#Their hair isn't actually supposed to be green - partially because I don't own a green because I couldn't decide on just one
sysig · 4 years
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Trying all sorts of different tools for arts
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aikoiya · 2 years
DP - PT AU - The Deal 6
The thing about Vlad & Dina's relationship is that while it isn't strictly the healthiest it could be, that's partially because Vlad, himself, isn't the stablest person around.
He's actually kinda both yandere & simp in a way, but the thing about Dina is that she's got all the tools necessary to handle both & keep him in check which is just one part of the reason why she's his soulmate.
Like, if there is a power imbalance here, it's actually in favor of Dina rather than Vlad because she's got him emotionally by the balls & isn't afraid to twist them to get him to listen to her both figuratively & literally.
Now, she also isn't about to abuse this power she has over him because she really does have some very deep feelings for him & really likes him, but she will manipulate him if she believes it's for either his or their children's own good. She tends to use her position to get him to do things like get therapy & whatnot.
Now, that isn't to say that she's making him jump through hoops to be with her. She's not that high maintenance. She genuinely likes him so she tries to make it easier for him. It's more that she has certain boundaries, both personal & moral, that she's not okay with crossing. Like, she encourages him to make his own boundaries too & she tries hard to follow them when he informs her of them.
Thing is, if Vlad ever realized that she manipulates him, he'd likely just be impressed & turned on. That's part of why they work so well together.
I feel like as they grow more comfortable with each other & express their feelings for one another, they'll slowly develop a more equal relationship & a deeper understanding. Particularly, a dynamic not dissimilar to Gomez & Morticia Addams. Like, sure they bicker, but they also understand that just because they fight, the love isn't gone.
Not in personalities, but in how they interact with each other. This is all years down the line, of course.
When Plasmius phased through the wall, Dina noticed that he was soaked to the bone.
She would've laughed & teased him if she hadn't gotten a good look at his hair. It fell down over his shoulders in wet curtains, but damn it looked so much better with it framing his face!
This is how he looks:
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(Can't remember the artist, but here it is.)
She stared at him wide-eyed before blinking & going to get him a towel.
When she handed one to the man, he smiled at her disarmingly.
Vlad: "Thank you, Dearest. I apologize for my unfortunate appearance, but your brother caught me on my way here & we got into a fight. He knocked me into Cauldron Lake."
He looked at the towel & smirked.
Vlad: "A sweet gesture, but you know that all I need to do is become intangible & the water falls right through, yes?"
Dina: "S-sorry, forgot."
He just smiled at her flustered remark, catching on that she evidently enjoyed his wet look. Leaning in with a flirtatious lilt, his eyes hooded.
Vlad: "Unless you prefer me like this? All wet & dripping with condensation, my Darling?"
Dina stuttered, before catching herself. Her cheeks dying themselves green with embarrassment.
Dina: "I, well. I suppose so. I mean..."
She turned away, her cheeks puffed up with irritation which only further charmed the drenched man.
Dina: "I just think your hair looks better like this. It's always up in that really stupid looking devil horn look, so it's just nice seeing it down & framing your face like this."
Vlad paused, not having expected that response.
He ran his fingers through his hair, pulling a lock so he could look at it curiously.
Plasmius could feel his cheeks heating up. He was suddenly feeling strangely self-conscious.
Vlad: "Do you... really think that?"
Dina: "I... think it makes you look very handsome..."
Biting his lip, he thought for a moment.
Vlad: "I suppose it has been a while since I changed my look. And you are the fashionista here, aren't you? I'll just stop applying hair gel in the mornings."
Dina: "You don't have to..."
Vlad: "Maybe not, but you've definitely proven that you have a better eye for these things than I & besides, it'll give me a bit more time to enjoy my mornings."
With that, he leaned down to plant a kiss upon her lips.
Vlad: "Night after next then?"
Breathless, Dina smiled.
Dina: "Yeah, see you at 7."
Maddie found an empty bottle of prenatal vitamins in the trash.
She had been taking the trash out to the dumpster & worrying about the poor woman who Jack had told her about. The one that'd been unfortunate enough to not only be ensnared by Vlad's dirty dealings, but also end up with the same mark as him. While Maddie was very thankful that the creep wasn't fixated on her anymore, it didn't stop her from feeling guilty that she'd managed to escape his gaze while this other woman obviously hadn't. Some part of her wondered who the poor woman was.
As she was about to close the lid, she glanced in & saw a picture of a baby on the side of a bottle.
Curious & worried, the ectologist dug it out & examined it, finding it to be exactly what she was afraid of.
It couldn't have been Jazz's, even though she'd mentioned having a new boyfriend in Gotham (Todd or something), because it'd been a week since Christmas (which only Jazz had spent with them; Maddie couldn't understand why the twins had left them alone for Christmas) & she left the day after; they'd taken out the trash since then, so it could only be Dina's bottle. Unless Sam had thrown them away during one of her visits, but she'd been under the impression that though they'd confessed & begun dating, Danny & Sam's relationship hadn't progressed that far.
Thinking about it, Maddie had noticed that Dina was eating more... & she'd been unusually sick lately...
Maddie called a family meeting. As she waited for everyone to get there, she paced the room.
Eventually, everyone was there &, immediately, Maddie turned on Dina.
Maddie: "Are you pregnant?"
Dina froze, while Danny & their dad turned to her, the eldest with shock & disbelief. She knew it would happen eventually. Why hadn't she headed it off at the pass?
Taking a deep, steadying breath.
Dina: "Yes, I am."
Her father's reaction was rather extreme. It almost looked like he'd been shot & was currently reeling from blood loss.
Jack: "Some punk knocked my baby girl up!? I'll kill 'em!!"
Her mother had a grim expression on her face.
Maddie: "For how long?"
Dina: "A couple months after I turned 18."
Maddie: "So, a little more than 3 months. Why didn't you tell us?"
Jack: "Forget that! What I wanna know is who was the irresponsible little brat that did this to my Dina-Baby!"
Dina: "Dad, it was an accident. I was taking the pill & he was using protection too. The condom just broke a few times is all."
Danny grumbled under his breath.
Danny: "You shouldn't have been having sex with him in the first place..."
Maddie squinted her eyes at how her son said 'with him.' Did he know who it was?
Jack: "I'm with Danno!"
Maddie: "Yes, it was a very bad decision to become intimate at all when you hadn't even gotten your acceptance letters back."
Dina: "Oh, like you 2 never had sex before getting married."
Maddie sputtered while Jack just grimaced.
Maddie: "T-that's different. We were in college & living on our own. Besides, this is about you, not us."
Dina: "Oh, so what's good for the goose, the gander needn't apply?"
Jack: "She's got a point Mads. I know I didn't abstain in high school & I wasn't as careful as she was. Who we should really be blaming is that punk what did this to her!"
Dina: "OmG, Dad! Stop! We're both equally responsible!"
Maddie: "Maybe, it'd be best if you got rid of it."
Dina was too stunned to say anything at first, though her dad seemed to sum up her reaction pretty well on his own.
Jack: "Maddie!"
Maddie: "What?! It's not like it'll feel any pain. It's little more than a clump of cells at this point. It won't hurt. And then, she can just go to college like it never happened!"
Dina's face turned red with anger.
Dina: "Mom, you know how I feel about that."
Maddie: "Oh, honestly sweetie! Enough with that spiritualist drivel. There's no proof!"
Dina: "Yeah, well that's pretty funny coming from a ghost hunter!"
Dina: "Sweetheart, ghosts have a scientific explanation. There's no proof that souls exist."
Dina: "What about soul marks? Scientists still haven't figured them out no matter what they do."
Maddie scoffed.
Maddie: "Of course, you bring that up. It's always the marks with non-secularists. Science has proven that they're a biological means of refining humanity's DNA sequence & getting out all the gunk."
Dina: "But that's not all it is! Science has also discovered that matches are undeniably connected in an intangible, unquantifiable way!"
Maddie: "Unquantifiable for now! You're father & I have made progress. Machines running on ectoplasm react faintly to the presence of these marks in a way that suggests a connection. Especially when 2 individuals bearing the same mark are near each other."
Dina: "And what do soul marks have in common with ghosts? Hm? Perhaps souls?!"
Maddie scowled.
Maddie: "Ghosts aren't people! They are the manifestations of post-human consciousness & don't think, let alone feel!"
Dina: "But they have soul marks too!"
Maddie: "A trick! One you've fallen for!"
Dina: "And what if it's not?? What if all they do is prove what I've been saying this whole time!? What if ghosts are sentient & sapient & you've been experimenting on thinking, feeling people?!"
Maddie: "This is getting us nowhere! We've gone far off topic."
Dina: "Don't have an answer, do you?!"
Dina growled low in her chest. She closed her eyes tight, knowing that they were glowing green with anger & frustration. She didn't open them back up until she felt they were back to normal.
Dina: "Fine..." She ground out.
Dina: "But even if you were right, which you're NOT, I still wouldn't get an abortion & that's the end of THAT discussion."
Maddie sighed heavily.
Maddie: "And why's that?"
Dina: "Because I would kill myself, if I did & then he showed up as a ghost just for you 2 to pull him apart like a frog in biology class..."
Jack & Danny recoiled, but Maddie was firm.
Maddie: "It wouldn't be-"
Dina: "I DON'T CARE! I'd see him & I'd know it was him & it'd absolutely crush me knowing what you'd do to him! I'm sorry that I can't completely disassociate my memories of people from their ghosts! I just can't!"
Maddie: "It's not that hard..."
Dina: "Then you do it! You've never been confronted by a ghost you knew in life, so let's see how you react! What if Grandpa Walker showed up as a ghost? What if me or Danny were ghosts?? Would you be able to rip US apart so easily!?"
Jack & Maddie looked at each other in shock, while Danny perked up, glancing at them in subdued interest.
Jack blinked wide-eyed with a deep, uncharacteristic frown on his face, but Maddie just grit her teeth & clenched her fists.
Maddie: "We would."
Jack snapped to look at her in disbelief & horror, mouth agape.
Maddie: "Even if it turned out souls were real & ghosts kept their souls after death. I'd still end you. I wouldn't be able to study the ghost because of our relationship when you were alive, but I'd end your existence all-the-same because I wouldn't be able to stand to see you so... utterly twisted."
Dina & Danny's expressions both showed brief despair then resignation.
Dina: "I suppose that I have nothing more to say then..."
Maddie: "Oh no! This isn't over! We still haven't figured out what we're going to do about this situation!"
Dina: "No, you haven't figured out what you're gonna do. I'm keeping him."
Maddie: "Dina!"
Dina: "I refuse to give him up! He's mine & I already love him!"
Maddie: "But you're not ready! A child is too big a responsibility!"
Dina: "Oh, as if you'd know anything about that!"
Insult broke out across the Fenton matriarch's face as if she's been physically slapped.
Maddie: "Excuse me??"
Dina: "You heard me! You ever wonder why Jazz & I are so independent & mature? We had to be because you were always too busy in the lab when you should've been up here with us!"
Maddie: "Wha-! How dare-! Our work is very important & you should know that by now!"
Dina: "More important than us, your children?! No! I'm tired of pretending that we're okay! I'm tired of pretending that you didn't just dump us on Jazz for days on end! She's the one I think of when we talk about our parents, not YOU!"
There was a long, wounded silence as the Fenton parents processed the statement. Jack in guilt & Maddie in anger. Both deeply hurt by her declaration.
Through gritted teeth, Maddie ground out, "Can you at least tell us about the father?"
Dina: "I'm definitely not about to tell you who it is."
Jack: "What? Why!? Is he threatening you!? I'll kill him!!"
Dina: "No, he's not! And that, right there, is exactly why I won't tell any of you! I can't trust you not to try & kill the poor guy! I don't need to have to bail your sorry butts outta jail!"
Maddie: "Oh, Sweetie. We won't kill him. We'll just make him wish he was dead!"
Dina: "Oh, like that's much better! Until I think that I can trust you not to threaten bodily harm on him, I won't say a word. And if you try to make me get rid of my baby again, I'm leaving & never coming back!"
With that, Dina walked out of the house with her mother's retort of "Where would you even go?!" Not even dignifying the woman with an answer, she went to complain to Vlad. He was sypathetic at least.
A couple nights after discovering her daughter was pregnant (mother & daughter hadn't spoken to each other since), Maddie noticed her daughter leaving the house all dressed to impress, so she had the Fenton Ghost Drone follow her.
She was going to figure out what bastard did this to her baby if it killed her.
It followed her through the snow when Dina met up with a familiar looking man with shoulder-length brown hair in a halfup do & hazel eyes behind circular retro sunglasses, a green turtleneck beneath the brown, fur-linned winter coat that she'd seen her daughter designing & the green & yellow Packers scarf that she'd knitted while spending time with her father. He looked like a hipster. Maybe a college student from Amity Community College.
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Maddie didn't know where she'd seen him before, but she was sure that she had.
Had he been stalking Dina?!
Maddie grimaced, watching the man's eyes light up at seeing her daughter, a (creepy!) soft & fond smile on his face. He embraced the girl when she got close, resting his cheek on top of her head & closing his eyes for a moment, seeming to just breathe her in.
He then pulled back, lifting her chin up with his fingers & gave the teen a peck on the lips, sliding his hand up her jaw to tuck a hair behind her ear.
When they started talking, Maddie focused the drone's audio equipment on them.
Creep: "Hello, ангел мой." (Translates to 'my angel.' Pronounced 'angel moy.')
So, Russian or at least took Russian.
He had an Upper Midwestern accent, so he was from, at least, the general vacinity.
Maddie scowled, thinking his voice was slimy in a familiar way that sent shivers down her spine. That he was obviously conning her daughter & wondered how such a smart & level-headed girl couldn't see that.
Dina: "Hey, Hotshot. You ready for our date?"
Creep: "Absolutely. I'll show you the way."
His vernacular was casual & laid back. The mother of 3 hated it instantly.
The man gave the teen his elbow, which she took, & they were off.
Maddie had the drone follow them from a safe distance.
The drone followed them to a little Korean barbeque place. She watched on suspiciously as the man pulled out a chair for her daughter, then pushed it back in before going for his own seat like a gentleman (she laughed sarcastically at that), the pair ate & chatted, laughing merrily at some joke or another.
Her stomach twisted at how happy they looked together. Was she wrong? What if they really were in love?
Shaking her head, Maddie reaffirmed that even if they were, Dina was still too young for such a serious commitment. They should've waited.
After they left the diner, Maddie followed them as they walked.
She listened in as they talked, but it was mostly discussions of how their days went & different baking techniques/old recipes that should still be in use now.
Then, their conversation turned to Dina's college. Apparently, the man had rented a living space in Chicago so that they could be together when she went off to college. It was even worse than she thoughts!
Dina: "V-Dave. You know you don't have to do that..."
The newly dubbed 'Dave' just chuckled.
Dave: "But I want to. Let's be honest, Love. You've been my only real friend practically since we met 4 years ago."
That set off alarm bells in Maddie's head. They've known each other that long & she'd never noticed?
If they'd been friends for so long, did that mean he'd been at Casper High with Jazz?
Dave: "I know you want to wait before discussing marriage, but please, at least let me take care of you. You're an independant woman, I know, but I want to help you with the baby however I can. I just want the best for you both."
Maddie growled.
He suddenly became flustered, his cheeks tinting pink.
Dave: "And, to be completely honest with you, I don't know how I'd handle being without you for so long. Я не знаю, смогу ли я жить без тебя." (Pronounced 'YA ne znayu, smogu li ya zhitʹ bez te-BYA,' & translates to 'I don't know if I could live without you anymore.')
Dina: "B-but... what about... you know... your job?"
The way her daughter said 'job' raised all sorts of alarm bells inside Maddie's head.
Dave: "Everything would be fine. There's a branch in Chicago & it's not like they'll argue with me, now will they?"
So, did that mean he was in the work force? And fairly high up in his company if he can afford to just move ship without anyone caring.
Dave: "As for my 'other' job. Well, it's not like Amity's all that far. Not for us anyway."
The way he said 'job' was also was not comforting. Also, what did he mean by 'us?'
Dave then took her chin in his hand & turned her face to look him in the eye. His expression was soft, strangely genuine, & full of a melting warmth. To Maddie, it had an edge of something that spoke of a deepseated devotion boardering on a very familiar obsessiveness & it made her uncomfortable to see it directed towards her daughter.
Dave: "Я тебя обожаю, мой славный котёнок." (Pronounced 'ya tye-BYA aba-ZHA-yu, MOY SLAV-neey ka-TYO-nak,' it means 'I adore you, my sweet kitten.')
The date seemed to reach its end, the teen getting up on her tiptoes to plant a sweet kiss on her beau's lips, to which he responded by leaning down & wrapping her in his arms, then deepening it. Dina then encircled his neck with her arms, hand digging into the hair at the back of his head. This seemed to pull a happy hum from his throat.
Ending the kiss, they then nuzzled each other oddly by Maddie's opinion.
After that, they separated with a 'goodbye.' The man's eyes following the girl as she left with a loving expression on his face before leaving himself.
Maddie needed to end this 'relationship.'
Phantom Twins AU Masterlist
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baybee45 · 4 years
A/N: Lieutenant Thire!Reader/"criminal reader"
Anything in italics is your internal dialogue hopefully that is clear but just case it wasn't. Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: PG, unless Star Wars swearing counts, If it does PG-13.
It's pretty fluffy with a a dash of spice.
Our Story
    "Stop right there!" The red and white armored trooper sternly warns. You freeze and slowly turn to face him, his blaster aimed and ready, as you nonchalantly raise your hands. You take the moment to catch your breath and think of a plan.
    "You're very fast sir, ya really must be something under all that armor. Maybe we can settle this with a drink? See where the night takes us?" You coyly ask, edging slowly towards the ledge. The updraft off the building blows strands of your messy hair wildly.
    "Your attempt at flirting isn't going to work with me. I will shoot! Now Stop Moving!"
    You come to a halt partially listening to his warning, but mostly because your heels were already teetering off the ledge of the roof. There was a decent 10 feet between you and jail time. Your mind races through the dwindling option for escape as two other troopers make their way up to the roof. The initial trooper with a pauldron-- that means he is higher rank, a lieutenant or captain maybe, you couldn't remember-- motions to the others and they make their way towards you with binders in hand.
    "I mean I don't even know your name yet sir. And honestly, I've never really been into handcuff but if that's your thing..."
    The troopers blaster waivers slightly and you swear you heard him chuckle as he shakes his helmet nearly imperceptibly. Tilting your own head to the side, you look at him through batting eyelashes and give him a mischievous smile.
    "You know if you shoot me, I'd most likely fall off the side of this building." You sigh. "Not a great ending to our blossoming story."
    "Well, don't move and Our story will continue, uh blossoming on... Lieutenant Thire" He clarifies. You hear a flapping sound, glancing down you see curtains blowing in the funneled wind.
An open window.
"Staying Still? Hmmph, now where's the fun in that Lieutenant!?"
    "Don't you dare! Hurry it along troopers!" He quickly barks. Thire must have seen the the glimmer in your eyes, or maybe the glint of the knife hidden in your sleeve. Giving them all a quick farewell salute, you jump back diving feet first down the side of the apartment.
    "For kriffsake!" You hear Thire yell, as you fly down the side of the building only slowed slightly by your vibroblade slicing into the duracrete. It was truely a beautiful firework display of sparks, flashing this way and that, off the speeding wall. Then with some skill and a lot of luck, you catch the top ledge of the window and swing yourself in.
A slight wobble in the landing, but a solid 9 for the overall execution.
    You try to orient your self in the dark room and then are momentarily blinded when the lights turns on. When your eyes are finally are able to adjust and focus you see a very, very large green Twi'lek. He is blocking you from an easy exit. His tiny human partner cautiously comes up behind him holding a bat.
    "Good evening folks" you greeted them with the ease of second hand speeder sales man.
    "What in the kriffing hell! What are you doing in here!" yelled the foreboding Twi'lek.
    "What do you mean..." You pretended to be shocked looking to the Twi'lek and then his partner who is still nervervously holding on to the bat.
    "You didn't get a written notice from your land lord?" You questioned and suddenly act as if you just now saw the weapon in her hands. The green giant looked down to his partner and his partner back up at him. Both looked equal and extremely confused.
You can work with this.
    Pulling out your datapad from your bag and start angrily taping the keys, pacing slightly with your back turned to them. "Steve! You son of a bantha! I could throttle you, just kill him!" You fumed to your small audience, trying to quickly put together a holonet site to give the story your weaving some actual weight.
    "I try, You known, to tell him," you said sounding exasperated. "I tell him a partnership takes two people... Two people working as a team." Your two suspicious hosts look to each other and back at you. Still unsure of what to make of this intruder and the verbal diarrhea of new information being spewed at them.
A troubled partnership with someone named Steve. That will be the key out of this situation, the legend that will be Steve and his inability to do his job.
    "When he doesn't do his part I get shafted." You practically wept, still avoiding eye contact with your increasing worried audience. You let out a resigned sigh, rubbing your temples trying collect yourself. Buying enough time for your site to become live. With a relieved but tired inhale you continue your one man show.
    "I'm so sorry, My name is Maree Jakorr" you said thinking of a grade school classmates mother. "And I'm part of a start up security company." You turn your datapad over and show them the holonet site you just put together. Its was barebones but got the job done.
It's Steve for kriffsakes, he can't even call up potential clients, and make sure the tenants are informed. There isn't much hope for his holonet site design abilities.
       You take another deep breathe you were getting a little too deep into lore. "As you can see we do mock break-ins to find weakness and then try implement different measures to increase security and safety. Of course this is supposed to be done with the home owners knowledge and consent." You explain. With a partially exaggerated groan you put away your datapad. "Well this is going to be fun to explain to the CG."
    "The gaurd doesn't have to know" squeaked the human. "I mean we don't need to call them." She said more confidently looking up at her partner. The Twi'lek looked lovely down nodding his head and pulling her in close.
You instantly adore these two, and make a mental note to send them something later for their trouble.
    "Oh you're too sweet hun, but as part of the test we call the CG to see how long it take them to respond to a threat. You know, extra data points for the algorithm, if that makes sense."
    "I'm so sorry for the inconvenience." You say truely apologetic. "Well I guess I should leave you two be, so you can get some resemblence of a normal evening back."
    "Feel free to use the front door... or window if you prefer." Joked the Twi'lek. They both chuckle and she stands on her tip toes giving him a kiss on the cheek.
Gosh these two.
    "I'll try my luck with the front door I think." You laughed. As you hand reaches for the handle, you can hear the sounds of troopers knocking on doors as they sweep the hall. Their footsteps and voices getting louder as they near.
    "Do you mind if I use the fresher quickly before I go?"
They both nod their heads and the Twi'lek takes the bat from his partner and puts it away in the closet. "Just that door there at the end of the hallway."
    "Thank you so much, I promise I'll be out of here in no time." You say closing the door behind you, making sure not to lock it. You search the cozy room, looking for an alternative way out. Not to thrilled with the prospect of using window again for escaping. Hopefully it wouldn't be needed, only a options, the last resort, hopefully.
    Depsite the nerf burger, extra fries and large shake you devoured for dinner, you manage to squeeze yourself from the air vent of the apartment and into the slightly larger main vent of the building.
    Without a second to spare you see the troopers through silted grate, knock on the door of the apartment you once occupied. Your tempted to eavsedrop on the conversation, knowing you had given that beautiful couple enough information to give the undoubtedly handsome Lieutenant a headache. You think better of it, and make your long overdue escape.
    Once out of the building you causal walk the back alleyways making your journey home. You send Lieutenant Thire a link and a small message;
"Dear Lieutenant Thire,
I hope this holonet link clears up any misunderstanding between you and the lovely and completely unsuspecting couple in apartment 459.
Sincerely, 'Our story lives on for another day.'
P.S. Please excuse the poorly designed website, Steve did his best. Best regards xox 💋. "
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