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In February 2021, Texas Senator Ted Cruz and his co-host Michael Knowles, a Daily Wire commentator, recorded a live episode of theVerdict With Ted Cruz podcast.1 In conversation about his former Senate race opponent Beto O’Rourke, the Texas Republican described his rival’s support base as primarily reporters who act like “groupies at a Rolling Stones concert throwing their underwear.” Offhandedly, he added, “If they wore underwear, yes.” With a smirk, he leaned into the microphone and asked Knowles, “Too edgy?” Knowles replied, “It’s a podcast: you can say whatever you want!”
Since the advent of the medium, podcasts have generally offered a space where, in the words of Knowles, ‘you can say whatever you want.’ Once written off as a dying medium, podcasting has undergone rapid growth and monetization, while largely avoiding content moderation and regulatory debates.2 Today, nearly 41% of Americans listen to podcasts monthly, and almost one in four Americans look to podcasts for their news.3 Globally, the medium is projected to reach an audience of 504.9 million by 2024, while ad revenue in the United States is expected to double between 2022 and 2024, jumping from $2 billion to $4 billion.4
Due in large part to the say-whatever-you-want perceptions of the medium, podcasting offers a critical avenue through which unsubstantiated and false claims proliferate. As the terms are used in this report, the terms “false claims,” “misleading claims,” “unsubstantiated claims” or any combination thereof are evaluations by the research team of the underlying statements and assertions grounded in the methodology laid out below in the research design section and appendices. Such claims, evidence suggests, have played a vital role in shaping public opinion and political behavior.5 Despite these risks, the podcasting ecosystem and its role in political debates have received little attention for a variety of reasons, including the technical difficulties in analyzing multi-hour, audio-based content and misconceptions about the medium.6 Yet understanding the scope of this challenge is critically important.
Using a combination of analytical methods – including natural language processing, machine learning, and manual classifying – this research provided the first overarching assessment of the role that popular political podcasting plays in spreading unsubstantiated and false claims. These podcasters, who span the political spectrum, make up the mainstream of the medium and regularly boast audiences in the millions. Drawing on data collected from 36,603 episodes produced by 79 prominent political podcasters, 17,061 evaluations, and 184 key terms and phrases, this analysis found:7
The spread of unsubstantiated and false claims across the popular political podcasting ecosystem was common: Nearly 70% of podcasters in the dataset shared one or more such claim, and at least one out of every 20 episodes (1,863 episodes) recorded by prominent podcasters featured an unsubstantiated or false claim. Due to the conservative nature of the research design, this is likely an undercount of the proliferation of this type of content across political podcasting.
Unsubstantiated and false claims tied to the 2020 US presidential election spiked dramatically after the election and did not abate in the following months, despite multiple failed legal challenges:In the lead up to the January 6 attack on the US Capitol, political podcasters played a central and highly partisan role in sowing doubt about the security of the 2020 election. After Election Day, claims of election fraud rose by nearly 600%, to more than 28% of all episodes airing between the election and January 6, 2020, with the vast majority coming from conservative series that were among the most popular during this period.
During the first two years of the coronavirus pandemic, unsubstantiated and false claims circulated widely, but they tended to be more nuanced and less partisan than election-related claims: Unsubstantiated and false claims tied to the pandemic featured in one out of every eight episodes examined during this period. These claims, however, tended to be less overtly partisan and were often rooted in misunderstandings of science, confusion over evolving public health guidelines, and a heavy reliance on non-peer reviewed preprints.
10 prominent podcasters were responsible for sharing the majority of false and misleading content:The 10 podcast series that shared unsubstantiated or false claims at the highest overall rates accounted for more than 60% of all the dataset’s unsubstantiated and false claims. These series, whose hosts lean conservative politically, had a combined reach of more than 28 million followers on Facebook and Twitter as of September 2022.8
As podcasts continue to grow in popularity, addressing the diffusion of unsubstantiated and false content across the ecosystem will become increasingly important. To meet this challenge, tech companies, regulators, listeners, hosts, and researchers all have roles to play. Greater transparency across the board – in terms of content moderation practices, financial disclosures, and algorithmic amplification by podcasting apps – can help to shed light on what has so far been an opaque medium. Improvements to the architecture of podcast apps that allow for a more seamless user experience – including features that let users report and review episodes – would not only create a richer information environment but also effectively reincorporate ordinary listeners as vital contributors to the conversation. Researchers, too, can help to evaluate the substance and broader influence of what remains an understudied communications medium.
While these changes will likely not lead to a complete overhaul of the podcasting ecosystem, they will go a long way toward improving a space that until recently has received little attention from regulators, researchers, and the media, despite the growing influence of podcasting in political conversations.
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Our Legal system is a joke... Not everybody has 30...60...90 days more (???) to wait for a verdict thats 2yrs in the making and 20yrs overdue???!!!... aaaauuuuggghhhh... **PRAYERS NEEDED**** I'm drained...what a kick to the gut.... #prayersneeded #innerstrength #legalsystem #theverdict #dpomlive #dailyjam #mission #vision #goodkarma #blessed #notap #firsttakes #rawandreal #drummerslife #meditation #relaxation #mentalhealthawareness #emdrtherapy #mentalhealthmatters #ptsd #ptsdawareness #anxiety #anxietyrelief #boom #poet #poetry #speakeasy https://www.instagram.com/p/COx64T6haOI/?igshid=tuc3c6hzkuf4
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Greetings fam! We’ve been following this case very closely. A verdict will be coming this week. On December 28th 2016, a brutalized attack inflicted by Toronto Police officers Michael and Christian Theriault against Dafonte Miller, resulted in Miller having many injuries including the irreversible loss of Dafonte’s eye. . . It has been approximately four years since the incident. The officers are being indicted for aggravated assault and an obstruction of justice. Although this will be streamed online, we are asking the community to show up outside of the Superior Court of Justice, Oshawa in solidarity with Dafonte and his family for this final ruling this Friday at 8:30-10am. . . This verdict is being delivered during a critical moment of the long-standing uproar against anti-Black racism and thus, this community demonstration is directed to apply pressure on the Superior Court of Justice to, not only rule in favour of Dafonte and his family but to reinforce that police are not above the law and that anti-Black racism and police brutality will not go unpunished. . . This demonstration as well as all organizing efforts have been approved by the family and are being organized by Black community members in Durham and the #GTA to, support a favourable outcome and demand #JusticeforDafonte. Follow @durhamblackac for more information. *Details and safety precautions will be posted shortly - stay tuned. . . #justicefordafonte #DafonteMiller #Oshawa #Toronto #Ajax #Pickering #antiblackracism #rootsreggaehub #insolidarity #Whitby #scarborough #theverdict https://www.instagram.com/p/CB1eOCmHb_M/?igshid=a0av024qcryn
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Cliff Notes - Johnny Depp v Amber Heard A Virginia jury on Wednesday ruled that actor Amber Heard defamed ex-husband Johnny Depp in a widely watched six-week trial that featured explicit and graphic evidence and testimony detailing the former Hollywood couple's soured relationship. *Johnny Depp wins his libel case over an article in which his ex-wife said she was a victim of abuse *The jury has awarded Depp $10m (£8m) in compensatory damages and $5m in punitive damages *The jury found that Heard's statements about her marriage were "false" and she acted with "actual malice" *But jurors also found that Depp defamed Heard - through his attorney - and awarded her $2m *Depp, 58, had sued his ex-wife for $50m for the article *Heard, 36, counter-sued for $100m, saying he smeared her by calling her a liar #JohnnyDepp #AmberHeard #DefamationSuit #TheVerdict https://www.instagram.com/p/CeRwKFbvhVx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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此次影評由四位「雲陪審員」共同創作👩⚖️ 【案情概述】 恐怖分子劫持了一架民航客機,逼迫機長將目的地設往一座坐滿了觀眾的運動場。在緊要關頭,一名德國戰鬥機飛行員不顧上級指令,在民航機撞向體育場前先行將其擊落。他拯救了數萬名無辜的觀眾,卻犧牲了飛機上所有的乘客,因此出庭受審。 【48小時臨時雲陪審團成員】 @賽博海狗丸(賽博) @杏備老用師號(杏老師) @沒有人給她寫信的墩子(阿墩) @是海鹽也是風月(海鹽) 【陪審員們交換意見】 —-控方發言時—- 海鹽: 那個女檢察官挺煩人的氣死我了血壓升高 賽博: 女檢察官明顯誘導性提問,但都被辯方拉律師輕鬆化解,「您本人負責疏散嗎」(幫證人解圍);「被告負責疏散嗎」(遞進)「飛機靠近時球場坐滿人的事實被告能改變嗎」(既定結果無法避免)。 但與此同時,女檢察官的發言非常契合自然法精神,電車難題及其衍生問題、水手拋人案、連體嬰案、器官移植案等經典案例引用得恰到好處。在曾經因為盛行實證主義而犯下滔天罪行的德國,這樣的陳述直指人心。 —-辯方發言時—- 杏老師: 我同意拉律師的觀點。 海鹽: 他好輕鬆啊拉律師! 賽博: 真的,拉律師的業務能力太強了。 舉例911事件來援引「更小的惡」的論證非常精准且容易引起共鳴; 巧妙地運用「再多殺一個人也無法改變既定事實」的理論極易說服一些廢死派陪審員; 用朋友緊急避險的案例,層層遞進「過度嚴格遵守憲法原則會使恐怖分子更加肆無忌憚」的核心觀點; 還利用了一些適當的「道德綁架」「如果您今天判決他有罪,如果您把一項令人懷疑的憲法原則止於此案之上,那您就以此表示——我們不准反抗恐怖分子。」 阿墩: 對,其實最打動我的就是這個「道德綁架」,如果這個事情被判決有罪,恐怖分子就可以利用憲法凌駕於我們之上。 —-判決投票—- 阿墩: 我選了【有罪】,但心裡很難過。雙方都有道理吧,但是我還是支持有罪,也是因為這個判決結果對之後影響太大了。這個案子的意義已經不在審判那個飛行員了! 海鹽: 我選了【無罪】,那個飛行員好帥,而且我現在一點沒覺得他有什麼問題,我覺得他是英雄還差不多 賽博: 至少是7萬正在看搖滾演唱會的觀眾的英雄! 海鹽: 是的! 賽博: 我選了【有罪】,但基於情況危急,應當免除處罰(意味著被告可以繼續擔任社會工作,但對於有罪事實會被記錄在案)。 實際上法官對於量刑是有自由裁量權的,而非「有罪,死;無罪,活」的二元論。 杏老師: 我選了【無罪】,它沒給「但是」這個選項,所以我只能選【無罪】了,我怕選了有罪把人槍斃了! 賽博: 確實,被指控一級謀殺可不是小罪名。但確實存在判決有罪但免於刑事處罰的判例(鄧玉嬌案,殺死性侵��一審被判死刑,二審因夏霖律師的辯護被判有罪但免責)。 —-庭審結束後—- 杏老師: 我一度以為後面閹割了,發現後面就是沒了,這留個非黑即白的尾巴,網上不是引戰嗎? 賽博: 如果有後續的話,就是要麼被宣判無罪,檢方抗訴到上一級法院,十天後開庭;要麼被宣判有罪,拉律師和被告上訴到上一級法院,十天後開庭。到時候陪審員就換了一波兒,有可能得出不同的結果。 當然,十天內誰能找到關鍵性證據(比如乘客們已經闖入駕駛艙制服恐怖分子)誰就贏面更大。 順便一提,刑事上無罪不代表民事上無罪,即使德聯邦承擔賠償金,涉事人也需在拉律師、檢察院指派的監管人員陪同下向164個受害者家屬逐一道歉,夠他們操勞一陣的了。也希望他在此過程中能獲得新的反思吧。 阿墩: 太好了,這樣也能安慰到我。 賽博: 嗯!絕大多數情況下,能否達成和解取決於被告的態度,有懺悔表現並積極賠償的更容易達成和解。 -------- 賽博: 無論勝訴敗訴,拉律師已經盡全力了,也貢獻了極其精彩的辯論。更何況咱這才一審呢,還有十天上訴期,好好休息,好好準備,二審開庭又重組合議庭換一波陪審員了!這波不行還有三審!��德四級三審制,誒,就是玩兒(中國是兩審終審制) 杏老師: 哈哈哈法官特意說了不要因為對律師個人好惡影響判斷 賽博: 那是不可能的,人本來就是視覺動物,我只能看拉子的同時兼顧一下公平正義嘛。 阿墩: 我就覺得其實大部分人第一反應就是粗暴的無罪,所以才需要有這種知識的補充,完善認知。我覺得我會選有罪,離不開15年的那期《奇葩說》和電影里的檢察官對我的幫助。 賽博: 是呀,你的經歷、學識、走過的路,都決定著你的決定。這就是為什麼德陪審員要求年齡達到25歲(中國是28歲)、非相關從事人員才能夠擔任,一方面需要足夠的年齡閱歷,另一方面就是要求陪審員擁有人民群眾的樸素的價值觀,不因為專業素養過硬而喪失最起碼的人性。 阿墩: 我也是這個想法,要足夠的年齡閱歷和思考能力,以及人性。 賽博: 這就是影片的意義所在!沒有所謂絕對正確的選擇,引發思考和自我剖析,避免二元對立、非黑即白的思維模式,這就是遠比對錯更重要的答案。 【最後】 本次雲庭審由真人真事改編,沒有賽博人因此被判刑,沒有動物因此受到傷害✓ #larseidinger #theverdict #審判電影 #电影审判 #terror https://www.instagram.com/p/CTkeAm6h3rd/?utm_medium=tumblr
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#420WillNeverBeTheSameAgain #TheJuryHasReachedAVerdict in the trial of #DerekChauvin. #TheVerdict will be read in court SOON! Live updates from Minneapolis: https://bit.ly/3tBckJv #BobbyBuck #ACRAWLB4UWALK #A_BobbyBuck_Promo #FinancialLiteracy #WealthBuilding #OutTheBoxEconomics #2021TimeToOvercome Contact: http://www.BobbyBuck.com Thanks For Supporting!! https://www.instagram.com/p/CN5vPbvHp7V/?igshid=i9icnyq776lf
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#101 🎬 The Verdict (1982) Paul Newman faz um advogado medíocre que tem uma baita oportunidade de sair do buraco quando um caso possivelmente lucrativo e fácil cai no colo dele. O filme é legal mas nada surpreendente, segue uma receita ou fórmula bem reconhecível e apela para vários clichês: ✅ Uma pobre pessoa VS uma grande, poderosa e influente instituição; ✅ Advogado falido VS Uma rica equipe com trocentos advogados; ✅ Aceitar um acordo lucrativo VS ir à julgamento e expor o status quo; ✅ Um novo amor VS uma espiã do outro time; ✅ Ele é bebado e falido VS mas a culpa não é dele Tudo isso a gente já viu de monte por aí. Como esse filme é de 1982, pode até ser que tenha sido precursor de muitas dessas e outras artimanhas, mas infelizmente o efeito para mim é de que parece ser um filme que já vi outros parecidos (melhor não pensar muito nisso para não perceber que Avatar é a mesma coisa que Pocahontas e na verdade existem somente uns 3 tipos de roteiro de filme, o resto é tudo adaptação de fórmulas que já deram certo). Eu esperava algo mais inovador no enredo pois o último filme do Sydney Lumet que assisti foi “12 Angry Men” que é uma obra-prima. “O Veredicto” é somente um bom “filme de advogado”, que faz tudo certinho, mas não é sensacional em nada. Raça Score: Legal #theverdict #overedicto #paulnewman #sydneylumet #DiaNovoFilmeNovo #dicadefilme https://www.instagram.com/p/CNixc2XrZyG/?igshid=hypydpi2xkry
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One or da otha’ ... Take notes 📝 . . . . . . . . . #hesayshesay #gossip #alwaysbe #lie #friend #friendsorfoes #takenotes #gossip #naysay #theverdict #staywoke #alive #listen #live #augustsnow https://www.instagram.com/p/CMiv50hhWLU/?igshid=2wqt1tzwczdl
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This article is part of Football League World’s ‘The Verdict’ series, which provides personal opinions from the FLW writers regarding the latest breaking news, teams, players, managers, potential signings and more… Huddersfield Town are reportedly keen on signing Leeds United’s Pascal Struijk according to The Sun on Sunday (23/8, page 61). Struijk played his part in Leeds’ promotion-winning season, as he made five appearances for the first-team under the management of Marcelo Bielsa. Leeds finished top of the Championship table, and an impressive ten points clear of second-placed West Brom, as the Yorkshire-based side made a long-awaited return to the Premier League. But with that return to the top-flight, it seems likely that a number of younger players could head out on loan ahead of the new season. A move to Huddersfield could be a tempting move for Struijk as well, with the Terriers looking to build on some strong performances towards the end of last year’s campaign. But would Struijk be a good addition to the Huddersfield Town team ahead of the 2020/21 season? We discuss…. Alfie Burns: It would be a good signing, but it’s a non-starter. Leeds need Struijk to cover their defence and midfield in the Premier League. His performances in the Championship run-in were excellent and it’s easy to understand why Huddersfield want him. However, he’s cover for Kalvin Phillips and Leeds’ centre-backs, which Leeds can’t afford to lose this summer. Corberan will have to turn his attention to other Leeds youngsters. George Harbey: This would be an excellent signing for Huddersfield, in my opinion. After a disappointing season, Carlos Corberan will be wanting to bring new ideas to the Terriers as he looks to get his feet under the table at the John Smith’s Stadium, and straight away, you look at Town’s squad and it’s clear they need to add younger, more dynamic midfielders. Struijk performed very well for Leeds in the latter stages of the 2019/20 campaign and didn’t really look out of place once, which is testament to his character and ability because it was a very nervy time for Leeds, who ended up securing a long-awaited return to the Premier League. He showed his ability and calmness on the ball and his physicality, too, and whether he plays at centre-half or slots into defensive midfield for Huddersfield, I think he’d be a solid addition and it would be a statement of intent to loan him in. I can’t see Leeds letting Struijk go, though. Marcelo Bielsa isn’t the type of manager to make loads of signings, and I think he’ll only bring in three or four new players this summer to add depth to his squad, and I personally feel that Struijk will provide cover for Kalvin Phillips. Do you know which clubs these former Huddersfield Town players are playing for now? Test your knowledge in our quiz!George Dagless: Could be. He’s a good young player and Leeds and Carlos Corberan will obviously have that relationship that could see several players move from Leeds to Huddersfield this summer. Leeds want their young players to develop and Corberan and Huddersfield want kids to help them along next season. It fits the bill in that sense and I also think he is a player ready for regular Championship football so it could work out nicely. Click here to comment on this articleorGive us feedback on your Football League World experienceThe post 'He'd be a solid addition' - Huddersfield Town plotting fresh move for Leeds United player: The verdict first appeared on Football League World. #HuddersfieldTown #LeedsUnited #TheVerdict
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En Iyi Hukuk Filmleri Best Legal Movies En iyi mahkeme-hukuk filmleri listesi https://lejurnal.com/en-iyi-mahkeme-filmleri/ *12 Öfkeli Adam *Philadelphia *Hüküm *Kuzenim Vinny *Lincoln Lawyer *Erin Brockovich #12angrymen #philadelphia #theverdict #mycousinvinny #thelincolnlawyer #erinbrockovich #eniyihukukfilmleri #bestlegalmovies #sidneylumet #henryfonda #tomhanks #jonathandemme #brucespringsteen #paulnewman #joepesci #matthewmcconaughey #juliaroberts #stevensoderbergh #filmtavsiyesi #movieslist #legalmovies #hukukfilmleri (Bursa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBXiTXNn5PX/?igshid=1uj8u61jcqj66
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#theverdict #1982 #sidneylumet #paulnewman #charlotterampling #drama #quote #movie DP #andrzejbartkowiak (à Boston, Massachusetts)
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#TourShirtThursday @queensrycheofficial @keswicktheatre #theverdict #empire #operationmindcrime #ragefororder #thewarning #walkintheshadows #resistance #bent #darkreverie #silentlucidity #screamingindigital #eyesofastranger #progressivemetal @centurymedia @redmusicworld #METAL #AwesomeNight #ShowsWithMyPhillyFriends 2/19/2020 https://www.instagram.com/p/B9F30NYJXMV/?igshid=5fbexave1030
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#coffeecoke #cokecoffee #cocacola infused with #coffee + #cheesedog .. Jerald brought me to @711ph just for this drink because I was feeling tires all of a sudden when I came out of @mcdo_ph ... #theverdict ... #refreshing A #gisellescablechannel and #gisellestagram moment .. #lastnight https://www.instagram.com/p/B6UTy5nAh5S/?igshid=bucxiyrn23an
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Posted @withrepost • @manavkaul Some shooting stills from #theverdictstatevsnanavati its streaming on @altbalaji & @zee5premium #theverdict https://www.instagram.com/p/B3vi07gpgSa5oWEzofBKETzgtlZdaB4OmcBJV00/?igshid=1axsijblvqhpf
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"Oh, you speak Russian!" 😄 . Here in a #cameo as the 1950s Soviet Minister Andrei Gromyko. (Apparently #Gromyko had hair...so we made a small adjustment 😂) . With the wonderful actors @ivanrodriguesofficial as Admiral Katari and @avijitdutt as the legendary Indian statesman #KrishnaMenon . Catch 'The Verdict: State vs Nanavati' out now on @altbalaji & @zee5 . . #TheVerdict #Nanavati #StateVsNanavati #webseries #ALTBalaji #Zee5 #India #legaldrama #1950s #actor #ZacharyCoffin https://www.instagram.com/p/B3MSde6pNJz/?igshid=1bk5xii62kpr9
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