sample."
"Ro, that's not funny!--"
"Why haven't you girls made up yet?"
Letha sounded confused as she mentioned my name, not having foreseen the change of subject. "Are you seriously asking me that?"
"Yeah? It's getting annoying at this point. I thought this would blow over several weeks ago," With another loud beep, Roman stopped the machine. "She talks about you a lot. Gets all quiet when I tell her we're having family dinner at your house... And she still has a picture of you two by her bed."
"Oh, and how do you know that? Did you spot it one of the times you were reaching for the condoms on her nightstand?"
His breathing got harder, choppy, before his frustration sounded through his answer; "It's not like that,"
"Okay, then," Letha snorted, clearly not sold. "I'll put it simply for you. How would you feel if I fucked your best friend?"
"Ew, don't give me that mental image!--"
"Fuck you, just imagine a world where I would be enough of an asshole to do that! Imagine I slept with Peter. How would you feel?"
Roman took his time to answer, clearly flustered. "... I get it, okay? I get it!" 
"No, you don't," I could almost see the way Letha now avoided his gaze. "But... did it have to be her? Why couldn't you mess around with anyone else, why did you choose the first girl I trusted to get close to me after you screwed all my other friends?"
Learning of his previous conquests with Letha's long line of friends made me sick, but I focused on the fact that Roman remained quiet. Honestly, I would've cut off my left arm in exchange for seeing him right now. I wondered whether he could meet her eyes or not, and whether he was defensive or anxious. 
Eventually, Roman answered; "She... sees me. And she makes me feel good about myself. So I'm sorry your bitch-friend got hurt or whatever, but I'm just trying to return the favour,"
I had to do a lot to contain my instinctual jump of joy-- I was two seconds away from skipping down the hallway like a German child in a fairytale. Everything about this conversation made me want to squeal and melt into the door. 
However, the other part of me hurt for Letha. Hurt for the girl who knew me better than anyone else, hurt for the first person to have shown me true friendship. I hoped that we could get together someday, to talk it out like people, and not like the two crazy families from Romeo and Juliet. 
The rest of the conversation quickly became a childish spat similar to one between siblings-- I stepped away from the door, making sure to keep breathing. 
The most important thing I gathered from that conversation was the fact that Roman saw me and that he definitely had feelings for me. However, I couldn't quite put my finger on why he couldn't say it to my face. If he was willing to go so far as to scare off Jasmine for my sake, why couldn't he look me in the eye and tell me what he truly felt about me? I knew it would make me feel much better to get his feelings for me confirmed-- the fact that he was evading it left me uneasy. Uncomfortable. And quite frankly, it only made me further insecure.
What if I had sacrificed my relationship with Letha for someone who would never commit to one with me? 
My mind returned to the plan I previously made up with my ear pressed to the door; maybe Roman just needed a push in the right direction?
Either that, or I had been led on like the biggest idiot of the century.
I couldn't do this anymore-- I needed to know.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
And so, it was all set in motion. 
The first part of the plan was to find out whether it was necessary to have a plan at all. This, I decided to investigate in the backseat of Roman's car. 
It used to be a place that I refused to step foot in after hearing of his cheerleader-conquests. However, right now, it was a place of comfort and peace; he had parked it somewhere desolate, per my request. My parents had gotten suspicious after hearing steps on the roof the other day, and were now watching the whole area around our house like hawks to spot any possible intruders. So, as I didn't want to be caught sneaking a boy into my room, I told Roman to get creative-- and he had hit the jackpot.
This summer night was nice and warm, and we lay curled up in the back of his car as we stared up at the starry sky; this was one of the perks of Roman's car having the function of pulling down the roof. He sat with his back against the car door, me between his legs with my head leaned on his shoulder, the both of us looking up at tonight's constellations decorating the darkness above. 
"I'm not even going to act like I know what that one is," I mumbled, pointing up at the scatter of stars. I wrapped myself further up in his sweater, tracing patterns over the arm he had around me-- the night air was crisp, filled with the earthy scent of grass and the faintest hint of rain as my body filled with a certain satisfaction I hadn't felt in a while.
Roman chuckled, pressing a kiss against my cheek as his arm pulled my back flush against his chest. Like this, I could spot my hair ties still worn around his wrists. "It's the Little Bear constellation," he murmured, his long, slender fingers rubbing circles into my side. "See how it looks like a bear cub?"
I decided not to lie; he'd see right through me, anyway. "... No,"
"No?" Roman reached forward to grab my hand into his, closing one eye to position my hand properly with his vision. "Even if I trace it for you?"
It was impossible not to blush. His hand against mine, his warmth against my skin-- everything about this was so incredibly intimate, and I had to hold myself back from simply jumping him out of pure joy. "I-- Well," It was hard to speak when I was this flustered. I swallowed hard before trying again; "I don't think bears have long tails like that."
Roman seemed amused by my answer; "You make a good point," he purred, gently intertwining our fingers before bringing my hand towards his lips, pressing a kiss against my cuts. "As always."
I only blushed further, not bothering to suppress my smile anymore. Turning to him, I watched his big, green eyes meet mine with a softness that nearly made me melt right into him. "How do you even know all of this?" I asked, leaning my head on his shoulder. "You don't strike me as a constellation nerd."
Roman rolled his eyes, feigning annoyance. Something told me he was charmed by the subtle compliment of his intellect; "Is it hard for you to believe I'm not braindead?"
"Maybe," I turned back towards the stars, hoping he wouldn't spot my grin. "Pretty boys usually don't even know how to count to forty."
Chuckling, Roman nuzzled his cheek against the top of my head, wrapping both arms around me again. "So now I'm pretty, huh?"
"Yeah," I mumbled, deciding to be blunt-- I didn't gain anything by lying to him about it, anyway. Not after everything we had been through. "I think you're really damn pretty."
Something told me he hadn't expected the frankness, or for me to even be truthful at all. Roman remained quiet, taking in the sweetness of the moment. He took the time to kiss my temple, humming against my skin; "I think you're pretty too," he murmured. "Very, very pretty."
There was no way to suppress the blush burning its way up my cheeks, and I closed my eyes to savour the moment he kissed me. Roman was being so gentle, so loving-- I couldn't believe this was the same boy I had been running away from because I was scared he'd prick me with his scary needles. He seemed to notice how flustered I got from the compliment, letting out a warm chuckle as his gaze turned up at the sky again. As he pointed out a new constellation, Roman's voice was laced with a kind of wonder that made me smile; "If you want the full answer, it is the fact that there's something more up there that makes it interesting. Something much bigger than us... Something worth reaching for, y'know? The stars are just a blatant sign,"
I turned to look at him, watching the way his green eyes sparkled almost as brightly as the stars above us. Roman was so painfully beautiful, and so wonderfully at ease-- there was nothing I wanted more than for him to feel this peaceful all the time. I knew it would be good for his soul. 
I wondered whether Roman knew that he was something worth reaching for, as well. 
Everything about this evening made my body feel like gelatin. I couldn't even feel my fingers anymore, engulfed in the euphoria that was Roman. This was the perfect distraction from everything that had happened this week, and I realized it was also the perfect time to set my plan in motion; "So... you're willing to admit I'm pretty, but you're not going to say it?"
"Say what?"
I shrugged, feeling myself grow nervous. Roman was usually the one to mess up cute moments by saying something stupid, but I wondered whether now was my turn. "That you like me,"
However, he remained unfazed-- or, at least he was very good at acting like he was. His silence made me further anxious, now starting to wonder if I was the reason he wasn't able to say it to my face. Maybe he wasn't as into me as I had thought? Maybe this was just how he treated every girl he liked? 
I knew it wasn't, but I realized I was spiraling; I needed him to spell it out for me. I really, really hoped he would-- then I wouldn't have to go that dreaded extra length and go into phase two of my plan.
Roman pressed his lips against the top of my head, clearly lost in thought as he brought me back from mine. "Do you need me to?"
That was a good question-- one I knew the answer of. "I think so, yeah..."
"You need it spelled out?"
"Verbatim, Rome,"
The nickname seemed to throw him off; he let out a breathy chuckle, shifting to get a good look at me. "Since when am I Rome to you?"
I shrugged, meeting his green eyes. "Since... now?"
Roman smiled down at me, clearly flattered. "Cute," he breathed, leaning in to place a sweet kiss against my cheek. I giggled as Roman's fingers dug into my skin, pressing me further up against him in a flash of passion-- although this moment was perfect in theory, I knew I hadn't gotten what I wanted out of him tonight, and I dreaded what I had to do because of it.
Quite frankly, I dreaded it mostly because I was very well aware that the second part of my plan was incredibly high-risk. Stupid. Reckless, even.
However, I didn't see any other way of forcing those three words out of Roman that I needed so much. How else was I supposed to prove to myself that I hadn't sacrificed my friendships for nothing?
I dreaded every single step up I took as I made my way through the cafeteria the next day. In my peripheral view, I saw Roman sitting next to his best friend, Peter, chatting away about something as none of them had noticed me yet. It was only when I caught Roman's eyes that my heart started racing-- I watched his confusion build as I started walking in the opposite direction.
Determined, I knew this was the perfect moment to execute the second part of the plan. I did my best to keep my face neutral, hoping not to be visibly bothered by Roman's watchful stare, as I deliberately sat down next to Daniel-- the guy who had flirted with me at an assembly a month ago. 
I specifically chose Daniel because I remembered Roman saying he had noticed me talking to him; I also knew that this guy was the key to making him see the consequences of staying unofficial. 
I didn't need to look at Roman to know he was seething.
Daniel turned to me, putting down his fork. We hadn't talked since I started seeing Roman and stopped responding to his messages-- he was visibly confused, but there was a certain sparkle in his blue eyes that gave away his delight. "Hi?" He quickly turned to his friends who were all staring at us and motioned for them to get back to their own shit. 
"Hey, you," I shifted in my seat, attempting to make myself comfortable whilst Roman's gaze drilled holes into the side of my skull. "Haven't seen you in a hot minute. How are you?" Putting on my nicest smile, I tilted my head a little as I spoke-- that used to work on him. 
Daniel blinked twice, clearly unsure what to say. "Uh... Yeah, of course I haven't seen you, you've been busy with Roman," His eyes darted over to the latter, watching as my very unofficial boyfriend glared daggers his way. "I'm fine now, but I'm afraid I won't be later if you don't move soon."
This had been one of the driving factors of me not falling for Daniel-- this guy was an absolute wuss. I did my best not to roll my eyes, knowing how to rope him back in again; I placed a gentle hand against his arm, rounding out my eyes as Daniel turned back to me. His blonde hair fell over his eyes, a bright contrast to the dark blue of his varsity jacket, as his heart visibly skipped a beat. 
"You want me to move?" I tried, keeping my tone soft as I gave his arm a short squeeze.
In my peripheral view, I caught a glimpse of Roman stiffening in his seat. His green, intense eyes narrowed, his jaw clenched, and his fingers tapped impatiently against the table as his mood darkened. That same, unmistakable anger looming over him like a dark cloud worried me-- I knew I didn't have much time to make my point before he'd explode. 
However, distractingly comical, was the sight of Peter next to him, debating whether to put his hand on his best friend's shoulder in an attempt to calm him down; his hand kept jerking back and forth, jumping with every twitch of Roman's eye.
Daniel swallowed hard, his gaze never leaving mine. "Well... You don't have to move," He cleared his throat, giving in to a nervous chuckle. "You're already here, I guess. Pretty as always."
I had to fight my instincts to not throw up in my mouth-- it made me physically ill to flirt with him when I was so sickeningly crazy about Roman. "Oh, you're too kind," I tried, forcing a smile.
Daniel flashed me that typical heartthrob smile of his, finally giving in to my antics. He tilted his head, mimicking me, as his eyes sparkled with want; "Fuck, I've missed seeing you around,"
That seemed to be enough for Roman-- his possessive intensity came to a simmer, boiling over. He kicked away his chair as he got up, an angry groan escaping him as stormed off with balled fists. Peter sent me a sharp look of come on before he left his food behind to follow his best friend.
That was my cue to leave. "I, uh... Sorry," Releasing Daniel's arm with a quickness I didn't know I had in me, I practically jumped out of my seat, allowing myself to shudder when I was out of view. I didn't like touching any other guy like that, but I hoped that Roman would take the time to let it dawn on him that this could be his reality if he didn't step the fuck up.
... I really hoped that would be his conclusion. 
However, it dawned on me that this might've been my biggest misstep so far. I had learned that one of the most important things for Roman, was loyalty-- maybe I shouldn't have toyed with his perception of mine?
Putting it all together, I realized I should've expected it to blow up in my face.
The third and final part of my plan had been simple in my head; Roman would confront me about what had happened in the cafeteria, and then he'd tell me he couldn't stand the sight of me with another man and therefore wants us to be official.
... It seems that I had gotten in over my head.
The exact opposite of that happened. Now, Roman wasn't answering my calls. He would walk past me in the hallway as though I was a ghost, even though the fading hickey on the side of his neck served as a reminder of our time together. I hadn't expected him to ignore me like this, I really hadn't-- he was utterly unforgiving.
It had been three days of no contact. No shared glances, no exchanged words, simply because I got too confident. Why had I thought it would be so easy to get what I wanted? Why had I felt the need to drag a confession out of him when his actions spoke for him?
Roman had made sure none of Letha's friends would touch me again-- or, at least in the near future, seeing as the main instigator was at home with a severe concussion. He had put in a good word for me with Letha, he had bought me a new phone, and he had opened up enough to both accept and enjoy physical affection. Why hadn't I seen it this clearly before I messed it all up?
It all came down to one moment in the hallway. 
Exhausted and alone, I had zoned out like I usually did to distract myself from everything as I rummaged through my locker for my book. My body felt heavy with the sadness coursing through my veins, knowing I had no one anymore. No one. My every moment was slow, not having the energy to hurry much as I spent an unusual amount of time looking for the specific book I needed.
Up until my body froze at the sight to my right.
My head slowly turned to watch what was happening a few meters down the hall. There he was, the man that had haunted my every waking moment, vexed my every thought, with a girl. 
Roman had that classic heartbreaker look about him as always, leaning his hand next to the girl's head against the locker. From this angle, I could see the upward turn of his nose, the way his smirk painted across his lips, and the way his eyes practically sparkled at the sight of his next prey.
The most jarring part about it was the fact that I could still see my hair ties around Roman's wrist as his palm lay flat against the locker behind her, almost as though it was on purpose.
It became downright nauseating when the girl giggled and started twirling her finger around her hair-- I did my best not to throw up my breakfast. Questions raced through my mind, fogging up my brain; why was he doing this here, in front of me? Why was he doing this at all? 
I was sure this was what people meant when speaking of tasting their own medicine.
I stood frozen by my locker, one hand still shoved beneath the rubble of books, as involuntary tears pressed up against my eyes. I tried to ground myself with a few deep breaths, yet the world around me felt as though it was crumbling. All these games were so damn childish from the both of us; when would it end? I was living through my worst nightmare, and it became a hundred times worse when I realized I had been warned about this before by Roman himself.
I was reminded of the first night we kissed in that closet during seven minutes of heaven;
Roman stilled, eventually letting out a hum which sent a shiver down my spine. "You know nothing about nightmares," he breathed against my lips. "If I tell Letha we fucked in here, you'll be living through your worst one."
Oh, if only he'd known how right he was. Now I had no one to run to, no one to seek comfort from, all because of my own stupidity. Not only had I managed to lose all my friends, but now I had lost the one thing I had sacrificed everything for; Roman.
A pit formed in my stomach as I watched him lean closer to her, laughter dancing between them. Didn't he know how much that hurt? Didn't he see me standing here, shattered? I was so lost in the shock, that when Roman turned to face me, revealing that he knew exactly where I was and that I was watching, I barely registered it. My eyes had welled up in tears, looking completely shell-shocked as I watched his smirk immediately falter at the sight of my watery gaze.
In a flash of action, I slammed my locker shut, not bothering to look for my book anymore. I needed to get away. Now.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
When I got home that same day, I had expected to be left in peace-- that was the most logical conclusion. My parents were at a loss with what to do with me, and of course I had no friends reaching out to check up on me. I was quite sure I had hit the lowest of the low, simply sinking into a state of forced apathy as I lay with my face down into my pillow, spreading out on my bed wearing Roman's enormous sweater. I was quite sure I had been like this for hours, not getting up, not eating-- I didn't care anymore.
I couldn't care; it would break me. Just like that sight of Roman with that girl. 
I touched my neck, feeling the soreness of my fading hickeys as lightning struck outside. There were barely any traces now, and the realization that they would be gone in a day or two hit me like a truck. Thankfully, I didn't have many tears left in my body. I lay in the coldness of the puddle of grief I had left on my pillow, shivering as it dawned on me that I might never feel Roman's lips against mine again. Never feel his hands around my waist, never be in the back of his car, and never get to lay in his arms ever again. As the heavy rain continued to tap against my window, every drop felt like a reminder of the moments we'd shared, slipping away.
I remembered that first time Roman smiled at me in class. Every memory came to me; the rush of excitement coursing through my veins during our first kiss, the feeling of laughing with him at that café on our first date, and the way I would sometimes wake up to Roman's arm tightly wrapped around me in a protective, loving embrace. He wanted to hold me, even in sleep. 
He wanted me. Roman Godfrey wanted me, and I threw it all away because of my incessant need for him to commit.
And just as I was about to choke out any remaining tears, I heard a knock at my door. I didn't care to move, knowing my parents knew of my state, as my words got muffled against my pillow; "What is it? I'm not having dinner!"
"That's not it," My parents seemed to be whispering between themselves before one of them continued; "Sweetie... there's a boy for you at the door."
I bounced off of the bed as though I had heard a gunshot, and I landed on the floor with a groan as I crashed down against the hard wood. Wondering whether the thud had sounded through the ceiling downstairs, I realized I didn't have time to think about that; "Okay, give me-- Give me a second!" I got up from the floor, feeling my breath get stuck in my chest as I ran to my mirror, doing my best to fix the way I looked before leaving my room.
My thoughts were racing as I made my way past my parents, realizing they were staying upstairs to give us some space. I didn't need to guess who the boy at the door was-- still, I froze halfway down the stairs at the sight of him.
There he was, drenched in rain. Roman took a deep breath at the sight of me, watching the way his sweater draped over my shoulders with his big, green eyes. He, too, seemed to have frozen to his spot like an icicle, and a thick silence ensued as I gripped onto the banister of the stairs-- I was afraid I'd faint and roll right down. As he stood there, cold and vulnerable, I felt the walls of insecurity I had built up begin to crumble; his presence was both a comfort and a reminder of everything I'd lost.
Even worse was the way I tensed up, ready for him to yell at me and blow up. My grip on the banister tightened to suppress the subtle shake of my hands as I held my breath.
Finally, Roman spoke-- but it was far from what I had imagined him to say; "I don't know what happened. It doesn't make sense," His eyes rounded out, so heartbreakingly sincere. "We were good, and suddenly we weren't. I made sure you were safe from those girls, and then you went and flirted with that assembly guy... It doesn't make any sense."
I let in a long, shaky breath, feeling the guilt seeping through my veins. "I thought... I thought I needed you to say it,"
"Say what?" Roman shivered, clearly cold from his wet clothes. It made me wonder how long he had paced back and forth in the rain before approaching the door. "That I like you?"
My cheeks burned-- "Yeah..."
Another wave of silence ensued as Roman no longer met my gaze, biting his teeth together as he tried to steady his breathing. I could feel hints of his brewing anger beneath his attempts to keep calm; "Did you need me to say it so bad?" he mumbled. "Have I not shown you what I feel for you? Was it not blatantly obvious?"
Everything about his tone made me want to burst into tears-- it made me feel seven again, being told off in front of the whole class. "I'm sorry," I didn't know what else to say, at a loss for words. "You're just so hot and cold sometimes, I thought it would make me feel better if I got it confirmed. I sacrificed so much to be with you, and it was freaking me out that you couldn't say you want to be with me as well... I guess it really got to me."
It was clear that Roman was conflicted, consumed by a storm of thoughts. His green eyes softened, his brows drawing together in a look of melancholic sorrow as he let out a sigh. "I hear you, but it's just... Those girls went after you because you were with me. I know you've had a tough time, and I didn't want to make it any worse for you by making us official... By making my feelings official," His voice trembled, revealing the cracks in his tough exterior-- it was as though the weight of his own fears had finally become too much to bear.
Another wave of guilt washed over me, knowing I had driven him to this point with my schemes. "Why would that make it worse?" I dared to take another step down the stairs, letting go of the banister. "Wouldn't it be a good thing? Don't you think it would've made me feel better?"
Roman's eyes fixated on the laces of his wet shoes, and I watched him change his weight from one foot to the other. It was obvious that he was nervous, especially as he cleared his throat. "I don't think I'd be a good boyfriend," he mumbled. "I shut down. I retaliate when I'm angry. And I don't know whether Letha would ever forgive you if we got into a relationship, and I know that would crush you."
Despite the reminder of Letha, I had to bite down on my bottom lip to suppress my growing smile-- it warmed my heart to hear how he had thought this through down to every last detail. 
Roman was rambling at this point; "I was just so shocked when you went to Daniel, I thought I was going to faint. The way you smiled at him, the way you touched him... I couldn't even look at you these past few days, and then I couldn't stand the silence either, hence that show in the hallway... I just didn't expect you to cry. I fucking lost it,"
I reached the end of the stairs by the time he was done, now close enough to see that his drenched clothes were leaving small puddles of rain along the hardwood floor. "Roman--"
"--And I just don't want to hurt you, y'know?" He finally looked up to meet my gaze, an unfamiliar emotion swimming in his green eyes. There was a certain desperation about him as his words came out like a stream in a never-ending river; "Because even though we're fighting, you're still in my sweater. And even though you're fucking infuriating, I still want to hold you. No matter what people think, you're good. You're sweet, you're kind, you... There is a sanctity about you in my mind. I really don't want to hurt you, but it's fucking inevitable with me! That's just who I am!"
I was batting away tears at this point; "Rome, please, that's not!--"
"--Of course I like you!" Roman's eyes glossed over, letting his emotions shine through his tough exterior at the sound of his new nickname. "If anything, I adore you half to death, and you doubting that makes me feel like I've failed! I've failed to keep you happy, I've failed to make you feel seen, and I'm just-- I'm a mess!"
Attempting to pat away my tears with the sleeve of Roman's sweater, I sniffled as I realized I was unsuccessful, my tears now spilling down my cheeks. Suddenly, many parts of him made sense to me; after finally letting me hear his true, inner thoughts, I had never seen him more clearly than now. 
Roman sniffled as well, head hanging low in shame. "Why would you want a mess?" he echoed, his voice breaking. "I don't want to hurt you. I really, really don't."
Enough-- It was breaking my heart to hear him so broken. I finally dared to step towards him, slowly reaching for his soaked jacket. Roman's eyes widened as he watched me hang it up in the hallway; "What are you?--"
"Stay the night," I placed myself in front of him, having to get up on my tippytoes to brush his wet hair away from his forehead. "My parents probably won't mind if I ask nicely."
Roman's green eyes rounded out with every soft touch against his skin, and he placed his hands over mine as I cupped his face; it dawned on me that I hadn't felt so calm in a while. "I want to be yours, Rome. In every sense of the word," My thumbs stroked over his cheeks, watching his heavy lids fall over his eyes as he keened against my touch, succumbing to the comfort. "So what if you're a mess? You think I'm not, with the way I've been running around you for months like a dog?"
It warmed my heart to hear him laugh, even if it was for a few seconds-- I knew my eyes weren't deceiving me when I spotted a tear or two heavying down his long lashes, making their way out of hiding. 
I had to bat away my own, my voice barely baring through the sentence; "You're much kinder than you think you are, much more gentle... If only I could make you see it yourself," Getting up to his level was impossible, but I was able to tilt his head down enough for me to place a soft kiss between his brows. "I want us to be together. I want us to at least have each other,"
Roman's breath hitched, letting his hands travel down to rest at my waist as he opened his eyes. revealing an ocean of tears about to spill down his rosy cheeks. "We're going to crash and burn,"
"... Let us, then,"
It was as though time stood still in the moments I waited for signs of a yes. My thumbs stroked over his temples, realizing our chests were rising and falling at the same time, trapping us in one breath, one body. For a second, it felt as though Roman and I melted into each other, the green of his eyes engulfing me with a look that told me everything I needed to know. 
Roman's breath was hot and heavy as he searched for the right words. I was sure he'd said enough dumb things for a lifetime to know he needed to choose wisely for once. But hence, his lips curled up into the sweetest smile known to man as he spoke against mine--
"Let us," he breathed. "Let's burn together, then."
(a/n: if you've come this far, thank u so much omg!! here's PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, and PART 4 if you want to check them out!<33 )
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atlasthegreatest · 1 day
A Night Out / Tara Carpenter x Male Reader
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You would think dating for Tara would be easy, right? Wrong. Being asked out on a date by Y/n — the guy she'd been seeing for months was all she wanted to do. But it seems her extremely overprotective sister had other ideas.
Word count: 4056
A/n: This one was requested by @jacenradio7 I hope you enjoy it!
Tara paced in front of the mirror, smoothing down her dress for the third time in the last ten minutes. Tonight was supposed to be a simple dinner date with her new boyfriend, Y/n. It had only been a few weeks since they’d started dating, and things were going great. The problem? Sam.
Her older sister had a habit of scaring off anyone Tara ever dated. And this time, Sam had insisted on meeting Y/n before "anything got too serious."
Tara groaned internally, already bracing for what was about to happen. Y/n had no idea what he was walking into, and she wasn’t sure she could protect him from Sam’s interrogation.
As if on cue, there was a knock at the door. “Tara, you ready?” Sam called from the hallway.
“Yeah, one second!” Tara took a deep breath, grabbing her purse and heading out of her room. She opened the door to find Sam leaning against the wall, arms crossed and eyebrow raised.
“Relax, Sam. Please don’t scare him off,” Tara pleaded, giving her sister a look.
“I’m not going to scare him. Just… making sure he’s the real deal,” Sam replied with a smirk. “You’re my little sister, and I need to know he’s not some weirdo.”
Tara rolled her eyes but followed Sam downstairs, dreading the inevitable. Y/n was already waiting at the door, flowers in one hand and the other hand in his pocket, looking a bit too relaxed for someone about to meet Sam Carpenter.
“Hey,” he said with a bright smile when Tara appeared. He then extended the flowers to her. “These are for you.”
“Hey,” Tara responded, her nerves easing slightly at the sight of him. “Thanks.” She said, smelling the flowers with a small smile. He had a calming effect, always so laid-back, but she doubted even Y/n could stay that cool around Sam.
Y/n turned to greet Sam, offering a polite nod. “You must be Sam. Tara told me a lot about you.”
Sam eyed him for a moment before speaking. “Good to know. I hope most of it was flattering.”
Tara shot Sam a warning glance, but Y/n didn’t seem phased. “Only the good stuff. Protective older sister and all,” he said, his easygoing smile never faltering.
“Protective is an understatement,” Tara muttered under her breath, earning a chuckle from Y/n and a side-eye from Sam.
“Alright, let’s get to the point,” Sam said, motioning for everyone to sit down in the living room. “I just have a few questions for you, Y/n.”
“Sam—” Tara began, but Sam held up a hand, cutting her off.
“No, no. I’m sure Y/n can handle it,” she said with a pointed look.
Y/n sat down on the couch next to Tara, looking more amused than nervous. “Fire away.”
Sam leaned forward, elbows on her knees, as if preparing to interrogate a suspect. “So, how did you two meet?”
Tara winced. This wasn’t so bad yet, but she knew it was coming.
“We met through some mutual friends at a party,” Y/n answered easily. “I thought she seemed pretty cool, so I asked her to hang out.”
Sam raised an eyebrow. “And you’ve been dating for how long?”
“A few weeks now,” Y/n said, his tone calm and friendly. “We’ve been taking things slow.”
Tara appreciated how collected he was, but Sam was far from done. “And what are your intentions with my sister?”
There it was. The dreaded question. Tara could feel her face heating up, but Y/n didn’t miss a beat.
“My intentions?” Y/n repeated with a chuckle, glancing at Tara before looking back at Sam. “I like Tara. I think she’s smart, fun, and has a great sense of humor. I just want to spend time with her, get to know her better, and see where things go. No pressure, no games.”
Tara’s heart fluttered at his response. It was honest, and she could tell he wasn’t just saying it to appease Sam. He meant it.
Sam, however, wasn’t quite convinced yet. “No games, huh? Because if I find out you’re messing with her, I won’t hesitate to—”
“Sam!” Tara interrupted, glaring at her sister. “Seriously, enough. I’m not a kid anymore. I can handle myself.”
Sam’s expression softened just a bit, but she wasn’t ready to back down. “I know you can, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to look out for you. That’s my job.”
Y/n gave a small nod. “I get it, Sam. Really, I do. I’d probably be the same way if I had a sister. But I promise, I’m not here to hurt Tara.”
Sam stared at him for a few more seconds, clearly trying to decide if she believed him. Finally, she leaned back in her seat, crossing her arms. “Alright. But I’ll be keeping an eye on you.”
Tara let out a sigh of relief, feeling the tension in the room ease up slightly. “Okay, interrogation over. Can we go now?”
Sam smirked, clearly satisfied with herself. “Fine. You can go. But be back by 11.”
“Sam,” Tara groaned, rolling her eyes.
“Okay, fine. Midnight. And don’t make me regret it.”
Tara quickly grabbed Y/n’s hand and pulled him toward the door before Sam could change her mind. “Thanks, Sam,” she called over her shoulder, practically dragging Y/n outside.
Once they were in the car, Tara let out a long breath. “I’m so sorry about that.”
Y/n laughed, shaking his head. “It’s all good. I kind of expected it, honestly. She just wants to make sure you’re okay.”
“Yeah, but sometimes she’s too much,” Tara replied, though her irritation was starting to melt away. “I appreciate that she cares, but she doesn’t have to scare everyone off.”
“I wasn’t scared,” Y/n said with a grin. “I actually think it’s cool that she’s so protective. It means she cares a lot about you.”
Tara looked at him, surprised by how well he handled everything. “You’re… really not fazed, are you?”
“Nope,” he said confidently. “Besides, I’m not going anywhere.”
Tara smiled, feeling her nerves from earlier completely disappear. Maybe this was exactly what she needed—someone who could handle her overprotective sister and still want to stick around.
As they drove off for their date, Tara felt lighter. Sam had done her usual interrogation, but for the first time, Tara was sure that Y/n would pass the test.
As they drove toward the restaurant, Tara’s nerves finally began to settle. Y/n had passed Sam’s interrogation with flying colors, and she couldn’t help but feel relieved that, for once, her sister hadn’t scared off her date. The car hummed softly beneath them as the city lights blurred by, casting a warm glow on the evening ahead.
“So, how traumatized are you after that?” Tara asked, a teasing smile playing on her lips as she glanced over at Y/n.
He let out a soft laugh, keeping his eyes on the road. “On a scale from 1 to 10? Maybe a 4. Sam’s tough, but I get why she’s like that.”
“I think you’re the first guy who’s ever said that,” Tara admitted, shaking her head. “Most of them don’t come back for a second date after meeting her.”
“Well, they clearly don’t know what they’re missing,” Y/n replied smoothly, giving her a sidelong glance that made her heart skip a beat.
Tara smiled, grateful that he didn’t seem shaken by Sam’s protective behavior. She knew her sister meant well, but sometimes it felt like overkill—especially when it came to dating. She wanted to believe that Sam trusted her, but after everything they’d been through, Tara understood why she was always on guard.
As they pulled up to the restaurant, a cozy little Italian place with twinkling lights strung above the outdoor seating, Y/n parked the car and turned to her. “Ready for some carbs and wine?”
“Always,” Tara replied with a grin. “I’ve been craving pasta all week.”
They stepped out of the car, and Y/n quickly moved to her side, his hand finding hers in a casual, easy gesture that felt completely natural. Tara’s heart fluttered again, realizing how comfortable she already felt around him. It was rare for her to connect with someone so effortlessly.
Inside the restaurant, the warm glow of candles and the soft hum of conversation created a cozy, intimate atmosphere. They were seated at a small table near the back, away from the hustle of the busier sections. As soon as they sat down, Y/n reached across the table, his fingers brushing lightly over hers.
“I’m really glad you convinced me to stick around after Sam’s third degree,” Y/n said with a grin, his hand resting on hers. “I thought I was walking into some kind of trial.”
Tara laughed, her earlier nerves fully replaced by a sense of ease. “Honestly, I think you handled it better than I did. I usually end up apologizing for her five times before the night’s over.”
“Well, you don’t have to apologize for her. She’s just looking out for you,” Y/n said, his expression softening. “I respect that.”
Tara tilted her head, studying him. “You really don’t mind?”
“Not at all,” he replied, squeezing her hand gently. “It just makes me want to stick around even more.”
For a moment, Tara was speechless. No one had ever responded to Sam’s protectiveness like this. Most guys ran in the opposite direction, but Y/n was different. He wasn’t intimidated, and he didn’t seem bothered by the idea that Sam would always be watching over her. In fact, he seemed to understand it.
“So, tell me,” Y/n said, breaking the comfortable silence. “What’s it like having a sister like Sam?”
Tara smiled at the question, leaning back in her chair. “It’s… complicated. On one hand, she’s my best friend. She’s been there for me through everything, especially after what happened in Woodsboro. But on the other hand, she can be… a lot. She’s always worried about me, always trying to protect me. I know she means well, but sometimes it feels like she’s waiting for something bad to happen.”
Y/n nodded thoughtfully, taking a sip of his water. “I can imagine that’s tough. But you’ve been through a lot together. That kind of bond doesn’t just disappear.”
Tara appreciated his understanding. It wasn’t often that someone outside her family truly got what it was like to live in the shadow of everything they’d experienced. “Yeah. It’s a weird balance between loving how much she cares and wanting her to back off a little. But, honestly? I wouldn’t trade her for anything.”
“That’s good to hear,” Y/n said with a smile. “Because from what I’ve seen, she’s a pretty great sister.”
“She is,” Tara agreed, her heart swelling with affection for Sam, despite the frustration she sometimes felt. “She’s just… Sam.”
“And I can handle that,” Y/n said confidently.
Tara felt a rush of warmth at his words. Y/n wasn’t just sticking around despite Sam; he seemed to genuinely respect her and what she meant to Tara. That was a new experience, and it made her feel even more certain that she was on the right path with him.
Their conversation shifted to lighter topics as they ordered their food. Tara found herself laughing at Y/n’s jokes and stories, completely wrapped up in the moment. By the time their plates arrived, she realized that, for the first time in a long while, she wasn’t looking over her shoulder, waiting for something to go wrong. She was just… happy.
“So,” Y/n said after a few bites of his pasta. “What’s the next hurdle? Is there, like, a family meeting where I have to win over your cousins or something?”
Tara laughed, shaking her head. “No, I think you’ve survived the worst of it. Sam’s the main gatekeeper.”
“Well, that’s a relief,” he teased, but there was a softness in his eyes as he spoke. “I’m really glad I got to meet her. It makes me understand you a little better.”
Tara felt her heart skip again at his sincerity. “I’m glad, too. And I’m glad you’re not running for the hills after tonight.”
“Not a chance,” Y/n said, his voice firm. “I’m exactly where I want to be.”
Tara’s smile widened as she looked at him, realizing that, for the first time in a long time, she felt like things were falling into place. Y/n wasn’t just another guy who would come and go—he was someone who understood her, someone who was willing to embrace her life, complications and all.
As they finished their meal and lingered over dessert, Tara couldn’t help but feel hopeful. Maybe, just maybe, this was the beginning of something real.
By the time Y/n walked her back to the door later that night, the air was crisp and cool, a perfect contrast to the warmth she felt inside. They stood on the porch, neither of them quite ready to say goodnight.
“I had a great time tonight,” Tara said, her voice soft.
“Me too,” Y/n replied, stepping closer. He reached out, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “So, when’s the next date?”
Tara grinned, her heart racing. “How about next weekend?”
“It’s a date,” he said, leaning in to kiss her softly.
As their lips met, Tara felt a sense of peace wash over her. She wasn’t sure what the future held, but right now, with Y/n, she knew she was exactly where she was supposed to be.
It was well past midnight, and Sam Carpenter sat on the couch, the dim glow of the TV barely lighting up the room. The house was quiet, except for the occasional hum of the fridge. She stared blankly at the screen, though she wasn’t really paying attention to the old horror movie playing in front of her. Her mind was somewhere else entirely—on Tara.
She had heard her sister come in about fifteen minutes ago, quietly tiptoeing to her room, probably to avoid a confrontation or further questioning. Sam couldn’t blame her. After the intense interrogation she’d put Y/n through earlier, Tara was probably relieved to have escaped unscathed.
Sam smirked a little, recalling how Y/n had handled himself. He hadn’t flinched or tried to sweet-talk his way out of her questions. He had been calm, respectful, and, surprisingly, genuine. That was new.
She sighed, leaning back against the couch. A part of her knew she was overbearing—hell, Tara told her as much all the time. But Sam couldn’t help it. After everything they’d been through, the idea of her little sister getting hurt again terrified her.
Y/n seemed different, though. For the first time, Sam didn’t get that sinking feeling in her gut when she looked at the guy sitting across from her. He was careful with Tara, in a way that didn’t feel fake or rehearsed. And Sam respected that, even if she didn’t fully trust him yet.
She shifted on the couch, running a hand through her hair. Letting go wasn’t easy for her. It hadn’t been since they’d survived Woodsboro. Since then, Sam had taken on the role of protector, whether Tara wanted her to or not.
But tonight had been a little different. Seeing the way Tara had smiled at Y/n, how happy she seemed, made Sam wonder if maybe, just maybe, she didn’t have to be on guard all the time. Maybe Y/n wasn’t like the others.
Still, old habits died hard.
Sam grabbed the remote and turned off the TV, the sudden silence filling the room. She stood and headed toward her bedroom, pausing for a moment at Tara’s closed door. For a brief second, she considered knocking but decided against it.
Instead, she whispered softly to herself, “I just want you to be happy, Tara.”
With that, she walked down the hallway and into her room, hoping that maybe, for once, things might be okay.
Bonus chapter:
The following weekend, Tara found herself counting down the hours until her next date with Y/n. After their unforgettable night at the park, anticipation bubbled in her stomach. She had spent the week gushing to her friends about Y/n and their blossoming relationship, but now it was time to see him again.
As she stood in front of her closet, surveying her options, she could hear Sam’s footsteps approaching. She knocked lightly before entering, her expression a mix of curiosity and amusement. “What’s the occasion? Are you getting ready for a runway show?”
“Ha, very funny,” Tara replied, rolling her eyes as she tossed a shirt back into the closet. “I’m trying to find the perfect outfit for my date with Y/n.”
Sam leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed. “So, what’s the plan this time?”
“We’re going to this cool outdoor movie screening,” she said, feeling her excitement grow. “I can’t wait to watch Jaws under the stars.”
“Nice choice. That movie freaked me out as a kid,” She admitted, smirking. “You know, the ocean is a scary place.”
“Oh, come on! It’s a classic. Plus, it’s just a movie!” she laughed, trying to dismiss her fears. “You really need to lighten up.”
Sam grinned. “If you keep dating Y/n, I might have to watch Jaws again just to get in the mood.”
Tara chuckled, but then her expression turned serious for a moment. “You know, it means a lot that you’re supportive about all this. I really appreciate it.”
“Of course,” She replied, her tone sincere. “Just remember to keep your phone on in case you need me. I’ll be keeping an eye on the time, just in case.”
“I’ll be fine, I promise,” Tara assured her, but deep down, she appreciated her protective nature. It was comforting to know she cared.
After selecting a casual yet stylish outfit, Tara completed her look with a pair of comfortable sandals and a denim jacket, ready for a cool evening. She grabbed her phone, double-checking the time before heading downstairs.
When she stepped into the living room, she saw Sam flipping through channels. “You look great,” She said, glancing up. “Have fun tonight!”
“Thanks! I will,” she said, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. “I’ll text you when I get back.”
As Tara left the house, she felt a rush of freedom wash over her. The evening was hers to enjoy, and she couldn’t wait to share it with Y/n.
The drive to the outdoor venue was filled with laughter and music. When she arrived, she spotted Y/n standing by a food truck, scanning the area for her. The moment their eyes met, his face broke into a wide grin, and Tara’s heart soared.
“Hey, beautiful!” he called out, waving her over.
“Hey!” she replied, her excitement bubbling over as she walked toward him.
Y/n handed her a small tub of popcorn, his eyes sparkling. “I got you your favorite! I remembered,” he said, beaming.
Tara smiled back, feeling touched. “You’re amazing. Thank you!”
They settled onto a blanket in front of the large screen, the sun slowly setting, painting the sky in soft hues of pink and orange. As the film started, Tara leaned against Y/n, their shoulders touching comfortably. She felt a wave of contentment wash over her as they shared the experience.
Halfway through the movie, Tara couldn’t help but notice how engaged Y/n was in the film. She glanced at him, noticing the way he leaned forward, his eyes glued to the screen. It made her smile, realizing how genuine he was, even in his enthusiasm for a classic horror flick.
As the infamous music cue began to play, signaling a shark attack, Tara let out a small gasp, clinging to Y/n’s arm. “Oh no, not again!”
Y/n laughed, glancing down at her. “Just remember, it’s only a movie! You’ll be fine.”
But when the jump scare hit, Tara squealed, burying her face into Y/n’s shoulder. He chuckled, wrapping his arm around her protectively. “You’re safe with me,” he whispered, sending a thrill of warmth through her.
The movie continued, and after the climax, they shared playful banter about the characters and the absurdity of the situations on screen. Tara found herself laughing freely, feeling the connection between them grow stronger with every shared joke and comment.
When the credits rolled, the audience erupted into applause, and Tara felt a surge of happiness. “That was so much fun!” she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
“Right? I had a blast,” Y/n replied, grinning. “You’ve got to admit that it’s way more fun watching it outdoors.”
“Definitely! And I can’t believe I survived the scares,” she teased.
They began to pack up their things, and as they stood, Y/n looked at her with an earnest expression. “I’m really glad we’re doing this. You’re a lot of fun to be around.”
Tara felt a blush creep onto her cheeks. “Thanks, Y/n. I really enjoy spending time with you.”
As they made their way back to the car, Tara’s phone buzzed in her pocket. She pulled it out to see a message from Sam.
Sam: How’s it going?
She smiled, knowing she was likely keeping tabs on her.
Tara: It’s great! Just finished the movie. I’ll be home soon!
Sam replied almost instantly.
Sam: Good! Remember, I’m always just a text away. Don’t let him get any ideas!
Tara chuckled, shaking her head.
“Everything okay?” Y/n asked, noticing her amused expression.
“Just my sister being protective, as usual,” she explained, laughing lightly. “She wants to make sure I’m safe.”
“Can’t blame her. Siblings can be tough,” Y/n replied, nodding in understanding. “But you seem to handle it well.”
“Most of the time,” she admitted. “But I appreciate that she cares.”
As they reached the car, Tara’s heart raced at the thought of spending more time with Y/n. Once they were inside, the conversation flowed effortlessly, touching on everything from their favorite music to their dream travel destinations. The chemistry between them felt palpable, and Tara couldn’t help but feel that this night was just another step forward in their relationship.
When they finally arrived back at her house, Tara turned to Y/n, her heart pounding. “Thank you for an amazing evening. I had a lot of fun.”
“Me too,” he replied, leaning closer.
Their gazes locked, and in that moment, the world around them faded away. Tara leaned in, and Y/n met her halfway, their lips brushing softly before deepening the kiss. It felt electric, filled with the promise of more moments like this one.
When they pulled apart, both breathless, Tara felt a rush of exhilaration. “Goodnight, Y/n. I can’t wait for our next date.”
“Goodnight, Tara,” he replied, his smile lighting up the night. “I’m already looking forward to it.”
As she stepped out of the car and walked to the door, she glanced back to see Y/n waving. She waved back, feeling giddy as she entered her house.
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nosyrobin · 1 day
Damian and the female reader twins, what happens when there is a glitch in the dimensions, causing his twins to be replaced by a male version of himself, will they become even more chaotic? Or will Damian not accept him in the first place… Either way when he ventures between dimensions and finds his twin sister with his female version with long hair combing her hair for her, girls times.
A/N: Damian wouldn’t accept him at first until a bonding moment happens. I feel like it would be the same chaotic twins doing crazy shit but still be like “I don’t want you. I want my sibling back.” From Damian.
Key: pink= fem!damian and fem!reader and blue=m!reader and Damian.
Summary: a glitch in universes and dimensions, rip you out of Damian’s hands. Only for him to get in return a different “you”. Working together, they find their own version of their siblings doing their own thing.
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It happened right in front of his face, you two were on night patrol when a glitchy looking portal. Damian immediately pushed you behind him as the portal started getting bigger, and bigger when seconds went by. The twins eyes widened as the girl’s hair float by the air being sucked in the weird portal.
“Damian…” you whispered softly, scared as Damian started to move back with you closely behind him. “Go. Go, go, go!” He yelled as you two sprinted off of the rooftop you both were certainly on. As Damian grapple hook to another rooftop, you tried to pull yours out as well. Sadly, you weren’t quick enough as Damian turned around quick to hear and see you scream. You screamed loudly as you get lifted up in the air.
“DAMIAN!!!” You yelled with tears in your eyes, Damian felt his heart clench seeing the situation.
“NOOOO!” He yelled with widen eyes, readying his grappling hook to shoot its line for your waist so he can pull you. Only for you to get immediately pulled in. Damian felt his heart drop. He felt his heart pounding loudly in his ears as he dropped to his knees. “No…no…NO!” He punched the ground, clenching his eyes tight. He laid on the ground, his mind spiraling at the loss of his other half. He didn’t know what he could or should tell his father at how he lost his sibling…and his daughter.
Time passed as Damian sat up grieving, that was before the same glitchy portal opened up. Damian stood up quickly, his heart racing as hope comes over him for his sister to come back in his arms. As Damian looked and waiting patiently. There “you” were, spitted out with a deep voice and…shorter hair? Damian narrowed his eyes as he goes to his so called twin that got spitted out the portal. As Damian walks up to the twin of his..he noticed how the uniform you wore was the same, except it was more masculine.
“Damn…..” the voice says, the voice that was certainly not Damian’s twin as Damian pulls out his katana. “Who are you.” He demanded, not even a question but demanded. “You” looked up confused as HE looked confused seeing a male version of his twin sister??
Now what is going on…..
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Currently at this moment, you were dressed in one of Damian’s clothes. It felt weird being interrogated by the male counterparts of your family. You sat there as Damian glared at you as if you were the reason your female counterpart had been abducted by the strange portal. After the truth is revealed that you are from a different dimension where the gender roles are switched. Dick is the first one to welcome you with open arms, Tim questions you if he is still the same as a girl, Bruce doesn’t care much other wise finding his lost daughter, Jason..was about to shoot you but left. And Damian…he scoffed and walked away.
Leaving you down there as you wonder what your twin sister is doing…
It took the male counter of yourself to get use to Damian being an asshole to you. Damian would literally glare at you, not even calling you your name or his “sibling.” He would only say “I want my sibling back.” “You’re not my sibling.” But it was one night in the shared twins room when Damian was having a nightmare. Twisting and turning while the male counterpart of yourself awoke him. Checking up on him as he woke up startled. He clings to you, sobbing about how he’s “sorry for failing you.” “I’m sorry, please forgive me…” come back to me please…” It broke your heart as he you patted his back.
You knew he was just trying to get over the fact his own twin was lost somewhere in dimensions and universes. You knew he was pretending you were her as he clenches on your back.
After that, Damian was just a little bit better to you. Like for example,
He stopped and called you his “half-brother” since you are his original twin, just a male from another dimension
He stopped glaring and mostly just stared at you
….he just started to give you clothes he didn’t like.
Other than that, you two still did twin shenanigans just like you did with his female counterpart. You two were in the backyard sparring hand to hand combat. As you rushed at him, he swiftly moved and grabbed you by the back of your shirt. Slamming you down, breath taken from you. You grunted in defeat as Damian smiled.
“Even if you’re a male version of my sister. You fight and fall just like her.” He said, putting his hand out and helping you up. “Yeah..you fight just like my sister dude.”
And that’s when the glitchy portal that started this all appeared behind you, sucking you in quickly. Damian’s eyes widen, going after the male counterpart that screamed for help. The two male twins fall through colorful lights flashing by them. Damian grabbed you, pulling you to his chest to protect you. As the two males fall faster, they popped out of the portal into a pinkish room.
They groaned, getting off each other. Giggles were heard with a smell of blossoms and vanilla. Looking up, they found their versions of their sister. There you were, sitting in between damian’s female counterpart thighs. Brushing your hair as you turned around to see your beloved brother. His female version looked exactly like him, just more feminine and long black hair.
“DAMIAN!” You yelled with excitement as you were getting your hair brushed by his female counterpart. Damia (da-Mia)narrowed her eyes at Damian who did the same back. With a quick motion, Damian pulled you to his chest and damia did the same to your male counterpart.
“I see we have our OWN sibling back?”
“I agree, I don’t want any problems other than the fact that you should leave my dimension along with your beautiful sister.” Damia said with a smirk.
“Of course she’s beautiful, unlike your brother who needs a trimming on his unkept hair.”
“I can say the same for yours.”
“HEY!” The two Y/N’s say.
“Well, too bad your idiotic brother isn’t as smart as you think he is. Kinda pathetic for him to fall in a portal.”
Damia’s eyes widened, pushing your male counterpart part as she pulled a pink katana from her collection. With a warrior roar she goes to attack Damian. Damian pushed you behind him, ready to fight his female counterpart before the glitchy portal then sucks the two original twins. Setting them back to their own dimension.
You fell on Damian horizontally as damain landed vertically. Groaning, you soon smiled at Damian who immediately hugged you close to his chest. “I missed you my sister…. Welcome home.”
“Missed you too Dami!” You said hugging him back as Titus barked at the familiar scent of you. Barking with a smile as he leaped around the two twins.
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sansaorgana · 1 day
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PAIRING — Benny Cross x fem!Reader
SUMMARY — On the first day of high school you meet a new friend. Your parents say he's from the wrong side of the tracks but you can't be convinced as you develop a crush on him, not knowing yet that it is only the beginning of a much bigger adventure you are going to have with Benny Cross in the next few years.
AUTHOR’S NOTE — The gif is NOT a faceclaim – the Reader's looks are not described. I just wanted the vibe of a retro high school and it's not even the correct era lol I have no idea yet how many parts this story will be but I missed writing for Austin's characters and I wanted to finally write down the idea I've had for a while now. Also, this time I decided to lowkey use the playlist format since this sort of music is one of my favourite genres (old r&b, soul, doo wop etc.) 🥰 Of course you don't have to actually listen to those songs! 😅
WARNINGS — era accurate sexism and mindset of characters (I assumed it would be like late 1950s / early 1960s and they are from a small town), Reader and Benny are minors in this part (they are not even a couple, though)
WORD COUNT — 5,470
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“Have you made any new friends at school?” Your mother asked with a smile when you were chewing on a steak with mashed potatoes. You nearly sighed at her question, trying very hard not to roll your eyes. Why were parents always asking that?
Well, to be fair, you had never had many friends.
There was Rachel whom you had known ever since you two had been toddlers. Rachel was definitely your best friend. Back in the day there had also been Tammy. There had always been the three of you everywhere but for about a year now Tammy had been acting differently. Ever since she had started dating, that is. Her boyfriend Louis was in the football team and he wasn’t even saying hi to you or Rachel. 
“I don’t know if it counts as making a friend but…” you started, nervously fidgeting with the fork in your hand. The person you were about to mention was a boy and you were scared of everyone’s reactions.
Your mother would tease, probably. Father and older brother would begin their interrogation as if it was anything serious.
“Miss Cooper sat me with this one boy,” you finally revealed and you watched your father lowering the newspaper he had been hiding behind until now. He raised an eyebrow at you after exchanging a meaningful look with your older brother Luke.
“Why did she tell you to sit with a boy?” Your mother smiled.
“What boy?” Your father asked, harshly.
“I’m supposed to help him in class. He’s nice but not the brightest, if you get me,” you tried to explain. “He’s not stupid – just slow when it comes to studying,” you quickly added.
“So he’s stupid,” Luke rolled his eyes.
“No!” You defended your new friend immediately.
“Who is he?” Your father repeated the question, irritated already that you had ignored him the first time and that you were fighting with your brother. Women in that household were supposed to be quiet and obedient.
He hadn’t survived the war for his own daughter to act like a brat – that was what your father was often saying. He was using the war to guilt trip you, your mother and Luke whenever he thought it was needed. 
“His name is Benny,” you nodded at your father. “Benjamin Cross,” you added.
Your parents looked at each other with a quiet sigh.
“What is it?” You asked and looked at your brother questioningly but he seemed to be as oblivious as you were why your parents reacted that way.
“I’m sure he is a nice boy…” your mother started softly, “but he is not from a good family.”
“They’re from the wrong side of the tracks,” your father explained. “Doesn’t surprise me that the boy is slow. I’ve never seen his father sober. I think he’s lost every job he has ever had.”
“And his mother?” Luke asked, curious already. One thing about your brother was that he was extremely nosy and an awful gossip.
“What about his mother? I haven’t seen her in ages,” your father looked at your mother.
“I do believe that Mrs. Cross passed away some time ago,” your mother hummed to herself. “Yes! I remember now,” she nodded eagerly. “She died two years ago. Evie told me about it last winter when we were Christmas shopping.”
“What Evie?” Your father asked.
“You know Evie! The one living down the road. Jack’s wife, that accountant.”
“Ah, yeah, yeah, Jack’s wife,” your father picked up the newspaper again. “Either way, Benny Cross is not your new friend,” he decided as he gave you a stern look. You felt your cheeks heating up. “He’s just a boy that Miss Cooper sat you with to help him. That’s it,” he finished and hid himself behind the newspaper again.
“And if he ever bothers you, just tell me!” Luke pointed his finger at you and you nodded nervously, going back to your meal.
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Even though your father had decided that Benny Cross was not your friend, it was difficult to remember about that. Perhaps his grades were not good and his clothes were poor but who ever cared about such things? What mattered was that he knew how to make you laugh even though most of the time he was a quiet guy.
In fact, he was making you laugh so much that Miss Cooper angrily separated you two after three weeks of sitting together. She gave you a scolding look and said those words that would make your blood run cold under any other circumstances:
“I am so disappointed in you, (Y/N).”
But now you didn’t really care. You were just angry that she separated you from Benny. You introduced him to Rachel during lunch break but Rachel was not convinced.
“I don’t mind him. And you know that I couldn’t care less about his family!” She gasped when you accused her of being prejudiced. “It’s just… I think he might have a bad influence on you. On the both of us. We shouldn’t hang out with him for too long. But it’s very noble that you want to help him with his grades,” she assured you quickly when she spotted annoyance on your face.
“Why noble?” You asked her. “I didn’t even think of that. I just want to help my friend,” you explained.
“Oh, admit it!” Rachel giggled. “You fancy him.”
“What?!” Your eyes widened and you stopped walking, adjusting the books in your hand. Rachel chuckled and stopped as well, turning around to face you.
“Oh, (Y/N), come on, I have eyes, too. He’s handsome with those baby blue eyes and golden hair. And I’m sure you haven’t missed those muscles under his shirt. If it’s true what they say about his family, I am convinced he is used to physical work,” she covered her mouth to hide another giggle escaping her lips.
Truth to be told, you had never seen Benny Cross as a potential romantic interest… until now. You swallowed thickly at Rachel’s words, realising they were all true – he was a handsome boy with a devilish smile.
“Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone,” Rachel assured you. “But please, don’t become another Tammy and don’t leave me behind just because you have a crush!”
“I won’t!” You promised her with widened eyes and you grabbed her by her wrist to squeeze it. “I promise.”
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Ever since that conversation with Rachel, you began to treat Benny a little differently. When he was making you laugh, you were trying to make your laughter sound more girly as you would throw your head back and fix your hair in a feminine manner. Instead of making silly faces at him, you started to cover your face with your hand to show him how flustered you were becoming. And for the very first time you didn’t spend your pocket money on a new record or a book – no, you spent it on a new pastel pink ribbon for your hair even though you knew that Benny would teasingly pull on it at school.
His hands were often dirty so whenever he pulled on it, he was leaving a small mark on the soft fabric of the ribbon. If it was any other boy, you would get frustrated and angry but you would never get angry at Benny – in fact, you were laying on the bed in the evenings, listening to your dreamy records and brushing the ribbon with your fingertips, tracing the marks left behind by Benny’s dirty fingers.
You never minded the dirty hands – they only meant he was working hard. He revealed to you that he had to do a lot of jobs after school to help his father to earn enough money to get through the month. In the end, instead of getting a thanks, he would often get a beating from his drunk old man. He was never talking kindly about him and you couldn’t blame Benny for that. There was a lot of hatred in your new friend whenever he mentioned his father and those were the moments when you were quite scared but also intrigued – when his pretty eyes filled with sparkles and hatred. He would quickly soften again, though.
It was obvious, though, that he had no time to study after school or do his homework. You were trying to help him but he was too ashamed to invite you over to his place and you were scared of taking you home because your father would not be happy about it. You never said anything about it but it was as if Benny knew anyway – he never proposed to go to your place after school. So, the only time you had to help him study was during the lunch break.
Rachel was sometimes sitting with you two but she was not happy about it. She had you all for herself after school, though, so she was trying to be understanding. When it came to Benny’s friends… Well, he didn’t have them.
Benny was too strong and too mean looking to be pushed around so the kids just left him alone and let him be. However, the boys from the football team – Tammy’s boyfriend included – were often making comments about Benny being stupid, poor or weird. You were always telling him not to listen and he was shrugging his arms, but it was hard to believe that he truly didn’t care about such things. They always had an impact on a person, especially so young.
The school in your small Illinois town was not big so your brother Luke was quickly told that you spend most of your lunch breaks sitting by the same table in the corner of the cafeteria with Benny Cross.
“I would like to ask (Y/N) about something,” he said during dinner on that day and everyone looked at you. You froze, already expecting the worst. You loved your brother because he was your family but you didn’t like him – too often he was trying to act like your father.
“What is it?” Your mother asked, worryingly.
“I was told that Miss Cooper separated (Y/N) and that Cross boy a few weeks ago because they were loud in class. Yet, I still see them spending lunch breaks together,” he revealed and your heart skipped a beat.
“You were loud in class?!” Your father snapped and you swallowed a lump in your throat as your hands began to shake.
“I… I am sorry…” You looked down.
“Don’t be angry at her! I am sure it was that boy’s fault!” Your mother defended you.
“Perhaps. Why does she still spend time with him then?” Your father observed you intensely.
“I… I want to help him,” you explained quietly. “I help him to study, that’s it. He is nice to me and it’s not like he’s stupid, he really is not!” You exclaimed after spotting Luke snorting at your words. “But he doesn’t have time to study after school.”
“Well, that is so noble of you, darling,” your mother caressed your arm but you flinched a little at the word that she used – noble. “We should be glad that our daughter is so helpful and compassionate,” she laid her eyes on your father.
“Being around that boy means trouble,” your father shook his head. “I cannot punish you for having a good heart,” he sighed. “Women tend to be too weak. That is why you have fathers and husbands to show you the right path.”
“And brothers,” Luke nodded but your father did not comment on that.
“I don’t want you to start getting worse grades because you put too much effort into helping somebody else,” your father pointed his finger at you.
“But daddy! I learn as well when I help Benny to study!” You protested.
“While you are repeating the basics with him, you could already study more advanced subjects yourself. Aren’t you always saying that you want to go to college one day?” He furrowed his brows and you shut your mouth. The college argument was always making you feel guilty, too. It was almost as bad as the war one. “I am not saving my hard-earned money for you to go to college only to find out you are wasting your time on a deadbeat Cross boy!”
“He is a lost cause, sweetheart, you must realise that,” your mother was much more gentle when she caressed your cheek but the meaning of her words was the same after all. “I know it’s sad but the truth is he is going to end up like his father and we cannot do anything to stop it. It’s a waste of time to try.”
“Enough,” your father raised his hand. “I don’t want to talk about that boy ever again.”
And just like that the rest of the meal went quietly with your mother occasionally trying to cheer your father up by bringing up some random facts from her boring day full of shopping, cooking and cleaning. 
After dinner, you stayed in the kitchen to help her clean the table and wash the dishes while your father and Luke were free to go and spend that time on whatever they wished.
You were drying the plates with a cloth, biting on your lower lip and waiting for the right time to start a private conversation with your mother.
“He’s nice to me, mommy,” you finally whispered.
“Hm?” She turned her head around to meet your gaze.
“Benny Cross. He is nice to me and he makes me laugh,” you tried to explain in the simplest way possible. “He is my friend now. I can’t just… I can’t just stop hanging around with him. He doesn’t have anyone.”
“He surely has some friends,” your mother furrowed her brows.
“Not at school, no. He mentioned some guys from his street but they don’t go to school anymore,” you explained.
“They’re older?”
“Not much. They just… They dropped out or got expelled,” you lowered your voice and your mother sighed, extending her hand to give you another plate to dry. “Mom! I know what it sounds like but I don’t think he’s a lost cause. I think a push into the right direction could save his life,” you were desperate to make her understand. “We cannot claim that we are good people when we turn our backs on those in need.”
You felt bad for referring to Benny as someone in need and you were sure that his pride would be bruised but you also were aware that it was the only argument that could convince your mother – she wanted to be a good person above anything else. She wanted to be known for her kindness and her nice family as if the whole meaning of her life revolved only around how others perceived her. She wanted to always be soft and feminine – just like your father wanted her to be. And she wanted the exact same from you but you had ambitions that both scared and impressed her. Like the fact you wanted to go to college or you had the courage to stand up for yourself and argue with your father sometimes.
“If it doesn’t interfere with your own studying then I don’t see a reason why you can’t help him,” she sighed as she nodded in a whisper. “However, I don’t think your father should know about it. I’ll try to talk to Luke and make him understand so he doesn’t snitch on you again,” she assured you and your eyes brightened.
“Thank you!” You squealed happily and leaned in to kiss her cheek. “Mom?”
“Yes, darling?”
“Can I invite Benny here after school one day? Maybe on Friday? We don’t have many classes so we’d have a few hours before daddy comes back from work and Luke has his baseball practice at that time,” you tried to give her as many reasons as possible for her to agree.
“I don’t know, (Y/N)... I’m not sure if it’s a good idea,” your mother shook her head and went back to washing the dishes. You sighed and didn’t say anything else but you could see that she was intensely thinking about something. “On the other hand…” she started, “...your father is going out with his friends from work for dinner this Friday. He won’t be back until late in the evening.”
“So you agree?” Your eyes widened. “Oh, mom, you would meet him and I’m sure you’re going to see what I see… That he’s a nice boy!”
“Alright… But don’t make me regret that,” she gave you a scolding – but still soft – look.
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Benny was trying to play it cool because he always tried to come off as unbothered by anything but you could see that he was nervous. He had one class less than you on that day but he promised to wait for you behind the school building and when you ran up to him with books in your hand, you spotted him throwing a cigarette on the ground before stepping on it with his shoe to put it out.
“Benny!” You gasped at the sight. You had no idea he was smoking. “My mom won’t like it when she smells the cigarette smoke on you!” You pointed out.
“She’ll think it’s my old man’s,” Benny only shrugged his arms and took the books from you to carry them for you. That sweet gesture made you forget in an instant about his awful habit you had just found out about.
You walked down the street to your house and you caught yourself struggling with a very odd mix of feelings – you felt proud walking down the street next to Benny Cross who was holding your books. His jeans were worn out, his blond hair ruffled and his steps heavy – no other boy around here looked or walked like him. And because of that… You felt a little ashamed, too. Just a little. And only because some of your neighbours were looking you up and down after you said good afternoon to them. You just hated the way they were staring.
Lost in such thoughts, you spotted that Benny was looking around uncomfortably. He was watching the houses and the perfectly trimmed lawns, the white picket fences and flowers planted in the gardens.
“Does it look different where you live?” You asked, naively. It was hard to imagine that not every neighbourhood where people lived didn’t look the same.
“You’ve never been there, have you?” Was all Benny asked as he cracked a sad smile with a hint of pity.
“N-no,” you admitted and shook your head, embarrassed of yourself.
“That’s alright, doll. I’m glad you haven’t and I hope you never will,” he nodded firmly.
“It’s here!” Thankfully, you had a reason to change the subject because Benny had nearly walked past your house. You grabbed him by his sleeve and pulled him towards your front door.
You pushed them open and walked inside as he began to fix his hair with his free hand and his face turned a shade paler.
“Mom, we’re home!” You announced and took your shoes off. Benny mirrored you and took his off as well but he seemed to be pretty surprised that it was your custom.
Your mother entered the hallway from the kitchen, wiping her hands in the apron. Her smile was cautious and soft as if she was approaching a wild, stray kitten abandoned by the road.
“Good afternoon, Mrs. (Y/L/N),” Benny straightened his back at the sight of her.
“Good afternoon, Benny. (Y/N)’s been talking a lot about you,” she hesitated but eventually extended her hand towards him and you hissed at her because you didn’t want her to mention such things that you were talking about him and all that. It was embarrassing.
“Mom!” You whined as Benny looked around, trying to find a spot where to put the books he had been carrying for you all the way home. You took them from him with an encouraging smile and he nodded at you before shaking your mom’s hand.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, ma’am,” Benny said.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, too, Benny. (Y/N) mentioned to me you are going to study, yes? Go to her room now and I’ll call you for dinner when the time comes,” your mother announced and your heart skipped a beat. You had no idea Benny could actually stay for the meal.
“Um… Benny, go upstairs,” you handed him the books again. “My room is on the left,” you added. “Wait for me there,” you said and he nodded.
You followed your mother to the kitchen.
“What is it?” She asked you. “I thought you’d be happy that I invited him.”
“I am! But what about Luke?” You squinted your eyes. You knew that your brother would not approve of that.
“He informed me this morning that he is taking Patsy on a date after practice. He won’t be home until evening,” your mother informed you.
“Patsy?” You chuckled. She was two years older than you – just like your brother. And she was everybody’s dream, so you were told. Beautiful, from a good family, obedient, with good grades. A perfect woman and a wife material.
Something you were scared you would never be.
“Yes, Patsy. I am so happy for him,” your mother grinned widely and you smiled, too, although you didn’t care about your brother enough to be happy for him. In fact, you gritted your teeth that everything in his life seemed to go so perfectly as always. Your father’s golden boy.
Would your life be similar if you had been born a man, too?
Either way, you hugged your mom and ran upstairs to join Benny inside your room. He was standing in the middle of it and looking around in a way that made your cheeks heat up. It was a typical girly room like millions of others but now you somehow felt embarrassed about it.
“It’s a bit childish,” you admitted.
“No, it’s very pretty,” Benny shrugged his arms and blushed when his eyes met yours. “I think it suits you,” he admitted and remained standing there awkwardly.
“Thank you,” You sat on the chair by the desk where he had put your books already and you pointed at your bed to let him know that he could sit on the edge of it. He did that but very carefully as if he was scared of making your sheets dirty.
You gathered the books and moved up to sit next to him so there would be no more distance between you two. You started with doing your homeworks together and you quickly realised your father might have been right about something – Benny would be a distraction. You couldn’t stop staring at his face. At his plump lips that made you think of nothing but kissing, at his beautiful, long eyelashes that were dark even though his hair was golden. Speaking of his hair – it was so fluffy and had different shades  of blond depending on the layers. You were counting all the moles on his cheeks and getting lost in his ocean blue eyes. Whenever your hands brushed each other while trying to turn the page at the same time, you couldn’t help but notice his big hands with long, thin fingers. Those were very pretty hands even though they were rough from all the physical work he was usually doing after school.
He was helping people for money – mowing the lawns, fixing sinks, carrying heavy things, all kinds of stuff. But what he enjoyed the most was fixing cars and motorbikes. He had revealed that to you recently and you thought it was adorable that he had a passion and it could actually be turned into a solid job later in life.
The longer you were explaining things to him, the faster he was understanding them. You were pretty convinced by now that he was not stupid at all.
“Benny?” You batted your eyelashes and he turned his head around to look deep into your eyes.
“Can you promise me something?” You dared to ask.
“What is it, doll?” He smirked. He would often call you a doll and perhaps you should have been offended by it but in fact it was causing you to have butterflies in your stomach.
“Promise me that you’re gonna finish high school, alright?” You furrowed your brows.
Benny was visibly surprised by your words. He didn’t get to answer, though, because the door opened widely without knocking and your mother walked inside. You and Benny moved away from each other slightly.
“The dinner is ready,” she announced with a smile. She seemed to be pretty happy with the sight of the open books and notebooks scattered everywhere. You nodded at her and you stood up to follow her downstairs. Benny walked behind you. “How was the studying?” Your mother asked when you were sitting by the table.
“It is going well, ma’am. Your daughter should become a teacher,” Benny smiled at her.
“She might! (Y/N) wants to go to college, has she told you?” Your mother asked him while putting salad and chicken onto his plate. “Will it be enough for you, Benny? Such a strong boy like you must eat a lot,” she chuckled before turning around to put the food on your plate as well.
“It is enough, ma’am. It looks delicious, thank you. I can’t remember when was the last time I had vegetables for dinner,” Benny chuckled nervously while you and your mother exchanged meaningful looks. You both were sorry for him.
“Well, you can eat as much of this salad as you wish. My husband and son are not dining with us this evening,” your mother explained softly before taking her seat and you all began to eat.
“Thank you,” Benny blushed.
The rest of the meal went pretty calm since Benny was a quiet boy most of the time. In fact, it made you feel special that he liked to make you laugh because he was not very fun with others around. He was an outsider towards most but you probably had made him like you because you had treated him kindly and you had tried to help him from the very beginning. You hadn’t judged him and you hadn’t made it feel like an act of charity.
Despite being of a quiet nature, Benny was answering your mother’s questions politely and, oh dear, she asked a lot. Lots of her questions were about Benny’s family and you just knew that she was itching to ask about how Benny's mother had died but thankfully she didn’t actually ask that.
She was in the middle of telling a funny story when all of you froze at the sound of the front door opening. You and your mother looked at each other, scared, and that was when Luke entered the dining room and winced at the sight of Benny.
You sighed with relief at the sight of him because your father would be a much worse possibility but it still did not mean that it was alright. You were nervous and so was your mother. She decided to play it cool.
“Oh, hi, honey!” She greeted her son. “How was the practice? How was your date with Patsy?” She tried to sound cheerful.
“Both went fine,” Luke answered with a clenched jaw as he looked Benny up and down. “What is (Y/N)’s… friend doing here?” He asked rudely and your mother gave him a scolding look.
“Well, that is not a nice way to greet a guest, is it? (Y/N) invited Benny to help him with homework and I wanted him to stay for the meal,” your mother explained.
Luke approached Benny with an extended hand as you watched the interaction with fear. You knew that for men it was some sort of a game of dominance. Benny hesitated for a very long and tense moment, staring at your brother’s hand with contempt. Finally, he stood up and shook it back. You could see his knuckles turning white from the strength he was using to show off how firm his hold could be.
“Nice to meet you,” Luke gave him a fake smile.
“Nice to meet you, too,” Benny nodded and sat back on his chair. “You been on a date with Patsy Carter?” He asked.
“Yes. Do you know her?” If Luke’s eyes could kill, Benny would be dead now.
“Nah, never spoke to ‘er but you know, it’s hard not to know who she is,” Benny winked at him playfully as you chewed on the inside of your cheek. You couldn’t understand why Benny wanted to provoke your brother so much. The situation was bad enough already.
“Are you insinuating something, Cross?” Luke’s fists clenched.
“Lucas!” Your mother tried to calm him down.
“Just sayin’ she’s a nice piece,” Benny commented and you looked away, trying to hide your anger.
You couldn’t believe that Benny said such a disrespectful thing about another girl – a girl your brother dated – in front of your own mother. It made you feel like a fool to ever defend him in front of your family. Perhaps they had been right – he was from the bad side of town and his ways were too different to try to change them.
“Don’t test me, kid,” Luke drawled out. Thankfully, that was all he said before walking out of the room. Your mother looked at you, panicked, before standing up and following her son to talk to him.
“Why have you done that?” You asked, sniffling your tears back when you eventually turned your head around to meet Benny’s gaze. He seemed to be confused why you reacted this way. “You have no idea for how long I have been defending you and…”
“Oh, thank you, doll,” he interrupted you and his voice was full of irony. “The tramp you defended turns out to be a bum? How shocking,” he commented and you spotted that awful sparkle in his eye that would often show up whenever he spoke of his father. But why was his anger aimed at you now?
“I didn’t mean to offend you…” your voice began to shake. “I just thought we were friends. You were nice to me.”
Benny sighed. He tilted his head as he examined your face and you just knew that he was thinking of you as naive.
“‘m sorry,” Benny mumbled out. “Didn’t want to make you sad. I just don’t like bein’ treated like your big brother treated me,” he explained.
“I know,” you calmed down immediately. “I’m sorry about him, too,” you assured him and glanced at the clock on the wall. “My daddy’s going to be home soon. I think it’s time for you to go now,” you told him and you were scared he would get angry again at that but he understood. Benny nodded and left the table. You followed him to walk him out.
“Tell your ma that the food was great, ‘kay? And apologise to her from me,” he asked while putting his shoes back on.
“Yeah, sure, Benny,” you nodded and hugged your own self. You didn’t want to say goodbye yet. “See you tomorrow at school.”
“See you,” Benny winked at you and squeezed your arm. “You’re a nice girl, doll. Thanks for everythin’,” he added before going out and those few words were enough to make your heart swell in your chest.
You watched him walk away with his hands inside the pockets of his jeans. You were sure he would go back to his place on foot while whistling some song he had heard on the radio earlier. That was his way.
When you went back to the dining room, your mother was already cleaning the plates.
“Benny’s just left. He wanted me to tell you that the food was great and he wanted to apologise for–” you started.
“Save it,” she interrupted you and looked up to meet your gaze. She was angry and you were taken aback by that. “It was the last time this boy was here, do you hear me?” She asked, harshly, but she gave you no time to answer. “I managed to beg Lucas to keep it a secret but he is not happy about it and I can’t blame him.”
“But mom, I am sure you could see that Benny is a nice boy. He only was rude when Lucas acted like a–”
“I said, save it,” your mother snapped and you shut your mouth immediately. “Help me with the dishes now, will you? Let’s not talk about it anymore.”
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doctorbunny · 1 day
MILGRAM x Karatez Interrogation Questions
Disclaimer: Weather-cluddy (and Maristelina) already translated these, I am not so filled with hubris that I think my work is better than theirs This is just me doing a favour for a friend who was bothered by the formatting/image quality of the original post That said, repackaging other people's work wholesale is a bit weird so these are my translations (yes I am procrastinating the hallucenation stuff but I promise I've started working on it)
Do you have any memories of karaoke?
Haruka: I feel like I went when I was really little I remember hearing my parents singing I want to try going with everyone
Yuno: I use them a bunch! I do things like going singing with my friends, as well as for some other stuff* Could you set it up for us in the prison? [Karaoke rooms are cheap, private and soundproof meaning a lot of people use them for 'hook ups', I'm pretty sure you're not meant to use them for that though, I wonder if the sponsor was aware Yuno was one of those people]
Fuuta: I only went around the time I started uni and was doing new student stuff But I stopped going not long after
Muu: I've been a couple times But most of the time I just end up chatting with my friends
Shidou: My family used to go Although I'd usually just be there listening to them
Mahiru: I feel like it'd be a good first date, wouldn't it? Then I could learn what my partner's favourite songs are... What kind of music do you listen to?
Kazui: I'd go there for stuff like drinking afterparties, y'know Drunk old men* really like singing, don't they? Recently the food's also really good, hasn't it? [*Kazui's favourite word ojisan lol]
Amane: I don't You can't have memories of something if you never went
Mikoto: Back in uni it was a godsend, I'd go almost every week I'm pretty confident in my ability to liven up karaoke Because I mastered the songs that everyone enjoys [Mikoto uses 'boku']
Kotoko: I've used them a lot before They're the most affordable kind of private room So they're really convenient when you don't want your conversations overheard
Images/Transcript below the cut
ハルカ:ちいさいときに行ったきがします おやがうたっているの聞いてたとおもいます みんなと行ってみたいです [Image source: moibakadesu]
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ユノ:よく使うよ 友達と歌いに行くのもあるし、他にも色々 監獄の中にも作ってくれるの? [Image source: K-Books]
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フウタ:大学入ったばっかりときは新歓とかで行ったけど そのうち行かなくなったな [Image source: K-Books]
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ムウ:たまに行くよ ムウ場合はほとんど友達とおしゃべりしてる [Image source: K-Books]
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シドウ:家族で行きましたよ 俺は大抵聴いているだけですけど [Image source: K-Books]
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マヒル:付きあいたてのデートって感じがしていいよね 相手のお好みの曲覚えたりして… あなたはどんな曲聴くの? [Image source*: Weather-Cluddy, but this image also appears on an earlier DCinside post with a different crop, so I think it's taken from a now deleted source and I couldn't find any other images]
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カズイ:飲みの二次会とかで行くねぇ 酔っ払ったおじさんは歌いたがるもんなのさ 最近はご飯もちゃんと旨いからいいよね [Image source: melsie]
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アマネ:ありませんね 行ったこともので思い出などあるはずもありません [Image source*: Similar situation to Mahiru where the earliest source is Weather-Cluddy/the DCinside post but I can't find any other images/their sources]
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ミコト:そりゃもう大学時代なんてほぼ毎週お世話になってたよ カラオケの盛り上げ方なら相当自信あるよ、僕 老若男女の喜ぶ曲マスターしてるからね [Image source: K-Books]
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コトコ:よく使ってたよ 一番手頃な個室だから 聞かれたくない話をするには重宝する [Image source: K-Books]
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*if anyone could provide better quality/sourced images I would appreciate it
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weirdlookingreptile · 22 hours
Thoughts on Ratchet going back to his party ambulance days and getting a little too freaky with the Decepticon High Command?
Oh it would definitely start with knockout getting his servos on him.
Ratchet would be captured and kept in the Decepticon medbay, where knockout would nitpick all the problem's in the old bot's frame brought on by neglect. (I head cannon that knockout is pretty much the same age as ratchet but still looks young because of self care.) The Decepticon medic would lecture him through every little repair, even going as far as to touch up his paint, buff his armour, and massage away the tension in his cables. With all that touch and attention you can't blame Ratchet for popping his panels on accident, nor for accepting the absolute devouring his valve is subjected to.
Next would be starscream. Lured in at the prospect of interrogating a high ranking Autobot, getting all worked up with the banter. Ratchet all chilled from an amazing valve eating session and just exuding interfacing appeal. He's already fragged one officer, what's another? Bonus points for getting screamer to shut up. It wouldn't take much, just a calculated spread of a thick thigh and a heated look and he'd have Starscream between his legs in an instant. He'd try his best to be dominant, acting like he has any weight to hold over the more experienced mech. But just switching on a low vibration mod and a calliper sequence would turn him into a whimpering, pathetic mess of soup clinging desperately to Ratchet's plating as he humps into party ambulance valve.
Soundwave wouldn't take any convincing at all, having already witnessed the excursions with the other two command members over his extensive camera systems. He'd initiate it in fact, in his own cryptid way. He'd approach Ratchet in the specialized bring they had built at attached to the med bay, appraise him for a moment, and offer himself via a little frame brushing and questioning head tilt. Attention well received, he'd waste no time in baring his valve, climbing into Ratchet's lap, and riding the mech like no tomorrow. They'd both leave the interaction quite sated.
A session with Shockwave would definitely be due to a calculated set up on Soundwave's part, though the convincing process would be long and arduous in a way only the two waves could stand to argue. Eventually, the logic of biological processes would win out and shockwave would begrudgingly set Ratchet to work on his frame as he continued his work. With Ratchet's skill though, he wouldn't be getting work done for long, especially with all the spike mods assaulting the mech's so rarely used valve. Try as he might, the big and powerful Shockwave would eventually fall victim to his own frame's desires and pleasures.
Getting frisky with Megatron would be a battle of wills. Both are aged, snippy, and unwilling to back down from one another, dancing to a song only they know. But eventually they would fall together in a heated, hateful facing. They'd each take pleasure in knocking the other down a few pegs with well aimed thrusts or calliper squeezes, alternating who's inside who and who's on top. Stubborn shits that they are, they'd go till damn near shut down, ending with an exhausted and slow chase for a final overload before falling into one another and being forced into near instant recharge cycles.
Of course Ratchet would eventually be rescued, or traded- whichever comes first, and return to his faction satisfied and with only a few more paint transfers than he left with.
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leafyeyes417 · 3 months
So Danny had tried, he really had. He had moved to Gotham because he knew his parents wouldn’t look for him there. They had never found out he was Phantom but things had reached the point where both he and Jazz decided to go no contact.
But back to his problem. He had worked out with Frostbite that he actually only had one obsession, Space. He had been happy to know that, he had been getting tired of the constant struggle to keep both ghosts and humans safe while also dealing with ghost hunters.
So his move to Gotham was both to avoid his parents but also the reassurance that there were multiple heroes taking care of things. He had enjoyed the peace for the first three months but then he had started to get twitchy. He had tried getting some hobbies but by month six he knew he was out of options. He had especially clued in when he noticed a few classmates avoiding him thinking he was about to snap. Jazz had been resigned when he let her know the news.
So that’s why he was now sitting on a conspicuous roof, wearing a mask made in the Infinite Realms, waiting for a Bat or Bird to show up. He was coming out of retirement after all. Hopefully he would be able to work with the Bats instead of working around them. He really didn’t want to end up on the Rogue list.
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torybrennan · 3 months
show tempe gang crossover with the morris islanders would actually have been the best episode of bones ever. btw
#please ignore the rest of the tags i will just be making things up#okay they start out in carolina but at least half the episode takes place in dc. do not ask me how travel logistics would work#tory spends the entire episode off with tempe doing bone stuff. booth feels upstaged by a 16-year-old girl#so he goes and hangs out with ben who does NOT trust him right off the bat#ben ends up having to run him over to liri at some point because there's crime afoot and tom is busy. they spend most of the ride in silenc#ofc they end up bonding Eventually because they are both obsessed with crazy emotionally stunted redheads named t brennan#tory is more effective than any of the squinterns and manages to piss hodgins off so bad just by existing#coop hangs out in the lab as saroyan tries to kick him out thirty times. he just keeps showing up and she can't prove who's letting him in#(it's tempe.) angela loves tory but tory does not love angela back. saroyan tolerates her. sweets likes her but knows she's hiding somethin#comes to the conclusion that she can read her friends minds and slowly drives himself crazy because obviously that can't be true#tory brings hi along whenever she needs someone with people skills and he is MORE than happy to participate in a hodgins experiment#hi gets to be king of the lab for about ten minutes. shelton hits it off with angela immediately and they solve half the case together#booth fucking HATES hi because he's evasive and really good at the manipulation thing. booth can't win verbal sparring and he gets Big Mad#at one point the four of them are in an interrogation room together (MISTAKE) because tory had them meddling a little too close to the sun#and booth is trying so hard to question them which didn't work even when they COULDN'T read each other's minds#tory figures out who did it and hi steals her thunder a la shrek wasnt vandalized he gave birth#temperance tells tory 'i know you've got a secret sweets told me and even though i don't trust psychology i find he's insightful' etc etc#tory's like well i might be but i can't tell you it's not just my secret and you wouldn't believe me anyway#because let's be real tempe WOULDNT believe her#meanwhile saroyan convinced by sweets paranoia managed to get a sample of tory's blood and test it and is like HEY WHAT THE FUCK#gets hodgins and they just stare at the results together and delve into conspiracy theories. he's like i KNEW there were werewolves#they debate telling tempe but know it wouldnt end well for the kids and decide to get rid of the evidence. but hodgins is SO smug#also angela spends the whole episode trying to convince everyone hi and shelton are dating and no one believes her#they finally see them kiss or something and they're all somehow floored and angela's just like yeah? duh?#if anyone read this i'm sorry and why
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dylanconrique · 2 years
my day of death will be the day tim brings lucy home for a family dinner date with his sister, and to meet his nephews because it’s the first time he’s introduced them to someone since his divorce.
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bonestrouslingbones · 6 months
why do people keep asking about his brother, this happened with the official papyrus Q&A too
honestly there've been more rodent-related asks than sans asks, so i'm not too bothered! it's just people being curious and playing into ebony's caginess regarding all that, especially since it would make sense to assume he's closer with his brother than the other characters he's talked about. i think most folks are generally understanding the This Aint About Him vibes i'm putting out, but they're also just responding to some of my own cues which i certainly can't find issue with ;>
after this next one that's just gonna be a funny lil one-word de-escalation i'll probably still dial back on answering the ones that aren't relevent to ebony specifically, just to try to move The Lore along more smoothly. same with all the rodent talk lol
also its important to remember that even tho it probably looks like i'm getting a lot of things about the same topic, i'm still the one choosing which questions to answer! i have other options, but i generally go for the ones that I can make interesting via worldbuilding, Funny, or story/character hints. i only bring this up because i imagine the official Q&A likely had similar logic- god KNOWS toby got wayyyy more questions for that than i have within the last two weeks lmao (also there was only 1 question about sans in that anyway???)
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screampied · 5 months
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✩ here’s the second masterlist! — this features published works from early may ‘24 up to now. 18+ only. for my old works, here’s the first masterlist.
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don’t be shy hit it raw.
cartwheel on the dick.
you say it’s big but you take it.
runnin from it.
fakin' it for you.
slow it down make it bouncy.
she wanna go viral.
she’s a very kinky girl.
call me by your name.
match my freak.
hit it like it’s all mine.
all on my tongue i want it.
hit or miss.
you get me so soaked.
big ‘ole freak.
this ain’t fiction, baby! (it kinda is..)
sweetest (cream)pie.
checked the rack.
i can make that p*ssy rain often.
c*m right on me, i mean camaraderie.
like this p*ssy designed for ya.
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candy boy: who would have thought that the #1 camboy in your city was no one other than your virgin roommate gojo, who’s totally putting on a show for his fangirls. he talks too much, but maybe you can shut his mouth and put his sweetened little fantasies to reality.
government hooker: what happens when you’re the popstar too? even better question: what happens when you show up to a show with no panties thanks to your band mates gojo and geto?
hell on heels: it's your third day on the job as a flight attendant. you work around a lot of snobby rich elites, but a particular one catches your eye. a particular one who tips you $300 dollars in cash and wants way more than just your uninvited attention.
if i was a rich girl: not only do you get your panties back but you get a handsome, suave sugar daddy as a gift. gojo takes you out on a date but the lavish, exquisite food isn’t what he’s exactly hungry for. hint: it’s between your legs. oh, and you.
hollaback girl: you wanna be his favorite girl—but you also wanna be his favorite brat. satoru’s caught off guard when you decide to play with him while he’s in a meeting. not only do you make him pissed but you make him whine.
bubble pop electric: it’s your birthday and your sugar daddy takes you on a spree to the mall. perhaps buying a new set of panties with his initials engraved on it to tease him wasn’t the brightest idea. get in loser, you’re going shopping.
bon appétit baby: stupid ovulation week is approaching soon and out of nowhere, you get baby fever. you ask your sugar daddy for help but his version of ‘help’ is trying to get you pregnant.
harleys in hawaii: it’s been almost a year with your sugar daddy and as a candied sweet surprise, he takes you on his private yacht. although—the thing that’s even sweeter is the ‘love’ chocolates you both try just for fun. after all, satoru’s always had a sweet tooth.
ghostin: it's midnight and you're bored. bored and horny. everyone knows ghosts aren't real, or are they? you end up summoning a ghost and he's not leaving anytime soon, in fact, he wants to give you a taste of your own medicine for disrupting his slumber. you get a taste, alright.
ridin' dirty: you never realized how hot your local mechanic was until he had you arched and bent over your hood. spoiler fucking alert, you end up getting a different kind of pipe that’s of course free of charge just for you.
mama i’m in love with two criminals: you had one job. interrogate two felonious criminals, not screw them both. but it’s a friday night and what happens in the interrogation room stays in the interrogation room, right? wrong.
finish inside her: what the hell is a full nelson? no worries, luckily underground boxer toji shows you a hands-on demonstration. although, you want choso to try it with you too. not only are you a slut visual learner, but you also think you can take them both - not in a fight though.
never wanna lose me: for the hell of it, you let your roommate toji hit just once and he’s never been the same. what starts as a usual lazy smoke sesh turns into him wanting more than just to get high—he wants you.
bed chem: being sandwiched between two of your co-stars during a séx scene sounds like a fever dream. the real fever dream is finding out who you have better bed chemistry with. the sweet blond who always talks you through it or the smug dark haired one who’s constantly stealing your panties.
pheromoaned: after three long years in the slammer, toji returns home to you—his pretty sweet fiancé. to surprise him, you decided to spray on your new expensive pheromone perfume. was it the best idea? probably not. you wanted to tease him, not make him feral.
i just wanna hear you s(c)cream: what’s your favorite scary movie? is it carrie? psycho? or maybe nightmare on elm street? perhaps picking up the phone was a bad idea, but you don’t scare easily! or do you?
million dolla baby: nanami gets dragged to a nearby strip club by his colleague gojo. he insists it’ll help him stop being so pent up and tense from work. there, he meets you—and for some reason, he just can’t keep his hands off your body. perhaps nanami wanted a bit more than just a dance though.
bed chem: being sandwiched between two of your co-stars during a séx scene sounds like a fever dream. the real fever dream is finding out who you have better bed chemistry with. the sweet blond who always talks you through it or the smug dark haired one who’s constantly stealing your panties.
finish inside her: what the hell is a full nelson? no worries, luckily underground boxer toji shows you a hands-on demonstration. although, you want choso to try it with you too. not only are you a slut visual learner, but you also think you can take them both - not in a fight though.
mama i’m in love with two criminals: you had one job. interrogate two felonious criminals, not screw them both. but it’s a friday night and what happens in the interrogation room stays in the interrogation room, right? wrong.
save a horse milk a demon: who would’ve known the king of curses can lactate? not you and certainly not him. this is dire, he needs help but more importantly - he needs you.
i just wanna hear you s(c)ream: what’s your favorite scary movie? is it carrie? psycho? or maybe nightmare on elm street? perhaps picking up the phone was a bad idea, but you don’t scare easily! or do you?
government hooker: what happens when you’re the popstar too? even better question: what happens when you show up to a show with no panties thanks to your band mates gojo and geto?
#oohmami: cuban link, diamond cross—you’re a big fan of suguru geto, the top street racer in tokyo. he doesn’t wanna win any more races, he wants to win you this time. keep at it and he might have to fuck you on the highway.
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easy access.
want a taste.
he’s confident.
good boy.
baby makin.
marry the p*ssy.
one bite.
ride it good.
take a seat.
caught in the act.
marry me again.
get it wet for me.
marry me.
slipped out.
little kinky.
teach me.
full nelson.
so big.
p whipped.
baby makin.
king of whining.
messy eater.
more than two.
let them know.
touch me.
on that throne.
keep quiet.
big girl.
bumpy ride.
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© 2023-2024 SCREAMPIED. please do not copy, modify, or translate my work. all rights are rightfully reserved to me.
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linagram · 1 year
sometimes i kinda wanna rb ask games like i do for my other ocs, but then i remember that interrogations exist and they are. basically ask games.
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just-some-little-lads · 2 months
A Late Night
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Summary: You come back home after a long day only to find Sylus waiting for you, acting a bit differently than normal. Word Count: 1.1k SFW, Second Person POV, GN MC.
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Being a Hunter was good work; you knew that. However, heroism or not, long days could still have you cursing under your breath, dreaming of living in isolated peace by some lakeside. Dragging your feet, you contemplated calling in sick tomorrow. The key to your apartment flailed clumsily on it’s ring before finally turning in the slot. Shoes kicked to the shadows, work bag abandoned on the floor, you didn’t even bother turning on your lights before flopping on your couch. With your eyes closed, you were two alluring seconds away from drifting off… Till the hairs on the back of your head prickled. A sixth sense blared warnings of danger throughout your body, urging you to fly up in enough time to grab a figure approaching the back of the couch. Tact and grace were not your close friends tonight. Amidst the self-defense, you threw yourself off the couch to tackle your intruder to the ground. If you could call it a tackle, anyway. More like keeping them pinned with your collapsed body.
Before you could fully enter “interrogation mode”, a low chuckle stopped you in your tracks. Which emotion would your tone land on today? Surprise, confusion, irritation? “Sylus?” All three, apparently.
“Do you know how long I waited for you?” Despite the words, he didn’t sound irritated, just amused. He wasn’t even pushing you off of him.
After a moment of consideration, you graciously removed your knee from the middle of his back. A subtle groan suggested that your frantic maneuver had affected him more than he would ever like to admit. Step, flick, and a mellow light illuminated your living room. Sylus had pushed himself up enough to sit on the floor, his back leaning against the sofa.
“How many times do I have to tell you to not break into my apartment? Not only is it an extreme breach of my privacy, but it is also illegal!” You found yourself hissing quietly as you scolded him, worried that shouting too loud would reach the ears of curious neighbors. Neighbors who also happened to be Hunters. Hunters who would not treat the company of the most infamous N109 Zone boss so casually. “If you’re so determined to treat this place like your own, maybe I could consider making you a spare key but—“ You cut your own lecture off, noticing the distinct lack of attention of this particular criminal. “Are you listening to me? Sylus.”
A humph left his chest as he lifted himself up to his feet, needing to use the furniture for leverage. Not a detail left unnoticed. Suddenly you were worried; after all, this wouldn’t be the first time he had come to you to wounded. “Are you—“
“I can listen to you and ignore you at the same time, sweetie. And as for the moment, I don’t have a key. How else was I supposed to welcome you home after work, hmmm?” His hum dragged out longer than usual.
“—okay.” You finished your question from earlier. “I was going to ask ‘are you okay’.” Without waiting for a proper answer, you approached him, taking his wrist in your hand and observing his body for any clear wounds. He smiled down at you while you did so. Nothing…obvious, but a gut feeling was still telling you that something was off. Wrist in hand, you dragged him to the other side of the couch and shoved him into a seating position.
Another stern line of questioning was about to leave your mouth, but it never came. A soft kiss pressed itself against the back of your hand, Sylus’ head slightly lowered. A move straight out of some knightly romance. Your heart fluttered, your face flushed, yet you wouldn’t let yourself melt so easily. Yes…affection amongst other things had started to blossom between you two; however, Sylus’ demeanor always had you thinking that this was another game of his. But this… He had never been so open like this before.
The man in question raised his head, looking up at you with another grin on his face. Only, this one didn’t have that edge of haughty aloofness that typically painted his expression. He was…genuinely pleased. Should you be worried? Something else to note was the subtle tint of pink in his cheeks and the tips of his ears. “No…” you ended up stating aloud. “You? Drunk?”
Sylus’ hand waved in the air, like he had to physically bat away that accusation before it stuck. “I don’t get drunk, sweetie.”
“But you have been drinking?”
Keeping your hand still in his grasp, he idly brushed a finger up and down your wrist. The motion sent a shudder down your spine. “Maybe that…exchange I told you about went very well today.” His words went hush, a deep purr in his throat as his face came close to your hand again. His breath warmed your skin. “And maybe I celebrated another resounding success with a bottle of wine I’ve been saving for a lovely rainy day.” The anticipation for him to kiss you again ended with him pressing a cheek to the back of your hand. Sylus’ face was heated. He glanced up at you through the fringe of his grey hair. Apparently, he caught that little glimpse of eagerness in your eyes.
Slowly, he guided you down onto the couch. You swallowed something building up in your throat as he began to lean over you till your back was against the armrest. “So, you came all the way out here while tipsy?” The pounding in your chest now was obvious.
Once more, he raised one of your hands. “I wanted to see you, is that such a crime?” Voice soft and low, he pressed the back of your hand to his forehead, dragging it down to his cheek, and then finally right before his mouth. If you closed your eyes and drowned out the slight condescending hum in your ears, you'd have a hard time believing that this was the leader of Onychinus. The touch was that of an entirely different man. At least one you were not well acquainted with. Maybe Sylus was the evil one in a set of twins and you got sent the benevolent one by mistake. The gestures were gentle, tender, pleading. Pinkies intertwined while his wine-tinted lips pecked different promises on the backs of your knuckles. “Can I stay tonight?”
The word ‘yes’ kept echoing in your mind at a disturbing pace, but you wouldn’t let him win with just sweetened words and some sudden puppy-dog eyes. You weren’t even aware his face could do that. “Say please.”
Sylus practically giggled, propped up by an arm next to your head. His posture lowered till his forehead pressed against yours. The tip of his nose rubbed against your own as his whisper was as quiet and needy as you were wishing it would be. “Please?”
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zephyrchama · 2 months
Dark Past
A common demon on the street caught your eye. You slowed, almost to a halt, just to gaze at them. They paid you no mind at all. You were two strangers with no connection in the middle of a crowded street. As they passed, you turned your neck for one final glance before continuing on.
The seven demons you were walking with noticed your little stare. Some of them exchanged quizzical looks. None of them had ever seen that random demon before. They didn't look special. Leviathan paused in his tracks to glare daggers of envy at the stranger, cursing them in his mind for stealing your attention.
"Someone you know?" Satan asked. It was hard to hear him over Mammon shouting, "Who was that?"
"What?" You fixed your eyes on them, confused by the sudden outburst. Beelzebub tenderly placed a hand on your back and guided you around some uneven pavement.
"Who was that demon you were staring at?" Belphegor asked.
"I wasn't staring at anyone."
"Yes, you were." Lucifer didn't question you, but he crossed his arms expectantly. His brothers would do all the work of wrestling an answer out of you for him.
"I saw you rubberneck so hard, I thought you were going to chase after them!" Asmodeus must have been exaggerating. You only glanced at that demon for a second max, or so you believed.
You didn't think it was a big deal, and brushed the incident off with, "they just reminded me of something." You hoped that would suffice as an answer. It did not.
"And what would that be?" Satan sounded like a courtroom interrogator trying to corner a lying defendant.
At some point, the eight of you had come to a stop in front of a closed and shuttered business, letting the foot traffic flow around you. The seven of them boxed you in and blocked your view of the rest of the street, circling you like a pack of hungry sharks. You waved your hands at the ridiculous bunch.
"I was just looking! What's it matter to you guys?"
Mammon got right up in your face. "I'm in charge of protectin' you! I can't be lettin' you stare at every chump lookin' to take advantage of ya!"
Asmodeus pulled him aside, claiming, "you should just look at me! I'm the only demon you'll never get tired of staring at." He gave you a wink of fan service that would have sent anyone else into a lustful fervor.
"I... also... don't want you looking at other people," Leviathan mumbled while lacking the courage to look you in the eye. His hand fidgeted with the bottom of his jacket.
"There are many dangers in the Devildom. You know that we have a responsibility to keep you safe, both as an exchange student and as someone very dear to us." Lucifer always had a way with words.
"So, who was that?" Beelzebub asked. He was followed up by Belphegor wondering, "do you know them?"
"No! They just..." You took a deep breath before your admission. "Ok. They look like the demon I would pretend to be when I was a kid."
There it was, the truth. Out in the open. There was a long beat of silence.
Belphegor was the first to go "huh?"
Leviathan caught on quickly. "Like, a demonsona? You had a demonsona?"
"It's something a lot of human kids do," you hurried to explain. "On playgrounds and stuff. When we're little we imagine we're secretly vampires and demons and cool monsters. It's fun but we grow out of it, usually."
Belphegor tried to clarify. "So you pretended you were a demon, and that you looked like the one who just walked by?"
You swear you heard Lucifer snort, trying to hold back his laughter.
"That is sooooooooo cute!" Asmodeus did not hold back. He started cracking up, his high-pitched laughter ringing around the street, and wiped a tear from his eye. "So, for years you played pretend demon?"
"Want me to go get them and ask for their picture?" Beelzebub offered. "I can catch up pretty quickly.
"No!" The offer was mortifying. "Lets just go, we have to finish our errands."
"You had a demonsona," Leviathan repeated with a smile and a chuckle. "That is kind of cute."
"Why somebody like that loser? Why not imagine someone cooler, like me?" Mammon flexed his wings in a show of vanity, as if he could make child-you change their mind.
"I didn't know you then, Mammon. I was, like, ten. All demons were cool."
"That's funny. Humans are so silly," Belphegor chimed.
"I was a child!" You spun to look at Belphegor, sticking an accusatory finger in his face. "You don't get to make fun of me, seeing as you pretended to be human when we met. You're thousands of years old! Act your age!"
"Ok, but I can do that because I'm a demon." Belphegor explained. He ran a hand through his hair, making his horns briefly disappear. "It's what we do."
"Yeah, it's different for us," Satan agreed.
Lucifer cleared his throat and stated, "I imagine we should continue this conversation while walking, now that we have an answer. Unless you lot want to spend all night on the street." He took a step back and gestured down the road in the direction you all were headed.
Sensing an escape from this topic, you nudged your way through the wall of demon brothers and followed after Lucifer, hoping to leave this memory behind. One by one, everyone else followed suit.
Leviathan sped up to match his pace to yours. Once the group was back on track and you thought the conversation was in the past, he asked, "so did you imagine having any cool powers?"
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moodyvoid · 14 days
You’re the newest member of the League of Villains. You get captured by the authorities.
The League quickly infiltrate the police station, taking out everyone on their way to get to you. They see you through the glass in the interrogation room, being questioned. Shigaraki stops everyone, curious to see how loyal you are.
Detective: “Tell me about the League.”
You: “What about them?”
Detective: “Any info you’ve got. Perhaps I can cut you a good deal.”
Toga, worried: “Y/n wouldn’t talk, would they?”
Twice, shaking his head: “They’d never! They’re totally going to rat us out!”
Spinner: “What do we do if they do talk?”
Dabi: “Burn them.”
Mr. Compress: “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Let’s give them a proper chance.”
Shigaraki: “Quiet. Listen.”
You: “Alright. I’ll tell you what I know.”
The League’s expressions all fall for a moment, but then you continue.
You: “Toga always steals my body spray, Mr. Compress hogs the coffee machine every morning, Twice snores loud enough to rattle the entire building, Spinner leaves his monster energy drink cans all over the hideout, Dabi has set every couch we’ve had on fire, and Shigaraki keeps stealing the meals I prep out of the fridge, but I let him because otherwise I don’t think he eats. I even started making extra so I know he’s getting enough food—“
Detective: “I meant information about what they’re planning or their current whereabouts. Not your roommate complaints.”
You: “Ohhh… Fuck off.”
Shigaraki nods approvingly before entering the room, decaying the detective, and letting you free.
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nathaslosthershit · 7 months
Lie Detector (Teen Dad!OP81 AU)
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(Part of the Teen Dad!Oscar AU) Summary: Oscar does a lie detector test and Lando learns some tough pills to swallow.
“So, our first media video for McLaren since the big news came out, right Oscar?” Lando said.
“Yep.” Oscar weakly responded. When McLaren asked him to do the lie detector test again, hoping to poke fun at the recent events, he was weary. He knew his team wouldn’t do anything to hurt him or his family, and it would probably be great from a PR perspective, but he was already tired of constantly answering questions. 
“Or should I call you Daddy Osc now?”
“Please never call me that.”
“So, we are doing a lie detector to try and expose all secrets the two of us may be hiding, like an entire family for example.” Lando, of course, knew about Oscar’s kids before he was exposed, but he still loved the opportunity to poke fun at him for it, even if he totally understood why Oscar did what he did.
“This time, we are using a heavy duty lie detector, with actual wires and someone to tell whether we are for sure telling the truth, instead of a toy that shocks us at random.” Oscar continued, ignoring Lando’s comment.
The words ‘Oscar tells the truth’ flashed on the screen till a wired up Oscar appeared behind the desk.
“Okay Oscar, starting off easy. Is your name Oscar Jack Piastri?” Lando was giddy as he asked, really excited to get information out of his teammate.
“Yes.” was all he responded. Truth.
“Are you originally from Australia?”
“Yep.” Truth. This was easier than he had thought, but looking in Lando’s eyes, he could see the glint of mischievousness in them.
“Are you a daddy?” 
“I am a father, yes. I don’t like the look in your eyes when you call me that.” Truth.
“Do you have any other kids you are hiding?”
“No more than the two.” Truth.
“Am I their favorite uncle?” Lando knew he had it in the bag. The Piastri twins loved him and how much he spoiled them. Their parents? Not so much. Oscar’s fiancee had time and time again argued with the amount of toys Lando would get them at random.
He did begin to sweat a little as Oscar took a little longer to answer the question. He didn’t know how to break the news to him. 
“...Yes.” Lie.
“What! Oscar? You said I was their favorite!” 
“Lando, Logan has been in their life since they were born. He established himself as the cool uncle. When I let him babysit, I always return home to them eating way too much ice cream. To be fair, I think he has trained them like Pavlov’s dogs to associate him with treats so now they get way too excited and jumpy when they see him.” Oscar explained.
“This is stupid anyway I don’t care.” Lando mumbled, caring very much that he wasn’t the favorite. “Moving on, I don’t have any more questions so I guess it is my turn.”
After the video had been filmed, Oscar and Lando walked back over to the meeting room that the Piastri twins and their mother had been given to hang out in while they filmed. On the walk over, Lando interrogated his teammate even more.
“I cannot believe that I am not the cool uncle! I have never not been the cool uncle. Mila thinks I am cool, how do your kids not?”
“Lando, they are three, it is nothing personal. They love the toys you get them and they are always asking for you when they come to the factory. Logan just has seniority over you and has been the cool uncle forever, it is hard to dethrone him after a year.” Oscar said this hoping that it would stop Lando from spoiling them tenfold. 
If anything it just made him even more motivated to overthrow Logan.
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liked by oscarpiastri and 472,264 others
landonorris logansargeant I will become the cool uncle
oscarpiastri lando please. No more toys we don't have the room
logansargeant In your dreams old man.
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